Legacies (Ben 10/MHA Cross Quest)

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Two Powers, compiling more and more power as they get passed on. Legacies, which will end up held on weak shoulders to keep the world safe. MHA/Ben 10 Cross Quest.
The First User's Beginnings
Earth. A strange rocky/oceanic world with many different creatures calling it home. The most intelligent creatures on this planet would not be called extraordinary in the slightest.​

[ ] Perhaps that's why no-one from off world has decided to visit the strange world
[ ] Perhaps that's why there has only been a small history of aliens coming from off world, records that even the Humans question if they actually happened or not (Small Alien Presence, Rumors of events)
[ ] Perhaps that's why there hasn't been many accounts of extraterrestrial creatures, but despite that there used to be a small plumber force on the planet (Small Alien Presence, General Masses only know rumors, small amount of retired plumbers)
[ ] Perhaps that's why there hasn't been many accounts of extraterrestrial creatures, but despite that there is a small active plumber force on the planet (Small Alien Presence, General Masses only know rumors, small amount of active plumbers)
[ ] Despite the mediocre species, Earth is interesting to a good amount of extraterrestrial, perhaps that's why there used to be an active plumber force (Medium Alien Presence, General Masses only know rumors, medium amount of retired plumbers)
[ ] Despite the mediocre species, Earth is interesting to a good amount of extraterrestrial, perhaps that's why there is an active plumber force (Medium Alien Presence, General Masses only know rumors, medium amount of active plumbers)
[ ] Despite the mediocre species, Earth is interesting to quite a lot of alien species, especially considering a small alien town underneath the town of Mustafu. There used to be a large active plumber force (Large Alien Presence, Undertown, General Masses only know rumors, Large amount of retired plumbers)
[ ] Despite the mediocre species, Earth is interesting to quite a lot of alien species, especially considering a small alien town underneath the town of Mustafu. There is a large active plumber force to keep the alien secret (Large Alien Presence, Undertown, General Masses only know rumors, Large amount of active plumbers)
[ ] Despite the mediocre species, Earth is interesting to quite a lot of alien species, especially considering a small alien town underneath the town of Mustafu. There is enough of a presence, that the plumbers decided to just tell the general public. (Large Alien Presence, Undertown, General Masses known of extraterrestrial life, Large amount of active plumbers)

However, this story does not start on the world of Earth. Instead, high in space, two ships were fighting. One held a powerful weapon. The weapon was created by one of the greatest minds in the universe,​

[ ] Azmuth, the First Thinker of Galvan Prime (Perk-Noah's Arc, Flaw-Restrictions)
Noah's Arc-The Weapon is able to scan new DNA & make new transformations
Restrictions-The Weapon has many restrictions as it was not supposed to be a weapon
[ ] Albedo, the apprentice of Azmuth (Perk-Space to Improve, Flaw-Malfunctions)
Space to Improve-Being based off of notes from his teacher, the watch isn't a fully finished project, so someone smart enough could improve it
Malfunctions-Being based off of notes from his teacher, Albedo wasn't able to make sure the watch fully works, so it has more malfunctions than a finished version
[ ] Psychobos, a Cerebrocrustacean with a superiority complex that hates Azmuth (Perk-Made for Combat, Flaw-No regard for Safety)
Made for Combat-The weapon does not have any restrictions that could hinder its ability for combat
No Regard for Safety-The weapon has no restrictions that were made to make sure the user does not go insane or hurt their DNA
[ ] A person with no name, that already wore a version of this that seemed far more advanced (Perk-Increased Slots, Flaw-Unknown Origin)
Increased Slots-Ten Random Aliens are added to the database
Unknown Origin-The creator of this weapon has no history at all, except for the fact they looked human

The weapon in of itself was made to contain DNA. It would contain the DNA and allow the user to transform into any of the held DNA. It was called-​

NOTICE-Unless Mentioned, assume the device uses Stamina Based Charging
[ ] The Omnitrix, although it was a prototype (OS) (Perk-Growth, Flaw-Constraints)
Growth-This Prototype Omnitrix grows with the user, the longer it stays on, the stronger it gets
Constraints-The Omnitrix has a timer of ten minutes in transformation, and a recharge of five minutes. As well, there is a possibility of getting the wrong transformation
[ ] The Omnitrix, being an upgrade of a previous prototype (AF) (Perk-Upgrade, Flaw-Reboot)
Upgrade-The Version 2 has many new features from the original. It runs on the user's stamina, able to cure impurities, work as a map, & work as a communication device (with translator!). The stamina allows the user to also change transformations mid-transformation
Reboot-When the Omnitrix uses too much energy on a single fight, the Omnitrix will reboot the ten transformations (and any scanned) available
[ ] The Ultimatrix, a prototype that allows the user to evolve half their transformations to a new form (Perk-Ultimate, Flaw-Ambitious)
Ultimate-Five of the ten transformations can be brought to an evolved state, although it cuts through the stamina of the user
Ambitious-The Ultimatrix is an ambitious device, with the evolved forms, and a stamina based system. However, this lends itself to mistransformations and worst reactions to tampering.
[ ] The Omnitrix, finished and ready to be used (Perk-Finished Product, Flaw-Mind of its own)
Finished Product-The Omnitrix has all the features intended, able to hold a veritable horde of transformations in the end, work as communications (with translator), work as GPS, works as a Plumber Badge, and works with a stamina based system. It also has a more advanced AI that will make sure the user does not die, unless it's inevitable.
Mind of its own-The AI that rests within the Omnitrix will always go with the best transformation for the situation. However, this can still be jarring for the user, as it will not always be the one that the user went for
[ ] The Nemetrix, a device made of some of the most powerful predators (Perk-Predatory Instincts, Flaw-Predatory Instincts)
Predatory Instincts-The Nemetrix affects the user's mental state. This helps in the fact that outside of the transformations, the user would have combat instincts that would help if they get in battle during recharge time. However, this also makes the man become more of a beast. The less time they use this (unless made by Psychobos) the more they recover from this effect.
[ ] Biomnitrix, a device that allows the user to fuse the DNA samples together for even more powerful transformations (Perk-Fusion, Flaw-DNA Damage)
Fusion-The device, as stated above, is able to fuse two DNA samples together into a brand new transformation
DNA Damage-Unfortunately, due to the fragile nature of the DNA used, so it can fuse, means the DNA may affect the host themselves.

Of course, as mentioned multiple times, the device has multiple DNA hosted within itself. When first found, it only has one playlist unlocked. Each playlist however, comes with ten DNA samples.​

[ ] Write-In (A list of Ten Transformations from Ben 10 Canon. Reboot Aliens are acceptable. Alien X, Clockwork, Way Big, & Atomix are not acceptable)

Despite the advanced nature of the technology inside, the transport could not keep up with the ship behind it. With a final explosion, an asteroid flies from the ship. The asteroid flies through the sky, heading for the planet before. Upon crashing, a human would come across it with surprise-​

[ ] A man whose name would be lost to time, the brother of the great crime lord, All for One. Also the first user of One for All. (Perk-Intertwined, Flaw-Intertwined)
Intertwined-From now on, One For All will be connected with the Omnitrix. This means there will be a permanent increase to the starter aliens' powers due to One for All's influence. As well, users of the Omnitrix's subconsciousness would be within the watch due to the Quirk. However, this also means that all of One for All's issues, including All for One, are now part of the Omnitirx's issues.
[ ] A Quirkless boy named Benjamin Tennyson (Perk-Prodigal AI, Flaw-Base State)
Prodigal AI-The Omnitrix's AI now will be more often to mistransform, but it will transform into aliens that not only the user has proficiency with, but also ones that work well for the situation
Base State-Besides the AI, the Omnitrix gets no influences, and is harder to change in the future
[ ] A Part Alien Magical Girl named Gwendolyn Tennyson (Perk-Magically Enhanced, Flaw-Water & Oil)
Magically Enhanced-The Omnitrix has been Magically Enhanced due to the use of it from a being imbued with Magic. This means all the alien forms get extra, magical, mutations to add onto it's form.
Water & Oil-Magic and Tech does not go well together. Whenever the user or forms use magic, it is possible for a glitch to appear. This includes whether or not the user can actually use magic. That however, is something that happens no matter the user. Here, it is more sensitive to magic due to how often it was used on it.
[ ] An Ex-Plumber named Max Tennyson (Perk-Plumber Data, Flaw-Widely Known)
Plumber Data-The Omnitrix was updated with the data that the Ex Plumber was able to grab, able to act as a Plumber Badge if it couldn't before, and able to access Plumber Databases
Widely Known-Max was a pro plumber, when he suddenly shows up again with a strange device, the device becomes widely known across the universe
[ ] A young boy with an Energy Absorption/Manipulation quirk named Kevin Ethan Levin, or Kevin Eleven as he goes by (Perk-Adaptable, Flaw-Broken)
Adaptable-The Omnitrix is able to adapt to many changes that happen to it due to constant tampering from the young boy that was its first user.
Broken-The Omnitrix has been broken over and over from the first user. This mainly dealt with DNA, so now the transformations may end up becoming randomly fused, and it might also mess with the host's DNA
[ ] Someone No-One Would've Known (Write-In)

However, this is only the beginning. While there is still more to go over about the first user, the future is set in stone. The future of the Weapon, the multiple users…​

[ ] There would only be one other user (Total of 2)
[ ] There would be two other users (Total of 3)
[ ] There would be three other users (Total of 4)
[ ] There would be four other users (Total of 5)
[ ] There would be five other users (Total of 6)
[ ] There would be six other users (Total of 7)
[ ] There would be seven other users (Total of 8)
[ ] There would be eight other users (Total of 9)
[ ] There would be nine other users (Total of 10)

A/N: That's right, a MHA/Ben 10 Crossover Quest! Legacies is a quest where the readers will be making the destiny of the Omnitrix as it gets passed down in the world of My Hero Academia. That's until Canon, where you'll be taking direct control of the user of that time and going through the events of MHA. A note on the User Write-In. You can make an OC or choose a canon character from the time of MHA or a B10 character. Only thing is they must be able to have a perk and flaw that connects to the Omnitrix. Some perks and flaws may be vetoed (like taking the Ultimatrix and using someone that somehow gives direct control to fuse forms as well).
Oh god, thanks for mentioning this. The First User is from the era of All for One's Beginning, crash landing right before One for All is technically made (when his brother is given a quirk)

Meant to put this here, but I cut out some of my plannings for putting it in the next post, and forgot to put extra stuff in to mention some things, like the era this is first set in
[X] Plan And Then There Will Be Ten
-[X] Despite the mediocre species, Earth is interesting to quite a lot of alien species, especially considering a small alien town underneath the town of Mustafu. There used to be a large active plumber force (Large Alien Presence, Undertown, General Masses only know rumors, Large amount of retired plumbers)
-[X] Azmuth, the First Thinker of Galvan Prime (Perk-Noah's Arc, Flaw-Restrictions)
Noah's Arc-The Weapon is able to scan new DNA & make new transformations
Restrictions-The Weapon has many restrictions as it was not supposed to be a weapon
-[X] The Omnitrix, finished and ready to be used (Perk-Finished Product, Flaw-Mind of its own)
Finished Product-The Omnitrix has all the features intended, able to hold a veritable horde of transformations in the end, work as communications (with translator), work as GPS, works as a Plumber Badge, and works with a stamina based system. It also has a more advanced AI that will make sure the user does not die, unless it's inevitable.
Mind of its own-The AI that rests within the Omnitrix will always go with the best transformation for the situation. However, this can still be jarring for the user, as it will not always be the one that the user went for
-[X]Heatblast, Ghostfreak, Fourarms, Grey Matter, Stinkfly, XLR8, Diamondhead, Wildmutt, Ripjaws, Upgrade
-[X] A Quirkless boy named Benjamin Tennyson (Perk-Prodigal AI, Flaw-Base State)
Prodigal AI-The Omnitrix's AI now will be more often to mistransform, but it will transform into aliens that not only the user has proficiency with, but also ones that work well for the situation
Base State-Besides the AI, the Omnitrix gets no influences, and is harder to change in the future
-[X] There would be nine other users (Total of 10)
Lets see where this goes.
Honestly, Ben would have been involved with the Omnitrix at some point, This just makes him the first.
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[X] plan girl quest

-[X] Despite the mediocre species, Earth is interesting to quite a lot of alien species, especially considering a small alien town underneath the town of Mustafu. There is a large active plumber force to keep the alien secret (Large Alien Presence, Undertown, General Masses only know rumors, Large amount of active plumbers)

-[X] Psychobos, a Cerebrocrustacean with a superiority complex that hates Azmuth (Perk-Made for Combat, Flaw-No regard for Safety)
Made for Combat-The weapon does not have any restrictions that could hinder its ability for combat
No Regard for Safety-The weapon has no restrictions that were made to make sure the user does not go insane or hurt their DNA

-[X] The Nemetrix, a device made of some of the most powerful predators (Perk-Predatory Instincts, Flaw-Predatory Instincts)
Predatory Instincts-The Nemetrix affects the user's mental state. This helps in the fact that outside of the transformations, the user would have combat instincts that would help if they get in battle during recharge time. However, this also makes the man become more of a beast. The less time they use this (unless made by Psychobos) the more they recover from this effect

-[X] A Part Alien Magical Girl named Gwendolyn Tennyson (Perk-Magically Enhanced, Flaw-Water & Oil)
Magically Enhanced-The Omnitrix has been Magically Enhanced due to the use of it from a being imbued with Magic. This means all the alien forms get extra, magical, mutations to add onto it's form.
Water & Oil-Magic and Tech does not go well together. Whenever the user or forms use magic, it is possible for a glitch to appear. This includes whether or not the user can actually use magic. That however, is something that happens no matter the user. Here, it is more sensitive to magic due to how often it was used on it.

-[X] There would be nine other users (Total of 10)
Lets see where this goes.
Honestly, Ben would have been involved with the Omnitrix at some point, This just makes him the first
[X] plan girl quest

Don't see many Gwen quests, and the instability inbuilt to the Nematrix, as well as Magic interaction, could see an interesting by-play.
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[X] Plan Favoritism
-[X] Despite the mediocre species, Earth is interesting to quite a lot of alien species, especially considering a small alien town underneath the town of Mustafu. There used to be a large active plumber force (Large Alien Presence, Undertown, General Masses only know rumors, Large amount of retired plumbers)
-[X] Azmuth, the First Thinker of Galvan Prime (Perk-Noah's Arc, Flaw-Restrictions)
Noah's Arc-The Weapon is able to scan new DNA & make new transformations
Restrictions-The Weapon has many restrictions as it was not supposed to be a weapon
-[X] The Omnitrix, finished and ready to be used (Perk-Finished Product, Flaw-Mind of its own)
Finished Product-The Omnitrix has all the features intended, able to hold a veritable horde of transformations in the end, work as communications (with translator), work as GPS, works as a Plumber Badge, and works with a stamina based system. It also has a more advanced AI that will make sure the user does not die, unless it's inevitable.
Mind of its own-The AI that rests within the Omnitrix will always go with the best transformation for the situation. However, this can still be jarring for the user, as it will not always be the one that the user went for
-[X] Ghostfreak, Upgrade, XLR8, Grey Matter, Snare-oh, Blitzwolfer, Wildmutt, Pesky Dust, Ball Weevil, Nanomech
-[X] A Quirkless boy named Benjamin Tennyson (Perk-Prodigal AI, Flaw-Base State)
Prodigal AI-The Omnitrix's AI now will be more often to mistransform, but it will transform into aliens that not only the user has proficiency with, but also ones that work well for the situation
Base State-Besides the AI, the Omnitrix gets no influences, and is harder to change in the future
-[X] There would be nine other users (Total of 10)
First User's Middle
A/N: First thing's first, wanna mention some stuff I forgot to in the last post! For one, this Quest will have generalized voting until we get to the Ninth, where we will be in the Canon Storyline of MHA. This First User is in the time of All For One's brother gaining the Quirk that would make One For All with his innate quirk. Also, since Nemetrix is different and there was no vote on playlist, I'll put here what the starting one is.
Playlist One-Buglizard, Crabdozer, Hypnotick, Panuncian, Mucilator, Omnivoracious, Slamworm, Terroranchula, Tyrannopede, Vicetopus.

[X] plan girl quest

Gwendolyn Tennyson was only-​

[ ] Ten Years Old
[ ] Fifteen Years Old
[ ] Twenty Years Old

When she found the Nemetrix. She had been-​

[ ] Collecting Firewood for the camp that she, her cousin, and her grandfather would be staying at as the first stop on their summer trip. (Gain Allies Benjamin Tennyson & Max Tennyson)
[ ] Trying to prove herself to the criminal organization ran by All for One so that she could gain a quirk, as technically she did not have one (Gain a Quirk and the Flaw All for One's Eye)
All for One's Eye-All for One knows about the First User of the Nemetrix, and of course, the Nemetrix itself
[ ] Running from the enforcers of All for One, trying to get the information she had to his brother who was mounting a rebellion (Gain ally in All for One's Brother, Gain Intertwined)
Intertwined-The lore behind OfA, AfO, and the Nemetrix is now intertwined. While most successors of OfA & the Nemetrix will know of each other as allies, AfO knows of the Nemetrix and the successors as villains
[ ] Grabbing something for the shelter she started working at a bit ago with another worker (Gain ally Kevin E Levin)

The pod landed in Front of her, and after only some hesitance, she walked down to the pod. She hadn't expected to see a strange watch when the pod opened up, her arm was there for it to jump onto. After some experimentation, she realized what she'd do with this power. She'd-​

[ ] She'd become a Hero that everyone could rely on!
-[ ] She'd be one that everyone would know of (Limelight Hero) (Perk-Fame, Flaw-Fame)​
Fame-Everyone will know of at least the First User of the Nemetrix. Which can be bad as some people may be able to put two and two. This also means that the first user at least had funds that they might of been able to
-[ ] She didn't need to be known, she just needed to save people (Underground Hero) (Perk-Unknown, Flaw-The Worst the world had to offer)​
Unknown-Barely anyone knows who the first Nemetrix user is, or how they transformed like they did. A total mystery.
The Worst the World had to offer-The first user of the Nemetrix saw everything bad about the world, having to take it and deal with it. This made the (already few) mental safeties be even worst
[ ] She'd take whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted. Even if people called her a Villain (Perk-Everything I want, Flaw-Infamous)
Everything I want-The first user of the Nemetrix simply stole everything they wanted, meaning they have a lot of resources to pass on. They also have property and connections, lots of connections.
Infamous-Everyone will know of the first Nemetrix user, and know of their many many crimes. Anyone who seems even slightly related will find the public opinion being that they are villainous.
[ ] She'd take after her grandfather, and ended up becoming a well known plumber (Perk-Plumber Connections, Flaw-Known Offworld)
Plumber Connections-The Plumbers worked hand in hand with the First Nemetrix User, making it so that anyone who wields the Nemetrix will most likely find allies in the Plumbers
Known Offworld-Due to the user being a plumber, there are enough people that they would've ended up coming in contact with that those offworld know of the Nemetrix, what it does, and where it is
[ ] She took the magic practice that she could where she could, to become a powerful magician capable of even bending some laws of reality, such as time (Perk-Nemetrix Spellbook, Flaw-Further Magic Instability)
Nemetrix Spellbook-The User has tapped into the extensive library of the Nemetrix to store their spells and instructions on how to do it.
Further Magic Instability-Now, the Nemetrix is a magical ticking time bomb. When the Nemetrix is pushed too far, it may end up literally exploding with magical power. Further, more and more glitches appear with magical natures to it.
[ ] She decided she needed to help everyone she can. However, the sentiment of 'Heroes' that was appearing wasn't enough. You need to be able to get rid of the scum on the street. (Perk-Urban Phantom, Flaw-Wanted)
Urban Phantom-The First User has become something of an urban legend. Legends of a woman that changes into strange creatures and seeks blood. Those that know of the legend will find fear when looking at the other users.
Wanted-The Government was hunting the first user, and as such hunts for the Nemetrix whenever they see it, knowing it has something to do with the user
[ ] She joined the Meta Liberation Army, becoming one of the most powerful members of the organization due to her amazing power (Perk-MLA's Backing, Flaw-MLA's Knowledge)
MLA's Backing-The first user, and possibly any further users, can find help in the form of the Army and it's resources, and any further variation of the Army
MLA's Knowledge-However, the Army also now has a lot of information on the Nemetrix. Should any further users go against the Army, then who knows what they may be able to do.
[ ] She would end up being one of the leaders of the start of a group of people meant to make laws on Quirked Use, to be fair, but regulating (and maybe also keep the heroes under government control) (Perk-Government Information & Funding, Flaw-Under the Thumb)
Government Information & Funding-The First User and, as long as they play their cards right, any further users, have access to the Government's files, and get money from the government.
Under the Thumb-The Government has knowledge provided by the First User to get them to work with them. The Government is already a powerful enemy to make, but if any further users make an enemy of the government, it might be disastrous.

However, no matter her side she found issues. Issues in the form of people who would wish to take the Nemetrix, or people who wish to hurt her for personal reasons. However, there wasn't just one threat to think about.​

(Choose Two)
[ ] The Mysterious leader of the dark gang that practically controls the world, All for One
[ ] A Mysterious tyrant from outer space that wishes to collect the Nemetrix to make an army of transforming villains
[ ] (Can not take if part of the Government) A group that the government put together to regulate Quirked individuals
[ ] Doctor Psychobos had a subject that was willing to pay for his creation. As such, he sent him, Khyber the hunter, to take the device back from 'the thief'
[ ] (Can't Take if part of the Meta Liberation Army) A group of people named The Meta Liberation Army
[ ] A Powerful Magician who wishes for even more magic named Hex
[ ] A Powerful boy the same age as Gwen with the ability to absorb and manipulate energy, including the Nemetrix's, who goes by the name Kevin Eleven
[ ] A scientist who makes monsters using his research on DNA who wishes for fame and glory named Animo
[ ] An Ectonurite (Ghost) that wishes to take control of the User of the Nemetrix and have ultimate power named Zs'Skayr

A/N: After this is the final update with the First User, then there'll be a character sheet for the First User & a small story about them. After that, onto the second user.
[X] plan gwen with a collar
[X] Ten Years Old

[X] Grabbing something for the shelter she started working at a bit ago with another worker (Gain ally Kevin E Levin)

[X] She decided she needed to help everyone she can. However, the sentiment of 'Heroes' that was appearing wasn't enough. You need to be able to get rid of the scum on the street. (Perk-Urban Phantom, Flaw-Wanted)
Urban Phantom-The First User has become something of an urban legend. Legends of a woman that changes into strange creatures and seeks blood. Those that know of the legend will find fear when looking at the other users.
Wanted-The Government was hunting the first user, and as such hunts for the Nemetrix whenever they see it, knowing it has something to do with the user

[X] (Can not take if part of the Government) A group that the government put together to regulate Quirked individuals
[X] A scientist who makes monsters using his research on DNA who wishes for fame and glory named Animo
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[X] Fifteen Years Old

[X] Grabbing something for the shelter she started working at a bit ago with another worker (Gain ally Kevin E Levin)

[X] She'd become a Hero that everyone could rely on!
-[X] She'd be one that everyone would know of (Limelight Hero) (Perk-Fame, Flaw-Fame)

[X] An Ectonurite (Ghost) that wishes to take control of the User of the Nemetrix and have ultimate power named Zs'Skayr
[X] The Mysterious leader of the dark gang that practically controls the world, All for One
[X] Collecting Firewood for the camp that she, her cousin, and her grandfather would be staying at as the first stop on their summer trip. (Gain Allies Benjamin Tennyson & Max Tennyson)

[X] Ten Years Old

[X] She decided she needed to help everyone she can. However, the sentiment of 'Heroes' that was appearing wasn't enough. You need to be able to get rid of the scum on the street. (Perk-Urban Phantom, Flaw-Wanted)
Urban Phantom-The First User has become something of an urban legend. Legends of a woman that changes into strange creatures and seeks blood. Those that know of the legend will find fear when looking at the other users.
Wanted-The Government was hunting the first user, and as such hunts for the Nemetrix whenever they see it, knowing it has something to do with the user

[X] (Can not take if part of the Government) A group that the government put together to regulate Quirked individuals
[X] A scientist who makes monsters using his research on DNA who wishes for fame and glory named Animo
I wonder how she will get past the fact it will be difficult choose what she will turn into because she can't see the dial due to it being on her neck
I wonder how she will get past the fact it will be difficult choose what she will turn into because she can't see the dial due to it being on her neck

Well, like with most versions of the Omnitrix, I assumed it just went to whatever limb ended up being closer, which I mention was the arm here. As well, observing how the users of the Nemetrix use it, it seems to be similar to Master Control in the fact it's mental.
[X] plan gwen with a collar

Would have gone for underground hero with Kevin as backup, but the nemetrix already doesn't have much in the way of safeties. Also, there's something to be said about bouncing back and forth from hero to villain as a neutral force; bounty hunters, urban legend, minor gang enforcer and independent contractor. The sky's the limit.
First User's End
A/N: ...I can't with the name of this plan. Small retcon too, to go with this plan. Also Ally! Kevin is like if you sped up his development really fast and not an Osmosian, but instead a Quirk User, so keep that in mind when reading.

[X] plan gwen with a collar

Gwen Tennyson was originally very, very confused. When she had seen a shooting star, she hadn't expected it to shoot into the ground in front of her. When she went down, she hadn't expected to trip and end up with a strange device attached to her frickin neck! Then, she hadn't expected to be trying to figure out how it works, only for a hologram to appear from the device. At least the menu was easy to figure out, with the halo having small faces of strange creatures. What really shocked her was when she pushed the part that had popped out back down. When she woke up, she found that the surrounding area was trashed, and there wasn't a trace of what had happened. Also, the device wasn't working.​

Thankfully, she had a new friend to turn to. Sure, they weren't really friends yet, but she needed to freak out about what had happened. Kevin, however, was ecstatic to help her and even told her his secret Quirk he was hiding. Energy Absorption/Manipulation. To be fair, that was because originally she didn't believe what he told her had happened when she used it again. He then showed her, by using the energy from the watch to show a transformation she used. They then proceed to 'train' with it. Not ten-year-olds playing with far more power than they should. Although, they realized pretty fast that it probably wasn't the best idea after the device started beeping wildly, and that time Kevin changed into some strange monster but was able to change back. Turns out it was just Quirk Overuse. However, there was just one question on her mind after that…​

Back then, she would've never thought that the answer to that question would be something along the line of 'Get rid of Scum'. Actually, Kevin would say that's just her being edgy, she just kills people who deserve it. Although, with how the-​

[ ] The Necklace
[ ] The Collar
[ ] Lock
[ ] Beast's Den
[ ] Write-In

-As she and Kevin have been calling it works, it's more of letting those monsters she changes into kill them. There's a lot of people to kill too, but there are two in particular that got under her skin. Well, the first was more of a group. A government organization being made, seemingly to control those with Quirks. That was a hard fight, and in the end-​

[ ] After multiple years, she had finally killed all of the members of this group and any advocates. Hopefully, something like this will never happen again (Creation of Hero Commission is delayed, and it will not be like it is in canon)
[ ] After a long time, she was able to manipulate it. Use it to her advantage. This new commission being made will be of her will and do as she says. (The Hero Commission is not as morally corrupt as in canon)
[ ] She thought she could do it, but she couldn't. She almost died trying to take them on, when they called the Quirk Users they had on their side. (Hero Commission continues as in canon)
[ ] She got a couple of them, but couldn't finish the job. However, her even getting this far ended up making their actions a lot harsher (Hero Commission will be a lot harsher than in canon, but might get more stuff done)

But, that wasn't the only villains she had. The other one that was a major pain in her arse, mainly for the fact he messed with the already screwed device, was a scientist. Doctor Animo reminded her way too much of a younger Ben but was also a majorly powerful enemy. Especially when he got DNA from the device attached to her neck. In the end-​

[ ] She killed Animo. What else would she do for a villain that only cared about his own greed and accomplishments? She doesn't even have enough control to do anything but that. (Animo never comes back)
[ ] She decided that Animo reminded her too much of Ben. Using an experiment that was planted in her head by her apparently magical grandmother, she used her innate vast stores of Mana to control her alien forms and try to rehabilitate Animo. (Knowledge that Mana can force Transformations to be controlled, Possible Animo Rehabilitation)
[ ] What was she supposed to do against an army of mutant animals that had her aliens powers? Kevin even tried helping, going into Quirk Overuse, and they still lost they were lucky to get alive and that Animo decided only to take a city. (Animo now has an army of mutant beasts and a city under his control)

Enemies, however, are not the only people that Gwen surrounded herself with. Of course, she had Kevin, but he couldn't be the only person that helped her on her quest. No, otherwise she probably would've died, or worst. No, she had allies.​

Choose 2
[ ] She told Ben, her annoying cousin. She had hesitated, with how much of a Superhero fan he was. Especially with the new real heroes appearing. However, the minute she told him he asked 'how can I help'. Now, she can hardly think of what it'd be like without her cousin joking around with her and Kevin as he operated the technology he learned to use just to help the two.
[ ] She told her Grandpa Max, her idol. Originally, he didn't take it too well. Why would he, she had told him that she killed on the regular. Then, one day, when she was really banged up after a fight and it was known to the internet, her Grandpa Max showed up in some strange outfit. Turns out he's a space cop called a Plumber, and he told her he'd help her live, no matter what. She totally did not cry.
[ ] Ryuu Todoroki, a powerful Quirk User. He had the ability to manipulate fire, and it worked really well with her since she had a spell that created a bonfire. Todoroki and Kevin originally did not get along, but after a bit of almost dying together, they became close.
[ ] Harumi Shuzenji, a Nurse. Harumi had a Minor Healing Quirk that made normal medical techniques a little better at helping. As such, she was great to have around to help both Gwen and Kevin after some tough missions, or Kevin messing with some tech and it then promptly blowing up
[ ] Rook Blanco, an alien that seemed to come out of nowhere. He explained to Gwen who he was and what her transformations were. He then promptly asked for her to train him because he wanted to become a Hero for his own planet. Rook took awhile to get used to Earth, but with a lie about a Mutation Quirk, he was able to get by. After a couple of years, he returned to his planet, ready to be a hero.

All in all, Gwen could say that she was happy with her life. She had strange powers that she loved, she had friends that she loved like family, she had Kevin, and she saved people. However, despite her morals, she often found herself wondering how well known she was. Turns out-​

[ ] Practically no-one knew about her. That was fine though, as she had been trying to keep to the shadows anyway.
[ ] She was practically a rumor. There were enough people she saved and enough mobsters she killed that the people knew who she was.
[ ] She was actually pretty well known. Yea, she couldn't say she was a legend or anything, but even the police knew her by 'Hero Name'. Probably because of her fight against Animo if anything.
[ ] She was practically a legend. That isn't just bragging. She was a legend, as clear as day. Most likely due to going against the Government itself and fighting the Commission.

Gwen didn't know if this was where she expected to be, but she was fine with it either way. But, in the end, she knew she couldn't keep this up forever. This was more evident than ever when-​

[ ] She was on her final fight. She couldn't beat this enemy, she knew she couldn't, it was so far above her. She needed to pass on the device so more people could do good before she was gone.
[ ] She was told she was dying. It was kind of obvious when she was throwing up blood. Kevin said it was due to how broken the device was with how her magic worked on it, shoddy craftsmanship, and Kevin messing with it.
[ ] She had been having her latest birthday. She realized she was getting old, really old really.
[ ] She had taken a large injury, her entire arm and a large chunk of her stomach ended up getting really badly injured
[ ] She had her kid, Devlin. She realized that if she kept going with this then she might bring danger to her son, and she couldn't let that happen.
[ ] She almost had a panic attack when she failed that kid. It was just one kid, but she was too late, and his body was in front of her. She gave up because she couldn't keep going.

When she realized that she wasn't able to continue doing this, she quickly got someone to take the device from her. She decided to give the device to-​

[ ] Her son, Devlin. He knew it inside and out from being raised by Gwen, and he had Kevin's powers. (Perk-Qurik-Osmos/Anodite, Flaw-More Magical Destability)
Osmos/Anodite-Devlin not only has the abilities of an Anodite, having a vast sum of magical power and being a prodigy with magic but had Kevin's Quirk. This allows Kevin to also absorb and manipulate energy.
More Magical Destability-The Nemetrix will have to deal with someone who has a giant well of magical power, again. It will become even more unstable, especially when it comes to magic.
[ ] (Cannot take with the Old Age Retiring Reason) Her cousin, Ben. He had worked with her and Kevin long enough to know how it works and had a good sense of morals. (Perk-Prodigal AI, Flaw-Base State)
Prodigal AI-The Nemetrix's AI now will be more often to mistransform, but it will transform into aliens that not only the user has proficiency with, but also ones that work well for the situation
Base State-Besides the AI, the Nemetrix gets no influences and is harder to change in the future
[ ] (Cannot take with the Old Age Retiring Reason) Her husband and best friend since they were ten, Kevin. He knew everything she did about the device, knew and followed her morals, and was an intelligent and powerful Quirk User. (Perk-Adaptable, Flaw-Broken)
Adaptable-The Nemetrix is able to adapt to many changes that happen to it due to constant tampering from the man that was its second user.
Broken-The Nemetrix has been broken over and over from the second user. This mainly dealt with DNA, so now the transformations may end up becoming randomly fused, and it might also mess with the host's DNA
[ ] Ken Tennyson, her cousin Ben's son. He was like Ben in almost every way but had more years to go on the older man. (Perk-Master Control, Flaw-Random Transformation)
Master Control-Ken Tennyson is a very willful child, and the only one able to tame the monsters within the watch. (Ha, you thought it was something else!). When Ken transforms, he controls what he can do with it, and this carries on to further users.
Random Transformation-Ken, for some reason, kept slamming the device. This made it so that it now ends up randomizing which alien any user chooses. This can give a random alien or the one you want.
[ ] Ryuu Todoroki, a powerful Quirk User. He had the ability to manipulate fire and was someone who ended up also becoming similar to her in terms of ideals. He was powerful, followed her ideals, and was methodical. (Perk-Expert Manipulator, Flaw-Fiery)
Expert Manipulator-Ryuu has experience with Manipulation based powers, and as such he has better control over the powers that are manipulation-based in the design.
Fiery-Ryuu also has an insane internal body temperature to deal with the Quirk he has. This applies to all of his transformations and ends up continuing onwards with other users.
[ ] Tsukiko Uraraka, a Quirk User who is able to push things with extreme force. Gwen had found the little girl in an alleyway while she was on patrol. Tsukiko loves space and had a good heart. Perfect for the device. (Perk-Push it Further!, Flaw-Queasy)
Push it Further-Every power that every form has in the Nemetrix is increased drastically. Tsukiko follows her quirk by pushing things to their limits, even strange devices from space.
Queasy-Tsukiko has a really, really, really, sensitive stomach. Unfortunately, this ended up becoming fed into the forms' DNA.

Although Gwen was retiring, she knew that she had left her impact. Even if almost no-one knew her, the world felt her actions. The people on it may or may not know her, but the world itself most definitely knew-​

Hero Name
[ ] Dial
[ ] Predator
[ ] Grimoire
[ ] Lycanthropy
[ ] Write-In