How should I continue?

  • Power through the writer's block and continue!

    Votes: 4 36.4%
  • Remake and rebrand on a different thread.

    Votes: 6 54.5%
  • Delete and archive. This quest had its day.

    Votes: 1 9.1%

  • Total voters
So in order to make sure I have everything
You're doing [X] Aftermath, as well as morphing Gnarl into an Overseer, and then to an Evolution Master.
Does that sound about right?
No, I think it's just Aftermath right now; we're not doing anything with Gnarl that's not specifically listed in the 'Aftermath' plan. Anything not specifically listed in the Aftermath plan or a carryover from a previous plan is just discussion for future ideas and actions.

Plus nobody's done any official voting regarding Gnarl this turn aside from where to position him.

Besides, we only have 1 Evolution Chamber right now, a second being built, but a 3rd hasn't even started yet. We couldn't evolve Gnarl into an Evolution Master yet even if we wanted to.
Week 6
Sorry for the wait, y'all. IRL is a bitch, and I hit Writer's Block.
On with the story! IT'S ALIVE!
It's been a week, now. A week since you conquered what you now call "Hive Cluster V". You've been making use of the new knowledge in your head; a Roach Warren is built, drones are now actively running resources to both the Primary and the V Clusters, and you also made a good profit from your gatherers in the Battlefield. Research on your Zerg Pylon is underway, and you have decent anti-air coverage at your Primary Cluster using Spore Crawlers borrowed from Hive Cluster V. Defensive and offensive teams are dispatched, and, honestly, things are going well.

Of course, now that you think that, shit hits the fan.

One of your Gatherer Drones reports that a thought-derelict Gateway has powered on. The Gatherers and Zerglings immediately hid, and from the Gateway appear numerous Zealots and... what was the term... Stalkers? The Dark Templar equivalent of Dragoons, whatever they are. Once the Gateway is done belching, a war force of 150 Zealots, 30 Stalkers, and a single, uncloaked Dark Templar line up near the Gateway.

"The Prelate has given us our orders, brothers; the Broodmother must be slain! The Dark One cannot have the support of this 'Valash', else he may become an even greater foe. This planet serves as a research and evolution point for the Zerg; if the Dark Voice gets his hands on it, he can concoct even greater foes for us to face! Forward, into the shadows!" The gathered Protoss cheer, and begin marching through the decrepit Battlefield. At their current speed, the Protoss, if they rest every night, will take 1 Week to meet the edge of your Primary Hive Cluster.

... This is awkward.

[X] Attempt peaceful contact. Send a small force of Drones to bow to the Protoss, not intending to attack. Although, being Protoss on a mission to kill Zerg, they would probably be more willing to listen to a Terran crack addict than to you.
[X] Gather your forces and prepare for an assault. This is your home now, and none shall take it! This would likely get back to "The Prelate", and he would likely come to personally extinctify you...
[X] By the Overmind, this crap is getting old. Tell Gnarl to control your forces while you go into Meditation for a few days, all the time it's something else...
[X] Write-In


This is what I came up with on short notice, since I wanted to start moving things along. Sorry that it's small and sudden.
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[X] Attempt peaceful contact. Send a small force of Drones to bow to the Protoss, not intending to attack. Although, being Protoss on a mission to kill Zerg, they would probably be more willing to listen to a Terran crack addict than to you.
-[X]Speak through the Drones, "I have inherited the true purpose of the Overmind. I seek to take the forces of the Broodmother and her resources for my own purposes. Though our kind has warred, I have no quarrel personally with yours; and would wish to avoid unnecessary conflict. I would also know of this "Dark Voice" you have spoken of. If it is a threat to usurp control of my Swarm, I would destroy it."
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[X] Attempt peaceful contact. Send a small force of Drones to bow to the Protoss, not intending to attack. Although, being Protoss on a mission to kill Zerg, they would probably be more willing to listen to a Terran crack addict than to you.
-[X]Speak through the Drones, "I have inherited the true purpose of the Overmind. I seek to take the forces of the Broodmother and her resources for my own purposes. Though our kind has warred, I have no quarrel personally with yours; and would wish to avoid unnecessary conflict. I would also know of this "Dark Voice" you have spoken of. If it is a threat to usurp control of my Swarm, I would destroy it."
[X] Attempt peaceful contact. Send a small force of Drones to bow to the Protoss, not intending to attack. Although, being Protoss on a mission to kill Zerg, they would probably be more willing to listen to a Terran crack addict than to you.
-[X]Speak through the Drones, "I have inherited the true purpose of the Overmind. I seek to take the forces of the Broodmother and her resources for my own purposes. Though our kind has warred, I have no quarrel personally with yours; and would wish to avoid unnecessary conflict. I would also know of this "Dark Voice" you have spoken of. If it is a threat to usurp control of my Swarm, I would destroy it."
Do we honestly think the Protoss are going to be peaceful towards us? I doubt they'd even believe we aren't part of the broodmother.

[X] Gather your forces and prepare for an assault. This is your home now, and none shall take it! This would likely get back to "The Prelate", and he would likely come to personally extinctify you...
Do we honestly think the Protoss are going to be peaceful towards us? I doubt they'd even believe we aren't part of the broodmother.
The fact that the Zerg are acting off-script, and the high liklihood that Zeratul, who is aware of the Overmind's true goal, sent them; makes me think that it's worth rolling the dice.
[X] Attempt peaceful contact. Send a small force of Drones to bow to the Protoss, not intending to attack. Although, being Protoss on a mission to kill Zerg, they would probably be more willing to listen to a Terran crack addict than to you.
-[X]Speak through the Drones, "I have inherited the true purpose of the Overmind. I seek to take the forces of the Broodmother and her resources for my own purposes. Though our kind has warred, I have no quarrel personally with yours; and would wish to avoid unnecessary conflict. I would also know of this "Dark Voice" you have spoken of. If it is a threat to usurp control of my Swarm, I would destroy it."
[X] War & Peace
-[X] Plan for Peace
--[X] Attempt peaceful contact. Send a small force of Drones to bow to the Protoss, not intending to attack. Although, being Protoss on a mission to kill Zerg, they would probably be more willing to listen to a Terran crack addict than to you.
---[X] Using Three Drones, communicate the following message: "We represent the will of the Overmind. We hear you seek Valash in order to destroy her. You will not find her here, for we have already done the job for you. It was a very enjoyable experience, that. Anyway, while we recognize that our two side have a violent history, we come in search of avoiding unnecessary conflict. Furthermore, we would know of this "Dark Voice". It sounds like something we'd hate. Especially if it threatens to usurp command of my swarm. I propose that in the face of this enemy, we instead work together in order to destroy our mutual foe."
-[X] But Prepare for War
--[X] Send 12 Zerglings from Defense Team Beta through the jungle to just outside the Gateway the Protoss came through. Have them wait there, out of sight. They are not to take any hostile action towards the Gateway unless it becomes clear beyond a doubt that these Protoss are incapable and/or unwilling to entertain any possibility of a peaceful agreement.
--[X] Assign 12 Zerglings from Defense Team Alpha to Attack Team Epsilon.
--[X] Assign 5 Idle Drones to gather resources from the Warzone.
--[X] Have Attack Team Epsilon set up a potential ambush along the path the Protoss forces are moving towards our territory, burrowing into the ground. Arrange it so that the Three Drones who are attempting to discuss peace will meet the Protoss in such a way that the Protoss war party will stop on top of or near the burrowed Zerg forces. These Zerg are to remain hidden and not to take action until it becomes clear beyond all question that the Protoss forces are incapable and/or unwilling to entertain any possibility of a peaceful agreement.
---[X] If it becomes clear beyond any shadow of a doubt that violence is necessary, they are to launch a first-strike ambush designed to deal as much damage as possible to the Protoss before the Protoss realize what's happening and can fight back effectively, at which point the Zerg forces are to retreat and regroup in the jungles. Priority is to be put on damage to the Stalkers. The Hydraliks and Roaches are to hide just outside the main ambush force, so that they can launch attacks from outside the main fray.

Technically, wouldn't that be "By Me" now? :V
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Week 6.5
... You're gonna regret this. You'd feel it in your bones, if you had any. Sending three of your drones out, your minions seem to bow to the Protoss, the warriors obviously startled at this unexpected gesture. Grabbing your mental microphone, you begin speaking through your workers. As you do so, twelve Zerglings are sent through the jungle, silently shifting through the debris of the Warzone to hide near the Gateway. As you do so, you assign additional Drones to begin harvesting from the Warzone.
"Greetings, Protoss, and welcome to this world. We are representatives of the New Overmind. Valash, we are afraid, has already fallen to his strength. While we have fought in the past, we seek no quarrel with you this day." Hopefully that got your point across sufficiently. While thinking this, the Dark Templar looks to his Stalkers, his Zealots, before finally training his focus on your minions. Finally, he speaks.

"Greetings to you, Zerg. We thank you for destroying Valash, as she would have made for a powerful adversary in the future. The Dark One, Amon, is beginning to awaken, and even now he gathers strength." At this, the Protoss takes a knee, bowing his head to your drones. "I ask you of this, New Overmind; please, let us put aside our differences, and defeat the Dark Voice for the good of all creation!"

... Amon.

The one who shackled your brethren to his will, to become puppets for his power. If you assist the Protoss, there is no doubt in your mind they will make powerful allies, as well as bring you one step closer to slaying Kerrigan. However, the actual act of killing her may prove difficult, unless you were to somehow strain relations between her and the Protoss.

What do you do now?

[X] Accept the request for assistance, and try to form an alliance. Gain "The Outcasts" as an ally. Mutually assist each other.
[X] Accept the request for assistance, but still forge your own path. Gain "The Outcasts" as a friend. They will be hesitant to fight against you.
[X] Decline the request for assistance. No change.
[X] Crush them. The Protoss are the hated enemy of the Zerg... aren't they? Cripple relations with all Protoss. Gain Protoss Essence for experimentation.
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[X] Accept the request for assistance, and try to form an alliance. Gain "The Outcasts" as an ally. Mutually assist each other.

You know how the song goes. You got ta have friends. Besides, this will throw Raynor and his crew for a serious loop, especially if we manage to save him before Kerrigan retakes her power.
[X] Accept the request for assistance, and try to form an alliance.
-[X] "Whatever differences there may be between Zerg and Protoss, Amon is without question a mutual foe. After all, are we not both part of 'all creation'? As such, we shall join with you in the name of ensuring he doesn't destroy us all."
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[X] Accept the request for assistance, and try to form an alliance. Gain "The Outcasts" as an ally. Mutually assist each other.
[] Accept the request for assistance, but still forge your own path. Gain "The Outcasts" as a friend. They will be hesitant to fight against you.
[] Accept the request for assistance, and try to form an alliance. Gain "The Outcasts" as an ally. Mutually assist each other.

either of these two...I'm more in preferential to the forging our own path, because frankly why stick around the protoss space? we can kill defeat Kerrigan, grab out shit, and high tail out of the sector!!!