LANCER: BATTLEGROUP - Breaking Upon the Diamond Shoals

Bold Text Indicates a Viewpoint Character

Admiral Bryce Garrison: Shadowy leader of Harrison Armory's forces

Admiral Talbert Shane: Untested leader of Battlegroup December

Ambassador Langly: Asshole face for Harrison Armory

Belladonna-331: Queer NHP in a sexy Subaltern aboard the Derecho

Captain Sven Halston: Recently promoted captain of the Hurricane

Chief Xon Brailey: Grumpy chief of operations on the battle scarred Butterfly Hill

Deck Chief John Mandala: Grumpy deck chief aboard the Harrison Armory ship, Fearsome.

Dr. Yata: Fleet Astrophysicist, Battlegroup December.

Engineer Sarial Serial: Overworked fabrication engineer, dragooned into service aboard the Gale.

Flight Lieutenant Ines Ibanla: Cocky combat pilot stationed on the Cú Chulainn.

Flight Private Alot "Neck" Xanata: Lancer aboard the HA ship, Fearsome.

Flight Private Tane "Catboy" Wallstein: Snarky catboy, mecha pilot aboard the Fearsome.

Flight Sergeant Lim "Bio" Biovare: By the numbers ace pilot stationed on the Harrison Armory ship, Fearsome.

Gunnery Captain Vane Omelas: Grizzled Union Veteran, in charge of the Derecho's (very large) gun.

Lieutenant Jade Gala: Signals and Intelligence officer for the Hurricane, Fisher.

Lieutenant Samuel Varine: Redhead of little words, helmsman of the Hurricane.

Lieutenant Xammie Galapagos: Best friend of Jade Gala, gunnery officer of the Hurricane.

Lieutenant Pilot Malard Morganstern: Newbie addition to Wolf Squad, attached to Butterfly Hill

Lieutenant Pilot Mark Vanderbilt: Cocky squad leader of Wolf Squad, attached to Butterfly Hill

Lieutenant Pilot Poius Chenard: Chenard just wants to grill, man - Lancer from Butterfly Hill

Lieutenant Pilot San Quanski: Buff warrior woman of Wolf Squad, attached to Butterfly Hill.

Technician Tanner Tan: Lowly technician aboard the Butterfly Hill.

Zivian: Overworked DOJ/HR Lawyer

Satastroy Republic Orbital Navy ships

CS - Capital Ship
OC - Orbital Carrier
SC - Strike Cruiser

SRON-CS Derecho

HP: 28/33 | Defense: 10
Spinal Petajoul Kinetic
Single Target, Accurate, Charge 3, Critical
Range: 5-2, 15 damage​
30 ISP-N Barracuda Corvettes
6 HP
30 HA Wagner Corvettes
6 HP
30 GMS Combahee Corvettes
6 HP​
Subaltern Combat Crews: May use an additional tactic per turn
Single-Plane Shield: May re-roll interdiction and take the better result.​
Superior Logistics: Escorts begin with 2 Overshield.
Combat Refit: Tactic, Limited 1. Repair up to 3 escorts within the range band. One may be repaired even if destroyed. May then issue orders to two Escorts.​

HP: 11 | Defense: 14
Message Lead Laser
Special: May add +1 damage to a Payload Weapon at 0, up to +4.
Range: 4-2
Message Lead Laser
Special: May add +1 damage to a Payload Weapon at 0, up to +4.
Range: 4-2​
30 ISP-N Barracuda Corvettes
6 HP
16 ISP-N Bowsprit Destroyers
8 HP​
Close Support: Allied battlegroups may use tactics granted by this ship's escorts as if they were under its control.​
SRON-SC Bomb Cyclone

HP: 16 | Defense: 10
Single-Stage Torpedo Tube
Single Target, Payload -1
Range: 4-2, 8 Damage​
Message Lead Laser
Special: May add +1 damage to a Payload Weapon at 0, up to +4.
Range: 4-2​
Fire Control Network: 1/round, when an allied battlegroup in range consumes a lock-on, it may re-roll that result but has to take the second result. Additionally, when defensive screening, it may lock on a hostile capital ship or escort.​
SRON-SC Hurricane

CAPTAIN: Lt. Commander Sven Halston
HP: 16/16 | Defense: 10
Single-Stage Torpedo Tube
Single Target, Payload -1
Range: 4-2, 8 Damage​
Brace for Impact!: Tactic, Limited 1 - entire battlegroup becomes Bolstered​
Repair Drones: When assigned to Defensive Screen, the ship the Hurricane is screening regains 2 HP
Fleet Triage: 1/encounter, Tactic. One of your capital ships, escorts or allied of the same in the same range band repair 5 HP.​

Union Navy

BB - Battleship
CV - Carrier Vessel
LS - Line Ship


HP: 24/28 | Defense: 12
Long Spool Primary Lance
Single Target, Charge 3, Critical, Reliable 3
Range: 4-0, Damage: 12​
Primary Kinetic Batteries
Single Target, Reliable 1
Range: 3-0, Damage: 1d6+1​
Flyswatter Missiles
Range: 3-0 | Damage: Special, when fired alongside a primary weapon, deal 2 damage to up to 2 wings in the target's battlegroup
Secondary Turrets
Range: 3-0 | DAmage: when fired alongside a primary single target weapon, deal +1 damage to the same target.​
Subaltern Combat Crews: May use an additional Tactic during their turn.
Insightful Commanders: 1/round, whenever a hostile effect or ability forces move any number of range bands forward or backwards, your next single target attack gains +1 Accuracy, or +2 Accuracy if attacking at range band 5-4. This effect lasts until the end of next turn, does not stack.​
Paragon: 1/round, add +1 Accuracy to any roll made by you or an allied battlegroup within range. 1/engagement, add +3 Accuracy instead.​
UNS-CV Blair Mountain

HP: 19/19 | Defense: 12
8 Balor Combat Wing (LL 3)
HP: 8/8 | Tenacity: 14
8 Tortuga Wing (LL 3)
HP: 8 | Tenacity: 14​
[Classified] [Redacted] Limpet [Classified]
Tenacity: 12​
Bulwark Redundancies: +3 HP​
Away Teams: Boarding attacks gain +2 Tenacity.
UNS-CV Cú Chulainn

HP: 12/14 | Defense: 15
4 Various Frame Wing (LL6)
HP: 4/6 | Specials: NHP Co-Pilots, Goalkeeper, Aggressive Pickets
150 Legion Drone, Nexus Point 4
4 HP​
Escort Formation: This ship can be assigned as a defensive screen as if it were a frigate.​

Union Navy

BB - Battleship
CV - Carrier Vessel
LS - Line Ship

UNS-BB Butterfly Hill

HP: 33/33 | Defense: 10
Long Cycle Primary Lance
Single Target, Charge 3, Critical, Reliable 3
Range: 4-0, 12 damage​
Heavy Kinetic Batteries
Single Target, Reliable 2
Range: 4-1, 5 Damage​
150 Legion Drone, Nexus Point 1
4 HP
20+4 Various Mounted Chassis (LL 3-4)
5 HP | Tenacity: 11
+4 Wolf Squadron (Attached to Chassis Wing)
6 HP - Jettison Ram, NHP Co-Pilot, Shipkiller​
Brace for Impact!: Tactic, Limited 1 - entire battlegroup becomes Bolstered​
Hook Jab: 1/round, whenever a capital, escort or wing in this BG consumes a lock on as part of a single target attack, may issue one command to a wing.
Body Blow: Maneuver, Limited 1, repair one wing to full HP (even if destroyed) and fire one superheavy or two primary weapons. Then, issue commands to all this ship's Wings.​
UNS-LS Sekwun

HP: 12 | Defense: 10
Spinal LinAc Coherent Beam Cannon
Single Target, Charge 2, Critical
Range: 4-1, 8 Damage​
VEGA-Pattern Targeting Laser
Single Target, Reliable 2, on a hit, apply a lock on to target
Range: 5-2, 2 Damage​
Purpose Built: Can carry that fucking gun it has.​
UNS-LS Tukwakin

HP: 12 | Defense: 10
Spinal LinAc Coherent Beam Cannon
Single Target, Charge 2, Critical
Range: 4-1, 8 Damage​
VEGA-Pattern Targeting Laser
Single Target, Reliable 2, on a hit, apply a lock on to target
Range: 5-2, 2 Damage​
Purpose Built: Can carry that fucking gun it has.​

BG Orchard
(4) LONG RANGE: BG December

SRON-CS Derecho
1 Charge Counters

UNS-BB Chesapeake
1 Charge Counters

UNS-BB Butterfly Hill
1 Charge Counters

UNS-LS Sekwun

UNS-LS Tukwakin



CORSAIR: 0 HP, 10 DEF, 1d6 ID
Wing 1: 0/5 HP | Wing 2: 0/5 HP | Wing 3: 0/5 HP | Wing 4: 0/5 HP
HIVEQUEEN: 14 HP, 8 DEF, 2d6 ID [Graywash attack in progress!] [BOARDING IN PROGRESS]
Mastermind Template (Applied to Hivequeen)​
STALWART 1: 10|10 HP, 8 DEF
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Hmm...need more votes...
Honestly, I think the lack of votes is that most voters don't have proper context to formulate votes due to not have the Battlegroup book.

Anything that requires a write in requires people with deep knowledge of the setting/story and motivation to be involved, and that's not where this is - not enough people, not enough established to even create a strong opinion, even disregarding the lack of mechanical knowledge.

I think the initial idea - to present choices piecemeal - was a good impulse, but the nature of how BG makes groups makes choices like "how many of each ship type" next to meaningless. Thinking about how this has gone, it feels like the best overall strategy might be something like "select which battlegroup you want to recruit", with a couple of options giving a high level overview of the battlegroup's composition, tactical role and who the commander is.

(Which is to say that this is a hard problem! Battlegroup is an odd duck and very niche, and I appreciate someone trying to do it.)
Thinking about how this has gone, it feels like the best overall strategy might be something like "select which battlegroup you want to recruit", with a couple of options giving a high level overview of the battlegroup's composition, tactical role and who the commander is.
Yep in hindsight we should either choose a preset battle groups and/or capitals.

Though I doubt we can't change the votes this late in.
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[X] Plan Ulster Cycle

Greywash. Fun for the whole family!

Yeah, there was a good point brought up. It is hard to do with Battlegroups because there are a lot of moving parts. Having the knowledgeable people propose groups was a good idea. But then I think distilling it down and giving the rest of the people simplified choices would help at this stage, since I think we have quite a few proposed options that are scattered through the last few votes.

Like, if you wanted to narrow it down to: Here is a Torpedo subgroup(proposed by x, see x's post here), here is a defensive battlegroup(from y), here is a weird long range blinkspace tunneler(from z).
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@DragonCobolt it this quest still running? because I noticed a disturbing trend of LANCER stalling out.

Edit: Also if you want us to skip building DIMOND and get us into the action then have Battlefleet DIMOND get intercepted in transit and have us bail them out.
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0.8: The Other Side
"Did you see how the Old Man told those pricks up in Cradle to piss off like the big fat babies they are?" The cheerful chatter of Catboy rang through the locker room as Biovarie stashed her jacket. The last run in the simulators had been brutal, and Fearsome One - the queen bitch of this entire battlegroup's wing of Shermans and Barbarossas and Everests - had made sure to put them through every single trick and trap she could dream up. She clearly saw boarding in her future, and Bio was anything but happy about that.

Catboy was, though.

With his tail twitching excitedly, the young hotshot who was eying her position in the squad turned and flashed her a grin. "Well, did you?"

"I don't really care for politics," Bio said, which was a classic Armory response that her father would have been proud of. Raised in Armory space since she had been decanted, Bio's parents had been in the Armory's naval service, and in their ground service, and in their wet-navy service, stretching back to the earliest point on her genealogical chart. It wasn't saying much compared to some of the fussy old bastards in the Baronies who could chart things back to the Anthropocene, but it was still something that kept her back straight when on parade.

"It's not politics. It's the Old Man showing them what we think of them," Catboy said, grinning.

Bio grunted.

The low trilling alert that rang through the locker room drew grumbles and glowers from dozens of pilots. Someone one row over muttered. "Can't they give us at least a little time to take a fucking shower?"

"No," Bio said, letting her voice carry. "Come on, no one wants to be jam in the next few hours."

"Might be an improvement in some of us," Nest said, leaning up and over the locker to grin down at Catboy, who flipped him off.

"Come on," Bio said, putting her still bare foot on Catboy's back and shoving him away from the locker. He stumbled, flailed his arms, then shot a liquid glare at her, his bright green eyes shimmering and vengeful. Bio was pretty sure she'd have to double check her locks on her chambers next time she got to take any rack time. She and the rest of the lancer pilots made a show, despite the alert, to not hurry - while naval crew bustled about, checking and double checking and quadruple checking the locks, bolts, and containers that were keeping everything fastened and sealed up tight. The Fearsome was just about to pull more Gs than Bio was comfortable thinking and while the contragravitic generators built along her spine would work hard to keep the squishy human beings aboard from being turned into so much red paste...they couldn't project the CG field over the entire ship to an equal degree.

That much energy would take more power output than half a dozen longspool lances, and most of that energy was going into the stabdrive.

Once, Bio had asked a techie to try and explain a stabdrive to her.

She hadn't slept well for a week.

The Lancers arrived with minuets to spare at their gravity harnesses. Deck Chief Mandala glared around himself as people walked past him to their assigned harnesses. "Get locked in and prepped, ladies and gentlemen, I don't want any of you assholes to stroke our on me. It's a hell of a lot of paperwork."

"But I stroke out all the time!" Catboy jeered, his hand gesturing around his crotch.

"Get in the damn chair, Wallstein," Mandala grumbled.

Catboy swung into his harness, while Bio was already strapping herself in. The harnesses were all specifically placed to be as near the center of the CG generator of this part of the ship. The idea was by spreading the load across many CG generators, if any one failed in particular, it wouldn't kill the entire crew. That didn't make Bio feel any better about the idea of being the one under a failed, shorted out piece of trash, getting smeared across the deck as the ship decelerated from nearlight cruise.

The harness did have more to offer than just a comfortable seat. Injectors pricked her neck, spine, and thighs. A gushing, warm flood filled her body, making her feel bloated and heavy. Her eyes half closed and euphoria buzzed through her.

Gravity? Who gave a shit about gravity?

Ah, better living through pharmacology. It wasn't just that she was now stuffed with liquids that would try and reduce the chances of her blood vessels exploding under pressure. It was that they came with anxiety reduction and euphoria induction chemicals that made the switches in her brain all go to everything is fine.

Outside, beyond Biovarie's perceptions, the Fearsome, as well as the other ships in the gathering 1st Diamond Shoal's Fleet, prepared themselves. Inconvincible energy focused to singular points, punching into a realm beyond normal causality. From these pinpricks of space-time, more change in momentum than could be fit onto ships without turning them into nothing but floating remass tanks exploded into space, stabbing beams lightyears long. If anything had been below the ships at that moment, it would have been obliterated, reduced into subatomic haze and buffeted away by artificial magnetospheres before even that dirty vacuum could mar the hull plating of the Fearsome, the Chastity and the Davey Crocket.

When the nearlight deceleration was finished, they were only a few thousand kilometers away from the nexus of gathering ships.

Pretty as a picture.

Bio groaned as she felt the needles pop out of her body. THe sludge they scraped away left her feeling aching and throbbing. She lifted her hand and didn't see any blood on her palm. She closed her eyes.

"Fuck me," Catboy groaned. "I wish I was jam."

"I wish you were dead too," Nest said, lifting his arm to flip Catboy off.

"...okay, the fact you can move your arm is impressive."

Catboy even sounded impressed.

Sven couldn't sleep. He was in the captain's cabin of his very own ship - the past few weeks had seen him walking up and down the spine of the Hurricane, taking in her every detail - and he should have gotten a good, refreshing amount of sleep before the big meeting tomorrow. Those weeks had been spent maneuvering the fleets together. His battlegroup, under Admiral Shane, had linked up with two Union Battlegroups, Diamond and Orchard. There was hope that a third battlegroup would manage to arrive before the Harrison Armory fleet. There was also hope that a diplomatic solution would work out.

Fat Chance, had been his signals and intelligence officer's response. Gala had ticked the reasons off, reasons that now burned in his head.

Union was already leery of the Armory's power. Union wanted to enforce the Utopian Pillars, and those were contradictory to the Armory's goals. Admiral Garrison was already wanted for crimes against humanity, and he was in command of this fleet.

Of course, if the Armory responds to this response by escalating, then... Sven thought. He could see the spiraling consequences as well as anyone else aboard his ship. If HA took unkindly to Union providing military support to protect a Diasporan state over their interests, and if they took this engagement as an act of war - and how could they not?

Sven felt the same sickness and eagerness that had kept him tossing and turning in his bed.

Finally, he sat up and his comp/con came online, immediately. "Coffee?" a soft, feminine voice spoke from his console.

Sven rubbed his palm against his face. "Yes, and fleet bulletins. Any news of BG Uranium?"

"No, Captain Halston," the computerized voice said.

"That's not good," Sven said, softly.

After coffee and a quick shower, he came to the circular main bridge of the Hurricane. Vid-screens showed the thrust plumes of nearby ships, streaking across the midnight dark sky. Sven smiled at his gunnery officer, Lieutenant Galapagos, and said: "How's the fabrication problem?"

"Techs have worked out it was a feedstock jam," Apa (she had hastily switched her nickname from Gal to Apa once she had met and become fast friends with Gala) said, shrugging her shoulders. "It was hidden by the framework of the articulated arms for the final bit of the designing and building stage. But now we can fabricate torpedoes from feedstock at a combat capable rate for a solid week."

"Excellent," Sven said, taking his drink from his coffee bulb again.

"Captain," Gala spoke up. "We're getting a tightbeam com request and Legion synchronization from the D."

The chill in Sven's belly got worse.

The tightbeam might have been a fleet communique or a message for him or a course correction request. The only reason to ask for the Hurricane's NHP compliment to synthesize into the greater mind of a Fleet Legion was because the balloon was going up. He sat down in his chair, set his drink bulb into the container, and gave his best grave captain's voice.

"Hook us up, Lieutenant."

"Aye aye, sir," Gala said.

The bridge came to life and glowing holograms of the other ship captains appeared, in their chairs, while Admiral Shane stood next to a representation of the Diamond Shoal's system. His face was grave.

"Captains," he said, nodding. "SIGINT and TELEINT have both confirmed - as of three fleet-days ago, Battlegroup Uranium was caught between nearlight accelerations and blinkspace transfers by the forward edge of the Harrison Armory fleet and mission-killed. Initial tallies put effective losses at total, 100% captured, killed or destroyed." The soft sound of swearing and quiet gasps was all the more chilling for the fact it was being projected through holographic representations. "We hoped to force the enemies to take the defensive with an aggressive posture, bolstered by numeric superiority. As it is, we appear to be at parity...or maybe less..." His lips pursed. "It is currently being decided as to our final disposition before the upcoming battle. Be prepared for imminent nearlight maneuvering. Have you crews online and prepared. That is all."

The holograms faded and Sven swore under his breath.

"And here, I was hoping for a t'rill shoot, sir," Gala said, dryly.

The hours crawled by on hands and knees. The bridge was quiet, save for orders being passed down to tell the rest of the crew to remain near their acceleration harnesses.


"SHIT!" Gala exclaimed.

"Sir!" Apa said, at the same time. "We just registered a- a-"

"Big boom, sir," Gala said, throwing the screen up. The telescopic view was of a glittering blue white spark. "I think it was DST-02."

"The deep space telescope," Sven said.

"They nuked it," his helmsman, the bland and redheaded Samuel Varine, said.

"We're getting more hits in the outer-system elements," Gala said. "That means, by light lag, they got hit an hour ago - but by sublight maneuvering, if those were torpedoes...they'd have to have launched a few days ago and we missed it."

Sven nodded. He tapped in commands on his armrest.

The order he expected came and he felt a warm rush of pride.

Nearlight maneuvering, and his crew were ready within the second.

The Hurricane and the rest of Battlegroup December flared and vanished from where they had been lurking - joined seconds later by the rest of the Union fleet. The bolt took only a few agonizing minutes, passed through with a haze of painful drugs pumped through Sven's command chair and into his body. Once it was done, they had withdrawn to the asteroid line, and were well out of whatever kill-zone or sighted range that the enemy had established.

When the comlink was established, the only thing to come through...were orders...


Fleet Intelligence Notation Included

PCV-DN Ra: This is Garrison's flagship. Expect Hivequeen system modeling. Expect the worst.
PCV-DN King Charles: We think she's nothing but armor plating and guns - big, heavy. Turtleback for sure.
PCV-GC Fearsome, Chastity, Davy Crockett: A trio of closely intercooperative ships, using Corsair pattern attack systems.
SIGINT thinks there's an ace squad on this ship - they're also carrying enough Diluvia drone swarms to match our numbers.
PCV-GC Alliance: This ship's old enough to be a non-issue. We think they're bringing it purely to add their Stalwart cruisers to the fleet and plan to abandon her to her fate once she's launched her ships.
PCV-L Langley, Trouten, Gilgamesh, Atilla: A quartet of drone-carriers, repurposed for escort use, arranged in Battlethread formation.

TOTAL COUNT: 3 Capital ships, 8 Escorts we think that Admiral Bryce Garrison can be counted as a whole escort by himself. Be careful out there.

FORECASTING: If we lose this one, Harrison Armory knows they can get away with murder, will occupy this system and turn it into new guns and ships and conquering more of the Dawnline Shore. Don't let them.


[ ] Conservative Posture (deploy at EXTREME RANGE (5), may use +1 tactic at the start of combat
WARNING: This will put you into close proximity to Shoal-Proper, and thus, risk collateral damage​
[ ] Nominal Posture (Deploy at LONG RANGE (4). No modifiers.)
[ ] Aggressive Posture (Deploy at SCOPE RANGE (3), during the first round of combat, you can only use ONE maneuver OR tactic, not both)

[ ] Conservative Posture (deploy at EXTREME RANGE (5), may use +1 tactic at the start of combat
WARNING: This will put you into close proximity to Shoal-Proper, and thus, risk collateral damage​
[ ] Nominal Posture (Deploy at LONG RANGE (4). No modifiers.)
[ ] Aggressive Posture (Deploy at SCOPE RANGE (3), during the first round of combat, you can only use ONE maneuver OR tactic, not both)

[ ] Conservative Posture (deploy at EXTREME RANGE (5), may use +1 tactic at the start of combat
WARNING: This will put you into close proximity to Shoal-Proper, and thus, risk collateral damage​
[ ] Nominal Posture (Deploy at LONG RANGE (4). No modifiers.)
[ ] Aggressive Posture (Deploy at SCOPE RANGE (3), during the first round of combat, you can only use ONE maneuver OR tactic, not both)

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This is a hard choice. I think we benefit more from Conservative Posturing, because we want as much range for our big gun frigates and another turn plus tactic to keep laying on the debuffs sounds like a win.

But, would our commander risk collateral damage to the Shoal to obtain that advantage?
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This is a hard choice. I think we benefit more from Conservative Posturing, because we want as much range for our big gun frigates and another turn plus tactic to keep laying on the debuffs sounds like a win.

But, would our commander risk collateral damage to the Shoal to obtain that advantage?

[X] Conservative Posture (deploy at EXTREME RANGE (5), may use +1 tactic at the start of combat
WARNING: This will put you into close proximity to Shoal-Proper, and thus, risk collateral damage

I actually mistyped - you actually choose posture per BG - so you can have some battlegroups closer and some further away!

The way collateral damage works is you can get a defensive having some of the incoming fire hit the Shoals...
-[X] Nominal Posture (Deploy at LONG RANGE (4). No modifiers.)

-[X] Nominal Posture (Deploy at LONG RANGE (4). No modifiers.)

-[X] Nominal Posture (Deploy at LONG RANGE (4). No modifiers.)

I see no reason to deploy to long range, especially when civilian lives are at risk.
Battlegroup URANIUM, oh no. You could have been so beautiful :sad:. We must avenge them! :rage::rage::rage:

Of these ships, the Corsair is both the most immediate threat and the most vulnerable. It can draw our ships into the range of its heavy Scrapcaster, and then straight up delete most of our ships on a good roll, in addition to the ability to board our ships and ruin our day with explosive charges. Depending on its choices it can be slightly more or slightly less tough than the Hivequeen.

The Hivequeen is, primarily, a support ship, but it has a decently powerful torpedo attack as well, and can launch boarders that apply damage and lockon. The battlethreads are also sources of both lock-on and movement control. The mastermind template applies here, which means that we have a wildcard escort that can appear at any time. It's possible that the most useful thing we can do here is try to counter-board ASAP and shut down its tactics.

The Turtleback is resilient to anything trying to shoot it from range greater than collapsing, which, see the scrapcaster on the Corsair, would be an extraordinarily bad idea to do first. It can also put out moderate damage to everything. Its escorts the Wardogs are annoying and can inflict chip damage on our escorts and provide lock-ons but we should probably otherwise ignore them. The Stalwarts, on the other hand, might be worth putting some rounds into if we have them to spare (I think not but maybe one of the destroyers?).

This OPFOR compostion overall is...less bad than I feared. No true heavy shipkiller torpedoes, no long range "needs to die right now" weapons from a Phantasm or Starkiller. We'll have fire superiority in the Impact 3 exchange. Our chief goal will be to (1) kill the Corsair, I cannot emphasize enough how much it needs to die ASAP and (2) disrupt enemy capability and action economy while (3) stopping them from focus firing any of our more vulnerable ships.

That said, this doesn't really impact our bottom line for this choice: all of our ships are tactics-heavy and like to hang out in Range 3, so our default plan is to emerge in range 4 and advance while launching strikes. This composition doesn't really change that, and in fact makes showing up in Range 3 extra dangerous (see: scrapcaster), so I think range 4 it is.

[] Plan By The Book
-[] Nominal Posture (Deploy at LONG RANGE (4). No modifiers.)
-[] Nominal Posture (Deploy at LONG RANGE (4). No modifiers.)
-[] Nominal Posture (Deploy at LONG RANGE (4). No modifiers.)

EDIT: I think the dangers of this one are too high and have changed my vote.
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[] Plan By The Book
-[] Nominal Posture (Deploy at LONG RANGE (4). No modifiers.)
-[] Nominal Posture (Deploy at LONG RANGE (4). No modifiers.)
-[] Nominal Posture (Deploy at LONG RANGE (4). No modifiers.)

Fixing the above cause I think the current syntax for the plan will not have it display correctly. "-" needs to be before sub entries and it took me forever to learn that the Plan function doesn't kick in right when ":" is with the trigger word.

But, just thinking that we should have BG Orchard at Range 5 to start and move up later? The Cretons(?) are a bit fragile and if we can have them survive to a second charge shot firing that would put us in a really good spot I would imagine. They can use their Targeting Lasers out to Range 5 anyways and having the other two battlegroups ahead of it should divert more fire away from it.

Not a fan of the narrative that it would put civilians at risk doing so but it would give an advantage?

Haven't played Battlegroup myself though, so still no idea if any of this is right.
[X] Plan Layered Defense
-[X] Conservative Posture (deploy at EXTREME RANGE (5), may use +1 tactic at the start of combat
-[X] Nominal Posture (Deploy at LONG RANGE (4). No modifiers.)
-[X]Conservative Posture (deploy at EXTREME RANGE (5), may use +1 tactic at the start of combat

Edit: Plan changed to have 2 BGs back at 5 to address knockback concerns.
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This OPFOR compostion overall is...less bad than I feared. No true heavy shipkiller torpedoes, no long range "needs to die right now" weapons from a Phantasm or Starkiller.
Yeah, our current fleets are basically brawlers without any snipers to provide overwatch. It would be bad if we go against a sniper fleet unless our current fleets have a counter to snipers.

Also, I'm voting

[X] Plan By The Book
Fixing the above cause I think the current syntax for the plan will not have it display correctly. "-" needs to be before sub entries and it took me forever to learn that the Plan function doesn't kick in right when ":" is with the trigger word.

Thanks, fixed in the original post.

But, just thinking that we should have BG Orchard at Range 5 to start and move up later? The Cretons(?) are a bit fragile and if we can have them survive to a second charge shot firing that would put us in a really good spot I would imagine. They can use their Targeting Lasers out to Range 5 anyways and having the other two battlegroups ahead of it should divert more fire away from it.

Right, but it needs to end its turn in at least range 4. If it starts in Range 5, it would need to emergency thrust into Range 4 and then fire, and then you've used up your emergency thrust to be back in the same place. It's just a question of sequencing, and whether we want to use up our Emergency Maneuvers this early in the fight. And the answer is....maybe? I'm kind of talking myself into it at this point.

EDIT: Actually the more I think about it the more it feels like an all-conservative posture might be the right play. We'd be burning all of our Emergency maneuvers, and that's not nothing but, it means we can either force them to waste a ship activation, or activate in a much more advantageous sequence for us.
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An alternate plan idea: Plan Scapegoat. Which is where we put BG ORCHARD at range 4, everyone else at range 5, and then immediately retrograde burn (choosing to resist future movement in addition to bolster). This is more cautious, but gives us some ability to make sure the activation sequence can't do too much to us. The downside is that it's letting the Stalwarts unchallenged, and there's still a path to potentially mess with our LinAcs, but since we're (inexplicably) the big gun fleet, this might call for adopting big gun tactics in spite of our theoretical escort and wing specialization.
Adhoc vote count started by GAWR on Mar 10, 2023 at 3:31 AM, finished with 8 posts and 3 votes.
  • 4

    [X] Plan By The Book
    -[X]...BG DECEMBER?
    -[X] Nominal Posture (Deploy at LONG RANGE (4). No modifiers.)
    -[X]...BG DIAMOND?
    -[X]...BG ORCHARD?
    [X]...BG DECEMBER?
    -[X] Nominal Posture (Deploy at LONG RANGE (4). No modifiers.)
    [X]...BG DIAMOND?
    -[X] Nominal Posture (Deploy at LONG RANGE (4). No modifiers.)
    [X]...BG ORCHARD?
    -[X] Nominal Posture (Deploy at LONG RANGE (4). No modifiers.)
    [X] Plan Layered Defense
    -[X]...BG DECEMBER?
    -[X] Nominal Posture (Deploy at LONG RANGE (4). No modifiers.)
    -[X]...BG DIAMOND?
    -[X]...BG ORCHARD?
    -[X]Conservative Posture (deploy at EXTREME RANGE (5), may use +1 tactic at the start of combat

here's the tally

So anyone else want's to vote.
Tried to game it out more, the odds of losing a Creighton to gunfire from the Turtleback is just too high. If one of them gets pasted by the Stalwarts/Turtleback (~75%), there's enough chip damage floating around that they could very well die (think Diluvia + Hive Queen), plus whatever the mastermind pulls out of its hat.

I'm changing my vote to:

[X] Plan Layered Defense

EDIT: FYI, I think we're missing 3HP from all of our flagships (because flagship bonus HP).

EDIT^2: Honestly if we're doing that might as well pull DECEMBER back to range 5 too. Not sure how to articulate that in this voting system though.
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Yeah. I think our opening move is going to be sending a swarm of angry Balors and Tortugas at him to sever comms, so we'll see how 'Ra' deals with Team Shotgun.
Same thing on my mind, get a boarding action forced as soon as possible. Not just because of the tactical aspect, but narratively it will be awesome to have a bunch of Juggernaut Vanguard Tortugas ramming through the interior of the flagship going for the bridge

The only point I feel on insisting is to keep December and Diamond in the same range band. Maybe not true in practice but it feels to me that one BG would be too fragile to be in front alone, both use a large compliment of wings/escorts, and several effects they have help each other so long as they are in the same range band.
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The only point I feel on insisting is to keep December and Diamond in the same range band. Maybe not true in practice but it feels to me that one BG would be too fragile to be in front alone, both use a large compliment of wings/escorts, and several effects they have help each other so long as they are in the same range band.

See, the reason I want to hold December back is so that it can end up in the same range band (or at least nearby).

The scenario I'm worried about is where Diamond advances to 3, then December gets knocked back to 5. If December starts at 5 instead, it can't be knocked back, and can instead use the extra tactic to Emergency Maneuvers its way to range 3.

(of course, what could also happen is Diamond gets pulled, but my calculation is that we have the firepower to make that a very bad idea for the OPFOR)
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See, the reason I want to hold December back is so that it can end up in the same range band (or at least nearby).

The scenario I'm worried about is where Diamond advances to 3, then December gets knocked back to 5. If December starts at 5 instead, it can't be knocked back, and can instead use the extra tactic to Emergency Maneuvers its way to range 3.

(of course, what could also happen is Diamond gets pulled, but my calculation is that we have the firepower to make that a very bad idea for the OPFOR)
Alright, consider me swayed. Layered Defense will push December back to 5. From a Narrative Standpoint, we have a certain group on board one of the ships that, after our stalwart defenders of the Shoals argue for posturing forward from the objective, said certain group that may or may not exist insists on the two BGs not currently carrying them hold back above the Shoals and move in from there- because they want their 'space' to operate freely.

I don't know, just a thought XD
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