Kranken Quest - A Internet Horror Crossover CK2 Style Quest

[X]Red Hand Financing
[x]CyberFun Tech
Would be a lot more interesting to save the world while being funded by Red Hand.

They could give us a lot of power, resources, and intel, and sometimes you need to do bad things to achieve positive results. Charles Marinterre would handcuff our potential.
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Sleep: Acquired!
Obligations: Tended to!

Time for my new latest Media-Category Mass Multicross CK2-esque Quest fixation. Seeing as the vote's pretty settled on a quite entirely acceptable set of, wait.

[X]Charles Marinterre

WELP it turns out from the discord that hiring on regular-like is pretty incompatible with keeping her out of the bunker. Hello everyone reading this consider making or editing your vote in the Personal Assistant direction.
[X]Making her your personal assistant
In the end, I think Felix prioritizes her safety over reducing the likelihood of being asked certain questions.

I'm with KnownParadox, this world hardly needs more darkness, and Charles isn't quite so far ahead as to make me skip voting altogether.

Time to sift the mechanics and Felix's char sheet for their less obvious implications, and probably some typos along the way.

The base benefits and costs of a national action are listed in the action itself but the narrative may come into play. Sending a alcoholic 40 something to go fist fight one of Slenderman's proxies might go poorly even if you roll well, while even if the roll fails a seasoned engineer will soften the blow of your animatronic malfunctioning
Ima highlight this passage right off the bat, the main trap of optimizing the mechanical numbers game is forgetting everything that isn't the numbers. Also I'm guessing mcclay meant to put a period at the end.

A Hero unit may be assigned to a single national action and hero action per turn. This will add their relevant stat value to the roll.
Question: Can Hero Units be assigned to a national action and do their personal action on each turn? That'd be a very helpful difference from i.e. GuzmaQuest mechanics, in terms of getting to have heroes do things and get screentime outside of whatever action most strongly demands a little extra bonus.

If you have a hero with an Intrigue of 32 and a Loyalty of 15, they will gain a 32*0.1 rounded down bonus, or 3. The total roll will be:
Sentence seems to have been cut off.

If you make a well-written Omake or a piece of fanart, you will be rewarded with 100 XP at a minimum, which can be stacked up in the future with the XP Tracker.With this XP you can increase the roll for a particular action by 1 per 100 XP spent or decrease the DC by -1 per 100 XP, both capped at +/- 10/1000 XP. For 500 XP you can also ask me, the GM, a question about the setting and I will try and answer it as truthfully as possible.
Ooh. I'm guessing this is some level of constrained when it comes to the really useful stuff, 'about the setting' definitely sounds to me like we can't go asking about specific faction in-quest plans against us and the like, but. Nonetheless.

As tempting as it is to go try and extrapolate the best spending strategies ahead of time, that would be quite premature, especially considering my relatively low knowledge of Internet Horror...also the question of how much we can use most knowledge, what with Kranken and Bunny Smiles being a rather smaller and simply scared player then Doof and DoofCorp, compared to +5 bonus or -5 DC on a turn's most important action.

Speaking of which, question: I get the impression that XP income is going to be pretty constrained, but how much so? I'm guessing 100 XP corresponds to a well-written but really quite short and maybe kinda borderline omake, what do you have in mind for a typical good omake?

Dogged Fool: Felix is persistent, almost to a fault. The first two times an action fails it will receive a +10 and then a +20 to retry it, stacking with the bare failure bonus as well.
Looking at Felix now, and I must say, this is nice. If we ever need to succeed at something, and have the slack to try it a few times, toss on some XP, it'll happen.

Alcoholic Failure:
Felix is a fuck up. A shell of a man kept afloat by spite and merlot. His drinking isn't just a problem, it is an all consuming crisis that has taken away almost everything he loved in life. Despite that he cannot stop, for if he did the weight of his sins would crush him.

Each time a d10 will be rolled. On a 6-10 everything is fine. Felix manages his drinking and keeps it disruptions to his life at a minimum. On a 2-5 the drinking seeps into his professional life. All of Felix's stats are halved for that turn. On a 1 Felix delves deep into the bottle at work. Ontop of the effects of rolling a 2-5 other bad things may happen. DCs will be raised, loyalty impacted and even some actions may just fail outright.

Felix does have some measure of self control though. By spending all 3 personal actions Felix can work to stay sober for the next month. While on that turn all tests will face a -10 penalty, the Alcoholic Failure dice will not be rolled. However each consecutive turn Felix does this the negative malus will grow and the narrative effects of the withdrawals will get worse and worse. Going cold turkey is a hard path, especially for one as broken as Felix Kranken.
A interesting implication of this is that comparing that -10 flat penalty against Felix's <=20 stats, going cold turkey flat out simply doesn't make sense unless we absolutely need to not possibly roll a 1 on the Alcoholic Failure die—which makes a lot of sense, seeing as Felix is in fact running Bunny Smiles with all it's attendant troubles and complications. This man simply doesn't have the slack to go bulling past a substance dependency without hurting performance elsewhere.

To lay out the precise logic: Half the time, Felix rolls at his given stats (which I'd think would rise if he managed to go proper sober, but that's strictly long term). 2/5ths of the time, he loses strictly less then or equal (Learning) stat points to a -10 penalty. 1 turn in 10, it's significantly worse then that. Meanwhile, in addition to the net penalty, exercising self-control eats either 3 or all 4 ('all 3' is pretty ambigous when he has 4 personal actions) personal actions a full 100% of the time.

Reading between the lines, I imagine mitigating (and someday removing, oh glory) Alcoholic Failure is a matter partly of doing well on single personal actions to drink somewhat less and partly of making-amends/absolution/helpful miracles for Felix's wider sins and sorrows, but I imagine learning about that will have to wait for the turn votes and actual narrative.
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Whatever we pick, we can probably trust the big boys like the Foundation or the GOC to keep the real terrifying problems at bay for now. Dealing with whatever slips through the cracks is going to be hard enough, but at least we probably won't have to fight hostile solar bodies or the literal Devil himself for a bit.

Honestly our main enemy in these early stages is probably going to be Fazbear Entertainment and contemporaries. Robotic entertainmant and food seems like a booming industry.
Honestly our main enemy in these early stages is probably going to be Fazbear Entertainment and contemporaries
Now I've got a is a bad one but still...if we ever need to fight springtrap/Afton how about we lead the f#@ker to a certain bunker and shove him in?
Edit: now the only problems with this is he might win or our murderous animatronics might get out.
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Looking into Remnant (the spoke fnaf ghost stuff that powers and haunts the animatronics long story shot) would be interesting. What would be good is if we can Monsters Inc that shit, see if we can get remnant powered by mind numbing blissful joy instead of mind numbing horrible terror. What if we got a recursive loop of animatronics powered by the laughter of children who's job is to make children laugh. They might also be less interested in indiscriminate murder.
What if we just built killer robots that weren't haunted? That feels like an easier task than trying to haunt them with good or bad vibes.

Also the Maize PC has me concerned Monument Mythos might be involved. Another major horror series added to the mix.
I will speak to a few points brought up so far

1. Only a select few video games will be included in this crossover. Resident Evil and Silent Hill will not be among them

2. I hate the idea of Remnant and I think its a dumb way to 'explain' spooky ghost shit. Its also not brought up in any of the mainline FNAF games as far as I can tell so I will be acting like it doesn't exist. There doesn't need to be a 'science' explanation for hauntings and possession.
2. I hate the idea of Remnant and I think its a dumb way to 'explain' spooky ghost shit. Its also not brought up in any of the mainline FNAF games as far as I can tell so I will be acting like it doesn't exist. There doesn't need to be a 'science' explanation for hauntings and possession.
Especially when it somehow make's less sense then if it was just the devil f#%king with people.
You think we can sue Fazbear's? Their "Bonnie" animatronic is a clear and blatant knock off of our own Bon the Bunny of The Showstoppers. Fazabear's came out in the late 70s and early 80s when Bunny Smiles INC was clearly founded and implemented our famous mascot years earlier in the mid to late 60s.
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You think we can sue Fazbear's? Their "Bonnie" animatronic is a clear and blatant knock off of our own Bon the Bunny of The Showstoppers. Fazabear's came out in the late 70s and early 80s when Bunny Smiles INC was clearly founded and implemented our famous mascot years earlier in the mid to late 60s.
The Fazbear legal team would tie you to a rock and have a giant eagle feast on your liver according to your own legal team
The Fazbear legal team would tie you to a rock and have a giant eagle feast on your liver according to your own legal team
We may need to hire a extra legal team then incase we get fazbears lawyers attention,unfortunately the only one we can probably afford right now would be from unlondon and they don't tend to talk so...
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Alright, I'm awake and hopefully less prone to start rambling. The main benefit I can see is that we're starting in the 70s which is when a lot of this horror stuff is just starting to kick off. We have a small-ish? window to get our shit together before we have to deal with... everything else. Luckily our only real concern right now is our own very haunted boat. It's leaking and piloted by a drunken, depressed mess of a captain. It doesn't look like we're going the 'canon' route (CyberFun/Let Sophie Go), which will come with very interesting consequences, I'm sure.

We should avoid letting her go into the bunker, since her family/killer animatronics very much want her and we don't know if that's a good thing or not. All in all this is shaping up to be pretty fun, even if I'm approaching the quest from a cynical 'we're probably going to crash against all of the bad things and die horribly but maybe we can make peace with our demons and take a bunch of bad things with us' angle.
[X]Charles Marinterre: You knew that the name was incredibly fake before the man himself even confirmed it. Charles calls himself a Cthonaut, a group of explorers and protectors of a lost America. He had seen many horrors in his life and wish to make the world a less awful place for himself and the infant he brings with him. You are just happy that he gave you an insane amount of money. Charles has a strong moral compass and will stand in the way of any unethical practices. He also straight up does not care about making money at all and simply wants to examine the animatronics. Dumbass even thinks he can help them.

[X]Making her your personal assistant
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