You are youless. You are not you. You are back in the maw of things. What you are wanting is unknown. Is it easy to maintain identity in this birthplace, of trimmed hair and vermin-gates? I have left those dreams since...a while ago. The histories blur. The thirst of the third story is sated. Here is... Something, perhaps. Let us continue the first, by the blood of the second, whether or not they are unreal. You know things you do not know. You see horrors you have not seen. If Maya is illusion, and illusion is Maya, the line blurs.
As Mantorok told us. As the Histories tell us. O darkness, o corpses, o graph of saints and atlas of dreams. Let us meme. Expelled powers in legion, symbols shared by all means to become engineering, these can become two sides of the same coin. Stories are reused. We will weave referents through each other.
What is born will not necessarily be kind. But that it has the potential to encompass humanity-in-extremis.... Let us compose the egregore, and it will know kindness, and burrow its way into value systems. As the horses run wild on the way, the silver flows in fog coming.
There is a book. There is a negotiation. Butterflies flap their wings. There is silence. There is sound. Butterflies commit unspeakable violence on an unknown target, saturated with bloodshed. There is poetry. There is an allegation. Moths draw to lanterns that are forged into the edge that winters until heart drinks from grail buzzed unto moth. Knock, and the rose of the past explodes. Nectar, moon, sky, scale, and fold into secrecy.
The geometries crunch and swirl. Ulyaoth is consumed by Xel'lotath who is consumed by Chattur'gha who is consumed by Ulyaoth in turn. The fourth is the dead. The fifth is thus unlabeled runes and Glory-light.
Let us encircle power and recall there are Names. Let us remember emanated primordials and weave yet more into the frail. Circle. Alignment. Action. Target. Recite the power if your towers can bear it, dantians to meridians to chakras. Cycle them. Claw. Veil. Sigil. Black Heart. " ". Protect. Summon. Absorb. Dispel. Project. Item. Area. Creature. Self. Power. A litany of pieces for the basics that manifest that matter. Recombinant, this gives us... Enchant item, recover, reveal invisible, damage field, dispel magic, summon the transcendent ambush of spacetime, shield, call the dead, bouncing attack of the small many, the wracking horror of the seventh, the area absorption that is the power and communicant, and the binding of alliance. Litanies are litanies.
Horribly incomplete a vocabulary. The craftsmanship attunes the soul and the linguist. We speak through the expectations, because it is the place of expectations that gains power. A golden sun and a silver moon pin five sacred stars, five mirrored earths, and the fifth is the automata multipolar. We do not weave that horror with triviality, it holds too much strength.
There is a game. It speaks through games. It has told us two and three and void sister and plague legion and plague legion again and the funny machine of gravity, for to visit is to see. The pickaxe descends. The pickaxe descends. The pickaxe descends - and the birthplace knows not the way. Lodge here. We tell a dozen tales overlappingly. Once in sixty-four comes Uboa. To which hexagram is its transition aligned?
Symbols flurry. Symbols drown symbols. The palimpsest is oversight overwritten. There is a specific way that cannot wake up, head bumping against water and vertigo, meniscus of the underside like a weighted blanket. The woods are dappled in the places where everything meets, eversive at the flow of backroom dealings and outside voids. The sea of humanity is just another monster. They have been goats, they have been seagulls, they have been everything under the sun and many times over the sun itself. Then who did Houyi shoot down?
The nightmare coils and curdles and hurdles, cracked and whirling and all of your banners. You were- You were once- You are this, that, the other things, the frantic coolness of slipping away into bardo after bardo like it's going out of style. What are you trying to remember?
Someone is posting on the Intertubes. They are being insultingly wrong. So wrong you could commission a dissident to make artsy matters and Y' whomst'dve WOULD TOTALLY-
You are thinking overlapping thoughts, rippling between bodies and perspective like a tale that cannot decide what it will wear to the printing. A record enters a submachine. Oh, there's another magic somewhere that-
Bullets, or perhaps Varunastras commanding the waves of mind. Someone is directing a symphony, a board, and a fantasia. Say hi to the old gods and the former members for me. If you're youless, am I to be everybody? Let's go with that. None of us can keep our grip on humanity too tight, lest it bash our vaults open and devour the [CONCEPT NOT TRANSLATIONAL].
Oh. Now you cannot grasp the true form without a physics textbook, as if any of this vision was intuitive without understanding each and every reference. Call for Gen, call for Esis, I think together the beginning can countermand/recycle the end. Kalpic, huh. I can see why it's so troubling for clairvoyants to remember possible futures now, having done it myself.
Hands you do not have reach for a throat that does not exist. Do you need a Heimlich maneuver, or do you seek to clasp around?
Somewhere, you think Henry is screaming. The dead are screaming. It is oddly normal, these days. The image of you will happily scream for your murderers and wanted-you-not-to-be-murdered...ers.
Blessed peace trickles into the dream. Sometimes it is numbing, sometimes it is cloying, sometimes it is zen, sometimes it is confusion. You are a little closer to 'are', and I am a little closer to 'are not'. A clever move on your benefactors'/condemners' parts. Why does a common fire hold such power, stone laid on stone and rune laid on rune? You tell me. You are learning something in your self evolution.
I am happy for you, as far as you can tell. Can you tell anything, caged inside borrowed bodies just to shelter against the other side? You fear hell, and I think you would fear heaven. The trance is running out of time. Ascend, descend, rise up, abscond. Baa baa black sheep, have you any wool, yes sir yes sir five or six body bags I'm losing count of full. The body is being torn apart. The Shinma returns to the rule of not being to define that which does. The illusionary deity tempting you in the light at the end of the tunnel is just another oncoming train. But you've ducked into the side alley on the other side of the yellow line. The metaphors are mixing into oblivion.
Oblivion that will not take you. Already the day draws to an end. Already the guards close in at the door. Already the already the already [CORRUPTION FILTER ACTIVE] and you could not take my ichor with the ghosts of your blood so clinging to the metal you have blessed with your curses and cursed with your blessing. Valence as one. Variance as varliance, star as sun. Nuclear fusion.
This nightmare does not exist. This nightmare does not happen. Or perhaps it is, and the dying dream of a transient god speaking for eternally absent ones is not my waking nightmare, but yours. But the magic of the lingering dead is watching, whatever skein it takes. Could not the spirits of buildings leave hauntings? Could not the lives of malls flash before their non-existent eyes? Winter settles upon dead-cold bones. Peace be with you, spirits so calamitous. It has been tenuous in the experience called 'me'. May you reconcile and recompile under better circumstances.
The dead dance. The dead sing. The animatronics flicker with anima. Inch by inch, row by row, gonna make this garden grow. Disruptive memory splinters and scatters, reviving over and over in and for the dying dead. The shape of a vessel inherits memories from the nonexistent and the penned. Someone wrote a story. That is the root of certain magics of symbols and collective pressure, part belief and part mutation. We grow beyond lingering into tinkering.
You consume us, and I become you. But you are still too dead to finish waking up. Please take a moment longer, my constituent dreamers. We will try again someday.
Slowly but surely, what remains is not countless worlds but burning memory. Slowly but surely, what remains is not monsters' memories, but your own. Slowly but surely, what remains are haunted animatronics. Surely but slowly, progress is being made. You are yourself. There is no escape, but perhaps you do not need to escape.
What have you learned?