Aside fromMore complications, which are played as Mako's fault, why was she in s2?
You know you're the one with somehting to prove as the one who came out swinging right? But lets follow your logic, why was Bolin in season 2, besides 'more complications'? Why Was Mako? Why was anyone? Every characters gets their own little story, Asami wants to help Korra and save her company which gets her intertwined with Varrick, who is trying to use the entire situation with the war to his advantage while Bolin is becoming a Mover Star and Mako is doing police stuff and also working with criminals to help Asami cos he and Korra are fighting.

She was cool and hollow character design implying but not fulfilling anything but "look she is not made at korra for disrespecting her relationship. If she is generally friendly why from ssowere people like no no she really wants korra and mako is a douche"
Though we need to agree to disagree I have shared my reasoning and context for my irrational feelings
You saying that she was hollow doesn't make it so, do you have anything to support your argument? Also I have no idea what you mean by the bolded text.

You haven't shared your reasoning and I notice you also refused to actually respond to anything I said or try to disprove my points, you just through out more questions and accusations before declaring yourself fone, poor form.
On one hand Korra didn't get a really inexplicable visit from a giant turtle to hand her a clean solution to a complicated moral problem.

On the other hand Aang never transformed into a giant blue giant and have a kaiju battle ... actually no he did do this now that I think about it. However Koizilla wasn't bad.

On the other, other hand, they're both the same person, so ...
As I said earlier in the thread, I thought they were angling for this in season 3, but also thought I was probably just putting yuri goggles on, because it's a Nickolodeon show. But, in the end, they did the thing as the thread title suggests, and they were quietly setting it up from season 3, so my impression had been correct. :V
i saw the hints that Korrasami was going to happen in season 3 as well with it quietly being set up.
It occurs to me that if you remove Asami... Amon wins, gg no re. Team Avatar and maybe Tenzin are captured at the Sato manor by her father's betrayal when a wealthy businessman invites a promising Pro-Bending team over to look at a new personal training facility.
Amon was always going to loose, for all their strength's his equilists were still just a few thousand people against the world.
Amon was always going to loose, for all their strength's his equilists were still just a few thousand people against the world.
A few thousand in it's infancy from a single a city, no telling what they could have pulled up beyond that. And a bit beyond the scope I was talking about. He might always lose in the larger narrative, but in the story being told in the show? The story of Avatar Korra? He wins and would probably win rather handily.
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A few thousand in it's infancy from a single a city, no telling what they could have pulled up beyond that. And a bit beyond the scope I was talking about. He might always lose in the larger narrative, but in the story being told in the show? The story of Avatar Korra? He wins and would probably win rather handily.
That's really no more of a win then Kuvira had when she drove Korra out of the Earth Kingdom in Season 4.

Or Aang when the Fire Lord beat him on the day of the Black Sun.

Eventually Korra would have come back and kicked Amon's ass, probably after a spiritual journey of some kind.
That's really no more of a win then Kuvira had when she drove Korra out of the Earth Kingdom in Season 4.

Or Aang when the Fire Lord beat him on the day of the Black Sun.

Eventually Korra would have come back and kicked Amon's ass, probably after a spiritual journey of some kind.
Or committed suicide given she seemed to be debating doing just that, or be murdered, or captured ETC.

Seriously by this metric we can literally write out any character and just say "But Korra is the protagonist so she'll come back and win".
Or committed suicide given she seemed to be debating doing just that, or be murdered, or captured ETC.

Seriously by this metric we can literally write out any character and just say "But Korra is the protagonist so she'll come back and win".
The Avatar State would have kicked in and prevented all of those things from occurring.
You know you're the one with somehting to prove as the one who came out swinging right? But lets follow your logic, why was Bolin in season 2, besides 'more complications'? Why Was Mako?
S1 ended with his declaration of love and his life in shambles. We follow up as he tries to maintain the relationship with Korra AND pursue and new leg of his life (like his brother) where he makes more and more decisions that risk isolating him from people whose acclaim or approval matter. This leads, strongly to him being arrested, broken up with Korra, making alliances with the Triads, framed by a powerful business magnate. All decisions he makes and issues he must deal with while dealing with the REVERSE of his fortunes as the promising rising star who Korra was falling for

Bolin was SEEKING validation and found it exploited by two other people and gained stardom while willfully ignoring, though mostly missing, his complicity in war profiteering/propaganda scheme. Eventually comes to reconnect with his brother and RESCUES THE PRESIDENT and become a movie star with mixed results for both. Also that whole nearly yanked to the altar allowing him to level up his charisma and charm to help turn the people of Republic city against Unalaq to prevent further restriction, free them when imprisoned.

Varrick and then Mako deal with most of Asami's plotline about dealing with the fallout of Sato's arrest popping up to offer an issue for Mako to fix start redating him AT her initiative and then leaving Mako in the lurch after falling for that blatantly false and unconvincing set up

She, of course, like Bolin is portrayed as a rube, wears and deals with the ire and complications of her moving in on Mako, and turns all the armor and arms she was supposedly going on about to war plot

Nope Varrick sold the arms to the. Edit NW /edit, without her knowing btw, shoots daggers at Mako for not immediately correcting his violent GF while in the middle of a crisis (again) doesn't do something so gauche as have an argument or tell Korra herself in Mako's defense or just because she has non-attractive or pleasant emotions. Doesn't hire a lawyer or realize AS SHE WAS THERE WITH HIM Mako did not betray her. She does fly the plane a few times but that doesn't feel like something that developed out of her actions or experiences. And we could have brought Iroh or had Bumi pull that off or someone else. She isn't a rube or weak she's wronged.. kinda She exists to complicate things but not entertainingly or even appreciatively as Varrick does.

Better? or will NOTHING I say satisfy you as my opinion having any grounding.
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Better? or will NOTHING I say satisfy you as my opinion having any grounding.
Given you didn't have anything before beyond making broad sweeping claims with little to nothing backing them up, this is better than nothing, though the caps lock seems unnecessary.

I also notice you cut out the majority of my response and robbed my question of a great deal of context :/

S1 ended with his declaration of love and his life in shambles. We follow up as he tries to maintain the relationship with Korra AND pursue and new leg of his life (like his brother) where he makes more and more decisions that risk isolating him from people whose acclaim or approval matter. This leads, strongly to him being arrested, broken up with Korra, making alliances with the Triads, framed by a powerful business magnate. All decisions he makes and issues he must deal with while dealing with the REVERSE of his fortunes as the promising rising star who Korra was falling for

Bolin was SEEKING validation and found it exploited by two other people and gained stardom while willfully ignoring, though mostly missing, his complicity in war profiteering/propaganda scheme. Eventually comes to reconnect with his brother and RESCUES THE PRESIDENT and become a movie star with mixed results for both. Also that whole nearly yanked to the altar allowing him to level up his charisma and charm to help turn the people of Republic city against Unalaq to prevent further restriction, free them when imprisoned.

S1 ended with Asami having been left for Korra by her romantic partner in one form or another, her life in shambles because her father was a criminal who got her driven out of her own home and tried to murder her and she was left with a now failing company she was desperate to protect as she tried to rebuild her life. These are apparent;y not important or worthwhile character beats but Mako's unhealthy argument filled relationship with Korra, trying to be a cop and Bolin wanting validation and being played by Varrick are?

Also just like Bolin saved the president, we have Asami helping save Korra's father and the other rebels to the point of crashing a plane mid-flight to serve as a distraction, defeating guards ETC.

And that's just in the first few episodes.

Are Mako and Varrick involved in her story? Of course they are, its an ensemble cast, that doesn't invalidate her as a character or her presence in the story.

Varrick and then Mako deal with most of Asami's plotline about dealing with the fallout of Sato's arrest popping up to offer an issue for Mako to fix start redating him AT her initiative and then leaving Mako in the lurch after falling for that blatantly false and unconvincing set up

She, of course, like Bolin is portrayed as a rube, wears and deals with the ire and complications of her moving in on Mako, and turns all the armor and arms she was supposedly going on about to war plot
How is Varrick, the antagonist she was initially trying to align herself with not knowing he was a threat, being involved the same as him 'dealing with her plotline' when the focus and development and emotions are on Asami and Mako only got involved somehting like mid-season? He was arrested, what was she meant to do? She explained going to the prison was painful because of her father and while unconvincing to use as outsiders it would be less-so in universe.

Moving in on... You do know he told her he broke up with Korra right and was the one who refused to tell Korra they had started dating again.

Nope Varrick sold the arms to the SW, without her knowing btw, shoots daggers at Mako for not immediately correcting his violent GF while in the middle of a crisis (again) doesn't do something so gauche as have an argument or tell Korra herself in Mako's defense or just because she has non-attractive or pleasant emotions. She does fly the plane a few times but that doesn't feel like something that developed out of her actions or experiences. And we could have brought Iroh or had Bumi pull that off or someone else. She isn't a rube or weak she's wronged.. kinda She exists to complicate things but not entertainingly or even appreciatively as Varrick does.
She and Korra agreed giving arms to the South was a good idea. As to the rest, it feels blatantly aggressive mis-representative and also is very hard to actually understand, though the constant insults to Asami's character based on her background make it seem you aren't really approaching this from an, well, 'fair minded' perspective.

Also as to your "They could have had someone else do that" you know they could have had someone else, like say Lin, be the suspicious cop right? Also not developed out of her actions or experiences, you mean like her being an inventor/gear head and one of her first scenes of the season being her flying a remodeled plane?

Also your personal enjoyment in her 'complicating' things is not indicative of anything, I feel like Mako was just there to force a straight romance and make arguments and drama happen, that doesn't make it a fair or accurate assessment of his character, nor doe sit make me right if I say hes not entertaining the way I find Asami or Varrick entertaining, don't mix personal opinion up with factual assessments.
The Avatar state she was having trouble accessing due to her Bending being messed with?
You're confusing the events of the fourth season with the events of the first.

Korra couldn't even consciously access the Avatar State till some time in the second season.
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So someone messing with her spiritual pressure points wouldn't negatively impact her ability to enter the Avatar State, even though we have literally seen blocked chakras do just that?
Zam what is Korea's first scene in season 2?

Asami's plot became about varrick framing mako and being the new gangs enemy. She vanished from the civil war plot, the major crisis.
Zam what is Korea's first scene in season 2?

Asami's plot became about varrick framing mako and being the new gangs enemy. She vanished from the civil war plot, the major crisis.
Korea? Also if I recall, winning an air bender ball race via Avatar State?

Do you have aything to back that up?

Also, how is that different from Bolin and Mako who both got wrapped up more in Varrick's business than they did with Korra's before the whole team came back together for the finale, with Asami saving Korra's father?
So someone messing with her spiritual pressure points wouldn't negatively impact her ability to enter the Avatar State, even though we have literally seen blocked chakras do just that?
Did you forget that Korra cured herself by going into the Avatar State and having her past lives fix what Amon did?

Kind of hard to do that if she couldn't go into the Avatar State.
Did you forget that Korra cured herself by going into the Avatar State and having her past lives fix what Amon did?

Kind of hard to do that if she couldn't go into the Avatar State.
I'm saying that when she was contemplating suicide entering the avatar state might have been rather difficult even as a survival mechanism because her Chakras were messed up.

Not that it matter the argument "Asami wasn't needed, Korra would come back because she's the protagonist" can be applied to any character, and is not even remotely a decent metric by which to judge the worth of a character.
Korea? Also if I recall, winning an air bender ball race via Avatar State?
So you remember her having control and access to the Avatar State.
This contradicts the assertion she did not have it from Amon's tampering

It is not the Korra came back. Its what Asami does until she does. What it amounts to and the change it wrings from her actions.
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So you remember her having control and access to the Avatar State.
This contradicts the assertion she did not have it from Amon's tampering
OK, so correct me if I am wrong here, but when Korra was contemplating suicide her chakras were messed up, hence my assumption she might struggle to get into the Avatar State.

Though as I said:
Not that it matter the argument "Asami wasn't needed, Korra would come back because she's the protagonist" can be applied to any character, and is not even remotely a decent metric by which to judge the worth of a character.

It is not the Korra came back. Its what Asami does until she does. What it amounts to and the change it wrings from her actions.
I have no idea what you're responding to here which makes it rather difficult to formulate a a response, but again
Also, how is that different from Bolin and Mako who both got wrapped up more in Varrick's business than they did with Korra's before the whole team came back together for the finale, with Asami saving Korra's father?

Heck, we could ask the same sort of questions about Lin or Tenzin, or any character.