Kobold Quest! An Original Fantasy Quest!

well, nice to see the 'monster races' aren't particularly discriminated against. at least in this little corner of the world.
Drowning Sorrows
"So, if you don't mind me asking, what brings you here to this town?" You ask, hoping the conversation would be civil.

"Oh...Give me a minute," She replied, holding her head with her left hand. "I go where the wind *hic* takes me, before I left home I tried my...Hand at being a sellsword."

"Did that work?" You hope you're not digging too deep here, but just in case if she reacts somewhat violent you still had the Tavern Maiden watching both of you.

"Does it look like it worked?" Millicent replied with a hint of venom in her voice. "I lost my job, my caravan, and now I'm a washed up Mercenary in a bar at twenty three." She finished, looking a bit down. "The only reason I stay here is because they know...They know how to make a good drink, catch my *hic* meaning?"

"Sorry, anything I can do?" You ask, hoping to make up for making her angry.

"I guess..." Millicent stood up, balancing herself out before continuing. "Help me back to...to my room and maybe I'll help you out someday." That same drunken smile was there when you met her was back, and you guessed you should help her back to her room. She wasn't that hard to keep steady, you just had to hang onto her waist and keep her steady while you walked to her room on the second floor.

There was a small smile on her face as she opened the door to her room, and before you left she held you close and began to pet your ears. It wasn't that bad, it felt...What was the word? Nice seemed to be the first word that came to mind, and she seemed to be muttering something under her breath.

"...Fluffy..." A giggle later she fell asleep, and you were stuck in the grasp of a sleeping Arachne. While your meal downstairs was either getting cold or not ready, seems today was getting better and better.

[] Accept Your Fate
[] Get Out, Go Down Stairs & Eat
-[] Then Return, Give Her A Blanket

[] Write In...
[X] Get Out, Go Down Stairs & Eat
-[X] Then Return, Give Her A Blanket

We paid for that food! We'll damn well eat it before anything happens to it!
Good Food & Sleep
Doing your best to escape Millicent's hold, you manage to do so and head down the stairs. Most of the other patrons are passed out at their tables or drunkenly stumbling to their rooms upstairs, you however noticed the scent of a well cooked meal waiting for you at the bar.

"Sorry about the wait sir, we're understaffed tonight." You give the maiden a small smile and thank her for her service, right before digging into your own meal.

It was deer drizzled in honey with a side of freshly baked bread, and a cup of mead to seal the deal. You haven't had anything this good in...Ever, actually this is your first taste of such delicious food.

Though the mead was a bit harder than you expected, you've had something like it before, but never have you had something that hits you pretty hard before. After finishing your meal, you thanked the tavern maiden and head back upstairs to Millicent's room. She was still sleeping in a small heap on the floor, and you covered her with a blanket from her bed since you aren't really strong enough to lift her.

Afterwards you head to the room that the maiden told you was yours, and after some quick searching you realized it was just across the hall to Millicent's room, a strange coincidence but you ignored it for going to bed now.


The dawn's early light had stirred you from your slumber, and you woke up bright eyed and hungry for breakfast. Getting up and dressed for the day, you make your way downstairs and prepare to pay for a meal.

"Oh don't worry, breakfast is free." She reassured you, and you politely waited for your meal.

While you were waiting, Millicent came down the stairs holding her head with her left and clutching a blanket around herself, she seemed like she was hungover from last night.

"Hey...Red, was it?" She asked, and you nodded. "You wouldn't mind having me come along, right? I know we've only met last night, but considering I'm planning on leaving anyways, wanna join together?"

You'd have to think it over, but the extra help and company wouldn't hurt.

[] Let Her Join
[] Nah, You've Got Enough Problems

[] Count Your Coin
-[] Then...
--[] Visit...
---[] Town Hall
---[] Dragon's Hearth Forge
---[] The Warrior's Shield
---[] The Docks (4 Days-45 Gold Coins)

[] Write In...
[X] Let Her Join

She seems to be combat trained, might be handy to have along on the road.

[X] Count Your Coin
-[X] Then...
--[X] Visit...
---[X] Town Hall

Maybe they have a job or two that are relevant to our skills.
[x] Let Her Join

What could possibly go wrong with an affectionate swords woman with a possible drinking problem?

[X] Count Your Coin
-[X] Then...
--[X] Visit...
---[X] Town Hall
Counting Coins & Odd Jobs
Checking your coin, you realized you only had about ninety of them left, not counting the four rubies you could pawn off should things get desperate. Asking Millicent, she told you she spent most of her coin last night, but she pooled together funds with you, bringing it up to about one-hundred thirty five coins.

"Come on, Town Hall has to have something relevant for us to do." You motion, and the hungover Arachne follows closely.


Sometime later, you found yourself looking around as you waited for the town leader to show up. Their assistant had told you to wait for a few minutes, and it was starting to test your patience.

"Sorry for the wait, damned hip keeps aggravating me." An elderly lady walked towards you, graying hair and sharp blue eyes that scanned the room around her.

"No need to apologize, we're looking for work." You say, keeping polite and to the point.

"Well lad, you came to the right place. We've been needing someone to take care of some problems for us, and you seem suited to it." Noting your strong arms and physique, most miners did build up like that. "Here's what we've got, and what we need done."

[] Investigate Disturbances: Something's been disturbing the people on the outside walls, usually leaving some cold slime whenever we find its trail. If you can find it, we'll reward you handsomely. (Reward: 120 Gold Coins-Easy)
[] Materials Required: Our Blacksmith is running out of coals for the forge, if you wouldn't mind heading down into the mines and grabbing some more, we'll make sure you're rewarded fairly. (Reward: Discount At Dragon's Hearth, 125 Gold Coins-Medium)
[] Bandits: Some damned bandits set up camp nearby and have been harassing caravans, I don't care how you get rid of them, just make sure they leave or you take care of them permanently. (Reward: 130 Coins-Hard)

[] Write In...
[x] Materials Required: Our Blacksmith is running out of coals for the forge, if you wouldn't mind heading down into the mines and grabbing some more, we'll make sure you're rewarded fairly. (Reward: Discount At Dragon's Hearth, 125 Gold Coins-Medium)
[x] Materials Required: Our Blacksmith is running out of coals for the forge, if you wouldn't mind heading down into the mines and grabbing some more, we'll make sure you're rewarded fairly. (Reward: Discount At Dragon's Hearth, 125 Gold Coins-Medium)
[x] Materials Required: Our Blacksmith is running out of coals for the forge, if you wouldn't mind heading down into the mines and grabbing some more, we'll make sure you're rewarded fairly. (Reward: Discount At Dragon's Hearth, 125 Gold Coins-Medium)
Huh, kobold quest? Seems interesting.

[x] Materials Required: Our Blacksmith is running out of coals for the forge, if you wouldn't mind heading down into the mines and grabbing some more, we'll make sure you're rewarded fairly. (Reward: Discount At Dragon's Hearth, 125 Gold Coins-Medium)
[x] Investigate Disturbances: Something's been disturbing the people on the outside walls, usually leaving some cold slime whenever we find its trail. If you can find it, we'll reward you handsomely. (Reward: 120 Gold Coins-Easy)

Sherlock Kobold yo.
Into The Mine
"I'm a Miner, should be easy to find coal. It's got a familiar scent, pretty common down in the mines." You mention, and The Town Leader hands you a map that directs you to the mines.

"Careful there, I've been getting reports some cave crawlers burrowing down there. Damn things are more pests than actual beasts, but for the love of the divines do us a favor and burn those nests if you can." She cautions, and you motion for Millicent to follow.

"We'll be careful, I'll have a pickaxe and she has a crossbow, we'll be fine.


Wasn't that hard to find some coal, you found a large deposit of the damned stuff a few minutes away from the entrance. Though you did hear something moving about the caves, and Millicent kept her crossbow loaded and ready.

"Haven't had a good scrap in a while, hope them cave crawlers show up." You really hoped this went better than what the Town Leader said, and you gave your two coins to Millicent.

"I hope not, but can you explain what a 'cave crawler' is?" You inquire, wondering what they are.

"Cave Crawlers are some nasty little buggers, they look like a four legged spider with a scorpion tail. Not so bad save for their venom, a complete pain in the ass if you asked me." She mentioned in a bored tone, right before her grin found its way back to her face. "...And it looks like we have one here." The twang of her crossbow firing echoed in the cave, and the dying screech of a cave crawler followed soon.

"Let's hope that was the only one, and guess who finished?" You said, hefting a large bag of coal over your shoulder.

"Oh...I wanted to kill some more cave crawlers." She whined, loading her crossbow again. But she stopped and followed you, soon finding yourselves at the entrance of the mine.

"Now, let's get to the Dragon's Hearth."


Afterwards, you met the blacksmith of the Dragon's Hearth, he was a Komodo. You've heard legends of Komodo, 'Lizard Men' was a common nickname for them, and they had a natural venom in their teeth similar to Echidna.

Whatever those were.

"Ah thanks for the coal lad, and where are my manners? I am Vulkan, the Last Forge Master." This peaked your interest, and you pushed further to find out more about the world.

"What were the Forge Masters?" You ask, hoping not to anger Vulkan.

"The Forge Masters were a group of Blacksmiths from all walks of life, tasked with fighting those high and mighty High Elves of the Cloud Empire, those damned royals thought they were the true rulers of Kingland." He seemed angry about this Cloud Empire, and you were curious to know who they were.

"I'm not exactly familiar with the Cloud Empire, I grew up in a remote village." Vulkan seems to soften up, and he begins to explain who the Cloud Empire was. Millicent seemed to have the same disdain for them, and you wondered who they were.

"The Cloud Empire is made up of High Elves, before they became an empire they were slavers. They enslaved their own people, the Dark Elves of Shifting Sands, the Frost Elves of Winterhold, the Wood Elves of the Great Forest, and any they captured from battle." He began, right before getting to the nitty gritty. "The other Kingdoms left them alone as long as they left the others alone, soon they decided to attack my homeland of the Great Swamp. This ignited the worst war in our history, and it still goes on strong to this day."

"What In Oblivion...Why did they let this go on for so long?!" You want to know why they let it go on for so long, to the point that you wanted to find out the leaders of the Cloud Empire and burn them at the stake.

"The Great Swamp was a trading region, it has interests from every country. But now, let us figure out what you want." Vulkan motioned to the weapons and armor decorating his walls. "I'll give you one weapon, on the house."

Coins: 255
Rubies: 4 (80 Coins A Piece)

[] Pick Out A...
-[] Sword
-[] War Axe
-[] Mace
-[] Great Sword
-[] Great Axe
-[] Warhammer

[] Armor...
-[] Leather Vest (Light Armor)-60 Coins
-[] Chain & Leather Vest (Medium)-70 Coins
-[] Steel Plate (Heavy)-80 Coins

[] Then...
-[] Investigate
-[] Clear Out Bandits

[] Go To...(Optional)
-[] Mercenary Guild
-[] Docks (4 Days-45 Coins Per Person-Leaves Emerald Falls)

[] Write In...
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[X] Pick Out A...
-[X] Sword
[X] Armor...
-[X] Chain & Leather Vest (Medium)-70 Coins
[X] Then...
-[X] Investigate

Swords were the traditional back-up weapon, right next to the dagger.

Chainmail is really good protection, and easier to carry and maintain than Plate.
[X] Pick Out A...
-[X] Sword
[X] Armor...
-[X] Leather Vest (Light Armor)-60 Coins
[X] Then...
-[X] Investigate