Kobold Quest! An Original Fantasy Quest!

Yeah, but in all seriousness this Abaddon would probably look at him and go:

"Wow, fucking chill man."

Also, are we all ready?
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Oh wait! Fuck me, I'm leaving work in like twenty minutes.

IT'll be a two hour drive and then I make jerky, will try to work soon.
But please debate how some fantasy creatures work, I'm not a biologist, but someone might be here.

It'd be helpful for the quest, and interesting to read.
[X] Plan Big Money Kobold

[X] Magical Adventure!

[X] Magical Adventure!

[X] Plan Big Money Kobold

[X] Plan Big Money Kobold

[X] Plan Big Money Kobold

[X] Plan Big Money Kobold

[X] Magical Adventure!

[X] Plan Big Money Kobold

[X] Magical Adventure!

[X] Plan Big Money Kobold

[X] Magical Adventure!

[X] Magical Adventure!
I don't know how to use the vote counter so here's this.

Big Money Kobold = 7
Magical Adventure! = 6
Fear the Slayer! = 1
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Lore: Races Of The World
I'm curious, what other races are out there, we know of Kobolds and Goblins, but who else?
We have Arachne (Spider People that come in Smol, Regular, Long Leg, Giant.)
Slimes (Color depending on climate)
Harpies (Raptor, Poultry, Penguin, whatever bird you can think of, Harpies have a counterpart.)
Ogres (Quite Friendly)
Orcs (Good Trading Partners, majority of them are followers of Gungnir or Faun)
Nekomata and Hellcats (Civilized and wild versions of Neko People)
Komodo (Think Argonians with natural venom)
Bunny Folk
Dragon-Kin (Lesser Versions of Trueblood Draconic, Humanoid with scales, claws, and a tail on parts of their bodies, and wings.)
Trueblood Draconic (A Humanoid Dragon, they can actually fly)
Patchworks (Humanoid Constructs, Servants)
Warforged (Living Suits Of Armor)
Soul Bound (Statues or Suits Of Armor with a soul bound to them)
Lamia (And their accompanying subspecies, Echidna, Gorgons, and Melusine)
Dryads (Alraune and Mandrakes also available)
Merfolk (Electric Eel, Shark, and Piranha)
Beast-Kin (Animal People)

EDIT: Elves (Wood, Frost, Dark, Wood, and High)
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Time To Escape
You were Red Rock, the reason you were leaving your village was because of personal reasons, and your financial problems had caught up to you in recent weeks. You just hope the guards don't come back earlier than expected, because that would put a damper in your plans. Because that would ruin any more chances of running out of here, and leave you in an awful predicament.

Grabbing a Hunting Spear from the armory, you make sure to take a few more supplies with you on your trip to leave this forsaken place. A few Healing Potions, and a fine coat you managed to nab from the guards' barracks. Though you did stop to copy a map of the land before packing up, you aren't going out there blind.

You had spent days memorizing guard shifts, and in just a few minutes they'd be switching off. Giving you a twelve minute window to head down into the mines, then out into the world.

It's time, guards are changing shifts...

Tonight, you're leaving this place behind.


You had managed to get to the mines unimpeded, but that did nothing to sooth your nerves. The path leading to the outside world was discovered by you, and you spent a week mapping it out.

The path lead out to a wooded forest, if you followed the map for a few days you'd find yourself on the main road.


It's official, you're on the main road.

Which is both a good thing and bad, since brigands would be a threat until you get near a major town or something else. Consulting your map, you noticed that if you kept walking North you'd find yourself in a nearby town. If you started walking South, there was a riverside village that had a river running into a nearby kingdom.

Which way do you go?

[] North, You're Closer (Time: 1 day)
[] South, Kingdom's A Good Idea (2 Days)

[] Write In...
[X] South, Kingdom's A Good Idea (2 Days)

The River's a good place to fish and keep ourselves fed or to sell some extra for coin.
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Down South To The River
Down South sounds good, besides you aren't that exposed to brigands. They'd leave you alone if you leave them alone, and you'll be on your way to a great place.

Besides, you're a charismatic kobold with the world as his oyster!

Walking down the road, you swore there was something following you. But you brushed it off as just your imagination, you've been on short trips outside, and that was your incentive to get the Oblivion out of there.

-Day 1-

The day was uneventful, save for the sun baring down on your back. You managed to score a rabbit, and you added it to your package of food and supplies. You noticed something was following you, but you couldn't pinpoint who or what it was.

But you did notice that it left a trail of icy blue substance, it felt cold to the touch.

You found a small area to sleep, and you pitched up a makeshift tent using tree branches and leaves. You cooked some rabbit and savored the fresh meat, thanking the divines that you had some actual meat instead of that hard to chew jerky.

After that, you put your fire out and called it a day.

-Day 2-

Waking up, you spent the day walking towards the riverside village that would take you to the kingdom, you didn't even know its name. but you knew its location, it'd save you some time taking the long way.

You found more of that icy blue substance, it wasn't exactly hard to find but it was easy to slip in it during the morning hours. You figured it was just a wild slime, since a sentient one would leave you alone.

You made it to the entrance of the village, noting the guards were wearing better armor than the warriors of your village. Their armor was a mixture of chainmail and leather, making it better quality than your simple leather.

"Halt there outsider, name and reason for visiting Riverwood?" The first guard asked, his voice deep and commanding.

"I am Red Rock, I'm visiting Riverwood for its route to the nearest kingdom. May I enter now?" You asked, your tone bored and dull from travelling for two days.

"Sure," The first guard turned to the gates. "Oi! Open the gates, we got company!" They apologized for the inconvenience and allowed you to enter the village, there was a few places of note to visit.

A massive town hall that you could probably ask for assistance, a tavern called the 'Sleeping Giant', a Blacksmith's Shop called the 'Dragon's Hearth', and a Mercenary Shop called 'The Warrior's Shield.'

Resources: 120 Gold Coins
4 Rubies (Each Worth 80 Coins)
25 Pieces Of Jerky
Half A Rabbit
Two Loaves Of Black Bread
Hunting Spear
Thick Coat
A Map
Four Healing Potions

[] Visit...
-[] Town Hall
-[] Sleeping Giant Tavern
-[] Dragon's Hearth
-[] The Warrior's Shield
-[] Screw It, Go To The Docks (4 Days-45 Gold Coins)

[] Write In...
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[X] Visit...
-[X] Sleeping Giant Tavern

A proper meal and a good bed before we set off can only do wonders for our morale.
The Sleeping Giant
You need a good meal and some damn rest, you've been on the road for two days and haven't had a good rest or meal in a few days. You're stopping by that tavern, and you're going to have something simple.

Walking to the front doors, you notice their much larger than the ones at your home village, and you have a bit of trouble pushing them open all the way.

"Oh welcome! Come on in and take a seat, I'll be with you shortly." A sweet voice called out, and you picked a seat up at the front area, noticing an Ogress working the counter. "Hello there! I take it room and a meal?"

"Read my mind, how much for a room?" You ask, your voice tired and wishing today was over.

"Twenty Coins per night, and meals are ten." She replied, and you handed her a small handful of coins and waited for your meal to be cooked. It was a few minutes before the patron next to you began looking at you funny, she was an Arachne with silver gray hair and violet eyes that seemed to pierce your soul. She wore a leather vest with a black shirt underneath that reached to her elbows, and she had a crossbow strapped to her back.

"Hey...I don't..." She giggled in a drunken slur before continuing her sentence. "I don't mean to be rude...But can I please...Can I please pet your ears?" She finally finished, a smile on her face.

"I don't really mind, but please don't." You reply politely as possible.

"M'kay..." She says dejectedly before continuing the conversation further. "What brings you here? Not everyone...Wants to be in a town with a drunken sellsword..."

"My problems are my own, but before we continue, can you tell me your name?" You ask, hoping to learn more about her while you wait for your meal.

"Millicent Lyall at your serv- *hic* Lyall at your service." She introduced herself, and she stuck out a hand for you to shake, in which you did so out of common courtesy.

"Red Rock, it's a pleasure to meet you." You say, wondering what's taking your meal so long.

[] Continue Talking To Her
-[] About...
[] Wait For Your Meal Then Go To Sleep

[] Write In...
[X] Continue Talking To Her
-[X] About...
--[X] What brings her here to this town?

Drunk spidah wants to pet us.
