Chapter Fifty-Nine (Dune)
Medaka had been howling the name of Zenkichi for hours. Admittedly, her Perses-mode of sorts was tough, but not that tough as to present a problem. My limbs regrew faster than she could rip them out, and in the end she fell down on her knees with tears freely wetting the red sands of Dune. Near us, even the Worms gave us a wide berth due to her presence. The Slivers within my body twirled and twitched, their distaste and disgust absolute.
I belatedly wondered why, only to realize that they despised her for no other reason than because if she were to ever become a part of the Hive, she would be subservient to everyone else, but not to the Hive's main purposes. Thus, she was the worst possible thing to eat. The Hive refused her with the strength of its entirety, and to such a union of desires, I couldn't help but acquiesce. Her strength was great, but past it...she had no worth.
"What do I do now?" Medaka whispered, "What do I do now?"
I stared at her, and then I clenched my fists. "Kurokami Medaka," I spoke, "You who are of service to others without a fault," I smiled at her, "Perhaps if the laws made by the authority had been properly respected, rather than those of an academy for freaks, then death battles wouldn't have been a feature of the school, and so in turn your Zenkichi wouldn't have died." I extended a hand towards her, "And now you have ascended, Kurokami Medaka. Beyond the realms of mankind and into the realms of Planeswalkers. I, the Tyrant, am the ruler of our race. To the likes of me, bringing back the dead is a small feat."
She slowly raised a hand to grip onto mine, and as I pulled her up, her tears began to dry up due in no small part to the heat of the planet itself. "So, Miss Kurokami, nothing in this world is free. If you wish for my aid, then I will request yours in turn. Serve me until your dying breath, that's my price. In exchange, I will bring back from the dead your precious Zenkichi. I won't call for you always, think of it as a part-time job as one of my enforcers. Teaching you how to be a Planeswalker will be included too."
"Uh?" Medaka blinked, before letting go of my hand to look at her own open palms. "Is this what you're referring to?" she asked next, red Mana already gathering copiously on her palms. She had formed a natural bond with the plane of Dune, gathering all of the Mana the world had to offer with ease. It was crackling lightning concentrated in her palms, just as much as blinding pure white light of order and judgment.
There was a reason I had her kept under watch after all, and it was her dangerous abnormality. Yet with Planeswalkers, she wasn't abnormal but just different. Every Planeswalker had an ability that was unique to them. Some were capable Pyromancers that could burn brighter than supernovas, others were strong mind-readers, and some had unique quirks or abilities. At the very least, she was no Najimi Ajimu.
Specifically because she wasn't her, she had been allowed to Spark.
Some monsters must be snuffed in the crib, after all. It is the only way to prevent the Planes from suffering ever-lasting damage from creatures beyond scale. If there is a wrongness in this entire mass of Planes, then it is for the possibility of granting even more power to already broken individuals.
"That is Mana, the energy of the world," I said as I quite calmly dissipated the Mana she had in her hands, letting it flow back into the Plane. "It gathers in leylines, which run as veins for the world's existence. Mountains, plains, islands, forests and swamps are naturally rich with Mana, but some specific locations can acquire mana of different colors due to their importance, or the acts done upon them," I gestured around us. "This is the Plane of Dune, where Red mana is rich and life is limited. It is the place where newly born Planeswalkers that might prove problematic are brought. Memorize this place. It is where you may fight to your heart's contents against children who have lost their righteous path."
"I didn't accept being your enforcer yet, aren't you putting the cart before the horses?" Medaka asked, though her eyes told a different story.
"Why not? You can no longer be normal, Medaka, nor try to become it. Your abnormality is now nothing but a speck of dust. Honestly? Even the strongest of abnormals is a fly when compared to the weakest of Planeswalkers. Since you've never been told that you're weak, let me be clear and crystalline," I chuckled lightly, "You're such a pitiful weak existence right now that I could use you to mop this planet's entire surface, have you chew on the dust of countless deserts, and force you to drink your own tears of pain for centuries to come. I have broken the likes of beings you don't even compare to, so do us both a favor and accept my offer while it's still kindly extended."
Medaka blinked precisely once, and then she sighed. "Is that so?" she asked, bringing a hand behind her head. "Definitely, bringing the dead back to life...I didn't know it was possible. All these things you're saying, while I understand them, acknowledging them is different. But if you can bring back Zenkichi from death, then it means I can do that too, right?" she neared a hand to her chest, "I feel it inside of me, this thing that crackles like lightning...I can feel it call to me, this Spark, isn't that right?" she looked around. "Instinctively, I know I can do the same. If we are the same race, then I should be able to do it too, right?"
I shrugged. "Theoretically speaking, you just need the right type of Mana and you'll probably manage to half-bake something that works. Though if you make a mistake, he'll probably come back to life only to rot to pieces once more." I stretched a bit, "You're free to make your choice, though unfortunately you are one such existence that I absolutely can't allow to stay unchecked. So, the laws of Planeswalkers are as follow. One, you must never kill another Planeswalker. Two, you must never ally with Phyrexia. Three, you must never ally with the Eldrazi." I brought up my index, middle and ring finger one after the other. "Will you obey these laws at the very least?"
Medaka raised both eyebrows, "Phyrexia? Eldrazi?" she inclined her head to the side. "I don't know them." She belatedly blinked again, a strange smile setting on her face. "I don't know them!" she looked kind of happy, giggling like a loon. "Zenkichi, once I bring you back to life, we must definitely learn more about them and everything else we don't know! There's a lot in this universe that we humans don't know yet, but I'm sure we'll discover a lot of interesting things!"
I pinched the bridge of my nose and took a deep breath. "Phyrexia is a realm where organic beings are born in vats and then compleated, their flesh replaced with machines. Phyrexians are not to be met, or learned of. They are to be annihilated. The Eldrazi are ancient world-eating monsters that have no other purpose but eating their fill. The knowledge on them is forbidden. Learn of the Elves if you really want, of dwarves, of magic, of the Planes of Ravnica and Kamigawa. There are libraries in the multiverse filled with countless tomes of knowledge long thought lost. Go there, explore there, and never bother yourself with Phyrexia or the Eldrazi."
I swallowed as the sands below our feet began to move, a tiny wind carrying the grains up in the air.
"Swear this to me on everything you hold dear, Medaka Kurokami, and I will let you go back to Zenkichi, I will even bring him back to life for you and let you free to do as you please because I will trust your judgment. However...if you do not swear this, I will have to kill you. And if I do that, then you will cease to exist. Snuffing out a Spark...every other interaction of you throughout the countless universes...they will cease to exist. Zenkichi will never have met you, no matter in what dimension, or parallel reality, or existence...he will never have met you. Can you withstand that, I wonder?"
Medaka thought about it. She thought about it long and hard, which for her it actually meant a few minutes, and then she gave her answer.
"All right," she said in a soft murmur. "I promise it on everyone and everything," she gave a solemn nod. "I promise it on my friends and on Zenkichi too. I promise it on my world and my existence. I promise, so..." she looked around awkwardly, "How do I go about leaving this place?"
I smiled, and then I laughed gingerly.
I raised a hand and the shimmering existences of Slivers that were hidden all around us revealed themselves, pulsing brains filled with Psionic energies and blue Mana abruptly cutting themselves off as the barrier that separated this world from the rest came less just that tiny bit necessary for me to open a portal back to Medaka's world.
"Let's go now," I said.
"Hey," Medaka said before stepping through the portal. "When you said parallel realities, you meant things like a reality where someone says 'Yes' instead of 'No' to a question too, right?"
"Yes," I replied with a shrug. "There are countless realities like that. Just like there are realities where men are females and viceversa, or where pigeons are high school students."
"I see..." Medaka whispered, "So there are many new things I have to learn."
She grinned as she stepped through, disappearing from sight.
I took a small breath, and then quite calmly summoned my Pennon blade.
"There won't be a second time," I whispered as my frame altered, scales and bones thickening as the signal for aid was sent. The Hive Fleets abruptly altered their course through the Planes, half a dozen million Slivers converging upon the one Plane that had to be sealed by the strongest Psions among the Hive.
Time changes everything, and foolish are those who do not understand it, for if they will not submit, then they must be destroyed.
There never was a third option, Kurokami Medaka.
I made that mistake more than once, and planes burned to cinders because of my decision to trust individuals who in the end betrayed my expectations. Five hundred years were all it took to change a good man into a demon worshiper, and two hundred changed a stalwart defender of lives into a blood-drinking abomination. I have seen innocents grow up to become cruel executioners, and heroes of countless Planes turn into stunningly cruel people.
Power corrupts, and so the only remedy against it is acknowledgment.
Power corrupts, and we accept that. We, the Hive, accept that Power will always corrupt people. We accept that people will do as they please, and it is only a matter of time before they do so. We determine thus that following the Laws is the one way to ensure a modicum of respect is kept. We cannot save all Planes, but if a Planeswalker exists upon a Plane, then he can't be killed, and so the Plane below him is hopefully spared.
We rule through might and fear, because arrogant egoistic people do not understand anything but the blood coughed from their mouths. Laws are kept and punishment is extreme, because anything else is just a minor inconvenience.
And secretly, we wipe off the existence of monsters that have no reason to be born, or that could pose a threat to the Hive.
We are the Ruler, we are the Hive, we are the Tyrant.
Thus, Kurokami Medaka, I must unfortunately beat you into submission like I did with Genryusei.
Don't worry, once it's over, I will return everything you've lost.
But the lesson must be taught.
If you will not kneel, then your kneecaps will be shattered to force you to kneel.