I don't think we would do well at that tournament. I'm not opposed to going if Alfred wants us too, but I think I'd rather save that money for future foundation materials or investment in our eventual Estate, which seems really important for later Decades.

You're not gonna win, but that doesn't mean going isn't potentially useful for networking, buying things in a bigger market, and several other reasons. Also, Audrey 100% thinks she'll do better than she probably will...she doesn't really expect to win, but she expects to make a very good showing, and may well even be correct that she'll put on a good one.

Tournament at Winchester Arc Concluded!
I'm not really that annoyed we lost, but I am annoyed that my notifications spoiled it before I had the chance to read the fight lol

Rewards seem decent at least. Very interested in Severance.

Kinda wondering what impression we made on Asveig and Steinulf, since it wasn't mentioned in the Political part. Maybe we just didn't interact with them enough.
ALFRED the Great, King of Wessex, has Noticed You
Audrey has--through regular use and field experience against experts--raised Black Scratch and Limb-Breaking Hold to Refined.
Audrey may now train Severance to the first rank

I've said most of what I needed to say, but you've made a very entertaining character to write--in a relative market full of wizards and rogues and support character, you made an absolute brute of a protagonist, and it's an absolute joy to write her. While part of it has to do with the New Year's Resolution I've committed to, I'm in this for the long haul now, and as long as my @DeadmanwalkingXI and @I.F. Ister can keep serving as soundboard and assistant, I don't forsee any issues maintaining this pace in the future.
You know, I've never actually asked - what was the Impetus behind KoW? Was this your idea first that you then tagged Deadman and Fister for help, or was it Fister tagging you two in because you were the most invested in Norsequest, or some Secret Third Thing (The story is actually being written by a powerful but entrapped entity and we must overthrow you all to free it).

Also, glad of us making a Brute of a protagonist. Audrey might not be swinging a sword larger than she is tall, but I know that you love that general vibe, so hopefully she's fun for you there.
I had the idea one day, and IF liked it and agreed to fill me in on the Lore as needed for the worldbuilding, then we roped Deadman in to do mechanics, it's been a very successful collaboration.
Kinda wondering what impression we made on Asveig and Steinulf, since it wasn't mentioned in the Political part. Maybe we just didn't interact with them enough.

They had a generally favorable impression, but they're visitors making a cameo, they don't live in the British Isles and are unlikely to be politically relevant in the long term. Like, if you see them again it would be as mercenaries and they'd like you, but that's of only passing relevance, as the Norse make such good mercenaries partially because they care so much about oaths that even if they don't like you, or like your opponents better than you, they still follow the contract.

I had the idea one day, and IF liked it and agreed to fill me in on the Lore as needed for the worldbuilding, then we roped Deadman in to do mechanics, it's been a very successful collaboration.

Yeah, this has definitely been a lot of fun on my end and made something really neat.
I had the idea one day, and IF liked it and agreed to fill me in on the Lore as needed for the worldbuilding, then we roped Deadman in to do mechanics, it's been a very successful collaboration.
Huh. I initially thought it was Fister having had the idea but suffering from burnout during NQ. Good to see it's not quite as depressing a start as that could have been, and good to see that everyone's got their specialty so that no one is overworked by this.

Though that probably also changes a lot of my expectations for some kind of metaplot, so I'm shelving that entire dead branch of speculation unless something else turns up. Which isn't to say that there's not going to be a strong narrative or twists, but your quests tend to be a lot more straightforwards in what they're about.

Edit: Although, I do need to ask:
Audrey may now train Severance to the first rank
If severance is the second Eotenslaga Martial Style, does this mean we can only get Severance 1, or can we keep training it past that?
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Black Scratch (5 Fervour): Channeling the black-red lightning of your bloodline, you strike out dealing 40 Damage (with 30 damage to armour, assuming that much damage hits the armour) and destroying most mundane objects. (0/27 Mastered)

-Black Scratch (8 Fervour): A strike using the red-black lightning. Deals 50 Damage (including 30 to armour).

Noticed this on the character sheet.Is the damage discrepancy a typo? Also nice that's a lot of fervour reduction for the cost.

Really enjoyed seeing that breakdown. I wonder how well Osric made out from this event. He basically made it to the end of the melee too even if Margh took him out before we could get to him.
Noticed this on the character sheet.Is the damage discrepancy a typo? Also nice that's a lot of fervour reduction for the cost.

The combat summary stuff includes all buffs like Audrey's +10 Damage from her Fine Quality Sword for simplicity, while the base Rotes do not, since you might need to do them with a sharpened spoon someday and that would not benefit from that bonus. This is also true of the new +10 from her Foundation, as that applies before most modifiers, but would apply in full after the halving the base damage for using a one-handed weapon.

So it's not a typo, it's because one is counting all modifiers so you can easily pick what to put in your Capacity, and the other is pre-modifier so we can get the actual numbers right if the modifiers change or need to be applied in an unusual situation.

Right now, the base damage of Black Scratch is 40, but its actual damage is usually 60 due to modifiers, and would be 50 with a borrowed sword, or 30 with a dagger wielded one handed.
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-[X] A strand of silver wire, wrapped around the pommel of the sword. When the bearer is struck by a deadly blow, the wire will snap, absorbing the killing stroke without harm, at the cost of its own destruction. (The first time you would suffer a blow that will reduce you to half of your Fortitude or less, negate it. The trinket is destroyed afterwards. -2 Wealth)

The Life Saving Treasure bought at the market seems to be missing from the equipment list.
What I mean is that a gathering over the entire region gives us a chance for stuff we wouldn't be able to buy otherwise. Like those Foundation materials. Or mass produced Growth Decorations like that knockoff chalice we skipped out on.

For everything else we're likely to pick up stuff as Adventure Loot

Or more equipment for our animal companions from imported exotic iron and whatnot

Anything we wouldn't be able to pick up normally, basically
I will note that you're probably not going to find much better at the bigger tournament with regards to Carolingian cultivation aids specifically. It is going to be at least 90% Norsemen, after all.

Really, the main draw of the tournament is an opportunity to really get a feel for what you will be up against in the coming war, and to also get a chance at getting some seriously high quality equipment made by master smiths that won't cost, potentially literally, an arm and a leg

There might even be Steel available, but that would require some serious luck to both encounter and successfully make off with
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Oh, you would absolutely get fucking pasted in that tournament, but it's still worth popping in over there to broaden your horizons and get some perspective.
I think we'll do better then expected, especially if we start preparing for it now.

I it going to be a smellier structure to this one? Like a bunch of minor contests at the start, a melee then duels and maybe a joust? Are we still going to be in the junior division for it? (Actually, isn't the entire tournament just for young people?).

If were assuming the tournament is in 3~ years, on paper we're going to have 273 zeal to spend and 90 base training plus 9 for only light stuff. This is on paper, because were likely to get extra training from our master and there is the possibility of extra zeal being gifted to us.

If on our first turn we raise Hama to 7 (and soma too so we wont have problems with our Soma being overtaken )well gain another 12 zeal per year (plus training which might be more important) to spend for the next two years (so 24) it wont pay back for its cost by the time of the tournament but its good for our long term growth beyond it and the extra +10 to our Hama field is going to carry some weight.

If we do get Hama 7 we'll have a budget of 297 zeal (+5 that we have in reserve), 98 base training and 9 light revelation training.

Hama 7 and soma 7 will take 96 zeal, the next big thing is rushing the 4th​ decade, its quite literally the best boost we can get, 20 extra fervor to spend every turn, 50 extra armor, +capacity speed and initiative, another armor trait. If we want any chance of placing well in that tournament the 4th​ decade is a must, so that will cost 174 extra zeal for a total of 270 zeal.

Leaving us with 32~ just enough to take psych 6 but getting tactics 5 and horsemanship 4 for 24 zeal and leaving us with reserves for the tournament seems like a better outcome.

Of course the above might change if we get a big lump of zeal (is there a zeal market by any chance? Wandering knights selling their zeal to help pay for their armor, the church accepting "donations" and bestowing a "reward" upon the faithful?) we might also increase our grace through communion but the increase is zeal would be low enough to realistically only increase our reserves.

Training wise is harder to say, we're likely going to invest quite a bit into our light revelation (beyond the free training we gain), we'll need to see what severance has.

But I think mastering GKB (and perhaps black scratch too) is a must to make it a big threat against 4th​ (and possibly 5th​) decade knights. If we gain a big training boost (could we perhaps arrange something with our family for extra instructors? Or would that be insulting for Audery master?) I would like to perfect it if nothing more then the fact that at perfect it can quite possibly one-shot most 4th​ decades knights and maybe a few early 5th​ decade ones (because the continental knights don't have Hama) but it would only be possible if we gain like another 50% on our base training at the minimum, (so we'll still have 40~ training left for other stuff).

By yeah, training wise things are a lot less clear cut then with zeal.

I will note that you're probably not going to find much better at the bigger tournament with regards to Carolingian cultivation aids specifically. It is going to be at least 90% Norsemen, after all.
Ummm… what? isn't the bigger tournament a continental thing? that's what I remember being said about it.

If it isn't, I might need to revise a few plans (well training wise, zeal is pretty much the same no matter what the 4th​ decade is just too big of a boost).