Knight of the Night (Worm/Kirby)

Hello, Haltmann Works Company. This was foreshadowed once or twice earlier, I'm looking forward to seeing how Sophia's presence affects things.
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Noice. It looks like this really is the end, huh?

I'm glad you made it! It wasn't the most high-octane of stories, and the character-driven nature meant that it didn't get as much readership or attention as action-focused or powerwanky fics, but it was damn good.

Felt satisfying in a slow-burn sort of way, and even if it never really hit an emotional high point, I still felt both engaged and entertained. Looking forward to whatever comes next, even if it comes after a lengthy hiatus.
The End(?)
"Hey, I think she's waking up!" I flinched away from the sudden loud noise, but it at least brought me back to full awareness. Every part of my body burned with an intense soreness, aches and pains that I hadn't felt for my entire life suddenly surging up to hold me down. I struggled to breathe for a moment before I found my rhythm, panting a little to get oxygen inside me. My eyes resisted the idea of opening even as I struggled to sit up.

"I wasn't sure she was going to make it. Those were some nasty wounds she had." Another voice, thankfully a lot cooler and less energetic than the first. Slowly, deliberately, I brought my hands up to my eyes and rubbed the sleep out of them. The burning went down to more of a dull throbbing annoyance too. Still there, but not as bad.

"You two be quiet. She'll want answers, and-" The third voice trailed off, muttering something that I couldn't hear. Finally, my eyes opened, and I saw… Well, I wasn't sure. It was a very purple room, with purple wallpaper, a purple ceiling, purple carpet, and a very purple four-poster bed with way too many pillows that I happened to be sitting on. The only things that weren't purple were the white stone hallway beyond the open door and the three people floating at my bedside.

They were wearing matching uniforms, which were mostly black with some white, and then an accent color that matched their hair, of all things. The first voice had red, messy hair and was kind of tan, the second had blue hair and pale skin, and the final voice had yellow hair and skin. They had hands protected by gloves covering the back and wrist, and no arms or legs. This felt new, but not surprising, because I was probably still in the Other World. And that was because…

Right. That treacherous, conniving little bitch. She'd shoved me into the path of that monstrous thing called the Crystal and it had hurt worse than anything I'd ever felt, all fifteen plus years of life. I'd been mauled, battered, sliced, stabbed, and burned, and none of it compared. And to think I'd bought her pathetic little begging hook, line, and sinker. Like a fucking moron, I'd given up my power, and why? Because I wasn't sure I was 'supposed' to have it, because it was oh-so dangerous. Well, the dangerous thing turned out to be exposing me to magic that nearly fucking killed me!

I opened my mouth to speak, but only got a hoarse cough out. The blue one helpfully gave me a glass of water that I could swear she didn't have a moment ago, and I downed about half of it in one go. It was ice cold, but I didn't really care. Then I cleared my throat. "You're right. I do want answers," I said to the yellow one. Maybe I could fight my way out of here, wherever here was, but it was much safer to play along for the time being, and I hadn't survived up til now just to throw my life away.

She nodded. "I am sure you are very confused about the situation. In truth, we are too. We detected your portal opening near our base a few hours ago, and recovered your floating body. You had been violently torn from a shadow of the matter most dark, and that had done ruinous damage to your body. Before you breathed your last, our beloved liege Lord Hyness saved your life by tapping into the remnants of darkness and awakening in you a great talent for dark magic while restoring you to health."

I narrowed my eyes. "That sounds very, I don't know— Convenient."

She shook her head. "I don't think so. Tell me, when the portal opened, where did you wish to go?"

I winced as another section of memories jammed themselves into the front of my brain. Was this what a hangover felt like? "I didn't think of anywhere specific. I remember… I touched the portal as it was forming. I wanted to get away from the Crystal. That's what did the violent tearing, by the way. I guess I had the portal send me as far away from it as it could."

Yellow, the apparent leader of the three, nodded and continued. "That is as I expected. That portal sent you to the very edge of the galaxy. We, or at least our Lord Hyness, were banished here long ago with the deep space installation Jambandra. Your arrival here is neither convenience nor coincidence, but it might be fate."

I was really not in the mood for cryptic bullshit. "And what the hell does that mean?"

"It means," a fourth voice said from the doorway, "you are the answer to our prayers, of course! Not sent by the Dark Lord, not foreseen in the book of legend, but an answer all the same!" A figure encased in a long-sleeved white robe edged in gold floated in. Probably the same species as the other three, but I couldn't tell under all that cloth, especially the hood and veil that completely covered his head, exposing only a patch of darkness from which two beady yellow eyes stared out at me.

"...were you listening in from outside the room just to make a timed dramatic entrance?" I asked, suspicious, but also genuinely curious. He didn't actually answer, instead moving on like I hadn't said anything.

"We have obtained the vessel that contains our Dark Lord, and we need only break the seals that bind him! With your new powers of darkness, this can be easily done, months turned into weeks, and then he will shower us with compassion~!" he practically ranted. This guy, presumably Hyness based on how the three women were bowing to him, was obviously unhinged. Also, apparently the leader of a cult.

Well, I knew the score. He'd probably succeed in unleashing the God of Murder, Killfucker, and it'd threaten to destroy the thirteen dimensions or whatever, then Kirby would inevitably kick its ass and that would be that. How many times had this whole series of events happened? Enough that I wasn't worried about the outcome.

What I was concerned with was how I could turn it to my advantage. One idea was beginning to form in my mind. Revenge. I had the power to turn around and make Exoa Knight bleed, or at least I did if I had the backing of the insane cult. The only issue was how to actually get at her while I was trapped in this universe.

Or maybe I didn't have to get revenge just by fighting her. How did that phrase go again? The best revenge is living well, right? Normally I didn't go in for that kind of thing, but maybe I could make an exception. My other self was used to getting beaten up. Not so much used to being dragged into something she couldn't fix and then forced to watch as someone else managed to solve it in style.

I spoke again, as casually as I could manage. "So. Why should I help you free this guy?"

"Because!" Hyness boomed. "I see the shattered connection within you. You are not of this world! I know not how you came here, but there is only one way to return. Break the spears of heart that hide away our home from yours, the same spears that hide away our Dark Lord from our prayers. Only I can teach you how to break those spears, and only the power and knowledge of our Lord can take you to the resting place of that greater seal!"

I blinked as I processed the words, which were being spoken at a mile a minute. Okay, so obviously he didn't know that other me could take me back if I held her at swordpoint, but the fact that he thought there was another way back at all, that was something else.

I wouldn't open the way between this world and Earth Bet. There were too many risks that some horrible monster or other would get loose and blow up the planet or whatever, because Earth wasn't as tough as Planet Popstar. But maybe I'd stick around with these people for a bit more than I strictly needed. There might be a few more things like that I could learn.

"Alright, you got me," I said, pretending that I was completely won over. "I'll help you. But I want something in return. Someone wronged me. I want you to help me get back at her." I didn't want to just kill her, because then I couldn't demonstrate how much of a worthless moron she was and how much better I was than her, but maybe it'd be nice if she got humiliated a bit in the process. Plus, if I put an extra condition on my help, it'd probably be more believable when I played along with their plans. For a time, that is.

In response to my demand, Hyness chuckled, and kept chuckling to himself as he turned around and walked out of the room. After a moment of awkward silence, the leader of the trio stopped bowing and coughed, just as awkwardly.

"That means he accepts your offer," she clarified.

The red one cheered and dashed forward, using one of her hands to draw me into a half-hug. "Welcome to the sisterhood! Now, who messed with you? I'll burn her up!" She paused for a moment before letting go and tilting her head to one side. "Oh, we never introduced ourselves to you, did we? Well, I'm Flamberge, the Blazing General! I guess now you're the Shadow General, huh?"

"I am Zan Partizanne, eldest of the three generals of magic," the leader said. "Although I suppose you bring our number to four. And if you are as crucial to Lord Hyness' plans as he claims, then it will be my duty and honour as the Bringer of Shock to run through your enemy with my spear, Bringer of Night."

Right, so it wasn't just a cult, it was a militant death cult. I realized that even if these guys were doomed to eat pink fist in the long run, that didn't mean they couldn't be a serious problem in the short run, especially for any humans they met. I might have to adapt, keep them from running too wild. As long as I was useful to them, they would listen to me at least a little.

"Both of those sound great, but I need her alive. Trust me, I have plans for her." I said. Specifically, I wanted a ticket back home that wasn't reliant on something that I was fairly sure was going to get killed in battle at some point.

The third general giggled daintily, putting a hand to where her mouth would be if she had one. "We can help with that too! I, Francisca, can turn your tormentor into an ice sculpture! That way you can keep her alive and in your trophy collection, Ms., ah?"

"Sophia Hess. And that'd still kill her." At least they all seemed enthusiastic to help me. That was kind of nice, in an incredibly fucked up way. I had actually missed having people who were willing to back me to the hilt. It wasn't something I'd had since I was reborn.

The apparent ice magician turned her head up slightly at that. "Then she is very fragile." I rolled my eyes in response, but I didn't think these people were actively murderous. Not really. I could talk them down from doing any serious damage to my other self. And if she got scratched up by them? Well, maybe she deserved something like that after what she pulled.

But I still didn't quite want to outright fuck her up badly enough she'd need to go to Panacea. Oh, I was fucking pissed off as all hell, but I could have my revenge much more neatly by upstaging her. While she was deluding herself and trying to save her fucked up city, I could do much, much more. Show her her place, how insignificant she was in the grand scheme of things, and look good while doing it.

I finally hopped out of the bed, standing up and stretching. My plan was still half-formed, but it was getting there. Establish myself as the definitive Hess by beating Exoa Knight at her own game, which also meant inevitably backstabbing my new 'allies' to save this universe, and then I could go from there. The best part was, with Kirby as my backstop there wasn't any real risk of it spiraling out of control. I'd been pushed down, but that just meant when I bounced back up I could exploit the momentum to break my other self's nose. Probably not literally, but what happened, happened.

I grinned at the trio. "Alright. Let's not waste any more time. We have a Dark Lord to unseal, right?"
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Dark Sophia doesn't have an organic body, she is purely made of "Dark materia" like Goey. So as long as she found the right emotions to feed on and she was not completely destroyed, she would have healed on her own.

I am surprised on how... restrained she is.
A good wrap up, which also leaves the door nicely open for a possible future sequel. I really like the slight nuances that distinguish her from original Sophia.
Just finished reading everything and at a good time it seems.

Great fic, especially since it stands out amoung the worm fics by being one that doesnt focus on Taylor and is fun to read.
Knights of the Stars Link
Hey all, I've started to post the sequel to this fic, Knight of the Stars, over here. It's fully prewritten, although I do have some final editing to do, so expect a chapter every other day or so until roughly early January, with 18 chapters in total. It's around a quarter the length of this fic, and should tie up all of the notable remaining loose ends.