Interlude: Reunions
Interlude: Reunions

Ritsuka marched out of the portal, head held high. She might be down a ship, but she was still the Master of Chaldea. She still had a Saber, a Ruler, and a Shielder.

What she did not have was an honest clue of what she was getting into. It was painfully obvious that Mattias meant well, and believed what he said about his home.

Which was the only reason she didn't fly into a shrieking panic when she realized she'd stepped into Ozymandias' Ramesseum Tentyris, his Grand Temple Complex with a metric fuckton of divine mysteries from the Age of Gods. Including the fuck-off light bulb. Her name, not his.

As she surveyed the room she'd entered, she became acutely aware of the amount of forbearance Ozymandias had to have for Mattias and the Guild to let them set up Research and Development inside his Noble Phantasm, not to mention their bureaucracy.

"Senpai?" Mash said faintly.


"How is Ozymandias able to keep this up consistently? There's no Holy Grail."

Sherlock gave both of them a disappointed look. "The First Magician can create energy ad infinitum. If he hasn't created a battery to support Servants en masse, I would be surprised."

"So like what Merlin sort-of did?" Fergus asked, taking stock of their surroundings.

"Merlin took over supporting us directly with power from Avalon. The instant we arrived here, we were disconnected." Sherlock gazed at the rest of the group. "I feel no difference. We are in an area sufficiently mystic that we are self-sustaining."

Ritsuka let out a soft squeaking sound. "The fuck?"

"Welcome!" A woman in a shimmering green dress approached them with a bright smile. "My name is Theresa Richter. You can call me Tess, or Dragon. Mattias told me you were on the way, and rooms at the Island Manor have been prepared."

"The where now?" Ritsuka asked, trying to regain some control of the situation.

"Taylor created a… I believe the description was 'somewhere between a Reality Marble and Marble Phantasm, but permanent'. Essentially, we have very limited control over reality within the bounds of the island. That control is superceded by Taylor." Tess shrugged. "Mostly we use it to produce desired creature comforts within its boundaries, and keep a safe haven to relax in."

"Ah." Ritsuka inhaled, then exhaled. "So. Where are Leona and Roman?"

"Da Vinci is in her workshop; we weren't able to alert her due to the timing of one of her projects," Tess said. "Roman is aware and available in their shared office at Castle Einzbern."

"You want me to go to Germany?" Ritsuka asked with a grimace.

"Ah, no, Rin and Mattias teleported Castle Einzbern here for Illyasviel to look after the rest of the Einzbern family. It's the initial campus for the Earth-Bet Clocktower Academy," Tess replied.

Ritsuka's mouth opened and shut. She blinked rapidly. "I'm not sure what I was expecting."

"No wonder senpai liked him," Ritsuka faintly heard Mash whisper. "They have a lot in common."

"Part of me wonders if Ritsuka ever got up to anything this large," Sherlock muttered.

"In all fairness, he summoned the Servants and pointed them and their Masters in vague directions. He just kicks pebbles that start avalanches," Tess said wryly. "Though I've yet to be actively disappointed in the results."

Ritsuka rubbed her face. "Right. Take Mash and I to see Roman, and we'll see Leona when she's available. Fergus, go to this Manor. Don't hit on anyone until you're sure they're single."

"What if their partner's willing to share? Or better yet, join in?" the man boomed with a wide smile.

"I will not be held responsible for these hypothetical people's life choices," Ritsuka said with a shrug.

"...perhaps I should follow along so there isn't an impromptu orgy," Sherlock commented with a displeased look.

Tess stared at the newcomers. "Yeah, no, you'll all fit in fine. I really don't know why I was worried."

Ritsuka exchanged a look with Mash.

That… sounded ominous.

To Fergus' mild disappointment, he and Sherlock were dragged along to Castle Einzbern.

To Ritsuka's mild irritation, Roman had been called away to help Vice-Director Waver Velvet handle a literal fire in the classroom.

So to save time, they found themselves in the office of the school's Alchemy expert. Illyasviel von Einzbern, the Third Magician.

"Okay. This is a spirit core. I plug this in, and you're autonomous. It makes enough energy to keep you running at top performance, including Noble Phantasms. Mattias left plenty behind, and I'm one of the three people who can install them safely in a Servant." The pre-teen homunculus crossed her arms with an imperious look. "Any questions?" She hefted the white, fist-sized sphere in her hand.

"Nope," Fergus said, stepping forward.

Sherlock held a hand up and opened his mouth just as the orb began to glow and Illyasviel slipped it into Fergus' chest. Well, around his abs. She was too short to reach his chest.

"Done. Next?" She looked over Mash. "Your connection to your powers is weird, so I'd want to give you several checkups first. Myself, Morphosis, and Grail at the least, Khepri if we're being thorough."

"Um?" Mash blinked rapidly. "Who are these people?"

Illyasviel slapped her forehead. "Right, cape names. Morphosis is Amy Laverre. Her power is tactile Biokinesis. Basically, she touches you and she can do whatever to your body, from healing to degeneration to enhancements. This applies to all living matter. Grail is Mattias; him you've met. Khepri is Taylor Hebert."

"Oh yeah, the Fourth Magician," Ritsuka said. "What's her power?"

"Insect control. Total manipulation, sensory reading, multitasking, and a range of several city blocks." Illyasviel ticked off each aspect on a different finger.

"Hhhuh." Ritsuka grimaced. "Okay then."

"And her Magic took insects and made it 'everything in a sixteen-foot radius'. Which she can project from her insects, and insect-shaped construct familiars. And overlap and piggyback." Illyasviel gave Ritsuka a long look. "She's only limited by stamina, and she has a direct line to an infinite well of magical energy. She and Mattias are our scariest members for a reason."

Ritsuka nodded. "I see."

She wasn't screaming inside, no sir.

Why couldn't I have had one of her during the Orders!?


Ritsuka jolted as Sherlock scowled darkly, rubbing his chest.

Illyasviel looked supremely unconcerned. "There. Tune-up done."

"Illya, have you seen- oh!"

Da Vinci stared into the room, her hands over her mouth.

"I'm not responsible for this. Blame Grail. See you!" Illyasviel bolted out the door, dodging around Da Vinci.

Fergus cleared his throat. "I'll just…"

Sherlock nodded. "Quite."

The two Servants vanished into thin air.

Ritsuka stepped forward, reaching out her hand. She was dimly aware of Mash doing the same.

Slowly, Da Vinci lowered her hands, and threw her arms around the two women as soon as they stepped close.

"You're really here," Ritsuka choked out.

"Leona…!" Mash sniffled.

"You two… I'm so glad…!"

"Hey- oh. Well, you found out."

Ritsuka and Mash looked over Da Vinci's shoulders.

Roman smiled warmly back. "Hey you two. Sorry, Flat had a mishap with one of Grail's throwaway artifacts. Apparently he decided to make a disposable necklace of fireball beads on a whim."

"You knew?" Da Vinci's voice was dangerously calm.

"To be fair, I found out while you were in your lab. And you were in your lab when Tess found out that Mattias sent them here after getting access to the Shadow Border," Roman said quickly.

Da Vinci relaxed. "Okay. You get to live."

Ritsuka giggled. "Not going to 'straight-up murder' him?" she teased. She let out a squawk as Da Vinci picked up her and Mash, and spun them around.


"Yes, yes," the doctor said in amusement. He wrapped his arms around the group.

Mash sobbed quietly, shaking.

"Hey, it's okay. We're okay," Roman said soothingly.


"Hm?" Roman frowned a little.

"She said she's happy," Ritsuka answered with a little laugh. "I can't… this is real?"

"Real as it gets. Let's go find somewhere to sit and catch up, okay?" Da Vinci said softly.

"Yeah." Ritsuka smiled. "Sounds good."

"Holy shit." Ritsuka stared at Leona as she sipped her tea. "You guys did all that?"

The two Servants had taken Ritsuka and Mash back to the Island Manor, or as it was originally named, 'the House'.

(Privately, Ritsuka didn't think the name was much of an improvement.)

"I came in near the end, really," Roman said with a sheepish smile. "I'll need to introduce you to Rain at some point. He's a good kid, despite being born into an apocalypse cult."

"A what?" Ritsuka blinked.

"The Fallen venerated the Endbringers. They were also more or less bigots, depending on the branch. Plenty of virulent homophobia at the least," Da Vinci explained. "Which is amusing seeing as how one of Rain's best friends is openly gay."
"I'm a little sad we missed it all." Mash folded her hands in her lap. "I'm sure we would have been of some help."

"Possibly, but you both deserved the break. You'd saved the world several times over." Da Vinci smiled. "It was fine to let Grail, Khepri, and the rest handle this run."

Ritsuka gazed into her drink. "That's true. Maybe we can help this time, though."

"Well, you might deploy sometimes. Earth Bet is surprisingly quiet after last month," Roman commented.

"How so?" asked Mash.

"Well, we had a fairly large push into Africa over the past few months. We managed to depose a few warlords and get the communities set up with our tech." Leona set her cup down. "So far, they've been self-sustaining and growing. We've kept in touch with them, and to the best of our knowledge they've gotten governments not based on parahuman brute force in place. Some of the former warlords were talked down and moved to roles as protectors. Those were the less murderous ones, naturally."

"Oh." Ritsuka rubbed her chin. "So… crime? Conflicts between countries?"

"Crime is as it's ever been. Brockton Bay is something of an experiment in that it has first access to the tech and innovations we produce. Other cities don't have that access yet due to those in power answering to various companies and interests." Da Vinci's smile took on an edge. "We make the offer regardless."

"And then the people in power get voted out for people who say they'll accept the tech, and life goes on." Roman shrugged. "It's a slow process, and we're spreading out slowly. The Protectorate and Guild are the main refuges for parahumans nowadays. The major crime syndicates are snuffed out. The Clock Tower provides a refuge for people to explore and learn magecraft. Things are pretty good."

"Yeah. Yeah, they are." Ritsuka smiled. "It sounds like you guys have really fulfilling work."

Mash perked up, looking around.

"What's up, kouhai mine?" Ritsuka asked, laying an arm around her shoulders.

"I could have sworn I heard…" Mash murmured.

Da Vinci picked her cup up and took a sip. "And three."

"Two." Roman hid a smile behind a fist as his eyes squinted shut.

"What?" Ritsuka scowled crossly.


A pair of powerful arms wrapped around her neck from behind, and Ritsuka found the back of her head squashed into someone's bosom.

"Joan!" Mash exclaimed in shock and happiness.

Ritsuka stared up at the Avenger, a smile appearing on her face. "Hey Joanie."

The woman growled. "Don't you fucking 'Joanie' me, you jerk! Why weren't you at the gate!?"

"In all fairness, Mattias didn't warn anyone we were coming back," a new voice said in quiet amusement.

Ritsuka turned her head, and saw a woman in an outfit with too many belts. She had blue hair and eyes, and looked exhausted, but happy.

"Aqua!" Tess called, walking into the parlor. She paused. "Oh, you found her. Good." She smiled. "You sure seem happy to see her."


"Well, with the hug-"


"Harder, Mommy," Ritsuka simpered. "Ow!"

Joan immediately recoiled, letting Ritsuka's head fall on the couch's back.

"And all was well," Leona mused before finishing her tea. She smiled at Aqua. "So. You're Joan's… hm. What should we call you?"

"Combat partner?" Aqua offered.

"That'll work," Joan said brusquely. She leaned on the back of the couch. "Well. At least you didn't fuckin' die when I was away."

Mash giggled. "We missed you too, Joan."

Joan's lips twitched. "Fuck off." There was less heat than usual.

"So-" Ritsuka began.

"Was in a dark-based hellworld for a year keeping her alive. Creepy-quiet, lots of shadow creatures. Zero out of ten, don't recommend." Joan pinched Ritsuka's cheek and tugged it.


"I'll just let you…" Aqua trailed off.

"Come on. I'll introduce you to some more people." Tess put a hand on Aqua's arm. "It'll do you good to be outside a bit more, anyways."

Ritsuka saw Aqua nod as Joan dropped her chin on top of her head. "Hey, we should talk later," Ritsuka said, voice slurred by Joan's grip on her cheek. "Especially if Joan's gonna keep helping you."

Aqua smiled. "I'd like that."

Mash gave a cheery wave as the woman walked out of the room, Tess at her side.

"Please let go of my face."

In retaliation, Joan placed both hands on Ritsuka's cheeks and began to knead.


"Just like the old days," Roman remarked dryly.

Leona giggled as Mash shrugged.

Ritsuka just sat back and 'tolerated' the face massage.

It was nice to have her Joanie back.

Now where were Sherlock and Fergus…?

Aqua stared at the white clouds rolling across the sky. Tess had her in a different part of the Temple Complex that served as the Guild's base, one with open air.

"You alright?"

She startled and looked at Tess. "I'm fine! It's just been a while since I've seen natural light."

"How long?"

"Um. I don't know." Aqua rubbed her fingers together self-consciously. "I don't even know if… I have a lot of questions for Mattias when I get back."

"And thus you're smarter than most of us," Tess said dryly. "If we'd asked more than just assumed he'd say something, we might have been a little more prepared for some of what we ran into. Of course, he wouldn't shut up. And some things happened that he couldn't remotely account for."

Aqua laughed a little.

"So I'm going to introduce you to someone, and you'll be in regular contact with them to discuss what's been happening to you," Tess continued. "We have a fair few therapists now, given the number of Parahumans in the Guild."

"Parahumans?" Aqua asked.

"People with powers. Not magic. The entire explanation is complex, but up until almost a year ago, people would sometimes trigger with superpowers during a traumatic incident in their lives. Now powers come more easily, but pre-Grail capes tend to have more baggage," Tess explained.


"Grail is Mattias' code name."

Aqua nodded. "So he's important."

"One of the most important people in the world, though getting him to act it is impossible. He's a big puppy of a man, and if he wasn't capable of being so earnest and endearing he'd be a walking Public Relations disaster." Tess shook her head with a fond smile. She began to walk away, and Aqua followed.

"So… a therapist? What's that?"

"They help you work through your traumas, problems, and assorted issues. Teach you skills to cope with your emotional and mental concerns." Tess opened a door. "Jessica! New arrival!"

A woman with dark hair looked up from her desk, a set of files in front of her alongside a phone. "Hello. Jessica Yamada," she said with a small smile.

"Aqua. Just Aqua." Aqua folded her hands. "Um…?"

"Jessica is in charge of our mental health division. She used to work with Mattias, and another hero named Eidolon who works for the Protectorate." Tess paused. "That's another hero team. The division is mostly academic at this point."

Jessica nodded. "Right. My specialty is juvenile parahumans, which is why I'm finally handing those two off to people I've personally vetted." She stretched her arms. "And it seems Mattias has a child with him who is in dire need of a session whenever I can make the time. I might have to tackle this one personally past intake, and it looks long-term."

"Who?" Aqua asked with a small frown. "He mentioned someone I would need to train to use a Keyblade…"

Jessica raised an eyebrow but didn't ask whatever question she had. "According to him the child went through a protracted equivalent of a 'trigger event', with at least three components if not more. I quote: 'His best friend was devoured by shadows in a teleportation event, another dissolved into light in his arms and sealed her spiritual heart in his body, and his entire homeworld got vacuumed into a giant red-black vortex in the sky. He's experiencing some mild distress.'" Jessica's smile turned wry. "One must admire the man's talent for understatement."

Aqua took a sharp breath. "Oh."

"I'll be assigning the person looking after you to him as well. He already knows, for all he's disappointed." Jessica leaned back.

"Kate, then?" Tess asked.

"Kate," Jessica agreed. She stood up. "Thankfully I finished my check-in with Riley earlier, so I can walk you to her office."

Aqua followed the two women as they walked outside. "Why would he be disappointed?"

"He's developed a rapport with me. I do care about all my patients, but I can maintain a professional distance. That's getting difficult for me with him, not only because adults of his age are outside of my wheelhouse, but because I consider him a personal friend."

"Is that bad?" Aqua asked.

"It makes it difficult to treat him," Tess said. "Any doctor needs emotional distance from their patient so they can be impartial when diagnosing their problems and treating them."

"Caring is good - and somewhat encouraged - but when it becomes personal, then judgement can be clouded," Jessica concluded.

"I think I understand."

They came to a stop outside a door. Jessica knocked.

"Come in!" a voice called.

Tess opened the door, and the three women walked in.

The room had massive windows to let in light, and seemed to lack ceiling-mounted light sources. There was what appeared to be a small zen garden to the side, and a table with two chairs. Off towards the back, there was a desk.

The desk was covered in papers and one bonsai tree. Behind it sat a woman with short-cut dark hair and dark eyes. She wore a baggy beige sweater and long, flowing skirt. If she wore makeup, it was subtle and subdued.

"Kate, this is Aqua," Jessia said without preamble. "Aqua, this is Kate Sato. She'll be your therapist, assuming she can be of help to you."

Kate smiled. "I'm fairly good at what I do, but we'll reserve judgement until we know what we're working with." She stood.

"So you're not just being assigned to me?" Aqua asked.

Kate shook her head. "If I can't help you, then I pass on what notes I have and we keep this up until we find someone who can. After all, why stick with a therapist who can't help you get results?" She paused. "That said, any therapy will require effort on your own behalf to truly be effective. Mental health is hard work for both practitioners and patients."

Aqua smiled. "I understand. A lot has happened lately."

"Then let's see if getting it off your chest helps," Kate said warmly. She looked to Jessica and Tess. "I have the rest of the day free, so I can take it from here for an hour or so. I'll get her to the quick-travel to the House after we're done, and you can see about her getting lodging?"

Tess nodded in agreement. "Thanks for doing this on short notice, Kate. Glad to have you with us."

"Glad to be here," Kate responded.

Jessica smiled. "We'll get out of your way, then."

Aqua waved as the two women left.

"Alright, take a seat." Kate gestured at the chairs and table.

Aqua moved over and sat in a chair while Kate took the other.

"So. You look like a woman who's had a long few days. Want to get it off your chest?" Kate offered.

"I…" She inhaled. "I was trapped in a world without light for an immense amount of time. It was definitely months at the least, years at most. I don't know how long, because our years might not match yours. Beforehand, the boy I considered a younger brother had his Heart shattered destroying a weapon that threatened our universe and subduing his dark half. At the same time, someone I cared for deeply was possessed by an evil old man looking for a younger body. And before all that, my Master, who was the closest thing I had to a father, was killed by that old man."

Kate's face was calm. "I see. I might need some background for reference on how your universe functions, but it sounds like you've been through severe trauma."

"Perhaps I have," Aqua said with a bitter laugh.

"Well, I'll do what I can to help you manage that, and take control of your life back." Kate folded her hands in her lap. "Will you be in the field often?"

"Most likely. I'm going to travel with Mattias - Grail - and help train a young man who's just lost a lot. Also Taylor and their Servants."

Kate hummed. "Alright. So we'll set a weekly session, and I'll clear the day so you can show up when you can. If you can't make it, I'll be informed." She smiled. "Sound good?"

Aqua nodded, smiling slightly. "Alright. So… where should I start?"

"Wherever you like."

"Okay, found you," Ritsuka said with hands on her hips. "So where's Fergus?"

Holmes shrugged elegantly. "I'm sure he's off being a pest to someone."

"Good riddance," Joan scoffed. "The man's a pig."

"He's also loyal, friendly, brave," Ritsuka reminded her.

"And he has appointments with five women and three men for… heavens' sake!" Holmes recoiled and dropped the little black book in his hand. "Where did that come from?" His eyes narrowed.


A dark-skinned girl appeared with a shit-eating grin.

"Name's Aisha. Call me Imp, or Hassan of Empty Spaces. I figured someone oughta keep track of your man; he's hit on most everyone over eighteen he's run into. That almost got ugly when he hit on Rebecca - she didn't care and turned him down, but then he hit on Clark."

"Uh," Mash said intelligently.

"Which, her mans, her right. Serenity, Gramps, and I have been following him and taking notes."

"Gramps?" Joan echoed with a scowl.


Ritsuka stared up at the First Hassan.


"Hey, Aisha!" A young man with pale skin and dark hair wandered in. "I have good news and bad news."

"Good news first," Aisha said. "This is Alec, by the by. He's mine."

Ritsuka waved a hand in irritation. "He's like, twelve. Keep him."


"ANYWAYS," Joan boomed.

Holmes rubbed his forehead. "You were saying?"

"Right. So good: he's stopped hitting on people on sight," Alec said conversationally.

"Damn. So much for following him around and tallying up his fuck schedule," Aisha said with a snap of her fingers.

Mash looked mildly ill. "Yay?"


Ritsuka, Joan, Holmes, and Mash shot the Hassan a collective look of disbelief.


Ritsuka peered in the direction Gramps was looking, and her breath caught in her throat.

"Bad news, he found Olly," Alec continued with a pleasant smile.

The utterly mortified blond man slung across Fergus' bare shoulders was the most beautiful she'd ever seen - and she'd seen Heroic Spirits!

"So Oliver is from Texas. He's a member of the Travelers, a pro gaming team," Aisha said conversationally. "His superpower is he's good at learning skills and stuff. Also being supernaturally hot." She paused. "That isn't a joke, by the way."

Ritsuka made a faint burbling noise.

"No," Joan said flatly.

"So, uh." Ritsuka tugged her collar.

Mash sighed. "Here we go again…"

Holmes groaned.

Fergus came to a stop in front of them with a wide grin. "So! Can we keep him?"

The man - Oliver - blinked owlishly. "H-hello?" he said timidly.

Ritsuka folded her hands in front of her. "Hello, Oliver." She gave her sweetest smile.

The rest of her family exchanged exasperated looks as Fergus' smile grew.

"I have a proposition for you."

"Pay up, told you she was his Master," Aisha said gleefully.

Alec sighed and began fishing in his pockets.

I BELIEVE I HAVE BUSINESS ELSEWHERE. GOOD DAY. And with that, Gramps vanished into thin air.

Ritsuka stared at Oliver expectantly.


Her smile grew. "Well, Mattias was right about one thing."

Mash shot her a confused look.

"I do like Earth-Bet."

Aisha began to howl with laughter.
Traverse 2.1
Traverse 2.1

Thankfully, there was a fully stocked kitchen on the Shadow Border. If nothing else, I could make the kid a good meal before we dealt with… well.

It was stupid of me. Of course this wouldn't be like a kid's game, of course he'd be deeply traumatized. He'd lost everything, bar Achilles, in the span of hours. His world literally ended.

My hands moved mechanically, mixing some batter together as the griddle heated. I paused to open a packet of bacon, then went back to stirring.


Ah, yeah. Achilles.

"You know who I am."

Yup, sure do. Kind of.

He cleared his throat. "You know, you were a little chattier back in that alley. I'm gonna guess something spooked you."

"Saw something I didn't expect," I replied. I turned to look at him.

He frowned slightly, tilting his head. "Like?"

"I have what can only be termed as metaknowledge, and it's faulty. There's at least three points where it's failed already." I grimaced. "I don't like being caught off-guard."

"No one does," Achilles agreed. He leaned against the counter, facing into the room. "It was good of you to make the kid a new outfit and stuff for the shower. He'll feel a little more human after he cleans up."

"Literally the least I could or should do." I shook my head firmly, setting the bacon onto the griddle strip by strip. The other half, I used a large ladle to pour batter into puddles for pancakes.

"Smells goooood…" Fou groaned, eyeing the food.

"And it will taste better if you wait," I scolded, latching onto the familiarity.

Fou huffed, sticking his nose up. "Fine."

"So. I have some idea of what happened, but it's an incomplete picture." I looked at Achilles, keeping an eye on the griddle at the same time. "His friend Riku vanished into the dark, and Kairi vanished into light. Her heart-"

"Is in him. She made the spell herself to hide from whatever forces would try to kidnap her," Achilles replied.

I paused. "She did?"

"Medea taught her how."

An incredulous laugh tore out of my throat. "So that's three for three. I knew I called you guys into being, but…" I shook my head. "And someone else is out there, too. It's a good thing I'm not directly supporting most of the Servants back home."

"The whole human grail thing sounds like a trip," Achilles agreed. "You gonna try and explain that to sunshine?"

My lips quirked up. "It's complicated enough to give me a headache, and I'm living it. I'll answer his questions as they come."

"Mm. You missed his mother, though," Achilles noted.

"...who?" I stared at Achilles. "In the timeline I'm familiar with - which has gone to utter shit, apparently - his mother only appeared for a split second to call him for dinner. That's it, she didn't… factor."

Achilles snorted. "Don't let him hear that. She fought with us against the Darkside. That's its name, yeah?"


"Yeah. I thought Sora was good at magic, but she's something else." Achilles grinned wistfully. "Maybe if I had a body a little longer…" He chuckled.

I blanked as I heard the food sizzle. "What."

He waved a hand in my face, and I shook myself. Then I tended to the pancakes and bacon - nothing burnt, thank goodness.

After a moment with Fou staring at the griddle intently, I looked back at Achilles. "So what's her name?"

"Never got a first, but Kairi called her 'Miss Branford'." Achilles watched my expression. "You're familiar?"

Magic. Branford. Fucking- Tina or Terra, she was still the half-Esper heroine of Final Fantasy Six.

"Tina?" I squeaked out.

Achilles snapped his fingers. "Yeah, that sounds about right," he agreed jovially.

I whirled and aimed the spatula at Fou, who had leaned very close to a strip of bacon. "No."

"It's not like I'll burn myself," he grumbled, sitting on his haunches.

Achilles smirked. "So… First Magician. And fourteen Servants to your name?"

I nodded as I began to move food around and onto platters. I eyeballed the leftover eggs I had out and debated frying them or saving them in the fridge.

"Anyone I might know?"

I decided on the fridge.

"Well, you were in Chaldea so probably. Da Vinci you'd know at least," I said. "Gilgamesh too, if only to avoid him."

"Right on both counts." Achilles sidled closer. "I'm surprised you're still breathing, if Gilgamesh was around."

"Well, being impossible for him to kill helped I guess." I smirked. "I have two Greek Servants, but you probably aren't too familiar with them."


"Medusa and Asterios. Rider and Berserker, respectively."

Achilles grinned. "Medusa's nice enough, and Asterios is a sweet kid when you get him calm. Not bad. You said there were two Berserkers?"

"Frankenstein, or Fran."

"Ah, good. Glad to hear she's in good hands." Achilles looked away. "You know, she-"

"Berserker of Black, yes. Just as you were Rider of Red."

He glanced at me. "That's a little creepy."

I chuckled as I moved the plates to a nearby table. "I aim to impress."

Achilles strolled along behind me. "So, anyone special in your life?" he asked teasingly.

"Well, it took a lot of doing - I'm asexual, mostly. But my boyfriend was very persistent." I smiled softly. "Not in a bad way, mind. It was more him being willing to move at my pace rather than any sort of pressure."

"Huh." Achilles smiled. "That's good. It sounds like he makes you happy."

"Yeah, you might get along. He's the Lancer I brought with me - Cu Chulainn." I looked up as I sensed water cease to flow. "And it looks like Sora's done showering."

Achilles was quiet.

"Achilles?" I turned to look at him.

His eyes were slightly wide, and he blinked a couple of times before grinning uneasily. "Ah, sorry. You said Cu Chulainn?"

"Yeeesss?" I drawled, furrowing my brow.

He swallowed. "So, about that-"

"That smells good," Sora said in a lively tone. He sounded much better.

I looked over my shoulder, and he was wearing the casual clothes I'd spun from thin air. Just a t-shirt, shorts, socks, and shoes. I'd also made undergarments and other necessities.

"Well, it's warm for now…" I snapped my fingers. "That's what I forgot. Fou!"

The little fluffball perked up.

"I'll fix a plate for you, so go get the syrup! Top cabinets, leftmost door!"

"Up and awaaaay!" A trail of white light extended in front of him as he trot forward on the air itself.

"I don't know if I'll ever get used to hearing him talk," Achilles said, relaxing.

"Heh, I was the same at first. But do you and Cu have an issue?" I frowned.

"'s my fault, really. But he's a professional and… I'm not inclined to fuck up again." Achilles gave a tense smile. "We can work together and I won't cause trouble."

I rubbed the back of my neck. "Sorry."

"Um…?" Sora looked up at us in confusion as he sat at the table.

Achilles shook his head. "It's nobody's fault, and old news. Might be water under the bridge by now, but who knows." He smiled at Sora, expression turning gentle. "Just some mistakes of mine coming to haunt me."

"Well, so long as you didn't fuck him over too hard, I'll do my best to mediate," I said.

"Who's Cu?" Sora asked.

"My boyfriend. He's really nice, you'll like him."

"I can confirm that. He's a good man, and a good friend," Achilles agreed.

Yeah, that sounded like regret. If he had hurt Cu somehow, I'd be irritated, but Cu wouldn't thank me for going to town on someone that wasn't actively trying and succeeding in killing him.

I plated Fou's food as the little monster carried a bottle of syrup by the handle, dropping it on the table. I immediately picked it up and poured. "Do the rest with your magic," I said, shoving the plate in his direction.

He gave it a long look.

"Not washing syrup out of your fur," I muttered forebodingly.

Sora took the syrup and dumped some on his pancakes, then dug in with gusto. "Ish good!"

"Don't talk while eating. You'll choke." I smiled regardless, then sat down. I looked up at Achilles. "You too."

He did so, eyeing the plate of food.

"Eat up. Whatever bad blood you have with Cu doesn't involve me unless it turns active. Understand?" I pointed a fork at him for emphasis.

Achilles grinned ruefully. "Alright, alright. No need to mother hen me."

Sora swallowed. "So, what's the plan?" he asked. Clearly the food and cleaning up were helping him feel more human, so to speak. That said, he still showed signs of emotional strain. Nothing too visible, but there were cracks in the facade.

"Well, once we're done here, I want to explore Traverse Town a bit. Gathering information and the like. Cu's out doing recon in the outer districts, and Taylor and Tamamo…" I narrowed my eyes as I nudged the bond Taylor and I had developed. It wasn't a Master-Servant bond, but we could get a sense of location and emotional state, if nothing else. We didn't use it too terribly often, but it had emerged after the battle with Khepri the Beast.

The returning ping indicated that she was in an outer district as well, and exploring.

"Okay, they're in… I want to say the second district? Maybe?" I shrugged.

"So Tamamo is herself," Achilles said after swallowing. "Who's Taylor?"

"Fourth Magician. An aspect of her from another timeline became an aspect of Beast V. She's scary, and awesome, and possibly one of my best friends," I said proudly.

Achilles stared.

"And Tamamo is in her Origin form, if not channeling her own potential."

He dropped his fork.

"Also any Servant in my employ has class restrictions off, so don't be too surprised if Cu whips out his runic killsat or druid shenanigans or his chariot or-"

Achilles held a hand up. "I. Get the picture." He let out a long breath.

"On the bright side, you're still competitive with all that given your kit, if I recall correctly," I chirped.

Sora narrowed his eyes. "I understood exactly none of that. Is it bad?"

"You've made friends with a lot of terrifyingly powerful people by proxy. A lot of us have a habit of taking in people who need help, and well." I gestured at him. "You kind of fit the bill."

"And he's one of the scariest," Achilles muttered.

"Okay. So why are you picking on Achilles?" Sora crossed his arms.

"Messing with people is fun." I sedately ate a bite of pancake. I glanced to the side.

Fou's belly bulged as he reclined on a clean plate, legs in the air. "Fouuuu…"

"Uh-huh." Sora sounded unconvinced.

"Messing with people is fun when it just surprises them and does no actual harm," I amended.

He smiled a little. "Okay, that I'll buy."

Achilles snorted, then grinned. "I can just tell travelling with you is gonna be a blast," he drawled.

"Only if someone pisses me off. Then I either dissolve them, explode them, counter their powers, or if they've really stepped in it, feed them to evil plants." I paused. "The last one hasn't happened yet, but there's been some close calls."

"Huh." Sora looked mildly worried for a moment, then shook his head. "So you can do magic?" he said in a hopeful tone.

"Ye-es? My power all revolves around one spell called Ex Nihilo, which lets me create something from nothing." I held a hand up, and silvery essence spun into being. "Energy, matter, spells, conceptual things, effects. Anything but knowledge, and I can't directly alter things. I can make things that alter other things, but…"

"Whoa." Sora stared as the sphere poofed out of existence. "Can you teach me?"

I grimaced. "That… so I cheat at the kinds of magic you can do. I just make the thing, rather than use any conventional spellcasting. And to get what I have requires some very dangerous stuff to happen, and a lot of training besides. As in, you mess up getting this power, you will die. No alternatives."

Sora slumped. "Oh."

"However! I have procured a teacher for your Keyblade training, and she is a Master of both that art and magic," I said proudly.

"Really!?" Sora perked up again. "Where is she?"

"Earth-Bet. She's recovering from a decade in a very bad place, but she should join us before too terribly long." I folded my hands together. "Now, I want a look at whatever they have in the shops around here. There's an item shop and an accessory shop."

"Looking to get new jewelry?" Achilles chuckled to himself.

"For Sora, possibly. Those bangles have enchantments that reduce the effects of elemental spells, physical strikes, and so on."

"Sounds handy," Sora agreed.

Achilles shrugged. "Alright, fair. And you?"

"My body is made of starmetal and I have EX ranked Magic Resistance. Also it gets more durable until you reach my core, which is composed of transdimensional fuckery and nigh impossible to destroy. Not to mention I can weave new protections into my body as I go." I crossed my arms.

Both of them stared at me.

"Oh, did I forget to mention? I haven't been human for about a year and a half. I died in a literal fire, then my soul went and possessed a shapeshifting alien war machine, carrying the 'power' aspect of a Holy Grail that connected me to the Root of All Things." I smiled. "The aspect containing 'control' is in my friend Taylor. It's where she got her Magic, and how she and I can draw on each others' power."

"Whoa." Sora's jaw dropped.

"How…?" Achilles asked slowly.

"Archimedes caught me off-guard." I rubbed the back of my neck. "And I'd like to leave it at that."

"Okay," Sora said with a nod. "Um. If you ever want to talk about it, though…?"

I smiled. "I appreciate the offer. I've been to therapy, and I've worked through the worst of it, I think. It'll always be a thing, but I'm doing better."

"Okay. So… time to head out?" Sora stood up, visibly energetic.

Achilles laughed. "Well, it sure sounds like it."

Fou groaned, his feet twitching as he remained on his back.

"Alright. So who's going where? I'll keep Fou on me," I said as I scooped the furball up and placed him on my shoulder, feet-down.

"How safe is the First District?" Achilles asked.

"Very. Heartless - the creatures that destroyed the Destiny Islands - rarely come here. If they do, it's in limited numbers." I shrugged. "Also, I'll be in the item shop."

"Then I'll do the accessory shop," Sora said with a nod. His eyes sparkled. "I get to explore a town in another world!"

Achilles and I exchanged a glance.

"Well, I'm gonna go test how far I can push against these 'Heartless'," he said. "If I run into anyone-"

"They'll assume you're an ally," I replied. "Archimedes was the only one who could call corrupted Servants, and you're obviously not corrupted."

"Good to know."

"Also he's dead, so."

"Also good."

Sora shook his head. "C'monnnn!" he groaned. "Let's go!"

Fou let out a burbling grumble.

"You better not barf on me," I warned, turning away from the table.

"Ewwww." Sora made a face as Achilles snickered.

<So do you know Achilles?>

Perks of not having all the bonds active at once: I could use the Master-Servant bond as intended. Honestly, I could probably do the same back home, but…

<...yes. Why?> Cu sounded wary.

I kept walking towards the item shop, Sora strolling along by my side.

<So, remember Sora? The kid I told you about? Achilles is his Rider.>


<He said you guys had issues, but it was on him.>

<That is… true.> I felt Cu's hesitation over our bond. <I'll fill you in later, in person. Just know that I can work with him fine.>

<He's scouting, so I figured I'd warn you in case…>

I felt a burst of affection down the connection. <Thanks. Love you.>

"Love you too," I murmured.

Sora blinked. "Huh?"

I coughed as I opened the door to the item shop. "I was talking to Cu. The Master-Servant bond allows a degree of telepathy. Mind-to-mind communication, basically."

"Ohh. Okay." Sora followed me in.

I raised an eyebrow.

He shuffled. "I kind of wanted to stick around a little longer," he confessed.

I smiled. "Okay."

He relaxed. "Really?"

"Really." I looked around.

Nobody was at the counter, but there was a small basket of blue-and-yellow crystals.

"What's that?" Sora asked.

"Munny, I think. It's the local currency." I shrugged. "Creative naming, I know."

Sora gazed at the potion bottles lining the wall. "There's a lot of stuff for healing in here. Mom told me about potions, ethers, and other mixes, but she didn't have the talent to make them herself."

"Well, I can try my hand at it." I wiggled my fingers. "Creation and all that."

Sora let out a small sigh. "Right."

"So… your mom is Tina Branford?"

He paused.

"Achilles gave me a surname, and I narrowed down some possibilities. I don't know her, but I've heard of her. She's a hero, by all accounts."

Sora smiled, his demeanor brightening. "She never said it, but from everything she told me about her old homeworld, she really was." He laughed a little. "And she sure showed that giant shadow."

"The Darkside, yes," I agreed. "I haven't fought a Heartless yet, but it's gratifying there's things I won't need to hold back against."

"Huh?" Sora tilted his head.

Ah. I hadn't explained much to him, if at all. "Well, back home I'm kind of a superhero. That means no 'excessive force' on people that haven't escalated past a certain point." I rubbed the back of my neck. "Though, that list was pretty short, all things considered…" I muttered.

"You're a superhero!?" Sora's eyes gleamed - literally, they lit up from inside - and he balled his fists in front of his chest as he practically vibrated with excitement.

"Ah… sort of? It's the job title I work under, I guess. Taylor's more of a hero than I am, I mostly do support work. In the field." I gave an embarrassed chuckle. "Until a bit ago, I could only do support spells, like healing and protection. I'm still working through taking an offensive role, but I'm doing better than I was."

"How long is 'a bit'?" Sora asked. At this point, he'd crossed his arms and was giving me a look of doubt.

"A few months…? I don't have a lot of combat training, but being mostly invulnerable lets me cheat some." I started fiddling with my parasol. "And a lot of live fire situations. Earth Bet was… not great before I helped clean it up. A lot of that was the locals, and a lot was the Servants I just started giving out like candy. Though the second was more an accident, but it worked?"

"Uh-huh. You said something about supporting a lot of Servants? Is that hard?" Sora asked. "I didn't notice too much when I took over Achilles, and he did a lot."

"Anything that required shouting a name? A shield or chariot?" I asked, sharpening my focus.

"No? He just used a spear and went fast. The Heartless couldn't hurt him, either." Sora shrugged. "He's really cool without that stuff, whatever they do."

"The chariot is called Troias Tragōidia. It is pulled by three horses, and known for the absolute carnage it inflicts on a battlefield. The more speed it picks up, the greater its destructive power. As a Noble Phantasm, its power is listed as 'Anti-Army' at a high rank." I folded my arms. "Two horses are divine beings gifted by a sea-god, and the third is a horse of considerable legend. Legends are power in terms of Servants, so it is only somewhat weaker than the others."

"Oh." Sora stared at me.

"The shield is Akhilleus Kosmos. The effect can be compared to…" I trailed off. "Honestly, I'm not sure what a good frame of reference is. It can stand against weapons that level countries and slay gods."

Sora was silent, mouth half-open in awe.

"So yes, that's Achilles, and if he had used either… you would have likely died, or at best, rendered unconscious." I shook my head. "That said, his base consumption is nothing to laugh at. He's a top-tier Servant in terms of power, but the cost is equally impressive." I looked around. Still nobody there.

"And you had… how many?" Sora asked, regaining his voice.

"A lot. Fourteen were my own, and I supported the rest. There were…" I exhaled. "Well. Counting would take a while."

"Whoa…" Sora stared up at me.

"I only brought one, my Lancer. His name's Cu Chulainn. I mentioned that, yeah?"

"I think so." Sora shifted. "So… you're not human?"

"Debatable. I have a human heart, mind, and soul. My body…" I shrugged. "Yeah, that's not human at all."

"Okay." Sora glanced down. "I've never met anyone else who wasn't a full human before," he said shyly.

"Achilles is a demigod, so not quite. He's half-human, half-god."

Sora blinked. "He never said."

"His legend is complex. Both in terms of story and morality. So he'd likely want you to judge him on his present rather than past," I explained. "At least, that's my guess."

Sora nodded. "Okay. So, what do you know about the…" His face fell. "Those things. The Heartless."

"They consume hearts. Saying they are 'without hearts' is a bit of a misnomer, since that's all they are - hearts fueling a shell of darkness after being stolen. Destroying a Heartless releases the heart within, and sometimes that allows the person who… disappeared? Fell? The verbiage is unclear. But they can return under specific circumstances." I frowned. "Worlds are more complicated. They have a spiritual core of their own, a heart, that is also consumed. The worlds fragment and fall to the Realm of Darkness. I don't... "

"There's no way to bring them back," Sora murmured dully.

"I don't know. There was something in the other timeline, but there's enough that I can't promise anything."

"Timeline?" Sora squinted at me. "Did you do time-travel?"

"I have knowledge of one way this whole thing could have gone, but a majority of the overarching plot has been discarded." I dropped my arms and folded my hands. "Even my knowledge of the players has distorted. I'm not… flying blind, exactly. But I can't trust what I know."

"That sounds scary," Sora said quietly.

I shook my head. "I manage to get by regardless. What I want to know is how you're doing." I looked down at him with a small frown.

Sora looked away. "I'm… I'm trying not to think too much about it. Mom got out, and Riku and Kairi are out there. A lot of people… they…" He swallowed harshly. "If there's a way to fix it, even if it might not exist yet, I want to save them from the dark."

I placed a hand on his shoulder. "There are two keys, specific ones. Different from the rest. You have one, and the other is being sought."

Sora's eyes found mine.

"If they are brought to a great door, one on each side, and used in conjunction… then the door will dissolve, and the consumed worlds return. That's what I remember. I don't know if it's accurate, anymore. But that would be the end goal of your current quest."

"Current? There's more?" Sora squeaked.

I laughed softly. "Oh, you have no idea. But! You're not alone. Achilles, Fou, all my friends and I are behind you." I grinned. "And the Shadow Border has a portal to my home, with all the heroes there. However this goes? We'll win." I squeezed his shoulder and dropped my hand.

He let out a long breath. "...that helps." His smile returned. "We can really do this?"

"I promise. I will bring all my power to bear, and if that possibility doesn't exist…" I held my hand up, and fragments of light drew together. "I'll make it exist. My power is the Denial of Nothingness, after all."

"Whoa…" Sora's eyes shone again.

I glanced at the counter. "You think they're ever gonna show?"

He shrugged. "Maybe. I'll go check out the accessory shop while you wait. If I'm not back in a little bit-"

"I'll go looking," I said.

"Okay." Sora nodded. He smiled again. "Thanks for talking with me."


I kept an eye on him as he wandered out, then gazed at the counter.

Where the heck are they?

Fou stirred slightly around my neck.

...I hoped this wasn't an omen.

Taylor strode through the empty district, Tamamo following behind her. Every so often, a cluster of clattering midgets in odd armor would attack her, but since they didn't ping as 'people' to her Magic…

Well. They and the little shadow bugs didn't last long before simple gestures and vacuum blades. She hadn't had too much trouble yet,

The first thing Taylor noticed outside of that was the utter lack of insect life in her vicinity. That alone indicated that something was off with this 'world', small as it was. No Earth ecosystem could properly function with one of its largest populations missing.

The second was the biomechanical being following her within range of the occasional familiar she produced on a whim. There was a Servant attached, so unless there was a second Archimedes - which Taylor knew Mattias would have warned her of (he'd better) - the… person was likely a friendly.

"Company?" Tamamo asked mildly.

Taylor nodded. "Come out. I know you're there."

She glanced up as a black-clad figure leapt off of a rooftop and landed in front of her. "What gave me away?" he asked nervously.

The boy had silver hair and grey eyes, and… holy crap those were some of the shortest shorts Taylor had ever seen, let alone on a guy. He wore all black, and had a huge sword… hovering close to his back? There was a red-and-black box with arms hovering near him silently.

The Servant hadn't revealed themselves.

"My familiars detected you," Taylor explained. She paused.

A small Heartless - Shadow, if she remembered the brief debriefing - crawled out of the ground. She raised a hand-

The box opened, and a hail of hard-light pellets slammed into the Shadow, vaporizing it. The box closed and resumed its vigil.

"Huh." Taylor frowned. She reached out with her Magic, examining it now that it was in her range proper.

Fundamental AI, designation 'Pod'.

"Um. I was wondering, do you know a guy who wears a lot of blue? Someone said I should seek him out," the boy said nervously.

"Mattias? Yes, he's a friend of mine." Taylor folded her arms. "Who told you about him?"

"Merlin?" The boy sounded unsure.

Tamamo belted out a loud laugh. "So that's what he's been up to!" she cackled. "That wizard's meddling again, mikon!"

"You know him?" a second figure asked, appearing.

Taylor stared at the skeletal face atop the small, floating body. The… boy? Boy. Held a long staff with a wickedly-shaped tip of thorned curves, and was clad in a single tattered cloak. There was nothing but oddly sculpted bone beneath it.

"Uh, I'm n- Nines. This is Emil," the boy said, crossing his arms.

"Tamamo-no-Mae, Caster class Servant." Tamamo did a shallow bow.

"Taylor Hebert, Fourth Magician. Call me Taylor or Khepri." She rubbed her chin. "So… were you augmented, or…?"

"Augmented?" Nines asked, startled.

"Oh, Nines is an android!" Emil chirped. "And I'm… I don't know? I was human, but…"

"So Nines is like Tess," Taylor said, retaking control of the conversation. "Good to know."

Nines stiffened. "Like… who?"

"A friend of mine. She's an artificial intelligence whose body came later." Taylor looked around the district. It seemed quiet. "So why do you need Mattias?"

"Our world is gone, but we think our friends might still be out there," Nines explained, recovering. "It… our world was complicated. Merlin said Mattias is our best option."

Taylor glanced at Tamamo. "Another world gone. That seems to be a pattern." She frowned.

"We can help! Nines is a scanner unit, so he's good at collecting information and reconnaissance! I can use really strong magic and fight!" Emil bobbed excitedly. "I know we can be of use!"

There was more than what Emil was saying, Taylor knew. But… Mattias might know more. If he knew who they were, then they might make an informed decision.

Given whatever made up Emil's head was very close to Endbringer-material… Could he?


"Alright. We'll bring you to Mattias, and see what'll happen then." Taylor turned back towards the First District. "Come on, we'll walk together. These small fry are annoying, but nothing I can't deal with."

"Okay!" Emil agreed happily.

"That's true. They go down in a hit or two from my weapon, and I'm not even a combat unit," Nines agreed. He seemed much more relaxed. "Um, can I meet this… Tess? It sounds like you guys are good friends."

"She's one of the best people I know," Taylor agreed. "She's piloting our craft remotely, but we have access to our homeworld so you can also meet her physical body."

"Sounds like you made up your mind already," Tamamo teased.

Taylor looked back at Nines, who gazed at her with wide, guileless eyes. There was definitely more under the surface, but for now he was clearly a kid in need of help. She couldn't just turn him away. Not to mention Emil.

"Maybe. Mattias has a vote too, and probably more information."

Tamamo giggled. "Looks like you're picking up his habits, too."

Taylor scowled.

"Habits?" Nines asked.

"Don't worry about it," Taylor muttered.

...crap. She really was turning into Grail.

"This'll be great! I can't wait to make all kinds of new friends!" Emil cheered. "I bet this adventure will be way better than my last one!"

"It would take a lot to be worse than mine," Nines muttered.

Well. That was that.

Hell or high water, Taylor was dragging these kids along.

She might only be seventeen, but these were now her children. That was how this worked, right?

Tamamo continued to giggle madly.

Sora let out a long breath as the last of the Shadows disappeared in a puff of black smoke, Keyblade in his grip.

Wasn't the First District supposed to be safe? What changed? Well, he said his knowledge had problems… eh. There weren't a lot, so it's fine.

Maybe Sora should head back to the item shop and let Mattias know. After all-

"They'll come at you out of nowhere."

Sora jolted, and turned to see a man with way too much leather and too many belts. He stepped towards Sora, a dour expression on his face.

"And they'll keep coming, as long as you continued to wield the Keyblade. But why? Why would it choose a kid like you?" He put a hand over his face.

"...I don't know," Sora said, dropping out of a combat stance. "I got it when my world got… gone." He looked away.

"Still, it doesn't matter. Let's see that Keyblade." The man advanced, holding his hand out.

Sora backed away. "Why? I don't know you. You just showed up and started being ominous!" He frowned and started edging towards the item shop. If he could get to Mattias…

"Don't make this difficult. You might have some training, but you're not ready. You don't know what you're up against." The man scowled. "And if you hold onto that key any longer…"

"What? What happens then?" Sora asked, continuing to step back, eyes darting.

The man sighed. "Fine. If you won't cooperate, I'll make you." He drew a large blade with… was that a revolver as the grip!?

Sora's eyes widened. "Is that a freaking gun on a sword!?" he squeaked.

"Astute. It's a gunblade. Last chance, kid," the man warned, slinging it over his shoulder and holding his free hand towards Sora.

Sora turned and bolted, only for a fireball to fly past him and ignite the pavement. He drew up short with a squawk, and whirled around.

The man slowly advanced, sword over his shoulder.

Sora grit his teeth. "If you're not holding back…"

The man raised an eyebrow, stopping for a moment. "Changed your mind?"

" came at me out of nowhere. Are you going to keep coming, so long as I hold the Keyblade?" Sora growled out, sparks flickering around his body.

He sighed. "Kids…"

Sora's heart raced. Just when things were looking good…!


The trail of ice snapped out, ensnaring the swordsman's left leg and pinning him. The other stream doused the flames behind Sora.

The man lurched, and the ice shattered as he darted forward. "Let's see what you've got!" he roared, moving faster than he had before.

Sora yelped, throwing a barrier up as he dodged the sharp blade before it hit him. Sparks shot up from the pavement, and he backpedaled to get as much room as he could, getting closer to the item shop.

The barrier shattered in a single swing, followed by a fireball from the man's free hand. Sora ducked, feeling the heat of the projectile as his anxiety began to rise.

"Give up!" the attacking swordsman roared, bringing his blade down in an overhead swing.

Sora intercepted with the Keyblade, and was quickly brought to his knees. The blade bit down, forcing the weapon downwards until it bit into his shoulder. As his blood started to flow slightly from the cut, Sora's panic hit its threshold.

He had lost everything, been rescued, and then had regained some hope.

"I won't fall here!" he screamed, eyes wide.

The man's eyes widened. "Kid-"

Sora had hit his limit.


Wind erupted, tearing pavement and flinging the man away. The entire square was obscured by howling gales spinning in concert, the lampposts taking flight and crashing against the stone.

Sora collapsed, panting and drenched in sweat as the wind fell.

That was stupid. I used up so much power and I still haven't recovered…!

"I underestimated you."

Sora's head snapped up, staring at the man as he stood several feet away, eyes dark with intent.

"That's not happening again." He held the sword over his head, and light gathered around his feet. Sora was blasted backwards by an explosion of force, and he saw the light erupt along the blade, forming a massive crystalline projection.

Sora gasped for breath, holding the Keyblade in front of him, trying to blink the sweat from his eyes and ignore the sting in his shoulder.

"It's OVER!" the man roared, dashing forward and leaping.

Sora squeezed his eyes shut and turned away.

He became aware of a presence to his side.

"Really, Leonhart?" Mattias said mildly.

Sora opened his eyes.

Fou was awake and growling around Mattias' neck, and the man stood on the body of the blade, a red haze pinning it in midair.

"Live steel against children. I would have thought better of you." A vicious snarl split his face. "Fou. Watch Sora, use my power to tend his injury."

"And you?" the small beast asked as he leapt into Sora's lap. Faint light engulfed his shoulder, and the pain faded.

"Leonhart made a mistake," Mattias replied in a reasonable tone, stepping lightly along the blade as 'Leonhart' struggled to free it from the red haze - which Sora saw was matched by the glowing red gem in the base of his parasol.

"I'm taking corrective measures."

Mattias vanished, appearing in front of Leonhart and wrapping an arm around his neck while avoiding the blade.

Then he planted his knee in the other man's groin.

Squall gasped as I launched my opening offensive, and I leaned forward.

"This is going to hurt, Squall. But you earned it, so I can't say I feel bad," I purred. I brought Ideal, still in its parasol form, down in an overhead swing that cracked across his jaw and sent him flying. The gunblade remained fixed in midair.

He rolled to his feet. "That's Leon," he growled.

"Or we can compromise and go with child assailant, you pompous, overbearing-!" I snarled.

The fireball caught me in the chest, and I bit back a cry of pain.

Cloth burned away, and the topmost layer of my skin went with it, leaving dripping Water behind. seemed this universe's magic was different enough for me to be affected.

I Gated in front of him, wrapped my hand around Ideal's middle for better grip, and jabbed the tip into his throat.

Fortunately for him, it was blunted. Unfortunately, he was still sent flying backwards.

I followed him quickly, feeling my temper rise continually.

Squall rolled to a halt, fire wrapping around his arms.

"You're a dead man walking, Leonhart," I hissed, letting my power fly.

Thorned vines erupted from the ground, lashing out around his legs and biting in with small sprays of blood. I reached my hand out, and the other end wrapped around my arm. With a lurch, I swung it skyward, Squall dragged behind. Then I brought him down in a thunderous crack, and forced the thorns deeper, pumping their venom into his legs.

Squall let out a cry of anger and pain, flames wrapping around his body - to no avail.

I raised Ideal overhead, shifting it into its blade form, and blue light began to wreathe its point.


I froze, a woman in a pink dress getting between Squall and I, arms spread wide. Her green eyes locked on mine, worried but not panicking.

"Aerith Gainsborough," I said simply.

"I don't know why you're hurting him, but please. He's a good man. Please let him go." Her voice was calm, but urgent.

I looked back at Sora.

The boy was staring, eyes wide, hands over his mouth.

Slowly, I exhaled. I released the vines, and they evaporated into green sparks.

Right. Leon fought Sora because he wouldn't yield the Keyblade. The Heartless had tracked Sora using the resonance.

How had I forgotten? Why had I not just immobilized him and explained…?

I stared at the ruin of Leon's lower body, and scowled.

"So much damage…" Aerith murmured. "What did he do?"

"Attacked a child under my protection." I waved a hand, and the Water of Life glimmered into being beneath our feet, wrapping up around Leon and washing his wounds away. The poison I'd used was purged, and the broken bones and torn flesh were mended.

Aerith looked behind me and frowned. "Leon?"

He looked away. "I warned the kid, repeatedly. That Keyblade is a danger to him, and the Heartless are using it to track him."

"You didn't say that!" Sora yelled, finally speaking up. "You were all vague and 'so long as you hold it they'll come at you', then when I tried to go get Mattias you threw fire at me!"

I raised my eyebrows at Leon. "So you're not cruel, simply terminally stupid and prideful. Good to know."

Leon stumbled to his feet. "So what does that make you?" he growled.

"Someone who protects those he cares about." I brushed the ichor off of my chest in a short wave, my body fully reconstituted. "I told Sora I'd be his friend and guide, and I intend to keep my word on that."

"And what do you know about what he's up against?" Leon bit out.

Aerith stepped between us. "We're on the same side. Leon, you need to put your pride aside. And you," she said, turning to me, "need to dial back the bloodlust. Escalating isn't the answer here."

I gazed at her. "So long as he doesn't raise a weapon against my friends, I'll play nice. Otherwise…" I trailed off, the water under our feet took on an ominous glow.

I heard faint splashing, and then felt a light nudge in my side. "What took you so long!? We weren't exactly quiet," Sora hissed.

I coughed. "I may have nodded off waiting for the proprietor."

"Sleep's optional for you," Fou said with a pointed stare.

"...I was bored. It's a mistake I won't repeat," I said grimly.

"Well, I suppose we've all learned important lessons here today," Aerith said with mock-cheerfulness. "Now we need to discuss where to go from here."

I twitched as I felt Taylor approach. I turned to greet her, and-


"Grail. Nines and Emil are joining us," Taylor said flatly.

"What happened to asking?" Tamamo questioned brightly.

I slowly lifted a finger to point at the YoRHa android and ultimate weapon, my jaw working silently.

"Oh, he does know them! Good call!" Tamamo quipped.

Sora leaned against my side. "Can we go back to the ship now?" he groaned.

"That seems reasonable. I'll get Yuffie and Cid, and we can all have a nice chat," Aerith suggested. Her smile indicated it was less a 'suggestion' and more an 'order'.

What was I supposed to do? Mess around with Aerith Gainsborough?

What kind of monster would do that!?

"Okay. I'll fix you some new clothes, we'll get 9S and Emil onboard, and Leon can wait in the kitchen where I can watch him." I rubbed my exposed chest, wincing at the memory of the flame. "And I need a new suit. So that leaves…"

There was a massive crash, and dust erupted into the air. I immediately moved to cover Sora and Fou, and then slumped.

9S and Emil were in a bubble-shield Taylor had raised.

Tamamo had begun to laugh herself sick, her tails waving frantically.

Achilles was flat on his face, Cu wearing a scowl and sitting on his back. Cu's arms were crossed, and his spear was leaning on his shoulder. Achilles was spread-eagle and there were cracks radiating out from his landing.

"...huh." Leon put a hand over his face.

"Be nice, or I'm not making you any pants," I warned, pointing at him.

He held his hands up in defeat, but a small smile crossed his face. Okay, so no hard feelings there at least.

"Achilles?" Sora squeaked.

"Please take your friends in your ship before more collateral damage happens," Aerith said with a terrifyingly polite smile on her face.

"It's just a day ending in -y!" Fou chirped, waving his tail.

Tamamo laughed harder as I exhaled.

Cu stood up, and begrudgingly hoisted Achilles to his feet, who gave a sheepish grin as he brushed the dirt off, otherwise unharmed.

"Alright, everyone in. Let's just… yeah."

Taylor blinked as Emil and 9S exchanged a look.

"Well, I'm having fun!" Emil cheered.

9S just started walking.

I looked around the utterly destroyed plaza, holes from the vines and pavement stones scattered. Not to mention the building damage and missing lampposts…

Taylor and I glanced at each other as the rest went into the Shadow Border, Tamamo and Cu right behind Leon.

"Well?" Aerith said, voice straining.

"We got this," Taylor replied in a bored tone.

Aerith crossed her arms. "Really."

We joined hands, and I fueled her Magic with my own, extending her range across the expanse of Water.

There was a flash of azure light.

When it faded, everything had been replaced. There was no sign of a battle having ever occured.

Aerith stared at us. "I'll be getting Yuffie and Cid. Go inside, and wait there."

"Barring an act of Heartless, sure," I agreed.

Aerith finally broke, flinging her hands in the air, whirling around, and marching off.

"I'd say today's been a roaring success," Taylor said mildly before slumping.

I let out a whining groan and leaned on her shoulder in exhaustion, and she pat my back as we staggered onto the ship.
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Traverse 2.2
Traverse 2.2

"Clothes for you, pants for you, pants for you-"

Cu bit back a chuckle as Nines caught the pair of long black combat pants in his arms with a bewildered look.

" have a moment?"

...amusement gone.

Cu glared sideways at Achilles. "If you insist."

The other man held his hands up and backed away a few steps, then turned around and started walking.

With a grunt and a nod at Mattias, Cu followed. He took note of the slightly worried look, and felt the query down their bond. Cu did his best to send some form of reassurance.

This wasn't likely to turn ugly, after all.

After shutting the door behind him, Cu claimed a chair in the medbay as Achilles sat on the examination table.

"I honestly can't tell if you're playing at being angry or not," Achilles confessed. "If you really wanted to, you could have done some damage."

"I remember," Cu said dryly. "That's what started this whole thing, no?"

Achilles' smile was sad. "Yeah. I didn't… handle that. At all."

Cu narrowed his eyes. "So what brought about that great revelation?"

"Time, space, looking after a kid whose best friend kept getting jealous and didn't know boundaries," Achilles replied, ticking each one off on his fingers.

Cu looked away. "In all fairness, we should have figured my divinity would carve through your defense like a knife through butter. If Chiron could do it…"

"You apologized immediately after," Achilles pointed out. "Just because I was shocked and surprised doesn't mean that what I said was justified. Shit, in most cases I would have jumped at the chance to spar with someone who could actually hurt me."

"However, given how things were between us and your stance on getting serious against those you care for…" Cu bit back the rest of what he wanted to say.

"Comparing myself to Ferdiad was over the line." Achilles' tone was flat. "I crushed any chance we had of being involved. I haven't seen you around Mattias much, but if what he said holds any truth…"

"Maybe." Cu couldn't help the small smile that crept onto his face.

"There. Right there, I know that look." Achilles had visibly cheered up. "For what it's worth, I'm glad."

Cu's gaze softened. "Thanks. That actually does mean something." He exhaled. "For what it's worth, I'm not… angry. I'm just not sure how to handle this." He grimaced. "Any of Mattias' exes, I'd strap them to Brioniac and launch them into the sun. Your history with me is… you're a decent man when you choose, and I don't mind you around him."

"And you?" Achilles asked.

Cu's gaze sharpened.

"Now, now, not like that. I know how good you are at sharing," Achilles teased. "I meant as… hrm. Would you like to try being friends again?" His eyes softened. "I have missed you, you know."

"...I'll give it some thought." Cu's smile was wry.

"Not a no, but just in case I'll be on my best behavior to earn your trust back," the Rider said with a roguish wink.

Cu chuckled. "Some of you might have changed, but the best of you stayed the same," he said with a trace of fondness. He tilted his head. "What did you make of Mattias?"

"Well, before he scared the piss out of Sora I'd say the man was the next best thing to a saint," Achilles said, crossing his arms. "In all fairness, though the implements would have differed, I would have gone just as hard on the lawman myself."

"Leather-guy's a lawman?" Cu asked with raised eyebrows.

Achilles shrugged. "It's my guess." He smirked. "Has your boy seen you in leather, on that note?"

Cu reclined. "Oh, he's seen me in a fair few things," he said airily.

"Ha!" Achilles grinned. "But back to the topic at hand, he's nice enough. Definitely has some bite to him, but I wonder how often that comes out. I'd trust him to look after Sora while I took care of business elsewhere." He glanced at Cu. "And for him to be as he is and you to have that sort of patience, he must be something special."

"He is." Cu didn't bother holding back his soft smile.

"That's adorable," Achilles teased.

"Quiet, you." The venom had mostly left Cu's voice.

"Fine, fine." Achilles flipped on his back and stretched out on the medbay table. "Seriously, though. Happiness looks good on you, Cucuc." He smirked. "He call you that?"

Cu smirked. "I let him call me 'Set'."

"As in- heh! You have it bad."

"As does he, so it evens out."

"If he's managed to calm you down this much, I'll run with it."

"Shut it, before I throw a bedpan at your head."

Achilles gave a wry grin and a two-finger salute. "Yessir."

Cu laughed a little. "Alright, I'll admit it. I missed your idiot face too."

"Given how long ago it all was… water under the bridge?"


"Sounds good to me. Hey, what happened to giving it some thought?"

"I thought enough!"

Cu's smile widened as he fell into the familiar pattern of play-bickering with Achilles.

From the look on the Greek hero's face, he was more than fine with that.

I frowned and rubbed my chest where Leon fireballed me.

"Go get changed," Taylor said with a wave. "I'll keep an eye on things here."

Leon sat in a chair in the kitchen, Fou staring at him with glowing eyes.

Nines and Emil were poking at leftover food from when I'd made Sora and Achilles breakfast.

Sora glanced at me with a worried look. I smiled back, and he relaxed.

Satisfied that everyone was going to behave or otherwise be fine, I made a beeline for the captain's quarters. As soon as I got there, I shut the door.


I sighed. "Hey, Tess."

"Do you need Cu?" Her voice was gentle. "I heard what happened. You and fire…"

Searing blazing down to the marrow

"I. Might." I swallowed. "It's been a… a time. Between the Master of Masters, Lisa leaving, Sora's… everything, and that to top it all off. Yeah."

"Alright. I'm here as well if you need me."

"Thanks Tess. You're a good friend."

She hummed gently, then the intercom cut out.

My hands trembled a little as I undid the remains of my shirt, then flung it on the ground. I touched my stomach self-consciously, reassuring myself that the facade of muscle and skin was in place.

It had barely broken the skin, but it had still hurt. I hadn't been hurt by anything less than a full-fledged Beast for a long time. It wasn't a sensation I was fond of.

Arms looped around my waist from behind, and I felt Cu's chest against my back. He tucked his chin over my shoulder, putting it in the dip between my neck and collarbone. I found his hands with my own and covered them up.

"You going to be alright?"

"I'm going to try."

Cu grunted. "That's fair. Next time-"

"I'll call on you sooner. I'm sorry I left you out of it." I leaned my head against his, rubbing our temples together.

"Mh. You had it in hand. It's not like you to get vicious, though. I saw his clothes, if not what happened to him."

"...yeah. Uh. I kind of went straight to overkill."

"He attacked your kid, then hit you with fire." Cu gently pressed his lips to the side of my neck. "Still. How did all of that play out?"

I reached a hand back and started playing with his hair as we leaned against the door. "Well, I nabbed his super-sword with Ideal's stasis gem before he could really hurt Sora. Had Fou patch the kid up, since he had gotten injured. I was standing on the sword."

Cu snickered. "You show off," he teased.

I blushed. "Yeah, yeah. Then I, uh. Kind of teleported in, put my arm around his neck, and kicked him in the balls."

I felt Cu press his mouth into my shoulder as his body shook with suppressed laughter.

"Then I brained him with the parasol and sent him flying."

Cu's arms tightened. "Snrk." His ensuing chuckles were muffled.

"That was when he fireballed me when I got distracted calling him names. After that, I jabbed him in the throat with the umbrella. Then thorn-vines, and I flung him around a bit. Uh, there was poison involved. Then I was going to disintegrate him with Ideal's entropy gem in rapier form. Aerith stopped me."

Cu let out a long breath. "So that's why his clothes were a mess." His arms loosened long enough for me to turn around and wrap him in a tight hug. "So the kid's okay?"

"Yeah. I think he was more scared than hurt; there was a shallow nick on his shoulder before Fou got to him. That said, he's way stronger than I projected. The thing that got me outside was a fucking cyclone he called up. If I recall, the spell was 'Tornado' - the strongest wind-based attack in this corner of the universe."

"Damn." Cu gave a low whistle. "So, not as green as advertised?"

"No. His mother is a hero with incredible magic ability, both natural and otherwise, and he's had a year's training from Achilles. So yeah, kid has a head start." I frowned and pulled back a little as Cu adjusted his grip. "And about that."

He grimaced. "That won't happen again. I was just… venting my own issues one last time. We talked, we're good."

"Okay. Uh, if you don't mind…?"

"We used to be a thing. I clocked him through his protections during a spar, we both freaked out, and things were said that shouldn't have been. We might be friends again, but that part's over." Cu's tone was clipped and brisk.

I leaned my forehead against his. "Sorry if I pried."

His eyes met mine. "You didn't. I'd rather keep it between us, though. Just for the sake of…"

"Okay." I smiled.

"Alright. Now get yourself dressed up; we probably don't have a lot of time before the missy gets back with her friends." He leaned back and visibly looked me up and down with a smirk. "And if you take too much longer, they might be waiting a good while."

A laugh tore itself from my lips. "Well, I'd hate to make you suffer." I leaned in and pressed my lips to his.

He gave a small, pleased growl before I pulled back and gathered light in my hands. "Tease."

"It's only teasing if I don't intend to follow through later," I said as I formed a new shirt and jacket, drawing a bowtie around my throat.

His eyes brightened. "Oh? Special occasion?"

I shrugged. "Just loving you."

Cu grinned with a soft look in his eyes. "Just that, then."

I placed the top hat on my head and tucked Ideal under my arm. "Mm-hm. How do I look?"

"You're asking someone who prefers you with as little clothing as possible," Cu said wryly. "That said, you look fine."

"So turn into the dragon-thing later tonight, got it."

He nudged his shoulder into mine as I made for the door. "Not what I meant and you know it."

I grinned. "I know."

"Hmph." Cu looped his arm through mine.

"So, uh." Sora fiddled with his hands. "What's you guys' stories?"

Emil hovered awkwardly. "Well, um. It's long, and complicated."

"I'm a scanner android employed by a force fighting alien robotic life-forms. The aliens themselves were long dead, and apparently so were the humans of our world." Nines' voice was quiet. "I… did a lot of bad things. Lost people I cared for. I was infected by a virus, and my consciousness ceased. Somehow, I was saved alongside someone I hated and someone I cared for. Then our world fell to darkness. I fought for humans, wanted to meet one… but the instant I could, I chickened out. I'd been living under Merlin's house for a while with Emil and Pluto - a dog. He's staying with Merlin."

Taylor shifted. "I was bullied, got crammed in a locker, got powers, got magic, and saved the world. Somewhere along the way I made a lot of friends and learned how to trust people again. I blame Mattias, personally." A small smile flickered across her face. "Tamamo too, come to think of it."

Fou growled as Leon moved slightly.

"Cool it, furball. I'm getting comfortable." Leon glanced at Sora. "I grew up in a place called Radiant Garden. It fell."

"Like the Islands," Sora murmured.

Taylor tilted her head as Tamamo leaned on her chair.

"I grew up on the Destiny Islands. I had two close friends, and a lot of other ones. My mom raised me on her own since I was five or so, and I met Achilles a year back. He taught me how to fight, and I'd confide in him." Sora shifted. "My best friend, Riku… I used to tell him everything. We'd compete, but there wasn't any real…" He shook his head. "That changed. Riku started getting aggressive, meaner. He'd be sullen and wouldn't say why. I got scared to talk to him like I used to, so I turned to Achilles. He was just… warmer, more patient, more understanding…"

Taylor twitched slightly. "Never heard that one before," she said in a dry tone.


"Sarcasm. It sounds a lot like what happened to me. Anyways." She waved a hand, dismissing the topic.

"Right. So I got closer to Kairi, my other friend, and Achilles. Riku kind of… fell to the wayside. That made things worse. I couldn't talk to him because he kept getting mad at me, and nothing really worked. I thought we were working it out close to when everything fell apart."

"Yeah. We were in the Realm of Darkness when your world started falling - literally," Tamamo said softly.

"You saw?" Sora whispered.

"Bits of island started falling from the sky." Taylor's voice was flat. "It was bad."

"It's not great on the other end, either," Nines said tersely.

Emil nodded slowly. "It's true. Our world had survived so much - the white chlorination, the black scrawl-"

"The world survived. Humanity was gone. We were left." Nines folded his hands, gripping tightly.

"What were those?" Taylor asked.

"Well, a dragon came out of a portal and died in a fight with a big thing. Then they dissolved, and people started turning into monsters to survive. If they didn't turn into monsters, they became salt." Emil moved his arms around. "Humanity fought against the Legion of monsters, performing lots of experiments. Some people were sealed in books to create Grimoires, some were…" He looked away. "Anyways. They knew humanity was doomed, so they created a system. The souls were saved as data, called Gestalts, and bodies were created, called Replicants. Once the disease ran its course, the Gestalts would reclaim the bodies."

"That sure didn't happen," Nines remarked.

"What happened?" Taylor asked slowly.

"Well, some Gestalts went berserk. These were called Shades, and turned monstrous. If a Gestalt relapsed, Replicants couldn't be made because the data was gone. This was shown by black runes on the Replicant's body called the Black Scrawl." Emil floated for a moment. "That said, retaking bodies was… not in the cards."

"After all, they were occupied. The Replicants became sentient and sapient." Nines' tone was clipped. "And the Replicant of the keystone of the system, the Shadowlord, killed his opposite. So fell humankind."

"Why? Was there no other way?" Taylor asked, eyes narrowed.

"Not really. He had the Replicant's sister, and had placed his own sister within. When the Gestalt left, she-"

"Yonah. Her name was Yonah." Emil's voice was small.

"So… what are you, Emil? Aside from a Servant," Tamamo amended.

Leon crossed his arms. "I've been curious myself."

"He's the Ultimate One of his world," Fou announced firmly.

That drew attention.

"Like Grail is an Ultimate One?" Taylor asked, visibly shaken.

"That sounds important." Sora peered at Emil.

"Um. I was human, once. Then there were experiments, and my eyes started turning people to stone. Then I took this form for power to save my friends. It… partially worked. One was lost. I found evidence that he existed, somehow, but… I don't even remember his name. Another, Kaine, lived a few decades more. Then she died. Then Yonah died, she was his sister. I loved them all."

Everyone stared.

"Then the aliens came. I cloned myself, but my memories split with my body. I stopped the invasion by myself, but the machines remained, and I forgot… everything. I remembered at one point, but…" Emil trailed off. "I think I died there, but some of my clones remained. Where did they go…?"

"I get the feeling you're not talking about your clones," Taylor murmured.

Emil gave a soft whimper.

"Right!" Tamamo clapped her hands. "So, we have our introductions mostly done. Where's fearless leader?"

"He's managed to avoid a low-grade panic attack, and will be joining us shortly," Tess said from the intercom.

"Uh?" Nines said, blinking.

"Ah, hello. My name is Theresa Richter, or Tess. You can call me Tess or Dragon. I'm the ship's pilot, and head of the Guild of Heroes' technological department."

"You're Tess!?" Nine said, sitting up.


"He's an android, so we'll be relying on you to help keep him in fighting shape," Taylor explained.

"Oh! I see." Tess' voice was warm. "I'll be sure to make sure you're taken care of."

Nines looked like he wanted to say something else, but he glanced down.

Sora gently put a hand on the other boy's shoulder, making him look up in surprise.

"It's gonna be okay," Sora said firmly. He looked at Emil, and smiled at both of them.

Emil perked up a little, and Nines fiddled with his hands.

"Well, hopefully your leader got over whatever his problem was," Leon said coolly.

"You mean how you hit the man who remembers past lives and burned to death with a fireball?" Fou bit out.

Leon shifted as he became the center of attention very quickly.

In the near distance, Sora heard a faint buzzing.

"So. You don't do that again, and I don't make whatever Mattias put you through look like a love tap. Agreed?" Taylor might as well have been talking about the weather, given her calm demeanor.

Leon nodded slowly. "Right."

"Huh. Everyone's pretty stern. What'd I miss?" Achilles asked, leaning on Sora's head with his forearm.

"A lot," Tamamo replied dryly.

Leon had the grace to look somewhat guilty as Fou settled down to continue staring ominously.

Cu and I met everyone else in the bridge. There might have been a meeting room elsewhere, but it was the largest. When we got in there, I paused and took stock of the situation.

Sora had apparently decided to spend time with 9S - or Nines - and seemed to be in deep conversation. To his credit, the older-looking boy seemed to be engaged and cautiously friendly.

...I'd have to ask Tess or Taylor to check for traces of the Logic Virus. It had infected him near the end of his… thing… and he'd turned into a murderous berserker. Not the kind I could work with either. Early-Automata 9S? Cinnamon roll. Late-game? Psycho who got broken by sadistic AI and the loss of everyone he cared about. If this was post Ending E, then he'd been brought back to life after it all.

Tamamo had pounced on Achilles and was visibly grilling him for information. I guess she was finding out just what went on while he was on the Destiny Islands. They must have known each other in Chaldea, at least in passing; they seemed at ease together.

Taylor sat, holding Emil's hands and talking to him gently. The skeletal boy smiled as much as ever. I didn't know if he could make another expression. He could cry, of that I was sure, but he wasn't at the moment.

My first priority for him would be seeing if I could get his Saint Graph modified so he could have his old body back without the whole petrify-eyes curse thing. That meant a visit straight to Illyasviel once we had time to breathe - probably after Guard Armor, the top Heartless in town, was culled. Still, he'd suffered enough for any crime he'd ever committed. It was time the universe gave back to him for a change.

Leon sat apart, Fou continuing to glare at him. That seemed a good place to start.

I squeezed Cu's arm and started moving that way, but he followed along closely.

"I'll be fine," I muttered.

"Mmhm. Because I'll be there."

My boyfriend is a little overprotective. Still love him, though.

"Enjoying your stay on the good ship Shadow Border?" I asked as I leaned against a console.

"Don't sit on the keyboard. You don't want to trigger the warp drive," Tess chided.

I rolled my eyes and straightened my posture.

"It's definitely different from Gummi Ships," Leon replied. He glanced at me. "They told me about your pyrophobia."

"In all fairness, I had nut-checked you," I allowed. "I'd be peeved myself." Assuming I hadn't just altered my biology to have a spine there to spite the person in question, of course.

"Neither of us covered ourselves in glory." He paused. "Truce?"

"Honestly, I'd rather put the whole thing behind us and start fresh." I paused. "Though, given-"

"I've had worse happen. You say it's a wash, it's a wash." Leon waved dismissively.

Well then.

"I'm not sure whether to be relieved or horrified."

He smirked. "Heartless are brutal. At least you patched me up after mangling me. Last time, Aerith took three days. You recognized her, so you know how good a healer she is."


"How good is she?" Cu asked, speaking up.

"Healing's her bread and butter. I don't know about bones and stuff, but she can flick away flesh wounds in a blink." I rubbed my chin. "So the little fuckers are actually dangerous, then."

"Shadows and Soldiers are manageable. Large Bodies can crush a man, and Air Soldiers are agile enough to be a problem. If they start slinging magic, then you have issues." Leon leaned back. "And even the first two are problems in groups."

Demon Tide!

"...duly noted." I exhaled. "So, where's Aerith? Would Cid and Yuffie be that hard to find, normally? Cid should be at the accessory shop, and there's a limited number of places Yuffie could be."

"Actually, they're boarding now," Tess replied.

Leon shrugged. "We'll find out soon."

The door slid open, and a blonde man in a simple white shirt and jeans strode in. He had a toothpick in his mouth, and looked around the room with an assessing eye. "Aerith, the hell we walkin' into?"

"Holy crap. This place is huge! It didn't look that big from the outside!" The dark-haired girl that followed Cid wore a green tube-top and tan shorts. Her eyes landed on me. "Who's the weirdo in the blue suit?"

I Gated behind her. "Mattias Sanderson, archmage. And you are Yuffie Kisaragi."

"ACK!" Yuffie sprang away from me, eyes wide. "You- how- what!?"

I felt a light shove against my back. "Stop that," Aerith scolded. She shook her head. "That's everyone."

"No Cloud or Tifa?" I snarked.

Aerith paused. "I haven't seen Cloud in a few years. Tifa is looking for him." She shot me a suspicious look. "How do you know all of us, anyways?"

"Magic." I gave a shit-eating grin.

"If he doesn't feel like talking, he won't," Taylor said, standing up.

"Introductions, then?" I asked brightly.

"Here we go." Cu smirked.

"So, let's start with the locals," I said, leaping in front of the main console. "In pink, we have the lovely Aerith Gainsborough. Flower girl, possibly a Cetra, and in tune with hearts or Lifestream or whatever."

She raised an eyebrow. "I'm not sure how you know those terms, but I'm equally sure you won't say."

I grinned. "The Great Ninja Yuffie, teenage genius of infiltration and sharp pointy shit."

Yuffie preened. "That's right!"

"Cid Highwind, engineer and space-travel expert. Remember kids, Interspace ain't no playground." I grinned as the man thumbed his nose with a wry smirk. "Squall Leonhart, alias 'Leon', trained fighter and user of a gunblade. Yes, it's as ridiculous as it sounds."

He scoffed. "And your merry band?"

I gave a flourishing bow. "But of course! Theresa Richter, alias 'Tess', alias 'Dragon'. AI, inventor, Tinker, and engineer extraordinaire. Her body is back home, but she's with us in spirit."

Tess appeared on the main screen. "Hello," she greeted with a smile.

"Over here we have Taylor Hebert, alias 'Khepri'. She's the scariest of us all, and you should all be glad I fought Leon and not her."

She stared impassively. The only one who didn't show some discomfort was Aerith, who crossed her arms, unimpressed.

"Next is Tamamo-no-Mae, fox priestess, fragment of a solar goddess, and all-around smartass."

Tamamo shot me an amused look.

"Sora Branford, son of Tina Branford. Magic prodigy, Keyblade inheritor, and recent castaway."

"Um. Hi?" He waved sheepishly.

"Achilles, son of the sea goddess Thetis, and hero of the Trojan War. Nigh-invulnerable musclehead, and the fastest thing on two legs this side of the universe."

"Yo!" Achilles gave a wide grin and a two-finger salute.

"9S, aka 'Nines'. Reconnaissance and systems expert. With him is Emil, master of magic and indestructible cinnamon roll."

"I'm a pastry?" Emil asked in confusion.

"I think it's a euphemism…" Nines muttered.

"Cu Chulainn. Awesome fighter, master of runes, and general badass."

He hip-checked me with a grin.

"And I'm Mattias Sanderson, alias 'Grail'. Alien superweapon, Magician, and knower of too much for his own good." I smiled brightly. "And that's everyone!"

"Alright," Leon said. "So we're here because of him." He pointed at Sora. "The Keyblade is needed-"

"To seal Keyholes and stop the fall of worlds, yes," I agreed. "Also to fight back the Heartless."

Taylor shifted.

"I know what Heartless are," Sora said. "How does the Keyblade stop worlds from being eaten?"

"So each world has a gate or door, sealed by a Keyhole. A Keyblade can 'lock' it, keeping Heartless from infiltrating the heart and consuming it." I shrugged. "Keyblades react when near and certain conditions are met, so it's not like you'll need to learn a new spell or something. Pretty automatic."

"Huh. Okay." Sora nodded.

"Heartless have been taking out worlds for a while," Yuffie said. "Can we really rely on one kid to do it all?"

"Well girly, we've got slim pickins for people to do it," Cid drawled. "It's him or nobody. 'Sides, he's got at least one person who can ragdoll Leon in his corner. I'd say the kid's set." He rubbed his chin. "Not to mention it sounds like he can hold his own."

"I'll help," Nines said abruptly. "I can't do the key stuff, but like Mattias said, I can do recon. Finding these Keyholes can't be impossible."

"Yeah, they tend to be obvious after careful scrutiny," I agreed.

"And the rest of us pack enough firepower to take out a planet, collectively," Tamamo noted. "He's in good hands."

"And training?" Leon asked, crossing his arms. "He's got good fundamentals," he allowed, "but I don't see any of you using a Keyblade."

"That's arranged," I began.

"I'll be training him."

We all turned as Aqua stepped into the room, Joan at her back.

It's only been a few hours. Why is she back already?

Sora blinked at her, then lightly touched his chest with a frown.

"Who th' doot are you, lady?" Cid scowled.

"Master Aqua." Aqua looked over the room. "And this is Joan, my partner." She manifested Master's Defender. "I'm sure we'll be adequate to the task."

Joan sneered.

I smiled brightly. "So you see, we'll have a full crew to back Sora up, and multiple people to seal worlds." I held my hand up, and No Name exploded into my hand in a shower of glimmering light. "Though I don't really have much practice."

"Yours is scary," Sora commented flatly.

"Not mine, technically. It's on loan."

That earned me a lot of unconvinced looks.

Cid nodded a few times. "Right. Well, Aerith?"

"My concerns are… mostly at rest." She shot me a dubious look. "So, the other order of business: the leader of the Heartless is in the Third District, and we need someone - or multiple someones - to take it out."

Leon raised a hand. "Before you ask, we'll have our hands full protecting the First District."

"The attacks have died down, but that just means they're rallying for a push," Yuffie explained.

"Your ship will be safe," Aerith assured us. "All we need is for you ten to handle the boss."

"Heh! Like I'd let any damage happen to a beaut like this!" Cid scoffed.

"So. Can we count on you to handle it?" Leon asked.

"We're easily capable of dealing with it. If you're asking whether we will…" I looked at my comrades. "This is the last haven for a lot of people lost in the stars. Leaving it to fall would be monstrous, to say the least."

Taylor nodded. "We'll make it quick."

Emil bobbed up and down. "Should we head out?"

I looked at Aqua with a questioning look.

She smiled. "I'm ready." She glanced at Sora, and gave a small wave.

The boy ducked his head with a smile, and waved back.

Right. More conversations for later.

"Alright. Let's adjourn and get to work," Aerith said firmly.

As everyone moved and started walking, Cu leaned in. "So she's their Tess?"

"...I honestly do not know," I confessed. I glanced to Aqua as she drew near.

"Before you ask, I'm fine. I got the rest I needed, but… I couldn't just sit back when you guys were fighting." She straightened her shoulders. "The brown haired boy-"

"Sora. He's the one you'll train."

"I've met him before."

"I know. He has Ven's heart attached to his so it can heal."

Aqua glanced at me. "Oh."

"I'll figure it out. Among other things." I rubbed my neck. "Now we need to deal with a disassembling armor giant. Fun times."

Aqua looked behind us, where Sora had clustered with Nines, Emil, and Taylor. Tamamo and Achilles watched over them from nearby while Joan purposefully looked away. She looked back to me. "Will the other boys be alright?"

"Nines has fought scarier things, as has Emil. Emil is one of said scarier things. He's… destruction is easy for him. Very much so." I sighed as we got close to the gate between the First and Third Districts.

"There's nowhere to unlock it," Aqua said after a cursory look.

I held up a hand, and pointed at a nearby patch of wall. Slowly, the brick raised and distorted until a block with a keyhole appeared. "Should work," I said.

She aimed her Keyblade at it, and there was a sharp click. The massive wooden double doors creaked open, just wide enough to let in one or two people at a time.

"Alrighty. Time to wreck house," I muttered.

"Let's just destroy the Heartless and try to leave the 'house' intact, hm?" Aqua said with a tinge of amusement.

I rolled my eyes. "I make no promises."

Fou scurried up my leg, coming to a stop on my shoulder. "Party, party, party!" he chanted, fur bristling.

With a shake of my head, I walked through the door. The others followed close behind.

A/N: So before anyone asks why I made Achilles and Cu have a 'history', I did it for a few reasons. First, I set it up in Destinations: Home during Cu and Grail's spar. Second, Achilles is bi as hell, and there were enough similarities between Cu and Patroclus for that to be a possibility, and likewise Achilles and Ferdiad. It's more something to add background to both characters; there will be no love triangle or poly shenanigans in that quarter. I haven't settled on any ships for Achilles himself, so that'll come later.
Daybreak: Windchaser
Daybreak: Windchaser

"'Scuse me!"

Lisa sidestepped the running boy with raised eyebrows. "You're excused," she muttered with an amused smirk. Shaking her head, she turned forward again. "You were saying?"

ZZ sighed, rubbing the bridge of her nose. "I'm saying that Scathach's little knowledge-bomb she dropped isn't going to change anything. Whoever or whatever that guy is, we need to work with him. That said, you can't kill his curses outright."

"V is V. And apparently stronger than Grail." Lisa frowned as they kept walking along the street. "He's starting to draft some new plans. I'm going over them, and… there are implications."

"Implications?" ZZ tilted her head.

Lisa nodded. "I really wish Grail had been more forthcoming about the metaphysics of this place. It might not have mattered with just Vanitas, but…"

"Mm. Where are the rest?" ZZ asked.

"Like you can't just find them yourself."

"Har har. Hans is pillaging the local library, that I know. I'm worried Scathach might try to take matters into her own hands."

"And Fortuna?" Lisa asked, glancing subtly behind them.

"She's the least of my worries. You're better at not mouthing off, but you and Hans both still like speaking truth to power in… unfortunate ways." ZZ smoothed her dress' skirt with both hands. "And someone is eavesdropping."

Lisa turned on her heel, and pointed at the blond-haired boy that had run past not a few moments earlier. "Alright, kid. What's your story?" She smirked, placing her free hand on her hip.

"Uh! Sorry, it's just that I've never seen people like you around before. Are you with the spear-lady and blue-haired guy?" He put both his hands behind his head, scuffing his shoe awkwardly.

Lisa raised her eyebrows, looking at his… overly-complex ensemble. He wore a mix of white and grey, with dashes of red. The strangely feathered hairstyle definitely stuck out. "We look odd?"

The boy ducked his head in embarrassment. "Um, no? I mean, I'm sure tons of people wear superhero costumes…"

ZZ snickered. "He's got you there!"

Lisa pursed her lips.

Curious. Shy, painfully so. Drawn to you, unsure why. Older than he looks. Still a young teen.

"Well, that's because I am a superhero," Lisa replied after a few moments. "Former villain, current hero, that is."

"You were a supervillain?" the guy asked, eyes wide.

"Yep. Went by the same name then, too. Tattletale, but you can call me Lisa." Lisa smirked. "And now that you know my name…"

"Oh! Uh, I'm Ventus. Friends call me Ven. Or, they would if I had any…" He trailed off with an awkward chuckle.

Well. Well.

"I know that look~!" ZZ chirped in singsong.

Lisa reached out her hand. "C'mere."

Ventus stepped forward, an unsure look on his face.

Lisa shook her head and mussed up his hair.

"H-hey!" Ventus squawked.

"You really are a lost lamb. Alright, come along you. I'm not letting you out of my sight." Lisa smirked. "Who knows what trouble you'd get into on your own."

"Oh, and I'm ZZ. Nice to meet you, Ven!" the fromer Endbringer cheered.

Ventus blinked rapidly. "Huh?"

"We're saying that we're friends now." Lisa's gaze softened. "C'mon. Walk with us, tell us about you. In exchange, I've got tons of stories about back home." She grinned. "Some are even good ones."

Ven smiled brightly. "Okay, sure!"

ZZ and Lisa exchanged a brief look.

<Oh God. How has he lasted to be a teenager?> Lisa thought.

<You getting the 'off-the-charts innocence' vibe too?>

Ven stared at the two older women.

"Right! To the bakery," Lisa said abruptly, turning around. "Let's go!"

"Oh, okay! Um, you passed it about a block back though." Ven tugged on her hand, and Lisa looked past him.

Sure enough, they had passed the hanging sign.


"Well, there's not a lot to say," Ventus confessed. "I came here to learn how to use a Keyblade and join a Union, but… well, it's slow going. I haven't heard back from any of the Foretellers or the Master yet."

"What about your parents? They're supporting you, right?" ZZ asked.

Lisa's eyes narrowed as Ven glanced at his hands.

"Well, the orphanage matron isn't discouraging, exactly…"

"How the heck do you have those kind of duds on orphan money!?" ZZ asked, frowning.

Ven's chest puffed out. "I worked really hard to afford these! They have armoring charms in them and everything. It took three years to save up for this outfit," he said proudly.

"...and you're how old?" Lisa closed her eyes.

"I'm fourteen!"

Lisa felt herself begin to scream internally. "I. See."

ZZ began to whistle innocently.

"What?" Ven tilted his head.

"I might have an in with the Master of Masters. If you had to pick, what Foreteller would you choose?" Lisa crossed her arms.

"Well, Foretellers lead Unions. There's four, I think. Ira leads the Unicornis, Gula leads Leopardos, Invi leads Anguis, and Aced leads Ursus." Ven ticked each one off of his fingers. "Aced's kind of scary, but I hear he's got a good heart under it. Invi's nice, but a little secretive. Gula's a loner, but he's not mean about it. Ira's super serious, but he's also cool and looks out for his Union pretty closely."

Ira, Invi, Aced, Gula. Wait. Ira, Invidia, Acedia, Gula. Wrath, Envy, Sloth, Gluttony…

"Interesting theme, for organizations supposedly allied with light…" Lisa muttered.

"They're three short of a set, yeah," ZZ said, picking at a sweetroll.

"A set?" Ventus crossed his arms. "Unions collect Lux and keep the Heartless numbers down. They're important to Daybreak Town."

"Lux?" Lisa frowned. "So, you might have gathered it, but-"

"You're new in town," Ven finished for her with a nod. "Lux is… light. Like, a material form of it."

...this sounds shady as all hell.

"So, the Foretellers' names are either abbreviations or outright translations of what we call the seven deadly sins. Ira for wrath, Invi for envy, Gula for gluttony, and Aced for sloth. The missing ones are pride, lust, and greed," Lisa explained. "The getting rid of Heartless is good, but I want to know more about what Lux can do."

She remembered all too well the thing Vanitas had turned Teacher into, and Mattias' explanation. They might look comical on paper, but in person, the wrongness of them was all too apparent.

"Well… I don't really know," Ven admitted. "The Leopardos Union is newer, but the other three have been around for a while. I've… always wanted to join one. Everyone seems so close, and they're never really alone, you know?"

Lisa frowned slightly. "Ven, do you have anyone? At all? I know you said you didn't have any close friends-"

"No. There's no one." Ven's voice was quiet. "Honestly… you guys are the first to really spend this kind of time on me." He smiled shyly. "It's nice."

"We're keeping him, right? I mean, we can't teach him keyblade stuff, but we're a group," ZZ pleaded with wide eyes.

"I swear, I'm becoming more like Grail by the day…" Lisa muttered. "I'll talk to V, and see what I can do. If all else fails, you're stuck with us."

Ven's smile brightened, his eyes shining with happiness. "R-really?"

Lisa sighed. "Call me a sucker for strays," she replied with a smirk. "I come by it honestly."

Ven hopped up, circled the table, and wrapped his arms around Lisa. "Thank you!"

Lisa gently rubbed his back as he held on. "Yeah, yeah. Here's hoping you can put up with our brand of crazy."

"So I'm the funny one, Hans is the sharp-witted one, Fortuna's low-key, Lisa's the smartass, and Scathach is here to suffer," ZZ said brightly. "That makes you the cute one!"

Ven gave ZZ a confused look, still hugging Lisa. "Huh?"

"Like that! Perfect." ZZ exuded an aura of smugness. "It's all coming together."


"You get used to it." Lisa sighed. "Alright, let me go. I need to see a man about a Keyblade."

"Not even a week, and you're already getting involved," V said with a mischievous tone. "I've seen interesting things coming for him."

Lisa crossed her arms. "Define 'interesting'."

"Protective, are we?" V gazed out of the tower. "You'll need more than what you have to take on what's coming. The Fifth is… interesting, but you need power from here."

"I'm listening." Lisa narrowed her eyes.

"I'd like to take you on as an apprentice. I have five already, but what's a sixth? Also, the others are pretty well trained." V exhaled irritably. "Though, I don't have nearly as much time as I'd like to get things going…"

Unbidden, a small smile came to Lisa's face.

"You have an idea?" V asked, leaning against his desk.

"Yeah. How old are you?"

V slumped. "Come onnnn, you don't just ask that kind of thing," he complained.

"I mean, if you don't mind me stealing a century or two…" Lisa said with a wicked grin.

"Say what."

"It's something Aoko told me about on one of my trips to Earth-Magic. I can take people's 'time' to skip my own ahead. So maybe I pick a century or two where not a lot happened for you, and thanks to my own magics I don't age, but…"

V stared at Lisa from beneath his hood. "What. What does that even mean? What."

"I think the usual symptom is memory loss and a shortened lifespan?" Lisa shrugged. "You're immortal, so."

"...for the record, I'm older than old. A century or two, as you put it, is small change." He inclined his head. "...take what you need, but I need to make something first."


V vanished, and reappeared well within Lisa's bubble of personal space. He towered over her, and she… There was minimal warmth from his body. Wearing a leather number like that, hood and all, would have shut in a monstrous amount of body heat. Should have.

"Keyblades are made from the heart. Let's call this a test run. If you can make sure what I forge from you isn't tainted by my curse, then you'll have earned it."

"Earned what?" Lisa asked, mind racing. She gazed up into the hood, but some enchantment kept her from seeing into the shadows there.

"My utterly uninhibited cooperation. My trust. An equal partnership in the plan I'm putting into motion." V leaned down, and pressed the index finger on his right hand to her sternum. "The acceptance of risk that will come in ensuring your friend comes to be."

"...Grail is the First Magician," Lisa said hesitantly. "He's older than old."

"That he is, Miss Wilbourn. That he is." V's head tilted almost imperceptibly. "Are you ready?"

"Don't have a choice, do I?" Lisa set her jaw in a grimace, her eyes flaring blue. Futures spiraled in front of her.

"Neither of us do," V admitted. "But that's what we're fighting to change."

He murmured words that made Lisa's eyes widen.

Slowly, V dragged his hand back, and a small yellow-and-pink token emerged with a slitted blue eye set into it. Pastel blue chain followed, with a yellow grip. Blue clouds emerged, and the pommel was marked by a yellow fox's head. The blade spun from pink into yellow, and back to blue for the teeth.

All the while, Lisa furiously killed any attempt by the dark thorns to latch into the forming Keyblade, the tendrils of Magic Blue acting in concert to sever the curse before it latched onto the weapon. She didn't move physically, but her Magic warped the air around the Master and her. Blue veins split the haze around the Keyblade, and it fell into her hand, fully formed.

She blinked at the Keyblade, slowly smiling.

V staggered backwards, staring at her. "It's pure."

Lisa's smile slowly grew teeth. With a flicker of light, she claimed the time from V. There was a vastness that implied he'd win a fight for it, but he yielded it easily.

Petals scattered in an empty breeze, and Lisa's form was enveloped in a sky-blue haze. After several minutes, it cleared.

"Huh. I feel slightly lighter," V commented. "And you?"

The woman inclined her head. She wore a pink, hooded cloak with green tassels, a white robe, and a light purple shirt and sash. Her mask was white with blue highlights, and covered the top half of her face.

It was shaped like a fox.

Slowly, she looked up, a soft, patient smile on her face. Instantly, it sharpened into a vulpine grin.

"Like I'm ready to take on the World, V."

Ven bounced on the balls of his feet. "You mean it!? I get to join a Union!?" he shouted excitedly. His eyes shone with joy.

ZZ's mouth moved silently as Hans's arms hung limply, tablet dangling towards the ground. Fortuna simply shook her head with a smirk as Scathach gave a slow, piercing look.

"That's right. You're the first member," Lisa said proudly. She still wore her new outfit, and her Keyblade was held in both hands.

"Wait. Wait! You're a Foreteller?" Ven squawked. He looked at the rest of the group.

"It's news to us too," Fortuna said wryly.

"News is a massive understatement. Are you sure about this, Lisa?" Scathach asked, frowning slightly.

"I need… to get… this down…" Hans grit out, fingers flying across his tablet as he recovered.

Lisa placed a hand on her hip. "Yep, newly minted. Ava, Foreteller of the Vulpes Union, at your service." She sighed. "Ugh. I'm going to have to be all serious like the other muckety-mucks."

ZZ just pointed at Lisa, jaw still working in shock.

"To answer Scathach, yes I'm sure. I need this power to advance my plans. V needs me to make sure anything gets done." Lisa dropped her hand. "Also, I took two centuries of his 'time' to get to this point. Let me tell you, he's as old as advertised. I could have taken more, but this is all I needed."

"Uh…?" Ven tilted his head in confusion. "What?"

"V is the Master of Masters. Basically I stole years from his past to jump two centuries in direct training from him," Lisa explained.


"Hey, I might be a hero now, but I used to be a villain. Of course I cheated." Lisa smirked. "So. About the Union thing."

Ven blinked rapidly.

"You in?"

"Yeah I am!" Ven smiled brilliantly. "I don't know what's going on, but I get to be the first member of a new Union? And the Foreteller is working with the Master of Masters on a super secret project? Of course I'm gonna join!"

"Oh sweetie," Fortuna murmured.

ZZ shivered, and flung her arms skyward. "This is so not in mission parameters!"

"What is the plan? What happens next?" Hans asked, eyes burning in excitement.

Scathach crossed her arms. "Nothing good, probably," she remarked.

Lisa smiled patiently. "First, I meet the other Foretellers. Then, I make my Union. Then… we begin the plan."

"Plan?" ZZ echoed, hands on her hips as her wings quirked up.

"We're going to send a light into the future, and set the stage for Grail to come here. And when that happens…" Lisa slung the Keyblade over her shoulders.

"It'll be business as usual. Right! Okay, I'm on board! It's Guild time, ladies and kids!" ZZ punched her palm, a wide grin on her face. "Let's send this timeline all the way off the rails!"

"Yeah!" Ven cheered.

" don't even know what you're cheering for." Scathach shot the boy a darkly amused look.

"But I'll find out!"

"The worst part is, he's right," Fortuna commented.

"So do I call her Lisa? Ava?" Hans murmured, eyes flicking up and down his tablet screen.

Lisa sighed. "Alright, goon squad."

"Vulpes Union!" Ven corrected.

"Six of one."


"Anyways. Let's go get you registered!" Lisa spun on her heel, Ven quickly following behind her.

"What about us!?" ZZ called.

"You get Keyblades and you can join too! Otherwise, you're my lovely assistants!"

"I'm good."

"No thanks!"

"You could not give me enough alcohol."

"'And as she walked down the road, her first protege in tow…'"

Lisa glanced at Ven, the boy humming cheerfully as the two of them made their way to the clocktower. At that moment, she didn't know how she'd changed his future. Would it be for better? Worse? She knew that this was supposed to happen, from her future self. But she was certain of one thing.

Whatever the original plan was, it was well and truly done for now.

The Master of Masters watched Ava return to the clocktower, young Ventus in her wake. His fist slowly clenched.

The visions of the future had begun to solidify. Luxu was nearing the end of his training, and that meant making the No Name and setting all into motion.

It meant that the war was off. The Foretellers would never face each other in battle, and the prescribed destiny was about to be challenged. It meant he was turning against his so-called 'compatriots'. The plan would have ended with no small amount of chaos, strife, and confusion. It would have set the stage for- but it may yet pass. After a point, he couldn't see everything.

He would need to rely on Luxu and Ava to be his hands, especially once Ava had given Luxu the power to shirk his curses, and carved their influence away. She may not have the power to end them on himself, but that was what his ultimate gambit was for.

He might as well burn the Book of Prophecy, for all the good it was about to do. And he couldn't leave this unattended, if only to communicate his needs to his newest and soon to be most reliable disciple.

Well, disciple was a strong term. Ally was more appropriate.


The time had come to do away with plans, and embrace chaos.

Beneath his hood, V smiled gleefully.

He could barely wait.
Traverse 2.3
Traverse: 2.3

Nothing had happened after opening the door to the Third District, but I was already feeling a sense of regret for bringing an entire platoon of varying skill.

I was a lot of things, but I was no Waver Velvet (as possessed by Old Chinese General). Sora's inexperience, Nines' lack of combat optimization, Aqua still recovering from her time in the shadow hellworld… there were a lot of weak spots to cover, and I wasn't confident in my ability to handle it all myself.

I took advantage of the quiet to gaze over the group and try to cobble together something resembling a plan.

"Do you know what we're up against?" Aqua asked, breaking the silence.

I rubbed my chin. "Guard Armor, possibly with a contingent of Soldiers. They might double down and send in more advanced forms, I don't know."

"For those of us not familiar with Heartless?" Taylor asked.

"Five parts. Hands, feet, torso. Each can act independently, but more often in concert. The limbs pair off, and the torso stands alone. Soldiers are basically Shadows that have more definition, bigger claws, and wear some armor. They're the weakest 'Emblem' Heartless, as opposed to 'Pureblood'."

Aqua narrowed her eyes. "Meaning…?"

The ground began to shake.

"Meaning our time's up, and I'll explain after we trash the leader and buy Traverse Town some breathing room," I said with a frown. "Alright, get ready to group up!"

The ten of us ran towards the center of the large, empty plaza, walls of stone erupting from the ground and cutting off our escape routes. Assuming we couldn't fly, of course.

Aqua's key snapped out, followed by Sora's. Cu twirled his spear as Achilles checked his own. Tamamo let her mirror float as Joan planted her flag. Emil hung onto his staff while a large sword hovered behind Nines, his Pod opening its face and exposing its turret. Taylor didn't move, but glanced around as Fou settled in on my shoulder.

In that moment, two things happened.

First, a platoon of Soldiers erupted from spheres of darkness, jittering like stringless marionettes as wicked whispers filled the air. They were spaced out, but there were a lot of them.

The second was the five pieces of Guard Armor rocketing downward from the sky, slamming into the pavement and cracking the stone. The feet planted themselves as the torso settled above it. The hands seemed to lock into place at the sides, and a spherical head with an armored visor hovered atop the body. The Heartless shuddered once, then began to move. The torso swayed as the massive feet began to cartwheel one after the other in place. The hands swayed, revolving around the middle, and the head bobbed freely. The clanking didn't drown out the hushed hissing that came from it.

Before I could say anything, Sora rushed at the Guard Armor with a roar, Achilles blurring ahead.

I shook my head. "Someone needs to handle the small fry."

"On it. Tamamo, we're rolling out," Taylor said, gliding over the cracked pavement. Tamamo followed suit.

Fou launched himself off of my collar. "Incoming!" he cheered.

I made a split-second decision. "Nines, you and Emil back Taylor up! Cu, Aqua, Joan, with me!"

Aqua gave a firm nod, and the four of us followed after Sora and Achilles. From the edge of my vision, I saw Nines sprint after Taylor, Emil floating behind him.

As we closed, I saw Achilles parry a falling boot before it could crush Sora, just in time for the Guard Armor to wind up for the one attack that always gave me headaches.

Nines still felt where Sora had pat his shoulder almost an hour ago.

As he tightened his grip on Cruel Oath, his eyes landed on his prey. With a swing, the protocols activated and a swirl of sharpened air preceded the blade, rattling the Soldier before the blade slammed into its side. The edge pierced the creature's chest, and Nines felt nothing like bone, muscle, or metal. It felt like cutting through… not water, but something thick and viscous.

This was easier. He could focus on this, and ignore the strange feelings from the past few hours. From Taylor wanting him around. From the casual, gentle contact that Sora had given in response to hearing his story.

As the Soldier collapsed into a thick black puddle, only to evaporate into dark mist, Nines watched the small pink shape lunge away into the sky.

At least Mattias and Aqua hadn't tried to engage with him yet. Mattias' shock - no, recognition - had rattled Nines more than he cared to admit.

With a practiced lean backwards, he evaded the pirouetting Soldier that flew overhead, his Pod sniping it with a flurry of pale yellow bolts. Ichor flew, and the Heartless tumbled to the ground and met a similar fate to the first.

Nines glanced around, his blade in front of him as the Pod watched his back.

Three Soldiers charged, weaving around each other as they closed with him.


The small device began to glow, light accumulating around it.

"Execute R030."

"Executing POD Program R030: Hammer."

Nines smirked as the three Soldiers lunged as one, congregating into a small area directly in front of him.

There was no chance for them to evade the hard-light construct that smashed them all into pulp with a single blow. The hammer dissolved into glowing motes seconds after impact, drifting away.

Nines twitched, glancing around. More Soldiers were encroaching, and he'd seen what those claws could do to the unwary. He'd have to-

Lines of pale blue light scythed through the ranks, the ground erupting in brilliant flame and scattering debris. Orbs followed, slamming into those that survived the first strafe and exploding, sending ripples of force through the air with the vehemence of their detonation.

Nines stared as Taylor landed next to him, plucking a charging Soldier out of the air with a single hand and crushing its helmet.

"You're distracted," she said flatly.

An explosion echoed behind Nines, and the whispers around them continued to lessen.

Taylor looked away. "Stay close. We'll try to wrap this quickly."

The debris around them flickered, and Nines stared at the crystalline butterflies that began to soar through the air.

What sort of people had he gotten involved with!?

The vortex of whirling hands slashed over Sora's head, the wind whipping through his hair. He glared before rolling under the attack, Keyblade lashing out at the Armor's feet.

It connected with a solid 'thunk', but there wasn't any appreciable damage. All it did was leave a small dent, and the foot began to rise and draw back.

"Are you brain-dead!?" Grail squawked, appearing next to him. "Heartless fight in patterns! Learn the patterns, read them, then attack!" The man wrapped his arms around Sora, and the teen found himself a considerable distance away when the boot crashed down, the stone beneath cracking into shards.

"We don't have time!" Sora clenched his fist. "If we don't hurry, then-!"

"If this world was about to go up, we'd know." Grail's tone was grim. "I understand that you're hurting. Really, I do. But risking your life unnecessarily hurts the people around you."

With a roar, Achilles blurred through the space between them and the Guard Armor, landing feet-first into the torso and knocking it away.

"Divide and conquer!" Grail called out, letting Sora go. "The limbs' greatest asset is coordination! Break it, keep them seperate, and they're only a bit stronger than your average Soldier!"

The Armor shook, and the hands and feet split apart from each other. The hands balled into fists and began to pursue Cu Chulainn, while the feet clomped on the ground to send shockwaves after Aqua.

Sora gripped his Keyblade and charged at the torso. The heart was there, and if he set it free…!

He heard Grail's loud groan. "Fucking- fine!"

The ground erupted, and thorned vines lashed around the torso, slamming the head into the concave space atop its shoulders. The structure shuddered, immobilized.

Runic circles appeared, surrounding the Heartless' body and launching rays of light that scored gleaming trails across the shell.

Sora held up his Keyblade. "Shine!" Small orbs of light flurried from the tip, and bit into the Armor's body.


Pain blossomed along his back as something crashed into him, and he heard the loud crack.

I felt my temper rise as the swinging fist caught Sora across the back, sending him sprawling to the ground in a boneless heap.

He didn't get up.

"...I'm done."

Aqua flipped away from a crashing boot with effortless grace, sending a barrage of ice at it with her Keyblade. "Giving up isn't-"

Joan let out a low cackle as she transfixed the other boot on her sword, flames cascading down it. "Oh, I know that tone. Ritsuka got like that more than once. He's not giving up."

I held my hands up. "Primordial Song: Eternal Tide of Life."

The Water spread from my feet, washing over Sora and the feet of the other fighters. It gleamed softly, and I heard the sharp intake of Aqua's breath.

Achilles appeared next to Sora in a flash, lifting him up with a fearful expression. The kid's eyes fluttered open, and he frowned. "Achilles? Did I get hit?"

Silver flame erupted as it slid across the Guard Armor's lower limbs. Cracks spread across the Heartless' feet while the hands floated, no longer clenched in fists.

"Knock them into the Tide!" I ordered.

Cu blurred, launching himself into one of the hands as they drew back to execute their slashing spin. His spear knocked it down as he pole-vaulted off of the limb, and the hand writhed as silver flames began to eat into it.

"So Heartless are curses. Good to know," I said with a polite smile as I opened my parasol over my shoulder. I began to stride forward.

Tamamo was bored. The small fry hadn't been much of a challenge to start - her talismans caught them all too easily, and the few that broke through her wall of magic paper broke themselves on Emil.

The smaller Caster floated around aimlessly, and where he wandered gravity warped and tore Soldiers limb from limb. He kept his distance from Taylor and Nines, hovering into clusters of Soldiers and letting the destructive magic do its work.

Of course, the rhythm was disrupted when the Tide came in.

The Soldiers spasmed and began to collapse, falling into the Water and evaporating into clouds of ink. Streams of little pink hearts launched into the air and vanished, scattering among the stars in the sky.

"Hmm. How interesting. Are they demons? No, demons would not be affected like that. Only 'aberrations' or 'curses'. Or… wait. The Water 'heals'." Tamamo slowly smiled widely. "The 'hearts' are still the people within, just imprisoned. Of course, mikon~!"

Emil dispatched the last batch of Soldiers with a wave of his staff, gravity crushing them down into the Water to be dispelled. "That's more effective, I guess. Um, Miss Tamamo? Where did-"

"It's Grail's power," Tamamo answered with a slight shrug.

Fou hopped from Heartless to Heartless, driving them deeper into the Water with happy little chirrups. "If this is the worst they have to offer, we'll be fine!"

"I doubt that'll be the case," Tamamo said idly, examining her sleeves before peering at Nines and Taylor.

Nines slumped on Taylor's shoulder, panting. Taylor wasn't remotely winded, drawing her strength from the bond she shared with Mattias.

"No, these are mere footsoldiers. The more specialized enemies will likely prove more of a threat, I think. And that Armor is likely far from the worst we'll encounter." Tamamo gave a sharp smile. "No, no. This is merely testing the water, so to speak."

Fou gave a small growl of irritation.

Emil hovered quietly. "It's true. But it doesn't matter how many come." He looked up, and Tamamo paused in her preening.

"So long as Nines needs me, and so long as people like Taylor and Sora accept me… I'll fight, and win. Because that's what this body of mine is for." Emil's smiling visage was unchanging.

Hm. It seemed that Taylor's little strays had their own array of issues. Well! Tamamo would observe and help where she could.

But seriously... these kids needed therapy, mikon.

The torso erupted from my thorned vines in a whirl of motion, spinning rapidly. Magic must have been involved, because a wall of wind emerged from it without sucking up any Water. The vortex siphoned up the other four parts, and they began to rattle around inside the tornado.

"Well, that just got complicated," Joan grumbled as her fires went out.

Sora growled from Achilles' grip, struggling to lift his Keyblade despite being held under the Rider's arm and lacking leverage. "I can do something about it! Set me down!"

Aqua aimed her Keyblade, and a small sphere of electricity rocketed towards the maelstrom, erupting in a shower of sparks on impact. The floating limbs jerked in midair, and the feet fell to the ground.

A ring of fire began to revolve around Aqua as she dashed forward, knocking them into the air - just in time for the whirlwhind to blast her back, barely giving her time to block.

"Dispel!" Sora shouted, holding his free hand out.

Lines crossed over the tornado, forming hexagonal patterns. The designs shattered, and the wind died. This resulted in the Guard Armor crashing wholesale into my Water.

I glanced back, and saw Achilles had set the kid down. He gave me a sheepish grin as Sora refused to meet my eyes.

"Maaaybe stick to ranged support?" I offered. Shortly after, my world inverted as a massive weight slammed into my body.

"Mattias!" Cu roared.

I clung to the torso as it flew into the air, and my parasol folded and turned back into the rapier. "...someone goofed," I muttered.

Note: magic? Works on me. Blunt impact and other physical stuff? Still a no-sell.

Huzzah for Endbringer physiology!

I began to stab at the Armor's emblem with as much force as I could bring to bear, only for light to fill my vision as I made contact. "Bwuh?"

Prismatic streams slammed into the torso, and I felt myself get snatched off by a strong arm. I saw the teeth of Aqua's Master Defender release a flood of light that slammed the Guard Armor into one of the stone barricades.

"You looked to be in some trouble," she said in an amused tone.

" the big ones take a little effort, sue me," I grumbled.

"At least you're unharmed," Aqua replied as we landed. She set me on my feet.

Cu blurred forwards, and Gae Bolg scythed through one of the boots with a vengeance, shattering the violet casing and scattering it across the ground. "One down, four to go!"

Sora ran over to me. "You alright?" he asked, worry stealing past his angry expression.

"Alien superweapon, bud." I sighed as I looked at my dirtied suit. "It takes more than that to hurt me. My outfit, on the other hand…"

Sora gave me a flat look.

"Yeah, yeah, don't run in. And I'm sorry I yelled but-"

His eyes widened, and something clashed off a barrier that sprang up in front of the three of us. I looked and saw a hand spinning away only for Achilles to cleave it in two with his spear, flashing away.

"Fast," Aqua said approvingly.

" had that, didn't you." I squinted at her.

She smiled slightly, then held up her Keyblade and flicked it once.

Purple-black energy roared through the air, and the remaining three pieces of the Guard Armor crashed to the ground.

"Whoa…" Sora's jaw dropped.

"Enough playing! Let's wrap this up!" Joan roared. Her blade and flag whipped through the air, transfixing the last two limbs. With a wrenching movement of her shoulders, black flame raced down her arms and into the hand and foot, erupting in pillars. When the fire faded, ash drifted on the Water.

Sora glanced at me, then dashed forward.



Wind whipped around Sora, encasing him in a shell of bladed air. The spell had an additional effect, however - Water was carried by the wind, giving an additional layer of protection.

I paused. "Okay. So he's a fast learner."

The torso rattled as Sora made impact, blades of Water scything into it shortly before the silver teeth of the Kingdom Key bit into the Guard Armor's helm.


Spears of light erupted from the point of impact, impaling the Heartless from the inside out.

Time seemed to slow as it rattled rapidly, dissolving into clouds of ichor and releasing a massive crystalline heart towards the sky.

Sora panted tiredly, arms drooping.

"So you guys wrapped up?" Taylor strode up beside me. "Huh."

"On the one hand, he's like you. On the other, he's more prone to closing range than you were."

"Bugs versus swords, Mattias." Taylor's lips quirked slightly.

I rubbed my face. "Still not thrilled."

Sora sauntered up to me, eyes straining to stay open. "So?"

"Right. I'm sorry for insulting you, I got scared." I looked him over. "Are you still injured?"

He shook his head. "No. And… you were right, about rushing in. I just. I'm sorry." He looked down.

"You panicked." Aqua's voice was cool and soothing. "You don't have experience dealing with the Heartless, so you assumed this was as vital as the last time you fought."

"Right." Sora's shoulders slumped, and his Keyblade vanished into light.

"He's also running on three hours of sleep," Achilles said, making his presence known. "And he hasn't really had a chance to catch up since we fought the Darkside." He gave me a long look.

"Right. We're getting him to the Border, and taking a day on Earth Bet. Tess can keep an eye on the ship, and in the worst case we have people to go man it while people recover." I shot Aqua a dirty look.

She simply smiled.

"He's got a point, moron." Joan thumped her 'partner's back. "You need more than a little sun to recover from what you went through."

Sora began to weave on his feet.

"Sora?" Emil asked, floating up. He gingerly put a hand on Sora's arm to steady him.

"Right. I'll handle the Best Friends Five-ever Crew. Aqua, Taylor, you're with me. Servants and young'uns, you're back on the bus. Cu, you've got seniority. Fou, keep an eye on Sora. Anyone tries to scry-and-die, you have my permission to Beast Out."

Fou stared at me for a long moment. "Yeah, you need a nap too. Alright, let's go." He trot forwards, and hopped up onto Achilles' shoulder.

Nines moved forward, and scooped Sora up. "You look dead. I've got you." His voice was carefully neutral. "Rest."

Sora blinked tiredly, but his eyes closed nonetheless.

Emil floated nearby.

"We've got it from here," Cu told me with a smirk.

I sighed. "And on we go."

"That was underwhelming." The shadow's tentacles fluttered behind her, echoing her displeasure.

"The child has potential in the mystic arts, true. However, it is his companions that intrigue me." The horned shadow tilted her head.

"Hmph. They're no landlubbers, that's for sure. Swoggle me eyes, the one in the hat was holding back something fierce."

The glowing crystal shifted through the forms and faces.

"Yeah, y'know, I'm pretty sure that one guy's supposed to be dead. And nowhere near that good-looking."

The image zoomed in on Achilles, then quickly flickered away before Fou could peer up.

"This boy and his compatriots could ruin everything." The shadow gestured with his staff. "One can wield darkness as easy as breathing, and the spearmen are threats of a caliber yet unseen. That woman with the tails was also barely expending effort."

"Hah! It's not like they're a match for us. We went low ante, but next time we roll the dice…"

The vision stopped on Taylor, who looked bored as Aqua and Mattias spoke to Aerith and her compatriots.

The horned shadow frowned, leaning into the light.

"Uh… Maleficent?" the prior shadow warbled in an uncertain tone, a harsh chittering emerging from their space.

"The sensor's stopped." Maleficent's eyes narrowed. "But how? I did not direct it to-"


Bugs poured out in a stream from Oogie Boogie. They burst his seams, scuttled up the sensor, and slowly turned to crystal.

Taylor was reflected in each surface, staring at the conspirators.

"This mirror goes both ways. Anticipate us."

Maleficent swept her arms, encasing the crystals in green flame just as they exploded in prismatic light.

Oogie wheezed, his sack of bugs almost depleted.

The witch gazed at the remains of her viewing crystal.

"This just became exponentially more complicated."

"So yeah, he's down for the count," I said. We had congregated in a small house in the Third District - a one-room deal with a single bed, table, and dresser. The chairs were occupied by Aerith and Aqua. The rest of us stood. Taylor leaned on my shoulder, a bored look on her face.

"What was that about a mirror?" Aerith asked, frowning.

Taylor shrugged. "Nothing to worry about right now."

A stray thought flickered and escaped. I let it - the here and now was more important.

"Well, your boat's gonna be fine for a bit. That said, you're gonna need navigation materials to get too far," Cid said as he leaned on the table.

"I think two are hidden in Keyholes near this world," I mused.

"Which ones?" Aqua asked, eyes sharpening.

"Wonderland and Deep Jungle. The former's a drug trip patterned after playing cards, chess, and other motifs. Deep Jungle is… well, what it sounds like. There's gorillas there and other animals. Humans, not so much." I tilted my head. "There's also a coliseum in this sector, but that's all I recall."

"Someone travels," Leon drawled, a small smirk on his face.

"Frequent flier miles, that's me," I replied with a grin.

"What?" Yuffie squinted at me. "Seriously, what?"

Aqua shook her head. "Regardless. Do you know where the Keyhole is?"

Aerith shook her head as I rubbed my forehead.

"Mattias?" Aqua stared at me.

"So there's the bell. You ring it, the mural behind the fountain in the Second District rotates. Do it three times, it reveals the Keyhole. It also summons an advanced Guard Armor that I don't know we can protect Sora from at this point. For now, the Keyhole is safe." I grimaced. "And we'll be back sooner than later."

Yeah. Having met Sora, I wasn't really ready to meet Riku. That kid was trouble in the first game, and everything after that was an extended atonement arc.

"Define 'advanced'?" Aerith asked slowly.

"It inverts itself, adopts new, faster attack patterns, and turns the bottom of its torso into some kind of an aether cannon."

Taylor snorted. "Meh. We can take it."

"And that will trigger a new wave of Heartless activity, including mages, tanks, and aerial harassers." I glanced at her. "Sora's not ready, and we need to work at his pace. If he doesn't grow, then we'll be in a lot of trouble very quickly."

"Why?" Yuffie asked. "You and Aqua both have Keyblades; you can handle this yourselves."

"Because he has the Kingdom Key, and it has capabilities of its own."

"Mattias, what are you getting at?" Aqua asked, turning to face me.

"That Key may well be half of the equation to undoing everything Maleficent kicked off," I explained. "The other is in the Realm of Darkness, being sought by King Mickey."

This elicited reactions of shock from everyone but Taylor and Aqua.

"The worlds have been falling for ten years," Leon said with a wide-eyed look. "You mean you can bring them back?"

"I mean Sora might be able to. My information is flawed and incomplete, so I'm not sure."

Aqua glanced away. "It's a heavy burden to put on an untrained child."

"Hence why we're going to train him."

She shook her head. "That- I expected to take him on as a squire, letting him back me up as I continued where I left off. Not this." She gave me a disturbed look. "He's a child."

"So was Ven, and unless I miss my mark, he got hauled into this crock of shit too," I snapped, losing my composure. "You think I don't know how fucked this is?"

Taylor looked at me. "I was fine."

"You had a massive support system of gods and monsters, and the conditions were as close to under control as I could make," I bit out. "We have whoever we can fit on the boat, and I control nothing. My foreknowledge is faulty, my metaknowledge has holes the size of continents, and I don't know the rules well enough to bend or abuse them. Even with the Worldgate home, our grip on this is tenuous at best."

Aqua gazed downwards. "Master Eraqus tried-"

"And he failed. He didn't give you guys the information you needed, he trusted someone who had stabbed him in the face of his own free will, and he put the onus on a newly minted Master to fix his fuckups." I exhaled. "Trust me, I've learned from those mistakes."

"Ah. That… I cannot refute that." Aqua closed her eyes. "However, I've learned as well. Which is why I must protest bringing Sora with us."

I threw my arms up as Taylor stepped back. "We! Have! No! Choice! I have no idea how to forge a weapon like a Keyblade! The one person I know who can is untrustworthy, and if he's telling the truth, cursed to hell and back! Sora got landed with this, and all we can do is be there for him!"

Aerith's eyes widened.

"It's shit! Kids shouldn't be put in this situation! But then, kids shouldn't be stuck stopping gods of destruction from ending the world, and there we were." I let out a shuddering breath.

Taylor gave me a long look.

"We make the best of what we got. You guys keep an eye on the Keyhole, and we'll head to Wonderland to kick off our world tour." I threw my hands downwards. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to make sure the kid's still breathing after I saw his spine get snapped like dry tinder."

"You healed it," Taylor said slowly.

"He probably doesn't even know it happened," I hissed. "I moved too fast for it to sink in past the shock."

"If you-" Aqua began.

"I know! But that doesn't help my fucking anxiety, alright? Taylor I could trust to at least act with some self-preservation. I know the kid's fresh out of hell and we don't have time to take this slow, but I'm still freaking out." I turned on my heel. "Is there anything else?"

"No," Aerith said after a moment. "We'll keep an eye on things here. Go do what you need to do." Her voice was quiet, gentle.

I bolted.

"Ninety nine… one-hundred… and one-hundred and one." Merlin planted his hands on his hips with a smile. "There we go!"

The puppies yipped and tumbled through the house, the two adult dalmatians looking up at the wizard with wagging tails. A pile of pink-wrapped gift boxes laid at his feet.

"I'll donate these to a worthy cause," Merlin promised, vanishing the boxes with a wave of his staff. He sighed. "It's going to be quiet without the kids around." He paused. "Well…"


Merlin drooped as Pluto began to bay loudly.

"I spoke too soon…"

The puppies began to howl as the adults gave Merlin a sympathetic look.

I straightened the covers over Sora's sleeping form, and let out a long sigh. "Yeah. A day back home sounds really good right now."

"You seem stressed," Aqua said, folding her hands in her lap.

"That's my secret Aqua. I'm always stressed." I gave her a wry smile. "So."

She motioned for me to sit next to her on the bed. I did so, and she took my hand.

"People from this place are both more and less resilient than you'd think," Aqua explained. "Tell me: what do you know of hearts?"

"I'm familiar with theory, but I haven't used heart-based magic," I explained. "It's less… the magic we use has rules. I use capital-M Magic, which breaks a lot of them. Yours seems to follow themes and be less versatile, but also packs a larger punch. Rules are also more fluid."

"That's magic. I asked about hearts," Aqua corrected gently.

"The strength of a heart connects to a person's strength. Will, connections, emotion. They also house memories, or so I gather."

"All true." Aqua nodded. "I was without connections for a long time, in the dark. However, I forged a new one with Joan, and recently with a number of people back on Earth Bet. This gives me strength." She smiled. "Even as we speak, our own bond is growing."

I rubbed the back of my neck. "Yeah… that might have been what let Terra keep his mind. His friendship with you and Ventus."

"Yes, he fought the possession as long as he could," Aqua said quietly. "My point is, I can recover more quickly thanks to the strength of my heart and my bonds. Being around the people who saved me will help my recovery more than anything else." She smiled at me again.


"Of course, Miss Sato is also a wonderful help." Aqua giggled. Her face grew serious. "Tell me. Do you know how to wake Ventus? Or what became of Terra?"

I flopped back, narrowly avoiding Sora's legs. Aqua followed suit.

"So Ven is in your castle you made, physically. His heart is in Sora, healing. I don't know how far he is, or if he's done. I don't know how to safely extract him, especially since Kairi - a princess of heart - also resides there. The… there's a Keyblade that he might use. It turns him into a Heartless, and frees the hearts within. Kairi's returns to her, and Ven's… it stays with Sora, and things…" I waved my free arm helplessly. "Esoteric bullshit. Kairi returns his form to him because princess power. At least, that's how it went. Could have gone, whatever."

"So we watch and wait on Ven's part," Aqua said, squeezing my hand. "And Terra?"

I groaned.

"That bad?" Aqua's voice was quiet.

"He's still possessed, and split in two. His Heartless is involved in time-travel bullshit with the younger form of Xehanort. He's going to possess Sora's friend or try, I think. His body - if a person has a strong will, they leave a body and soul behind. They're called Nobodies. Inventive, right?"

Aqua stared at me solemnly.

"I mean, they're the actual heartless ones, while the Heartless are hearts wrapped in dark. Though that means they can grow hearts of their own, so." I laughed nervously.

"I see," Aqua said softly. "And Terra…"

"Took the name of Ansem. Ansem, Seeker of Darkness is the Heartless and who we'll likely encounter. The other is Xemnas, Superior of Organization Thirteen." I blew air between my lips. "God. It wasn't more than a scuffle and I'm still freaking out."

"You said Sora was badly injured," Aqua said gently. "Even if you immediately repaired the damage, that's frightening."

"Yeah. Here on in, I'm not holding back at all. I… can't. Taylor, Sora - god, I still need to deal with Nines and Emil. I can't let them get hurt."

"You aren't the only adult." Aqua turned over to look at me, folding my hand in both of hers. "I'm here. Achilles and Tamamo will help. Joan will complain and swear, but she'll burn anything that threatens the kids. You have your lover." She squeezed my hand again.

Fou stirred on Sora's pillow. "What 'm I? Chopped liver?" he grumbled.

Aqua giggled. "And Taylor's more than capable. There's plenty of people to protect and guide the boys."

"Yeah…" Something clicked. "Holy shit."


"Taylor just stepped to Maleficent, hard." Glee entered my voice. "That sassy little so-and-so."

Aqua sat up. "Maleficent's involved?" she asked, letting go of my hand.

I nodded, sitting up. "Mm-hm. She's got a conspiracy of jackasses from across the worlds, and one is a literal bag of bugs." I grinned. "Taylor's initial power was insect control, and the scrying spell must have put him in her range by some loophole."

A shocked laugh bubbled out of Aqua.

"She totally blew up Maleficent's crystal ball," I said with a sharp grin.

"If that's so, then I owe her a reward," Aqua said merrily.

Sora let out a light snore.

"Let's let him sleep," I muttered, nodding at him. "He's had a time."

Aqua nodded with a light hum, and gracefully stood. She made her way to the door, and I followed.

Nines glanced at me, then away.

"Disembarking for Wonderland," Tess announced. "We've got a course charted. And that is the strangest-looking planet I have ever seen, telescope or no."

"So, we've got time," I said as I sat next to him. "I don't think I introduced myself?"

He shook his head. "No. You were busy handling everything."

"Story of my life," I muttered. "Anyways, how are you holding up?"

"I'm alright." He gripped his pants that I'd made for him. "Please, don't concern yourself about me."

"Mm. You seemed pretty worried for Sora," I noted. "Did you see what happened?"

"What happened?" Nines' eyes sharpened. "I was focused on the Soldiers. I… I'm not much of a frontline fighter, so I had some trouble until Taylor bailed me out."

"Yeah, you're better at support. Huh. I wonder if I could rig some method for you to hack Heartless…" I rubbed my chin. "He got hurt pretty bad. I was able to undo it, but still."

Nines glanced downwards. "Oh." His fists tightened. "I didn't see."

"Are you mad at him for something?" I asked.

"What? No!" Nines sat upright, eyes wide. "He. I mean, he." He looked away from me. "I don't know how to explain it."

"Use the words you have, and I'll see if I can help?" I offered.

"Taylor worried about me. He worried about me. He even touched me." It spilled out of Nines, his eyes glistening. "But they're humans. They're irreplaceable, indispensable. I'm just…"

"YoRHa's program was absolute shit," I said flatly. "Each and every one of you was deserving of love and affection."

Nines' head whipped around, and he stared at me, openmouthed.

"Yeah, I know what happened. I don't know if 2B and A2 are out there, but if they are, we'll find them." I scowled. "Honestly. The thing about sentient, sapient artificial intelligence is that once they've hit that level, they're people in their own right. Emotions might change and travel by data instead of hormones, but they're no less valid." I shook my head. "An entire base of people, systematically abused by a cruel overseer. If I ever found hide or hair of it…"

"And the machines?" Nines whispered.

"They were like children. Finding a sense of self and struggling to understand existence. That entire situation was disgusting. The terminals have a lot to answer for."

"The girls? No, YoRHa was developed by the remnants of humanity." Nines stared at the floor. "They just took advantage of it. The machine lifeforms… yeah, that was all them. I think. The information is unclear."

I slung an arm around Nines' shoulders. "Either way. It was shit, and you deserve to have other people care about you."

"I'm not human," Nines protested, though he didn't pull away.

"Neither am I, genius," I snarked. "Doesn't mean I still can't love and be loved."

You deserve to be loved.

Too right, Cu. And it's you I have to thank for that.

"So if… if I wanted to be friends with Taylor and Sora…?" he said hesitantly, leaning into my side.

"Then ask. Taylor's odd, but if she picked you up then there's a good chance she'd be willing to be your friend. And Sora? He's a sweet guy when he's not running on low energy and freaking out." I exhaled. "I'll need to see to making sure he gets a proper sleep schedule. He's not like Taylor and I."

Nines gave me a questioning look.

"I have a perpetual motion engine to keep me going, though sleep lets me order my thoughts and relax. Taylor can draw from it, but she has a human brain and needs that shutdown time so she doesn't overclock," I explained. "Sora both has that need and lacks the perpetual energy."

"Oh." Nines looked away. He snuggled closer. "This is nice," he murmured. "I think… Sora was the first person who touched me without it hurting. Do you think 2B would do it, if I asked?"

I bit my lip.


"I don't know Nines. I don't know her. I know she cared about you, so it's possible. And I know there were relationships in YoRHa, so it's possible."

"I was always a risk, so I don't think anyone got close to me," Nines said softly. "Except my Operator, and that was more emotionally, towards the end. She wanted a family, but…"

"I know." I leaned my cheek on his head. "I know, buddy."

His shoulders shook. "Why? Why did they all have to die? Pascal, 21O, the children…!" He took a sharp breath. "Sorry, I shouldn't-"

"Emotions are part of living, Nines," I said soothingly. "Pain, joy, sadness, love, rage, hope. All those and more. It's okay to live."

He sniffled a couple of times. After a minute, he let out a long breath. "Thanks."

I squeezed him. "No problem."

He sat up, but didn't pull away. "Promise we'll look for them?"

I noticed the change in number. "Yeah. If they're out there we'll find them."

Nines smiled up at me. "Thank you."

"Happy to help."

He didn't move, but he did look away. "...can I sit here a little longer?"

"I've got nowhere else to be."

I'd missed my room. A lot. It hadn't been long, but a lot had happened.

Story of my goddamn life.

"So," Cu said, leaning back on our bed. "We now have my ex, three traumatized boys, a surprisingly resilient modern warrior, and the Dragon Witch on board." His legs dangled off the mattress, and he leaned his head to the side, baring his neck. He smiled gently at me.

"That's in addition to the four of us and Fou." I glanced away. "I'm definitely bringing people along for the ride. I can't leave anything to chance on this."

Cu made a soft sound and reached his hand to me. I took it, and he pulled me on top of him, letting me straddle his lap. He gently lowered us down. "If you've changed your mind," he offered.

"Mm." I kissed his cheek. "I need to not be in my own head right now."

He flipped me onto my side, hand splayed over my hip. "You sure?"


I pressed my nose into the back of Cu's neck, and closed my eyes.

"Well, I feel better," Cu said smugly. "You?"

"It's definitely better than I've had with anyone else," I said dryly. "I doubt I'll ever be as into it as you, but you make it bearable at absolute worst, and pleasant at best."

"Knowing you, I'm touched," Cu murmured, taking my hand. "So… out of curiosity… who are you thinking for our crew?"

"I'm going to rotate the rest of my Servants through. Also bring people from here."

Cu gave a low hum. "Gotcha."

"You think the kids are settling in alright?" I whispered.

"I think they'll be fine. I also think you'll have time to check in tomorrow." I could hear the smirk in his voice. "And you also have an appointment with Katie."

I gave a low whine.

Cu turned over, and his eyes met mine as he adjusted our hands. "I know you got used to Jessica, but she's better with kids. And I really hope I didn't just bed a young teenager," he teased.

I stuck my tongue out, and jerked back before Cu could bite it. "You're awful. The worst."

"I am the best of the worst," Cu replied, eyes glinting as he dragged me forward and pinned his chest to mine.

I grumbled for a moment before he kissed me softly, raising his free hand to stroke my hair.

"Love you," I said.

"Love you too. Rest up, yeah? Tomorrow's another day."

A day of rest, then back to the madness.

I'll worry about the crazy when it comes. I've got enough to handle now.
Earth Bet Guest Stars!
Wonderland: Leonardo Da Vinci, Upgrade (Riley), Nightingale

Deep Jungle: Asterios, Cerberus (Rachel), Sigil (Cass), Hessian Lobo

Olympus Coliseum: Medusa, Sakura, Armsmaster, Iskandar

Traverse Town 2: Fran(kenstein), Antares (Victoria), Artoria

Agrabah: Gilgamesh, Arthur, Morphosis (Amy), Gareth

Monstro: Nanashi(EMIYA), Radiance (Kayden), Legend (Richard), Enkidu

Atlantica: But nobody came...

Halloweentown: Gramps (Hassan-i-Sabbah), Regent, Imp, Astolfo

Neverland: Galahad, Illyasviel, Mab (Ciara), Heracles

Hollow Bastion: Quetzalcoatl, Hero (Clark), Alexandria, Jeanne

End of the World: DISNEY TEAM UP, Maybe a Surprise?
Extreme Character Divergences(KH3 Spoilers Ahoy!)
So just so people aren't caught off-guard, here are the changes both from my hands, and from Lisa being around during the time of KHUX.

From Me:

1. Sora is Terra/Tina Branford's kid. This makes him quarter-esper, and FF6 has happened a while ago on its own world, unlike FF7, 8, 9, or 10. Well, jury is out on 7, but regardless.

2. Master of Masters is unrecognizable to canon. I had plans for him to be a specific thing since long before Re:Mind was announced, so he is almost entirely an AU element of my design.

3. Ava has several vast differences from her canon portrayal, which will become obvious the more I write of her.

4. Vanitas got a dose of 'Light' from Illyasviel using Heaven's Feel on him during 'Charnel 15.6' in Grail. How that works out will be displayed in Puppets.

5. 9S and Emil exist, and join the party.

6. Donald and Goofy stay with the King.

From Lisa:

7. Multiple characters from the Time of Fairytales (Dandelions specifically) will end up different due to the chain reaction of Lisa's influence. The Foretellers are mostly themselves, but won't have the burden of starting a war on their heads - as MoM noted in 'Destiny 1.1', that war never happened in this timeline. That said, they are largely in the same places they were in canon because reasons.

8. Luxu never got sent out with the No Name because it was stolen, so Braig and Xigbar never came to be by whatever mechanism Nomura plotted out. Therefore, the number 2 of the Organization 13 is someone completely different. Not an OC, but probably not canon to Kingdom Hearts.

9 (corollary to 3 and 8). Because of Lisa's Magic, Ava and Luxu both survived and are active in their forms from the Time of Fairytales. They are also largely immune to Master of Master's curse for that same reason. Unlike the other Foretellers, they didn't have to 'go away'. I likely won't address this directly as it was meant to be implied in text.

10. Lisa, Hans, Fortuna, ZZ, and Scathach are working with the Master of Masters. They can't see the future particularly clearly because of the utterly chaotic nature of Kingdom Hearts, but they still have a lot of processing power to throw at anything that crops up in executing their plans (assuming MoM doesn't decide to get directly involved and misfortune throws it all out the window).

11. Mega Crossover is mega, expect elements from Fate and Worm to drop in as we go, as well as more Square stuff.
Interlude: Integration
Interlude: Integration

Sora slowly blinked awake.


A different ceiling. A different bed. This wasn't the ship, and he could tell it wasn't home either. It felt home-like, but it wasn't the islands.


Achilles leaned over him, smiling faintly. "You gave people a scare, buddy. How're you feeling?"

"Mmph. Awake." Sora sat up. "...Achilles. Did I-"

"You helped kill the head Heartless, but the one guarding the world's Keyhole was too big to cut your teeth on. Mattias made the call to proceed to the next world. Tess is moving the ship; we're on Earth-Bet since they have a direct link here." Achilles sat next to Sora. He'd ditched the armor for a simple polo and slacks.

"So it's my fault that Traverse Town is still in danger," Sora said lowly.

"Actually, you kept things from getting worse."

Sora looked up to see Mattias in the doorway. The man was clad in an apron, and had his hands on his hips.

"So long as you aren't as reckless when you've got a good amount of rest, you'll do fine. The Keyhole is… not sealed, but it'll keep until you're strong enough to face down the Opposite Armor." Mattias scratched the back of his head. "And there's also Nines to be concerned about, too."

"Opposite Armor?" Sora asked, frowning.

"Like the Guard Armor, but worse," Mattias clarified. "Laser bombs are involved."

"Oh." Sora looked away. "I got hurt pretty bad, huh."

"Your spine got fucked, yeah." Mattias crossed his arms. "Luckily I can call on a nigh-perfect healing power, but in any other situation, you'd be down for good." His gaze softened as Sora looked at him again. "Please be more careful. I can't promise I'll always be on-site."

"I will," Sora promised. "We're gonna have to work together as a team, so I need to rely on you guys."

Achilles dropped his arm over Sora's shoulders. "So we've learned a very important lesson," he remarked cheerfully.

Mattias flicked the man's head with a finger. "Hush, you. Alright, you've been out for a while so I bet you're hungry. Get cleaned up, you'll find the kitchen well enough on your own." He gave an enigmatic smile.

Achilles raised his eyebrows. "How's that?"

"Magic, probably," Sora said with a shrug.

Mattias pointed at Sora with a triumphant look.

Sora yawned. "Alright, both of you out," he grumbled, waving an arm. "Clothes in the dresser?"

Mattias nodded. "That's right. See you in a few." He smiled sheepishly. "For what it's worth, I'm sorry for being hard on you. Just because I'm scared doesn't mean I should take it out on you."

Sora squinted. "I still ran into a fight half-cocked. If I did something that dumb around my mom, she'd give me a piece of her mind well after the fact."

"Oh." Mattias shifted uncomfortably.

Achilles chuckled. "Ah, no wonder Cu's so fond of you. Talk about a pushover."

That resulted in the Magician's eyes narrowing. "Achilles."


He gave a slow, malicious smile. "How about a spar?"

Achilles hopped to his feet. "Sounds like fun!" he replied with a wide grin.

Sora felt a sinking feeling as Mattias turned on his heel.

"After lunch, then."

Sora turned his gaze on Achilles. "I'll miss you," he said tonelessly.

Achilles frowned. "Huh?"

Sora chewed idly on a chicken leg as Achilles flipped away from a crashing bolt of lightning.

"You think he had any idea?" Nines asked quietly as the Rider dodged encroaching vines.

"Nnnnope. Though I kind of figured after how Mattias handled Leon," Sora replied with a shrug.

The battlefield was a mass of undulating vines that rose several feet off of the ground. Mattias sat on an arch twenty feet up. His legs were neatly crossed, and his parasol was open and over his shoulder. He drank from a teacup periodically and held a saucer in his other hand. Whenever he put it down-

Achilles backstepped to avoid a rain of arrow-shaped beams that sheared through the plant matter towards the ground, only for the vines to try and ensnare him again.

Cu Chulainn howled in laughter as he draped himself over the shoulder of a woman with long purple hair and a pair of glasses.

"Is he being serious or not?" Nines tilted his head.

"...he's not holding back, but I don't think he's putting effort in, either." Sora took another bite.

"He's not," Taylor said, sitting on Nines' other side. "He always holds back at least a little. When he doesn't… it's a short fight."

"Yeah, when he got serious against Leon it took less than a minute to take him down." Sora glanced downwards. "It was a little scary."

"He's scary." Taylor adjusted her glasses. "To a degree, we all are."

"So against the Armor-" Nines began.

"He was probably trying to avoid friendly fire." Taylor leaned on her knees. "And he's been off his game lately. That strange Master really shook him."


Sora blinked as he registered that Nines and he had asked at the same time.

"Master of Masters. He's some top-tier manipulator and Keyblade Master." Taylor's eyes narrowed. "If he approaches him again, I'll be ready."

"You really care about him, huh?" Sora said.

"He saved me." Taylor didn't offer anything else.

"And?" Nines prompted.

"I saved him back." Taylor smirked.

Nines sighed. "Fine."

Sora gently bumped the other boy's shoulder with his own.

Nines looked at him, then leaned on him.


Taylor tilted her head. "Nines?"

Nines glanced down. "The other androids weren't particularly demonstrative. In YoRHa, emotions were prohibited, so it was rare to see any open signs of affection." His Pod floated behind him quietly, but he didn't sit up.

Sora slung his free arm around Nines, making sure he didn't jostle his plate in his lap. "Well, you don't have to worry about that here. We're friends, and emotions are definitely allowed." He grinned.

Taylor leaned on her crossed legs, smiling slightly. "What he said."

Slowly, Nines gave a small smile as his Pod swung around to settle in his lap and Taylor leaned on his open side.

Sora paused. "Is it just me, or is it kind of quiet…?"

The teenagers and android looked up.

Mattias quickly sketched a bow atop his construct as Achilles dangled by his ankle in the grip of a vine, arms crossed and face drawn in a severe pout.

"And for my next trick, I'll make his ego disappear!" Mattias called with a razor-sharp grin.

"If you're threatening to strip his clothes, that'll just embolden him," the purple-haired woman called in an amused tone.

"Medusa!" Mattias squawked in horror as Achilles gave a grin and waggled his eyebrows.


Taylor dissolved into helpless giggles as Nines frowned in contemplation.

"Nines?" Sora asked.

"I thought humans preferred to be clothed. Why would nudity embolden Achilles?" he asked with a quizzical look.

Sora took another bite of chicken as Cu began to climb the verdant colossus. After he swallowed, he hummed. "I dunno. Maybe he likes the breeze?"

Achilles yelled as he plummeted, Cu having cut through the vine holding him aloft. He hit the ground with a solid 'thud'.

Taylor laughed harder.

Aqua relaxed in the kitchen under her 'Vanish' spell, undetectable to the senses. Joan had retired to Ritsuka's rooms, ostensibly to put the 'fear of (her)' into 'the new bitch'. From all accounts it sounded more like Fergus had set about wooing the man, and was meeting with mixed success. However, that wasn't her business.

"Enoying yourself?"

Aqua's eyes widened as the blond man sat next to her, his red eyes glinting in amusement. "How-?"

"It's a passable illusion, but my eyes are above the eyes of mongrels. You'd need far more to fool me." The man tilted his head, smirking. "So you are one of the strays my Trinket has brought home."

Aqua dropped the spell, folding her hands. "I am Master Aqua. And you?"

The man's eye twitched. "Impertinent. I am the King of Heroes. My name should be known."

"Well your highness, I'm not from these parts." Aqua gave a serene smile. "Though that is quite the title. How does one come by it, I wonder?"

"I am the first hero - Gilgamesh, King of Uruk." The king stared down his nose at Aqua. "The title is mine by virtue of being the oldest hero in recorded history."

"Hm. I see."

Gilgamesh scoffed. "And how does one become a 'Master'? Assuming the title has any weight." His lip curled in dark amusement. "I doubt it is connected to your contract with Joan of Arc. If any aside from Chaldea's Hero were to claim the title of her Master, it would end poorly. Say what you will of her, the Dragon Witch is powerful enough to give even one such as I a moment's pause."

"Well, one has to train in the use of a Keyblade over many years, then take the exam for the Mark of Mastery. Most of the wielders fell along with the time of Fairytales, during the great calamity." Aqua glanced at her hands. "My fellows and I were among the last wielders, taught by our Master. His name was Eraqus. I think there were five of us. The three apprentices, Eraqus, and the Master Xehanort."

"Hm. An imposing name," Gilgamesh mused.

"He is our enemy. A monster who embraced darkness and began the ruin of the worlds," Aqua said quietly. "He tore the darkness from my friend's heart, and left him diminished. Then he tried to force the resulting being to fight him in order to forge a weapon. Because of him, one friend is in a coma, and another was possessed by him."

"So you are alone? Or is Eraqus yet among us to give you guidance?" Gilgamesh reached into a golden portal and withdrew a pair of cups.

"Eraqus is dead. The only reason I am alive is because a third Master emerged during Xehanort's plot." Aqua frowned. "She struggled to save Ven, but even working together… we weren't enough."

"Ohh? And what was this mysterious Master called?" Gilgamesh poured a rich, ruddy liquid from a ceramic vessel into the cups, offering one to Aqua. He drank after she accepted her cup.

"Her name was Lisa."

Gilgamesh froze, his eyes snapping open. A small bit of wine dripped down his face before he tilted the cup away.

"She and another Master - Luxu - intervened. Luxu struggled to convince Terra that Xehanort was the enemy, but a powerful illusionist intervened on Xehanort's behalf. Lisa and I ultimately fought the two of them. The illusionist died, but Terra…" Aqua winced, then drank.

"An illusionist?" Gilgamesh prompted, trying to recover his bearing.

"She called herself Francesca."

Gilgamesh grit his teeth, eyes blazing. "I see. It is unlikely that she is dead in truth."

Aqua gazed downwards. "Somehow, that does not surprise me. That woman seemed the sort to cheat death and destruction."

"Hmph. You would do well to inform Mattias that she is active. They are enemies, as is Taylor." Gilgamesh paused. "How did she die?"

"I ensnared her with my mines. Lisa wanted to handle it, but she was busy unleashing some strange magic upon Xehanort's guardian. I'm not sure what." Aqua took another drink. "What is this? It's good."

"The finest wine in all the world," Gilgamesh responded. His smirk softened around the edges. "If I am to entrust my Trinket to you, I must ascertain your worth. And how better than a conversation over drinks?"

Aqua gave Gilgamesh a confused look, frowning slightly.

He spread his hands. "Out of the entire group, few of you have experience in that part of the universe. Out of that, you are the only one who is both trained and weathered. Strange magics abound, and Trinket will need you to watch his back."

Aqua nodded slowly. "I see."

"Thus far, I have seen little to sway me one way or another." Gilgamesh rotated his cup idly, swirling its contents. "I suppose I will simply have to watch." He frowned lightly.

Aqua remained quiet.

"Tell me, what do you know of this 'Master of Masters'?" Gilgamesh folded his hands in front of him.

"Not much. Tess' debriefing was the first I'd even heard of him." Aqua closed her eyes. "If he's as strong as Mattias fears, there's little that can be done against him."

"Hm." Gilgamesh gazed into his cup. "His manner… is familiar to me. If I am correct…" His eyes narrowed. "But how?"

Aqua frowned, eyes opening again.

"...I must peruse what knowledge we have." Gilgamesh stood up. "If I am correct, then there is a hand in play that will be difficult to predict." He glanced at Aqua. "The information you've given me has solidified my theory. Should it be true, I will need to act."

"What theory?" Aqua asked.

"A future I saw. Or was it the past?" Gilgamesh inclined his head. "Regardless. You have been of help today." He gave a small smile. "You may consider seeking out Artoria or Arthur. I am sure they would be thrilled to match swordplay with one such as you.""

Aqua laughed quietly. "I'm alright at it, but magic is my strongest suit."

Gilgamesh shrugged. "It was merely a suggestion." He turned away. "A pleasant evening, Master Aqua."

Aqua gazed into her cup and sighed. "Right."

Katie Sato arranged her papers.

The brief meeting she had with Mattias was… enlightening. Control issues, a hero complex a mile wide, and abandonment issues to start.

His PTSD from his 'death' at the hands of Archimedes had been addressed neatly, as had some of the baggage from his past life.

Katie sat at her desk, and gazed at her zen garden for a moment. This could go either way. This 'Master of Masters' clearly exacerbated the worst aspects of Mattias' control issues, which lead to his current unrest.

It would be incorrect to say his control issues pertained to others, but more that he preferred to enforce a certain order on his surroundings. In a word, predictability. He needed to see the steps ahead and know what came next. He could handle things going off-script to a degree, so long as the fundamental situation was a 'known'. However, the amount of unknowns…

His current fear came from something a friend had said. 'You are not who you were,' or something to that effect. And that in turn spawned a fear that he was somehow deficient, or that a past version of himself was a monster of some stripe. Again, the lack of knowledge plagued him, and generated the fear of abandonment whenever the truth came to light.

And ultimately, it all tied into that hero complex. It wasn't enough to be percieved as a 'good person', but he needed to be a 'good person'. His self-image was tied up in an ideal hero's image. He didn't expect perfection, thankfully, but he was very aware of his power and what it could do. He expected to perform at a certain level at all times, and the main reason he had put in even a brief appearance today was because he knew the other problems needed to be addressed.

Katie toyed with an ornament on her necklace - a golden lotus. The petals softly jabbed into her fingertips, helping her center herself.

She had known this would not be easy, but her unique talents made her the best to help Mattias, of that she was certain. And that was why she had taken the job - to help the man who saved the world.

Oh, in the short term it was definitely Taylor who halted the catastrophe, but Mattias had laid the groundwork for what Earth Bet was becoming. In this case, 'saving' was less 'preventing damage' and more 'reversing decline'.

Mattias was not fragile, but every person had a weak point. She simply wished to ensure his were shored up enough that whatever truth he discovered would not break him. The last thing anyone needed was a First Magician running amok.

Katie put the papers away in a drawer, and made her way out of her office. She had enough to start putting together a course of treatment. As time went on, she would learn more and help Mattias deal with the problems he faced.

That was her role, after all.

Emil hovered curiously as Mattias sat at a desk.

"So, I know we haven't had a chance to talk," the Magician began.

"Well, first I met Taylor and then went to the ship. Then we fought a Heartless, and after that you took care of Sora." Emil gave a small shrug. "It's been busy."

Mattias held Emil's gaze. "Alright. So, have you talked to anyone here?"

"No?" Emil tilted his head.

"Why not?"

"I didn't think anyone would want to." The small skeleton gestured to his body. "I look pretty scary. Mostly I keep to myself."

Mattias' lip curled into a frown.

"Did I do something wrong?" Emil asked, not meeting Mattias' gaze.

"No. No, you've done nothing wrong. You were forced into that form to help a friend, and have been trapped since. Before, you had to restrain your power to avoid harming people with your eyes."

Emil jerked in surprise as he felt a gentle pressure on top of his head. He looked up, and saw that Mattias had reached out and was gently rubbing the top of his skull.

"You've had a hard road." Mattias' voice was soft.

Emil just leaned into the touch, savoring the first affection he'd had since… since…

Since Kaine went away.

Something changed, and Emil looked up again.

The draconic form may as well have been carved from marble. Talons gently dragged across his skull, and the stark white body was patterned with golden vines. Brilliant blue eyes remained on him, pupils slowly changing shape.

"You're not the only one with a body that's a bit odd," Mattias confided playfully.

Emil let out a surprised giggle, then stopped. "Wait. This is you?" he asked.

Mattias nodded, his mouthless visage still giving the impression of a smile.

"Oh…" Emil stared in wonder.

"Alright, here I am," a girl said.

Emil looked, and saw a girl about his current size with white hair and red eyes.

"Emil, this is Illya. She's going to help me with something I wanted to try tonight," Mattias explained. "We're going to give you a bit of a check-up, and see if we can't return some of your bodily functions to you."

"It really does depend on how your legend is interpreted," Illyasviel warned. "If it's unsalvageable-"

"Then I'll step in. I'll figure something out," Mattias' voice was firm.

"Anyways…" Illyasviel gave a small smile as she laid her hands on Emil. "Do I have your consent to examine your Saint Graph and modify it for the stated purposes?"

"I… sure?" Emil tilted his head in confusion. He didn't really get it, but it sounded like they wanted to help.

"Heaven's Feel."

Something inside him immediately stirred.

It is not yet time.

"Huh?" Emil asked aloud.

"There's parts of his Spirit Origin that are full-on black-boxed." Illya's voice was faint in awe. "I've never seen that before."

"Okay. What does that mean for us?" Mattias asked.

"The thing you told me about is there. Tweaking the whole to bring it forward as the primary is simple enough. However, you'll need to use the Water to alter it." Illya's voice turned firm. "But we can do it."

Mattias' grin was blinding as he returned to his human form. "Excellent."

Ah. That is understandable. Congratulations, Emil. The hope you sought is within your grasp. May your prayer be answered.

Emil felt his body move and change, his rags moving around his limbs. Slowly, the room seemed a bit warmer, and softness enveloped his body save his hands and head. A soft pressure bore down on his eyes, and he felt the smooth texture of skin against his forehead even as the grip Illyasviel had on his arm tightened.

The finger gently drew a circle, trailing something cool and wet. Something that burned behind his eyes chilled, and his body gradually relaxed. The hands went behind his head, and gently undid the blindfold.

Mattias beamed gently as Illyasviel removed her hands and placed them on her hips. He cupped Emil's face in his hands, and Emil felt the slight callous on his cheeks.

Emil took a sharp breath, and the smell of old books flooded his nostrils. The sound of the room's occupants breathing flooded his ears.

Mattias removed his hands, and with a gesture spun silvery matter from thin air. It whirled into a flat disc, and Emil gazed at his reflection.

Timidly, he brushed his face with small, soft hands, grey eyes wide in wonder. His tousled silver hair hung in curls, and he moved to touch the brown dress jacket. His staff twirled in midair, and he felt the power he had sacrificed this body to obtain humming in his veins.

The other body slept within him, that much he could tell. An impervious shield to wear in combat, but no longer a prison.

"The core's installed, and the Saint Graph modified." Illyasviel grinned in pride, then let out a loud yawn. "And now I'm exhausted, so I'm going to bed. You guys have a whole world to invade tomorrow, so you don't stay up too late!" she chided.

Mattias laughed quietly. "Understood, Illya. Thank you, and sleep well."

Emil felt tears well up in his eyes.

"Good night," Illya said with a smirk, striding out of the study.

Mattias stood, towering over Emil. "Hey. You alright?"

Emil wrapped his arms around Mattias' ribs, burying his face in the man's chest.

"Ah." Mattias' arms slid around Emil, one of his hands resting on the boy's head.

Emil just held on. The cloth was soft. The body was warm.

For the first time in centuries, he felt alive.
Wonder 3.1
Wonder 3.1

Taylor watched as Mattias strode purposefully through the Worldgate, the boys close behind.

"A moment, Khepri."

She turned to look at Gilgamesh, frowning slightly. The number of people the Archer would willingly interact with on polite terms was limited, to say the least. To her knowledge, that number included Arthur, Enkidu, Mattias, Tess, and sometimes Da Vinci. Cu barely got a pass by virtue of being Mattias' boyfriend. It was a rare event that he deigned to speak with someone outside of a passing comment.

"I would ask something of you." Gilgamesh crossed his arms. "This 'Master of Masters'... his existence intrigues me. Should there be an attempt to stop time in your vicinity, you are the best suited to escape the effect. If you could pass whatever information you can gather to me, I would appreciate it."

Tamamo's jaw dropped, her tails twitching.

Taylor narrowed her eyes. "You think he's a threat."

"I believe that you have the means and temperament to deal with him decisively if that becomes the case," Gilgamesh replied smoothly. "That said… there are aspects of this situation which have drawn my eye."

"Such as?"

Taylor looked to the side as Aqua strode forward, Joan close behind her.

"There is much of your magics that I do not know. However, what Mattias is aware of has been compiled into our databases." Gilgamesh gave a wry smile. "A volunteer has been found to put together a concise primer."

"Rin is delighted, truly," Da Vinci said as she materialized behind Gilgamesh.

Gilgamesh's eyes narrowed. "I requested it of you."

"And I'm going to tag along for this little jaunt." Da Vinci gave a winsome smile. "So I asked Rin to do so in my place while I do a bit of field research."

"Did someone say research!?"

Taylor closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "Riley."

Tamamo let out a soft keening sound.

Aqua gave a confused hum. "Who are you again?"

"I'm Riley, codename Upgrade. I'm gonna tag along! This is my Servant, Florence Nightingale!" The blonde girl planted her fists on her hips as the Berserker nurse gave a shallow nod.

"Before this devolves utterly," Gilgamesh began in a clipped tone, "I require multiple things to unravel this mystery. I need access to the primer which will apparently be provided by the Second Magician. I need up-to-date information in case of another appearance by this entity. And finally, I need someone to keep an eye on Mattias to observe his emotional state."

"You think the Master may be twisting his heart?" Aqua asked with a small frown.

Joan let out a dark chuckle. "I pity the bastard. Cu'll have his liver for luncheon."

Aqua shook her head. "Not like that. I'm asking if you think he may be trying to subvert Mattias."

The group went quiet, and stared at Gilgamesh.

Taylor felt her stomach sink.

The King's eyes were closed. "I do not know what Mattias is to him, or he to Mattias."

Lie. That, or half-truth.

Taylor said nothing.

"All I have are theories, and I need to gather information before I make a decision."

That, at least, was true.

"You know, that seems like something a scholar should take care of," Da Vinci commented in an airy tone.

"I will not be disclosing my thoughts until I am certain. If I am wrong, it would cause great harm. If I am right…" Gilgamesh's eyes opened slowly.

"It's safe to assume that you being right means Mattias is in danger?" Taylor asked softly.

"He may well be in danger regardless, but the particular stripe that would come of this is… pernicious, shall we say."

Taylor turned on her heel and began marching towards the Worldgate.

"Taylor?" Tamamo called, worried.

"If this 'Master' rears his head, I'll pin him down and take the answers we're looking for. If he exists in my dominion, I already own him." Taylor lightly touched her brooch.

The scarab stirred under her finger.

For a brief moment, the image crossed her mind's eye - Grail's body shattered, his core exposed.

"I won't stand back and let him be hurt again."

"Very well, Khepri. We will be in touch?" Gilgamesh's tone held dark approval.

Taylor nodded and kept walking, passively aware of the footfalls behind her.

"All humans please remain seated as we continue our landing," Tess' voice rang out over the intercom. "We've encountered some… strangeness."

Sora shot me a questioning look.

"Wonderland. It's weird." I looked at the front of the bridge. "Tess, can we have a visual?"

The forward view flickered.

We were in a vertical shaft patterned like a checkerboard. Furniture slowly floated upwards - loveseats, chairs, vanities, portraits, and more.

"Is there a bottom?" Achilles mused, leaning over Sora.

"I'm detecting that there is, but… it feels like we're not moving?" Nines frowned in confusion. "We've been arrested in midair, but the objects outside are floating upwards. If we weren't in the ship, we'd experience the illusion of falling without doing so."

"I can check," Emil offered. "My magic should keep me from falling too hard."

I glanced at Taylor, who closed her eyes.

Crystalline butterflies flit outside of the Shadow Border. "Going down."

Emil looked down as the ship began to descend, and fiddled with his staff.

"Between you and I? I'd rather not test whatever's waiting outside. Taylor can do this without going outside and risking herself, and that's why I put her up to it," I murmured as I leaned over him.

He looked back up at me. "Really?"

I nodded. "Your human body is going to be more fragile than the weapon one, so I want to be careful."

A small smile emerged. "Okay. Thanks for worrying about me."

"Are we there yet?" Riley whined.

Nightingale gazed out the front. "No."


"Not yet," Tamamo replied with a sigh.

Joan began to sharpen her sword, black sparks running off of it as she locked eyes with me.


Taylor slowly opened one eye and stared at me.

Aqua leaned her head on her console.

"Landing now!" Da Vinci chimed in.

"Really!?" Riley said in excitement.


Cu let out a strangled cough, visibly trying not to laugh.

I stood. "Taylor?"

"We're almost there. Give me another minute, it's further than I thought."

"Okay. So we probably want to cover as much ground as possible so here's what I remember," I began.

"So how weird is Wonderland?" Da Vinci interjected.

"We're going to need to eat and drink things to shrink, but that's after we break physics over our knee. Also we'll be leaving a room and coming in at different angles, and warping gravity fields. Not to mention just general trippiness." I crossed my arms. "We good?"

Da Vinci shot me a beatific smile.

"Good. So there's going to be a hall ending in a door. We need to open it and all the doors behind, then we'll enter a room. Before we tinker with what's on the table there, we'll need to push a bed into the wall in order to open the path forward," I lectured, bobbing my pointer finger up and down for emphasis.

"...or we just follow your lead, because I'm already confused," Cu said flatly.

"Seconded!" Sora called.

"Accord," Taylor added tonelessly.

"All in favor of letting Mattias do what he wants and going along behind?" Da Vinci smiled widely.

Everyone's hand went up, and Tess' screen displayed a green checkmark.

"All opposed?"


I drooped. "I'm not that bad at explaining things, am I?"

The Shadow Border landed with a soft groan.

Fou poked his head up from Aqua's lap. "Explaining normal-ish stuff, fine. But you're trying to describe an acid trip."

Da Vinci pointed at Fou wordlessly.

Sora gently pat my shoulder as I rubbed my face in exasperation.

"Let's just disembark."

The landing pad was… cramped. There were reasons that there was just a save point in the game and no ship.

"At least we parked with the exit facing the way ahead," I muttered. I glanced behind me and internally sighed. Forget a landing party, this was a freaking strike force.

And the way Riley kept fiddling with the extra ar- wait a minute.


She blinked with a polite smile.

"Why do you have four arms?"

Riley shrugged innocently. "Why not? Miss Touko and I made them, and they work really well!"

"Oh hey, a door!" Sora called from down the strangely angular tunnel.

I spun on my heel. "Stay with the group!"

"Yes, Mom," Achilles mocked.

I closed my eyes and counted to ten.

"And another door!"

Da Vinci…

"Is that a third?"

Taylor, don't encourage them!

"If this keeps going, none of us will fit," Aqua said in a worried tone.

You're supposed to be the other adult!

Cu placed an arm behind my back and gently shepherded me forward. "On we go, that's it," he coaxed.

"Why? Why?"

He gently rubbed my shoulder blades and made soothing noises.

There was a soft tinkling noise. I looked down at my arm.

A broken needle connected to a full syringe was held in Nightingale's hand.

"For hypertension."

I teleported forward, taking Cu with me.

The rest were crowded around the exit, which was barely high enough for Sora to fit through.

"So Nines, Emil, and I can get through no problem-"

"Stand. Back."

Taylor moved everyone back with lightly waving arms, a smirk firmly in place.

I pointed ahead, and grit my teeth.


The resulting explosion rocked both rooms.

"Taylor, clean this mess up!" I barked.

Against all odds, the room behind the doorway was… fairly intact. There was a low corner table, a freestanding table with chair, bookshelf, fireplace and stove, and a twins-sized bed. Across from us was a low door with a very familiar doorknob. It was even shaped vaguely like a face!

Taylor waved a hand, and the splinters and shattered stone whirled into an ankle-high pile roughly half a foot across.

"Is this really necessary?" Nines asked.

I marched towards the bed, and kicked the side at full force. In a puff of sparkling smoke, it became one with the wall - a two-dimensional painting. Behind it was a hole with a doorframe the size of a medium dog.

"...I think the answer's yes?" Tamamo said in a bewildered voice.

I spun around and glared at the… ten, twelve people who I was responsible for. Plus Fou.

"Who's drinking the magic party juice!?"

Nines slowly raised a hand.


"I think I'm going to go stay on the shi-"


Nines' Pod floated forward, and I pointed at the two small bottles on the freestanding table. It grabbed the blue one, and carried it to Nines.

"Everyone get in the room; let's see if this works how I recall." I placed my hands on my hips.

"Are you okay?" Cu asked with raised eyebrows.

I grinned widely, eyebrows twitching. "Peachy keen."

Joan and Aqua exchanged a look. "Anything we should worry about?" Aqua asked slowly.

"Only there's a batshit tyrant out to execute a young girl in a kangaroo court. And this place is full of fire Heartless."

Yes, I was looking forward to that, not.

Sora blinked, then nodded firmly. "Got it."

Nines finally downed some of the blue bottle, and blue sparkling smoke filled the room.

I looked around. "Well, we all fit on the ta- oh. Oh dear."

The humanoid members of the party had shrunk.

The same could not be said for Fou or Pod.

Cath Palug stared down at us while Nines clambered into his Pod's grip.

I gripped Fou's fur as he bounded across the room, the thumb-sized Heartless not even slowing him. Taylor held on behind me, chin over my shoulder.

I swear whoever was in charge of this hated me, because Crimson Nocturnes were out in force. The small conical Heartless were mage-types, and as their name implied, they loved to hurl fireballs at anything that breathed too loudly. On the plus side, a good physical strike could make them fold like paper.

The swarm hovered in front of Fou, small streams of fire circling them. My grip tightened as I grit my teeth.

My worry was unfounded.

Cu whirled through the cluster of smaller bodies, roaring as he twirled his spear around himself in a cyclone of red. Casings shattered, fading into black smoke as small hearts faded into the air.

Cracks resounded as Nightingale unloaded her pistol, and when her ammo ran out she grabbed a Nocturne and repurposed it as a bludgeon.

The numbers began to thin, but Soldiers sprang from dark pools, Shadows close behind. Bursts of darkness echoed through the air as soldiers with pinwheel hats and flapping wings appeared - Air Soldiers, as they were so inventively named.

Fou bat at the ground with a single paw, sending those without wings flying as the shockwave crashed over them. He dodged away, evading the frantic kicks of the Air Soldiers as Taylor's butterflies flew into them with eruptions of light. The broken bodies fell, sparking blue.

"Target locked!"

I jerked my head up, and saw Riley pointing downwards atop Nines' Pod. The little robot opened its front casing, and the barrels of its weapon began to glow.

"FIRE!" Nines roared, heralding the hail of bright yellow bullets.

They crashed like meteors over the battlefield, obliterating the remaining forces.

I looked around, and saw Da Vinci, Joan, and Aqua following Achilles and Sora from around the other side of the (now) giant table. None of them looked worse for the wear.

I took a quick headcount. "...where's Emil?"

An Air Soldier shot past Fou's head, slamming into the floor pinned by a sphere of dark energy. There was a black ripple through the air, and it ruptured into pieces.

Emil landed nimbly behind Fou's ears in front of me, and tucked his staff behind him. He gave a shy smile. "Sorry I worried you!"

I exhaled and stood up, ruffling his hair. "Just glad everyone's okay."

Fou twitched his ears. "Both of you, siddown. I don't need shoes digging into my back," he complained.

I plopped down, and Emil spun around and sat in front of me.

"Alright, the area's clear," Aqua said as everyone else congregated. "What's next?"

A loud yawn reverberated nearby. "What's all this racket, then? Can't a body get some sleep?"

I turned my head and narrowed my eyes at the doorknob attached to a door in the middle of the wall. It was about Fou's size, and the door was four times as high.

The Doorknob had an anthropomorphic face that blinked sleepily at us.

"Um, we're trying to find some friends of ours," Sora began.

"I'm too tired to bother with all that. If you must bother someone, go annoy the Queen. She's through there." The Doorknob flicked his eyes toward the opening I had made when I kicked the bed. The now two-dimensional bed.

Wonderland, everyone.

"...the Queen?" Sora asked.

The Doorknob let out a loud snore, his eyes screwed shut.

"Okay then," Achilles muttered with narrowed eyes.

I peered around. "Okay. There's an opening up there," I said, pointing up by the smokestack. The hole in the wall loomed high. "Nines, you take… Emil, Taylor, and Tamamo through there. We should meet on the other side once we clear out more Heartless." I paused. "Actually, hold on a tick." I clicked my fingers, and a slight weight settled in my ear along with everyone else's.

"What's this?" Achilles asked, touching his earbud and frowning.

"Comms network online," Tess responded. "Everyone's linked in."

Taylor's presence vanished from behind me, and I saw her floating in a cloud of crystal butterflies as she made her way to the top of Nines' Pod.

"Emil?" I gave him a meaningful look.

"Yessir." He floated upwards and joined the others, while Tamamo levitated to join them.

"I'm going to go too! You can do the politicking, I want to catch some Heartless!" Riley said excitedly, staying where she was atop the Pod.

I rubbed my forehead. "Nightingale?"

She gave me a level look. "With your assistance."

I clicked my fingers again, and Gated her to the rest of the second party.

Looking around, that left me with Sora, Achilles, Joan, Aqua, Da Vinci, and Cu.

Da Vinci leapt in front of me, straddling the back of Fou's neck. "Well, this is a fairly balanced group." She sounded pleased, at least.

"Just get on - most of you." Fou squinted. "I think about four'll fit."

Aqua looped an arm under both of Sora's, and jumped.

"That's not-" I began.

She leapt again, this time off a glyph in midair, and dropped both of them behind me.

"You were saying?" she teased, amusement on her face.

Cu gave me a short glance, and I sighed, drooping on Da Vinci's shoulder.

"Stop moping," Fou grumbled. "I'll give you and your knight in shining armor a ride later."

I snickered as Cu perked up, and felt myself relax. "Thanks, Fou." I reached past Da Vinci and scratched behind an ear.

"Yeah, yeah," Fou muttered, unable to keep the fondness from his voice. He began to lope towards the path towards the Queen's Court, and I braced myself for what was sure to come next.

Sora hung on to me. "So… how bad will this be?"

"...depends if I decide to play by her rules or mine."

"Please play by yours," Cu called as he kept pace with Fou. Achilles zipped around us, forming a one-man perimeter.

Da Vinci looked over her shoulder. "Do we intend to come back?"


She smiled. "I won't tell Narwhal if you won't~"

A vicious grin slowly split my face.

"I sense evil," Aqua muttered.

Joan glanced up at me and smirked. "Try to be entertaining."

Sora sighed. "I should have kept my mouth shut…"

As we entered a hedge maze, the rest of the group made various sounds of confusion.

"Wh- we were inside, but- that's thin air! There should be a wall!" Aqua said in shock.

"Wonderland," I deadpanned.

Joan shot me a look. "Anything else we can expect?"


I urged Fou forward with my heels as Joan grumbled mutinously.

"Be glad that I've got thick fur, or we would have words," Fou warned.

"Would those words be 'belly rub' or 'cookie'?"

"...I can be bought. I am not proud of this, but it is a fact of life."

Sora snickered into my back as Da Vinci shook her head.

I felt what good mood I'd garnered sour as we approached the 'court'. A white rabbit in an overcoat stood at the witness' stand, anthropomorphized cards stood guard at each entrance, and then there were the defendant and the… 'judge'.

Alice was recognizable by her long blonde hair, short stature, and blue dress with white apron. The Queen of Hearts, in contrast, was decked out in a black-and-red number spattered with card suit emblems and had her black hair tied in a severe bun.

"This girl is the culprit. There's no doubt about it. And the reason why… IS BECAUSE I SAID SO, THAT'S WHY!"

Alice visibly flinched away, then steeled her nerve. "You- you tyrant! I haven't done anything wrong! Just because you're the queen gives you no right to be so… so mean!" She shook her finger at the larger woman from her podium, faint tremors still running through her body.


I glanced down at Joan as her grip tightened around her flag.

"You've got three minutes to shut this shit down before I torch everything minus the girl."

I dismounted in one smooth motion.

"SILENCE!" the Queen roared. "I pronounce the defendant-"

"Innocent?" I asked as I appeared next to her, legs crossed and dangling from the bench.

The Queen gawped at me. "Wha- are you the owner of that blasted cat!?" she squawked.

I smiled icily. "No, but the thought's amusing. I'm the one who knows the true culprit."

"Uh, Mattias-" Sora said as Fou padded forward, scattering Card Soldiers in his wake.

Achilles smirked and glanced around, then rolled his shoulders once. Cu locked eyes with me, then nodded as he stood at attention, but didn't make threatening moves.

Da Vinci just peered over Fou's head with curiosity, while Aqua looked like she tasted something sour.

"Oh? And do you have any proof?" the Queen asked, folding her arms with a smug look.

I lifted a hand and gestured toward the nearest exit. "Be it the woods or the giant room, they're scuttling everywhere in the dark. They're called Heartless, and they take hearts." I widened my smile until I showed teeth. "That is the crime the poor girl's accused of, yes? Assault and the attempted theft of your heart?"

The Queen grit her teeth. "Perhaps," she growled as her skin turned a savage red.

"Mattias." Aqua beckoned me over.

"So tell me: did the assailant look like her," I gestured at Alice, "or this?" I crafted a quick illusion over my open palm of a Soldier jittering in place. "Of course, this is hardly the only variant. I can run through a few until the culprit is revealed."

"Mattias!" Aqua shouted.

The Queen openly snarled. "If you bring me one to stand trial, I will pardon the girl."

I smiled winsomely. "Excellent! We'll get right on that."

The snarl became a sneer. "Until then, we must consider her a dangerous criminal, and confine her as such. GUARDS!"

The Cards stood to each side of Alice, and marched her into a cage by the bench. The bars slid shut with a sharp click.

"Oh, and be aware… I have enough power to obliterate your entire kingdom," I said politely.

The Queen stared.

"Just in case you get any ideas about premature executions."

"You can't threaten the Queen!" the White Rabbit squealed, finally speaking up.

I pointed at a hedge, and it began to wither and rot. The blight spread rapidly, causing roses to fall and turn into pulp.

"Can't I?"

"Stop! Stop!" the Queen yelled.

I looked at her.

Her complexion was sallow, and she shrank back into her chair. "I… will honor the deal. One Heartless, and she goes free, unmolested. Stay your hand."

I clicked my finger against my thumb, and new growth sprang to replace the old, with the rot reduced to dust in the wind.

Illusions were so handy.

I wandered over to Fou, and looked back once. "Take heart, Alice. Your trial is almost over," I said with a short bow.

Alice held onto the bars with a timid smile. "Thank you, Sir Magician. But please, don't harm anyone on my account?"

I shrugged. "So long as they don't harm you, no harm will be done."

I felt a hand close around my arm as we walked through the nearest exit.

Aqua had iron in her gaze and her grip. "We need to talk."

"...I'm confused."

Taylor sat on the edge of the Pod's upper chassis. "About?"

Riley poked around inside the Crimson Nocturne, its shell-body cracked open and bandages keeping the Heart from escaping. "There's nothing in here. How does it work? No organelles for levitation, or conducting heat, or anything it does! I don't even see a brain!"

"It isn't a simple organism. The ichor inside seems to be everything, however," Nightingale noted.

Nines swallowed, a squeamish look on his face. "You… do know that was a person once, right?"

"Riley?" Emil squeaked.

Tamamo hummed. "Well, it's not a person now. And I don't think it's expressing pain?"

Taylor narrowed her eyes, and brought the Heartless under her direct control.

She immediately released it, clutching her stomach.

"Taylor?" Riley asked, scrambling to her feet and walking over.

"It's hungry. It's not hurting, because it can't hurt. There's no emotion or sensation at all, just… a craving to fill something." Taylor shivered. "I don't think there's anything to learn here, Riley. We better just destroy it and let the person inside move on."

"Well, that's something. The person isn't in control of the new body, and it's purely instinctual." Riley hummed. "Maybe it's to do with the 'strength' of a Heart? I recall in the primer Grail wrote up during the Vanitas debacle that such things vary, and some Heartless can be sapient." Her extra arms flicked, and blades came out at the wrists. With a quick slash, the bandages were cut and the Heart freed into the air. The Nocturne dissolved moments later.

Nines' Pod hovered in place high in a fantastic patch of woods, with massive mushrooms and lily pads in a small pond far below. The girls sat or stood atop it, while Nines remained on an arm. Emil floated on his own.

"Hey guys," Mattias' voice echoed from the earpieces. "What are the odds you still have a Heartless that Riley decided to, ah, 'investigate'?"

Taylor and Riley exchanged a look. "Null," Taylor replied.

"Shit. Well, we need one to stand trial."

"Ah, we have it on good word that they aren't sentient enough to do that," Tamamo pointed out.

"Well, we need one to get executed instead of an innocent person."

"Oh, that makes much more sense!" Emil nodded in understanding.

Nines sighed. "Pod, begin search."


"Mattias, we have to consider the world order," Aqua began after I hung up. We'd made it into the woods. Nearby was a large (to us) pond with lily pads, and a gigantic (again, to us) tree stump.

"Fuck the world order."

She jolted, eyes wide.

"Ignorance is the enemy of preparedness. Part of the reason the Heartless can do so much damage and Maleficent's little cabal has gained so much ground is because the worlds are divided, but they're able to pool resources." I scowled. "If you have information that can be used, use it. Express it. Put it to work. Don't keep your mouth shut on vital intelligence just because someone's afraid of people trying to hop offworld."

Aqua looked away. "It's… hard to argue," she admitted. "But those rules were put in place for a reason."

"What reason is that, then?" Cu asked, slinging an arm around my shoulders. I relaxed as the warmth of his body seeped through.

"Mm, likely to keep the worlds isolated and easier for Keybearers to patrol. I assume they were something like law enforcement?" Da Vinci tilted her head quizzically.

"Tina called the Keyblade a 'weapon of light'," Achilles said slowly.

"Eh…" I glanced away.

"Keyblades can be born of light and darkness." Aqua crossed her arms. "Ultimately, they are weapons born of strong hearts. Some are passed on, and some are made from the heart of the wielder."

I held my hand up, and No Name appeared in a flash. "Yeah, I can't see this being made of good intentions," I snarked.

The blue eye gazed at me as the black metal gleamed.

I dismissed the weapon. Still don't like it.

"So now what?" Sora asked, Achilles close to his side.

"What indeed? Poor Alice. Soon to lose her head, and she's not guilty of a thing!"

I whirled to see it. The grinning cat, standing on its hind legs, perched atop a massive tree stump. The purple-and-pink stripes.

The Cheshire Grin.

"We know she's innocent, Cheshire Puss," I said coolly. "We're hunting shadows."

The Cat's eyes gleamed. "Oh-ho! Well, you'll find no shortage of those. But is that really all you're looking for?"

Joan put her hands on her hips. "Like what?"

Da Vinci touched her lips with her ungauntleted hand, eyes narrowed in thought.

"The Cheshire Cat knows all, but doesn't always tell. The answer, the shadows, the Cat all lie in shadows." I tilted my head. "So. Feeling talkative today?"

Cu's grip tightened around my shoulders.

The Cat's smile didn't dim, but his eyes focused on me. "Know-it-alls are so much fun."

"I know some things, and one of those is how much I don't know," I retorted.

"Oh-ho-ho! Then you know more than you think!" the Cat caroled, patting his forepaws together. "There's eyes on you, and your little friend too." He turned his head to Sora for a few stretching moments, then snapped his eyes back to mine. "Some are friendly, some aren't."

"That's just life, isn't it," I remarked.

"True, true! Well, I'm sure you've much to go on - I have as well!" The Cat leaned forward, and suddenly was staring upside down directly into my face.

"Between you and I, brown sack-cloth is a horrid fabric."

The Cat blinked, and quickly faded away - but not before I felt a sandpaper tongue rasp against my forehead, vanishing with the grin last.

Cu quickly turned me to face him, looking over my face worriedly. "Are you all right?"

"I'm fine. The Cheshire Cat's cryptic, but he doesn't attack people." I gently rubbed his hand on my shoulder.

"Sack-cloth… does that have significance?" Da Vinci asked with a small frown.

"It sounded like nonsense," Aqua replied with a shake of her head.

I frowned. "The Cheshire Cat is cryptic, but dismiss his words at your own peril. He's not the sort to waste air."

Sora shifted uncomfortably.

"Kiddo?" Achilles asked.

"Uh… there was a guy. On the Islands, before it all. Went." Sora shook his head. "He wore a brown robe with a hood. It was pretty ugly. He seemed to know a lot of stuff, and got interested when he figured out I wasn't as dumb as he thought."

I felt a chill down my spine. "I know who he is," I admitted. "Nobody good."

Aqua turned to me with a concerned look. "Do we need to-"

Slowly, her movement arrested.

I looked around quickly, and saw that everyone else had frozen. Even Fou was stilled in the middle of licking his fur.

There was a gentle nudge in the small of my back, and it pushed until I was out from under Cu's arm.

"There we go!"

A black-gloved hand took my arm, and its owner guided me over to the stump.

"Well, it's sure been a time, hasn't it? C'mon, pop a squat and fill me in." The Master of Master's remaining blue eye twinkled brightly as he gave an affectionate smile. "And maybe we'll see if there's anything I can do to help."

Taylor slid out from the power's embrace, and looked around frantically.

Riley was transfixed in midair, ready to pounce on an unsuspecting Shadow she'd spotted on a nearby branch. Nightingale had a small tranquilizer gun out and aimed at the target.

Tamamo had her mirror out, ready to cast some sort of spell. Emil floated in midair, no longer bobbing. Nines stared into the middle distance.

"Shit." Taylor squinted down into the forest, getting ready to jump-

"You are such a sight for sore eyes."

She stilled. Slowly, she stood up and turned around.

The woman stood there in a pink cloak, purple shirt, and white robe. She wore a white fox mask with blue trim. Reaching both hands up, she removed the mask and dropped the hood of the cloak.

Blonde hair tumbled down, and Lisa shook it loose. Her eyes opened, and she gave a soft smile. "It's definitely been longer for me than it has for you. Can I have a hug?"

Taylor reached out with her power, and-


She darted forward, throwing her arms around the woman she'd willingly call sister.

"Hey. I'm keeping an eye on the Doofus of Doofuses, so don't worry." Lisa hugged her back fiercely, then leaned back with a smile. "So. Want to tell me about our new friends? And I'll catch you up on news that's fit to print."
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Wonder 3.2
Wonder 3.2

Taylor and Lisa sat on Pod's edge, their legs dangling far above the forest floor.

"Nines and Emil lost their world a while ago, and it's… kind of messed up to begin with." Taylor glanced at Lisa. "You know that song Ziz did at Canberra?"

"Well, I was busy shitting my metaphorical pants, but I remember something that she used to indicate she had Grail's knowledge, yes." Lisa leaned back.

"I think it was a song from their world. At least, that's what I managed to put together. He told me their story a long time ago, and it wasn't until I heard it from them that I understood that some of these stories…" Taylor shook her head. "This world was one of my favorite movies. I'd make my mom rewind it until the tape got messed up."

"Mmhm. Lucky for Grail that he got to cut his teeth on such a kind and forgiving world as ours," Lisa joked with a wry smirk.

Taylor ducked her head with a small smile. "Yeah." Her smile faded. "Sora… he came from what was practically a paradise. Peaceful islands."

"The Destiny Islands," Lisa agreed in a mild tone. "People who spend time there tend to either stay or emerge with a lot of fanfare." She glanced down. "It was the home of an old enemy of mine, and the resting place of a dear friend. Now both are out in the worlds."

"How is everyone? Hans? ZZ? Fortuna? Scathach?" Taylor tilted her head.

"Hans is Hans. The writing continues apace and he's content, given that our world is both secure and fairly isolated. It'd be wrong to say he doesn't miss everyone, but… there's mitigating factors." Lisa laughed a little. "He's done a lot to keep me level. ZZ misses Galahad dearly. Grail too. I bet she'll pop in as soon as that knight shows up. Fortuna is doing well, I think she might try to contact Eva soon. Without a Worldgate of our own, it's… not easy." She shook her head. "Scathach has been and will always be self-sufficient. It's helped that there's been mitigating factors."

"Like?" Taylor raised her eyebrows.

"Like being unconscious for multiple millenia," Lisa shot back. "There's been times that I had to overclock my Magic so hard that I couldn't just eat the cost. Fortunately, I was able to bring the others into stasis when I went, and ended up not missing anything too important."

"...Lisa, what the hell happened?"

"Oh, it's a funny story. But first, who's the beefcake near munchkin three and have you hit on him yet?"

Taylor shot her a severe look. "That's Achilles, and no. He's Sora's Servant, and I'm pretty sure he and Cu used to date. It probably ended badly."

Lisa's eyes widened. "No shit?"

"They're not subtle."

"Any chance…?"

"None in hell. Which, could have been fun to watch the not-racy bits." Taylor smirked.

Lisa scoffed. "Mattias would combust, and Cu Chulainn's a possessive motherfucker. I don't care how easygoing turf top is, it would have been a disaster if he tried."

"Good thing he didn't, hm?"

"No shit," Lisa said with a laugh.

Both were quiet for a moment.

"Turf top?"

"You try fighting existential evil for as long as I have and see how much material you have left."

Taylor gave a small smile, but it faded. "Grail's not well off."

"...I bet." Lisa pulled her legs up and scooted back, putting her arms around her knees. "He's always had the answers, and that brings security. How long until he starts actively trying to pulp enemies?"

"The fear of fire is kicking in here, I think." Taylor folded her hands in her lap. "He's going to snap one way or another. Not in a permanent way, but-"

"Let's hope it's against a big threat and that doesn't get wasted on small fry." Lisa stared down.

"...who is the Master of Masters to Mattias?" Taylor's voice lowered.

"That's a question, isn't it." Lisa smiled mirthlessly. "I'll give you this: he's someone who might want to hurt him even less than Cu."

Taylor squinted. "Gilgamesh disagrees."

"Gilgamesh… the situation is complex. That guy down there? Knows a lot and wants to do good. That said-"

"He's cursed, we've heard." Taylor's voice was dry.

"Right. So I've been acting as his hands. I've managed to do genuine good, but there's a lot of bad people out there who I had to contend with."


"Remember Prelati? Apparently they mastered the good ol' body-hop."

Taylor stiffened. "Shit."

"Yeah. Her name's Francesca, now. She's the one who gave witchy-poo the idea for her little league of evil."

"Right." Taylor shook her head. "Anyone else we'd know?"

"Well, she's working with the other part of Beast III." Lisa scowled. "And isn't that a headache."

Slowly, Taylor turned. "There's a Beast out there?"

"Three, technically." Lisa stared straight ahead.

"...who's Beast V?"

Lisa smiled. "I'd think you'd be more worried about the last one. Three works for him, you know."

Taylor fell backwards with a groan.

"Yes. Feel my suffering."

"So the worst of them is also loose."

"He's out there," Lisa agreed. "However, he's still wounded from a long time ago, so you can focus on your current problems."

"Wounded?" Taylor sat up.

LIsa pointed down. "He acts goofy, but Farmer Boy down there can pack a punch. Not as much now, but back in the day… well, certain factors aside, he was every bit an equal to the big one."

Taylor narrowed her eyes. "But he's not a threat to Mattias."

Lisa smiled. "He's really not." Her smile dimmed and she sighed. "Though he does have some information that he better tell him soon, or bad things might happen whether he wants them or not."

Taylor gave Lisa a confused look.

"It's complicated." Lisa stared straight ahead.

"...promise to tell me if it becomes necessary?"

"Definitely." Lisa's smile brightened again as she looked to Taylor.


They were quiet for a moment.

"You're not coming with us, are you." It wasn't a question.

Lisa shook her head. "I've got too much to do. And…" She closed her eyes. "There's people I've lost. People I need to save."

"We could help."

"You probably will. But there's things I need to do, and things you need to do. And if they're not all done, then we're in a worse spot than before."

Taylor growled. "This sucks."

Lisa nodded. "It really does." She fiddled with her robe, and pulled out a phone. "Mind if you-"

Taylor snatched it. "This thing's seen better days." With a flex of her power, the wear and tear vanished. "Why not fix it yourself?"

"Could have, but reconnecting would take ducking through loopholes and I've been busy. Besides, I've been gone, what, a week to you? Less?" Lisa shook her head. "No point in trying to use it earlier."

Taylor handed it back over. "Don't lose it," she warned with a dark glare.

Lisa smirked, putting it in her pocket. "Don't plan to."

"So?" 'Agrarian' leaned back on the stump, kicking his legs. "You're pretty quiet."

I turned over what I knew in my head. He was cursed. He was definitely scarred, but that shade of purple wasn't something I associated with normal tissue, or necrotic. Old, regrets, and farming.

"Who are you, really?" I asked.

He hummed. "Well, that's a point of some contention. I'm the Master of Masters to a good number of people. Then to some I'm more of… an annoying coworker? Friend, maybe?"

"A name would be nice." I narrowed my eyes.

"Well, that's sensitive information," he replied with a grin. "Are you sure you want that heavy of a conversation? After all, this is only our second meeting." He paused. "Third, technically, but you wouldn't remember that."

I looked away. The evidence spoke for itself, really. "So… who suggested 'Agrarian'?"

"Oh, someone."

"That someone ratted you out. Hard." I gave a mirthless smile. "Cain."

He stilled. "Oh."

"Agrarian. A farmer who has regrets? Is thoroughly cursed? Marked?" I shook my head. "If I wasn't so busy dealing with Sora, Aqua, and everyone I would have puzzled it out sooner."

" know, I haven't said whether you're right or not." The levity was forced.

I snorted. "Your reactions are confirmation enough." I glanced at him. "So is there a 'God'? That's something you should have evidence of."

He squinted at me. "I've mostly dealt with angels, to be fair. Even when we were 'in God's sight', I never met the being in question. Not to mention said angels qualified as Divine Spirits." He scoffed. "One of them did this to me," he said as he gestured to his face. "Penance."

I reached a hand out. "May I?"

Cain blinked in surprise. "If you like. I can't be hurt for long; immortality was another little 'gift' they granted."

That… sounded lonely.

I gently prodded the scars on his face with my fingertips, extending my senses through them.

Cursed. Very, very cursed.

"It's a Mystic Face of Confrontation. Anyone below a certain Magic Resistance or susceptible to mental interference attacks me at full force on sight." He took my hand in his and lowered them. "You, thankfully, fulfill at least one of the conditions."

I didn't pull away. "So that's why the hood?"

"For me. The cloak is an effective guard against darkness, which is why Luxu uses it. Unfortunately, that brat Xehanort hijacked my design." Cain scowled. "Little punk. If he didn't hide behind his shadow, I'd have dealt with him a long time ago."

"With your curse, wouldn't that be a little difficult?"

He laughed. It was a sharp, broken thing, and I felt chills down my spine.

"Oh, that's just for me trying to do something constructive. If I'm trying to destroy something, it doesn't kick in at all. Or if it does, it's against my opponent." Cain's smile was cold. "It doesn't care if what I'm trying to destroy is good or evil, just that I end it. Building up is forbidden; I can only grind down."

"And if someone tries to help-"

"Oh, it always goes wrong. Without fail, attempts to build and grow will be denied. It's not just the soil that rejects me, you know?" Cain's voice was wistful. "...I can't tell you how many stillbirths were because of me. Even if I found a wife who I was able to be near unmasked, after the first couple of attempts at having a child? They certainly found something better to do."

"So the whole thing about children of… well, you…"

Cain snorted. "Lies. I've… never had a child." His voice hitched. not pry.


He raised his eyebrows at me.

"For bringing all this stuff up. It's obviously upsetting you," I explained.

Cain shrugged. "It is what it is." He smiled slightly, eyes downcast. "It does feel a little like… well. It's a weight off." He grinned. "And apparently now that it's in the open, you're comfortable enough to let me hold your hand."

I shrugged back at him. "You seemed like you needed it." And I needed the distraction from my own problems, but I wasn't about to say that.

"Kind of you." He squeezed my hand, but didn't let go. "So. Lisa tells me you saved a whole world from itself?" His eye sparkled with some emotion I couldn't place. "Earth-Bet sure sounds like it was cursed, with all the ill fortune that befell it."

I felt my eyes widen. "Shit. I forgot that she was heading- so she's with you?"

Cain chuckled. "Oh, she's never given an inch on me. If Luxu's my right hand, she's my left. Perhaps you might recognize the name… Ava?"

A low gurgle escaped my mouth as my jaw dropped.

Cain threw his head back and cackled, brighter and warmer than the bitter sound he'd made before.

"That! That's why nothing matches up! No Keyblade War, and- well-" I waved my hands helplessly.

"Well, some things happened. My original plan was derailed as soon as she arrived; my visions changed. Mostly further out, but after I met you in Crowley's office, that's the end of them. We're unscripted, here."

I frowned. "You know his name?"

Cain's smile was enigmatic. "Must have heard it somewhere."

I shook my head. "Of course you did; that Key was in there for at least ten years." I rubbed my chin. "So who is 'he' that's bad enough to keep you from pasting Xehanort across the timeline?"

"...him." Cain's eyes flickered around the frozen clearing, and slowly lifted his hands up. Seven fingers were raised.


He slammed his palm over my mouth, steadying my head with his other hand. "Sh! I beat the tar out of him a long time ago, but I don't have that kind of power anymore!" he hissed. "He's not fully recovered yet, but I still don't want his attention."

I nodded, eyes wide.

He dropped his hands. "Sorry. I panicked."

"Understandable," I squeaked.

"Regardless. Earth-Bet. How'd you go about that?"

"Uh. Mostly it was the people there and the people I called." I rubbed the back of my head. "I smoothed a lot of paths using Tiamat's power. It healed wounds, reformatted the interdimensional symbiotes to something tilted more towards humanity, and helped us face off against the likes of a fake Tiamat. If it counted as a 'curse', it burned it away." I squinted at Cain. "Do you think it'd work on you? I mean, you're a Servant, so-"


I slumped.

"No, as in I'm not a Servant," he clarified. "No more than Merlin or Scathach. I'm the still-living, one and only Cain." He rubbed his arm with his hand. "As for if it'd work? They're tied into what I am, now. It would cost me a lot of power that I can't part with at the moment." He smiled, shyly. "Make the offer when things progress further, and I'll definitely take you up on it."

"Right. The misfortune thing definitely sucks, and I'm sure you'd like to go out without covering your face," I said.

"Yeah, Nega-Prosperity is a pain and a half."

Huh, Nega- WAIT.

I got on my knees on the stump and pointed at Cain's face.

He blinked.


"Nega...Prosperity?" he said slowly.

"Nega Skills are Beast Skills."

He started to go pale. "Uh."

"There are a grand total of three Beasts unaccounted for. You already said his nibs exists, and you wouldn't panic like that if you lied. You are way too flat to be Mara."

Cain scoffed. "Excuse you, I have great pecs! Not that I'd want you to notice, but, I mean, the Greek there's kind of cute and there's Quetzalcoatl and-"

"At what point were you going to tell me I was shooting the breeze with Beast V-L?"

Cain pouted. "...eventually. When you got to know me well enough that you wouldn't accuse me of being a threat."

I crossed my arms. "Fou is still very much a Beast. He reins himself in, but he's easily the most destructively powerful member of the Guild."

"And you pay him in baked goods, if I've heard correctly," Cain pointed out.

"And belly rubs, yes."

Cain snickered. "The mighty Cath Palug, in other timelines known as Altrouge's Demonic Dog or Primate Murder. And he's your… mascot?"

I leaned back on my knees and shrugged. "My point is: given you haven't made overt attempts to manipulate or harm any of us, I'd have taken you at your word. I mean, all you've done is be oddly affectionate and ask mildly invasive questions. And tell me some things." I tilted my head. "And stopped time so nobody could interrupt."

"To be fair, that's Lisa's doing. If we're in a separate timestream, your own immunity to curses keeps you safe from anything I would passively do while your friends are away from me," Cain pointed out.


"The acceleration of healing and evolution from the Tide of Life is normal, but the purgation of curses? That's all you. You're also completely immune to mental interference."

I squinted. "A good fifteen minutes of being trapped in an illusion with Francois Prelati would beg to differ."

Cain stilled. "What?"

"Prelati was one of the corrupted Servants summoned by Archimedes. He used dark data granted by Velber to invoke him as Foreigner, with Beelzebub grafted onto his saint graph." I crossed my arms. "...he took advantage of my pyrophobia, and got around my physical immunity by showing me the deaths of my friends. Repeatedly."

There was a harsh splintering sound.

The stump had split in half, black smoke wafting from the jagged crevice.

"I," Cain snarled, "am going to obliterate her." His scars began to drip with thin trails of black ichor, and his slitted pupil began to bleed tendrils through his iris.

"Oblitera-" I froze.


Prelati had mastered reincarnation, or body transfer, or some method of extending their life.

Francesca Prelati existed.

Francesca Prelati was at large in the Worlds.

I shuddered. I'd overcome most of my fear of the mad monk by way of him being repeatedly crippled by my friends. Lisa destroyed his book, Taylor bound his illusions, and then she eventually killed him.

I did not relish the prospect of facing Francesca Prelati, regardless of how much or little power she retained from her past.

"Hey. Hey."

I blinked, and my vision cleared. Cain's hands were on either side of my face, and his face was near mine.

"She's not getting anywhere near you, not so long as I'm watching. Even if she works for that rat bastard, I'll send Lisa to handle her personally. Whatever's going through your head won't happen." He moved his hands to my shoulders. "Okay?"

I blinked again. "Weren't you just-" I glanced at the fracture straight through the stump.

"I calmed down when I saw you were… not doing well."

My eyes widened as he pulled me into a tight hug.

"For what it's worth, you've come a long way. You've surpassed every expectation set in front of you, and have people who care for you. Francesca? Is nothing for you to worry about." He leaned back with a small smile. His eyes narrowed. "That said, you are immune. Illusions alter perception, not you. You will always be yourself, no matter what. For better or worse. The only changes that can be made to you must be made by you."

"How do you know all this about me?" I asked.

He smiled gently. "Like I said, even if you don't remember, we've met before. You… made a very good impression."

I glanced down. " I Abel?"

Cain made a choking noise. "No! No, on YHVH's breath I swear you are not my brother." His eye screwed shut. "He's gone, and I feel that pain every day of my existence. Conflating you with him would be a mistake."

"Sorry." I hugged him back. "I'm not making a very good second impression, am I?"

"You're fine. Just ignorant."

I scowled. "Thanks."

He let go of me and leaned back, and I did the same.

Cain sighed. "I probably ought to go. Whatever you're up to won't do itself." He glanced down sadly. "As much as I'd like to steal more time by your side, monopolizing you like this isn't fair."

"Well… you made a better second impression than your first, Cain."

He looked up at me with a small, confused frown.

"I'm saying we're friends," I explained with a grin.

"Oh? You're deciding this?" He definitely didn't look or sound upset.

"Yep. It's decided."

He laughed a little, then stood. "Right. I can work with that." His smile grew.

"Hey, Cain?"

He tilted his head. "Mmhm?"

"Who was I? When we met?"

Cain froze.

I stood. "Cain?"

He shook himself, and flipped his hood up. "That's a simple question with a complicated answer. I'm not sure I'm ready to go into that."


"Someday I will be, but not today." His hood faced me. "I promise you this: you weren't a bad person."

Something inside me uncoiled; a tension that I had ignored was released. "...that helps more than you think."

Cain nodded. "Thought it might. Catch you later, Magician-Grail-Endthingy!"

"Endbringer! You ass!" I laughed.

Darkness enveloped him, and he vanished from sight as the smoke cleared.

"So," a familiar voice said.

Lisa stood at my shoulder, smirking up at me.


"We're short on time, but… I'll drop in once in a while. I know what your ship looks like, and I'll visit. Taylor has details." She paused. "Did he tell you? Who he is?"

"No, but he's bad at hiding it," I said with a smirk.

"To you." She shook her head. "I got told because I'm necessary, same as Luxu. I told the rest of the crew long before they figured it out." She paused. "Except Scathach. She knew him."


"And he told you who you are?"

"Not Abel? Or evil?"

Lisa stilled. "That mother-" She spun on her heel. "I've got work to do. Next time you see him, drag it out of his sorry ass." She paused. "My phone's up and running if you need me. Keep in touch?"

I nodded with a smile. "Will do. And Taylor?"

Lisa looked back with a smile. "We shot the shit for a while. We're good." She spun back around, and gave me a brief, fierce hug. "It's good to see you too. We'll catch up when I'm off the clock." She gave me a sharp grin as she let go. "Being a Foreteller's a hell of a job, you know?"

I blew a raspberry at her as she aimed her Keyblade and opened a portal of light.

She blew one back as she walked through.

The instant she left, the world began to move again.

"-look out for this person? Mattias?" Aqua blinked. "How did you get there?"

Cu gave me a dark look, but I shook my head with a smile.

"So Lisa decided to visit for a quick moment," I explained.

Cu's jaw dropped, and Da Vinci's eyes widened before she started laughing.

Sora tilted his head. "Who?" He looked up at Achilles, who just shrugged.

Joan rubbed her head. "...she's got the Fifth. That's the only way this makes sense."

"Nobody told you?" I asked innocently.


Taylor smirked as Riley wrangled the Shadow with her four arms, Nightingale slowly mummifying it in bandages.

"Target captured," Nines reported.

"Perfect! And it only took a few minutes. Time to go annoy the Queen and get Alice loose." Mattias let out a sharp sigh. "Here's hoping."

Taylor glanced at Tamamo with a frown.

"Hoping what?" Tamamo asked. She tapped her earbud and shot Taylor a questioning look.

"...Alice… is important. Losing her is detrimental for a number of reasons."

Emil sat on one of Pod's arms. "Then we should bring the Shadow back to the court, right? I can see Fou from here, so we can meet up!"

Nines placed his hand on Pod's other arm, standing. "Descending now."

Riley squeaked and scrambled back on top of the robot, using her extra arms to hold the wriggling Shadow overhead. Its antennae were the only things left to move freely. Nightingale wasn't far behind her.

As the robot descended, Taylor ran through the information Lisa had given her. She was working with the Master of Masters, who definitely knew who Mattias was in his past lives. She was also privy to that information, but didn't want him to receive it secondhand, and was emphatic that the Master tell Mattias himself.

And the Master of Masters was Cain. Cain from the Bible. The First Murderer, the inventor of fratricide. In some traditions, he was only half-human - the first of the nephilim, son of Eve and the fallen angel who tempted her to eat the apple.

If she hadn't checked for herself - checked thoroughly - Taylor would have sworn up and down that Lisa was Mastered beyond the point of no return. But Lisa had opened herself to Taylor, and accepted the examination.

Of course these were all secondary concerns compared to the fact that an unchecked Prelati was running amok in these worlds. Taylor remembered all too well the damage they had done to Mattias just over a year ago.

That wasn't going to happen again.

"Looks like I found a lot to talk about," she muttered to herself. Tamamo shot her a look, but she shook her head. "Just thinking aloud."

Nines looked up from his perch on Pod's arm. "Um… are you alright?"

"Not really, but that's not new. I'll be glad to get home and unwind for the next rest day," Taylor admitted. It had taken her some time to be able to share vulnerability with others outside of Tamamo, Mattias, and Lisa, but she'd gotten there.

"Yeah. This place is kind of spooky, once you get past the bright colors," Nines said. "And the Heartless we ran into were pretty dangerous, too. Good thing Pod stayed her normal size when we all shrank!"

Emil giggled as they dropped down. "It sure made everyone getting around easier!"

Taylor looked down at the other group. Joan was tapping her foot impatiently, Aqua looked mildly concerned, Sora had sat and leaned against Fou's side next to Achilles, Da Vinci was recording some sort of data into a tablet, and Cu was shooting concerned looks at Mattias.

Mattias looked up at her with a tired smile.

Somehow, she got the feeling this would get worse before it got better.

"What. Is that."

I held the little Shadow by its neck. "This is a Heartless, as agreed."

The Queen stared at it. "That is not what attacked me."

"The agreement was one Heartless, and here it is." I narrowed my eyes. "Are you reneging?"

Slowly she stood, shaking in fury. "You come into my kingdom, threaten me, order me to do your bidding…"

I narrowed my eyes. "Of course I did. Would you do any different?"

"GUARDS! SEIZE THEM!" She slammed her hands on the bench, eyes blazing.

A tower with four cranks sprang from the ground, and a heart-suit card spun a crank three times.

I felt my eyes widen as a curtain swung around the cage and it ratcheted up some sort of pulley system.

"Is this a fight?" Fou asked in mild interest.

"Crush them and destroy that tower!" I ordered. I didn't look back as I launched myself at the cage, tossing the bound Heartless to the side.

The Queen shrieked as it bounced off of her, flailing her arms wildly and knocking it away.

I had to sprout my wings and flap a few times to finish my jump, but I made it to the cage in less than a minute despite the height. I tore the cloth off and exposed my claws, rending the bars.

Alice reached out with both hands and wide eyes, the shadows swirling behind her. "Mister Magician!"

I reached a hand in, but a pale arm snaked around her neck and pulled her back.

"Mister Magician!"

I lunged forward, only for the figure's other arm to present a familiar sword - it was shaped like a bat wing, with a gear as the pommel and a simple hilt. However, it was missing the Gazing Eye.

I stared into blue-green eyes as he pointed the blade at her throat, scowling fiercely.

"She's coming with me."

In truth, I knew that RIku had kidnapped Alice as part of the price for Maleficent to help him find Kairi. I just never expected to enter conflict with him this early.

"Is she now?" I whispered.

Alice's eyes were wide in terror, until she went limp.

Riku moved his blade closer as he backed away.

I grit my teeth, running through anything I could create to stop him-

"She told me, you know."

I frowned in confusion.

"You're the one who sent those two to Sora and Kairi. It's your fault they changed." Riku's stoic demeanor slipped, and his eyes blazed with a dark hate. "I'll never forgive you for what you've done."


What the fuck?

I stood, stunned as the shadows vanished - taking Riku and Alice with them.

The sounds of battle echoed behind me as I straightened up and slowly turned.

I struggled to process what had happened. Was there something I could have done? With that level of contact, a Gate would have brought Riku along. I didn't trust my precision with them that close together.

Again and again I ran it through my head as I gazed down.

"Mattias!" Sora called. He stared up at me.

Fuck, how was I supposed to tell him? Hey buddy, your friend who torpedoed your fucking home just kidnapped a girl to set up more of the same to happen - but everywhere!

That was sure to go over brilliantly.

"I couldn't see very well, but they had a blade at her throat. Someone pulled her through a Dark Corridor," I said flatly. "She's gone."

Sora's face fell. "No…"

Aqua shot me a questioning look, but I looked away.

I should have felt something. Angry. Guilty. Sad. Something.

I just felt tired.

With a hop, I landed next to the trembling Queen of Hearts. I glared down at her, standing on the bench.


"She's gone. The culprits took her." I smiled coldly. "Well done, you."

I ignored her yammering as I strode towards the exit to the giant room.

"What's the plan?" Da Vinci asked, eyes sharp.

"Alice is gone, but the keyhole isn't. We need to destroy the lead Heartless and seal it." I narrowed my eyes. "So we go back to where we started."

We got to the foot of the table, and I frowned as I spotted the Cheshire Cat lounging sedately on top of it.

I teleported up next to him.

"She's gone," I said shortly.

"Indeed. The girl, the culprit, all fled." His smile remained. "But, there's still a game afoot. Do you know what it is, knower-of-some-things?"

"Turn on the light and the shadows are cast," I said coolly.

"Indeed," the Cheshire Cat agreed. "Though you'd need to go somewhere else in the room to do that."

"Or I could cheat," I said conversationally.

He stared at me with that mad grin of his.

"I have Magic. Why should I play by anyone's rules?" Blue energy swirled around my arms, and Ideal settled in my grip as a parasol.

"Hmmm. Well, best make sure you're ready. Because if not, too bad! The shadows play for keeps." He somehow grinned wider. "But if you're cheating, well. Shadows aren't the sort to adapt to unconventional games."

"That's the hope," I said quietly. I looked down and eyed the group.

"Ah, there is one last thing."

I glanced at the Cheshire Cat.

"Truth is quite dangerous. If not treated carefully, it may well sink its fangs into you." His eyes took on a knowing glint. "So one must know when and where to let it off the leash."

Translation: tell Sora about what Riku did, and soon.

"And if that truth would just cause pain?" I asked.

"Better a scrape now than a puncture later." The Cheshire Cat's grin was merciless. "After all, it's better to walk it off than get the point in the end."

I closed my eyes. "Duly noted."

"He's gone," Aqua said as she joined me. "What did he have to say?"

I looked up. Everyone had joined us. Riley frowned as Nightingale glanced between her and the path back to the Shadow Border thoughtfully.

"Alright, so the leader is called Trickmaster. It's an average-sized Heartless that's patterned off of an acrobat. It juggles, and uses fire." I grimaced. "Lots of fire."

"How do we draw it out?" Cu asked, looking around. "I assume we need to do something first."

I pointed out. "The brighter the light, the greater the shadows. So we turn the lamps on."

Sora squinted upwards. "...they're a ways away."

"Pod can get us up there, no problem." Nines crossed his arms.

"I can light them!" Emil offered.

Taylor glanced at me. "So it's average-sized?"

"It won't come out unless we remain this size," I explained. "It won't fight fair."

"Naturally," Achilles grumbled.

Joan scoffed. "Giant or small fry, I'll tear it in two."

Da Vinci touched her fist to her chin thoughtfully. "So where do we go from here?"

"...Nines, you take Pod and Emil to light the lamps. There might be an attack after, so bring Riley and Nightingale with you for backup. They'll be more help against the small fry than here." I looked around. "The rest of you, get ready for a knock-down drag-out. It's going to be a slog, and that assumes it doesn't summon minions. I don't remember it having that power, but…"

"Best not to assume," Aqua agreed. "Weakpoints?"

"Its legs are insanely durable, so target the head, torso, and arms. The arms in particular look like streamers, so are thin and might be fragile. That's my assumption." I rubbed my forehead.

"And what about me?" Fou asked, tilting his head.

I smirked. "You get to have all the fun you like."

As I watched the Pod ascend with the group on board, I narrowed my eyes at the ceiling.

There was a flash of a silhouette - a hunched figure in a brown robe - but it vanished.

Goddammit. At least Ansem didn't have a body at this time.


I shook my head and looked at Da Vinci. Her gaze was calculating.


She exhaled. "Just checking. Be careful with the fire, and stay close to me if you're concerned. I have countermeasures." She gently pat my shoulder.

"I do too!" Sora said brightly.

We turned to look at him.

"The Cheshire Cat said I did good against the Card Soldiers, so he taught me a new spell," he explained.

...well, this was where Sora learned Blizzard from him in the game. I had the feeling he had something like that in his arsenal already.

"We're approaching the lamp now," Nines said over the comm.

I tapped my earbud twice. "Let's keep in contact and coordinate. Joan, you hold back until it's knocked down, but when it falls - cut loose your Noble Phantasm. It might use fire, but it's still vulnerable to it. Cu, you and Achilles take melee and keep it unbalanced. Taylor, Sora - you'll be in charge of magical offensives. Fou, watch for an opening and try to knock it over and rough it up. Aqua, Tamamo, you handle any strays that come at us from behind. Da Vinci, you counter any master strokes it tries. I'll support and throw in a hit where I can." I glanced upwards. "When it falls, the other Heartless should flee for a time. Nightingale, don't hesitate to invoke your pledge if you guys get overwhelmed."


"We've got Pod, we'll be fine!" Nines claimed confidently.

"Famous last words," Joan muttered before Taylor shot her a dark look.

I shook my head and rolled my shoulders as Cu stepped up next to me.

"After this, we need to talk," he said with a sideways look.

"...when we get home."

He stared at me for a moment longer, then nodded.

I let out a slow breath, trying to psych myself up. "Alright, gang." I gave a wry smile.

"Light it up."

A/N: So I won't be making a Master of Masters' character sheet just yet due to having a few more reveals that would go on there. It'll likely go up sometime during the Agrabah arc, Sands.