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The sequel to Grail, the Worm/Nasu OC that went places.

In which Tattletale goes on a temporo-spatial joy ride with a small group of over-qualified Servants, Grail (the OC protagonist) is drawn into a plot ages in the making alongside a galactic identity crisis, and Khepri (formerly Weaver) just wants her best friends to come home in one piece.

In which the universe of Kingdom Hearts becomes a lot bigger, a little scarier, and somehow more incoherent.

In which Sora isn't quite the person we knew in the games, and he has some new company.

And in which old wrongs start being set right.

A/N: As a sequel, it is expected that Grail was read first. If not... I will try to include shorthand information on new players in the plot as they become important, but I make no promises.
Prelude: Brilliance


Underpaid Struggle Bus Attendant
Eastern US
A/N: That moment when you realize two things. One: you really have your muse kicking you in the seat of the pants, and putting off starting a new project isn't happening. Two: your endgame essentially makes Re:Mind and the majority of the phone/browser game irrelevant (along with the batshit AU multicross elements you're introducing). So...

Prelude: Brilliance

I'm not really sure where to begin. A lot happened over the past year and a half. Through July, things were utterly batshit. Now? Things are peaceful.

Well. Mostly peaceful.

My name is Mattias Sanderson. My cape name - a name I still answer to - is Grail. I'm a lot of things. I'm the last Endbringer, though that isn't public knowledge. I have metaknowledge from well beyond this timeline. I'm the First Magician, wielder of the Magic of ultimate creation, called Ex Nihilo. I've been graced by Tiamat to re-create her Waters which heal and enhance all they touch, with the added bonus of purging all curses. (That last bit is my own touch.)

What does all that boil down to?


It was a beautiful day in Brockton Bay, and I was dealing with a pissed-off Taylor Hebert.

"I am telling you, she is gone," my friend and opposite number stressed.

She bore the power of the Fourth Magic, True Administrator, and could control everything within a close radius (so long as she put the requisite energy forward). This Magic could piggyback off of her own innate power of insect control, and any bug she possessed acted as its own emanation point - cue escalation. She also held a Lesser Grail, where I held a Greater. This let us use aspects of each others' Magic.

"Alright," I said slowly. "So she's not in the House. That much we're sure of."

"Lisa wouldn't just leave without saying something to someone," Taylor snapped, on edge. "She doesn't come and go like Merlin or Scathach."

"I agree. It's odd, but the idea that something exists in this world that could threaten her beggars belief."

Lisa Wilbourn. Fifth Magician, wielder of the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, and all-around smartass. Also Taylor's best friend.

Taylor crossed her arms. "I have a bad feeling about all this, Mattias." She looked away. "Something doesn't feel right. It's been too quiet since we stopped Beast V-L, and this feels… too out of the ordinary."


Leonardo Da Vinci, sometimes called Leona, waved a small envelope at us. "I found this. It was in her room." She wasn't smiling. "It's addressed to you two," my Caster continued. "The ink is barely dry, so I assume it's recent."

I exchanged a worried look with Taylor. "Okay, maybe you're onto something," I admitted.

She stared at me and gestured at Da Vinci and the envelope. Da Vinci handed it over without aplomb.

I slid my finger beneath the seal, shifting the meat and bone into a blade of starstuff to separate it. It opened neatly, and I pulled the page out and unfolded it.

I read it aloud.

Hey Everyone,

So this is a little awkward. I got a letter yesterday, and it had some information in it that I couldn't ignore. Therefore, I've gone on a little journey. I don't doubt you guys will want to follow me, but you can't. Time travel is fucky that way, and this is a stable loop that I need to perpetrate.

I haven't gone alone, or without a few failsafes. As for the how, I mixed my Magic with the Worldgate. Nifty trick.

I took Hans, of course, as well as two of Grail's best. You'll know who if you do a quick check. Scathach is along too, to make damn sure I don't get in over my head.

Things are heating up again, and I don't know when I'll see you. I'm taking the slow road, but my ability to stop entropy will keep me recognizable. Physically, at least. I have it on… pretty good word that's the case.

Keep an ear to the ground for a message from the Director on Earth-Magic. If he asks what we know, tell him it's time to open the cabinet.

You're going to be going on your own adventure, soon. Honestly, I'm more scared for you than for me.

I love you guys and I'll miss you. I'll make sure to try and skip as many - let's say centuries - as I can to meet up with you as soon as possible.

Take care of each other, and keep sharp. There's a new game in town, and it'll be way less trouble if you go to meet it than if it comes to meet you.
Peace, love, and reality-warping!

- TT

PS: If you want/need more details (you will) the letter is in my Workshop. I give Taylor permission to get it.

Taylor's hands twitched. "What. The fuck."

Immediately, I checked the ties to my Servants - all Fourteen of them. All were connected.

Twelve were on Earth-Bet in the present day.

"Caster, Lancer, Archer, Saber, Rider, Berserker - both, Assassin, Shielder, Ruler, Avenger-" I thinned my lips. "Foreigner and Moon Cancer. She took Fortuna and ZZ."

Da Vinci hummed. "Well, she'll be safe, then. Or as safe as she can be."

Fortuna, alias Contessa, was fused with the Thinker Entity and the phantom of Eve. ZZ was the Simurgh merged with fragments of BB, the rogue AI from the Moon Cell. Both were horrendously powerful. Along with Scathach's immortality and skill and Hans Christian Andersen's ability to enhance his comrades, Lisa was… likely safe.

Depending on what was going on.

Each Servant active on Earth-Bet had been tuned up by Illyasviel von Einzbern, our Third Magician. She had implanted a self-replenishing core in their spiritual bodies, which was supplemented by a wellspring gem I'd created to shove off the burden of supplying mana to multiple Powers. To that end, I had no concern of any of the Servants running out of power and discorporating without consent.

"Temple. Now." Taylor whirled on her heel, and I followed behind.

"Da Vinci-" I began.

"I'll tell Tess, and she'll let everyone know," the genius replied with a smile. "How much panicking should we do?"

"Depends on what's in the letter!" I called back.

Taylor walked back out of the Workshop, while I waited in the main interconnected area. As she approached, I looked up from the soft light I had been molding to take my mind off of my building anxiety.

She inhaled and looked me in the eye. "It was a collection of words, not a real letter. Most of what she found out had to be from the messenger themselves, and it was someone she trusted. I was able to view the past there, but I didn't get a clear image. They had something that circumvented my Magic." Taylor frowned, rubbing her arms. "It was… strange." She handed me the sheet of paper.

I glanced at it, then felt my eyes widen as I scanned the words more thoroughly.

Master of Masters, Daybreak, Age of Fairytales. Gate combination KHUX, use Fifth for accuracy. May your heart be your guiding key.

I shivered, my breath coming more quickly.

"You know what it means?" Taylor said, surprised.

"Remember Vanitas?" I asked softly.

She nodded, brow furrowing.

"This is… from the universe Tiamat's in, now. Their distant past. Lisa's going to mess with someone who is at least as terrifying as I am, but more experienced, cunning, and a goddamn prophet in his own right." I swallowed, licking my lips. "She's borrowed more trouble than she can handle, and if the Director has answers… it might pertain…"

I remembered my past two lives. Three, counting this one. The first of them was where I got my metaknowledge. The second was an ill-fated jaunt into the Moon Cell. The third? I was technically just over a year old and change.

It was assumed I was always the First Magician, but to be fair… I didn't know for sure. And if all of this was connected, my answers about the past laid in the worlds of hearts. The First Magic originated in the timelines connected to Earth-Magic, but apparently these worlds were involved. All the way up to the Master of Masters, a man in a dark coat who willingly touched off an apocalyptic war and was utterly inscrutable. Well, he didn't intervene, but the actors moved in patterns he encouraged them to. It was complicated.

Taylor stared at me. "Mattias?"

I shook my head. "Sorry. Woolgathering. This might pertain to my past, and the Master of Masters is a manipulator on par with Rebecca, maybe better. And he can create weapons like Vanitas'. Nothing about this is good." I frowned. "We need to pick out a party to handle this. We can't take most of our forces, in case there's bleedover. We spent way too much in time and pain to get Earth-Bet to where it is."

"That's easy. We leave Rin-sensei and Illya here, and you and I go." Taylor spread her hands out, arms to her sides and elbows bent up. "We take Tamamo and Cu. You can use your power to summon any other Servants we need, and together we can make a beacon to connect to the Worldgate." She smirked. "I suggest Cu because he'll get pissed if you go offworld without him."

"...point." I raised an eyebrow. "And how will Tamamo deal on being away from Alice and Nero so long?"

Taylor shrugged. "She'll deal."

"How cruel, mikon," Tamamo said as she appeared in a swirl of golden light. Her amused smile offset her words. "Well, I couldn't let you go… offworld? Alone." Her eyes narrowed. "Where will we go?"

"Uh. Destiny Islands or Traverse Town, depending," I mused, rubbing my chin. "So, we're about to be stuck in someone else's coming-of-age hero's journey."

Taylor slowly smirked.

"What?" I blinked.

"Oh, nothing. Just wondering what it'll be like from your side of the equation," she teased.

I opened my mouth, then shut it.

"Mm-hm." Taylor walked out of the mainway between Workshops. "So. Let's get Dragon brought up to speed so she and Narwhal can okay the hop to Earth-Magic. If Lisa's getting involved already, and you have baggage in this new place that you don't know? We need every advantage we can get."

I glanced at Tamamo and exhaled. "Right."

As we walked, I felt an arm sling around my shoulders.

"You look upset."

Cu Chulainn, the third Servant I'd summoned and my boyfriend as of... a bit over a year. My power could dissolve the boundaries between Servant containers and bring the ones bound to me closer to Heroic Spirits - this left him with a variety of powers his Lancer incarnation could never hope to access, including his chariot and druidcraft.

"Well, Lisa's gone and done the time warp and we're heading for Kingdom Hearts, where worlds get one-shot by little shadow blobs, the power of emotions trumps physics and general rules, and friends can actually be your power." I gave a grim smile. "So, you know. Tuesday."

Cu stared at me for a moment. "I'm coming, right?"

"You and Taylor," I said with a nod.

"Heh. Good thing she has that GED of hers." Cu gently gripped my shoulder.

"I mean, she's seventeen and heroing is a legitimate course of-" I began.

"I'm poking fun, Matt. Calm down." Cu's smile was warm. "Everything's going to be fine."

"I hope so. Lisa has ZZ, Fortuna, and Scathach with her," I muttered.

Cu let out a bark of laughter. "What the hell are you scared of, then?"

"Someone stronger than me, probably."

He quieted. "Seriously?"

"I don't know." I looked him in the eye. "That's what scares me the most."

He didn't let go as we sought out Tess to deliver the rest of the news.

Lisa tapped her lip as she gazed on the fallen man in armor while Scathach planted her foot in his back.

"So… this guy's the reason for the plague?" she asked.

The woman she addressed was solid white, as though she was made of sculpted snow. " He merely sought to take advantage of it by manipulating him."

"Shiva…!" the fallen knight growled out.

A man with reddish-purple hair sat behind Lisa, shaking in terror and wonder.

"Okay. So run me through this. Big evil plague. Turns people into demons." Lisa pointed at the human. "Not him. He eats it, heals people. But it accumulates. Then… what? Profit?"

"He is to be the Accursed Immortal to face the True King. This clash between dark and light would have given Bahamut power to unleash Tera Flare." Shiva was calm as she spoke, not giving away her emotions.

Telling the truth. Tera Flare incredibly destructive. Black Barrel for worlds? World-ending.

"Nifty. Well, if he hadn't bum rushed us, we'd have passed through and he'd be fine and dandy. Too bad we have multiple godslayers on our side, and he's way less all-encompassing than the last one we fought." Lisa smiled smugly. "Scathach? He wants to blow up a planet."

The Witch of Dun Scaith kept the struggling god pinned.

Fortuna shifted, adjusting her fedora. "Huh."

ZZ floated in a reclining position, filing her nails. She looked up. "Wait. Why haven't we killed him yet? Fortuna shot out his core, for crying out loud." The Endbringer pouted.

Hans gazed skyward, clearly mustering his strength of will.

" what happens when we kill a 'god' here? Any big problems?" Lisa asked Shiva.

The Astral shook her head. "To tell the truth, I was unaware this was possible."

Lisa smirked wider. "If I see it, I can kill it. And right now…"

Vulnerable. Seven lines, two points.

"Even gods aren't exempt, apparently." She faced Shiva fully. "But what about this plague?"

"Without light, it will be difficult to contain. It is not the natural darkness of man, but supernatural. The Starscourge will continue, and Ardyn will struggle to contain it. He may well still become that cursed being." Shiva's eyes glanced downward. "It is fortunate he has not contracted any of the remaining Astrals. They would become infected."

Lisa rolled her wrists, thinking.

Unnatural? Consumption. Can use Magic to solve.

And there we go.

"Alrighty, then. How's this. I solve your genocide dragon-god problem and give you someone to stop your plague, and in exchange…" Lisa leaned forward. "I want directions."

"Directions," Shiva echoed. "You are lost?"

"Badly. So. Wandering heroes asking you for a boon, offering you a favor… how's that sound, winter god?" Lisa grinned.

"I am the goddess of death," Shiva said after a moment. "And for the lives of all who live on Eos, I accept your bargain, nameless hero."

"Call me Tattletale." Lisa unsheathed her blade, the Kanesada Kuji. "Well, time to execute."

The dragon-god, crippled as he was, writhed. "You cannot do this. You are but a withered petal in my garden, and you will be blown awa-!"

The blade plunged, impacting his forehead point-on. "Yeah, yeah. You 'immortal' jackasses all talk big." It retracted. "If only you died a little faster."

And so ended Bahamut, his cold corpse laying in the dirt beneath the heels of heroes from another universe,

Lisa flicked the blood off of her blade. "Alrighty. So, Ardyn, right?" She walked over to him, sauntering unhurriedly.

The man stared at her. "...will that be my fate as well? To be judged by those eyes?"

"Mm. Depends. What is it you want most? Revenge? To save the world?" Lisa smiled. "To spite the bastard I just killed by being the hero?"

The redhead glanced down, then met Lisa's now-green eyes. "If what you said to the Astral of Ice is true, I would accept whatever boon you offer to eradicate the Starscourge."

"It won't be pleasant. You still won't be able to die for a long time, and it's more of a curse than a blessing," Lisa warned.

"I accept it," Ardyn replied.

"Alright. Need your name, then."

Hans began to write furiously.

"Ardyn Lucius Caelum." His blue eyes were unflinching. "...might I know the name of my savior?"

"Lisa Wilbourn. Fifth Magician, and hero of the Guild." She stretched her arms over her head. "You ready?"

Ardyn nodded.

Blue light swirled around him.

"This is gonna take a minute," Lisa warned.

"What did you do, exactly?" Shiva asked as she laid the man down. He slept like the dead.

"Two things. First, I told entropy to leave him alone. I have a similar effect on me, but his is tied to the end of the Starscourge. Once it's done, he'll age normally." Lisa cracked her neck. "Second, I added on to that 'gift' of his. Now he can digest the curses, and when he takes them in, any extra in the area of… oh… a few miles get 'infected' with my own curse. A curse-eating virus-curse, if you will." Lisa grinned. "I don't think it'll take him centuries, but he has them if he needs it."

"Ah. Hence the hours of work." Shiva's eyes narrowed. "Very precise work."

"Hey, following timelines to get my favored result is old hat," Lisa boasted.

"And now our payment," Scathach said firmly.

"Yes. What is it you seek?" Shiva asked, curiosity entering her voice.

"We're looking for another world. I think it's called Daybreak Town? That or Scala ad Caelum," Lisa said, putting her hands on her hips.

"Yeah, the address we entered was jank," ZZ commented with a pout.

Shiva pursed her lips. "I am aware of it, distantly. It is protected by mighty magics. Entry unaided is impossible." She smiled faintly. "However, we are in the presence of the crystal. I should be able to pierce that shroud and send you there."

Fortuna exhaled. "Thank fucking god," she muttered.

Hans nodded in agreement. "Hear, hear."

Ardyn snored loudly.

"I will watch over him, and ensure this world is tended to," Shiva announced, turning to the crystal. She raised a hand, and it glowed brilliantly, rays striking the ground before it and twisting into a whirlpool of light. "Go, heroes of a far-off world. Whatever destiny holds, it awaits you."

ZZ flew over, then curled up and dropped. "Cannonball!"

Hans sighed and strode in, falling through.

Fortuna and Scathach exchanged glances, then looked at Lisa.

She smirked. "Alright then. Shiva, it's been real. No offense, I'm sure your world is lovely, but I got an agenda to keep so… probably won't be back." She flashed a two-finger salute at the Astral of Ice, then walked forward, flanked by Fortuna and Scathach.

Shiva watched as the three sank into the light. As it faded, she turned her attention to Ardyn.

"Rest well, Savior. Our work begins when you wake."

I folded my hands as Taylor finished explaining to Tess.

" how do we get there?" she said finally, rubbing her face tiredly.

I shrugged. "Dunno. We'll need to ask the Director. Hopefully he has answers."

"The one good thing about this is that Lisa formed a capable scouting team that functions as a strike force. Scathach's experience, ZZ's ingenuity, Fortuna's versatility, her own Magic, and Hans' power to enhance makes them formidable." Tess looked at all of us. "Alright. You may well be departing from there, so we'll get you ready for travel tonight, then ship you out tomorrow."

"Between Grail and I, we should have this locked down." Taylor folded her arms. "We'll bring Lisa home."

"What am I, chopped liver?" Cu asked in a faux-offended tone.

"We're backup," Tamamo replied dryly.

I nodded to the group as we went our separate ways, only to run into someone almost immediately.

Gilgamesh's face was drawn tight, frowning thunderously.



I scratched the back of my head. "I figured you'd be happier here with Enkidu and Arthur…?" My tone was hesitant.

"That is not the cause for my concern." He placed a hand on my shoulder. "You have established that you do not remember your past lives. Answers await you in this brave new world." Gilgamesh… hesitated.

I felt my eyes widen. "Gil?"

"I will not discuss what transpired when I met one such incarnation. If you are to find answers, it must be on this journey. I will support you as I can, but do not ask that of me." Gilgamesh's eyes found mine.

I felt a hollow in the pit of my stomach. "You know who I was."

"I met him when I lived. Believe me when I say that you are not the same man." Gilgamesh's tone was vehement, eyes blazing. "If there is justice in this world, the truth will be kind to you."

I exhaled. "The only justice I've found is that which people make themselves, Gil." I looked away. "I don't understand."

"I do not wish you to. I fear that understanding would bring you pain, and I care for you."

Gilgamesh had displayed affection and emotion towards me before, but never with this… vulnerability. Whatever he saw ahead couldn't be good. Whoever I was… could not have been good.


"You are who you are now. Not then. Promise me that you will not forget that," he said fiercely. "You mean too much to too many. Do not lose yourself to a past best left buried."

I nodded slowly. "Alright." I swallowed. "Alright."

Gilgamesh wrapped me in a tight embrace. "Call upon any of us at need, including myself. Our power, our strength, everything is at your disposal." He let go, stepping back.

I nodded slowly. It was time to get ready for a trip to Earth-Magic, and then to a universe beyond the one I now called home.

What was I getting into?

I was almost afraid to find out.
Prelude: Waning
Prelude: Waning

Sora flipped through the air, landing feet-first on Tidus' staff as the other boy raised it for a block. The force of his jump bore Tidus to the ground with a yell of shock, giving him ample time to jump back off.

Sora was a fourteen-year old boy with tanned skin, brown spiky hair, and deep blue eyes. He'd put on some muscle as of late, but was still lanky like a fair few boys his age.

"I give! I give!" Tidus yelled, raising his hands from where he fell. The bo staff he'd been using to spar lay by his side. As Sora stepped back and put his hands behind his head, the other boy groaned and sat up. "Geez Sora, you've gotten pretty good in the past few months."

Sora chuckled, tilting his head downward slightly. "I've been practicing a lot," he said sheepishly. "It's a lot better than just swinging around a wooden sword, right?"

"I mean, if you put more training into the sword stuff, I don't know if even Riku could beat you," Tidus said, ruffling his bleached hair. He sighed. "Man, I don't know if I can catch up at this rate…"

"Hey, keep training." Sora dropped his hands. "Just try to make your moves tighter, and watch your opponent. Learn to act and react by making openings, and reading when your opponent is feinting. That's a big one with Riku - he lets himself get knocked back, then jumps back up with a double kick."

"Wow. You sound like a real pro, you know?" Tidus pulled his legs up, resting his chin on his knees. "You've changed. In a good way, I mean."

Sora rubbed the back of his neck. "You think so?" he said wistfully. "I don't think I've been training barehanded that long…"

He had been training in swordplay as well, but even a wooden sword could hurt with what he'd learned. Sora had to hold back with barehanded fighting as well; Pankration was not a friendly combat style.

Sora was lucky to have a kind-natured teacher, or the lessons would doubtlessly have been far more painful.

"Hey, you started using it a few months back, and I'm telling you: if you went at Riku like that…" Tidus trailed off. "Yeah. Ow."

Sora shook his head and waved him off. "I'll take that under advisement." He smiled sunnily. "I'm gonna go wander a bit, see you around?"

"Yeah, yeah. I'm gonna go find Wakka and lick my wounds a bit, you brute." Tidus gave a grin to show there were no hard feelings. "Go bug Kairi or something."

Sora waved and turned on his heel, strolling off. The sand gave under his feet slightly, but his steps were sure and he managed a decent trot across the beach.

After a few minutes, he spotted Riku in his usual place. The older boy was training with his wooden sword against an invisible opponent, kind of like shadow boxing. His swings had definitely improved in speed and focus, but Sora was fairly sure he could still take him.

...which was why he hadn't. Riku was fiercely competitive, and while Sora could be as well, he also valued the other boy's friendship deeply. Riku had been a confidant for many years, and Sora had told him no small number of secrets, both mundane and fantastic.

But as Sora went into the seaside shack low on the island, he reflected on the one he hadn't - the one which had opened this… rift… between him and his best friend. The one where each competition became a match for superiority, with more than bruised egos on the line.

Sora had told Riku a lot. About his dreams, his fears… even some secrets his mom had shared.

But Sora couldn't figure out how to convince Riku that an 'imaginary friend' was real, and the reason for his leaps in progress.

In the solitude of the shack, Sora doffed the glove on his left hand. A pale red mark was on the back, shaped like a heart with wings and crown, heavily stylized but faint.

His eyes flicked up, and the phantom who had followed and coached him shifted his weight.

He had the eyes of a raptor, and pale green hair that was even spikier than Sora's. He was tall, with black-and-grey armor, and wore a long orange scarf.

"You did good, kid," he said with a small smile. "That last kick was a little risky, but it paid off. Maybe something a little safer next time, yeah?" He chuckled. "It's not like you have skin like mine, or the willingness to use your other… gifts."

Sora blushed. "I'll try to remember that, Rider. Um, Achilles." He rubbed the back of his head. "...I'm kinda worried about Riku."

Achilles frowned. "Yeah. I wish I could help, but you don't have the right kind of 'energy' for me to manifest. It's a surprise that I could make myself visible to that other one." The hero shuddered. "She's scary. I'm glad she's where she is, though. Didn't think I'd see a softer side from her."

Sora smiled. "Yeah, she and Kairi seem to be doing well." He inclined his head. "I just wish… Riku's gotten so angry with me, lately. Sometimes he's okay. Most of the time, really. But the way I fight isn't something I can do seriously with a friend."

"That's true. I know that feeling all too well," Achilles admitted. "And even if you told him why you held back, he'd still be insulted. Maybe even more so." The hero gave a cocky smile. "Though, I can't feel shame when you've taken to my training so well. I haven't even put you through a tenth of what my master put me through, and you've come so far. It must be due to your own natural talent." The smile gentled. "I really am proud of you, you know?"

Sora smiled as phantom fingers gently ruffled his hair. "Thanks, Achilles." He sighed. "Now I have to figure out how to talk to Riku. Ugh. Why can't he be like Kairi? She makes so much more sense…"

Achilles gave a booming laugh. "Ah, kid. The older you get, the less sense women will make."

"What do you mean? Kairi's really open with how she feels, and if I ask her honestly, she'll talk to me about what's wrong, if anything."

"...okay, I stand corrected." Achilles grinned sheepishly. "When did you get so mature?"

"My mom taught me," Sora said simply.

"Ah. Should have guessed."


The small sphere of light faded, and Kairi dropped her hands. "Okay," she whispered, exhausted. The symbol on the back of her hand, of three interlinked hearts, darkened slightly. "I think I'm getting it."

"The stores of your mana are expanding at an astounding rate," her teacher noted. "It must have to do with your affinities for this land's magics." She stepped forward. "The magics you know of use a slightly different source, but not one you can't adapt. Perhaps you should teach your associate? That Rider might be of use in the future, and there are few who can match him in brute force. The man is a whirlwind on the battlefield." She picked up Kairi's hand, nails gently scraping her skin as she tilted it to look at the seals.

"Why can't you teach him, Caster?" Kairi asked, confused. "You don't seem to dislike him."

"He is a gentle, naive boy. Most of my animosity is towards men," Caster admitted. "And Kairi, I did give you permission to use my name, now that we're certain a War isn't imminent."

The woman wore a long purple cloak over her dress, but had long discarded her hood. Her pointed, elfin ears were framed by flowing locks of hair that straddled the line between pale blue and purple. The dark makeup didn't detract from the softness in her face.

"Right, Medea," Kairi replied, her strength returning. "But that doesn't explain why you don't teach him."

"Achilles won't let me alone with the boy. I might if the man could be convinced to step away," Medea muttered with an imperious sniff. "I have no interest in catering to that oaf directly."

" you like Sora fine, but not Achilles." Kairi rubbed her hands together as Medea flickered back into her astral form. "I'll see what I can do."

Medea nodded. "Very good. Your talent for the lighter magics is noteworthy. Wards, healing spells, things I thought long forgotten to me are areas in which you excel. You might have a talent for more destructive magic, but that will consume more energy than you have, I'm afraid." She paused. "Well, the higher tiers of what I practice. Starting small with fundamentals will likely be within your grasp."

"A good foundation is half the battle," Kairi remarked.

The Witch of Colchis smiled. "That's my girl. Now, about those energies you detected earlier. Describe them to me."

Kairi shot Medea a quizzical look.

"Unfortunately I cannot perform many workings in my astral shape. Anything that requires any measure of precision or power is right out."

"Oh." Kairi frowned. "You managed to teach me well enough."

"Because it has been the basics of the basics, or theory. I cannot utilize the magics common to this universe, but you can. Most of what I've imparted to you is theoretical - or was until you confirmed it in practice." Medea ran a hand through her hair. "But we've strayed. What did you notice that perturbed you?"

Kairi sat on a rock in the secret place, the small cavern Sora and Riku had shown her when they were small. "It was here, near the door. It felt… angry. Hungry. Desperate. I don't know what else to say," she admitted.

"...none of those are words that fill me with faith." Medea frowned darkly. "We must step up our timetable. If there is a threat, you must be made ready to face it, Kairi. You and Sora are these Islands' most capable protectors." The Caster gave a heavy sigh. "And I feel no small despair at that realization. This world is too soft for its own good."

Kairi considered telling Medea about Sora's mother, and what she might be capable of. She had noticed…

She blinked, looking to the entrance of the cave.

"Oh, hey Kairi," Riku said, eyebrows raised. "Sora's not here?"

"Not at the moment," Kairi said, deliberately not looking at Medea. "Why, are you looking for him?"

Riku looked aside. "No." He looked like he'd bitten a lemon.

Kairi huffed. "You need to stop getting mad at him, Riku. He really cares about you! If he went all out with that style of his, you could be seriously hurt."

Riku's eyes narrowed. "Kairi," he began.

"No, Riku. That fighting style is made to hurt people, to win at any cost. I've seen him practice, and it's vicious." Kairi's voice rose slightly. "Holding back in a spar is normal, Riku. It's not a fight to the death. It shouldn't be." Her voice caught. "You guys are friends, aren't you?"

Riku looked taken aback. "Kairi?"

She shook her head. "Sorry. I shouldn't have gotten involved. Sora's been worried about how to talk to you without destroying your friendship." A trace of bitterness entered her voice. "But… I guess I saw the opportunity and took it."

Riku had the grace to look ashamed. "I. Didn't realize he was so upset. He seems so upbeat, even now."

"He's pretty good at hiding when it hurts," Kairi replied. "He's a big sunny goof, it's true. But there's feelings besides that. He cares, and sometimes caring can hurt."

"'re right." Riku exhaled. "I shouldn't have let it get this far. Just because I'm frustrated…" he trailed off. "Anyways. If we're all going to be on the same raft out of here, Sora and I need to iron out our differences."

Kairi diplomatically did not point out that it was primarily Riku who had the 'differences' at this point. It would be counterproductive, as Medea would say.

"I'll talk to him in the next few days," Riku promised with a nod. "Uh. So, what are you up to in here?"

Kairi smiled. "Meditating, actually. It's something I picked up. It helps me center myself, improve my focus. And it's calming, too."

"Huh. Maybe Sora ought to pick it up?" Riku said teasingly.

"I think he has." Kairi kept her tone mild. "Would you like me to show you how it's done?"

Riku shook his head. "No, I'm fine. I'll just leave you to it." He smirked and gave a lazy salute, then went back out of the cave through the small tunnel.

Once she was sure he was out of earshot, Kairi frowned. "Sora would have listened, and he'd talk to you today. Ugh, sometimes with boys it's in one ear and out the other, I swear."

Medea laughed softly. "Sora has the benefit of Achilles' experience, such as it is, and his mother takes a close interest in his development. He's surprisingly mature, emotionally."

"I don't know if I'd go that far, but… he's a sweet person and it shows." Kairi smiled a little. "Okay. If the Islands are really in trouble, I need to set some failsafes. I have some ideas for my magic that should come in handy."

Medea tilted her head forward conspiratorially. "Interesting. Let's hear it."

The Realm of Darkness is deep and vast. Aqua knew this well, after the better part of a decade. She had wandered far and wide, alone. Silence was her companion, save for when she clashed with the Heartless.

That all changed some time ago. Due to the flow of time, she couldn't tell when, but she had a better handle on things like 'days' and 'hours'. Ever since-


The black-bordered flag billowed as the pointed pole scythed through the pack of spherical Heartless. They erupted into shadow, hearts fleeing their broken bodies. The following blade dripped black fire, scorching and cleaving alike.

The Darkballs that remained fled, leaving the woman with pale blonde hair and dark armor standing alone, guarding where Aqua sat.

"Thank you, Joan." Aqua smiled, brushing her blue hair back from her face. "I think I'm rested enough to continue."

"Che. Take your damn time, idiot. I've dealt with one martyr of a Master; I know your type." The Avenger jabbed her flag's base into the ground. "I need you alive to exist, and for you to hold up your end of the bargain."

"You help me survive, and I'll help you find your way back to your Master," Aqua replied dutifully. She stood, brushing her legs off.

"Damn right," Joan of Arc, the alter of Jeanne d'Arc, replied. The Dragon Witch stood tall and proud.

Aqua thought she might actually be a little fond of her, but she didn't want to break the tenuous peace they shared by saying so.

With a flick of her wrist, the Keyblade Master called forth her weapon. Eraqus' key was still heavy in her grip with the weight of responsibility. She looked over it, and frowned slightly.

"Don't." Joan scowled. "You keep staring at that thing like it'll give you answers. I don't need to know your stupid story to know that won't happen. All you can do is keep going. You say there's some kind of light or way out? We'll find it, or find someone who knows how to get the hell out of here."

Aqua nodded. "You're right." She dropped the key to her side, and inhaled. "Alright. The letter said to head for the 'ocean'. I have a vague recollection of it, and it should be this way."

Joan huffed. "Right. The letter." She shook her head. "How the hell can we trust it? It just showed up one day out of a damn portal." Her scowl deepened. "If they want you out so bad, why not just rescue you themselves?"

"I don't know." Aqua walked. "I just… need to have faith. Whoever this 'Creator Magician' is, he'll be coming through here."

Slowly, they crested the ridge.

"I don't know how they know this. I don't know if it's true."

A phantom moon hung over the water, as the sound of waves lapping the shore broke the eerie silence. The light reflected on the surface, illuminating the beach.

"But I've been in here so long… I need to have hope." Aqua stared out into the dark. "I'm counting the hours. If he arrives, it will be at the time the writer said. If that doesn't happen…"

"We keep going." Joan's tone didn't permit argument.

Aqua nodded. "There's nothing else we can do." She walked down, close to the shore, and sat. She smiled as she listened to Joan seat herself on a nearby rock, remaining vigilant.

To pass the time, she looked at the letter once more.


You do not know me, but I know of you. I know what transpired ten years ago. My hands were tied, regrettably. However, the tide is changing, and the time has come for me to arrange what I can to preserve the light.

Xehanort remains. He remains in control of your friend, though much has happened. I cannot possibly contain all of it on a single page.

Not all is lost, however. I have some foresight that will aid you in your quest to set things right. There are two Magicians. One controls the world around her. One creates worlds where he steps. They are good, kind, and will help you.

Fate is unraveling. Plans scatter. I can guide but so much before everything I know falls into chaos. But, I am adept at scaling that wave.

Seek the ocean in the dark. In three days' time, a vessel will come from it, seeking access to the world of light. Make yourself seen. Let the Magicians hear your voice. Creation knows you, and will leap to your aid.

I wish you well on your return to the light. May we walk the same path, and someday meet as allies. Perhaps even as friends.

May your heart be your guiding key.

- Ava

Who was Ava? What did all of this mean? Aqua didn't know, but this person knew enough about Xehanort that she couldn't dismiss the note out of hand.

Slowly, she put the note away, noting the fox-head seal on the envelope.

"Re-reading it won't make it happen faster," Joan muttered.

"I know. But it's something to do." She pulled out the small blue ornament she kept on her. The Wayfinder gleamed in the wan light, scattering azure across her face. "Ava thinks these Magicians can set things right."

Joan sneered. "Magicians are magi, and they're a selfish bunch. Chances are we'll have to offer them something." She paused. "Well, the ones that showed up when I lost my shit weren't the worst…" she grumbled. "If they're from that bunch, they might be okay. So long as it isn't that sopping wet pansy."

Aqua looked at Joan, frowning slightly. "Who?"

"Ugh. I don't like remembering that time. I did some shit that makes even me sick, and one of the victims was this healer guy. Though I didn't do anything directly, mind," Joan said grimly. "He got fucked, immortal body or not. An illusionist got hold of him, and… it was hell on earth. I didn't hear anything, but I know the guy who got him. Bad doesn't cover it."

Aqua placed a hand over her mouth. "Oh."

Joan shook her head. "Anyways. He had a lot of enhancing powers and could pull water from thin air that did crazy shit. He might be a creator-type, but I don't know." She looked down. "Fuck. I didn't think I could feel bad for someone, but the likes of Prelati made that possible. No clue who the controller would be. I was tied up fighting Cu Chulainn and Leonardo Da Vinci."

"I have no idea who those people are." Aqua rested her cheek on her palm as she leaned her elbows on her knees.

"Stupid fast guy with a spear and a genius inventor who decided to take a spin at being a woman on a whim." Joan snorted. "Anyways. That's the past. If these suckers show up, we get them to get us out, and I'll get to see my Master again."

Aqua examined the back of her hand. The heart with two pairs of dragon wings remained etched there. Somehow, she knew that it wouldn't be that simple.

Nothing had been simple since she'd gained the Mark of Mastery. It had been trial after loss after tragedy.

But she'd endure. Help was coming, and she would save her friends.

Ven. Terra. Hang on.
Prelude: Penumbra
Prelude: Penumbra


The Mouse-Queen jumped, spinning in place. "O-oh? Daisy? Whatever is the matter?"

Her lady-in-waiting stormed forward, a letter in her hand. "Donald's gone! He left this letter, and I can't find him or Goofy anywhere!"

Minnie lifted her own paper. "I have a letter from Mickey as well, as well as from Goofy. Mickey went to investigate something, and he brought the boys with him. Goofy asked me to look after Max while he was gone," she said softly. "I don't understand."

"Donald said something about the stars going out, and darkness, and the King being in over his head," Daisy mused, looking over the letter. She rubbed the underside of her bill. "It sounds dire."

Minnie sighed. "We can't send anyone after them. They're the three most capable people here, aside from us, and we can't abandon the kingdom." She folded her hands in front of her. "We need to watch over Max, and the boys as well."

"Oh no! Huey, Dewey, and Louie!" Daisy held her hand to her cheek. "Maybe I can ask Scrooge for help; he loves the boys. But you're right, it's up to the two of us to hold the kingdom together." She shook her head.

"We need to have faith in Mickey, Donald, and Goofy," Minnie said decisively. "They aren't imagining a crisis - the stars fading is something we've both noticed, Daisy. That means bad things for our world - and possibly others." She glanced around. "Oh."

Daisy tilted her head. "What is it?"

"Pluto's gone too." Minnie smiled a little. "We should have known he wouldn't abandon Mickey."

Daisy huffed. "Well, that's that, then. Best get things arranged so we can tend to it all between the two of us." She turned on her heel. "It's a good thing Donald took his time to teach me some magic! And that I kept my studies up, for good measure!" She walked out, hands balled into fists.

"Right, then. Time to tell Max." Minnie placed the letter on Mickey's desk, and turned for the door. "Mickey. Bring them home safe, along with yourself." She walked forward to face the day with her newfound knowledge.

Donald let out a squawk of fury as small rockets blurred in front of him, striking the antlike Shadows before him. They went sprawling in a shower of sparks and explosions, puffing into smoke.

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty! Aw, phooey…" The duck slumped, trudging in the dark. In irritation, he shook his hand as a faint prickling sprung up. The Realm of Darkness sure lived up to its-


"WAKAKAKAKAK!" Donald yowled, the back of his hand erupting into crimson light.

A pointed hat atop a crossed staff and rifle appeared with the scent of scorched feathers.

"What…?" Donald growled, glaring at the mark. It wasn't any magic he'd seen before. What in the worlds could it be?

There was a harsh whisper, and he slowly turned.

The Invisibles floated in midair, their demonic forms displaying the cavities in their chests as they wielded their massive blades.

"Awww…" Donald whined, raising his staff.

A sharp crack echoed through the air, and a beam of light pierced an Invisible through its murky head, spattering the Heartless into shadow.


"Hah? That's the best these things can muster? Ahaha! Well then! Time to clip those wings!"

The sharp retorts echoed rapidly, and Donald scrambled back. The light hurt his eyes as the Invisibles fell rapidly, as much as they tried to muster a response.

After the shots faded and Donald regained some of his eyesight, he heard clattering and looked down.

Ornate flintlock rifles littered the ground, fading into golden sparks.

"Huh. What an interesting Master. You didn't make to run, but to fight." The soft sound of shoes on stone echoed. "Well, I guess since you're not a huge chicken… you'll do! Though that is a lot of feathers. How weird!" A boisterous laugh echoed.

The person wore a dark uniform, their red cape billowing behind them. They donned a military cap with a golden ornament that emit rays like a rising sun. Her long black hair streamed downwards, and her pale face held crimson eyes and a mischievous smile.

"Good Morn-ing! Servant Oda Nobunaga, pleased to meet you!"

"What." Donald's tone was flat, and his eyes narrowed.

"Oh geez, I've got a real bumpkin, huh? Well, I was something of a fool myself, so we should get along great!" Nobunaga proclaimed. She grinned. "I am a Servant. Our contract is on your hand, so that makes you my Master. In theory, I follow your orders and protect you."

"Uh-huh. And what do you really do?" Donald asked, planting his hands on his hips and tapping his foot.

"Whatever I want, really. Pranks, fights, anything I desire. But you're interesting, so I'll keep you around for a bit," Nobunaga replied with a smirk. "Never had a duck as a Master before. That's a new one."

Donald muttered mutinously, then drew himself up. "Fine! I need to find His Majesty, so let's go!"

"A king? How interesting! I wonder if he's worthy of the title?" Nobunaga strode along behind Donald, unhurried.

"We're here for him to find some kind of weapon to help save the worlds," Donald proclaimed proudly. "Even if we're separated, he's capable enough to find the key!"

Nobunaga hummed. "I guess, I guess. We'll see when we see him."

Donald growled and dashed forward with an angry squawk, Nobunaga cackling as she kept up with him.

The Darkball's tendrils squirmed beneath the great figure, then went still, evaporating.

"Well, gawrsh. That sure was nice of you…" Goofy trailed off, scratching his muzzle. "M'am?"

The statue loomed, elephantine in every respect. A small red bow adorned one ear. It remained silent.

"Now m'am, I sure saw you leap into the air to squash that there Heartless," Goofy chided. "It's no good tryin' to pretend you're just a statue."


"Well that sure sounds useful, Miss Ganesha," Goofy replied amiably. "D'ya think you can help me 'n my friends in our quest?"

"...SPEAK YOUR DESIRES… MORTAL?" The statue's tone pitched up at the end as it gazed upon Goofy.

"Well, we're lookin' for this here key to save the worlds. It'll open the door to darkness or somethin' and we can keep the worlds from falling." Goofy spoke with the air of one who knew what they said was important, but not quite why.





"AND YOU ARE WANDERING A LAND OF SHADOW ALONE?" The god's voice was incredulous, to say the least.

"Well, Donald and the King are somewhere. I just need to find 'em first!"


"Well, shucks. I dunno much about computers, but you can have some candy if you like," Goofy offered, holding a small hard candy wrapped in plastic towards Ganesha.

The statue tilted forward, and the treat was vacuumed by a gust of air into its mouth, wrapper and all.


"Well gawrsh! I didn't know you was stuck in there, Miss Ganesha!" Goofy held a hand in front of his mouth in shock and dismay. "That's just terrible. I tell you what, His Majesty has all sorts of stuff in his magic pockets. You help me find him, and we'll get to work on givin' you enough treats to get out of that there shell. Alrighty then?"

The statue loomed. "YOU WILL AID ME?" she asked in a quavering voice.

"Sure will! You helped me with the Heartless, and havin' a real luck god along can only help. So, put 'er there!" Goofy exclaimed, holding his hand out cheerfully.

Ganesha looked down and took note of the red design extending from beneath the doglike creature's glove. "I CANNOT MOVE MY LIMBS INDEPENDENTLY."

"Aw, shucks. I sure am sorry, Miss Ganesha."


"Huh. So the guys have new friends, too? That sure is nifty!" Goofy clambered up the statue's spine with a smile.



Ganesha's stone body lifted into the air, levitating.


It launched like a rocket, Goofy clinging tightly as it trailed a rainbow.


Mickey rubbed his face. He had sought to leave on his own, but Donald and Goofy had found him and insisted on coming. They had awoken in the night to some noise, and come to find him.

And now they'd gotten lost.

"Guys," he groaned. "Shucks, guys. We don't have time for this." He stood tall, the Star Seeker a comforting weight in his hand. The solid blues, crescent moon, and five-pointed star acting as the key's teeth provided a source of familiarity in the world of grey and black shadows.

The faint red light coming from beneath his glove was distracting, but he had to focus. The instant he let his guard down-

"Mister Mouse?" a soft voice asked. "Are you alright?"

Mickey turned, and saw… a little girl? She wore a puffy black dress with black-and-orange ribbons, and had a black cap with more of the same. Her long blonde hair trailed behind her, and she hugged a brown teddy bear to herself.

Immediately, he felt his heartbeat pick up.

"How did you get here?" he asked urgently. "The Realm of Darkness is no place for a little girl like you!" She was almost of a size with him, and Mickey knew humans were taller.

"You called me, Mister Mouse. The mark of our contract is on your hand." She gave a soft smile. "My name is Abigail Williams, but my friends call me Abby. I hope we can be great friends, Mister Mouse. You look like a nice person."

Mickey sighed. "It's nice to meet you, Abby, but I wish the circumstances were better. My name's Mickey, King of the Disney Kingdom."

"Ah, a King? That's interesting. God must have ordained this meeting. If your kingdom is not here, then why are you so far from home?" Abigail shifted her bear in her grip.

"I'm looking for a special key. It will help me keep the worlds from falling to darkness, and preserve what light is left in the wake of the Heartless."

Abigail tilted her head. "I see. Then God did ordain our meeting." She smiled. "I have powers, Mister Mickey. I can fight, and help. If it's to save all creation, then I will gladly put them to use."

Mickey opened his mouth to respond, then froze. Slowly, he turned his head.

It loomed in the dark. Towering, higher than the tallest buildings in his kingdom, it stood above the two of them. Arms by its side, it drew its hand back.

The Darkside plunged its fist down towards the two of them.

Mickey braced himself to block the attack, unable to evade and take the girl with him. Suddenly, however, he was dragged from the point of impact, and he stared at the fist plunge into the ground from well outside the striking area.

"Please be careful, Mister Mickey. This looks like a strong opponent," Abigail warned. Her eyes were lidded, as though she were half-awake. "However, God is with us. The foul creatures of the pit will not find purchase here."

An intangible wind seemed to toy with the girl's tresses, and for the first time Mickey believed she might have a power of her own.

Beams of gold slammed into the Darkside, knocking it back. With a swing of its arm, spheres of purple-black shot back, eliciting a loud squawk and a stream of fire.

"Donald!" Mickey cried out, arming his Keyblade. He looked behind him at Abigail.

She began to float on that intangible wind, hair buoyed by the air currents. "Let's go save your friend, Mister Mickey."

Mickey nodded once. He had to trust that this strange little girl was here to help. He just… had a feeling about it. He ran towards the scene of battle.

Donald brushed the soot off of his shirt, scowling thunderously. "Rassafrassin… stupid Heartless!" he squawked in outrage.

The girl in military clothes laughed, aiming a rifle at the Darkside and taking a shot. And then she discarded the gun and materialized another, firing. And again, and again, unleashing a rain of golden light.

Donald twitched on noticing Mickey. "Your highness!"

"Donald, you're okay!" he cried out.

"INCOMING!" Goofy hollered from afar.

The Darkside reeled as it was slammed by Goofy's shield as a rainbow projectile carried him through its shoulder.

The glowing meteor resolved into an elephant statue with a red bow on one ear. Goofy dismounted its back shakily. "Your Majesty, you won't believe what's been goin' on out there," Goofy wheezed.

Donald slung another stream of fire alongside the gunner's blasts, forcing the Darkside back.

Mickey held up a finger. "Hold that thought, Goofy. I'll be with ya in a minute." He swept Star Seeker at the Heartless, light gathering at its tip. A thin beam pierced the dark, impaling the Darkside and transfixing it. It writhed as it was pinned, unable to break free.

"Okay," Mickey began.

Abigail floated forward.

"Oi, brat, you better not-!" the gunner barked out.

She raised a hand.

"OH. HERE WE GO AGAIN," the statue sighed gustily.

"The Silver Key held in my hand, materialized from the void and touched by these fingertips… God, the Father. Pass beyond the sleep of roses, and arrive at the Final Gate!"

Mickey stared as light coalesced around the floating girl, a fey gleam radiating from her eyes.

"Kill-stealer!" the gunner wailed, stomping her foot.

"Qliphoth Rhizome!"

Silver light scattered over the Darkside, then retracted. The being warped and bent, contorting into a stream of shadow that flowed into Abigail's forehead. For a scant second, Mickey swore he saw a keyhole there, but it vanished in a blink of the eye.

Abigail smiled sweetly. "I see, now. Your power is that of light. Together, we will accomplish the quest before you. God is with us."

"Uh… right." Mickey blinked at the others. "Donald? Goofy? This is Abigail. Who are you guys' new buddies?"

"Well, this here is Ganesha. Apparently she's stuck in a statue, and needs treats to get out," Goofy explained, gesturing at the elephant.

The gunner snorted. "Fatass."

"There is a CHILD!" Donald roared, jumping up and down. "LANGUAGE!"

The woman looked unimpressed. "Sure, sure. Oda Nobunaga. Warlord, Demon King of the Sixth Heaven, and Conquerer of the Warring States." She looked at Mickey. "So this is the 'king', huh?"

"He is."

The six looked around, or in the case of Ganesha, remained very still.

A pale portal opened, and a figure stepped out.

She wore a long-sleeved tan shirt with long white skirt, and wore a pink shawl over her head. On her face was a silver mask in the shape of a fox's head. The shawl extended into a cape down her back. She folded her empty hands in front of her.

"Gawrsh Miss, who are you?" Goofy asked.

She gave a slight smile. "My name is Ava, and I know what you seek. It's to the advantage of the worlds that you find it as soon as possible. However, I cannot directly intervene, due to a range of circumstances."

"So you're gonna do the 'help indirectly' thing so you don't break whatever strictures you're working under, huh?" Nobunaga remarked, scratching her ear.

"Well put, Demon King," Ava said, inclining her head. "I have a map here, which will guide you through this dark to the place where the Kingdom Key of Darkness rests." She held the scroll out towards Mickey. "The path is fraught with danger, even on the safest route. Please be careful. The Kingdom Key of Light will soon choose its holder, and both will be needed to reclaim what has been lost." Ava gave a shallow bow. "I wish you luck."

"Thanks, Ava. Maybe we'll meet again soon?" Mickey said hopefully.

Ava's lips quirked upwards. "Perhaps. You seem like nice people." She stepped backwards into a portal of shimmering light, vanishing from sight.

Donald gave an exasperated sigh. "Well, now what?"

Mickey unfolded the scroll. "Well, now we start towards the Kingdom Key. And it looks like… oh, this has a compass built in! Handy. So, that way!" Mickey said, pointing over a nearby hill.

"...all the hills and…" Donald grumbled, marching along after his liege.

Ganesha floated along, Goofy trotting along beside her.

Abigail giggled and began to run after Mickey.


She looked back.

Nobunaga frowned dangerously. "You're not gonna mess this up, right?"

Abigail stared at the warlord for a long moment. "...he's silent."


"The one inside. He's silent. I have his power. Whatever bound me to Mister Mickey, it wants me to help. My mind is mine, as is 'his' power. I like Mister Mickey, and owe my benefactor. I'll help." Abigail smiled brightly. "So… let's go!" She skipped ahead, flashing from spot to spot in sparks of light.

Nobunaga sighed. "Oi, oi. This really is shaping up to be something…" She trudged along with a wry smile. "But at least it's not boring, huh?"

A/N: I linked Ava to show how she looked and give a vague understanding of her character. Expect... differences from the wiki. Lots and lots of differences.
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The Fics I have plotted out are Keys (KH1), Puppets (Chain of Memories - 358/2 Days), Keeper (KH2), and Kingdom (KH3). Some of these fics will be longer, others shorter. None will be as long as Grail, but each will have multiple chapters and multiple Arcs.

The Arcs for Keys are as follows:


Each fic through 2 will also have intermissions called 'Daybreak', where I check in on Lisa and her crew, or examine the ripples they cause in the Time of Fairytales.
Prelude: Pitch
Prelude: Pitch

The boy quickly ran into the sewers, head turning to and fro. He wasn't followed. Slowly, he came to a stop.

Traverse Town was full of friendly individuals, but he couldn't relax. They were all so… so…


He ran his hands through his silver hair, and took a deep breath. The soft whine of circuitry beneath his skin had a calming effect, even if only he could hear it.

Not for the first time, he missed his blindfold.


9S, android of YoRHa, turned to the source of the sound.

The figure floated in the air, shorter than him. He wore a long ragged cloak over his skeletal body, and his grinning face was unmoving. The skeleton was transparent, as was the staff he carried.

"Hey, Emil. Hope you weren't too lonely while I was gone," 9S responded. He rubbed his cheek. "...I tried to talk to some humans again today."

"That's good. How did it go?" Emil asked.

9S shrugged. "It… went. They think I'm one of them. It feels weird." He smiled a little. "If they knew the difference, I don't know if they'd be so kind."

Emil sighed. "Well, even if I miss having a body, at least it's easier for you to get around without me. I mean, knowing my luck, they'd mistake me for one of those Heartless things!"

"Nah. You're not blobby enough, and the armor ones have emblems. You don't." 9S tilted his head as he looked over Emil. "But you haven't been too lonely, I hope?"

"Oh no! I mean, a little time to think is nice. But it's good to have you here, too." Emil perked up. "You and 153, that is."

The Pod bobbed in the air, its boxy shape dangling two robo-claw arms.

9S examined the back of his hand. After… after. Emil had appeared, but not quite the one he knew. Whatever became of that Emil, he was gone, like everyone else. For some reason, his appearance coincided with the mark appearing on the back of his hand - spiraling binary code that resolved into a woven triangle. It was faint, but it existed.

"Alright. We need to figure out how to get you a proper body," 9S decided. He rubbed his chin. "We just need to figure out what keeps you from manifesting. You said you can, so…"

"I said I think I can," Emil corrected. "It just… seems right. But I don't have the strength. There's something this universe lacks that would let me materialize. I can get a little bit from you, but not enough to be solid."

9S looked down. "Huh." He stepped forward, around the puddles on the ground. "Well, we'll figure it out." Looking back up, he smiled. "I still managed to get enough munny from striking down Heartless that I was able to afford dinner for our new friend."

Emil and Pod 153 floated along as 9S wandered down the empty corridors, until he reached a room full of clean water.

A middling-sized dog with long black ears and yellow-orange fur napped lightly, a bowl near its face. It had a blue collar around its neck with a tag.

"I'm back, Pluto!" 9S called.

The dog's large eyes opened, and it shook its head rapidly, beginning to pant with a doggy grin. "WooWooWoof!"

9S laughed, smiling. "Here, I found some food for you," he said, opening a pouch on his waist. He pulled out a bag that was larger than had any right to fit inside the pouch, and opened it, pouring dried meat into the bowl.

Pluto happily chewed away at the food before him while 9S watched contentedly.

Slowly, the scent of flowers filled the cavern.

"Huh?" 9S looked around warily.

"Ah. So this is who moved into my basement." The voice was teasing, yet… kind. "Hello, there."

9S looked up and saw a man in elegant robes. He had gentle violet eyes, and wore pink flowers in his long, white hair.

"Who are you?" 9S asked before flinching. "Ah, sorry…"

"It's alright. You've been through a lot, I can tell." The man didn't stop smiling. "My name is Merlin, and above us is my house - or a house belonging to an instance of me." He winked. "Fortunately for us, he's back home and teaching his ward. Or 'Wart', if you want to be crude about it. So I've decided to lease it for a while."

"Oh…" 9S looked down.

"Why the long face? If you need a place to stay, I love company. Humans are so fascinating, don't you agree?"

"I… suppose." 9S paused. "I'm not… really…"

"Oh, that's all a matter of perspective. What makes one 'human', really? For the longest time I neglected my own humanity, and half of me is of that blood… but watching someone like you, I decided to give it a spin. Something to stave off boredom for a few centuries." Merlin's smile turned a little sad. "And I'll be needed here soon, regardless. Someone I'd hoped never to meet again called in a favor. I just hope his latest scheme goes well, for all our sakes."

"Are you friends?" 9S asked. "If it's not too personal."

"Ahh, it's complicated. I could say yes, and no. But as paths have diverged a certain way, the answer is murkier than ever." Merlin shrugged. "Let's say that I do not hate him, and am fond of him. But I cannot ally with him, formally. No good will come of that unless many things come to pass."

"That does sound complicated," 9S said, standing up. "Are you sure I can stay?" he asked, hope in his voice.

Merlin stepped forwards, and placed a hand on the android's shoulder. "My boy, you can stay as long as you like. I might even be able to help you manifest your friend, there."

Emil perked up. "Really!?" he squeaked. "Wait, you can see me!?"

Merlin chuckled. "Indeed. I know what's needed, and how to help." He pursed his lips. "Hm. However, it will be a temporary measure. The permanent fix is… on its way, shall we say."

9S and Emil exchanged a look.

"Okay. Um, I'm 9S, but my friends call me Nines."

"...Nines it is, then," Merlin said peacefully. "And you…?"

"Emil. I… I'm complicated too." The little skeleton floated with an air of sadness.

"Mm. You're both looking for people. As it so happens, the person who can help Emil best will also have a means of transport off this rock, and knows me personally. So it's very good luck that I found both of you!" Merlin placed his hands on his hips, smiling brightly. "So just rely on your big brother Merlin, and everything will be just fine!"

"Big… brother?" 9S said slowly.

Merlin tilted his head.

"Sorry. I knew brothers, once. They… it didn't end well."

"Mm. I won't pry, but if you decide to share I'll lend an ear."

Emil hummed. "I knew a big brother once. He was kind, and loved his sister very much. He may not have done the right thing, but he loved her, and me, and our friend. He was good to me."

Merlin nodded. "I see. Well, the offer's open to you too." He smiled again. "Now, come inside. If you have a stomach for food, I've procured a meal."

Pluto perked up.

"Yes, yes, you're invited too, o' pet of the King."



"I delivered the map."

The man in the dark coat whirled, clapping his hands. "Splendid, Ava! I knew I could count on you."

"What am I, chopped liver?" the other man grumbled, leaning against a table.

The sky outside was brilliant blue, and a girl in a dress flew by.

"So the pieces are set. You've put the players where they need to be without my interference, the council of idiots continues to move on the princesses, and the control freak himself has begun to bait the harbinger." The first man strode around the desk. "Only you are immune to my power, Ava, and even that is by proxy. Therefore, I must rely on you to be my hands, eyes, and ears."

"As you say, Master of Masters," the fox-masked woman said, her deferential bearing dropping to unveil a dry tone.

"Well. There is one thing I can do myself, and I am quite eager to do it," the Master said, clapping eagerly. "How is he? Ah, I'm sure he's beside himself with worry. Poor boy. I'll try to put him at ease."

"But Master, you're terrible at that," the second man said.

"Hush, Luxu! We wouldn't be in this position if the Keyblade I made for you hadn't been stolen!"

"One, that was more your fault than mine. That Beast got around our defenses at the worst possible moment, and that smacks of your own problems. Two, we got it back when Aqua knocked the control freak out, and put it in that demon's cabinet to keep watch. That's how we kept track of your-"

"Sh!" The Master held up a hand. "We have too much to do to waste time on idle chatter. Oh, do you think he'll let me make him a Keyblade? Well, he'll need- but he surely must have- but… maybe? Oh…" The man cycled through emotions rapidly, wandering around his desk.

Ava sat down primly as the girl flew by the window again. ZZ paused, waving as she continued to patrol the city outside. The chair was near Luxu's table.

"How are the others?" she asked as she made herself comfortable.

"Ira, Aced, Invi, and Gula still sleep. They might not ever wake up," Luxu fret quietly. "The Dandelions remain scattered. Four exist in nonexistence, one rests in the lost castle, and the rest…" He shook his head. "I can't say. The servant of the Beast hid them well. It might take this 'Mattias' to find them. Especially the lost flower."

"Ugh. That clown has stepped in our path more than once," the Master opined. "If he stayed in one place long enough, I could destroy him with ease. That, at least, I can still do."

"Then it behooves him to stay moving," Ava replied calmly. "I can check in with the Servants and see what can be done. Fortuna and ZZ in particular are adept at untwisting possibilities and paths."

"Mm, nah. Let's play this by ear." The Master began to bounce. "He should set out tomorrow, right? Then we need Luxu to go find the retired hero so she can lend a hand, and get her where she needs to be. If that note doesn't reach her… well. It'll take a lot more than Magic to connect our universes. Ahhh, I'm so excited! It's been ages and ages since I saw him last! I mean, he won't remember me because - well, you remember-"

"I couldn't forget if I wanted to, no," Ava replied softly. "I know. I'm looking forward to seeing what he does to this entire mess too. He'll salvage it. He's done far more with far less to work with."

"He goes by Mattias now, right? Mat-ti-as. Hm. To me he'll always be- well- you know. Ugh, I can't tell him my name, what do I tell him to call me? Ava, Luxu?"

Luxu shrugged. "Search me, Master. I just hope he might give me my Keyblade back if he brings it."

"Agrarian. Get him to call you Agrarian." Ava picked up a teapot, and poured a cup. She drank the steaming liquid. "It's not false, really."

"Oh, I haven't tended fields in… well, a very long time. Bit of a black thumb, I'm afraid." The Master gazed out the window. "You don't think that he'll hate me?" His voice was small, uncharacteristically so for any who knew him.

"I don't know." Ava's voice was gentle. "He might not trust you, but so long as you're as forthright with him as you can be, he'll reciprocate. That much I do know."

Luxu hummed. "You sure you don't want me to make first contact? My time and space magic work fine."

"You lack the raw power to pierce the border those things set up between our worlds and that multiverse. They even sundered the worlds of Magic from the mundane." The Master sounded mildly disturbed. "I can go as I please, but that's because I'm me."

"And you don't because…?" Luxu trailed off.

"It's a delicate world, prone to breakage. The main reason I want to go now is because Mattias - what a name - can stop my curses cold. That has always been a power of his, to avoid things categorized as 'curses'. And from what that Fortuna told me, it's only grown and been incorporated into the power Tiamat granted him. Fantastic, really. And he's immune to mental domination of all stripes, so my other 'issue' is moot." The Master sounded pleased.

"You're like a child waiting to meet his best friend," Luxu commented in amusement.

"I am far older than either of you, but… the rest might hold true."

Ava took another drink. "I see."

The Master stared outside again. "...should we intervene?"


The reply came from both of his conspirators.

"Master, your curses make anything you touch doomed to fail. Be it immediately or in the future, everything turns to ruin," Luxu cautioned.

"And until you get enough of Grail's trust, you won't be able to ask him to purge them for you." Ava folded her hands around her teacup. "He knows you're a master manipulator. That much I managed to glean."

"But I wouldn't manipulate him." The Master flung his hands upwards. "That would be counterproductive to, to- everything! I need him informed and friendly, so even the most subtle or indirect methods would fall flat."

"He hasn't met you yet, and knows you by some sort of reputation," Ava replied. "Give him time."

"And I care about him." The Master's voice was soft.

"So show him, and it'll be fine." Luxu shrugged. "Though you can be kind of, well… eccentric?"

"True," Ava noted.

"You're both ganging up on me. Unacceptable."

"Don't be angry because we speak the truth," Ava said pointedly.

The Master slumped. "I am surrounded by ungrateful children."

"Surrounded is a strong word when there's like two of us here right now," Luxu pointed out.


Ava ignored her 'Master' as he continued to pout indignantly. She decided that a walk may be in order in the near future. It was too nice outside to spend her entire break indoors.

She'd been so busy for so long, but her plans were coming to fruition. The ingredients were in place. All she needed was that infusion of chaos to blend them together.

Soon, the worlds would be set alight. The Beast and its minions may well turn their attention towards them, should its most pernicious disciple be thwarted successfully. Even so, Ava believed that Mattias Sanderson, should he and the Master of Masters join forces, would bring an end to the revolution of light and dark.

And so she sat among her colleagues in Scala ad Caelum.

I rubbed my knees, deep in thought. When would we arrive? Would we stop the destruction of the Destiny Islands? Would my Magic be able to unseal Kairi's heart, if we didn't? That would prevent Roxas, Namine, Xion - so many people - from existing. What right did I have to make that call? What-

I blinked as a white bundle of fur padded into my lap.


He settled down. "You're thinking too loudly. You can't control what'll happen." He looked up at me. "Just do what comes natural. It's worked this far, yeah?"

I exhaled. "But I had Tess and Da Vinci and everyone to help pick that apart. I don't have Fortuna or ZZ to help either. Just… me. And Taylor. We're strong and versatile, but-"

"Taylor's a smart kid. And give yourself some credit!" Fou sat upright, staring at me. "You'll be okay. After all…"

He jumped up onto my shoulder, and headbutted my face softly. "I'm coming too. You can't get rid of a familiar that easily! Who do you think you are, that bastard dickwizard?"

I laughed quietly. "Right. Thanks, Fou." I inhaled. "So."

"Yup. Me, you, Taylor, Tamamo, and Cu. And whatever friends we make along the way." Fou gave a tiny grin. "It's been a while since I've been on a whole adventure. I'm getting psyched!"

"Mm. I haven't really done this before." I rubbed the back of my head. "And Gilgamesh is worried. Like, openly worried."

"Uh-huh." Fou stared at me. "You know, on second thought-"

"Nope. I need all the support I can get," I said with a teasing grin.

Fou puffed up.

"Besides, I'll make you treats."

He slumped. "Can't argue with that logic. Just hope Emily will be okay without me."

"Chief Director Piggot will have plenty of firepower if she needs it," I promised. "And this world is practically running itself."

"I believe that's the humans doing that, actually," Fou snarked.

"Mm. They're good at it, aren't they?"

"Yes, you are." I could hear Fou's smirk.

I smiled. "Yeah. We are."

"And here you are," Taylor said, walking into the kitchen as I sat at the table. "You ready? Tess finished the preparations for the Worldgate."

I stood. "Just about." I focused, and my 'clothes' rippled.

The pale blue suit, tailcoat, and hat adorned my person. I twirled the parasol containing Ideal, my weapon of concepts, over my shoulder. "Now I'm ready."

Fou sat in a little suit jacket and top hat of his own, looking entirely disgruntled. "What the heck?"

"Cute," Taylor said. Her clothes shifted into the white dress with golden spiderweb pattern she favored. The butterfly etched into her shoulder and golden scarab brooch completed the ensemble. With a flick of her hand, her long hair twisted into a french braid.

"Really? And you say I'm a showoff?" I asked with raised eyebrows.

"I do." Taylor gave a smirk, and turned on her heel.

With a shake of my head, I followed her.

"Get me out of this monkey suit, dammit!"
Beast I(Pity): Goetia
Status: Noble Phantasm (See Caster Roman Stat Sheet in Grail)
Location: Earth Bet

Beast II(Regression): Tiamat
Status: Benevolent Deity
Location: The Final World

Beast III-R(apture)(Desire): Kiara Sessyoin
Status: Defeated
Location: Throne of Heroes (Again)

Beast III-L(apse)(Desire): Kama/Mara
Status: Extant
Location: Somewhere in the KH-Verse

Beast IV(Comparison): Cath Palug
Status: Extant but Pacified
Location: Grail's Group

Beast V-R(estrict)(Regret): Khepri
Status: Defeated?
Location: Throne of Heroes?
Sin Definition: Regrets born of a path without choice. Predetermination and regret.

Beast V-L(Regret): SPOILER
Status: Extant
Location: KH-Verse

Beast VI-R(ejection)(Alienation): Tamamo no Mae
Status: Extant but Pacified/Neutralized/Controlled
Location: With Taylor
Sin Definition: Rejected by humans, sheer inability of Gods and humanity to understand each other. Sense of 'othering'.

Beast VI-L(ord)(Alienation): Nero Claudius
Status: Extant but Pacified/Neutralized/Controlled
Location: Earth Bet
Sin Definition: The inability of those who rule to understand the governed and vice-versa, inherent alienation in societal strata; Beast of Revelation rules earthly matters but is apart from them.

Status: Extant
Location: KH-Verse
Destiny 1.1
Destiny 1.1

"Where are we going, and why am I in this handbasket?" I slurred.

"What?" Taylor gave me a sidelong look of concern.

I straightened up. "Fine! I'm good!" I put on my best smile.

"He's not good." Cu's expression was unimpressed.

"Nope, not at all," Tamamo sighed.

Fou glared at everyone. "I am stuck in this freaking pet outfit, none of you get to whine."

Tess rubbed her forehead. "Flat. Please dial Earth-Magic."

"On it!" the rambunctious magus cheered. He immediately began to manipulate the buttons at the keypad to arrange the glyphs on the Worldgate.

Tess looked over at us, and walked over to me. She pressed a USB drive into my hand. "Thanks to a great number of advances between Leona, Rin, and myself," she said, "I've managed to separate a stream of consciousness which I downloaded into here. Once you upload it to a device, I'll be able to connect remotely, and we can see about getting you support from us."

"Oh good, so we aren't just being cut loose into the cosmos. I am thrilled and relieved." Tamamo put her hands on her hips. "But inquiring minds wish to know: where the heck are we supposed to put it?"

Tess shrugged. "If all else fails, pick a cell phone. It has a SIM card inside that you can replace."

"Or I can make a thing," I pointed out.

"Or, against all odds, Mattias can 'make a thing'," Tess agreed. "It is one of the things he's good for."

"Oh, I can think of a few more than that," Cu muttered with a slight grin.

I blushed.

"Alright, let's go before Cu starts trying to put the moves on his boyfriend again," Taylor grumbled, hands in the air.

Cu wrapped an arm around my waist as the Worldgate erupted in a cacophony of colors. "Too late," he murmured in my ear.

I put an arm around his shoulder. "Thanks."

He smiled, and we started strolling up the ramp, Taylor and Tamamo close behind us.

"UGH. I demand a transfer on this flight! The couple next to me is getting GROSS and AFFECTIONATE and there is an unforgivable LACK OF SNACKS."

"Shush, Fou." I turned to Tess. "I'll connect as soon as I can, and will keep you posted."

"Oh good, and here I thought I'd avoided my aneurysm for the week," she said dryly.

"Your biology shouldn't permit-"


Cu chuckled and guided me forward through the portal, Taylor snickering behind us. Tamamo just sighed fondly.

Everything dissolved into color, then snapped into vivid relief as we stepped into Spirit Grave Albion.

"You've arrived."

I looked to the source of the voice, and saw Lorelei Barthomeloi standing, her arms crossed. She frowned slightly, her eyes narrowed.

"Barthomeloi? What happened?" I exchanged a look with Taylor as Cu tightened his grip.

"The Director is… perturbed." She shook her head. "Please come quickly. He's issued messages I never thought he would, and-" she cut herself off. "You have likely seen more of him than the rest of us, but the Director has ever been a monolith of stoicism, logic, and impartiality."

Tamamo hissed through her teeth. "Oh, that sounds bad."

"He is panicking." Barthomeloi turned on her heel. "Let's not give him more time to try and batten down the hatches in terrifying ways. Last I heard, he was considering contacting the Wandering Sea."

"Not Atlas?" I asked, following her.

"We've already received access to their copy of the Black Barrel, and they are considering lifting seals on more of their works. As it turns out, the Director had one of their Contracts which forces cooperation." Barthomeloi's heels clicked on the stone floor as she walked.


She glanced back at me. "Quite. He is frantically searching for Altrouge Brunestud, to no avail. It is as though she has vanished. According to our sources, she lives, but has retreated into hiding. Arcueid and Aozaki have not left Eva's side since you contacted us. Eva attempted to look into the past for Fortuna, and was incapacitated. She is unharmed, but she sleeps and will not wake. Our preliminary results conclude that she will likely remain asleep for a day or so while she mentally recuperates from whatever did occur."

Fou made a low growl. "Did he say what got his pants in a twist? And everyone else's?"

"No. He has only spoken to Zelretch, Aozaki, and myself. I've been in contact with El-Melloi, and she is keeping an eye on the Association at large while I manage things here." Barthomeloi stopped in front of the large doors to the Director's chamber.

I gently lowered Cu's arm from my waist.

Taylor finally spoke up. "So are we all going in, or just Mattias? Because I don't think the Director would attack him even if he was freaking out, but the rest of us…"

Barthomeloi inclined her head. "Perhaps."

I exhaled. "Alright. Time to go find out what's got him worked up." I knocked once, and the door slid open.

Inside was pitch dark.

"I ain't goin' nowhere," Fou said flatly, digging his claws into my shoulder. "That looks like the start to a horror movie, and you're not going in alone."

"Good plan, bring the escalation fuzz." Taylor nodded in approval.

"Alright. Wish me luck."

I entered, and the door slid shut behind me, shutting out the light. I saw a faint sulfurous gleam at the other end of the room.

"Okay Crowley, what the hell." I frowned, a sphere of light appearing to my side and casting a pale light through the room.

The demonic Director stood in front of a cabinet, his eyes glinting in the low light as he gazed at me. "So you've come," he said heavily. "Would that I could protect you from this."

"Uh…" Fou glanced at me.

"Protect me from what, Crowley?"

He sighed and turned to the cabinet before him. "Things I'm forbidden to disclose. It was bound into my making."

"Mm. I see." I began to walk forward. "So… what's so scary you're petitioning Atlas for the superweapons? Hell, looking for help from Wandering Sea?"

"Contingencies. The only call I truly required answered was, and it was to neither of them. You will understand when they arrive." Crowley shuddered. "Someone comes. He is strong. Stronger than any of us, maybe even all of us. He may do nothing. He may ruin everything. I cannot know."

"Who?" I asked. I finally reached his desk, and stood close to Crowley.

He turned to say something to me, and his eyes widened. He went inhumanly still.

I frowned, waving a hand in front of his face. He didn't react.

"Crowley. Tell me who's coming," I ordered. I stilled, looking to my shoulder.

Fou wasn't breathing. He wasn't moving either.

I gently prodded him, and though the fur gave way, it remained in a way that defied gravity or inertia.

"Yeah, that's kind of spooky the first few times you see it," a voice commented pleasantly. "You get used to it though, so don't worry about it."

A black-gloved hand lifted Fou off of my shoulder and gently placed him on the desk.

Slowly, I turned.

A man in a black cloak stood there, arms dangling by his side. I couldn't see through the shadows of his hood.

"Well. Well, well, well." He sounded pleased. "Look at you. All grown up, saving worlds, and changing lives. I should be proud, I guess. Think I will be, given what little I know." He leaned on the desk. "So, Mattias, right? That's what you go by now." He laughed. "Ahh, it's been so long since I saw you last. I've missed you, kid."

That voice. I'd heard it a few times, but only in a film compiling the events of a game. I knew exactly who this was.

"So, you probably don't know who I-"

"Master of Masters." My voice was hollow, cold.

"Oooor you do. Well, well." He seemed pleased. "I really can't say how happy I am-"

"What did you do to my friends."

"Nothing! Just stopped time. After all, didn't want anything bad to happen to them. You're tough enough to handle being around me, but I've found most people… adverse things happen, whether I want them or not. It's odd, really." There was a smile in his voice. "Now, tell me about yourself. I mean, I know some, but not all of it. Who answered your call? What did you fight in the other world? I knew about Khepri, but not what brought her. C'mon, give me the details," he begged in an excited tone.

I stared at him.

"Ahh, probably wondering what to call me? Well, you can go with… Agrarian. It's shorter and sweeter than Master of Masters, yeah?" He crossed his arms. "Come on, indulge me a little. We've got all the time in the world." His voice never deviated from that kind, friendly, familiar tone, and he never displayed an ounce of threat.

That might have been what scared me the most.

Sora stared out into the darkness. The glass radiated cold beneath his feet, and he shivered. It had a picture, but he hadn't paid attention as he fell.


The glass shuddered, and he stepped back, looking around. The dark flickered a pale blue.


The sound of water rushed in his ears.

The stained glass vanished, a boundless flat sea taking its place. The darkness was banished by an endless blue sky.

"Oh," Sora gasped. A pale glow suffused his body.

"Oh wow. I thought you might stay in the station of awakening, but your power is way more defined than I thought," a high-pitched voice commented.

Sora looked down, and spotted a gray plush. It was rotund and catlike, soft and friendly-looking.

"Hello, there. My name's Chirithy. Awakenings link to this world of ours, if only in dreams."

A soft voice sang in the distance, and Sora felt his heart slow from its prior racing.

"So… what's your name?" The plush tilted its (his?) head.

"Oh, sorry! My name's Sora." Sora got on one knee to get closer to Chirithy. "So… what did you mean when you said my power was defined? I've been training a lot lately, but…"

"Mm, that's handy, but no. I mean you're predisposed to a certain type of power. Some wield strength to destroy or protect in physical terms. That's not you. Your power lies in magic, which carries a heavy burden."

Sora stilled. "Oh."

"Ah, you know what I mean. Hm. You've been marked by destiny, that's for sure." Chirithy raised Sora's hand in his little paws. "These Command Seals… huh. Hah! Of course he's marked you." Chirithy's voice was amused.

"Who, exactly? Achilles?"

"Nope. The First Magician. He grants these bonds unconsciously." Chirithy looked up. "You're gonna go on an adventure soon, Sora. You'll lose a lot, but gain a lot. And maybe even regain what you lose. But you have to be brave, and trust in your bonds." Though the plush didn't emote well, Sora could swear it was smiling.

"So…" Sora murmured.

"Normally, you'd fight something from the dark. That's how Awakenings work." Chirithy tilted his head. "But that's not my style."

"So how do I wake up?"

Chirithy giggled. "We send you back."


Sora suddenly became aware of a looming shadow, and looked up.


"GIANT!" he yelped as he launched up, eyes blinking rapidly. Sora gulped down air as he stared out to sea.

"Uh. You okay, buddy?" Achilles knelt in the sand, hands out to steady Sora - the one person or thing he could touch.

"Sora…?" Kairi's voice carried concern.

"I. I'm good. Weird dream, but I'm awake." Sora gulped. "Yeah. Awake." He narrowed his eyes. "Hey, uh. Kairi?"


"Does the name 'Chirithy' mean anything to you?"

"" Kairi sounded confused.

Sora sighed, rolling to his feet. "Right. Okay," he said, slapping his face with both hands. "I probably ought to go find supplies for the boat before Riku gets mad."

"Good idea," Riku commented dryly, walking up with a log in his arms. "Enjoy your nap?" he teased.

Sora coughed. "Had a nightmare, so not really," he admitted.

Riku hummed. "That sucks. Well, a little hunting for items might clear your head. We need one more log, cloth for a sail, and rope. I'm pretty sure I saw the last two up in the treehouses, and there's logs on the beach."

"Oh. Thanks, Riku." Sora smiled. "I appreciate the help."

Riku's grin softened. "Anytime." He paused. "If you've got time later, find me on the little island. ...there's some stuff I want to talk about."

"Sure thing!" Sora smiled brilliantly.

Riku nodded and carried the log away towards the rest of the supplies.

Kairi rubbed her forehead.

"Think the little lady's alright?" Achilles asked, leaning his elbow on Sora's head.

"Everything okay, Kairi?"

Kairi smiled tightly. "It's fine. It's good. Just… if Riku gives you any trouble, don't let it get you down, okay? I know he's been acting up lately."

Sora rubbed the back of his neck. "I'm sure it'll be okay. Thanks for worrying, though." He smiled.

He wandered off towards the ladder to the closest treehouse, the conversation over. Sora knew there was a big enough cloth to serve as a sail, and he aimed to get it.

Achilles followed along, humming cheerfully.

"Riku better be serious about talking with Sora…" Kairi muttered.

Medea made an unconvinced noise. "We shall see. How go your preparations?"

Kairi sighed. "They're going. If they're after me for…" Kairi frowned. "My heart. If they want that, I need to hide it. Sora's strong, both from his training with Achilles-"

"And his mother," Medea said with a nod. "His nonhuman heritage will serve him well."

He's more human than not, Kairi reminded her silently. Three-quarters.

That was one of Sora's closest secrets that he had entrusted to Riku, Kairi, and no one else. Something from his mother.

She began to string the shells together again, making the charm for Sora. "If the worst comes to pass…" She shook her head. "Are you sure we can't just talk to his mom? She knows a lot about magic too."

Medea tapped her chin. "We should consider it. Give me a night to think over what we know, and we'll see if it's enough to bring to her. She is, strictly speaking, retired."

Kairi nodded in agreement. "Sounds like a plan."

I swallowed. "So, I arrived at the North Pole. I'd just died, again."

Mas- Agrarian. Agrarian tilted his head. "Let's step back. What? You're not supposed to remember your past lives, I thought."

"Well, I died in a world full of metaknowledge. It's how I know who you are," I said. "Something about Unions, Foretellers, a Keyblade War-"


I froze.

"Did not happen. A lot of things did, especially after your friends showed up, but there was not a Keyblade war." He gestured. "Continue."

"So, I remembered that. Then I went to something called a Moon Cell."

"Okay, I'm familiar."

"I summoned the same two Servants that I summoned first here. Leonardo Da Vinci-"

"Mona Lisa?"



"And Gilgamesh."

Agrarian sucked on his teeth. "Ah. That guy. He give you trouble?"

I shook my head after a moment. "Nothing I couldn't handle. He's… well, we're kind of friends. Are friends. Enkidu's his best, but…"


"Yeah. So Archimedes burned me alive, I shot through multiple worlds trying to escape, and landed in the Final World with Tiamat. She, Scathach, and Merlin saved me, and I put my soul into the body of an Endbringer."

Agrarian leaned forward. "A what now?"

I assumed my nonhuman form. I stood, carved of white marble, with golden claws coming from my hands and feet. Golden vine patterns streaked my body, and the wings that came from the back of my head… I bent one forward, and instead of feathers, it bore leaves. My chest bore an imprint shaped like a grail, but black and dotted with stars.


"I'm an alien superweapon. The deeper you go, the denser I get, until I bend physics to surpass the core of a star and then some. I'm not indestructible, but close."

"Good." Agrarian's voice was firm. "Is Archimedes dead?"

"Yes. Not before he caused a lot of trouble on Earth-Bet, but yes."

He leaned back. "Like?"

"There were other Endbringers, and they attacked in three-month rotations. One could sink islands with water, one could warp minds and bend fate, and one commanded all forms of energy while being a stone giant. They were named Leviathan, Simurgh, and Behemoth. Colloquially? Islandkiller, Hopekiller, and Herokiller."

"...I see."

"They're gone. A band of serial killers got empowered by Archimedes, but they're gone too. Also a mad alien that tried to use Earth as a petri dish for experiments before discarding and destroying the local multiverse. I've, uh, helped stop a lot."

"And Khepri, Beast V-R." Agrarian's tone was mild. "You've been through it, huh?" Was that… sympathy?

I nodded, looking at Fou's still form to remind myself of what was going on.

"Okay. So the genius and the no-longer-tyrant king. Who else? I've met Fortuna and ZZ. Wait… ZZ was the Simurgh? Wow. Impressive." Agrarian nodded. "I also know about Fortuna's phantom. ...impressive."

I coughed. "Right. I'll keep it short. My Lancer-"

"Know him, he's outside. He's pretty close to you, huh?"

"We're involved," I said shortly.

The Master of Masters stared at me from beneath his hood. "Okay. And?"

"Like dating?"

"Kid, I'm older than old. If there's not someone out there I didn't have a passing thought about sleeping with back when I cared about such things, then I'd be surprised. Gender's a quaint little thing for mortals. Love's the only experience that matters for me at this point." His voice was amused, playful. Maybe a little fond.

"Oh...kay," I said slowly.

"Ew. No. No, no, no. You-" Agrarian shuddered. "Look, I can't give you all the details yet, but no. Never, ever, ever. Not you. Are you important to me? Dearly. But not remotely in that way. It'd be like…" He trailed off, looking around. "Like you and that young lady outside. Without the tails."

I winced. "Ew. A hundred 'ew's."

"Precisely," Agrarian agreed with a sharp nod.

I swallowed. "So should I finish or…?"

Agrarian waved a hand. "Go ahead. I'll be good and stop interrupting. I can tell you're getting tired of me anyways."

"I called Medusa as my Rider, Arthur Pendragon as my Saber, the First Hassan-i-Sabbah as my Assassin, Frankenstein and Asterios share Berserker-"




"Galahad is Shielder, the Counter Guardian EMIYA as Alter-Ego, Quetzalcoatl as Avenger, and Hero as Ruler."

Agrarian reached under his hood and rubbed his chin. "Okay. Don't know the Counter Guardian, but they tend to pull weight. Who is Hero?"

"A local. He's a Tinker, focuses on Wavelengths. It's pretty esoteric. Oh, Tinkers are inventors, kind of."

"Huh. Recent?"

"Merged with a phantom."

Agrarian tilted his head. "Oh? Who?"

"Raziel. He has access to the Se-"

Agrarian grabbed my arms. "He has the book?" His voice went… deep. Dangerous.

I stared at him, Ideal in my hand. "Let. Go."

He stepped back, gazing at the rapier. " made this?" he asked, his demeanor back to the curious probing.

"I did."

The Master of Masters was silent. "I'm sorry. It's… that book is very dangerous in the wrong hands."

"He uses it as a spellbook to supplement his other powers." I didn't put my sword away.

"That's fine. So long as he doesn't dip into its more esoteric powers while over there…" He shook his head. "I truly am sorry. I was unsettled, but I shouldn't have done that."

I exhaled. "Apology accepted."

Why is he being so… nice? And open? This doesn't fit.

"You're going to be starting down a long path," Agrarian said softly. "You depart at dawn. So long as you keep walking, your journey will be a bright one." He looked to me. "You won't make it to stop destiny. The King's men are with him. The child will need you all."

My breath caught in my throat.

"I can arrange things where you come out. He'll need training, you'll find it before him. Then I can guide your passage to Traverse Town. Your powers complement my own."

"Because you make Keyblades?" I asked, furrowing my brow.

Agrarian laughed softly. "That's part of it, I guess. I want… I want to make this right. All of it." He looked to me. "I need you for this, Mattias."

I stared at him. "Why?"

He stepped back from me, and I was overwhelmed by the sense of vulnerability I felt coming from the man who, in another life, would have orchestrated the end of an era.

"What would you do, if you lost the person closest to you? No, threw them away in a fit of misguided rage? Atone? Would you continue?"

He turned on his heel, and a Dark Corridor opened before him, the portal billowing shadows as it lead through the Realm of Darkness - and likely back to the Worlds of Hearts.

"What would you risk to regain even an echo of that precious bond?"

My mouth opened before I could think.

"Anything. To atone, to… to find something after all that."

The sigh was somehow both fond and relieved.

"I knew you'd understand."

And the Master of Masters left through the Corridor - but as it closed, he turned back to me.

"I left something in the cabinet for you. Use it, or don't. I'd like to keep an eye on you, just in case you need help sent along." He reached up and lowered his hood.

He had brown skin, and short-shorn black hair. His one eye was blue with a catlike pupil, and a strange violet scar crossed the whole of his face in a starlike pattern. An eyepatch covered his other eye.

"Normally I'd say something else, but… it doesn't quite fit here. So…"

The Corridor closed.

"Do the right thing."

My light flickered, and Fou and Crowley began to move again.

I quickly reverted to my human form.

Crowley glanced at me, eyes wide.

"Uh. Cabinet?" I said timidly.

"The fuck just happened!?" Fou yowled.

Sora exhaled as he dropped the last piece into place, Riku lashing it expertly to the raft.

"You're really good at this," he commented with a smile. "I'm no good at knots."

Riku chuckled. "They take a little patience, that's all." He secured the rope, cinching it down and tying it off. He stood up. "So… you have time?"

Sora perked up. "Right, sure. You wanted to talk to me?"

Riku rubbed the back of his neck. "Kairi might have told me that you held back on me because you were scared to hurt me."

"Well, yeah. Pankration is a mix of boxing, grappling, and free-form fighting that's all about going for weak spots, breaking guard, and taking your opponent apart. I have to dial it back to spar with anyone." Sora blinked. "It's really violent."

"And… you use it." Riku's eyebrows rose. "Where did you even learn it?"

Sora hesitated. "I don't know if you'd believe me."

Riku crossed his arms. "You have magic. I've seen you freeze water, burn sand to glass, and call wind. Try me."

Sora coughed awkwardly.

"Well, he has a point. If nothing else, say I'm a ghost," Achilles offered.

"A ghost from far away decided he took a liking to me and wanted to teach me how he fought," Sora said after a moment. "I'm trying to learn how to manifest him, because he's tied to me and he's nice, but I don't have the right kind of power."

Riku stared. "A ghost."

Sora nodded.

Riku slowly exhaled. "Okay. That makes… a frightening amount of sense." He rubbed his face. "Can anyone else see him?"

"Not without the 'kind' of power he needs to manifest. He's like… a spirit? The memories of a hero from a long time ago. He can manifest, but needs 'mana'. And I have it, it's just locked away. So… it's a work in progress." Sora shrugged helplessly. "Kairi has one too, and she can manifest her some. But my friend, his name's Achilles, he's a warrior while hers is a mage."

Riku stared at Sora a little more. "So, like your mom?"

"Ehh… no? She's different. I think they're from a different world than Mom." Sora shrugged. "I didn't know how to explain, so I didn't tell you earlier."

Riku looked away. "You think we'll find a way to help them when we get off the islands?"

"Maybe? It makes sense," Sora agreed. "...are we good? I don't like fighting you. For real, I mean. Sparring's fun, even if I lose sometimes - because we're learning and having fun together." Sora's voice was earnest.

Riku's gaze softened. "...yeah. We're good." He clapped Sora on the shoulder. "Alright. I'll do whatever it takes to get us off the island to help your new friend."

Sora smiled brightly. "Okay! I'm counting on you, Riku."

Riku's smile stretched his face oddly. "You can count on me."

As Sora wandered off, Riku's smile fell.

...was he being replaced? No. The way he talked about him, this ghost was older than Riku when he died. His place in his friends' lives was the same. It was fine.

Once he was ready…

Once the door opened…

They'd all go on an adventure together. They'd sail the stars, meet new people, get strong, and have fun together. He'd keep Sora and Kairi to himself, and maybe share them with these new mentors of theirs.

Once the door opened… they'd be free from this tiny prison of an island.

"Mom, I'm home!" Sora called.

"Welcome home, love," his mother said, brushing her mint green hair back from her face. She smiled warmly, her blue eyes shining.

Sora took after his father, a local islander - his skin and hair came from him, as did his smile. His eyes and build came from his mother, making him shorter and slighter than Riku and other boys.

His father had been lost in a fishing accident when he was very small, before Kairi came. Sora still missed him, and was grateful for the pictures his mother kept.

"Um, can we work on magic after dinner? I want to make sure the spells I put on the boat hold."

His mother pursed her lips. "Are you sure you don't want me to make you one? I'd feel better if I could put location charms on it. And you'll keep to the closer worlds, right?"

"We will," Sora promised, walking up and hugging his mother. "And if you're that worried, I'll take some charms you make and put them in the sail. That way if we get in real trouble, you can come help us."

She sighed. "That should do. Thank you for indulging me, Sora." She smiled. "Now, I made baked snapper for dinner. Go wash up, alright dear?"

"Sure Mom," he replied with a smile, walking towards the bathroom.

The woman flicked her fingers, drying the pan she'd used and cleaned with a brief burst of heated air. She frowned slightly. Something had been off for the past few days, and she couldn't put her finger on it.

...maybe it was time she took a trip to the door. Just to make sure all was well.

She'd managed to bring one world back from the brink, and didn't fancy a second time around. She still kept in touch with her dear friends - Locke and Celes had snuck in not even a few months ago for a quick visit for Sora's birthday. He loved his surrogate aunt and uncle dearly. Maybe she should…

No. She was leaping at shadows. Her magic returning after Haruhiko had passed had been a shock, but she would be strong for her son. If she could do this on her own, she would.

So she would check the door, and then make her choices.

Sora didn't need to worry; he had an adventure to prepare for. And one thing she'd learned was that Sora responded best to being given freedom and the choice to come to her. He'd never let her down before.

And so Tina Branford made the plates for dinner, and counted her blessings.

Cu gently stroked my hand as I sat in the chair Crowley had provided.

"So. This guy stopped time for everyone but you and him, intimated he had some uncontrollable power that you were immune to, and grilled you on… everything?" Taylor asked. She was frowning.

"Kind of? He was happy to see me, I think. He's the Master of Masters, I can't really say what goes through his head." I closed my hand around Cu's. My free hand held onto the No Name Keyblade - the Gazing Eye.

"So… is that an actual eye?" Tamamo grimaced. "I hope not…"

"There's copies of it, but I think this is the original eye, yes." I frowned at it.

"Gross." Taylor stuck her tongue out.

Crowley folded his hands. "So he came and went. The more militant responses aren't required. Good, good." He sighed.

Barthomeloi had left us to him, citing the need to contact Atlas to stand down.

"So… now what?" I asked.

"Now…" Crowley checked a timepiece on his desk. "Now, we head out to the Spirit Grave, and wait."

"Wait for what?" I asked as he got up and began to walk.

Cu glanced at me. "Let's see."

Fou jumped on my shoulder. "Can't believe I got nabbed by that spell…" he grumbled.

I dismissed Gazing Eye, shivering at the bond I felt to it. Then I used my free hand to stroke his fur.

Cu held onto my hand as we walked, and I kept petting Fou, who leaned into my nails.

Taylor looked around with a bored eye, a crystalline butterfly alighting on her shoulder.

Tamamo held her finger between her chin and lower lip in thought, eyes lidded.

Eventually, we came to a large open room.

"And now we wait," Crowley said coolly. He turned to me. "I'm glad you're well."

I blinked.

"Not all who have had a brush with that man can say the same." Crowley reached into a pocket, and pulled out a watch on a chain. "She said she would be-"

There was an engine's roar, and Taylor snapped to attention, eyes gleaming.

I flinched as a massive black… tank… drove out of thin air. It rolled past us, and came to a screeching halt as we faced the middle of it. A ramp descended from the side, and there was a solid THWACK against the door as it opened.

A slender leg clad with a sandal remained raised, then lowered. With several sharp clacks, the owner of the limb emerged.

Clad in cut-off shorts, a bright orange hawaiian shirt, and sunglasses; carrying a surfboard under one arm, the orange-haired woman emerged. To her side was a woman with lilac hair that covered one eye, wearing a white one-piece with a short, frilled skirt.

She flipped the sunglasses up, revealing light orange eyes that glimmered in rage.

"OI!" roared Ritsuka Fujimaru, Mash tugging her arm and trying to shush her. "WHERE THE HELL IS MY JOANIE!?"

"Oh dear," Tamamo murmured, Taylor staring in shock.

I could only nod dumbly in agreement as Cu bellowed in laughter.
Destiny 1.2
Destiny 1.2

Ritsuka slung one leg over the other as she sat in the Director's office, still simmering in irritation.

"Look, I'm sorry, but I don't know where Jeanne Alt-"


"Joan is," I finished. "I don't know who told you otherwise, but…" I shrugged.

She narrowed her eyes, looking me up and down. "You've got the air of a bad liar. Alright, I'll accept that," she allowed, expression softening.

Mash gave a sigh of relief.

"But that doesn't explain Lulu or whomst-the-hell saying you'd know where she is, or the note the Director sent to the location I arrived at saying you guys would need Shadow Border," Ritsuka said, pointing her finger at me with a frown.

"...Luxu?" I felt my face pale.

"That was him," Mash agreed. "Ritsuka had been… unhappy… about Joan's departure."

"Look, I am a simple woman with simple needs. Joan is my tsundere, Mash is my Kouhai, Sherlock is my butler-slash-ikemen, and I have Fergus to blow my back out every once in a while," Ritsuka counted off on her fingers.

Taylor made a strange choking noise.

"Yeah, I just need a twink for him to do that with sometimes," Ritsuka said airily. "Any volunteers?"

This… was not what I had expected of the Hero of Chaldea. At all.

"Sorry Ritsuka, but you're not going to be able to build much of a harem around these parts." Cu snorted in laughter. "I did miss your… engaging personality, though."

Mash looked skywards. "She's usually more restrained," she noted after visibly composing herself. "However, she's been in a state ever since Joan vanished. Then came back! Then vanished again. We've been traveling through Textures looking for her ever since…" Mash rubbed her chin. "How long ago?"

"A year, give or take," Ritsuka said darkly. "Look, I played nice. I put the catalysts back, letting go of a lot of friends and loved ones. I know that sustaining Servants indefinitely was a no-go. Hell, if it wasn't for some trickery Merlin pulled, I wouldn't have the family I have now." She crossed her arms. "But Joan is special to me, in her own way. Everyone is."

...oh dear.

"So… I don't know how much the Director told you about me…"

Fou snickered.

Ritsuka gazed at me. "Wait. You're the First? The human Grail?"

I waved timidly.

She slouched back in her chair. "Well shit." Ritsuka looked to Mash, then me. "So…?"

"Luxu works for someone who has powerful Clairvoyance. It's a good chance that if you let us use the Shadow Border to get where we need to go, we'll find Joan on the way." I folded my hands. "If it has as much space as I remember, I'll be able to set up a Worldgate to link back through it. If she's bound to someone, there's not much I can do, but I can at least enable visitation."

Cu's arm around my shoulder tightened, bringing my head to rest under his on his shoulder.

"I can work with that," Ritsuka accepted in an easy tone. "You'll need some sort of AI to pilot it though. Da Vinci-chan went back to the Throne, and we've mostly been going around areas stored in the database."

I slowly pulled the flash drive Tess had given us out.

"Well that's covered," Tamamo remarked dryly.

"There's an AI on that stick?" Ritsuka asked in an impressed tone.

"Her name's Theresa. She's a Hero that goes by Dragon," Taylor said, finally speaking up.

"Wait, like a superhero? A superhero AI?" Ritsuka became visibly excited.

"Well, if you like, you and your… uh…" I trailed off.

"Harem, poly cluster, family, take your pick." Ritsuka smirked.


"Right, your family can stay on Earth-Bet with the Guild. It won't raise too many eyebrows; there's poly groups there too. Also superheroes. Lots of superheroes."

"How many bad guys?" Ritsuka asked.

"We beat them all." Taylor smirked. "Well, the worst ones. There's the odd cape who's just naturally an asshole, and the usual petty crime, but that's about it."

Ritsuka's eyes glowed. "So. In exchange for handing my vessel to you for use, we get a vacation on Hero-World, with lots of hot people in spandex, and our Joanie back with us as often as she can."

I winced upon thinking of some of the 'hot people in spandex'. "Well-"

Cu placed his hand over my mouth. "That's right." He winked at me and caressed my cheek with his thumb.

"SOLD!" Ritsuka leapt up.

"Also you'll see a lot of the old guard," Cu continued blithely.

The Master of Chaldea beamed. "Alright! Thanks, Mattias. I'll show you guys around the Border, get you set up, then roll over to Earth-Bet! I bet Fergus is gonna be excited too," she cackled.

Mash sighed, shaking her head. "Do you see what I put up with?" she complained fondly.

"Hush, you love it," Ritsuka preened, grabbing her hand and dragging her along.

Fou outright guffawed. "The more things change, huh?"

Tamamo nodded. "You said it."

"Wait, did Fou-kun TALK!?" Mash yelped.

I grimaced behind Cu's hand.

Taylor glanced at Fou and shook her head. "Let's go."

Sora leapt over the finish line, Riku throwing himself bodily.

"That's a tie." Kairi placed her hands on her hips. "So, you'll need to find some other way to name the ship."

"Or we could use both," Sora said. "Excalibur Highwind sounds pretty cool."

Riku snorted out a laugh. "It's kind of extra. I like it," he admitted.

Kairi shook her head. "Then why race?"

"For fun," Sora replied with a shrug.

Riku grinned. "Yeah. I thought you had me when you got to the zipline first. But…"

"I got greedy and tried to hop trees to the marker." Sora blushed. "Yeah, I know."

"Maybe next time." Riku stretched his arms. "I got my part of the supplies. You?"

Sora walked over to Kairi, and she gave him his bag. He checked it. "I think one more mushroom and a bottle of fresh water ought to do it. The replication charms Mom put on the storage for the raft will do the rest."

"Alright. So meet you on the docks after you wrap up?" Riku offered.

"Sure. We can all paddle back together," Sora agreed with a nod.

Kairi giggled. "I'm glad you two are getting along again."

Achilles shook his head invisibly, smirking. "Kids."

Sora grinned at him.

"Your friend say something?" Riku tilted his head, fist on his hip.

"He thinks we're funny, that's all." Sora stood with his hands behind his head.

"I have a name, you know," Achilles grumbled.

Sora shouldered his bag. "I'm gonna go get the stuff. See you at the docks!"

Kairi waved with a pleasant smile on her face as Sora turned and left, Riku flashing a thumbs-up.

Kairi let out a shivering breath as Riku walked away.

"I sensed it, too." Medea floated near her. "There's malice on this island. A remnant of malevolence." She placed a hand on Kairi's shoulder. "We speak to Tina Branford tonight. Catastrophe nears, and we are unprepared to stem it. So we will do what we must to endure, and ensure that the enemy does not seize your power."

Kairi nodded slowly. Medea wrapped her arms around her in a phantasmal hug, offering what comfort she could.

"I am sorry, Kairi. Were that I had the power to interact with your world, this burden wouldn't fall to you."

"It's not your fault. It's nobody's fault. We just… need to be ready." Kairi exhaled. "It's too bad. I was looking forward to sailing along the stars."

Medea didn't let go.

Meanwhile, Sora had made his way into the Secret Place he and Riku had found as children. It was a large cavern with a strange wooden door in the back, and he, Riku, and Kairi had used rocks to scratch pictures into the walls for years. (There was one that Sora remembered fondly, where he, Riku, and Kairi had drawn each other's heads.) As it was dark and near the waterfall, it was a good place to find mushrooms.

It didn't take long to find them near the door. Sora hummed, picking one up and putting it in his bag. "That oughta do it."

"Look alive, sunshine. We have company," Achilles warned, stepping closer.

Sora stood up.

"I've come to see the door to this world."

Enveloped in a brown cloak, the figure loomed in a dark corner, seeming to repel all light that came near it.

"Who… are you?" Sora whispered, flinching back from the feeling of wrongness. Frost gathered on his fingertips.

"This world has been connected. Tied to the darkness… soon to be completely eclipsed." The figure made no motion to advance, or answer the question.

"That's not an answer." Sora held his hand up, ice spinning into a sharp crystal.

"Skillful, for one so young." The figure's monotone broke, conveying a sense of acknowledgement. It was... impressed? "Even so, you do not know what lies beyond the door."

Achilles stayed close. "Sora, I don't like this. We should go. Keep facing him, but make for the exit," he said lowly. He grimaced. "I hate retreating, but I have no body to protect you, and I don't know what he can do."

"So what's behind it?" Sora asked, doing as Achilles suggested. As he stepped backwards, the figure's hood tracked him. "You seem to know."

The cloaked person radiated a short, sharp burst of dark amusement. "There is so very much to learn. You understand so little."

"Is that what you're here to do? Teach?" Sora's voice grew sharper. "Or just to mock people for not knowing, not bothering to try and enlighten them?"

" I am here to observe." The man - the voice clarified that much - bowed his head. "It is a pity. Though it is doubtful you would be receptive to the darkness, there is potential in you. Perhaps when all fades, you will survive the cessation of this world."

Sora swallowed. "Does this world have to disappear?" he croaked.

"Sora!" Achilles hissed.

"It is too late to salvage it. The door has been opened. Earlier today, the heart was made vulnerable, and even now the dark swarms within. If you had been given the power, perhaps… but alas." He shook his head. "Cling to your heart. Do not let it dim. Perhaps you have the potential to learn. Even if it is only as a worthy adversary, I will grant you that respect."

Sora smashed the ice crystal on the ground, scattering shards as he retreated. Once the figure was out of sight, he turned, using his smaller size to his advantage, and rushed towards the light.

Once out, he grasped his bag to him, gasping for air as he shivered.

"I've got you, I've got you," Achilles soothed. "Let's get you to the docks and get you home."

Sora nodded shakily as Achilles held him in a one-armed hug, helping stabilize him. He managed to stay upright as he stumbled, the cloaked figure's words burned into his brain.

His mother had told tales of monsters of great power, of dark magics that could pillage lands and destroy worlds. She hadn't told him about 'hearts' and 'darkness'.

Sora hated not knowing. He would ask her when he got home.

I smiled at the inside of the Shadow Border. "Wow. It really is huge in here."

"Right? Plenty of space for plenty of people," Ritsuka said, slapping a console. "This bad boy can fit so much trauma inside it!"


"What?" Ritsuka smiled politely. not. "So, who all is here?" I asked.

Taylor remained quiet, observing.

"Just who I said. Joan's been away for a while, but…" Ritsuka trailed off. "Alright, you two. Come on out."

A sharp-dressed man appeared from thin air, twirling a magnifying glass. "Ritsuka." He glanced at me. "You'll forgive me if I keep my distance. Your simple existence, frankly, is terrifying. Logic and reason don't exactly apply where you are concerned."

I shrugged. "Do you, Holmes."

He narrowed his eyes, then turned to Ritsuka. "Fergus stepped out-"

"CU CHULAINN!" a boisterous voice roared in joy.

I covered my mouth as I laughed.

"They know each other?" Taylor asked.

"He's Cu's foster father," Tamamo replied with a smile. "They get along infamously. Better when they're on the same side."

"Oh wow. So this is like you meeting the parents?" Taylor had a too-innocent look on her face.

"No. Way." Ritsuka's grin had widened to terrifying proportions.

Mash sighed. "I truly am sorry, Mattias."

I scratched my neck. "Eh…"

"Think it'll be a shotgun wedding? I mean, when you consider poor Cu's virtue…" Ritsuka simpered. Yeah, she was giving me shit.


Taylor shook her head. "Mattias is… asexual? Demisexual?" She frowned. "Something."

"I think I've arrived at 'if it's Cu, it's okay'," I muttered, feeling my face turn red. I began rubbing my cheeks in frustration.

"Huh. Well then." Ritsuka gave a smaller, more honest smile.

"Do stop giving him a hard time, Ritsuka," Holmes chided.

"Holmes is like that himself. Watson was his 'dearest friend', but I don't think he really does 'sexual attraction'," Ritsuka whispered loudly, leaning in.

Sherlock frowned sharply. "Ritsuka."

She shrugged. "Anyways. If Fergus hits on you, just say no. He's good at boundaries."

"Cu would kill him," I said frankly. "So many magi want me in their family for my kids that it's a minor miracle he doesn't start flinging his Noble Phantasm around."

Mash blinked in shock while Ritsuka gave a low whistle.

There were several loud footsteps, and I turned my head just in time for my cheek to be smushed into a broad, bare shoulder by an arm the size of my head.

"So you're Mattias, eh?" Fergus said jovially. "I'm sure you know who I am, from what Cu said. He's a good man, glad to hear you treat him well! Even with your circumstances," he finished in a loud whisper.


"Fergus," Cu chided in a fondly exasperated tone.

"Also, apparently his orientation is 'if it's Cu, it's okay'." Ritsuka gave a catlike smile.

Cu smirked. "Hand him over, Fergus."

After I was released from the hug, Cu wrapped his arms around my stomach from behind.

I cleared my throat. "We should probably plug Dragon in. And I should get started on the Worldgate."

Ritsuka sighed. "I guess that means you'll be wanting us to clear out?"

Fergus gave a small frown. "Shame, I wanted to speak with you more." He grinned. "But this gate means you'll be able to visit, right?"

I laughed a little and nodded. "Yes, don't worry. I'll be in and out."

Ritsuka hummed happily. "Good. I have so many questions." She grinned. "Like about Cu's-"

"Or you can spend time with Romani and Da Vinci. That's a thing," I said quickly.

Ritsuka froze, and Mash's visible eye widened.

"Roman was summoned as a Caster by a boy named Rain Frazier. Leona is my personal Caster, and in charge of both the Guild's Tinker collective and Earth Bet's Clock Tower," I explained. "They're happy and together." I smiled. "I bet they'll be thrilled to see you both."

"Leona… as Caster? So her adult self?" Ritsuka's voice quavered.

I nodded.

She stomped forward, wrapped her arms around my neck, and squeezed me violently before dashing out. "ALRIGHT DIRECTOR DEMON-FACE, FIRE UP THAT GATE! I'M READY TO SEE MY FRIENDS NOW!"

Mash stared at me for a long moment, then dashed forward and gave me a quick hug. "I- thank you! I'll- later, but-!"

I waved her along. "Go see them." I paused. "Galahad should be there too. Will that be a problem?"

She shook her head, her eyes tearing up. "Thank you!" She ran after Ritsuka.

Holmes sighed, a slight smile on his face. "Well. It seems you, at least, are benevolent."

"Eh?" I blinked.

He inclined his head towards me. "Best of luck on your quest, First Magician. You will need it." He strode out.

Fergus grunted. "No clue what's going on, but you did a good thing telling the little lady before letting her go on ahead." He grinned. "You two take care of each other! I want you hale and hearty enough to share drinks and stories, you hear?"

Cu chuckled. "We will." He kissed me behind my ear, squeezing my ribs.

Fergus gave a two-fingered salute, still grinning broadly as he marched out.

Taylor smiled as Tamamo peeked in. "They done being themselves yet? I hang out with Nero, and they're still a little much for me," the fox priestess complained.

Fou poked his head out from under my hat. "Yeah, they made feet."

"Honestly, I think you spooked Mash more than anything," I grumbled, leaning back into Cu. I closed my eyes for a moment.

" okay?" Taylor asked.

"Don't have much of a choice, do I? The Master of Masters knows me. He learned my name as of now, and he knew me before. There's a connection there. And he's left me the Keyblade used by the seeker of darkness himself. I don't know how things will go from here. The Keyblade War didn't happen, but the Foretellers and Unions are gone. He's not even supposed to be active for a couple years, yet. What else don't I know? What did Lisa change? What's different without interference? Earth Bet had differences outside of my interference, so it stands to reason…" I trailed off.

"Breathe." Taylor gave me a level look. "Your metaknowledge won't be the sum of everything. However, you'll still have a heavy leg up in terms of knowing what's coming. Besides that? With our powers together, we're hell on wheels. You have fourteen incredibly powerful Servants."

"Two of whom are AWOL," I reminded her.

"So twelve. Still a lot. Tamamo can bring her full power to bear in a worst-case scenario. And then we have Fou. We're entering this universe with overwhelming force." Taylor smirked. "We'll be fine, so long as we play it smart."

I shook my head. "If you say so."

Cu squeezed me one more time before his arms dropped. "You're going to be okay. That's a promise."

I handed the USB to Taylor. "If there's not one near the pilot seat, let me know and I'll work on an adapter when I'm done here."

She nodded and went off toward the cockpit, Tamamo in tow.

I turned toward the empty space in the largest room on the Border, and raised my hands. Silver gel began to spin from the edges of the air, making a closed circle.

<Prior schema accessed. Cost reduction applied. 25% total power. Regeneration in absence of activity, three hours. Beginning 'Worldgate' construction. Projected build time twenty minutes.>

"I'll go keep an eye on things with Taylor," Tamamo said as my eyes glazed over.

Cu leaned his chin on my shoulder as the priestess left. "At least it sounds like he wishes you well."

"...he did do something wrong, but he wants to atone. Cu… I might know who he is, but I don't want to make assumptions." I grimaced as the faint outline of the metal ring came into focus.

Fou jumped up, leaping off of the top of my head. My hat tumbled to the floor as he landed on his feet, shaking his fur out. "Don't worry about it."

I blinked at Fou.

"You're you now. Whoever you were, whoever he is, doesn't matter unless someone makes it matter." Fou wandered off towards the cockpit. "If he makes a fuss, I'll end him next time. That trick won't work forever."

The light in the room dimmed as a brief halo of silver light engulfed Fou.

"Whatever he thinks he is? He's not ready for Cath Palug."

Cu turned away and leaned his back against mine as I kept working. "Want me to grab your hat?"

"It'll keep. This feels nice."

He gave a soft laugh. "Not distracting, I hope?"

I smiled as runes etched themselves into the solidifying metal ring. "Not too much. If you want to distract me later, I'd allow it."

"Hm. We've come a long way, huh? I remember when you insisted on pajamas in bed." Cu mused.

I nodded. "Thank you for being patient with me."

"Hey, thank you for sharing yourself with me. I know it's not easy, given your past."

"It makes you happy, and…" I bit my lip. "You make it okay."

"Just okay?" he teased quietly.

"Okay's about as good as sex gets with me," I said dryly.

"Oh, so you mean mind-blowing for anyone else. Good to know." I could hear the smile in his voice.

"It helps that I, you know, love you. And stuff." I kept my tone playfully sarcastic, even as I felt myself blush.

"Well, I guess it helps that I love you too. And stuff." Cu snickered. "Shit, we sound like teenagers."

"I have it on good authority that we are, in fact, worse. Vicky said so."


"And Lisa."


I chuckled as Cu stood up, turned around, and began hugging me again. "Oh?"

"Hugging shall continue until morale improves. And you did say I could distract you. Never said how."

"Isn't it 'beatings will continue'...?"

"Mm, nah. I like you too much, and hugging works better on you. I'd probably just break my hands," Cu joked.


Sora and Kairi sat at the table, looking at his mother with wide eyes.

Tina rubbed her hands together. "Alright. So Kairi felt something evil on that island." She turned to Sora. "And you met a man in a brown cloak who said the world was being corrupted into non-existence."

The two teens nodded. "Yeah, that's right," Sora said.

Tina nodded. "Okay. I'll see what I can do. For now, you two rest and stay safe." She looked at her hands, then frowned. "There is one last thing I can do for you."

Kairi leaned back in her chair, arms crossed. "What're you thinking?"

"My experience with magic is considerably more than yours. I've been around Sora long enough that I can identify the type of energy that your 'friends' draw on, and you both have sufficient amounts of it. The magic is focused on power from the 'soul', where most magics in this part of the universe focus on 'heart' and 'mind'. Not to say there isn't a component of 'mind' in this other magic," Tina said, gesturing, "but that the power source isn't common around here. The heart will simply regain power if you overtax it, but overusing the power of a soul will cause…" She frowned slightly.

"Oh." Sora blinked, slumping. He looked to the side for several moments, then straightened. "Maybe we can hold onto it as a last resort? In case of emergency. Achilles wouldn't do anything unless he had to."

Tina turned her gaze to Kairi.

She nodded. "Medea wouldn't either. If she did manifest, she might try to tap into a ley line… but from what she can tell, they're corrupting. It's hard to tell how quickly based on her training, because she's not familiar with what's happening."

"So she won't be doing that." Tina's voice brooked no argument.

Kairi shook her head.

Tina exhaled. "Alright. Simple manifestation shouldn't tax either of you too much, but I want you to keep a close eye on how much power you have. I can't help you past unlocking these paths. I need you both to promise me you'll be responsible."

"I promise." Sora swallowed. "I don't want anyone to die, including me."

Kairi nodded in agreement. "We'll mind our limits, Ms. Branford."

"Alright then. Give me your hands."

Tina took their hands in hers. She hated it, but they needed guardians. She couldn't… no, she would make it off the world when it all came crashing down, but she couldn't be sure where they would be.

There was no point in trying to lie to them. There was no way to fix what was happening, not for her. All she could do was ensure they weren't alone when it ended.

She narrowed her eyes as the faint image of circuitry appeared on the children's skin.

"It feels funny," Sora muttered.

Kairi nodded. "It's different from the magic we know. We'll need to be careful."

There was a sound of cloth in the wind, and a woman in purple robes appeared behind Kairi. "Don't be afraid," she said, a small smirk in place. "Thanks to Tina, I've managed to tamper with our connection. I can use the well of your 'heart' instead of 'soul', or as a supplement. Our contract is solidified, so my own power is also in play." She frowned. "That said, our initial plan is the best. We should stick to it."

Kairi nodded. "I agree."

Sora slumped. "I don't like it."

Tina's eyes widened as a tall man with green hair leaned over her son, arms around his shoulders.

"Hey, it's going to be okay. With the way it's set up, you'll be able to find her after you split up," he said soothingly. "And your mom's tough. She'll find you. Not to mention you've got me."

"Okay, but what about Riku? Does he know about any of this?" Sora continued to fret. "We should tell him."

"Tomorrow," Tina said decisively as she looked out the window. The sun slowly set on the horizon. "Kairi, do you want to stay for dinner?"

Kairi shook her head. "No thanks, Ms. Branford. I'm going to check in on Papa and stay the night at home."

"Alright. Do you need us to walk you home?" Tina offered.

"I'll be more than a match against most threats," Medea said with a small smile.

Kairi stood up. "Okay. We'll discuss any further plans tomorrow?"

Tina nodded, glancing at Sora. The boy stared at his hands, opening and closing them as Achilles gently rubbed his shoulder in an attempt to comfort him.

"Night, Sora," Kairi said. "We'll tell Riku tomorrow, and we'll all be ready for whatever's going to happen."

Medea paused, then stalked over to Achilles and whispered into his ear. Achilles' eyes widened.

"Ah, so that's how that works. Right." He smiled. "My powers are more draining than hers, so she shared her trick with me," he explained as Tina stared. "This way, I won't hurt Sora on accident trying to protect him."

"How does it work?" Tina asked.

Medea turned on her heel. "I'll leave the explanations to you," she said firmly. "It's time for Kairi to get home." She swept towards the door, Kairi following along with a quick wave.

After the door shut, Sora and Tina looked to Achilles.

"Well, our souls were already connected through the Command Seals. It's a shallow connection, but there. Medea puzzled out a long time ago that hearts also work by connections, so…" Achilles scratched his chin. "Yeah, we're drawing on our bonds with the kids. It's different enough to tell, but similar enough to work." He grinned. "Long and short, I can protect Sora if things go bad before we're ready."

Tina nodded once. "Right." She looked at her son. "Sora? You alright, sweetheart?"

"Yeah, Mom. It doesn't hurt at all," Sora said with a small smile. Achilles' hand stayed on his shoulder. "It'll be good to have Achilles around to look after me."

"Excuse me?" he said with a teasing tone.

"You know what I mean," Sora retorted, shoving his hand off of his shoulder.

Achilles retaliated with a loose headlock and mussing up Sora's hair with his free hand.

"Hey!" Sora exclaimed, laughing.

Tina sighed with a fond smile. "Alright, you two. Go wash up and I'll start dinner."


"Okay, Mom!"

As she watched Sora wander off, she frowned. How was she going to tell him…?

She'd seen Riku see the two of them off.

From the dark power swirling around him…

He probably already knew about what had happened. Assuming he wasn't the cause.

Tina knew better than to hope otherwise.

Riku… why? The raft would have worked with my magic. Were you really that desperate? Did you not believe in me? Or was it something else entirely?

She rubbed her face tiredly, then walked to her kitchen. So many questions, and no answers in sight.

In the distance, there was a faint rumble of thunder.

I stretched my limbs as I walked into the bridge - it was too large to be called a cockpit, really - and Cu followed along.

Taylor sat in the pilot's seat, her legs crossed as she watched the stream of binary flow across the screens. The USB was plugged into the console. Fou sat in her lap.

Tamamo sat in a chair further back.

"How goes?" I asked.

"I've downloaded and connected, I'm just wrapping up integration," Tess' voice echoed around the bridge.

I winced. "Maybe one speaker?"

"Sorry, this vehicle's systems are a little new to me," Tess apologized from Taylor's vicinity.

"Ritsuka and her group are already on Earth-Bet," Taylor said. "They're all fine. Better than fine, actually."

"And it seems I'm just in time to see you off," Crowley said in a low voice as he made himself known.

I turned to look at him.

The demon's hands were in his pockets, and he wore his sunglasses. "I'm glad I caught you."

"Like we'd leave without saying goodbye," Tamamo scoffed.

"Wouldn't we be able to connect here with the Worldgate anyways?" Taylor asked. "So it's not like it's 'goodbye' in the first place."

Crowley tilted his head upward, then let it drop with a heavy sigh. "You miscreants."

Fou snickered sleepily from his spot in Taylor's lap.

The screens resolved into normal readouts, and the one in front of Taylor displayed Tess' face. "Alright. I've fully integrated. Da Vinci and I had to work something out, but I'm the pilot." She sounded extremely pleased with herself.

Crowley shook his head. "So you're ready."

"Looks like," I agreed. "Take care of yourself, okay?"

"I shall. You do the same." Crowley paused. "Keep one thing in mind, however."

I frowned in confusion.

"For this universe we've connected to, a majority of the Beasts have been subverted or defeated. Goetia is in the hands of Roman. Tiamat remains in her realm. Half of the third was slain. The Fourth is with you, half of the Fifth has fallen, and both parts of the sixth are your allies." Crowley's scowl deepened. "Three remain. Be vigilant."

Taylor slowly looked up and at Crowley. "Run that by me one more time?"

He smirked. "I'm sure all will be well. Good luck." The demon turned on his heel and strode out.

"Bye!" I said cheerfully.

"No, I want to hear more about these Beasts." Taylor scowled darkly.

"Oh look at the time," I chirped. "Tess! Start the engines!"

"And here we go…" Tess muttered with a small grin.

Cu grunted. "More Beasts. Fantastic. Can't have just a normal fight with a normal fighter, always needs to be some fate of the world shit…" he grumbled good-naturedly.

"Oh please, you love it." Tamamo snickered behind her sleeve.

Fou perked up. "We're going? We're going!?"

"The Director has left, the door is sealed, and we are ready to go!" Tess announced. "Everyone get in your seats, we're about to hit Imaginary Number Space!"

I scrambled for a chair next to Taylor as Cu simply dematerialized.

"Stay physical for interdimensional travel!"

He sat in a chair behind a console of his own, reappearing. "Fine," he said with a smirk.

Fou settled down into Taylor's lap as the engines started, a harsh thrum carrying through the Shadow Border.

"Once more… best of luck. You'll need it," Crowley's voice echoed through the speakers.

The inside of the Spirit Grave began to melt and blend together as the vehicle pitched forward. Slowly, everything faded to black as we continued to move.

"Well that was fast," Tess commented. "We're underwater now."

"Wait, like water-water?" Taylor asked.

"Yes. There's some mildly hostile beings in here, but they're being frightened away by something. No big readings behind, so probably us. I think we're coming up to some kind of shore, though?" Tess sounded more intrigued than anything.

I felt my breath catch.

"Mattias?" Taylor asked.

"He said as much," I muttered. "We're in the Realm of Darkness, and getting close to some kind of dark shore."

He'll need training. You'll find it before him.

I grit my teeth and exhaled. There was one person in the Realm of Darkness that I knew of who could train Sora in how to use a Keyblade.

"Full speed ahead, keep an eye out for one to two humanoid figures," I ordered. "At least one will be a woman with blue hair."

"There's someone on the beach," Tess acknowledged. "No visual yet."

Taylor looked at me. "Who is it?" she murmured.

"Someone who's been in this starless hell for far longer than she's deserved."

"We're breaking the surface! Projecting forward view."

In the place of a windshield, an image appeared.

"Oh." Tamamo's voice was faint.

"Well. Now we know where she went." Cu's amusement was palpable.

Joan of Arc, the Dragon Witch, stood watch over a shocked Keyblade Master Aqua, who was looking out to sea.

"Run her over?" Taylor offered.

I glared at her.

"What?" She blinked innocently.

Fou let out a strangled noise, waving his tiny paws. "Well! We found her real quick!"

"Tess, get us onto the beach and open the hatch," I said as I stood up. "We have a Keyblade Master to retrieve. And her Servant." I rubbed my face.

"Adventure!" Taylor cheered in a deliberate monotone.

Cu watched me with a fond smile as I made my way towards the door.

"Bring back some cookies!" Fou called.

"Don't get burned!" Tamamo offered brightly.

I flipped them off and kept walking.

A/N: And with that, I've worked through my backlog of pre-written stuff. From here on in, it's post as I write.

Just so no one is alarmed, I do intend to show Ritsuka's reunion with Da Vinci and Roman. The planned setup for the rest of this arc is: the first Daybreak (when Lisa met MoM), the Night of Destiny/Meet Aqua (Destiny 1.3), and then an Interlude before Traverse Town (where the reunion takes place with some other fluff/slice of life).
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Daybreak: Introductions
Daybreak: Introductions

Daybreak Town. A wide, sprawling burg with colorful characters. As Lisa made her way through, she became rapidly aware that she stuck out like a sore thumb.

Everyone was brightly smiling, had an otherworldly mismatch of clothes, and at least two belts if not more. Lisa could pull off… one of those. Maybe.

ZZ and Hans didn't seem to draw much attention, but Fortuna and Scathach definitely did - maybe it was a dark colors thing?

Well, either way, her Tattletale outfit with its black-and-lavender color scheme was getting a lot of side-eye.

"Okay gang," Lisa said, turning to face her group. "We need to find this 'Master of Masters' as soon as possible, and show him this letter." She held up an envelope sealed with an odd emblem - a Heart atop a pointed cross, with wings coming out to the sides. "From there on in, we play it by ear and figure out exactly what it is we have to do."

"Fantastic. How open-ended. Nothing could go wrong," Scathach muttered.

"Why're you whining? You're immortal!" ZZ pointed out.

"Strictly speaking, we all are to some extent," Hans noted idly.

"Speaking of, how does your 'longevity' work?" Fortuna asked. "I'd like to know how closely we'll need to watch you to make sure you don't die."

"Well, my aging is pretty much set in stone. It's not happening. And short of something specifically made to erase something else from existence, I'm kind of a fixed point in time. Which isn't as great as you'd think," Lisa explained. "I can be injured, but I reset. Kind of like Alabaster did but immediate."

"Decided Grail didn't get to be the only one who could shrug off nukes, huh?" ZZ drawled.

"Hey, from what I heard, Beast V wrecked him but good." Lisa crossed her arms. "And now we're wasting time. Where's the guy supposed to be?"

"Big-ass clocktower?" ZZ offered, pointing up.

And up.

And up.

"Sounds about right." Scathach smirked.

"Alright. We need two out here, and one with me and Hans. Who volun-"

"I do." Fortuna gave Lisa a long look. "I have the most versatility at a moment's notice."

ZZ grinned. "And I can wreak havoc out here if things get bad in there. If these guys rule the school, then they're obligated to save the locals if I go all out."

"Let's save the Endbringer attack as plan Z. On the table, but very far down," Lisa said with a wave of her hand. "If all else fails, go for the clock face."

"Hit the face, ring the bells. Sounds like my usual tactics." Scathach smirked.

"Har, har. Hilarious." Lisa shook her head. "Fortuna, Hans. Let's go."

The woman and the boy followed her as she made her way through the empty streets to the ground floor of the clocktower.

Past-viewing and analysis indicate that the password to go higher is-

"Heart." Lisa tapped the keys inside the elevator. "Seriously, these people are obsessed with hearts."

"Grail did mention such things when Vanitas emerged," Fortuna noted. "At least we can view the past and meddle with the future."

"Assuming no one tries to stop us. We don't know how the magic here works." Hans fiddled with his tablet.

Lisa held a hand up as the elevator slowed to a halt. There wasn't a ding or any sort of light.

Elevator halting due to outside influence. Not related to password.


"Look alive, you two," Lisa muttered. "We've got attention."

Fortuna produced a small pistol, and checked the stock and safety. It was a formality, Lisa knew, but the act was likely a calming one.

Hans examined his tablet, frowning slightly.

The doors hissed open far more smoothly than they had closed when they got in the elevator. Lisa squinted against the sudden light that gradually faded. When her eyes cleared enough, she took stock.

The study was spacious, with a window facing the setting sun. There were multiple bookshelves, a large oaken desk, and multiple large, plush chairs. The room was relatively long, and Lisa could tell that it would take a minute or so to cross it normally.

Behind the desk sat a person in a black cloak.

"So my visitors finally decide to grace me with their presence," he said in a mild tone. "Not Ira or any of the usual suspects. Come in, why don't you?" He folded his hands. "I'm fascinated as to how you managed to get this far. My password is fairly simple, but that's because it's hidden behind those of the Foreteller's. That, and if anyone gets to me they either deserve my attention… or deserve my attention."

The temperature in the room plummeted, and Lisa shivered as she saw her breath crystallize in front of her.

"So! Come in, mind your step, and do try to make this worth my time in one way or another." The man's tone remained conversational as he wrote in a thick tome with black binding.

Fortuna placed a hand on Lisa's shoulder, and Lisa exhaled as she felt her core temperature rise slightly.

"Thanks," she murmured. She began to walk forward, Fortuna keeping contact as Hans kept pace.

As they got closer, Lisa took a look at him on a whim.

Computation error. Insufficient processing.

Lisa's breath caught. She'd figured out her Shard had somehow become symbiotic and capable of travelling in a pocket dimension - it was how she had made it off of Earth-Bet in the first place - but she didn't think that decreased its potency. If anything, the transformation Grail had forced on the Shards seemed to strengthen them in focus, if not scope. For it not to read this person…

She closed her eyes, then opened them. Her eyes widened, and she stumbled, Fortuna catching her.

"Ah, those eyes. Is that a threat, or are you just curious?" the man asked, looking up. She couldn't see under his hood. Nor could she see any lines or points. He just… was.

"My power didn't work on you, so I wanted to see what information I could get," Lisa explained once she recovered seconds later.

"Hm… pericognition? Something like that, I suppose." The man set his pen down, and blew on the pages of the book before closing it. He folded his hands. "Though that you turned them 'on' indicates you can turn them 'off', which I don't recall being a feature of the Eyes that See Death."

Lisa blinked, and the lines and dots vanished.

"Like so," the man mused. "How interesting." The room's temperature climbed to normal, and the frost that had begun to coat the room evaporated instantaneously. "Tell me, what is your name?"

"Lisa Wilbourn." She frowned. "Who are you?"

The man laughed. "You come into my city, into my sanctum, and you don't know who I am?" Though she couldn't see his face, Lisa assumed he was smiling. "Oh, you are a treat."

Lisa scowled. "I just got an address, not an addressee. One letter, top of the Daybreak clocktower." She tossed the envelope on his desk.

The man stared at the emblem on the envelope. "...where did you get this?" He lifted it gingerly.

"Someone." No point in exposing her source. I'd like to live long enough to become that person, thanks.

"I see." He leaned back in his chair, and put his hands in his lap, leaving the envelope in place.

"Does the emblem have significance?" Hans asked.

"This is my seal. Attempts to recreate it end poorly." He gazed at Hans. "You are very young. Far too young for a traditional summoning of Servants. What Beast arose that you were considered a requisite?"

"Right. So this is my Servant, Hans Christian Andersen," Lisa said with a gesture. "He's a Caster."

The man turned his attention back to her. "So that's all begun by now? The Grail Wars."

Fortuna cleared her throat. "My name is Fortuna. Foreigner-class Servant."

"And that is not a Grail War class," the man said coolly. "The Grand Order? And what outer god possesses you?"

"None. I've been merged with an Entity that called itself Eden, the Thinker. It's an amalgam of creatures that exemplify different powers."

The man leaned forward. "Yes, I can see that. But there's… more…" his voice trailed off. "Eve."

Fortuna nodded once.

He collapsed backwards, and rubbed his hands together. "Ah."

"So… this is a ways back in the past to deliver a letter," Lisa said.

His head snapped up. "Time travel?" he asked sharply. "How do you have a body of your own?"

"My Magic." Lisa smirked. "Fifth Magician Lisa Wilbourn, at your service."

The man stood. "What is it called?" His tone was icy.

"Blue. I control entropy, consumption, and can move along the roads of time. It's easier when working with Kaleidoscope, the Second Magic. I can also see the lines of death, and the branches of fate." Lisa crossed her arms, then froze. "Why did I tell you that?"

"Because I asked, and you are in my sanctum." He paused. "Though a great many other things being in my presence would cause seem to not be affecting you. Your abilities function, your Magic continues. Interesting."

Truth compulsion, comprehensive. Drawback: causes people to lose trust.

Lisa's eyes narrowed.

Cannot focus on cause, can extrapolate from effect. General disruptive influence, 'enforced failure'.

"Right. So your problem is that your power messes you up as much as the people around you." Lisa frowned.

"It doesn't matter if I can direct it or not, it's a curse, not a power." The man's voice was bitingly cold. "And I thought your little power didn't work on me."

"It doesn't, but your room is fair game."

"Lisa," Fortuna warned.

"'re immune." The man's voice was soft, wondering. "You're immune to my… give me a moment."

He unzipped the upper part of his cloak, and lowered his hood.

Everything went black.

When Lisa came to, she was standing across the room from where she started, Kanesada Kuji in her grip and aimed at thin air.

"The fuck?" she whispered hoarsely.

"My face inspires that effect." The man's tone was dry. "I managed to evade and cover up before real damage was done to any of you."

Lisa turned to see Fortuna shaking as she put her gun away, and Hans slowly emerge from behind a chair with light shimmering around his hand.

"So you are immune to the curse I share, but not the one I bear. Good to know." The man sat himself at the desk. "Please, sit."

Lisa approached warily, and took a chair. Fortuna and Hans did the same.

The owner of the study opened the envelope with a small knife, and removed the letter. "You may address me as the Master of Masters. My True Name is not for any of you." He paused as he read. "I see. This is from…" He looked up. "Who did you say gave you this?"

"I didn't."

"Were they a man?" the Master of Masters asked.

"No," Lisa responded, eyes narrowed. Too much didn't make sense.

"So a woman? Or none of the above?" He tilted his head. "Ah, I see. It was a 'you' of that time. If you can bend entropy and the timestream, surviving from now until then would be child's play. It's all a matter of power, and yours has been bolstered by… by…" His voice faltered.

He turned to the window, and a soft blue glow emanated from beneath his hood. "So I complete… then… And you… it?" His voice was bewildered.

"Sir?" Hans asked slowly.

The Master of Masters whirled on his heel. "Right. I need to go bother that witch Altrouge, address Crowley, and…" He held his hands in front of them, forcing them into fists. "Right. Right, none of that comes to pass without you."

"Why?" Lisa folded her arms.

"Because without your help, your friend the First will not enter existence as you know him," the Master said calmly. "And I want this as badly as you. Your life has clearly been changed by him, from what I saw of you through the Eyes. I can see through them all - even the ones I have yet to create. Sometimes I discard possibilities by not making the Eyes in question, but…" He straightened his shoulders. "I cannot create a happy future. I can do a great many things, but that is my burden, both on myself and all those around me. I've been punished, but now I need to atone, properly."

"So things malfunction?" Fortuna asked.

"No. Things that can go wrong, will. It can be circumvented by the Fifth Magic, or the First in hands unaffected by my curse."

"Properly atone?" Hans gazed at the Master of Masters.

"I've tried, but unfortunately the inability to make anything good applies to any works I create. I can build a city, but it will always go to ruin. I can create an organization, but infighting will break out." He held up his hand, and a massive key appeared for a moment, then vanished. "The Keyblades function partly because they're ingrained into this universe - I merely adapted them - and partly because I've included enough harmful functions that they can be used for great evil as well as good. The hearts of men are easily swayed, after all," he finished bitterly.

"So you need me to do your legwork, or to be around you to keep your curse from biting us at crucial junctures," Lisa surmised.

Fortuna and Hans exchanged a glance.

"Precisely. I think you might be able to confer your partial immunity onto others, at least in a limited fashion. Part of it is from exposure to an element I can't place, but another is your own Magic," the Master explained.

Lisa slowly nodded. "Alright. And this will all help make sure Grail comes to be?"

"Grail?" he asked.

"Mattias Sanderson is his most current name," Hans stated. "Grail is his sobriquet as a superhero."

The Master let out a cheerful laugh. "Ah, I see. Reincarnation, then? Didn't think it'd pass along that way. Good, I'll remember that." He sighed. "You must tell me what he's like at some point."

Lisa pursed her lips. "We'll see. I need to talk to my compatriots outside."

"Alright," the Master said with a shrug. "But I suppose…?"

"I'll work with you, but I'm not calling you 'Master' in private. Public I guess, since it sounds like a title," Lisa said flatly.

"Bad experiences, hm? I can get that. Let's see…" The man rubbed his hands together as Lisa stood to go.

"I'm sure you'll think of something." She motioned to the Servants, and they joined her.

"Oh, probably," he agreed.

The three made their way to the elevator.

"Do feel free to come back. We still have much to discuss." The Master of Masters continued to stare at the letter.

Lisa didn't respond.

"Is everything alright?" Scathach asked urgently.

"I had to keep her from busting in when we felt that wave of power," ZZ said tiredly. "She was ready."

"It was a little touchy, but… I think he knew we were coming." Lisa looked up at the clocktower. "So we're working together to make sure the First ends up in Grail's hands, instead of some rando's. Closed loop, then?"

Scathach frowned. "Lisa, there's something you need to know."

"There's a way out of this hell after all," the Master murmured. He stared at the mirror before him. It'd take sacrifice, and this timeline would be fraught with toil… but the sacrifices would be his, and not others. There was a road to end the wars of light and dark, to…

He'd be back. Not really, but someone like him? His biggest regret, resolved, though not solved. Closure, a chance for atonement…

He had to play this right. Luxu's path would be radically different, and he would have to muster the Foretellers and Unions - while still preparing for the inevitable with the Dandelions.

And Lisa was the crux. Everything revolved around her and her Magic.

Altrouge had taken the contract, and he had paid in power. She would be able to best her sister, but knowing his luck, she wouldn't be able to channel Crimson Moon or gain his bloc in the Dead Apostle Ancestors.

Crowley knew what to do, if not why.

The next moves were coming clear as his eyes gazed forward, and he brushed his face with a gloved hand.

"Soon," he promised. Once he'd convinced Lisa of the necessity of it.

Slow and steady, so as not to attract unwanted attention. He was not the only power in these worlds.

He inhaled, then used his power to send a message.

The game began.

Lisa frowned down at her phone.

What Scathach had said seemed impossible, but…

New universe, new rules.

<UNKNOWN: Hello, Lisa. We've got a long road ahead of us, so I suppose I should let you know a little of what you're in for.>

<UNKNOWN: There is one being greater than me, and he expects my loyalty. Ours isn't the only game in town, so we'll need to be discreet. But, we play this right? We can win it all, for everyone.>

Lisa typed.

<AllSeeingEye: Uh-huh. And let me guess, he's got an eye out for any mention of his names or titles?>

<UNKNOWN: Like you wouldn't believe. If I even breathed of his plan, even without mentioning him? We'd both be goners. You Saw me, so you know what that means.>

She did.

<AllSeeingEye: Right. So now what?>

<UNKNOWN: Well… I know to gain your trust, I'll need to extend some.>

Lisa's frowned in confusion.

<V: In private, you may call me V.>
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Destiny 1.3
Destiny: 1.3

Against all odds, I didn't get burned on sight. That did not mean, however, that my welcome was warm.

"Who the fuck are you?" Joan snarled, pointing her flag at me. "Don't come any closer. How did you get on the Shadow Border? Where's my Master?"

Aqua looked between Joan and myself, slowly drawing her Keyblade. She seemed confused and wary and- ah.

In the game, she went through a palette swap, but that was the worst thing that happened. No signs of ten years in a pitch-black hell, aside from mental and emotional.

Real life is different.

Her visible skin bore scars, her hair was matted, and despite the strength I still saw in her eyes, she also showed clear signs of malnourishment. Could magic substitute for food? Was it the dilation of time that enabled her to survive as long as she had? Did she find-

"Answer me."

I swallowed. "Sorry. Some things were… different than I was led to believe. My name is Mattias Sanderson. The Border is on loan, and Ritsuka is on my homeworld. It is a safe place, and getting safer and more advanced by the day."

"That so? Then what's it called?" Joan asked as she planted her flag in the sand.

Aqua slightly lowered her weapon, seemingly content to let Joan take the lead. She didn't seem distressed, which was good.


Joan inhaled sharply. "You're shitting me."

"You know that place, Joan?" Aqua asked, finally speaking up.

"It's a goddamn hell world. There's titans that have humanity on the ropes, fucking hero-villain fights with shitloads of collateral, and who knows what. Hell, Archimedes set up shop there." Joan scowled. "It's where I got called and corrupted."

Aqua squinted at me, lifting her weapon. "How is that world safe?"

"Because my friends and I saw to the death of those titans, the worst of the villains, and no small amount of warlords. Because Archimedes is also dead. Because we've introduced technological advancements that have propelled society ahead by decades, and are always working to disseminate the boons we have to the world at large." I opened my parasol and swung it over my shoulder.

"So that shit Prelati's dead too?"

I nodded, grimacing. "Yes. The Fourth Magician saw to that."

Joan gave a savage grin. "Good. That little fucker creeped me out."


We looked to Aqua, who still stood warily.

"Can we trust him?"

Joan tilted her head. "Well, he's our one way out at the moment, so options are limited. He doesn't have the 'too nice to be real' thing going, and he's upfront. I'll give him a chance." Her eyes narrowed. "One. Chance." Black flames danced around her body for a moment before vanishing.

Aqua lowered her Keyblade, the skeleton key she inherited from Eraqus. The name escaped me. "Alright." She exhaled, then smiled. "Sorry. It's been a while since I've seen a friendly face besides Joan."

"Woman, I am not friendly."

I snickered. "Right. Let's get you inside, and I'll get you patched up."

Joan stilled, then narrowed her eyes as she peered at me more closely. "Wait."


Aqua walked past me towards the Shadow Border.

"You're the Grail?"

I grinned at Joan. "It's been a while, hasn't it? Glad to see you're putting the wyverns-from-corpses thing behind you."

Joan's shoulders went up. "I was corrupted! Hell, even in Orleans I just summoned them, not… that!"

I hummed. "Alright, fair."

Joan sighed as we made our way back onto the ship. "I thought Magicians were supposed to pick us up. 'Control' and 'Create'."

"Yeah, I'm 'Create'. First Magician, Mattias Sanderson." I paused. "Wait, how did you know?"


"Nonono, how did you know-"

"Letter from some asshole named Ava-"

I whirled. "WHAT!?"

Joan growled, getting in my face. "Don't you 'what' me, motherfucker! You're the one who was the First Magician all that time!"


We looked up the walkway onto the Border.

Aqua leaned heavily in the doorway, an envelope in her fingers. The seal bore a fox's head.

Yep, that's Ava. Maybe. I'd never seen much content with her in it, so I didn't know her stationary.

"I'd like to get out of here as soon as possible, so if we could? I'll happily let you read the letter." She began to look exhausted.

"How often does she rest?" I muttered to Joan.

"Not fucking often enough. What are the odds I get to see Ritsuka?" she muttered back.

"Good. I have a Worldgate, can have you with her in a few minutes. Gonna want to see to Aqua first, though."

"Guys?" Aqua's voice was strained. "We need to go!"

I blinked, and felt my eyes widen at a shrill whistling. I looked around, then up.

"Oh you've got to be fucking-" Joan bit out.

A mass of land slammed into the coastal waters, a palm tree firmly rooted in it. Slowly, a dull red light began to radiate from the 'sky' as the wind began to howl.

"No wonder there's no Heartless," I griped, running up the gangplank. "They're all on the fucking Destiny Islands!"

Joan followed. "The where now?"

"Idyllic little sunshine spot that just got shivved in the metaphysical heart by a ton of shadow bugs. Now it's 'falling to darkness', which is apparently literal?" I groaned as I slammed my hand into the wall, retracting the gangplank. "Those poor people."

"Walk me through this, short version," Joan commanded.

Aqua shifted, looking away. "It hadn't happened around us, so I hadn't thought… how common is this?"

"It's bad enough Mickey is searching for an answer. Stars are going out - worlds are falling. Joan, this is basically a reversible genocide," I said bluntly. "Planet by planet is getting vortexed away, and people converted to Heartless. It can be undone, but only by two specific weapons in one specific spot in this hellworld. One is being sought by an anthropomorphic mouse, and if my intel is right, his friends. The other will be in the hands of a teenage boy who's about to star in his own version of 'Twister's opening."

"That is the longest way of saying 'we're fucked, stick your head between your legs and kiss your ass goodbye' that I've ever heard," Joan grit out. She rubbed her face, her flag vanishing from her grip.

"Not hopeless, just not great." The door closed as I walked further in. "Aqua, with me. Joan, go to the bridge. Taylor - the Fourth Magician - Cu Chulainn, Tamamo no Mae, and Fou are up there. They can debrief you on most of what you want to know."

Joan grunted and stomped away.

I turned to Aqua and gestured, walking towards the medical bay.

"Mattias, right?" she said.


"There's something I'd like to ask you."


"How do you know my name? You've met Joan, clearly, but I never introduced myself."

I paused outside the door, and turned.

Aqua looked at me expectantly, bags under her eyes.

"It's complicated. I knew you were here, but couldn't reach you without the Shadow Border. I got access recently. We're driving blind, so came across you by luck," I said bluntly. "I know your story because in a world I passed through on the cycle of reincarnation, it was fiction. That's the short version, and you don't want the long one."

Aqua slumped. "Oh." To her credit, she didn't gainsay me - though that could have been because of sheer exhaustion.

I hesitated, then placed a hand on her elbow. "Hey. In all fairness, my knowledge has been shaken up severely, so I can't say what I know or not. Names, sure, but history is fuzzy. It could have been an alternate universe that was fake, or something."

Her expression lightened a little, and she smiled.

I moved to retract my hand, but she put hers over it as I felt the Border begin to move.

"Could you… just hold onto me for a little bit? I haven't seen another person in a long time." She gave a little laugh. "Joan isn't the most… touchy-feely person either."

I exhaled. "Sure. I can do casual contact. That said, let's get you patched up." I walked her into the room, her hand on mine.

Sora's eyes widened as the sound of howling wind hit his ears, causing him to shoot upright in his bed. He scrambled for the window, staring outside.

The skies were pitch black, and from where he was…

"Achilles," he hissed.

"I see it," he said, materializing with a hand on the boy's shoulder.

Riku's boat was missing. As was Kairi's.

Sora leapt out of bed, Achilles moving to let him get to the door. "Mom!" he called.

There was the sound of movement as he opened the door, and his mother appeared in the hall with a worried look.

"Riku and Kairi are on the island," Sora said hurriedly, "and everything feels…"

Oily. Cloying. Stifling.


Tina nodded. "I sense it too. I'll try to evacuate as many people as I can." She bit her lip. "I thought we had more time."

Sora shook his head. "I'll go to the island. I've gotta get to Riku and Kairi!" He dashed off past Tina.

"Sora!" Tina called out, eyes widening. She looked to Achilles.

"I've got him. We'll bring them back safe," the warrior assured her.

Tina watched the man dissolve into golden light, and rubbed her face. "...please." She straightened up, and marched down the hall and out of the house. She had her own tasks to see to.

Sora clambered onto the dock, peering into the dark of the storm-tossed evening.

"Their boats are here," Achilles noted, manifesting in a whirl of gold.

"Yeah…" Sora tensed. Something was clearly off.

Darkness flooded the pale sand, coagulating into pools of pitch. Quickly, writhing limbs began to emerge - too-thin, angular, tipped in small claws. Rotund bodies were next, with large round heads. Yellow coals gleamed beneath wriggling antennae that tasted the air frantically.

"What…?" Sora whispered.

Achilles drew a spear with a wicked crossguard, and held it in front of him. "Alright. I'll hold them here, you go find your friends." His eyes glinted eagerly. "Let's see how well they hold up to a thrashing."

The hero moved.

With a single swipe, three of the creatures were bisected, dissolving into clouds of ink as pink lights shot away from them. The spearhead cut through them smoothly and quickly, with barely any effort on Achilles' part.

More surfaced from dark pools, launching themselves at his back and sides. They latched on, clinging with their little claws and fruitlessly trying to scratch his skin and armor.


His world was wrapped in flames, and the clinging bodies fell, more than half dissolving into smoke.

Achilles blinked, and looked at Sora. The boy stood there, hand outstretched and a look of panic on his face. A trail of ash led from his foot to where Achilles stood.

"Sora, I'm fine," Achilles said with a laugh, closing the distance. "Go. I've got this."

Sora gave a shaky nod, and bolted for the shack near the beach.

Achilles kept an eye on the kid as he wove through the swarm of little bodies, occasionally lashing out with his spear, a fist, or his foot. None of them were durable, but there were a lot.

He paused briefly as a swarm managed to get close to Sora, readied to go to the rescue-

Sora flipped over the front ranks, and spun in midair. Frigid air wrapped around the boy's arms in a hazy cloud, and icicles the size of daggers flew outward in a spread before him. The projectiles impaled the creatures, severely damaging any that weren't outright destroyed.

He landed and burst through the door, slamming it behind him.

...that hadn't even touched Sora's reserves. It wasn't a small spell, and paired with Achilles using his speed and invulnerability? Along with drawing his weapon? He should be taxing the boy's mana at least a bit.

As far as he could tell, Sora hadn't even noticed.

Achilles let out a savage laugh, zipping across the beach and wreaking carnage in his wake.

So we're alike. She might not be a goddess, but Sora definitely received power from his mother too.

I just hope that's all we'll have in common. He's a good kid. Maybe hero material, but not the same kind as me.

Achilles reached, grabbed a shadow by its head, and crushed.

Good kids like him deserve happier lives. Better than this.

Sora fled up the stairs, exploding from the shack's upper level and bolting across the ramshackle wooden bridge. Riku was just… standing there on his island, all while…!

He came to a screeching halt, sand clouding in his wake behind him. The oppressive feel around his best friend had stopped his momentum entirely.

"Riku!" he called out, recovering.

Riku lowered his arms and turned to Sora. "It's time, Sora. The door is open."


"The door is open, Sora! Now we can reach the outside world." Riku's smile was wide, his eyes eager.

"We don't have time for that," Sora said, a sinking feeling in his stomach. "We need to find Kairi and get back to Mom!"

"Kairi's coming with us! Once we step through, we might not be able to come back. We may never see our parents again."

Sora's breath hitched, small motes of light gathering around him.

"There's no turning back… but this may be our only chance. We can't let fear stop us! I'm not afraid of the darkness!" Riku shouted. He reached his hand out towards Sora.

"I am."

Riku's smile froze.

"I've heard so many stories from my mom. Stories of monsters whose hearts were full of nothing but hate and destruction, who ruined worlds! I can feel the powers working on this island, Riku! They're evil!" Sora stepped forward. "We need to get out of here! You, me, and Kairi! I'm not leaving either of you to sink in this!" Light coalesced around his hands, and he ran forward.

Riku stepped back, eyes uncertain. Darkness pooled at his feet, the tendrils reaching upwards and cocooning his body.

"Riku! Give me your hand!" Sora ordered, reaching out.

Darkness erupted, engulfing them both.

Sora cried out, his body radiating silver light that tore through the shadows. A weight wrapped itself around his hand.


Slowly, his vision cleared. The island came back into focus.

Sora looked around, only to see a massive key in his grip. It had a silver shaft and teeth, with a yellow guard. The chain at the end dangled a small, silver shape. If looked at a certain way, it could be a stylized mouse head.

Riku was nowhere to be seen.

Sora let out a shaky breath, and rubbed his eyes with the back of his arm. "Why…?" He shook his head as small shadow-creatures began to emerge on the island. He looked at the key-


"Chirithy?" Sora yelped. He looked around.

Nothing responded but the susurrus of the encroaching shadows.

He held the Keyblade like a sword, testing its weight. It felt familiar enough, and Achilles had taught him a little swordplay. He lunged, swiping at the nearest shadow.

The teeth passed through without resistance, silver flame consuming the darkness.

"...I can work with this," Sora muttered as the shadow vanished. The others began to circle closer.

Sora covered his eyes with his arm as the world erupted in light and thunder, blinking as ash drifted on the wind. A soft sound came from behind him as two slender arms wrapped around his shoulders.

The shadows were gone, and his mother's red-clad arms were holding onto him.

"Come on," Tina said gently. "Let's find Kairi."

Sora nodded shakily, following his mother as she floated ahead.

Ice and flame paved their way forward.

I grimaced as the Border kept noticeably weaving. Luckily, with my practice, healing Aqua was easier than I'd hoped. The Water enveloped her, restoring muscle mass, reducing the wear and tear of her body, and relieving the hypertension she'd been suffering.

The liquid fell, evaporating, and she took a deep breath before opening her eyes.

"You can technically breathe it without issue," I said gently. "Feeling better?"

"So, so much." Aqua sat up from the medbay's bed and stretched her arms out with a sigh. The Shadow Border rocked, and I reached out to steady her so she didn't fall over.

"Right, time to go check in. We need an out, and fast." I grimaced as the vehicle rocked again.

"Agreed." Aqua stood up, arm on my shoulder.

She kept up without issue, so I assumed it was more for comfort than physical stability.

Within minutes, we made it to the bridge.

"Oh good. So the sky is falling," Tamamo said conversationally. Fou's head poked up over a console.

"Literally?" I asked.

"Literally," Taylor confirmed dryly.

As if to corroborate, a chunk of earth slammed into the ground in front of us, forcing Tess to wrench the vehicle to avoid it.

Aqua held onto me as the Shadow Border pitched, eyes wide.

Joan let out a growl as she clutched her chair. "Fucking hell! Why are we still here? Get us the fuck out!"

"I'm trying to triangulate an exit, but the sensors are being scrambled by that vortex," Tess replied. "Right now, evasion is the best I've got!"

Cu looked to me. "Ideas?"

I bit my lip. "Aqua - no. If you could do the portal thing with your Keyblade, you would have."

"Connect this place to the Worlds of Light? Are you insane?" she asked, standing up on her own. She shook her head. "No, you can't know what you were just asking."

"So that answers how that works," I grumbled.

Aqua sighed. "Sorry. But yes, if I had an out I could use without heavy shielding, I would have used it."

"Well, shit." Cu sighed. "Do you think we're close enough to any worlds you know for us to use one of your Gates?"

Aqua shot me a questioning look.

"I open a temporary one-way portal from point A to point B," I explained. "Honestly… it might be worth a shot."

I reached out with my Magic, and hit interference.

"Well?" Joan asked, scowling.

"Give me a minute." I clenched my fist. "Aqua."

Taylor glanced at us as rubble suddenly veered away from the Border.

"Yes?" she said.

"I have a Keyblade, but no clue how to use it. And it's… not mine, exactly."

Aqua's expression firmed. "Let me see it."

"Right. Uh, trauma warning? You know it."

She raised an eyebrow, motioning to me.

I held my hand out, and No Name appeared in my grip.

She stared at it. "How?"

"A man from the Time of Fairytales gave it to me as a gift." I shrugged.


I looked to see Taylor pointing out the front towards an oncoming tsunami of darkness. If I squinted, I could see the small pinpricks of yellow light.

"Demon Tide!" Aqua cried out. She looked to me. "Keyblades amplify native magic. If you use it, it should help." Her expression was tense.

"Well, do or die time cup-boy!" Joan barked out.

Tamamo gripped her mirror, scowling. "Grail…"

Fou snarled. "I got that! Lemme out, lemme-!"

Tess' face appeared on the console. "Mattias! Soon!"

I held the Keyblade up, pointing the tip out in front of us. My power poured into it, and the azure eye gleamed.

Taylor raised a hand, and a swarm of crystalline butterflies formed a web in front of us, trails of light interconnecting. "I've got the defense, now go!"

A pinprick of light shot outwards, travelling through the window without somehow breaking it. A pool of light resolved in front of us, large enough for the Shadow Border to travel through.

The shrieking of the shadows grew louder.

"Floor it!" Cu roared, eyes bright.


We went through.

Sora ran up to Achilles, and threw his arms around the warrior as light shattered the surrounding shadows. Pillars erupted from the ground, tearing through the small bodies, and not even the slightest smoke remained.

"Whoa!" Achilles wrapped an arm around Sora, looking around as Tina dropped from the air onto her feet. "Wait. You did that?"

Tina gave a small smile. "I'm a bit out of practice," she said shyly.

"That was Caster-level stuff," Achilles muttered. "Sora?"

Sora stepped back, and wiped his eyes. "Sorry. Let's go." He sniffled. "We need to find Kairi."

Tina gave a sad smile to Achilles' questioning look, and he knew.

"Okay, "Achilles said. Some things didn't need to be addressed right then.

The two followed Sora to-

"That wasn't there," Achilles said flatly.

Sora nodded. Where his Secret Place used to be was a tall, ornate double door. It was layered with carvings, and had massive handles. He gripped them, and flung the door open. The opening had widened, so he walked in.

He heard Achilles and Tina follow behind him.

Soft sounds came from down the tunnel, and he ran forward.

"Sora!" Tina called out.

It took seconds to reach the main cave.

Kairi stood, staring at the door. It had rotted through, flakes of wood clattering to the ground as black smoke trickled from the edges.

"Kairi!" Sora called out.

She turned, smiling sadly. "Sora."

He ran forward, and she reached out a hand, touching his chest.


"I'm sorry. They're here, and this is the best option I have." Kairi smiled slightly.

Medea coalesced next to her. "I will watch over her body. This I swear to you, on my teachers honor." The witch hovered, cloak over her face.

Sora grit his teeth. "Riku-"

"Will be fine. We'll be fine, Sora," Kairi promised, wrapping her free arm around his ribs and hugging him. She began to glow with a pale white light. "Keep me safe, okay?"

Sora wrapped his arms around her, feeling her body give and vanish.

Medea flickered out of sight as he felt a new warmth in his chest.

Find me when you can.

The door exploded, carrying Sora into Tina as she came up behind him, and the two of them were knocked into Achilles. The Greek fighter hung onto both of them as a black gale carried them away from the cave.

Sora closed his eyes against the tears.

Sora winced as he rolled to his feet, staring up.

The towering… thing… loomed over the three of them as Achilles gripped his spear.

Its head was a mass of tangled black tendrils, with two massive glowing eyes. The body was vaguely humanoid, with vestigial black wings and a cavity in its chest in the shape of a heart.

"This one might be a fight," Achilles growled, lowering his body.

Tina stood, hands glowing. "Not much of one," she murmured.

Sora held his Keyblade, and charged.

The giant moved slowly, placing its hand on the ground. Sora lunged, slashing at its arm and drawing… not blood, but some sort of inky plume with each strike. Achilles was near him, thrusting and slashing right by his side. The wounds seemed to seal as fast as they were made, but somehow Sora knew they were making progre-

"Float!" Tina cried out.

Sora yelped as he was hauled from the ground alongside Achilles, just in time for the earth to shake violently.

What was left of it.

From his new vantage point, Sora could see past the giant - the sea, the islands, they were all gone in a vortex of black. He looked up to see a billowing sphere of red clouds constrained in a black aura, violet rays of light encircling it.

"Eyes front!" Achilles barked. His spear lashed out as the giant stood, clutching a sphere of darkness in its free hand.

Sora's hand shot out, clenched into a fist, and drew back. Vertical bolts of lightning appeared around the creature's head, and closed in a cage of crackling energy that bit into the dark flesh with streams of smoke.

The giant flung the sphere skywards, and it exploded. Smaller spheres rained down quickly.

"Move! Haste!" Tina called out.

Sora felt his limbs lighten, and he skated across the air, evading the falling energy and lashing out as he jumped towards the creature's arms. Embers smoldered around its feet, seemingly doing nothing.

Achilles grit his teeth visibly. "What'll it take to leave a mark on this damn demon?" he snapped.

Sora glanced upwards, and focused. A dim aura appeared around the creature, and he exhaled. "We're weakening it! Just keep it up!" he called.

Achilles flickered in and out of Sora's vision, leaving a stream of darkness sprouting in his wake as he climbed the dark giant with his spear and limbs.

"Sora! Use your magic!" Tina called out, a spray of ice shards slamming into the monster's chest.

Sora raised his Keyblade, light gathering at the tip. "Shine!" he called out, glints of light carving into the giant shadow's arm. After a moment, he lunged forward, and swung the Keyblade.

It connected at the shoulder, knocking the giant back and onto its knees.

Dark light emanated from its chest, and a flood of spheres came cascading out.

Achilles roared, twisting around the onslaught and flinging his spear at the monster's head.

It tore through, and left dark clouds in its wake until Achilles flickered into the air and caught it.

Small white spheres appeared around the creature, hovering. There were hundreds, all suspended in midair as they gleamed despite the dark rain around them.

Sora looked back to see his mother holding her hand up, a grim look in her eyes.


The spheres turned into rays, skewering the dark giant and tearing through it.

The Keyblade jerked in his hands, and Sora aimed it up, arms dragged along. Light gathered at the tip, and a beam emerged with a chime, piercing one of the giant's baleful yellow eyes.

The giant floated upwards, into the dark abyss, its body dissolving.

Sora collapsed, and Achilles was by his side in an instant.

"Not Pankration, but good work, kid," he praised.

Tina floated to his side, glancing behind her. "We're out of time."

"Huh?" Sora glanced around, and saw the edges of their last island crumbling upwards.

"Sora… that weapon. I've heard of it in stories, and I wish I had the time-" Tina began.

"No! You can't leave too!" Sora cried out.

"Sora," Tina tried, only for Sora to reach for her.

She looked to Achilles. "It's a weapon of light. Anyone who fights those things will ally themselves with them. They're called 'Heartless'. That weapon will keep this from happening again - each world has a door, with a 'keyhole'. It can seal it," she said quickly as Sora sobbed in her arms. "I can create a barrier for you two, but I can't follow. I need to see to the evacuees."

Achilles' eyes lit up. "But you'll live, and follow later?"

Tina nodded. "I swear. Please, take care of my son."

Sora gazed up at her, his vision blurred. "Mom, no-"

"I swear." Achilles gently took him in his arms. "I've got you."

"I'll be alright. I will follow as soon as I can. So stay strong for me, okay? Keep moving forward, no matter what," Tina asked, cupping Sora's face in her hands.

"I… I will! Please, don't- don't go forever!"

Haruhiko's face flickered across her vision.

For all he'd grown, Sora was still her little boy.

"I promise. I will see you again someday." Tina kissed his forehead, and stood up, hands outstretched. "I love you, Sora. Proteja."

The fractal barrier formed around Sora and Achilles, just as they were drawn quickly into the sky. Tina watched them go, managing to fight the pull herself. She let out a sharp breath, steeling herself as she flew away.

The looming figure of the airship was before her, and she struggled to reach it before her strength gave out.

Never let it be said she was caught wholly unprepared.

She landed on the deck with a thunk, stumbling. "Is everyone on board?" she asked after marshalling her strength.

Locke - her longtime friend, former thief, and Sora's 'uncle', nodded as he leaned against the wheel. "Setzer let us borrow it, but Blackjack could only carry so many. Your island wasn't super populated, but that was luck."

"And everyone else is gone," Celes said, stepping from around a mast. A former general from her homeland and Locke's wife, she was another dear friend to Tina. "We need to go, too."

Tina nodded heavily. "Sora wouldn't have made it; he's too big for me to carry. That Key and Achilles will keep him safe until I find him, and my spell will keep him safe from the passage."

Locke sighed. "Still, though. If I'd gotten a little closer…"

Celes shook her head. "We can regret later, once we're away and have a means to track Sora down. Traverse Town is our best bet, and that's weeks away."

"Right! Celes, take Tina belowdecks and get her a bed, she looks like death," Locke said with a frown.

Tina let her friend offer a shoulder, and trudged away. She could only pray that Sora would be safe. She'd taught him magic, his friend had taught him to fight. He was sheltered, but that wouldn't matter in the outside world.

Please. Someone find them. Keep him safe. Help him be strong, so he can bear this burden.

I exhaled slowly as Traverse Town came into sight.

"You did it," Aqua said heavily.

I dismissed No Name, holding tightly onto Ideal in its parasol form. "That I did," I said mildly.

I don't like that thing.

"Nice work," Taylor praised as the web of defensive spells dissolved. "Now what?"

"Traverse Town. My plan works like this: Tess parks, you explore with Cu and Tamamo. Fou stays with me and I look around for our wayward islander." I turned to Aqua. "You probably want to see some sunlight, and I know Joan misses Ritsuka. You two will be taking a day or so on Earth-Bet to recuperate." I grimaced apologetically. "Unfortunately, I'll need you here. Sora will need training in how to use a Keyblade, and… you're it. The only one."

Aqua nodded. "Travelling the worlds will be better than sitting on my hands. I have friends that need saving." She paused. "You knew that, didn't you?"

"Ventus' heart is in Sora's body, I think. Healing from combining with Vanitas?"


"Wait, what?" Taylor asked, frowning. "Vanitas? The Heartless guy?"

"He's the lord of Unversed. He's her friend's emotional darkness torn away and made manifest," I explained. "He's pure darkness." I paused. "Or was, if Illyasviel did what she said."

Joan groaned. "Third Magic shit?"

Aqua gave me a questioning look.

"So the Third Magic allows for manifestation and alteration of souls. Illyasviel gave him light," I explained.

Her eyes widened. "Oh." She frowned. "Can she…?"

I shrugged. "She might be able to seperate Terra from Xehanort, but I don't know. Hearts are different from souls, and we don't have a differentiation back home," I explained.

Aqua nodded slowly.

"I… might know a guy. The one who gave me No Name. But that's chancy, and I wouldn't count on it." I scratched the back of my head. "I'll think of something."

Fou leapt onto my shoulder. "He's not completely hopeless, so odds are good! Of course, the goods are odd too…"

"Thanks, Fou," I snarked.

Tamamo giggled. "Don't worry! Mattias is a harbinger of chaos. Evil hates him!"

Cu looped an arm around my waist, eyeing Aqua's hand on my arm. "He's pretty good at saving people, yeah."

Possessive little…

He smirked at me.

Aqua smiled softly. "Right. Um… the people on your homeworld…"

"They're cool. And Joan can tell you all about Ritsuka, probably better than I can," I said reassuringly as I squeezed her hand.

Aqua nodded. "Right. I need to get back into fighting shape," she said after a moment. "But a short break sounds divine."

"Woman, you kick almost as much ass as me," Joan said bluntly. "I figure you'll be fine after a breather."

I exchanged a look with Cu.

Was that… niceness? From Joan?

"Now quit bitching and let's roll! Cup-boy, you first; we need that gate opened! I want to see my Master for a bit before I follow you idiots on a roadtrip across the cosmos so you and some innocent kid don't get killed!" she barked.

...there we go.


"You're coming?" I asked in surprise. "I thought…"

Joan scoffed. "I'm not gonna pussy out on a contract, especially when this knucklehead's going up against some cosmic evil. I'm definitely going to abuse the shit out of your fast travel, but I'm not turning my back on you lot. You'd all die in a day without my power."

Taylor raised an eyebrow.

"Except maybe you. You look kind of like a badass," Joan allowed.

Taylor's expression returned to neutrality.

"Like calls to like?" I chirped.

Joan gave me a disgusted look as Tamamo tittered behind her sleeve.

I held my hands up and walked them towards the Worldgate without further discussion.

Joan marched through after it spun up, but Aqua paused.

"If you want to stick with me, I don't mind," I offered. "I only suggested this because Earth-Bet has more natural light than Traverse Town. If we were headed to Olympus or somewhere, I'd ask you to stay."

Aqua gave me a small smile. "That's considerate. Um… if it's not too much trouble…"

I perked up. "Yeah?"

"Would you mind sitting down with me sometime? I want to know what you know, and what you think you know. It's better if we don't act on faulty information," she said. She smiled again. "Also, I'd like to get to know the person who saved my friend and I better."

I grinned. "Sure thing."

Fou coughed. "He's spoken for," he said haughtily.

"Hm? Oh, that's not-" Aqua broke off with a laugh, smiling brightly. "There's someone I liked. Well, still like."

I nodded. "Yeah, I didn't think- well," I cut myself off with a sheepish smile. "You know what I mean."

Aqua nodded. "Exactly. Hm, the man in blue-?"

"Cu, yeah."

Her smile turned sly. "Broad, handsome, and looks like a fighter. You, sir, have good taste."

I sputtered, feeling my face turn red.

Aqua giggled. "We'll have to swap stories," she said with a wink. "After I get back from my little vacation."

I laughed. "Sounds like a plan, Aqua." I waved at her as she turned with a wave of her own and went through the Worldgate.

The rainbow faded.

"We've parked at the town entrance," Tess' voice rang out over the intercom.

I exhaled, and produced my top hat, placing it on my head. "Ready for a night on the town?" I asked Fou.

Fou snickered, and curled up around my neck. "Eh, sure. Just try not to win the hearts of any maidens or youths, yeah? Cu'll be sad."

I rolled my eyes. "Please don't jinx me."

Fou cackled as I made my way to the others.

I smiled at Cu as he kissed my cheek.

"You guys'll be fine?" he asked, eyes fixed on mine.

"Yeah, we'll be good. I mean, we're just a wandering TYPE and a Beast, however will we get into trouble?" I grinned.

"Naaaaah," Fou sneered teasingly.

Cu held his hands up. "Fine, fine. I'll scout the area outside the market district."

"If you run into a big enough fight, ping me," I said firmly. "And if the same happens with us, I'll call you in."

Cu relaxed slightly. "Good." He gave me a brief hug, then vanished in a sharp updraft. I caught sight of him hopping roofs a block or so away.

Taylor and Tamamo wandered into what I recalled being an item shop. I wondered if Donald Duck's nephews ran this one too…?

I stepped forward, and towards the accessory shop. Now, where to start… Cid? Somewhere else?

"Hey, pulse your aura," Fou said with a grin. "If anyone from our side of the universe is around, that'll let them know we're here."

I opened my mouth, then closed it. Sora most likely would have a Servant.

Damn it, why didn't I think of that!?

I gathered in my strength, and forced it out in a wave as I walked down the alley where I recalled Sora landing in the original tale.

Merlin stared as Emil floated in midair while 9S stared in shock.

"Well, I'm evicting you two. Have fun on your road trip to find your friends!" the mage chirped.

"...someone who can help just showed up, didn't they," 9S said flatly.

"The person to help arrived," Merlin corrected.

Emil perked up. "I hope they're nice!"

Merlin laughed. "Oh, you'll see," he said with a smile. "Tell him I sent you. He wears a lot of blue, and has a parasol. Trust me, you'll know him on sight."

"It's starting! It's starting!" the Master said excitedly.

Ava sighed as she sat on his desk. "About time," she mused wistfully.

"Hm. Let's see if he's as impressive as you guys think," Luxu muttered. He ducked a book that flew through the air.

Sora slowly woke, leaning against Achilles' side.

"Well I'm awake," the Servant said with wide eyes. "Very awake."

He looked around as he heard a light whistling, rubbing his eyes.

Tp. Tp. Tp.

A man with dark hair, bright blue eyes, and a blue suit and top hat strode around a pile of boxes. He peered at Sora and Achilles, his eyes widening on seeing the latter. His eyes turned to Sora, and he frowned slightly as he rubbed his cheek.

A small furry creature around his neck stared at Sora with violet eyes, its ears perked up.

The man set his parasol on the boxes, and got down on one knee, leaning his arm on the other.

"Who are you?" Sora croaked.

"You've been through a lot," the man said quietly. He exhaled, eyes roaming Sora's face. "My name's Mattias Sanderson. You?"

"S-sora." Sora rubbed his face.

Mattias reached a hand forward. "C'mon. Let's get you cleaned up and a meal in you, and you can tell me what happened. I'm gonna do what I can to help."

It had been a hellish night. Riku had gone into darkness. Kairi had entrusted her heart to him, and vanished. His world had ended, and his mother was off in the cosmos searching for him.

All Sora had left was Achilles, and now this man in front of him with honest eyes and a gentle smile.

With a dry sob, he pitched himself forward and gripped Mattias tightly.

I gazed at who could only be Achilles as I hugged his Master gently, and he gave me a wry smirk.

"Well. This is rapidly becoming complicated," I said in embarrassment.

He laughed helplessly, and I found myself in the middle of the most confusing group hug I'd ever been in.

"The fuck's going on?" Fou grumbled.

"I'll tell you when I find out," I replied.
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