Keyblader Apprentice Quest (Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep)

I think we all want to make our friends the most important thing to us. But do we do that through the music we share with them, the years of training alongside them, or the time before we met them that provides context to why they're so amazing?
[x] Your love of music.
-[X] Specifically songs sung in the company of friends and the joy your music brings to them
[x] Your love of music.
-[X] Specifically songs sung in the company of friends and the joy your music brings to them
[x] Your love of music.
-[X] Specifically songs sung in the company of friends and the joy your music brings to them
[x] Music

In the end, the answer to that question is clear. Your love of music, the rush when a song comes together, and the sheer wonder of listening to a wonderful melody with friends at your side. It's not just an activity you love, but a part of you that you've held close since those long days of desperately fighting off endless waves of Dark Ones in order to survive.

A lone solace that helped to keep your mind intact and your heart vibrant with light and hope.

As the memories flow through your head, your Keyblade reacts, engulfing itself in an aura of light that shifts into an unfamiliar shape. When it finishes, the true form of your weapon is revealed.

When it finishes you give your weapon a look over.

The grip of your Keyblade now resembles the pipes of a brass instrument, complete with a horn that opens up into the main length of the weapon. The blade looks much like a staff from a piece of sheet music, with several small notes decorating the edge itself. Finally, the end of your Keyblade is decorated with two notes jutting out the top of your weapon with a G Clef forming the very end of your Keyblade, an odd shape no one would want to get hit with.

Keyblade Effect: When you have a song active you are protection but a cylindrical barrier that resembles the Staff on a piece of sheet music. This barrier has limited durability an can be broken but will eventually return after a moderate period of time.

Well… you have to say you really like this Keyblade.

"Very good Scena." Master Yen Sid's words draw your attention from your Keyblades new shape. Where he was simply standing before, you now see two orbs of magic gathering in his hands. "Now we shall depart for Keyblade Graveyard. I only hope that we get there in time to assist Master Eraqus and his students…."

With a flash of light, the two of you vanish.


The next thing you know, you're once again standing in the Keyblade Graveyard. You have to say, you didn't expect to end up in this place again after you conversation with Xehanort earlier.

Nor did you expect any fight in this place to get so intense - well, apart from the fight that created the Graveyard in the first place of course.

At a glance you see two armored figures facing off against one another. You don't know who either of them are - you haven't seen either of those suits before - but the might of their blows alone tell you they both possess immense powers. Aqua is also present, fighting some wierdo with an eyepatch. You're kind of surprised she hasn't iced him yet, but you suppose he must have some card up his sleeve. More noticeably, Vanitas is fighting Ventus, though to your pleasant surprise it seems as if Ventus has the upper hand. Even as you watch, several explosions of dark energy fly out in the distance. Something about them makes you feel on edge.

What do you do?
[x] One of the two figures has to be on your side. Investigate.
[x] Help Aqua!
[x] Help Ventus!
[x] Go check out that darkness! Magic being thrown around like that could get very serious!
Adhoc vote count started by undead frog on Oct 1, 2018 at 9:09 PM, finished with 22 posts and 12 votes.

  • [x] Start up a song to give Terra an extra boost.
    [x] Go check out that darkness! Magic being thrown around like that could get very serious!
    -[X] Since it worked so well last time, start up the Song of Storms, so you can surprise Xehanort.
    [x] One of the two figures has to be on your side. Investigate.
    -[X] Song of Transportation, if Terra can teleport he can overcome Xehanort without having to worry about dodging.
    [x] DARKNESS!
    [x] Keep to the skies and shoot spells into the mix.
    [x] Fly in close and attack whenever you have an opening.
    [x] Write in.
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[x] Go check out that darkness! Magic being thrown around like that could get very serious!
[x] Go check out that darkness! Magic being thrown around like that could get very serious!

Probably Terra and Xehanort. Let's try and keep any bodysnatching from taking place, shall we?

At a glance you see two armored figures facing off against one another. You don't know who either of them are - you haven't seen either of those suits before - but the might of their blows alone tell you they both possess immense powers.
Anyone got any idea who these guys are?

EDIT: Actually, now that I stop to think about it, I think they're Eraqus and No Heart.
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When have a song active you are protection but a cylindrical barrier that resembles the Staff on a piece of sheet music.
When have a song active
->this does not make sense
->needs a comma at the end of the clause
->I think you mean, "When you have a song active,..." are protection but...
->I think you mean, " are protected by..."

...the Staff on a piece of sheet music.
->Also called "the musical staff" or "the grand staff"
[x] Go check out that darkness! Magic being thrown around like that could get very serious!
[x] Go check out that darkness! Magic being thrown around like that could get very serious!
[x] Go check out that darkness! Magic being thrown around like that could get very serious!

Summoning your wings, you take to the skies and begin traveling in the direction of the powerful blasts of Darkness. Something that strong can't be a coincidence, and the lack of Terra in any of the other fights you'd been watching has you worried that he's involved in it.

Thankfully your nice set of wings makes actually getting over to the fight an easy prospect, giving you a good view of the cause of the explosions.

It's Terra, and he's in a fight with Master Xehanort. Both of them appear to be using the Darkness to some extent but the old man certainly seems far deeper into it than your old friend is.

Still, Terra is nothing if not strong and so far has done a great job of holding his own against the older and more experienced Keyblade master.

But… something about this fight has you on edge. Something feels wrong about it, and a part of you can't help but wonder if Master Xehanort has some goal to this beyond just beating Terra in a fight.

You quickly dismiss the thought. Whether this is true or not your friend is still engaged in a fight to the death with a powerful Keyblade Master, and despite a surprisingly good performance against a superior opponent, he's still on the back-foot….

You need to help him!

But how?
[x] Keep to the skies and shoot spells into the mix.
[x] Start up a song to give Terra an extra boost.
[x] Fly in close and attack whenever you have an opening.
[x] Write in.

OOC: Sorry for the shortness of the update, but I figured you'd want to decide what to do for the actual fight.
Alright. So we may have a chance to interrupt Xehanort's body snatch.

One problem, we don't know he's going to body snatch.

This leaves our best bet as end the fight ASAP before he can get a chance to pull the about...

[X] Start up a song to give Terra an extra boost.
-[X] Since it worked so well last time, start up the Song of Storms, so you can surprise Xehanort.

Hit him hard, hit him fast, and keep him from pulling any funny business.
[X] Start up a song to give Terra an extra boost.
-[X] Since it worked so well last time, start up the Song of Storms, so you can surprise Xehanort.

Hopefully the Song will still be going when he tries to stab himself, so we can blast him before he can actually do it.
[x] Start up a song to give Terra an extra boost.
-[X] Song of Transportation, if Terra can teleport he can overcome Xehanort without having to worry about dodging.

He won't be able to steal his body if his body's not there.
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