[x] Grab Mickey and run for it! You need to keep that thing at a distance!
-[x] Try to blast the Drawer with lightning from the Song of Storms while you do that.
[x] Grab Mickey and run for it! You need to keep that thing at a distance!
-[x] Try to blast the Drawer with lightning from the Song of Storms while you do that.
You will not see your friend hurt! You don't care that it's just a training exercise or if the damage won't be anything major. You haven't had actual friends before Mickey, and now that you have them you won't let them get hurt! That's a promise to yourself and all those you consider friends!
With your decision already made, you summon your Keyblade and rush headlong into the danger.
'Don't worry Mickey! I won't let that fiendish furniture finagle its way into another attack!'
Making use of your wings for the first time in combat, you fly faster then you'd ever dared to prior to this fight, making it just in time to obstruct the Drawer from giving Mickey a nasty smack. It brings its giant Broom sword down in an attempt to strike him, but you raise your Keyblade in a desperate attempt to stop the broom before it can land a solid blow on your friend…
And to your utter shock, manage to stop the Broom before it can make impact.
The sheer force of the Drawer's sword is immense. In fact, you don't think you've ever experienced a blow this powerful, yet alone blocked one. But you do not waver all the same, not now when the chips are down.
Still, while you aren't sure how long you'll be able to keep the Drawer from knocking you to the side, you do your best to hold it off for as long as you can. If you can't fight off an animated piece of furniture to protect your friend, how can you even hope to fight off the Dark Ones in order to protect the worlds?
Unfortunately, even with all of your determination you still find yourself being forced back by the Drawer, it's raw physical strength proving too much for a magic focused apprentice like yourself to hold back.
And then suddenly the Drawer breaks in half, revealing… "Mickey!"
"Thanks for saving me from the last blow, Scena!" Mickey turns and gives you a thumbs up. "I'm sorry I couldn't get back up and give that big palooka his walloping sooner!"
"It's fine, Mickey." You give you friend a tired smile. "I'm just glad it didn't knock you out."
This whole lesson has taught you one thing:
What was it?
[x] Magic can't always help: Raise your Strength score by one.
[x] You need to be fast if you want to stay in the fight: Raise your Speed score by one.
[x] Combat is dangerous not only to yourself, but to your friends: Learn the Cure spell.
[x] Deflector Shields are annoying: Learn the Reflect Spell.
After the lesson, Master Yen Sid decides to take mercy on you, and gives you the rest of the night to yourselves. A good part of you thinks that was probably due to the extreme difficulty of the actual test, but you aren't going to say no to some break time after fighting such a strong enemy. And that enemy was furniture! You'll never be able to look at craftsmen the same way ever again…
Still, breaks are meant to be enjoyed:
What do you do with your break?
[x] Work on your songs. It's been a while since you've practised!
[x] Work on your physical skills. The latest test has shown them to be rather lacking.
[x] Hang out with your friend of course!
[x] Work on your Fairy traits. Some of the abilities you've gained from looking into your biology were pretty cool…
Adhoc vote count started by undead frog on Jan 11, 2018 at 7:39 PM, finished with 20 posts and 13 votes.
[x] Combat is dangerous not only to yourself, but to your friends: Learn the Cure spell.
[x] You need to be fast if you want to stay in the fight: Raise your Speed score by one.
[x] Work on your physical skills. The latest test has shown them to be rather lacking.
[x] Combat is dangerous not only to yourself, but to your friends: Learn the Cure spell.
Healing spells are always good to have.
[x] Work on your physical skills. The latest test has shown them to be rather lacking.
Might as well work on our weakest aspect.
@undead frog What is the difference between Will, Mana and Heart on our character sheet?
[x] Combat is dangerous not only to yourself, but to your friends: Learn the Cure spell.
[x] Work on your physical skills. The latest test has shown them to be rather lacking.
[x] Combat is dangerous not only to yourself, but to your friends: Learn the Cure spell.
[x] Work on your Fairy traits. Some of the abilities you've gained from looking into your biology were pretty cool…
[x] Combat is dangerous not only to yourself, but to your friends: Learn the Cure spell.
[x] Work on your Fairy traits. Some of the abilities you've gained from looking into your biology were pretty cool…
[x] Combat is dangerous not only to yourself, but to your friends: Learn the Cure spell.
[x] Work on your Fairy traits. Some of the abilities you've gained from looking into your biology were pretty cool…
[x] Combat is dangerous not only to yourself, but to your friends: Learn the Cure spell.
[x] Work on your Fairy traits. Some of the abilities you've gained from looking into your biology were pretty cool…
[x] Combat is dangerous not only to yourself, but to your friends: Learn the Cure spell.
[x] Work on your Fairy traits. Some of the abilities you've gained from looking into your biology were pretty cool…
Will: You're defense against mental attacks and a partial defense against Darkness/Light based attacks. Will is a strange state in that it doesn't seem to do as much until S rank, but once you reach that point you get things like creating a Lingering Will even after the rest of you has been dealt with. To link Will to a specific part Will would best be described as the Soul and as such this stat is actually of vital important to Nobodies and a few other beings.
Heart: You're primary defense against Light/Dark attacks as well as a slight defense against mental attacks. The use of Drive Forms and the summoning of thing such as Keyblad armor require the use of this stat.
Mana: Your primary stat for magical attack that are not mental in nature and don't involve the Dark/Light element.
[x] Combat is dangerous not only to yourself, but to your friends: Learn the Cure spell.
[x] Work on your Fairy traits. Some of the abilities you've gained from looking into your biology were pretty cool…
[x] Combat is dangerous not only to yourself, but to your friends: Learn the Cure spell.
[x] Work on your physical skills. The latest test has shown them to be rather lacking.
Adhoc vote count started by Jrin on Jan 12, 2018 at 12:07 AM, finished with 569 posts and 11 votes.
[x] Combat is dangerous not only to yourself, but to your friends: Learn the Cure spell.
[x] Combat is dangerous not only to yourself, but to your friends: Learn the Cure spell.
[x] Work on your physical skills. The latest test has shown them to be rather lacking.
You head over to Master Yen Sid's library and decide to studying your species once more. It might sound a little strange to some, but you'd never truly known what your species actually was before coming here, and it had always left you feeling a little… uncertain about yourself.
Master Yen Sid's notes on some of the old myths regarding Fairies are actually really funny to read. He must have wrote these things when he was much younger, and still had a certain hot blooded nature to him, or he's really hiding some inner fire under that stoic exterior of his. Either way, it's pretty clear that a lot of worlds are pretty ignorant about your kind, or even tell spiteful tales about them. You make sure to avoid those places for fear of being chased out by angry mobs. You could always check them out later when you happen to learn some pretty good disguise magic, but you'll have to be careful not to get caught.
Beyond that, you do manage to learn some more interesting facts about your fairy nature. You even manage to unlock a pretty cool aspect of yourself:
What is it?
[x] Shrink: You gain the power to both shrink yourself as well as knowledge of the Shrink spell, letting you temporarily weaken the physical abilities of enemies.
[x] Fey Names: During combat you have a small chance of regaining some health whenever someone speaks your name.
[x] Fey intuition: You've mastered your Fey connection with illusion magic. Spells and skills that make use of illusions are rendered completely ineffective against you. Requires Fey Sight.
[x] Fairy Transformation: You gain access to an alternative form that reflects your inner self.
Little did you know that while you worked on improving your skills, other potentially grave events had been transpiring elsewhere:
[x] Dark Learnings.
[x] The Dark Fairy.
[x] A Fresh Wound.
[x] Flowers at Midnight.
Adhoc vote count started by undead frog on Jan 14, 2018 at 6:43 PM, finished with 11 posts and 10 votes.
[x] Fairy Transformation: You gain access to an alternative form that reflects your inner self.
[x] Shrink: You gain the power to both shrink yourself as well as knowledge of the Shrink spell, letting you temporarily weaken the physical abilities of enemies.
[x] Fey intuition: You've mastered your Fey connection with illusion magic. Spells and skills that make use of illusions are rendered completely ineffective against you. Requires Fey Sight.
This honestly sounds like a capstone more than anything really. Unless it's weak at first and grows stronger. Is this basically Maleficent's Dragon form type of deal?
... Honeslty, all I can picture is us turning into a Reyvateil.
[x] Flowers at Midnight.
Because flowers are pretty.
[] Shrink: You gain the power to both shrink yourself as well as knowledge of the Shrink spell, letting you temporarily weaken the physical abilities of enemies.
[] Fairy Transformation: You gain access to an alternative form that reflects your inner self.
Hmm... Cute and Smol form or Super Mode form...
[X] Fairy Transformation: You gain access to an alternative form that reflects your inner self.