The long and short is that one person having multiple Stands was generally the result of very specific circumstances that will probably not be replicated in this quest.

I mean, it could happen, but your efforts would probably be better devoted to more useful pursuits.

Speaking of Stands/Guardians, returning to the lab won. Writing.
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The long and short is that one person having multiple Stands was generally the result of very specific circumstances that will probably not be replicated in this quest.

I mean, it could happen, but your efforts would probably be better devoted to more useful pursuits.

Speaking of Stands/Guardians, returning to the lab won. Writing.
All right, well once we are done the lab experiments, let's head down to the mess hall, and maybe meditate a little more to get closer to earning our guardian. Also, what do you think of my stand Thagguy?
Ch. 1 pt. 13
You're done in here for today. You will always have time to train later. For now, you want to return to the laboratory you first awoke in. There is much you could do with the science of the PTO- much more than the technology you had available at the time. You could improve the Stone Masks, these Scouters to better suit your needs, transportation...possibly even create an artificial Red Stone of Aja. You don't know what the chemical makeup of the stone was, but you're pretty sure you could figure it out with time.

Once again, you encounter no one in the halls on your way to the laboratory. The doors slide open. The technicians look up at you. They jump up from their seats and benches, a few taking several steps back.

"You!" One of them says, angrily. "You're back again?"

"Me," you return. "Despite the unpleasantness of yesterday, I wish to work in this lab. I believe I-"

"No. You do not."

You look at the speaker. It's one of the avian species, the head of the Science and Research department aboard the ship. You remember him from reading the ship's crew; his name is Banarus.

"I beg your pardon?" you ask, looking at him. Your eyes widen as you see it.

Or...almost see it. Behind Banarus is the barest outline of a form, so indistinct you can't even tell it's shape or limbs, if it has any at all, but it is unmistakable. There is a presence there.

"There is nothing for you in this room. We cannot help you with whatever you need. Please leave peacefully."

Hm. Banarus is right; there is nothing of use in this laboratory, and him and his technicians wouldn't be able to assist you in any meaningful way. "Yes, I will. My work is beyond such a place as this."

You turn, and leave the room. The door closes, and you begin to walk away-

Wait. Why did you do that? Why did you agree with him so easily?

You turn back to the laboratory, leaning slightly to the side, holding your chin in one hand. What he said was nonsense, but you couldn't find any holes in the logic then; it was the best course of action, so you left. But that was obviously false; you would never have said such a place of science was useless to you, when it has so much to offer!

Perhaps...this is the work of an enemy Stand? But there was no mention of any member of the Science team having a Guardian in their ship profiles, and you check again, to make sure. You even check the dead technician's, to be sure, but there is nothing. It must have been Banarus. He is hiding a Stand from Freeza...but why would he use it on you to keep you out?

[] Report this to Freeza. Banarus is hiding a Guardian, and you'll be rewarded should you rat him out.
[] Return and try to reason with Banarus. [Write-in]
[] Try to get a position in the the lab. They can't kick you out if Freeza appoints you there.
[] Gain entry by force. [Write-in method]
[] Sneak into the lab and try to figure out what his Stand is and does. [Write-in method]
[] ...You are being paranoid. There's no reason this has to be a Stand. Don't jump to conclusions and do some more research first.

[] Give up. Go do something else. [Write-in]
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  1. Hyp3rB14d3Rawr
    [x] Return and try to reason with Banarus. [Write-in]
    -[x] Write a note to Freeza informing him that Banarus has a guardian, and that it seems to possess the ability to force its victims to agree to his whims. Split off a bat and have it wait outside with the note. If you aren't permitted to work in the lab, the bat is to fly to Freeza.
    -[x] Go back inside and tell Banarus that you have prepared a letter informing Freeza of Banarus's guardian, and that you have made arrangements to have it delivered to him within the day. If he refuses to grant you access to the lab, you'll allow it to be delivered.
    -[x] Whether it's a Stand or something else, his power affected your mind. Circumvent this by emulating the octopus and creating multiple redundant nervous systems that can continue to function when one is compromised.
    --[x] If Banarus attempts to control you with his stand again, pretend to be under its control. Then rat him out to Freeza.

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Neat, blackmail material. We can use this, once we have more information on how his Stand works, to gain a hold of this guy. I'd rather not be completely reliant on Frieza so this was just what we needed.

[] Sneak into the lab and try to figure out what his Stand is and does. [Write-in method]
So definitely this, now we have just have figure how what animal/s to turn into.
[x] Return and try to reason with Banarus.
-[x] Whether it's a Stand or something else, his power affected your mind. Circumvent this by emulating the octopus and creating multiple redundant nervous systems that can continue to function when one is compromised. Even if you can't reason with him you can at least gain a betterunderstandingof this ability.
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[X] Return and try to reason with Banarus.
-[X] Whether it's a Stand or something else, his power affected your mind. Circumvent this by emulating the octopus and creating multiple redundant nervous systems that can continue to function when one is compromised. Even if you can't reason with him you can at least gain a better understanding of this ability.
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[X] Return and try to reason with Banarus.
-[X] Whether it's a Stand or something else, his power affected your mind. Circumvent this by emulating the octopus and creating multiple redundant nervous systems that can continue to function when one is compromised. Even if you can't reason with him you can at least gain a better understanding of this ability.
[x]Report this to Freeza. Banarus is hiding a Guardian, and you'll be rewarded should you rat him out.
[X] Return and try to reason with Banarus.
-[X] Whether it's a Stand or something else, his power affected your mind. Circumvent this by emulating the octopus and creating multiple redundant nervous systems that can continue to function when one is compromised. Even if you can't reason with him you can at least gain a better understanding of this ability.
[X] Return and try to reason with Banarus.
-[X] Whether it's a Stand or something else, his power affected your mind. Circumvent this by emulating the octopus and creating multiple redundant nervous systems that can continue to function when one is compromised. Even if you can't reason with him you can at least gain a betterunderstanding of this ability.
[x] Return and try to reason with Banarus. [Write-in]
-[x] Write a note to Freeza informing him that Banarus has a guardian, and that it seems to possess the ability to force its victims to agree to his whims. Split off a bat and have it wait outside with the note. If you aren't permitted to work in the lab, the bat is to fly to Freeza.
-[x] Go back inside and tell Banarus that you have prepared a letter informing Freeza of Banarus's guardian, and that you have made arrangements to have it delivered to him within the day. If he refuses to grant you access to the lab, you'll allow it to be delivered.
-[x] Whether it's a Stand or something else, his power affected your mind. Circumvent this by emulating the octopus and creating multiple redundant nervous systems that can continue to function when one is compromised.
--[x] If Banarus attempts to control you with his stand again, pretend to be under its control. Then rat him out to Freeza.
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x] Return and try to reason with Banarus. [Write-in]
-[x] Write a note to Freeza informing him that Banarus has a guardian, and that it seems to possess the ability to force its victims to agree to his whims. Split off a bat and have it wait outside with the note. If you aren't permitted to work in the lab, the bat is to fly to Freeza.
-[x] Go back inside and tell Banarus that you have prepared a letter informing Freeza of Banarus's guardian, and that you have made arrangements to have it delivered to him within the day. If he refuses to grant you access to the lab, you'll allow it to be delivered.
-[x] Whether it's a Stand or something else, his poweraffected your mind. Circumventthis by emulating the octopus and creating multiple redundantnervous systems that can continue to function when one is compromised.
--[x] If Banarus attempts to control you with his stand again, pretend to be under its control.Then rat him out to Freeza.
[x] Return and try to reason with Banarus. [Write-in]
-[x] Write a note to Freeza informing him that Banarus has a guardian, and that it seems to possess the ability to force its victims to agree to his whims. Split off a bat and have it wait outside with the note. If you aren't permitted to work in the lab, the bat is to fly to Freeza.
-[x] Go back inside and tell Banarus that you have prepared a letter informing Freeza of Banarus's guardian, and that you have made arrangements to have it delivered to him within the day. If he refuses to grant you access to the lab, you'll allow it to be delivered.
-[x] Whether it's a Stand or something else, his power affected your mind. Circumvent this by emulating the octopus and creating multiple redundant nervous systems that can continue to function when one is compromised.
--[x] If Banarus attempts to control you with his stand again, pretend to be under its control. Then rat him out to Freeza.
