Kantai Collection: The Greatest Generation

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I just don't even understand what the suggestion is. Is the kanmusu supposed to use AT launchers straight up just as a girl? I don't think I need to explain why that's a stupid idea, beyond how it doesn't really fix any of her other issues that I previously mentioned.

Is she supposed to use some kind of converted ship gear based on AT launchers? Ie they're developing unique equipment just for her? At that point why not give her something even vaguely more useful like, well, *anything*? The maximum range on an AT launcher is something like under 5km. Even the range on a given destroyer's main guns can reach out to 16km.
In the falklands war royal marines used an antitank launcher, either a karl gustav or milan against an argentine warship effectively but that was a modern effectively unarmoured ship.
Strip out her old cannons and mount hellfires or even better brimstone sea spear 20km plus range and tandem warhead designed for antiarmour work :rofl:
Strip out her old cannons and mount hellfires or even better brimstone sea spear 20km plus range and tandem warhead designed for antiarmour work
As was previously pointed out, there is no indication that it is possible for Kanmusu to be modified in such a drastic manner. These aren't random school girls wearing ship based outfits in the GG-verse of Kantai. They are literally spirits of the ships that have been summoned to do battle once again. You might note that the date in story is apparently post 2015 (mention of US Navy having used railguns for anti-Abyssal work) and yet all the Ship Girls are all still using WW2 style armament. There has to be a reason for that.

Considering how they came to be, these girls in many ways are similar to Youkai. Attempting to alter them in such a radical manner (such a rebuild, if possible would basically turn them into different ships) could likely have very bad side effects.
Upgrading a Kanmusu is probably equal parts altering her equipment and altering her body with surgery and pseudomystical rituals to make sure that her 'immune system' doesn't reject the changes. Superficial changes, like mounting new AA guns, or a new radar system for an existing fire control are probably possible to integrate without cutting on their bodies, but if you want to install something like a upgraded fire control computer, be prepared to open up a girl's skull to install it, or if replacing/upgrading turbines and boilers, to cut open her chest and preform some analogue of open heart surgery.

My thinking might be wrong here, but on some level we need to represent the effort required to refit/regun a ship, and the limitations on what can actually be done. Surgery as a metaphor for a major refit works fairly well I think.
Upgrading a Kanmusu is probably equal parts altering her equipment and altering her body with surgery and pseudomystical rituals to make sure that her 'immune system' doesn't reject the changes. Superficial changes, like mounting new AA guns, or a new radar system for an existing fire control are probably possible to integrate without cutting on their bodies, but if you want to install something like a upgraded fire control computer, be prepared to open up a girl's skull to install it, or if replacing/upgrading turbines and boilers, to cut open her chest and preform some analogue of open heart surgery.

My thinking might be wrong here, but on some level we need to represent the effort required to refit/regun a ship, and the limitations on what can actually be done. Surgery as a metaphor for a major refit works fairly well I think.
If you think we need it, consider writing it?

Edit: hope that didn't sound too aggressive; if you have some ideas, try them out!
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I'm not saying that we need to write it-lurid descriptions of brain surgery or major heart surgery are going to be squick for a lot of people.

I'm saying that as a way to think about the trauma of re-equipping these kids with technology not original to their designs, these are effective metaphors and mental aids.
Mind, purely as a point of discussion, I think it can be said that someone like the Termeraire would volunteer for treatment like that if it were possible to get into the fight. It would be even more drastic than the others and they wouldn't get to her first, though, as she really just has too many problems to fix. Unless you literally change everything about her, the best you can use her for is as a mobile AA piece or something of the sort and only for home defense.
Hmm... you know, I have to wonder...
Are the American Abyssal aware that they are fighting their own country as well as the other former Allied and Axis powers? In fact, are they the cause of all the Abyssals or are they merely one aspect who have gained a large significance within the Abyssal fleet? And if the former, then will defeating the Arizona be a knock-out blow to the Abyssal's?
I'm not saying that we need to write it-lurid descriptions of brain surgery or major heart surgery are going to be squick for a lot of people.

I'm saying that as a way to think about the trauma of re-equipping these kids with technology not original to their designs, these are effective metaphors and mental aids.

No offense Vehrec but then how do you explain away some of the KAI models/upgrades? Several of them are incredibly severe changes. One shipgirl goes from being an all-gun design to a half-carrier!

Edit: Fuck my cellphone's auto spellchecker and not being able to turn it off. I hate it.
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You'll note that I'm not calling any of these operations head transplants. Brain and heart surgery are tricky and far from mundane, but they are frequently successful. And while a Kai upgrade might include an aft flight deck, I doubt it would also include a significant lengthening of the hull, re-engining, and re-design of the entire supporting structure of the hull's braces and frames. Furthermore, most of the Kai forms were at least based on existing plans or actual refits-there may be some mystic factor here. Absent the actual hulls for refit, they might even be locked into historical modes.

But let's assume that you can refit them more or less freely. Anything that happens above the strength deck is superficial. Re-gunning a battleship or cruiser is significantly less so. Minor hull lengthening might involve cutting the long bones and inserting discs. Upgrading radar will require upgraded power supply, electrical trunking and generators. This isn't impossible, but it is expensive and hugely ambitious.

And upgrading a ship of the line to have ninty man-portable missiles in her broadside and somehow not evaporate or burn up under the first HE shell barrage is well above and beyond the kind of things that were done to Ise and Hyuga.
Then there are complete class conversions like...

Taigei who went from Submarine Tender (I don't even remember it being in service during the war itself) to Light Carrier.
The Chitose-class that went from Seaplane Tenders to Light Carriers.
And IIRC, the Akagi-class were supposed to be Battleships, until they got hit by international treaties.

Random thought:
Taigei/Ryuuhou is the Unicorn Gundam, with matching body colors.
Taigei Base Form = Unicorn Gundam (Normal)
Ryuuhou = Unicorn Gundam (Destroy Mode)
Ryuuhou Kai = Full Armor Unicorn Gundam (Destroy Mode)
Omake - Beat to Quarters
Quick update on what's going on.

Still waiting on the beta, but he has assured me that Ch. 3 is coming along nicely. As for the revisions to Ch. 1 and Ch. 2, I'll do them after I get Ch. 4 up since I'll have ample material and feedback at that point I can start making story wide changes.

As for why I haven't been replying to this thread, it is because so much of the plot has been discussed over in the index thread even before I wrote the initial draft of the first chapter. The only way I can keep any suspense for those in the know in it is to stay quiet on matters so they don't know which ideas I am actually implementing.

I will discuss them later once I've revealed them, but not before, and not even over the PM (except for my beta of course). Apologies to those who wish me to join in on the speculation of these matters to confirm/deny the various theories, but the author is going to stay silent for now.

In the meantime, have a little something. Not sure if it should be used for this fic, but I thought it was interesting enough that you all might enjoy it all the same.





Those were the things that she knew.

Those where the things that she was.

Adrift, formless, in an ocean of nothingness, there was no sense of time, direction or place.

She was satisfied with that.

She had fought well.

She had served well.

She had died well.

The time for conflict and hardship was over.

Peace was her reward.

So she allowed herself to drift and allowed herself to sleep, as all did after a lifetime of battle.


So she allowed herself her eternal rest, and would have kept that way had a sound, a steady rhythmic beating of drums, not reached her. Though she had no ears, she could hear it all the same… a beat seemed to shake the foundations of her very being.

At first she was confused.

She was at peace. She had done her duty, earned her rest, and had passed on knowing worthy successors had taken up her task. Tranquillity was her reward. This was where she was meant to be, for there was no more need for her… or so she thought.

The rhythm continued, calling out to her, imploring her to answer.

With each beat, she slowly regained herself, shaking off the stupor she had been in as her consciousness regained clarity. As she did, she realized what those drums had meant.

Beat to quarters.

It was a call to arms that she never forgot.

The people she had sworn an oath of eternal loyalty to were calling her back to the world of the living to do battle once more.

For what reason they had chosen her, she did not know.

Against what enemy, she could not even guess.

However, the drums continued to beat, its supernatural rhythm calling out to the core of her soul, reminding her of who she was and everything she stood for.




Beat to quarters.

She was faced with a choice.

She had done her time, spent her entire life in their service. She was under no obligation to go back and respond to the call of the drums. In this realm of calm, peace and darkness was her due for a life well lived. Going back, crossing the boundary of life and death, would be above and beyond anything that was expected of her.

In this land of darkness and peace, no one else could blame her, could judge her, if she didn't respond.

However, that did not matter.




Those were the values that made the core of her being.

Others may have chosen to turn down this call, but not her. The core values that made her would not be denied. The slightest chance that she would make a difference was one that she would never turn down.

Her nation called, and she answered.

Beat to quarters.

Prepare for battle.

Rising from the darkness back towards the light above, she felt a change overcome her being.

She had been formless, but as she rose felt her body gain form. Arms, legs, clothes, hair, rigging… no longer was she a mass of steel, but a young human girl wearing her weapons as her 'rigging' on her back. Though it was drastically different from her previous form, somehow she knew it would serve her purposes in the world above.

She had been senseless, but soon gained senses. Sight, sound, touch… she perceived the world differently in her new form. Her senses were muted, and she realized she was underwater… rising from the ocean depths back towards the world above while carried by the unseen force. The surface of the sea beckoned, the light of the sun just beyond the ocean waves.

However even while underwater, she could hear the drums, guiding her to where she needed to go.

The last change though, was one of her mind.

She could feel the memories of her existence from before were stripped from her mind. Those in the world of the living could never possess such knowledge of what lay beyond, and so the world stripped her of it as she rose to the surface.

However, the world was not cruel. It would not take from her without giving something in exchange.

She felt knowledge flood into her mind. The knowledge of how to use her new form, including the familiarity of human things like language, culture and emotions, were instilled into her. With this knowledge she was now well prepared for the world above, and for the battles to come.

Although she would not know what had been taken from her, had those memories remained she would agree it was been a worthwhile trade. She was ready.

Beat to quarters.

There was a battle to be fought.

She broke the surface of the ocean, finding herself in an unfamiliar world.

She was in a harbor of some sort, but not one she could recognize. Giant buildings that seemed to reach into the sky were everywhere, and ships in shapes, garish colors and designs she had never seen before were all over the damn place.

But it was the flags of her home nation, whether it was hung from the many flag poles, draped from the side of buildings or trailing behind that stupidly fast aeroplane that was flying in circles in the air, which alerted her where she was.

"Well, I'm near home… I think."

She could still hear the drums, drawing her towards them. With no better ideas, she decided to sail towards them… passing this enormous white structure that resembled sea shells as she did so. I

"Whoa, a'int this thing a beaut?" She marveled, "Which wanker built this thing?"

The call was coming from a pier right next to that building, where an entire military band continued to beat out the familiar tune.

Sailing towards it, she saw the band wasn't alone. Hundreds, if not thousands, of people where there with the band. They were waiting on stands, across the pier, even on nearby docked boats, all waving little flags about as they listened to the drums beat out the tune.

Some sort of audience perhaps?

Then one of them saw her.

"THERE SHE IS!" Came the exuberant cry, as she was singled out.

Suddenly the crowd was roaring with approval and excitement, jubilantly exulting in her arrival. People were hugging each other, tears in their eyes as emotions ran high.

At the front, sitting on chairs facing the bay, were old, old men in pristine uniforms. While those younger than them cheered and celebrated, these men watched her with quiet dignity and respect. As one, they rose from their seats and saluted her.

Thank you for coming.

For some reason, she couldn't help but shed a tear as they did so.

And through all this, the band continued to play, unperturbed by the noise that threatened to blot them out. It didn't for she could still hear the call.

So she did.

She neared the pier, eventually getting close enough she could disembark onto one of the side pontoon… helped up onto the platform by a well-built man in his forties in full dress uniform.

Although she never met him before, she instinctively knew who he was.

"G'day to you, Admiral," She said with a smile. "Crikey, quite the ripper party you set up for me, eh?"

"Quite. Thank you for coming."

He returned the smile.

"Welcome home… Sydney."

And the drums continued to beat, even as the celebrations began.

This one if for all you Australians out there. I hope did this tribute to the HMAS Sydney justice.

Happy ANZAC day everyone.
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the drum thing was weird
would have like it better if he when with the reincarnation instead
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