Kantai Collection - Fanfic Idea and Recs

So... I don't kow if Tumblr is full of it (and thus Imgur), but I feel that this is a very appropriate thread to post here.


This of course raises the question of when, where, and how US subgirls are summoned.
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Snippet time!

It was the year 20XX. The year against the dread Abyss had just reached it's sixth year, and things were not going well.

The Atlantic had since fallen, and the Indian Ocean seemed poised to soon follow suit. The Pacific laned were still held, but the top brass agreed: If they did not have any strategic breakthroughs in fighting the Abyssals soon, then they were all screwed.

But one research ship had a plan.

"Now, Yuubari, I didn't completely get that hasty explanation you gave me in the office earlier, may I ask-"

"For me to explain again? Sure thing, Admiral!" the research ship chirped, clearly excited beyond nornal at the experiment that was about to be done in the summoning chamber.

"As you well know, WWII battleships weren't the only ones to've been summoned in human form. We've also gotten paper battleships that were planned, but never actually built. We got airships, which are "ships" only in the loosest sense of the word. We've even gotten fictional ships as girls too, and from what we could get from our little Abyssal friend, apparently she and other like her are really embodiments of miscellaneous ports and installations, all over the world..."

"And your point, Yuubari?" the Admiral pressed.

"The point is, Admiral, that all of these esoteric summonings got me thinking: are we truly just limited to summoning mere warships, sir? Sure, they're a formidable force, no doubt, the combined sweat and tears of an entire nation. Or at least their navy. But then I wonder, if these warships are that powerful, then how much more powerful would the personification of entire countries be, Teitoku!? All that history and spiritual belief! That combined physical and intellectual firepower! Teitoku, if this experiment manages to pull of what I hope it's going to pull off, then this whole war could be over already!" she said, her voice steadily increasing until everyone else in the chamber could hear her words.

Adm. Andrews, the American admiral, raised an eyebrow. "Now that's a steep claim to make, Captain Yuubari. How soon do you think you can back up those words?"

"Very soon, I expect, if my calculations are correct." she said, rangefinders fixed on nothing else but the pool in front of her.

And then, the ceremony started. I won't bore you with the details of it, but I will say that it involved an African choir, lots of national flags, and an oversized world map.

The pool started to glow. Slowly at first, then brighter and brighter, until it was like if a dozen flashbangs went off in the middle of the room.

When people began to remove their hands and sleeves from their faces, they couldn't help themselves but stare. For the beings that now floated on the pool were not humanoid in the slightest.

Instead, multiple, roughly basketball-sized spherical shapes floated on the surface of the water, with various colours and markings on them that Goto immediately recognised as the flags of various countries. They also had blank white eyes, apparently.

The sphere that had Netherlands' colours widened his (rather pinkish) eyes, and started looking around frantically.

"Oh noes, mein polders has flooded. Clay is all water now." it said. It then pulled out a pot pipe from… somewhere, and started smoking it.

"Nein, dutch, iz not a case of bad flooding…" the ball with the German tricolour, with a very exaggerated German accent. "In fact, iz not anybodies clay that mein recognize." It then suddenly noticed all the other people in the chamber.

"H-Hello?" Yuubari ventured.

Another ball leapt out of the water to greet her back, with such smiley eyes that made several destroyers mutter about how cute they are.

"Hello, me is Poland! And over dere is Netherlands, Germoney, Aus-tralia, and a few falafel I forget namings of."


It then turned back to Yuubari and the Admirals.

"Excuse, what countrey is of you, your shape is very strange?" the talking ball responded.

For the next minute, the whole chamber was dead silent.

"… Hello? Are you of okay, strange countres?"


This is a terrible, terrible idea, but I just couldn't help myself.
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Late to the pay discussion.

How would the navy go around a shipgirl that is less than happy about her pay? You want to pay her the same as a human but said human isn't duking it out there against unholy creatures of the abyss. An officer sure as hell is not killing any abyssal while our shipgirl is killing dozens per month.
Late to the pay discussion.

How would the navy go around a shipgirl that is less than happy about her pay? You want to pay her the same as a human but said human isn't duking it out there against unholy creatures of the abyss. An officer sure as hell is not killing any abyssal while our shipgirl is killing dozens per month.
The navy will just point to the army or marines who face similar shit, personal combat, for a lot longer with probably less pay and tell them tough. Plus remind them that even with taking inflation into accord that the lowest ranking one is still making more then most officers did in when they were steelhull.

And point out that, in the US at least, you are getting the pay TAX FREE. Which can't be ignore.

Also since they are getting free food, board, and medical services will probably get shown how much they cost to run and if they want more money the military has to cut it somewhere...

And everyone here can agree that buy 200 dollars a week in food at minor sucks balls.

Also combat and hazard duty pay are a thing FOR THAT REASON.
From yesterday's update:

Valentine's Kuma.

and Ushio.

From the ongoing promotion with the Mitsukoshi store, BB Hime:

Devilish! The mini-beast on her shoulder is cute too.
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Never thought that Abyssals would get collab art really. Soon theories about playable abyssals

Anyway, I wanted to perhaps throw in a little preview for a Kancolle fanfic that I'm working on and wanted to ask for some feedback on what I have so far, I suppose. It's an American ship girl fic (Overdone, I know and I can hear the loud groaning from here lol) but I'm using the anime as my general guidemap instead of immediately creating a new storyline. It's kind of a self-challenge, a "create an anime" type of thing.

The only difference is that I'm using my own lore in this, instead of the typical interpretations. Why? Because I love dying and being dead (and I have a 12 page document on Touken Ranbu's lore which proves that I'm just a fucking loser when it comes to making lore for mobages but ANYWAY)

The year was 2041, the year that would be forever be known as "The Year of Devouring".

That was the year that the parasite Abyssus had introduced itself to humanity, unannounced and uninvited. It was a strange creature that had suddenly risen from the dark and murky depths of the sea, a dangerous creature that not even the most experienced scientist knew existed.

Humanity had only a short moment of confusion and curiosity before it attacked, suddenly changing those emotions to fear and panic. After its arrival to the surface, the parasite attacked and turned every living thing within its grasp into prey. The militaries of the world retaliated against them but the battle soon turned one-sided.

Ships were sunk without much effort; Jets were peppered with holes as they ascended into the air; missiles evaporated into dust before they even made a hit. It was completely one-sided, the Abyssus merciless as they continued to ravage the seas, edging closer towards the lands of the Earth. Eventually this parasite gained a new name: Abyssals.

While the Abyssals were powerful, their fatal flaw was within their merciless behavior. Humanity learned that they couldn't immediately fight them with force and instead took a different approach, an approach that was far less flashy than the blazing guns of ships. They used research, science, and even religion. Anything that they believed could be a weapon against the threat.

Throughout history, one thing has always stayed consistent with humans: They do not go down with a whimper but with a yell. Humans do not immediately surrender to a powerful threat, they fight against it, kicking and screaming until they no longer can. Their civilization was at stake and while the Abyssals were strong, they soon used the resources they had to create a weapon that could fight against them, a weapon that was strong enough to become a protector of humanity.

The weapon known as the Fleet Girl.

The beginning of a Fleet Girl's was not inside of a dusty factory nor was it being given a warm welcome by her commander. Instead, the first thing that a Fleet Girl saw when she opened her eyes was the white of the hospital room. The first thing she heard was not her commander but the sounds of bustling medical staff and the loud beeping of monitors.

At this stage, the shipgirl was not a gallant and brave peacemaker but instead, she was vulnerable. It was similar to a freshly born child's first moments in the world: it was strange, confusing, and scary but it was also a place that felt familiar in a sense.

The young girl's pupils constricted as she stared up at the bright ceiling light, quickly moving her hand over her eyes to block out the harsh light.

Is this a hospital?...
The last thing she remembered was the dark void embracing her and the distant voices of someone who she couldn't remember tearfully sending her off. Her mind was a thick fog, clouded, and memories were nothing more than vague fragments that were hard for her to piece together. Despite this strange and unnatural feeling, somewhere deep in her gut, she was supposed to be here. It was a reason that she couldn't say right now but it was something important, especially to her.

(I'm not going to write the whole chapter here but I just wanted to see if it was looking good so far or if I could make some improvements. In terms of protagonist, I really want to do Enterprise as I want to do a complete 180 on the usual portrayal she has in Kancolle fanfiction but people might be tired of her so hm. There's a lot of choices that I'm thinking of at the current moment (because I'm a total fucking geek who cant make choices, gomen)
More reason to wish we can "capture" them...
Running research into a certain tanker sub for plotting reasons:

They displaced 3,512 long tons (3,568 t) on the surface and 4,290 long tons (4,360 t) submerged. They had a diving depth of 90 meters (300 ft)...
Hmm, kind of fat for a sub, and diving depth seems a little shallow.

The boats were equipped with four 21-inch (533 mm) torpedo tubes in the bow and they carried four torpedoes...
No rear tubes? Fair enough, she wasn't meant to go into combat anyway-wait a bloody moment.

Four torpedoes, on the entire ship? Just four?

For surface combat they were designed to carry one 14-centimeter (5.5 in) deck gun, but this was unavailable when the submarines were under construction and three 81-millimeter (3.2 in) Type 3 mortars were substituted...
The Type 97 81 mm infantry mortar was a Japanese mortar used primary by Imperial Japanese Army...

The submarines were fitted with seven 25 mm Type 96 anti-aircraft guns, in two twin and three single mounts.
Seven deck guns? Oh, that's actually pretty hefty-
The Type 96 was a mediocre weapon, hampered by slow training and elevating speeds (even in power-operated triple mounts), excessive vibration and muzzle flash, and the fact that the ammunition feed was via a 15-round fixed magazine which necessitated ceasing fire every time the magazine had to be changed...
Oh god what-
all magazines had to be loaded by hand as no specialized loading equipment was ever developed.



:facepalm: What the hell Japan.
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An idea came to me after reading The Nine Billion Names of God for the umpteenth time. Though, the idea is a bit confused.

A shipgirl appears in the 1940s. The twist is, the Abyss had already won. It's just not immediately apparent yet.

She is taken into custody by the authorities. Interrogation went well into the night, at which point she simply breaks free, calmly, but with visible despair and emptiness, and stared up at the night sky.

" 'Look,' she whispered, and the officer lifted his eyes to heaven. (There is always a last time for everything.)

Overhead, without any fuss, the sky and the seas are becoming one."


The site I linked may be bugged, and you will need to highlight the text to read the site.
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