>You need to get out there and intercept those damn dogs NOW, before they come crashing through those very doors!
You think very briefly of introducing Arizona and letting the morons get a camera-full of her for a second - before deciding that having a bunch of microphones shoved in the mute, almost invisible girl's face would end very, very badly. And even if you did, there's no telling which way that pack of furry little bastards will turn.
The only option is to head them off at the strait.
You slip out of the room and break into your fastest hobble with Arizona close at your heels. You make the lobby in time to see a young girl sprinting towards the double glass doors, missing a shoe. Behind her are three corgis, foam flying from their diminutive muzzles as they close on her. You hit the door-bar with your shoulder as you barrel through, but even with the path open you can see the girl isn't going to make it.
Seeing that the onrushing furry furies are your own, er, vessels, and nominally under your command, you draw yourself up to your full height, suck in a deep lungful of breath and cut loose with your loudest, angriest bellow just as you feel Arizona setting your hat back on your brow.
The US Navy is a highly professional force that actively recruits good, professional people for its commissioned and warrant officer ranks (most of the time.) Despite that, sailors are still marvelously capable of operating a multimillion dollar sensor suite for months on end with little sleep, till it seems like they are detecting surface contacts unassisted via trance, like the oracle of fucking Delphi - and then they walk off the ship with a laminated illustrated diagram of their "three-drink maximum" tied to their wrist and come back three sheets to the wind, two bells past the point of no return and in possession of a starfish named Betelgeuse. People like this set a man up for the most violent mood swings on Earth, from fatherly pride to aghast with rage in mere heartbeats. You can do Disappointed Dad pretty good, but the time you caught a crew chief (with a fucking college degree, no less) seating 5-inch PD fuzes with a hammer you managed to drag him halfway to the rail before you vanished under a dogpile of Marines. (You still think Hate was miffed at your hypocrisy rather than your intent.) And serving on a Flight I/II boat, which creaks, groans, bitches and generally makes more noise than anything else save a CV's fantail deck has honed your Angry Voice into a LOUD angry voice. The booming thunder of your wrath echoes over the torn-up turf, the corgis little ears twitching as the shockwave passes -
- and they keep plowing on, snarling and barking like tiny madmen, still intent on their prey.
For a second you're so stunned that you just stare dumbfounded as the first one catches the fleeing girl's heel and sinks their teeth in, bringing her to ground. The ragged edge of her scream rips through you, scraping down your nerves and turning your stomach - it echoes somewhere in your mind, around a shattered bridge that's beginning to burn.
By the time you're moving it's too late - the cane is just swinging back like a baseball bat, still too far away to use when the first sharp crack snaps across the yard, one of the corgis jerking violently as Arizona's round hits home. The victim has curled into an incoherent ball, her scream growing hoarse as the others savage her crossed arms, trying for her vitals. Two more shots send them flying, then fleeing at a fast limp, trailing gooey oil from their wounds.
You stumble down to one knee by the girl. "Are you okay?"
The girl - Shigure, you see now - scuttles away from you on hands and knees before bursting into flight again, sobbing wildly and flinging her arms around, her bite wounds trailing little drops of blood on the concrete. By the time you find your feet, she's long gone around the corner of the building.
>We can't leave her like this, not at all - catch her.
>We can't let these goddamn dogs keep running loose - we need to catch them, now.
>Stay on-mission: if Goto's caught out by Kongou with those cameras still on this side of Yokosuka's gate, the consequences could be crucial and far-reaching. Big picture, here.
42694208 -
...Wasn't Shigure at the tea party?
42694229 (demetrious) -
42694241 -
the other sluts probably drove her off as soon as [Northampton] turned away
42694225 -
>>We can't leave her like this, not at all - catch her.
those are the PT Boats that attacked the shigure during [Surigao Strait].
42694253 (demetrious) -
42695612 -
Who gives a shit if corgies attacked a waifu, jesus christ
42695799 -
1) A recurring theme in this quest is shipgirl mental issues. Shigure is already at-risk due to the whole "shun the luck vampire" bullshit; getting mauled by corgis certainly isn't going to help matters any. And if she gets too fucked up in the head, that could affect her performance in combat, or even worse possibly even cause her to go Abyssal.
2) The press were, just minutes ago, floating the issue of out-of-control PT boatdogs. If they get wind of a PT corgi attack on an allied shipgirl occurring during that very press conference where they asked about that exact risk and were assured it was not an issue, we would likely have a literal Corgigate scandal on our hands. We have enough on our plate with the Abyssal threat, the last thing we need is to let the media vultures get wind of something to whip up a bullshit frenzy over to add PR hassles to our list of shit to deal with.
It's got nothing to do with waifus, and everything to do with responsible leadership.
42695858 -
It's not even "attacked by Corgis". If it were a one-time thing it could be a thing to deal with.
But they've been harassing her since the quest started. Our very first contact with Shigure had her atop another tree. We don't know how long this has been the case. Either way, it's at least a week of constant paranoia on top of ostracization on top of her standard shipgirl mental fuckery package.
42695894 -
Reminder that Shigure has been living in fear of these PT boats since literally day 1.
>We can't let these goddamn dogs keep running loose - we need to catch them, now.
You swear violently, tossing Arizona the keys to the Jeep. "You drive, hon, I've got to call base security and have them round'em up." With their Outfits summoned, mere pistol bullets will only discourage them - at best. PT boats were basically the motorcycle gangs of the Pacific islands; they strapped any goddamn ordnance they could to the deck and got into frequent shoot-outs with shallow-draft barges bristling with even heavier weaponry. Their campaign was a nautical Mad Max movie that lasted four damn years, in essence - and without a firm hand literally holding their leash, they've reverted to their basic instincts. You were worried that PT-109 might show up to settle a grudge, but it seems Shigure's harassers from Saigurio strait are intent on finishing the job.
Torpedo attack of bigger vessels was the job they were built for, and rarely got to attempt. An involuntary shudder goes through you at the thought, for no reason you can immediately finger.
Following your directions, Arizona curbs the jeep near the closest area of significant greenery, then helps you out to hike the remaining distance, following the trickled trail of blood on the sidewalks to a nearby tree; the beginning of a rough untamed patch in the middle of the base that climbs one of the many very steep hills. Much like the first time you met her, she's taken refuge in the boughs to escape her canine pursuers.
Walking beneath the thick canopy, you touch the trunk gently and look up into the branches. There's a slight rustling above as you're spotted.
"G-go away."
"Shigure, I'm n-"
"GO TO HELL, ALL OF YOU!" Shigure's youthful voice is strained and brittle.
Arizona taps you on the shoulder to catch your attention, then points you towards a bystander - an extremely bored-looking girl who wears her long dark hair in a single thick braid. She's gazing blankly at the whole tableau with the air of someone staring at something just barely unique enough that they don't know what kind of retarded bullshit to write it off as yet.
"Uh... Kitakami," you say, her name surfacing after a moment. "Could you... uh...?" You gesture at the tree.
She blinks slowly, her head swiveling left, then right to verify that you are, indeed, addressing her. She turns her bored eyes back to you. "You want me to do it?"
You just stare at her, letting her read the "no shit" plastered across you face.
She rolls her shoulders; not quite a shrug. "Fine." Striding beneath the tree, she sighs, crosses her arms, and cranes her neck back to address the branches. "Look, you can't go claiming all the foliage on base. You only get one. You can sulk all you want; nobody's gonna stop you. But at least don't bother everyone else."
"I DON'T! I DON'T! I DON'T!" The canopy thrashes violently with Shigure's unseen frustration. "I J-J-JUST W-W-WANT TO B-B-E LEFT ALONE A-A-AND TH-THEY W-WON'T LEAVE M-ME BE!"
You snap your fingers to get Kitakami's attention, then point out the blood on the ground and tap your leg to indicate that you need her down from there to receive medical attention.
Kitakami sizes up the blood on the ground, quirking her mouth. It's a nontrivial amount. She takes a deep, deep breath as she accepts that she's gonna have to do this. "I don't give a crap what you want, Shigure. Those retarded puffballs are already gone. If you don't come down, I'll pull you out."
"You'll die," Shigure's voice returns with a sudden icy steadiness that sends a pulse of hot alarm through your blood. "They all die. I'll kill you, Kitakami."
Kitakami's lips tighten as she peers into the tree suspiciously. She backs up carefully till she can stand on tiptoe and whisper at you - "I don't think she's bluffing. I could probably get her either way since we can double-team her. Right, ooh-e-" her voice dies off suddenly, and for a second a ripple of emotion crosses her face. Visibly shaken, she turns back to the tree, her tone sounding actively casual now, rather than just flat-out bored. ""Listen. Come down already. We don't have to go hold hands and have a party or anything. I'll just take you back to your room. I'm not afraid of those drooling rejects the Americans brought over." She flips her braid back over her shoulder. "You owe me for this," she tells you with a confidence none of you feel anymore.
There is no reply from the tree. You've had this kind of conversation once - with Somalian pirates holding guns to a tanker crew's head. The quick escalation is bad, very bad - pulling back and calling for help isn't an option anymore. Something has to give and soon, and you're worried it's gonna be Shigure.
>Back off - let Kitakami wait. But if Shigure gives no answer, you and Arizona will be too far away to help if Shigure snaps.
>There's no choice - you have to act now before things go straight to hell. Collude with Kitakami and Arizona to tag-team her, just like Kitakami said. Arizona can bounce any shell Shigure can fling and Kitakami can cut off retreat from the rear.
>Go into that tree yourself and talk her down. An Admiral leads from the front, and you can't expect the girl to trust anyone who won't risk their life for her.
42696460 -
Pretty typical that things that seem minor end up not being so much and the things that seemed major isn't so major.
GGWP planefriend.
tl;dr; we couldn't stop all the cluster fucks from happening. PLANEFG PLAYED US LIKE FIDDLE!
42696517 (GhostDivision) -
I've got it on pretty good authority that you could have mitigated or stopped some of them though. I mean, that's not the way the votes went, pretty clearly, but you could have!
I know, I know. and a snowball could fuck hell all up, right? Hahaha!
>Go into that tree yourself and talk her down. An Admiral leads from the front, and you can't expect the girl to trust anyone who won't risk their life for her.
You take a deep breath, examine the situation from all sides and conclude that it is, indeed, a gigantic stinking ball of shit. You have a star, now. You're promoted. Why are the balls still full-sized by the time they roll into your lap?
You've already crossed underneath the branches before Arizona's slender hand seizes your wrist with an iron grip. You look back at her, matching her stern expression with one of your own. "Arizona, let me go."
She stares you down, her delicate face hardened against your pleas - perhaps literally face hardened now, given the steel in the grip crushing your wrist. She shakes her head firmly - once.
"That's an *order,* Arizona."
She flinches as if slapped - and releases your wrist. You seize the lower boughs and swing your legs into the branches over your head before she can object, hissing in pain as the hole in your right thigh makes itself known. The weakness forces you to pull your torso after your legs with your arms, leaving you sweating and sans cover by the time you sit up in the boughs -
- and find yourself staring down the rifling of Shigure's five-inch gun, her dark, empty eyes right behind it.
"In pieces, you can," Shigure says. "Leave, or I kill you."
"Better me than you," you reply. "I come out of this tree without you, I get court-martialed, I eat a bullet after I'm humiliated before the world."
"Like anyone needs *me,*" she hisses. "Just ask that gangrene b-b-bITCH below you, listen t-to her sneer a-t us-"
"You can't be replaced," you reply. "I can."
"SHUT UP!" she screams. "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Her eyes are wild and her finger is twitching on a trigger you can't see - turrets don't exactly come equipped for one-handed wielding, after all. But you know you're millimeters away from riding a five-inch shell into hell. Part of you wants to snap, wants to scream, wants to tell her to fish or cut bait, piss or get off the pot, blow your head off or get out of the fucking tree - part of you just wants to slap her and scream till she makes up her fucking mind because you've been sitting in this tree for sixteen months and some mornings you wake up and-
- and do your job. Always, your job. It's why you're here. You feel the words rise to your lips - the logic, the truth - and let them drop away again, unsaid. Somehow, staring down the barrel of a gun held by someone quite willing to use it, you just don't care anymore. The energy to balance on the tightrope just isn't there, much less the inclination.
"Just do it," you whisper - mouth, even. Her wild eyes barely twitch at this as you lock gazes. She sneers, or grimaces, *something,* but you just roll your shoulders.
Why did you get into this fucking tree, anyway? Did you think she'd listen, in her state? Did you think a mere demonstration of selflessness would have her melting in your arms? You already stared down Kaga's arrow-shaft when you underestimated the live-wire under the innocent, youthful exterior - you just watched the fucking "cute" corgis maul her with a savagery you've scarce seen.
Well, who fucking cares, now, what's she fucking WAITING on?
"*He* was like that," Shigure says, her voice hot and trembling on the edge of madness. "S-so sensetive. S-ss-o h-h-hheroic." Her grimace becomes a teeth-grinding snarl. "A-always w-w-with h-his b-b-bunc-c-unt n-next tt-to him l-like y-you, I kill you she kills ME, so what a-are you r-risking y-you Y-yankee CUNT? GOING TO MAKE SURE OF IT THIS TIME!?" Her voice seems to bash in your eardrums and vibrate in your diaphragm, but you just stare back into those wild, frantic eyes. "I DON'T CARE HOW SPECIAL I AM! I DON'T WANT TO BE SPECIAL!"
You open your mouth to retort and she smashes the gun into your throat, shock shooting through your jaw as the muzzle chips a molar. Her finger twitches on the illusory trigger, her entire frame heaving with her ragged breaths. *"I DIDN'T WANT TO COME BACK! I WANTED TO STAY DEAD!" The gun is dragged from your mouth and pressed against her head, the air split apart by -
Shigure stares at you like you just sprouted tulips from your taint.
And then the entire tree *shifts.*
42697035 -
>"*He* was like that," Shigure says, her voice hot and trembling on the edge of madness. "S-so sensetive. S-ss-o h-h-hheroic." Her grimace becomes a teeth-grinding snarl. "A-always w-w-with h-his b-b-bunc-c-unt n-next tt-to him l-like y-you
She's talking about Goto here, I take it?
42697329 -
There's no way she isn't, assuming the 'bun cunt' is Kongou
42697376 (demetrious) -
(Yes, yes she was)
The sickening feel of acceleration hits your stomach all at once and you snatch at the trunk, hugging it as vertigo sends sheer instinctive terror surging through your system. Shigure screams, her hands snatching the trunk and dropping her gun as the entire goddamn tree goes over. It hits with a shock that flings you both into the tangled canopy, where you lie, stunned, contemplating the sunny summer sky.
"Fuckers." Looming into view above you is a massive, rough-looking man who's slinging a chainsaw the size of a medium machine gun; a blade which apparently sliced through the maple's modest trunk like it wasn't there. A dirty piece of masking tape on the engine housing identifies it as 'kshewwww whumwhumwhumwhum'," which you dizzly guess isn't elvish.
Shigure's already staggering upright, weaponless - for the moment. The mechanic - Crab, you realize - spares you his poisonous look of disgust long enough to look up into the middle distance with an even more vile expression. "Fuck me *sideways*, who's *this* bitch?"
Shigure turns to look over her shoulder, and there's a brief rusty-red blur in the vauge shape of a pipe wrench. Something CLANGS with metal-on-metal contact and Shigure drops like the proverbial sack of hammers.
Crab drops the massive chainsaw and leans over, hands on his knees, to stare at you. "You."
He holds up one hand to count off for you. "Fuck." Index finger. "You." Ring finger. "Very. Much." He thinks. "Asshole," he finishes, adding the thumb. "All... of this... *this,* he says, waving his hands at you like he's trying to waft away dogshit stench. Just... fuck you." He bends down and comes up with the wrench and saw in either hand. "*Fuck* you." He strides away towards his own vehicle, parked only a few feet away, hurls his tools in the back. He flips you the bird over the back of the battered motor pool SUV's seat and leans on the horn as he drives away, spraying you, Arizona and Kitakami with gravel as he peels out from the shoulder.
You stagger upright to receive the steeliest look from Arizona you have ever received from anyone - Chief Machinists included. Kitakami slides her eyes from Arizona over to you, her eyebrows hitching a fraction of an inch as if saying, 'wew, lad.'
Well, on the bright side - at least you're out of the tree.
42696938 (demetrious) -
Okay, NOW we are done for the night. I need to sit down and process just how badly anon fucked up tonight. Well, not that they really fucked up - it's in character, perfectly, almost too much so - something like this was bound to happen.
A few of the possibilities had Shigure actually successfully blowing her brains out. So you managed to avoid that. Still, I thought tonight was going to be LOL KONGOU SHENANIGANS and... here we are.
That's the strange thing about quests - no matter how much I fucking plan them, the best threads tend to just... happen. I'm gonna try to free up some time Friday for at least one thread, so we can get a bit further on Sunday.
42696966 -
>Still, I thought tonight was going to be LOL KONGOU SHENANIGANS
How were you expecting that when you were the one who made the Corgis maul Shigure and cause her to almost successfully kill herself?
42696973 -
I'm wondering the same. How do the choices given stop this?
I guess leaving her alone would have avoided it actually now that i typed this.
42697026 -
I suppose we could have stopped the Corgis when they were chasing the landscaper, or tried a more effective approach to stopping the Corgis (actual physical violence).
But in the first case, we were considering the possibility of a massive media shitstorm versus previously embarrassing but ultimately harmless shenanigans, so why would we be expected to stop the Corgis?
As for the second, those dogs were in their fit outs, judging how they were able to take Arizona's gunshots; hitting them with a cane wouldn't have stopped them.
That and what good is a flag officer if his sailors won't listen to his orders?
42697012 -
well anon focused on preventing them and in turn unleashing a far worse clusterfuck. Assuming our refusal to talk to Hate didn't play a rule in it. Given [demetrious]' tear drinking tendencies, it's hard to believe you didn't have it happen intentionally.
Best thread? Some people might end up quitting as "the only way to win is not to play"
42697101 (demetrious) -
>>That's the strange thing about quests - no matter how much I fucking plan them, the best threads tend to just... happen. I'm gonna try to free up some time Friday for at least one thread, so we can get a bit further on [Saturday].
>But this is fucking bullshit you should've expected something on this level when you sicced the corgis on Shigure whom you'd already built up as A Potential problem.
>I guess leaving her alone would have avoided it actually now that i typed this.
I literally offered anon a "FIRE INTO THE CEILING AND SHOUT" vote. Alongside the sane ones. In my experience, the insane one always wins, no matter how evenly you present the votes. But then anon was super sane and responsible...
... until they weren't. But I can't even say it was a "bad" vote; it's the kind of thing that has already worked for Settle a few times - until he got into that tree, realized that this time, the Raw, Direct Admission wasn't going to work. That this time, the shipgirl would not be Moved By His Sympathetic Traumas. No. This time, she was just going to snap and fucking kill someone - maybe him, maybe herself, maybe manifest an ashcan and blow everyone in 40 feet into a fine red mist.
Trusting ktkm to talk down a destroyer would've resulted in Shigure's head being reconfigured as a canoe. The triple takedown would've worked, but would've involved putting Arizona in the line of fire, which Settle is adverse to both in and out of character. And the choice they chose - well, it resulted in Crab just cutting Gordian's knot and walking away muttering about fucking drama whores.
42697176 (demetrious) -
>well anon focused on preventing them and in turn unleashing a far worse clusterfuck. Assuming our refusal to talk to Hate didn't play a rule in it.
Anon has consistently blown off almost every single "talk to Hate" vote ever presented to them, and I've made no secret that the man is a powder keg under incredible pressure, which has recently taken a violent turn for the worse.
>Given your tear drinking tendencies, it's hard to believe you didn't have it happen intentionally.
I've set up this scene from the very beginning of the quest - from the night that Settle first encountered Shigure treed by the goddamn Corgis. Anon's write-in was funny, so I went with it, but anon chose to let it ride at the time, which was reasonable enough. And now you're gonna cry foul because Settle finally put his foot into a livetrap that actually went off?
>write as normal
"Lol planefriend will never kill a character"
>write this
"Wow that was just intentionally mean i'mma quit"
I dunno, man. I dunno. Can't please everyone, I guess. But on the balance? Shigure did nothing wrong - and I'd have killed her faster than Yuma and BearBint had the votes gone that way.
42697155 -
>The triple takedown would've worked, but would've involved putting Arizona in the line of fire, which Settle is adverse to both in and out of character.
Thus proving Hate's point.
Fucking hell, we should just put him and Crab in charge. We clearly can't be trusted.
42697162 (CPL Hate) -
42697178 -
42697193 -
42697318 (demetrious) -
Most Honorable Fuck.jpg
>Honestly, this is the most fun I've had with the quest since the very beginning. Thank you for making something actually matter, even if it felt sort of contrived. This SoL shit was getting on my nerves.
>Thus proving Hate's point.
Yep. Of course Hate's projecting like a motherfucker himself, but nigga ain't blind, no sir.
geewhiz eh?
>>42697162 (CPL Hate) -
No prob LT, have you bought your bars from the PX yet?
>Day 3, after the battle with Iowa and Oregon, was a bad day for Settle as well.
>Seems like after everyone's been shook up all these bad sentiments rise to the top.
Also this. Sometimes bad shit happens, and there's not a fucking thing anon can do about it, nor Settle. That's exactly what Settle was thinking in the tree, staring down the gun barrel - sometimes, there's just no magic win button, no easy fix. Why he got into that tree anyways is an important part of his personality, namely-
>Settle did his job. What more can you ask?
THIS. THIS. THIS GUY GETS IT. THIS. Sometimes doing your job is a dirty, ugly task.
>That's good for keeping things lively, yeah, I totally understand, but it's kinda unfair to hoist this entirely on us.
Not "all of you," just... just the salty ones out there should understand that I harbor my fucks very carefully, and I've seen how fast some anons can turn on a dime from voting for the sweetest waifuing to things like "force Sammy to kill her own pet dogs." If that write-up ever actually won I'd write Sammy going abyssal and slaughtering half the base and laugh myself sick doing it, too. Because what the fuck, people. Those people? They are not worthy of most honorable fuck. They can never pass The Trials.
42698007 (demetrious) -
>you keep giving us two hard choices that's not fair
In case you haven't noticed, Settle is, actually, for real, racing from crisis to crisis quite fast. He's been on base nine days, and he's already been in the hospital three times and led his forces in one serious battle-line skirmish and one major carrier battle. Crucial, basic tasks that need doing are constantly delayed as even more severe crisis pop up, most of them resulting from crucial basic tasks that were delayed for a while in favor of a crisis until they also became a crisis.
In short, there's a fucking war on and this is a war story. That's the POINT. If you want a story where characters do not suffer and shit does not go sideways despite everyone's best efforts, GermanSchteel is thataway --->
(Archivist's note: I've included only a choice selection of the post-session conversation in the above quote-box, since there's just SO GODDAMN MUCH of that discussion. A lot of it is pretty salty, but there are some damned good and insightful points raised, as well.)