Bleh. Slow update speed and lunatic/shitposting anons aside, the pacing of KQC's really taken a hit with the most recent threads. Two whole threads with absolutely nothing getting accomplished, even the goal the thread set for itself. It went from 'Stop Kongou from crashing the press conference' to 'Stop Shigure from getting eaten by Corgis' to 'Get Shigure out of a tree.' This isn't questing, this is Skyrim or Fallout levels of fucking off and getting sidetracked by side quests.
I think a large amount of this is due to the sheer amount of shipgirls with issues, read: all of them, in the setting. Somehow, said issues come to Settle's attention without fail. This is, of course, largely because Settle's the PC and thus has to SOLVE ALL THE PROBLEMS. That said...there's just too many of them. Fix 10 shipsluts and 25 rear their heads. It's a never ending chore that's not even possible due to the limited screen time available. There aren't even NPC's available to share the load like there were in SWQ. The 'meet Witch shipslut, make Witch shipslut cry/rage, find out Witch shipslut damage, ???, Witch shipslut fixed' formula just can't fly in KCQ like it did in SWQ.
Then there's the lack of NPC's capable of helping the thread fix issues or directing said thread. SWQ had Young's crew and some of the witches to help him and Generals and Mina to order him around. I'll admit that Young didn't follow orders well but he still had people issue them and expect them to get done eventually. In KQC there's what, Goto and the 7th Fleet guy that can actually issue Settle orders/prod the thread along? And who helps Settle again? Hate? Arizona? Shoukaku? Naka? Hate's a brash marine, Arizona doesn't talk, Shoukaku...well, we haven't really seen her in the 'hot seat' as it were, and Naka's got enough problems as it is. The thread isn't unjustified to think that Settle is literally the only one to get shit done, but due to the lack of NPC pressure, read: GM oversight, said shit gets done at a glacial pace.
TL;DR: That almost all Shipgirls are bundles of issues that invariably come to the threads attention is causing an enormous amount of loose character arcs that will likely never get resolved and just seem to eat screentime when presented. Couple this with the lack of NPC's capable of directing the thread or helping them fix issues and KQC's non-combat pacing sinks harder than some of the shipgirls themselves due to the thread getting sidetracked repeatedly and consistently. While this is a thing to be expected given PF's quest history, it's especially bad in KQC and rather formulaic by now.
All that said, KQC's still interesting and I really do enjoy reading the personal and psychological struggles of the characters therein. The shipgirls struggling with the modern world, with what/who they are, and what their purpose is contrasts nicely with Settle, Goto, and Hate showing the human side of those issues.