Kant-O-Celle Quest [a Kantai Collection game, transcribed from 4chan]

for some reason that last part reminded me of the scene where Settle talked with DesDiv6 right after The Date, and after he asked what was so special about Arizona escorting him with an umbrela, and comparing it to them escorting a battleship at a sortie, one got giggling, and blushing red.

Maybe it has certain implications among the ShipGirls?
for some reason that last part reminded me of the scene where Settle talked with DesDiv6 right after The Date, and after he asked what was so special about Arizona escorting him with an umbrela, and comparing it to them escorting a battleship at a sortie, one got giggling, and blushing red.

Maybe it has certain implications among the ShipGirls?

Nah, the sharing-an-umbrella as a romantic gesture thing's a normal culture thing in Japan... I think. Not so much over here, in any case, but there ya go.
That's because USN DDs packed the Mk1 fire control computer. It linked with their radar and allowed them to fire much more accurately. They did have optical rangefinders, but only as back ups. Thus she fights better when relying on her equipment.
Didn't Settle point out that Willie's opticals were inferior in the first place. IIRC, she acted like she was near-sighted on the practice range.
yeah. actually it was Hate, but Settle caught on quick enough.

My memory of it is that it was actually the other way around. Hang on...

Seeing them occupied, you beckon Hate over to one side, confident in the noise of gunfire keeping your headset-equipped conversation private. "Is Willie always shooting low like that?"

"Only when she's not shooting high. And to either side."

"That's just jerking," you say, and Hate nods. "But why can't she get the range right?"

Hate shrugs. "Because she's shit at it?"

You shake your head. "No... no, that's not it. You saw her squinting through that face-shield-"

"That's non-negotiable," Hate says firmly. "You saw her damn near drop the thing; it's saved her from shooting herself in the face before."

"That's not my point. Everything about this range setup is based on optical rangefinders, and hers were never the best to begin with."

Hate raises an eyebrow. "They're not?"

"No. She's a Fletcher-class. They were equipped with a Mark 1 fire control computer, and most of the benefit came from the integrated fire control radar."

Hate seems to sag as realization hits. "Aaand we're making her determine distance to a silhouette on paper via parallax rangefinding."

"Right. Her optical rangefinder works well enough, but she never used it much during the war, and it was slower, and-"

"Right, right," Hate says, thinking. "I see what you're driving at."

"Damn shame, too," you sigh. "The radar feeds the data directly to the analog computer, so you didn't need guys peering at lines in a telescope before fiddling with dials to input the data. It could compute solutions and lay guns damn near as fast as you could point the director."

"Eh, really?"

"Yeah. And for the most part the radar's accuracy only increased as range closed, unlike parallax range-finding."
they already established that when Hate somehow got his hand at a few batbombs to explode around Desdiv6 and Tenryuu with Willie around
No, the bat-bomb incident was several sessions later. It was Hate's response to the discussion at the range that @Interested Party quoted; once he and Settle realised what the problem was, Hate cooked up that little Charlie-Fox to show Willie how good she was at blind snap-shooting and teach her to Trust Her Instincts.
ehh, was referring to the situation in the last battle, guess we get our target thrown around all over the place without any fucking idea where to shoot first

just like Willie D
So here's a cultural question. What NA tribe can the Yorktowns claim membership in by their atire's design and decorations? Are they plains, Woodland, or some other group? And if they are one of the Plains tribes, like the Souix or the Crow, how big is Enterprise's War Bonnet?
So here's a cultural question. What NA tribe can the Yorktowns claim membership in by their atire's design and decorations? Are they plains, Woodland, or some other group? And if they are one of the Plains tribes, like the Souix or the Crow, how big is Enterprise's War Bonnet?
Based on Hornet's outfit? The Hollywood tribe.
I was lurking over in this thread's counterpart over on SB, and someone pointed out something- this battle has shown how joint operations between conventional forces and shipgirls are possible, and that the USN and it's allies are exhausted.

A shit ton of valuable warships are in drydock being fixed up, the world's navies are being stretched increasingly thin, and the USN is going to need to start summoning soon, politics be damned. We only have half a dozen ships at our disposal, and the only other known shipgirl defending home is Iowa (Corgis don't count). And everyone in the Pentagon probably knows it. Settle and his forces have probably been sent to Yokosuka in preparation for that, 'cause once we start, we're gonna be drowning in boats. Traumatized, eccentric boats.

And I'm sure that some war wounds won't heal easily. Arizona is paranoid about air attacks. Harder loathes destroyers. And Sammy… is Sammy. And she should probably be kept away from Kongou.
The problem with doing their own summonings is that the U.S. isn't relying on it's conventional navy out of political bull headedness, but because most people are scared shitless of Kanmasu. We might look at Willie and see an adorable ball of injuries and failure, but Joe A. Citizen sees a monster waiting to happen. I mean her anit air armament alone, Christ. And she's just a destroyer, what about Hornet, or North Hampton, or Arizona? You gotta admit, I'd be stupid not to feel a little fear, at least at first. Just becuase we're sure they'd never attack anyone who didn't have it coming doesn't mean anyone in power feels that way.

Or to put it in context, why do you think they sent most of their active ship girl complement to the other side of the ocean, and didn't put up a fuss when the last one left decided to come along?
Who? Iowa is still moored off LA at Arsenal Island.
Arizona, she wasn't scheduled to go, but she turned up at the bottom of the ramp before take off, wouldn't leave, and I guess they just said fuck it, let her go. Reread the first update, Settle mentions it when he and Goto are talking.

Edit: :ninja:'d
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