Always Late
Lacking in coffee, sleep, and brains
- Location
- Ohio
Something glorious.
Something glorious.
Pretty much. She's a straight girl who's soul is made up of straight guys... it's complicated.
Depends on how many of you wanna do it.
[ ] Motorboat Atago
[ ] Don't.
Face it, this is the best you can honestly hope for here.
Eh, what did you expect? It's not exactly out there for the author.
Don't you put that evil on me, I said
I'm not the one that suggested that Alaska might actually follow the crazy voices in her head. This is all you.I'm wondering how many of the voices in Alaska's head are shouting to motorboat Atago.
FTFY. Remember what I said about authors having final say? Same applies to quests. You've still got final say, but you allow us to make some decisions. There are many, many philosophies about Questing, but any good QM knows when to put the boot down and reign in the thread if need be.Hey, I didn't voice the motorboat option. Someone suggested it and I, being a new QM, just rolled with it.
Mainly because the above.Not to mention get this quest locked. That is QQ-level lewd, not appropriate for SV.
Having the voices in her head cheer "Motorboat her!" is too lewd? She wasn't ever gonna do it. The vote was what her faeries did.
You didn't make that clear, and I did ask about that shortly after you posted the options which were just Motorboat Atago and Don't.
Launching Harpoons.
If it's any consolation, I thought that's what you meant?Oh... well nevermind then. Apparently I'm not as clever as I thought.
I feel that "shipgirl mess" is state of the base, not a singular location.
Pretty much. She's a straight girl who's soul is made up of straight guys... it's complicated.
If that was meant to be a vote, it's not gonna get counted by any vote-counter program inside the quote boxes.Hm... might as well be as supportive as possible, and get some information about our potential division-mates and friends, and know what we can and cannot talk about.
San Fran : Well, for some, it's not as complicated, if you catch my drift~
Ehh... Not sure it'd really qualify as QQ level lewd.