Kamen Rider Worlds

Some Stats
When fighting another Rider or a particularly strong Kaijin, you must perform Checks against their stats.

There are 4 stats:
Chikara (Strength), Waza (Dexterity), Hayasa (Speed) and Inochi (Defense).

Each stat is rated 1-5, signifying the type of die to be rolled when doing a Check. 1d4 for 1, 1d6 for 2, 1d8 for 3, 1d10 for 4 and 1d12 for 5.

When you attack, you can pick between Chikara-type tactics or Waza-type tactics.

When you use a Chikara-type tactic, if your Chikara rating is higher than your opponent's Inochi rating, you pick which stat they use to defend. Otherwise, they can pick whether they want to tank the attack (Inochi check) or try to dodge it anyway (Hayasa check).

The opposite is true when you use a Waza-type tactic. Specifically, if your Waza rating is higher than your opponent's Hayasa rating, you pick which stat they use to defend. Otherwise, they can pick whether they want to tank the attack (Inochi check) or try to dodge it (Hayasa check).

Attacks only count if your check beats theirs.

Hit your opponent 3 times, and you win.

Get hit 9 times, and you're forced out of your transformation.

Chikara: ● (1,2) 2 ○ ○
Waza: ● 1 ○ ○ ○
Hayasa: ● 1○ ○ ○
Inochi: ● 1 ○ ○ ○

Half-form change: Hayasa Rider
-At any time, reduce any stat by one rating and increase your Hayasa by one rating.

Form change: Alarm Mode
- When HP is 4 or less, all stats +1

Finisher: Cuckoo Kick
- Once per battle: When Opponent's HP is 1, Chikara rating+1 with +5 to Roll check vs opponent's Inochi rating check.
- Stacks with Alarm Mode

Chikara: ● 1 ○ ○ ○
Waza: ● 2 ○ ○ ○
Hayasa: ● ● 3 ○ ○
Inochi: ● 2 ○ ○ ○

Finisher: Pigeon Squash (1)
- Once per battle: When Opponent's HP is 1, Chikara rating+1 with +5 to Roll check vs opponent's Inochi or Hayasa rating (their choice)

Finisher: Pigeon Au Lait (2)
- Once per battle: When your HP is 1 or less, +1 to Inochi rating.
- Once per battle: When Pigeon Au Lait is active, Waza rating +1 with +5 to Roll check vs opponent's Inochi or Hayasa rating (their choice). This cancels Pigeon Au Lait, but if successful, allows you to escape.

Finisher: Pigeon Sparking (3)
- Once per battle: When opponent's HP is 1, Hayasa rating+1 with +5 to roll check vs opponent's Hayasa or Inochi rating (their choice).

Chikara:● ● (1,3) 3
Waza:● 2 ○ ○ ○
Hayasa: ● ○ ○ ○ ○
Inochi: ● 2 ○ ○ ○

Finisher: Banana Squash (1)
- Once per battle: When Opponent's HP is 1, Chikara rating+1 with +5 to Roll check vs opponent's Inochi or Hayasa rating (their choice)

Finisher: Banana Au Lait (2)
- Once per battle: When your HP is 1 or less, +1 to Inochi rating.
- Once per battle: When Pigeon Au Lait is active, Waza rating +1 with +5 to Roll check vs opponent's Inochi or Hayasa rating (their choice). This cancels Banana Au Lait, but if successful, allows you to escape.

Finisher: Banana Sparking (3)
- Once per battle: When opponent's HP is 1, Chikara rating+2 with +5 to roll check vs opponent's Hayasa or Inochi rating (their choice).

Chikara:● ○ ○ ○ ○
Waza:● ○ ○ ○ ○
Hayasa: ● ○ ○ ○ ○
Inochi: ● 2 ○ ○ ○

Finisher: Matsubokkuri Squash (1)
- Once per battle: When Opponent's HP is 1, Chikara rating with +5 to Roll check vs opponent's Inochi or Hayasa rating (their choice)

Finisher: Matsubokkuri Au Lait (2)
- Once per battle: When your HP is 1 or less, +1 to Inochi rating.
- Once per battle: When Pigeon Au Lait is active, Waza rating with +5 to Roll check vs opponent's Inochi or Hayasa rating (their choice). This cancels Matsubokkuri Au Lait, but if successful, allows you to escape.

Finisher: Matsubokkuri Sparking (3)
- Once per battle: When opponent's HP is 1, Chikara rating with +5 to roll check vs opponent's Hayasa or Inochi rating (their choice).

Chikara:● ○ ○ ○ ○
Waza:● ○ ○ ○ ○
Hayasa: ● ○ ○ ○ ○
Inochi: ● ● 2 ○ ○

Finisher: Donguri Squash (1)
- Once per battle: When Opponent's HP is 1, Chikara rating with +5 to Roll check vs opponent's Inochi or Hayasa rating (their choice)

Finisher: Donguri Au Lait (2)
- Once per battle: When your HP is 1 or less, +1 to Inochi rating. +5 to Inochi checks while Donguri Au Lait is active.
- Once per battle: When Pigeon Au Lait is active, Waza rating with +5 to Roll check vs opponent's Inochi or Hayasa rating (their choice). This cancels Donguri Au Lait, but if successful, allows you to escape.

Finisher: Donguri Sparking (3)
- Once per battle: When opponent's HP is 1, Chikara rating with +5 to roll check vs opponent's Hayasa or Inochi rating (their choice).

Chikara:● ● 1 ○ ○
Waza:● (2,3) ○ ○ ○
Hayasa: ● ○ ○ ○ ○
Inochi: ● 2 ○ ○ ○

Finisher: Chili Squash (1)
- Once per battle: When Opponent's HP is 1, Chikara rating with +5 to Roll check vs opponent's Inochi or Hayasa rating (their choice)

Finisher: Chili Au Lait (2)
- Once per battle: When your HP is 1 or less, +1 to Inochi rating.
- Once per battle: When Pigeon Au Lait is active, Waza rating +1 with +5 to Roll check vs opponent's Inochi or Hayasa rating (their choice)

Finisher: Chili Sparking (3)
- Once per battle: When opponent's HP is 1, Waza+1 rating with +5 to roll check vs opponent's Hayasa or Inochi rating (their choice).
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[X] Stay on guard. Keep cleaning, but transform at the first sign of trouble.

I'd prefer to be ready, but focus on gathering more information for the moment.
[X] Stay on guard. Keep cleaning, but transform at the first sign of trouble.

As much as i like him to go i don't think it will be okay to steal... at least for now XD
It's not stealing if taking the belts of Armored Riders you defeat is part of the rules. Kouta said as much.
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007- World of Gaim: Tachibana Takeshi
Your wariness seems unfounded as the rest of the event went by without any violence.

As much as he seems like a prick, Kaito is apparently a pretty good dancer. You were amazed,

too, by how he managed to dance while transformed. Dancing the way he did with those oversized pauldrons couldn't have been easy.

Team Baron is apparently a very large team, with three different casts taking the stage in shifts of about 15 minutes. Each team had a Kaito-like leader directing the rest of the dancers who you think might be his inner circle.

You were expecting bad shit to go down, like drugs or rampant violence, but hours pass and all the event seemed to be was a group of people having fun and dancing. The whole event was nothing but good, clean fun.

Kaito even invited the audience for yet another event tomorrow. The man never tires.

The event ends and you get back to cleaning litter, even as the crowd begins to trickle away from the stage. One of the mini-Kaitos, who introduces himself as Zack, even offers to help with the cleaning, but you tell him you've got it.


There was surprisingly little trash for a rave. The floor was still messy, but still not as messy as you expected a rave to be.

"Good work, everyone," congratulates a stout man in a uniform identical to yours. A cursory look at his nametag reveals his name to be 'Tachibana Takeshi'.

"Hey, you, Beat Rider boy. I didn't think you'd be a hard worker, but good job!"

You look around, but you seem to be the only worker young enough to be a beat rider here. "Me," you ask, a bit wide eyed. "Why does everyone seem to think I'm a Beat Rider? I can't dance," you explain.

"Yeah, and neither can that Ryuta Renji kid. Have you SEEN him dance? I almost think he only has fans because they think his two left feet are funny," he replies laughing. The other workers laugh along too. "Now that I think about it, you kind of look like him," he observes, leaning into you and squinting.

"You two aren't related, are you," he asks.

You shake your head, holding your hands up. You back off a bit, too. The guy seems to have no sense of personal space.

[] "Actually, my name is Ryuta Renji too. It's just a weird coincidence"
[] "Actually, I don't have any more family."
[] "No. We're not."


The rest of the day was uneventful. Apparently, you do get paid for community service.

Minimum wage, but money is money.

[] Free dinner at the Community Center
[] Eat out. You deserve a nice dinner after… everything.

Tommorrow you:

[] Attend the Armored Rider event as a civilian.
[] Attend the Armored Rider event as part of the clean-up crew.
[] Attend the Armored Rider event as Worlds
[] Do something else
-[] Write in
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[X] "Actually, my name is Ryuta Renji too. It's just a weird coincidence"
[X] Free dinner at the Community Center
[X] Attend the Armored Rider event as Worlds
[X] "Actually, my name is Ryuta Renji too. It's just a weird coincidence"
[X] Free dinner at the Community Center
[X] Attend the Armored Rider event as Worlds
[X] "Actually, my name is Ryuta Renji too. It's just a weird coincidence"
[X] Free dinner at the Community Center
[X] Attend the Armored Rider event as Worlds
[X] "Actually, my name is Ryuta Renji too. It's just a weird coincidence"
[X] Free dinner at the Community Center
[X] Attend the Armored Rider event as Worlds
[X] "Actually, my name is Ryuta Renji too. It's just a weird coincidence"
[X] Free dinner at the Community Center
[X] Attend the Armored Rider event as Worlds
[X] "Actually, my name is Ryuta Renji too. It's just a weird coincidence"
[X] Free dinner at the Community Center
[X] Attend the Armored Rider event as Worlds

Sorry. Got distracted.
[X] "Actually, my name is Ryuta Renji too. It's just a weird coincidence"
[X] Free dinner at the Community Center
[X] Attend the Armored Rider event as Worlds
008- World of Gaim: Armored Rider Redhot
Food in Zawame City is untenably expensive for the most part and the food within reach of your meager salary is horribly unfilling or otherwise non-nutritious. While cooking is an option, you're just not in the mood to exert the effort.

It's a small and pleasant surprise to you that the Zawame City community center provides free dinners to those under its care. Not to mention, of course, that it'd be a good chance to get to know the people you'd be working with for god knows how long.


You expected the dining hall to be noisier, but everyone was pretty well-disciplined. Two lines were formed according to sex, though there were definitely more males than females.

You grab a tray from the pile and fall in line, getting a ladleful of heart potato stew and two slices of meatloaf. You poke the latter with a fork, discovering that it was more oatmeal and extender than meatloaf, but you don't complain. You're essentially freeloading off the city anyway.

Despite the dining hall's quietness, conversation flowed freely.

"Hey, Beat Rider boy! Over here," Tachibana says, waving a muscled arm in the air.

You greet him back with a wave and join his rather large group.

You take a spoonful of stew in your mouth, conversing in between bites of your food. As dinner progressed, though, you began to eat in between conversations.

It's little wonder to you that Tachibana-san was the leader of your little band of homeless men as his personality was just overwhelmingly welcoming. In fact, you have a hard time thinking of the group as anything but 'Tachibana's Group'.

Alas, all good things must come to an end, and one of the community center's staff ushered everyone back to the communal bedrooms. Just as well, too. Conversation with Tachibana's group might have been fun, but the day has tired you out.

You try to stay awake a little longer than last night, though people were still awake and chatting when you fell asleep.


The arrival of morning gave you a small fright as you wake up in surroundings still unfamiliar to you. As the memory of the previous day began to filter in, your guard becomes more relaxed. At least until you come to the realization that you have no clothes to change to.

While reusing your pants and shoes would have been acceptable, wearing the same shirt two days in a row is a fashion faux pas in any universe. It's with some small amount of consternation that you buy a tacky "I [lock] Zawame City" shirt from a nearby souvenir store. Definitely not worth the cash, but you can't afford your usual fare.

You sigh. "Pragmatism, pragmatism, pragmatism," you whisper to yourself like a Mantra. You hope it won't be too long before you can earn back all those certifications and hopefully get a real job.

Not that your current 'job' is bad. It's just not a real job.

You take the tacky shirt back to the homeless shelter and take a quick shower before changing into it. Your white shirt and mint-green vest are stowed away in your locker as you figure you can wash them later.

The Beat Rider event announced yesterday has been weighing on your mind. Despite the non-violence that you saw yesterday, something just doesn't sit right with you with how five major gang leaders are apparently going to be in one place.


The crowd was thick, surrounding the five Armored Riders in the center. All eyes were on them as they transformed, zippers opening in the air to reveal the mechanical statues that would unfold into their armor. They descended when the Riders bring the yellow knife to their lockseeds, unfolding to cloak

You take your time to transform too, while the eyes were on them. Despite the sounds from your belt being loud enough to take the attention of a good chunk of the crowd, your identity was hidden by the light that cloaked your body as it reconfigured itself.

"This is my stage now," boasted your clone, taking a pose.

His attempt at flashiness, however, was overshadowed by your appearance.

This world's Ryuta Renji probably gets his flair for the dramatic from you.

With each chime of the cuckoo clock, you step through one of the holographic silhouettes, each silhouette lining up to stay in your path. You don't run. You walk, taking large strides so that each step brings you through one silhouette. When you pass through the ninth one, the light cloaking your body shatters, revealing your armored form: Kamen Rider Worlds.

The Armored Riders turn to you, forming a line with your clone at the center. Kaito, of course, wanting to be the center of attention strides from his position to between you and the other Riders, weapon bared.

His Lockseed calls it a spear but that's clearly a miniature lance of some sort.

Just as you think you're about to come to blows, Kouta Kazuraba himself materializes between you and Baron. … Or at least a hologram of Kouta Kazuraba.

"Now, now. This event isn't meant to be violent. Settle down, children," he says, emphasizing the last word. You could feel just the slightest hint of venom at how he squints at you while saying that last word.

"Now that all the Armored Riders are here, we'll be having an event of who can defeat the most Invess," he says, a zipper portal opening up just behind you. "It's simple! The Armored Rider who defeats the most Invess is the winner of the event. Everyone, please step through that portal into the world of Invess."

Seeing as you don't really have a choice, at least not if you want to keep an eye on the Armored Riders, you step in with the others filing behind you.

All six of you stand back to back, all the better so that none of you get ambushed by the insectoid monsters.

That is, until Armored Rider Redhot does the unthinkable. With his twin, chili-shaped scimitars, he fires an X-shaped beam of energy.

While you and your counterpart were lucky enough that the beams simply graze against your armor, the other Armored Riders aren't so lucky.

Invitto and Wild are brought down to one knee, but Baron was too proud to kneel, instead remaining upright despite how he took most of the attack.

"That scum," complains Invitto, bringing out a second copy of his Acorn lockseed. Wild takes the hint and does the same with a second copy of the Matsubokkuri lockseed. Soon, seemingly friendly Invess accompany both of them.

The two of them send their familiars to chase after Redhot and Baron, not wanting to leave it to those two, chase after the errant Rider.

Your counterpart, however, was more concerned with hunting down Invess.

What do you do?

[] Follow Baron in pursuit of Redhot
[] Attack Invitto and Wild. They've taken some damage and if you take them out now, that's two less people you have to worry about.
[] Follow your counterpart and attack him. He's alone and will be easy to take out.

The rolls:

Worlds: 2
Gaim?: 4
Invitto: 1
Wild: 1
Baron: 1
Redhot: 2
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[X] Attack Invitto and Wild. They've taken some damage and if you take them out now, that's two less people you have to worry about.
[X] Attack Invitto and Wild. They've taken some damage and if you take them out now, that's two less people you have to worry about.