KaliQuest (Project Moon/RWBY)

Alright... good enough.

I'll admit I'm surprised. Was expecting Horizontal to win out.
Scheduled vote count started by breakingamber on Aug 12, 2022 at 1:47 PM, finished with 10 posts and 8 votes.

I am also a little confused why Gebura's E.G.O. activation focusses so much on Mimicry, which is an extra. Her own E.G.O. is her fancy cyclops armour.
Yup. The Quest is, however, from Kali's perspective. She's not looking in a mirror. I could describe what she knows to be happening, how her hair starts glowing, her cloak becoming coated in her signature red mist, the red-cracked mask forming over her face... but everything I tried felt unnatural. I'll probably cover it in an interlude or something.

Mimicry, on the other hand, is almost always in Kali's frame of vision. And it's pretty cool in its own right, a clear sign of her manifestation. A compromise.
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Welp saw this quest and was deciding to vote.... Guess I was too late xP well next time I will! :p
Raging Storm 1.4
Raging Storm 1.4
Xiao is just too far away to hit her, meaning you'll have to deal with the dragon. You're on the defensive, first and foremost. That's fine. You've got the best defense.

You know it's not solid, that you can't directly stop it by applying force to mass—it has none. But, assuming it acts like a normal flame… you can disrupt it. A large enough object, at high enough velocity.

The image is clear, in your mind's eye. Mimicry swells to match it, doubling, tripling in size. And you cleave downward, right before it reaches you, pushing it aside with the flat of your blade like the world's largest fan.

You still feel the heat, of course. But this time, you don't get hit head on. Neither does the other Fixer, who avoided the attack simply by virtue of not being there. Good on him.

Apparently, though, the flaming faux-life isn't quite done. It circles around, back behind Xiao, lifting her up and propelling her forward just like last time. Even weaponless, you imagine she hits pretty hard, in this state.


Before, there was nothing to hit. Not a creature wreathed in flames, but a flame wrapped in the image of a mythical beast.

Now… Xiao's made herself an easy target. Mimicry is crying for blood, screaming the one word over and over again. Like a lifeline.

You decide to oblige it. As Xiao charges into range, you simply bring your sword down towards the ground.

The tip catches her right in the chest, sticking there. She stops, dead in her tracks. Her armor, previously impenetrable, gives, crumpling like a rusty tin can. You smirk, invisible under your mask. Can't help it.

Wielding this much power is exhilarating.

Your mouth opens—

"It can deliver a powerful downswing that should be impossible for a human."

Let us, for a brief interlude, consider the reality of the Great Split: Vertical.

"Human", in the world of the City, covers a great number of cases. Finn is human. Gloria is human. Colors, Arbiters, and Executioners all originate from humans, and as such the Head considers them human. And through systematic execution and exile of sentient beings not fitting this narrow definition, so does the City's lexicon. It is largely consistent with few edge cases. Those that arise are quickly resolved, usually via precise and overwhelming force.

"Impossible", in the world of the City, covers very few cases. Most of them pertain to the Head, the Eye, and the Claw. It is impossible to evade taxes without being confronted with a Claw. It is impossible to dodge the gaze of the Eye. It is impossible to convince an Arbiter to make a point within three sentences. All other possibilities are achievable, even trivial, due to the broad existence of a million Singularities. Trains that reach any destination in ten seconds, stones to protect from mental harm, devices to control the whorls and eddies of time itself—anything a Citydweller can imagine and a number of things a Citydweller can't. All within the realm of human possibility, given resources and the right spark of genius.

Mimicry is the Extermination of Geometrical Organ (E.G.O.) of Nothing There, the most infamous ALEPH-class Abnormality. In the hands of Kali, it is a greatsword: red, fleshy, dotted with large bright eyes and fragments of teeth and bone. In a slightly different context, it takes the form of a scythe with a similar appearance. Weaker than the original, but purer, with a potent healing effect attached to it. That is neither here nor now.

It is not an especially heavy weapon, unlike Wheels Industry greatswords or Rhino Team warhammers. It is not supernaturally sharp, unlike Shi Association katanas or the blades of Crystal Atelier. To the uninitiated, it is simply a serviceable sword of disturbing aesthetic. However, it is powerful—a vague term, to be certain, but nonetheless the most applicable.

E.G.O. is a weapon that resonates with the emotions of its wielder. When the two are correctly tuned, their combat potential skyrockets, far beyond what the laws of physics should allow. But even without attunement, assuming the wielder is adequately fortitudinous, prudent, tempered, and/or just, there is still a high degree of potential to be accessed within any given E.G.O. weapon, enough to go toe-to-toe with a number of ALEPH-class Abnormalities. In this prototypical Mimicry, the greatest exhibition of this potential takes the form of the aforementioned downward slash.

It is something even a borderline amateur could pull off, as evinced by the occasional Fortitude Level V employee working at Lobotomy Corporation.

Kali is a Grade 1 Fixer assigned the Color of "The Red Mist". She was (possibly is) the strongest Fixer in recorded history. She left deep gouges across the City, to the point where her name was spoken of with respect ten years after her death. Strength beyond compare, whether by top-of-the-line augments, sheer muscle power, or force of emotion.

What does it say that, by the strictest definition, the power of Mimicry's infamous GôDdBỹÉ is greater than anything even the strongest human in the City can output?

Perhaps, if we view the scenario from a different angle: Kali's ability to resonate with E.G.O. was a large part of what made her a Color. First with Mimicry, then with her own, she was uniquely capable of drawing out E.G.O.'s full strength. Anyone can reach the pinnacles of physical strength through training and augments. No one could wield E.G.O., equipment that, even in an early, prototype state, far-surpassed even the strongest workshop gear, with any degree of proficiency.

No one but Kali.

In her hands, Mimicry was less a greatsword and more an extension of her impressive willpower. Contorting and adapting, shifting from a sword to a spear to a scythe and back again at will…

Let us, once again, consider the reality of the Great Split: Vertical. It is, in essence:
  • A downward slash impossible for a human to perform, enabled by an eldritch and unknowable weapon.
  • Wielded by the physically strongest Fixer of her generation, capable of leaving her foes a bloody-red mist through sheer strength alone.
  • Capable of resonating with said equipment and drawing out its full potential, magnifying its damage output immeasurably.
It would be fair to say that Xiao, experienced and furious and raw and powerful as she was… did not stand a chance.

—and you say the line, placing both hands on your sword for that final push…



Xiao falls. And a bloody-red mist fills the air.

Xiao's E.G.O. fades away, gone like it was never there. With great effort, you dismiss your own as well, ethereal coat evaporating and mask receding into nothingness. Your body aches from the pressure of maintaining it. But you'll be fine.

The forest is, unfortunately, still on fire. You don't think it can be saved. At least the fires in your immediate vicinity have mostly burned out. Nothing left to burn.

You left a massive vertical gash right down the middle of Xiao. She looks like a bloody mess, but she'll live. Won't be getting up for a while though.

The Liu Fixer goes to examine his Director, careful not to exacerbate her wounds. Once he has determined her odds of survival to his satisfaction, the other Liu Fixer stands back up, looks at you with a calculating gaze. He's still breathing heavily, exhausted. You stare at him right back, asking, "So who are you, anyway? And who is she? Looks familiar, but I can't quite place her."

"My name is Miris," he says. "Liu Association, South Section 1. That is Xiao, Director of the same. And you are the Red Mist."

You were curious earlier. But now you need to know. Long was an ass, but he was a competent ass. No pushover in combat. It hasn't been that long since you were out in the City, besides. How did he die? He was only in his thirties.

"What happened to Long?"

"He violated the rules set by the Head, and was subsequently assassinated by Director Yujin of Shi South Section 2."

The name "Yujin" rings a bell. You know who that is.

But Miris doesn't give you time to process that revelation. "I thought something like this was the case. I first assumed you were an impostor or a feverish delusion. But no. You faced down the Director, your equipment is far surpassing any Workshop, and your power is unmistakable. No fox in human skin, but the genuine article.

"My second and final conclusion: You have been brought back from the dead, and are simply unaware of the circumstances. It's been ten years, Red Mist. Times have changed."

You blink.

He's fucking with you. He's got to be. Besides, time travel? You only died less than a couple minutes ago. Bullshit.

"Pull the other one," you snarl. You step towards him, slash Mimicry through the air, an intimidation move. "Tell me the truth this time. No more bullshit. I'm not an idiot who will believe everything you say."

Miris doesn't flinch, though he does pale. "This is the conclusion I have come to. Hana reassigned your Color less than four years ago, reported you deceased more than nine. They don't often make mistakes. Yet here you are. If you wish to fight, I will not go down easily. Even to a Color."

Even battered and burned from fighting his own Director, he still raises his fists in a fighting stance. You can't help but admire the guy's confidence. Suicidal, almost.

Still, he's asking for it. Not gonna kill him, not after all that effort you went through to save his loyal ass. But roughing him up a bit, maybe break a limb or two… then he'll sing a different tune.

"Last chance," you warn. "No tricks. No Library or illusion or Arbiter doppelganger bullshit. Besides, you need to make your lies more convincing. Yujin? The up-and-comer with the stupid trick? That scrawny runt, Director of a Section?"

You said it when she was one-shotting the Lunar Cycle, and you maintain that it's true. Yujin doesn't have the stamina to make it to Grade 1. Her trick, while honestly pretty cool, only works a fourth of the time. Salvador would make it to Grade 1 before she did. And besides, she relies far too heavily on her friend, the one with the black hair and red eyes—

You freeze. You suddenly realize why Xiao's face is familiar.

…No. It's impossible. No way you missed out on ten years.

You're just about to give Miris a piece of your mind regardless. But right then, something screams at you to move, to dodge, to block. You're under attack.

A pulse of sheer force pulses through the forest, clearing the smoke from the air. You raise your blade in front of you, blunt the impact that way. Miris isn't so lucky, thrown a solid twenty meters into a pile of flaming brush.

Once-flaming brush. The shockwave, somehow tinged with chill, puts it out on contact. It puts out all the fires on contact.

Xiao, lying on the ground, seems too low to be affected. Cautiously, you look in the direction of the blast, looking for the source.

You've taken a bit of a beating today. But you're far from down and out. You could go for another round.

Moments later, the source strides through the charred treeline.

A blonde woman, hair tied back in a bun. White top, black skirt, purple cape. In her hand is a riding crop, and her face is equal parts confused and furious. Bags rest under her eyes, and seem like they've been there awhile.

Not quite exhausted, but definitely not sleeping enough. Or didn't purchase good energy augments.

Assuming that shockwave was not just a one-time thing (looking at her, you're pretty sure it wasn't—might've taken something out of her, but she could probably do it again), she can't be below a Grade 1. Probably not Color though, and besides the color purple is obviously taken.

"I would like to know the meaning of this…"

Her tone is strict, authoritative. But she trails off, taking in the scene. Her eyes dart from Xiao's mangled body to you and finally settle on your sword. Mimicry looks back.

Behind you, you hear Miris starting to stand back up. And the new woman seems lost for words, the confusion and surprise in her eyes overtaking her anger, if only for the moment.

The interesting thing. There is no recognition in her eyes. Only confusion. She has never seen you, in-person or otherwise. And you her.

You probably ought to say something.

[ ] Write-in.

New Faction Unlocked: Beacon Academy
New Character Sheet: Glynda

One of the top Huntresses in Vale, once second-in-command to the now-deceased Headmaster Ozpin. She is strict and cold, yet deeply passionate about the instruction and safety of her students.

A/N: Imagine if Tao Tie had outrolled Great Split: Vertical, lol.

I had the GS:V interlude written for quite awhile, posted it in a couple of Discords. 'Twas fun to finally find a use for it, and this early. Granted, I figured that I'd eventually find the opportunity while writing this Quest, too much Kali in it not to.

Unfortunately, I don't have a similar one prewritten for GS:H. And likely never will.

Anyway, yeah. This is a RWBY cross, as many of you predicted. Woot. Thread title and a couple other things will be updated accordingly. And I'll finally get to writing that Informational post. Seems like a good time.

Yes, I know that Kali beats pretty much every single encounter in Remnant. Grimm are a non-issue. Most human combatants can be beaten down with enough sheer force. Trust that I know what I'm doing, capiche? (I don't, but trust anyway? At the very least, I have a plan.)

Quick question though: how to make interesting vote choices? Right now, I've basically been just… relying on y'all to do it for me. And so far, it's rarely been awful. But I feel like I aught to pull something out of my ass.
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Called it!

That aside, I trust you to handle this well enough; Kali may be a hammer, but she needs to find the right nails to beat onto first. I expect social issues to become the main sources of conflict here.

Quick question though: how to make interesting vote choices? Right now, I've basically been just… relying on y'all to do it for me. And so far, it's rarely been awful. But I feel like I aught to pull something out of my ass.
My personal approach is to think up the things the PoV character would first consider doing (generally between three and five options), then slap those down.

As for votes, uh...
[:V] "It's not what it looks like?"

[X] Teleportation accident. Where are we? Who is she?

This sounds serviceable.
[:V] Hide the weapon behind your back. "I have nothing to do with this!"

[X] Teleportation accident. Where are we? Who is she?
[X]Confront the woman. Ask her where in the Head's name we are.

I don't have much experience with quests, but with how forums like this usually go people will be more than happy to tell you if you're doing something wrong so just try something and see how it goes.
[X] Scram, Blondie. This is big pants only meeting, and you look like grade 4,3 at most and not a part of any office worth remembering. Wait before that, what year it is blo?

Intent behind this talk is that Kali is really not in the mood at the moment and planing to interrogate/rough up Miris a little bit and don't want to be interrupted/harm some overworked lady with some little gimmick and not enough money to buy some easy pick up boost.
Yes, I know that Kali beats pretty much every single encounter in Remnant. Grimm are a non-issue. Most human combatants can be beaten down with enough sheer force. Trust that I know what I'm doing, capiche? (I don't, but trust anyway? At the very least, I have a plan.)

I mean, I can easily see some of the ways you can make it interesting:
-do a onepunchman, where our biggest problem is being at the right place on time.
-do a onepunchman, where the main problems are actually social in nature and the monster are just there to give us civilians to protect.
-do a onepunchman, where comedy can very well make the story very good instead of trying to make the fights serious at all costs.
-do a Hellsing, where we are awesome, what we do is awesome, and the fights are awesome and that's all that matters. What, you were expecting another onepunchman? :V

[X] Teleportation accident. Where are we? Who is she?
Just go full narrative for now. Or maybe you could borrow Coffee's system from El Dorado, another quest run in LoR setting. IDK how that system gonna hold up at super-high power levels tho.
Fortitude: Yes. :V
Let us, for a brief interlude, talk about parallel universes
... What? It's what came to mind when I saw this. That, or a signature Baki exposition :p

[X] Teleportation accident. Where are we? Who is she?

The dots Glynda sees and is trying to connect suggests that a confrontation is coming.
Actually, my thirst for nonsensical answer that are nonetheless perfectly true has not been sated due to voters refusing to vote for telling everyone that we are actually a ten thousand year old scientist who comes form another universe where we used monsters to collect energy with the goal of cultivating a seed of light that would save humanity while stuck in a timeloop, in *Human ressources* so:

[x]*Dead serious*: According to that guy *point to Miris*, we are dead, so, is this the afterlife? If it isn't, sorry for the derangement, we are going to search for the way back to paradise, seems like at least one of us has an acquaintance there she would like to be reunited with.
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[X] Scram, Blondie. This is big pants only meeting, and you look like grade 4,3 at most and not a part of any office worth remembering. Wait before that, what year it is blo?
[x]*Dead serious*: According to that guy *point to Miris*, we are dead, so, is this the afterlife? If it isn't, sorry for the derangement, we are going to search for the way back to paradise, seems like at least one of us has an acquaintance there she would like to be reunited with.

[X] Scram, Blondie. This is big pants only meeting, and you look like grade 4,3 at most and not a part of any office worth remembering. Wait before that, what year it is blo?

Intent behind this talk is that Kali is really not in the mood at the moment and planing to interrogate/rough up Miris a little bit and don't want to be interrupted/harm some overworked lady with some little gimmick and not enough money to buy some easy pick up boost.
Not sure if you caught it, but Kali herself notes that Glynda is apparently pretty damn strong by City standards- she puts Glynda at Grade 1 and even entertains the idea of her being a Colour. That is not someone you can afford to ignore, even for Kali.

Assuming that shockwave was not just a one-time thing (looking at her, you're pretty sure it wasn't—might've taken something out of her, but she could probably do it again), she can't be below a Grade 1. Possibly even a Color, though the color purple is obviously taken.

It does give us an interesting frame of reference for how Remnant stacks up. Of course, Kali is still a massive OCP that can basically make 99% of the setting her bitch outside of magic-related shenanigans because she's genuinely that busted...but if Glynda is nearly Colour level by Kali's reckoning, then Remnant is actually pretty dangerous for Citydwellers even if it has fewer city-shenanigans.

Not factoring in EGO, XIao and Miris are probably top-of-the-line huntsmen- but as the series demonstrates, that is far from invincible. Ozpin got his shit kicked in even with a fully assimilated host and I'm willing to bet he was a genuine
Colour level by the standards of this quest when Cinder came knocking. Early season Cinder, mind you.

...But well, dangers lurk around every corner of the city as well, so in essence, nothing much really has changed for our transdimensional guests. In that specific regard, that is; I am looking forward to the inevitable and juicy culture shock of trading a dystopian shithole where society has cancer for a less shitty deathworld that at least
properly functioning societies around. :grin:

Anyway, as for my vote...
[x]*Dead serious*: According to that guy *point to Miris*, we are dead, so, is this the afterlife? If it isn't, sorry for the derangement, we are going to search for the way back to paradise, seems like at least one of us has an acquaintance there she would like to be reunited with.
Hopefully this is just volume 4 or between volume 3 and 4 cause I wanna avoid the trainwreck that is volume 5 and beyond.
[x]*Dead serious*: According to that guy *point to Miris*, we are dead, so, is this the afterlife? If it isn't, sorry for the derangement, we are going to search for the way back to paradise, seems like at least one of us has an acquaintance there she would like to be reunited with.
Actually, my thirst for nonsensical answer that are nonetheless perfectly true has not been sated due to voters refusing to vote for telling everyone that we are actually a ten thousand year old scientist who comes form another universe where we used monsters to collect energy with the goal of cultivating a seed of light that would save humanity while stuck in a timeloop, in *Human ressources* so:

[x]*Dead serious*: According to that guy *point to Miris*, we are dead, so, is this the afterlife? If it isn't, sorry for the derangement, we are going to search for the way back to paradise, seems like at least one of us has an acquaintance there she would like to be reunited with.

I should note that Miris has never actually said that he or Xiao was dead, and in fact implied that only Kali had died and been brought back to life. Nor has he actually explained the reason for Xiao's rampage.
I don't this this vote makes sense as stated.
Hopefully this is just volume 4 or between volume 3 and 4 cause I wanna avoid the trainwreck that is volume 5 and beyond.

What volume 5? Everyone knows that RWBY stopped after season 3, there was never any episode of it after. :V

As an aside, I really don't understand how the Jinn *backstory flashback* made some people like Season 6, it was plot holes after plot holes (So, Salem was corrupted by a pool that made her want to destroy all of humanity, that's why she spent centuries playing hermit witch in the forest before Ozwhatever found her after he got reincarnated...), as well as victim blaming ("And then, Salem blamed the gods for the destruction of humanity" told in a tone and context that makes it clear you're supposed to take it as a lie... Right after we were shown the gods destroying humanity as a temper tantrum...) and other unsavory things.

I should note that Miris has never actually said that he or Xiao was dead, and in fact implied that only Kali had died and been brought back to life. Nor has he actually explained the reason for Xiao's rampage.
I don't this this vote makes sense as stated.

Emergency changes!

[x]*Dead serious*: According to that guy *point to Miris*, I am dead, so, is this the afterlife? If it isn't, sorry for the derangement, we are going to search for the way back to paradise, I still have some acquaintances there I would like to see once again.

There, this time with only Kali's knowledge.
As an aside, I really don't understand how the Jinn *backstory flashback* made some people like Season 6, it was plot holes after plot holes (So, Salem was corrupted by a pool that made her want to destroy all of humanity, that's why she spent centuries playing hermit witch in the forest before Ozwhatever found her after he got reincarnated...), as well as victim blaming ("And then, Salem blamed the gods for the destruction of humanity" told in a tone and context that makes it clear you're supposed to take it as a lie... Right after we were shown the gods destroying humanity as a temper tantrum...) and other unsavory things.
I guess I took this less badly than most? But then again, I am ambivalent about most media I consume. Part of my habit to not think too much on it unless something tickles my brain.

It definitely is not a good way to drop lore into the setting, though. I agree on the victim blaming as well; that was honestly the main thing I took from this episode.

That aside, if we have to do silliness right now, I'd rather use it for something productive. There is a time and a place for pure silly, this is not either. It will alienate Glynda and achieve little else. So here, if you must:

[X] Apologise about the forest. And maybe you could have this conversation while Xiao is not bleeding on the ground?
-[X] Who is that woman, anyway? And where did you end up? If Miris is right and you are dead, is this the afterlife?

Any conversation is good when it starts with "Er, sorry about your forest". Sure, it was not Kali who burned it down, but I can see her being responsible for enough collateral damage that apologising first became some sort of reflex. Also, medical assistance for Xiao and some basic questions. All wrapped in a bit of hilarity.
This seems a lot more balanced as a reaction. Changing vote.

[X] Apologise about the forest. And maybe you could have this conversation while Xiao is not bleeding on the ground?
-[X] Who is that woman, anyway? And where did you end up? If Miris is right and you are dead, is this the afterlife?
[X] Apologise about the forest. And maybe you could have this conversation while Xiao is not bleeding on the ground?
-[X] Who is that woman, anyway? And where did you end up? If Miris is right and you are dead, is this the afterlife?
[X] Apologise about the forest. And maybe you could have this conversation while Xiao is not bleeding on the ground?
-[X] Who is that woman, anyway? And where did you end up? If Miris is right and you are dead, is this the afterlife?
It definitely is not a good way to drop lore into the setting, though. I agree on the victim blaming as well; that was honestly the main thing I took from this episode.

It is the part that infuriate me the most, yeah. The plot holes were just there at this point, the victim blaming is probably why I quit watching the show on the spot (the other contender is the revelation that Jinn has 3 questions.. by centuries and not by person, in total, that's so pathetic I wonder why any humans with a normal lifespan would ever try to use it, all your opponents has to do to make you unable to use it is ask 3 random questions before you, I can't tell because I had occluded the victim blaming from my mind before I watched an analysis of the season that talked about it), though the *excellent* last fight of the previous season definitely contributed.

[X] Apologise about the forest. And maybe you could have this conversation while Xiao is not bleeding on the ground?
-[X] Who is that woman, anyway? And where did you end up? If Miris is right and you are dead, is this the afterlife?

Better phrasing than mine, yoink:

[X] Apologise about the forest. And maybe you could have this conversation while Xiao is not bleeding on the ground?
-[X] Who is that woman, anyway? And where did you end up? If Miris is right and you are dead, is this the afterlife?
[X] Apologise about the forest. And maybe you could have this conversation while Xiao is not bleeding on the ground?
-[X] Who is that woman, anyway? And where did you end up? If Miris is right and you are dead, is this the afterlife?