KaliQuest (Project Moon/RWBY)

Alright. Lets see here...

For convenience purposes, Kali's priorities in this fight are going to be in order of the vote. First priority is the choice with the most votes. Second priority is the one with the second-most. Etc. Choices that conflict will give priority to the choice with more votes. Messy, but given how disperse and few the votes are, I think it's my best option.
Scheduled vote count started by breakingamber on Nov 6, 2023 at 8:17 PM, finished with 10 posts and 10 votes.

  • [X] Manifest E.G.O.?
    [X] First things first: Get the kid out of Qrow's fight. Put her to work finding that Citydweller. Then…
    [X] He'll be fine.
    -[X] No.
    [X] Help Qrow. The sooner the serial killer's out of the picture, the sooner you can put the Huntsman's experience to good use.
    [X] The homeless guy is a local, and any Fixer worth her salt knows that you go to them for information when trying to find something. Ask him about interesting rumors he's heard, both magical and mundane, and if there are any special places in the area we should know about. Failing all that, at least see if he knows a good place to eat around here.
    [X] Find the injured Citydweller and get them aboard the airship. If this poison is as dangerous as Qrow said, they might not have time to spare.
    [X] Qrow likely has a lot of experience fighting Grimm, while you have a lot of experience killing fighting people, so the smart thing to do here is obvious. Tag Qrow out and have him fight the Grimm while you keep the serial killer busy. He should be able to take it down a lot faster, and will probably take his niece away from the killer as an added bonus.
    [X] Yes.
We are as coordinated as the voices from Nothing There, which is honestly not that surprising. At least we've seemed to generally agree on what we're doing
Trails of Red 9.1 New

Trails of Red 9.1

First things first. Get kids to safety. Qrow's niece, first. The weak aughta be protected. You take a deep breath. Legs tense. Sword in hand.

Time to kick some ass.

You leap out the airship's bay. And your aim is perfect. Your sword comes crashing down, straight at Tyrian. To his credit, he somehow sees it coming, kicks off of the flat of Qrow's blade to block it with his tail. Fat lot of good it does him—the raw force behind your blow is too much for him to match. He's easily overpowered, slammed back down. His face careens into the ground and bounces his entire body high into the air. He ends up falling through the rafters of a derelict house with the sound of crashing timbers, out of sight.

(Offhandedly, you note that the recoil from your jump was… a little much. The airship is careening backwards unsteadily. Oops. You'll need to apologize to the pilot.)

Qrow's niece gapes for a moment. Qrow simply nods in appreciation, then turns to Ruby and growls, "Now, like I said: stay away!"

"This is my fight too!" she argues petulantly, still brandishing her scythe.

You don't have time for this. "Listen to your uncle," you bark. "You have wounded, right? Get them to the airship, when it comes down."

You don't know how long they have, whoever they may be. Depends on the quality of their augments, however Aura might've interacted with the wound, how bad Tyrian's little concoction really might be. It's the safest thing to do. Qrow grabbed some limited medical supplies on his way out—said they probably wouldn't be enough to solve any problems outright, but could be enough to slow the spread.

"Jaune's on him! And he's here for me! I won't—"

Whatever it is little Red won't do, you don't learn and don't care about. Tyrian emerges and sprays bullets upon the three of you from the roof of the house in a single fluid motion. Qrow spins his sword about to deflect as you yank Qrow's youngling behind you and your blocking greatsword.

You're a in a slightly awkward spot. Between protecting little Red and keeping yourself safe, you're finding it difficult to respond. You're pretty sure Qrow, less impeded, is about to engage the Faunus and give you a reprieve. But then Tyrian stops of his own accord, and begins to monologue.

"So I finally have the attention of this visitor of the otherworld? Oh my, my, my…"

Tyrian's clothes look like he'd seen better days. His white vest is stained with black, looking like some kind of acid had eaten away at it in places. The man (Faunus?) himself seems largely untouched, unfortunately. Aura and its bullshit nature, you take it.

The man's face holds a psychotic grin, insane enough to rival the worst serial killers, back in the City. And some of those were Singularity-enhanced to be extra-terrifying. It'd be kinda impressive if he weren't in your way and trying to murder children. Perched atop a rooftop beam, he cuts a surprisingly menacing figure, tail curling behind him like a disposable prosthetic limb.

He continues, high and theatrical, "But pray tell! Do I sense weakness? A concealed injury? It wounds me, deeply, to see you so deeply wounded!"

Fuck, and he's perceptive too. Likes the sound of his own voice, but he's not wrong. Here you were thinking you were putting on a good show of strength.

You say to Qrow in a low tone, "I'm going to bring him down to earth." As an aside to Qrow's niece: "Let the adults handle this one."

Before either can give more than the barest response, you're already onrushing the left side of Tyrian's house-perch, checking it with your shoulder's weight behind your sword. Rotting wood and moldy drywall gives way easily. It only takes one more horizontal swing to crush every one of the housefront supports. It tumbles, crumbles. Tyrian backflips off without missing a beat, but is caught in mid-air by Qrow's scythe. Briefly, they clash in mid-air; Qrow gains the upper hand. A great downward slash from Qrow has Tyrian plummeting straight down. Qrow's niece positions herself to catch him in this silly game of Tyrian-pong, but you're not having it: you smash her out of the way with the flat of your blade and retaliate yourself, though he manages to just barely dodge your attack this time around. You still manage to kick him in the face, which sends him pinwheeling towards the monster Grimm.

A monstrous scream is the herald of another attack on your person. Not much of one; you bat away the horseman-Grimm's outstretched arm offhandedly as it attempts to grab you. It slams into a wall and gets stuck. Green kid tries to capitalize with a scream of rage, but his blades end up rebounding off the monster's unnatural elasticity. He ends up stumbling into what might've once been a canal.

Fight's going well overall, you think. Not much progress has been made on the Grimm front, but neither are any kids dead yet. Tyrian's taken a serious beating and should be down for the count soon. You're not sure if it'd be a social misstep to kill him, here in Remnant? You'll leave it up to Qrow. You're obviously so inclined.

The Faunus managed to straddle said Grimm in the moments you were distracted. Might've let out a "Yee-haw!" You and Qrow close in on both sides for a killing scissor blow while he's goofing off. At the last moment, though, Tyrian bends his back improbably, ducking and sliding off. Your blades clash, and unfortunately, yet again, Qrow eats shit thanks to your strength, even as you pull your punches last-second.

Pivoting (and cutting off the Grimm's man-head before it can bite you as you go), you once again slam Tyrian with as much force as you can muster. The blow lands easily against his dual chakrams, and flies backwards. Right into the waiting rubbery arm of the Grimm, still stuck in a wall.

It flexes, almost to the point of snapping. Tyrian shoots you a cheeky salute, and too late, as you chase him down, you realize what's about to happen.

With one final push, the Grimm's arm snaps back. Like a rock fired from a slingshot, Tyrian rockets away. Hammer girl attempts to stop him, jumping up to smash him, but he somehow twists to both dodge her blow and also wrench her hammer out of her grip on his way out. He lands somewhere in the forest, out of sight once again. Qrow lands, curses, and bolts after him, yelling, "Finish the Grimm!" over his shoulder.

Well, since he asked so politely. You may technically be faster, but the Huntsman probably has a better chance of finding him, given his whole bird thing.

Green kid pulls his head out of the canal just in time to see you cut off the horse Grimm's other head. That leaves you in the midst of a ruined town, an ex-battlefield, and a team of teenagers.

"Who are you?"

"He took Maghnild!"

"Where is the Nuckalavee?"

…You're starting to think that Qrow ran off after Tyrian solely so he wouldn't have to answer these brats' questions. And you're seriously contemplating joining him.

In the time it takes for the airship to come back around and land, you manage to get the kids' names and mostly avoid answering any awkward questions. Even the fourth one that showed up from behind a fence. The green kid—Ren, apparently—seems to not like you much, and sits out of hearing range next to ex-hammer girl Nora. The other two—Ruby (that name's familiar, huh) and Jaune (ditto)—work together to move the wounded Citydweller, finally. You get a good look at 'em.

…Not a Thumb Soldato. But not much better.

It's a ranker of the Index. A Messenger, judging by the clasp on his cloak. A rancid agent of one of the Five Fingers. The weirdly hollow chest with the sickly purple-looking strings is new and unusual, but not the pale outfit, the blade of locked potential, the Messenger's clasp. You must've instinctively scowled in distaste, because Ruby shoots you a questioning look. You don't answer it, and simply watch as the poisoned piece of shit is carried aboard the airship.

Before seeing them, you were kinda feeling pretty good. You'd successfully executed this rescue mission without anyone dying, without taking any injury. But now seeing just who you'd saved…

…Honestly, you almost wish you'd let 'em die.

The airship takes off, leaving Qrow behind for now. During the trip, you have four new brats to converse with. Pick two.

[ ] All: Who's this fucker here? points at Index member

[ ] Ruby: You might've met her sister on a boat.
[ ] Ruby: What was up with that stupid shit during that fight?
[ ] Ruby: Tyrian wanted her: Why?

[ ] Jaune: Where the hell was he?
[ ] Jaune: You may have met his dead teammate atop Beacon tower.

[ ] Nora: [Write-in; I can't think of anything Kali might have to say to Nora.]

[ ] Ren: Why the cold shoulder?

[ ] Airship Pilot: Apologize for rocking the boat.

[ ] Write-in.

A/N: The Brett vote was tied, so I flipped a coin. No sidequest for him.

Hm. I never actually figured out the 'rolls' for Tyrian's Combat Pages. You can mostly assume she outrolls him in general. A fair bit of his danger, I think, could come from his multi-hit ranged pages. But those are pretty easy to beat with sufficient dice.

Narratively, Kali utterly kills any resolution Team RNJR might've gotten out of V4's climax. Poor Ren. Poor Nora. Poor Ruby.

If you're curious what Yan is doing here, you can find out in Sword of Volition, which I somehow managed to complete. It's got a pretty different tone compared to KaliQuest, so buyer beware.

Been awhile, huh? I figured I'd update this because I had the update mostly finished. Any further updates will be entirely up to my natural whimsy. Many apologies. Oh lord, I just realized I need to make like six character sheets.

[X] All: Who's this fucker here? points at Index member
[X] Airship Pilot: Apologize for rocking the boat.

Welcome back! I was worried this Quest had died, glad to see there was just a bit of a delay.
It's been 84 years, but welcome back

[X] All: Who's this fucker here? points at Index member
[X] Airship Pilot: Apologize for rocking the boat
[X] All: Who's this fucker here? points at Index member
[X] Airship Pilot: Apologize for rocking the boat.
[X] All: Who's this fucker here? points at Index member
[X] Airship Pilot: Apologize for rocking the boat

Woohoo one of my favorate project moon crossovers is back!
Did you get inspired by Naron's seeing red?
[X] All: Who's this fucker here? points at Index member
[X] Airship Pilot: Apologize for rocking the boat.
[X] All: Who's this fucker here? points at Index member
[X] Airship Pilot: Apologize for rocking the boat.
Welcome back! glad to see an update for this.
…You're starting to think that Qrow ran off after Tyrian solely so he wouldn't have to answer these brats' questions. And you're seriously contemplating joining him.
Understandable really.
[X] All: Who's this fucker here? points at Index member
[X] Ren: Why the cold shoulder?
A little curious as to what Ren's beef with us is.
Oh hey, this is back.
[X] All: Who's this fucker here? points at Index member
[X] Airship Pilot: Apologize for rocking the boat.
[X] All: Who's this fucker here? points at Index member
[X] Airship Pilot: Apologize for rocking the boat.
[X] All: Who's this fucker here? points at Index member

[X] Ruby: Tyrian wanted her: Why?
Will Kali ever heal, considering she's a light construct? Will we ever meet the one and only, GS:H outrolling yujin?
[X] All: Who's this fucker here? points at Index member
[X] Airship Pilot: Apologize for rocking the boat.
Every single dialog option available except for one will cause interpersonal conflict. Amazing.

[X] Airship Pilot: Apologize for rocking the boat.
[X] Jaune: Where the hell was he?

I bet Jaune's healing powers won't work on us since it relies on amplifying Aura to regenerate injuries, of which we have none. Still, worth a shot right?
[X] All: Who's this fucker here? points at Index member
[X] Airship Pilot: Apologize for rocking the boat.
I see, now, that my once-policy of closing voting after 24 hours was a serious mistake. Welp. We all make those.

I might do a third one of these choices, so lets see who the runner-up is.

Oh. Did we make things worse?
Define worse.
Did you get inspired by Naron's seeing red?
While I do read it, it was not the main factor in picking this up again.

Also also. Character sheets have been updated.

New Faction Unlocked: Team JNPR
New Faction Unlocked: 얀샋ㄷ요무
New Faction Unlocked: ???

New Character Sheet: Jaune Arc

A knight-styled Huntsman-in-training. Not the most impressive specimen.

New Character Sheet: Ruby Rose
A red and black-haired Huntress-in-training. Abnormally talented for her age. Believes in pushing forward and doing what's right. Time will tell how that goes for her.

New Character Sheet: Yan Vismok

A Messenger of the Index, back in the City. And quite possibly still. Unusual in that he has an (ink-stained, Prescript-tainted) moral compass. He tends to be soft-spoken and calm, though the topic of the City and the Index are touchy subjects.

New Character Sheet: Tyrian Callows

A psychotic scorpion Faunus. His goals and motivations are yet unclear, but he seems to have an unusual interest in both you and one Ruby Rose.
Scheduled vote count started by breakingamber on Aug 26, 2024 at 1:19 AM, finished with 18 posts and 17 votes.
Did we ever talk to jaune about pyrrha still technically being alive? Maybe they can be reunited? Given the whole cold trait in both? It might even be helpful to Yan.
Last edited:
Did we ever talk to jaune about pyrrha still technically being alive? Maybe they can be reunited? Given the whole cold trait in both? It might even be helpful to Yan.
One, Kali doesn't know who Pyrrha is, let alone who she is in relation to other people. Two, she is very, very dead. What we fought in the ruins of Beacon was basically a Distorted ghost. There is no point in bringing up Jaune's dead teammate in front of him.