KaliQuest (Project Moon/RWBY)

KaliQuest (Project Moon/RWBY)
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You're the Red Mist. Time to kick some ass.

(Project Moon/RWBY)
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Raging Storm 1.x
Spoilers for Library of Ruina and RWBY.

Raging Storm 1.x
There was a shimmering in front of him, specks of light like sparks from the brightest fire in the world. It was familiar to Miris, remembering memories of colleagues bursting into similarly-shaded pages, fluttering away in the Library's nonexistent wind. The same shade as the pillar of Light, capital L, emitted during the White Nights and Dark Days. One and the same, he was sure.

Miris belatedly realized that he had died.

He was surprised to find that he did not regret it. He and Director Xiao had wandered out of the Library's labyrinthine entrance hall and back onto the killing floor. He'd known, frankly, the two of them would not make it out alive. Xiao would overcome whatever Distortion was ailing her, but it would not be enough. The Library had defeated up Liu South Section 1 back when it had been nearly a full unit, with Chun and all the others, though it had been a close fight. And they'd spent far too much time roaming these silent shelves looking for books that would not be found: more than enough time for the librarians to regroup and recuperate.

Still, it had been an honor. To fight and die alongside the Director… He had no regrets. And neither did she.

The only question was: what now?

The shimmering resolved itself: a mane of long black hair, framing a pale face with eyes closed. It made sense: if he was here, so was she. They'd died at the same time and the same place. Her face was calm, her sword held in front of her, her guandao tucked behind her red jacket.

Xiao's eyes opened wide, seeing the red-leafed forest around them, her subordinate in front of her.


Slowly, like a melting icicle in early spring, something welled up in the Lady of Iron's eyes, glistening and cold. But her eyes closed, shutting out the world. Miris opened his mouth, ready to recite a saying she'd herself passed down to him, long ago.

Xiao began to change. The words turned to ash in his mouth.

Horns, multiple sets of them, branched out from one side of her head, asymmetrical and black. Her suit lost definition, flowing like liquid metal, freezing into dark red metal scale, embossed with swirling gold. Her Stigma Workshop longsword clutched tight in her hand was unable to withstand both the pressure of her grip and the solar heat emanating from her person, shattering with a snap and promptly reducing into a puddle of glowing orange.

Miris's coat caught fire.

No. Not just his coat.

The entire forest was burning. Spontaneous combustion, set ablaze by the woman with the force of a wildfire and her emotional turbulence.

Miris was forced to consider the possibility that Xiao had not, in fact, overcome her Distortion. And the thought that she could end up like the pitiful Crying Children, like the mad 8 o' Clock Ringmaster, the atrocious Yesterday's Promise… it horrified him. If the Distortion Phenomenon could occur to even the Maiden of Iron, the strongest person he had ever known… then truly it could happen to anyone. No one in the City would be safe.

The thought was pushed out of his mind. That was not important. What was important…

"Director! Please calm down! The fire… your Distortion!" he screamed, desperately, hoping his words would reach. And even through the hazy air, the thickening smoke almost solid enough to choke, she did hear him.

"How am I to be calm, Miris," she said, with no hint of inflection or emotion, contrary to the still-rising heat all around them. "When I have sacrificed everything… everyone who cared for me. Everyone I cared for. All I have worked for these past decades. Even the final dying embers of my life… only not to find my beloved beside me?"

He could not let her fall to despair.

"There is still hope, Director! If you and I are here, alive again, it is not impossible that Lowell too has returned."

He was not sure in his statement, and his tone wavered. Thankfully, Xiao did not notice.

"I know that. My rationality has not forsaken me, contrary to what that purple-haired man said. You know me, better than any other. I have not given up all hope. I will not give up hope as long as I am still breathing."

Horns sprouted from the other side of her head, a perfect mirror. The scales of dark red crept up her neck, down her legs, forming into solid armor. Behind her, her guandao transformed, ornate etchings sprouting across its surface, somehow laden with power.

"And yet… this frustration, this fury, and all my ashen grief… it demands an outlet."

Her weapon flashed out to the side, heat distorting the air around it. A thin string of flame burst into existence, curling around her like a ribbon. Dark wings spread from her back, around her coat.

Xiao screamed, turning around and unleashing her anger, swinging her guandao in a wide arc. A Raging Storm erupted from her furious slashes, instantly charring the trees in front of her to ash, continuing on for as far as Miris's eyes could see.

This wasn't good. The Director…she was beyond reason. He could tell. His words would no longer reach her. Her rage and anguish had overcome her normally-calculating mind.

However, they are Fixers, the both of them. Where words fail, they still have the language of violence to fall back upon. Xiao may be—always has been, in truth—more fluent than him. But here, and now, in this strange land beyond death, surrounded by the heat of the wildfire and the heat of Xiao's passion… Miris knew that he must succeed. He had no other choice. He clenched his fists and took a fighting stance.

If he could just Stagger her…

Your name is Kali.

Last you recall, you died in a freaky-ass Library to a woman that looked a lot like you. Looks like you're not dead anymore, though. The doppelganger's nowhere in sight.

You're in a forest. Not the Outskirts lab nor the melty molten floor you'd gotten impaled on. Surprisingly nice, with red leaves and red grass. Same color as your hair, your sword. Either a Nest or some distant Elysium in the Outskirts. Could be the afterlife, for all you know.

Shame that it's all on fire.

Sounds of battle come from the west. Roaring screams and steel on wood. Something long and thin twirls about in the sky above there, though you can't make it out. Smoke's dense pretty much everywhere, but it seems thicker in that direction too. A solid mass, rather than a gray haze.

Ought to investigate, put a stop to it. You may have lost just now, but it's sure as hell not gonna happen again.

Time to kick some ass.

[ ] Write-in.
- [ ] What's the plan?

A/N: A Quest, take two. Hopefully it turns out better than my Fate one (which I still need to wrap up; gosh durn it).

I'mma reserve two more posts real quick. Please stand by.

Fire away.
Naron's In the Name of Love and Hatred! for finally giving me the courage to write this and the inspiration in general to do a Quest.
Lepidoptera's "Human Resources" Shouldn't Be This Literal for reminding me that Quests can be written in bite-sized chunks.
Tonaris's Lost Feather for encouraging me to jump on the PM bandwagon.

Squirtodyle's Fate/Ethereal Order for the character sheet formatting.
TeeQueue for (probably, I haven't actually asked, I just hope at this point I finally asked) graciously allowing me to steal borrow Gebura Kali's catchphrase from his LP.
Lordxana0 and splittedbanana for letting me run this concept by them before posting this.
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Character Sheets
Character Sheets

The Red Mist
The Red Mist

HP: 428/700​

Courageous, determined, loyal, fiercely protective... The closest thing to a true hero the City has.

- The Strongest: When it comes to pure power, nobody can match the Red Mist.​

- Retaliate: A Fixer who has gone through hundreds of battles and emerged victorious hundreds of times will have instincts to match.​

- Kali: The only person in the entire City (aside from Xiao?!?!) with her own E.G.O.. Weaponry that resonates with your emotions… nobody could have expected it. Her E.G.O. weapon, though not her own, becomes an extension of her impressive will, contorting to mimic the killing intent in her mind's eye. It is, however, imperfect: using it will exacerbate Kali's injuries after the fact.​

- ???: Kali's Aura cannot be unlocked. Nor can she naturally heal from injuries.

- Weariness: Tiredness permeates Kali's bones, not significantly diminishing her combat prowess, but it's definitely noticeable to her and those with especially keen observation skills.​

Ruby Rose
Team RWBY Leader

A red and black-haired Huntress-in-training. Abnormally talented for her age. Believes in pushing forward and doing what's right. Time will tell how that goes for her.
  • Aura: The soul, made manifest. A barrier against harm, a bolstering of one's natural strengths, and a harbinger of a greater semblance of power…
  • Petal Burst: Wooshy woosh! Zoom! She speed! She discorporate! She leave a scattering of flowers wherever she travels, though time eventually leaves no trace.
  • Crescent Rose: An unreasonably complicated and dangerous sniper-rifle-scythe. Ruby's baby. The Grimm are but chaff to the harvest for this oversized weed-whacker.
  • Silver Eyes: ??? (Her eyes are, in fact, silver.)
Yang Xiao Long
Team RWBY Huntress-in-Training

A blonde ex-Huntress-in-training with a motorcycle and a pair of guns. Seems to have a lot of baggage.

- Aura: The soul, made manifest. A barrier against harm, a bolstering of one's natural strengths, and a harbinger of a greater semblance of power…

- Burn: The power to roll with the punches. Yang stores up energy when she's hit, and expels it in powerful blazing bursts.

- Ember Celica: Once a pair of shotgun-gauntlets, now a single shotgun-gauntlet plus a mechanical arm with a shotgun built into it. Courtesy of Atlas's top scientists, it functions exactly the same as a second shotgun-gauntlet.

- ???: ???

- ???: ???

Yan Vismok
The City's Messenger

A Messenger of the Index, back in the City. And quite possibly still. Unusual in that he has an (ink-stained, Prescript-tainted) moral compass. He tends to be soft-spoken and calm, though the topic of the City and the Index are touchy subjects.
  • ㅗㅐㅔㄷ: A sliver of Light, shining through the cracks of Yan's despair. He has not overcome the darkest part of the City's night, but he now believes it might be possible. As a result, his state is somewhat unstable: mostly a Distortion, but the bare minimum humanity necessary to regain and retain his form.
  • The Messenger: Where the City speaks, there must be a Weaver to hear. Where a Weaver writes, there must be a Proxy to interpret. When the Proxy decides, a Messenger must deliver. To where the Prescript points, oft they go.
  • Locked Potential (Sealed): The Sword of Volition cannot be unlocked.
  • Grace of the Prescript (Sealed): Yan has begun to reconsider the City's will, and thus no longer gains the benefit of this skill.
  • Aura (Sealed): The soul, made manifest. But what is a soul if not the essence of your thoughts and desires? And what is a Distortion, if not your thoughts and desires made manifest? What need is there for Aura, then?

Liu Assocation S. Section 1

Maiden of Iron
The Director of Liu South Section 1. Once a cold and closed-off Fixer, love (and subsequently grief) has driven her to be much more open with her emotions.

- Nine Children of the Dragon: Xiao's manifested E.G.O. clothes her in steel and flame, amplifying her literal firepower. The solar heat she emits affects everyone near her, stifling their movements.

- Fervor: Liu Fixers are well-known for their passion, and the power it grants them.

- Force of a Wildfire: When Xiao starts a fire, it spreads.

- Furious Fire Rending the Skies (Sealed): When naturally turbulent emotions well up, one can pour them into their flames for a single moment, doubling the fire's intensity. But Xiao's emotions roil eternally, rendering the entire exercise pointless.

- Hugging Fire, Sitting on Brushwood: If one is willing to take risks and extend in a calculated manner, one can find opportunities others will not, searing their gambit into the psyche of an opponent.

- Aura: ???​

Liu Association S. Section 1 Fixer
One of the top Fixers of Liu South Section 1, one of Xiao's right-hand men. A tad overconfident, but earnest, with full faith in his Director.

- Fervor: Liu Fixers are well-known for their passion, and the power it grants them.

- Hugging Fire, Sitting on Brushwood: If one has the confidence and skill to execute perfectly, one can find opportunities others will not, searing their mastery into the psyche of an opponent.

- Aura: The soul, made manifest. A barrier against harm, a bolstering of one's natural strengths, and a harbinger of a greater semblance of power…​

Beacon Academy
Glynda Goodwitch
Headmistress of Beacon Academy

One of the top Huntresses in Vale, once second-in-command to the now-deceased Headmaster Ozpin. She is strict and cold, yet deeply passionate about the instruction and safety of her students.

- Aura: The soul, made manifest. A barrier against harm, a bolstering of one's natural strengths, and a harbinger of a greater semblance of power…

- Telekinesis: Mind over matter. Glynda's Semblance has been ruthlessly honed over the years, such that she no longer fights with a weapon at all. Her use of telekinetics is efficient in combat, and grand in spectacle.

- The Disciplinarian: The focus for Glynda's Semblance. While wielding this riding crop, her concentration will not waver a single iota, not unless her Aura is completely depleted.

- ???​

Jaune Arc
Team JNPR Leader

A knight-styled Huntsman-in-training. Not the most impressive specimen.
  • Aura: The soul, made manifest. A barrier against harm, a bolstering of one's natural strengths, and a harbinger of a greater semblance of power…
  • ???: ???
  • Crocea Mors: Sword and board. Classic and classical. Tools of battle, used not too long ago by someone with experience, reforged into something even the likes of Vomit Boy can use. Namely, they can now fuse together. Into a bigger sword.
  • Cold: It's cold without her here. It's like winter lasts all year. He must do whatever it takes to keep warm. A pyre, to keep his friends warm by the fire…? It could do.
Pyrrha Nikos
The End of Achilles
Forever trapped within a single memory, this ashen spirit attacks everything that enters Beacon Tower. Her memories and form and even her name are Distorted, her purpose unclear. But her combat prowess remains indomitable.

- Aura (Sealed): The soul, made manifest. But what is a soul if not the essence of your thoughts and desires? And what is a Distortion, if not your thoughts and desires made manifest? What need is there for Aura, then?

- Cold: It's cold without him here. It's like winter lasts all year. She must do whatever it takes to keep warm. Rekindle her ashen form into a blaze of glory.

- Goodbye: She won't say it. She doesn't have to say it. The word would destroy her. Goodbye, Jaune.

- Destiny: To fight and die atop Beacon Tower… Her final fate. A story repeating on and on. To give it her all: her Semblance, her prodigious combat ability, her very soul. And fail nonetheless, leaving everyone behind. Do you believe in destiny?​
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Character Sheets 2
Character Sheets 2

Shi Association S. Section 2
Shi Association S. Section 2 Director
Despite her cold and calculating exterior, a capable and cunning Fixer that holds a strong sense of responsibility for her subordinates. If she weren't beaten three fourths of the way to death, she never would have died in the Library.

- Overbreathing: A medical condition turned into an advantage in combat. The simple act of taking in deeper breaths than anyone else, coupled with augmentations to store said breath, allows Yujin to bounce back quickly, even after using her most powerful attacks, recovering from the strain nearly instantly and returning to the fray.

- Kizuna: Shi Fixers look after each other, bonds as tight as steel. And when their backs are against the wall, they only fight harder.

- Eye of Death: Weaknesses. Vulnerabilities. From the slightest flaw in an opponent's posture to a gaping wound inflicted moments before, Yujin has honed her powers of observation to find any and every opening. And when she strikes in earnest… she always inflicts a lethal blow.

- Deflect Assault: An assassin must always be on guard, lest they fall victim to their own tricks. Given her position, Yujin is more aware of this than any other, and defends against surprise attacks on instinct.

- Extreme Fatigue: Wear and tear on every inch of Yujin's bones. She took on countless blows meant for her subordinates, leaving her body damaged far more than the rest of them, almost irreparable.

- Exhaustion: Yujin is exhausted beyond belief. Weeks without more than an hour of rest at a time leaves her slower, more predictable, with gaping holes in her defenses.

- Enervation: Strain on her muscles, her organs, and her reflexes has left Yujin a shadow of her former self. She strikes with a bare fraction of the power she can normally bring to bear, and even her infamously lethal technique has degraded back to an earlier state.​
Shi Association S. Section 2 Fixer
Yujin's right-hand man. His brash personality, coupled with his youth and the way he always leaps to defend his Director in public, has allowed him to stay under the radar as a Fixer, leading to a grade far lower than is accurate.

- Singular Strike: Valentin's specialty is carefully chosen decisive strikes, capable of ending battles in a single slash. While it often leaves him wide open in the event of failure, the nature of his job as a Fixer ensures that rarely happens. He's also surprisingly talented at deflecting gunfire.

- Kizuna: Shi Fixers look after each other, bonds as tight as steel. And when their backs are against the wall, they only fight harder.

- Extreme Fatigue: Exhaustion beyond belief. Weeks without more than an hour of rest, coupled with accumulated injuries without time to heal has left the Shi greatly weakened.​
Shi Association S. Section 2 Fixer
Yujin's right-hand woman. Much like Valentin, her small size and youth have caused many to underestimate her as a Fixer. She is coolheaded, somewhat sarcastic, and loyal to her Director.

- Respiration: Unusual for a Shi Association elite, Tenma specializes in endurance, consistent damage and outlasting opponents. No matter how badly the wind is knocked out of her or how much effort she exerts with her attacks, she always has enough energy held back to continue fighting.

- Kizuna: Shi Fixers look after each other, bonds as tight as steel. And when their backs are against the wall, they only fight harder.

- Extreme Fatigue: Exhaustion beyond belief. Weeks without more than an hour of rest, coupled with accumulated injuries without time to heal has left the Shi greatly weakened.​

The White Fang
Ilia Amitola
White Fang Member
A chameleon Faunus with a grudge and a crush. A personal student of the High Leader of the White Fang, coupled with her natural ability to change the color of her skin makes her a surprisingly formidable opponent.

- Aura: The soul, made manifest. A barrier against harm, a bolstering of one's natural strengths, and a harbinger of a greater semblance of power…

- Lightning Lash: Ilia's weapon of choice. A rapier-whip infused with Lightning Dust, infusing electricity into each and every strike.

- Force of Revolution: To fight for the Faunus, no matter what it takes. That is the creed of the White Fang. To upend the old world order and bring about the new, where humanity is not superior. Not by one inch.​
Corsac & Fennec
Corsac & Fennec Albain
White Fang Lieutenants
A pair of fox Faunus brothers, soft-spoken and shrewd. Despite their monotone exterior, they are as loyal to the White Fang cause as anyone. They largely operate as intermediaries, translating the High Leader's direct orders to their subordinates.

- Aura: The soul, made manifest. A barrier against harm, a bolstering of one's natural strengths, and a harbinger of a greater semblance of power…

- Cyclone and Inferno: A pair of matched daggers, one wielded by each Albain brother. Embedded with Wind and Fire Dust respectively, they are capable of firing smaller projectiles of their element, as well as produce significantly larger torrents of fire and ice when used simultaneously.

- Force of Revolution: To fight for the Faunus, no matter what it takes. That is the creed of the White Fang. To upend the old world order and bring about the new, where humanity is not superior. Not by one inch.​

Qrow Branwen
Ex-Team STRQ Huntsman

Aura: 130/250

A legendary Huntsman, known for always working alone. Cynical, sarcastic, drunk and disorderly, and flippant as a flipped bird, this dusty old crow is nonetheless privy to a number of secrets. Many of literal world-shaking importance.

- Aura: The soul, made manifest. A barrier against harm, a bolstering of one's natural strengths, and a harbinger of a greater semblance of power…

- Harbinger: A massive greatsword with a shotgun built into the hilt, and a secondary scythe form. Qrow's fighting style is flashy whenever he can get away with it, while pragmatic when it counts, and his weapon's versatility facilitates this.

- Misfortune: His Semblance. A form of probability manipulation that is passive in nature, causing misfortune to Qrow and everyone near him. A bad luck charm, if you will. By spending his Aura, Qrow can amplify the effects of his Semblance, causing those in his vicinity to suffer significantly greater strings of bad luck.

- Muninn: Ozpin used to have two eyes, two birds, two spies. Each one was gifted a piece of magic, allowing them to transform into a bird: their namesake. One left. Qrow is the one that stayed, loyally, gathering information for the man he'd devoted his life to. One should be anxious for him.

- ???​

Haven Academy
Leonardo Lionheart
Headmaster of Haven Academy

The most influential man in Mistral. Protector of the next generation of Huntsmen. Accomplished polymath, scientist, and historian. A great hero to the people of Remnant, back in his youth. Despite the meek front he puts on, his history speaks for itself.

- Aura: The soul, made manifest. A barrier against harm, a bolstering of one's natural strengths, and a harbinger of a greater semblance of power…

- Stalwart: A shield and palette in one. Mixing Dust in the midst of battle is as much art as it is science. And while the Headmaster of Haven has not seen direct combat for a long while, he remains reasonably proficient.

- ???: ???

- ???: ???

- ???: ???

Tyrian Callows
A psychotic scorpion Faunus. His goals and motivations are yet unclear, but he seems to have an unusual interest in both you and one Ruby Rose.

- Aura: The soul, made manifest. A barrier against harm, a bolstering of one's natural strengths, and a harbinger of a greater semblance of power…

???: ???

- The Queen's Servants: ???

- ???: ???
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Raging Storm 1.1
Raging Storm 1.1
You dash off, beelining for the battlefield. Mimicry carves through a stray tree or two that gets in your way. You've always been at your best in the middle of a fracas.

As you get closer, you can finally make out the form of that firey ribbon in the sky. It's a dragon. An honest-to-god dragon, long and winding, composed of red-hot fire and controlled by who-knows-what.

You'd like to say that's a new one. It's not.

It seems to notice you, screaming in challenge. A literal roaring flame. It swoops down over the forest, charring trees into black, burned-out husks of their former selves, charging straight for you.

You ready your sword and meet its charge with one of your own.

[Tāo Tiè (25-30) + 1 (Fervor) +1 (Nine Children of the Dragon) = 27-32: Rolls 28]

[Onrush (14-26): Rolls 16]

…and realize too late that it's not physical. It's a living flame, not a being wreathed in them. One doesn't kill a torrent of flames, one blocks, parries, evades it. You've taken the entirely wrong approach to this, left yourself wide open.

Mimicry slashes through empty superheated air, and you take the brunt of the attack head-on, wincing. The dragon, finished with you for the moment, flies back into the sky and out of your reach, presumably to wreak havoc elsewhere.

Scowling, you press onwards. It'll be back. You'll get it next time.

The heat keeps getting worse, to the point where you can barely breathe. You're starting to see signs of combat - felled trees, scorch marks more intense than usual. Indiscernible shouts and screams can be heard.

Then, with a loud sound of shattering, they stop, the wildfire's intensity exploding alongside the noise. Not long after, you find a body in a trench, looking like he was the one that carved it, slamming into the ground at high velocity.

He's not dead, and also surprisingly less on fire than the forest around you. Red hair, smashed glasses, Liu Association coat (which he's actually wearing correctly, arms in sleeves and all - a miracle). Section 1, judging by the furred edges. You don't recognize him.

[Miris is Staggered.]

Your eyes follow the furrowed line in the ground, meet the cause.

A woman, clad in red scale armor, wreathed in flames. She's got wings, horns, and an especially fancy Liu coat. A director, you presume, and probably the source of this wildfire. You can feel the heat emanating off her in waves. It's smothering, choking. If you were anybody else, it'd be near-impossible to move. As it is, it's merely a chore, something you have to divert conscious effort to.

You don't recognize her either, though she does seem vaguely familiar. Her getup is really strange, if clearly effective, dangerous. That's probably what's making remembering her difficult. Can't see most of her face or hair, due to the scaled helm. And you know a lot of people with red eyes.

Threat assessment. You don't get to be Director of Section 1 (what happened to Long?) by collecting bottle caps. Plus a sizable boost from her extremely high-quality gear. You're wondering what Workshop she got it from—you probably don't need it, given you've got your own E.G.O., but it's unfamiliar to you, you can't help but be a bit curious. The dragon, you assume, is some part her doing. Some kind of Singularity under her control, from a fallen Wing? It was definitely powerful; with it, this woman could probably be a Star of the City on her own.

No self-control, though, not if she's setting fire to an entire forest and attacking her own subordinate. You're not going to be seeing any intricate combat strategies out of her. Just all-out war.

As if to prove your point, she screams in uncontrollable fury, raises her weapon (a guandao, definitely a section director) and charges, blade pointed towards your heart.

You've not got much context here, but you'd really prefer not to be impaled twice in one day.

HP: 660

[ ] Write-in.
- [ ] Battle plan?
- [ ] What to do about the downed Liu Fixer?

[ ] Manifest E.G.O.?
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No

A/N: Xiao fight time. Showing rolls will likely be saved for special occasions, particularly dangerous attacks and whatnot. Else I'll probably just... roll in the background and decide how it goes that way.

I'll also just note that you're almost certainly gonna survive this encounter.
Raging Storm 1.2
Raging Storm 1.2
You raise your weapon to block the new Director's spear in a casual guard. Mimicry's eye closes just before she reaches, something that briefly puzzles you—the E.G.O. weapon has always been as durable as the Abnormality it was extracted from, and if it's trying to do an imitation of you, it's doing a piss-poor job. You don't flinch.


Instinct and instinct alone is the only thing that keeps you from folding like a ragdoll, propelled back half a dozen meters like the poor schmuck behind you. An instant shift in posture, steady positioning. Your other hand braces against Mimicry's back.

The iron maiden clashes against your block with all the force of a wildfire, unstoppable and and it's all you can do to remain in place, heels digging into the ashen earth.

She's almost as strong as you. But not quite stronger.

Her follow-up comes quick, a full-body tackle, meant to ruin your focus, get within your guard. You don't let her, letting out a level slash on instinct, glancing off her armor but still driving her back, interrupting her.

You've a fair bit of experience as a Fixer. It's a strange situation you've got going on, here. Something's not quite right. The feel of Mimicry against her scale… Your intuition is screaming at you to spot the thread.

A rapid series of slashes and stabs aim at your throat, your chest, your face. Every one takes your entire focus to deflect, to evade. The final slash is too fast, coming at too oblique an angle for you to completely avoid. You take the best option, leaping back, taking the blow on your forearm, turning a lethal attack into a glancing one. The blade cauterizes your wound before you can even bleed a single drop.

It clicks. There's a reason you don't recognize the Workshop. You've felt that same sensation, but in the opposite direction, opponents' weapons being deflected by your own gear. And you've cleaved many a Syndicate member in two with Mimicry. You know what its impossible metal edge feels like, slashing through skin and tissue. The flavor is different, more like the rising sun than a red mist, but the core is unmistakable. This is E.G.O. gear. Either extracted from an Abnormality or somehow manifested from her own mind. Neither seems plausible, but all signs point to that.

You're missing something. None of this should be possible. It goes against everything Carmen told you.

A decapitating slash comes for your head, which you barely evade. A reminder that this isn't the time to reconcile old barely-understood scientific lectures. Focus on the here and now.


The downed Fixer. The Director completely ignores him, focusing on you like a guided missile. For the best. You can take it right now. You feel safe retreating, leaving him alone—you can already see him slowly staggering to his feet. Another few moments and he'll be back in the fight. Two on one makes things a lot easier.

You need to stall until then. Take obvious openings, but only to delay your opponent further. You could get away with it, but you'd still rather not kill a high-ranking Liu Fixer without reason.

Thing is, this woman's giving you a serious run for your money. This is her home ground, a forest in flames, and E.G.O. obviously pertaining to fire and dragons. You're no stranger to smoke, but this is a little more than you bargained for.

Almost as if she's reading your mind, a roaring wave of devastating heat pushes outward from her, worse than any ordinary fire. The fact that it's affecting you at all speaks volumes, and to this degree? You feel as if you can barely exert any force at all, all strength siphoned away. Your hair and clothes, once soaked in sweat, dries out in an instant.

[Firey Dragon Slash (5-9, 3-7) + 0 (Pú Láo) = 5-9, 3-7: Rolls 8, 5]

[Upstanding Slash (6-10, 6-9) + 0 (Pú Láo) = 6-10, 6-9: Rolls 8, 9]

The interesting part. The Director herself, while seemingly immune to the flames, seems just as affected by this unworldly heat. Her movements are slower, more sluggish, and when she swings her guandao at you, it's with none of her previously overwhelming force. Still fast enough to be dangerous, and it is a sharp, superheated blade. But a quick sidestep takes you out of reach of the attack, allowing you to retaliate with a blunt blow of your own. She staggers back.

A double-edged sword if you ever saw one. A mutual shitfest.

"Director… Xiao… No. You're… the Red Mist? Impossible. You're dead."

Choked-out words, from a parched throat.

The Liu Fixer is fully conscious now, staring at the two of you through shattered lenses, which he wipes from his face. A corner of your mind analyzes him, his posture, his expression. He's a fistfighter, unusual for the Association of all-out war. The fact that he's standing at all, even through this heat, is impressive, though his body isn't working the way he wants it to. Speaks of decent augmentations, but not the best. And to have the confidence to take on this monster of a Fixer (Xiao, perhaps?), even without a weapon?

Grade 2. By your estimate. There was no shame in losing to her.

Familiar with your opponent, knowing her by name. Expecting it to mean something. She didn't seem to have heard him. Your guess of him being her subordinate seems more and more likely. Was she holding back against him? Could explain why he was even still alive. Any other similarly-graded Fixer would've gotten their shit kicked in so hard their eyeball fluids would've boiled.

Also clearly used to fighting in a duo. Whether that was with his Director, or someone else, you can't tell. And you're a good enough Fixer to fill that slot.

"Not anymore," you say, narrowly evading another of Xiao's thrusts. "You okay, over there?"

The Fixer nods. Stumbling slightly over the ashes of a stump, he leaps into the fight, only to nearly get bisected by his Director's instinctive backswing, survived only with a sudden double-block, augments keeping his arms from being sliced clean-off.

…Either she wasn't unconsciously holding back at all (unlikely, this Fixer would be a charred smear on the ground otherwise) during their earlier fight. Or, in this state of exhausting heat, she literally couldn't. Didn't have the control, the passive ability to regulate the strength of her swings underneath the effects of her own aura, not while in a blind rage.

Makes sense. As you are now, you've barely any ability to control your attacks, relying on momentum and Mimicry's sheer power as E.G.O.. Going through the motions, in a sense. Still, it's concerning.

"We need… to stagger her." he coughs out, smoke inhalation having done a number on his body. "Calm her down… put the Director down for a rest. She's on her last legs. Can't let her Distort. Become a Distortion, like the Crying Children. The Bloodfiends. Or is that… before your time?"

You don't understand the question. You caught that first bit, though, and it's clear he has full confidence in his battle plan. As someone with very little idea what's going on, next to a man with all his fancy terminology of 'Distortion' and whatnot, you're comfortable following his lead on this. Not to mention you'd prefer not to murder such a high-ranking Assocation member anyway. Not much of a change, anyway. Fight to subdue it is. Given her monstrous strength, though, all it means is that you won't be going for a killing blow once she's knocked unconscious. To not utilize your full force otherwise would be suicide.

The only question now: the Fixer seems competent enough. You'd rely on him, in any other circumstance. But these are not normal circumstances. Xiao is monstrously strong, with abilities you've only seen on Abnormalities, psuedo-gods from the Outskirts.

You don't want another unnecessary death on your conscience. Fuck, you've even got your own to worry about.

Then again… You remember what he said. Her being on her last legs. You can't tell if she is or isn't, in all honesty. You can tell that she's been fighting her subordinate for a while. But you don't know how much damage he did.

He seems completely willing to return to the fray. Xiao seems completely willing to carve the two of you into grilled corpses, but only seems focused on you.

The flame dragon soars through the sky, the ashes of the forest resting beneath it.

You're the Red Mist, and you don't know what to do.

HP: 634

[ ] Write-in.
- [ ] Allow Miris to assist?​

[ ] Manifest E.G.O.?

A/N: I'll note that the original plan was to throw Reverse Scale at you repeatedly. But that probably would've resulted in… not fun times. Kali's smart enough to figure out the gimmick after the first time triggering it, but the Strength boost that would've resulted… not fun.

Only two more chapters left of this arc now, I suppose.
Raging Storm 1.3
Raging Storm 1.3
"I'll cover you," you bark, fending off another furious assault. "This bitch… Xiao. Needs to be put down for a nap."

The Fixer's expression, out of the corner of your eye, is torn between instant agreement and defending his Director's honor. But you don't have time for that. Mimicry's incessant babbling, previously just so much background noise, comes to the fore. Your spirit focuses and your mind clears of all distraction.

"Give me the strength I need. To tear my foes apart," you whisper.

You remember that distant, half-imagined line.

Don't you desire a human shell as well?

Who are you fighting for?

Those honest, virtuous eyes…


As long as I can protect that one person.


Stray thoughts are the most dangerous thing when trying to manifest your E.G.O..

It wasn't enough. You died. How can you protect anyone if you're dead?

The indecision only lasts a moment. But it's enough.

Xiao's dragon swoops down, joining with her wild charge and trailing behind her like…like your own E.G.O., following her movement perfectly, launching her forward with some ridiculous updraft.

This time, your guard doesn't hold. There is extra power behind her blow, this time, an accompanying burst of flame. And you can't seem to muster up any of your own. You're sent sprawling, flying backwards from the miniature explosion. You half-shove Mimicry downward, stalling through the dirt to lower your momentum, regain your footing. Eventually, it catches a tree stump, mostly ashes but just solid enough for your sword to bite into, and you finally can catch your breath.

The Liu Fixer runs into combat once more, his hand contracted into a single point and aiming for Xiao's face, the only part of her body uncovered by her E.G.O., a weapon as deadly as any sword. A wide swing pushes him away, but he ducks under her guard immediately afterward, slashing at her legs and following with an impressive uppercut. She reels.

You've gotten distracted.

Even if I can't protect Carmen. I need to protect this Fixer. He'll die.

You are, if nothing else, obsessed with the act of protection.

And then all you see is red. Your vision narrows down to a single point. Pure power courses through your veins, and Mimicry comes alive in a way you can't really describe. You feel strong enough to take on the world. And for all intents and purposes, you are.

It's almost enough to overcome this dead-awful draining heat.

But not quite.

Everything you do still feels stifled, somehow. Red Mist bottles up in your body, expelled out your E.G.O., and yet it doesn't seem to be helping you like it usually does. The heat is slowly fading, dispersing into the wildfire around you, but in the meantime…

You've got no choice.

Director Xiao whirls her blade around in a grand spinning maneuver, driving away the other close-ranged Fixer. You rush in to take his place, clashing your blade against the haft of her spear, locking her down.

Most weapons can only be in one place at once. Xiao's is no different. The Liu Fixer takes the opportunity to strike at Xiao's back. He strikes at her pressure points with precise, pointed fingers, damaging her even through her armor. The Director is almost unable to defend herself, screaming in fury.

Xiao twists her guandao, breaking the deadlock and slamming its butt against the ground. You score a devastatingly solid blow on her shoulder, wrenching it from its socket with an audible crack, but it almost doesn't matter: the earth shakes, the air exploding all around you. A spontaneous combustion. An attack seemingly unaffected, and, if anything, boosted by her fiery aura.

You blunt the impact of the first explosion, drawing your E.G.O. tight around you. But the second explosive smash of her spear catches you off guard—didn't expect her to still be able to attack after dislocating her shoulder.

Your temporary comrade in arms weathers the sudden area attack with less grace, which sets his coat on fire. He hurriedly puts it out as Xiao comes at you for another round.

You agree with the other Fixer, now. She's on her last legs. Her hand moves up the shaft of her weapon, wielding it as an awkward sword singlehandedly. And while it's clear she has skill with a longsword, and the blade is as dangerous and sharp and blazing as ever, she's better with a polearm.

The draining heat aura is finally dying down, which means you're getting stronger with every passing second. Xiao, meanwhile, has lost the use of an arm. When you clash, you easily overpower her, driving her blade aside as if it's not even there, the thrums of power in your body finally finding an outlet. And now that she has slightly more control, even in this raging state, she cannot exert much force against her own subordinate. Her loss of range is also to her detriment, allowing him to get in closer more easily.

Victory is nearly guaranteed. There's not much more she can do to you.

She seems to realize this, but she doesn't give up. If anything, she fights with even greater ferocity, fires roaring ever-brighter. Despite the fact that she's up against the strongest Fixer in the City and a subordinate she cannot bear to harm, she slashes and stabs unrelentingly.

Admirable. But ultimately, in this circumstance, highly destructive.

Xiao's attempts another stab. You sidestep. Mimicry lashes out in response, flesh pulling back and the blade curving to the side, briefly becoming a scythe. It latches around your opponent's weapon, locking it in place yet again.

You pull.

The Liu Fixer catches the blade as it flies across the newly-made clearing. Then he immediately drops it with a shout, nursing his burned hands. Xiao stands there in shock, disarmed.

You hear a roaring flame. You look up.

Xiao's dragon is descending for another pass, barreling straight towards the ground.. And the woman herself is not quite beaten. But you will not make the same mistake as last time. And a single good hit will deplete the last of her resolve.

The final Scene, before curtain call.

You ready your blade and, with all of your might, split the world in half…

- [ ] Horizontally.

- [ ] Vertically.

HP: 593

A/N: Pick a finisher.

Unrelated side note, since the fight is all but over: In terms of mechanics, Xiao gets -3 Power to all dice targeting Miris, as well as dealing half as much Burn. This is the only reason why he is still alive. And naturally, it wouldn't apply during Pu Lao Scenes, which are the ones he got his ass beat on.

I was also going to punish you for activating E.G.O. during power null, but figured, lorewise, it wouldn't make that much sense.
Raging Storm 1.4
Raging Storm 1.4
Xiao is just too far away to hit her, meaning you'll have to deal with the dragon. You're on the defensive, first and foremost. That's fine. You've got the best defense.

You know it's not solid, that you can't directly stop it by applying force to mass—it has none. But, assuming it acts like a normal flame… you can disrupt it. A large enough object, at high enough velocity.

The image is clear, in your mind's eye. Mimicry swells to match it, doubling, tripling in size. And you cleave downward, right before it reaches you, pushing it aside with the flat of your blade like the world's largest fan.

You still feel the heat, of course. But this time, you don't get hit head on. Neither does the other Fixer, who avoided the attack simply by virtue of not being there. Good on him.

Apparently, though, the flaming faux-life isn't quite done. It circles around, back behind Xiao, lifting her up and propelling her forward just like last time. Even weaponless, you imagine she hits pretty hard, in this state.


Before, there was nothing to hit. Not a creature wreathed in flames, but a flame wrapped in the image of a mythical beast.

Now… Xiao's made herself an easy target. Mimicry is crying for blood, screaming the one word over and over again. Like a lifeline.

You decide to oblige it. As Xiao charges into range, you simply bring your sword down towards the ground.

The tip catches her right in the chest, sticking there. She stops, dead in her tracks. Her armor, previously impenetrable, gives, crumpling like a rusty tin can. You smirk, invisible under your mask. Can't help it.

Wielding this much power is exhilarating.

Your mouth opens—

"It can deliver a powerful downswing that should be impossible for a human."

Let us, for a brief interlude, consider the reality of the Great Split: Vertical.

"Human", in the world of the City, covers a great number of cases. Finn is human. Gloria is human. Colors, Arbiters, and Executioners all originate from humans, and as such the Head considers them human. And through systematic execution and exile of sentient beings not fitting this narrow definition, so does the City's lexicon. It is largely consistent with few edge cases. Those that arise are quickly resolved, usually via precise and overwhelming force.

"Impossible", in the world of the City, covers very few cases. Most of them pertain to the Head, the Eye, and the Claw. It is impossible to evade taxes without being confronted with a Claw. It is impossible to dodge the gaze of the Eye. It is impossible to convince an Arbiter to make a point within three sentences. All other possibilities are achievable, even trivial, due to the broad existence of a million Singularities. Trains that reach any destination in ten seconds, stones to protect from mental harm, devices to control the whorls and eddies of time itself—anything a Citydweller can imagine and a number of things a Citydweller can't. All within the realm of human possibility, given resources and the right spark of genius.

Mimicry is the Extermination of Geometrical Organ (E.G.O.) of Nothing There, the most infamous ALEPH-class Abnormality. In the hands of Kali, it is a greatsword: red, fleshy, dotted with large bright eyes and fragments of teeth and bone. In a slightly different context, it takes the form of a scythe with a similar appearance. Weaker than the original, but purer, with a potent healing effect attached to it. That is neither here nor now.

It is not an especially heavy weapon, unlike Wheels Industry greatswords or Rhino Team warhammers. It is not supernaturally sharp, unlike Shi Association katanas or the blades of Crystal Atelier. To the uninitiated, it is simply a serviceable sword of disturbing aesthetic. However, it is powerful—a vague term, to be certain, but nonetheless the most applicable.

E.G.O. is a weapon that resonates with the emotions of its wielder. When the two are correctly tuned, their combat potential skyrockets, far beyond what the laws of physics should allow. But even without attunement, assuming the wielder is adequately fortitudinous, prudent, tempered, and/or just, there is still a high degree of potential to be accessed within any given E.G.O. weapon, enough to go toe-to-toe with a number of ALEPH-class Abnormalities. In this prototypical Mimicry, the greatest exhibition of this potential takes the form of the aforementioned downward slash.

It is something even a borderline amateur could pull off, as evinced by the occasional Fortitude Level V employee working at Lobotomy Corporation.

Kali is a Grade 1 Fixer assigned the Color of "The Red Mist". She was (possibly is) the strongest Fixer in recorded history. She left deep gouges across the City, to the point where her name was spoken of with respect ten years after her death. Strength beyond compare, whether by top-of-the-line augments, sheer muscle power, or force of emotion.

What does it say that, by the strictest definition, the power of Mimicry's infamous GôDdBỹÉ is greater than anything even the strongest human in the City can output?

Perhaps, if we view the scenario from a different angle: Kali's ability to resonate with E.G.O. was a large part of what made her a Color. First with Mimicry, then with her own, she was uniquely capable of drawing out E.G.O.'s full strength. Anyone can reach the pinnacles of physical strength through training and augments. No one could wield E.G.O., equipment that, even in an early, prototype state, far-surpassed even the strongest workshop gear, with any degree of proficiency.

No one but Kali.

In her hands, Mimicry was less a greatsword and more an extension of her impressive willpower. Contorting and adapting, shifting from a sword to a spear to a scythe and back again at will…

Let us, once again, consider the reality of the Great Split: Vertical. It is, in essence:
  • A downward slash impossible for a human to perform, enabled by an eldritch and unknowable weapon.
  • Wielded by the physically strongest Fixer of her generation, capable of leaving her foes a bloody-red mist through sheer strength alone.
  • Capable of resonating with said equipment and drawing out its full potential, magnifying its damage output immeasurably.
It would be fair to say that Xiao, experienced and furious and raw and powerful as she was… did not stand a chance.

—and you say the line, placing both hands on your sword for that final push…



Xiao falls. And a bloody-red mist fills the air.

Xiao's E.G.O. fades away, gone like it was never there. With great effort, you dismiss your own as well, ethereal coat evaporating and mask receding into nothingness. Your body aches from the pressure of maintaining it. But you'll be fine.

The forest is, unfortunately, still on fire. You don't think it can be saved. At least the fires in your immediate vicinity have mostly burned out. Nothing left to burn.

You left a massive vertical gash right down the middle of Xiao. She looks like a bloody mess, but she'll live. Won't be getting up for a while though.

The Liu Fixer goes to examine his Director, careful not to exacerbate her wounds. Once he has determined her odds of survival to his satisfaction, the other Liu Fixer stands back up, looks at you with a calculating gaze. He's still breathing heavily, exhausted. You stare at him right back, asking, "So who are you, anyway? And who is she? Looks familiar, but I can't quite place her."

"My name is Miris," he says. "Liu Association, South Section 1. That is Xiao, Director of the same. And you are the Red Mist."

You were curious earlier. But now you need to know. Long was an ass, but he was a competent ass. No pushover in combat. It hasn't been that long since you were out in the City, besides. How did he die? He was only in his thirties.

"What happened to Long?"

"He violated the rules set by the Head, and was subsequently assassinated by Director Yujin of Shi South Section 2."

The name "Yujin" rings a bell. You know who that is.

But Miris doesn't give you time to process that revelation. "I thought something like this was the case. I first assumed you were an impostor or a feverish delusion. But no. You faced down the Director, your equipment is far surpassing any Workshop, and your power is unmistakable. No fox in human skin, but the genuine article.

"My second and final conclusion: You have been brought back from the dead, and are simply unaware of the circumstances. It's been ten years, Red Mist. Times have changed."

You blink.

He's fucking with you. He's got to be. Besides, time travel? You only died less than a couple minutes ago. Bullshit.

"Pull the other one," you snarl. You step towards him, slash Mimicry through the air, an intimidation move. "Tell me the truth this time. No more bullshit. I'm not an idiot who will believe everything you say."

Miris doesn't flinch, though he does pale. "This is the conclusion I have come to. Hana reassigned your Color less than four years ago, reported you deceased more than nine. They don't often make mistakes. Yet here you are. If you wish to fight, I will not go down easily. Even to a Color."

Even battered and burned from fighting his own Director, he still raises his fists in a fighting stance. You can't help but admire the guy's confidence. Suicidal, almost.

Still, he's asking for it. Not gonna kill him, not after all that effort you went through to save his loyal ass. But roughing him up a bit, maybe break a limb or two… then he'll sing a different tune.

"Last chance," you warn. "No tricks. No Library or illusion or Arbiter doppelganger bullshit. Besides, you need to make your lies more convincing. Yujin? The up-and-comer with the stupid trick? That scrawny runt, Director of a Section?"

You said it when she was one-shotting the Lunar Cycle, and you maintain that it's true. Yujin doesn't have the stamina to make it to Grade 1. Her trick, while honestly pretty cool, only works a fourth of the time. Salvador would make it to Grade 1 before she did. And besides, she relies far too heavily on her friend, the one with the black hair and red eyes—

You freeze. You suddenly realize why Xiao's face is familiar.

…No. It's impossible. No way you missed out on ten years.

You're just about to give Miris a piece of your mind regardless. But right then, something screams at you to move, to dodge, to block. You're under attack.

A pulse of sheer force pulses through the forest, clearing the smoke from the air. You raise your blade in front of you, blunt the impact that way. Miris isn't so lucky, thrown a solid twenty meters into a pile of flaming brush.

Once-flaming brush. The shockwave, somehow tinged with chill, puts it out on contact. It puts out all the fires on contact.

Xiao, lying on the ground, seems too low to be affected. Cautiously, you look in the direction of the blast, looking for the source.

You've taken a bit of a beating today. But you're far from down and out. You could go for another round.

Moments later, the source strides through the charred treeline.

A blonde woman, hair tied back in a bun. White top, black skirt, purple cape. In her hand is a riding crop, and her face is equal parts confused and furious. Bags rest under her eyes, and seem like they've been there awhile.

Not quite exhausted, but definitely not sleeping enough. Or didn't purchase good energy augments.

Assuming that shockwave was not just a one-time thing (looking at her, you're pretty sure it wasn't—might've taken something out of her, but she could probably do it again), she can't be below a Grade 1. Probably not Color though, and besides the color purple is obviously taken.

"I would like to know the meaning of this…"

Her tone is strict, authoritative. But she trails off, taking in the scene. Her eyes dart from Xiao's mangled body to you and finally settle on your sword. Mimicry looks back.

Behind you, you hear Miris starting to stand back up. And the new woman seems lost for words, the confusion and surprise in her eyes overtaking her anger, if only for the moment.

The interesting thing. There is no recognition in her eyes. Only confusion. She has never seen you, in-person or otherwise. And you her.

You probably ought to say something.

[ ] Write-in.

New Faction Unlocked: Beacon Academy
New Character Sheet: Glynda

One of the top Huntresses in Vale, once second-in-command to the now-deceased Headmaster Ozpin. She is strict and cold, yet deeply passionate about the instruction and safety of her students.

A/N: Imagine if Tao Tie had outrolled Great Split: Vertical, lol.

I had the GS:V interlude written for quite awhile, posted it in a couple of Discords. 'Twas fun to finally find a use for it, and this early. Granted, I figured that I'd eventually find the opportunity while writing this Quest, too much Kali in it not to.

Unfortunately, I don't have a similar one prewritten for GS:H. And likely never will.

Anyway, yeah. This is a RWBY cross, as many of you predicted. Woot. Thread title and a couple other things will be updated accordingly. And I'll finally get to writing that Informational post. Seems like a good time.

Yes, I know that Kali beats pretty much every single encounter in Remnant. Grimm are a non-issue. Most human combatants can be beaten down with enough sheer force. Trust that I know what I'm doing, capiche? (I don't, but trust anyway? At the very least, I have a plan.)

Quick question though: how to make interesting vote choices? Right now, I've basically been just… relying on y'all to do it for me. And so far, it's rarely been awful. But I feel like I aught to pull something out of my ass.
Last edited:
Shockwave 2.1

Shockwave 2.1

There's too much you simply don't know right now. Who this woman is, where you are, and what the fuck was going on in that damned Library. She spoke as if she possessed some manner of authority, but how far that goes is… well. Don't know.

But first… assuming this territory is within her jurisdiction, she's probably upset that it's on fire. Was on fire. Ought to apologize, even though, strictly speaking, it's not your fault. You're no stranger to taking responsibility for collateral damage. Caused by you or otherwise. Your wallet will suffer, but that's just how it is.

"You in charge here? Sorry for the the fire. My…"

You're not sure what to call Xiao, at this point. Not a friend. More of a friend of an acquaintance you've only met once or twice. You can't believe that, assuming Miris is telling the truth (and you're still don't believe that he is), that vaguely up-and-coming Grade 4 became this… raging, passionate monster of a Fixer. Then again, if Yujin could lean on her so-called Boundary of Death all the way to Section Director, so could her comrade-in-arms.

"...associate," you settle on, "and I had a disagreement. Which got out of hand."

You are bluffing out your ass here. And understating things a fair deal. Miris pretty much looks dead on his feet at this point, but he still finds the energy to shoot you an incredibly incredulous look. To say nothing of the one the newest Fixer in the clearing wears.

Not necessarily a Fixer, you correct yourself. She doesn't seem like a Syndicate member, doesn't seem the type to break the law. But she could easily be a top-notch Wing employee. Like Nikolai from R Corp or Nirai from T Corp.

"Your associate," she gestures towards Xiao, still unconscious. "Is bleeding out on the ground."

"She's fine," you say, frowning. "No way a Fixer as tough as her would die from that. Miris can attest ("she'll be fine, I'm sure of it"). Say, who are you anyway? Big City and all, but I feel like I'd recognize that level of telekinetic power."

You still refuse to believe it's been ten years since you entered the Library. What happened to all your friends, then? What became of the project? Ayin? Benjamin?

You know what became of Carmen.

The woman blinks, seeming not to catch anything you said. "She's been all but cut in half. And she'll be fine?"

You… really don't get why she's so caught up on this. No way someone of her experience hasn't heard of a little thing called 'augments'. And sure, Mimicry leaves wounds that look bad. Red mist pouring out of wounds and all. But if she really can't tell that Xiao is still breathing, that she's more durable than she looks, then maybe you've overestimated her.

Or you're in the far reaches of the Outskirts, you suppose. Far from the City, the laboratory. Things could work differently out here. Their own form of civilization, with their own powerhouses. Using 'magic', or whatever. Would explain why there's no recognition in her eyes. Never heard of the Red Mist.

Either that or you're dead and this is your afterlife.

"Yeah. Quick check though: This isn't the afterlife or nothing, right? You're alive, I'm alive? Miris here," you shoot him a quick glare, "claims that I'm dead. I don't feel dead."

The blonde woman stares for a solid moment, then shakes her head in sheer disbelief. When she raises her head again and speaks, her face is smooth and tone is clear, like a teacher addressing a child.

"My name is Glynda Goodwitch. Headmistress of Beacon Academy and current acting leader of the city of Vale. And while some philosophers have postulated that Remnant is a form of purgatory, it's generally accepted that it's simply the world we live in. Unless you were hoping for some deeper rationale?"

You haven't got much to say to that. Kingdoms? Vale? An Academy? Like a Fixer academy? Glynda says the words as if she expects you to be familiar with them, like they should be obvious. A tinge of sarcasm.

…could easily still be the Outskirts. Just… a really remote part of it. One nobody's ever heard of.

"I have some questions for you, myself. Who are you? Who do you work for? And what part did you play in this Forever Fall wildfire? That goes to both of you. What is that… weapon, you are holding. What is it made of?"

How to answer that… You're not sure. You stay still, thinking.

Probably should get Xiao's shoulder fixed. The thought occurs to you and Miris at what seems like the same time. Miris moves to do just that.

A feeling of pressure, all around you. A storm front and a coiled spring in one. The air is tinted purple, like stained glass. Miris freezes, though his muscles are still moving, bulging with effort. The riding crop glows with that same purple light.

The woman's telekinesis, in effect. It reminds you uncomfortably of Xiao's aura of impossible heat. Stifling, ever-present, and significantly more potent. But you can still move, if you put your mind to it. And, from what you're currently gathering, looking at her 'weapon' held aloft, her face bunched in concentration, this power of hers is determined entirely by her willpower.

In a contest of wills, you know you can't lose.

"I would like an answer. Now. Stay away from the downed woman," Glynda warns.

Miris acquisesces immediately. "I am Miris, of Liu Association South Section 1. The woman is Xiao, Director of the same. I am going to set her shoulder."

On the topic of the wildfire, he hesitates, glances towards you. You understand why: his Director was indisputably the cause. And at the moment, Xiao is defenseless. Wounded. There's no telling what this 'Glynda' might do, depending on how punishments are decided in these parts. And you don't know her well enough to tell—she seems professional, serious, and powerful, but that's about all you can glean off of such little time spent.

You already apologized for the raging storm, intrinsically claiming responsibility. Does he hope you'll continue? You don't think you can come up with a convincing lie. Your kit does not lend itself to setting fires, as is plainly obvious. The 'Red' in 'Red Mist' does not refer to flames.

"I have never heard of any such Association," Glynda says. "Something from Vacuo?"

"I have never heard of Vacuo," Miris replies. "Nor Beacon Academy, nor Vale, nor even Remnant. We are on different chapters, here. I would appreciate clarification."

Glynda seems shocked at that confession. Her grip on the surrounding air tightens, purple particles multiplying. Miris frowns, unable to reach his director. She turns to glare at you.

"And what of you? You still haven't answered my questions. Additionally, do any of the following names sound familiar to you: Ozpin? Atlas? Amber? Salem? Mistral? Ironwood? Qrow?"

You know an Atlas, an Amber, and a Salem. You have a feeling that none of them are the ones Glynda is referring to.

…This kind of information gathering, these kinds of bullshit mind games and social interaction things. You've never been good at them. You intrinsically understand that connections, talking to people, making (shudder) friends… they're powerful. Hell, you wouldn't be surprised if there was or would be a Color focused entirely on their connections with others. But it's simply never been your strong suit. Strength is your strong suit.

You can read someone in a fight like a literate person would read an open book. Turn that fight into a social conflict, and that literate person turns into you. And the open book remains open, but you can't fucking read.

You consider Miris, his blunt honesty. Despite your initial misgivings, you two legitimately seem to be in the same boat. Two residents of the City, far from home and in the dark. You're willing to tentatively call him an ally, here. Still want to kick his face in for baldly lying to you (he's got to be lying). But that can wait for later.

You suppose you could just cleave the woman in two. Wouldn't be too hard, likely. She's aggressive and confident in her own skills, but you know you're stronger. Thought doesn't sit well with you, though. She doesn't seem like she deserves that kind of fate. And she's supposedly some kind of acting leader, of a kingdom or something, the kind that takes charge in emergency. Important, in other words.

She's probably just doing her job. Investigating threats. Still, it is, hypothetically a solution.

The silence ticks on. Glynda looks at you, pressure ever-present. Miris looks at you, a silent question in his eyes. Mimicry looks at you, babbling something about walls.

[ ] Let Miris answer the question for you.

[ ] Answer.
  • [ ] Write-in.
  • [ ] Who started the wildfire?
[ ] Violence.
  • [ ] Battle plan?

A/N: Fun fact: Glynda's Shockwave is a 5-cost 8-16 Blunt Mass-Individual. Weaker than Raging Storm: Harm, but reusable. And interacts with Dust effects.

ahhhhhh deadlines…. I'm gonna get this up with like 2 minutes to spare. So I'll make this quick. Several drafts of this chapter involved starting a fight, which I'm glad didn't happen in the end. It's been tough finding a place for Miris, but I think I'm managing. Thanks to Lordxana0 for the advice and helping this not suck.
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Shockwave 2.2
Shockwave 2.2
Your first instinct is to push back. To retaliate. To respond to this woman's threat.

It's not a good idea. You know it. Carmen would admonish you for it, if she were still here. A symptom of the 'disease of the mind' she frequently spoke of.

And so you hold your peace, shoulders slumping slightly. Miris notes your silence and speaks in your stead:

"That is the Red Mist, a Color Fixer. A legendary protector of the Backstreets, thought dead for several years. A hero, in many ways. I cannot speak on the nature of her weapon, though it surpasses even the best-quality Workshop gear."

He hesitates, then squares his shoulders to the best of his ability, still caught under the effects of Glynda's telekinesis.

"The wildfire… was my fault. A careless punch, igniting a particularly flammable bit of brushwood. The resulting conflict between my superior and the Red Mist fanned the flames, but it ultimately was sparked by me."

He's lying, for your and Xiao's sake. Faithful and trustworthy. You shoot him an appreciative look.

Glynda frowns, but seems to accept that explanation, only noting, "You don't seem the careless sort."

"Everybody makes mistakes," Miris replies, choosing his words carefully. "A strange, unfamiliar location, coupled with seeing a living legend back from the dead. I panicked. Now, if I can please tend to the Director?"

The blonde telekinetic nods, and you feel the pressure all around you recede. Miris breathes out, heading over to Xiao's fallen form. If you had to guess, you'd say that she trusts Miris more now, having assessed his character. Came to the same conclusion as you: he's loyal and trustworthy.

"There should probably be a penalty for burning down such a well-known forest as Forever Fall. But frankly, the Council has bigger things to worry about. And nobody was seriously hurt. Merely some Aura damage."

That is good to hear, that your conflict didn't endanger innocent lives. Miris agrees.

Miris sets Xiao's shoulder with a muffled crack. No hesitation. Glynda's riding crop lowers, glow fading. She doesn't holster it, however. Trust extended, but retaining caution. You can't blame her.

"If I may… I understand that your Director Xiao will be alright without assistance. However, however busy they may be, we do have hospitals back in Vale. And I doubt she would suffer from medical attention. Consider it compensation, for your recent rough treatment. We can get her looked at, test her Aura, all that. Would this be amenable? We can talk further when we are not standing… here."

Now that the threat of conflict is seemingly over… You're pretty tired. You could use a rest. And information. And a smoke. You can question all the strange words she throws out when you're not standing in a former battlefield.

Miris nods immediately, lifting Xiao up carefully in a fireman's carry. You too, agree. And now that things are less tense, you feel comfortable asking:

"So are we walking?" you say. "How'd you get here?"

Glynda's lips quirk. "It would be a long walk back to Vale City. No, I took a Bullhead. More than enough room for all of us."

A Bullhead is, as it turns out, a flying car. A flying car with fantastic maneuverability and high-calibre machine guns. You briefly start questioning them, before realizing that this is probably the Outskirts. The Head's rules don't apply here.

Glynda tells you it'll be a thirty minute trip to your destination of Vale General Hospital. You've got time to ask some questions and get some answers.

Pick 4.

[ ] Glynda
  • [ ] Beacon Academy
  • [ ] Herself
  • [ ] Vale
  • [ ] Telekinesis
  • [ ] Aura
  • [ ] Names
  • [ ] Remnant
  • [ ] Write-in
[ ] Miris
  • [ ] Yourself
  • [ ] Himself
  • [ ] Xiao
  • [ ] Yujin
  • [ ] The Library
  • [ ] The laboratory
  • [ ] Distortion
  • [ ] Write-in

A/N: I'm actually worried I didn't give you guys enough choices here. Maybe 2 of 1, 3 of the other, and 6 if you go all in on one person? Let me know how stifled you feel. Either way, it's infodump time. Short chapter to compensate for the inevitable very long one.

If this were a Telltale game, there would've been a "Glynda will remember that." upon seeing Miris speak. Then again, that holds true for most things.

Also, since it's a good time… feel free to ask me any questions you may have about the Quest or my shitty headcanons. Lord knows I've got a tonne of them.
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Shockwave 2.3

Shockwave 2.3

"So, Glynda," you say, deciding to jump straight into it, "you mentioned this 'Aura' thing earlier. What's that?"

The woman sits directly across from you, in the back of the flying car. Glynda sighs, a deep, suffering sound. You frown. "What?"

"Of course you wouldn't know," she says. "What kind of backstreets did you come from, that you wouldn't know what Aura was?"

You're pretty sure she doesn't know what the Backstreets are. But you stay silent, wait for her to clarify for you. She said she was the headmistress of a school. She'll be willing to educate. Probably.

"Aura is the manifestation of one's soul," she eventually lectured, with the experience of someone who'd done it a thousand times before. "It augments one's physical capabilities and protects the user from harm. It can be trained in a number of ways to improve one's combat prowess: reflexes, speed, physical strength, etcetera. Do you call it something else? Or do you not have it unlocked?"

…huh. You've never claimed to understand E.G.O.. How it's extracted from Abnormalities, how it manifests. The science (magic?) behind it is beyond your limited education. Carmen always knew more than you about that. But you remember what little she told you that you could understand. These two could easily be the same thing.

"...it sounds familiar," you admit, slowly, trying to piece things together. "Not a common thing, where I come from. We call it E.G.O., it's a shortening for something, don't remember. Wordplay. The shell of one's consciousness."

Glynda hums, surprised. "Not the term I would have used for it, but appropriate. I take it, then, that your sword is a form of this 'E.G.O.'? A Semblance? And not literally made from a human being's muscles and organs?"

"Yeah, pretty much," you answer honestly. "I can't tell you the details of how it was extracted; only that it's a powerful weapon. Served me well, though I wouldn't recommend anyone else use it."

It takes a great amount of will to ignore its frenzied ramblings, after all. To not succumb to its desire to 'be human'. You don't know the consequences for what would happen if someone non-fortitudinous were to try to wield it. You are certain it wouldn't be pretty.


Hm. How much to say here. Carmen never made a huge secret of the Outskirts laboratory, the experiments conducted there. Neither did she shout of its existence from the rooftops for the Head to hear. If this place is as remote as you suspect it is, sharing should be fine.

"From a creature called an Abnormality," you explain. "A creature born from the human subconscious. This sword is the embodiment of its ego, its E.G.O.. Mimicry."

Glynda shows no signs of understanding. If anything, she looks even more confused.

"I can't explain the technology used to do it," you try, "though I figure it could eventually be a Singularity. Do you have those out here?"


The blonde doesn't seem to know what to say, clearly deep in thought. Miris, listening off to the side, eventually breaks the silence.

"You are talking about different things."

Two heads turn towards the red haired Fixer that isn't you.

"Glynda is referring to a certain power she possesses that grants her telekinesis," Miris says. "Innate to her and this place we have found ourselves in." He turns to Glynda, continuing, "The Red Mist, meanwhile, is referring to her powerful equipment, which I saw manifested earlier today. Distinctly different. Two completely different coins, rather than two sides of the same."

Taking Miris's analysis into account, you give Glynda another once-over. Before, viewing her at a distance, vision filtered through her purple telekinesis, you couldn't tell. But now that she's less than a meter away from you, you can make out a very slight sheen, all across her body. Not from sweat, but something else entirely. Unnoticeable to all but the keenest eye. A forcefield? You suppose this is her 'Aura'

Huh. That explains it. Man, don't you feel stupid.

Glynda's face, too, sparks in realization. Miris returns to absently gazing at Xiao.

"Should probably make some things clear, then. Avoid misunderstandings like this," you decide. "I come from the Backstreets of the City. Don't know what that is, then you're really far away from it and I'm not sure how I got here. Been working in a lab in the Outskirts of the City. Pretty sure this is just a really faraway part of the Outskirts. You call it 'Remnant'? Could you tell me more?"

You don't know how to describe the City to someone with no knowledge of it. It's just so… large. All-encompassing. Cruel. Better off not trying, if you can get away with it.

Glynda, thankfully, lets you. "Yes. Let's see…"

She mutters something about oobleck(???) before continuing, "Remnant is a world of four kingdoms, as well as numerous smaller villages within. Vale, the Kingdom we are currently in. Followed by Mistral, Atlas, and Vacuo. Each Kingdom is governed by a Council, and contains a major Academy, to train Huntsmen and Huntresses—I believe they would be similar to 'Fixers', as you put them?"

"Are they usually fighters? Combatants for hire?" you ask. You're well aware that there are non-combat Fixers, ones focused on intel or insurance or even menial chores. But you're pretty sure that Glynda mostly means the combat-focused ones.

"Both," Glynda answers, confirming your suspicions. You nod.

"Huntsmen and Huntresses train to uphold the law and combat the Grimm, an ever-present force of death and destruction. Monsters, mainly found outside the Kingdoms. Vale is an exception to that, at this very moment, though we are working on a solution."

So even the Outskirts have their Outskirts. You nod again. "Thank you for your explanation."

"It was no problem. Fascinating, to meet someone from another world."

"Not another world," you correct. "Just far from home."

"Given you don't even know the name of the planet, yet alone the Kingdoms and Academies, you may as well be."

She has a point. But you stay silent, incensed. Glynda doesn't seem to have anything else to say at the moment, pulling a strange thin device out of her pocket and looking at it. You peer at it, briefly, before recognizing that it is covered in writing. You can't read.

Your gaze turns sideways. Miris has tuned out, eyes mostly unfocused.

Come to think of it, you've still got some questions for him. And some lies to clear up.

"Hey. Miris. What can you tell me about the Library?"

Asking about the place where you'd died seems like a good start.

He snaps to attention. "The Library? Is that where you died?"

"Yes," you say, blinking. "Seems like you've heard of it."

"It's a recent Star of the City. Likely soon to be exalted to an Impurity, given the inhumanity of its Director. It makes no sense for you to have died there. Its first appearance was long after your recorded disappearance."

"Huh," you say, unable to think of much else.

"It was born from the ruins of L Corp's Nest. It consumed a number of smaller Fixer Offices, Syndicates, and then moved on to major Associations as it rose in threat rating. Shi South Section 2, then Liu 1 and 2. A large chunk of the Thumbs' southern operations. Even the Purple Tear. The main reason for its rapid expansion was the ability to take and use the power and skill of defeated 'guests', and combine them together in new and unexpected ways."

That explains the sheer variety of uniforms you'd seen, during your time there. Never otherwise would expected to see the Thumb and Index fighting alongside the Liu and Shi Associations.

Hold the train on that thought. Did he really…

"The Purple Tear?" you ask, surprise catching up to you. "It seriously caught Iori?"

Strictly speaking, you're likely stronger than the dimension-walking Color. In terms of physical strength, anyway. But if it came down to a fight… Iori is one of the few people in the City that could best you. She's faster than you, trickier. Something going on with her and knowing the odds are not in your favor. Even if you can overpower her in a straight conflict most of the time, that simply means she would never get into a head-to-head confrontation. She'd wind around your strongest blows, strike at your openings. Wear you down with calculated strikes at your weakest points.

"Yes," Miris answers. "Xiao and I encountered a Librarian using her body and skills. They were diminished, but still formidable."

If she really died in the Library… A serious threat. The ability to defeat two Colors is nothing to scoff at. Then again, you could've told anyone that yourself. It's no joke to take down just the Red Mist.

…Assuming Miris's telling the truth. Though, at this point, given what you know of him this far… you can't imagine why he would lie.

His loyalty is… really quite impressive, for this City. You know a number of disgusting Fixers and Syndicate members that would turn coat on their supposed 'allies', when faced with Mimicry's edge, whether out of fear, respect, or sheer self-preservation. It never helped them.

You glance down at the fallen Director. The bleeding's stopped, much to Glynda's obvious relief. Her face is almost calm, sleeping. You could almost believe she was any other Fixer.

What did she do to deserve this man's undying loyalty?

"I'm assuming that you, too, fought and died in the Library?" you ask. "What for?"

"To retrieve the books of Liu South Section 2, despite orders to the contrary. That of Lowell's, in particular. Her husband. Mei and Cecil, as well."

A love story? In this City?

Maybe things have changed more than you think. Miris seems largely indifferent to the topic, you note, though.

"You sound like you don't approve," you say.

"The Director's passion… it's one of the things I've always admired about her. Even before the White Nights, she would fight for and mourn her comrades to a degree I cannot match. If only in private."

You don't know what the White Nights he refers to are. But he seems to be in the middle of something. And you're not inclined to interrupt.

"Her fervor led her to find love, as true as any can be in this City. And even if I don't understand it—can't, in all likelihood. I will not deny her this small pleasure. Even the whitest jade has a flaw. And unless Lowell is truly gone for good, something which I am certain is not the case, she will recover from this."

He has the surety of a mountain, unmovable and unshakeable. The courage of his convictions.

Or just blind overconfidence.

"You sound like you've known her for a long time," you say.

"More than ten years," he confirms. "Chun, Xiao, and I… I wonder where he is."

You don't know.

"I hope she finds what she is looking for," you finally say.

"I do too," Miris replies.

Glynda announces your arrival at the hospital shortly thereafter. Looking around as you step out of the flying vehicle, your surroundings are reminiscent of the City in a number of ways. Tight-packed buildings. Armed crowds and guards.

The biggest difference is the colors. Everything is bright and garish and colorful, from people's hair to their clothes to the buildings themselves.

Another thing you can't help but note are the firearms. Nearly everyone carries a firearm. Almost all of it, aside from minor sidearms and the occasional strange melee weapon, is too high-calibre, too destructive to be approved by the Head.

You offer to help carry Xiao into the hospital, but it turns out to be unnecessary. Two men emerge from the doors with a gurney between them, giving you and your weapon a quick stare before deciding it's none of their business. With some help from Miris, they load the black-haired Fixer onto it and wheel her into the hospital. Miris follows, leaving you and Glynda alone outside.

"I'm afraid I don't know your name," Glynda says.

Huh, did you never tell her? Come to think of it, you're pretty sure Miris doesn't know it either.

"Sorry. I'm Kali," you say, vaguely sheepish. You hold out your free hand, and she shakes it.

"Kali. I have a proposition for you. Despite the confusion on the Bullhead, you do not possess Aura, correct?"

"No, I don't think so. E.G.O. seems like a separate thing entirely, from what I've noticed."

"And Miris called you a hero, a protector. I assume that means the same thing where you come from as it does here? Fighting back the forces of evil and protecting goodhearted people?"

You choose your words carefully. Life has made you a bit of a cynic on this topic. "I protect the weak from those that would prey on them. Goodhearted or not. And usually not."

"Hm. Interesting answer. In which case, I believe I have a job for you."


She's ready to hire you, so soon? You would've figured there would be more suspicion involved. Especially given the misunderstanding of your first meeting. What kind of read does she have on your personality?

"Beacon Academy is, at the moment, completely infested by creatures of Grimm, with more coming every single day—if you don't know what those are, I can educate you later. In short, they're bloodthirsty monsters out for the destruction of humanity and civilization as we know it. We've slowly been pushing them back, but it's painstaking, fighting for one city block at a time.

"A skilled Huntsman can fight or sneak their way past most of them, to the central tower, and several have. Only for local communications to be shut off, and for their bodies to never be seen again."

You can see where this is going.

"I was going to go myself at some point, but your arrival has presented us with an opportunity. From what I can tell, you are stronger than most Huntresses. I believe you stand a fair chance of finding this malevolent force and putting an end to it. With that gone, there is a chance that we could get the Cross-Continental Transit System up and running again, once we push back the Grimm enough. Reestablish global communications. And also deal with the Wyvern on top of the tower, but that's a whole different story right now."

Interesting pitch. Glynda seems to believe what she's saying, here, by your read. A legitimate request. You do have one important question, though.

"What do I get out of it? In terms of payment? I'm not even sure I know the local currency."

You realize that admitting as such basically allows her to screw you over any which way, if she so chose. You're fairly inclined to do this job anyway, though. Anything's a good starting point, find a way back to the Outskirts lab. You'd like more information first, obviously.

"One, I'll unlock your Aura before you go," Glynda states. "You don't seem to need it, but it rarely hurts to have an additional layer of protection. Two, there is a monetary reward—I don't remember how much, but it's in the thousands of Lien. Half on start and half on mission completion. Third, I am arguably one of the most knowledgeable people on Remnant alive, at this moment. Aside from James, I am perhaps your best option for finding a way home. Vale's resources are stretched thin, but if you help us with this, we'll see what we can do to help."

That is a very tempting offer. You don't know how much Lien 'thousands' is, how it translates to An. But assuming there's a standardized system here, Canard or Urban Nightmare or Star of the City, it's probably not explicitly a rip-off.

Your only other source of information on current events is Miris. Who seems as lost as you are, save for his one guiding beacon of Xiao.

And even if it is the highest rank of mission… you can likely handle it.

Then again. That's what you thought about the Library. And look where you are now.

Your mind is, frankly, already made up. There is only the smallest niggling of doubt.

[ ] Accept the offer.
  • [ ] Additional concessions?
[ ] Reject the offer.

A/N: Whoof. Close one. I'm not entirely happy with the way this chapter turned out. But if it helps, I can't blow everything out of the water on the first conversation.

Anyway. Next chapter has a fair shot of being an interlude.

Any ideas as for what the Beacon Tower threat is? I'll admit, I only figured out what I was doing here yesterday, more or less.
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