Kalachakra (Worm AU)- COMPLETE

I was wondering why she would've made Hell-Worlds and set people up in space. That seemed utterly bizarre and pointless. But she went nuts... in the end, the Entities were unable to do it all, to crack the code while also juggling countless theologies and creative/interpretive meanings and stories from hundreds of genuinely intelligent species.

The Thinker thought too much.
Author Notes on the suicide of gods, religion and white holes
Prepare for a whole lot of question marks as I monologue.

This makes perfect sense, really. Eden realized her issue and decided to put an end to it. Suicide is morbid, but really, for a being immeasurably old, death is probably the best way to change.

I figured it was poetic, given that Scion effectively committed suicide in Canon as well. And Eden here had a kind of final fuck you psychological dickery thing going on as well. Suicide is the only way for her to win against Mara. Another way to interpret Eden's suicide would be that she actually attained Enlightenment after paying for that sin. We cannot know if she was genuine in her repentance or if Ciara was correct and it was a final fuck you to deny Mara his revenge. Unreliable Narrators are everywhere.

What wasn't clearly explained: The Eternity Matrix was why Eden and Scion chose to kill Mara's Original Self- they thought they could steal it and put an end to the problem of entropy. They couldn't.

I was wondering why she would've made Hell-Worlds and set people up in space. That seemed utterly bizarre and pointless. But she went nuts... in the end, the Entities were unable to do it all, to crack the code while also juggling countless theologies and creative/interpretive meanings and stories from hundreds of genuinely intelligent species.

The Thinker thought too much.

The other reason they were obsessed with religion/philosophy was also because the Traveler/Mara set them on that path. In the Eternity Matrix they found "proof" of a higher power- but cannot comprehend the truth. It was like failing at reverse engineering a piece of clarktech they found.

You can tell from Eden's story about the origin of Mara that she later actually understood she did wrong. She had enough philosophical training by that point to understand that she was wrong to have killed The Traveler. Killing humans...well humans are like insects. Accidents happen. But The Traveler was an equal- for her it was like murdering a human.

Ah yes, the problem of the void. Really, I should have seen this coming. Beautifully in tone with the rest of the story and well-foreshadowed.
Thank you!

This is what can be called an 'answer to the bleak'. Beyond the world some dark and heartless power craves the destruction of all things. The Bleakness of the world is hard to oppose, but one always has the power to at least try to do something about it.

Depending on how Taylor approaches the problem, this could be either end up dooming or ultimately saving everything. It can't really end in a stalemate, because otherwise it'd be Dennis and his master infinitely trying to stop Taylor and Mara. So it has to be all-or-nothing, one big gamble.

I love this shit, Numen.

Dennis is a Grandmaster in his own right. His colleague you mean. Also Sriganesh is Phir Se in case people didn't infer that.

The world is certainly bleak. Or at least the human world is. The Void is however, not actually empty. To those who believe in an Absolute Reality, the Buddha preached Emptiness. To those who believed in Emptiness, the Buddha preached an Absolute Reality. In this way, he is able to break people's preconceptions and attachment to untrue views regarding the Dharma. Compassion however is of supreme importance and is the primary quality of nature in all it's forms.

The Eternity Matrix
Obviously the real universe wouldn't work this way, the power that it represents is more natural and not dependent on mortals to carry it to escape death. I thought it was poignant that the eternal limitless energy is both creator, sustainer and destroyer. It can be perceived as something that destroys or creates simply depending on the direction in which the energy is moving in (and of course, where the energy is NOT, is the darkness. A simple absence of the power of creation and therefore, by inference, it is un-creation). I am not sure if I succeeded in portraying that or not.

Notes Regarding the Ending of Chapter 3.0
Taylor becomes a singularity and from the other end of that emerged a new universe, freshly born. A new bubble of inflation. Whether this universe survives the process however, will be revealed. A further implication is that the multiple Earths are in part created by the Entities by manipulating dimensional phenomenon and does not denote a "true" multiverse (where each Universe is wholly unique- but due to infinite probabilities, means that there are infinite very similar universes- but are they actually a universe or a hypothetical state? Does it matter at that level of reality?).

Another interpretation is Taylor became a White Hole and from her was born a new universe- however (and I am no expert), this is supposedly at odds with the Eternal Inflation Model. Up to you to reconcile what was happening because an Inflation occurring that far away from the beginning of time probably doesn't make a lot of scientific sense.
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I think I learn more regarding religion in this fic than any other of my classes before.

I actually feel somewhat bad because I can only fumble around with an approximation of theology and inspiration. Nothing that could truly convey the beauty and grace of God/Dharma. And for that I apologize. But hopefully it's at least interesting enough for you to conduct deeper studies.
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Moving forward, I am going to back up this fic with all author notes from SB and SV to fanfiction.net now my question is, should I try to upload each chapter individually as you see here, or as "mega-chapters", say, 3 chapters.

In fanfiction.net each chapter requires their own documents. Any suggestions?

Messiah Li, an incarnation of Lord Lao of the Celestial Masters, will inaugurate a great cataclysm that will destroy these sinners, and only the devout faithful, the zhongmin will survive and enjoy the era of Great Peace under the rule of the Messiah.
- The Divine Incantations Scripture (4th - 5th century CE)

2025 Wudangshan, China

It did not end with a whimper. Nor a bang, but Daniel Hebert's foot crunching on a graveled path. He descended from his personal Vimana that flew across the sea to the famed Wudangshan Temple Complex. Following closely behind was Annette, hand twitching now that she no longer had a weapon and 'Satan' was no longer possessing her.

The ancient Wudang mountain range was famous the world over. It was the place of cultivation of such auspicious personages like Zhang Shangfang, the Sage who transformed Taoist Yoga into Tai Chi Fist- the world famous martial art it is today.

The Purple Cloud Temple loomed ahead, a testament to the great history of the Taoist practitioners of this land. That it survived both the Communist uprising and the Dharmayuddha is merely prestige upon it's glory. Well, Daniel concede that it was rebuilt in 1413 and extended in 1803-20, but everything needed maintenance in this world.

"Your eminence, this way."

The Taoist Monk- formally called a "Qiandao"- guided him and his retinue towards up the temple. They were here for a historic meeting the like of which the world has never seen.

Awaiting him was Elder Zhang Yu, the head of the Purple Cloud Temple and the elected master to represent all of the major branches of Taoism.

Standing next to him was Master Cheng Yen, the Buddhist representative.

The Imam, Muhammad Jafri was representing what was left of Islam.

Rabbi Bezalel stood next to him, representing Judaism.

Sri Vedanta Chatterjee was representing Hinduism- or more specifically, the syncretic version of it that was left behind in the wake of the now defunct Dharmic Authorities. Fortunately Hinduism was always very flexible and could take a hit and keep rolling, welcoming what made sense and quietly throwing away what did not.

The alien looking Indra-Sakra also stood there, his greater height looming over them all. The Asura rebellion had been brutally put down when Indra returned to space and now he seeks a place at the table.

And finally, a Dragon Suit, representing the Canadian God herself as a major world power. She was the arbitrator and recorder for this historic council.

They were here for peace certainly, but more than that. They were here to do something that had never be done before.

To unify all religions and by extension, all nations of the world- regardless of race, creed or differences. They would celebrate their similarities and be challenged by their diversity in all of it's forms. But they never wanted to be splintered and broken again. Not like before.

The esteemed personages sat in a circle and waited. None dared speak first.

So Annette did.

"I was the host of Mara for the longest time."

Everyone turned to look at her.

"I was his host. I can't say that he was a nice being, he was driven by revenge to the very end. But he may have inadvertently saved countless worlds from the depredation of the false-gods."

She paused.

"I want it to mean something. The suffering he went through. The people he- and I- have killed. And…"

She gripped Daniel's hands and gave him a sad smile.

"I want my daughter's sacrifice to have meant something..

She locked eyes with each member of the delegation, even Dragon's ocular lenses and spoke with determination.

"Nobody leaves until we make this work. God knows we've fucked up enough times already."

So they got to work.

There was debates- so so much debate.

There was cosmological models being expounded. What they knew to be theological truths versus philosophical deductions- or was it the other way around?

Empirical evidences were considered- certainly no one believe that the Earth was literally 6000 years old. Some of the old American Churches that Daniel spoke of wanted him to push forth a creationist agenda, but Daniel shot that down so fast it burned.

Fortunately, I am the representative for all of Christianity.

Cheng Yen argued that the oscillating Universe theory matches Buddhism. Sri Vedanta argued for Eternal Inflation. The Taoist was undecided and concluded that perhaps they were both looking at the same problem from different angles.

Rabbi Bezalel slammed his fist on the table.

"Science is all well and good, but empirical evidence also applies to the experiential reality. What do we all know are experiential truths that everybody experience?"

Cheng Yen nodded her head in agreement.

"The Rabbi is right. The Buddha taught…"

And so it went. Theories and dharmas and secret teachings. All things were laid bare. Nothing was kept back.

Slowly, things began to take shape. Make sense. A coherent and consistent system that didn't precisely explain how everything works together, but certainly gives the space necessary for everything to co-exist. It was a beautiful fractal pattern, a true magnum opus.

Nothing was written down- Dragon simply take everything that was said and refined it into a coherent whole. Nothing needed to be quoted fully. One only had to allude to a specific scripture or passage and Dragon will have lifted it off of the internet or an archive.

Occasionally, someone would produce a tattered tome, a secret copy of a copy of an ancient text. Dragon would dutifully scan these as the discussion continued unabated.

They did this day in and day out for an entire month.

They began and ended each day with prayer and worship- to each of their respective deities and beliefs and then they come together and as one they worshipped the Truth. Simply the Truth. The one thing they all believed in.

Finally the Ultimate Scripture was compiled.

A database of the world's known truths, both scientific, philosophical and religious.

It demand from the people a will to live and a desire to serve the truth.

"What should we call this truth?"

Elder Zhang Yu stroked his white beard and cheekily replied.

"Let's just call it the Tao. The Way is after all, in every religion. Logos. The Straight Path. Dharma. Ma'at."

Daniel thought it was appropriate. He remembered reading C.S. Lewis' The Abolition of Man in College finding it when he was looking for the Narnia series at the library. He could remember his passage regarding what he felt was the Tao: The Tao, which others may call Natural Law or Traditional Morality or the First Principles of Practical Reason or the First Platitudes, is not one among a series of possible systems of value. It is the sole source of all value judgments. If it is rejected, all value is rejected. If any value is retained, it is retained. The effort to refute it and raise a new system of value in its place is self-contradictory. There has never been, and never will be, a radically new judgment of value in the history of the world. What purport to be new systems or…ideologies…all consist of fragments from the Tao itself, arbitrarily wrenched from their context in the whole and then swollen to madness in their isolation, yet still owing to the Tao and to it alone such validity as they posses.
It was sometimes difficult to imagine that C.S. Lewis was a devout Christian scholar. The man was brilliant.

Annette perked up at the mention of the name, "Ma'at? The Egyptian goddess of Justice?"

The Elder chuckled, "Hardly a goddess. A force beyond the gods themselves, a cosmic order that demands a certain way of life."

"Strange for a Taoist to be quoting a dead goddess."

"I made every man like his fellow….I have given bread to the hungry and clothed the naked...I was a husband to the widow and father to the orphan. Do you know who said that? Ma'at did. She is cosmic law and justice, she is the mover of all natural bodies and laws and she is the embodiment of righteousness. She is Dharma- the Dao actually- personified."


Muhammad spoke up then, "Certainly, every religion's concept of God or the Way is similar- identical in fact. Our eschatology are even similar- all of us here have a prophecy of the end times, albeit the interpretation varies."

Daniel stood up, "Is it truly different though? The Great Unity as proposed by Confucius, the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth as promised by Jesus, the Pureland of Maitreya, are these not Heaven on Earth, here in the living world? Is it simply not the future? We all want a prosperous future for mankind, bound in righteousness and nobility. Could it be that is all that God truly want from us? To live the way?"

Elder Zhang Yu nodded, "Now you're getting it."

The Jew raised an arm, "Judaism believes the same. Olam ha-ba is the world to come and in some circles is regarded as the Garden of Eden come again- which any scholar will tell you is a state of being more than a place."

They quickly descended into a rapid conversation regarding the End Times.

"Has the End Time already come?"

They turned to look Indra, who had thus far remained silent and simply accepted those who were greater in the fields of theology- and human interests- to debate the fine details.

Indra continued, "When Taylor sacrificed herself to save the cosmos, did she not also brought low the enemy and Mara, which can be interpreted as a metaphor for her inner evil-"

Annette bristled at the accusation, but Daniel grabbed her hand. That seemed to always calm her down.

"- That she overcame. She overcame the inner demon within herself- for let us not forget that Mara is a simulation reflecting herself- and she won and saved the Universe. Which brings me to my next point."

He stood up and called upon a holographic display that began to scroll to several lines of text.

"We know that according to the testimony of Master Chekov and Master Sriganesh, Mara was once a priest of a truly god-like being, an eternal energy source which he claimed was part of the cosmic process. How can such a power be stopped by a mere teenage girl? Ask yourselves if sticking your arm into a leaking vessel of a piece of eternity itself can do anything to stop it?"

Indra sat back down and looked at each of them, "I personally believe that Taylor is the Messiah and that she ushered in the end time. It is our job now to steadfastly build her kingdom and bring peace to the Solar System and beyond. Spreading the religious ideals of love and truth and righteousness as we were always meant to live. She is Li-Hong!"

"She's dead," Annette spoke with finality.

Daniel admit that he was moved. Certainly no one said that Jesus had to return bodily in the same way he left...perhaps Taylor really was the Messiah.

The Old Church would not have accepted something like this. The New Church can.

Sri Vedanta coughed, "There will be many different interpretations of what happened. And you know what?"

He raised both arms in a 'so what gesture.'

"That's fine by me. We are rich in diversity. Taylor will be a Saint. Or a Buddha. Or Jesus Reborn. Or the Kalki Avatar. It does not matter. We know beyond any doubt, that she saved us, that she interceded with a being that we could only accept really is God or a part of God's power. She interceded for us and saved us- and she destroyed all false religions and false gods and overcame the devil in her own heart all at the same time. And that is enough for me to add her to my prayers."

He clasped his hands together and bowed his head to pray.

Daniel too clasped his hands together and prayed.

The rest followed suit.

A Saint for the New Era was made here in this room. But in ten-thousand years, will anyone still remember her?


10,971 CE, Ketuma Ecumenopolis (Heaven, Paradise, Pureland)

"And that, child, is the story of the last vestige of the dark age. And within living memory, Paradise was achieved."

The floating woman lifted off of the ground. She was beautiful and dressed in a skintight bodysuit of deep pink.

A child floated next to her, dressed in a bodysuit of baby-blue.

"What of Taylor? What happened to her?"

"Well Ajita, from what we know of the nature of the Eternity Matrix today, Taylor is dead certainly. But why on Earth does life end in death? Do you not know-"

She spread her arms out at the lush grass blowing in the flat plain of Heaven, tall trees casted cooling shadows over the golden spires of the eternal city of Ketuma which was encircled by 84,000 satellite cities, each populated by millions of people.

Up ahead in the sky, the light of Sol casted an orange glow over the great oceans of the Earth and glinted off the metal surfaces of the great sky cities overhead.

The woman continued, "- do you know that we live in Heaven. The hereafter. The Garden of Eden. We are dead yet living. Taylor is dead yet living- she is one with God now, broken down into the indivisible substance, freed from all mental conditioning, free from all karma. She is in the other shore."

The woman turned back to the child.

"And you too, shall enter the other shore. I was there when you were born. I saw the gods- not like the devas of the solar system- but the true gods from another time and space. They themselves delivered you into our world from the far away dimension of Tushita. I saw. I know."

She touched his brow reverently.

"You will bring trillions into the path and billions will become as you are and know God truly. After you have extinguished all conditions and enter the True Void of Nirvana, as Taylor Hebert has done before you, for 60,000 years the true dharma will be taught by your disciples, followed by the Dharma-likeness for another 60,000 years as religions numbering in the millions spread your decaying teachings to every corner of the universe, sowing the seeds of enlightenment in alien races far and wide so that one day, God will send more Prophet-Buddhas to save them too."

Ajita's face scrunched up.

"I don't feel like I can do that. I don't think I can be like Taylor Hebert at all."

She hugged him and spoke softly, "I have faith in you. Pray to Taylor tonight. Let her guide you."

"But she's entered Nirvana. She is gone from all worlds and all dimensions."

"Silly boy, do you not yet know, all are one? You studied amplituhedron physics in school, you should know that nothing is beyond the bounds of the True Void. We are tiny lotuses nestled within lotuses in an infinity of lotuses."

Ajita closed his eyes and instantly realized that this was true.

The humans of the future were different. They were giants in comparison to the man of before, towering over mortals at great heights of 160 feet, long ago engineering themselves this way. Even Indra acknowledged the superiority of the human race over the devas. And in every human, an inherent grasp of the higher truths of the universe. With but a focus, Ajita's very cells can compute calculations that once took towering Shards to do, his eyes can see into all spectrums and even the quantum foam. Nothing was beyond this child's power.

No child of humanity could be denied anything. They only lived with the weakness of death- but to such learned and virtuous beings as they, death was not a weakness, but a part of their very long, millennia-long lives.

Humanity had long surpassed the false-Bodhisattvas race.

Ajita nodded his head.

He looked to the rising sun, the former gas giant known as Jupiter- the redeemed Lucifer- now a second star within the solar system. It filled him with strength and determination.

"I shall devote myself to the Path fully tomorrow."

The woman smiled.

"I am sure your parents would be proud."

"My father is the Prime Minister of the Chakravartin. He knows that religion is the greatest calling in the world. He would not object."

"Child, your Lord father knew your destiny before you were born. He saw it. We all did. It was upon the path of time and was inevitable. The whole solar system and beyond watch your progress carefully. He will be overjoyed to see destiny fulfilled."

She bowed to him. To the boy who would become a Prophet-Buddha. The Buddha named Maitreya, who aspired to establish the Pureland upon the material world and to guide them into the great federation of Infinite Purelands in dimensions so distant and close to God it was beyond their comprehension.

And together they flew away towards the dawning of the promised hour.


The water flowed into the shore and withdrew.

The winds blew gently.

She coughed and opened her eyes, wide and innocent. She looked around her and frowned in confusion, as if seeing it for the first time.

She gazed down upon her translucent skin, glowing from within a luminous light.

Turning behind her, she saw a giant lotus flower, opened and spilling forth viscous fluid that smelt faintly familiar.

A womb.

There was a glint of light in the sky and she looked up to see another luminous being descend.

The being touched her gently.
"Hello child," he spoke without sound, "Do you remember who you are?"

She frowned.

And then smiled.

"I know."

The being bowed to her. He was nice enough, but she now knew that this was not her destination. This world was close to where she needed to be. It was the wrong universe however.

She descended into a lower realm and then yet lower, and lower and lower. She shed her powers and her light as she descended, until she felt space thick with causality as she became a grosser and grosser material being.

From Keter to Malkuth, she felt her body form from the eternal energy of God.

And finally she stepped into a beach filled with grains of precious jewels. She was naked as a babe and she laughed and danced in the river.

She gazed in awe at the golden spires of the eternal city yonder.

A boat of white wood drifted downstream. A child sat inside and he looked at her curiously.

"Who are you?"

She felt the answer bubble forth, her soul so bright that her very thoughts align with her being. There was no time for deliberation, no doubts in her speech. She wills it and her body, mind and voice executes it.

"Thus come, thus gone. Thus come again. Free from all conditioning, I am here simply because I want to be alive and to partake of living."

She held out a hand.

The boy took it. The custom still exist.

"I am Ajita. Who are you?"

She smiled.

"I am Taylor."

From within her body, she withdrew the Eternity Matrix.

"It is near the end. It will happen slowly, as worlds crumble and space shrinks. This is inevitable. But as the material universe reached it's maturity and withers, so too our soul shall shine brighter. You shall guide us to that higher state as we are simultaneously freed from this world."

She passed him the Matrix and he cupped it in both hands, eyes brimming with tears.

"I thank you, Taylor Hebert, Prophet-Buddha of a bygone era."

Taylor kissed the boy on the head to give him her blessing and pushed his boat away, a burst of unknown power sending his ship careening out into the ocean- to where he needed to go. She saw it on the path.

She flapped her arms and flew into the air and then did a flip, reveling in an existence where hells and suffering cannot exist because even the youngest of children and smallest of insects was filled with love and care. Where everyone was a philosopher and a scientist, where every problem was met with a confident cry of, 'we can do it, we can solve this, we can help people.'

All of her prior suffering was worth it, to bring forth and to live in such a perfect material reflection of God.

"Now, I am going to go eat a veggie burger. I wonder if they still have that?"

They did. And she ate her 100% matter replicated veggie burger, fresh off the press.

And life was good.

A/N: While I chose to use the Buddhist angle for the final scene here, I could have just as easily written about the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, Islamic Jannah or the Garden of Eden or Satya Yuga or the Confucian Great Unity. It's a matter of perspective, but the point is, nearly all religions all agree that Heaven is within the Human Realm (or in our hearts). A human paradise, achieved by human hands, guided by the love of God. Not beyond it.

Keter and Malkuth refers to the Topmost and Lowest Sephirot of the Kabbalah (The Tree of Life). For more on physics stuff, read about Amplituhedron.
For more about Maitreya and the Cities of the Future, read Buddha Pronounces the Sūtra of Maitreya Bodhisattva's Attainment of Buddhahood. For the anime version of this sutra, watch this.

Thanks for reading everyone! Look forward to my next project :)

PS: Fanfiction.net link here.
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Hmm... I like it. A bit hand wavey near the end, but it was nice. You offered a very different kind of story, one which took the Worm!Verse head on from a very different angle. The descriptions and knowledge that you used here, (assuming it's spot on; I don't claim to be theologically knowledgeable,) made it a far more interesting read that some other stories. That said, you kept it at 50K words, so it the story itself was much more digestible. I fear if it had been longer, it might have drawn itself out unnecessarily.

I enjoyed this story, and I look forward to seeing what other stuff you can bring to the table in the future. My suggestion? Take a week or so off though, lest you suffer from burnout.
A bit beyond my full comprehension at some points, but your story as a whole was very very nice to read. You did things your own way and did what very few Worm fics can claim to have done: ended.

If you happen to be planning to write anything else, I'll be looking forward to it.
Hmm... I like it. A bit hand wavey near the end, but it was nice. You offered a very different kind of story, one which took the Worm!Verse head on from a very different angle. The descriptions and knowledge that you used here, (assuming it's spot on; I don't claim to be theologically knowledgeable,) made it a far more interesting read that some other stories. That said, you kept it at 50K words, so it the story itself was much more digestible. I fear if it had been longer, it might have drawn itself out unnecessarily.

I enjoyed this story, and I look forward to seeing what other stuff you can bring to the table in the future. My suggestion? Take a week or so off though, lest you suffer from burnout.

Thank you. I guess what more I could have included was more World buildings pieces, but for sure the main plot was as drawn out as it could be. For example, Israel would have been featured and Rabbi Bezalel would have been a descendent of Judah Loew ben Bezalel, the creator of the Golem of Prague. And more of the Kabbalah and Judaism would have been expounded, including the 7 Laws of Noah, which is important because it guarantees that gentiles can enter Paradise. Maybe in an omake.

But greener pastures! New ideas! Gotta get on that.

A break first though, definitely. School is important too.

you have done well and have surpased me in every way.


Nah Cherico. Compared to the sheer number of fics you've completed, you're the greater. And I am pretty sure you're still better at characterizing unique people than I am. Once a master, always the master ;)

A bit beyond my full comprehension at some points, but your story as a whole was very very nice to read. You did things your own way and did what very few Worm fics can claim to have done: ended.

If you happen to be planning to write anything else, I'll be looking forward to it.

Thank you. This is my first completed fic that wasn't a one shot. The other thing that was almost completed was my Grail-kun Quest, lacking an epilogue. I should probably do that.

Yup. I am debating whether to write an original series or to write another fanfic.
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Just found this fic and I can say as a Buddhist I really loved it.
Just want to chime in on Icchantikas, Buddhism heavily emphasizes that no phenomenon is fixed, even Devadatta a Judas-like figure that condemned into Avici can one day attain Nirvana.
This is why I love reading fiction. I feel like I have part of you in my head now, speaking about love and care and happiness.

We are one my friend. The Peace of God be upon you, may you extend this peace to all sentient beings as well.

Just found this fic and I can say as a Buddhist I really loved it.
Just want to chime in on Icchantikas, Buddhism heavily emphasizes that no phenomenon is fixed, even Devadatta a Judas-like figure that condemned into Avici can one day attain Nirvana.
Thanks. I am curious, did it weird you out that I had Buddhism as the "bad guys" initially?
I definitely agree. The nature of the Icchantikas is not something we can reliably contemplate anyway, and those with Bodhicitta would try and save them regardless, because that's in their nature.
We are one my friend. The Peace of God be upon you, may you extend this peace to all sentient beings as well.

Thanks. I am curious, did it weird you out that I had Buddhism as the "bad guys" initially?
I definitely agree. The nature of the Icchantikas is not something we can reliably contemplate anyway, and those with Bodhicitta would try and save them regardless, because that's in their nature.
Not really, instead it fascinates me.
What I get from this fic is that Eden and Mara tries to find salvation so to speak, an end to their suffering (Being hounded by Mara, being separated from greater power).
In the end, they get what they wanted I suppose, Eden killed herself in order to deny Mara satisfaction and as for Mara...
He becomes a part of the universe freed from desire of vengeance so maybe?
idk this is my opinion and what I get, maybe I get it wrong but eh.
Not really, instead it fascinates me.
What I get from this fic is that Eden and Mara tries to find salvation so to speak, an end to their suffering (Being hounded by Mara, being separated from greater power).
In the end, they get what they wanted I suppose, Eden killed herself in order to deny Mara satisfaction and as for Mara...
He becomes a part of the universe freed from desire of vengeance so maybe?
idk this is my opinion and what I get, maybe I get it wrong but eh.

That's an appropriate interpretation. Mara was a part of Taylor though. He was only a memory of the Traveller, little more than a virus that exist within Eden's shards. Mara is equally Taylor, Annette and Eden. They were all Mara or Mara was in all of them.
Honest question, upon catching a glimpse at some of this:

Is this satire? A metatextual statement about the Worm fandom? An experiment? Or is this completely, 100%, exactly what's on-the-tin, so to speak?
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Exactly that. Well, an experiment that grew the way heck out of control. It was interesting writing this.

Hmm. I'd love to give more in depth feedback, but I'm not set up for it at the moment, so I'll have to keep it short. I asked because, during my read, it seemed so over the top in areas and so obviously pretentious in others that I wasn't sure if there was some meta-context I was missing or if I just wasn't the intended audience.

Mind explaining more on what the experiment in question was? Maybe it'll shed some light on why I had such a different experience than it seems everyone else had.
Mind explaining more on what the experiment in question was? Maybe it'll shed some light on why I had such a different experience than it seems everyone else had.

The purpose of this fic was twofold initially.

1) Attempt to write a Rational Fic ala "Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality."
2) What if Eden was the survivor, how would her experiment differ? Would she even bother killing humanity like Scion did? Could she even feel grief if Scion die?

To answer 1, I chose Buddhism because it's such a fascinating subject for me. But because I also believe in a bunch of other religions, I threw in more in there as thematically appropriate. I had clever cosmological puns in there, matching up Worm elements to Buddhist Cosmology. Of course, the religious stuff naturally became more intense over time. The problem is, I don't actually have a mastery of Buddhist philosophy, only enough to fake it. So the story evolved into...well...a story. Furthermore, there was no real attempt to portray that Buddhism was true until the epilogue, but I also tried to make every religion true as well. Because Truth is not Religion. Religion are for people and how they see the Truth.

For 2, I posit that if Eden was a "Thinker", then maybe philosophy offered a legitimate way to stop entropy. And that, something must have happened to make Eden consider philosophy and religion a legitimate source of study. And, I wanted to know what would happen if every power was expressed predominantly as a Thinker power, what would that look like?

I think I expounded more of my beliefs in this fic than nearly any other. I had aliens speaking to Taylor in her memories about how the religion of aliens are like Earth religions. I had bad Christians and Good Christians, I had misguided Buddhists and real Buddhists, etc, etc. I had people who see the difference between the Dharma beyond form and those entranced by the false Dharma of form.

It would be so easy, had the entities portrayed themselves in a religious way to win over humanity without lifting a finger. It was so easy, for entities to outsource their quest to mankind. Because contrary to many popular works of Sci-Fi, humanity WOULD NOT recognize what is false from truth- we don't even recognize that in our day to day life, let alone Aliens that claim to be Buddha.

If I had to rewrite this fic now, it would be completely different and probably entirely missing the fake religion aspect. It would be meld naturally into a normal story and explore humanism. Over time, I let go more and more of cosmology and focus more and more on the world of the inside and this would naturally reflect in my work. My obsession with cosmology is technical only, no true enlightenment or wisdom could come from intellectual ability and so writing more about knowledge wouldn't actually inspire anyone. But it may encourage people to study more about religion, beyond its simple form as a culture.
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The purpose of this fic was twofold initially.

1) Attempt to write a Rational Fic ala "Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality."
2) What if Eden was the survivor, how would her experiment differ? Would she even bother killing humanity like Scion did? Could she even feel grief if Scion die?

To answer 1, I chose Buddhism because it's such a fascinating subject for me. But because I also believe in a bunch of other religions, I threw in more in there as thematically appropriate. I had clever cosmological puns in there, matching up Worm elements to Buddhist Cosmology. Of course, the religious stuff naturally became more intense over time. The problem is, I don't actually have a mastery of Buddhist philosophy, only enough to fake it. So the story evolved into...well...a story. Furthermore, there was no real attempt to portray that Buddhism was true until the epilogue, but I also tried to make every religion true as well. Because Truth is not Religion. Religion are for people and how they see the Truth.

For 2, I posit that if Eden was a "Thinker", then maybe philosophy offered a legitimate way to stop entropy. And that, something must have happened to make Eden consider philosophy and religion a legitimate source of study. And, I wanted to know what would happen if every power was expressed predominantly as a Thinker power, what would that look like?

I think I expounded more of my beliefs in this fic than nearly any other. I had aliens speaking to Taylor in her memories about how the religion of aliens are like Earth religions. I had bad Christians and Good Christians, I had misguided Buddhists and real Buddhists, etc, etc. I had people who see the difference between the Dharma beyond form and those entranced by the false Dharma of form.

It would be so easy, had the entities portrayed themselves in a religious way to win over humanity without lifting a finger. It was so easy, for entities to outsource their quest to mankind. Because contrary to many popular works of Sci-Fi, humanity WOULD NOT recognize what is false from truth- we don't even recognize that in our day to day life, let alone Aliens that claim to be Buddha.

If I had to rewrite this fic now, it would be completely different and probably entirely missing the fake religion aspect. It would be meld naturally into a normal story and explore humanism. Over time, I let go more and more of cosmology and focus more and more on the world of the inside and this would naturally reflect in my work. My obsession with cosmology is technical only, no true enlightenment or wisdom could come from intellectual ability and so writing more about knowledge wouldn't actually inspire anyone. But it may encourage people to study more about religion, beyond its simple form as a culture.

My main issue with this theory is that we have a clear indicator of what Eden would do if she lived. And if Scion died, i dont think she'd react the way he did, because she was the one who knew the plan. I strongly suspect that it'd look a lot closer to what Contessa saw in her vision of the alt!Earth with dozens of lesser Endbringers than anything else.

But hey, I appreciate you taking the time to explain things to me.
My main issue with this theory is that we have a clear indicator of what Eden would do if she lived. And if Scion died, i dont think she'd react the way he did, because she was the one who knew the plan. I strongly suspect that it'd look a lot closer to what Contessa saw in her vision of the alt!Earth with dozens of lesser Endbringers than anything else.

But hey, I appreciate you taking the time to explain things to me.

No problem :)