Just A Chance (Kingdom Hearts)

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Roxas is offered a chance to prove himself in the organization by traveling to Castle Oblivion. Taking that chance leads to a fight for his life, and for more than he can imagine.
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Chapter One: Opportunity


All you are is an empty muppet
Home Sweet
Chapter One: Opportunity

In the halls of Castle Oblivion, Marluxia and Larxene were trying to decide the answer to a question.

It had been a question mulled over for weeks between the two of them.

Should they bring Roxas into the fold, or not?

Marluxia was one of his earlier tutors during his missions with the Organization, but it had taken some time for Larxene to see him in action. Evidence which they wanted before making a decision. Evidence they finally had with Larxene's mission with him. Marluxia asked, "What do you think?"

Larxene snorted, crossing her arms, "If the kid had a few more weeks of experience, sure, he'd be passable." She waved her hand dismissively, "But look at him! He's still a space case!"

Marluxia closed his eyes and sighed at the complaints, "Still, the keyblade is a boon we cannot ignore. If we want him on our side, we need to make a move now."

"So we could recruit someone who's initially a bit of dead weight, that could either become really useful or stay useless. Or we just leave him as is, and miss out on whatever he becomes."

"Either way, we take a chance." He looked down the hall to where their prisoner was kept, "Naminé's powers could bring Sora under our control. But it may be prudent to have a backup plan."

Larxene toyed with the possibility in her mind. In one existence she chose the chance that Roxas would not bring them value. Here?

"Let's do it."

It was another night in the grey area. At least that was the name Roxas knew for the room. He had walked in, ready to talk to Saïx for a new mission.

But this time he was busy, two other members were talking with him. What were their names?

"This is risky Marluxia. He is inexperienced."

Yeah, that was it. Marluxia, he crossed his arms as he talked, "His ability is irregular, as is his progress. I believe that it may be worth it to take a chance on this deployment."

Saïx's eyes narrowed, "Very well. But keep in mind we will be watching."

"Oh, don't worry." Larxene, he could recall, "We won't let the rookie get too far out of his depth."

Rookie? Well, there was Xion, but she only did one mission as far as he knew. So they must be talking about…

Larxene caught sight of him from the corner of her eye, and turned to face him with a smile. "Ah, speak of the devil. Roxas, we've got a proposition for you."

Why did that smile make him uncomfortable?

"We would like you to come with us to our deployment to Castle Oblivion." Marluxia offered a hand to Roxas.

Saïx stepped forward past the duo, eyes fixed on Roxas, "The choice is yours. This assignment is of crucial importance to our Organization, and we are taking a chance in sending you. The slightest misstep will be judged harshly. However, should you prove yourself in this, you will be recognized."

It sounded dangerous, it sounded different. Roxas wasn't sure what to make of it for a moment.

In the end however, he was driven by the simple desire to do something more.

Larxene opened the door to another white room, but this one had a bed. "So. This is gonna be where you sleep. Not quite like home, but it'll do."

Roxas frowned, since it seemed about the same as his old room really. Blank, empty, quiet. Same as the rest of Castle Oblivion.

And so he nodded, "Alright. I should be able to sleep here."

"Good, we are almost done with our tour." Marluxia began leading the two of them further down the large empty hall. For the moment, he was thankful for the directions. Even though Castle Oblivion was pretty similar to The Castle That Never Was, it was even easier to get lost here. Not to mention, there were now heartless around some of the floors. Still, while he didn't get the occasional view of the city below, he had some way to keep himself from getting too bored. Even if it was technically work.

Coming to a stop at the door, Marluxia turned to Roxas. "In this room is a powerful nobody we are keeping here."

Larxene rolled her eyes, "Honestly, Nobody is a bit too much to describe-"
"She is close enough for Roxas' understanding." Marluxia cut her off, leaving her to wave her hand dismissively at him. "She is to be kept in this room or accompanied by an Organization member at all times. Is that clear?"

He nodded. "Yeah."

Larxene learned right into his face "Yeah? Yeah, what Roxas?"

Honestly, did she really need him to repeat everything? Roxas looked her in the eyes, "The nobody here is powerful. We're supposed to keep them in this room, or have one of us with...her?" Roxas blinks as he registers that last word. "They're not like the dusks or other lesser nobodies?"

"Correct." Marluxia nodded, and opened the door.

Larxene stood up and strode across the room. "Guess what Naminé? There's someone new here, and they're about your age too!"

Roxas looked across the room to where Larxene was, and saw seated a blonde girl in a white dress. In her hands were a crayon and a notepad, and her eyes seemed fixed on him. At first glance, Naminé immediately stood out in his mind as she contrasted with the nobodies in black robes that he knew. Not to mention, she was someone he could describe as…

Beautiful? Was that the word? The only other comparison he had for her was Xion.

But more than that, Naminé seemed so familiar. As if he knew her before he was in the Organization...

Marluxia put a hand on his shoulder, ending his contemplation, "Naminé, this is Roxas. He will be with us from now on in Castle Oblivion." Walking over, Marluxia snatched away the crayon and notepad Naminé held, any sign of distress ignored, "You are to treat him with the same respect given to the rest of us. As always, do not let this distract you in your duties." A pause hung over the room Marluxia spoke more sharply, "Am I clear?"

The girl frowned and gave a small nod, only to have Larxene clap her on the shoulder and sneer, "Come on Naminé, you can do better than that. Use your words!"

"I…" Naminé flinched at the touch, "I understand."

"Good. Continue your preparations." He tossed Naminé's tools back to her. "Roxas, I trust you will make yourself at home." With Marluxia's words, the two seniors of the Organization vanished into darkness and left the younger Nobodies.

And Roxas was left alone with his thoughts. And Naminé fumbling to pick up the notepad and crayon.

Marluxia and Larxene were treating her little differently than he was treated during his training.

So why?

Why did watching them jeer at Naminé like that make him sick?

She picked her notepad up, sighing. But as Naminé looked up towards him, she gasped softly. "You're still here? I thought you'd leave."

Well, that left an interesting question, why was he still here? Well, if he had to be honest, "I wanted to know if you were okay."

A pause, and then she answered quietly, "It doesn't matter." She held her notepad and crayon close to her and shook her head, "I'm a nobody."

Roxas frowned, not quite accepting the explanation, "That doesn't mean you can't get hurt."

Naminé looked to the side and muttered, "It's to keep me from getting out of line."

"But I don't think you're someone who would do anything bad." the more he heard, the less it made sense, Naminé barely seemed like any kind of threat. So why were they treating her so badly?

"You think so?" The way she spoke, how she began to look him in the eye. It seemed like Naminé desperately wanted it to be true. "I don't know if the power I have can even be used for anything good."

Roxas was somewhat stumped by that, shaking his head, "Well, I'm not sure I can help you there. I don't even know what your power is. I just know that you're nice."

Naminé stared at him, and for the first time, she smiled. "Thank you."

While Roxas didn't know a lot of things, he was certain he liked seeing Naminé smile.

Just then, a swirl of darkness interrupted their conversation, as a familiar redhead stepped out of the portal, "Hey, just coming to make sure everything was okay. Tour's over and all, you can go rest up." Axel shrugged, "Unless you need help getting to your room. I know we kinda take the doors to darkness for granted and all but-"

"I remember the way back. I just wanted to talk to Naminé." the interruption caused Axel to pause and raise an eyebrow. Roxas turned towards him, "That's not a problem is it?"

Axel shrugged, "Suit yourself, but still, you might want to head back to your room and get some rest, alright? It'd be a shame if a heartless got to you because you didn't get some shut eye." Axel gave a wave, and vanished back into darkness.

Walking towards the door Roxas yawned. "Guess I am tired though. It's been a long day with the tour and everything."

"Will you..." He stopped as Naminé spoke up "Will you see me again tomorrow?"

"Yeah." Roxas nodded, "I promise." It seemed like a simple enough promise, and he wanted to keep it.
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Oh! This is great. I had a thought about such an AU. It might be possible for Marluxia to easily-ish pull Roxas into his plans. After all, Axel is also in the Plan, and Vexen can be made to talk about Replicas...

And then Axel is stuck either eliminating Roxas too, or going to backstab Xemnas...
So many plans, so many ways Roxas will cause them to change/collapse.
Pred's Semi-Official Kingdom Hearts Beta here.

While I do think this idea is interesting, me and Pred don't exactly agree on where it should go. We both agree that Namine needs to be saved certainly, but... I'd rather focus on something truly fascinating.

You see; while yes Roxas is officially and canonically Sora's Nobody, I always headcanon him as something truly strange; a five-way Nobody, when Sora used the Keyblade of Peoples' Hearts to save Kairi he technically released five Hearts from his body, even if only two of them actually went anywhere.

For now only one, or maybe two, of those Hearts are relevant and, coincidentally enough, they are the only Hearts still in Sora's body aka Roxas.

Ventus and Vanitas.

It is my belief that by having their old comrade's Heart(s) close by without Xemnas' interference would bring back Lauriam and Elrane much faster, fast enough I dare say to make the coup more successful and heroic.

In turn, having the other Dandelions back would bounce back to Roxas' amalgamation of a Heart, shifting him closer to the original Ventus.

This of course would cause a feedback loop to form until eventually Castle Oblivion falls under the sway of two legendary Keyblade Masters and their weird Apprentice-cum-Contemporary.

Sadly Pred is reluctant to use anything from Union X until we get more answers, so instead we get this.
Pred's Semi-Official Kingdom Hearts Beta here.

While I do think this idea is interesting, me and Pred don't exactly agree on where it should go. We both agree that Namine needs to be saved certainly, but... I'd rather focus on something truly fascinating.

You see; while yes Roxas is officially and canonically Sora's Nobody, I always headcanon him as something truly strange; a five-way Nobody, when Sora used the Keyblade of Peoples' Hearts to save Kairi he technically released five Hearts from his body, even if only two of them actually went anywhere.

For now only one, or maybe two, of those Hearts are relevant and, coincidentally enough, they are the only Hearts still in Sora's body aka Roxas.

Ventus and Vanitas.

It is my belief that by having their old comrade's Heart(s) close by without Xemnas' interference would bring back Lauriam and Elrane much faster, fast enough I dare say to make the coup more successful and heroic.

In turn, having the other Dandelions back would bounce back to Roxas' amalgamation of a Heart, shifting him closer to the original Ventus.

This of course would cause a feedback loop to form until eventually Castle Oblivion falls under the sway of two legendary Keyblade Masters and their weird Apprentice-cum-Contemporary.

Sadly Pred is reluctant to use anything from Union X until we get more answers, so instead we get this.

Yeah, as mentioned. Reluctant to use Union X in my stories. Partially because it's not finished, and partially due to a distaste of the X era's management in general.

Furthermore, (beyond the already ambiguous hearty souly stuff that's up to interpretation) I don't think Ventus has a solid enough connection to Lauriam/Elrena to dissuade them from their entrenched sociopathy in the event he showed up in CoM.

Strelitzia on the other hand...

Well, I do have a distaste for Nomura and his fridges >_>.

But I'm busy with other stories at the moment. So I will save this plot bunny for later.
Chapter Two: Wager
Chapter Two: Wager

Journal: Day one

I forgot my old journal back at my old room, and I can't go back unless something major happens during the assignment. Good thing Axel lent me one of his notebooks. I forgot what day I was on, so I guess I'll start over. I don't think it was too long anyway.

Anyway. Castle Oblivion is even more boring than our old castle. The only thing it's got is heartless. But there's someone else here, a girl. Naminé. Marluxia and Larxene are kind of...threatening her? They say she's dangerous and powerful, but I don't know why that's a reason to treat her like that. It just doesn't seem right to push around someone who couldn't fight back.

She smiled after I talked to her though. Even if we're both nobodies without feelings or hearts, I think it's good for her to smile sometimes. And if that's something I can make happen...

Anyway, that's why I want to see her again tomorrow.

His work in Castle Oblivion was the same as many of his other missions. Fight the heartless and report back. The only difference was that Marluxia was the one giving the orders. That and there wouldn't be any ice cream when the mission was over.

Axel seemed about as put off about the prospect as Roxas was. Namely, he had little incentive to hurry and finish.

Still, Roxas did have some reason not to just take the whole day to fight off the heartless. He had a promise to keep. So while Axel went back to check on the rest of the team, he made his way to the doors he knew from his tour. Slowly, he turned the ivory door handle, and looked inside. Hearing a gasp from the corner of the room, Roxas saw a surprised Naminé sitting up straight and looking at him with wide eyes. "Roxas?" After she saw her visitor however, she relaxed and shook her head, "I'm sorry, everyone else just uses the portals."

"Sorry, I don't really know how to use them. Didn't mean to scare you." She couldn't be happy if she was afraid, right?

"It's alright," Naminé answered with a slight smile.

His concern allayed, Roxas walked over to Naminé, and he began to ask, "You said you had some kind of power you didn't know was good or bad. What is it?"

She looked down at the drawing in the notebook of a boy in red with spiky brown hair, and began to explain,"I can control the memories of a certain person, as well as the memories of other people who have met him."

Roxas nodded, rubbing his chin as he processed the explanation, "Sounds powerful, but I guess it depends on the people he's met. What's his name?"

"His name is Sora."

A beach.

Xemnas' words


"Can't say I've heard of him," Roxas shook his head, "Do the other organization members know him?"

Naminé nodded, "They know of him. But they aren't really connected to him."

"What about you?"

Naminé looked down to the notepad in her hands with a frown, fingers tightening as she spoke, "I've never met him. But if the plan works. I might see him."

Roxas tilted his head curiously, "The plan?"

She looked up in surprise, "Nobody told you?"

He shrugged, "I just got here...yesterday, I think? Can't tell the time."

Naminé looked back down at her notepad and answered,"If I can change his memories, we could have him work for the Organization."

Roxas crossed his arms, "Why would we want that?"

"Because he can use this." She began to draw, first a blade of silver with teeth at the end, then a hilt of gold in Sora's hands. "He's used it to fight hordes of Heartless."

"The Keyblade?" Roxas held out his hand, and in a flash of light he held the weapon that Naminé had drawn. He shook his head, "I thought I was the only one who had it."

"You!?" Naminé stared at the weapon in his hands with wide eyes, then began to tremble, "No! You're—"

"All right, little witch! It's showtime!" Larxene spoke from the dark portal that had appeared. Rubbing her hands as she looked at Naminé, "Sora's just outside! You ready to get him under control?"

Naminé began to shake her head frantically, "Larxene...That's not a good idea!"

At the rebuttal, Larxene's eyes narrowed even though her smile did not waver, "I'm sorry, I'm sure you just said, 'Sure thing Larxene, I'll take the memories Sora has right away!' Would you mind repeating that?"

Roxas stepped forward, "Larxene, maybe you should—"

"You keep out of this," she growled at him, still grinning, "This has nothing to do with you."

"It has everything to do with him!" Naminé spoke up, "Sora's memories are connected!"

Larxene sighed and rolled her eyes, her smile giving way slightly, "Yes, we've been over this. Everyone else forgets so be a good witch and—"

"To everyone! Even his other half! If I were to remove them now Roxas would collapse!"

"Roxas?" The mention of Organization's keyblade wielder finally broke Larxene's false kindness. First with surprise as she began to make the connection, then finally anger. "Are you kidding!?!?"

Marluxia watched the trio who had defeated the dark seeker stare at him with weapons raised.


Yet he had no concern for his life.

"I'll try some magic!"

For his plan had already been set in motion. Naminé had implanted the first thought. The faintest memory that their friends might be here. Now that they had taken the bait, her ministrations would remove their abilities.


And then Donald's magic worked too well, as a bolt of lightning coursed through his frame. "But...how!?!"

Sora charged forward with his keyblade at near sonic speed, "Guess you don't know who you're dealing with!"

Marluxia barely had time to summon his weapon to parry the blow. The ring of metal against metal marked the impact.

Very well, he could deal with this quickly.

With a gesture, a gale of wind blasted past the castle entrance carrying petals that sliced. Acting quick, Goofy shielded the others from the Buffeting the trio."Hold on!"

Fortunately Marluxia only needed a moment to vanish into a dark portal and reappear behind them, calling out, "I see you have maintained your strength. That is rare." Sora, Donald, and Goofy spun to face him as he spoke. "As you climb the rest of Castle Oblivion in search of your friends however, that may not remain the case." A flourish of his hand, produced the memory card of Traverse Town, "For here, to lose is to find, and to find is to lose. As you ascend through these floors of memories, you may lose what is dear to you in mind and spirit."

Marluxia tossed the card over to Sora, who caught it while glaring back at him, "And why would we do that."

"Because it is the only way for you to save your friends." Or rather, the friend he would provide him. The one who would break him so that Sora hung off her every word. Speaking of which...

Roxas could barely make out half of the words Larxene had yelled at him and Naminé. The girl could only hug her notepad to her chest at the diatribe. She relaxed a bit when Roxas tried to calm Larxene down, but Marluxia's reappearance only caused Naminé to shrink into her chair smaller than before when he ground out two words.

"What. Happened."

Larxene grabbed Roxas by the scruff of his hood and shook him, "Well apparently, our little gamble has got us stuck with dead weight! We wipe Sora's memories, he goes into a coma!"

"H-hey! Let me—"

Marluxia shook his head after a moment, sighing, "Ah. I almost forgot their connection. Still, we might find some use for the boy."

Larxene dropped Roxas to the floor, and smirked. "Not exactly my plan to turn him into bait, but it'll work."

Roxas could only stare. They were just going to knock him out? Leave him to die?!?

"True. Naminé, proceed."


"Well? Get a move on witch!"




"Wait! Just...just wait!!!"

The three stared at Roxas after his outburst, but eventually Larxene spoke up, "Oh? You've got a better idea?"

Roxas tried to think about all the things he learned, and eventually ventured, "You want someone with a Keyblade as strong as Sora, right? Someone who can fight off loads and loads of heartless?"

Marluxia nodded before responding in the same terse voice, "In essence. Your point?"

Roxas placed a hand on his chest as he explained, "Give me a chance to become as strong as him. I could be stronger!" The two members of the organization looked at each other, while Naminé's eyes were on Roxas.
Larxene crossed her arms, "Double down on our gamble?" She tapped her cheek, then began to smile, "If you're smart enough to come up with that idea. It's not too much of a stretch."

Marluxia's eyes narrowed as he stepped towards Roxas, "How would you train? The heartless here are not as powerful with the door to darkness sealed."

"His memories," Naminé spoke up, causing everyone to look at her, "I can copy the same cards that will let Roxas fight what Sora did."

Marluxia folded his arms "Will you be able to make additions to Sora's memories that will insert yourself in?"

Naminé scrunched her eyes before finally nodding, "Yes. I should be able to do that without hurting Roxas."

Marluxia turned back to Roxas before answering, "Very Well. Show me you can surpass Sora before he arrives to this floor."

Larxene stepped forward and poked Roxas in the chest, "Just don't be too slow! He'll be moving pretty fast. So he'll probably get up here in a few weeks."

And with the ultimatum, Marluxia and Larxene vanished into dark portals. Roxas looked at Naminé, asking "Memories. What do you mean, make memories?"

In a flash of light Naminé held a blue card with a picture of a new world, "This card represents one of the worlds Sora visited. If you want to become as strong as he did, you probably want to follow in his footsteps."

Taking the card into his hands, Roxas nodded, "Do what Sora did to become as strong as he is. Yeah, I can do this. Thanks for helping me." For the moment, the sea of questions his mind had become was quelled. Who Sora was, why Roxas was connected to him, why Naminé had that power in the first place. All that could wait. Right now, he needed to know what kind of challenge he was facing.

Naminé reached out as he went to the door. "Just...try to come back. Okay?"

Roxas looked at her and nodded, "Okay." And after holding the card up to the door, he walked out towards whatever journey Sora's memories had taken him on.
*Rubs chin in thought* That's, hmm...

I... suppose a lot hangs on when they grabbed Roxas exactly? Has he bonded with Axel yet? That would be a big one, cause he wouldn't be desperate to such a large degree if he had another to turn to.

I... I played the original 356/2 and I want to say there was a large chunk of time Roxas was just emotionless-coma'd for at some point?

I think I remember Xion being a thing pretty early on, but considering what she was made of it wouldn't make sense for her to be there that quickly.

The story of Roxas and Namine versus The Worldtm could have some nice drama though. Roxas actually trying to get powerful and overcome Sora of all people is going to get silly fast though. *Glances at Final Mix+ fight when Roxas hadn't been particularly trying to get stronger*
*Rubs chin in thought* That's, hmm...

I... suppose a lot hangs on when they grabbed Roxas exactly? Has he bonded with Axel yet? That would be a big one, cause he wouldn't be desperate to such a large degree if he had another to turn to.

I... I played the original 356/2 and I want to say there was a large chunk of time Roxas was just emotionless-coma'd for at some point?

I think I remember Xion being a thing pretty early on, but considering what she was made of it wouldn't make sense for her to be there that quickly.

The story of Roxas and Namine versus The Worldtm could have some nice drama though. Roxas actually trying to get powerful and overcome Sora of all people is going to get silly fast though. *Glances at Final Mix+ fight when Roxas hadn't been particularly trying to get stronger*
Roxas spent the first week in a coma, and then he was a zombie another week or two. Sora kills Ansem sometime after that and Axel is deployed immediately afterwards. While Axel is gone Xion is born, and there is a period where both Xion and Sora are awake so Xion can't use the keyblade. That lasts a few weeks until Sora takes a nap.
*Rubs chin in thought* That's, hmm...

I... suppose a lot hangs on when they grabbed Roxas exactly? Has he bonded with Axel yet? That would be a big one, cause he wouldn't be desperate to such a large degree if he had another to turn to.

I... I played the original 356/2 and I want to say there was a large chunk of time Roxas was just emotionless-coma'd for at some point?

I think I remember Xion being a thing pretty early on, but considering what she was made of it wouldn't make sense for her to be there that quickly.

The story of Roxas and Namine versus The Worldtm could have some nice drama though. Roxas actually trying to get powerful and overcome Sora of all people is going to get silly fast though. *Glances at Final Mix+ fight when Roxas hadn't been particularly trying to get stronger*
Roxas spent the first week in a coma, and then he was a zombie another week or two. Sora kills Ansem sometime after that and Axel is deployed immediately afterwards. While Axel is gone Xion is born, and there is a period where both Xion and Sora are awake so Xion can't use the keyblade. That lasts a few weeks until Sora takes a nap.

As per the KH wiki, the timeline of Days as it overlaps with KH 1 and COM is as follows:
  • Days 1-24=KH 1
  • Days 25-49=KH CoM
Axel is deployed to Castle Oblivion on day 23. Xion is introduced to the organization at large on day 7, and she and Roxas have a mission on days 23, 24, and 25. Day 26 is Roxas' mission to Agrabah with Xigbar, and at the end of that mission, he goes unconscious. During that time, Xemnas and Saïx talk about him while he sleeps.

Days Dialogue said:
Xemnas: Will he wake from this?
Saïx: I am told Roxas will return—provided the hero is stripped of his memories.
Xemnas: Then i suppose much hinges on Castle Oblivion

And at the end of the cutscene for Roxas' coma, day 50, we see Sora entering his hibernation chamber at the end of CoM. Implying a correlation between Roxas' coma, and Naminé's memory manipulation. As with many things in Kingdom Hearts, the situation is ambiguous. Ergo, I'm making a judgment call on the cause of the coma for the purposes of this story.

As for the timeline, it's simple. He went off on to Castle Oblivion on Day 24, instead of his second mission with Xion. Ergo, he has no idea about her having the Keyblade.
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Chapter Three: Partner
Chapter Three: Partner

Secret Report: Axel I

This job got a whole lot more complicated.

Marluxia and Larxene made a power move to bring Roxas along to C.O. Are they going to use him as a hostage, in case I try to attack? Were they going to bring him in on their little plan?

Doesn't matter. Roxas is the Organization's Ace in the Hole. Naminé's powers shouldn't cause a problem for the kid...in the long run at least. But I need him alive. If anything happens to him, my head's on the chopping block.

Dead traitors or not.

Roxas had made his way through Traverse Town, heartless after heartless falling before him. No doubt at the same pace Sora was cutting through the same set of memories. But of the two, Naminé was a bit more interested in the former. Even if the original plan Marluxia and Larxene laid out would have worked, Sora wouldn't see her. He'd just be seeing Kairi with her image laid over. And sooner or later it would fall apart.

But Roxas? He wanted to know if she was okay. Showed concern for her condition. Honestly, he was the only member of the Organization that had shown her any sort of care. Because Roxas was right. Even if she had a transitory existence with illusory feelings, she still felt pain. And his kindness helped to assuage it, even if it was only a little.

So rather than watch the hero who was fighting his way through the castle for his friends, she watched the boy who fought for his life. The one who actually saw her, and not some false reflection.

She gasped as a stray shadow caught Roxas by surprise, knocking him over. She reached out to touch the globe, wishing somehow her hand might pass through to help him to his feet.

A swirl of darkness, "And just what are you doing?"

"Just…" She stiffened at Larxene's voice and retracted her arm, "checking on Roxas." She relaxed as she saw him get back up and fight off the creature that had hit him.

Larxene crossed her arms, "Is that really any of your business?"

Fidgeting, Naminé replied, "If he falls, then I need to get back to the old plan."

"Let me be the judge of that." With a wave of her hand, Sora's image replaced Roxas' on the crystal ball, "You just sit right there and work on Sora's memories."

"Yes. Of course." Naminé responded, and began to work on inserting the idea, the concept of a forgotten friend in his head.

As fruitless as the endeavor would eventually be.

Another dark portal, but this time it wasn't Marluxia joining his comrade. Instead, Axel strolled up to the crystal ball, "So, the hero's here? Should I go down and test him? Make sure he's not too messed up"

Larxene shook her head, "No, your job is to stall him." At Axel's raised eyebrow, she continued, "Sora's keeping his powers because if he gets drained, Roxas goes into a coma." With a wave, Larxene brought an image of the boy fighting a man in a black jacket wielding a gunblade into view, "The good news is that the kid was smart enough to come up with a new plan." Roxas got a few hits in on his attacker as Larxene continued, "Use Sora's memories to train him up. Then we see which one's stronger." A slash from the gunblade ripping through the boy's cloak caused her to groan in annoyance, "Ugh...Though from the looks of things..."

Axel tapped his chin, as he watched Roxas try to regain the advantage. Breaking his limits, columns of light short forth from the boy to injure his assailant. While some of them hit the target, the man seemed undeterred. Axel shook his head, "He's not doing a great job. This guy is way stronger than he is. If Roxas can't beat someone this early in Sora's—"

Naminé spoke up, "Actually, Sora couldn't beat Leon either at this point."

Larxene crossed her arms in annoyance and glared at the girl, "Well that would've been nice to know Naminé."

At this, Axel smiled as he began to make an offer, "Listen Larxene, How about I look over things from here and you stall Sora. Besides, you look like you could use some stress relief."

As she pondered the suggestion, Larxene slowly began to smile, "You know what? You're right. I could use the fun of beating up a brat." And with that, she vanished into the dark portal.

Axel resumed watching the end of Roxas' duel with Leon. Albeit an anticlimactic one as a final spell from the gunblade knocked the boy unconscious. Stoically, Leon went to sling Roxas over his shoulder. Axel turned to Naminé, "So that's supposed to happen?"

Naminé nodded, "Yes, when he woke up Leon and his friends told Sora all about the Keyblade."

"Something we've already covered," Axel rolled his eyes, then began to smile, "Now Naminé, correct me if I'm wrong, but Sora had some help on his journey, right?" She gave a confused look back till Axel continued, "Can you change a few things for when he wakes up? Give us privacy?"

A moment passed as Naminé began to understand the train of thought, then she answered, "Yes, that should be easy."

"Perfect." Axel smirked as he vanished into the dark portal

A moment passed. Naminé reached for the crystal ball, and with a gesture shifted the image to Roxas as he laid in a bed to rest. With practiced ease, she removed the figments of Leon and his friends from the memory Roxas resided in. As Axel set a chair beside the bed to wait, Naminé picked up a notebook from the bottom of blank ones provided to her. On the first sheet behind the cover she began to draw. Sweeping strokes of black crayon became a cloak. Yellow and blue became hair and eyes on a face. And in the drawn Roxas' hand a Keyblade took shape. Looking over her handiwork, Naminé began to smile. But then, she glanced back towards the notepad with Sora's picture.

She sighed. Was there any point in placing her hopes anywhere besides where Marluxia and Larxene dictated?

She slowly re-covered the notebook and shuffled it back into the pile. She turned back to the crystal ball, ready to return to watching Sora.

Although...she could watch Roxas for a little longer.


Roxas was fighting before but now…

Dark. Dark all around.

*Ri__ __nd shi__ __as."

Then the sound of waves.

A boy with brown hair. He knew him. Sora.

A boy with silver hair.

A girl with red hair.

"H__, You goin_ __ sleep a__ __y?"


Naminé was here?

When was she—

"Wake up Roxas!"

The shout caused him to sit up straight and look all around, until Roxas' eyes fell on a familiar face, "Axel?"

From the chair sat next to his bed, his senior in the Organization chuckled, "Looks like you took a beating. Not to mention you being put in the hot seat."

Roxas pivoted so that he sat on the bed's edge, "Yeah, I guess you heard what happened. Though I don't understand all of it." He furrowed his brow as one particular question came to the forefront of his mind, "Axel...who is Sora, and why is he connected to me?"

Axel winced as he scratched his head, "Yeesh. Give a guy a chance to warm up with some easier questions why dontcha? The short version is that he's the person you originally came from as a Nobody."

Where he was from? Like the person that originally lost their heart?

But everyone talked like Sora was still alive.

Suddenly it felt like the floor was falling away from Roxas. He paled as began to realize, "But if I'm here, and Sora has his body?"

Axel shook his head "I don't know. Nobody knows, not even the people at the top."

His mind began to lurch, "If Nobodies are nothing...and I'm less than that!" Roxas shook, eyes wide, "Why am I here?!"

Axel shrugged. "Hey, the bosses think you're close enough to be one of us. And besides. You've got the Keyblade right?" Roxas gave a shake nod, and in response Axel smiled. "Then that certainly isn't less than nothing, right?"

Roxas' breath began to steady, "Yeah...you're right." He slowly stood up, "It doesn't matter where I came from. I'll fight through Sora's memories and be strong enough that they won't put me under."

"Woah there." Axel held out his hands to calm Roxas, "You sure you want to do this all by yourself? Because Sora had to fight his way through with some help." He held out his hand to the boy, "How about it? Mind if I lend a hand on your journey?"

Roxas was slightly surprised, but soon his eyes narrowed at the offer, "You sure that's not going to make me look bad?"

"Nah. The Organization has a shared goal, remember?" Axel smiled as he reassured him, slowly moving his hand closer as he spoke, "Besides, we're friends, after all."

Roxas looked at the hand, and then reached out to shake it, "Yeah. We're friends." But then he began to realize a slight problem.

He had no idea where to go. "Um...what's next?"

"Well usually a horde of heartless like this has a pretty big leader, and taking it out causes them all to run." Axel jerked a thumb at one of the doors, "Mind taking the lead?"

And so the familiar routine began again. Keyblade in hand he fought the heartless. A few slashes to take out some of the soldiers, magic to fight whatever color heartless was weak to it. But it didn't mean anything. Without taking out the boss, they'd just keep coming. He'd wandered all over town before running into the man with the gunblade.

Well, not exactly. There was one area that had been locked off…

What about now?
"This way!" He called to Axel as he ran across the courtyard to the alleyway. A chakram whizzed by Roxas' ear towards the heartless blocking the way. As they vanished into vapor, Roxas barged into the door once again. But this time it gave way, and he found himself in a well lit plaza, a fountain in the corner. "I think the Heartless we're looking for is somewhere around—"


"Here." In front of Roxas and Axel, a massive Heartless armor towered over the two of them. Immediately Roxas rolled away from the gauntlet that was being brought down on his head.

Dashing towards the armor's legs, he began to slice at iron boots the torso floated over. But as he hacked away at the Heartless, the opposite leg began to rise.

"Watch it! Back off!" Axel shouted, but it was too late a warning. The shockwave as it slammed into the ground knocked Roxas away from the heartless.

Roxas rose to his feet, injured, but undeterred. This time, he took aim and called out, "Flame!" At his command a fireball shot from the keyblade and took out the Leg he had attacked earlier. As it vanished into dust, Roxas saw one of the other gauntlets hurtling towards him. But a flaming chakram intersected it, knocking the limb away.

"All clear!!! Now let him have it!"

Nodding to Axel, Roxas rushed toward the deflected part of the heartless, and sliced it till it evaporated as well. Wobbling but undeterred, the Guard armor began to fling it's remaining appendages toward Roxas. This time however, he was ready. He parried the gauntlet away, while rolling from the boot trying to smash him into paste, he rushed towards the main torso and whaled away at it. But then he noticed the limb's move again. Not towards him, but towards Axel. "Not this time! Fire!" Another gout of flame blasted away the gauntlet into nothingness, leaving Axel plenty of room to sidestep the boot and slice it into pieces.

Satisfied, Roxas turned to the trembling torso, and resumed his assault. And before long, it too evaporated, a heart released from its innards.

Dismissing the keyblade Roxas looked at Axel somewhat sheepishly, scratching his head, "So...I lost to someone earlier. But I won here. Is that good enough?"

In response, Axel chuckled, "Hey, from what I hear it was good enough for Sora. I'd say you're fine for today."

Relaxing, Roxas smiled, "Thanks. Want to…" but his cheer vanished as he remembered that what his assignment at Castle Oblivion had denied them access to. "Oh, I don't think there's sea salt ice cream here, is there?"

"Yeah, we're out of luck. Didn't expect you to be here. Otherwise I'd have stocked up." Axel gestured and opened a door to darkness, "Still, dinner should be good."

Roxas nodded, just glad that he was able to survive the first day of Sora's journey.

And that he'd earned his nightly meal.
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I think Axel is starting to care about Roxas, even though the original reason was that he found himself missing Roxas at Castle Oblivion
Chapter Four: Plans
Chapter Four: Plans

Secret Report: Vexen I

Number XIII? Here? What purpose would this serve? Surely they must know the risk presented to Roxas with Naminé's memory manipulations?

The question then becomes if this oversight is incidental or deliberate. While the latter has risks they can be mitigated. In the former, the chances of their plan being modified to accommodate increases.

And with modifications come complications.

No matter. I'm certain that my work can proceed uninterrupted despite Marluxia's management. Or lack thereof.

Dinner at the organization was hardly special. Nothing flavorful or interesting. But it was still filling enough for Roxas' taste, and he had certainly worked up an appetite. Everyone was given their rations, magic preserving the meals perfectly until usage. Often in The World That Never Was, members just came and went with their food, presumably to their rooms.

But in Castle Oblivion the nobodies lingered after grabbing their packages of food. Lexeus, Vexen and Zexion walked up to Marluxia and Larxene. Axel leaned on the wall near the door with a...smile? As Roxas walked over to him, Axel leaned over and whispered, "Free tip, let the bigwigs run their mouths. At the very least it isn't boring watching them argue."

Well, Roxas had plenty of experience with that, it was how he spent most of the big team meetings anyway. Let people talk about what they did, praise others for doing a lot, criticize others for not doing enough. He rarely was called on to talk about his work.

Lexaeus was the first to speak in this scenario, "Riku is inside the castle and has entered the basement."

Larxene began to giggle as she asked pryingly, "Oh? The big brains of the Organization made a mistake?"

Marluxia responded in a terse tone, "Will this be a problem?"

Vexen scoffed and shook his head, "Unlikely. Though he is moving in the direction of Sora, the rate of Riku's ascension should not exceed that of the keybearer."

Zexion nodded, "He also arrived at the bottom level, so even if his pace increases, we have time to respond."

"Besides," Vexen began to grin creepily, "his presence raises interesting possibilities for my research."

"Fat chance we'll see any of it." Axel whispered to Roxas. Though the gesture did not escape Vexen's notice as he shot the duo a quick glare.

But in an instant he resumed smiling at Marluxia, "I believe that I can make use of his data after analysis with my replicas in short order." Silence hung over the group. Vexen's confidence faded as Marluxia remained mute, simply staring back at him. Vexen ventured, "This would be done...with your permission of course."

Eventually however, Vexen got his reply, "Very well, I will leave him to your group."

Lexaeus spoke up soon after, "And what of your efforts with Sora?"

Vexen's smile returned, but with a more biting edge, "Why, yes! I was curious how your plan might proceed given Roxas'...connection."

Roxas knew the rest of this conversation, how he had put his life on the line in a bid to survive. So he turned and began to step towards the door. A hand on his shoulder stopped him however. Looking up, Roxas saw Axel handing over a small bowl and a spoon. "Hey, if you're heading out could you bring this to Naminé?" The container had a clear lid, showing the unappetizing gruel inside.

Was this all they wanted to do for her?

Nevertheless, after a moment of hesitation Roxas nodded. "I'll drop this off and go eat in my room." He walked out the door and out into the hallway.

"Rather strange for him to be so quiet, given the weight of his task."

Only for Zexion's comment to make him pause just past the door. Listening, Roxas could hear Vexen muse, "He is hardly a normal Nobody. If I had more time I could study him." Something inside Roxas felt like it turned to ice. Just a pawn for them to use. A curiosity to study.

"Hey, no dissections of the Organization's keyblade wielder!" Though fortunately Axel spoke up for him with a hint of anger. At least he mattered to someone. At least Roxas had a friend.

"Don't be preposterous!" Vexen sputtered "I'm not going to take him apart yet! But If he becomes an obvious liability, then there's nothing left to do with faulty tools other than take them apart for study."

Why?!? Why did Vexen sound so eager for that to happen!? For him to fail?!?

Larxene sighed, "For now he's doing fine. I mean, this whole training plan was his idea to begin with, so he's not a total waste of space."

"Nevertheless there would be merit to studying him in a more passive manner." Zexion continued calmly, "If I might be so bold as to make a proposal…"

Roxas didn't bother staying to hear it. The whole talk just made his skin crawl. Being treated like a thing by the rest of the Organization. Was he nothing important till he proved himself with the keyblade? Because he was barely a Nobody?

Well at least Axel believed in him. Still wanted to help him get through this. Looking at the two meals in his hands Roxas began to smile. As he thought of a way to help the other person that wanted to see him again.

"Naminé, I brought you dinner!" Looking at the size of the ration in Roxas' hand, Naminé was a little confused. As he set the meal down, confusion became astonishment. A slice of beef, vegetables, and some bread visible under the clear cover sealed with magic.

She opened up the meal, steam rising as the preserved meal was unsealed. Naminé looked at Roxas with disbelief, "All of this is for me? Are you sure?"

He gave an eager nod, "Yeah. I mean, you're doing a lot for us, helping us to try and get Sora on our side, and making memories for me to train. It's only fair that you get a meal like the rest of us."

Naminé's smile began to waver as she shook her head, "Roxas, none of my meals were as nice as this."

Nervously, Roxas explained, "W-Well, I can do what I want with my meal. Like give it to someone who I think ought to have it!" But then after a moment he paused and considered his logic, "Wait...doesn't that mean I'm just taking…?" An embarrassed blush came to his cheeks as he fumbled in his robe to eventually produce a small bowl, stammering, "I...uh...forgot! This is yours too!"

Naminé took the bowl in her hands, and after a moment she let out a small giggle. "Well if this is my meal," She handed the bowl of oatmeal back over to Roxas, "I can give it to someone who I think ought to have it."

Sheepishly, Roxas nodded as he accepted the meal. While his stomach regretted the trade after a day of fighting heartless, something else inside him was content. Seeing Naminé enjoy her dinner helped take the edge off his hunger.
Helped him ignore the words he heard from the other members of the Organization.

Helped him forget how he was less then—

"Are you okay?"

Naminè's words snapped Roxas out of his anxiety. He sighed, "I guess I've got a lot on my mind."

She nibbled at the bread left over from her meal, murmuring, "I'm sorry." Roxas looked at her in earnest confusion, as Naminé could hardly meet his eyes while she confessed, "It's my power that's making you fight for your life like this."

"What? But it's not your fault at all," Naminé looked up to Roxas in surprise as he continued, "It's Marluxia and Larxene's fault for not thinking things through." Roxas muttered as his mind began to settle on the real problem, "Though I don't know if they didn't think about me or never cared about me to begin with."

Naminé's eyes widened in surprise, "But...you've got the keyblade...A power beyond anyone else."

"But I'm not really a body," Roxas began to swirl around the remains of his gruel as he ruminated, "My real one's out there, isn't it? Sora walking around...so what even am I?"

A moment passed before Naminé set the empty tray aside and walked over to him. Sitting next to Roxas, she slowly ventured, "I'm...not sure myself. But I do know you're nice." She gently placed her hand on his, "And I want to see you more."

At the echo of his own words, Roxas gave a slight smile back, "Thanks, Naminé. I'll try to visit you when I can." Slowly, he held her hand too, feeling the warmth of her touch through his glove.

Roxas walked out of Naminé's room, empty food trays in hand and a smile on his face.

"You're spending time with her?"

One that vanished as he heard Axel's voice behind him. Roxas stiffened slightly as he saw Zexion besides his friend, "Why not? I like talking with her."

Zexion rubbed his chin in thought, "Is that so? Does she remind you of anyone?"

Furrowing his brow, Roxas shook his head, "Not really." At the very least, he could be honest about this.

At the very least, Zexion didn't seem upset by the answer. He nodded, answering "Not many Nobodies have likes or dislikes without appropriate memories. Something else to watch as we work together I suppose."

"Work together?"

Axel smirked at Roxas' surprise, "Yeah, book boy here wants to make sure you're in good hands."

Zexion's eyes narrowed as he turned to Axel, "Keep in mind I outrank you number VIII."

Sighing, Axel shrugged, "I guess since you're technically the older Nobody I ought to respect my elders. Well, as long as my pal here gets out alright we'll be fine."

Turning back to Roxas, Zexion offered his hand, "I am certain I can guide you to be a productive member of the organization in your training."

Roxas studied the offered hand before relenting and shaking it, "Alright then. See you tomorrow." Roxas turned to head to his room. His mind churning with an unnerving thought. A productive member of the Organization and a tool were not mutually exclusive.

Axel's words defending him, calling him a friend, were one thing that helped him get to sleep that night.

The other was Naminé's reassurance, and the memory of her hand on his.

Naminé looked at the door Roxas had left through with a small smile. Even though he wore the dark robes of every other organization member, he was a light to her. Helping to guide her through her own fear and doubts. And maybe she could believe that she was something more than a phantom.

More than just a reflection of Kairi.

As she contemplated her other half, her eyes fell on the notebook she was working on. Drawing to visualize new memories for Sora. She turned to the page where the three childhood friends were now four. Looking at the visage of her counterpart, Naminé could not help but remember how Sora had seen Kairi at The End Of The World. The memory burned bright within him of the promise the two shared. But something had nagged at Naminé as she reviewed the memory.

How did Kairi get there in the first place?

Tracing the linked memory back, all Naminé could really see was a door of light appearing before Kairi. A connection that appeared for the Princess of Heart to whisk her elsewhere. One that seemed to resonate…

...the more she thought of Sora?

Naminé began to realize that the question of interference in the Organization's plans had ceased to become "if" and had mutated into "when".

Her only wish right now was that Roxas would make it out alright. If freedom was too much to ask for, she could at least hope for that.
Chapter Five: Confusion
Chapter Five: Confusion

Journal: Day Two

A lot happened yesterday…

I'm connected with a guy called Sora somehow. He's my…


And because of that Marluxia and Laxene's plan would knock me out. But I came up with a new one for them. That I could be stronger than Sora if I train up.

Now I'm going through his memories. Trying to become as strong as he did...Even if I'm just…

Well, Axel is helping me at least. And Zexion...maybe. I think.

And Naminé wants to see me again too. So I ought to make sure I come back to her, right?

Before Roxas opened the door to the recreation of Wonderland, Zexion had held him back for a moment with a warning.

"Even if this is one of Sora's first worlds, I must advice that reconnaissance has shown it to be particularly...difficult"

"Difficult, how?"

"Well let's see. The architecture's a pain, gravity is more of a suggestion, The food will change you, and the Queen is temperamental."

While he initially brushed off Axel's summary as a bit much, he had begun to understand things more as he reached the garden with Zexion and Axel. Twisting hallways, and shrinking from a drink were disorienting enough. He didn't want to know what playing around with gravity was like. At least handling the heartless was simple enough. Zexion had at least taught him some new magic to shoot ice and heal himself.

But as he walked into the garden, he soon caught sight of two podiums with people standing at them, card-like guards lining the way between the two podium.The smaller one held a blonde girl in a blue dress, and the other, taller podium held an older, much larger woman with a crown.

And just looking at the probable queen, Roxas had a feeling she was a bit more than temperamental. She was looking at the girl with palpable rage as she shouted at her.

The scene was familiar. And still uncomfortable.

Zexion walked up beside Roxas as he surveyed the scene, "So we find the queen of Wonderland, and the princess of heart, Alice."

Axel crossed his arms, "Kinda looks like they're in court, what with the guards and all." He gave a shrug, "Well, can't imagine Alice did anything too bad with a heart of pure light and—"


Blanching at the queen's outburst, Roxas turned to his two companions, "I don't think the queen agrees!"

Zexion blinked as his momentary bewilderment passed, he coughed, "It would appear so. Now, given that Sora sought to protect the Princesses of Heart, we should do the same in our journey." Crossing his arms, he looked at Roxas, "Tell me, how would you approach the situa..."

But Roxas had already made a dash to the open podium and grabbed Alice's hand. "Follow me!"

Alice looked back at him with surprise, "I say! Are you here to act as my attorney?" But as Roxas motioned to the garden exit, she nodded, "Rescuer then. Given the circumstances, I can hardly complain!"

"What is the meaning of this!?" The queen of hearts bellowed, and as Roxas ran with Alice, she began to roar, "GUARDS!! GUARDS!!! SEIZE THEM!!! APPREHEND THIS FOOL THAT DARES TO OBSTRUCT MY JUSTICE!!!"

He and Alice managed to dodge past the guards, and ran up to Axel and Zexion. The two stared at them, jaws agape. Flabbergasted, Axel finally managed to ask, "Roxas...what exactly was your plan here?"

Roxas took a step back anxiously, "Well, we need to protect her, so we should get her away from the Queen that's yelling and screaming about cutting her head off. Right?"

Zexion shook his head and growled out in exasperation, "While the queen's bloodlust can induce some understandable urgency, perhaps we could work together next time to think of something more long term!?"

Axel took a quick look around and saw a path leading farther from the castle, "Lecture later! Into the forest! Run!"

For lack of a better plan, everyone scrambled down the path.

Roxas saw Zexion grit his teeth with the rest of the group in the underbrush. Guards shouting all around.

"There they are!"

Pages turning in his book as he shifted focus to the illusions under his control.

"No there!" "No! Over Here!"

A few times, he saw the flash of a card from the leaves, but no sooner did he see them, than a black cloaked illusion would attract attention.

Eventually, the shouting died down, and footsteps ceased. Zexion dusted his cloak as he stepped out from the tall grass obscuring them and glared at Roxas, "I must caution you not to rely on such brazen interference in the future."

Roxas crossed his arms and scowled as he walked out from the brush, "Well maybe instead of leaving me to figure things out on my own at the last minute you should have said something."

Alice spoke up, "Now see here! I can hardly see why he should be taken to task given the pressing threat to my life!"

Zexion remained unmoved and narrowed his eyes, "If you are going to be a part of this organization, you will need to be self-sufficient."

"How can I do that if no-one tells me anything?"

Zexion paused at Roxas' question, his anger vanishing.

Axel continued, "I mean I get that this is a last minute assignment and all, but don't we usually get a halfway decent mission briefing?"

For an instant, Zexion's far off look lingered, but eventually he answered calmly, "I..suppose that might have been my error, as your senior."

Axel, relaxed and scratched the back of his head, "Well, I for one appreciate less damage to my eardrums."

"Looks like we finally lost them," Roxas looked around the clearing and stretched,"Though I'm probably going to need to fight heartless soon instead of hiding."

"Ah, but hide and seek can be such fun!" The group looked around at the sound of the voice, but only Roxas was surprised at the eyes and mouth floating on a tree branch and grinning. Though soon the body and head of a cat faded into view around the grinning visage.

A visage which Alice instantly recognized, as she walked up to the cat with indignation, "I say Cheshire, what's all this about? I was wandering about until the queen's men arrested me and accused me of stealing her heart!"

Axel nodded as he got the picture, "Heartless. Guess the queen just grabbed whoever was convenient."

"Indeed! And unfortunately for you, the shadows have found their quarry!" At the Cheshire Cat's chuckling, an assortment of soldiers and magical heartless appeared from darkness.

Axel chuckled as he lit his chakram's aflame, "Well, surrounded by so much kindling, how can I resist?"

Roxas looked around at some of the floating minions as he summoned his keyblade, "Just don't hit any of the red ones! For now, stay close to Alice!"

Zexion nodded as he turned the pages of his book, "Much better plan, Roxas" And holding it up, shot a ball of ice at the red robed heartless.

Axel worked on blasting away any of the Blue Rhapsodies that had floated past the assault. Blocking the blizzard blasts they fired, and retaliating with his own flames.

Roxas made his way across the forest floor, knocking down soldier after soldier. This was familiar. What he was used to. He could dive past any clumsy swings and drive his keyblade into the attacker's back.

But as the last of the Heartless faded, there was a flash. Axel shouted in surprise as he turned to face it, "What the?! Alice, what is that?!"

Before her was a door. A door to light, "I don't know. I was just...thinking of some way to get far from here." Alice murmured as she reached a hand to the portal.

"Wha—Hey!" Roxas tried to chase after her, but as she touched the glowing portal, there was a flash of light. When Roxas could see again, both of them had vanished, "Where did Alice go?"

"A fair question!" The returned Cat laughed from one of the large leaves. "Find your way back to the cottage, and I'll tell you what I know! Though I would advise against crossing the queen again!"

"Figures," Roxas sighs as he began to look around, seeing if there was any path that led back to the room where they had shrunk.

Then he looked up,

"Is that...a cottage door in the treetops?"

Zexion followed Roxas' sight and stared for a moment in surprise, but eventually venturing,"For lack of a better option, let's give it a look."

Climbing the same oversized leaves the cat lounged on, and hopping from mushroomtop to treetop, the trio eventually made their way to the door. Opening it, Roxas was shocked,


He could see the familiar inside of the cottage.


Even though the door in the forest had nothing on the other side. And as he ran through…


He realized he was walking on the side of the wall.

Zexion peeked through and nodded, "Yes, that's about the reaction I would expect."

As Axel joined them, the three heard clapping from above, "Well done! Well done!" As they looked, they saw the Cheshire Cat standing on the table, as though gravity was normal for him.

Axel crossed his arms as they walked over, "Yeah, we're here. So where's Alice?"

The Cat rested his head on his hand in puzzlement, "Now why are you asking me?"

Roxas summoned his keyblade and pointed it at him, "You said you'd tell us what you know."

That caused the cat's face to light up in recognition, "Ah! So I did. As for what I know about where Alice is..."

Zexion narrowed his eyes, "Yes, where is she?"

"I'd like to know too! Because she's not in Wonderland anymore!" The cat continued grinning despite the groans and growls of frustrations from the three. "I'd love to chat more, but it seems that trouble has found you!" The Cheshire Cat chuckled at their shock before continuing, "Are you ready? If not, too bad!"

And with the cat vanishing into nothing, a pool of darkness appeared before them. And dropping down on the Cottage Wall came a massive heartless. A red and black creature with strange, spindly legs. One of it's paper arms held a set of clubs, the other had reached to the stove it stood by. Turning on the flames, it began to juggle the clubs into the fire, resulting in it's weapons blazing.

"Huh? So you like playing with fire too?" Axel grimaced as he got out his chakrams, "Looks like I'll just be playing keepaway here, then."

Roxas nodded, "Alright. He's a bit higher than we can jump," he began to aim his keyblade, "Good thing I got something to close the distance. Freeze!" The spell shot towards the Trickmaster, but the heartless simply blocked his attack with his weapon. Even so, the ice doused the flaming club, "Well, that'll make things easier. Let's keep going!"

Zexion nodded, and brought up his own spell book to begin a barrage of spells. Again, the heartless began to deflect the magic away at the expense of its improved weapons, but as the Trickmaster was busy blocking, Roxas ran up to the side of the Heartless, and using the stove to gain some height, began to slash away at the head.

Eventually, it's knees buckled under the assault. Leaving it wide open to attack. As chakram and ice began to batter it's body, the heartless still tried to stand on a shaky leg.

"No you don't! Hold still and let me hit you!"

Only for Roxas to shout out as he held his keyblade. Racing forward at sonic speed, he knocked the Trickmaster to the ground. Again, and again, and again, he rushed his keyblade into the Heartless' body, darkness leaking everywhere. Eventually, the creature finally expired, melting into darkness and releasing a heart.

Or at least the memory of one, as the shining soul vanished in an instant.

Zexion put his book away and walked to Roxas, "We need to work on your capacity in a crisis scenario, but for now, this is acceptable." Zexion placed a hand on his shoulder as he continued, "In fact, that skill is a bit...more advanced than what Sora was capable of at this time. Well done."

"Thanks." surprised, Roxas nodded before asking,"Is every world as crazy as this one?"

Zexion put a hand to his chin in thought before answering, "Actually, Wonderland is probably the most nonsensical it ever got for Sora. As far as our recon goes, he only watched after Alice long enough for her to leave this world before challenging the Heartless leader."

Axel wiped his hands as he walked over, "So hey! Crazy part's over!"

"Yeah." Roxas nodded and he felt more at ease. Even though the mission was a bit tough to understand at first, eventually he got the hang of it. And besides, Zexion said he was getting stronger. If this was as difficult as it got for Sora to deal with, then the rest of his memories would be a cakewalk.

Naminé sighed with relief as he watched Roxas leave with the other two members of the Organization. It was worrisome when Roxas managed to get in trouble with the queen. But eventually he managed to escape and was able to defeat the heartless.

But again...there was that worrying issue with what Alice was able to accomplish. A door to light, created just by her dearest wish to wander far far away.

Her mind drifted again to one of the other people that accomplished such a feat. Her other half. And her dearest wish to see her friends again.

A swirl of darkness.


She snapped to attention at the cold voice, "Yes, Marluxia?"

"I want to be absolutely certain." A hand came down with a firm grip on her shoulder, "Is there any other interference that might arise from your power?"

She swallowed the lump in her throat as she confessed, "There is...someone…"

Kairi watched the sea hoping for a sign. Anything that might mean Sora had found his way home with Riku. She sighed and shook her head. She knew that The End of the World was too dangerous for her. Especially since she didn't have a reliable method of protecting herself like Sora and Riku. But even so...part of her regretted letting Sora go off on his own while she stayed behind and waited.

Because maybe waiting wasn't good enough anymore.
Because maybe waiting wasn't good enough anymore.
Kairi. No. You suck.

Literally the weakest keyblade and you get chumped every time you try to fight. You're so bad that Riku couldn't just vaporize a small contingent of Heartless at the end of KH2 that were attacking.


One of the only other people who could probably solo Sephiroth.

You ain't no Aqua even if she gave you a Ceremony by accident.
Kairi. No. You suck.

Literally the weakest keyblade and you get chumped every time you try to fight. You're so bad that Riku couldn't just vaporize a small contingent of Heartless at the end of KH2 that were attacking.


One of the only other people who could probably solo Sephiroth.

You ain't no Aqua even if she gave you a Ceremony by accident.
I mean, to be fair, she was a Level 1 Character in the last dungeon of the game, the only worse idea is giving her Destiny's Embrace just as she's going to rumble with one of the Norts.
Yeah, we know from comparing Sora, Riku, and Roxas to the Wayfinder Trio that Keyblade wielders don't learn a tenth as much from practice with other keybladers as they do from live combat with the enemy - and she had no live combat experience. Give her some time to grind on Darkness-based critters and she'll be keyslinging with the best of them.
Only for Roxas to shout out as he held his keyblade. Racing forward at sonic speed, he knocked the Trickmaster to the ground. Again, and again, and again, he rushed his keyblade into the Heartless' body, darkness leaking everywhere. Eventually, the creature finally expired, melting into darkness and releasing a heart.

{Insert Fanfare}

Roxas Has Learned:Sonic Blade
"Run your opponent through with the Keyblade at the speed of sound, word of warning being unprepared may leave user slightly fatigued"
Kairi. No. You suck.

Literally the weakest keyblade and you get chumped every time you try to fight. You're so bad that Riku couldn't just vaporize a small contingent of Heartless at the end of KH2 that were attacking.


One of the only other people who could probably solo Sephiroth.

You ain't no Aqua even if she gave you a Ceremony by accident.
oh come om, we see her kicking some was in Re:mind. She basically an incompletely trained BBS character. give her actual time and battle experience and she can be quite the terror.

plus let's be honest, her performance wasn't that much wore them everyone else at that point. She and Namine are even the reason the team was able to survive getting team wiped the first time, and avoid a repeat. All she gets a pass.
Chapter Six: Path
Chapter Six: Path
Secret Report: Zexion I

Roxas' capabilities in the field are mixed. He has no mind for subtlety. Maintaining a masquerade with him and avoiding alerting the populace shall be a challenge. Fortunately, his prowess with combat as well as rapid adaptation to circumstances are exceptional.

As such, my request to monitor him is proving most prudent. As a senior member of the Organization, my interest has gone unchallenged. With my guidance, I can ensure he develops into a suitable member of the organization.

At the very least, he should have better instruction than I once did.

Pigments on a page formed the gentle dunes of the beach. Blending with white seafoam into the blue ocean. A shining sun set on the horizon. But even so, the girl in the picture didn't cast a shadow. Not yet at least.

Naminé looked over the picture once again, the train of thought having returned again to her original self. To Kairi, watching the horizon, searching her heart for a path.

And how Marluxia was enraged at how likely it was for that path to lead here.

"This impediment is far too substantial for us to ignore. Her presence will jeopardize everything we have worked for." Leaning closer in her face, Marluxia's gaze narrowed, and she could hear his leather glove tighten, as he asked "Why did you not think to warn us?"

Naminé failed to meet his glare, but managed to get out, "You...didn't ask...and you didn't want me to be distracted."

"Your dedication is commendable." At his answer, she began to relax.

Then Marluxia pulled out his scythe, "Your lack of foresight is a liability."

She froze, simply looking ahead to the crystal ball, "I...I thought the plan wouldn't be changed so much!"

The times she tried to dissuade Marluxia and Larxene from it to no avail drilled it into her mind. Nevertheless, his cold glare drilled into her. "This is still salvageable. But there is one possibility I would like for you to be ready for."

As always, she listened like her life depended on it, "Whatever you say Marluxia…"



"Oh, Roxas." She looked up and saw him. Again, with a meal in hand and eyes on her. But this time, he seemed a little shaky. As he walked over to him, she shook her head, "It's probably not a good idea for me to give you all your food. You need to keep up your strength."

He stopped and began to look down at the plate, thinking aloud, "W-Well, maybe I could give you one or two things?"

Naminé smiled at the offer, "If that's the case, I'll just have the bread with my porridge." At the very least, she'd be better fed than usual. As Roxas handed over her chosen meal, she asked, "How did today go? You seem...off."

He sighed as he sat down with the rest of the food, "Just...getting used to things being back to normal. Wonderland was pretty crazy."

She winced, "Right, that was one of Sora's first worlds." A world where logic and reason were a suggestion. No wonder Roxas was a little rattled.

He shook his head as he began cutting into his food, "I don't know what was worse, the place, or the people."

Swallowing a bite of her porridge, Naminé began to think, "From what I can remember from seeing it, despite the world's architecture being strange, it was rather beautiful."

As he took a bite of the meat, Roxas nodded, "Mmm. The castle garden was kind of nice." He then grimaced as he continued, "It's too bad the queen was just absolutely nuts."

She winced, "I guess she decided to cut off your head?"

Swallowing the last bit of meat, Roxas shrugged, "Well, she probably would have if I stuck around. She was threatening to do that to a princess, Alice."

That's right. It was where Sora first met one of the other princesses. Though at the time he had no idea of who they truly were. Or how close one had gotten to him in so many ways. It was that bond between them that not only saved him from being trapped as a heartless, but...also...

Naminé realized that Roxas was staring at her, mouth slightly agape. She asked, "Yes?"

The word shook him from his reverie, "Oh, it's just...you look...pretty enough to be a princess, that's all."

Naminé froze reaching for her bread as her mind spun into overdrive. That's all?! Well, a compliment was nice and all, and she was really glad it was from Roxas! B-but actually hear someone say something like that about her was—

"What're you drawing?"

"Ah! Yes! One of Sora's dearest friends, her name is Kairi!" She was all too glad to show him the notebook. Anything to get her mind off that compliment.

As nice as it was.

"It's beautiful." Roxas tilted his head as he inspected the picture, "But she looks familiar."

Familiar? That definitely got her attention, "Where did you see her?"

He pursed his mouth as he contemplated it, "A scattered dream...like a far off memory. She was there with Sora and another boy." Then he looked up at her, "I saw you there too."

Of course. "You must have been able to tap into the memories he had while you were asleep." Echoes of those shared memories had begun to leak into the people close to Sora. Like Roxas, Riku,

...and perhaps her other half as well.

Naminé looked away, "And you've probably seen what I was doing to them."

Roxas set the notepad down, "Right. You wanted to change them."

Naiminé folded her hands and shook her head, "It's not perfect. If I worked too fast, he would spot the lie and it'd all come apart. But given time, I could make him forget certain things, or believe other things are real."

He grimaced as his part in that plan was recalled, "But I messed that up."

She shook her head, "It's not your fault. And besides, even if I can't make him forget, I can give him new memories."

"New memories," Roxas' eyes widened as he put the pieces together, "Memories of you!"

Naminé nodded and continued, "Originally I was supposed to make Sora forget Kairi and have him believe that I was the one he cares the most about."

"So...he'd listen to you?" Roxas' lips tightened for a moment before he asked, "Do you feel the same way?"

"It doesn't matter how I feel about it." She looked over to the picture of Sora in the corner, "But...I hear he's nice. So maybe it won't be so bad. I wouldn't be alone anymore." Turning back to her bread, she finished off the last few bites. Despite the fact that it wouldn't last, she still yearned for a chance to mean something to someone. Even if that bond was fake.

Roxas however seemed to look down at the floor, arms starting to wrap around himself, "If you do end up meeting him…"

"That would mean I wasn't strong enough."

Naminé's stomach dropped at the realization of the two futures she had. That meeting Sora meant losing the one person who seemed to care at all about her. On the other hand, "If you win, I'll just be here as I always have been."


Roxas' eyes widened at that, and he began pacing. But after a moment, he snapped his fingers as he hit upon an answer, "Well, what if when I win, I help you find a friend? Someone nice who can be here with you!"

That he was willing to offer something like that lightened her worries. But on the other hand, "Is there any reason you couldn't stay as my friend?"

Roxas stammered, putting a hand to his chest with a nervous smile, "O-Of course not! There's no reason I wouldn't want to be with my friend!" His smile wavered however, as he asked, "We...are friends, right?"

In a way, Naminé knew it was already true. Roxas tried to visit her, and seemed to enjoy her company. Just as much as she enjoyed talking with him about what they could.

Still, it was nice to say it for real. So she answered with a smile, "Yes, we are."

After he left that night. Naminé went back to the notebook she had hidden. The one with Roxas' picture. Picking up her crayons, she began to sketch out the forest of Wonderland. And eventually, her friend was drawn on the paper, wandering about the new world. It wasn't a huge sketch. She still had to maintain her focus for the drawings she used to focus on Sora's memories.

But it was a nice distraction while she waited.

"You know, you can't just spend your entire summer waiting for Sora and Riku to get home?" Selphie, spoke up from beside her on the pier's edge.

"Well…" As much as it pained Kairi to admit it, her friend had a point. Sitting around, pining for the two to return was hardly the way she wanted to spend what little time off she still had.

Though now that she thought about it.

Was she forgetting someone?

"Do you think there might have been someone else, who left the island?" Kairi stared out into the ocean waves, "If they're still out there, we ought to go find them."

Selphie raised her hands in apprehension, "Wait, what's with the we? I mean, I miss Sora and Riku too. But this mystery person you're talking about out of nowhere seems weird." Selphie crossed her arms and walked away, "Don't you think Sora and Riku would have mentioned them by now? What do they even look like?"


In the darkness in memories she saw her...

"They're a girl, in white with blond hair?"

"Another girl?" Selphie looked back at her in surprise at the answer, "Well besides that, don't you need one of those Gum Ships?

Oh right, there was that problem. She had no way to get there, "Gummi ship, but yeah. I mean I had to go find Cid to get a ride to…"

Or did she?

"But I didn't…I used…" A door. A doorway to the light. That was the only way she could describe what led her from Cid's workshop to The End of The World.

"Wait, what did you use?"

"It was…" She just had to remember. Remember what was going on when it appeared. What was happening. What she was thinking of.

Who she was thinking of.

Sora. He was probably still searching, even now. For all she teased him about being a lazy bum, when he stopped napping and actually worked, he gave it his all. Nothing stopped him, no matter how hard it was to do.

And Riku, even though he had fallen to darkness, he still believed he was doing what's best. Despite how aloof he could be, he always cared about the two of them. Even when he was in Ansem's grip, he fought back, gave them a chance to escape.

There was no way she could forget either of them.

But the girl. Who was she? What was her name?


Selphie tilted her head, "Huh?"

"Her name is Naminé."

"Whoa, what the heck!?" Selphie's exclamation roused her from her thoughts. And then she noticed it again. A shining portal.

And she knew her friends were on the other side.

She ran over to the nearby docks and began searching the boats.

"What are you doing?"

"Looking to see if they kept them...Aha!" and Kairi held up the weapon she had found.

"Kairi, that's a toy."

"Well, if it worked for Sora, it can work for me." And with that she began charging toward the portal.

Selphie shouted after her, "Kairi, do you even know where you're going?!"

"Wherever they are. And I'd know they'd do the same for me!" And in a flash, she vanished along with the portal she had run into. She didn't hear Selfie call out to her.

"Kairi, there was never anyone called Naminé! Agh! Her dad's gonna be so mad!"

"A door of light you say?" Vexen raised an eyebrow at Marluxia's explanation.

He nodded as the rest of the group looked at him, "The princess of heart bound to Sora will be looking for him using that. According to Naminé, she managed to pursue him to The End Of The World before. Simply through concentration on the keyblade wielder."

Axel nodded, "So basically, she's on her way here because she can still remember Sora."

Larxene grumbled as she crossed her arms, "And without Naminé taking the time to put herself in Kairi's place, trying to make her forget would just be giving our little witch a lobotomy. And if she manages to find Sora, that's going to make Naminé's work that much harder."

Lexeaus looked directly at Marluxia as he spoke, "This turn of events on top of Roxas' ordeal is most irregular. We should report to Xemnas."

Marluxia closed his eyes calmly, "Not necessarily. While the task Roxas is assigned is critical to our organization, it is not too far from our original plan to strengthen him via management of the heartless. As for the princess, we may be able to mitigate her interference if we act swiftly on her arrival."

At the question, there was the sound of a sniff. Everyone turned to Zexion as he continued to smell the air in his own way.

Vexen tapped his cheek, "Are you smelling pure light, perchance?"

Zexion nodded firmly, "I believe so."

Marluxia nodded before commanding, "Use the scrying orbs. Find her." And with that the group vanished into their dark portals.

He watched the castle from darkness, in the place he could only call zero. In the beginning there was the boy, Sora. Wielder of the keyblade, naive as he was. So then he brought another, Riku. An opposite of the hero, but still strong.

But then, in a flash, he saw another intruder arrive.

A girl.

And memories stirred. They clamored in the front of his mind. And he immediately asked.

"How...how can she be here?!?"

His mind turned toward the object he held. Often he had wondered why he still kept the blade.

Perhaps her arrival here was not a coincidence.

He would see for himself.

"At the very least, I must look after her." And so he wove what darkness he could to hide her from their magic for a moment.
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Chapter Seven: Questions
Chapter Seven: Questions

Secret Report: Marluxia I

This situation is growing more unstable.

The hampering of Sora's memory manipulations presents obvious risk, in that we cannot rely on his decreased power to manage him. However, if the princess of heart should arrive and make contact with him our ultimate goal will prove to be impossible. Naminé's manipulations can only go so far.

Regardless, provided said contact is not instantaneous, we should be able to manage the situation. Indeed, the memories drawing Kairi to our castle may serve to make her compliant to our plans.

At the very least, we should not attract the attention of Xemnas.

I would much rather our work remain a surprise to them.

Kairi looked around at the pale white corridor she had found herself in. Refined, yet so utterly blank. But just looking at it made something in her heart shiver. The door of light vanished behind her. "Looks like I'm committed to this." So she began to call out.

"Sora? Riku? Naminé?"

An echo was her only response.


Then from behind her she heard the tell tale swirl of darkness she heard so much in Sora's heart. Wheeling around, she saw the shadows fall from the miasma. She looked at the toy sword in her hands. She remembered all too well that Sora's attempts to fight heartless with the sword did nothing.

But magic did. She knew she had some kind of spiritual power. From what she had heard of the other Princesses of Heart, they were able to hold back the heartless with that sort of power. Of course, she had the advantage of watching Sora learn magic from within his heart. She could recall some of the basics. Right? Like fire, fire was simple. Just focus on the concept of heat...draw on the magic within her and-

"What are you doing here?"

"Aah!" Though the ethereal voice startled her, the mental jolt was enough for the magic to manifest. Thus the shadow was engulfed in flame.

"You must lea-"

"Hey, could you wait a minute!?" Kairi shouted as the other heartless made a lunge for her. She backed up and focused on casting again. The spell came quicker, now that she understood the feeling a bit better. A few moments later, the heartless evaporated from the flame.

The stern voice spoke again, "Magic can damage them greatly, but without a keyblade, they will not die. If you linger, they will return in greater numbers. Leave, now."

Kairi shook her head, "No. Not without my friends."

The voice that spoke was not impressed, "You do not know what lies ahead. What twisted machinations lie beyond. It would be better for you to leave Castle Oblivion behind. To wait for them to return to you."

She frowned as she processed the words of warning, "You said that people here have some kind of plan. My friends, Sora, Riku, Naminé...they're a part of that?"

A moment of silence before the voice spoke again, "Yes, they are. Though the last has been here for some time."

The answer then became incredibly easy for her, "Then there's no way I'm leaving. I'm not going to be left behind when Sora and Riku are in trouble. And especially not when I've finally found where Naminé has been all these years!"

"You know her?" The voice asked.

"Of course I do." Even if the memories were hazy, Kairi knew that Naminé was important to her.

The voice sighed in resignation, "There is power within you, to be sure. But you will hardly be able to use it with a stick."

Suddenly, there was a flash of light, "This might suffice far better."

As her vision cleared, Kairi saw on the ground something familiar. Though flowers entwined around it, the shape was unmistakable. "A keyblade? How did you-"

"A story for another time. Know this. If you take this, I will no longer be able to hide you from the forces in this castle."

She didn't hesitate. "I've had enough of staying out of the way." Taking the keyblade in her hands, she felt the strength flow directly from her heart. It felt...almost nostalgic.

"Well said, Kairi."

She blinked in confusion, "Wait...How did you know my name?" for once, the only thing that answered was her own echo. "Hello?" Now she received a response, unfortunately it was in the form of Heartless soldiers appearing from the darkness. Wasting no time she swung her Keyblade into the oncoming heartless.

"Hang on everyone. I'm coming."

Zexion furrowed his brow at the scrying orb, it's view still shrouded in darkness. Even taking shifts during their sleeping hours had allowed for little insight from either of the teams in Castle Oblivion.

Vexen looked over to him in annoyance, "You said that there was a presence of pure light in this castle."

Zexion simply crossed his arms at the accusatory tone, "Yes, for a moment, it was unmistakable. However, that location was obscured a moment later by a powerful shadow."

"Heartless gathering around her?" Lexeaus speculated as he watched the crystal ball, "The best I can tell is that the force obscuring our view is quite powerful."

"But not quite old," Zexion closed his eyes and tried to discern the obscuring scent that filled his nostrils, "If I had to put a number on it I'd…"

His eyes shot open in realization. In recognition of a nostalgic smell, warped as it was.

"A number? Go on?" Vexen prodded as he looked over.

"It's about ten years old." Zexion began to create a dark portal, "Now if you must excuse me, I need to prepare for Roxas' mission today."

Vexen sighed and rubbed his forehead, "Very well, I will monitor and debrief you once we—"

"The darkness appears to be clearing." Zexion paused at Lexeaus' note.

"Really? Yes...it seems to be distant from Sora. So we should…" Vexen looked back up and began to shake his head, "No need to stay on our account, we should be able to handle matters from here. Go. Watch over the Organization's keybearer."

Giving a short nod, Zexion walked through the portal, back to his chambers. With Roxas still uneducated in the usage of portals, he would have to wait for him to arrive at his quarters before departing.

But once again, Roxas' outburst in wonderland occupied the back of Zexion's mind.

"If you are going to be a part of this organization, you will need to be self-sufficient."

"How can I do that if no-one tells me anything?"

"I mean...I get that this is last minute, but don't we usually get a halfway decent mission briefing…?"

At the time, Axel's words washed over him. As Zexion once again saw an image of a boy.

He had so many questions on what was going on. What the researchers wanted. What they were even looking for.

Why did they need to take so many hearts? Why did he have to die?

But no-one told Ienzo anything. It wasn't until he was Zexion that he got any answers. Until he was old enough to handle important matters. And set aside his childish ways.

Roxas was already fighting for his life...was that not important enough? Mature enough to know the truth?

Marluxia had given Zexion some forewarning as to what was next in Roxas' journey. Perhaps he should be informed of what he would be facing?

He needed something to focus. With his lexicon, he dispelled the glamour in the corner of the room. The cold storage box sat, running silently. He reached inside for his long-preferred method of calming his nerves. One that he kept from all Organization members. For if they knew the truth, his reputation would be in tatters.

The creak of a door interrupted his rumination.

Roxas walked down the hall. Axel told him to go ahead and fetch Zexion, since he was still waking up after his shift sleeping. Though Roxas wished he could talk with him. Try and sort out what was bothering him since visiting Naminé. Just hearing about the plan was strange to him. Having Sora be with Naminé, like they knew each other the whole time. As if they were the most important people to each other.

And Naminé had no choice.

It was like a ball of ice seething in Roxas' stomach. Shouldn't they like each other before being together? Was all of that really necessary for Sora to be on the Organization's side? At the very least, Axel would probably give him a better answer than Marluxia and Larxene, since they both seemed to just want to make Naminé as miserable as possible. And Zexion seemed to have little interest in her period, much like the rest of the Organization on the lower floors.
Speaking of which, he finally found himself at his quarters, he opened the doors...

And saw Zexion frozen in front of a mini-freezer, holding a package.

"What are you doing here!?!" Zexion hissed through his teeth.

A very familiar package, "Is...that sea salt ice cream?"

"This…" Zexion stuttered before slamming the freezer shut and hiding the treat behind his back, "This is an object of paramount importance to my research and—!"

"Can I have some?"

"It is not...what?" Roxas' question caused Zexion's rant to come to a halt.

"If you've got extra popsicles could I have one?" He asked almost eagerly. He really craved something more comforting after missions.

Zexion's eyes moved shiftily, before he sighed, "I suppose...on one condition." He held out the ice cream packet and pointed to it, demanding, "No one else in the Organization is to have any idea that I am hiding this."

"Hiding what now, Zexion?"

Roxas turned around as he realized that Axel had finally gotten ready. Though now might not have been the best time for Zexion, who only seemed to grow more mortified, "Axel…! You...You can't…!"

Axel chuckled as he walked in the room,"So sorry Zexion, but I've just learned a bit too much."

Zexion shoved the ice cream back in the box, before icily asking, "What are your demands to secure your silence?"

Axel wasted no time in pointing to Roxas and himself, "One popsicle for both of us each day after we finish our daily mission. Got it memorized?" Zexion continued to glare at Axel's calm ultimatum, "Do this, and no one in the Organization will know you've got an ice cream stash."

Finally, Zexion sighed, "Agreed."

All in all, Roxas perked up at the prospect of ice cream after the mission. "Alright! So..what's our next world for today?

Axel opened a new portal, "Olympus Coliseum. You're going to be fighting in a tournament."

Zexion began to walk over to his desk, considerably calmer, "A particularly challenging opponent shall await you at the end. You only need to reach them for us to consider this mission a success."

Though the implications of that statement made Roxas a little nervous, "Wait, so...he's really tough? Who's the big boss?"

Opening a drawer to retrieve a notebook, Zexion flipped through the pages, "Normally the roster is kept secret, but I believe it would be better to set some expectations here." Coming to a stop, he handed the notebook to Roxas.

Roxas scanned the roster, starting from the bottom of the list all the way to the top.

And when he read the name there, he knew it well.

Axel frowned after reading the list, "Wait...really? You sure this is a good idea?"

"We see this is an effective measurement of skill, as well as a test of his resolve." Zexion motioned to the portal.

Roxas set the notebook on the desk before briskly walking through.

He had a lot to prove here.

Naminé watched the crystal ball as a boy entered Olympus with his two friends. The image shifted to a nearly identical one at Marluxia's gesture.

"You understand what we seek to accomplish here?"

She knew it. But as ever, Marluxia and Larxene's plans were incomprehensible to her in their necessity. But here, all she had to ask was, "Who...are you hoping is going to win?"

Larxene sniggered next to her, "Well, the kid obviously is going to be crushed, I just want to see how he reacts to it." Crossing her arms, she continued, "So what are you waiting for? Let's get this match going!"

Like she had a choice in the matter. They'd just beat her until she complied.

So Naminé did as they asked as always.

And with a change to the living memories, Hades ignored Cloud, and sought out a new contender to help take down Hercules.
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Oh no will it be Sephiroth, because Cloud is being swapped out
Chapter Eight: Compete
Chapter Eight: Compete

Journal: Day Three

Wonderland has to have been one of the weirdest places I've ever been. But...that's not what's bothering me most about today.

I learned about some of what the plan with Sora was. If Naminé changed his memories so that..

they were best friends...

He'd work for the Organization.

So if Sora is stronger, she could be friends with him.

But I'll be gone.

Though if I win, what will happen to her?

Maybe when I've proven myself, I can find a way for Naminé not to be lonely. She's someone who deserves more friends.

More than just a Nobody like me.

Passing through the double doors of Castle Oblivion into the plaza of the memory of the world, Roxas looked up at the colossal statues crossing blades in front of the coliseum thinking aloud, "Guess it fits the Coliseum part, with huge statues like that." He turned to Zexion, who was idly flipping pages in his tome, "So how do we start?"

"The coliseum accepts heroes of acclaim, or those with an invitation," snapping the book shut, he continued, "If we prove ourselves to a local authority, we should gain entry."

As if on cue, a group of heartless appeared in the plaza. Soldiers, Large bodies, Red Nocturnes, nothing Roxas hadn't seen before. So he summoned his keyblade and walked forward, "You think taking these guys out will do?"

Axel chuckled as he summoned a chakram to his hands, "At the very least, we get a bit of exercise."

Though honestly, it was hardly even a warm up. At this point, Roxas already had enough magic under his belt to handle the floating magicians, ice reducing them to nothing in seconds. With them gone, Axel was free to toss out flaming discs into the group, the soldiers falling quickly. While the Large Bodies shrugged off the blows they soon shuddered as Zexion waved his hand, a shade of strengthened gravity turning their weight against them. Roxas took the chance provided, and rolled behind them to strike at their exposed backs. With both magic and blade working on them, the monsters soon vanished and released their hearts.

But as the last heartless disappeared, the trio heard clapping, "Not bad. Not bad at all." Turning to the new voice, Roxas hesitated in calling the figure human as they approached. Perhaps it was the grey skin and bone-like hands. Or perhaps it was how smoke seemed to trail at the figures feet. Or even the fact that the being's 'hair' was simply blue fire. With an extended hand, he introduced himself, "Hades, lord of the dead, how ya doing?"

Roxas just kept eye contact as he held onto his keyblade, "I'm looking to compete in the coliseum."

Hades just chuckled as he slowly pulled back his hand, "Short, sweet, and to the point. I can work with that. Well lucky for you, I run this fine establishment." Dark smoke coalesced into a parchment in Hades' other hand, which he handed to Roxas, "And after that performance, I think I can give you a spot in the tournament. Sound good?"

As far as he could tell the entry pass seemed fine. Even so, Roxas narrowed his eyes, "What's the catch?"

Nodding Hades simply continued holding out the pass with a smile, "Catch? Smart man. Good to keep an eye out for the fine print. But for once, I'm shooting straight. All you need to do is fight in the tournament and win."

Roxas crossed his arms with a furrowed brow, and Axel looked at him, "Got a problem?"

"He's being honest for once. Not sure how much I want to trust someone who thinks honesty isn't normal."

Zexion almost seemed to smile as Hades' eye twitched at the flaw in his pitch, "That's rather fair."

After a moment, however, Roxas sighed, "But I don't have a choice if I want to move on."

So he took the invitation in hand as Hades relaxed and clapped him on the back, "Trust me kid, you're gonna help put on the show of a lifetime."

The rules were simple for Roxas to understand. He and his team would enter the arena and fight the heartless. There was a short break after each match, and the final match of the tournament was one-on-one.

Axel twirled his weapon as the trio strolled up to the arena, "So, you got a plan?"

Roxas nodded as he summoned his keyblade, "We need to pace ourselves in the fights. Don't want to use too much magic in the first few rounds."

Zexion raised an eyebrow, "And simply fight the rest as best as you can?"

Roxas crossed his arms and huffed, "Well, It's a fighting tournament, isn't it?" Darkness swirled before them, a cluster of soldiers staring them down. "Though from the looks of things..."

"These guys are a piece of cake!" Goofy bashed his shield into the heartless clawing away at it.

Donald scoffed, "Well good! The faster we win, the faster we can keep going! Fire!" With a wave of his wand, a bolt of flame ignited one of the Blue Rhapsodies floating overhead.

"Yeah. And the faster we can get some answers." Because Sora just had a feeling that the further he went, the more he could figure out just what happened to that girl.

There had to be a reason he remembered her as he started getting further in the castle, right?

But...what was her name?

Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed one of the charging Large Bodies heading toward him, he rolled to the side...

As the large heartless passed on by, Roxas leapt onto its back and hacked away. Soon, the creature released its heart. So far, the tournament had been going well. Combat was definitely the one subject he was confident in. Axel incinerated another blue rhapsody, with Zexion freezing it's red counterpart. He drove his keyblade into the soldiers trying to catch them unaware.

With the last of the heartless beaten, the gates at the end of the arena opened. As they got to the waiting room for the next match, Axel kicked back on the bench. "If any of this were real, I'm pretty sure the crowd would be thrilled by all this."

Zexion shook his head, "These are more preliminary bouts. So barring enthusiasts, I doubt there would be much of an audience."

Roxas was quiet, pacing the room. He'd been keeping track of the match number in his head.

He knew who was next.

With a flash of black smoke, Hades appeared and clapped him on the back, "Great job kid! Now, our next fight is our headliner, a one-on-one bout. So…" Hades grinned with his razor toothed smile, "I'm hoping you can put on a real show here."

Roxas furrowed his brow, "This next fight is safe?"

Hades only waved off his concern, "Totally! Ran this place for millenia, never got a complaint!" Snapping his fingers, he vanished as the gate behind Roxas opened again.

As Roxas looked out to the arena, Axel leaned forward and spoke, "Hey. Don't sweat it. The hard part's over. Just make it back, alright?"

Technically...that was all he had to do. Just survive. Roxas just knew that the opponent would be too much for him to do little else.

But still.

There was some small part of him that said…

"No. I don't just want to survive."

Perhaps he spoke a bit louder than usual. He knew it certainly got Axel and Zexion's attention. As he walked out into the field

"I want to win."

"A one on one fight?" Sora looked at the rules for the next match and recalled his first trip to the arena, "So Cloud again? Well, at least I'm better than I was back then." He turned to leave...

"Hold on," Only for Donald to grab the sleeves of his jacket and point to the roster listing, "The lineup just has question marks. I'm pretty sure Cloud's name was up there when you fought in the preliminaries."

He crossed his arms. His first visit to Olympus Coliseum was so long ago now that the details were fuzzy. Was Cloud's name on the list or not? "Well maybe…

Then he looked out to the arena and saw the figure in black. "Yeah, it is someone different. I'll be back soon then."

Goofy peered out to the field as the doors closed. Donald tapped his foot impatiently, "Any idea who the guy is?"

Putting a finger to his chin, Goofy answered, "Well, he looks like he's about Sora's size."

Roxas didn't really look too hard at his reflection in a mirror. Just enough to make sure he was presentable. But hardly enough to memorize every detail of his face.

But even so.

As he looked at the face of the boy walking onto the field, he knew it was identical to his own. "So you're Sora?"

"Yeah. Are you one of Larxene's friends? Who are all of you anyway?"

Roxas was in no mood to answer. One, because the Organization was to be kept secret.

And Two, he wasn't going to pass up an opening like that.

He dashed forward and summoned his weapon to strike. "Wha—?! That's my Keyblade!?!" Sora panicked, and summoned his own. Just in time to block Roxas bringing his own down on him. "But...how?!?" Sora ground out as he pushed back, weapons screeching in the clash.

"My name is Roxas. And I'll show you just who I am." Roxas strained as he tried to break through Sora's defense. But despite all his effort, Sora just pushed back against him, and eventually threw him off. Regaining his footing, Roxas waited for the counterattack.

One that Sora began by raising his keyblade up high, and calling out, "Thundaga!"

Huge bolts of lightning rained down around him. Roxas tried to hold his keyblade up to block the assault, but even though the attack was blunted, the charge still quaked through his body. As Roxas regained his senses, he saw Sora wind back with his keyblade. Even though he was so far from him.

But after the last attack Roxas was on guard, so when the keyblade flew out of Sora's hands towards Roxas, he was ready to roll away. He felt the blade hum with magic as it flew by where he once stood. But in an instant, the Keyblade returned to Sora, and he threw the weapon again. Again and again, Roxas dodged the attack until finally the keyblade stopped glowing.

This had to be his chance! Focusing, Roxas rushed forward and finally landed a hit on Sora. Again and again he slashed away, knocking the boy back. He wasn't a legend, he was still a human! He could still beat him! Focusing all his strength, Roxas raced forward with his keyblade. At sonic speed, he was able to strike him. Again and again, he attacked. He couldn't give him any rest. He had to survive! He had to win!

He tried to ignore the part of himself that asked why.

He came to a stop and turned to face his opponent. Waiting for his next move he watched Sora...smile?

"Is that all you've got?" He raised his keyblade and with a flash of green and vines, all his injuries vanished.

Healing magic?

Sora charged him now, and the shock of having his work undone left Roxas vulnerable. Sora's strikes lifted him up higher and higher into the air. As the ascent stopped. Sora gathered an array of light at the end of his keyblade. It grew and grew, until he let the energy fly.

Roxas just had enough time to block a few of the initial blows. But his guard soon broke, and explosions of energy sent him flying away from Sora. He just barely had enough strength to remain standing. He watched as Sora's keyblade glowed with a yellow light, "Alright, faker. Let's end this!"

Fake?! Fake?!

Something in Roxas gave way, limits breaking as he shouted, "I'm not a fake! I'm Roxas! No one else!" At his cry, Roxas' own keyblade glowed blue. The two rushed toward each other and swung. Two keyblades rang out as their attacks collided with one another. They swung again, sparks flying as their magic clashed. Again and again, they tried to land a hit on each other. But none of their attacks seemed to hit home. Only colliding with their opponent's keyblade.

Finally, the assault ended, and the two were left gasping for air. Sora's breath seemed far steadier however, as he still spoke, "You can stand up to Ars Arcanum?"

Stand up? Barely. Roxas knew that he was being absolutely pushed here. But even so, he held his keyblade up. "I...I can't lose here."


Roxas flinched at the question and answered shakily, "I...I have to survive."

Sora frowned as his breath steadied, "Is that it? Just surviving?"

Well, what else was there? If Victory was impossible, than all he had was his survival to fight for.


"We...are friends, right?"

"Yes, we are."


"There's someone I want to see again."
It was barely above a whisper, but Sora seemed to hear it as his eyes widened.

But before he could say anything, A loud roar echoed across the arena. The next thing Roxas knew, a colossal three-headed dog leapt into the arena.

"Oh right. I forgot," Hades smirked as he watched the unleashed Cerberus spit fire at the two contestants, "Accidents happen. And the people that would complain are usually the first to go. It's too bad you took so long." He turned away from the gate...

"Hi. My friend's out there," Only for Axel to stare him in the face. He grinned as he summoned flaming chakrams to his sides, "You're going to let me out now so I can save him. Got it?"

Hades simply took a few wicks of Axel's flame and began to smooth down his hair, "Well, I could let you out, but that'd let the other contestant's pals out too. And on top of all that, you'd have to take care of the...ehm," He jerked a thumb out to the fire breathing three headed dog, "Accident"

"I assure you we can handle it." Zexion rose from his seat, lexicon at the ready.

Hades simply shrugged and opened the gate.

Sora had faced Cerberus before and beaten him. And he definitely had grown in leaps and bounds with his keyblade since then.

Still, there was nothing like three huge mouths filled with fangs to cause a bit of panic. Especially when one started to spew out darkness. "Look out!" He called out to Roxas as the shadowy pools began to form at their feet. While Sora lept and glided out of the way, Roxas had to manage with being careful with his rolls. Though to his credit, he was pretty good in keeping up with the attacks.

Floating to the side of one of the faces, Sora began to hack away at the beast. One of it's heads wincing as they took a keyblade to it's skull. Roxas, however, had begun to cast ice at the creature. Frozen bullets striking the center head. The remaining one's mouth began to glow.


Only for Donald's larger ice bolt to knock it back. Goofy soon showed up to slam it's shield into the legs of the creature, causing it to trip and fall. Cerberus snarled as it tried to get up.

But as it tried to regain its footing, a spiked chakram embedded itself into its other leg. "Good boy! Now play dead!" An older voice this time, one that Sora had never heard before. He turned and saw two more people in black cloaks. One a man with spiky red hair, the other a young man with silver hair over one eye.

Roxas called out to them, "Axel! Zexion!"

"Change of plans! We defeat Cerberus, then we leave! Axel, cover me!" The red-haired man nodded, leaving the silver haired boy, Zexion, to begin chanting as pages turned in his tome. As he began, the skies began to darken.

Axel began to throw his chakram's at the defenseless beast, who began to whine as all the injuries seemed to catch up to it. Sora landed down on the ground, and began to focus on the familiar power of Ragnarok. Once again, he rose in the air, striking the center head. As he did so, Roxas began to slice at the side of the beast. Their blows reached a tempo as Zexion's chanting grew louder.

Cerberus struggled, it's whine becoming a roar as it tried to retaliate against the barrage of blows.


Only for Zexion's shout to herald a colossal bolt of lightning to strike the beast. The current coursing through it until finally the creature collapsed for good. Sora heard Axel call out, "Roxas, let's go!"

Sora cried out as his eyes adjusted from the flash, "Wait! Just who are..?" But when he heard the swirl of darkness, he knew it was too late. Seeing clearly showed that the trio had vanished, Sora could only sigh, "And they're gone."

Goofy walked up to him and scratched his head, "Ya know where he went?"

"Well wherever he is, we'll catch that faker!" Donald squawked as he began to march to the Coliseum exit, "Who does he think he is? Waving around a fake keyblade!?"

"I'm not sure he's faking anything," Sora mused with a furrowed brow as he looked at the space where his opponent stood. The boy that seemed almost like a mirror, who held a keyblade identical to his own. But at the same time, the blonde haired kid seemed to resent the comparison.


Who was he? Who was the person he was fighting to see again?

And why did he feel so familiar?

Naminé let out a breath she didn't know she was holding as Sora and Roxas left Olympus Coliseum. Larxene however was less pleased, sighing as she watched the aftermath from the crystal ball, "Well, I can't say that was an ideal solution."

"He's proven himself to be capable of moving forward." Marluxia crossed his arms at her objections, "He was cunning enough to capitalize on the situation to deal with Cerberus, and determined enough to see his initial fight with Sora through."

Larxene shrugged in response, "Yeah, I guess you're right. I just would have preferred an easier end to this now rather than having to keep waiting." What kind of end was something that Naminé wasn't quite eager to find out. The woman crossed her arms as she smiled, "Still, annoying that Hades decided to get impatient with things right as the fight got interesting."

Naminé stayed silent. Yes, in a way the timing for Hades' impatience was odd. It was also convenient for Roxas that he had broken up the fight.

She probably would never let Larxene know how she had nudged that decision in his mind.

Darkness swirled in the room, but this time, the other two members of the organization appeared. Lexeaus spoke sharply with crossed arms, "The situation on the bottom floors has changed. We must convene to discuss this. We shall gather Axel and Zexion upon the completion of their mission."

Marluxia, smiled, "Impeccable timing then, in that they have finished their work for today. But are you truly in a position to give me ord—"

"There is another Keyblade wielder here."

Marluxia's smile vanished at Vexen's words, while Larxene's eyes widened. In an instant, the two nodded, and the four members of the organization left into their dark portals.

Alone, Naminé sighed. Roxas barely seemed mentioned in that urgent news. Even after he had fought tooth and nail to win in the Coliseum, the other members of the Organization hardly cared about him. He hadn't won, but there was something special in how he gave the fight his all.


"There's...someone I want to see again."

Perhaps it was a foolish hope. A fragmented dream that would just slip through her fingers. But something inside of Naminé wanted to hold onto it. That she mattered to someone. So even though she could only make small changes, she had to do what she could in these memories of worlds to see Roxas again.
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There was some small part of him that said…

"No. I don't just want to survive."

Perhaps he spoke a bit louder than usual. He knew it certainly got Axel and Zexion's attention. As he walked out into the field

"I want to win."

Does this mean what I think it does, Roxas is developing his own heart