Just A Chance (Kingdom Hearts)

Sometimes the only thing you need is for your words to reach the other person. Seems Kairi managed that.

Looking fowards to how things develop from here.
Chapter Twenty Three: Understand
Chapter Twenty Three: Understand

Secret Report: Axel IV

Well, she did it. A genuine keyblade of her own.

On paper it's a win. But it's also another complication. The only outcome now for her is either in an Organization coat, or…

Why is it so hard now? I'm an assassin, the Organization's best. So why am I hemming and hawing over possibly having to kill her in the worst case scenario? It's not unlikely she might not want to join the Organization, Marluxia and Larxene annihilated any sense of a good first impression.

But if Roxas loses her, the kid might fall apart. Even if he doesn't have a heart, she matters a lot to him.

With how stressful this whole job is, I'm either going to devour Zexion's whole ice cream stash, or barely touch it.

Roxas thought he knew what darkness was. It was the essence of the heartless he fought and the portals he walked through. A shadowy power that consumed what it could, yet could not touch nobodies. It might erode their bodies, but they could not lose themselves. But even so, Roxas feared what might happen if he was dunked into one of those portals without the coat. Even without a heart, the sight of what happened to the memory of Clayton losing himself lingered.

And when he tapped into the darkness within himself, he realized he didn't understand it at all.

At first it was exhilarating, the power taking what was boiling inside of him and giving it focus and direction. Giving him the chance to win. It was so easy.

"Even if it changes you and you lose yourself? Would your friend be happy with it?"

And with Kairi's words, he realized how easy it would be to lose himself in that power. To drown in it, to be completely consumed by it. He could change so much that his friends might not recognize him, or worse, he might not even care about losing them.

And losing Naminé terrified Roxas.

So he was thankful for the portal back. He needed time to think, to understand what was going on. Also, there was that one word Kairi used, what was it?


He'd never heard it before. Yet it resonated with him to his very core. They way she said it made it sound like a friend. But there was something more weighty behind it. Something precious and irreplaceable.

But before he could dive too deeply into any of that, he still needed to deal with Marluxia and Larxene. Right now, they had his life in their hands. As he stepped out of the portal into the white room where everyone was waiting, he asked, "So? How was that?"

Zexion looked at him with a furrowed brow and narrowed eyes. Axel was pacing, his eyes flicking between the crystal ball and Roxas. They were worried. His friends were worried about him. Somehow a thought which should have been comforting filled Roxas with dread.

Naminé was staring at him with her hands clasped to her chest. Roxas could only wonder what she was thinking. Was she afraid of the darkness? Afraid of him now? He desperately wanted to try to talk to her to try and understand what to do.

Oddly enough, it was Larxene and Marluxia that seemed anywhere close to happy with what had happened. The former crossed her arms with a smirk, while Marluxia looked at Roxas with a smile on his face. "It seems you have managed to channel darkness."

"Nobodies shouldn't be able to just channel Darkness like that. There's no heart to channel it with." Axel held up a finger as Roxas opened his mouth to interrupt, "The dark portals are different. We're more coaxing surrounding darkness to do what we need instead of making it ourselves."

Zexion looked at Roxas at Axel's reasoning with a raised eyebrow. "I have seen how his limit breaks channels a light of sorts. Perhaps this darkness is similar?"

Marluxia folded his arms behind his back as he walked toward Roxas. "His limit break is magic created by a nobody pushed to their limit. Not true light like that of the princess of heart." Marluxia's smile did not waver as he put a hand on Roxas' shoulder. "Still, the development of darkness is one that may eclipse the light which threatens us. You may consider today's demonstration successful."

"But not great." Larxene waved her hand as she joined Marluxia. "Which is why we want an encore."

"A what?"

Marluxia ignored Roxas' question as he removed his hand from his shoulder and turned to the crystal ball. "Tomorrow after training both Naminé and yourself, you will face Sora once again. We expect to see some improvement over the coliseum now that you can harness the power of darkness."

Another fight against Sora. Even though Roxas had grown stronger since then, the prospect of another match against him didn't look good. And even if he got an edge with darkness, how far would he have to go?

If Marluxia was considering any of this, he made no show of it. "Dismissed, all of you," he answered with his back still turned before calling on a dark portal to depart. Larxene followed him with a chuckle, while Roxas was left with his mind still in knots.

Handling Marluxia and Larxene tonight was easy, but it gave Roxas no peace. Because they wanted him to give into the darkness. They wanted him to lose himself to get their keyblade wielder. He didn't want to think about what else they might do to him to make it happen.

Left alone, the four of them stood in the room quietly before Axel clapped his hands together and asked, "So, time to get some dinner?"

Naminé picked at her food, eating bit by bit. Even if Axel had given her a standard meal in honor of her getting a keyblade, her appetite was gone after seeing the fight. Seeing Roxas infuse himself with darkness. She had seen the memories Sora had of Riku's corruption and knew how it could take someone with good intentions to destroy what they held dear.

Did Roxas understand what he had done? Until the fight with Kairi had pushed him to the limit, he hadn't even mentioned it before. And since he returned he was quiet. Not saying a word to anyone at dinner and just staring at his meal with a fork in hand.

Having finished the allotted porridge, Axel used his spoon to gently prod Roxas in the shoulder, asking "You going to eat or what? You're going to want some strength for tomorrow's fight, darkness or—"

Roxas slammed down his fork. "I don't want to use the darkness!"

The shout made everyone freeze. Axel had stopped mid poke, spoon still in Roxas' side. Zexion was interrupted mid bite, a bit of beef sliding off the fork back into the tray. While Naminé was as stunned as everyone else, inside she felt some of the fear from earlier melt away. He wasn't gone, not yet.

Axel raised an eyebrow and gestured with his spoon as he asked,"Are you sure you want to toss away a power up like that? Marluxia seems like he's banking on it."

Roxas cringed before shaking his head. "You saw what happened to Ansem and Clayton. They were both consumed by darkness and lost themselves!"

Zexion set aside his fork and folded his hands. "It is a risk. The reward is invaluable, but the price is dire."

Dire seemed to almost undersell what darkness could do. But on the other hand, they did have one trick that might be able to keep Roxas safe. "We might not need to use darkness." Naminé stood up and tried to explain, "If we use Sora's memories to find some kind of weakness. Roxas could probably win."

Axel nodded and leaned back in his chair. "It's not a bad idea, but what kind of weakness? LIke in his fighting style, or something else?"

"I'll know it when I see it." Roxas reassured as he finally began to eat his food.

Zexion sighed in relief, as he finished the last few bites of his meal. "At the very least there is a plan. Are there any other difficult topics for tonight?"

Roxas chewed for a moment before calmly asking, "What's love?"

Naminé nearly dropped her fork at the question as she recognized what Roxas had asked. A part of her grew eager at the idea of Roxas caring enough to ask. Was he wondering if what they had together could truly be called…?

"Well, we're nobodies. So we can't love in the first place," Axel answered with a chuckle, shrugging. "So no need to worry about it, okay? Got it memorized?"

Naminé couldn't help a sigh at the answer. The inescapable fact that dogged their existence. That mocked any idea of her and him being happy together. Not just in love, but ever. Any joy was a delusion, any hope a fantasy.

But seeing as how Roxas just gave a quiet grim nod. She couldn't help but hold onto the fantasy a little longer.

LIke last time Zexion and Axel were kind enough to clean up after dinner so she and Roxas could resume watching Sora's memories. Whether it was expedience or any real mercy, Naminé was hardly going to question it.

Just like the walk to dinner, the walk to her room was quiet. Yet the tension had been lifted, and the pall that had haunted Roxas since returning from the fight seemed to have lifted. Opening the door to her room, Naminé stood by the door as she closed it and asked, "So, did you have any ideas on something to look for?" Roxas had been fighting for much longer, so he'd have a better idea of what he needed.

Roxas didn't answer the question immediately, scratching the back of his head for a moment before sighing, "I'm not sure. I've gotten better with fighting but there's something else." He closed his eyes as he put his hands on his hips. "Something that makes him and Kairi better that's more than just skill. Like…"

"Like a heart," she finished for Roxas as he slowly nodded. Naminé wasn't sure exactly how the keyblade interacted with it. Even so, she felt connected with her own on a level that was indescribable. She couldn't imagine how having a heart would affect that power. But what could Roxas and her do to compensate for that? She shook her head as she took her seat. "I'm not sure what memories we could use to help make up that difference."

Roxas began to pace for a moment before coming to a stop. "Do you think Sora knows what love is?"

"It's possible." She nodded a bit quicker. The hope that had been momentarily quashed earlier refusing to die. Still, she had to be practical about it, even if it was nice that Roxas was interested in such things, "Do you think that will really help fighting Sora? Besides, what about what Axel said?"

Roxas winced before he shook his head. "I know Axel said love doesn't matter." Roxas put a hand to his chest as he pleaded, "But there's some part of me that needs to know. A part of me that is saying it matters more than anything." He gave a lopsided smile and shrugged. "If nothing else, it'll help clear my head for the fight, right?"

Perhaps a flimsy justification, but one Naminé could understand. "I might be able to help by showing you how Sora understands love." Roxas took a step forward eagerly at the offer, and while Naminé smiled she cautioned, "It might not be a straightforward explanation. I'm not sure Sora understands love completely himself, but he might be close."

Roxas nodded undeterred and walked over to Naminé's side. "It might be enough."

She recalled some of the most powerful memories in Sora's mind and offered her hand to Roxas. "Whenever you're ready." Slowly, Roxas reached out to place his hand in hers…

A blue sky…The ocean…An island…

Once again, he was much smaller than before. Once again, Roxas saw through Sora's eyes, did what Sora did.

And he saw how it began.

Saw how a red haired girl had appeared on the beach, lost and alone. Sora saw her and offered his hand.

Time passed, and Kairi had come to call the islands home. Sora showed her a cave of secrets and stories, and the two etched their faces in the rock. A moment they shared was immortalized.

And then years went by. Summer days went by playing on the island together. Naminé was there as well, and once again Roxas wished to join her. But despite his wish, Sora's eyes were on Kairi. They talked and played together for days upon days. Talking about their dreams, their hopes, and their wishes.

And one day there was talk of something else.

Something called a paopu fruit. When two people shared one, it would bind their destinies together forever. He saw Sora's glance at Kairi after hearing the explanation. His determination to beat Riku as he put up sharing one with her as a prize. And how one afternoon, Sora went back to the cave and chisel out him offering one to her.

Through it all, Roxas wondered. Forever was a long time to be connected to someone. Hopefully it would be with someone you liked. And from what he was seeing, Sora and Kairi seemed to like each other a lot.

Did Roxas have someone like that?

Someone he trusted, that he cared about each day? Someone who trusted him as well, who would stand by his side? Someone he'd spend the rest of his life with?

A certain blonde girl in white came to his mind, and something in Roxas felt warm.

Roxas returned to the present with a small gasp. He glanced over to Naminé as she stroked the back of his hand and asked, "What did you think?"

He slowly began to nod as a smile came to his face. "It's a lot, but I think it helped." It might not have been a perfect explanation, or even something he could put into words. But watching Sora and Kairi gave Roxas some idea of what it meant to love another. He gave Naminé's hand a gentle shake. "Thanks Naminé, I should be ready for tomorrow."

She giggled, with a hint of pink coming to her cheeks. "I'm glad I could help." Glancing over to the crystal ball, she gestured to it. In a swirl of magic, the orb displayed the time, and Naminé raised her eyebrows. "We seemed to have finished pretty early."

A few hours early, and way too early for either of them to go to bed just yet. Roxas slowly let go of her hand and asked, "Anything else you wanted to do, or talk about?"

Naminé glanced over to the pile of notepads in the corner with a pack of crayons and shrugged with a smile. "I was just going to draw."

It was a simple thing, but perhaps something peaceful would be nice for both of them after the day they had. Roxas walked over and picked one of the notepads and the crayons. Walking back he offered them to Naminé with a smile. "Could I watch?"

She nodded, and he watched her turn to one of the blank pages. Slowly Naminé began to draw two figures. Lines creating a blonde boy in black, and a blonde girl in white. The two of them stood side by side, small pastel smiles on their faces. The two of them holding keyblades of their own to face the future.

Roxas grinned as he saw the finished rendition of the two of them. "It's great."

Naminé nodded as she dusted off the crayon dust from the page. "No matter what happens. I don't want to forget this." She smiled as she admired her handiwork. "What you've given me is something I want to remember forever."

"Sora, you going to sleep or what?"

He sighed and turned over to where Donald had tucked into his sleeping bag. "Relax, I'll get enough sleep." At the duck's tired grumbling, he looked back at the charm he held in his hands. Even past the end of the world and everything this castle had thrown at him, it still held up. Kairi had really put it together well.

Sora held the wayfinder to his chest, wondering how she was doing back home. The fact that she was safe was the one comfort in his journey. Even as there was no sign of Riku and the King so far. Much less of the mysterious girl he once knew. He put the charm away and closed his eyes. He knew she was there, but had no idea about her name.

And then there was Roxas. Clad in darkness he fought with Sora's own keyblade. He wasn't as strong as Sora had become, but he was formidable. Even so, there seemed to be something more driving him then just proving his strength. And yet he hadn't shown up for a few floors.

Sora just didn't understand him.
Chapter Twenty Four: Control
Chapter Twenty Four: Control

Secret Report: Marluxia III

Power is the one constant in the universe. Those who possess it control. Those without it submit. It need not matter what form it takes, for a powerful mind can devise plans to reduce the greatest heroes to simpering pawns. In a way, control and dominion are one of its most potent forms. On this one point, do I concur with Xemnas.

Yet he fails to see what binds him and all those loyal to his ideals. The pull of memories binds them to an invisible master. Ordering them to chase past sensations when they could use the power we have amassed to do more. To bring the forces of light and dark to heel and shape the universe. To understand what we truly are as beings beyond all others.

Only when the keyblade is under my control, can I understand true freedom.

Zexion stepped out of the dark portal into the lab that Vexen had set up. Initially used to work on the Replica program, it seemed that work shut off for the time being. Computers and machinery were rebuilt for detection that both Lexaeus and Vexen were hastily monitoring. Zexion had to admit their adaptation was impressive, yet it remained to be seen if there was any success. "I wanted to see if you had more information regarding Ansem."

At Zexion's question, Vexen sighed as he stood up from the computer in the corner of the room. "He appeared on the floor with the princess of heart and your group. Other than that, we know little about his movement or his agenda." Turning to the center he walked to the crystal ball, conjuring an image of Castle Oblivion shrouded in shadow. "Especially since pinning down his location has been difficult as of late."

Lexaeus continued his monitoring from his station as he explained, "As you see, Ansem has been spreading darkness as he moves through each floor. I have been keeping our areas secure, but he has done enough to effectively hide from us indefinitely."

Zexion clicked his tongue as he crossed his arms and began to pace. The dark seeker was setting up free reign over the majority of the castle, and yet he made no move to silence neither the organization or any of the keybearers for good. He stopped by the crystal ball and gave it a tap. "Anything else of note?"

Vexen furrowed his brow and gestured to the crystal ball again, and the image zoomed inside the castle, coming to a stop at an empty corridor in the basement covered in darkness. From which, dark creatures began to emerge. Pointing to the crystal ball, Vexen warned, "As darkness accumulates, more natural heartless are starting to appear in the other floors."

Zexion nodded as the grim reality set in. He had no fear that the creatures would die just the same as the ones in the memory worlds, they did not have the safeguard of Naminé's control. Zexion shuddered at the idea of facing a menace like Kurt Zisa or the Phantom without some kind of insurance.

And yet that was not the darkness that weighed on him the most, it was the one that should by all rights be impossible

"While I have your attention, there is another question I have regarding darkness. How can a nobody channel it as one with a heart could?"

The question caused Vexen to turn back with an eyebrow raised, and Lexaeus to turn away from the computers. Vexen moved to Zexion's side as he asked with interest, "You speak as if someone managed to tap into that power."

Zexion looked between his two compatriots and revealed, "Roxas tapped into it once he was tasked with facing the princess of heart."

"That was him?" Lexaeus bewilderedly realized as he took a step back. "I saw the spike of darkness near her, but had assumed the heartless were trying to attack her."

Vexen nodded before moving back to the computers on his side of the room. "We'll keep an eye on him. If this is true, then it could upend what we know about the existence of Nobodies. Not to mention, Ansem might take an interest." As he reached the console, he paused and glanced back to Zexion. "Though is that the only reason you're asking about this?"

Zexion blinked before tilting his head. "Meaning?"

Vexen shrugged as he began to explain. "You usually balk at field work, especially with those less intellectually inclined. Yet lately, you seem to be rather interested in working with Roxas and Axel."

Zexion couldn't hide a slight smile of amusement at the observation. Yes, he had a fair rapport with Axel up to now, and Roxas showed some potential in his training mission. But as he had worked with them these past five days, he had come to appreciate them. "They can be surprisingly insightful," he remarked as he turned to the door and reminded the two, "That and we have far more pressing concerns. Which reminds me." He looked over his shoulder to Vexen and asked, "Could I go pickup some supplies?"

With a sigh he waved his hand towards Zexion, "Yes, I suppose you would need them in the current circumstances. Cold Storage down the hall, you know the spot. But be careful, I don't have more to spare."

A small sigh of relief escaped Zexion. "Thank you." And with that he briskly made his way down the hall. If there was one thing Zexion was absolutely thankful for, it was the simple comforts of days gone by. More than that, he was thankful that Vexen was still willing to supply him during this extended mission. Granted, he was moving through his stock a bit faster than usual.

But he had to admit, it was almost fun to share ice cream with friends.

Axel stretched his arms into the air before bringing them to a rest behind his head as he walked down the hall. With Zexion off talking to the Organization members watching Ansem, and Roxas pouring over Sora's memories with Naminé, he was at loose ends. Too awake to go to bed, but too tired to blow off steam by fighting stray heartless. The only other option was to try his luck and see if Marluxia had anything more to talk about besides plans, or…

"Axel! How are things?"

Or Larxene could just sneak up behind him. She quickly moved around him, a finger trailing on his shoulder as she almost whined, "We just don't get to see each other much ever since you decided to help the kid."

Of course the whining, like most of what Larxene did, was an act. Just one more game she played to get a rise out of anyone around. Axel had come to know that well as he worked with her. Both on and off their 'plot'. He simply shrugged and asked, "Well, if you miss me that much, why not join us?"

"Pass." She dropped her mask of unhappiness as soon as she answered. She crossed her arms as she looked Axel in the eye. "I've had enough babysitting with Naminé, thank you very much. Besides, there are more important things to worry about."

There were several important things, and right now Axel's mission and life depended on which one Larxene cared about. He simply sighed and put his hands on his hips as he watched her. "Things like?"

"What comes after our assignment here? It'll definitely be a day to remember," Larxene giggled and immediately Axel was set at ease. If she was this confident, it meant she and Marluxia didn't suspect any plot against them.

"I think Roxas should be a part of it."

And there was the kicker. Axel was curious about how the two envisioned Roxas fitting into their takeover plot. It might even have been why they brought him to Castle Oblivion to begin with. Still, there might be a way to turn this to his advantage. He just needed to confirm his suspicion as to why she was here. He smirked and crossed his arms, "Why don't you ask him about it?"

Larxene met his amusement with a flat look. "Did you miss the part where I said I don't like babysitting?"

Axel shook his head. "You want me to sell it to him. Not in the mood to try and play nice?"

He was answered by a poke to his chest. "Axel, I never play nice. So yes, that's what I'm asking." She raised her finger to his lips as she began to grin. "One last thing. Keep Zexion out of it. We don't want him to spoil the surprise now, do we?"

Right. The other wrinkle to his plans. And unfortunately, one he had some reservations about axing outright now. Still, for now he could keep quiet about it. "If you say so."

"I do say so." Larxene spun on her heel and began to walk down the hall with a wave of her hand. "See you tomorrow~!"

Axel managed a half hearted wave back to her as his thoughts began to race. This was an opportunity for him if he could pitch the conspiracy to Roxas just right. Yet there was the stark reminder that he was still going to need to keep Zexion in the dark for long enough. Either that or get him on board with what he and Saïx were cooking up, but he was in no hurry to open that can of worms. And even thinking about Naminé as a keyblade wielder the Organization could use was solidly filed under 'questions for later'.

Still, he'd had messes of assignments before, and came out on top then. He'd come out on top this time too. Just as long as he played his cards right.

The Darkness in Zero was at more of a loss as time passed by. At first, he considered the appearance of the Organization's keybearer an anomaly to take note. That note had been soon overshadowed by the appearance of the princess, and the return of the dark seeker.

He couldn't help a scowl. It was bad enough the imposter continued to use and tarnish his name, but now he had re-captured a vital piece to DiZ's plans. Without someone willing to listen to reason instead of naive ideals, attaining a tool of vengeance would be far more difficult.

Of course, the Nobodies were as vexed as he was. Trying to maintain their plans even as darkness began to encroach on the castle. Haste led to mistakes, mistakes DiZ could capitalize on. He just needed to find the right opportunity, the right angle. All avenues needed consideration.

For a moment he turned his attention to Roxas and Naminé. The two keybearers did seem to chafe more and more under the Organization's rule. And the way they interacted indicated a fondness that was more than proximal attraction. Could they…?

He shook his head. Absurd. Their mannerisms did not indicate true emotion. He could not afford to get attached. Still, they may be useful if nudged in the right direction. He just needed to wait for that opportunity.

The sound of knocking at his door roused Roxas from his sleep. Once again he watched Sora's memories from his dream. Memories that had been bent ever so slightly with Naminé's inclusion. That was the one thing that made his lack of control bearable. Even as Sora held the reins and played more with Kairi and Riku, Roxas could still see Naminé in the distance. A crayon in her hand as she sketched in silence, turning down most offers to play and insisting she was fine.

But she was far from fine, wasn't she? She was being forced to make a lie to control a boy she had no interest in. Trying to fight for her life just for a chance to be free and to help him. Yet she had the strength to try, and kept some hope alive in herself that there might be a better future. And Roxas had to admit, seeing her made him want to fight for a future as well.

Would she want to wish for a future with him?

The insistent knocking roused him again from his rumination, and Roxas made his way to the door with grumble. No doubt Marluxia was here again to spout off more of his philosophy. Yet as he opened the door, his eyes widened as he saw someone else. "Axel? You're up pretty early."

"Well, this is kind of important," Axel admitted as he briskly walked into his room. He closed the door behind him and hurriedly locked it before looking at Roxas and asking, "What do you think of Marluxia and Larxene? Honestly."

Perhaps it was because it was so early. Maybe it was because he was alone with Axel, one of the few people he trusted in the Organization. Or maybe he had been sitting on this for days and he just had to say it to someone who might listen.

Either way there was only one thing Roxas could think to say.

"I think I hate them."

Axel was wide eyed at the quiet confession, before he chuckled and shrugged. "Roxas, we're nobodies. We can't—."

"I know! I know I shouldn't! That we aren't meant to feel that!" Roxas couldn't help but shout in objection. There was something inside him that wanted to cry and scream that was growing day by day. Growing to a point he couldn't ignore anymore. "I can't stand that they're in charge, or how they run things here. How they keep on giving orders and making demands without doing anything themselves! And the way they keep treating Naminé, I just—!"

"Okay! I get it." Axel held up his hands, before sighing and shaking his head. "That's probably as close as we can get to hate."

Roxas head was hazy from finally letting out the frustration that had been building since he had come to the castle. But even then he realized that what he had said could not leave this room. He swallowed the lump in his throat and asked Axel, "You're not going to tell them?"

Smiling, Axel put a hand to Roxas shoulder and shook his head. "Not a chance. We're friends after all. We look after each other." But as Roxas was about to relax at the reassurance, Axel's face turned stern and he held up a finger. "But I am going to give you a warning. The two of them have something big planned, and they want you to be a part of it."

Roxas scoffed and looked over to the side, "Well too bad for them. I don't care."

Axel sighed and put his other hand on Roxas' shoulder. "If you say no, they're going to get nasty. They won't take no for an answer."

Roxas grabbed Axel's hands and tried to push them away as he snapped, "So I'm just stuck with them?!"

Axel shook his head and held firm to Roxas' shoulder. "Not forever. Not if I have anything to say about it. If they ask you to join in, just go along for the moment." He let go and placed a hand to his chest as he stood up. "I'll help get you out of trouble when the time is right. I promise."

Roxas furrowed his brow. It was nice to have some kind of heads up, though the details were still frustratingly vague. Moreover, there were two people conspicuously absent in Axel's plan. "What about Zexion?"

Axel sighed as he crossed his arms and confessed, "They want to keep him in the dark for now. Just keep this between us."

Not the best answer, but maybe they just needed to wait for the right opportunity to let Zexion in. Then that left only one person. The one Roxas had come to care about more than anyone. "Will you be able to save Naminé too?"

Axel paused, his hand over the door handle before he looked back to Roxas with a slight smile and asked, "If she really matters to you, then isn't that sort of thing something you should do for her yourself?"

As Axel opened the door to head down the hall to Naminé's room, Roxas found it hard to disagree.

Naminé had hoped that gaining a keyblade might have changed things. That it might warrant enough respect for her to at least get a proper bed. Yet as she roused herself and set aside the blanket she used for warmth, she was forced to concede this morning was like any other for her so far. And if Marluxia and Larxene's reactions were anything to go off, she wasn't even sure if actually succeeding in their mission would improve her life.

Though she had to admit, her time with Roxas made that effort worth it. The time they had shared these past few days started off simple. Nights after each mission spent talking and opening up to each other was liberating. Giving her a chance to finally talk openly and honestly, giving her the courage to try and do something more. Naminé had to admit that Roxas had come to occupy a large part of her wish for a life beyond the castle.

Would he want to wish for a future with her too?

Her thoughts came to a halt, and she stood at attention with the sound of a dark portal. A sound she still dreaded, even with everything that had changed. A dread that intensified when she saw who walked out. "Marluxia."

Walking up to the crystal ball, he glanced down at her. "I trust progress is proceeding smoothly with Sora's memories." It was not a question, he was stating a fact that he would see no argument on.

Naminé did her best to try and meet his eyes as she reported. "He believes I was there when he was growing up. Though he can't recall my name."

Slowly, he looked to her, eyes narrowing as he coldly asked, "How close is he to this point?"

Naminé couldn't help a tremble in her voice as she protested, "Close! He just needs a push to remember it."

Closing his eyes with a sigh, Marluxia shook his head. "We will test this ourselves later." Turning towards her, Marluxia sneered as he crossed his arms, "Remember, even with the keyblade, we must be ready to pursue any avenue to gain power."

Power. That was always the word on Marluxia's lips when it came to his plans. Naminé had experienced how far he had taken his pursuit first hand. Yet even so, she couldn't help but wonder aloud, "What would you do with that power?" She couldn't help flinching after asking it, she knew that Marluxia hated any question to his order. How far would he go when one asked about his motive?

Yet despite this, Marluxia smiled and held out one hand. "As you have a keyblade now, I think you have earned enough right to know this. For it is a lesson you must understand." Naminé had to admit seeing him pleased was almost more chilling than seeing his anger. Slowly Marluxia balled his hand into a fist as he declared, "Power controls everything. It is the one universal truth of the universe. For without power, how can you protect yourself, let alone what is important to you?"

Naminé couldn't help a sense of unease at his words. What was important? Why would he mention that to her specifically? Was he beginning to suspect what was going on between her and Roxas?

Inside, she prayed that she was wrong. She could hardly bear if Marluxia would try to take one of the few good things in her life.

Her pondering was interrupted by the sound of the door opening. Roxas stood there with Axel and Zexion, calling out. "Naminé, are you…?" Yet his words seemed to fall from his mouth as he saw Marluxia.

Marluxia just smiled and turned to the three of them. "Let's discuss today's mission, shall we?"

Somehow, Naminé knew it would be far from pleasant.
Chapter Twenty Five: Father
Chapter Twenty Five: Father

Journal: Day Seven

There was so much that happened today, I'm not sure where to start.

Well, Naminé has a keyblade now! She managed to call on it to keep me safe during our mission. Even if Marluxia and Larxene don't care, I'm glad for her.

It's strange. I shouldn't have a heart to feel happy or sad, but ever since meeting Naminé it seems easier for me to understand what it's like. And part of me just wants to say it. Wants to say how I am, what I feel.

I think I want to love.

But I was so close to slipping away in my fight with Kairi. To give it up to the darkness just to win. But then she managed to talk me out of it.

She seemed to care more about me than Marluxia and Larxene. Should we really be treating them as enemies?

"This has got to be one of the worst worlds I've seen." Roxas groaned as he continued to trudge through the puddles of who-knows-what that lined Monstro's guts.

Zexion shivered as he looked away from another spasm of the intestinal walls. "This is not exactly a world. Still, I agree his insides are far from pleasant."

Axel ducked his head under some overhanging organs as they continued deeper into the depths of the creature and muttered, "Kinda makes you wonder why our target would wander around here in the first place."

Roxas definitely shared the sentiment. Marluxia's intended training for today was intended to simulate Sora's experience here. To retrieve a lost puppet that could move on its own and wandered around in this world. The catch being that he and Naminé would be doing the bulk of the fighting. A way to make sure she was getting up to speed. Despite that, Axel and Zexion managed to persuade Marluxia to let them come along in case something unexpected showed up, like an out of control heartless or even Ansem.

Crossing his arms, Roxas looked over the area the four of them had come to. An overlook on one of the larger rooms, or rather what passed for rooms in the intestines of Monstro. A variety of openings leading onward and, hopefully one of them was toward their target. "Now, where is that puppet?"

"Pinocchio," Naminé spoke aloud before she looked over to Roxas, who glanced back in confusion. "His name is Pinocchio.

Roxas furrowed his brow as he realized, "It's a little weird they wouldn't tell us his name." Especially if they were looking for him. Come to think of it, Marluxia didn't even have much of a description for what they were looking for beyond 'moving puppet'.

Did he really care about this training?

Axel rolled his eyes as he moved over to Roxas and crossed his arms. "Do we really care about a wooden puppet's name?" To be fair, it was a comparatively small detail, but it would still have been nice.

Zexion cupped his chin as he surveyed the room they were in. "To be fair, it does possess magic of some kind that gives the appearance of sentience. So a unique name isn't unwarranted."

Roxas couldn't help but tilt his head at the words Zexion said. While they seemed to fit the sentence, he had no idea what they meant. Axel just shook his head and turned to Zexion with a smirk. "There you go again, showing off your thesaurus." Roxas sighed, as he had no idea what that was either. Axel continued with a shrug, "Either way, it doesn't have a heart, so it's not much more of a person then us."

It was a small fact. One that Roxas had known since the first day of his existence. But now hearing it stung. A reminder that his dreams and questions might not be anything of worth. That what little substance his being did have was insignificant.

Judging from the wince from Naminé, the thought crossed her mind as well.

The darkness began to gather into heartless before them on the level below. More and more soldiers had arrived, but now they were accompanied by large heartless with dog faced shields. Naminé took a step back from the edge and glanced over to Roxas. "They seem a bit strong."

Roxas nodded as he saw the monsters sizing them up. Even from here, he could tell these were a bit more than most Heartless. But even so, he wasn't alone, and neither was Naminé."We can do it, together," Roxas encouraged as he called on his keyblade.

Naminé slowly held out her hand and called out her weapon before glancing over to Roxas and nodding. The two jumped down, beginning to slash their way through the heartless soldiers. Roxas dashed toward the defenders, catching their attention and leaving Naminé free to stop them with a barrage of magic ice from her keyblade. As more of the group fell, Naminé began to smile. "It's tough, but I think we can handle the heartless."

Roxas grinned as he twirled his keyblade and shouted, "And if we can handle them, we can handle this mission!"

It had become very clear that they were having a hard time handling this mission.

Not exactly due to combat, the two had managed to keep up with the heartless so far. Even to the point that Axel and Zexion were at a bit of a loss of what to do. Granted, Axel didn't mind the chance to relax a bit more. No, the thing which had vexed them was one simple mundane fact.

"We're lost."

Axel sighed at Roxas' observation before giving a half hearted reassurance. "We're not lost, we just got turned around."

"A distinction without a difference," Zexion muttered as he continued to avoid having some stomach juice fall on his book's pages. Only for his movement to ensure a bit of bile landed on his shoulder. Though Roxas had been lucky so far, he shared the misery. All this world had been was heartless and guts.

As Zexion grumbled and wiped the gunk away, Naminé hesitated before turning to the group and asking, "Maybe we should go find Geppetto to regain our bearings?"

Axel and Zexion paused and looked at each other, Axel gesturing for the latter to give some kind of explanation. But for once it seemed Zexion was stumped, as he shook his head in silence. So Roxas asked the question that had seemed to be mutual among the three of them. "Who's Geppetto?

Naminé glanced at Axel and Zexion, raising an eyebrow and asking, "You don't know about him?" As the three shook their heads, she took a breath and began to explain, "He originally carved the puppet before magic made Pinocchio come alive. He's like Pinocchio's father."

Even though he had never heard the word before, Roxas held a hand to his chest as something inside began to ache. "A father?" From how Naminé described Geppetto, it sounded like a father was a creator, though perhaps something more.

Naminé nodded and began to lead down one of the tunnels. "He was very worried for his son, so he might know—."

"It's just a puppet, Naminé." Only for Axel to bring her to a halt verbally and literally as he put his hand firmly on her shoulder "Not even that, this a memory of a puppet. Once we wrap up here it's gone."

Zexion began to chuckle as he moved over to Roxas. "Not to mention, It's a bit silly calling the carpenter the puppet's father."

Roxas had no clue if it was actually silly, but from how Naminé had described Geppetto the connection he had with Pinocchio couldn't be small. As Axel and Zexion began to move forward, Roxas couldn't help but call out, "But he matters enough to him for Geppetto to worry, right?" His words caused the two other Organization members to stop and turn back to him. Glancing between themselves, they had no answer. Even as they were so sure Geppetto's bond with Pinocchio was a joke, they had no idea what either of them were really like.

Again, it was Naminé who began to explain, "He left the safety of Traverse Town just to find Pinocchio."

Axel sighed and scratched the back of his head. "He's a lonely old carpenter. He'd be attached to anything that'd give him companionship."

Roxas furrowed his brow and stepped forward, asking firmly, "Does Pinocchio care about Geppetto too?" They had to know this, especially if they were going to so much trouble to find him in this mission.

Zexion held up a finger as he began to recall, "From what I recall of the reports, he has a habit of running off on his own. Not exactly an obedient son."

But Naminé wasn't backing down, answering as she placed a hand to her chest, "But no matter what, he finds his way home. Even if he needs some help."


The four of them whipped their heads toward the other end of the room, where they heard a boy shouting from one of the passageways. Roxas looked back to the three of them before calling the Kingdom Key to his hand. "Guess we're going to be that help now."

The sound of yelling brought the four of them to the depths of Monstro's stomach, right where the stomach acid had settled to digest whatever the whale ate. Roxas and Naminé had their keyblades ready for the heartless waiting for them. Though only Naminé knew what they faced.

But even though she had seen Sora's memories of it, the actual Parasite cage looming over them was still daunting. It was about twice Axel's height, with winding arms the monster held in front of itself. And in the second mouth of its enormous stomach, they could see Pinocchio trapped behind the massive jaw.

Axel stood by the entrance to the stomach and clapped his hands together. "Alright, you think the two of you can handle this?"

Naminé tightened her grip, as she was a step away from her first fight with a major heartless. Even though she had some practice with a keyblade, this was going to be big.

But there was one fact that she held on to.

That she wasn't alone.

With a glance to Roxas and a mutual nod, she firmly answered, "Okay, we can do this."

And the two charged forward. The parasite cage began to swing its limbs, having plenty of reach to hit both of them with one sweep. But as they dodged its attacks, Roxas then parried one of its arms, knocking it wide and staggering the heartless. Rushing in, he began to attack the creature from its belly, fruitless as it was.

For a moment, fear tingled in Naminé's mind. It would be distressingly easy for him to slip back into the dark to try and force the monster into submission. And while Zexion might be slightly interested in seeing if the heartless would break under a darkness powered beatdown, she was sure that was something no-one here wanted.

She took aim at the monster's small, more vulnerable head and began to cast fire. If nothing else, to try and end the fight faster. The creature recoiled at the barrage, catching Roxas' attention. Stepping back, he nodded in realization."Of course! That's where it's weak!" Naminé sighed in relief as it seemed the darkness was abating in the moment.

"Thanks Naminé!"

Only for that relief to vanish as two simple words left her stunned.

Shaking her head, she began to move to find an angle of attack while Roxas whaled away at the heartless' front. Taking advantage of the distraction, she ducked under a flailing arm and began to strike the back of its head. The creature flailed its arms before jabbing the tendrils into the pools of acid. Realizing what was coming Naminé dropped back to the floor, as did Roxas. The strange appendages began to drink before the head began to spew a cloud of acid around its weak point. She held her keyblade, unsure of how to proceed. "We could wait for the cloud to clear."

"Or we could show it that acid won't work." Roxas countered as he began to aim at the head with his keyblade. Nodding, Naminé followed suit, and the two began to pelt the heartless with all the magic they could muster. Fire and ice pelted the creature in both directions until their reserves ran dry. By then the creature was reeling, opening its jaw wide enough that Pinocchio could be seen.

Roxas ran up and jumped up to the open maw, crying out, "Take my hand!" A second later, Pinocchio was pulled free from the parasite cage's mouth in stomach. Quickly, Roxas carried the puppet to a safe alcove and hurriedly reassured, "Wait here, I'll be right back."

He rejoined the fight quickly, a Firestorm blazing around him as he leapt to attack the exposed core. Following his lead, Naminé joined in the assault to finish the massive heartless for good. With one final swing from the two of them, the core cracked, and the heartless began to dissipate into darkness once more. Jumping to the ground, Naminé was struggling between catching her breath and wanting to laugh. "We…we did it! We really did it!"

Roxas smiled and put a hand to her shoulder, "You were great Naminé." For a moment, they both enjoyed their first victory together. But then Roxas ran over to where he had set down Pinocchio to help him up. "Now hold on! We're going to get you to your father!"

"Roxas, he's not real. We can go."

Axel's voice didn't stop Roxas from getting the puppet to his feet. As Pinocchio looked to him and to the group, Roxas turned to Axel with a small frown and quietly asked, "Do we really have to?"

Zexion shook his head as he began to walk towards the exit that appeared. "To be frank, I'm not sure if Geppetto is even in this memory."

Naminé knew that Axel and Zexion were right. Not only was this just a memory, but Pinocchio and Geppetto had long since been freed and found their way home. Furthermore, she was ordered to keep the worlds Roxas was in streamlined, focused on fights and training instead of people.

On the other hand, Sora's journey wasn't just about the fights, wasn't it?

And Roxas cared about it too, judging by how he hesitated to just leave Pinnochio alone.

So with that in mind, she nudged the memory ever so slightly.

"Pinocchio? Pinocchio, where are you?"

Roxas, Axel, and Zexion stopped and looked back at the unfamiliar voice of an old man. Pinocchio, however, recognized it immediately and ran towards the entrance of the room where the voice came from. "Father!"

As Geppetto walked into the room, his worried face brightened as he saw his son running towards him. As the two hugged in reunion, he looked to the four of them with a smile, "I don't know who you are, but thank you for finding my boy."

Axel scratched the back of his head before waving a hand and resuming his walk to the exit. "Don't mention it."

Roxas was more appreciative, as he seemed to return Geppetto's cheer. "Glad to help." He stood and watched as the small unconventional family began their walk back before heading to the exit. Naminé couldn't help but smile herself.

"Was that really necessary?"

Zexion's words caused that smile to falter as she turned towards him. He wasn't angry, though with crossed arms and a raised eyebrow, it was clear he knew that the memory was shifted and wanted answers. "We had been doing fine with focused memories up to now."

Naminé folded her hands behind her back as she explained, "It wasn't a big change." Granted, Monstro itself was more complicated due to Riku's presence. But having him here would be far more of a liability. So a Denouement for the story wasn't too much trouble. Especially if it mattered to Roxas.

Looking back, it was surprising how much Roxas had come to care. Not just about her, but about the people he'd met, memory or not. She didn't want that part of him to just vanish.

For now, Zexion sighed in acceptance before making his way to the exit. "Well, I suppose he shouldn't be distracted going into a fight with Sora."

And with that reminder of Roxas' other assignment today, Naminé was very grateful that she had intervened.
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Chapter Twenty Six: Precious
Chapter Twenty Six: Precious

Secret Report: Zexion IV

Everything has a weakness. A point of failure. A tactical hindrance. And for many people, that point is the heart. Whether it be loved ones or ideals, many mighty warriors begin to crumble should their hearts be put under duress.

When we first started existence as nobodies, we thought ourselves beyond that. But now I wonder if by losing it we simply make that pain worse. Not knowing what gnaws away at us, begging to be completed.

What else could explain why Roxas and Naminé cling to their companionship. Or why I cannot find it in myself to stop them.

Maybe I miss it too.

"I hope Pinnochio and Gepetto made it out okay," Sora muttered as he folded his hands behind his head. He'd had his fill of that place on his first visit, what with the smell and confusing turns of intestine. Of course, this time around had its upsides in that he was a lot more capable than before.

And at least he didn't have to see Riku treat Pinocchio horribly again.

Goofy was following behind him as he suggested, "Well, they kinda already did. So it all should be good." Sora couldn't help a chuckle at that. He wasn't much for complicated thinking, but he could wrap his head around the idea that this was just a repeat of what was already done. His real friends were safe and sound. Still, he wasn't going to leave them behind even if they were just illusions.

Growling, Donald ran ahead before turning to face Sora and shouting, "But that's just it! We've already gone through all these worlds!" The protest brought the three of them to a halt as Donald pointed at his own head. "And we still remember the first time we went there!"

Slowly, Sora began to nod as he recalled the words of the first man in the black cloak he saw. Way back at the beginning of the castle.

'For here, to lose is to find, and to find is to lose. As you ascend through these floors of memories, you may lose what is dear to you in mind and spirit.'

"From what that man in black said, we should be forgetting things as we go." Shaking his head, Sora crossed his arms."But all of us remember how we got here and the rest of our lives, right?"

"Right, I'm Goofy, captain of King Mickey's guard," Goofy continued his recollection blithely by pointing over to his companion, "and this here's Donald, the court—."

"We know ya big palooka!" Only for Donald's frustrated squawk to put an end to it as Goofy simply shrugged in response with a smile. Donald grumbled as he began to walk back the way they came, "Why are we even following those guys in black? They've got creepy written all over!"

Sora stopped him by putting a hand to his shoulder and asking, "Where could we even go? The world outside was just a huge field until we got here."

Donald raised a finger as he suggested, "We could take the gummi ship and…" Only to realize the critical missing component of his idea.

Namely, them having their ship.

"Aw, phooey."

Sora nodded with a sigh at the conclusion. "It's sketchy, but this is all we have to go on right now." Turning back to continue further into the castle, he took a breath and affirmed, "And if there's a chance that Riku and the King are here, I'd say it's worth it."

As his friends followed after him, Goofy began to rub his chin. "Maybe your other friend is here too? It might be why you're remembering her."

"Now that you mention it," the voice of Jiminy Cricket came from Sora's hood as he hopped onto his shoulder and pointed out, "the only memory changing is you remembering that girl."

Sora crossed his arms as the idea stewed in his head. "I know it's suspicious. But the more I think about her, the more I'm sure she was there on the island." He had spent so much time with her, Kairi, and Riku that those memories seemed like they could never fade. Even if her name escaped her, Sora just had a feeling they were friends for a while.

But when did it all start?

A beach was the first thing that came to mind, a meteor shower in the night's sky. It was almost like the time he first met Kairi.

Wait…was it exactly…?

"Wha?! Sora, look!"

Donald's squawk got Sora's attention, and it was definitely a reason to be concerned. "The guys in black from the Coliseum!" Sora summoned his keyblade as he saw Roxas flanked by his two companions. Axel had a confident smirk while Zexion flipped through his book with one eye trained on Sora's group. Yet it was Roxas' narrowing glare that set Sora on edge. It was the look of someone ready for a fight. Donald and Goofy armed up next to Sora as he called out, "You're back for a rematch?"

"Bingo!" Axel raised a finger as he took a step forward, a burning chakram materializing on his hand as he spun the spiked disk around. "Three of you, three of us? Sounds fair right?"

Unease started to settle in as Sora watched Axel's blithe request for another bout. He tightened his grip on his keyblade and asked, "Why do you even want to fight us?"

Snapping his book shut, Zexion began to smile. "To see if you measure up to our expectations."

Again, that coy smile that Larxene shared. As if mocking him for not knowing all their little secrets. Sora scowled as he began to run forward. "Oh yeah? Well—!"


Only for one word from Roxas to cause Sora to skid to a stop. His companions in black seemed equally surprised at the outburst as they looked at Roxas in confusion. He slowly made his way towards Sora as he explained, "It can be three on three, or one on one."

Sora glanced over to Donald and Goofy, who seemed to be mulling the offer over just as Sora was. He knew how Roxas fought, and already had plenty of experience. Donald crossed his arms as he hit on one issue with Roxas' suggestion. "Why should we trust you to play fair?"

Zexion chuckled as he gestured to Donald and Goofy. "If you agree, consider yourselves insurance that we keep to the terms of the duel, and vice versa."

Sora looked between Axel and Zexion as they stood to the side. As shady as they were, it made enough sense to him. But fair play wasn't what bothered Sora the most. Meeting Roxas' gaze, he stood his ground as he asked, "Why do you want a one on one fight?"

In a flash, Roxas called his Kingdom Key to his hand. "I want to finish what we started in the Colosseum. No interruptions this time." But even as he settled into a ready stance, Roxas held back. His mouth was a thin line as he waited for Sora's answer.

He wouldn't need to wait too long, as Sora gave a firm nod. "I accept. It's the least I could do for someone with some real guts." Sora couldn't help but admire that spirit. Even after he was pushed to the limit, Roxas wanted to finish the fight properly. Sora wasn't going to say no to a wish like that. Not after his own dogged determination to try and keep up with Riku for most of his life despite the many losses. Watching as Donald and Goofy took a step back, Sora called on his keyblade as he turned back to Roxas. "You ready?"

The corner of Roxas' mouth perked up in a small smile before he nodded and shouted, "Let's go!" And in a blur he began to move, shooting a barrage of ice following in his trail.

Sora furrowed his brow as he dodged one bolt before shooting down the rest in a blast of fire. A bit showy, but it was a chance for him to build up something he had gotten the hang of during the climb. As the mist from the melted ice settled, Sora called the power of flame to his keyblade. But instead of a spell he flung his sword at Roxas, flame and all.

Yet Roxas was a bit quicker, calling ice to his keyblade in a flash of magic. With a flick of his wrist, his sword was thrown to catch Sora's in the air. The two spinning weapons hissed as ice met fire and began to spew mist through the room.

As his keyblade returned to him, Sora felt the Firestorm within ignite. "Pretty good. Let's see if you can keep up!" He lept into the obscuring mist, parting from the heat radiating around him. His eyes caught sight of blond hair and a cloak and he swung.

Only for his sword to clash against a keyblade shimmering with Diamond Dust. "You're not the only one who's learned some tricks," Roxas growled as he began to push the offensive and swing through the fog. Each blow was parried by Sora's burning blade, letting out a hiss of vapor around them.

Soon the only sign Sora had that Donald and Goofy were still there were their voices. Goofy hollered out over the clash of weapons, "Can you see him?!"

"Let me get rid of this mist!" Embers gathered around Donald's wand as he prepared some magic.

"No interference." Only for Zexion's curt voice to cut the effort short. And once again, Sora's view was reduced to the swirling mist, the marble halls of Castle Oblivion, and the blonde boy in black he was clashing with. The two chased each other through the room, each trying to find an edge before their power ran out.

Though perhaps going full force was the mistake here. Sora put a little extra push into his parry to knock Roxas further back. With room around him, he let the last of the fire energy he commanded loose to evaporate the mist. As the room cleared, Sora spotted Roxas getting to his feet as the ice magic dissipated.

Sora took a breath as he called on Ragnarok again, an orange glow surrounding his keyblade. But now he had gotten to the point where he hardly needed to swing his keyblade to build up strength. He just needed to focus and aim at the target, locking in every shot. Pointing his keyblade at roxas a sphere of projectiles began to grow. But just as the power reached its limit, Roxas took aim with his own keyblade.

As the magical barrage of ragnarok was released Roxas once again called ice to his keyblade. But this time the arctic aura seemed to surround him as well. In an instant, Roxas dashed across the room, crashing through the magic to break through it before colliding with Sora. Wincing, Sora stood his ground as he felt the absolute zero temperature seeping from Roxas.

And as his hold faltered, Sora realized this wasn't a blow he should have blocked.

He felt the chilling collision break through his defense and knock him off his feet. The freezing magic caused Sora to skid for a moment against the marble floor. Struggling to his feet, Sora saw Roxas approaching, a strange aura growing around him as his breath grew ragged. An aura that Sora knew was trouble as soon as he reflexively muttered, "Darkness?"

Yet at that mention, Roxas stopped wide-eyed and looked down to his hand as wisps of shadow drifted off of it. "N—no!" Taking a step back, the darkness around Roxas began to dissipate as he strained, "I'm not giving in! I won't forget her!"

Sora couldn't help but grimace seeing Roxas struggle against darkness. It wasn't like Riku who dived head first, or Cloud who had already fallen. Roxas was still struggling for the sake of someone precious to him. "Her? Who's her?"

"She's," Roxas started to answer, before steeling himself and shaking his head. "You don't need to know." Sora sighed, but was still grateful that the darkness stopped flowing from Roxas. Yet as he stepped forward, he stopped to pick something up off the ground. "What's this?"

And as soon as Sora saw what it was, his heart stopped.

A charm of five seashells tied together with string, his face drawn on one.

Scrambling to his feet, Sora pleaded, "Give that back!"

Roxas held it back as he pointed his keyblade towards Sora and demanded, "Tell me what it is."

How could Sora even begin to explain what it meant to him? That charm was one of the few comforts he had in this trek. A symbol of a promise that he had made with Kairi to come home with Riku. A sign of the bond they shared. Yet despite the many thoughts that ran through his mind, the most that Sora could get out was, "It's a gift."

Glancing at the charm, Roxas let it dangle from his fingers for a moment as he asked, "From Kairi?"

Once again, Sora felt his fear take hold. "You know about Kairi?" Right now, he had hoped that these people were just interested in him. But if they knew about Kairi? If they had some way to get to her?

That was a line of thinking he dreaded pursuing.

However, the idea only seemed to make Axel grin from the side of the room. "Of course we do. She's here, along with someone else that's special."

Sora could only take a step back in horror. Kairi was here. Why was Kairi here? Was she in danger? Were these people holding her hostage? Not to mention, "Someone else?" Who else would be here? The King? Riku?

"You know who, Sora," Zexion replied as he pointed at Sora. "Say her name. Let those lost memories come together at last."

Her. It was a her. A memory of a blonde girl in white rose to the surface of his mind.


And with it, her name.


Sora staggered back at the revelation. Not just remembering her name, but realizing that she was here. All of his friends were in danger and he hardly knew where to start.

"How important is Naminé to you?"

Roxas' question broke through the confusion, and Sora hardly needed to think of his answer. "What does that matter? She's my friend!"

Though as Sora shouted his answer Roxas slowly began to nod. For a moment, Sora was baffled by what seemed to be agreement. He pulled the charm into his hand as he asked, "Is Kairi your friend too?"

The answer should have been easy. Obvious. After so many years and what they had been through, obviously Kairi was his friend. But as he realized her life hung in the balance once again, Sora had to reckon with a mounting realization. He hung his head and murmured, "She's more than that to me." The room was quiet after that admission. Inwardly, Sora was prepared for mockery. Larxene certainly hadn't held back in their fight at how much he was in the dark.

"Then you should take good care of this."

What he wasn't quite prepared for was Roxas tossing the charm back at him. Fortunately, his reflexes were good enough to catch Kairi's gift as it sailed towards him. He hastily stuffed it into his pocket as he aimed his keyblade at Roxas. Granted, it was a bit harder to carry on with this fight to the death, and Roxas seemed just as conflicted.

Why did they even have to fight anyway?

But before either of them could move, a dark portal appeared near Axel and Zexion. "Looks like our time is up. But until then, here's a party favor for being such a good sport." With a flourish, Axel produced more cards and tossed them to Sora. No doubt some of the other worlds left on their journey.

Zexion gestured to the portal as Roxas glanced between it and Sora. "Let us be off, Roxas."

Yet as he began to turn to the dark portal, Roxas' gaze lingered as he answered firmly, "We'll meet again, Sora. I know it."

As the three in black cloaks left the room and the portal vanished, Donald and Goofy ran to his side. The latter held him steady as he asked, "Sora, are ya alright?"

"I'm fine, but that's not important." Sora tried to shake Goofy's hand loose and take a step forward. Kairi was in trouble and so was Naminé. Right now they couldn't waste another second.

But Donald's firm hand to his chest kept him back. "We'll find everyone, Sora. But right now we need to get some rest."

Wincing, Sora wanted to protest. Yet the fight with Roxas had been more draining then he had hoped. And after journeying through Monstro's gut again, it had left him ready to set up camp in the nearest safe room. "Alright," he sighed as he dismissed his keyblade. Satisfied, his friends led the way forward to the nearby safe room.

But as they made their way up the steps, Sora couldn't help but wonder. Who was the person that Roxas was fighting for? He mentioned having to return to someone in the Coliseum, and he wanted to fight the darkness for 'her' sake. Given how Roxas seemed to agree more with Sora than not, it certainly wasn't Larxene. And Kairi was probably out as well given he seemed fine enough with her giving Sora a gift. Unless there was another girl in black he didn't know about, the only person that was left…

"Sora, do you want dinner or not?"

Shaking his head at Goofy's call, Sora tried to chuckle and joke, "Hey, no way you got to it that fast!" But even so, he wondered if Roxas might be willing to help Naminé. Though he wasn't sure if she was as precious to Roxas as Kairi was to him.

It seemed as the days went by, the fact that Sora loved her was becoming impossible to deny.
Chapter Twenty Seven: Value
Chapter Twenty Seven: Value

Secret Report: Larxene III

This mission has just been going from bad to worse! Ansem is running around planning who knows what. Sora getting closer without good insurance on our end to keep him on a leash. Our keyblade wielders are only acceptable when we need them to be more than that.

And worst of all I'm bored!

There has to be a toy to play with so I can let off steam. Sora's too strong, I could psych him out for a bit but he'd just take me down with a keyblade. We need Roxas in decent shape, as much as I'd love to take that brat down a peg. Naminé was a reliable toy during her education, but now she's gotten stale.

What about Kairi?

To take such a pure light and make it scream in sorrow, howl in pain, or cry in agony?

Now that would actually be entertaining.

Axel had mixed feelings on missions where the objectives were simple. On the plus side, if things went smoothly, that meant he could clock off early and kick back. On the very negative side, it was so easy for missions to have unforeseen complications. Especially after the job was done and the higher ups decided 'whoops, you didn't do something we didn't bother to tell you'. Marluxia had been far better to Axel regarding that then Xemnas was, but more and more it seemed that Roxas and Naminé were continuously drawing the short end of that stick.

Though it was getting harder and harder to watch, and the annoying thing was that Axel couldn't say it was just because of his mission. Though he couldn't put his finger on the why of it.

So when Axel accompanied Roxas back from his duel with Sora, he couldn't help a bit of concern about the verdict. The goal was to fight long enough till Marluxia and Larxene had seen enough, but right now their faces were inscrutable. Naminé watched from behind the crystal ball at Roxas, eyes occasionally glancing to Marluxia and Larxene. Zexion crossed his arms and met Marluxia and Larxene's gaze and asserted, "I would say the two of them are even."

"We need him to be better than even." Larxene scoffed as Marluxia walked towards Roxas.

Marluxia narrowed his eyes as he came to a stop in front of Roxas. "Is there a reason you hesitated when you had the charm? You could have baited Sora into an opening instead of giving it back."

"It was important to him."

Roxas' answer was almost immediate, Larxene tilted her head in confusion while Marluxia crossed his arms. A second later, and Roxas clenched his fist as he continued, "And if I held onto it for longer, he might have lashed out at a bad time."

Marluxia remained silent, but slowly began to nod. Axel however, was left as baffled as when the fight started. He had expected Roxas' meeting with Sora to spark something bitter. Two halves of the whole struggling for dominance, to prove their right to exist. After all, Roxas was wanting to actually win in the Coliseum, result notwithstanding. But now there was a kind of respect, an understanding the two seemed to be slowly coming to. Though Axel had no idea what the end result would be.

However, nobody else seemed to ponder the implications much. Least of all Larxehe who rolled her eyes and put her hands on her hips at Roxas' answer. "Fine, psychological warfare is not your forte." She leaned in and pointed at Roxas. "What about the darkness? Are you holding out on us?"

The question hardly helped Roxas' tension, as he desperately tried to utter any kind of answer, "I don't…"

Axel had a feeling how this song and dance would go. Roxas would say that he didn't want to use it. And Marluxia and Larxene would beat him until he changed his mind. It worked on Naminé, who held out for a while before finally giving into the plan to change Sora's memories. And at the time, Axel just considered it business.

But now? Now he was beginning to think that business was taking things too far.

So he took a step forward next to Roxas and shook his head. "If he can't control the darkness, then it'd just make things worse. We don't want Ansem to nab the Organization's keyblade wielder."

Marluxia scowled, but turned his back on Roxas and walked to the crystal ball. "Then either control it, or find a weakness in Sora to exploit. We cannot falter at this critical juncture."

"And speaking of weakness," Larxene chimed in as she walked over to where Naminé was watching and patted her shoulder. "It's your turn tomorrow to go fight your original half."

And there was the kicker Axel was dreading.

Naminé flinched away and protested, "What?! But I just got this a few days—!"

"As did the princess of heart. Therefore, you should be able to close any skill gap." Marluxia's stern order made it clear Naminé had no real choice. Especially now, when he and Larxene have been trying to secure their plan for days, and wanted any kind of concrete result. Zexion furrowed his brow at the new command, and Axel had to admit that the difference between Xemnas and Marluxia's rule was looking pretty minimal.

And Roxas made his thoughts crystal clear.

"No!" Roxas started to move to Naminé, only for Marluxia to hold him back as he cried out, "She can't!" Struggling against Marluxia's grip, Roxas then shouted out, "She needs more time!"

Larxene laughed and shook her head at him. "And who made you an expert, rucksack?"

"You did! When you made me train Naminé and fight Kairi!"

Axel had to admit, the sight of Marluxia and Larxene wide eyed as their own plans were thrown back at them was amusing. The fact that Roxas was doing it made the moment absolutely priceless.

Roxas wasn't in the mood for humor however, glaring at Marluxia as he released his grip. He walked up next to Naminé and argued, "She needs more time before she can take on the power of light. Doing it now wouldn't help at all."

Larxene inhaled and raised a finger, about to launch into a refutation. However, the silence indicated that she lacked any rejection of substance. Clicking her tongue, she crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes at Naminé. "This isn't the end of that discussion. Sooner or later, we will have you fight the princess of heart."

With a shove, Marluxia pushed Roxas towards Naminé and commanded, "Go, review Sora's memories so you can determine weakness to exploit in your fights."

As Roxas stumbled towards her, Naminé reached out to steady him. Axel could swear there was the faint hint of a smile on her face before they turned to the door leading out. "Let's go."

Though before they left, Marluxia stopped them with one last order. "And as always, we expect you to maintain the foothold you have in Sora's memories."

Naminé was quiet for a moment, before looking back and giving a slight nod. "Yes, Marluxia."

As the door closed, Zexion crossed his arms and glowered at Larxene and Marluxia."Her progress at manipulating memories is not insignificant. Sora managed to remember her name." "They are achieving your goals, yet you do not offer any praise and push them harder."

Larxene turned away from Zexion and groaned, "You call these half-victories achievements? Especially when things keep getting out of hand?"

Marluxia nodded as he opened a dark portal out. "We must achieve a proper advantage over our enemies soon, otherwise our operation will come to an ignominious end." As he and Larxene turned to leave, the gears in Axel's mind were turning. There had to be a way to get them off Roxas' back. Some way to either focus on something else or prove Roxas' point.

And in a flash, he had it. Axel held up a finger as he suggested, "If you don't agree with Roxas' decision, maybe one of you should see how strong Kairi is." Now Marluxia was too hands off to take up such a suggestion. Fortunately, there was someone who was very reliable in her animosity.

Larxene gave a hungry grin and clasped her hands together. "Oh, Axel, you know just what to say to brighten my day."

The moment they arrived in Naminé's room, she let out a sigh of relief. "Thanks for standing up for me." Even though she hadn't fought with Sora, watching Roxas put himself on the line was harrowing enough. Naminé came to a stop next to the crystal ball and relaxed. "I really didn't want to fight Kairi, and not just because of her strength."

Roxas gave a firm nod, as he followed with haggard footsteps. "I think I know what you mean." He leaned on the crystal ball, closing his eyes as he pondered."Sora and Kairi are both good people. Honestly, they seem to want to help us more than Marluxia and Larxene."

"I wish we could ask them to help. Honestly, they would," she sighed, clasping her hands to her chest. Yet there remained one fact that would stymie any effort to reach out, the one that had dogged Naminé since the beginning. "But with Marluxia and Larxene watching every time we interact, they'd stop us if they realized what we were up to."

She felt a gentle touch to her shoulder and looked back to see Roxas giving a smile. "It's an idea. And I might know someone who could help."

Someone to help? Naminé had heard that Castle Oblivion was effectively being cut off from the outside, so that could only mean two people. "Axel and Zexion?" She hardly knew Zexion, and Axel was one of her more direct minders before everything got out of hand. Still, she would take him any day over Larxene and Marluxia, not to mention they were doing their best to supervise training for both Roxas and her. "If they're willing to lend a help, that'd be great. Just be careful." Turning around, Naminé tilted her head as she asked, "Is there anything you want to know from Sora's memories?"

Though she suspected the answer already. During the fight, Roxas seemed captivated by what Sora had dropped. He scratched the back of his head as he requested, "What do you know about that charm?"

Naminé closed her eyes and began to recall Kairi's explanation, "It's called a wayfinder. It's meant to guide lost sailors back home." A charm that she would have to replace in Sora's mind if Roxas and her weren't strong enough. It wouldn't be enough to simply say she was the one who gave it instead of Kairi. It had to be something that was truly hers. But even as the mission to change Sora's memories got sidelined, it was a question she couldn't help but ask herself.

What would she want to give someone close to her?

Roxas furrowed his brow and crossed his arms. "Did Kairi think Sora would get lost?"

Reaching out, Naminé took his hand and guided him to her chair. "It's a long story. You may want to get comfortable." As Roxas settled in the seat, she held his hand and showed him…

A blue sky…The ocean…An island…

Three children planning to leave on a raft. Hoping to see what was beyond their world.

Kairi gathered shells, weaving them together with a string. A simple doodle of his face for fun. And more than anything, a simple wish to see him home safely.

But that night, there was a storm. Darkness came and swallowed their world. Sora lost Kairi and Riku but found the keyblade. And though he was amazed by the sight of new worlds, no weapon or wonder could replace his friends.

So with Donald and Goofy he went on a journey to the farthest, darkest corners of the universe. Saving worlds threatened by the heartless on a search for his friends. But when he found them, things were not as he hoped. Riku had turned against Sora, accusing him of galavanting off while Kairi's life hung in the balance. Her body was alive, but her heart was gone.

Some part of Roxas ached at the sight. Fighting a friend as a horrifying idea, one he didn't want to imagine. And if Naminé was ever in that kind of danger?

Roxas wasn't sure what he'd do.

So Sora journeyed to the heart of Hollow Bastion, desperately trying to find a way to save his friends. To talk some sense into Riku or find some way to restore Kairi. But in the end, all he could do was fight. To try and drive away the darkness that threatened everything. Defeating the dark presence that had taken a hold over Riku.

But it wasn't enough. Kairi's heart had taken refuge in his own.

And the only way to put it back was for Sora to release his heart.

Roxas ran to Sora. He wanted to cry, wanted to scream. Wanted to say something that could stop Sora. But he had no body, no real presence in this recollection. He closed his eyes, unable to bear the sight.

Even as he knew that he would have done the same for Naminé.

That should have been the end. Sora turned into a heartless, with Roxas arising in his place. All Roxas could see through Sora's eyes was the dark.

The confusion.

The loneliness.

But then there was light. A light Sora reached out towards in desperation. Wishing with everything he was to hold it in his arms again.

To hold her in his arms again.

In a flash Sora was restored, embracing Kairi in his own body again. By all accounts, it was impossible. Heartless didn't just get their bodies back.

But Roxas couldn't care. It was something truly miraculous.

But even so, there was one person still lost. Riku, whose heart was ensnared by darkness. And Sora wouldn't abandon him. And before he set off, Kairi gave him the completed charm. Something to hold onto no matter the distance. Even if they were lost across time and space, Sora would do everything to come home with everyone.

And Sora boarded the gummi ship out of Traverse town, Roxas understood why he was so desperate to have the charm back.

It was the hope he held onto, no matter the trial he faced. The hope of a promised reunion.

"Roxas? Roxas, are you okay?"

Naminé's voice roused him from the memory. Roxas realized he was gripping her hand like a lifeline. He slowly loosened his grip and took a deep breath. He tried to organize the strange collection of thoughts and ideas running through his head. "I'm fine. I just need some time to think." Even if what he had seen was a somewhat shortened account of Sora's adventures, it had left an impact.

An impact that left Naminé wincing as she saw how it left Roxas. She shook her head as she clasped her hands to her chest. "It might have been a bit much. I just wanted to show you why it matters so much to him. Maybe it doesn't make sense now but..."

Roxas heard her trail off, at a loss for words over what she had tried to show. How Sora and Kairi's devotion went so deep that it seemed to surpass darkness. And honestly, it wasn't something Roxas could completely describe either.

But he could try.

Slowly standing up, Roxas placed a hand on his chest."I think I understand why they matter so much to each other. They've grown up together, become great friends over the years. After everything they've been through together with the keyblade." Roxas took a deep breath and felt how every memory he had seen came together. "The love they have is one they'll fight for, because it's worth it to them."

Naminé slowly smiled and nodded back to him."Thank you. That means a lot to me." But her momentary elation soon faltered as she glanced back to the crystal ball. "Just knowing there's someone here who realizes what Marluxia wants to break."

"I won't let him." Roxas reached out and took Naminé's hands as he swore, "Somehow, I'll find a way to help all of us."

Naminé was wide eyed before she nodded and clasped his hand in hers. "We'll do it together." After a moment she looked to the side and shuffled her feet, even as she didn't let go. "Sorry, it feels like I should say or do something more for this."

He could understand the sentiment. Even though Roxas had held her hand a few times before this, something about this time felt different. More than just the simple comfort, it was the only thing they had to commemorate this promise to work together. Still, he didn't want to pressure her. "It's alright, you don't have to."

"Well, I want to," Naminé asserted as she gave a gentle squeeze. "I want to give something more than words in return for what you've done for me."

Nodding, Roxas began to grin. "Whatever you think of, I'm sure it'll be great." And that was something he was absolutely certain of. Even if it was the simplest drawing, Roxas would treasure it. It was a sign of a promise to fight for something good. For Sora and Kairi's happiness, and theirs as well.
Chapter Twenty Eight: Dilemma
Chapter Twenty Eight: Dilemma

Secret Report: Lexaeus II

Another fruitless search for Ansem today. The only sign he is even here are the heartless slowly spreading across the floors. Even as combatants leave the memories behind, they pursue those with the keyblade.

But to what end? None of them seem to be anywhere close to the forces the heartless once fielded, so what is Ansem trying to accomplish? Releasing more hearts? If that is the case, why not join the organization himself if he is so willing to aid Xemnas?

Though given they are one and the same, perhaps it is not so strange.

Yet, as far as strange discoveries go, there is one I would be remiss to ignore. We have been monitoring Roxas and Naminé during their missions at Zexion's request. Something to break up the monotony during our search. Yet the results show an undeniable trend.

There is something growing in the two of them. Even faster now that the two are fighting together. Of course, it may simply be residual light or darkness gathering from being so close to two major sources of both. If only locating Ansem was not a priority.

Because if I'm right, this could change the Organization entirely.

Sleep didn't come easy for Roxas that night. Even as he lay down in his bed his mind raced to think of a way to find a way out for Sora and Kairi as well as Naminé and him. Even if Marluxia and Larxene couldn't be convinced to stop, there had to be some way to escape. Some way off this world they could use. The dark corridors could work, but how could he get Axel or Zexion to open one for everyone? Axel still seemed tied up in Marluxia's and Larxene's plans, and letting Zexion know about the conspiracy might cause other problems

The only other option was to fight the two.

But could he really do that? Was he even strong enough? What would happen to him in the Organization if he did that?

Did he even want to stay in the Organization anymore?

That was the thought that eventually settled in Roxas' mind as sleep finally overtook him that night.

A blue sky…The ocean…An island…

Once again, he watched from within Sora. Saw him with Kairi, Riku, and Naminé.

But something was pulling him away. Dragging him down into shadow. Roxas struggled, tried to see what was taking him away. But all he could see was the shadow, as if his black cloak was taking him into darkness. He tried to shout, to scream, to fight, but his keyblade wouldn't answer his silent pleas.

He couldn't tell what happened after that, all that kept his company was silent emptiness. His sleep was a blur of uncomfortable nothing, only broken by the sound of knocking at his door.

A glance to the clock confirmed that yes, it was morning now, and Roxas needed to be up. So reluctantly, he dragged himself out of bed and grabbed his cloak from the trunk, same as it ever was. Though as he stuck his arm through one of the sleeves, he paused as the white clothes in the corner caught his eye. He couldn't help himself from running his free hand over the white jacket and pants.

Would it be so bad to wear them again?

The sound of knocking forced him to shelve the thought for now. Quickly dressing himself, he made his way to the door, opening it and hoping for a friendly face.


"Marluxia." He groaned and rubbed the sleep from his eyes, disappointment setting in as his guest entered the room..

"I wanted to follow up on my earlier question," Marluxia elaborated as he stared down at Roxas and folded his hands behind his back. "Do you understand the weakness of Sora's heart?"

The weakness? Roxas recalled how Marluxia pressed him regarding the charm, giving it back when Sora was so desperate to reclaim Kairi's gift.

The one she had given him after he stabbed himself. He hadn't done it expecting to be saved or rewarded. He did it because….

"Sora would do anything for his friends," Roxas murmured as the answer became perfectly clear. He clenched his fists as he realized the fault in that devotion "And he won't care if it kills him to save them."

Marluxia chuckled as he spread his arms at the answer. "Exactly. Threaten that which he holds dear, and Sora would throw his life away. Even if all he had to believe in was the slimmest of hopes." As his smile grew, Roxas could feel his stomach grow uneasy. "Manipulate him by putting that which he cherishes in jeopardy, and his mistakes will pile up. And your victory will be in sight."

It would be an easy victory, but even before yesterday Roxas wouldn't have been satisfied with a manipulative victory like that. After what Naminé had shown him, Roxas couldn't accept that plan whatsoever. Yet there was one idea that came to him. Simple but it might just be their ticket out. Taking a step forward Roxas asked, "Can't we just ask Sora to help us? If he's so caring, he might be willing to help us if we just explain things."

Even as Marluxia's smile vanished in an instant, Roxas stood his ground. The idea seemed sensible enough, yet Marluxia began to shake his head. "While there is some logic in what you propose, there is one critical detail you are overlooking." He raised a hand before him as he declared, "We are beyond those with hearts. Where conscience falters, we act decisively." Closing the hand before him into a fist, Marluxia sneered, "That is the path to our true potential. One that Xemnas does not believe in, even as he proclaims how the Organization is to go beyond those with hearts."

Roxas was quiet at Marluxia's diatribe before he began to nod and mutter, "I think I understand." And in a sickening way he did. Marluxia and Larxene wanted to continue on as they were. Unfettered without feelings to get in the way. But for Roxas, that would mean ignoring his friendships. Treating the people he met as amusements at best and tools at worst. If surpassing hearts meant throwing those connections away, Roxas didn't want any of it.

Of course that raised another question. If Marluxia wanted to surpass hearts by discarding his, how did Xemnas want to do it?

It was a question Roxas wasn't sure he wanted answered.

Either way, Marluxia was satisfied enough with him and he headed back to the door. "Once you realize what can be gained by surpassing the heart, you will understand the truth."

Roxas sighed as all the increasing demands stood in contrast to Marluxia's seeming generosity. "And you'll make things harder for me until I understand?"

There was a chuckle as Marluxia glanced back at Roxas with a smile. "A rather uncharitable interpretation. All I want is for you to realize your true potential." Though he walked away, his next words were rather clear. "And to avoid Sora's flaws in your own relationships."

And they were words that shook Roxas to his core.

Marluxia suspected something.

Was it his plot with Axel? What he planned with Naminé? All of Marluxia's warnings seemed to ring even clearer now. Just dropping the plans he made to try and fix things would be easy. Just to ignore everyone else and focus on him. But Roxas couldn't. Trying to ignore his friends when they were in need was like asking him to throw away his heart.

Well, if he had one.

Though given how much this whole situation was winding him up, Roxas might as well have one.

Axel and Zexion had arrived at Naminé's room earlier than usual. It seemed to make sense, given she held the cards to create the worlds they went to. Though for a few minutes, she was keenly aware of a particular absence. And given that Roxas' friends were also surprised by his absence, it was fair cause for concern.

Fortunately, Roxas showed up soon enough, much to Axel's relief. "Hey, we were worried you were sleeping in."

Roxas stretched as he began to grumble, "Marluxia wanted to talk. Not sure if he was giving me advice or…"

"Or?" Naminé couldn't help but ask, because she knew all too well how often Marluxia's advice were merely thinly veiled orders or threats. And if he was putting pressure on Roxas, there was no telling what he might do.

Roxas sighed before crossing his arms and looking to the side, "Or if he wanted to ramble on."

Okay, she had to stifle a giggle at that conclusion, because Marluxia also had a habit of going on monologues with little prompting. So at least Roxas still had the courage to joke about things.

"Yeah, that'll do it." And from Axel's quip, she wasn't the only one amused. He shook his head and turned to Zexion. "So, what world is next again?"

Zexion held up a finger as he recounted, "Atlantica. The court magician used magic to fit in with the local inhabitants, but given we are going through an illusion, we should be fine."

Roxas perked up in concern at Zexion's words, "Should be fine?"

Nodding Naminé walked up beside him as she elaborated, "Atlantica's kingdom is underwater. Donald had magic to change Sora, Goofy, and him into forms that could stay in the sea as long as they needed." Calling the card of the world to her hand, she smiled. "But like Zexion said, it's an illusion I can modify so we don't need to worry about air."

Clapping his hands, Axel walked ahead to the door. "The mission is simple, we just follow a mermaid called Ariel, fight the sea witch, and we'll be on our way!"

But Roxas didn't follow, tilting his head and asking, "Who's Ariel? Is she someone important in the world?"

Zexion cupped his chin as he began to explain, "In a way. A princess, but not a princess of heart."

Turning back, Axel shrugged the back of his head. "I'm surprised you're so curious. A few weeks ago you barely could string a sentence together, but now you're really getting interested in where we're going."

Roxas scratched his cheek with a weak chuckle, "Yeah, I was kind of a zombie." Though the levity only lasted for a moment as Roxas placed his hand to his chest and pondered, "But if we want to get hearts and feel things, maybe caring about others is a start?"

It was a simple idea, and she was sure that Marluxia and Larxene would laugh if they were here. Yet it was what Naminé tried to live by as much as she could. As trapped as she was, she wanted to do some kind of good. Before she met Roxas, it was the closest thing she had to feeling like she had a heart. Even if she couldn't truly have one, she tried to hold on.

"In absence, a heart's value is understood." Zexion's muttering roused her from her musings as she looked over to see him tapping his tome in thought. "Given how it is a slight change from our usual procedure of staying out of sight, there might be merit in such an approach."

Slowly nodding, Axel began to smile as he admitted, "And since this isn't going to blow our cover to real people if we screw up, it's worth a shot." Opening the door, Axel glanced over to her, "If Naminé's up for it, we might as well see what kind of friends a mermaid has."

"Yes, I can do that." It was almost easier to let the memory world run its course than to edit it so heavily as she had in the past. So as they made their way through the castle to an open floor, Naminé let the illusion expand beyond Ariel. To her father and her friends, letting what once was be a little more real. Arriving at the door she glanced at Roxas with a smile, ready to start the day's mission.

Yet something in his expression made her falter. The way he stared at the door and almost sagged. As if everything that had happened from their predicament to Marluxia's orders and Sora and Kairi's fate weighed down on him. Even now, something in her clenched as she saw him try to carry that burden on. She began to reach out, hoping she could remind him that he wasn't alone.

Only for Axel to pat Roxas on the back with a smirk. "You don't need to hold your breath, remember? It's just magic"

Shaking his head, Roxas reached out for the door. "Right. Just needed a moment." Naminé wished she had a way to give him more than a moment. But for now, she had to be content with a helping hand. The only other thing she wanted to give him needed to wait until they were alone. The gift she worked on after he left, once intended to mask in deception, now to be given in sincerity.

She wondered what Roxas would think of it.
Chapter Twenty Nine: Knowledge
Chapter Twenty Nine: Knowledge

Journal: Day Eight

I've been here for over a week. Looking back at my first entry in this book, it's incredible how much I've changed. Not to mention how I was before coming here.

Back then, I didn't really care much about anything. Maybe ice cream and learning more. That and wanting to stay alive.

It's silly writing it. Of course people want to survive.

But there's so much more now. Trying to help free Naminé. Keeping Sora and Kairi safe. Trying to stop whatever Marluxia and Larxene are up to. There's so much at stake that I can't just go on unthinkingly. I have to find a way to help everyone.

Even if I still have no idea what to do.

Roxas wasn't sure what exactly a mermaid was, hoping he'd know when he saw whoever Ariel was. The answer came when he heard a voice call out for Ariel to slow down. A voice that was getting closer. Soon, A blue and yellow fish and what seemed like a young woman with a fish's tail instead of legs came swimming in followed by a crab. A crab that panicked as soon as he saw Roxas and his friends.

"Relax, Sebastian," Ariel chuckled as she saw him swim behind her. "They don't look like one of them. Right, Flounder?"

The fish peeked out from behind her and mumbled, "I don't know. There's something weird about them."

Axel glanced at the four of them walking on the ocean floor and back to the mermaid and muttered, "You don't say."

"Shush." Zexion whispered as Ariel swum closer. From what Naminé had explained, the magic of the memory would mostly cover for them as far as keeping whatever disguise Sora and his friends had conjured up. Even if it wouldn't be perfect.

"They do seem a little different." Ariel made that point clear with her pondering as she swam around the four and asked,"Where are you from?"

Roxas knew the basic story to give here, so he explained, "We're travelers from far away."

Ariel's eyebrows raised and she came to a stop. "Really? We don't get many visitors in this part of the ocean nowadays."

Naminé looked over to the entrance of the cave as she asked, "Why not?" Though the tone indicated she had a good idea of the reason.

Said reason soon swam into the cave they were in, heartless in the form of jellyfish. Sebastian panicked at the sight and frantically swam for cover. "Because of those! Let's get out of here!" He and Flounder dove into a large empty clamshell and closed it behind him. Ariel however turned to face the coming heartless, nervous yet with magic gathering at her fingertips.

Calling his keyblade, Roxas ran toward the creatures shouting, "Don't worry! We can take care of this!" Strange as the jelly-like heartless were, it was hardly a real fight. With a few swipes of the keyblade from him and blasts of cold from Naminé, the swimming heartless were slowly dispatched. As the last few gathered together, Ariel took the chance to cast a spark of lightning and zapping away the last few heartless.

Looking back at his other two companions as the darkness scattered, Roxas raised an eyebrow. "You're not helping?"

Axel shrugged at the question as he looked over the cleared cavern. "Well for starters, you're both training and need to learn how to handle yourselves. Second, you two seem to have things under control."

Zexion gently waved a hand with a smile. "We'll step in if the situation is sufficiently dire."

Flounder slowly peeked out his head from the giant clam with wide eyes. "That was amazing!"

"Really? Er, I mean," Naminé quickly composed herself and answered, "Glad to help."

Sebastian however, was still concerned as he swam up to Ariel. "Wait, what if more of those monsters decided to head to the palace?!"

Stricken, Ariel murmured. "Daddy, no!" It made enough sense to Roxas. She was a princess, so of course she was concerned about her father. She swam up to him and Naminé while pleading, "I'm really sorry, but could you come with us to help? You two are the only ones who have been able to fight those monsters."

It was a chance to do some good with the power he had. Roxas would have said yes, mission or not. And judging from Naminé's firm nod, she was on the same page.

The journey to Atlantica's palace took longer than expected, with them getting turned around a few times in the caverns of the ocean floor. But eventually they all reached the palace plaza and fought off the heartless gathering there. Of course, the fear that some heartless managed to sneak inside was enough to get Ariel to head to the throne room to check on her father.

Yet as they caught up, Roxas realized they had all been followed. They turned to face the heartless that had followed them in, only for a bolt of lightning to blow the monsters away. Having shielded their eyes from the flash, Roxas and his friends saw it had come from the throne.

An older but well built merman sat there aiming a golden trident at where the heartless once were. "That was too close," he sighed as he held the glowing weapon at his side. "As long as I have my trident, I will not tolerate those creatures inside this palace."

Nervously eyeing the trident Axel muttered,"You can say that again." Zexion was no less worried as he clutched his book, while Naminé sidled to Roxas' side. He could hardly blame them being afraid in the face of power like that.

Ariel was far less perturbed at the show of force as she swam up. "Daddy!"

"Oh, Ariel!" Though at Triton's admonishing tone, she cringed. "When will you listen? It's dangerous out there!"

Clearing his throat, Sebastian swam next to the throne and announced, "Behold: You swim before the ruler of the seas, His Majesty, King Triton."

As Triton looked over the four of them, Roxas couldn't help but flinch as he instinctively stood at attention while the king asked, "And who are they?"

"They helped us fight off those creatures."

"They aren't familiar."

"We're travelers from afar." Roxas tried to maintain his composure under Triton's stern look.

Steeling herself with a nod, Naminé moved beside Roxas and offered, "We're here to resolve the monster problem."

Triton raised an eyebrow from his seat as he asked, "And how would you do that? Even with my power, their numbers do not thin."

Roxas glanced to Axel and Zexion, who both gave a nod. Holding out his hand, he called his keyblade in a flash of light. "We fight them with this."

Triton tightened his grip on the armrest as he eyed the weapon. Eventually he ordered, "Ariel, leave us."

She didn't move and tried to plead, "But—"

Only for Triton to cut her off with a glare as he shouted, "This is for your own good child!" Screwing his eyes shut, he shook his head. "This is something I pray you never learn more about. Just stay in the palace where it's safe."

Ariel lingered for a moment before swimming off in a huff. Naminé watched her as she left with a sigh. Roxas began to wonder if she knew more, but his line of thought was cut off by Triton's cold voice. "Boy, do you even know what that is?"

Glancing at the weapon in his hands, Roxas hesitated for a moment. Because what was a keyblade, really? A manifestation of the heart's power is what he heard Xemnas call it, but hearts were something Nobodies didn't have. And yet he and Naminé were able to wield its power. Of course, that wasn't anything he could get into here and now, so he settled with answering, "It's a keyblade, and it can defeat heartless."

Triton's eyes narrowed as he pointed toward the sword in Roxas' hands. "It is a weapon of horrible power that can destroy worlds."

Zexion cupped his chin as he replied, "That sounds more like hearsay. Legends and rumors might not be the best basis to make decisions."

Even as he rested his hand on his throne, Triton's gaze never left the keyblade. "This one you may know. Long ago the worlds were one, united under the light. Until people fought with it in a war that shattered worlds."

"The Keyblade War."

At the grave proclamation, Axel tapped Naminé on the shoulder and whispered, "You have any idea why he's talking about this?"

Roused from the story the memory told, she quietly answered, "Triton was probably thinking of it when he was afraid of Sora. It's a memory he has of him, so it got picked up in this illusion."

Axel eyed the king who was watching Roxas standing across the room as if he had a knife to his throat. He shook his head and muttered, "The way he's talking, this seems more than a rumor or legend." Zexion nodded an agreement.

Whether Naminé altered the memory of King Triton or if he couldn't genuinely hear them was unclear. But his decree was. "The Keyblade brings destruction and ruin. And there is no place for it in my ocean."

Though Roxas still held the keyblade in his hands, his face had grown far more stricken. This idea that a keyblade could be something that could cause such harm, that it had caused great destruction. It stood in opposition to everything he knew. It was what Sora used to save people, a power that Naminé had put her faith in, the strength he had that gave him a chance to be more than a simple Nobody.

But blades could hurt as much as they could help. Ansem as Riku was more than enough proof. And he was sure Marluxia and Larxene had their own weapons.

If they got their hands on something like this?

Roxas tightened his grip. It was all the more reason to keep fighting. So he met Triton's stern look and answered, "So you're just letting the heartless run amok? They're not part of your world either!"

The King sighed yet remained silent as he faced the one inescapable fact. The heartless were a problem that only the keyblade could solve. Looking at the crab still sitting near the throne, he asked, "Sebastian. Have you tracked the source of the monsters?"

Giving a bow, the crab reported, "Yes, Your Majesty, as you suspected, they are coming from Ursula's grotto."

Looking aside, the king muttered, "It seems exile has taught her nothing."

Perking up, Naminé stepped forward and offered, "Maybe as a show of good faith, we can stop whatever she's planning with the heartless?"

The four of them watched as the king mulled the idea over before nodding, "Maybe. Once Ursula is handled we shall determine what comes next."

The memory of Triton sat on the throne as he watched the strangers depart. Sebastian crawled closer and asked, "Your highness, what about Ariel?"

The king sighed. For all his talk of keyblades and heartless, there was one concern that was always in the forefront of his mind. One he didn't quite know how to handle. "I don't know. Part of me worries for her safety, even though her desire to help is admirable." Lost in thought, he began to ponder, "Perhaps once the crisis is over—."

"There will be no afterward for you."

The stranger's voice caused him to leap to attention. Reflexively he reached for the source of his power, only to find it gone from where he placed it. "What?! My trident?!"

Panicking, he saw a boy with silver hair and a dark bodysuit holding the golden weapon."The power of the sea given form," the boy marveled as he began to vanish into darkness. "I can think of far worthier hands."

As they were leaving the palace, Roxas looked over and asked, "Axel, do you think anyone else in the Organization knows about the Keyblade War?"

Scratching the back of his head, Axel looked to the side as he considered, "I doubt it. A story like that sounds like something that comes out in 10 years."

Zexion tapped his time as he mused, "Or given the scope of the event, someone is invested in it staying buried."

Naminé was quiet, her mind considering the memories of those tied to Sora. Trying to see if anyone else knew more of this Keyblade War besides stories and legends. Granted, as she was working to keep up this illusion, she couldn't really go too far into it. Letting the memories act more like themselves instead of running off a script was almost more taxing in that regard. But in any case, her train of thought was cut off as she spotted a familiar red-headed mermaid peeking out from one of the columns. "Ariel?"

Glancing around to see if there was anyone else, she quickly swam up to the four and pleaded, "Take me with you."

Axel and Zexion glanced at each other in surprise, while Roxas pointed out, "Your father said it was dangerous."

Crossing her arms with a huff, Ariel shook her head. "He treats me like a little girl. He never wants to let me do anything." Sighing, she looked up the corridor leading to her father's throne room. "Even if I want to find a way to help, he tells me I have to stay here."

Naminé looked aside and rubbed her arm as she muttered,"I know how that can be. You can't go where you truly want to, and even if you want to help people don't listen."

"I can't just sit around here and do nothing." Ariel glanced out to the path leading from Triton's palace. "And if I can prove I can take care of myself by helping deal with these monsters, then maybe he'll see he doesn't have to keep me locked up here."

Furrowing her brow, Naminé faced Ariel. "There's going to be some fairly strong heartless there. Are you sure you can handle it?

Her hands sparked for a moment as Ariel pointed out, "I've learned a bit of Daddy's magic, so I can help in a fight."

Axel looked from Roxas and Naminé to Ariel, all of them with hopeful eyes, and conceded, "If you're willing to face the danger, then I guess you can come with us."

Even though Ariel wasn't at the level of a keyblade wielder or the other Organization members, she could hold her own with her magic. More than a few times, she could zap a stray heartless Roxas or Naminé had missed, or used some healing magic to keep them going when things got hairy. The five of them followed a path through the ocean floor to the depths. Fathoms below Atlantica and the sun that illuminated it.

Yet as they passed through the monstrous opening to Ursula's grotto, Ariel did have one advantage. She didn't have to make her way through the strange creatures writhing on the cavern floor. Roxas couldn't help but squirm as he tried to make his way through. "What are these guys?"

Flinching as one of the creatures moaned, Naminé murmured, "They aren't heartless, their eyes are different."

Axel shuddered as they reached the end of the passage. "I don't think we want to know."

"Ursula was in the habit of making deals with her magic," Zexion pointed out as he pulled his cloak from one of the worms that latched onto it and was pulling. "What sort of punishment do you think she would inflict on those that couldn't pay?"

Roxas furrowed his brow as they arrived at the exit. "Good thing we're not here to make a deal."

Finally, they arrived at a large chamber. Potions, ingredients, and tomes lined the wall of the round room. In the center, was a large cauldron bubbling with a strange shimmering liquid that Ursula was focused on. Yet as she sensed the presence of her guests, she looked up and her intense concentration quickly changed into an almost sickening smile. "Why hello dearies! What brings you to my humble abode?"

Ariel swam up next to Roxas and Naminé and declared, "We're here to stop the heartless."

Axel chuckled and pointed to Ursula. "And probably you too."

Rolling her eyes, Ursula picked a bottle from the shelf and scooped up some of the potion brewing in the cauldron. "Oh, that rabble? I do apologize, they have been loitering the past few days."

Zexion crossed his arms at Ursula's dismissal. "Unfortunately, your king isn't taking kindly to your freeloaders."

The witch waved a hand as she made her way to the wall with the potion. "Triton doesn't know as much as he thinks he does." With a flick of her wrist, she flung the potion at the cavern. And when it broke against the stone there was a flash.

And for a brief instance, she revealed the marble white walls of Castle Oblivion

"For instance, I know this isn't real."

Naminé staggered back in horror at Ursula's sneer and stammered, "W-What?! How?!"

Chuckling, Ursula's tentacles brought her closer to the five of them, "Dearie, I'm a very good witch. I know an illusion when I see one." As Roxas, Axel and Zexion summoned their weapons, Ursula leaned closer to Naminé's face. "And you've let this one grow rather large, haven't you?"

Zexion hissed as he opened his book. "Naminé, get her under control."

Ursula held up a hand as she backed away. "Are you sure you want that? I think you'll find I can offer you quite a bit."

"Like what?" Ariel watched Ursula warily as the witch made her way back to the Cauldron in the center.

"Freedom," Ursula hissed as she gathered darkness to her hand. "I have crossed worlds dealing with Maleficent. And I know that you all desperately want it."

Roxas tightened his grip on his keyblade, yet couldn't bring himself to move forward. "So you're making us an offer?"

With a wave of her hand, Ursula conjured a corridor of darkness. "One portal to anywhere you want in the universe. All I ask is that you let this illusion continue."

Zexion's eyes widened as he connected the dots. "Effectively letting you become real, so you can carry on whatever plans your old self failed at."

Ursula chuckled as she summarized, "One freedom for another."

Naminé trembled as she saw the portal. A chance to run away and finally leave. Roxas could hardly blame her for considering the idea. It was a solution to their dilemma that had escaped them.

Though surprisingly, Ariel was the first to speak. "I've wanted to see other worlds for so long. But just leaving Daddy and my sisters while you go free..."

Tilting her head with a smirk, Ursula offered, "A rather equitable trade, yes?"

"No. It's not the same at all!" And with Ariel's shout, that smirk was wiped away. "I came here because I wanted to help make things right!"

And with those words, Naminé gasped in realization along with Roxas as they both realized the only answer they could really give.

Naminé called her keyblade to her hand. "You're right. We've got unfinished business we need to settle here."

Roxas tightened his grip as he shouted, "And we won't go until we do!"

Neither of them could turn their back on what was happening here. Not on Marluxia and Larxene's scheming, Ansem's plotting, or Sora and Kairi in peril. Freedom wasn't worth the price of leaving those be.

"I offer you a bargain and you spit on my hospitality!" Ursula snarled as she dispelled the portal and the cauldron began to bubble and churn. "Well if a fight is what you want, then I'm more than willing to provide!"

"You stand outnumbered, witch." A voice echoed through the chamber that stopped Roxas and Naminé in their tracks. Ansem's voice that caused Axel and Zexion to look around frantically. "But there is a way left for your triumph."

Yet it was Ursula who spotted the possessed Riku first. "You're that boy Maleficent found!"

"The boy is no more. All that remains is the shadow of ambition." With a snap, Riku summoned Triton's staff to his side "And I would see yours fulfilled!"
Chapter Thirty: Ruthless
Chapter Thirty: Ruthless

Ansem Report 16

Maleficent and others of her persuasion joined together quite well. Forging an alliance either through shrewd diplomacy or intimidation.

I must admit, some of them are as ruthless as myself.

Their primary obstacle to true dominance is how little they truly understand the machinations of the universe. Of course, that is knowledge I guard most carefully. They will only know as much as I allow them to. They might be quite useful if pointed in the right direction, but too much information and they might grow to become an obstacle.

Then again, if any of them dared challenge me, destroying them would be my pleasure.

Naminé knew what was coming next as she saw the trident appear next to Ansem. Whether Roxas did as well or had good instincts was hard to say. But either way, the two lept to try and catch the glowing weapon as it was tossed down to Ursula. Axel tried to toss his chakrams to knock the trident away, while Zexion tried to conjure images of false tridents.

But with a gesture from Ursula the cauldron erupted, blasting the two of them back and knocking Axel's weapons away. And even as Zexions' illusions rained down, one trident found its way to Ursula's hand and shined. As the golden glow enveloped her she cackled, "Yes! I've waited so long for this moment!" From the echo in her voice, it was clear she had claimed her prize.

Scowling as the cavern shook, Zexion picked Roxas up from the floor. "We need to leave! Now!"

Yet as he was being pulled back, Roxas dug in his heels. "Sora could stop her, couldn't he? So can we!"

Seeing Ansem disappear into shadows with a smirk, Naminé turned her attention to Ursula and noticed how she was using the power. "Roxas, she's growing bigger."

Ariel backed away and whispered, "How much bigger?"

Axel's eyes widened as Ursula had quickly grown as tall as the room and wasn't stopping. "Big enough that we need to get out of the cave!"

Grimacing as a piece of the ceiling fell near him, Roxas relented and followed Zexion's pull. The group made its way out of the cavern, oddly aided as the creatures on the floor almost seemed to push them further out. Whatever could be said for any of Ursula's other victims, they were desperate not to see others suffer under the sea witch.

Making their way out of the canyon, they all turned back to see Ursula towering over her old lair. She cackled as she raised the trident and summoned a crown of gold to her head. Axel tugged at his collar at the transformation and muttered, "Quick check. Was Sora strong enough to beat her when she was this big?"

As Ursula pointed her trident to Triton's palace, Naminé heard Ariel gasp in horror as magic began to gather to it.

And Roxas wasn't about to let the sea witch get away with it. "I don't care if he could or not," he answered as he ran towards some of the rising seabed. "I'm taking her on!"

Naminé couldn't help but smile and began to follow after him. "Sora could beat her even like this. And I know we can too." Perhaps it was Roxas' determination that was rubbing off on her, or the power of her own keyblade emboldening her. Maybe it was proving to herself that she could face the kinds of monsters Sora and his friends could, as if it could give her insight into stopping Marluxia and Larxene.

Either way, she wasn't going to back down.

From behind her, she heard Axel call out, "Alright Ariel, you might wanna step bac—"

"She's already joining them." Only for Zexion to reply, and Ariel to swim up beside her as Naminé leapt up the rising stones behind Roxas. Shrugging, Axel called on his chakrams and dashed to catch up as Zexion followed.

Roxas was first in the fray, leaping from one of the rocks to bash away at Ursula's back.Flinching slightly at the attacks, the witch looked down to see her assailant. "Oh? You really want to pick a fight with the new ruler of the seas?" With a rumbling chuckle, her tentacles swung towards him and everyone else approaching.

As strong as Roxas had become with the keyblade, his block couldn't keep the giant swing from knocking him away. Still, he was able to recover from his landing on one of the floating stones next to Axel. "We appreciate the confidence, but a big problem like this isn't a one person job." Spinning his chakram, he summoned a gout of flame to blast one of Ursula's tentacles away.

Looking from the vanishing flame to Axel, Roxas asked. "If we're underwater, how is your fire working?"

Axel smirked as he directed the blast into Ursula's side."As long as it still burns, I'm not questioning how!"

While Naminé was grateful that the illusion let the floating rocks serve as a slightly better vantage point against Ursula, she couldn't help a smidge of envy at how Ariel could dodge the swipes from Ursula by simply swimming. Still, she had gotten better at dodging blows, and soon moved to a better position to take shots at the sea witch with bolts of ice.

Yet as she did show, she saw on a distant rock a blur begin to take form. She paused in her spellcasting as she realized it was a spitting image of herself. But who…?

"A bit of misdirection can provide some good opportunities." Zexion was beside her as he placed his hand over his open tome. Soon, more illusions began to appear on the various debris the team was using to fight Ursula.

Watching as the tentacles became far less accurate as Ursula tried to swat down the illusions, Naminé couldn't help a smile. "It'd be nice to learn how to do that myself."

Zexion began to smile as he conjured fire from his spellbook. "You might be able to. These memories your cards make are rather close."

Ursula scowled as the magic assault began to wear away at her."Is that all? Let me show you real magic!"

The trident glowed as Ursula raised it up high, and Ariel's eyes widened and she cried out, "Get away!"

In a flash bolts of lightning came crashing down on the battlefield, and everyone scrambled to find cover. Zexions' illusions vanished under the magical assault, and the rocks were scattered to pieces. But even as their footing was destroyed Naminé realized that none of them were falling, in fact they were being pulled up.

Ursula was swallowing the ocean, pulling everyone in to try and devour them. The current dragged the group to her face, but before the witch could close the distance with a bite Roxas pulled back. With a toss, he threw his keyblade into Ursula's open maw, and she gagged on the weapon, gurgling out, "Vicious…little…brat!"

Seeing their chance, Ariel swam up behind Naminé and lifted her up. At the same time, Axel moved under Roxas and caught his feet. With a toss, the two were flung over Ursula as she recovered, glaring at them. But with a swing of their keyblades, the witch cried out and lost her grip on the trident. A cloud of shadow grew around Ursula and pulled her under, electricity surging even as she tried to hold onto her prize.

But eventually a pillar of light burst through the smog, the trident appearing before them as it dissipated. Ariel swam over and collected the staff as Roxas and Naminé floated to the seabed where Axel and Zexion had landed. As everyone caught their breaths, Ariel managed to smile. "We did it!"

"Yes. You've come along quite nicely." Ansem's voice brought an end to the semblance of cheer, as the group turned with weapons drawn to face him as he appeared from shadow.

As everyone was focused on Ansem, Roxas furrowed his brow. "Riku. You're Sora's friend, right?" Axel glanced over in confusion as Roxas continued to ask, "Would he want this?"

Ansem clenched his fist as he snapped back, "You think to reach one who is lost in—!"

But his voice caught, and Ansem staggered back clutching at his chest. When he spoke next, it wasn't the voice of the dark seeker, but the boy that the body truly belonged to.

"Sora wouldn't want any of this," Riku groaned as he looked at his hands. "Kairi wouldn't want any of this."

Axel watched the boy fighting his possession with bafflement, but didn't loosen his grip on his weapons. "Roxas, what did you do?"

Looking to the side, Roxas swallowed the lump in his throat as he explained, "Riku was pretty good friends with Sora. I thought that reminding him might get him to stop."

Grimacing, Riku clutched at his head as darkness gathered around him "But I betrayed them. All for my stupid pride! He's probably forgotten about me!"

Naminé's eyes widened. While she hadn't pried into Sora's memories too deeply lately, she knew one important detail.

"He's still looking for you!" At her cry, Riku looked at her with wide eyes. She tried to continue, taking a step forward. "Sora's still trying to find you. That's why he came here."

Slowly, a smile came to Riku's lips as he muttered, "Of course he is. Always such AAGH!"

As he stumbled back, Roxas and Naminé reached out and pleaded, "Riku!"


The Dark Seeker's voice heralded a blast of shadow, everyone trying to shield themselves. When the dust cleared, Ansem in Riku's body was gone.

Dusting himself off, Zexion observed, "An unorthodox strategy to reach out to Riku's emotions, but Ansem seems to fear it."

Axel scratched the back of his head as he nodded, "Maybe it's why he's being so squirrely. Doesn't want to run into something that could cause Riku to break free."

Despite Ansem fleeing, Naminé was having a hard time considering it a victory. And judging from Roxas' grimace, he was sharing the sentiment. For a moment, it seemed as if Riku was untangling himself from the dark influence, only for Ansem to seize control. What would be enough to save him?

"Daddy! You're okay!"

Ariel's exclamation brought a stop to the pondering, as the rest of them turned to see the king swimming over. "I saw the fight on the way over. I'd say you've proven your good intentions." Placing his hands on the trident Ariel offered back, he glanced at Roxas and Naminé before asking, "What would you do if I told you how to get to the keyhole?"

At the very least, they knew that answer. "We'd seal it. Keep the Heartless from invading."

Roxas' reply was enough for Triton to let go. "Then take my trident to Ariel's grotto. It will open the way."

As they entered the grotto, Roxas was fascinated with everything lined on the shelf, reaching out to one of the small figurines yet holding back from picking it up. Glancing over to her, Naminé had to wonder what it was like for him seeing this. So many things Ariel kept and cherished. Glancing over to Ariel as she noticed the two of them looking around, Roxas asked "What's all this for?"

Floating over, Ariel picked up one of the ornaments with a smile. "It's everything from the world above."

Walking in with Axel, Zexion asked, "From the people above water?"

Nodding, Ariel glanced up towards the ceiling of the cavern, where the sun shined down like a spotlight. "I'd like to go there someday. Not sure how, but…" Though she trailed off, there was still a smile on Ariel's face. "Until then, I have this. Something I can think of, and remind myself why I want to go. To see it all for myself."

Clasping a hand to her chest, Naminé mused, "There's definitely nothing like seeing the real thing."Even if it was an illusion, Naminé couldn't help but marvel at Ariel's collection. So many trinkets and keepsakes that hinted at a world she wanted to visit. A world so close by yet worlds apart. Just like the memories Naminé had of Sora's journey and his home.

Part of her wondered if both of them could go back there someday. She wasn't sure if that familiar place might feel like home.

Axel crossed his arms as he realized that the mermaid was taking a little too long reminiscing on her keepsakes. "What's wrong Ariel? Aren't you going to unseal the keyhole?"

Setting down the trinket while her other hand gripped the trident, Ariel looked to Axel and gently pleaded, "Ursula said this isn't real. Is the real Atlantica going to be safe?"

Naminé couldn't help a flinch at the question. It made sense for Ariel to ask it, she wasn't incurious. Zexion glanced to Ariel, and then to Axel as he tapped his tome. If he was going to say anything, Naminé was fairly sure it would be, 'Well, you asked her what was wrong, you should answer.' But given how flippant Axel usually was, she had doubts it would end well.

Yet she saw no smirk, no shrug as he dismissed her concerns as an illusion. Instead he gripped his sleeves as he looked to the side, mulling the question over. Sighing, he nodded to Ariel and replied, "Yeah, it'll be safe."

Relaxing, Ariel pointed the trident to an engraved symbol in the cavern. "Then that's all I need to know." Shining a light to the outline of the trident's head, an image of a keyhole appeared. Roxas and Naminé pointed their keyblades toward it, and with a flash of light there was the sound of a door shutting. When their vision cleared the keyhole was gone, and Ariel was swimming out with the trident, calling back "I'd better bring this back to Daddy. Thank you for everything!"

Roxas and Naminé gave a wave to her as she left, with Zexion nodding. Though the hesitant wave from one other person in their party gave Roxas concern."Axel? Are you alright?"

Shaking his head with a sigh, Axel put his hands on his hips as he muttered, "Everything I know says that this isn't real. That none of it matters." Gesturing to the cave where Ariel had departed from, Axel asked, "So why couldn't I bring myself to point out that she wasn't not real?"

On the one hand, she knew Axel was right. Looking beyond the illusions and magic, these floors were just stories Naminé guiding as she went through them. Though being hands off with it means it sometimes went in places she didn't expect.

Yet even if it was a story, there was something to be said for seeing it play out yourself. Even if you knew roughly how it ended, it was still compelling. So maybe…

"Maybe it's helping you remember what it's like to care."

She blinked as she heard Roxas' voice join with hers. Of course, the whole idea of letting this floor be hands off was his idea to begin with. A fact that wasn't lost on Axel as he looked over to Roxas with a smile and shrugged, "I guess you're onto something."

Zexion crossed his arms as he admitted, "Perhaps you are. We rarely have interactions outside of what our mission allows, so these excursions have been rather refreshing. Though there is one thing I hope you keep in mind, Naminé." She perked up as his voice became grim. "When the time comes, please do not give Maleficent the intelligence to pierce these illusions."

Naminé agreed with a firm nod and a nervous chuckle. The last thing they needed was a recreated Maleficent causing more trouble.

On the one hand Kairi was thankful that the magic of this castle accounted for her not having a way to transform into a Mermaid. On the other, it would have been nice to go on a swim after fighting for floors on end. Still, that might have been cold comfort without her friends. Half the fun of going on a swim was being with them. Then again, Naminé didn't swim that often. She was always a bit shy about going in with Sora and Riku alone. But she was always willing to go when Kairi did.

Come to think of it, they really did a lot together.

Something was off about that, it tickled in the back of Kairi's memories.

But what?

"I suppose you think you're special, princess. Seeing that you've gotten this far."

The swirl of darkness and a haughty voice snapped Kairi from her musings. Seeing the shadows fade to reveal a blonde woman in one of the many black coats Kairi had seen in this castle. Kairi called on her keyblade and retorted, "You have a problem with that?"

Snapping her fingers, the woman scoffed as electricity crackled between them,"Yeah. The name's Larxene, and I'm here to remind you of an important lesson." With a flick of her wrist, Larxene tossed electric knives at Kairi. "Children shouldn't be poking around in things that don't concern them!"

Dodging the blades, Kairi swatted one of them away. "My friends are here, so it is my concern! Why do you care so much?"

Laughing, Larxene dashed closer, lightning arcing with every step. "Because all your friends are in trouble! So many bad guys want to use them and abuse them!" Kairi tried to get in a few shots of ice, clipping the black cloak once before blocking a fist full of charged knives. Larxene pushed against the keyblade and hissed, "Too bad for you I'm a bad guy." She pulled her other fist back and sent a punch to Kairi's head…

Only for Larxene to stumble forward as Kairi used the change in momentum against her, rolling away from the attack to send her to the side. Seizing the chance, Kairi leapt forward, infusing her keyblade with ice as she slashed Larxene. As the attack sent her opponent flying to the wall, Kairi tightened her grip and called out. "So if I beat you, that'll help me save them?"

From where she had come to a stop, Larxene stared for a moment. But soon her wide eyed shock turned to snarling rage."Don't get cocky, little princess!"
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Chapter Thirty One: Grudge
Chapter Thirty One: Grudge

Secret Report: Marluxia IV

From the beginning Larxene has taken particular umbrage at Naminé. Hardly a problem, as this has served well when discipline was necessary.

Yet even though Naminé has become obedient, Larxene has continued to apply pressure. Again this is not too problematic. A constant reminder of who is in charge is helpful to ensure obedience. Indeed, so long as things proceeded smoothly, this relationship between them would have been beneficial to maintain.

But the change in plans has agitated Larxene, driving her to ensure we are in control though any means necessary. If she takes too drastic an action, our plans might be imperiled.

And yet, it may prove to be an opportunity. If it can show where certain loyalties lie…

Axel wasn't sure where they'd be going with the report, or what Marluxia might bring up. The past week had been enough to show how strict his standards could get. Roxas and Naminé were definitely tense as they made their way through the hall. No conversation, just a quick pace to get there so they could get the visit over with. Axel couldn't blame them. As soon as they checked in and dealt with whatever came next they could relax for the day.

As they entered the room Marluxia used for observation, Axel called out, "So how are things in the box seat?"

Marluxia however showed no signs he heard the question, watching the fight playing out on the crystal ball. Zexion stepped forward to get a better look and asked, "Is there a problem?"

Seeing Kairi parry a series of attacks from copies of Larxene, Marluxia muttered, "The princess of heart is managing quite well." Through the glass, the group watched as the duplicates circled Kairi before dashing into her with knives in their fists.

A roll in a gap of the assault gave Kairi the chance to catch a Larxene in the side with her keyblade before blasting her with ice. As the duplicate faded, Kairi shot balls of blizzard at the other copies. Leaving the real Larxene scowling, electricity cracking around her.

Roxas stood wide eyed as he saw the fight. Axel wasn't sure if he'd seen her in action before besides training. Granted, being put on the back foot by a few days old keyblade wielder probably wasn't the best look. Though judging from Naminé's faint smile, she seemed to enjoy a smidge of schadenfreude. For all of Larxene's bluster, she wasn't invincible.

Of course, a glance at Marluxia's furrowing brow put a stop to that slight cheer. For all the power she had, Marluxia did a thorough job of getting her to cooperate with Larxene. And it sank in further for Axel how long things had been rotten here.

Unheeding or uncaring of any internal dilemma, Marluxia watched the battle stoically. Through the crystal ball, they saw Larxene gathering a ball of thunder in her hands, only for Kairi to shoot a ball of light at her.

There was a flash, and everyone watching the fight besides Marluxia flinched. If not from the light then certainly from Larxene's cry of pain heard through the magic crystal. When the glare faded, Larxene was kneeling on the ground with Kairi approaching her. Marluxia gestured to create a dark portal, one that also appeared next to Larxene.

Moved back to the exit Larxene spat, "Fine. You have some idea of what you're doing." Reaching into her robes, she flung some world cards at Kairi. "But you're still a long way from saving anyone."

"Wait! You…"

Kairi's voice faded from the crystal with her image, and Larxene stumbled through the portal. Gasping for breath, she looked over the group that was watching. Gripping her cloak, she hissed, "Zexion, heal me."

Opening his book, Zexion winced as he conjured a green glow to his hands. "Looks like the princess gave you a—"

"Shut. Up." Larxene's glare silenced any comment as her wounds were mended. Seething as she looked over the group, her eyes stopped on Naminé. "You." Even as she stepped away from Larxene, it wasn't enough to keep her from grabbing Naminé's hand and pulling her forward. "It's time for an evaluation."

Roxas tried to hold on to Naminé, as Axel put a hand to Larxene's shoulder and protested, "Hold on. We just—!"

Yet Axel's words only caused her to shake him off and sneer, "The princess did well enough, right?!" She tightened her grip on Naminé's arm. "So if the witch isn't as good as that, then we're cutting our losses."

Dammit, this really wasn't good. Axel's suggestion to try and get Larxene to blow off steam had backfired, and now she was going to take it out on Naminé. Axel might have to pull out his chakrams to stop her. Even Roxas seemed about ready to summon his keyblade to get her to back off as he growled, "Larxene, let her—!"

"I accept."

Two words from Naminé were enough to bring Axel's thoughts to a halt, Roxas looking back at her in wide eyed shock. Even as she trembled with her hands balled into fists, Naminé answered firmly, "I'll fight you, Larxene."

Larxene let go of Naminé and crossed her arms with a scoff, "You sound confident. Let's see how long that lasts in a real fight." Walking to the door, she glanced at Roxas and added, "One on one, of course. No help from your friends this time."

As the door shut, Marluxia turned towards the three of them. "Now then, how did Roxas' training go?"

Roxas' mouth hung open, while Axel and Zexion looked at each other at Marluxia's all too quick change in topic. Zexion stepped forward and cleared his throat. "He is matching Sora's pace well enough."

Marluxia raised an eyebrow, silently asking for more detail. Sighing, Axel held up his hands and elaborated, "We beat an empowered Ursula, so I'm fairly sure we're keeping pace."

With a shrug, Marluxia turned his attention back to the crystal ball. "Your work is done for the day Roxas, you may go."

Watching as Marluxia brought up the image of the room where Larxene had brought Naminé, Roxas shook his head. "I want to stay and see Naminé's fight."

Glancing over from the screen where Naminé summoned her keyblade, Marluxia asked, "Do you care about her, Roxas?"

Axel folded his arms, something inside uneasy at the way Marluxia's eyes were so focused on Roxas. Though Roxas hardly noticed as he loudly answered, "Of course I do!"

Marluxia rarely smiled. Setting aside the whole Nobodies mean no feeling, the only times Axel had ever seen him satisfied was when a plan had come together. Now that Axel wasn't sure what he was up to, that smile he had at Roxas' answer was a lot more concerning. Zexion was certainly unnerved and took a step back. Even Roxas' indignation now seemed to ebb as he saw Marluxia's pleased reaction.

For now, the four of them focused on the crystal ball, where Larxene had taken off in a flash of lightning.

Naminé knew how Larxene favored electricity. She knew it too well from the various shocks she had given until Naminé had agreed to their plan. Though now it was clear how intrinsic that power was for the woman, as she bolted toward her in a flash.

Even as she was able to block the punch, Naminé was pushed back. The knives in Larxene's fists charged with electricity that sparked with each attack.

"Where are you looking!?"

The sneer from the side was disorienting, but was enough to get Naminé to move. Hopping back as she saw another Larxene come in from the side with a blow that just missed her stomach. She pulled her arm back to try and take a swing, but in a flash, another duplicate appeared in the air in front of her and knocked her back with a kick.

As Naminé tumbled across the floor the trio of Larxenes burst into laughter, "Is this the best you can do?!" "Come on!" "At least try!" The mockery was hardly new. Ever since they met, Larxene heaped it on her no matter what. "Even with a keyblade you're worthless!"

A week ago, Naminé would have believed that. But now there were people who believed in her. Some more than others. And one person who believed in her with everything he was, heart or not.

Getting up, Naminé cast a bolt of ice towards the trio. Though it grazed one, the set of Larxene's split up to rush her down again. Naminé backed up, keeping a distance as they chased. Each time they got close, there was a chance for Naminé to pelt one of the copies with blizzard. Soon enough the evasive barrage led to the smirk on Larxene's face being replaced with a scowl. "Slippery little brat! Get back—!"

The copy shouting was silenced as a cold blast knocked it down, the steady damage finally being enough to unmake it. The clones came to a stop and glaring at Naminé, who gripped her keyblade tight and answered, "I think keeping away is working well, actually."

Electricity began to arc between the two Larxene's as they growled, "You want to play that game?" "Fine, start Running!" In a blink, one of the copies vanished as the other began to fling her knives toward Naminé.

Feeling the hair on her neck stand up, Naminé ran from the floating daggers before they burst into thunderbolts. But as she turned to try and get a shot in, the other copy of Larxene reappeared next to her, a ball of electricity in her hands. A roll aside kept Naminé from being shocked as the ball exploded in a ray.

Naminé swung her keyblade at Larxene, though she only got one hit in before the copy blinked away. And soon enough, more tossed knives were flung her way. Furrowing her brow, Naminé weaved between the appearing thunderbolts, shooting ice as she approached. The cold seemed to flow from the keyblade into her as Naminé came up to her opponent. Larxene scowled, pulling her arm back as she was joined by her clone who mirrored the motion.

And at that moment, Naminé could feel the ice magic suffuse itself into her. With a blast of Diamond Dust, she met the two fists with a swing of her keyblade. One of the duplicates was knocked back and dissipated into static. The other skidded back but still tried to push against the keyblade with her fist, muttering through gritted teeth, "I…won't…lose…to…you!" Building a charge as she tried to break through the keyblade, Larxene's electricity began to arc around the ice vapor seeping off Naminé. Yet it couldn't quite reach as she stood her ground, the two trying to break the stalemate between them.

"Stand down, Larxene."

Only for Marluxia's voice to get their attention, and for Larxene to back off wide eyed as he stepped from a dark portal. "Marluxia, wait! I can—!"

"Naminé has demonstrated she is keeping up with Roxas' teachings, even incorporating some of his techniques." Larxene tensed as Marluxia held up a hand before moving towards Naminé. "So long as she knows her place, I believe today's performance is satisfactory."

For a brief moment, Naminé pondered challenging him. Facing off against the one who held her captive to perhaps earn her freedom.

But then she remembered…

Petals that cut.

A scythe at her neck.

That inexorable sense of doom.

No, Naminé still couldn't manage that courage yet.

So like always, Naminé nodded as her keyblade vanished. "Yes, Marluxia."

With a nod, he walked up the passage back, Larxene chasing after him. Though not before shooting a glare back at Naminé and spitting out, "We'll pick up later, witch."

As she saw her opponent leave, Naminé felt the adrenaline wear off and trembled. She wasn't sure how the fight would go if it kept up, but right now? It was the closest she had gotten to any real victory against them. Catching her breath with a growing smile, she began to walk back.

Though before she made it to the doors, Roxas practically flung them open from the other side. Seeing her, he panted as he slowly began to smile. "You did it…"

Axel and Zexion weren't too far behind, the former clapping as he looked to Naminé with a grin. "Gotta say, it's kinda good seeing you give Larxene a run for her money."

"A little rough, but certainly a fine performance." Zexion began to flip through his tome again, and in a green flash, Naminé's scrapes from the fight were mended.

As she caught her breath, Naminé offered a smile to her friends. "Well, I had some good teachers to help me learn."




This wasn't how this was supposed to go! Larxene knew what mattered, got rid of anything that could hold her back. So why did that little Witch get so close to beating her!? When she clung so tightly to morals and feelings!? To such weak pathetic things?!

As Marluxia opened the door to his room, Larxene reached out and held it open. "Listen, I was caught off guard by her figuring out command styles." Marluxia glanced back as she walked in, shutting the door behind her. "If you give me another chance I can beat her!"

Marluxia held up a hand as he looked to her, "Relax Larxene, Naminé's skill is not your failure."

Normally, that kind of comment would just piss Larxene off further. Even with Marluxia, she had limits on her patience.

But then she realized…

"You're smiling." Marluxia didn't smile when things were going this bad.

Not unless he had his hands on an ace in the hole.

Walking towards Larxene, he placed his hand on his chest. "You remember our original plan involving Naminé, yes?"

Furrowing her brow, Larxene crossed her arms and recalled, "We'd change Sora's memories so that the witch is the most important person in the world to him." Where was he going with this?

Holding out his hand, palm up, Marluxia asked, "Who is the most important person to Naminé?"

Rolling her eyes, Larxene shrugged and scoffed, "Why does that matter? The witch doesn't have a heart. Besides, I'm pretty sure It's Rox…"

And then she froze, as the pieces fell together.

When Marluxia made his final point, she began to smile.

"And who is the most important person to Roxas?"
Chapter Thirty Two: Promise
Chapter Thirty Two: Promise

Secret Report: Axel V

When this all started I couldn't care less about anyone here, much less Naminé. At best I might prod her at the right time to throw a wrench in Marluxia's plan at a major point.

Now? I've honestly started to root for her, and it's not just the fun of seeing Larxene getting knocked down a peg. She's actually got more courage than I thought. Probably because of Roxas.

Though really he's been the biggest surprise. This whole bet lit a fire under him, and it's not slowing anytime soon. Just a week, and the difference is like night and day. It's almost like he's got…

…I can't finish that sentence. But I can't say what he's got isn't nothing. Hell, I'm willing to bet Naminé has it too.

Maybe that's why they're so close nowadays.

"There they go again." Axel watched as Naminé and Roxas left the room they had eaten in. The two had eaten their meal quietly, but were in decent enough spirits. Most of Roxas and Naminé's conversation during dinner was some variation of 'We're fine' or 'We're tired'.

Zexion shrugged as he stacked the trays and put their silverware on top of the stack. "It's been a rather full day with Ursula and the fight against Larxene. That they decided to head back early is hardly a shock"

Axel couldn't help a quick snicker, and Zexion's face fell to a flat look as he muttered, "I didn't mean that pun."

"I still enjoyed it. And you're right, today was a bit more than usual." With Larxene's 'test', it was hardly a wonder that Roxas and Naminé would prefer time to themselves. Not to mention the heights Ursula grew to was a stark reminder that Heartless weren't the only thing the Organization had to deal with. But right now, Axel's biggest worry was coming from within the Organization. A worry he couldn't help but vocalize. "Hopefully, Marluxia can talk with her so Larxene doesn't blow a gasket."

Nodding, Zexion dumped the used trays and wiped his hands clean. "Especially since she seems to focus her ire on Naminé and Roxas." Crossing his arms, he looked to Axel and asked, "What are those two up to with them? From the beginning they've been almost laser focused on anyone with a keyblade."

Axel grimaced, as he pondered the wisdom of telling Zexion that Marluxia and Larxene had rebellion in mind. It'd be good to have someone on his side in taking the two down. And after what Zexion and him went through this past week, Axel was willing to trust him.

Still, there was the problem of Larxene and Marluxia walking by any second. Which meant he needed to be subtle. Axel walked up to Zexion as he began to explain, "You've got to remember, they wanted to get Sora under our control to start."

Rubbing his chin, Zexion began to theorize, "If their plan worked, that power might be considered theirs by virtue of controlling Naminé."

"And in trying to keep a keyblade in their pocket, they're getting desperate," Axel finished. Zexion didn't need to know the details of the coup. All he needed to know was that Marluxia and Larxene would do anything to get their hands on a keyblade wielder.

"And their ambition makes them all the more dangerous." With Zexion's nod and tightening fists, Axel knew the point was made. The question now was what to do with it. His pondering was stopped however as he felt Zexion put a firm hand to his shoulder. "You're closest to their plans. If something goes awry, let me know. We can't let Roxas or Naminé get hurt."

Sensible enough, and probably what Axel would default to. However, that last point got Axel's attention. Raising an eyebrow with a smirk, he asked, "Speaking as a member of the Organization, or as their friend?" Zexion rarely let his professionalism slip, and it was just too fun to poke at the gaps.

Yet instead of flustered denial, Zexion sighed as he gently pulled his hand away. Slowly, a smile came to his face as he admitted, "I suppose it's both."

That was really it, wasn't it? Sure there was the standard duty of making sure the Organization runs like clockwork, but Axel couldn't deny to himself that this had slowly been becoming because Roxas and Naminé started to matter to him. With a grin, Axel gave Zexion a gentle pat on the back as they turned to leave. "Then as a member of the Organization and a friend, I promise you'll be the first to know if it all goes sideways."

After watching the fight, Roxas was just as drained as if he'd been the one fighting the senior Nobody. Dinner was a simple reprieve instead of a chance to talk. Part of him just wanted to go back to bed, another wanted to just spend time with Naminé.

Though another part of Roxas wanted to talk to her. As quiet as she was, there seemed to be something more to Naminé's simple answers during dinner. As if she wanted to get back to her room and do something important.

Still, probably best to wait in case it was something Marluxia or Larxene shouldn't overhear. Since Naminé had won her fight, Roxas was in no hurry to give them something that could be used against them.

So he waited until after dinner. After the two of them walked hand in hand back to her room. Though a few stray glances from her along the way gave him a sense that it was something to do with him.

When they had finally reached the safety of her room, Roxas relaxed and asked, "Naminé, what's on your mind?"

Looking at him with a smile, Naminé gently pulled him to her chair. "I want to do something for you. For helping me get this far."

Roxas gave a faint chuckle as she let go and made her way over to a pile of notebooks."You do a lot to help me already with your keyblade."

Naminé sifted through the stack to find one particular book before turning back to him."Not just that. Ever since we've met, I could always trust you." Picking up her crayons, she walked over to where Roxas stood as she continued, "You're the first one here that's really listened to me and…" Letting go of a breath as she sat down, she admitted, "You're important to me, more than anything."

"Naminé," Roxas murmured back as he heard her confession. It shook him to his core, yet he couldn't regret hearing the words. Not when they resonated so much with what was in him as well. As she flipped through the book, Roxas placed a hand to his chest. "You've shown me so much, helped me realize what's important in life." His own words caused Naminé to look at him with widening eyes. " I don't think I'd be who I am now if I hadn't met you."

For a moment, she looked at him with a beaming smile. And something in Roxas couldn't help but thrum in contentment. Then with a nod, she took one of the crayons and put it to paper.

Roxas watched as she began to sketch on the page, A hue of yellow taking shape. Curiosity stirred and he asked, "What're you drawing?"

Without taking her eyes off the page, Naminé continued to move her crayon across as she answered, "A charm." By now, a yellow star had taken shape.

Seeing her take a silver crayon and add a top to the yellow star with a loop, Roxas pondered, "What kind of charm?"

"I came up with it. It doesn't really exist yet except in my head." Link by link Naminé built a chain from the star. "I started thinking of a wayfinder to protect someone close to me." Setting it aside, she grabbed another crayon and began to shade the charm. "Then a star shining in the sky, like a guiding light." Every darker hue helped to make it more real, till eventually she reached for a brighter crayon. "And finally a paopu fruit, that I'd share with someone I'd want to be with forever."

With a few more touches, she gave it a hint of a shine. As the picture neared completion Roxas murmured, "It's beautiful." He couldn't say if it was her art, or her description of the charm. Either way, he could feel the thought she put into it. And he couldn't help but put the pieces together from her description.

Something that protected the one you cared about, to guide them home, a symbol of an eternal promise.

Wouldn't it be something you'd give to someone you loved?

And then the spell was broken when Roxas heard tearing paper.

Seeing Naminé pull the page from the notebook, he sputtered, "H-Hey! You worked hard on it! Why are you tearing…it…?" But his fear subsided as he saw the drawing was intact.

Naminé glanced at the unharmed picture with a wistful smile."It's not a real charm, and it may never be real." She held the drawing of the charm to Roxas as she looked in his eyes. "But if it was, I'd give it to you. So I'm giving you what I can."

Gently, Roxas let one finger touch the paper, then another. A tiny part of him feared his grip might slip and crumple it in their hands. And he couldn't bear it if he ruined this picture. Not when it meant so much to her.


She wanted to give it to him.

Something inside him felt like it was tight, yet at any moment it could burst.

What was inside him.

He didn't know if it was real.

It might not be real at all.

But he wanted to share it with Naminé.

Finding his breath, Roxas held onto the picture of the charm and managed to say, "I...I promise I'll take good care of it!" Feeling a warmth come to his cheeks, he laid a hand on top of her own as he continued, "I promise, one day when this is over, I promise you'll be free. Wherever you want to go, whatever you want to see, you'll be able to do it!"

Whether or not it was love she was giving, It was the only thing Roxas could offer Naminé in return for this gift.

Naminé's eyes looked to his, a blush coming to her as she gently pressed her hand to Roxas' the paper in their grasp. "Can you promise me one more thing?"

It was a quiet, trembling question, but Roxas answered it with a firm nod.

Keeping her eyes on his as she rose from her chair, Naminé asked with a murmur, "If I'm free someday, will you be with me? Wherever I go? I want to see it all with you."

Roxas hardly had to think about the answer.

"I promise."

Living with her was something he wanted. With all his hea—

"Huh? Roxas!"

"Wha?" Naminé's startled cry was a shock, but Roxas couldn't bring himself to let go of her hands or the paper. Paper that seemed to glow with a brilliant light as Roxas felt it shift in his hands. But as the light faded and the paper disappeared, he realized there was something besides Naminé's hands he was holding.

Pulling away her fingers, Naminé gasped as she saw a flash of yellow and a small silver chain fall from her grip. Slowly she lifted her hands, revealing the charm she had just drawn and murmured in surprise, "It's real?"

Roxas looked at her with a growing grin. "We both want it to be real, right? And it's real enough for us to make our promise. So…"

The shock on Naminé's face ebbed away, and she began to giggle as she ran a thumb over the yellow star in their hands."So the charm might as well be real." She let go of her gift, and Roxas brought it close to his chest with a hand. A miracle created from her magic and what had grown between them.

Though it was a miracle he didn't have too much time to contemplate as Naminé brought her arms to his back and pulled him close. With Roxas stunned in silence, it was easy to hear her whisper,"Thank you, Roxas. For everything."

Slowly, Roxas returned the hug and quietly answered, "Thank you, Naminé." Right now, he wasn't worried about his fight to survive, or having to protect others. Being here in her arms right now?

This just felt right to him.

From darkness he watched. Watched the two nobodies embrace as they made their promise. In all his observations of the Organization, none of the number would go this far in trying to recall sentiment.

And from what DiZ knew, their original selves had hardly gotten to this point in their own relationship.

If Roxas and Naminé had forged such a bond themselves. Then perhaps there was something more to these two. Perhaps it was something he could turn them to his favor when the time was right.

And King Mickey might be instrumental in that.

A spark of light illuminated the cosmos. Faint and distant, but Mickey was well aware how rare such light was in the dark world. Moreover, it was close to where Riku was. The connection between them faded now that Ansem had taken over.

Mickey tried to help Riku hang onto himself, but a moment where the boy was overwhelmed caused the control to slip. A chance that Ansem had seized.

But even so, some part of Riku hadn't quite given up. A part that was slowly becoming bigger. Sending what energy he could as he traveled to the sparks, Mickey muttered, "Hold on Riku. I'll get you out."

"I promise."

The three of them were separated, even though they were in the same world, in the same castle.

Riku struggled from within Ansem. His heart trying desperately to grasp more control than maintaining his form. Even in the swirling maelstrom of shadows holding him back, he held onto one thing. One light that held the darkness at bay each day.

Kairi had set up refuge in one of the castle saferooms. The quiet ascent to find her friends was slowly wearing on her. Though the memory of seeing one of her friends was one thing that kept her going. The other was that which spurred her to travel here and drove her to continue.

Sora was still having trouble sleeping. Floor after floor and there was no sign of Kairi, Riku, or Naminé. Honestly, he was a little worried about Roxas too. But despite the danger, he couldn't give up on them. Not with the promise he had made to himself.

The same promise, shared in three of their hearts.

One day, we'll be together again.
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Chapter Thirty Three: Traces
Chapter Thirty Three: Traces

Secret Report: Lexaeus III

The separation between Ansem and Xemnas has always been thin. Ever since our superiors heartless disappeared years ago the same question has remained in my mind. Why? Ansem had more sense than other nobodies. Why not use that intelligence to ally with the Organization as a way to gain more hearts?

The two answers in my mind are that his intelligence was a farce, that his hunger drove him to seek hearts above all. Yet the decade of silence since his disappearance casts doubt on this hypothesis. Which leaves the other. That there was another agenda he was following.

If so, I shudder to think that Xemnas was a part of it from the start. It would imply that we have been nothing but pawns in his inscrutable game for decades.

But with how Ansem has been ignoring the Princess of Heart and focusing on Roxas' group in Castle Oblivion, it is a possibility worth considering.

Zexion knew how Vexen could lose himself in his work. Either totally engrossed in silence as he took notes, or muttering as he tried to puzzle out what was happening.

"This is absolutely ridiculous!"

When he shouted like that however, it was a sign Vexen had hit a dead end. Especially when it was loud enough to be heard through the lab door. Sighing as he walked inside, Zexion asked, "I'm guessing the search for Ansem is troubling you?"

Rubbing his temples, Vexen groaned, "There is a list of things troubling me, Zexion." Lexeaus was quietly tuning the crystal as Vexen continued to rant, "To begin with, yes Ansem is still difficult to pin down. He seems to show up close to the keybearers, but just as soon as we get a lock he dives back into shadow."

Stepping away from the orb, Lexeaus admitted, "Frustrating strategy, but effective."

Walking over to one of the machines, Vexen turned it on to show an outline of Castle Oblivion. Not quite a full blueprint, the castle was too labyrinthine to map accurately. But the shadows shown on some of the floors were a clear enough picture. "The second, is that he is summoning more and more heartless to this castle and mixing them in with floor illusions."

Zexion furrowed his brow and crossed his arms. Troubling for sure, but he shook his head as he pointed out, "So far it's nothing that Roxas and Naminé can't handle."

Vexen raised an eyebrow for a moment before he shrugged and moved closer to the crystal. "They aren't much of a challenge for the keybearer or the princess either. Which brings me to my third point." With a gesture, it zoomed away from the castle…

And showed a slowly growing light. "A collection of hearts?"

Nodding at Zexion's guess, Lexaeus continued, "Similar to Xemnas plan for the organization's keybearer."

Zexion wasn't privy to the particulars of the ritual, but he knew the ultimate goal of the Organization. "He's making Kingdom Hearts?"

Waving his hand, Vexen clarified, "Not the Kingdom Hearts, but close to it. An amalgam of hearts all gathered together."

Zexion stepped away as he began to ponder, "But what would he do with it here?" A collection of hearts was useless for Heartless bar one purpose. Yet if they wanted to create another base as The End of The World was, would they not want a more remote location to hide?

Lexaeus gestured to the pile of books set aside. "I've been pouring over some of our notes, but given we're working remotely without access to our full library, it's very difficult."

Rubbing his chin, Vexen asked, "Ansem is consistently appearing in your group's vicinity, has he shown any particular interests?"

Of course. He was so consumed with the missions that the correlation had slipped Zexion's mind. At Vexen's prompt, the pieces started to come together. "He pursued Kairi in Agrabah. In Atlantica, he empowered Ursula."

"And in Traverse Town, he antagonized Roxas directly." Vexen finished as he turned to the crystal ball. "In all of his appearances, he has worked to interfere with your missions."

"With Roxas and Naminé's missions," Zexion corrected as the correlation became clearer. "He hasn't made another attempt to take Kairi, has he?" Vexen and Lexaeus' silence said enough as Zexion crossed his arms. "Then it's clear whatever he has in mind is focused on them."

Turning back to the crystal ball, Vexen muttered, "That he would ignore a princess of heart for your group does lend merit to your hypothesis."

Furrowing his brow, Zexion asked, "What of Roxas himself? I asked you to monitor him a few days ago." Given the turn the conversation had taken, any insight they could find could be the key to understanding Ansem's agenda.

Vexen closed his eyes and turned to the notebooks before taking one off the top. Flipping a few pages in, he put a finger to the page as he explained, "Something is growing inside of him, slowly but steadily." As Zexion stepped forward and opened his mouth, the academic held up his hand. "And before you ask, no. We're not sure what it is. Whether it's magic, power, light, darkness, or…"

Tapping his cheek, Zexion raised an eyebrow and echoed, "Or?" Vexen wasn't the type to leave the door open for idle conjecture.

Putting a hand to Zexion's shoulder, Lexeaus answered, "As he said, we're not sure. It seems to increase more later in the evening."

Zexion was well aware of what was happening there. "Roxas usually spends time with Naminé around then."

Vexen raised an eyebrow and turned the page. "Interesting, because that same reading seems to be within her too."

Two of the most unusual nobodies, both echoing similar readings. Again, it was a hint of Ansem's designs if he was fixated on two unusual subjects. But without knowing what those readings were, any conjecture would be fruitless. And unfortunately, the field work had left Zexion too tired for conjecture. Turning to head back to his room, Zexion waved his hand as he left the lab. "Well, let me know if you find anything concrete. I must retire for the night."

As the door shut, Lexeaus furrowed his brow and crossed his arms. "You didn't tell him?"

Turning over his notes, Vexen sighed as he looked over the log of data for Roxas' group. "I could only find faint readings in him and Axel. Until I can confirm it I don't think it is safe to bring forth such findings."

Nodding, Lexeaus returned to the devices as he mused, "Given they could upend the foundation of the Organization it's understandable. But all the more pressing for us to confirm it."

In their harried state, neither of them noticed the watcher in the dark. It would not do for his puppets to realize the strings they danced on.

Any further investigation and Ansem might need to cut them.

Roxas couldn't remember waking up like this. Refreshed. Full of energy. Moving over to the chest where his belongings were, he began to pull out the robe for the day. But as he moved to gather some of the black undergarments, he paused. His old outfit was still there, the white jacket, black pants, and zip-up shirt folded in the corner.

Pulling it out, he held the jacket in front of him and pondered. Did he really have to get rid of it? Axel mentioned that the Organization uniform was all they were expected to wear. But this? It felt more personal. More like him. Given he woke up in it, it was the most personal thing he had besides the keyblade.

Maybe Naminé would like it?

Roxas put on the whole set, the outfit fit him just as it did weeks ago. Looking at the black Organization coat, he pulled it over just as he usually did. A quick glance down showed it fit just as usual. A quick tug on the zipper to hide any traces of white, and Roxas gave a satisfied nod.

Hurrying down the hall, he went to get Axel. Roxas soon was knocking at the door, asking "Hey, Axel, you up yet?"

"I'm up, I'm up,"groaned Axel through the door. A few seconds later Axel had walked out, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. But as Axel got a good look at Roxas, he asked, "You alright? You seem a little different?"

Chuckling for a moment, Roxas crossed his arms. "Well, if it's different, it's the best I've ever been." Maybe it was a good night's rest. Maybe it was taking the time to wear something that was really his. Maybe it was the memory of the promise he and Naminé shared and the charm that served as a symbol of it. The charm he kept in his pocket.

Whatever it was, Roxas didn't want it to go away.

Zexion was next, and though he gave Roxas an odd look when he opened the door to greet him, he simply shook his head with a smile. Whatever thoughts were in Zexion's head, Roxas figured he wouldn't press him on it. The three soon made their way over to Naminé's room and Roxas gave a gentle knock. With a turn of the handle, Naminé opened the door, and Roxas couldn't help but grin. "Good morning."

"Good morning, Roxas," Naminé answered with a smile as she walked outside to join the three of them. Once again, something in Roxas felt fluttery and warm. A tiny voice wanted to forget about missions for a day and just spend time with her. Her eyes lingered on his for a moment, and he sensed she had that same wish. Unfortunately, they couldn't let up in training, so she walked out and joined the group. "I think our next stop is Halloween town?"

Nodding, Zexion confirmed Naminé's guess, "A strange locale, though our uniform disguises us well there."

With a giggle, Naminé gestured to her dress. "Good thing it's just a memory. I'd be the odd one out with what I've got now." Though as she saw Axel furrow his brow, Naminé paused and asked, "Something wrong?"

Axel glanced from Roxas to Naminé before shrugging. "Nah. Just a little groggy this morning. That's all."

Looking over the crystal ball with the four nobodies in view, Larxene looked to Marluxia with a grin and folded her arms behind her back. "So. When are we going to let Roxas and Naminé know?"

Marluxia crossed his arms as he saw the group hold up the world card before the set of double doors. "When it is merited. For now, they have a bit of time."

"But not very long," Larxene answered in a singsong voice. She tapped the crystal ball to bring Sora's group into view. "A few more days and Sora will be near the 13th floor."

"Then we'll give them a few more days," Marluxia answered as he held up an open hand. "Or sooner if circumstances force our hand." He closed his hand into a fist. Eager for the chance to enforce his will.
Chapter Thirty Four: Experiment
Chapter Thirty Four: Experiment

Journal: Day Nine

What's this?

I've never been like this. Warm. Happy. Like something inside has been filled up, but I can't get enough.

I want to hold onto this. The gift she's given to me. Her charm and…


The night sky was illuminated with a clouded moon. The wind kicked up leaves as the four of them walked along the path to town. Axel grinned as he glanced at the faintly glowing Jack o'Lanterns hanging above and mused, "Got to say, they could really invest in some better lights."

Zexion smiled with a shrug as they approached the gates. "They are a people devoted to Halloween and its horror. Proper illumination would spoil their scares."

Shaking her head, Naminé rested her hand on the town gate as they arrived, "I don't know. Sometimes the biggest shocks are when something's hidden in plain sight."

Roxas looked up at one of the glowing pumpkins. "Like realizing something's closer than you think?"

"Like it's staring you in the face."

It was a chorus of voices barely louder than they were talking. But even so, Roxas startled back as the Jack o'lantern before him answered. Just like the rest of the lights hanging above and looking at the four of them. It left him on edge, muscles tense and grip tightening on Naminé's arm.

Roxas blinked as he realized Naminé was holding onto him for dear life. Axel was backed up to the gate, chakrams in hand while Zexion clutched his tome. But as the pumpkins remained silent, everyone relaxed. Naminé's grip loosened as her eyes met Roxas' and she slowly pulled away with a nervous chuckle. "Yeah. Kinda…kinda like that."

Axel collected himself as best as he could as the four of them opened the gate. Though his cheer slipped as he saw what had gathered in town. "Great, heartless," he scowled as he readied his chakrams

Roxas and Naminé called on their keyblades, but hesitated. Seeing the ghostly heartless float listlessly, Roxas raised an eyebrow. "'Wait, they're not moving? Usually they attack as soon as they see us."

As a figure with a tall top hat and a badge labeled 'Mayor' had entered the square and held up a megaphone, the creatures floated back as if following his cue. The heartless gestured to the well, as the Mayor continued, "And now, allow me to introduce the master of terror, the king of Nightmares…"

"Jack Skellington!"

From the green brew bubbling in the pit rose something that left Roxas frozen. He was taller than Axel, taller than Xemnas. But Jack's thin bony figure was more distinct than anything. As Jack went to talk to the Mayor, Roxas muttered, "I've never seen a heartless like that."

Axel shook his head and pointed to the skeleton. "Even though he can control the heartless, Jack isn't one of them. Since he's, well, 'the master of terror', it's easier for him to keep the heartless on a leash."

Zexion looked over the docile heartless with bemusement. "And he uses them as actors in his Halloween show. Given they're lost souls, they are fairly similar to ghosts."

Roxas sighed as he dismissed his keyblade. "It's better than siccing them on us." Glancing over to Jack, Roxas saw him look over the heartless disappointedly as Jack talked with the mayor. "Though he doesn't seem very happy with them."

As Jack headed through a door in the down wall right outside a towering building, Naminé tilted her head toward the passage. "We ought to follow Jack and get a better idea of what he's planning."

Roxas began to follow her lead before stopping crossing his arms with a smile. "Wait, if this is based on Sora's memories you know what he's planning."

Naminé chuckled before holding up a finger. "Well, I don't want to spoil the rest of you too much. Besides, we should have the chance to make our own adventure here."

Axel shrugged as they arrived at the door, "I can respect it, even if I'm the kind of guy that prefers to skip to the end."

Naminé had to admit, she was taking to Halloween town better than she thought. She had struggled against fear since the beginning, and yet this world held no horror to her. Perhaps it was because for all their trappings of frightening ghouls and monsters, the people of Halloween Town cared about everyone having a good time. They wouldn't want to truly hurt someone with their scares.

As the four of them arrived at the lab, they saw Jack looking over the heartless laid out on the table. "I don't understand. Maybe the guidance system was damaged in the explosion?"

At Jack's question, the wheelchair bound doctor clutched the armrests and shook his head. "Nonsense. My devices are always perfect!"

Turning to a massive tome, Jack stopped to read one of the pages before exclaiming, "Oh, I've got it!" With a grin, he placed a bony hand to his chest. "Why of course! The heartless need a heart! Doctor, do you think we can add a heart to that device?"

The doctor nodded as he moved his chair to a box of supplies under the table. "Certainly. A heart's not all that complicated."

"Do you mean a physical heart, or the heart of a person's existence?" Zexion's interruption caused Jack and the Doctor to look at him in surprise. "Because the physical heart is easy. Given raw materials one can certainly be made and inserted surgically."

Finkelstein waved the advice off as he moved to a trunk of equipment, "While I'd agree with you that untangling the heart of a single person is a difficult undertaking, making a new one isn't quite as difficult. Jack, mind reading the recipe?"

"Take a container with a lock." As Jack recited the words from the tome, the Doctor pulled up a strange beating sack with a locked metal band around it.

The doctor furrowed his brow as he tried to pry open the container, "We need the key to it first."

Roxas and Naminé looked at each other.

Then to Axel and Zexion, who were equally bemused.

It wasn't this often that they found a situation so tailored to them.

Roxas stepped forward and called forth his keyblade. "We can open it."

Jack turned with a bony grin. "Great! Erm…" Though as he failed to recognize the four of them he faltered.

"Roxas. This is Naminé, Axel, and Zexion." With the introduction, he pointed his keyblade to the container. With a flash of light, the sound of the lock turning was heard.

Lifting open the lid of the object, Jack clasped his hands together with glee. "Great! Now, let's see if we can finish this heart." Pulling small creatures and monsters from under the table, Jack recalled the recipe, "Pulse. Emotion. Terror. Fear. Hope and Despair." With each utterance, the sack before them began to pulse. Began to beat. Jack grinned as he took hold of the container. "Mix them together, and we have a heart!"

Jack turned to the machine sitting in the corner of the lab and set the creation inside. The doctor threw the switch and electricity sparked atop it. The heartless on the table was engulfed by it and twitched. Roxas, Naminé, Axel, and Zexion took a step back from the growing energy. The heartless lurched forward…

Only to slump back down to the table with a thud.

Zexion sighed and crossed his arms. "What you have is a mess. Just a pile of emotions."

The doctor looked over the large tome and pondered, "Perhaps we're missing something."


Naminé's words got everyone to look at her. She looked to the container twitching sporadically in the machine. "Without a memory, a heart's just a cloud of emotion. Memory lets them flow and connect."

The doctor snapped his fingers. "Of course. Sally!" But after a few moments, he looked around and scowled. "Sally!? Good-for-nothing girl, she's got the memory we need!"

Naminé couldn't help a clenched fist at the Doctor's callousness. She'd suffered enough mistreatment to turn a blind eye to it herself. However, before she could speak, Roxas narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms. "If you need her help, then she's good for something."

Huffing, the doctor turned in his chair and waved him away. "Well, she could stand to be a bit more good."

There was a tap at Naminé's shoulder, and she turned to see Axel leaning close and asking, "Couldn't you help with this 'memory'?"

A fair question, considering her power. Still she shook her head. "Considering everything they used for the rest of the heart, I don't think it's the same sort of memory they're looking for."

Axel furrowed his brow and opened his mouth to retort, but soon the sounds of a ruckus outside could be heard. Running over to the door, Roxas looked into town to see the heartless outside running amok. Clawing at doors and windows and desperately searching for something. "What's going on?"

Grimacing, Zexion opened his book as he joined Roxas. "The emotions must have reminded the heartless of their hunger."

Axel looked at Jack with a raised eyebrow as he called on his Chakram. "They live to steal the hearts of others. You do know this, right?"

Jack winced as he looked over the heartless wreaking havoc in town. "I do, but it's not like there aren't other monsters in Halloween Town with special needs. Vampires, werewolves—"

"The heartless aren't like any monster in this world." Naminé replied as she joined Roxas and summoned her keyblade. Then as the heartless on the table leapt up and lunged at them, she slashed it.

His eye sockets widened at the heart released from the dissipating darkness. But Jack quickly furrowed his brow and nodded before fully opening the door leading outside. "Then we can't let the people of Halloween Town get hurt."

The ghostly heartless were a bit trickier than usual, flickering in and out of sight and flitting here and there. But Roxas and Naminé had plenty of practice by now. A blitz of attacks between the two of them was enough to handle any of them coming close. Any heartless far away were shredded with Roxas' strike raid, or Naminé's spells. Of course, Jack was far from passive in defending his town, calling magic of his own to beat back any of the heartless trying to break into Halloween Town homes.

Between the three of them striking down heartless left and right, Axel had slim pickings. He swatted away a stray shadow and chuckled, "Gotta be honest, feels like I'm barely helping."

Zexion shook his head as he flicked a lightning bolt at a floating wizard heartless. "You never know. We could wind up with something like Ursula or Ansem again."

As Roxas slashed through the last heartless ghost, he turned to Jack and asked, "Alright, we've cleared the square. Now what?"

Leading them to one of the paths leading out of town, Jack answered, "Let's find Sally. If we can finish the heart, we could stop the heartless for good." He began to grin as they arrived at a graveyard. "And my plan for Halloween could still go through!"

Naminé couldn't help but grimace. Well intentioned as he was, she knew from Sora's memories just how obstinate Jack could be when he set his sights on something. Even if this was a story already told, that didn't mean she couldn't try to get him to reconsider his plans. To just try and get him to listen. "Jack, I think—"

But a bark from one of the graves cut Naminé off. As the ghostly dog rose from the ground catching Jack's attention. "Zero! Have you seen Sally anywhere?"

As Jack conversed with his dog Naminé could only sigh. Though a glance to Roxas showed he winced in sympathy. Zexion was also dissatisfied as he drummed his book, and even Axel crossed his arms with an annoyed look.

However, before anyone could speak up, Zero began to bark at one grave in particular. From the shadows rose what Naminé could only call a living doll with long red hair. Sally stepped forth, asking, "Is something wrong, Jack?"

He waved his hands as he walked over to her. "No, everything's going great! We've got it all under control! All we need is your memory."

"Memory?" Sally held out a small bouquet of wilted flowers. "Something like this?"

"Forget-Me-Not Flowers," Zexion mused as he stroked his chin. "Something to remember the lost."

A wistful look came over Axel's face as he looked over the tombstones. "I haven't needed to say goodbye to anyone I care about."

For a moment, a shadow crept over Roxas' face, eyes widening. No doubt he was reminded of his task set by Marluxia and Larxene, and the unspoken consequences if he failed. Not just death, but would anyone know? Would anyone care?

After last night, they both knew the answer to that.

Yet for a brief moment, Naminé's eyes met his. For a moment, his widened as an unknown terror started to take hold.Yet she knew it, for no doubt the same fear whispered in her own mind. That death might claim one of them. Leaving the other behind.

Once Naminé might have been content with the fact that someone would remember. That someone would care that she had even existed at all. But now, she dreaded losing Roxas. That one day she might not be with the one person who had filled her heart so completely. That Roxas would be left bereft and empty should the end come for her.

She tightened her grip against her keyblade. Determined to do what she could to forestall such a fate.

But Jack wasn't privy to those concerns. Instead he regarded the wilted flowers Sally handed him with glee. However, Sally slowly clasped her hands and quietly pleaded, "Jack, I have a bad feeling about this. Why don't you try something else? There's still time."

The question was enough to make Jack falter, yet still he held onto the forget-me-nots. "But if it works, it'll be amazing. A Halloween everyone would remember."

"Are you trying to convince Sally, or yourself?"

Roxas hardly raised his voice asking the question. But even so his outburst got everyone's attention. Jack grimaced as he held the flowers in his hands. "Well I…I put so much into this idea."

Naminé clasped a hand to her chest as she asked, "Is it worth it if it puts people in danger?" Ultimately, that was the heart of the risk of Jack's plan. Even if it did work, was there a chance he could lose control of the heartless, however slight it was?

As Jack's hold on the forget-me-nots slackened, it was clear he realized it was too large of a risk. "No. It isn't worth it. I got caught up once in my own plans and almost caused a disaster." He looked to Sally and handed back the flowers. "All because I didn't listen to you."

Stepping forward, Sally held Jack's hands in her own, her fingers hardly touching the flowers. "Jack, that Christmas was a long time ago."

Jack shook his head, as he looked to Sally, "Even so, a Halloween where there's a chance of people getting badly hurt if things go wrong is an unacceptable one." Jack slowly pulled his hands back, letting Sally hold onto the forget-me-nots.

Zexion stepped forward, eyes furrowed as he asked, "Forgive me for asking, but how did you find the heartless in the first place? They usually aren't keen to follow anyone who denies them their hunger."

Furrowing his brow, Jack tapped a bony finger to his cheek as he began to recall. "One day, someone rang my doorbell and left a large box behind. The heartless sprung out right as I opened it. It was rowdy at first, but I was able to make it listen to me." Jack shrugged as he continued, "There were a few more boxes after that, but eventually heartless showed up here on their own.

Axel raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms, "Someone leaving a heartless in a box like that probably wanted that heartless to kill you."

Jack froze at the suggestion, and Sally came up to him with worry. "Jack, what's wr—"

"Don't move."

At Jack's whisper, everyone remained still as Jack slowly turned to a larger stone coffin in the cemetery. He narrowed his eye sockets at something he'd noticed, and crept toward the grave. Not a sound was heard as he came closer, neither grass underfoot, or rattling bone.

Quick as a flash, the skeleton flung open the stone slab on top. With it gone, three voices screamed one word from within the coffin. "Jack!"

"Lock, Shock, and Barrel." Jack crossed his arms as he eyed the three costumed children hiding inside. "Are you spying for a certain boogeyman?"

"S..spying?!" The boy in the devil costume stammered, "W-we weren't doing anything like that!"

With a narrowing glare, Jack pressed , "Well then Lock, what have you been doing for Oogie Boogie?"

"Just droppin off boxes at your place."

At the words of the boy in the skeleton costume, his two friends smacked him on the back of his head and hissed, "Barrel!"

Looking at the nervous witch, Jack narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms. "Shock, care to explain?"

Shock held up her hands and protested, "Listen, Oogie said they were some kind of special gift for Jack, just leave 'em at his door and run! We didn't know they could kill you, okay?"

Jack scowled as he heard Shock's explanation, "Then perhaps it's time I pay him a visit for his gifts." His bad mood was more than enough to get the trio to scramble out of the coffin, revealing the secret passage inside.

Naminé looked to Roxas, Axel, and Zexion and pointed her keyblade at where Jack had gone. "We should go after him."

Barrel leaned in eagerly, "You're gonna follow and watch 'em fight?"

Raising an eyebrow, Roxas asked, "Aren't you on Oogie's side?"

Lock shrugged and answered, "Yeah, but we don't wanna see Jack go either."

Shock nodded as she pointed a thumb to the passage where Jack had descended, "Besides, if we really wanted to get Jack, we'd do something bigger than ding dong ditch!"

"If you did, I'd keep an eye on what you eat. You never know what I might put in."

Sally's voice was low and calm, with an edge of something that made Naminé's skin crawl. However, the trio seemed unphased as Lock laughed off the threat. "Like you'd find a way to sneak something in our…"

Only to trail off as he realized something was tapping his shoulder.

A stitched hand that was slowly tightening its grip.

With a scream, Lock, Shock, and Barrel flung Sally's arm away and ran back to town. With an amused chuckle, Roxas picked it up and handed it over to Sally. "Thanks," she replied as she took it with her good hand. "If you're going too, look after Jack, please? I'm not sure there's much I can do until I fix this." She tilted her head over to the arm she had detached her hand from.

Roxas and Naminé hardly had to think about their answer.

"You can count on us."

The way to Oogie Boogie's lair wound through the hills outside halloween town. Heartless lurking every way they went. But between the four of them, they had little trouble following Jack's trail. Roxas and his friends eventually caught up to the skeleton as he stood before a pair of gates. A twisted tower loomed over the dark pit before them. As he heard them arrive, Jack looked back in surprise. "You're all here?"

Naminé nodded before looking to the lair ahead, "Oogie might have more heartless."

"And maybe some other tricks," Roxas added, the memory of a giant Ursula still fresh in mind.

Axel twirled his chakram's with a grin. "So why not go in with an extra hand?"

Stroking his chin, Jack paced for a moment before nodding. "Alright, but let me get his attention once we're inside. I'm the one he's after."

Zexion tapped his tome and answered, "I'll keep us hidden till the time is right.

Oogie's lair was a twisted mess of scaffolding and branches, with doors that seemed to take them every which way. As they climbed, heartless sprung from the shadows to try and knock them off, or swooped down from above. Roxas wasn't exactly unfamiliar with heights, given the view from The Castle That Never Was, or from atop Twilight Town's clock tower.

The difference here was that he had no idea what was down in the shadows.

Before he realized it, Roxas felt another hand in his own. For a brief moment, shock ran through him.

But that was only until he realized the familiar touch of Naminé's hand. Glancing over, he saw how she was still fixated on those depths. Roxas gave a gentle squeeze back, which was enough to help her refocus. Glancing over to him, she managed a smile and looked up. "We're almost at the top." To the final door they had yet to explore.

Opening the way, the room was filled with chains and boxes of tools and small weapons. The perfect size for Lock, Shock, or Barrel to use in whatever misadventures they got up to. But more important was the large metal chute leading down.

Jack peered down before turning to the rest of them. "See you down below," he whispered as he slowly began to crawl down the passage. Yet as Roxas saw him crawl down, he could barely hear any sounds of bone against metal.

"Not sure I want to know how he does that," Axel muttered as he grabbed a long rope from one of the crates and tied it to a box weighed down with weapons. Roxas and Naminé nervously nodded as they took hold.

Zexion's hands glowed as he muttered. "This should keep us hidden for a few minutes as we make our way down. Silence."

Roxas raised an eyebrow and asked, 'What does it silence?'

Or at least he tried to, but no words came from his mouth. Naminé blinked and muttered something in amazement. But just like Roxas, no sound came from her. Axel smirked and tapped the metal chute to illustrate, yes, this spell made all of them stone quiet. Roxas and Naminé nodded and they all followed after Jack.

Quietly dropping from the chute and hiding in the dark behind one of the pillars supporting the balcony above the circular room. The four saw a strange figure made of burlap pacing across the large glowing tiles of the lower level. Oogie was nothing like Sally, who still seemed fairly human. He had no hands, and his eyes and mouth were crawling shadows. Oogie narrowed his shadowy eyes and snarled, "Where are those brats? They are late! And they know what happens when—."

"They aren't coming anytime soon, Oogie."

Even Axel couldn't help a start at seeing Jack come out from the shadows behind Oogie Boogie. Yet even as the boogieman turned in surprise at his visitor, he soon regained his composure, "Jack old boy! What brings you around to my end of the woods?"

Jack's arms were crossed as he narrowed his eye sockets. "The fact that you've been using your little henchmen to bring heartless to my front door."

Shrugging, Oogie boogie walked away from Jack and shot back, "And you've been using them for your little show. Why so ungracious?" Roxas held his breath as Oogie came closer to their hiding spot.

"Because they kill, Oogie." Jack pointed a bony finger as he hissed, "And nothing would make you happier if I was gone!"

At the accusation, Oogie began to cackle, "Well look who's done their homework! The world's bigger than you know, Jack! There's more than holiday towns out there!" He stomped a foot on a switch on the ground, causing the floor to lift up and reveal iron playing cards to surround Jack.

"And I'm aiming to win the whole pot!"

Springing to life, the cards brought out blades and sliced at Jack. Yet with an uncanny grace, the Pumpkin King wove his way through the attacks. Yet Oogie seemed unperturbed, simply chuckling and turning to get away…

And came face to face with Roxas' group and their hiding spot.

"Mind if we join this game?" Naminé asked with a grin as she cast a blast of ice at Oogie. She and Roxas chased after him and the two began to swing their keyblades at him.

The boogeyman yelped as he was knocked back to the center, but smashed another hidden switch. The floor in the center began to spin, and Oogie's section raised him up to safety. "Fresh meat trying to muscle into my game!?" Oogie sneered as he hopped onto a balcony to pull a switch and cackled, "I'd better warn you, you're playin' against a real shark!"

"We've fought worse than sharks!" Roxas shouted back as the walls fell and revealed slot machines in the shape of gun-toting bandits. Seeing the machines take aim at the two of them, Roxas aimed his keyblade and called out, "Thunder!" As the wheels turned on the slot machines, they were struck with a blast of electricity and the machines span out of control. Jerking around, the bandit arms seized up before coming to a stop with a loud pop.

"Breaking my toys? Well that won't do!" Oogie grumbled as he searched for another trap to spring.

Jack hopped onto one of the arms of the broken slot machines as he called out, "You've had enough fun!" As Jack reached the large balcony Axel followed after the skeleton, flaming chakram in hand as he took aim at Oogie.

Oogie yelped and dived away as the flaming disc was flung his way. But his distance wasn't enough to completely avoid getting singed. Hurriedly he tried to pat out the flames. "Watch where you're throwin' that! This suit ain't fireproof!"

Zexion summoned flame from his book and chuckled, "Really? How about we test that limitation."

Nodding at each other, Roxas and Naminé jumped out from their hiding spot and took aim at the horrified Oogie Boogie. Jack was the first to open the salvo with a ball of flame he conjured. Oogie dived down, desperately hitting a hidden switch that barred Jack and Axel with rows of spears, catching one of Axel's chakrams. With a roll, he dropped down to the bottom level to avoid the gout of flame Zexion cast toward him.

But now Roxas and Naminé practically had a clear shot, the two blasting away at the boogeyman as he tried to run between the cards and take cover. Yet bit by bit, more and more of the magic hit home. As Oogie hopped off the spinning platform he sneered, "Is that your best shot!?"

Unfortunately for Oogie, it wasn't.

Because the magic inside Roxas and Naminé had built to a firestorm within.

Wreathed in flame, the two dove toward Oogie as he gawped in shock. In a fiery blitz, Oogie Boogie's burlap body ignited. "No NO NoOoO, sToP! My BuGS! mY BuGs!" In a warbling chorus, the bugs inside Oogie were revealed as he fell apart. Though a few managed to escape the slashes of the burning keyblades, most of them burnt to a crisp.

As the flames around Roxas and Naminé died down, only ashes were left of Oogie Boogie. Catching her breath, Naminé began to smile. "So, we beat the boogieman?"

Shaking his head, Jack hopped down to the lower level as all of Oogie's traps came to a stop. "Sadly, Oogie's like a cockroach. He'll be back sooner or later with new bugs." Looking at the charred remains, Jack relaxed and reassured, "But not that much sooner."

Stretching, Axel let out a sigh of relief. "This story of ours went pretty well. Ansem didn't even show up."

Shrugging, Roxas led the way out. "Maybe he's decided to bother someone else."

Zexion nodded as he reached for the door handle. "Either way, I'm glad for the break."

From the shadows he watched. From the shadows he listened.

Ansem saw the nobodies celebrate their victory. With a joy that seemed almost real.

Ansem saw his former researchers triple check readings. Confirming the truth that something was growing in what should be hollow. And with that conclusion would come others. The realization of deception. Of agendas. Of a plan he had worked on long before they ever met.

And he could not allow it to come to light yet.

Darkness gathered around Vexen and Zexion's lab as he arrived. Though aggravatingly, the boy still kept some control. Bound Ansem to his smaller shape in a small measure of defiance.

No matter. Ansem could end them all the same.
Chapter Thirty Five: Findings
Chapter Thirty Five: Findings

Secret Report: Vexen III

Any intelligence can respond to stimulus. With memory, it can integrate what was learned. Higher forms can assign meaning, positive or negative, to events. In this respect, we nobodies are little different from those with hearts. Our memories filling in the difference between what was lost by our hearts and what we know.

And yet for all of this, it means so little. All this stimulus and experience has become routine. Nothing has come close to stirring anything close to real emotion in the Organization. And as the years have gone by, monitoring of the Organization's core membership has fallen by the wayside. Beyond routine checkups to ensure health, there has been little to spur the sort of investigation Zexion prescribed.

So why now? Why Roxas and Naminé? Are the two so vastly different from normal Nobodies that they have begun to grow what we lack? If so, then why did Axel and Zexion show similar readings? Either they are far more different from regular nobodies than we initially assumed, or…

Or is there something fundamental that we have been mistaken about?

There seems to be a spike in the readings. Let me see if these are mere echoes of our memory or…

Secret Report: Lexaeus IV

Thousands of test subjects. Countless notes and experiments. If we could not identify this, they would all be a waste.

Roxas and Naminé are growing hearts, and Axel and Zexion seem to be far along in that same process. After a decade following Xemnas' instructions, they seem to have fulfilled our goal in a week!

Were all our experiments so faulty? Our conclusions so off base? In all this time, Xemnas had maintained that the creation of our own Kingdom Hearts was the only thing that could restore our hearts. If such is the case…

Xemnas is not a fool or a lunatic. He has guided our Organization and maintained it for all these years. Much of our procedure and notes were approved by him personally.

But seeing this, I recall one hypothesis that he forbade me from pursuing. Declaring it something he would investigate personally.

If we nobodies are empty, what can be put inside us? Can something grow within us?

Or be placed inside us?

He has never given me an answer in all these…

Secret Report: Vexen IV

I usually don't write these reports so haphazardly. I usually wait until all our conclusions are drawn until..

No. There is no time.

I was going over the readings and cross referencing what I could. Trying to see what we might have missed in our experiments that this situation might have sparked. When I passed by Lexaeus as he was writing his note.

And his hypothesis.

It had to have crossed my mind at one point. But I was so focused on the moment. So focused on trying to ensure our plan for Kingdom Hearts was airtight. We still haven't ensured that the collection is free from…


I warned Xemnas that if we did not safeguard the hearts we gather, it may be possible to taint them. To influence a sample of them so heavily they believe they are another person entirely. All Xemnas told me was that he would handle it personally. But if he's been trying to suppress the very idea we could all be subsumed by another personality…

He could make us all his slaves. Take our knowledge and bend it to his whim. But if he's been planning this for years, what has he been waiting for…


We need to leave. Everyone. Roxas and Naminé especially, if we don't get out we'll all be pawns of—

The door to the lab bust open with darkness, and Vexen's pen punctured the page. Lexaeus had stopped writing his own report just as Vexen voiced his own conclusion. Dropping whatever essentials he was gathering, he summoned his tomahawk and glared at the swirling shadow pouring in. Frantically, Vexen tried to gather the recent notes the two had taken…

"Come, Guardian!"

Only for Ansem's command to herald the dark figure barreling into the room. Lexaeus swung his Tomahawk to knock it back but it wasn't enough. In a clash of steel and shadow, Lexaeus strained as the guardian caught his weapon. The two struggled against each other, the Tomahawk shaking in their grips.

And Lexeaus didn't have the chance to unleash his strength this time.

Metal creaked as the weapon began to bend. Lexaeus looked to the door as Ansem in Riku's body walked through the shadow as though it were nothing. He then glanced at Vexen, reports still in his hands, uttered one word.


With a snarl of steel Lexaeus' weapon broke. Tearing his blade in two to throw back the guardian. Lexaeus charged at Ansem, and his strike hit against a blade of shadow. Vexen had only seconds to escape. To run and find who he could to get out.

Yet as he sprinted out the door into the hall, Vexen couldn't help a backwards glance.

He saw the guardian seizing Lexeaus, leaving him open as Ansem pulled back with his sword.

Screwing his eyes shut, Vexen ran as he held onto the reports. Trying to shout out the cry he heard behind him. The dark corridor was useless. Ansem could easily follow him or take control of the shadows as he walked them. He couldn't contact Marluxia and Larxene with them hidden away in the upper floors. Vexen and his group were likely still busy…

Eyes widening, Vexen pushed himself. Realizing the path he needed to take if there was to be any chance. As he saw the shadows gathering around him, he spied the door he needed and ducked inside. With a slam, he shut the door into cold storage behind him.

So many samples and tubes. Experiments that would never see fruition. To think he came here to further his work with the Replica program after No. i.

For a moment, the adrenaline wore off and Vexen slumped. His thoughts and regrets at long last catching up. Was it ever worth it? Was he merely a puppet dancing on Xemnas' strings for some decade-long plot? Was he so easily misled in the name of progress?

Had he really killed so many?

His eyes fell on the cooler of Zexion's supplies. Or rather the smuggled container of ice cream the boy still indulged in after all these years. The last link he had to a childhood Vexen helped to steal away. With a wry smile, Vexen looked inside. It seems he hadn't quite secured it today. No doubt everything going on with Roxas caused it to slip Zexion's mind.

Vexen saw the shadows creeping in through the door. Creaking as Ansem pushed against it.

Vexen made up his mind and prepared. He shut the lid to the container and summoned his shield. Vexen gathered the cold in the room around him and muttered. "I'm sorry Zexion, but this is the best I can do."

Vexen and Lexeaus were attacked by Ansem and defeated.

That was what Marluxia said as he met them after the mission. As if it was just another piece of news or an inconvenience.

But that wasn't how Zexion saw it.

His eyes widened, and he turned and called a dark portal. Roxas barely had time to say anything before Zexion ran through it.

Wincing, Axel looked to Roxas and began to walk to ward the lingering dark corridor. "We better go after him."

"I don't have my coat." Only to stop at Naminé's words as she fidgeted. "I won't be able to get down there as quickly."

As Marluxia smiled and put a hand on Naminé's shoulder, Roxas felt a chill settle in his gut. "Fortuitous timing. There is something we must discuss alone." He looked to Roxas, caught between staying and going, and gave a nod. "Go. Help your friend."

Roxas furrowed his brow at how sincere Marluxia sounded. He had to wonder if he enjoyed playing with people like that. Yet it was only as his eyes met Naminé's and she gave a firm nod that he followed Axel. Even if Marluxia was playing games, Naminé wasn't going to give in easily.

As he emerged from the portal, Roxas couldn't help a gasp. He was so used to the walls of Castle Oblivion as pristine that seeing them wrecked was a shock. The lab door was blown open, Darkness seeping from gouges left everywhere.

"Sounds like he's further down. Near cold storage" Axel muttered as he pointed down the hall to where familiar voices echoed. Roxas ran down to catch up, only slowing as he finally caught sight of Zexion surveying the scene before a frozen door.

"Will you keep it down out there?" Larxene's voice echoed from inside, as Roxas peed through to see here surveying the damage. Ice had spilled from the door into the hall. Shards embedded into the walls were still dripping with darkness. So much of what was left in cold storage was trashed barring a few sealed containers. But Larxene was interested in one in particular. "At least most of the food's intact," she muttered as she shut the larger crate. "Well, with two less mouths to feed we won't have to—"

"They can't just be gone!" Zexion's outburst caused Axel and Roxas to take a step back. "Vexen had to have had a plan! Some kind of escape! Lexaeus always managed our contingencies! Some…!"

Axel winced and scratched the back of his head. "This place doesn't really have secret passages, and there's no running from Ansem in dark corridors."

Rolling her eyes, Larxene walked out of cold storage. "I'll save you the trouble. Marluxia and I confirmed with our scrying orbs that Ansem terminated Lexeaus and Zexion."

"Why didn't you do anything?!" The three of them shouted at her. Regardless of how much of a pain she was, Roxas at least was sure that Larxene and Marluxia wouldn't let an Organization member die on their watch. From the shock on Axel's face, it seemed as if he had the same idea. But from how Zexion seethed, grip tightening on his book, he was just enraged.

A rage which meant nothing to Larxene as she waved a hand at them. "Because portaling into darkness right next to a head heartless like that is a death wish, and neither of us wanted to kick the bucket." She looked at Zexion before pointing a finger at him. "Now if you've finished up your melodrama, we need to reassign you."

Swatting away her hand, Zexion growled out, "Reassign?"

Rolling her eyes, Larxene continued, "With our main researcher and his sidekick guard dog gone, you're the last egghead in Castle Oblivion who can take up Ansem watching." "So yeah, you're done following Roxas, hope you got whatever notes you needed."

Zexion blinked, and tilted his head, "My notes?"

Putting a hand on her hip, Larxene scoffed, "Your research notes? That is why you joined up with him?"

For a moment Zexion glanced at Roxas, and for a moment Roxas thought that some of the tension that had gripped Zexion since hearing the news about Vexen and Lexeaus eased. Though Zexion soon glared at Larxene with a stern face. "That's none of your concern, Larxene."

Unfazed, Larxene waved him off. "You're right. It really isn't. Anyway, clean up the lab or don't. Whatever helps you work better."

Axel walked up to Zexion and put a hand to his shoulder."We might not be as smart as you, but we can help you fix up the lab." Slowly, Zexion gave a nod and patted Axel's hand in gratitude.

Roxas stepped forward with a nod. "Just tell us where to start."

"You're not starting cleanup, right now." Larxene walked toward him with crossed arms. "We've got something to discuss, alone."

The look in her eyes was more serious than mischievous, and Roxas couldn't tell if he liked it better or not. No doubt Larxene's talk was a counterpart to whatever discussion Marluxia wanted to share with Naminé.

Well if she could face Marluxia, then Roxas could certainly handle Larxene. He gave a nod and answered, "Lead the way."
Chapter Thirty Six: Plan
Chapter Thirty Six: Plan

Secret Report: Larxene IV

It's been a long week. A long aggravating week.

But we finally have leverage over a keyblade wielder. Two of them, even! Who knew that little rucksack and witch would prove so useful. Or that they'd gift wrap us strings to make themselves dance to our tune!

Now we just need to set up the right motivation…

…and get a little extra kick.

As the door shut behind them, Marluxia crossed the room to face Naminé. "I trust I don't need to explain why we wish to see tangible results soon."

"No, Marluxia." Lexaeus and Vexen's deaths were more than enough reason to want to move their plans up. Plans Naminé knew she'd dread facing, even with her newfound strength. Her eyes weren't downcast, but neither could she bring herself to look Marluxia in the face.

Yet she could still see Marluxia holding out a hand as he elaborated, "I wish to confirm your abilities in tomorrow's mission with my own eyes. No assistance from others." With a small smile, Marluxia walked closer to Naminé. "I expect the same exemplary performance you have shown thus far."

Blinking, Naminé was able to muster a nod as she held her ground. "I…I'm happy to hear you're satisfied."

Chuckling, Marluxia folded his hands behind his back. "Don't sound so surprised. You have been able to fight Larxene to a standstill within a few days of obtaining your keyblade." Closing his eyes with a smirk, Marluxia added, "No doubt working out some animosity."

Clenching her fist to try and stop them from shaking, Naminé defended herself, "Larxene challenged me. I wasn't looking to get even." But try as she might, there was still a tension in her voice. A hint that even if she wasn't looking for it, she did enjoy fighting back against Larxene's barbs.

Marluxia held up a hand as he shook his head. "I am well aware of her grudge against you, as well as her rather brutal enforcement. I admit, Larxene goes too far in her discipline at times." Opening his eyes, Marluxia gently put a hand on Naminé's shoulder. "So to repair the damaged goodwill between us, I will be handling your review from now on rather than her."

Naminé managed a level yet terse, "I understand, Marluxia." For as light a touch as she felt, it weighed her down so much she could hardly move. Even with Marluxia's conciliatory overtones, Naminé couldn't forget how vicious he was in forcing her to follow the original plan.

She couldn't help a start as Marluxia gave a pat on the shoulder and pulled away. "Relax. Just continue to do as well as you have, and you may succeed."

It was the closest that Marluxia had ever come to complimenting her. After weeks of orders and punishment. Naminé knew that any sort of kindness on Marluxia's end was calculated.

Yet some tiny part of her couldn't help but enjoy that scrap of respect.

If it wasn't for Roxas' genuine kindness and care, she would be frighteningly willing to accept it.

At least with that wariness, she wasn't quite as surprised when Marluxia continued on."There is one more matter." A catch. There was always some kind of catch with their missions. Naminé braced herself as Marluxia narrowed his eyes.

"Until our affairs in Castle Oblivion are in order…

And yet the words Marluxia said next still caught her off guard and left her with a sinking feeling in her chest.

Just as they no doubt would for Roxas when he heard...

"We can't let you and Naminé see each other anymore."

Everything Larxene said up to this point Roxas could expect and live with. A solo mission? Fine. Larxene watching him? No problem, if Naminé could face her so could he.

But the idea of being separated was enough to get Roxas to step forward and protest, "Why? We've worked better together!"

Larxene pointed her finger directly in his face as she shot back, "Because we don't want to keep our keyblade wielders in one spot for Ansem to take down like he did to our science department." Even as Roxas glared at her, Larxene waved him off. "This was something we were thinking over. Ansem's attack just moved it up."

"Right." Roxas muttered as he clenched his fists and closed his eyes. Of course they were planning something like this. Ever since he'd come to this castle, it'd been nothing but higher expectations from Marluxia and Larxene. More pressure for results, and making things harder to try and squeeze something out of him and Naminé. The threat of Ansem just gave them an excuse.

A hand lifting his chin up got Roxas to open his eyes. But to Roxas' surprise, Larxene's smile lacked her traditional sneer as she lifted his gaze to hers. "Hey, chin up. Once this is over, you two can see each other again." Before he could swat her hand away, Larxene let go of Roxas. "And at the rate you're going, I'd say it won't be too long. You've come a long way from the rucksack learning magic."

Clenching his fists, Roxas grumbled, "I was figuring a lot of things out." Who he was, what he wanted, what the Organization was even about. Even now, Roxas felt like he was no closer, but what little he knew made him resent the Organization more every day.

Shaking her head with a smile, Larxene gestured to Roxas. "Well look at you now. You're a better conversationalist, and pretty handy with that keyblade. Credit where it's due, you had the right idea with giving you a chance to train you up."

It was the first time Roxas had heard anything close to sincerity from Larxene. But the worst part was that she was frighteningly close. A week ago, he might have thought he'd finally managed to impress her. But a week in Castle Oblivion had taught Roxas well that she had her own agenda in mind.

But right now, he had to play along. Roxas looked Larxene in the eyes and replied. "Well, I'll show you just what I've learned tomorrow."

Clasping her hands together, Larxene chuckled. "Oh, I'm sure. Do that, and there's just one more thing you'd need before taking on Ansem."

Roxas raised an eyebrow as he crossed his arms. "One more thing?"

Larxene turned to the door and waved him off. "We'll get to it after I finish the assessment tomorrow. Just get some rest for now."

As she walked away, Roxas stood there. Numb. Lost. Unsure. Soon after, he ran out of the room and down the hall.

He knew the way all too well. Maybe she was still there. Maybe they hadn't moved her yet. Maybe he still had a chance to say goodbye.

But as he opened the door and saw the empty chair, no notepads or crayons in sight, Roxas knew he was too late. Naminé was gone, and he had a feeling Marluxia and Larxene hid her well. Roxas walked over to the white furniture and slowly rested a hand on the back. Yet the cold material could not soothe the horrible sensation inside him now.

And Halloween Town had taught Roxas what was inside him now.


And once again the questions he pondered before came back with a vengeance. What if he lost Naminé? What if Ansem got her? What if he never saw her…

Roxas screwed his eyes shut and reached into his pocket. The feeling of Naminé's charm helped him to relax. What they had wasn't nothing. It was real. Something to believe in.

Roxas just hoped it and their keyblades would be enough.

Axel rubbed his forehead. Zexion and he managed to clean up the lab and hook up some of the detection equipment. Though tonight Zexion hardly seemed interested in using it. Losing Vexen and Lexaeus couldn't have helped his motivation.

It was like a sick joke. The two of them meeting some unfortunate end would help clear the way for Axel and Saïx after Marluxia and Larxene were dealt with. But he'd rubbed elbows with Zexion enough this past week that he'd considered letting them walk. At least Zexion's surly silence in the lab wasn't on Axel's conscience, for what little comfort that was.

As he walked down the corridor to clear his head, Axel came upon the other pair of headaches he had to handle this mission. Though surprisingly enough the two seemed to be in a good mood as they chatted in the corridor. Larxene was even smiling in a more relaxed way. "In any case, we've got our setup."

Marluxia nodded and folded his hands behind his back. "With any luck, the assessment tomorrow will go successfully for at least one of them. If we can confirm their strength, we'll be able to put our real proposal on the table."

Axel raised an eyebrow as he approached and asked, "Any chance you'd be willing to share said proposal, or what you two told Roxas and Naminé?"

Larxene glanced at Axel before she shrugged. "We just told them that we'll be evaluating them personally tomorrow, and that we're splitting up our keyblade wielders." Smirking, she turned to him and patted his shoulder. "So no need for you to babysit anymore."

Axel sighed as he leaned his head back. "Kind of a shame. I've gotten used to it this past week." For once, his tone wasn't quite as joking. Working with Roxas and Naminé was unlike anything he'd done before in the Organization. Carefully controlled missions with other members that he could tolerate if he was lucky. Even with the bumps in the road the four of them ran into, Axel could honestly say he had enjoyed being a part of Roxas and Naminé 's training.

A light slap to the shoulder from Larxene interrupted his musing. "All the more reason for you to stop! Keep it up and you'll be signing adoption papers."

Rolling his eyes, Axel pushed her hand away. "Hey, someone's got to look after them. And you've made it clear you're not interested."

Clearing his throat, Marluxia looked to Axel more pointedly. "I'm sure you're not here for small talk."

Right, there was one other problem that Axel had to tackle. Crossing his arms, he asked, "What do we do about Zexion in the long term? He's the only one not in our conspiracy."

Larxene tapped her cheek once, twice, before clicking her tongue and shaking her head. "As much as I really want to squash that bookworm, someone needs to pick up what's left of our egghead's work and track Ansem."

Chuckling, Marluxia walked closer to Axel. "You sound almost hesitant to get rid of him, Axel."

Holding up his hands, Axel stood his ground. "Well, Zexion's started to trust me, and having someone as smart as him around would give us a leg up. Since I know him best out of the three of us, I should be the one to handle him."

"You mean to recruit him," Marluxia deduced as he narrowed his eyes. "It is true that having a scientist in our group would go a long way once we have established our rule over the Organization. But Zexion is still one of the founding members. He may still hold loyalty to Xemnas." Marluxia closed his eyes and looked away from Axel and Larxene, the latter pursing her lips as she balled her hands into fists. But soon enough, Marluxia broke the silence."We shall make a decision once Ansem is dealt with. Until then, keep him in the dark." With that, he walked away from them.

Larxene crossed her arms and smirked. "Right, we don't need to handle onboarding or offboarding when this situation is enough of a mess."

Axel grinned and gave a thumbs up. "Trust me. I've got him under control."

Larxene rolled her eyes with a shrug as she muttered, "If you say so." And with that she walked in the direction Marluxia had left in.

Axel kept up his smile even when they were out of view. Waking back to his room, he was able to maintain his composure and pose. Stepping inside, Axel locked the door and stood for a moment.

He ran a hand through his long red hair. Smile unsteady as he made his way to his chair next to the desk. As he began to slump in his seat, Axel allowed himself a tired sigh. He had nothing under control in this castle. Ever since Roxas was brought onboard, the situation had been turned on its head more than Axel could keep track of.

Right now, he couldn't see a clear way out. Everything seemed to be riding on Roxas and Naminé, and he wouldn't be able to help either of them. The best he could do was get Zexion whatever he needed to find Ansem.

Axel chuckled. Barely a week ago, and he probably would have seen tomorrow as a time to take it easy. Now? He could hardly think of resting till Ansem was handled and Roxas and Naminé were out of Marluxia and Larxene's hands.

But tonight, his body was tired. All he could do was rest.

Naminé stared at the empty page, crayon in hand.

Shaking her head, she set the color in her hand down and looked through the box for another. She thumbed through yellow, blue, gray, and black. But no matter which one she looked at, she couldn't decide on one to start drawing with. Sighing, she set the box aside and looked at the last page of the notebook. Roxas and her fighting alongside each other with keyblades in hand.

At the very least, she had the luxury of being able to take her notebooks and crayons with her when Marluxia brought her to a new room. But with her stomach still tied up in knots at the thought of tomorrow, the only comfort she had was revisiting these pastel recollections. Roxas wouldn't be waiting for her at the end of the day.

Flipping the page, she saw the two of them holding a golden star. The charm she had given him that became real from their shared wish. For a moment, she let her hand touch the yellow mark on the page. All she could do now was hold onto the hope that magic had shown her. Magic that had let their shared wish make something real.

Maybe with that magic and their keyblades, the two of them could make that wish come true.
Chapter Thirty Seven: Trial New
Chapter Thirty Seven: Trial

Journal: Day Ten

Yesterday started off so well. The mission in Halloween Town was fun. But after…

Vexen and Lexaeus are dead. It's…


I might not have known them too well, but Zexion's really broken up about it. I know they were close friends...

I don't want to lose my friends.

really don't want to lose Naminé.

I hope I see her again soon.

In the morning, the sound of swirling shadows startled Naminé, making her jump to her feet. After so many of Roxas' visits, she had grown accustomed to hearing the door opening in the morning or afternoon.

But Marluxia had no such compunction. Naminé was to be ready on his schedule. Walking through the dark portal, he met her wary gaze with cold eyes. "Are you prepared, Naminé?"

She nodded and began to conjure another world card. "I'm ready to head to Neverland."

Only to stop as Marluxia held up a hand. "Actually, we'll be skipping that part of Sora's journey. A more accurate test of your abilities would be in Olympus."

"The Hercules cup," Naminé realized with a slow nod. She couldn't help a hint of disappointment in her voice. She had wanted to meet Peter Pan and Tinkerbell with Roxas and his friends. Maybe they could have learned to fly.

They might have been able to learn if the happiness inside the two of them was real enough for that.

Still, it would be easy enough to make an update to the world card. Again, light glowed in her hand as she retraced the memory of Sora's struggles in the Coliseum. When it dissipated, she held two cards with the image of the world on it. "I'm guessing you want a card for Roxas too?"

"Yes, good of you to anticipate the need," Marluxia replied as he took the card and conjured a portal. As he turned to leave, he glanced back at Naminé and added, "There's one other change. Hercules won't be the final opponent for either of you."

Naminé had a horrible suspicion of who would be taking the spot of her last trial today, but didn't want to give Marluxia any satisfaction in her trepidation. So, as he momentarily left to hand the card over to Larxene, Naminé quietly took deep breaths to try and steady her nerves before Marluxia returned to usher her into a new trial.

Fighting was something he was good at. It was the sliver of comfort that Roxas held as he went through fight after fight in Olympus. Soldiers were easy, barely needed more than a few swipes of the keyblade and maybe some spells for crowds. Guardians and their shields were becoming more common foes, much more formidable than the unwieldy Large Bodies.

But Roxas was more than fast enough now, weaving through them as they swung monstrous shields to take him down. Even as the latest batch of heartless fell, Larxene just tapped her foot as she watched from her seat with a satisfied smirk. His sole audience as he ran the trial she and Marluxia had called for. A return to the Coliseum with stronger foes to fight.

But all these fights meant so little compared to his experiences in the worlds of Sora's memories. Meeting new people, exploring worlds he could hardly imagine. All alongside his friends.

Axel might have had some kind of quip to lighten the mood. Zexion would've given some insightful advice. At the very least, it'd be better to have a friend at his side, rather than someone that he would rather fight than trust.

With Naminé, there was something else. The two worked so well together, like two halves of a whole. Seeing new worlds, and learning new things alongside her was just so much more enriching. Even if it was just Sora's memories, it felt more like his own experience when it was both of them seeing it. One day, he hoped to show her Twilight Town. The world he woke up on, and one he wanted to return to and re-explore.

But the future would have to wait. Already, he had made it to the final round. As the last shadowy motes of Roxas' opponents scattered, Larxene approached the arena with a chuckle, "Well done! There's just one more challenge."

Despite the compliment, Roxas held onto his keyblade."So you're finally getting up from the sidelines?" The glint in Larxene's eyes meant nothing but trouble.

"Of course," she answered as she gathered knives into her hands with a flourish. "I need to see if you're up to snuff!"

Larxene vanished in a flash just as Roxas blocked; his keyblade met a charged fist aimed right for his gut. Feeling the hair in the back of his neck stand up, he dived away as one of Larxene's doppelgangers swung for his head. Taking aim, he shot a blast of ice at the two of them, throwing them back.

Picking herself up off the ground, Larxene smirked. "You're good." Another flash, and a new duplicate appeared above him. "But I'm better!"

Jumping back, Roxas couldn't avoid the electric blast that followed as Larxene smashed the ground. Still, it wasn't anywhere close to taking him out.

Focusing on his blade, he coated it in ice before striking the Larxene that just landed in front of him. With a cold blast, he knocked her into one of the other clones, and in a flash the two pulled together, Larxene looking a bit more scratched up even as she kept to her feet."Alright, not bad. But…!"

Roxas focused, letting Diamond Dust gather around him. Refusing to let up the pressure, he chased after Larxene even as she dashed away. From there it was a high speed game of tag. The two Larxenes swung at him, sometimes scoring a glancing hit before he evaded. Roxas then cornered one of her duplicates to strike at her with his cold infused keyblade.

But Larxene was hardly a fan of the game, judging by her growl growing into a scream. Her duplicate vanished and she came to a stop with lightning arcing around her. "Fine! Let's kick this up a notch!"

Roxas couldn't agree more.

Feeling the energy built up inside him to a new peak, Roxas focused it into a Blade Charge. Magic light illuminated his blade and made it grow. As Larxene shot a beam of lightning at him, Roxas narrowly dodged it and used his much extended reach to strike a blow. Following up, he continued his assault while Larxene staggered.

Roxas spun the blade of light in his hands, slashing into Larxene as he pushed her back. Ending the spin with a push, he knocked her to the ground. Roxas raised the keyblade high for one last blow.

"Okay, you win!"

Only to stop as Larxene shouted and held up a hand. Smirking, Roxas let the energy and his keyblade fade. "What was that about you being better than me?"

Larxene got up and dusted herself off. "Fine, I retract the statement. You can be a vicious little brat, you know that?" But as she collected herself, a smile came to her face. "I'd say you're ready for the last step in our plan."

Even with his victory, a chill settled in Roxas' gut, paralyzing him with a sense of foreboding. He had learned well that Larxene's happiness meant nothing good. "What last step?"

As the Sorcerers conjured up magic, Naminé held back her own in favor of closing the distance. Approaching with a leap and dispatching the heartless with a series of slashes, she took comfort in the fact that she had gotten better. Just a week ago, she couldn't imagine lasting this long against a confrontation of any kind of heartless, let alone some of the stronger ones.

But her growth had a catch, as many things in Naminé's life did. As always, her strengths were just seen as a tool by Marluxia and Larxene. Ways to further their aim with the wielder just a pawn in their eyes. They had no care for her beyond that.

Yet she didn't have the same resignation that once ruled her just over a week ago.

Back then, Naminé didn't have anyone who cared about her. But then she'd found friends where she never expected them. It might have been a twist of fate that let her connect with Axel and Zexion, but now it had become a strong bond between them. And Roxas. The one who had been a light in her dark life, who was someone so dear to her and made her life feel so much less like a prison. It was hard to believe, but she'd managed to find friends.

And then she lost them.

No hint on when she might be reunited with them. A small part of her, still bound in despair, wondered if it would have been better not to have gotten close to Axel or Zexion. Finding people she could be comfortable with, only for Marluxia to pull her away from them.

But she could hold that part of herself back when she remembered Roxas.

She could never regret meeting him and she yearned to see him again, to explore real worlds instead of these memories. To journey with the one who gave her a dream for both of them to be free. To protect the bond she had made which was more precious than words.

Perhaps it was that bond which spurred her onward towards the end of this tournament. As the last of the heartless faded, Marluxia gently clapped as he got up from his seat. "We're almost done, Naminé."

She steeled herself, even as a familiar fear began to take hold. In spite of her newfound strength and his apparent kindness, the memories of Marluxia's cruelty were all too fresh in her mind.

But if she wanted a chance to see her friends again, she had to fight this last round.

Against him.

Taking position at the other side of the arena, Marluxia called on his scythe. In a flash of petals, he vanished and appeared before her, weapon pulled back and ready to strike.

Every instinct in her screamed 'Move!'

Diving away, she avoided his slash and took aim with fire and ice spells. Though some of them struck the target, Marluxia smirked as he began to parry the magic missiles. "You cannot keep your distance forever." Striking the pommel of his scythe to the ground, a wave of energy swept across the arena.

Naminé frantically leapt over it and brought her keyblade down on Marluxia. Even as the scythe's edge met her blade, she didn't let up. For a moment, she remembered every threat, every speech. Every time he told her she was nothing and hurt her until she believed it. In that moment, she screamed and slashed away, overtaken by the burning desire to prove him wrong.

But all too soon he was knocked too far back for another swing, and he vanished again. Tension flowing through her, Naminé tried to catch a sign of when and where he'd reappear.

A gentle breeze blew through the arena.

Petals gathered near.


A split reaction was all she had to raise her keyblade to parry the scythe swung to her head. Marluxia followed up with swing after swing, smiling all the while. "Good reaction. How about this?" Stepping back, he waved his scythe to conjure small tornadoes filled with razor-sharp rose petals around him.

Gripping her keyblade, Naminé steadied her nerves as she backed away. In an opening between the swirling vortexes she caught sight of him, focusing as he controlled the wind. Conjuring flame to her blade, she let fly a volley at Marluxia, and felt the energy within build to a Firestorm. In a brief moment, the wind parted just enough.

Seizing the opportunity, she dashed forward and swung her blade at him, trying to break his concentration. He used his scythe to parry with one hit. The wind started to converge. Another hit parried. Naminé felt a scratch on her shoulder, wind pulling at her hair and dress. The third strike…

It slipped past his weapon and knocked him back. The wind calmed as Marluxia stumbled back from the blow. Naminé rushed forward to strike him with a fiery keyblade, but he vanished again.

And then she stopped.

A chill gripped the back of her spine.

She knew this feeling. What it meant Marluxia was ready to do.

He had used it once to try and get her to comply with their plan.

It was the last threat he used. The last threat he needed.

It was hard to muster resistance in the face of one's doom.

"You pass."

And with his words, the tension knotted inside her eased. Letting out a breath, Naminé turned to face Marluxia, mustering a small nod. "Thank you."

"There is only one last task you must fulfill."

With that sentence, Naminé's unease returned. She had fought so many rounds, the fact that there was one more trial Marluxia had planned slipped her mind. Nevertheless, she met his eyes that seemed eager to reveal her final challenge.

"Slay your other half."

She stepped back, mouth gaping as Naminé processed the blunt and brutal command. Her gut felt like it was rotting as she tried to find a response, any response. "Wha..kill Kairi?! But why?!" What purpose would it serve?! Naminé resented the fact that the original plan would harm her, why in the world would she even want to kill Kairi in the first place?!

Calmly, Marluxia held out a hand to her. "Power ebbs and flows between you. Killing Kairi will allow you to take all of it."

"Take her power?" Naminé couldn't help a hint of incredulity. Even now, Marluxia was still obsessed with controlling a keyblade wielder's strength.

Slowly, he closed that hand into a fist with a smile. "Correct. With the power of pure light, you can protect what is precious to you."

And there it was.

Naminé couldn't help but slump as the reason for her to follow through on his plan became all too clear. Despite her improvements, she doubted she'd have the strength to fight Ansem, or anyone stronger in the Organization. And it wasn't just her own life to consider. Without strength, how could she protect her friends? Protect the one she loved?

But if the only way for her to get that power was to kill someone who trusted her?

"Do you understand?"

"I understand, Marluxia," she muttered, unable to meet Marluxia's cold gaze.

He cocked an eyebrow. "Then why the anxiety?"

Realizing she'd begun to shake, Naminé tried to steady herself and answered, "I've…never killed before."

"It can be trying, the first time taking a life. Even without a heart, it is a weighty concept to wrestle with." Putting a hand to her shoulder even as she flinched, Marluxia smiled. "If it helps, keep in mind what might happen if you fail."

As he left the Arena, Naminé could only stew in the cruel irony. Marluxia once commanded her to tear Sora's mind to pieces, in exchange for an imitation of affection.

Now she was asked to kill, lest she lose what she truly loved. To destroy the one with a heart of pure light. Someone who saw her as a friend. No matter what, Naminé would lose a part of her that made her believe she was anything more than nothing. She had asked Roxas to help her in protecting their other halves, but now Marluxia had made destroying them something worth considering. And she hated it.

It was close to dinner when she left the arena. But she had little appetite that night. Not in the face of her own powerlessness.

Roxas ran down the halls of Castle Oblivion. The shock had worn off from when he heard what his final task was.

Kill Sora.

This wasn't just another heartless, someone already lost to darkness. This was a real person, with hopes and dreams. A love that was unlike anything he'd seen before. And he was being asked to snuff out that life.

When Larxene revealed their goal, she barely seemed to care about his shock.

"Oh right, this is your first time killing someone. Well, Axel might have some tips, go bug him."

He was so taken aback by the request he couldn't even ask why! He'd promised Naminé that he'd protect Sora and Kairi, that their bond would not perish. Even without that promise, Sora was someone Roxas honestly respected as a fighter, maybe even as a person.

To kill him for no reason?

It was why threw open the doors to Zexion's lab, panting as he saw Axel and Zexion looking over one of the consoles. "Axel, I need your help!" One thing Larxene said was true. Roxas needed assistance if he wanted to try and stop this.

As the two of them shot up at Roxas' sudden entrance, Axel rushed over. "What's wrong? You didn't fail, did you?"

"No, I passed but," Roxas paused and screwed his eyes shut as he tried to collect himself. "Larxene and Marluxia want me to kill Sora."

Raising an eyebrow, Zexion rubbed his chin and mused, "I see. Right now the power is shared, but destroying Sora would allow all of it to flow into Roxas." With that, the reasoning behind the plan was horrifyingly clear. Marluxia and Larxene wanted a strong keyblade wielder after all.

But there was something wrong. Zexion was smiling. As Roxas looked to Axel he saw that he was smiling too. "Then we kill Sora, and that solves all our problems!" And the worst part was that they weren't the smiles of someone hitting on some scheme or plan. The two of them seemed relieved that they had a way to fix everything.

Despite having seen these friendly faces before, Roxas didn't know them at all.