Just A Chance (Kingdom Hearts)

Chapter Nine: Real
Chapter Nine: Real

Secret Report: Zexion II

The initial analysis of Roxas' data is promising. While his capability to complete the arena was not in question, it was his reaction to adversity I was more interested in.

Vexen might have scolded me for revealing Roxas' opponent to him early. Claim that it taints the results. I would argue that in matters where the patient is actively fighting for their life already renders an experiment such as this outside of a controlled environment.

And besides...doesn't he deserve some answers? He's already going into uncharted territory as it is. And from what I can tell, his will to carry on is almost...admirable.

Roxas knew that staying around in the arena would be a bad idea. Either from Hades throwing a fit, or from Sora deciding to finish their match. So when Axel called on him to run, he needed little persuasion. But as the three exited the dark corridor into another one of Castle Oblivion's rooms, Roxas began to have second thoughts. A waiting Marluxia and Larxene looked at them with narrow glares. Marluxia spoke tersely, "We need to talk," and something in Roxas began to feel tight. Did he fail? Was it not enough?

Axel crossed his arms with a raised eyebrow, "About Roxas? I think his survival in the Arena speaks for itself."

Roxas relaxed a little as Zexion nodded, "Yes. Given Sora was at peak performance, Roxas' performance was excellent given the circumstances."

That relief evaporated however as Larxene just rolled her eyes and waved her hand, "Yeah, yeah, we watched our cheap knock off get beaten to—."

"It is true that he is becoming an adequate substitute keyblade wielder so far," Maruxia cut her off, the tension still held in his voice. He waved a hand and opened a new dark portal, "But that is not why we must meet. There have been complications in the lower levels that require immediate attention. Roxas, you are dismissed for the day."

Roxas was still uneasy as Marluxia and Larxene left through the darkness, "So they don't need me for the meeting now?"

"Yeah, guess we'll have to take a rain check on our post action meet up today." Axel scratched the back of his head in embarrassment. With a sigh, he shrugged and turned to the portal that Zexion had already walked through, "Just grab your dinner from storage, you know where it is. Oh, and don't forget Naminé's bowl."

Of all the things that made the least sense, Naminé's treatment despite her importance was at the top of that list to Roxas. Even though she was the foundation of all of their work, they treated her like nothing. So the question that had simmered in the back of his mind finally came out.

"Can't she get something more?"

Axel paused. He turned to Roxas, shaking his head, "Well...Our food is mostly rationed. You'd have to exchange it for someone else's." Roxas slumped, as the prospect of improving things for her seemed as dim as usual. But then Axel smiled, "Good thing I've been eating alright. I can live with one night of gruel," with a wink he walked through the portal.

Roxas could smile for a bit after that as he walked to the meal storage. At least he had a friend in Axel. Someone in the Organization that seemed to care about him. Though perhaps Zexion might also fall in that category. After that first mission he just...didn't seem so distant.

It was an improvement over Lexaeus, who barely seemed to say anything to him. And It was a lot better than Vexen…

"There's nothing left to do with faulty tools other than take them apart…"

A tool. A thing to be used and discarded. By the time he had retrieved the food, that thought had continued to simmer in his mind.

Because it was hardly the first or last time Roxas had that thrown at him. He walked the path of Castle Oblivion, those words clawing away at him.

Knock off



And flickering again in the back of his head...

A beach in the dark.

Xemnas...he said...

He said Sora's name.

But…He was Axel's friend right? He was the only one in the Organization that seemed to care about more than just what he could do.

Not to mention her. The one whose door he stood in front of now with two meals. The one who didn't care about any of that. Naminé just seemed to enjoy being with Roxas. She was the only other person who really saw...well, him. Not a tool, or a Sora substitute.

Just himself. No one else.

So, for her sake, he found it within himself to smile just a little as he opened the door. And looking over to him, Naminé set aside her notebook with a similar expression, "Hello, Roxas. I saw you today. You did very well." But as she saw what he held, her eyes widened, "Wait, you've got two?"

"I was able to get some help from a friend to get a better meal for you tonight," Roxas presented dinner to her. At first she accepted it with trembling hands. But as she began to take a few bites, she relaxed.

Roxas began his meal as well. But for some reason, the food...didn't sit well. For some reason his stomach felt uneasy. And still those words rattled around in his mind. Pausing after making some furtive progress in his dinner, Roxas decided to talk. To try and get some conversation going so he could think of something else, "So, you were watching me in the Coliseum?"

She nodded, then looked to the fixture in the center of the room, "The crystal. They use it to keep an eye on Sora while I work, as well as watching you." Her gaze shifted a bit, over to the notebooks in the corner of the room, "Honestly, watching you has inspired me."

"Inspiring?" He...inspired her? For some reason that made him...warm? In the cheeks? "Well, Glad I could help. Still, I've got a long way to go. The only thing I think I learned from that whole trip was the keyblade boomerang thing." He furrowed his brow as those worries began to creep in again, "Though I'm not sure how much that helps, even if it does make me stronger."

Naminé tilted her head in curiosity, "What do you mean?"

He wondered if he should just keep quiet. Leave things alone to enjoy this moment as best as he could.

But...Naminé had been honest with him. Told him as much as she could about what was going on.

She deserved the truth.

So Roxas began to explain, "I just wonder if I'm just going to be seen as a substitute Sora. Even if I do become better than him. No matter what I seem to do, it's like they only care as much if I can fill in for him." Maybe that was why he lashed out in the arena. Crying out that he was himself. Trying desperately to fight the line of thought that had begun to worm into his mind. Like the more he tried...

"Like the more you try, the more they just see the other." His head snapped over to Naminé as she quietly spoke. She just stared at the floor as she continued, "Even though you do everything you can, they just see a shadow of what they want to see. And you start wondering if there's even a you to begin with."

The way that Naminé talked. That same sort of choking sensation he felt inside just listening to her, "You know what that's like?" Someone as nice as her?

It wasn't fair...

"The plan to change Sora's memories. In the end it'll never work." Roxas raised an eyebrow at the initial tangent, but then Naminé continued, "Because the more Sora thinks of me, the more his feelings for Kairi will resonate. And it'll only be a matter of time before the illusion falls apart."

Roxas was baffled, "But why?" How could memories of one person connect to another?


Connected memories?

He was connected to Sora as his Nobody. So then…"Hold on, are you and Kairi..?"

"Yes, I'm Kairi's nobody," she nodded slowly as her hands slowly balled into a fists, "Or the closest thing one can be when the original is still alive with their body."

Roxas knew the feeling of his stomach dropping when he learned his body wasn't much of a real body. And she'd known this about herself the whole time? Part of him was stuck on what to say about it. For now, he tried to focus on the practical, "Have you told Marluxia or Larxene?"

She shook her head, while her eyes grew more downcast, "They won't listen. Anything that means their plans for Sora won't work, they'll either ignore it...or make me fix it." She sighed as she looked at the notebook by her side, "But in the end no matter how many memories I create or how happy I try to make them. Sora will only think of Kairi, and one day he'll realize how much of a hollow fake I am."

Something inside of Roxas just...cracked hearing that. He set his half eaten dinner aside and walked over to her, "Naminé, listen to me. You're not a fake, and you're definitely not hollow." He placed a hand on his chest as he pleaded, "You're a great artist, you're really smart, and you're so understanding. Someone like that just can't be nothing!"

Naminé slowly looked up at him and their eyes met. He hoped that what he was saying made sense. That she didn't need to listen to what Marluxia and Larxene said about her.

That there was so much more to her.

Then her eyes widened, as she began to almost whisper, "You...you really believe that. That I mean something besides just my powers or being part of Kairi." She glanced aside for a moment, "Marluxia and Larxene just kept telling me for so long about how Nobodies don't really exist."

And that brought his mind to a screeching halt. No matter how much they wanted to...was it really possible to defy the very nature of what they were?

Well, something inside of him wanted to try.

"Naminé right now, you're here and I'm here too," he reached out an open hand, "Doesn't that mean we're real?"

Again, her blue eyes were on him. As they moved from his face to his hand, she murmured, "It sounds so simple..." She raised her arm, slowly reaching out to him. Gentle fingers began to rest on his hand. But then they moved just a bit further to the end of his glove. He looked at her, as she whispered, "I...I know it's silly. But...I want to know that this is real."

"It's not silly at all," If she wanted to actually hold his hand to know the truth, she hardly had to ask. Gently pulling back he removed his gloves. As he placed his bare fingers on hers, part of him could only marvel at how soft it was. Just holding hands like this, it made him…

Everything he was taught in the Organization said that couldn't be right. Nobodies don't feel anything. But what was it then? Why did his burdens seem to just lift away when he was with her? Why did everyone else's grating words wash away when he spoke with her?

What was this light that just seemed to grow when he was with Naminé?

Well whatever it was he liked it. And as Naminé smiled, he was certain that she did too. She looked in his eyes and simply murmured with a smile, "This is real...right now..."

"...we're real," Roxas nodded as he looked back at her.

Axel watched the recording for the umpteenth time, still processing the news of their uninvited guest. He'd read the reports on Sora's companions, and more than once Kairi came up. Though that was only to be expected when she was a princess of heart. But still, the princess of heart having a keyblade? That was a bit far fetched. He turned to Vexen with a raised eyebrow, "Are you sure it's even real?"

Vexen scoffed as they continued to watch the crystal ball, "Why do you think we had to monitor her for so many hours? It was to ensure her power is genuine before bringing it to everyone's attention."

Lexeaus folded his arms as he continued on, "Magic. Increased strength. Her power seems to be on par with Roxas in his early days."

Larxene tapped her foot as she watched Kairi incinerate a group of heartless, "You sure it isn't just her tapping into the power of light with the sword just being a prop? I mean, look at it. The thing's a floral decoration, not a weapon."

Marluxia stepped forward to the orb, a small smile coming to his face, "Perhaps a more hands on approach might be in order to ensure her weapon is genuine."

Axel knew an opportunity when he heard one. He stretched and stepped forward, "Considering I had Larxene handle Sora for the first bout, I think it's only fair I step up here." He held out a hand expectantly, "All I need is something to occupy her as she travels if she's up to the task."

With a flick of the wrist, Marluxia tossed him more memory cards. The ideal solution to occupy a keyblade wielder in this castle.

Zexion however seemed more serious as he spoke up, "Remember. Regardless of her strength, the Organization's standing orders are that the Keybearer should not come to irreparable harm."

Axel smiled, "Trust me. I know what I'm doing here," and in a dark flash, he departed towards where the princess of heart had found herself.

Though a small part of him regretted trading his dinner away to Roxas.
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Chapter Ten: Dream
Chapter Ten: Dream

Secret Report: Axel II

So. The princess of heart is here with a keyblade. Following the feelings of her friends right into this castle. Then again, that's not what I'm too concerned about. Roxas has been acting strange. Slipping away after dinner and spending time with Naminé in her room.

The only thing I can think of is that he's interested in her somehow.

Maybe it's the fact that they're the Nobodies of two people who were close. Maybe it's the fact that they're the only people they really know that's their own age. Can't say for sure. All I know is that as long as it doesn't interfere with his training, I can let the two have their dates for now.

Roxas on a date before me. Never would have thought of it. Not that dating's much of an option for me anymore. Hard for someone without a heart to work up feelings for anyone. Still, it makes things interesting...

I'm getting off topic. As long as I can make Roxas strong enough to keep him out of Marluxia's hands as a hostage and make sure he's on my side, I'll be good to go for this assignment.

Finally, Kairi had some room to breathe. Her keyblade vanished away as she leaned on a wall to catch her breath. Though she had to admit, she was getting tired of the same pale hallways of Castle Oblivion. Honestly, at least Hollow Bastion had the remnants of something grand in its architecture. This all just felt sterile.

She furrowed her brow as she began to think. Hollow Bastion was her old home, before Ansem had thrown her into the void to be led to Destiny Islands. And while her memories of Naminé were vague, somehow she knew her. Knew that there was something that bothered her in the back of her mind. Before all of a sudden she vanished from them one day.

Was it this castle? Was this place Naminé's original home? Maybe the reason she left would be here. Kairi shook her head. Maybe when they met again, they could find the answers. Even though Kairi still had questions of her own about her past. Like why that castle library felt too familiar to her.

Almost as if she grew up there.

"Tuckered out?" At the voice, Kairi got to her feet and re-summoned her keyblade. The voice chuckled as a dark portal appeared in front of her, and the voice's owner walked out of it, "Well the good news is that the next room ahead has some good wards to keep darkness away." The man with the spiky red hair smirked, "But the bad news is that I can't let you in there just yet. The name's Axel. Got it memorized?" She slowly nodded, her tension uneased at his casual cheer. The man extended his arms out, still smiling, "Good to see that you're a quick learner princess."

Kairi tightened her grip on her Keyblade. He knew who she was. Something like that was barely known in all the worlds. And in a flash of flame, two chakrams appeared in his hands. Axel's grin grew wider as the fire danced around his weapons, "Now let's see how well you've learned how to sling a keyblade!"

And in that moment, Kairi wished she learned a different first spell besides fire.

Reaching back, Axel hurled one of the flaming discs towards her. Thankful for having had practice against the heartless, she rolled away from the projectile. Feeling the heat from the surrounding flames fade she turned to face Axel, but he was gone.

"Over here!" A voice called from the other side of the arena. She looked over and saw Axel appearing to catch the weapon he had just thrown. In a flash, he threw its counterpart at her. Again, she moved away, but this time she made sure to keep an eye on the chakram as it flew by. Sure enough, Axel appeared to catch the fiery disc. And she had made sure to roll right where he ought to have been. Taking the chance she began to slash away at him, knocking him back.

"I'm not done!" Kairi thought back to her time in Sora's heart, remembering the techniques he used with his own keyblade. And just as he focused his own strength, she focused her own. In a flash she dashed forward with her keyblade thrusted toward her target. Striking him as she passed by, she directed herself right back at him. Dashing again, and again, the sonic blade charged at Axel. Finally she came to a halt and turned to her target.

"If you're still in this, then catch!"

And saw the chakram just as it knocked into her. Though she was thankful the keyblade and practice against the heartless made her strong enough to withstand the attack, it still hurt. Just as each of Axel's other strikes did once the first hit connected. He caught and re-tossed his chakrams one, twice, before throwing them both at her to knock her away.

Stumbling to her feet, she quickly chugged one of the potions she had looted from the heartless. Wounds mending, she re-focused her attention on Axel watching him gather flames at his feet. "If you can't stand the heat, then I'll make it all stop!", at that, the ground ignited into a pillar of fire around him and soon expanded out into a wall of fire.

Kairi had just enough time to hold out her keyblade, keeping to the ground so it could defend more of her. As fire met her weapon, the heat was sweltering. But miraculously, the keyblade was able to protect her from the worst of it. Looking up, she saw Axel take a moment to regain focus. It was a chance to counterattack, but with what? She was too far to use her keyblade at this range. And she didn't know blizzard just yet. What else did she have?

Her heart…

A heart of light.

And she realized the power that had been waiting for her to call it forth. "Light!"

It was a single spark, barely the size of her hand that appeared before Axel. He smirked, "That's it? That's all light—?" But when it exploded in a flash, Axel cried out as it knocked him back, "AAARGH!!! NOT ALL!!! THAT'S DEFINITELY NOT ALL LIGHT CAN DO!!!" With him stunned, Kairi stumbled to her feet, and began to slash away at him, until finally the keyblade knocked him back to vanish into darkness.

Propping herself up with the keyblade, Kairi let out a sigh of relief, "At least that's over."

"Over?" Axel's voice made Kairi turn towards the sound. Towards him leaning on the castle walls with a smirk, "You think that I'd drop dead so soon after we met?"

Then it clicked for Kairi just what Axel was doing, "This was a test."

"And you pass! Well done, Kairi!" With a flourish, blue cards appeared in his hands which he tossed over to her, "Now it's time for you to walk the path of Castle Oblivion."

Looking at them, Kairi saw pictures. Very familiar pictures. "These are worlds Sora's seen."

Axel nodded as he began to walk closer, "Memories of those worlds. And what you'll need to follow. To trust what you remember, and seek what you forget." He crossed his arms with a smile as he finished, "Then you'll meet someone very special to you."

"Sora?" Her head snapped up in shock. Was he truly here? But there was someone else that she wanted to see again too, "Is it Riku?" Axel remained as unperturbed as ever.

"What about Naminé?"

At that, Axel raised an eyebrow, his calm finally giving way to some surprise, "What about Naminé?" He tapped his chin for a moment, turning away, "Well, that is a good question. Maybe you'll find the answer the further you go." But a moment later, he gave a backward glance and an offered hand, "Or maybe I could give you a hint?"

A moment of silence passed before Kairi shook her head, "No. This is something I need to do myself."

Axel took the refusal with a smile, turning to her and clapping, "Good answer! I'd expect nothing less of a princess of heart." As darkness appeared around him, he still kept on grinning, "So I'll just give a warning. You might not like the answer when you find it." And in the blink of an eye he was gone.

Walking up the stairs, Kairi saw runes and glyphs along the edge of the chamber leading to the next floor. Letting her keyblade vanish, she began to rummage through some of the items the heartless had dropped. Magic restoration and healing were plenty, as she moved aside some of the potions and elixirs she had picked up absentmindedly. But eventually, she found what she needed. A small pack of camping gear, good for one night of rest. Half an hour later, she had eaten the rations and unfurled a sleeping bag in a corner of the room. As she rested, she began to think of everything that brought her here.

All through Sora's journey, she had barely been able to do as much as she wished. And by the time she was free, it was far too dangerous to follow Sora to The End of the World. But now her path led here. To where all her cherished friends were being held. Some gone for a moment, others for years. But there was no way she'd listen to someone as suspicious as Axel.

Sora said that his friends were his power. But...that wasn't just it. She could tell that it was the strength of his heart that let him become as strong as he did with the Keyblade. At that, she brought a hand to her own chest. She'd need as much strength her heart could muster if she wanted to help all her friends. Sora, Riku, And Naminé.

With that last thought, sleep came to her. In her far off dreams, scattered memories were recalled, of two girls sitting by the beach and smiling as they watched at the friends they cared about.

Axel walked out of the portal to where the rest of the Organization was watching and gave a nod, "She checks out."

Larxene rolled her eyes, "Either that or you're going soft."

Rolling his arms, Axel walked by her toward the door, "Considering I'm busting my butt out there with Roxas, I think my combat credentials are solid."

Marluxia stood in front of him, "And how is Roxas?"

Axel rolled his eyes and tried to move past to the exit, "I'm sure Zexion gave you a report—"

Only for Marluxia's firm grip on his shoulder to stop him, a glare from the man fixing him in place, "I want to hear from you."

Axel sighed and shrugged, "Hard to say, he's doing alright during missions, but we haven't talked much after. Seems more interested in Naminé." Marluxia and Larxene looked to each other with raised eyebrows, while Axel tried to gently move Marluxia's hand off of him, 'Considering you've both been busy at the end of the day I figured there'd be no problem if he took his turn to watch over her." His attempts to move the grip on his shoulder were futile.

But eventually Marluxia relented and released him, "Very well. For now we can call this day complete."

"And what of a report to Xemnas?" Lexeus spoke just as Axel turned to leave.

Vexen nodded, "All of these complications to the Castle Oblivion operation should be brought to his attention. Should this get out of control—."

"All of these changes are manageable," Marluxia held up a hand to silence the complaint, "For now, we need not report all of these events to him. We shall reconvene tomorrow to discuss our strategy." With that, he vanished from the room along with Larxene.

Vexen sighed "Yes, I suppose I could do with some rest before proceeding further." Lexeaus nodded in agreement, and the two departed in shadow as well.

Leaving Zexion to uneasily ask Axel, "So...our deal?"

Axel shook his head and went to the door"I'll wait for tomorrow when Roxas is going to be up to collect on that. Right now, I've got to get something substantial to eat and hit the hay."

"You're still up?"

Donald's voice interrupted Sora's musing as he lay in his sleeping bag. Though most of the nicer camping sets sold by moogles were used up by this point, they usually managed to pick up one set in reserve. Sora sat up and shook his head,"Just can't stop thinking."

Goofy propped himself up on his arm from his bag, "About Roxas? Are ya sure you know him?"

Sora nodded, "Positive. Just looking at him, I feel like I've known him all my life.

"Funny you never mentioned him before," A voice from his backpack got his attention, and out from one of the flaps, Jiminy Cricket poked out a head, "Like that girl you're remembering."

Of course. The girl in white on the islands. The one who moved away. The one he was only remembering just now. "Yeah. Meeting him. Remembering her. They've got to be connected." There was no way the two would show up in his life right when he entered this castle.

Jiminy cupped his chin in thought, "It's a little suspicious you're remembering things instead of forgetting like that man said." Though after a moment, he sighed and shook his head, "But you're not going to get anywhere if you keep yourself up all night."

"Yeah. I guess you're right." So Sora settled into his corner of the room with a blanket, thoughts of Roxas and the girl replaying themselves in his mind. How Roxas seemed so desperate to prove something, to fight in that arena. As for the girl? He knew she was an old friend from long ago. Knew that she hung out with him, Kairi, and Riku. But who was she to him? What was their friendship truly like?

At the very least, he knew that it wasn't the same as how he felt toward Kairi. He pulled the charm from his pocket and looked at it with a small smile. There wasn't anyone quite like Kairi, not in all the worlds.

Sleep came easy that night.

And that night he dreamed again.

A blue sky…The ocean…An island…

Sora was there as always. So was the silver haired boy who helped to drive Sora forward. And Kairi, the girl who was so special to Sora. And Naminé, sitting to the side and drawing. Memories drifting through the scattered dream.

And he could see every piece of those memories.

He watched them play games. Look out to the horizon and wonder what they might see on other worlds. Telling stories about heroes and legends. Laughing at jokes.

What was that like?

He wanted to know.

He wanted to feel.

But when he tried to reach out. Tried to touch that memory for himself, it just wasn't right. He felt his body move along the beach, but it was Sora who was making it happen. His eyes saw the small island they played on, but Sora was the one who chose what to see. He spoke, but it was Sora's voice and Sora's words.

Sora looked to Naminé. Again, asking her to join in. She just shook her head with a smile, saying she had a hard time back at home…

That smile. It wasn't like Naminé's other smiles.

It felt so empty.

He wanted to go to her. To ask if she was okay. To offer a hand.

But Sora wanted to talk with Kairi and his friend and think of something Naminé could do with them.

So he walked away. His words unsaid.

Even though he could hear a quiet sigh from Naminé.

Her eyes fluttering open, Naminé looked at the globe in the center of the room. Getting up from the cold hard floor, she waved a hand for it to show the time. She groaned as it showed that it was indeed another morning.

Another morning after watching memory after memory become pieced together in everyone's heads.

So many happy memories.

So many fake memories.

She picked up the notepad she had been working in to try and focus on Sora's memories. To get back to her work. But she just couldn't stop looking at the pile of notebooks in the corner. Or rather, to one of them.

One that had pictures of a blonde boy in black. A boy that helped her believe that she belonged. Even despite the pain that he suffered himself. If only she could just hold his hand. She couldn't heal the pain completely. But she knew those moments together made it just a touch brighter. Naminé's grip on the notebook tightened. "Roxas…I...I wish..."

"I wish I could do more for you." Ever since she came into his life things had begun to change. Roxas had been changing. For once, there was something besides just missions and ice cream. Maybe that was what was drawing him towards those memories as he slept. Why he wanted to help her with the pain of those memories.

But a glance at the clock besides his bed told him that he needed to get up for today's mission. He went to the front of his bed, and opened the footlocker containing his wardrobe. Stuffed to one side, his old outfit in white with his other undergarments. While the black cloaks were neatly folded on the other side.

He hadn't gotten rid of the white jacket and pants just yet. Even though he had been encouraged by Saïx to discard them as quickly as possible, a tiny part didn't want to let go at first. At the very least, they were his clothes so he wanted to keep them. Now? Having seen how a lot of the Organization was acting, it seemed better for him to keep some clothes that were his own.

Maybe when he had free time with Naminé after this, he might wear that other outfit. Something besides the same black cloak.

But for today, he'd get questions if he showed up out of uniform. Easily slipping into the black cloak as usual, he opened the door to go find Axel and Zexion for the day's mission.

Only to find Marluxia standing before him.

"We must talk, Roxas."
It's like a train crash, but no one realizes how wacky this is. We, the reader, know because we can reference and contrast canon to this. Watching enthusiasticly!
Chapter Eleven: Illusion
Chapter Eleven: Illusion
Secret Report: Larxene I

Some gamble this turned out to be. The keyblade space case needs to blunder his way through Sora's memories, just so he can maybe get good. And now Roxas is cozying up to Naminé?!

What does that brat think he's doing!? He's either smarter than he looks or a complete moron. Either way, he could deep six our entire operation! The little witch could start getting too many ideas.

Of course, Marluxia wants to make his pitch to the punk. Or at least butter him up. Whatever. Either way tomorrow, we remind them who's really in charge. And if they don't listen…

Then it gets fun.

Something was wrong. This was clear to Roxas as he looked up at Marluxia. It wasn't just that he was up to see him this early, and it wasn't because he had showed up unannounced out of the blue. No, there was some little voice in the back of Roxas' mind that screamed as Marluxia looked down at him. Nevertheless, he managed to ask, "Is there a problem?"

"Not as of yet," he walked into Roxas' room, barely acknowledging his presence. Marluxia ran his fingers along the empty desk to the side as he continued, "You only began to work for the organization little over a week ago. I would not expect you to understand what it truly means to be a Nobody."

Wait, was that it? Even Roxas knew this much, "We don't have hearts. According to Xemnas, we don't exist." It was all he knew. What had been taught to him from the beginning, "But..."

Marluxia turned back to him with a raised eyebrow, "But?"

But right now, Roxas really wasn't sure he could believe that. He really didn't want to believe it. Yet he knew saying Naminé had something to do with it was a bad idea. So he had to think of another way to talk about it. He made his way over to where he woke up, "This exists." Grabbing the sheets, he began to make the bed, "I can move this." Roxas slowly turned to Marluxia, "So wouldn't I have to be here? Be real?"

To Roxas' surprise, Marluxia nodded with a smile, "Indeed. That is the core paradox of our existence as described by Xemnas. We are not truly alive, and yet we think. We are. We affect the world around us" Marluxia turned his back to Roxas as he continued his speech, "But the rest of the Organization does not see that. Instead, they cling to the past. They cannot realize their true potential. Not while their existence is bound by the pull of memory. Of knowing what they once were." Marluxia turned back and placed a hand to his chest, "Unlike you and me."

It wasn't too hard for Roxas to understand, given the conversation. He took a step forward, "You don't remember anything from before either?"

Marluxia waved a hand, "Nothing clear enough to matter. Thus it is irrelevant." It seemed simple. And yet to Roxas it didn't sit well. Just ignoring things that weren't important. Not when his own past, Sora's past, had such a hold on him. Nevertheless, Marluxia continued. "I have no irrational impulses to ignore. Which brings me to my question."

He looked down at Roxas, "Is there a reason why you decided to visit Naminé?"

There it was again, the voice that wanted to run. Unfortunately, Marluxia was blocking the exit, and there was no way Roxas could be honest. Just hearing what was said made it clear that Marluxia didn't want to hear anything about what Roxas believed in. But eventually, Roxas came up with an answer, "I wanted to make sure she was okay." At Marluxia's raised eyebrow he continued, "You and Larxene don't seem to be treating her well."

"She has no emotions. Nothing in her that feels." He walked toward Roxas, arms crossed behind him. Eyes unwavering.

Taking a step back Roxas tried his best to speak up, "But she can hurt."

Marluxia continued to advance, "And because of that pain, she knows not to defy us."

And then Roxas couldn't take it anymore. "But she's doing what she can to help. Why keep hurting her no matter what she does?" Because it made no sense. What kept on driving Marluxia and Larxene to treat her like a tool?!

"It is less than before. Now that she is more compliant, Larxene and I raise a hand against her less and less."

Roxas was stunned. Did..did Marluxia really not understand what he was asking? If all he was worried about was Naminé doing her job then, "Why do you care about how I treat her?"

"I was concerned that you were simply following impulses based on Sora. Caring for the remnant of the girl that he cares for."

Roxas tensed at Marluxia's words. No...no It wasn't an impulse. There was more. There had to be more.

"But if it is simply practicality, then there is no issue."

Well, if Marluxia was willing to take that answer to back off, "Yes. That's all I wanted to know about her." At least at first. He didn't need to tell Marluxia about how things changed as he kept visiting Naminé. About their dinners. Their conversations.

How everything didn't hurt so much when he was with her.

For now though, Marluxia was satisfied and walked away, "Focus on what is here and now. Then you will no longer be bound by memory." Darkness surrounded him and he vanished, speaking, "Only then will we be truly free."

There was a moment of silence before Roxas' hand balled into a fist. Free, huh?

Would Naminé be free in that future Marluxia wanted?

Deep down, Roxas knew the answer. And he couldn't stand it. That's why he had to keep getting stronger. He had to win for her. So she wouldn't have to keep making fake memories. So Naminé could be free. Could be happy.

Just the smallest chance was worth it.

Naminé knew she was being selfish. Larxene and Marluxia never failed to remind her of the implications of their plan. And discarding those plans for her own sake was just further proof. But even so. Roxas' words wouldn't leave her. Couldn't leave her.


What she wanted more than anything was to be someone to somebody. To belong without any worry or fear. And when she was with Roxas, it seemed like she did. Shouldn't she take that chance? Wasn't it worth it?

But she sighed as she looked back to the notebook of Sora. Marluxia and Larxene didn't care, they made that clear even before they unveiled their grand plan. As if on cue there was a swirl of darkness. Of course morning inspections were routine. Making sure she was ready for the day of taking Sora's memor—.

"So Roxas has been seeing you."

With Larxene's words, she froze, crayon hovering above the page. Naminé swallowed the lump in her throat, "Yes."

"Do you like seeing him?" The voice was closer now, right behind her.

She didn't want to answer back. It would only make things worse. Upset them that their plans were getting so far off track. It would be easier to keep quiet. Or just say…

No. It wasn't possible. Something inside of her couldn't do it. Couldn't even deny what he meant to her. Some part of her desperately wanted to answer Y—.

"Oh Yeah! I forgot!" A barking laugh accompanied the hand at her shoulder, "You're a Nobody! As if you could like anyone." Stepping around, Larxene leaned down so she was eye level with Naminé "So quit getting distracted."

She tensed, hand gripping the notepad in her lap, "He only sees me for dinner. When I'm done with my work."

"He comes to see you?" Larxene stood up at the answer before scoffing, "You think that rucksack cares about you? He's only visiting you because you're someone new." She began to tap her fingers on the crystal ball, images swirling within showing Roxas walking the halls, "What happens when he finds someone better to spend his time with?"

Despite everything, there was no way Naminé could speak back. Not with anything that wouldn't make things worse.

"We both know how this ends," Larxene snapped her fingers and Roxas' image vanished, "Once he gets bored of you he'll leave you behind. So are you going to daydream? Or get back to work?" Larxene glared down at Naminé who was still silent. Until finally, she flipped to the latest page of Sora's book and resumed her picture. "Good. Now behave while I go take care of business downstairs," and with that, Larxene vanished into shadow.

Naminé once again continued to outline Sora's figure travelling Wonderland. But after a few lines she stopped, her crayon hovering above the page before she set it aside with a sigh. Despite Larxene's lecture being the same as ever, for once she couldn't really believe it. Something deep inside of her just knew that Roxas was right. There was some part of her that was real, some part of her that had hurt with how she was being treated by the Organization.

A part of her that Roxas' visits had helped to mend.

Axel stretched, groaning as he joined Roxas and Zexion, "Ugh. Slept like a log last night. Of course, having a decent breakfast helped too." He clapped his hands together, "So. Next up on our world tour?"

Zexion held up a card showing a massive forest of a world,"The Deep Jungle."

Axel winced at the sight, "Oh yeah. Going to be a pain going back there. The weather's a mess and there's bugs everywhere."

Roxas raised an eyebrow as he turned to Axel, "Wait. You've been there before?"

Zexion nodded and began to explain, "Before you arrived, Naminé attempted an escape using a world card. In fact, it was likely the first world card created."

"It's how we discovered her powers. We were able to handle it well enough back then," Axel gave a shrug, "so It shouldn't be too tough on you."

"Indeed, we have been studying the card in the lower levels. It's been useful in crafting cards of our own, should the need arise. It's rather fascinating when you get down to it," Zexion turned the card over in his hand as he rambled, "Even if the memory of a desired world is incomplete, the card will often fashion details as needed where none exist. From that—."

"Um...Zexion?" Roxas spoke up to interrupt, "I'm not sure I'm going to be able to figure something like that out right now."

Axel chuckled, "Don't worry, I helped out with the lab work once or twice, and even I don't get it. Still, Roxas' got a point. We're on the clock for training, not research."

Zexion sighed and turned to the door, "Very well. A reasonable enough point." He raised the card and engravings on the doorway glowed with familiar light. "Shall we?

As they walked through, Roxas could definitely feel the heat through his cloak. It was a miracle that he wasn't overheating in the thing. The door opened to a house made completely out of wood. Roxas walked carefully as the boards creaked. Something was...off...

Axel strode across the length of the room, looking over the wooden crates and shelves covered by moss. He scoffed, "Can't say much for the decor," then leaned out the window and whistled, "Though the view isn't half bad." Roxas wished he could be as relaxed as Axel. But something told him this just wasn't right.

Zexion narrowed his eyes, "Mind you, this seems to have been made more with survival as a priority rather than aesthetics."

Then Roxas realized just what was bothering him, "You said there was a bug problem. Are they like...big?"

Axel pulled his head back in the house, "Nah, just everywhere. Why do you ask?"

"Cause I really want to know what that rumbling sound is."

Everyone went quiet at that. And as they did, the rumbling sound could be heard by everyone. Rumbling that turned into a growl. The three of them got closer together, looking to see where it was coming from. Only for a roaring sound to precede Roxas getting slammed into the floor by a snarling spotted beast from above. A beast with bared fangs that snarled as it tried to bite through the Keyblade Roxas was using to hold it back.
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Chapter Twelve: Stranger
Chapter Twelve: Stranger

Journal: Day Four

So that was Sora.

I...I could barely fight him. I've still got a long way to go. I need to keep training and fighting…

Just to survive?

Sora asked me if there was something more than survival that I was fighting for...


I want to see Naminé again. More than that, I want her to be free.

I wonder…Does Sora feel the same way about that girl? About Kairi?

Is this anything close to what feeling is like?

As Axel turned on the assailant, he mentally kicked himself. He knew the Organization mostly focused on fighting heartless and the like. But that didn't mean the local wildlife couldn't put up a fight.

And gauging from the size of the leopard bearing down on Roxas, it had plenty of fight in it. Not enough strength to bite through the keyblade, but enough to keep its prey pinned. A few seconds more, and the cat would figure out some way to get past Roxas' defense.

And Axel couldn't have that.

"Hey kitty! Chew on this!" Was all the warning the beast got as Axel tossed flaming chakrams into the creature's side. The leopard howled in pain as it was knocked off Roxas, but a moment later it was back on its feet and facing down the three of them. Zexion opened his book and began to call on thunder. Hissing at the electricity, the leopard darted everywhere to avoid the worst of the lightning.

Giving Roxas an opening to hit the distracted creature. The beast snarled as Roxas slashed at it with the keyblade, leaving it open to the rest of Zexion's barrage. As the spell ended, Roxas' last hit flung the beast into the side of the house, planks cracking at the impact. The leopard slowly rose and eyed one of the windows. It sprang across half the width of the room in an instant…
"Oh, no you don't!"

But Roxas was faster, tossing a glowing keyblade at the animal, stunning it. In an instant, Roxas recalled it and flung it again and again. Each hit caused the beast to buckle, limbs trembling more and more until finally they gave way. The leopard slumped to the floor, and Roxas let out a shaky breath. "I think that did it." He walked over to the creature and gave it a nudge with his blade.

Only to jump back as the leopards' eyes opened and it roared, it leapt again. But this time, someone else knocked it down. Leaping through the open door, a man with a spear slashed at the animal. The strike knocked it into the already weakened wall which collapsed, sending the creature careening into the treetops.

With the main threat gone, Axel was able to get a good look at the man. Clearly well built and fit, that much was obvious as all he wore was a loincloth. He looked over the three of them with wary eyes behind his long scruffy hair. Roxas however, was a bit less worried as he stepped forward. "Thanks for the help."

The man kept looking, but after a few seconds his grip on his spear relaxed. "Help. Thanks." It was more grunts then actual talking.

At the man's silence, Axel coughed and asked, "Uh...Anyone else around here?"

"Anyone...around?" A tilt of the head. The man seemed to ponder the words before answering more confidently, "Anyone around."

Zexion could only sigh and rub his brow. "Anyone around more literate perhaps?"

"Literate? Literate..." Again the man mulled over the words, but then he began to eagerly nod. "Camp! Camp know literate!"

Zexion gave a tired nod. "Yes. We are looking for someone and a camp would be a good place to start."

Though Roxas was a bit puzzled. "We are?"

And Axel realized they'd forgotten to tell Roxas exactly what the mission here even was. And so did Zexion, gauging by his embarrassed expression. Axel put a hand on his shoulder. "I'll explain along the way. For now, let's just keep up with our mangy pal here."

Once again, Roxas had no idea what was going on. Though this time it seemed more because Zexion had gotten distracted with some of the science stuff about the card, while Axel tried to move things along. That and the big animal that tried to eat him after they arrived. Well, at the very least they weren't keeping him in the dark on purpose. As they climbed down to the forest floor, he asked, "So what did Zexion mean when he said we're looking for someone?"

As the mysterious man led the way through the jungle, Axel spoke a bit more quietly, "Someone here is going to fall to darkness, and with that, summon the heartless."

"And you will work to defeat them all when this happens." Zexion continued as he brushed aside yet another stray vine.

Roxas rubbed his chin. It sounded simple enough, but there was one problem with that. "How will we know who's going to fall?"

Axel looked back with a familiar grin. "Leave that to us. We'll let you know. Just get to know the world for now so you're ready when the time comes."

Eventually they were led to the clearing where the campsite was at. At least that's what Roxas assumed, given all the strewn about boxes and random pieces of furniture. Not to mention the tent that was set up. Something on one of the boxes caught Roxas' eye. A small transparent picture in a frame. He picked it up and turned it over in the light, "What's this?"

Zexion looked closer at the object as Roxas held it up. "A projector slide. Still used in some worlds, but it's a bit too fragile for prolonged use."

Axel chuckled as he got a better look, "Oh yeah. Last time I remember seeing this, I was alive. Wonder what it's showing?"

"Ah! Yes, please be careful with that!" A woman called out from the tent before walking out to meet them. She was in a simple dress, decently suited for life in the jungle. She walked over to Roxas and held out her hand. "We had just finished gathering them together again, and I'd hate for something to happen to them." Roxas nodded and handed the film over to her, at which she gave a relieved smile. "I see you've met Tarzan. But given you can speak english I don't think you're from around here."

"Not really. We're...travellers," Roxas settled on before continuing, "Though we wouldn't mind stopping here for a bit, Mrs...uh…"

"Porter. Jane Porter." She gave a nod.

"Well, I'm Roxas, this is Axel and Zexion." He gestured over to his friends. Axel gave a wave with a cocky grin, while Zexion simply nodded.

Tarzan mulled over the names, "Roxas. Axel. Zexion."

"If you're travellers then you chose some exceptionally poor clothing for this jungle." An older man spoke from behind some of the boxes. He walked out to meet them in a tan outfit with a rifle in his hands. "Are you sure you didn't mean to go on an expedition to the arctic?"

Jane rolled her eyes with a sigh. "If they're comfortable in their outfits, Clayton, then that's their business."

That's the one thing Roxas never got used to. No matter what, his clothes seemed to be usable no matter how hot or cold it was. Zexion gave a few sniffs as he looked at Clayton while Axel just tugged at his own robe with a smile. "Trust me, it's better than it looks."

Tarzan ambled forward on hands and feet toward Jan and pointed back, "Roxas. Looking. Someone."

Jane tapped her cheek as she pondered what Tarzan said. "Well...besides our camp there aren't that many people around." Though a moment later she nodded with a smile. "But I think we can figure out something that might help."

Clayton scoffed as he fiddled with his rifle. "So we can help these strangers but we can't go and look for the gorillas?"

Jane's eyes narrowed. "I believe that's my concern. And to be frank, I find your eagerness to find these animals given your proclivities is most dubious." Clayton scoffed and went over to a corner of the camp.

Zexion and Axel looked to each other with raised eyebrows before Axel stepped forward. "Anyway, what'd you need these for?" Axel pointed to the projector slide. "We're a bit far away from a lecture hall."

Jane walked to the tent with Tarzan while looking over at them. "Well, actually I was hoping that we might be able to use them to communicate with Tarzan. I'll show you if you want." Well, might as well, given Roxas didn't have much else to go on. Entering the tent, Roxas saw what he assumed to be the projector standing on a table. Or at least something that was projecting light onto a screen. "Tarzan was raised by the gorillas, so his grasp on the english language is tenuous. But that doesn't mean he's not intelligent."

Joining them, Zexion and Axel glanced at the screen. While Axel still didn't seem convinced, Zexion was nodding along. "Of course. Just because he has no comprehension of language doesn't mean he can't understand pattern recognition. In fact, given gorillas tend to live in pacts, I believe he'd be rather well versed in communicating among…"

"There we are."

Zexion and Axel stopped speaking as Jane put the slide into the projector and the picture was displayed. "Castle." Tarzan understood it in a moment, yet Roxas felt it was almost an understatement.

"It looks amazing." He murmured. He had seen The Castle That Never Was once from the outside. An imposing building that towered over the city. But this picture showed a different take on such a building. One that seemed to inspire respect and beauty.

"Where...where did you find this?" Axel murmured as he took a step back.

Roxas couldn't quite place it, but there was something...different in his eyes.

Jane crossed her arms as she looked at the picture, "You know I'm not exactly sure where we got this. I picked it up from the archives back home as a sample to test the machine, and I didn't have time to check the source."

Zexion also began to head outside the tent, with a similar expression. "I...I see...Just...just a moment."

Jane raised an eyebrow then nodded, "Alright, in the meantime, I'll see if there's any new slides I've got lying around here.

Roxas furrowed his brow as he followed after them. He reached out to their backs. "You alright?"

"I...yes." Zexion took a breath, steadying himself. "I just didn't expect for...that picture to be here."

Axel shook his head and crossed his arms. "Yeah...Real blast from the past to see how home used to be, that's for sure."

Roxas could tell this topic was...difficult for the two of them. And that the middle of a mission was not the time to discuss it. So he gave a small smile. "Talk about it later?"

"Please." Zexion was relieved for a change in the discussion

Axel rolled his arm as he began to walk out towards the camp. "We'll go take a look around, see if anyone else is here. For now...just stick with Tarzan and Jane."

Roxas nodded. It made sense. He should keep an eye on them in case one of them might fall.

But as he turned to the tent he had to admit some part of him didn't want that to happen. Jane seemed kind and intelligent, and Tarzan…


Tarzan had snuck up right behind him. Catching his breath after yelping in shock, Roxas asked, "C-Can I help you?"

Tarzan's brow furrowed as he looked back towards the image on the screen. Jane was still looking through the boxes for more slides. "Home." He spoke towards where Axel and Zexion had gone. He turned to Roxas and repeated the word. "Home?"

No...Roxas knew it was a question.

"It's...hard to say." The Organization's instructions for secrecy wasn't ironclad. Especially since this was just a memory. Still, Roxas suspected it wouldn't be a good idea to talk about The World That Never Was.

Tarzan frowned as he took in the answer. But then he asked something else.


Something that made Roxas just...stop. He had friends, sure. People he knew and trusted. But family? Someone who was there since the beginning, that cared about him and he could trust unconditionally?

Roxas muttered, "I don't have anything like that."


Roxas cringed at the word. "I...have some friends." He did trust Axel and Zexion, though they didn't tell him everything. Despite how the Organization seemed to keep them bound in red tape. And of course there was Naminé. More than anyone, he trusted her. Knew that she cared about him, just as much as he did.


"But not quite family." He turned to Jane, who had joined the two of them. "Forgive me for eavesdropping."

"No. It's...Axel found me. And...took me in. But I don't have anything really like family." It was simply the truth of what he was. He never could have a family.

"Help." Roxas looked up to Tarzan's determined face. "Help find."

"You want to help? How" Roxas was confused as Tarzan walked past him and looked towards the forest.

Jane's eyes widened, "The gorillas? Are you sure?"
Tarzan was quiet for a moment before nodding.

Roxas was in better spirits as he went out into the camp. "Alright. I'll let Axel and Zexion know."

Axel could be doing a lot better right now. He had faint memories of his first few months as a nobody. The ache, the numbness, and the memories.

So many memories.

Memories that seemed to make that ache worse. Which is probably why Xemnas and the other top brass in the Organization made a point to not dwell on them. Nothing beyond the simple reminder of what was lost.

But seeing the castle from his long lost childhood home was far from simple. And looking at Zexion, it was probably worse for him. Granted, he actually lived there. "Do you think we should tell Roxas? About all that?" Honestly, they were in the best position to give Roxas any idea about what that old city was like. What with almost everyone else who came from there having discarded it handily.

Zexion took a breath, his expression smoothing itself out as he nodded. "He wants to know the truth."

"Does it matter?" Really, that was the one plus of forgetting things. It made life a lot less complicated.

Zexion thumbed through his book pages. "He should know something more about us. As well as the Organization's past."

True. What with all the craziness that had come with Roxas joining the Organization, there hadn't been time to give him a history lesson. "Well, I'll just talk about what I remember. And that's not a whole lot." Honestly, despite his age as a member of the Organization he only had hints of what they did.

If the issue was a problem for Zexion, he didn't show it as he snapped his book shut. "Fair enough. Now…" Zexion tilted his head toward the other end of the camp with a smile. "Let's see if what I smelled is right."

Of course. If there was anything Axel could trust to help take his mind off of old memories, it was work. And while Roxas' lack of social graces made him a bad choice in encouraging strong willed people to choose the darkness, Axel had more than enough to cover for him. The Organization was always on the lookout for strong willed individuals they could recruit.

And by recruit, he meant turn them into heartless, and hopefully Nobodies.

Coupled with Zexion's weird ability to smell a person's darkness, they were able to get quite a few hearts to fall to darkness. And right now, it looked like the hunter was the one they needed to get the mission done.

As the two of them came up to Clayton's corner of the camp, they saw he was examining his gun with a wistful sigh, "Ah, I wouldn't give to see such a fine piece of craftsmanship put to real use."

Axel smiled and crossed his arms. "And hunting gorillas would be real enough for you?"

Clayton spun around with his weapon trained at them. A born fighter in an otherwise peaceful expedition. Something that often meant resentment. He glared at them before asking quickly, "What are you really here for?"

"Just as we said, we're looking for someone," Zexion calmly stepped forward as he answered, "And I'm certain you would be most helpful."

Clayton lowered his gun after a moment, before scoffing and beginning to turn away. I'm a professional. My employment—"

"Oh you're absolutely a professional." Axel put a hand on his shoulder to stop him. He grinned as he waved a hand at the rifle. "You're kitted out with a gun that means business."

Zexion began to rub his chin, nodding at Axel's words. "And I'm certain a man like you has an unparalleled talent for knowing his prey."

The flattery worked like a charm as Clayton's expression relaxed, and he even began to give a good natured chuckle, "Well, I do take great pride in my work."

"Yep." Axel nodded along but then looked away with a sigh. "It's just such a shame the rest of the expedition doesn't see it."

Judging by the scowl that appeared on Clayton's face, there was more than resentment behind his anger. "Of course they won't. Blasted bleeding hearts!"

Zexion walked past Clayton to the path leading to the forest. "They'll never see, unless you make them. Show them what you're really good at."

Soon his anger began to turn into wide eyed glee. And the tell tale aura of Darkness began to radiate from him. "Yes...Yes! I just need to know where those beasts are hiding! If only that wretched savage would tell us!"

Zexion began to chuckle as he walked back to the main camp. "I'm sure we'll find a way to get him to talk."

Axel joined him, though Clayton hardly seemed to notice being let go in his mania. "And when you find them, you'll know what to do." Just as they planned, the hunter was in a frenzy. Now all they needed was the right circumstances.

But how could they set that up?

"Hey." Roxas' voice got their attention as he walked to them from across the camp. "Tarzan's willing to take us to the gorillas in the jungle."

Zexion stared for a moment. Axel simply smiled, "Good to hear, Roxas."

Once again Roxas, Axel, and Zexion followed Tarzan through the jungle. Though this time, Jane walked alongside Tarzan as they made their way deeper and deeper. Jane still seemed to be surprised. "This whole expedition, we've been trying to find them. I...I can't believe we're actually going to see them." Eventually, Tarzan came to a stop by one of the larger trees. With a pointed hand upward, he made their path clear.

As Roxas climbed higher and higher, he couldn't help the occasional glance downward. But as he did he saw Axel looking towards the forest floor with a strange frown. "Is everything alright."

Axel looked up towards him and waved his hand. "Just watching for anyone following us."

High and higher they climbed. Up the twisting and winding trees. Swinging from vines to approach a part of the forest where the trees themselves seemed to have gathered almost into a wall. The only way past was through the branches near the treetops.

As they finished climbing over the trees. Roxas could see the clearing before him, and some rustling of the tree branches. The three of them carefully made their way down with Jane, while Tarzan jumped down much more nimbly. Though it was strange. The more Roxas saw him, it almost looked like Tarzan was jumping twice. And what's more he had a feeling he could do it too.

But as Tarzan made his way forward, making a series of grunts and hoots Roxas could only guess at the meaning of. But as there were similar sounds in the trees ahead it was obvious what Tarzan was doing. He was talking to the gorillas in their own language, and soon they began to peek out from their hiding spots. Jane was awed as she stepped forward. "There's so many of them." Gorillas looked down at them from almost every tree branch.

Roxas clearly saw the way Tarzan looked to all of them with a smile on his face. Even though they seemed so different, they were still a family?

It must be nice…

And then a bang rang out through the trees.

Roxas spun back and looked up to where the sound came from. Clayton was there with a smoking gun in hand, and a wicked grin on his face. There was a strange glint in his eyes, and some strange miasma that Roxas just knew he'd seen before. And what's more, there were yellow eyes in the shadows behind him.

Jane shouted as she took a step back. "Clayton?! What are you doing?!"

"My job Miss Porter!" He reloaded his gun as he continued to rant, more yellow eyes appearing behind him as the aura around him grew thicker. "I'll hunt down every blasted gorilla on this continent if it's the last thing I do!" At the height of his mania, Roxas realized what it was that swirled around Clayton.

It was darkness.

One of the yellow eyed creatures dove into Clayton and emerged from the other side. As it landed before them, Roxas knew what it was. A heartless. The monkey-like monster opened its hands to reveal a heart swirling with darkness. Darkness that seemed to have overshadowed the heartless' victim. Clayton began to vanish, leaving his darkness to pool around the heart and reform into him.

"C...Clayton?!" Jane gasped as she took a step back, slowly shaking her head.

"Not Clayton! *&&X%! Not Clayton!" Tarzan shook his head frantically as he grabbed his spear.

More and more of the heartless leapt down next to their new comrade. The gorillas began to back away as the heartless Clayton lifted his rifle to the air, and shouted one word with a grin.


Some of the monkey heartless bounded forward, while others began firing with slingshots. Tarzan was first to leap into action against them with his spear, though Jane did her best with a particularly sturdy tree-branch.

But Roxas was the only one who could really turn the tide. He began to hack away at the horde of heartless. He could tell that his work was beginning to pay off, heartless falling to the keyblade as he sliced at the shadows. He turned back to see how Tarzan and Jane were doing, and saw one of the heartless advancing on one of the gorillas that had gotten its leg caught in a vine.

"Not a chance!" He readied his blade, and dashed forward, first to the heartless attacking Tarzan and Jane, and then to the one menacing the gorilla. All of them falling before his sonic strikes. Slowing down, he whacked the root holding one of Tarzan's family down, who offered what he hoped was a supportive grunt before running away.

"Roxas! Focus!"

Axel's words brought his attention back to the fight, just in time to realize Clayton's gun was aimed right at him. Just a second to react. But it was enough for him to bring up his keyblade in time to deflect the shot from the crazed heartless.

"You can't get sidetracked by the weaker heartless!" Zexion spoke as he cast another volley of ice at the back line heartless, "We need to fight the leader to end this!"

Roxas looked at Clayton. They had only met a few minutes ago. He seemed gruff at first. But then again, so did some of the other organization members. Axel and Zexion were so strange at first, but then he grew to like them.

But now Roxas would never know what kind of person Clayton was. And some small part of him hurt knowing that.

Right now, though, he had no time for that. He rushed forward toward him. Swinging his keyblade to knock back some of the lesser heartless. The gun was still trained on him, and as Clayton pulled the trigger once again, Roxas handily deflected the bullet. He couldn't help but smile. That was two bullets for each barrel, Clayton was out of ammo! He leapt towards him to knock away the gun.

Only to be caught in the chest with one more shot from the gun. Roxas was thankful that the keyblade made him strong enough to withstand such blows, but that didn't mean it still didn't hurt. He could feel the wind knocked out of him as he was thrown towards one of the trees. Axel and Zexion rushed towards him and helped him up. "How many shots does that gun have?!" Roxas wheezed as he caught his breath.

"It seems his transformation into heartless has done away with such a limitation." Zexion muttered as he waved his hand. A green light with vines appeared over Roxas, and he could feel his pain and aches vanishing. Of course, that same healing magic Sora used. Might be useful to learn himself.

"Well, if he wants to play keep away so can we!" Axel shouted as flames gathered around his chakrams, and he tossed them at Clayton. Reaching for his machete, he was able to knock away one of the discs while the other one caught him in the arm. But he hardly seemed slowed down by the attack, or even hurt.

Clayton leapt toward them, snarling endlessly, "Hunt! Hunt! HUNT!" Roxas was able to parry the frenzied strikes well enough, and after one wide swing too many, was able to strike back. Clayton flinched as Roxas struck him, leaving him open to more attacks. With each blow giving them more room to maneuver, Roxas saw the gun arm dangling to the side. It was a chance to disarm him, or at least get rid of those bullets. He swung his keyblade as hard as he could against the barrel of the rifle and smiled as it was knocked back.

Only for it to stop, and looking at Clayton's hands he could see why. It was almost fused to them to the point where it was impossible to tell where skin and iron began or ended. In his shock, Roxas kicked the hunter away and he fell to the ground. But as he rose, he didn't just get to his feet. He began to float, swaying from side to side.

Tarzan and Jane backed away from the sight, holding their weapons ready to defend against what Clayton had become. He turned towards the two of them, again repeating the same word of "Hunt!" And soon began to lurch towards them, gun aimed and ready to fire.

Roxas began to run towards him, "Zexion! We need ice!"

"Of course!" With a wave of his hand, bullets of cold began to barrage Clayton, but some of them were wide enough to reveal something else. Something that Clayton was riding on. Whenever an ice shard hit underneath the floating man, it revealed a green thing with yellow eyes.

As Roxas approached, he thrusted his blade towards the phantom creature, and with a howl, it revealed itself. A giant chameleon with a heartless symbol reared up and glared down at Roxas.

"Stealth sneak. Tough thing to fight in a jungle like this." Axel scoffed as he readied more flames, "Too bad it has a hard time hiding again once you find it!" Waving his hands, Axel created a wall of fire to surround the three of them and the Heartless.

Hissing, the lizard leapt towards them while it's rider was undisturbed. The heartless began to kick at Axel, its blows ringing against the chakrams summoned back into his hands.

"Don't forget about me!" Roxas tossed his keyblade at Clayton atop the Stealth Sneak's back. He flinched as the glowing weapon struck him, and Roxas summoned it back for another toss. Once again the rifle was aimed at Roxas, so he aimed his throw right into the weapon's path. Sure enough, the bullet was knocked away by the much larger keyblade, and with the attack Clayton was knocked off his heartless steed.

The heartless turned towards Roxas, recognizing it no longer had a rider. With a snarl it charged at him, but Roxas leapt over it and onto its back. The stealth sneak began trying to buck him off, but he held on and rained blow after blow onto the creature. Each attack made the flailing worse and worse. Eventually, the heartless managed to fling him away towards where Clayton had fallen.

Their eyes met, and with his free hand, Clayton grabbed Roxas and flung him to the ground. "Hunt!" He repeated once again as he aimed the rifle to Roxas' face. His eyes widened as he desperately tried to think of a way out. Axel and Zexion were too far, and the heartless towered over the two of them.

And then Roxas thought of one last desperate plan.

"I'm...no-one's prey!"

Choking out his defiance, he managed to fling his keyblade into the Stealth Sneak. The heartless reeled and screeched as the weapon pierced its hide. The heartless Clayton looked up and saw it begin to stumble forward towards him and panicked. He let go of Roxas and tried to aim his gun. Roxas managed to stumble away and avoid the beast falling on top of him.

The remains of Clayton however, were not as lucky.

After a moment lying on the ground, the heartless dissolved into darkness, and from the nothing that remained as it vanished. So did Clayton. Roxas let out a shaking breath, trying to calm himself. But Axel clapping him on the back derailed that attempt. "Nice! Scratch one more memory!"

Roxas couldn't help but frown. "Yeah...I guess…"

The lack of cheer in his voice caused Axel to tilt his head curiously. "Hey. What's up?"

He sighed, shaking his head. "Clayton, I know he became a heartless and tried to kill us. But before that he was still a person." It still sounded crazy even as he spoke about what was bothering him. But he still had to say it. "Couldn't we have done something? Tried to stop him?"

Axel paused for a moment before eventually shrugging, "Well...this is a memory. I'm not sure we could have done much to change what already happened. Besides, this isn't real anyway." He waved a hand, and Roxas looked around. Tarzan and Jane were nowhere to be seen, in fact the entire jungle seemed almost quiet. The only change was the white door of Castle Oblivion. "See? It's all stuff that's done already. So I wouldn't worry about it."

Again, some part of Roxas hurt as he realized he might not get the chance to talk things out with Tarzan and Jane and what had happened. They wanted to help, but he only put their family in danger.

Zexion frowned for a moment before shaking his head. "Some people are more susceptible to darkness than others. Clayton was solitary, he had no one who might have intervened. I doubt strangers such as ourselves could have pulled him away."

Axel patted his back as they began to walk towards the door. "Hey, cheer up. You won, right?"

Roxas eventually gave an uneasy smile. "Yeah, I guess I did."

Even if he just couldn't see it like that.
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Chapter Thirteen: Past
Chapter Thirteen: Past

Secret Report: Lexaeus I

I remember when the time came for us to shed our hearts, I had objected to subjecting Ienzo to the procedure. I argued that he was just a child, our leader counted that he was stronger willed than I gave him credit for.

And he was right. From that surprising amount of will to survive, Zexion was given the chance to exist.

But still, sometimes I see him staring off into the distance. Especially when our history is mentioned. Nothing major, and certainly nothing that hinders his work.

Still, I wonder about what kind of grip the past may hold on him.

"Ah, I missed this." Axel took a bite from the popsicle of sea salt ice cream.

From his chair Zexion groaned and held his head in his free hand, "Please don't eat on the bed." Axel simply shrugged and continued enjoying the dessert on Zexion's mattress. Shaking his head, Zexion turned over to the quiet Roxas. "You're sure you're not hungry for one? Axel did make a deal for the both of you."

Roxas opened his mouth, hesitant to speak before eventually answering, "I...not right now. Dinner was a bit much and...I need a minute."

Axel raised an eyebrow as he munched away at the ice cream. "You haven't had any problems with the rations before. Are you doing alright there?"

"Just...got a lot on my mind." Roxas muttered as he leaned on the wall. How seeing someone really fall to darkness was so different than what he had learned, memory or not. How Naminé was doing since he hadn't seen her yet today. And how did Axel and Zexion

Getting off the bed, much to Zexion's relief, Axel walked over to Roxas. "You think you could share at least one of them?"

Well, they didn't really understand why he cared about that world at all, so he saw little point to bring it up. And he wasn't really sure where Zexion stood with Naminé. If he was willing to cut her slack like Axel, or would do anything to keep her in line like Larxene and Marluxia. So that only left one thing. "What was that castle? You said it was something in the past?"

"Start with a harder question why don't ya?" Axel muttered as he took another bite of ice cream and began to chew it around. Eventually, he answered, "That castle was from our home world a long time ago. Though when we left it ten years ago the place was falling to pieces at the hands of the heartless."

Roxas nodded, following so far. If it was that far back, it'd definitely be weird to see it again after so long. But then that left the question of the Heartless. "How did they get there? Did someone important fall to darkness?"

Axel looked over to Zexion, who sighed and slowly began to explain, "There were experiments done in the castle on heartless." Staring for a moment at his ice cream, he quietly admitted, "I was there for it. Though I'm not sure how it all got out of hand."

Axel shrugged and walked over to Zexion. "Well whatever happened, the castle was ground zero for the heartless invasion," With a smile, he put a hand on Zexion's shoulder. "And the organization." Zexion just rolled his eyes and shrugged Axel's hand off his shoulder.

Experiments on heartless? If it was something that happened with the Organization that would make sense, they were enemies after all. But before? The answer only fueled Roxas' curiosity. "How did it start? Why were they experimenting on the heartless?"

Axel twiddled his half eaten popsicle in his hands at the question. "You know, I don't think I've ever heard." He looked to Zexion, clearly waiting for some kind of explanation.

Zexion sighed and nibbled on his ice cream a bit before answering, "I was never told the exact reason. The most I ever heard was that we simply were aiming to examine the entirety of the heart. Both light and dark."

Axel took a bite of his popsicle and digested the answer. Eyes on Zexion the whole time. "You were in that castle helping out with those experiments, and you knew nothing?" Roxas had to admit the lack of answers was getting annoying.

"I was a child!" Zexion snapped and slammed his fist into his desk. Roxas and Axel both took a step back, leaving him to take a shaky breath before continuing, "By the time we were Nobodies and realized what had happened, most of the notes were destroyed in the chaos the Heartless had made." All he could do was sit and cross his arms as he admitted, "In all likelihood, I barely know more than you do Axel."

Axel looked away for a moment, uninterested in what was left of his ice cream. Roxas could hardly believe it. Zexion and Axel seemed to know almost everything. But now? Now they seemed just as lost as he was.


It was worse for them. Roxas had just been lost for a few weeks before the Organization gave him some semblance of direction.

For ten years they couldn't get any answers.

"I'm sorry."

Zexion looked at Roxas as he spoke, surprise obvious in his face."For what? You weren't even there to play a part in those events—"

"Unless you picked up time travel while we weren't looking," Axel quipped.

Zexion paid no heed as he continued, "More than that, all you wanted to know was the truth."

"I know I didn't cause it. It's just..." Roxas tried to find the best way to put what he saw into words. Just what exactly Zexion and Axel did their best to ignore. "It hurts, doesn't it? The past, and not knowing anything about it."

Zexion was just quiet. Taking the last bite of his ice cream he looked away, though to Roxas, it almost seemed like a bit of a nod.

Axel just tossed the tiny stick of wood he was left with in the trash. "Well, pain seems to be one of the few things we can feel."

Right now, Roxas didn't quite have the answers he was looking for. But somehow, it seemed understanding Axel and Zexion was a bit more important. And right now, he was pretty sure they needed a minute to themselves. "Hey Zexion? I think I'll have my ice cream tomorrow."

"Of course." Zexion nodded a bit more firmly and gestured towards the freezer, concealing it again as a dresser.

Axel stretched as he headed to the door. "I'll be heading back too. Same time tomorrow?"

Zexion was quiet for a moment, but eventually he smiled. "Assuming you're up on time."

"If he's not, I'll wake him up." Roxas answered as he began to head out as well.

As Zexion began to set his book away, he paused to look over at him. "Thank you, Roxas." It was rather simple, but Roxas couldn't help but sense there was something more to those words.

But currently, he didn't want to waste too much more time. Right now Roxas needed to see how his other friend was doing.

Kairi dodged as best as she could against the trickmaster's unwieldy swings. With the clubs on fire, even a glancing blow could mean trouble. But eventually she gathered enough distance between her and the heartless, and calling on the power of ice, she was able to make enough of a blast of cold to extinguish the weapons and cause the heartless to stumble. Seeing her opportunity, she leapt on the chair to get to the high—

"What did I say about getting distracted!?" Larxene snapped, and put her hand on the crystal ball that Naminé was observing. "This isn't Sora or Roxas, so what are you doing watching the princess?"

Naminé tried to hide her fear and answered calmly, "Marluxia ordered me to watch her."

Larxene raised an eyebrow, still unconvinced. "And why would he want that?"

"So I can decide," Naminé paused for a moment to try and find the best way to explain what Marluxia had requested, "what to do with what I learn."

"Naminé." The faint crackle of electricity could be heard as Larxene leaned in closer. "You wouldn't be lying to me, would you?"

"I'm not lying. You can check with him." Naminé met her eyes, yet was tense as the energy around Larxene failed to dissipate.

"If he tells a different story, I'll be back." Opening a dark portal, Larxene left.

Naminé waited for the last wisps of darkness to vanish completely before letting out a breath. She knew that Larxene's and Marluxia's rules about what she could and could not do were strict and unclear. But most of the time, she was able to follow them. But even so, it seemed as if they were constantly looking for some way to uncover some hidden disobedience she hadn't considered. For the most part, she was certain about Marluxia's directions regarding Kairi.

But as she looked back to the crystal ball, she couldn't help but have doubt grow once again. With a final airborne strike, Kairi was able to bring down the trickmaster. Was it really possible? Could she even—?

*Click* creeee---

As she heard the familiar sound of the opening door, she relaxed. No matter what happened in the day seeing Roxas again helped make things a bit better that night. He was a bit sheepish as he walked in. "Hey there. Sorry I'm a bit late. I had to talk with some of the other Organization members after dinner."

"It's alright. I'm just glad you're here now." Turning off the crystal ball with a gesture, she got up and walked over to him. "How was the world today?"

"The world was pretty, but tough to get around." Of course. If they wanted to ensure Roxas' training was complete, they'd want to include the Deep Jungle. Roxas then frowned as he continued to explain, "And I saw someone...fall."

"To darkness." Naminé grimaced as she recalled the events of that world.

"He just changed in an instant." "And the heartless used him like a puppet."

"Many weak hearts have been ensnared by the darkness and went on to do terrible things because of it." Even going through Sora's memories second hand, she couldn't help but shake the sense of trepidation as she watched so many fall to darkness. Clayton, Maleficent and her minions. Even Riku was no match for its corrupting influence.

It felt like such a weighty topic for a time the two of them had a chance to really relax. Naminé shook her head as he couldn't quite look him in the eyes. "I'm sorry. This probably isn't what you wanted to talk about."

But Roxas taking her hand helped to reassure her, as did his smile. "It's okay. Sometimes it's good to get these sorts of things out there." And in a way, it did help. The trust the two of them had made it so much easier to talk about things they needed to let out so desperately. "But if you want to change the subject, there's something I wanted to ask."

She smiled at the request. "Of course, I'll do my best to answer."

"I think I'm seeing the memories you're making. In my dreams."

At his question, Naminé was a bit perplexed. "Roxas, Nobodies don't dream." Oh they certainly could have aspirations and desires. Things that they wished to possess. But to touch the world of slumber? For the heart to wander and dwell on what mattered to it while asleep? Naminé knew that was impossible.

Roxas winced and tried to explain, "I know, but whatever's happening when I sleep is pretty close. It's like I'm inside Sora on some islands, with you, Kairi, some other boy. What's his name?"

"Riku. His name is Riku." She answered the immediate question easily enough. But going through exactly what had happened during the night, she began to tap her cheek in thought. "I suppose it makes sense. With you being asleep and Sora still alive, you might be able to tap into some of those memories." She considered what Roxas might want with those dreams however. "Are they making it more difficult for you to sleep? Did you want me to create less?"

"Nonono. Nothing like that," Roxas waved his hands gently before hesitantly asking, "Are...you lonely in those memories?"

Roxas' question gave her pause. But eventually she nodded. Each of those fake memories was just another twisted bit of pain. False happiness that never was, even though she had the phantom sensation of having lived it. The kindness she was shown was just eroded by the reality of her situation.

"What if someone else was there?" He began to offer curiously. "Someone who saw you?" It would be nice for someone to help keep her company. To be a lifeline in those memories. But who? "Someone who might have been there to begin with?" She looked up at Roxas in surprise of his suggestion. It was the same sort of logic she had been able to use to insert herself into Sora's memories. If Kairi could be there, so could Naminé. And Sora could be there, so could Roxas. He just had a small smile as he made the offer.

"I...I could do it," Naminé began to answer shakily, before she steadied herself, "They can't find you at all. If any one of them finds you, I'd have to start over with the memory." Or make him a complete part of Sora, Kairi, and Riku's childhood. And she wasn't completely sure he wanted to become a whole part of that.

Eagerly, Roxas nodded. "Got it. I won't let them see me."

"Then take my hand." She held it out for Roxas to hold on to. And as he held it, she tried to focus on a moment she had created where she was more out of the way. Somewhere...

A blue sky…The ocean…An island…

Sora was there as always.

But this time as Roxas watched him run forward to the other side of the island, he could feel the sand beneath him. See the sun shining in the distance. Hear the ocean's waves. A brief glance downward confirmed his hopes. He wasn't in Sora's white and red clothes, but a dark grey t-shirt and black pants.

This time he was free.

And over by the shack, a younger Naminé held a crayon and paper. And her eyes were on him.

Quickly, Roxas jogged over to her. The less time he was out in the open, the better. He couldn't waste another second. As he arrived, he sat next to her on the sand. Naminé gave a small smile as they looked out to the sea. It was so different from what Roxas had known before. It felt so very familiar to him. He asked, "What are you thinking about when you see this?"

"I think it's beautiful," she said softly before a sigh escaped her. "But I won't be here forever. One day, I'll be gone from here, and I'll have to leave all of this behind." Her smile fell as she asked, "What's the point of dwelling on something that won't be there forever?"

For a moment Roxas sat there, Naminé's question weighing on him. Eventually everything ended, right? Memories, lives, time.

Even so.

"But it was good for it to be there at least once right?" Not to mention some part of Roxas wasn't sure if it was absolute. Who's to say something was gone for good after it left? "And what if there's a chance to find it again?" She looked to him in surprise at his answer. "Maybe I can find a way so you can see this again for real."

"It's been so hard to hold on to hope." Her hand brushed on the corner of the notebook at her side. Eventually, she turned to him with a smile. "But being with you helps me see it a bit better."

And unlike the ones he saw before in his dreams, this one seemed to be so grateful. Not a mask held up for appearances sake, but something real.

"Naminé?" A girl's voice called out from beyond the cove.

And like that he shot up, the spell of the moment broken. Naminé was startled as well. "Roxas, Hide here!" Holding open the door of the shack, Roxas began to kick up sand as he scrambled inside. But as he was closing the door it stopped, and he saw Naminé holding it open for a moment. Just long enough to give him a nod and say…

"Thank you."

Roxas let out a breath as the memory ended. It was unbelievable just how lifelike everything was. More than that, he knew it had happened. Distant as it was in the past, that memory was a part of him. "I know it isn't a whole lot. Just a minute."

She shook her head with a smile. "It's more than enough." She looked at him as she held his hand a bit tighter.

"If we don't do something this entire situation will be more than we can handle." Marluxia stared at Vexen and Lexaeus, the former pacing as he watched the crystal ball.

As he paced Vexen pondered breathlessly, "Yes. With the princess of heart having acquired a keyblade, her viability as a hostage has diminished considerably."

Larxene shrugged, "What with the super strength, magic, and of course the ability to unlock anything."

"Rendering most forms of imprisonment impossible." Lexaeus crossed his arms has he considered the situation. "What of our intruder further down? Riku?"

"He is formidable to be sure," Vexen came to a stop as he spoke before turning to Marluxia and Larxene with a smile, "But it is nothing I cannot handle. I have analyzed And without a keyblade, he will have difficulty escaping."

"As long as we have insurance." Marluxia nodded before shifting the crystal ball to show Riku leaving the sand filled streets of Agrabah."The superior has made it clear that if nothing else is accomplished in Castle Oblivion, we must do all that we can to stall the hero. Should the memory manipulation fail, we can rely on a hostage."

Lexaeus materialized his weapon and hefted it to his shoulder. "I will accompany you. We must bring all our power to bear to ensure this capture is successful."

"We shall return shortly with our insurance." With that reassurance, Vexen and Lexaeus vanished into shadow.

Riku sighed as he closed yet another of the strange castle's doors and returned to the same white hallways. Honestly, between the monotony of the castle and the nearly uninhabited memories he fought through it was difficult to keep a lid on things.

And he had to. He could still feel his presence in the back of cracks of his heart. Just waiting for one slip. One moment of weakness.

"A moment to realize that glorious strength once again."

Screwing up his eyes, Riku tried to block Ansem's voice from his mind. Just focus on putting one foot in front of the other. Just try and ignore him and how his stench clung…

Riku stopped as he smelt the air. Ever since he was young, he had a strange habit of being able to just...smell when something was wrong. He ignored it when he began to ally with Maleficent, and he regretted everything since.

So when he smelt something so utterly wrong coming from the man standing before him he stopped. The thing that was so strange, was that it wasn't like light or darkness. Or anything he'd ever smelled before.

The bony faced man smiled at him, hands behind his back. "I take it you're Riku."

He stepped forward, ready to spring to action at a moment's notice. "Are you with Ansem?"

"You are partially correct." Another voice behind him spoke. Riku spun around to see a mountain of a man step out of a dark portal, claymore hefted on his shoulder.

In a flash, the bony faced man summoned a blue spiked shield to his side. "Let us just say he is not the Ansem with which you are familiar."

The giant slammed his foot to the ground, sealing the path behind him with rock."But that is beside the point. You shall come with Vexen and I."

Riku summoned his dark blade to his hands. "Sorry, gonna have to turn down your invitation!"

"The hard way it is then. Lexaeus?" Vexen waved his hand to summon spindles of ice and shot them at Riku. He was able to dodge them all handily, even slashing one back at the attacker.

But as the shots approached Lexaeus, he swung his blade at the projectiles. The ice shards shattered and ricocheted back towards him. Riku held out a hand to summon dark fire and melt some of the frozen shrapnel. He ran towards Lexaeus and began to slash away at him. The giant flinching at each strike from the blade.

Vexen's laughter caused Riku to stop and dive away. Just in time for an icy disc to miss its target. Turning and leaping towards the caster, he began to rain blow after blow on his shield. Vexen winced with each strike, and it was clear he couldn't keep this up forever. All Riku just needed was one more strike.


And in that moment, Riku was never more thankful for the habit many of his foes had of calling their attacks. As he snapped toward Lexaeus bringing his claymore down on his head. But as the attack made contact, Riku was flung back. And as he regained his footing he could see why. Power radiated off Lexaeus, to the point that it was almost an aura. Even as he was feet away, he tossed his blade to the sky and began to punch the ground.

Riku began to take a step back in the nick of time. With each strike to the floor huge rocks of earth shot forth at Riku's feet, forcing him to move back. With Lexaeus catching the blade and bringing it to the floor once more, Riku jumped away to avoid the cliff that shot up at his feet. Lexaeus narrowed his eyes at his opponent. "You wield the darkness, yet you do not embrace it." With a roar, power began to surge around him once again, knocking Riku back.

"That fear shall be your downfall!" Vexen crowed as a pool of ice gathered at Riku's feet. Rolling away, he was able to avoid the colossal spike of ice that sprouted from the ground. As Vexen continued to gesture, Riku saw the ice continue to grow at his feet. Rolling again, Riku just barely avoided another ice pillar that followed him.

And unfortunately, Lexaeus followed him too. Leaping across the room at Riku, he brought his claymore down on him in an explosion of rock, catching him in the blast. This time, he couldn't defend against the attack and was flung back. Again, Lexaeus tossed his weapon and smashed the floor, and Vexen continued to throw more blades of ice at him. It took all of Riku's focus to evade the entire barrage, and he barely had a chance to get a blow in on either one of them.

But finally, Vexen drifted a bit too close. "You're wide open!" Riku slashed once again at the shield, causing it to break. Crying out in surprise, Vexen had no more defense against Riku's attack. With slash after slash he tried to take him out and end the magical barrage. Hopefully that would give him room to breathe.

"Foolish!" Lexaeus roared, and Riku was forced to halt his attack and turn to his other opponent. Power had begun to roar around him as he floated in the air far away from him. A distant shout was Riku's only warning before Lexaeus came careening towards him. While Riku was able to avoid the pillar of earth that erupted immediately from where Lexaeus had struck, he was unable to avoid the aftershocks. With the subsequent crags and stones knocking him into the air.

"Hold still!" At Vexen's voice so close to him, Riku spun midair to try and face him. But it was too late, as he was only in time to see Vexen held out his hands and a gale of ice began to cover him.

Riku panicked as he realized the frost was encasing him. "No! NO!" He cried out before being frozen completely. But between the crushing blows Lexaeus had inflicted and as the cold sapped his strength, he could hardly fight back. The block of ice encasing him dropped to the ground. But even though his frozen body was motionless, Riku's mind was screaming, 'NO! I CAN'T LOSE HERE! I WON'T LOSE!'

"Of course you won't."

And his mind came to a screeching halt as he recognized the voice. Even clearer than when he manifested in front of him floors ago.

"You have power."

"My power."

Riku panicked, tried to do something. Anything to hold back the tide. 'N...No! I don't want this!'

The voice laughed as Riku could feel the power he could barely control overwhelm him once again. "But you did! Even now, you still rely on it!"


Vexen relaxed at seeing Riku detained by his ice prison. He turned to Lexaeus with a smile. "Excellent! We should be able to transport him safely to my lab for study with this."

Still, Lexaeus frowned as he looked at the frozen boy. "Something's wrong."

Vexen scoffed as he walked closer to Riku, "I realize that utilizing your full potential so soon in a battle is not quite your standard practice, but ensuring a clean capture—."

"Get back!" Lexaeus shouted and grabbed Vexen by his cloak to pull him away from the ice which had begun to gather darkness. More and more it gathered around the frozen block until it shattered. But with the imprisonment destroyed, the darkness did not stop gathering. It only grew larger and taller.

When the darkness cleared, Riku was gone. In his place stood Ansem, The Dark Seeker.
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Chapter Fourteen: Power
Chapter Fourteen: Power
Secret Report: Marluxia II

Of all the secrets kept by the upper echelons of the Organization, the details of its founding have been the most vexing. Should the Organization be led by such beings? Chained to their past, yet they refuse to speak of it?

Larxene understood. Even though her prior life was painful, she strives to not be bound by it. To exist on her own terms. To fight against it. It was her perspective which informed my own. Adrift without memory. Yet determined to work to some purpose.

And I have found it. To be truly free in the universe. And the Keyblade shall grant me that freedom once it is mine.

And it's power will be mine. One way or another.

Lexaeus held on to his weapon for dear life, as Vexen no doubt did as well. "The superior? No! His heartless!" Vexen backed away from Ansem, watching with wide eyes. Would he speak to them? Attack them? Call the heartless to his side? At this point, anything could happen.

Ansem brushed off the last pieces of his frozen prison as he looked over the two of them. "Well now...these are faces I did not expect to see for some time. Echoes of what once was, desperately trying to justify their existence." Ansem held out his arms and from him darkness swirled around the room and the walls became overshadowed. The carvings on them eroding as the darkness became saturated. Vexen cringed and Lexaeus braced himself as the room was overcome by the darkness. It was only a matter of time before that power to come crashing down on the two of them.

But then just as quickly, the darkness was repelled. All that Ansem had momentarily warped was returned to normal, and that power was forced back into him. Ansem looked at the room in surprise. "This magic? It's—!"

Lexaeus snarled as he built up power again. He'd be foolish not to take advantage of the reprieve. But just as soon as he started, from out of Ansem's shadow emerged a hulking figure who grabbed Lexaeus by the throat. Strength stifled, he struggled against the guardian while Ansem simply smiled and crossed his arms. "Of course. That sly fox."

Vexen was practically cowering at this point, desperately holding the shield between Ansem and himself. But with a wave of Ansem's hand, the guardian released Lexaeus, who gasped out as he could breathe again, "Wh...why?"

"It seems through your intervention, I have been provided a singular opportunity. So I shall permit your survival for now." Again, darkness gathered around Ansem, but this time he vanished into it.

Lexaeus got to his feet and looked to Vexen, still clutching his shield. Gathering his wits, he asked, "What now?"

Vexen looked to Lexaeus, words failing him. "We...we.." Until finally he hit on a solution. "We tell Marluxia that Riku escaped and that we are working on locating him."

Lexaeus frowned at the suggestion, crossing his arms. "And when that fails and he finds out the truth?"

"We will have thought of a more permanent solution before then!" Vexen barked as he began to pace. "There must be something! Anything!

"Well then by all means Vexen. Tell me."

The two of them looked over to the end of the room where Marluxia had emerged from darkness. He glared at them, hands balled into fists.

"Do you have a solution for this?"

Roxas stood at the door with a smile on his face. "Same time tomorrow? Maybe earlier?"

Naminé simply gave a nod from her chair. "Whenever you can." The smile from the memory they had created hadn't left her yet. It was the only memory of that fictional childhood she truly made because she wanted to. And with Roxas, it was the only one she knew was real.

But as Roxas reached for the door handle it was flung open, and on the other side stood a very unhappy Axel. "Both of you, come with me. Now."

Something in her gut sank at the instruction. Had they been found out? Did Marluxia and Larxene realize she had gone astray of their plan? Was the only good thing in her life being taken away? But all she could find herself able to say as she stood up was, "What's wrong?"

"Ansem's alive, and he's running around Castle Oblivion."

The news caused her to pale, clutching her notebook to her chest. Immediately, she began to follow Axel as he walked down the hall. Roxas, was just bewildered as he tried to keep up."Wha—? Wait. Who's Ansem?"

Of course, the Organization probably wouldn't have any reason to tell him about a dead man. She explained as best as she could, "He was once a wise king before he fell to darkness when investigating the heart. He turned himself into a heartless and led the others before Sora defeated him." Roxas stopped for a moment, and Naminé paused with him. "Is something wrong?"

"Investigating the heart," he began to mutter as he rubbed his chin until recognition lit up in Roxas' eyes, "Axel, was the king of you old home named—?"

"Ansem? Yep. And his Nobody is in charge of our Organization." Axel beckoned the two back down the hall with him as he continued to walk. "Anyway, looks like dying to Sora didn't take," Axel muttered as they arrived at their destination, "So now we need to figure out what to do."

"Are you serious?!"

Zexion's voice heard in the hallway caused the three of them to wince. Opening the doors, they saw everyone else gathered another one of the crystal balls. Vexen was pacing back and forth, and Lexaeus had his weapon summoned to his side. Larxene had her arms crossed unmoved by the outburst. "I'm completely serious. We can't discuss this with Xemnas."

"Complete…?!" Zexion sputtered and waved his hand, "The heartless threat is not something the Organization can simply ignore! If Ansem has returned—!"

"We must be as thorough as possible in our report to him," Vexen spoke up, trying to placate Zexion despite his own anxiety.

Lexeaus continued as he observed the crystal ball cycling between rooms in Castle Oblivion, "If he remains here, we must continue our observations until Ansem departs before making our report."

Larxene smirked as she put a hand to her hip. "You mean so you can both save face after letting him get loose in the first place?"

"Regardless, I concur," Marluxia's voice caused everyone to go so silent, "As acting authority over our operations here, I decree we shall not discuss this with Xemnas until we can speak with certainty of his intentions."

And from the ensuing silence, it was clear that his command was understood. Even if some of the other members of the Organization did not agree with it.

"Anyway Axel, you and Roxas didn't miss mu—," Larxene stopped as she looked to the three of them. And more specifically towards her as her eyes narrowed. "Why is Naminé here?"

Marluxia stepped forward, and gave Naminé a more pointed look. "I want to know her response to this news."

To be sure, the real question Marluxia had posed to her was something she considered occasionally. More and more once Kairi had arrived at the castle and began to fight her way through floor after floor. All for the sake of her friends that she cherished.

And there was someone Naminé cherished.

"I'll do it." Everyone looked at her as she answered Marluxia, "I want to learn Kairi's power." And for a moment, her eyes met Roxas' own that looked at her in surprise. "I want to use the Key—"

"Excuse me!?" Larxene shouted as she walked towards her, arms crossed. "How could someone as weak as you learn how to use a keyblade?"

She flinched at the rebuttal. Naminé didn't have any kind of real experience fighting. Kairi had occasionally joined Sora and Riku's play fights in the past. But she had no real way to tap into it with Sora's memory alone. Still, Zexion seemed to nod at what she said. "If her original self can use the keyblade, it would stand to reason that she would also have that power."

"Yeah right! This frail little—?"

"That is correct, Zexion," Marluxia cut off Larxene's latest diatribe with a raised hand. "It is why I asked her to consider this possibility long ago, when she made it known to me that the princess could make her way here. To see if she could find some way to acquire some semblance of the princesses' power." And that was her one lifeline in this. That Marluxia was even willing to entertain the possibility of her gaining this power. He looked her dead in the eyes, hands folded behind his back. "You are certain of this decision?"

"I am."

Naminé had never been more certain of anything in her life.

Roxas began to smile as he looked towards her and reached out a hand. "Hey, maybe.."

"Roxas, shut up." Larxene snapped and walked over to Marluxia. "You. Me. Talk. Now." At his nod, the two vanished into darkness.

Larxene was already at her wits end with all of the changes in their plan. While Roxas' interruption might have been self-inflicted, the boy was able to pull something together. Everything that came from that, however? With the princess and Ansem arriving on the scene? Part of her could understand why Marluxia considered pushing Naminé to get some training, if only to delay any kind of kidnapping.

But a keyblade?!

"I'm just going to get to the point," she asked as the two of them arrived in Marluxia's chambers, "What are you thinking?!"

Marluxia, unflappable as ever, simply crossed his arms and closed his eyes. "With the viability of maintaining control over Sora diminishing, as well as the new threat introduced by Ansem, our circumstances have changed. Thus, we will need to adjust our plans accordingly."

"By making Naminé stronger? We can't just let that happen." She walked over to him and began to poke at his chest to punctuate her point. "If she gains the power of a keyblade, it would only be a matter of time before she escaped." His eyes opened in a snap to meet her own, as she brought up the bigger elephant in the room. "Or worse, finds a way to improve her existing power."

For once, he was silent and began to mull the point over. Eventually however, he gently pushed Larxene's hand back. "That has always been a peril in integrating her into our plans. Which is why we have taught her respect for our rule." She couldn't help but smirk and let Marluxia move her hand back. "But it must be tempered with enough motivation so that such respect does not turn to disdain."

With a sigh, Larxene conceded and walked out of his personal space, "Right. There's a balance to it. Push her too far and she won't care how much she gets hurt if she can hurt us back." As much as she favored the stick, there had to be a bit of carrot in situations like these.

Which they had covered at first. "Originally, the memories she was fixated on were to be her reward to tide her over until Sora arrived." Marluxia explained. "But now there is a growing possibility this may not come to pass."

And with a snap of her fingers, it all became clear to Larxene. "That's why you're offering her this. So she won't turn against us or Roxas to see Sora." But in a moment, she paused, "Though I'm not sure she'll turn against the rookie." Marluxia raised an eyebrow, so she continued. "She gets defensive about his visits. I've got a feeling she likes him."

"And he seems to be continuing his visits," Marluxia nodded. Then began to smile. "Depending on how the situation develops, this may be something we can turn to our advantage."

"So I'll keep an eye on her?" Larxene opened a portal to return back.

"As I will watch him." Marluxia nodded as he led the way. "Together, we will see if either of them are truly worthy."

A moment of silence passed after Castle Oblivion's leaders departed from whatever Larxene was unhappy about. Roxas wasn't sure he cared much about it. Vexen and Lexaeus looked to each other before Lexaeus broke the silence. "I assume we should proceed to scour the castle for any sign of Ansem."

Vexen clasped his hands together and began to eagerly nod. "Of course! Of course! I should be able to reconfigure my equipment to monitor for his darkness given time! So I should get a head start on that! Lexaeus?" He conjured another dark portal and the two quickly made their exit.

Zexion sighed at their departure. "I just hope that we actually can control this situation before it becomes worse."

That just left the four of them. Axel was left scratching the back of his head chuckling, "Well, assuming Marluxia signs off, you're sure you want to do this?"

Zexion crossed his arms and began to ponder. "This training is likely not going to be easy. I'm not sure where we could even begin in instructing you to call upon the keyblade."

"Hey, aren't you forgetting I've got a keyblade?" Roxas pointed to himself. If he was a part of the Organization because of that power, then he needed to live up to the responsibility of being the only person who had it. "I should be able to help Naminé with calling on her own."

"Roxas...Thank you."

It was strange. They were simple words of gratitude. But Roxas couldn't help a warmth gathering in his cheeks just hearing them.

Axel raised an eyebrow and began to tap the crystal ball. "So what made you want to get in the fight? Why not just ask someone to guard you?"

Naminé shook her head. "If things are changing so much, then I need to change too. I can't just stay in that room and wait for everything to happen."

"How else could I help you too?"

Roxas' eyes widened. It was a whisper so quiet he was sure no-one else heard them. But he was certain Naminé was looking at him as she spoke.

Before he could say anything however, a dark portal appeared again. Out stepped Larxene and Marluxia, the former in a much calmer mood. Marlxia looked at Naminé, "Training you may be a worthwhile pursuit Naminé. But it is dependent on one last question." He looked over to Roxas and asked firmly, "You are the only one with the power of a keyblade. Would you assist in Naminé's training?"

"I will."

Roxas had never been more certain of anything in his life.
Chapter Fifteen: Simple
Chapter Fifteen: Simple

Secret Report: Axel III

I was sure that with everything going on in this castle, it was only a matter of time before someone did something drastic. But Naminé trying to learn how to use a keyblade?

If she really succeeds, I can't let her just walk away. Xemnas would read me the riot act for sure if I let a keyblade wielder slip from the Organization's fingers into the wild. Especially when it isn't a surprise. Either she's coming with me, or stays in this castle forever. Dead or...

Roxas wanted to train her. He seemed so eager to help her. It's crazy to say he cares about her since Nobodies don't have hearts…

But if I have to kill her, and he ever finds out? I'm the assassin that can plan for almost anything, but that? My mind just comes up blank about what to do if that happens.

Missions before this were easy. Predictable. Get in. Do the job. Get out. Rinse and repeat, day after day.

I just need to keep things simple. Keep this job from getting icky.

Roxas ran a hand through his hair as he sat on his bed that night. He had desperately been trying to calm down enough to fall asleep. All for nothing. Even though he agreed to training Naminé, Marluxia's reaction wasn't quite the pleased acceptance or accommodation he had been hoping for. He could clearly remember the command Marluxia gave before he left in another dark portal.

"Your training begins tomorrow. If we do not see results in a few days, your tutoring of her ends. This also cannot interfere with your own efforts to improve your strength. Sora is nearly halfway up the castle."

Guess it was too much to ask for a little slack with how much he was working. Ever since he came to this castle he'd been put to the test. These weren't just missions anymore. Roxas had to fight for his life.

It was a good thing he had friends to help him though it. Axel was easy to trust, he was his first friend in the organization. And Zexion? He was willing to open up, even if just a bit about his past. At first, he seemed just like a younger version of Vexen, stuffy and studious. But after they had talked, maybe that wasn't the case. Maybe deep down, Zexion just needed someone who could listen. Maybe he and Axel could help him with that.

And maybe together, they could help Naminé too.

With that hope he could finally lie down and get some sleep. Even with friends, he was definitely going to need rest for tomorrow.

A blue sky…The ocean…An island…

On a small island there were children. Spending time together as most children did. Looking out to sea and wondering what lay beyond the horizon. Imagining adventures with little more than props and toys. Fighting fake monsters or villains with wooden swords. Or even just fighting for fun and a small token of appreciation.

Such as now.

"So whoever wins, Naminé makes a picture of next?"

Riku smirked at Sora as he rested the toy sword on his shoulder. "You can give up any time you know."

"Not a chance!" Sora settled into a stance with his weapon in both hands. But then he paused as he saw someone else run up. "Huh?"

Sora's eyes widened in surprise. "Kairi?"

Kairi grinned as she came to a stop in front of the two of them, wooden sword in her hand. "Whoever wins the fight gets a picture from Naminé right? Well, I want to give it a shot too!"

Riku stuttered for a moment, "I...I don't think—"

"Hey Naminé!" Only to be interrupted by Sora calling out to the girl sitting under the shade of the seaside shack. "Is it okay if Kairi wins the fight Naminé?"

Sitting on a blanket, notepad and crayon in hand, Naminé simply smiled at the three of them. "I'm perfectly fine drawing whoever wins."

Sora nodded and looked at Kairi and Riku. "Alright! Ready?"

Riku nervously held up a hand. "Hold on! If it's three of us, we've got to have some rules!"

Kairi giggled, "You seemed fine fighting Tidus, Wakka, and Selphie all together."

"Well that's…"

Naminé's focus on Riku's voice stopped as she heard a creak from the door next to her. She relaxed as she saw a familiar face peeking out from the crack in the doorway. The face of a boy who both was and wasn't. Roxas looked out to the three on the beach before turning back to Naminé with a raised eyebrow. "Are they always like this?"

She shook her head, setting aside one of the crayons she held over the page. "Usually It's just Sora and Riku fighting. But sometimes Kairi gets involved too."

Looking back to the trio, Roxas had his eyes on Sora, as he pointed the toy sword to the sky as he talked. Roxas asked a bit more quietly, "Who usually wins?"


At Naminé's answer, Sora's pose was interrupted by Riku knocking him back with a nonchalant swing of his sword. Roxas leaned back in surprise before turning to Naminé again. "It's not Sora?"

"Riku's always been the best," Naminé explained as Sora fell to the sand. "But Sora never gives up." As Kairi moved to his side, he dusted himself off and readied himself again.

Roxas watched as both Kairi and Sora began to charge Riku, who blocked each attack before leaping over the two of them. Roxas saw as Kairi began parrying each one of Riku's counterattacks before it hit him. "Hey Naminé" At her name, she looked over to Roxas. "Maybe you could try fighting too?"

Naminé stared for a moment towards the horizon in surprise before slowly looking to the barrel full of familiar toys. In an instant, she ran over and began to rummage through it. Roxas smiled seeing her get ready.

But then he froze. Was...was he imagining things?

Or was Sora looking at him?

He quickly shuffled back behind the door and let it shut. It...it was just for a moment, he might not have actually seen him. He held his breath as he waited.

"Is...there room for one more?"


And at the sound of her voice and Riku's response, he let it go with a smile. Slowly he peeked through one of the gaps in the wooden door and looked out to the beach. Naminé held a toy sword of her own as she stood in front of the trio. Sora asked in amazement, "Are you sure?"

It wasn't very loud. But Roxas heard Naminé's answer clearly enough. "I want to try."

Kairi began to...

Naminé began to wake up, the image of the island fading away again into nothingness. She only had the sensation of the flimsy blanket keeping her warm, and the hard floor underneath.

Eventually, she got up and rubbed the sleep from her eyes. The memory-dream was fresh in her mind, if a bit hazy. At the moment, she was grateful that Roxas still kept hidden. Even if she wasn't actively working on making memories, that didn't mean that they weren't being made in the dreams or in subconscious. Naminé just needed to make sure they were shaped into something consistent across everyone's memories.

Which led to the problem. How would she even finish the fight in that memory? Originally, she would probably have had Sora win. But with Kairi still so present in Sora's mind, that had complicated things. Granted, it gave Naminé a chance to step up and learn something. Even if it was only through studying a memory.

Maybe she was getting ahead of herself, for all she knew last night might not have happened. What good was fighting if Marluxia wouldn't listen?

*Knock Knock Knock* "Naminé? Are you up?"

No. Last night's promise wasn't a dream. Hearing Roxas knocking outside her door made that clear. And if that was the case, then today she wasn't going to be focusing on Sora's memories. Fortunately, if the memory was somewhat hazy for Naminé then it would be harder for Sora to recall in full. She could come back to it later and fill in the gaps.

With that in mind, she wasted no time getting to her feet and jogging to the door. "Just a second!" She opened it as Roxas had his hand up ready to knock once again.

Pausing in surprise, his hand was still for a moment before he slowly gave an awkward smile and a wave. "G...good morning."

A small giggle escaped her lips seeing Roxas like this. "Good morning Roxas." But her smile faded as Naminé realized Roxas wasn't alone. "Axel, Zexion? You're here too?"

Axel gave a more relaxed wave as he leaned on the wall outside. "Hey. Sorry to show up unannounced."

Zexion nodded as he looked over Naminé's room for a moment. "Considering you two are pivotal in the Organization's plans, it would be prudent to keep an eye on you as you both train."

"Not to mention we need to make sure Ansem doesn't try anything with our two leading actors." Axel stepped away from the wall and clapped his hands together. "Well then. First things first, Roxas. How can Naminé get a keyblade?"

Roxas eagerly began to explain, "Well you need to…"

Only for that eagerness to end just as soon as Roxas had found it. He began to rub the back of his head as he admitted, "Actually I don't know. For me, it's something that's always there. Like you can just reach out and call on it when you truly need it.

Zexion sighed, and Axel rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. "Real helpful piece of advice there. This might be the shortest training session I've seen."

But after thinking for a moment, Naminé shook her head. "I think I understand what he means. It's like with my power over memories. It's not something I can put into words easily. But it's something that's just...there." In her mind's eye, she saw all the chains woven from Sora's memories. How they connected to everyone he ever met.

And if she focused a bit past the mass of memories…

"I think I can see...something else." Naminé furrowed her brow as she tried to call whatever it was towards her. Yet for some reason, it just would not come to her. "But it's just out of reach, if it's even a keyblade."

Axel shook his head at the result, while Zexion simply continued jotting notes in his lexicon. Roxas began to pace as he listened to her explanation. But then came to a stop and snapped his fingers. "I've got it!" In a flash, he summoned his keyblade to his hands before holding it across both hands and turning to Naminé. "Try using mine!"

Zexion smiled as he watched the two of them. "It might be worthwhile to use an intermediary for this initial lesson." Axel said nothing, only nodding at the suggestion.

Naminé hesitated before reaching out to the Kingdom Key in Roxas' hands. Slowly, her hand wrapped around the grip as she picked it up. The weapon had some weight to be sure, but it was light enough for her to hold onto. There was nothing that happened around her. No rush of wind, no light, no voice that spoke to her.

And yet just holding the keyblade, she felt something more. Some kind of connection to it.To Roxas. Even though it was similar to Sora's own weapon, she knew deep down that the keyblade was tied to who Roxas was.

So who was she?

Who was Naminé?

"Well." Her thoughts were interrupted by Axel as he leaned in closer. "Any idea how we can check if that worked?"

"Perhaps if we test her magical aptitude." Zexion nodded as he walked over to Naminé and Roxas. "You are familiar with the fire spell?"

"Yes. It was one of Sora's first. Let me try." She knew the memory easily enough. How Sora was able to call upon the energy within himself and channel it into a ball of flame. Now she knew she had some kind of power within her. She just needed to focus, let it ignite into a ball of—


A ball of fire shot out from the keyblade, causing her to yelp as it shot towards the wall. Axel surveyed the leftover scorch marks before grinning. "Alright. Not bad to start off."

Roxas shook his head with a smile. "Not bad? That was pretty good! She learned magic faster than I did."

Axel waved his hand as his eyes were on Naminé. "Sure sure, now what about an actual fight? Any ideas?"

Roxas had an answer almost immediately. "Traverse Town!"

Zexion and Axel looked at him in slight confusion. "I'm guessing you mean going back to the memory. Because the real one isn't much of an option for her"

Roxas' mouth twitched and he slowly nodded. "Yeah. The memory card. Not the real one." Naminé shook her head. She could hardly blame him for wanting to find a way to get her out of the castle.

With a flourish, Zexion held the appropriate card in his hands. "That's rather fitting. Sora stopped there too at around this point and had to fight to seal the Keyhole."

Axel rolled his arms as the four of them walked up to the doors as Roxas moved to close them. "Alright then. Perfect place to run double duty!"

Namine paused at the door, looking down to the keyblade in her hand and then to Roxas."Will you be fine without a weapon?"

Roxas stopped with his hands on the doorknobs for a moment before turning to reach for the card in Zexion's hand. "I'll think of something."

Seeing Roxas hold the card up in front of the door, Zexion could only sigh. "Well, at the very least we'll see how good you are at improvising."

The seeker crept from floor to floor. Shadow hiding them from all and providing safe passage. Ansem knew that the inhabitants of the castle used the cards to transform the empty floors into facsimiles of worlds and their inhabitants. Complete with heartless menace that was just as threatening. Even if they were not truly born from the darkness of hearts.

He saw there were three that had been changing the floors through the power of memory. One was the boy who had defeated him and left him in no position to withstand the accursed light of Kingdom Hearts. To face him now would be most unwise.

The other was the princess. Her heart had forged a door of light to lead her to her heart's desire. To her friends. Even after regaining control, he was in no position to face that power of light again, lest his foothold slip.

And the third floor was transformed by the hollow ones. The nobodies that ruled this castle. Ones desperately trying to control the power of the keyblade. And though they were without heart, that emptiness could be advantageous to him.

It only needed the right push.
Chapter Sixteen: Learn
Chapter Sixteen: Learn

Journal: Day Five

Today was...busy.

Seeing someone fall to darkness in the Deep Jungle, even if it was a memory…

Could I have changed it?

I know...Nobodies don't have hearts. But just the idea of one of my friends falling to darkness...

But...even all that was nothing compared to tonight.

Learning about Axel and Zexion's past. Going into memories. Some powerful heartless called Ansem coming back.

And Naminé wants to learn how to use a keyblade.

She wants to help.

It's a lot...but I think I can handle this, if I've got my friends by my side. Axel and Zexion have been supporting me so far. And I'm sure Naminé will be great at using a keyblade. They're helping me, so I'll do what I can to help them too.

Once again, Roxas walked the recreated streets of Traverse Town. The first time he was too rattled to really see the town beyond the heartless he had to fight. But now as he looked around, the world seemed comfortable despite the dark. Despite the everlasting night, the lamplight illuminated shops and homes. Signs, colored glass, even a small bit of grass gave the town some otherwise needed color.

What else had he missed in those other worlds while focusing on his training?

"So Roxas, got any ideas of how you're going to do this without your keyblade?"

Axel's question got his mind off track. He needed something to defend himself. Even if it was a little simple. A stack of wood in an alley caught his eye. Jogging over, he began to rummage through the loose planks, setting aside most of the larger pieces. Finally, he found what he was looking for. "Got it!" Grabbing it, Roxas turned back to Naminé, Axel, and Zexion with a hefty enough piece of wood that he brandished with a grin.

Axel stared for a moment before shaking his head. "Roxas, that's a stick. If you're going to improvise, you probably shouldn't pick up something that I can turn to kindling in a split second."

Naminé looked down at the keyblade, then looked back to Roxas with a small smile. "Sora was able to use a wooden sword to cast magic. I'm sure Roxas can do it too."

"I agree. Even the most simple object can act as a focus." Zexion continued by holding up his lexicon. "When I first started my magical training, I started with a simple book with hardly any enchantments."

"Alright already. I get the picture." Axel shrugged with a grin before rubbing his hands together. "So. I'm pretty sure we need some targets for Naminé to practice with." He glanced up to the rooftop, grinned, and summoned chakrams to his hands in a flash of flame. "I think these'll do the trick." He tossed a fiery disc up to a loose tile on the roof, where a group of shadows scampered down to the street. "We'll let you and Roxas handle the mission from here. Seeing as how this is mostly Roxas' lesson."

The heartless slithered across the floor towards her before reforming into physical bodies. Gripping the keyblade tight, she brought down the weapon on the heartless directly in front of her and knocked it back. Two more shadows leapt at her and she began to flail, swinging the sword from side to side to keep the darkness at bay.

Roxas winced as he saw Naminé begin to panic, but then his eyes widened as he saw a stray shadow start to slither behind her. It began to take form and crouched, ready to pounce. "No you don't!" He hissed under his breath and held his stick forward, casting a bolt of fire to knock the heartless away.

Naminé glanced backwards to where the lone heartless once stood, seeing Roxas' fireball soar past her. The distraction gave one of the heartless an opportunity to swipe at her. She yelped at the pain, stepping back. Roxas began to take a step forward, ready to intervene. However, as she got some space, she raised her keyblade and stammered out "F-Freeze!" Aiming the keyblade forward, she shot at the shadows before her again and again. Each iceball knocking down a heartless before another shot caused it to evaporate until she had managed to take down the pack.

With the last shadow gone, Roxas jogged over to Naminé who was gasping for breath. Looking at him, she gingerly nodded. "Sorry, it's my first time...fighting back against someone trying to hurt me. I...I panicked."

Zexion rubbed his chin in thought. "Or your self preservation instincts kicked into overdrive in this first encounter."

Axel scratched the back of his head. "Yeah, it's...different fighting for real. Catch your breath for a minute."

Naminé looked down at her keyblade as her breathing slowed. "It feels...heavy now." She looked back up at Roxas, confused. "When you first gave it to me it was light as a feather."

He nodded, as looked down to Naminé's slightly looser grip. "Yeah. That's how it usually feels when I'm using it too."

Her shoulders sank a little as she tried to hold the weapon in front of her. "I'm doing my best to follow how you and Sora fight. Just...swinging as hard as I can."

Roxas' train of thought completely derailed at that.

Just swinging?

He knew that he usually did a lot of the same work with fighting for all of his missions. But putting it like that?

Not to mention, Sora did a lot more than 'just swinging' when they fought.

Zexion raised an eyebrow, while Axel snorted in amusement. "I think putting it like that is underselling what Roxas does, don't you think?"

Naminé shook her head. "I just started so it's all I can do. I can't do some of the special moves like he can yet."

And that's when he realized what exactly she was talking about. "Maybe it's not my moves you need." He put a hand to his chest as he looked Naminé in the eyes. "When I use the keyblade, it's like fighting with everything I am."

"You'd probably say fighting with all of your heart if we weren't...you know."

"That's not the point," Roxas dismissed Axel's off handed observation before reaching out to her. "I don't think just copying Sora or Me is going to help. I think...you need to fight the way that's right for you."

Naminé listened to his words and looked down at the keyblade still in her grip. Her eyebrows furrowing as she murmured, "What's right for me?" Then she took her left hand off the keyblade and simply held it in her right. As she did, her posture seemed a bit less hunched with trying to keep the weapon off the ground. Turning to Axel and Zexion she asked, "Let me try again."

"By all means." Axel gestured to the door leading to the next area. She and Roxas moved ahead to the plaza, where soldiers and shadows perked up at the creaking door.

Seeing the keyblade in Naminé's hands, the soldiers began to amble over towards her. Aiming with her keyblade once again she cast a bolt of ice this time. Each shot thinned the heartless coming closer. That left the shadows that slithered closer on the floor, though this time she had her eye on them. As they began to rise, she only slashed at them once before stepping away to cast a fireball at them.

Roxas watched the way she fought now and relaxed, just a bit. He still needed to keep an eye on any heartless that might try to attack him, but he had a feeling Naminé would be fine now that she found a rhythm. She wasn't trying to jump straight in the middle of a fight, but instead controlled it. Using magic to keep heartless at bay while she moved and striked when she could.

It was almost like she was dancing.

Naminé's initial fear when her training started had ebbed away. Physical harm wasn't unknown to her, Larxene and Marluxia had seen to that. And the Keyblade had a strength she could hardly deny. But danger was always different up close, and fighting face to face hardly helped her nerves.

But with magic, she didn't need to fight for long up close. Just long enough to get some distance, or recharge her magic. Making her way through memories of Traverse Town's heartless helped her focus. She began to see that she could fight the heartless, they weren't insurmountable to her. By the time she reached the fountain in the third district, she was ready for the large body that appeared, flocked by air soldiers. She glanced back to Roxas, who offered a nod and a supportive smile.

As the flying heartless swooped towards the two of them she stepped to the side, while Roxas rolled away. A swing of her keyblade got one of them in the wing opening it up to a fireball in the back. While Roxas couldn't quite slice through the air soldier clawing at him as usual, he could still use the stick to knock away its claws before blasting it in the face with Ice. She glanced over to the large body, who'd become hopping mad seeing it's backup fall.

She knew what was coming, and felt the keyblade's power help her jump up higher than she would have, Roxas following suit. It was quick enough to avoid the shockwave that the heartless sent out as it crashed to the ground. The remaining two air soldiers had gotten up and began circling around the two of them. As the large body charged forward, she began to move and evade the heartless' surprisingly fast approach. As it stumbled in the charge she saw her chance.

With a swipe, she struck the large heartless' exposed back before peppering it with fireballs. Under the barrage the heartless expired, but as it did the two air soldiers both began to dive towards Roxas. Though he managed to avoid one, the other scored a decent hit on his exposed back. Hissing, he turned to the heartless that had landed a hit and shouted, "Freeze!" In a flash, the snowball struck down the heartless. While the other air soldier reared up for another go, Naminé decided to take a chance, given how it was distracted.

Leaping up, she sliced away at the lone heartless, each hit with the keyblade knocking it down towards the ground. Hitting the pavement, the creature expired and released its heart. Or the heart it would have had if this was not a memory. She rushed over to Roxas as he looked at his scratched arm. He waved meagerly with his good hand. "I'm alright." She frowned, not quite convinced that he was in the best shape. His facade fell slightly as he looked to his injuries, but then he realized, "Um..this might be a good chance for you to practice healing magic?"

Naminé relaxed at the suggestion. "Of course. Heal." Pointing the keyblade towards him, a green light and vines flashed for a moment between the two of them. After that, any sign that Roxas was even hurt was gone as he rolled his shoulder.

Axel came up behind the two of them clapping. "Not bad at all, Naminé! Keep this up and we might be picking out a cloak your size!"

"Wait, what?" Naminé faltered as Axel's statement just killed any sense of accomplishment that she might have had.

Zexion raised an eyebrow at the hesitation. "You seem surprised. Surely you understand that mastering the power of the keyblade would grant you a place in our Organization."

"It's...just a bit much for me to wrap my head around." A few days ago, Larxene was telling her how there was only one way her story could end. As a pawn pulling the strings of a puppet. For them to just...turn around and offer her a position like this based on power. It just...wasn't right.

And out of the corner of her eye, she saw that Roxas wasn't quite in the celebratory mood either.

Did...did he understand what she believed? That there was more to living than just honoring power?

"Are you truly so eager to reward such meager strength?"

At the unfamiliar voice everyone was startled. Axel ran up besides Roxas and Naminé, summoning his weapons. Zexion scanned the area before pointing up, "There!"

Looking up, Naminé paled as she saw the white haired boy sitting on the ledge. Roxas was bewildered. "Wha...Riku?!"

Axel seemed surprised. "You know about Riku?"

Roxas sputtered, "I'll...explain later!" Though right now, Naminé knew that explaining what was happening after Roxas' missions was the least of their worries.

'Riku' stepped off the ledge, but instead of falling floated. Darkness shrouded him as he spoke in a warped voice, "This vessel once used that name. But it is now meaningless."

Axel wasted no time summoning his weapons, snarling, "Hey Ansem, haven't you heard? The heartless are finished!"

"The door to darkness is sealed, you cannot command the heartless horde as it once was." Placing a hand to his tome, Zexion called forth a lighting bolt at the gathering dark. The flash of light momentarily dispelled the shadow.

But still an echoing voice spoke, "As long as there are hearts, darkness will lurk in them." The four of them glanced around to try and find the boy as he continued, "And where there is darkness, there are the heartless."

From the fountain, darkness began to bubble from the water. It soon overflowed a shadowy tar into the courtyard. The four of them backed away, and Naminé looked down at her keyblade and over to Axel and Zexion. "I...I think I need to switch with Roxas!"

Axel nodded as flame gathered around his chakrams. "Right, there's jumping into the deep end as a learning experience and then there's this!" He blasted a gout of flame into the creeping dark, but it did little to slow the advance.

"Right now we need someone experienced to stand against whatever Ansem is conjuring." Zexion turned and scowled as shadow obscured the doors leading out. "Especially since we have no exit at the moment."

She looked to Roxas and held the keyblade out to him. Looking back at her, he laid his hand over hers on the grip and gave a small squeeze. "Don't worry. I'll take care of this." Shifting his hand down to hold onto the weapon, Roxas held out the stick in his other hand. Naminé took it with little complaint. Without the keyblade she could only cast meagre magic, but right now they needed all the help they could get.

"Do you think that you can truly find power in facing these memories? These pale imitations and conjurings of what was?" Ansem as Riku rose from the shadow and raised a hand holding a black flame. "Allow me show you true darkness!" And then he plunged it into the dark pooling around the four of them.

Roxas, saw four broadswords rise from the shadows Ansem had summoned, each of them about the size of Axel. Floating in the air, darkness from the floor rose into muscular bodies that grabbed the blades as Ansem vanished into shadows. They were a far cry from the ambling imps or other larger heartless that seemed easy enough to manage.

It didn't matter, Roxas would fight them all the same.

"Invisibles," Axel scowled as flames gathered on the edges of his weapons, "Guess he's not cutting us any breaks!" Twisting around he sent both of his blades flying outward in a circle towards the heartless. While one flinched as the burning chakrams hit it for a moment, he soon joined his companions in blocking the blows with their swords. Roxas leapt up to one of the blocking heartless and began to slash away at it, causing it to drop its guard. As the invisible turned to him, Axel flung flaming discs into its back, causing it to expire. Zexion and Naminé cast spell after spell towards one of the heartless, forcing it to block with it's blade.

Then the other two invisibles slammed their blades into the ground and vanished. A second later, rings of flame surrounded Naminé and Zexion. Roxas stopped attacking as he saw them in danger, he cried out "Move!"

Naminé tried to jump away from the dark fire that surrounded her, but it only followed her movement. She cried out, "They aren't going away!"

"Wait for the right moment!" Zexion called out, getting some distance between him and Naminé. Roxas took a step towards them, but was forced to stop as the invisible's broadsword swung in front of him. Only a moment of surprise kept him out of its path. A second later it swung again, and Roxas was forced to block the next attack. Axel's flaming chakram in its side only seemed to make the heartless angrier. Roxas tried to keep up with the assault, and could barely see what was happening behind the heartless out of the corner of his eye.

"Now!" Zexion cried out, and Roxas saw him and Naminé dive away from shadowy bursts of fire. They both seemed singed, but otherwise fine.

"Is that it?" And then Roxas heard Ansem's voice behind him."Is that all an imitation of the keybearer can do?"

Roxas slammed his keyblade into the invisible, finally causing it to fade away. He spun towards the voice, holding his keyblade overhead. Only for it to clash against a dark blade in a reappeared Ansem's hand. Roxas growled as he tried to break the block, "I...am nothing...like Sora!"

Ansem only chuckled as he pushed Roxas back with ease. "Such ferocity," Ansem shoved Roxas away and swung at him as he dodged away. "If you truly have no heart, then where does such savagery come from?"

"What are you talking about?!" Roxas shouted as he gripped the keyblade a little tighter. He saw that by now the two other invisibles had reformed. One had begun to strike at Axel, broadsword ringing against the chakrams deflecting each blow. Zexion and Naminé were able to keep the other at bay with a barrage of ice and lightning that it could barely weather. But the dark around them continued to grow, and Roxas just knew Ansem could call on far worse heartless.

Ansem smirked as a dark flame gathered in his hand. "A hollow shell has nothing but the void inside." He cast the dark fireball towards Roxas, who cast another fireball to catch it. But the dark fireball split apart around Roxas' magic and arced to hit him in the chest, knocking him back. "And darkness can fill that emptiness so easily."

Roxas grimaced as he got to his feet. There was so much he wanted to say about how Ansem was wrong. He saw how pain echoed in so many nobodies that he knew. And kindness too from Axle, Zexion, and of course Naminé, something more than simple courtesy. But everything he had been taught said that was an illusion, what's worse, he had no real way to prove it wrong.

And yet...Roxas did feel something building inside as he fought. Something that the fire he cast had brought to the surface.

A Burning Frenzy within.

"WE...AREN'T...NOTHING!" He shouted as embers floated off his body. Once again, Ansem approached Roxas with a slash. But this time, when Roxas' keyblade parried the attack it forced Ansem back. Roxas continued on attacking, each slash sending a bolt of flame on the leader of the heartless until finally a ring of fire burst forth from Roxas. The attack caused Ansem to step back staggered, darkness covering his whole being. He wasn't going to let this chance slip away. He rose into the air, keyblade wound back calling out, "This is it!"

Only for a dark specter to spring forth from the mass of darkness, grabbing Roxas from the air with both hands. It was a colossal heartless, with a grip that held him in place no matter how he struggled. "ROXAS!" Three voices cried out as they saw him try and escape.

The darkness grew and became a man with silver hair in a black trenchcoat. Roxas couldn't hide his shock at seeing him. The heartless was a spitting image of Xemnas as it studied him with amusement. "Well done. I'll even go as far as to say I underestimated you." The guardian's grip tightened around Roxas and he cried out. "But you don't know what real power is."

"Leave him alone!" Naminé's voice cried out as she cast blizzard at Ansem's back.

A spell that Ansem barely even registered, much to her horror, instead he closed his eyes and smiled. "For now, I will allow you to live." The guardian heartless dropped Roxas to the ground, and darkness surrounded Ansem once again. "So you may understand the truth." And when the shadows vanished, he was gone.

Roxas propped himself up on his hands, realizing that with Ansem having left the sounds of fighting had ceased. He looked over to his friends, a bit scraped and burned, but still alright. Naminé jogged over to him and cast a much needed healing spell. Roxas gave an appreciative nod as he got to his feet. "Is...everyone okay?"

"Yeah, your little trick kicked in at the right time. Distracted the invisibles long enough for us to clean them out." Axel groaned as he dusted off his cloak. Stretching out his back, he began to make his way to the door. "Let's get back to our home floor, heal up, and figure out where we go from here?"

Zexion smiled with relief as he followed Axel. "That sounds wonderful."

Roxas nodded, catching his breath. "Yeah. sounds great. Anything we're forgetting?" He looked around at the group, but at seeing Naminé's nervous expression he paused. Did...something happen?

"I...still can't call on a keyblade."

Oh. His gut sank at her confession, and Zexion and Axel winced as well.She held the stick limply as she shook her head. "I understand the power but...something's missing."

Roxas walked over to her and gently put a hand to Naminé's shoulder. "We'll...figure out a plan after dinner."

There had to be something they could come up with.
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I like the idea behind the fic and the writing is fine on a technical level, but something just feels like it's missing in the battle scenes, and I'm not sure what. I think it's that your battles just feel mechanical to me. Like you're treating the gameplay literally, with clear distinctions between actions on both sides. Maybe the lack of mention of the environment during the battle, with little mention of the tactical concerns therein/where everyone is in respect to eachother? I'm really not sure what exactly it is (and you're clearly a better writer than me) but I'm trying to put into words what felt off to me.

The dialogue and the inner thoughts are done well, I find myself much more invested during those parts. Thanks for writing!

Then he spun?
Chapter Seventeen: Observe
Chapter Seventeen: Observe

Secret Report: Vexen II

This situation has escalated at an unprecedented rate. What's worse, I cannot totally abrogate responsibility for its development. The best I can do is take measures to analyze and prepare some counter strategy for whatever move Ansem makes.

Still, this does open up other avenues of research. While I might not be able to prepare more replicas for deployment, I can certainly analyze a greater breadth of combat data than from Riku alone.

Roxas has been growing by leaps and bounds since his training regimen has begun. In short order he has begun to acquire power and skill far outstripping his initial outing. Furthermore, Naminé showing the initiative to develop her already unusual powers beyond the initial mission was most unexpected.

It's quite interesting, seeing them meeting...dare I say surpassing expectations. Though being put in circumstances demanding such rapid growth in the face of fatal consequences is something that we in the Organization have had little fear of for the most part. Our work is perfected to a near science.

Gathering and exploiting this new data to its maximum potential would be a tantalizing possibility. Unfortunately, self-preservation takes priority. Ansem should remain the primary subject of my observations

Vexen had tracked the darkness using the crystal viewer nearest to his workstation. Switching from floor to floor in an effort to determine where Ansem would materialize. Of course, he occasionally would pause on the images of one of the many keyblade wielders. Taking a note on Sora's growing repertoire, or Kairi's increasing mastery over her light. But not too long that Ansem's trail would grow cold, sooner or later he would show up again and Vexen needed to be ready for whatever might—.

There. On the twelfth floor the darkness was beginning to concentrate. Vexen grimaced as the viewer shifted to show the floor that was set aside for Roxas', and now Naminé's training. Quickly he changed the view to make sure the darkness was not manifesting right on top of them. He relaxed, seeing that at the moment Roxas, Naminé, Axel and Zexion were not at the primary site of concentration. At the moment, Naminé had developed a simple yet effective hit and run strategy weaved in with spellcas—

"Hey there tall, cold, and creepy." His eye twitched at the sing-song sound of Larxene's voice, accompanied by her leaning on Vexen's shoulder. "How goes the search for your little screw-up?"

"He's close to the floor I'm viewing. Which means I need focus." Vexen shot her a glare as he shoved her arm away, though Larxene remained unmoved. He expanded the view outward, showing a little more of the replicated Traverse down while keeping Roxas and Naminé in the center of the picture.

Larxene leaned over to the viewfinder and gave it a tap, chuckling as she saw Naminé dispatch some shadows with some spells. "Aww, it's cute how she thinks she's any good at fighting."

Vexen shook his head as he recalibrated the scrying orb to monitor the darkness. "The fact that she is even remotely combat viable on her first day of training is no small feat."

Larxene crossed her arms as she stood upright and looked over to Vexen with a raised eyebrow. "And since when has our Organization ever been satisfied with 'small feats'?

Vexen contemplated a retort. But for once she had a point. Xemnas accepted nothing but the very best in terms of results. Any shortcomings were not left forgotten. More than that however, the scrying spell he cast on the orb began to shine a very bright light at the gathering dark in one corner of the district. "It seems we have found our quarry, Larxene."

Her eyes widened as he saw the possessed Riku sitting on the ledge calling out to the group of nobodies on the ground. "Oh, wow. Ansem's making his move already?"

"Probably not. This is most likely an experiment for him before he moves on to larger plans." Vexen mumbled as Ansem made his introduction. Axel and Zexion attacked to try and drive him off, but the darkness only grew. Vexen nodded as he saw the keyblade change hands from Naminé to Roxas. "A fair strategy given the circumstances. They need to bring all their strength to bear if they want to survive."

"If they even can survive." Larxene tilted her head as she watched Invisibles rise from the shadows. She began to chuckle. "Don't worry, you'll get whatever's left of anyone kicking the bucket for your little experiments."

"Larxene, this is not the time for jokes!" Vexen hissed as he began to grip the orb. "If Roxas or Naminé perishes, the entirety of the Organization's agenda will be in jeopardy!"

"Relax. I know we still need a keyblade wielder that will dance to our tune." She put a finger on the orb, opposite of where Vexen had his hand. "If things get hairy, I'll Step in and make sure we have options." Larxene flashed a smile as she held a finger to Vexen's nose. "Okaaaay?"

"Wha—Move. Move!" Vexen shoved Larxene's hand away and leaned in close to watch the fight. Roxas had begun to glow with a red fire. "These...These readings from Roxas. They're like nothing I've ever seen before!"

Larxene set aside any annoyance watching the image of Roxas blasting flame with each keyblade slash. "Woah. Since when did the kid start cribbing notes from Axel?"

"This...this is completely new! It makes our limit break power look like a parlor trick!" Vexen grinned from ear to ear as he began to gesture and add more analysis spells to the crystal. "Yes! A style of attack based on previous inputs and commands! This opens up entire—."

Larxene raised an eyebrow, pouting in annoyance as Vexen began to ramble. "So...how is this...command style even working?"

Vexen barely seemed to register her question, instead continuing on. "—and of course, in lieu of an actual heart, the keyblade must have a greater attunement to the elemental energies he is channeling. Nonetheless the possibility of—"

"VEXEN!" Larxene shouted with a thunder enhanced SNAP of her fingers. The booming sound immediately got the scientist's attention as she crossed her arms. "The short version, if you would be so kind."

Vexen sighed and gestured to the globe. "As Roxas attacks with various abilities, he draws on that power and internalizes it. In time, he can temporarily modify the attacks with his keyblade. And there's one other fact you should know," Vexen turned to Larxene with a mad look in his eye. "Sora has developed this ability as well."

Larxene took a step back. "What? But Sora had the keyblade for months, why would he just learn it right when Roxas is picking up this trick?"

Vexen gave her a flat look as he folded his hands behind his back. "Do you want a proper explanation, or would you prefer some simplified drivel?"

"We would prefer you to be concise." Marluxia's voice cut through Vexen's confidence and he snapped to attention as he walked in."Now is there a reason for both Sora and Roxas progressing in a similar manner that we should be concerned about?"

Vexen's mouth was a thin line as he began to consider the matter. "The two of them are growing in power, though obviously Roxas' rate of growth is much faster. It's only a hypothesis, but it may be that both Nobody and Other are establishing a power equilibrium between the two of them. Only made easier by their propinquity."

"I see, so the fact that they are both together in this castle is influencing their growth." Marluxia watches the shadows fade and Roxas walked over to Naminé, Axel, and Vexen.

Larxene tapped her cheek. "Good to know, that means the kid can probably take care of himself. So the question becomes, if they both become truly equal, who will win?"

Vexen held his hands up. "Don't look at me. The battlefield is such an unstable testing environment, that even the slightest advantage could shift the outcome entirely."

Marluxia's eyes narrowed. "So once again, we must wait until the right time in order to see who will be of greater use to our Organization."

"So this effect of a nobody gaining power as long as their other is close by." Larxene leaned in close to the sphere, tapping on its surface. "Do you think it works for every Nobody?"

Vexen clicked his tongue and shook his head. "I wouldn't know where to start. Any heartless created from us could be anywhere in the world. And besides, there is no other Nobody that is like Roxas."

"No. But there's a particular little Nobody who is very close to what he is. And she can provide quite the advantage." A smile began to creep up Larxene's face.

Naminé may have enjoyed the nicer meals she received since Roxas arrived, but right now even her old bowl of porridge sounded good. Even so, Roxas tried to press the issue. "I'm telling you Axel, if Naminé is going to be training with us, she needs more to eat."

Axel gave a wry smile as he listened to Roxas. "Food or not, I'm just a little interested to know what's going on between you and Naminé. You've been seeing her regularly since this all started."

Naminé winced and weakly waved her hands in front of her. "He hasn't been interfering with any of my work, and we only see each other after he's done for the day."

Roxas clenches his fist."No one else sees her for anything besides her powers. And she's working just as hard as any of us to help the whole Organization. What's wrong with me being a friend to her and wanting to make her happy?"

Zexion and Axel shared a glance at each other, before Zexion coughed. "Roxas, we're Nobodies. Happiness is not something that can exist for us."

Roxas winced and looked away, and again the hallway was silent. "Then why did the three of us spend time together yesterday?" He asked quietly as he stood before Axel and Zexion, with Naminé close to him. "If it was pointless, why do it at all?"

Axel grimaced at the questions and Zexion seemed little better. Even so, Axel managed to speak up. "It...it helps. It's the closest thing we've got to having anything close to what we once had with hearts." At the confession, Axel brought a hand to his chin. "So the better question to ask might be: if Naminé is helped at all by these visits?" He looked over to her with a raised eyebrow. "If Roxas is just another face for you to know then—."

"No!" Roxas was taken aback at Naminé's cry, as were Axel and Zexion. Roxas looked back to her with wide eyes and hands clasped together. Her voice trembled as she admitted, "He's...he's so much more than that. He's my best friend."

Hearing her admit that, something caught in Roxas' throat and his cheeks felt a little warm. Slowly, he gathered the words to speak. "Naminé, thanks. You're my best friend too." Seeing her smile at those words, once again there was something inside. Like when they held hands together. It was the closest thing Roxas could call happiness.

"Well...I hate to change topics from this gripping conversation," Axel interrupted, snapping Roxas and Naminé out of their haze as they looked back at him. He was scratching the back of his head sheepishly before continuing, "But clearly this is pretty important to both of you if you're getting this worked up about it."

Zexion raised a finger. "I believe it would behoove us to include her as part of a group meal. As Roxas pointed out, she is important to our work. As such, we can use the opportunity to build our relationships."

Roxas raised an eyebrow before asking. "So, becoming friends?"

"Erm...Yes. As close as we can be as such given our condition." Zexion shook his head and continued to explain. "Furthermore, we can rotate whoever takes the porridge for the night and thus maintain our supplies with minimal controversy."

Axel began to chuckle. "Seeing as how Roxas and I have already had our turn with the stuff, I'd say it's only fair you take up the bowl tonight."

Zexion sighed and began to nod "Yes, I suppose it is."

Slowly, Naminé began to smile at the three of them. "Thank you all."

"I would save your gratitude until we get our status report." Marluxia's voice caused Naminé's smile to fall. All four of them looked over to him walking down the hallway with Larxene close by. "Meeting room. Now."

The room was one of many outfitted with the crystal ball. Though the one given the proper designation of 'meeting room' was the one closest to their quarters on the top floor. Laxene looked expectantly to Axel and Zexion as Roxas and Naminé stood close by. "So? How did she do?"

"Considering this was her first time fighting, period," Axel answered, crossing his arms before giving a nod "She's alright. A bit wobbly at the start, but she got used to the heartless fast enough."

Zexion raised a finger as he added on, "Not to mention she has shown a grasp of basic magic in a short period of time. Even that on it's own makes her potentially worthy of full membership in the Organization." Nobody but Roxas noticed how Naminé's eyes were downcast at the mention of membership.

"Well we have you as our main magic expert, so that's not good enough." Larxene waved off the praise before putting a finger to her cheek and turning to Naminé. "Say, Naminé. With all the 'progress' you've made. I can't help but notice you still don't have a keyblade."

Roxas stepped forward. "Hold on, it's just her first day training!"

"Unfortunately, we haven't got the time for your hand holding." Larxene rolled her eyes. "Which is why I've come up with an alternative solution." With a snap of her fingers, the globe in the center glowed to life.

Axel rolled his eyes. "Did you need to be so dramatic?"

"Pay attention." Marluxia snapped and everyone watched as the image came into view.

An image of someone Roxas recognized. "Kairi?" The girl was taking down a strange version of the Guard Armor he faced before, except if all of its parts were re-arranged.

Naminé watched her as the final strike of her keyblade caused the creation to collapse into shadow. Her eyes widened and she gasped, "That's...that's it. That's what's missing." She reached out to the crystal ball as Kairi let her blade vanish. "It's not Roxas' keyblade I need to call, it's hers."

"Exactly. In order to accelerate your growth, we will need you to make contact with the princess. Naturally, we cannot allow you to go unaccompanied." Marluxia turned to Roxas, Axel and Zexion. "You will escort her to the princess and ensure swift extraction once Naminé has established a sufficient connection. Understood."

Roxas nodded. "Understood. We'll keep her safe."

"Good. Then there is one other matter." Marluxia looked down at Roxas, his eyes narrowing.

"How did you become aware of Kairi?"

Just hearing the question from Marluxia was like having ice shoved into Roxas' gut, as did hearing Axel's. "Say, it wouldn't happen to be related to how you know about Riku, would it?"

"If I had to take a stab in the dark," Larxene leaned towards Roxas as she guessed, "You learned about them because of Naminé, didn't you?"

Roxas was already having a hard time keeping his thoughts together with what was happening. And Larxene getting in his face hardly helped. Still, he managed to work up an answer, "I...saw her drawing them when I visited, and asked about what she was drawing."

"This interrogation is inane." Zexion crossed his arms as he spoke up. "Given the circumstances, I think this knowledge is hardly inappropriate for him to know."

"It's..honestly not that much of an issue." Naminé slowly stepped forward, hands to her chest. "His visit's aren't really distracting—"

"I will be the judge of that." Marluxia barely raised his voice, but at its sound Naminé completely stopped. "We cannot lose the progress made with Sora's memories because of your additional training. It is too critical to our plans." He walked towards her, hands behind him as she backed towards the wall. "As soon as you are fed, you are to return to your room and resume work. You will see Roxas tomorrow for the mission and no sooner."

Roxas' fist clenched. He couldn't just stand there, he had to say something, do something! "M—"

"Marluxia, wait." But before Roxas could, someone else spoke before him. Roxas hoped to hear those words, and he was pretty sure Naminé would have liked them too. But the fact that Larxene said them with a smile only made that cold sensation begin again. "This might work out nicely for us if we pull the right strings."

Marluxia closed his eyes and remained where he was before Naminé. "Go on."

"If we want Roxas to beat Sora, then it might be a good idea for him to know Sora." Larxene smirked as she walked towards Naminé. "And what better way to do that then with the rest of his memories?" Marluxia began to smile and nod, and Roxas just felt the cold sensation gnaw away at him even more.

"Yeah, I'm drawing a line in the sand." Axel glared at them, causing Marluxia's expression to fall to a more flat stare. "Messing with Roxas' memories is off the table."

"I concur." Zexion stepped forward next to Axel. "If anything went awry, we could lose Roxas completely, and that is something the Organization would not tolerate under any—"

"Relax, I'm not going to send him on a bender for no reason." Larxene waved off the complaints and rolled her eyes. "I just want Naminé to show him some of those memories. Know the enemy, am I right?" Leaning down to Naminé's eye level, she asked with a grin. "Do you think you can manage that, little witch?"

Naminé trembled, but didn't break eye contact as she answered clearly."Yes, Larxene, I'll make sure nothing goes wrong."

"Good. I'm so glad you understand your place in all this." Larxene patted her head, but Naminé cringed at the touch. And Roxas felt the sensation inside of him begin to melt away, being replaced with something simmering. Seeing Naminé so afraid of the two of them...

Roxas was beginning to see why she was so lonely. And he didn't like it at all.

"Dismissed." With those words, Marluxia turned and left with Larxene like nothing had happened. While Roxas was left with Naminé, Zexion, and Axel, and the painful silence between them.

Zexion looked from Naminé back to the door Marluxia and Larxene had left from. "Axel...what has been going on up here?"

"We...can...talk about that later." Axel gave a nervous smile, "So, Dinner?"

Roxas didn't feel like answering, all he wanted to do was try and help her. He walked over to her and slowly offered his hand.

In an instant, she grabbed it and held on tightly. He wasn't sure how long the two of them looked into each other's eyes. All he could think of was what he wanted to say to her more than anything.

"I'm here for you." No matter what, he didn't want her to feel alone and afraid. Not again.

A small smile came to her face as she whispered back. "Thank you."

Slowly, Naminé began to step forward."Dinner...sounds nice." Axel led the way as they walked to get their meals. Though nobody asked why Roxas and Naminé still held hands.

Honestly, Roxas wouldn't have let go, even if Xemnas himself ordered it.
To me it seems that the more they ignore the "Nobody dont have hearts and thus cannot feel" the more they actually feel. Like they're stopping a subconscious supression of their, possibly, nascent Heart.
To me it seems that the more they ignore the "Nobody dont have hearts and thus cannot feel" the more they actually feel. Like they're stopping a subconscious supression of their, possibly, nascent Heart.
I'd say that there are a variety of other factors with Nobodies gaining hearts that Xemnas did his best to stifle through dogma, living conditions, and management.

I interpret it as the suppression being very reliant on routine. Things remaining in a stable pattern enough for the leading Nobodies to not think too hard on what they're doing, but with enough pressure through the threat of being dusked to ensure they get the jobs done.

Castle Oblivion, especially in this fic acts as a bit of a catalyst for change. Arguably, it started even earlier when the hierarchy was shaken up with Marluxia and Larxene's induction into the Organization and the rumblings of their resentment. But either way the mission marks the start where more than a few Organization members to gain their hearts as well as the collapse of the original Organization.

So naturally, adding Roxas into an already dynamic event is going to cause that sort of development to explode.
Chapter Eighteen: Curiosity
Chapter Eighteen: Curiosity

Secret Report: Zexion III

From the beginning, Roxas and Naminé were exceptional nobodies, their very existence defies reason. Their powers are the very keystone of so much of our work, not just in Castle Oblivion, but for the Organization as a whole.

And yet Roxas is still treated as the bottom rank, while Naminé is not even considered amongst our number. So much of our handling directives regarding the two is to keep them in the dark as long as possible. And that doesn't even get into some of the treatment that Naminé might be receiving from Marluxia and Larxene.

It doesn't fee

I don't li

I question these directives and whatever logic might drive them.

In the weeks before Castle Oblivion, Roxas only had his main meals in his room. Mostly because that's what everyone else did, and even if he did eat out in the commons the lesser nobodies were not exactly conversationalists. Eating ice cream with Axel was the only exception, but that was a bit different. That was for fun, or to relax after a day's mission. Maybe that was what led to him deciding to eat with Naminé this past week.

But while Axel was fun to be with, he never seemed to really talk much about what he was thinking or worried about. But talking with Naminé, Roxas felt like he could open up. And it also gave her a chance to talk about her own troubles honestly. It probably was her only chance to talk to someone who cared about her.

As much as a Nobody could even care.

"Something wrong?"

Naminé's voice brought him back to right now, where he was sitting with her, Axel, and Zexion with their meals. Or rather what was left of them, as he had begun tapping his fork gently against his empty tray. "I've…just got alot on my mind."

Axel leaned back against his chair with a smile, "Bit of a change from a month ago. You were practically a zombie."

Roxas shook his head as he nudged his tray away on the table. "All I had was the keyblade, missions, you, and ice cream. I wasn't fighting to stay alive." He hadn't met Naminé or Sora, or even had an idea of some of the horrible things the Organization would do to get results. There was no way he could stay so passive with everything going on.

Of course, of everything that Roxas mentioned, it was the last one that got Naminé's attention. "Ice cream? How did you get ice cream?"

Zexion looked over to Axel, eyebrow raised as he set aside his porridge bowl. Axel just shrugged and explained, "I was the one who showed Roxas the ropes of the Organization. After each mission, I'd pick up some sea salt ice cream from Twilight Town's shop and we'd eat it on the clock tower there."

Naminé's eyes drifted to the floor as she began to mutter, "It must have been nice to have some freedom after work."

Zexion crossed his arms with a sigh. "As of now, none of us really have much freedom. We all must remain in Castle Oblivion until Sora, Riku, and Kairi are sufficiently controlled. Though Ansem is our highest priority for now."

Axel smiled and looked over at Naminé. "Once we take care of them, we can definitely let you out of the castle. We could probably get you in for the Organization's one day of vacation this year."

A small smile came to Naminé at the answer. "If...it's not too much trouble."

Roxas raised an eyebrow and asked, "What's a vacation?"

Axel began to chuckle and leaned forward onto the table with an elbow. "Guess you still have a lot to learn. It's the best thing ever is what it is."

"It's a day off," Naminé began to explain, "You don't have to work, and you can do whatever you want to do, or go where you want to."

"So long as you're ready to get back to work when the vacation is over." Zexion sighed and tapped his cheek. "Granted, my vacation day is usually low key. I simply take the time to read some book that has caught my eye, or a bit of my own research."

Axel snorted and stood up from his chair. "Well, the book part I get, but the other options sounds like your job with less deadlines."

Zexion turned to face him with a smirk. "And what would you do, sleep all day?"

"Yep." Axel raised a finger almost instantly after Zexion's question. " I'm catching up on my shuteye, especially after this job." His confidence faltered however as he looked over to Roxas and Naminé, and he hastily added, "Er, no offense."

Naminé simply shook her head. "It's alright, this whole situation has been very hectic." She looked across the table to Roxas and asked, "Is there anything you want to do for a vacation?"

Roxas had been turning over the thought in his mind. A few weeks ago, he couldn't even think of anything to do besides missions and ice cream. But now? After knowing what he did about himself and Sora? "I want to go see a new world. Somewhere the Organization hasn't sent me yet."

Somewhere that Sora hadn't been yet.

Someplace he could call his own.

"Would you want to take Naminé with you?"

And that question caused the two of them to look up to Axel with wide eyes, the two of them sputtering. "Wha…Wha?!" "H…Hold on!"

Axel chuckled as he walked towards them. "I mean, considering you two seem to be pretty close friends, it's a fair question."

Roxas and Naminé looked at each other. The two of them letting the idea simmer between them. Roxas certainly wouldn't mind the two of them going out together for a day. But she deserved to make a choice with how she wanted to spend her day off. He asked nervously, "Would…you want to go see a new world with me?"

Naminé was quiet for a moment, as Roxas waited for her answer. But soon enough she began to smile, "I would like that."

At her answer, Roxas began to grin. It might be their first vacation, but Roxas just knew it'd be a great one. "Alright! I'll look for a world for us!"

Axel just smirked at the response. "Great. How are you gonna pick a vacation destion?"

"Somehow," Roxas muttered as he realized he had no idea how to actually find a new world

Zexion sighed as he got up from his seat. "I do have a few notes on several worlds, I'm sure one of them would be to both your liking." He gestured to the door. "However, I do believe Naminé needs to begin her work with Roxas to show him Sora's memories. Axel and I can clean up."

Naminé nodded and rose to her feet. "Right. We should get going." The two of them headed to her room.

Axel was thankful that Zexion seemed to be a step ahead. These past few days, he had his suspicions about Roxas and Naminé. Roxas seemed a lot more interested in seeing her after dinner than catching up with him like before. But the way the two of them behaved tonight? He waited long enough to put the trays into the garbage before turning to Zexion. "I can't be the only one noticing the way those two get around each other."

"The inordinate amount of affection the two seem to share. Something that should be impossible for Nobodies." Axel nodded and Zexion began to pace, cupping his chin as he thought aloud, "I would call it a result of their original selves propinquity if it weren't for two factors. Roxas had no memories of his own when he was created."

Axel nodded. "So he wouldn't have anything that would make him attracted to Naminé." He knew first hand how spaced out the kid was when he first came to the Organization. Putting his life on the line seemed to make him pick things up real fast. But that was one half of the equation. "What's the second issue?"

"Naminé was initially to be given Sora as compensation, but seems to prefer Roxas far more."

Axel crossed his arms at the observation. "She did seem pretty eager to work on Keyblade training. In comparison, changing Sora's memories should be a cakewalk." At the very least, she wouldn't need to put herself on the line for Sora.

Zexion placed a hand to his chest as he elaborated, "Our memories are our only link to our former hearts, and ideally we seek to emulate them as closely as possible. So why would she be satisfied with Roxas to the point she would engage in this training?"

Axel shook his head. "You're making it sound like the two are more than Nobodies instead of less." Ever since the two of them entered his life, Axel had a lot of his simple routine shaken up. The strangest thing is that he couldn't really call it a bad thing.

"It...definitely raises serious questions about us Nobodies. That's why I want to keep an eye on the two of them." Zexion began to walk towards the door, only to pause right in front of it. "Axel?"

Axel felt his shoulders tense. He didn't want any of his targets in Castle Oblivion to suspect a thing before the knife was in their back. "Yes?"

Zexion looked back with a small smile. "Thank you for helping with all this."

Axel blinked before grinning and offering a loose two finger salute. "You know me. Glad to be of service."

Zexion opened the door and walked into the hallway, leaving Axel to mull over his plan. Zexion deciding to join Roxas' training was a curveball for sure. Axel had to bite his tongue so he didn't raise any suspicion about monopolizing the time of the Organization's keybearer.

Still, Zexion wasn't bad to hang around with. He was intelligent enough, even if he seemed to want to show off how well he knew a thesaurus. Not to mention he could hold his own in a fight.

Well, Axel didn't need to get rid of everyone. Just the traitors. He was willing to let Zexion walk away from all this for sure.

As long as he could make it out with Roxas. Maybe Naminé too if she could prove herself.

Yeah, that was the only reason he was doing this.

Back again to her little room. Naminé already missed the streets of Traverse Town, even if the memory of the place brought heartless with it. Unfortunately, an illusion was only an illusion. Ultimately meant to fade away against reality. She took her seat as Roxas closed the door behind him. "We should start with some of Sora's earlier memories of childhood, that way you could see how he became who he is."

Roxas paused and put a hand to his chin. "Like the ones I saw yesterday, and last night? With you, him, Kairi, and Riku sparring?"

Naminé raised an eyebrow as she picked up the notebook and crayons that sat next to her chair. "More or less like that. Obviously I wouldn't be there."

He slowly began to smile and ventured, "If those are pretty close to real memories, then maybe we did our job already."

Naminé blinked at the logic, but then began to giggle and answer, "Yes…yes, I suppose so. But if you leave early today, then it might be suspicious."

Roxas walked over to her chair as she began to flip through the notebook. "Then maybe we can just spend some time together."

"That would be nice. "Do you mind if I draw?" He shook his head with a smile, so she began by picking up a crayon and outlined a beach with a sun overhead. "Sometimes, when I need to modify or change memories, I need an image to focus on to visualize a memory."

"And then, as you make changes, you can make sure it all makes sense and it's not too out of place." He watched as slowly, people were added on the beach. A young Sora and Riku clashing with wooden blades. Kairi was standing to the side and watching with her own toy sword in hand. He glanced over to her and asked, "Do you ever draw for fun?"

Naminé paused for a moment before reaching for more colors "Sometimes, but it's not the only reason I want to draw." Over on the side, she began to draw another girl, sitting in the sand with a wooden sword. "If the memory change is undone, or eventually when it's all forgotten, the picture would still remain." She looked over the addition of herself to the memory as she wiped away some of the last remnants of crayon dust. "It's the only way I can think of to leave something to prove I existed."

The room was quiet after her explanation. Roxas didn't say a word, but a frown had settled on his face in response to Naminé's forlorn expression. Without a word, he gently cradled her hands. As she began to weave her fingers with his, Roxas muttered, "It's better than what I've got, just a journal that I use to write about what I see each day."

Naminé shook her head with a smile. "Words are an art all their own." She closed her sketchbook with her free hand and set it aside. "I wouldn't mind reading it."

Roxas scratched the back of his head and chuckled. "It's a little short. I lost my old one before coming here."

"Whatever time you think it's ready. I'd be here." Naminé then glanced over to the globe in the center of the room, wondering "Speaking of time, what time is it?" After waving her hand and seeing the result, she winced. "Pretty late."

"Yeah, I probably should rest up for tomorrow." Roxas let go of Naminé's hand, but hesitated for a moment. "Do you think that we could use dreams to just see Sora's memories?"

Naminé shook her head in response to the idea. "We were lucky last night. Trying to see a memory with just dreaming could have it slip into something totally different from what originally happened." She paused and looked aside as she corrected, "Well, that'd be what happens for a normal person. Nobodies…don't have real dreams, so it'd just cut to nothingness."

Roxas frowned, but nodded in understanding. He glanced over to the notebook Naminé had. "From what Axel said, you probably need to get me out of the memories now."

She cringed at the suggestion, but eventually Naminé nodded and reached out with her hand. "Yes. It's better in the long run. You won't remember the island as well, or every detail of what happened. But it's a small enough change that we should be able to remember it broadly." As she spoke, she seemed to grasp something in the air and gently pulled it towards her.

As she did so, Roxas could feel the memory of their conversation on the beach begin to dim. The crystal sea was just a mass of blue, the sunbeams just reduced to a ball of light. And though Roxas knew he was able to say something that made things better for her, he could not recall the words exactly.

But still, he knew it brought a smile to her face. And that was plenty.

He saw her frowning, with eyes cast downward at what he could only assume was the memory in her hand. He asked quietly, "Do you remember it?"

"Yes, I'm the only one who does now," she murmured, holding the memory to her chest.

Roxas offered a smile for her and answered, "Then that's enough for me."

Slowly, she began to smile too.

And somehow Roxas knew it was the same sort of smile she had back in that memory.

A blue sky…The ocean…An island…

Children played and fought over a drawing from a friend.

He watched the fight play out from afar. Naminé and Kairi went first.

And though Naminé did her best, it was still her first time fighting. And so she watched the remainder of the fight from a seat in the sand.

Kairi lasted a bit longer. Riku catching her off guard, knocking her down. Though she wasn't too upset at the loss.

He watched Sora fight Riku once again from where he was.

But...where was he exactly?

Where once was the inside of the island hut, there was an emptiness. And something was calling him deep within.

Letting go of the memory, sinking into the depths below, Roxas followed the call.

Naminé sighed as Kairi sat next to her. "I guess I still have a lot to learn."

She shook her head and smiled back. "We all start somewhere. It wasn't bad for your first try."

Grabbing Kairi's sword as well as her own, Naminé picked herself up from the beach and dusted away the sand. "I'll put our swords away and get my notepad." She walked over to the barrel by the hut and placed the toys inside.

But instead of going to where her notepad was, she couldn't help but pause at the door.

Roxas should be gone from the memory, and yet she knew that there was something important behind that door. Quickly, she chanced a peek inside.

Only to find an unfilled space of nothing behind the door. And the call was from deep within.

Letting go of the memory, stepping forth into the depths below, Naminé followed the call.

The two Nobodies dived deeply into their dreams.

Not knowing if there was an end to their fall into the abyss.

But eventually something came into view, but it was not each other.

Instead each of them saw a platform of glass, almost the shape of a circle with incomplete pieces. A platform with their own image resting upon it.
Nobodies are about to learn they have/are growing hearts. Prepare for Xemnas' plans to be completely eradicated.
Nobodies are about to learn they have/are growing hearts. Prepare for Xemnas' plans to be completely eradicated.
Everyone's plans are going off the rails in this gambit pileup. Granted, everyone outside of Castle Oblivion probably isn't going to learn that till after the dust has settled.

I'd get some popcorn if I wasn't writing the whole fiasco.
Chapter Nineteen: Dive
Chapter Nineteen: Dive

Secret Report: Larxene II

I've heard stories about Sora, how he went around fighting the heartless. Helping to save the weak and mewling masses. All the insignificant little bugs that go about their lives, and that boy thinks they're worth keeping safe and happy.

Roxas and Naminé aren't that much better. The kid doesn't even understand what power he has, he just does his missions day in and day out. Naminé's the worst. She has the power to bend people to command, but she cringes at it because 'Ooohh it isn't riiight.'.


That's why we need to do this. Me and Marluxia are the only people who understand what that power should really be used for.

We're the only people who really think.

Reaching the glass below, Roxas saw the stained glass image clearly now. While he dominated the majority of the picture resting on one side, the Twilight Town clocktower was in the center of the picture. Even as there were still holes in the circle, those images were distinct enough, but there was something more above them.

In small round circles were the faces of the people he knew.

Axel, his first friend.

Zexion, his new companion.

Xemnas, the one who first found him.

And Naminé, someone who…

Honestly, it was hard for Roxas to put it all into words what Naminé really meant to him after these few days.

As his feet touched the platform, his fall had slowed enough for him to find his footing with ease. Looking around this place, Roxas could only understand one thing. It was a place that was important to who he was. Even though it wasn't really a place at all. Honestly, Roxas wasn't sure what exactly it was.

Was any of it real, or not?

From the moment she saw it Naminé had an idea of what this was. From the faintest recollections of Sora's dreams, she had seen this place. A place that connected to others, yet was as much a reflection of the self. And this was hers, with her reclining form along the edge, with Castle Oblivion in the center.

She looked above her picture to where familiar faces rested.

Marluxia's cold stare away from her.

Larxene's haughty upturned face right beside him.

Axel, a capricious, carefree smirk on his face.

And Roxas, someone who…

Naminé sighed as the all too familiar idea came to her about Roxas. Something that went beyond a simple friendship. It was something that was beyond a nobody's understanding. By Marluxia and Larxene's account, it was something that she could not hope to have. And yet this platform was here, despite that. Was it's incomplete nature because of Naminé's own existence rendering it impossible?

Or was it something real like Roxas said?

Their thoughts were interrupted in a flash of light as a white door appeared. Its very existence called out to them to continue on towards the unknown. Putting a hand to the handle, Roxas and Naminé opened their door.

Roxas heard the familiar sound of his footsteps on metal after passing through the door. As his eyes adjusted to the light, he saw the grey area once again. It was strange how a few days could make this place almost unfamiliar.

However, two of the Nobodies in the room were very familiar to him. Lounging on one of the couches was Axel, resting on one of the armrests with his hands behind his head. Zexion sat in one of the smaller chairs, a book in his hand. As for the third figure in a black coat, Roxas wasn't exactly sure with the hood up, but Xion was the girl in the Organization that was his size.

Slowly, Roxas walked over to Axel to ask what was going on. Maybe get some answers on why they were back in The Castle That Never Was. However, right when he was close enough to Axel, his voice cut him off before he could get a word out. "How would you like to spend time with your friends?"

Roxas took a step back at the question, it was a bit of an odd way to ask that question, especially for Axel. Still, there wasn't much harm in answering with something simple. "To watch the sunset together and eat ice cream."

"Is that all there is to life?"

Axel said the answer calmly, not bothering to even look at Roxas in return. Roxas took a step back, his mouth snapping shut. Not just because of the subdued response, but also because it was Axel saying it. One of the few things he seemed to enjoy was spending time in the clock tower. It didn't take long for it to be one of the few things that Roxas enjoyed.

But six days ago, that had changed. Ever since learning about Naminé imprisonment and understanding how it hurt, he had begun to understand how small all of that was. That there was so much more in the world that he not only wanted to see, but also show his friends. Especially Naminé.

But if Axel was thinking over any of this he didn't show it. The way Axel was staring at the same spot in the ceiling made Roxas wonder if something was wrong with him. He walked over to Zexion to try and ask if he knew what was going on. But once again, as Roxas approached the seat, Zexion beat him to the punch with a question of his own. "What do you look for in a friend?"

Another question, though this one was a little harder to put an answer into words. There were more than a few people in the Organization, some less sociable than others. But when it came to the ones he could call his friends, they were people that he could talk with openly. People that he could be honest with and talk about some of his fears and worries. As that thought came to him, Roxas answered, "That they're someone I can trust."

"And are you someone your friends can trust?"

Again, it was an answer that brought Roxas' mind to a screeching halt. It wasn't something he focused on himself, and as far as he knew he hadn't gone behind anyone's back or betrayed them. But even so, the fact that he never really considered that side until now made him worry.

"Zexion, Axel, what are you trying to say?" He spoke aloud, but neither of them seemed to answer. Xion just continued to stare out the window with her hood up. Even here, Roxas had no real idea what she looked like. Tentatively, he made his way over to her, and braced for the inevitable question.

Not bothering to look away from the night sky outside, Xion asked in a gentle voice, "What would you do to keep your friends happy?"

For once the answer was easy for Roxas as he answered firmly, "I'd do anything for them." Even without a heart, his friends were important to him. It was only fair that he did what they needed, right? Especially since he needed to be someone they could trust.

"Even making other people and their friends unhappy?"

Roxas felt his stomach sink as Xion spoke and turned to the window. He could see now that there was no city below, only the darkness. Placing a hand on the glass he hung his head as the implications of her answer slowly became clear. Would he be like Marluxia and Larxene? Willing to harm people if it meant he could be happy?

He remembered how Naminé cowered at their command. How desperate Alice seemed for any kind of help at her execution. The fear in Tarzan and Jane's eyes as Clayton and the heartless attacked. Roxas closed his eyes and murmured,"No. I guess I couldn't do that."

No sooner had he said that than the glass vanished from under his hands. He desperately tried to right himself, but by the time he realized what was happening, he had already fallen over the edge. And so Roxas tumbled into the dark.

As Naminé's eyes adjusted to the light, she saw again the familiar horizon of Destiny Islands, though the view was a bit higher than usual. She looked at her feet, but gasped as instead of the expected treehouse, she found she stood on a marble block with the familiar aesthetic of Castle Oblivion breaking through the center tree.

On one side of the block, Sora was sitting with his feet dangling over the edge. On another, Riku stood, his arms crossed in front of him. And finally, looking out to sea was someone in the Organization's black cloak that was Naminé's size. They didn't quite look like Roxas, but Naminé couldn't tell for sure with the hood up.

If this was anything like Sora's memory, then she wouldn't be able to say anything to them that they would respond to. Not unless it was an answer to their question. So she started by walking over to Sora, the one who Marluxia and Larxene were so fixated on before Roxas arrived. As she got close he asked without looking away from the sea, "What's the right thing to do?"

That was the question wasn't it? She knew that the right thing to do was to never use her powers to hurt Sora or lie to him in the first place. But Marluxia denied her that and made it clear that the reaper's blade awaited her should she refuse their plan. And as horrible as it was, she didn't want to die, didn't want to be alone. All she could hope for was that this plan would hurt as few people as possible. "To make as many people happy as you can."

"Does doing that make you happy?"

Sora gave his response calmly, and yet it was worse than if he had gotten angry. Days upon days it was drilled into her that happiness did not exist in any form for a being like her. That the best she could hope for was momentary acceptance.

But six days ago, that had changed. Ever since Roxas decided to visit her on his own, Naminé had begun to dream of something more. Of someone accepting her without any lies or manipulation. And no one needed to be hurt to make it happen. She was so certain that throwing away her happiness was necessary for everyone else, but now she wasn't so sure that was the answer.

But if this Sora cared about what she was thinking, he didn't show it, he simply stared out towards the sea past the trees. Slowly, she made her way over to Riku, not wanting to bother whoever was in the black cloak just yet. As she approached, he asked, "If you could have anything, what would it be?"

Again, it was a question she had wrestled with many times under her confinement. The one thing she wished for that had been denied from her by Marluxia and Larxene. Friends, a place to belong, a warm home. But deep down, she knew it meant nothing without one important caveat. So she answered as she looked out to the horizon, "I wish I was free."

"And what would you do once you had it?"

Once again the response only eroded her certainty in her answer. Freedom was not a simple object that could be held, or a goal to be achieved. It was a privilege and a responsibility that she could hardly begin to wrestle with. But why did she yearn for it so much, even when she had never known it?

Looking over to the last figure that stood with her, Naminé could see now that the last figure with them was a girl. Though the hood obscured most of her face, her mouth was visible enough as she gazed out to the sea. Slowly, Naminé walked over to the girl in the black cloak, and the stranger asked in a gentle voice. "What is a keyblade?"

Naminé leaned on the railing in front of the stranger at her question. She was fairly certain that the answer wasn't as simple as 'A weapon that can defeat heartless'. Not when it seemed to have a power in itself that was tied so deeply to the wielder. And certainly not when she had seen how it could turn the tide in fights for worlds, or had felt it for herself. Eventually, Naminé settled on a description that truly seemed complete, "A weapon that can change the fate of worlds."

"Is that kind of power something that can really be used for good?

Naminé gripped the railing as she cringed at the stranger's reply. Even so, she understood the dilemma. Sora might have been able to use that power to save the worlds from darkness. But if she eventually mastered it, she wouldn't be able to follow that path. For as long as she was in the Organization's hands, no good could come of it. Not if Marluxia and Larxene were anything to go by.

But even so, some part of her couldn't just surrender. Couldn't just give up and let Marluxia and Larxene have their way. Despite all that was against her, she could remember the friends she had made and the meagre happiness she had found. And at the very least, Naminé knew that was worth protecting. And so she had the courage to say, "I still want to try."

No sooner had she said that than the railing vanished from under her hands. By the time she realized it was gone, she had already fallen over the edge. And instead of the sand of Destiny Islands below her, the landscape vanished into a black abyss. And so Naminé tumbled into the dark.

Falling into darkness, the two nobodies would once again find themselves returning to where they once started, a platform of themselves, incomplete. Once again, they find themselves finding their footing from a freefall with ease. But this time, something floated above the center of the platform. A clouded mirror, about as tall as they were.

Roxas walked up to the reflection, curious about where all of this was going. The smoke writhed beneath the surface of the mirror obscuring his own reflection. He reached out and gave a gentle wipe to the smooth surface, as if it would wipe away like dust. Though the darkness did not dissipate directly from his touch, they eventually faded away from his hand, slowly revealing the reflection of another.

A reflection that Roxas immediately realized wasn't his own for two reasons. One was that the hand in the mirror was covered with the black gloves Roxas was wearing. And second because he had only seen one person wear white fingerless gloves like that. "No, no, no!" He muttered frantically as he saw the fog recede from the mirror, to show Sora's reflection in the mirror.

Roxas slammed his fist into the glass as he screwed his eyes shut. Why!? Why did Sora hang over him no matter where he went or what he did? He never wanted to be like this! He never had a choice in being a half formed nobody! He glanced up to the reflection, Sora was probably smirking seeing a 'fake' break down. But…!


But why?

Why was Sora looking at him with those sad eyes? Roxas recalled seeing them before in the coliseum fight, when Sora asked if all he wanted was to survive. Roxas saw how Sora put his hand to the glass, as if it might give way and he could reach him to offer his hand.

Did Sora not want to fight him?

Did he really want to help a nobody like him?

Naminé looked over to the mirror, something that Sora hadn't seen when he had gone through something like this. After the questions she was asked on the island, what was left now? What missing piece of herself was this journey trying to show? Or was this just something that she was making up in her own mind as she slumbered? Slowly the shade around the mirror vanished.

And slumped down beside the mirror as she saw Kairi standing there. She could only look to the ground, for the image seemed almost cruel to her. As if this vision was reminding her that no matter how many kind words she received, or how far she might rise with a keyblade, she could not escape the truth. She was only a shadow of the princess of heart. She glanced up, curious if the reflection would show her despair as well, or it had a different judgment.


But instead, Kairi was looking at her with those sad eyes. She was on her knees, almost banging against the glass, desperately saying something Naminé couldn't hear. Out of all the possibilities, Naminé had hardly even considered this idea. An idea which only led to another question.

Did Kairi really care for her?

Did she truly want to save a false memory that never was?

An illusion, or a connection?

A dream, or a memory?

At that moment, neither of them could understand it fully.

But even as they woke, the experience still remained.

Roxas mumbled as he vaguely became aware again that he was still in bed. His eyes were still bleary with sleep, as so much of last night still settled in his mind. He dreaded the idea of looking over to the clock and seeing if he should be up or not. But after a minute of lying in bed, some insistent knocking made it clear that he needed to be up.

"Coming." He mumbled as he collected himself and made his way over to the door. But opening it and seeing who exactly was waiting for him, he snapped to attention quickly. "Marluxia? You wanted to talk?"

He walked past Roxas into the room, as the door seemed to close of its own accord. Still looking away from Roxas, Marluxia began, "I mentioned last night that you would be accompanying Naminé in her attempt to contact the princess." Marluxia turned on his heel, hands behind his back as he glared daggers into Roxas."I just want to remind you that she cannot be permitted to escape or come to harm."

Roxas swallowed the sudden lump in his throat as he answered, "I'll…make sure she comes back."

With that answer, Marluxia smiled, though his eyes were still fixed on Roxas. "Good. I would hate for you to face the consequences of such a failure." Walking towards Roxas, he continued to ask firmly, "What do you think of Sora? You did see his memories last night, and I would like to see if you have gleaned something from it."

"He's determined, competitive," Roxas fumbled as he recalled some of what he knew from earlier. Marluxia seemed unimpressed with the answers as he crossed his arms in front of him. But then Roxas recalled an idea that his dream reminded him of. "But…sometimes, I think there's some part of him that holds back. That he'd like to reach out instead of fight someone."

At that answer, Marluxia closed his eyes and smiled widely. "Good. You can see the weakness within his heart that betrays him." Spreading his arms out as he continued to speak. "Just as memories have bound the leaders of our organization, so too does the heart."

Roxas raised an eyebrow at Marluxia's conclusion, connecting the dots in his mind. The way Marluxia was talking about hearts and the Organization, Roxas began to wonder. "You don't agree with Xemnas? You don't think we should get hearts at all?"

"To truly explain that is a lesson I don't think you are ready for quite yet." Marluxia continued to grin as he pointed to Roxas and declared, "You must understand the true nature of Sora's weakness. Only then will you see why we must free ourselves from the pull of hearts and the chains of memory."

"I…see." Roxas managed to mumble back, but he still wasn't sure what to make of it all. Was what Sora doing in reaching out weakness? Was Xemnas wrong with what Nobodies needed to do?

As he was lost in thought, Marluxia passed by him and opened the door to leave. "For now, prepare for your mission."

Of course. At the very least, he knew one thing. He needed to keep Naminé safe.
Chapter Twenty: Wonder
Chapter Twenty: Wonder

Journal: Day Six

Today was Naminé's first day of training. She really seemed to pick it up really quick, especially with magic. Not that surprising since she's so smart. Though it might have been nicer for the training session to end on something besides Ansem barging in and almost killing us.

Not that Marluxia and Larxene seem to care, they just want results now. They want to try and have Naminé get close to her other half to get her to summon her keyblade. I don't think it's going to be easy.

Well, at the very least, I'll be there on the mission to help her along with Axel and Zexion. It wasn't a hard choice for me to make anyway. Of course I'd help Naminé. She's my…

Best friend?

It's strange. I'm only just understanding what it means to be friends.

But I think Naminé's become something else to me.

Something bigger.

I just wish I knew the word for it.

Roxas was about to head out after Marluxia left to get Axel and Zexion, but no sooner had he walked out the door than he had seen Axel leaning against the wall outside. A bit surprising since he usually spent his mornings sleeping in. "Hey. You ready to go?"

"Almost, I need to grab one of your cloaks." Axel quickly walked inside before Roxas could react.

Watching as Axel began to rummage through his footlocker, Roxas was dumbfounded, "Wha…? But none of my stuff fits you."

"It's not for me." Axel answered as he pulled out a spare set of robes, but as he reached for the lid, he paused. He glanced over to Roxas who had made his way over to him. "You still haven't gotten rid of your outfit from before you joined."

Roxas put his hand on the lid and moved to shut it. "I haven't found the time, alright?"

Axel raised an eyebrow, still holding the lid open. But eventually he let go with a shrug and a smile. "Fair enough, things have been pretty crazy lately. Just remember you can't hold onto it for too long. You're with the Organization now, you know?"

A feeling of unease came over Roxas as he answered back, "Yeah, I know." He knew his friends were a part of the Organization. But there was a lot about the other members of the Organization that made his skin crawl. The way Vexen seemed to only care about him as a test subject for potential dissection. How Marluxia and Larxene held Naminé captive in the name of their own pursuits.

And that wasn't all.

Something about Xemnas told him that he was hiding even worse secrets.

He couldn't say exactly what it was. But something inside of him was screaming not to trust him.

When he first woke up, he joined the Organization because they promised him answers. But the more he thought about it, it seemed more like he was just one more number to add to their ranks.

But for now, he had to set that aside. He had to focus on the people he could trust.

Zexion was up by the time they arrived at his door, using a hand to brush aside messy hair into something presentable. He seemed a bit more grim as he walked beside them. As they arrived at Naminé's door, he looked to Axel. "This mission is not going to be simple."

Axel sighed as he rested his hand on the doorframe, "When is it ever?" Raising his fist, he knocked on the door before pulling it open and calling out cheerfully, "Wakey, wakey, Naminé!"

The sudden arrival caused her to jump to her feet. "A…Axel, it's you. Good morning."

Roxas frowned as he looked over to Axel. "You don't have to be so loud."

He was unperturbed, simply shrugging. "Eh, I need a loud alarm clock sometimes, so it's my baseline."

"If we could focus on the matter at hand." Zexion's voice got everyone's attention as he waved a hand over the crystal ball. "Our mission today will take us to a simulacrum of Agrabah that the princess of heart is travelling through." The image of Kairi in Castle Oblivion holding a card before a set of double doors came into view.

Axel clapped his hands together and rubbed them together as he summarized, "Simply put, we need to get Naminé close to Kairi for a bit to try and get a better look at her keyblade, and then get her out. And of course we can't get too rough with Kairi or let her learn too much about the Organization." He glanced around the four of them as he asked, "Any ideas on a master plan to pull it off?"

Roxas racked his brain to try and come up with something before his eyes lit up as he suggested, "Maybe if there's a big enough fight with the heartless, we could use the confusion to take the keyblade from her and get it to Naminé?"

Zexion and Axel looked at him with raised eyebrows before Axel held out his hand. "Roxas, summon your keyblade."

Roxas hesitantly called the weapon to his hand, unsure where this was going. Axel taking the weapon from him was about as expected but why? In a flash the weapon vanished.

And reappeared in Roxas' hands.


Axel shook his head as he began to pace. "Yeah, we can't just take it for too long. I was hoping some sleep might help me come up with something, but it's a total blank."

Zexion tapped his lexicon as his brow began to furrow. "Illusion magic has the potential to bring us close, but if she makes contact with anything I create the magic might break from her natural light."

The room was silent, and inside of Roxas his thoughts began to race. Larxene and Marluxia were pretty insistent that this mission get done, and Roxas really didn't want to know what would happen if they failed. Would they send Roxas back? Turn them into Dusks?

What would they do to Naminé?

"There is something we could try."

At her voice the three of them looked over to her, Axel and Zexion in surprise, and Roxas with a glimmer of hope. She looked at the image of Kairi now walking sandy streets in the crystal ball and began to explain, "I haven't been working much with Kairi's version of the floors, so she hasn't been seeing anyone but enemies." "If I show up and I'm not threatening, she might be caught off guard long enough for me to make a connection to my keyblade before she can do anything."

"And then I can use my magic to help with extraction." Zexion concluded, though he wasn't quite satisfied with the idea. "It's risky. Any touch from the princess will render my magic ineffective."

Axel sighed and shook his head. "This whole mission was risky from the start. But at least we're going in with a master plan." Walking over to Naminé, he held out the black cloth in his hand with a smile. "At least I've taken care of how to get down there."

"Oh, It's…"Though Naminé smiled at the gift she winced as she looked at Axel, "A little big. Besides, I thought I wasn't in the organization yet."

Zexion began to nod in understanding, as he saw the garment. "Of course. We need to go through the dark corridors to reach the princess' location. Since we don't have your custom uniform yet you'll need to borrow one of ours."

Naminé nodded, and glanced down at the floor. "If it's all the same, I'll only wear it through the corridors. I feel a bit more comfortable with it off."

"Suit yourself." Axel shrugged as he dropped the cloak at her feet. " I think it's great at adding a bit of mystery." He turned to conjure the dark portal downstairs.

Roxas walked over to Naminé as she put on the black coat over her white dress. Roxas couldn't help but ponder if the Organization's uniform was really protecting her, or if it was erasing her to be just another number. He placed a hand on her shoulder as she zipped up the garment. She paused and gave a small smile back in return.

Seeing the way her smile made her eyes that little bit brighter made the weight on his shoulder fall away. She wasn't just a number.

So maybe he wasn't either.

"Ready?" Axel called from the portal.

The two of them looked at each other and nodded. He answered back, "Yes. We can do this."

From the day Kairi had begun to wonder about other worlds, one thought helped to quiet her fears of the unknown. That she wouldn't be alone. No matter where she went, Kairi was certain that Sora and Riku would be right beside her. And in a way she did get part of that wish. Her time in Sora's heart had her see every sight and wonder that he did as well.

But this journey was different. It wasn't just a journey that had become something more. She stepped through the portal to find a way to save her friends. Not just the ones she had lost on her journey, but one that had vanished so long ago. And it was one she was walking alone.

She sighed as she glanced across the streets of Agrabah. The only company she had on her journey were the heartless and anyone that Sora had faced in his journey. Not exactly great conversationalists. The only other contact was Axel, and it didn't bode well that their first interaction was a fight. Why? What exactly was he hiding here in this castle? Were there others like him?

Either way she had to press on. Maybe this world might be different. It was one of the few times Sora had run into one of the other princesses of heart. She almost wished she had time to meet with them all at Hollow Bastion. Just to ask what having a heart of pure light really meant. But it was too dangerous for all of them to be in a single location, too much of a chance for someone like Maleficent or Ansem to swoop in and capture them all again.

So for now, she had tried to find their counterparts in these illusions. Wonderland was a bust, with Alice nowhere in sight. But there was something in Agrabah that felt familiar. What or who wasn't clear, she wasn't even sure it was one of the other princesses of heart. But whatever it was felt so similar to herself.

Kairi perked up as she heard footsteps on the sand. It was quiet, but facing so many heartless attacks taught her to pay attention to the details. She glanced around the abandoned marketplace, and spotted movement by one of the back alleys. Calling her keyblade to her grip, Kairi chased after the figure shouting, "Hey! Hold it!" Sand kicked up as she turned the corner, ready to face her opponent. "Now I've…"

But she wasn't ready. Not for this.

The sun of Agrabah illuminated the alley, yet even so she stood out. She had grown much taller than when she had seen her last. But her hair, her dress, so similar to when they were kids. Then she turned around and spoke with a fond smile, "It's nice to see you, Kairi."

There was no mistaking her.


After so many years, it was really her.


Her fears forgotten, Kairi sprinted forward and embraced her long lost friend in an instant.

In an instant, Naminé could see the plan fall apart. There was no time for her to react, no time to make Kairi stop what she was doing. As soon as she recognized her, Kairi just ran over to her and hugged her. Even now she was oblivious to the plan she had thwarted, Kairi continued to rejoice, "It's you! It's really you, Naminé! It's been so long!"

"Kairi…you can let go." Naminé tried to loosen the grip Kairi had on her, but it hardly seemed to stop her.

She shook her head as she began to collect herself. "Sorry, it's just…I've been in this castle for so long and haven't seen anyone friendly." Eventually, she loosened her grip and settled for putter her hands on Naminé's shoulders as she separated from her. "Seeing you again, after all these years. It's so hard to believe."

A friend? Kairi considered her a friend? She knew that she had inserted herself into Sora's memories as someone he grew up with. But for Kairi to feel so similar to how Sora did? To brave danger for a forgotten friend? Naminé slowly smiled as she somehow mustered the words, "I've…wanted to see you too." And admittedly, she truly did. Even if it was just for a moment to see who she came from.

To see what her other meant to her.

Finally, Kairi let go, clasping her hands together. "Where have you been all these years?"

"It's a long story." Naminé answered as her mind raced. Actually telling Kairi where she came from would be the worst idea. Marluxia or Larxene wouldn't hesitate to kill her. There was one way she might be able to salvage this plan and stay alive. To maintain contact with her until she understood her connection to the keyblade. "Maybe we could talk after we get through the city?"

"Sounds good. Get to safety before we catch up." "Naminé, there's so much I've got to tell you."

Some part of Naminé ached hearing that. While the revelations that Kairi had experienced with Sora on their journey were groundbreaking, it was nothing compared to the secrets the Organization was hiding. She wanted so desperately to talk about them, but knew that Marluxia would never have it.

Though she also wondered if Kairi simply wanted to talk about Sora. Perhaps then, she might have an easier time holding a conversation since she had been spending so much time with Roxas.

Was...was their relationship truly so similar? What was between her and Roxas? Last night she called him her best friend. But still it didn't seem like enough. There was one idea she could think of.

An idea that was taught to Naminé as impossible for her.

But the longer the days with Roxas went by, she wished more for the impossible.

She wished for love.

"What was that?!?" Axel hissed from their vantage point above the alley on the rooftops. "She just hugged her on the spot!?! We had a master plan!!!"

Roxas didn't truly understand it well either. But he knew that Naminé interacted with Kairi as well in those memories. Had it become so real that Kairi had truly cared for Naminé like a friend? Surely as someone of pure light, she would have picked up on the difference between a person and a nobody.

Or...was there any difference at all?

"One thing is certain, illusion magic is useless now," Zexion scowled as he snapped his book shut, "And with Naminé so close to the princess, that resistance will linger. We will need to take drastic measures."

"What?!" Roxas couldn't help it. Things were already bad enough, but a phrase like 'drastic measures' set him on edge. Naminé was someone he cherished of course, so he had to look after her. And while Kairi was a keyblader, she also wanted to look after Naminé too. So she couldn't be all bad.He realized however, that Axel and Zexion were staring at him in surprise. "I mean, what were you thinking? Because…we can't hurt Naminé or Kairi too badly."

Axel looked towards the towers of Agrabah's palace and began to smirk. "Simple, we get the help of the Grand Vizier."
Guess I'm getting pulled back into Kingdom Hearts fanfic. This is pretty great so far but I'm not familiar with the lore enough to really understand half enough of what's going on.
Guess I'm getting pulled back into Kingdom Hearts fanfic. This is pretty great so far but I'm not familiar with the lore enough to really understand half enough of what's going on.
Well, I'm definitely glad you're enjoying it. If you've got any questions, let me know and I'll do my best to answer them barring spoilers.
Well, I'm definitely glad you're enjoying it. If you've got any questions, let me know and I'll do my best to answer them barring spoilers.

Haha thanks but I don't have any a quick Google search hasn't answered. (I've had to check which Organization member is which)
Chapter Twenty One: Sorcerer
Chapter Twenty One: Sorcerer

Ansem Report 14

So rarely have I had time to contemplate, over the years I came ever closer to Kingdom Hearts.

But this moment of observation is as opportune as any.

Slowly my hold over the boy grows stronger, perhaps strong enough to survive an encounter with the princess of heart.

The empty husks bear no real threat to me, even as they grow their power.

And the one who defeated me with the keyblade is blind to the true scope of what is happening in this world, as well as its history.

I only need to call true heartless here in these memories. When they gather, I can use the power to reveal this castle's true secret.

Kairi breathed a sigh of relief as the last of the heartless in the marketplace burnt to a crisp. She wished she could have gotten right to catching up with her long lost friend. Unfortunately, Heartless didn't care about that, even in these memories. Still, Kairi had gotten good enough to handle the small fry easily enough, she turned to the pots in the corner and called out, "Alright, the coast is clear."

Peeking her head out from cover, Naminé slowly walked towards her. "Thanks Kairi. You're," she fidgeted for a moment before smiling and settled on, "pretty good."

"I've still got a long way to go." Some of the magic that Sora had learned with the keyblade was beyond what any of them had imagined on the islands. Still, she had to wonder exactly what Naminé had learned from her long journey. But then again, there was a bigger question behind all of that. "Speaking of a long way, how did you get from Destiny Islands all the way here?"

Naminé glanced to the side as she answered, "It's a long story. Years long." She folded her hands behind her back as she considered the best way to put it. "For now, let's just say I'm here because of who I am."

Kairi winced, and then asked the other question on her mind, "Did any of our parents know?" She remembered for years in the whispers of town hall, people asked about Naminé. Just as they wondered about Kairi's real world. Though once she vanished, nobody wanted to talk. Did Naminé leave the islands herself? Was she taken? Did she have a choice?

It brought to mind her own distant memories of her long lost home.

"It isn't something easy to guess. To be honest, I couldn't believe it either." Naminé sighed and looked down at one of her hands, then over to Kairi with a sad smile. "I'll tell you later, okay? When we're safe."

Kairi sighed and began to nod. "Yeah. Let's get to one of those warded rooms so we can figure this out." Whatever it was that Naminé found out, Kairi could tell it weighed heavily on her friend. It would be a lot easier to unpack when they didn't have to worry about heartless hanging over their head. So she began to walk further into the city of Agrabah

Naminé quickly jogged up next to her. "That's fine. Maybe you could talk about how you got here?"

Kairi chuckled and shook her head. "Same as you. It's a long story. It just started with me wanting to know where I came from, and Sora and Riku thought it'd just be a fun trip."

Naminé pursed her lips before asking, "How are Sora and Riku?"

Another complicated answer if Kairi wanted to get into the details. But at the very least, she knew what was important. "Right now, I know they're here, and they're in trouble."

Naminé shook her head with a sigh. "I guess some things never change." As the two of them reached the gates of Aghrabah's palace, Naminé came to a stop in the sand. "Do you," she began to ask as Kairi looked back at her, "do you still feel the same way about Sora?"

"Wait, what?" The question brought Kairi to a stop as she slowly turned to face Naminé "I mean, that's odd to just up and ask out of nowhere."

Naminé looked down to the ground, taking a step back and shuffling her feet in the sand. "Sorry. Over the years, I keep thinking back to us on the island, and I remember how happy you looked together and…"

Kairi nodded slowly, It was a simple question about how things were between them. Honestly, she could just answer with a yes or no.

But one word wasn't enough for how she felt about Sora now. Not after he had shown just how far he would go for her. Not after all the years they grew up together.

And especially not after she had seen what he had drawn in the cave. A wish that she had echoed in her heart

"It's different now," Kairi admitted as she slowly smiled. Warmth coming to her cheeks as she added, "I think it's changing for the better."

Naminé nodded, still not quite meeting her eyes. "I really do think you two deserve to be happy together."

While the sentiment was flattering, Kairi had to wonder what brought on the question from Naminé in the first place.

Then one idea came to her. "Is there someone who makes you happy Naminé?"

At the question, Naminé made a squeak-like gasp as she looked back at her. "M—Maybe? I'm not sure."

Kairi couldn't help a giggle, as she was fairly certain that there was someone in particular prompting Naminé's question. "Is it anyone I know?"

Naminé shook her head, though a smile was beginning to grow and her cheeks were growing pink. "No, he's not."

Kairi leaned closer, asking, "Can you tell me his name?"

Naminé glanced around before nodding. "His name is—"

"Excuse me for interrupting this pointless conversation." And like that, the fun mood came to an abrupt halt. Kairi spun to face the speaker who seemed to be watching the two of them from the walkway above. Jafar extended a hand as he commanded, "But I'm afraid I must ask you to accompany me, princess."

Naminé moved behind Kairi as she held her keyblade in front of her and glared back. "Well, I'm afraid you're about to be disappointed."

From the rooftop of the palace gates, Zexion pinched the bridge of his nose as he watched the scene below. "As far as plans go, the depth of this one is disappointing." Jafar began by calling forth heartless, the group of shadows and thieves circling around Kairi and Naminé.

As one of the heartless' blades was parried by Kairi, Axel shrugged from his seat on the edge. "Okay, it's simple but effective." He pointed to Jafar cackling from his own seat as he spouted something about the Cave of Wonders and a lamp while Axel explained, "By getting Jafar's attention on Kairi, we let his memory go off the autopilot of 'Get the Princess of Heart'. He drops in heartless, keeps them busy, and we wait for the right moment."

Roxas leaned forward from their vantage point, eyes on Naminé as she retreated to a corner of the square for safety. Fortunately, the Heartless weren't as interested in her as they were in Kairi. Who called down a barrage of lightning all around.

Zexion watched the fight far below with a frown as the heartless dissolved before the electric attack, drumming his fingers on the parapet. "Assuming Naminé takes such an opportunity to rejoin us. The princess herself is capable enough that such an opportunity to leave unnoticed will be slim."

Axel held up a finger with a wink as he pointed to Jafar as he vanished into a dark portal of his own. "But we know they'll be guided to the Cave of Wonders."

Zexion's eyes widened before he relaxed and nodded with a smile. "Where there's plenty of secret passages there we can use to make an escape." He crossed his arms and looked out to the horizon as Kairi and Naminé began to run back to the gates of Agrabah. "Not a bad plan at all."

Roxas nodded, following most of Axel's plan. Even so, he was more focused on keeping an eye on Naminé and Kairi. Doing his best to keep track of them before they disappeared into the alleyways and alcoves of the city. Into some dark passageway—

His train of thought came to a screeching halt. "What if Ansem shows up?"

Axel waved a hand and chuckled, "We worry about that if he shows up."

"Well, start worrying." Roxas pointed to one shadowed passage in the distance. Ansem was watching Kairi and Naminé from the darkness. He glanced over to the three of them, smirked, and then vanished into the shadows.

"Yeah, that's something to worry about alright." Axel scratched the back of his neck as he conjured a dark portal. "Let's get to the Cave of Wonders before Ansem—"

"Sounds good!" Roxas ran in once the portal materialized. Darkness howled around him though the cloak kept it at bay. Somehow it seemed worse than the other times they used the portal. As if it was trying to eat away at him both inside and out. It was a pain unlike anything he'd experienced before.

But for Naminé's sake, he could bear it.

He stumbled out into a stone hallway, torches illuminating the chasm to one side of the hall. Axel jogged out from the dark portal and picked him up from the floor. "Kinda antsy today, Roxas."

Zexion sighed as he walked out from the portal."Remember, we must remain discreet and secretive against our enemies. If you go out in the open, we will only be able to assist you from the shadows as long as the princess is present."

Roxas called the keyblade to his grip as he began to watch over the caves, "Then I'll make up the difference myself."

Naminé wished she could have freely enjoyed the ride out from Agrahbah on the magic carpet with Kairi. Even with Jafar threatening to steal Genie's lamp from the cave of wonders, Kairi somehow found it within herself to smile during the carpet ride over. Unfortunately, her mission continued to weigh on her, and time was running short. Kairi had already managed to defeat the darkness possessed cave, and now the two of them had begun to descend into the depths.

Steadying herself on the wall lest she trip and fall into the depths on the other side of the passage, Naminé reviewed her options. She knew that this Jafar wasn't a real threat to her. If she wanted, she could manipulate the memory directly and have him leave her and Kairi alone, no questions asked. But she needed some kind of distraction, some way Kairi could be kept busy long enough for her to make contact before escaping. Though there were plenty of secret passages higher up along the hallway walls, she had no way to reach them. The only way out was down below where the underground river ran.

Though honestly, she wished she didn't have to do any of this. Having to lie to Kairi after she had treated her like a friend turned the pain in herself into something torturous. Even if the current plan was somewhat better than what Marluxia and Larxene first had in mind, Kairi didn't deserve to be lied to.

Of course, she wasn't sure lying would help her get a chance to hold Kairi's keyblade when they were still in danger. If they weren't fighting heartless, then the weapon was dismissed out of sight. The only idea she could think of to get her hands on it was waiting until they found a safe room to try and convince Kairi to let her see it. Unfortunately, those weren't so easy to come by in the middle of the world like this. And the Organization might do something drastic to keep her prisoner.

The worst part was that she could feel her own keyblade was so close now that she had seen Kairi's. But it still seemed out of reach. What was she still missing? She couldn't help a momentary mutter of, "Where is it?"

"Looking for something?" A bit too loudly, it seems, as Kairi had stopped to look back at her.

Naminé began to glance around the cave of wonders before shaking her head, "Just keeping an eye out for heartless." It was a little flimsy, but as good of a reason as any.

"For where there is light there is also darkness." Only for a familiar voice to cause terror to set in.

Kairi pulled out her keyblade in a flash as she began to tremble. "It can't be! You're dead!"

"Darkness never truly dies." From the dark end of the hall, stepped out Ansem, his arms outstretched as he greeted with a smirk, "So good to see you once again princess."

Kairi grimaced for a moment before her eyes widened and she thought aloud, "Wait, if you're still alive," Then she began to call out to the figure, "Riku! Riku are you still there!?"

He simply chuckled and began to call darkness to his hands. "You waste your time. I have re-established control over the boy, and your voice will not—!" But then he began to choke on his words, darkness fading as he began to stumble. "No! How can you still resist!?"

Another voice spoke as Ansem's form began to flicker. Each time it vanished the body was almost replaced by Riku's as he growled out with each change, "You. Won't. Hurt her!"

"But I can still call on others who are more than willing!" Darkness began to radiate off Ansem, and soon darkballs coalesced around Kairi and Naminé.

"Hide! I'll take care of them."At Kairi's shout, Naminé nodded and ran behind one of the pillars. Yet that one word stuck with her like a piece of ice. Hide. That's all she seemed to be able to do ever since she woke up in Castle Oblivion. To be at the mercy of the strong while her friends fought to help.

She could hardly stand it.

Kairi was batting away the darkballs well enough, each slice of the keyblade pushing the creatures back as she leapt through the air. She tried to get closer to the struggling Ansem. But in a flash, almost all of the heartless teleported to defend their master. Kairi began to pelt them with bolts of ice, the heartless trying to slow her advance.

"Guardian," Ansem managed to growl as a dark figure manifested behind him. He pointed a finger towards the two of them, and commended, "Capture them!"

As the guardian rushed forward, Kairi aimed with her keyblade and shot a pearl of light into the crowd of heartless. The explosion vaporized the darkballs in an instant, and caused Ansem to step back, reeling at the light.

But the guardian was phased only for a moment, dodging Kairi's keyblade at the last second. Swiftly slithering along the hallway floor, it moved past Kairi to the pillar where Naminé was hiding. It pulled it's fist back ready to demolish the stone column as Kairi lept to strike its back. "No, Naminé!"


A familiar voice that shouted her name was the only warning before someone in a black cloak jumped from one of the passages above. Just as Kairi struck the guardian's back Roxas brought his keyblade down on the heartless. It groaned in pain before retreating back to Ansem.

For a moment, Roxas and Kairi stared at each other as they both caught their breaths. Naminé was almost certain that Kairi whispered something as she saw Roxas' face.


"You come to face me again so soon after our last encounter?" Ansem chuckled as the guardian rose behind him. Pulling back its arms, the guardian sent a wave of magic towards the three of them. Kairi and Roxas held up their keyblades to block, but the magic sent them flying back. Kairi was knocked against the wall, while Roxas tumbled towards the edge leading further underground. "If you are this foolish, then I shall end your misbegotten existence!"

"No!" Naminé cried out and ran towards Roxas, holding out her arms in front of the Guardian. "I won't let you hurt him!" She clenched her eyes as the heartless advanced, raising it's fist. She tried to think of something she could do. Anything! Some kind of magic or power.

As she closed her eyes, she saw it again. Kairi's keyblade.

Her keyblade.

She reached out to it.

Why did she seek it?

That she could have the strength to protect the one she loved.

That she could stand by his side.

She wanted it with all her hear—

A flash. A clash of steel and shadow. She felt something in her hand quake against the impact. She opened her eyes and saw it. A keyblade identical to Kairi's own. But instead of the color that came with the vines and flowers entwined around the blade, it was a mix of black, white, and grey. As if it was taken from an old photograph.

But even so, as it held back the Guardian's blow, she knew it was real. Naminé pushed back against it, and managed a small bit of distance between her and the heartless. Not a lot of space, but it was enough for her to start casting balls of fire against it.

Kairi looked at her in amazement as the Guardian retreated back to Ansem. "Naminé? You've got a keyblade?"

She glanced back to Roxas who began to smile as he managed to get to his feet. "I knew you could do it."

Those words finally made Naminé realize what she was able to do. She really had it. A keyblade of her own! Though it was a bit strange that she hadn't needed to touch Kairi's keyblade, she couldn't bring herself to care. Not when she was able to do this.

"Impressive." Ansem's voice spoiled the mood as he began to float forward. "Perhaps you can surpass my expectations after aaaHGH!" His speech came to an abrupt end as a pearl of light from Kairi caused him to seize up. Pointing her keyblade at him, she shot a beam of light at Ansem and again he began to flicker between the image of himself and Riku. "Light?! You dare try to contain me!?!"

Kairi struggled to maintain the magic, crying out,"For my friends, I'd dare anything!" Yet as she spoke, the beam began to flicker, as if the spell would break at any moment.

"Then perhaps," Ansem struggled to retort as he lifted one of his hands, "you should choose which of your friends matters more!" In a flash, he managed to fire a bolt of darkness towards Roxas and Naminé. Though she was able to block it, the blast knocked the two of them into the depths of the cave.

She winced as she heard Kairi call her name as both of them fell. Even though she didn't really lie to succeed, she was still used to hurt someone who cared.

The two hit the river with an echoing splash. Both of them managed to right themselves and tread water. Roxas floating over to her once he had gotten his bearing and asking, "Are you alright?"

"I'd say you're more than alright!" The sound of darkness and Axel's voice got their attention as they looked to the walkway where he and Zexion had appeared. Axel kneeled down and offered a hand to them. "Gotta say, you had me worried there. But you managed to pull it off! Congrats Naminé!"

"Indeed," Zexion spoke with a smile as he helped get both of them out of the water, "With this power in hand, we can unequivocally call this mission a success." Reaching into his pockets, he offered Naminé the black coat she used to arrive through the dark corridor. "Naminé, if you would prepare for our departure?"

She quietly nodded as she took the robe and began to put it on. She just knew that she would be wearing this outfit a lot more in the coming days. One more number added to the Organization.

But as Roxas glanced over to her with a lopsided smile as Axel conjured the dark portal out, that rumination weighed less on her. "Thank you for looking out for me."

Zipping up the coat, she smiled back at him and answered. "And thank you for believing in me."

Roxas couldn't help a spring in his step as they walked into the portal back up. Seeing Naminé call upon a keyblade of her own made him proud. Maybe now she could really be treated with the respect she deserved.

But as they arrived in one of the rooms with the crystal ball, Roxas's hope faltered at the sight of Larxene slowly clapping with a bored look on her face. "Well whoop-de-doo! She figured out how to get a keyblade. Finally, some good news!" She stopped her fake applause and pointed to Roxas with a grin. "Now for some bad news. We want to evaluate you."

Roxas could tell that whatever she had in mind was going to be far from pleasant as he asked, "Evaluate me? How?"

Rolling her eyes, Larxene groaned and shouted, "You're supposed to fight Kairi rucksack! Can't you remember the only thing you're good at?!"

While the concept was simple enough to him, the test didn't sit very well with Roxas. Kairi had fought to keep Naminé safe, and from what he could tell, she made her happy. He definitely didn't want to hurt her any more than he had to. Honestly, he didn't want to hurt her at all.

If Larxene was considering any of this, she didn't show it as she conjured another dark portal. "If you can't give the princess a run for her money, then you have no hope against Sora." As Axel and Zexion stepped forward, she held out a hand before they could say a word. "And Marluxia's decided you aren't getting help this time."

Axel clicked his tongue and shook his head with a scowl. "Sorry. Can't go against Marluxia's orders."

Zexion looked to the portal and then to Roxas before answering firmly, "For what it's worth, I believe you have a chance."

Just a chance, huh? For much of his mission, the odds were against him. What was one more risk? He walked towards the portal leading back down.

"Good luck, Roxas."

Only to stop at Naminé's words, a smile came to him. If it was for a chance to see her again, he'd face whatever was ahead. He began to answer, "Th—."

"Don't blow it." Unfortunately, Larxene wouldn't let him get one word in before sending him into the darkness again.
Chapter Twenty Two: Contrast
Chapter Twenty Two: Contrast

Ansem Report 14

When I had departed years ago to rally the heartless, I had expected that to be the end of these reports. I had all I needed to know to accomplish my goal, so recording my findings was a meaningless effort now.

Yet after ten years, I have found reason enough to review my work.

Those hollow shells left behind by the strongest heartless. The Nobodies. I had considered how they might be filled and shaped by others.
But left alone, what would these Nobodies fill themselves with?


Or Darkness?

Kairi held the dark lamp before her, a vortex of magic vacuuming the geniefied Jafar. Right as the genie was sealed, the lamp itself vanished into nothing. Just another phantom of the past that was brought back for no other purpose than to menace her. Besides Axel's brief attack and that strange voice, enemies were her only company up until now.

Of course, this world brought a big difference. Kairi had hoped that the further she went, that eventually she would meet a memory of one of Sora's friends. But actually seeing Naminé and Riku did so much to lift her lonely heart. It was a sign that her journey wasn't for nothing, that she was closer than ever. Yet, what should have been a joyous moment was marred by separation, as both of her friends slipped through her fingers again.

"Then perhaps," Ansem struggled to retort as he lifted one of his hands, "you should choose which of your friends matters more!" In a flash, he managed to fire a bolt of darkness towards Naminé and the boy. Naminé raised the keyblade in her hands to block it, but the blast knocked the two of them into the depths of the cave.

"NAMINÉ!!!" Kairi cried out as her friend and the boy in black fell, one hand reaching out to them on instinct. But the feeling of light slipping away caused her to grip the keyblade once again with both hands. It was only a moment that her attention was split, but it seemed almost as if that small window of escape was enough, as Ansem's form became more solid.

Kairi felt the spell she was trying to weave falter, ready to snap at a moment's notice against the darkness pushing back against imprisonment. Even so, she didn't stop casting the beam of light at Riku. "No! I'm not giving up! Riku, can you hear me!?" Riku had held Ansem back before in Hollow Bastion. Maybe the two of them together could stop the dark seeker for good.

Ansem scowled as he tried to gather darkness in his hands. "You. Are wasting. Your—!"


Her eyes widened at the voice of her friend, and for a moment, he was visible again. "RIKU! Hold on!"

"Listen to me! I can't do this for long!" Riku strained as he reached out, trying to draw on the light to strengthen himself for just a few more seconds to speak. "Ansem's planning something, and Naminé and that boy in black are—!" He was cut off as darkness coursed through his body.

Kairi shook her head and tried so desperately to hold on with her light. She looked her wayward friend in the eyes and pleaded, "Riku, please! Don't give up!"

Riku's eyes widened at her words, but slowly he began to nod. "If you think I'm worth fighting for, then I won't ei—."


At Ansem's snarling voice, a blast of darkness finally broke the attempted sealing spell. Kairi held up her hand in reflex, watching as the form of Ansem retreated into darkness once again.

It was bad enough watching Riku being taken by darkness, despite the two of them trying to fight Ansem. Even worse, searching the caves for Naminé and the boy just turned up nothing. Even if she knew the boy was too different from Sora to really be him, the resemblance was just too uncanny. It just seemed like her friends were slipping away from her.

Riku was being consumed by darkness, even as he had begun to fight against Ansem's corruption.

Naminé had vanished once again after their reunion, after getting a keyblade that mirrored Kairi's own.

And even though she hadn't seen any sign of Sora, her heart could feel that he was somewhere close in this castle of illusions.

All of her friends were in danger. Danger she barely knew how to fight. Despite the keyblade in her hands and light at her command, there was little Kairi could do to help them. The only path she had was to continue her ascent and hope to find them again. As she walked up the marble steps through the castle proper, another thought came to her. Who was that boy? The one in the same kind of coat Axel wore with Sora's face. He seemed determined to keep Naminé safe, but was he friend or foe?

As she began to reach the top of the stairs,she stopped at the swirling sound of darkness. Her eyes widened at a blur of a black cloak coming through it. Was it someone else? She called her keyblade to her head, ready to fight.


But Kairi's grip loosened as she realized the figure had unceremoniously fallen to the floor. Wincing, she made her way over to the small black cloaked figure picking themselves off the floor. She began to extend a hand as she asked, "Are you okay?"

Getting to their feet, the black cloaked figure pulled off their hood as they answered back, "Yeah, I'm fiiiii…" The boy's words seemed to fall out of their mouth as he saw her. Though Kairi was hardly any better. This was the same boy from before, and just as it was then, his resemblance to Sora was uncanny.

The boy took a step back, steeling himself as Kairi regained her composure and asked firmly, "Where's Naminé?" He made a stand against Ansem while crying out her name. That wasn't something a person did for a total stranger.

The boy slowly curled his hands into fists as he tersely said, "She's safe, Kairi."

At the mention of her name Kairi tightened her grip on the key. She barely knew this boy but he already knew her name?! "Safe where? Who are you anyway?!"

"My name is Roxas," he introduced himself as he raised one of his hands, a familiar flash of light calling the keyblade to his hands. "And I can't let you go without a fight."

Kairi's blood ran cold and her eyes widened as she saw the familiar silver and gold keyblade in Roxas' hands. The Kingdom Key.

Sora's keyblade.

"Where did you get that?" Was it stolen? A fake? Something else? Kairi wasn't sure, but one question raced to the front of her mind and she demanded, "Did you do something to Sora?!"

"He's fine!" Roxas answered back, holding out a hand. Shaking his head he began to explain, "It'd be trouble if I told you everything, but he's alive."

Kairi looked back at Roxas' eyes as he tried to explain, trying to understand what he was thinking. That sort of explanation and the way he was acting seemed straightforward enough. But that left one question. "Why do you have to fight me anyway?"

Roxas gripped his keyblade with both his hands and settled into a stance. "I need to prove that I'm strong."

Kairi's eyes narrowed as she questioned, "Is that really it?" The line wasn't just clichéd, it sounded like Roxas didn't really care about it much himself.

He closed his eyes with a sigh before tightening his grip on the keyblade, "There's someone I want to see again."

Kairi gasped quietly as she recalled how Naminé mentioned someone she cared for deeply. Maybe someone who would put their lives on the line with a sense of honor.

Maybe it was Roxas.

But she had no time to dwell on maybes, as Roxas rushed forward and she had to parry the swing from his keyblade.

Naminé watched the crystal ball as it showed Roxas and Kairi lock blades before the latter pushed back. Taking a chance, Kairi went on the attack as she swung her keyblade at a blocking Roxas. Unfortunately, her gamble was a mistake, as there was just enough of a gap for Roxas to dodge away and start casting magic.

Axel chuckled as he saw the fireballs Roxas began to shoot from his keyblade. "Guess he's taking a page out of my book."

Naminé clasped her hands tighter as she watched Kairi stand her ground, not moving to defend. But before the spells reached her, she began to swing and knock the barrage of magic back at Roxas. Zexion raised an eyebrow as he saw Roxas respond in kind to parry the spells back. "Fascinating. The two of them have become capable."

"I don't know if that's enough." Larxene crossed her arms as she watched the two combatants bat the spells back and forth between them "The princess is fighting for her friends," she spat out as she rolled her eyes and continued, "What's Roxas got to fight for besides living?"

Naminé had an idea, or perhaps it was just wishful thinking. However, she dared not say it out loud. She couldn't bear exposing it before Marluxia and Larxene and their cruel scrutiny.

Axel put his hands on his hips as he shook his head and asked, "I think that survival is a pretty good motivator. What are you really getting at?"

In the crystal's projection, Kairi had managed to gain the advantage by outlasting Roxas, one final flurry of reflections finally forcing the latter to block and stumble back. Marluxia stepped forward and tapped the crystal ball and raised an eyebrow. "The right motivation can drive even a rank amateur to beat the odds. How else could you explain Sora's victory over Ansem and all his darkness?" As Kairi rushed forward to attack, she was brought to a stop as a burning firestorm of energy began to glow around Roxas and he regained his footing. Marluxia closed his eyes and turned to the group, "Survival can spur one to action, but its longevity as motivation is lacking."

Larxene began to smile, and Naminé knew she wouldn't like what she had to say. "But we might have a way to fix this. It all depends on you, Naminé."

She swallowed the lump growing in her throat as Larxene looked to her and Marluxia walked ever closer. "What do you mean?"

Marluxia opened his eyes as he looked down on her. "You hold sway over his memories as he is connected to Sora. All you would need to do—."


The words were out of her mouth before she could even think about the answer. But the strangest thing is that Naminé realized she meant it with everything she was.

Of course, that was before she had time to worry about the consequences. Larxene barking out a laugh. "No? Did you just say no, little witch?

Marluxia leaned down, a sinister wind beginning to gather around him as he questioned, "Are you refusing our commands Naminé?"

Naminé cringed as she knew what Marluxia's power could bring. Petals that sliced at the slightest touch, the threat of death in the air. When he first explained their initial plan for Sora and she refused, that power was used to bring her in line. The easy thing to do would just be to apologize and think of a way to change Roxas' memories.

But the idea of changing him so completely and fundamentally made her sick. To erase the one person who saw her and cared. Someone who gave her the slimmest hope that she was real? No, she dreaded that far more than any pain. She clenched her fists as she began to look back at him. "I won't change Roxas' memories, Marluxia."

The wind began to grow to a gale as Marluxia scowled, "You should reconsider your answer. Allow—"

"Actually, you're the one who should reconsider, Marluxia." At Axel's words Marluxia's winds came to a stop. He raised an eyebrow as Axel made his way over with crossed arms and a frown on his face. "Tampering with Roxas' memories is off the table."

Marluxia glanced at Axel and demanded, "On what grounds do you question my order, Axel?"

Zexion walked next to Axel and explained, "On the grounds said order goes against the direction given by the Organization's true leaders. We cannot risk altering his mind to the point that it drives him to madness."

Axel held two hands up as he sighed. "Look. I get wanting to get a leg up with all the upset plans. But take a look at what we have." Placing one hand on Marluxia's shoulder, he gestured to Naminé and the crystal ball. "Two keyblade wielders that we're training up, and one of them isn't doing half bad." In the image being shown, Roxas was flinging blasts of fire at a dodging Kairi before unleashing a burst of flame that knocked her back. Axel smiled and put both of his hands on Marluxia's shoulders. "The plan is working. Okay? Just relax, and we'll take care of keeping them motivated."

The room was silent for a moment as Axel's words sunk in. Finally, Larxene clicked her tongue and returned to watching the crystal ball. "Would have been funny to make him go nuts for Naminé. I was looking forward to making Sora crazy with that."

Marluxia moved one of Axel's hands off as he narrowed his eyes. "We will be watching this closely."

Axel smirked as he patted Marluxia on the shoulder with his remaining hand before letting go. "Don't worry. You'll get what you've earned."

Naminé wondered if she and Roxas would be so fortunate.

Though now that hope seemed a little less distant.

Kairi's sneakers squeaked on the hard marble as she avoided Roxas's fire infused swings. Even dodging away, she could feel the sweltering heat radiating all around him. Clearly, Roxas wasn't just copying Sora, he had picked up some power that neither Sora or Riku had learned. A power that wasn't making things easy.

But then again, Kairi had a power of her own as well.

She jumped over Roxas as he charged forward with a wave of fire. Aiming her keyblade at him as he turned in surprise, she called on the power of light. Roxas swung to try and interrupt, but a shining spark rotated around her and intercepted the attack.

The clash of metal and magic was enough for Roxas to stop wide eyed and take a step back. It was likely what kept him from feeling the full force of the spark exploding into a dazzling shimmer of light magic. Even so, he cried out as the spell caused him to stagger back. Kairi saw her chance and rushed forward to try and knock him down with one last overhead swing of the keyblade.

Roxas caught the attack with his own sword, but the blow caused him to drop to his knees as he held her back. He gritted his teeth as he put both hands on his grip and tried to push back. "No! I can't lose!"

Kairi stopped for a moment as he saw a familiar glimmer in Roxas' eye.

"I won't lose!"

A touch of darkness.

Kairi let go the instant that darkness began to explode forth from Roxas. The blast of shadow that comes from him knocking her away. She watched wide eyed as Roxas gasped for breath as he struggled to his feet.

The moment where she saw his eye as he tapped into darkness haunted Kairi. It wasn't the consuming hunger that Riku had which was fostered by Maleficent. It was despair she saw, the fear that something precious would be ripped away from Roxas which drove him to tap into that power.

She wasn't even sure he knew what he'd done as he began to look at his hand as the shadows gathered around it. All she knew was that she couldn't let him throw himself away. Especially if he was who Naminé cared about.

"Can I ask you something, Roxas?" Her question snapped Roxas out of his stupor and he gripped his keyblade tightly. Kairi simply stepped forward and questioned, "Is giving yourself to darkness really the best way to help someone you love?"

"Love?" Roxas furrowed his brow before shaking his head. "I don't know. All I know is that I have to make it back." He pulled back to swing, shadow gathering in his hands, "And if darkness gives me that power—!"

"Even if it changes you and you lose yourself?" Kairi's plea made Roxas stop mid-swing. Kairi placed a hand on her chest as she asked. "Would your friend be happy with it?"

Roxas gasped and in that moment the darkness faded away from him. He looked to his hand before screwing his eyes shut. In that moment, Kairi began to relax as she saw him pull away from the abyss that had consumed Riku.

However, that relief was short-lived as a dark portal appeared behind Roxas. He glanced at it before sighing and dismissing his keyblade. "Looks like I'm done here." He reached up to his hood and pulled it over his head. "Kairi, I hope you make it through this."

With those parting words before Kairi could even move to reach him, he stepped into darkness before the portal vanished. She stood there, hand outstretched to where Roxas was. Even though she didn't quite know him, her heart could tell that he needed as much help as Sora, Riku and Naminé. And she knew that it would take more than a keyblade to save them.

But maybe what Kairi needed wasn't an unbreakable weapon or unstoppable magic. Maybe all she needed was to trust her heart. It led her here, and she was sure that somehow she managed to reach Roxas' heart.

Maybe she could reach the hearts of her friends too.