It probably also helps security that the people most familiar with the island are actually on our side.
Rather than people intimately knowledgable about the geography having both a need for money and a very justifiable grudge.

Also, seconding the ice age park idea, provided we can entrust it to someone trustworthy enough to stay on target regarding safety and animal welfare.

Given the sheer amount of money one could make with just a few less scruples (before the cut corners inevitably make things go to shit) and the sheer geographic distance from direct oversight such a park would offer, even otherwise upstanding or trustworthy characters may be tempted to sell the occasional bit of wooly mammoth ivory.
I bet the animals are a lot happier than they were in canon too. Since we actually care about there health.
Very much so. Elliot is well aware that animals need mental stimulation rather than just being fed and watered. It's also why he's working on slowly introducing the various herbivores to each other for the shared habitat he's envisioning.

There's also some talk about feeding the smaller therapods with monitor lizards so they'll have something to hunt that's not as traumatic as pigs or the Terror Birds.
I mean, as long as the animal passed away from natural causes, I wouldn't be overly upset if the head of Cenazoic Park was selling mamoth-ivory as a side gig
Yeah, pretty much this.
I'm curious how long it's going to be until someone tries to get information about our technology from us on the grounds of "safety" concerns. Once we officially open Jurassic Park.
I mean, as long as the animal passed away from natural causes, I wouldn't be overly upset if the head of Cenazoic Park was selling mamoth-ivory as a side gig
Yes well, once you allow that there is suddenly a significant monetary incentive for the animals to pass away. And with the park being by necessity very far away from our island HQ, natural causes are just words on a document.

Thats why I was advocating for finding a 100% trustworthy leader. So we can be absolutely sure the eventual perverse incentives remain unfollowed even without direct oversight.

There are also plenty of other good reasons modern zoos don't participate in the ivory trade when one of their elephants dies. Including but not limited to the fact that it puts money into the fucking ivory trade.
I don't think Elliot, or any actual vet/zookeper with actual interests in conservation, would share your attitude.
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I do wish we could do Plesiosaurus to see a actual Loch Ness monster but... it's probably for the best not to.

Ah well.
Theoretically speaking, considering its small size, Plesiosaurus should be fine in an aquarium environment. It's a certainly a much more viable and safer candidate than a giant mosasaur or pliosaur.

There's also the potential for Jurassic Park's staff to garner potential experience with prehistoric aquatic and semi-aquatic animals when Spinosaurus gets chosen at some point in the future.


I mean, as long as the animal passed away from natural causes, I wouldn't be overly upset if the head of Cenazoic Park was selling mamoth-ivory as a side gig
This would be an ideal opportunity for InGen to partner with a piano manufacturer and make a limited range of grand pianos with keys made from revived Mammoth ivory.
Okay, so it looks like we've got a pretty solid spread of votes. Had to break it up by line rather than task for some reason.
Adhoc vote count started by TempestK on Jun 21, 2024 at 4:31 PM, finished with 151 posts and 52 votes.
Poor Wu. He wants to mad science, and all he gets is a sea cow.
And then the RF has a faster descent into fascism, because Yeltsin arrives to find that there are no funds for his cronies to take over, as Gorbachev wasted the last remains of the treasury on paying off InGen.
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Poor Wu. He wants to mad science, and all he gets is a sea cow.
Sea cows are awesome! They are gentle and cute!

@TempestK curious, since the terror birds have already inspired the chocobos, any chance other companies would want to make use of revived species? I can see lots of movie and tv studios loving the chance to film them after all, maybe even allow some of the more trained ones to take part in interesting scenes.

Oh, and I dearly hope that not only does Steven Irwin return to do a piece just on dinosaurs and revived species, but also David Attenborough doing a thing.

Curious, could river dolphins be on potential revival list? Not as bad IC as RL now, with some being so low as to be extinct, just thinking.

How about different wolf breeds that were hunted down to extinction, like the Japanese wolf?
[X][The Kids] Bring Lex and Tim here and share Jurassic Park with them to get an early vetting by the kids of what's fun, what's not, and what needs changed.

[X][Margaret]Do a short period to see if Cabot spills the beans, then bring Margaret in on the real thrust of InGen's actual goals.

[X][Revival] Hairy Rhino. The Government of Indonesia has reached out with a request to help them re-introduce the Hairy Rhino back into more of its home range, along with increasing the genetic diversity of the species.

[X][Dilophotox]This is a chance to start getting a return on the dinosaurs without revealing their existence quite yet. More money is always needed to keep the lights on after all. Creating a new division of InGen to handle any other further medical discoveries is probably a good idea overall.

[X][Kon's Fate] Divide and Kon-quer. Leaving these two in the same division would be a massive mistake. Put Daniel in charge of the Robotics division and overseeing the development of some of their projects. This Bio Robotic Assistance Droid sounds interesting and the programming involved flies way, way way over your head. But they could be a good way to get help to injured park-goers, or even be used as a way for visitors to basically walk amongst the dinosaurs without actually being in danger. The elder Kon would be placed as a division head for the PR department where he could oversee the Revival Ranch's publicity.

[X][Sorkin Next Step] Brachiosaurus. One of the biggest of the Big Boys, and along with the T-Rex, Stegosaurus and Triceratops one of the most widely recognized dinosaurs of all time. Much like Rexie is your stress test for large carnivores, these behemoths would set the ceiling on how big the herbivores you bring back would be. You're also well aware that very often herbivores are much more dangerous than carnivores. It's the Hippo and the Cape Buffalo that kill the most people each year in Africa, not the Shark or Lion.
@TempestK building off possible recently extinct or very near it species to revive would be the own Costa Rican Golden Toad! Reviving it could help spread importance of non-mammal conservation, and get the local government to like us more.

On another note, can zoos across the world ask InGen to host some of their revived animals in their own facilities? Kinda like how China hands out Pandas to zoos as diplomatic efforts?

I can see plenty of zoos wanting to host dodos, terror birds, and other non-dino revived species, just like how Steve's zoon is raising the tigers.
I'm not 100 percent sure but I imagine zoos agree host each others animals when their facilities are feeling a bit stretched and the other guys facilities have room to spare. I don't think we're close to capacity and doubt the other zoo's have the appropriate enclosures ready but, for conservations' sake I'd love for JP to one day earn major browine points for lending not just revived recent species but also low risk dinos. We have better zookeepes than John Hammond did but we're not the best in the world. We just have a head start on data collecting.

I just want to say I really love that this Jurassic Park is first and foremost a zoo. I don't think our Hammond being a tech guy or money guy would have been as wholesome or interesting... though I wouldn't mind if Tempest wanted to do a what-if omake one day.
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