Journeywoman's Journeys, A Fantasy Age of Exploration Worldbuilding Quest (Updated Daily)

[X] ...On a Marshy Archipelago
[X] ...Around Several Lush Oasis
[X] ...Atop a River Delta
[] ...An island of fire and snow

Driven far to the north the Exiles lost their pursuers among lakes that could burn and snow covered land that flowed like water.

Using what they could of their knowledge they established themselves among the safer hot springs and utilized the means available to them to stabilize the land.

In time they created stable paths through the area to lessen cases of mudflows carrying someone away and created paths over the boiling rivers.

[] ...A Sea of clouds

Fleeing, the Exiles eventually came across a vast rocky area that eventually droped steeply into a large ravine on one side and flanked by a mountain range to the other. Shallow yet wide rivers run into waterfalls down the ravine.

Due to factors there's a near constant layer of ankle deep fog/mist hidding the ground and the rivers, their presence hiding the ravine with only the layer over it being lower compared to the rest revealing it.

[] ...A land of petals

A valley that seems to constantly have petals on the wind no matter the season. While normally it would be a sight to behold, some of the flowers that bloom are poisonous. The constant breezes having a chance to be a danger.

The Exiles fleeing to this place eventually worked to create a place with large yet interconnected structures. Structures that are both wide and tall with enclosed pathways connecting many of the structures whether their on the ground or bridge passageways above the ground. These structures and passageways often having a multitude of glass windows.

Overtime a multitude of passages were made leading out to help ensure travelers were more protected and could travel there more often and easily. Safe from the hazard hidden by the flowers, but still free to see their beauty.

Here's some places I was thinking of. Probably need more work and all but wanted to get them out anyways.
Huh, this is a neat quest idea.
Don't think I've seen anything like it before.
You can add your own write ins! Just make sure that they're 100 words! (Please do, I wanted to do a lot more, but ran out of room!)
Should write-ins be exactly 100 words, or less than 100 words? :???:

Because the SV word count is 96, for the below vote.
Or if the vote line itself doesn't count, only the description, it's 92 words.
[ ] ...In a Mountain Valley

The Exiles settled their new community in a river valley deep in the mountains, where they would be settled from any pursuers and free to practice their teachings in peace.

Over time they would build into the mountainside, and uncover mineral wealth that would help them expand their knowledge of metallurgy and the deep earth itself.

In time, though they would make the path to their city easier to travel, it is still difficult. -But to the stream of visitors that travel to the city every year, the trek is worth it.
[X] ...On a Floating Island

The mortal Exiles, much like their immortal Earth-spirit ancestors, are intrinsically tied to the Land.
To abandon their Land, is to sever "soul" from body.
For The Exiles to flee from oppression, and survive, the Land had to follow.

In desperation, the Exile leader declared a Holy Exodus.
Through arcane ritual, mass prayer, and immense sacrifice, a great island ark of earth rose into the sky.

Generations later, an unknown continent appeared on the horizon.
Welcomed by the natives, The Exiles tethered their Island to the new land, and built a new home.

The Ex-Isle city, Odus.


Eh, the description is 99 words, minus cheeseburger, close enough?

Me trying to be clever:
Exile >> Ex-Isle​
Ex-Isle city, Odus​
Huh, this is a neat quest idea.
Don't think I've seen anything like it before.

Should write-ins be exactly 100 words, or less than 100 words? :???:

Because the SV word count is 96, for the below vote.
Or if the vote line itself doesn't count, only the description, it's 92 words.

I measure via GDocs and include the option title. And as I've said, it doesn't have to be *exact* as long as it's only vaguely a few words under or over. I'm mainly looking for constancy between options a 100 word option having somewhere from 96 to 104 words is something I can live with, just try to hit what myself and everyone else is working with
[X] ...On a Floating Island




[X] ...On a Floating Island

Once humble farmland hundreds of feet above sea level. Now not-so-humble, but at least it still floats.
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Evening comrades, let's see what we've got shall we?
Scheduled vote count started by AKuz on Jan 6, 2022 at 10:50 PM, finished with 27 posts and 22 votes.
...On a Marshy Archipelago...
[x] ...On a Marshy Archipelago

...On a Marshy Archipelago…​

The Exiles city was founded upon a series of small islands spilling off the coast of the continent, the temperate rainforest covering the area cold in the winter, warm in the summer, and generally wet and moderate in between.

They settled amongst the vast cedar-like trees that reached up to the skies, often building homes inside them, and later using their connection to the land and magic to raise solid land from below and set it meters high into the air in the fashion of their old homeland, protecting them from pursuit and elements both.

As the Exiles became more comfortable in their environment, they built out their islands, both ocean and airbound, into city blocks, travelling between them by boats or magic (Though most often, by bridges, stairs, and ladders)

As the Exile's city grew into a great center of learning, much of the marshland was cleared out and replaced with gleaming University towers, well maintained squares for debate and trade, and the plain narrow row houses and dormitories that often seem an afterthought crammed between the glittering centers of learning.

While the city's skyline has evolved over time, its organisation changed and matured too, until by the time of our protagonist's birth, the Exile's university city was…

[ ] …Ruled by Centralized Academocracy

The city falls under a form of meritocracy where, as one advances along the University's educational ladder, one votes in more important elections and hold higher and higher offices. While students' votes are limited to their own representatives, wizened professors are elected to represent their university on the City council, from which they exercise executive authority.

Every year the city collects all the produce of the region and that surplus is managed by a vast staff of clerks drawn from the ranks of former students, who see it distributed to to all citizens according to annual plans drawn up by a committee selected by merit from the University's best and brightest.

Or so it is said.

[ ] …Ruled by Guild Democracy

While the city was once ruled via traditional means, over time the Guilds and Student associations representing the students and workers (for they were often one and the same) grew in importance until they became the de facto rulers of the City.

While the day to day management of the Universities and City districts is left to their own means for administration, real power is held by fractious democratically organised Guilds that represent each Academic Discipline and Profession within the city borders, and those groups organize their own work via their own internal decision making and distribute their produce to the districts and university's based on proposals submitted to them annually.

[ ] …Ruled by Civil Examinations

The various offices that run the city, oversee taxation, set policy, and direct research are selected by a nominally objective exam overseen by the University administrations that anyone who has lived in the Exile city for three years and a day may challenge.

A rigorous quizzing of interdisciplinary knowledge, the Civil Examination is passed by only a small minority of those who attempt it, but those who pass are selected to join the great bureaucracy that oversees the city.

As well, those who pass are eligible to vote in elections for the City's ruling council while the rest of the city's districts are allowed to send representatives to an advisory body.

[ ] …Ruled by Divine Selection

Perhaps not strictly divine selection in practice, the various executive offices of the city are dedicated to the various gods and spirits of the local peoples and filling them can only be accomplished with their official favour.

When a position opens, the City conducts rituals to winnow down a pool of candidates, first by using arcane clairvoyance to conduct interviews that assess a candidate's past actions and current intentions. Passing that rigorous process then brings candidates into the inner sanctums of various temples where they are tested by their patrons. (Or their patron's mundane representatives)

Those selected are assisted by a body of sectoral representatives drawn from all walks of life.

For this option I am trying to get a feel for both the dominant mode of production (in a Marxian sense) and political organization.

Write in: 115 words!

This vote will complete the initial series of worldbuilding votes for the setting and world. Next week I plan to move to establishing what street level life and culture looks like for the locals, and after that… I might finally get to character creation!
oh, I also mixed in elements of the second place vote, because flying islands r fucking coooool, baybeeeee
[X] …Ruled by Guild Democracy

I'm used to magical universities being depicted as very traditional and centralized. This looks like a cool alternative.
[X] …Ruled by Guild Democracy