The Worlds and Territories of Jedi Padawan Quest
The galaxy has splintered, factionalised and divided by one of the most monumental backfires in classical history. Because of this, it will be helpful to you, the players, if you are made aware of the new status quo in greater detail, to better understand and make decisions for Nima. To this end, two maps have been put together by me with extensive input from The Laurent, and using a variety of resources to make decisions on what in the galaxy stands where. The chief base for this map is
Henry Bernberg's Star Wars Galaxy Map, an online resource that compiles the vast majority of existing lore and charts into a fanmade, searchable supermap. Go share the link with all your friends and support him in any way you wish. That said, some worlds had to be sourced and grafted on using info from other resources, mostly map scans on Wookieepedia from the Essential Atlas or the Essential Guide to Warfare. Also worth mentioning is GIMP 2.0, a free image editor that has allowed me to build this map in such a way that on my end I can easily modify the map once it is built and generate new versions.
Both maps are very large, so you may wish to click to enlarge them and have a good look around. For the benefits of those on metred or limited data (or just with poor bandwidth), they have been hidden by default so as to not devour those peoples' conections or bills.
It should be noted that, as Star Wars is so vast, this map can only be so complete - as can the specific allegiances. But from a private noteset of over 240 pages, I feel fairly confident that the vast majority of the places that even slightly matter are accounted for.
Additionally, due to the fluid nature of Star Wars continuity, several decisions have been made by The Laurent to reconcile (or decide between) conflicting lore or throw out unwanted components.
How To Read The Map
Territorial control in space is rather murky and often vague. A more 'correct' territorial map would be essentially a web of thin connections. That would largely be illegible though, so for functionality, the territorial map is a more traditional one of painted areas. With the state of the war complicating things, the precise nature and positions of borders will be quite undefined.
Due to the sheer scale of the Star Wars lore, many planets have been left unhighlighted on the specific map despite being physically on the map. This doesn't mean they don't exist in the quest, simply that for the most part me and The Laurent are unaware of them beyond footnotes. A given world of this type may or may not exist - if there's anywhere you're curious about that's not highlighted, feel free to ask and we can look into if it has a place here. By contrast, certain places have been
R E M O V E D from the map, our illustrious QM having deemed them
unworthy unsuited to JPQ's setting for one reason or another.
One other thing to remember is that the base of the map (as with 90% of all SW maps) is drawn from the GCW era regions and sectors. As a result the Corporate Sector has yet to balloon in size, large sections of the Western Reaches lie beyond Republic borders, and assorted Imperial conquests in the furthest parts of the Outer Rim and Wild Space are much less relevant.
You may note that worlds are marked in orange dots or blue; this is due to the base map denoting Legends-only worlds and DisneyCanon (and by extension any Legends places that were adopted by Disney) worlds and is largely irrelevant to our purposes - it's just I'm not going through the entire thing to make every single world one colour.
Finally, some places are not as accessible as others, particularly as you get further from major hyperlanes. In particular, the Deep Core's high star density moving slowly inwards has resulted in many hyperroutes being lost and having to be recharted and consequently proximity in that region is no reason to assume accessibility between two points, though there is one major hyperlane.
If you are curious about info for any places highlighted, by all means ask and we shall share a suitably redacted amount.
The Galactic Republic
Led by Chancellor Sheev Palpatine, the territories of the Republic are generally more centralised and cohesive. They are mighty certainly, holding the majority of the Core and certain key strategic points that will not fall easily. On top of this, the Republic is rather consolidated when compared to the other powers, boasting rather astonishing production and technological assets.
That said, their grand army is in anarchy and understaffed in the fallout of Order 66, meaning that while their naval power is exceptional, their ability to actually hold worlds they conquer will be difficult. The Republic's supporting factions range from the worst of contemporary corruption to duped idealists who favour the benefits of the Republic for one reason or another. Palpatine's personal upper echelons will become more and more comprised of the former group. There are also Republic 'supporters' who do so out of self-preservation and pragmatism, lacking alternative options in the present. Additionally, there are those for whom the name 'Republic' and its history is more important than any limitations of the current leadership. These are especially prevalent in some military positions.
The Coalition
The Jedi and their allies have moved fast and profited from it. In just a few short weeks, newly incumbent Master of the Order Adi Gallia and Master Jordyan Bell of the Council have taken part in the formal creation of a Coalition. An alliance of dissidents and protestors, states and revolutionaries all aligned to support the Jedi - and by extension the Clone uprising - in opposition to the longstanding failures of the Republic that culminated in the now-infamously botched Order 66. Its territory is vast but has paid the price for such a rapid assembly in disorganisation, overextended fronts and lacks anything so consolidated as the Republic's Core density. Its naval security is patchwork, and there are gaps in its strength even in its heartland.
That said, it has powerful assets, drawing from galactic heavyweights such as Saleucami, Kashyyyk, Telos IV, Wroona, Ord Mantell, Dac, Uyter and more. These, in addition to assorted key supporters from more grassroots backgrounds like Ryloth and Karthakk, combine to give the Coalition a fighting chance. Its decentralisation and relative dearth of solid coreward power will make it an uphill battle, as will the steep gradient in ruthlessness and brutality either side is willing to employ.
How the Coalition interact with the Jedi is something of an unorthodox matter - the latter have made it extremely clear that they are not interested in being the rulers of this Coalition, though by necessity are interwoven to varying degrees into both the emerging government and the military effort. It is a notably different relationship to the past one with the Republic, however. The Coalition itself has adopted two ruling bodies - a parliament and and more direct ruling Council. This Council is, by necessity, both larger and less overwhelmingly powerful than the Separatists' own highly undemocratic Council, and its members will have to be re-elected through Parliament.
Militarily, the Coalition has a powerful army, but an incredibly patchy navy, and this military is currently intimately tied up with the Jedi, complicating the power structure yet further. Time will tell how these contradictions will either be survived, or will lead to further troubles.
The Confederacy of Independent Systems
Already bleeding from the past year of losses, as well as the much more recent deaths of two key military leaders, the CIS has been especially harmed by the defection of Telos IV, which in turn took a not-insignificant portion of worlds by knock-on effect. At this point, the CIS is doomed - it is simply a matter of how long it takes to fully collapse.
It does have immediate survival options, especially with the current chaos, but fundamentally it is no longer a sustainable power, especially with their lines hemmed in by a variety of sieges. Making matters worse, its acting head-of-state, Nute Gunray, is not an effective independent leader, though this will be alleviated by the almost-certainly impending replacement of him by a more qualified council member.
Distressingly, however, large parts of what remain of the CIS are still at war… with the Jedi, and yet seemingly not the Republic. Meanwhile, what passes for its democratic leadership wrings its hands and debates what to do about Nute Gunray, the Council, the army, and all the threats that seem as if they will soon extinguish the Separatist dream.
Contested Regions and Systems
Some worlds are locked in the grip of sieges or otherwise contested between one or more major power block.
Moreso, in certain parts of space, sizable regions are unclear in terms of overall allegiance, having a situation akin to the OT-era Galactic civil war, where who actually has what in a given area remains muggy and hard to define until the region as a whole is cleared up. This is mostly the case in more far-flung and undercharted regions - especially those which had loose at best affiliations with either the Republic or the CIS.
The Council of Neutral Systems
Some fifteen-hundred worlds, powers, systems, stations or other polities have organised together to remain out of the war as a neutral power block. Collectively, they are substantial enough that violating the neutrality of any member world could turn a significant chunk of the galaxy away from the violator's side.
Led primarily by Mandalore and Duchess Satine Kryze, the group has been part of brokering failed negotiations between the CIS and the Republic, but otherwise has carefully maintained its status as neutral ground. It doesn't seem likely to change its stance anytime soon, though Duchess Kryze is suspected by many to sympathize more with the Jedi than the Republic. But if this is so, it has not yet resulted in any difference of policy.
Hutt Space
There is a distinct difference between the area of Hutt influence and the actual territory held by the Hutt Cartel. The former is what is typically known as Hutt Space and extends deep into Republic, CIS and non-Hutt worlds; the latter is a rather skeletal region distinct from the Republic and utterly dominated by the clans, in effect a minor-but-major regional power. They are officially neutral, but not part of the Council of Neutral Systems.
In truth, they do have a very strong loyalty.
That loyalty is Credits.
Miscellaneous Neutral Regions and Systems
Not everyone elects to join Satine's council - and while that leaves them far more vulnerable to having their neutrality violated, it does give them more independent freedom. Though many of these worlds have their own bargaining chips (or just lack of advantage to be gained) that keeps them out of the war. Others have their own territorial ambitions, and indeed some planets have left the CIS only to set out on their own personal path of conquest and local domination.
Undeclared Areas
The galaxy is still in shock, people are still deciding, and as a result, there are 'holes' in the first map, areas that have not declared one way or the other. The Coalition is far more permissive of these undeclared powers than the Republic or CIS is.
Other Points of Interest
Some places are not really held by anyone, but still have the odd something there that may or may not be relevant. These places can be found on the second map.