So that's how Palpatine intends to deal with us; by making it so that it appears that we are Doocu's Master in the Rule of Two. ... that's brilliant! I mean, it is the perfect set up, for every action he perpetrated, or has caused the republic to have issues, we have profited from. They could theorize that our plan is for the Republic and Separatists to fight against one-another to the point of exhaustion, and then we, under the guise of restoring order and saving civilians from further harm, attack both sides with them too tired to fight back. This would lead to us having complete control of much of known space, even if we aren't the direct leader of the CNS.
... That idea is completely ignoring the fact that our shown ideology/actions is/go completely against what the Jedi likely think of as "Sith?" So let me get this straight ... I'll list the ways why that idea, if believed, means the Jedi are dumber than I expected.
- We were the ones that brought the clone army to the attention of the Jedi. Why would an erstwhile Sith-lord allow the Jedi to know that, "Hey, this is a cool secret army I found that for some reason I want you to know about. Muahaha?"
- We warned Kenobi about the separatist meeting on Geonosis when he stumbled his way into the system.
- We're friends (Someone we feel comfortable teasing. That counts right?) with Kenobi.
- Our organization has saved Darra's (a Jedi padawan's) life on a mission that was a perfect set-up to kill a few Jedi.
- We helped Skywalker and his mother for no gain. He still sees us as an annoyance. That's fine. (For now.)
- Our organization helps people overtly with no apparent megalomaniacal overtones or undertones.
- We're too damn likable. What kind of Sith teases and drags their friends into some fun kicking and screaming? ... Wait, I could have said that better, hold on.
I could go on but ... the Jedi should have more than enough reasons to see that we're not Sith. We're a force user because we were born with the ability being a Miraluka so they can't say, "who taught you the force? Must have been a Sith!" We did it under Sila's care and then during 4 years of abandonment in Coruscant's underworld. (To begin with.)
I'm sorry that this came out more rude than it should be ThoughtMaster, but your idea that the Council might view us as Sith just blindsided me. I'm just having an easier time finding more reasons why not rather than why for.
As for their threat, they now know we are a criminal or at least have criminal ties. We wouldn't be able to pass it off as "organizational corruption". There's too much for someone too competent/charismatic.
In character we know that Darra has "disappeared." I'm assuming that Silas mentioned her issue in his report. At the very least we should mention to the Order
before they come to us about Darra's disappearance. The options are that Jabba or the Black Sun got her somehow during the mission after Silas headed her off. Fat chance of that having happened what with her being a Jedi which would have caused Jabba to blow up if he had found out. That didn't happen. There was just disgruntlement with having done the mission so late. Also, Silas presumably keeping an eye on her. The next idea is her having been "disappeared" while coming back. Silas' competent enough to keep contact so
that's out. That just leaves her leaving of her own volition which she had not hinted at before. That means she ran away? Why? Oh yeah, she's an ex-Jedi who we sent to help out one criminal organization against another. Hmm ... wonder where she could have gone?
All this means is that either Darra was kidnapped on a mission and thus we should tell the Order about it fully anyway because once we would get her back she would tell the Order about such a shady organization. (OOC of course we know she wasn't.) Or she's gone to the order and already told them which means we should head off any suspicion with a story we ourselves have made/planned out instead of, "Oh, hello Jedi Masters. Why are you here today? Oh, criminal ties you say? Hmm ... (should I eliminate a few employees as "corrupt individuals" which will have to include Gramps or do I admit to my own criminal ties to a few paranoid Jedi ...)" That latter one isn't a great idea.
In fact I already have a potential backstory using a bit of truth. We've been the target of assassination haven't we? A very well planned one. The assassin might have been taken care of but who hired them? We don't know and we don't want to just shove this off to the Jedi. Well, I seem to have a very competent organization under my feet and as we know politicians can be so corrupt ... Let's get a few favors cashed in and see about ensuring my own protection. What's this? My grandpa, an old smuggler, has a few contacts he can bring in? He's already done so? I can use this for the betterment of my corporation to help smooth a few things. Whoops, it's taken a life of it's own. It's a good thing none of my organization's missions have done anything to upset the galactic stability. Oh no, war! We should help out. I don't want to be dragged into this. Gramps, why did you take a job for Jabba? Oh, okay then. Don't do that again, please. Things are so hectic right now and things can get so carried away. I can't be everywhere after all.
Being serious again, I still say this is a manageable setback if we act before it can become a disaster.