Isekai, Go Home! An Anti-Isekai, Isekai Fantasy Inquisition Quest

[X] Defer to your subordinates
[X] Change questioning targets

Reading the character sheets, depending on how it works the biggest weakness right now is willpower. With the other traits bogging it down like empathy sensing. If stats affect your personality, being shy could be affecting our charisma or even the other way around. Going with this since it seems our character is a better detective than leader though.

[X ] Change questioning targets

"You think the villagers are hiding something then?" Baudelaire asked you, as the two of you walked through the village, as you continued to follow the wisps of lingering emotions passing through the village hovels and gardens. You were sifting through them. You had spoken to the village elder, inquiring the locations of those who had spoken to you as if you were asking to speak with them again - in truth you asked so you could find the living places of those who had not spoken to you, through process of elimination.

"Yes, or at least they are withholding something". You replied, half speaking to your agent and half following a darkish brown aura of worry - that of a young apprentice carpenter.

"Is it possible then that some of the villagers are confederates of the Isekai?" He asked cautiously.

"I - I don't think so. Who in their right mind would work for a predator who has stolen their child?..." you hesitated then, remembering Mechtelt's lessons on human corruption, and looking upon Baudelaire's own skeptical expression. "I mean, not willing at least''. You added on. He nodded silently, suggesting that he agreed with you, or at least your conclusion. Baudelaire you had discovered over the short time working with him to be a very cynical man, which was not surprising to you considering his background. It was why you had brought him along, and so the Elf Sorceress was now with The Guard and The Squire, Braam.

Before you stood a relatively large building for a peasant village. More of a house than a mere hovel, it was constructed properly of actual lumber, brick and mortar rather than loose wood, stones, thatch and mud. It even had a second story. A building more reminiscent of those in the wealthier towns, like Furholj, where you were born.

This was the residence of the village's carpenter, a trained professional who's large house held not only his own family, but that of his young apprentice, being himself and his wife, and their now abducted child. This sort of communal living was not uncommon in these parts of the kingdom.

The brown-coloured aura flowed through the door before you into the building, mixing with others - likely of the apprentice's wife, and possibly family members of the carpenter himself. You knock on the door. A brief pause. Eventually, it opens, revealing the face of a young woman with sandy brown hair in a plaid, and bright friendly eyes, if they were not darkened by shadows of tiredness.

"Can I- Oh! Lady Inquisitor, it is, ah, great to see you! Can we help you in any way? Or have you found our son?" she said hastily. You did not correct her on your title, as you figured it was probably more helpful for them to think you were a real Inquisitor, rather than merely a newly minted Adjutant.

"Oh, I just need to ask your husband some questions," you say, closing your eyes and smiling. It is a natural reaction of yours, a desire to convey friendliness and happiness everywhere, but the apprentice carpenter's wife becomes frightened by your smile rather than comforted. You didn't even need to read the emotions around her, it was obvious by her body language and expression. You sigh internally, and wonder if being solemn and authoritative would work better, since they expect Inquisitors to act like that. Maybe that is why Mechtelt is always frowning so much?

"Oh. Oh, um, of course, Lady Inquisitor". The wife said. She did not want to answer your questions of course, nor would her husband, but your rank even without them thinking you were a fully fledged Inquisitor made refusing you very unwise for them.

She led you into their home, into a living room of sorts. You and Agent Baudelaire sat in wooden chairs, and waited. Eventually the apprentice appeared, and sat down in front of you. His wife hovered behind, standing. They were clearly nervous, fearful even. Their fear was pronounced enough that you could start to hear the nervous monolog of their internal thoughts 'why us', 'what should I say', 'not again'.

"So… you have questions for me, Inquisitor. Well, here I am" the apprentice said.

"Before I ask you any questions, I must inform you that, unfortunately, our hunt for the Isekai has yet to lead to the children's location… but we will find them, I swear it". You told them. You watched closely then, for their response.

"Oh… that is… horrible. Sorry, I understand you are doing what you can, but please hurry. Is.. is that why you are here then?" The apprentice asked.

The reply was innocent enough, appropriate even. His body language too, worried and defensive, but nothing suggesting deceit. Your powers did not allow you to determine truth from lies directly... however the emotions behind it, the words he said which you could read - it was there. The arising emotion you could see around the apprentice carpenter… was relief. The man felt relief. Why on earth would a man feel relief upon hearing that the hunt for his son's kidnapper and likely molester was leading nowhere? Glancing to the side, the apprentice's wife was similar. Relief, but also guilt. She knew, and whatever they were doing was of some deceptive nature.

"Hello, Lady Inquisitor?"

[ ] Blunt questioning
Bluntly ask him if he knows where the Pied Piper is hiding the children.

[ ] Continue the conversation normally

[ ] [Roll] Collect Surface Thoughts

Continue the conversation normally, attempt to glean information from surface thoughts and emotions. (INT), Minor Telepathy + Empathy: Passive. Difficulty Class: Average

[ ] [Roll] Use Skill: Mental Dive
Attempt to use a Telepathy based skill, mental deep dive, to directly project yourself into the apprentice's mind, which will result in your body and his becoming limp, with obvious real world consequences. (WILL) Mental Dive. Difficulty Class: Tough

[ ] [Roll] Persuade the Apprentice
Attempt to lead the conversation in a direction that allows you to persuade the apprentice to tell you what he is hiding. (CHA) Difficulty Class: Average

[ ] Arrest them

[ ] Write-in
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[X] [Roll] Collect Surface Thoughts
-[X] Write-in: Ask if the villiage has fallen on hard times and food is growing scarce.

...That's...Odd. But that also sounds to me like families that are sending away their children out of desperation/inability to feed themselves, to me. In which case, the trouble is a lack of resourses and our 'Pied Piper' might simply be working off promises to care for the missing kids.
[X] [Roll] Collect Surface Thoughts
-[X] Write-in: Ask if the villiage has fallen on hard times and food is growing scarce.

...That's...Odd. But that also sounds to me like families that are sending away their children out of desperation/inability to feed themselves, to me. In which case, the trouble is a lack of resourses and our 'Pied Piper' might simply be working off promises to care for the missing kids.
There's also the possibility of a hostage crisis to consider. Reveal my location and your loved one(s) die.
There's also the possibility of a hostage crisis to consider. Reveal my location and your loved one(s) die.
Not impossible, but that would change the tone. Like...Why would the wife feel guilty then? I'd expect the emotions to be fearful 'we gotta lie again!' but also an undercurrent of RAGE at this jerk holding my children captive.
And I'd think if they DID know they might start thinking thigns like 'if only I could tell them to look in the Dying Woods South of town!' at which case we go 'ah, ROUND UP THE BOYS! SOUTH OF TOWN!'
I'd put money on the Isekai possibly being their son, or they otherwise have an emotional attachment to this Isekai. You aren't relieved that the people who pretty much exclusively hunt monsters haven't found your kid unless you know the likely end result of that meeting is your kid biting the dust, but you'll certainly feel guilty that your kid is doing whatever it is they're doing in the meantime...
[X] [Roll] Collect Surface Thoughts
-[X] Write-in: Ask if the villiage has fallen on hard times and food is growing scarce.
@Armchair_Genera1 If we don't use our skills will we ever know about their DC's?

[ ] The Pied Piper Isekai
You are hunting an infamous Incubi-type Isekai. The Pied Piper. The Incubi prey on children, particularly preteen girls they Isekai call "Lolis" in their hideous language. This particular Incubi has a pattern of behaviour where they prey on small villages and hamlets, steal the village children via powerful mental and illusion powers and hide in a cave. After between a few weeks to months, they disappear - most of the time this cave was found by the natives, where the children were alive but traumatized. In a few other cases... they were found much later, having starved to death. The Incubi we believe does not have a possessed form, and instead should be recognisable by his (or if a Succubi, her) alien features reminiscent to those descendants of Isekais born in the Yankeevine Empire. Dark hair, dark eyes, other peculiar yet seemingly human features.
This is the general gist of what we were told about the perp. We haven't really seen any mental powers yet I think so that's something to note. People should be under magic in some way. Caves shouldn't mean anything, while it's hard to find constantly hiding in it makes being hidden harder.

I'd put money on the Isekai possibly being their son, or they otherwise have an emotional attachment to this Isekai. You aren't relieved that the people who pretty much exclusively hunt monsters haven't found your kid unless you know the likely end result of that meeting is your kid biting the dust, but you'll certainly feel guilty that your kid is doing whatever it is they're doing in the meantime...
This is also the latest victim so the Isekai and the victim being the same is unlikely. While it could be possible the Isekai switched bodies, that doesn't explain their guilt. Also note that Loli's should refer to little girls when it is apparently their son. Shota is usually the word for the counterpart.

I don't know if starvation is a bullseye either though, while it would be a trope, there's really no Chekhov's gun to prove it. So it seems like a jump. Hope it would mean the same in spirit as continuing the conversation normally, this is an interrogation after all.

Also I think it needs to be said, there is the undertone of misunderstandings since we are playing as the background characters. Honestly think there's a conspiracy high-up in the ranks.

[X] [Roll] Collect Surface Thoughts
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[X] Blunt questioning
Bluntly ask him if he knows where the Pied Piper is hiding the children.

These two are very close to breaking. Be blunt and inquisitor-like and they'll break
[X] Blunt questioning

Usually I'd go with a more subtle line of questioning, but...after reading the relief thing? all bets are off.
@Armchair_Genera1 If we don't use our skills will we ever know about their DC's?

Following this, I have edited the previous threadmark to include the Difficulty Classes associated with the different dice rolls. Furthermore, I have also added Lijsbet's character profile in the character profile section (below the front page), which now also includes a list of her skills and associated skill levels connected to them, which I will use as modifiers (as a sort of basic version of the DnD skill modifier + difficulty class system). Omakes and other such contributions can also provide bonuses.

Due to the closeness of the current votes, I will leave the voting phase open for a bit longer, as well as give voters an opportunity to look over the added difficulty classes to the roll options and the skill set list on Lijsbet's profile.

I will also get to work adding the other profiles of known agents, however not all their information will be provided as Lijsbet herself has not fully discovered everything about her subordinates.

EDIT: Further added the attribute and skill associated to the Difficulty Class, for more information.
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Following this, I have edited the previous threadmark to include the Difficulty Classes associated with the different dice rolls. Furthermore, I have also added Lijsbet's character profile in the character profile section (below the front page), which now also includes a list of her skills and associated skill levels connected to them, which I will use as modifiers (as a sort of basic version of the DnD skill modifier + difficulty class system). Omakes and other such contributions can also provide bonuses.

Due to the closeness of the current votes, I will leave the voting phase open for a bit longer, as well as give voters an opportunity to look over the added difficulty classes to the roll options and the skill set list on Lijsbet's profile.

I will also get to work adding the other profiles of known agents, however not all their information will be provided as Lijsbet herself has not fully discovered everything about her subordinates.

EDIT: Further added the attribute and skill associated to the Difficulty Class, for more information.
Sorry, should have specified. By DC I meant Dice check, meaning how high do we have to roll to succeed in casting the spell? Not including modifiers of course.