Iron Viking Company Recruitment and Interest Check[CthulhuTech]

I think I asked if there'd be any effort to remove the stupid from Ctech, or if we're dealing with a "Basically canon" setting.
I think I asked if there'd be any effort to remove the stupid from Ctech, or if we're dealing with a "Basically canon" setting.

Examples? I mean, I recall someone mentioning the 'camps' set up by the deep ones, but thats all I can IMMEDIATELY recall.
Examples? I mean, I recall someone mentioning the 'camps' set up by the deep ones, but thats all I can IMMEDIATELY recall.
Crysalis deliberatly sends out non functioning gear to the military and no one ever reacts to it. The Arcologies have the technology in the police state to detect people with taint, yet no one ever detects anything about Gnarlys pet cooperation.
In terms of sex, The raping bunny girls and the Rape Maschine from the later books of the metaplot are examples from the top of my head.
Examples? I mean, I recall someone mentioning the 'camps' set up by the deep ones, but thats all I can IMMEDIATELY recall.

Crysalis deliberatly sends out non functioning gear to the military and no one ever reacts to it. The Arcologies have the technology in the police state to detect people with taint, yet no one ever detects anything about Gnarlys pet cooperation.
In terms of sex, The raping bunny girls and the Rape Maschine from the later books of the metaplot are examples from the top of my head.

Basically, what this guy says.

The setting is built around grimderp, and grimderp is never punished.
Huh... Jacob, my apologies for not figuring out on a character as for now (had a bit of some troubles reading it, and... well, some RL stuff as well.)

I'll get one tomorrow, and as soon as I can within this Sunday. Btw, you have a deadline established as for now?
Crysalis deliberatly sends out non functioning gear to the military and no one ever reacts to it. The Arcologies have the technology in the police state to detect people with taint, yet no one ever detects anything about Gnarlys pet cooperation.
In terms of sex, The raping bunny girls and the Rape Maschine from the later books of the metaplot are examples from the top of my head.

1. Eh, its a AU anyways, so lets go with 'the NEG isn't utter morons, Chrysalis sends functional, if subpar, equipment, the stuff used to detect 'taint' is very expensive' and I'm cutting out the rape bits mostly.

  • Name:
    Race: Human.
    Allegiance: NEG.
    Profession: Soldier.
    Defining Characteristics: Noble|Proud

    Attribute Points: 35 + 1(Human Bonus)
    Skill Points: 20 + 10(Drawback Bonus)
    Cheats Spent To: Increase Vitality(-6)


  • Primary Attributes
    Agility: 8
    Intellect: 5
    Perception: 5
    Presence: 4
    Strength: 7
    Tenacity: 7

    Secondary Attributes
    Actions: 2
    Movement: 7 [15 mph (37/9 ypt)]
    Orgone: 11
    Reflex: 6
    Vitality: 18 = 90 Points [1-18=Flesh, 19-36=Light, 37-54=Moderate, 55-72=Serious, 73-90=Deaths Door]
    Drama Points: 10

    Armed Fighting[Agility]: Adept (Focus: Swords)
    Armorer[Intellect]: Student (Focus: Personal Armor, Sidearms)
    Athletics[Variable]: Novice
    Artist[Perception]: Student (Focus: Drawing)
    Dodge[Agility]: Novice
    Hobby[Variable]: Novice (Focus: Cosplay, Roleplaying)
    Languages[Intellect]: Expert (Only: English)
    Literacy[Intellect]: Novice
    Marksman[Perception]: Adept (Focus: Pistols)
    Medicine[Intellect]: Student
    Pilot[Agility]: Novice (Only: Wheeled Vehicles, A-Pod Personal Hovercraft) (Focus: Combat Pilot)
    Regional Knowledge[Intellect]: Novice
    Stealth[Agility]: Student
    Survival[Tenacity]: Student

    Point Total = 23
  • Assets
    Acute Hearing (2)
    -I hardly have the hearing of a bat, but I can certainly hear a lot more than your average man.
    Fast (2)
    -I'm fast. Always have been, and I hope I always will be.
    High Pain Threshold(3)
    -It doesn't matter how hard you hit me, how many bones you break, how many times I get shot. Try to kill me if you dare, but I promise, I won't make it easy.
    Code (3)
    -I always keep my promises.
    -I accept any challenge to single combat.
    -I will never turn my back on a friend in need.
    -I will not kill a human or nazzadi without due cause.
    -I will always fight for the greater justice.
    -I will never allow one to harm what is mine or steal what is mine.
    Debt (2)
    -My family never did have very good self control.
    Damaged (2)
    -People are property just as any other. However, their value exceeds that of any object because of their potential - and so to harm a person without extremely good reason is to ruin a valuable asset for no good reason.
    -Possession is a matter of intent, importance, and potential. A trinket bought on a whim, with no sentimental or monetary value, is not possessed but rather held. A person who one has fought and grown together with, who is ones' best friend, is possessed and possesses one in turn.
    -The world is a matter of values. Values are relative, true, but only to an extent. It doesn't matter if an insane hobo who has never accomplished anything thinks their life is worth more than that of a soldier who regularly saves the lives of dozens or hundreds of people; the soldier has a greater objective value.
    Duty (2)
    -I dunno what you been told, but the NEG is the best of the bold!
    Anti-Luck (3)
    -Seems like things always go bad for me at the worst time....

    Point Total = +10, -7


Character sheet: currently work in progress.

Name: Adam Quinn
Race: White xenomix (SIDOCI)
Profession: Para-Psychic (registered)

Agility: 3
Intellect: 10
Perception: 3
Presence: 3
Strength: 3
Tenacity: 10

observation: Adept(3)

Secondary Attributes:
Action: 1
Movement: 3
Orgone: 15
Reflex: 5
Vitality: 6
Drama Points: 10


White (4)
Latent Para-Psychic(0)
Erupted Para-Psychic(0)
Exceptional Para-Psychic (4)
Asset: Alluring (1) No cost


Misfit (4) No benefit
Watched (3) No benefit
Truly Honest (2)
Duty (2)

Psychic powers:
Primary: Environmental
-Pyrokinesis First Order: Student
Secondary: Manipulative
Tertiary preferred: Somatic
Tertiary: Sensory

Insanity Points: 1

Needs a background, dood.

Name: Kylie Stark
Race: Human
Profession: (Military) Intelligence Agent

Agility: 5
Intellect: 6
Perception: 7 (+1)
Presence: 5
Strength: 3
Tenacity: 5

Observation: 5
Surveillance: 5
Computers: 4
Marksman: 3
Stealth: 3
Security: 3

Secondary Attributes:
Action: 1
Movement: 4
Orgone: 10
Reflex: 6
Vitality: 9
Drama Points: 10

Background: Born in a North American Arcology Kylie Stark was raised to be loyal to the New Earth Government. Succeeding in her schooling she had be talent scouted by the Global Intelligence Agency early on and by the time se graduated from Secondary Schooling she had found herself training in the military to be apart of NEG's GIA. After receiving her commission into GIA under the military intelligence division she undertook her fist assignment in Japan. The aftermath of this assignment and operation would lead to among other things gaining a rival in the form of a Eldritch Society Operative named Sarah Bishop*, angering a local restaurant chain** and an assignment to the Iron Vikings. This wasn't to say that didn't know others on the assignment; she had already developed contacts with a pair of NEGA Sergeants and a NEGN officer*** assigned to the Iron Vikings prior to her assignment.

*= Rival
**=Wanted level 1
***= Contact level 2; two low level and one medium level.

(Name of Contacts; Sergeants Peterson(M) and Sato(F), Lieutenant Briggs(M)

Driven (2)
Contact (2)
Authority (3)

Fanatical (3)
Rival (2)
Hunted (1)
Duty (2)

Surveillance Gear
Portable Computer
Sentrytech Mk V armor

The Op should have been simple; get in, investigate for any connection to Chrysalis and get out. She had accounted for NEG to get involved, but she had not accounted for a certain GIA agent's doggedness. Sarah glared at Lieutenant Stark as the young women, barely in her twenties checked her heavy SMG.

"My back up is enrout; multiple squads and the rest of my team loaded for bear, and all I want to know is what that this is." With that the GIA agent jestured towards the markings on the wall of the closed resturant.

Sarah Bishop; bog-standard human Operative of the Eldritch Society glared as she spoke.

"No your concern Kylie, you allowed my qurrary to escape." And I still might be able to find him, she thought.

The other girl blinked as her eyes widend in recognition "Sarah-"

Sarah didn't give her high achieving classmate chance to continue by throwning a smoke grenade to the ground before turning and escaping out a broken window and into the sidestreet.

Maybe you'll ready for the truth Kylie, soon but not today. Sarah thought as she fled.

FYI, we changed back to canon rules, so you may want to adjust your app

Race: Human
Profession: Arcane Investigator
Agility: 5
Intellect: 7
Perception: 9 (+1)
Presence: 5
Strength: 4
Tenacity: 5

Dodge: Student
Law Enforcement: Novice
Marksman: Novice
Streetwise: Adept
Occult: Novice
Observation: Adept
Research: Student
Literacy: Novice
Bureaucracy: Student
Misdirect: Student
Trivia: Student
Computers: Student
Regional Knowledge: Novice
Persuade: Student

Secondary Attributes:
Action: 2
Movement: 3
Orgone: 10.5
Reflex: 14.33
Vitality: 8.5
Drama Points: 10

Background: Thomas always was involved in strange incidents. Whether directly involved or just nearby they seem to always happen whenever he was around. As result he ended up with reputation amongst others as being the one to see about their problems whether supernatural in nature or not. When he finished his schooling he decided he might as well make job out of it but after a short stint in law enforcement he felt the restrictive nature of the job didn't sit right with him. Leaving the force he decided to become a private investigator to handle some of the more unusual case that the police wouldn't touch. Recently he has been hired as consultant for the Iron Vikings.


Ally (2)
Contact (3) - One high ranking, One mid-level, and two low-level contacts
Common Sense (2)


Duty (1)
Shadow Walker (3)
Habit (2) - Smokes cigars
Foe (2)

Ut-7 "Hornet"
Stun Baton
Sentrytech Mk-IV light concealable armored vest

My edited character sheet. Is this fine then?

Point of order, your background really doesn't tell me much about your character beyond 'weirdness magnet'. Please expand it a tad bit more.

There are several points where NPC are of multiple classes, one of the most obvious in the book is a NEG Officer that is also a undercover Tager. It's an artificial restriction forced on the players to limit their ability to affect the lose/lose storylines they give you in the books. Same with the parapyschic limitations. There is far less of a reason not to let certain parapsychic become, or stay mecha pilots. In the end it all boils down to because the makers said so, after all if your too strong you might get a clear cut win. [/Sarcasm]

Okay, clean up the spelling please. And you might want to make another nonengel app, because, remember, Engels slots are not first come first serve.

So where are we on this?

Huh... Jacob, my apologies for not figuring out on a character as for now (had a bit of some troubles reading it, and... well, some RL stuff as well.)

I'll get one tomorrow, and as soon as I can within this Sunday. Btw, you have a deadline established as for now?

Plan on opening the IC thread Wednesday.
Parapsychics are slow starters, will this game take this into account, or is there a chance that by the time I have enough XP to be a psychic badass we'll be close to the end of the game?
Parapsychics are slow starters, will this game take this into account, or is there a chance that by the time I have enough XP to be a psychic badass we'll be close to the end of the game?

Considering its CthulhuTech, it probably won't end for awhile.
Considering its CthulhuTech, it probably won't end for awhile.

Came across something you might be about to use while I try to put together a White Parapsychic.

Common House Rules

Credit to Jon Chung for compiling this list.subscript​
1. A Critical Failure only occurs when all dice come up 1s.
This is to prevent the odd scale of Critical Failures caused by the current system. While some usage of drama dice is lost (the alternating 1-2-1-2-1-2 etc), I believe the greater coherency compensates quite nicely. However, this makes critical failures very unlikely when rolling two or more dice.
1a. The most glaring problem with critical failures is when rolling two dice (there is a 19% chance of critical failure, compared to 10% for rolling one die). This can be fixed by ruling that a critical failure occurs only if the other die shows an odd number.
1b. A somewhat more complicated fix is as follows: If more than half of your dice come up 1, that is a critical failure. If exactly half of them come up 1 (this is only possible when rolling an even number of dice), roll 1d4; if that comes up 1, it is a critical failure, otherwise not.
With this system, critical failures have very close to a power-law distribution. If you prefer to use only 10-sided dice, you can substitute 1-3 on a d10 instead of the d4, and the results are almost as good. Note that the extra die never adds to the total of the dice pool; it's purely a "saving throw" against the critical failure.

2. Scale increases between Vitality, Integrity and Hull happen at a x5 rate, not x50.
This is to allow lots of infantry types to take on common security power armour and small recon mecha (and allow lots of mecha to take on capital ships) without being hopelessly outclassed to the point of not even bothering to try, without having to resort to scale-blind rules like those for Hybrid Damage. It also resolves a stylistic issue where a Nightmare Tager or Zabuth Dhohanoid is utterly, completely dominated by a machine that matches it in size.
2b. The Hybrid Damage rule is removed. Weapons that are supposed to be used for anti-vehicle usage (or anti-capital usage on a mecha) instead simply have high damage ratings.
This is a minor change enacted for elegance's sake. I think a Seraph's Charge Beam should be able to do more than blacken the paint job on a Navy ship.

3a. Becoming a sorcerer requires a 4-point Sorcerer Asset. Without this Asset, you may not cast spells, even with a high Occult.
This is to bring sorcerers in line with tagers and mecha pilots for XP progression curves (high start/low progression), along with…
3b. Spells no longer cost XP. Instead, you may learn any spell you can reasonably acquire reference materials for and have the required Intellect, Tenacity and Occult to cast.
This is to make sorcerers more attractive a concept, mechanically. Most sorcerers will start with all the legally available spells that Occult 3 can cast. Learning spells after chargen requires access, time and insanity points and casting them takes days, so that's troublesome enough, I'd say.
3c. Access to illegal and otherwise restricted spells is contingent on Wealth/Contacts/Allies or Duty/Authority, as per GM discretion, generally on the level of Order = Asset Level. Alternatively, new spells may be developed from scratch with Research and Occult, as per GM discretion.
This is to make sure sorcerers need to get hold of spellbooks via their other assets, or spend years in an arcane laboratory.

4a. Becoming a para-psychic only requires one 4-point Para-Psychic Asset, which replaces the placeholder Latent Para-Psychic from the corebook. This Asset allows a character to pick 6 points worth of para-psychic powers, with the 3/2/1/1 access scheme.
This is to bring para-psychics in line with the new sorcerers. A 4-point Asset that does nothing isn't mechanically attractive.
4b. Erupted Para-Psychic becomes the psychic equivalent of Exceptional Tager, allowing a psychic character to become stronger. This Asset allows a character to pick 4 additional points worth of para-psychic powers, with a 3/3/2/1 access scheme.
This is to allow for psychics of greater power and/or broader theme.
4c. Zoner becomes a 4-point Drawback that gives a character the benefits of Para-Psychic and Erupted Para-Psychic, and applies five permanent insanity points. The Zoner must make insanity tests every month or gain even more.
This is to bring Zoners in line with the Engel Synthesis Interface, which gives greater power for negative points, under the philosophy that going mad is worth some CP.
4d. Para-psychic powers only have one level which scales by skill usage and cannot be bought with XP, only selected via the Para-Psychic and Erupted Para-Psychic Assets.
This is to curb the infinite XP inflation issue present with the default para-psychic rules in VM.
4e. A new skill, Para-Psychic Control, is added to the list. This skill uses Tenacity and requires the Para-Psychic Asset. Specializations may be taken in specific powers or situations. Roll this skill to determine the magnitude and effectiveness of a para-psychic power.
This is to unify all para-psychic abilities under one skill, like Sorcery works with Occult.
4f. Minor (1st Order) para-psychic powers may be purchased as 2-point Wild Talent Assets and run off raw Tenacity Feat tests. This is mutually exclusive with the Para-Psychic Asset. Only two instances of Wild Talent may be purchased, at which time the character may choose to give them up in exchange for the Para-Psychic Asset.
Name: Lance Avalon
Allegiance: NEG
Profession: Parapsychic
Race: White
Virtue: Understanding
Flaw: Irreverent

Attributes: Agility 7, Intellect 8, Perception 5, Presence 5, Strength 4, Tenacity 8(+1 White)

Secondary Attributes
Actions: 1
Movement: 5
Reflex: 6
Vitality: 11
Orgone: 17
Drama Points: 10

Skills: Computers 2, Education 3, Technician 3, Medicine 3, Literacy 2+, Observation 3, Persuade 2, Seduction 3, Stealth 2, Pilot(motorcycle) 1, Dodge 3, Armed Fighting 2, Marksman 3, Telekinesis 3, Hyperagility 1, Teleport 1, Regional Knowledge 2+

Cheats: +2 Telekinesis to Novice, +2 Telekinesis to Adept, +2 add 4 Orgone

Assets(-12): White Xenomix(4),Erupted Para-Psychic, Alluring, Nightvision, Strong-
Minded, Exceptional Para-Psychic(4), Authority(2)Second Lieutenant, Wealth(1), Famous Incident(1)

Drawbacks(+8): Duty(2) NEG Officer, Habit (Sex, Moderate) (2), Misfit 3, Watched 3, Foe (1) A weak parapsychic he caught using his powers to get women into bed, Code (1) will never turn my back on a friend in need/I will oppose the minions of the Old Ones doubly so the EOD. Hunted (2) His His actions causing a failure of a Raid have the attention of the EOD however they only know a White Xenomix was responsible.

Primary: Somatic
!st Order-
3rd Order-
Secondary: Environmental
Tertiary: Sensory

Gear (Carried): PCPU, Sentrytech Mk V concealed armour, spectrashield exo-skeletal armor, Fine Clothing (Uniform), Concealed Holster, Weapon Permit (P), Advanced Surgical tools, Limb reattachment salve, Synthetic transfusion kits,

Weapons: CS-44 Enforcer Sidearm, Composite Combat Knife, LCG, Composite Katana

Insanity Points: 1
Disorders: None

I'll be playing the rookie officer, parapsychic power house, with medical training, and repair training.

Bio: Born to a couple that couldn't handle having a 'White' as a child Lance was adopted by a two NEG approved parents. His Nazzadi mother didn't have any particular interest in a culture tailored by the bugs, but did insure he knew he knew it to be able to understand and work with Nazzadi that did. With both Parents in Ashcroft he learned from some of the best teachers in the worlds

He path in life found a direction when he was fifteen and the EOD made an attack on the California coast where his family had been having a vacation. Having been busy with a girl he'd met at the hotel when the attack started Lance went out to find them after making sure the girl would get the the shelter under the hotel. When he found them his father had already been killed and his mother and sister we're being dragged away by two hybrids. Killing one by teleporting twenty feet above them and pulling a 'Mario' snapping it's neck before dropping down with the falling body between him and the other hybrid which protected him from it's fire long enough to pick up the dead ones weapon and kill it as well.

By the time the NEG military showed up and Lance had saved over a dozen potential women from being taken to the camps. and killed twice that many EOD cultists. His disruption caused the over all group to be distracted enough that the NEG army was able to move in and hit them before they could disappear beneath the waves, saving Lance himself who had been trapped by EOD power armor and would likely have been killed. His actions brought him to the attention of the NEG and when he reached the majority was cleared for officer training.
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Hey guys, finally nailed a character.

I'll add a backstory and gear tomorrow (and by tomorrow, I mean after I wake up)

Requesting approval of @jacobplm in the meanwhile


Name: Risa Arevalo
Race: Human
Age: 24
Profession: Soldier

Aleingnance: Iron Viking Company (NEG)

Virtue: Honest
Flaw: Rude
Zodiac Sign: Aries


Agility: 7
Intellect: 5
Perception: 7
Presence: 4
Strength: 6
Tenacity: 7


Athletics - 2 (Novice)
Criminal - 1 (Student)
Education - 1 (Student)
Hobby - 1 (Student) EM: 9-ball
Intimidate - 3 (Adept)

Literacy - 1 (Student)
Languaje - English (Expert)
Medicine - 1 (Student) EM: First Aid
Munitions - 2 (Novice)
Regional Knowledge - 2 (Novice)
Survival - 1 (Student)
Trivia - 1 (Student)
Armed Fighting - 2 (Novice)
Dodge - 2 (Novice) EM: Dodge for Cover
Marksman - 3 (Adept) EM: Assault Rifles
Fighting - 3 (Adept) EM: Boxing

Secondary Attributes (to reasign as well)

Action: 6 (2 actions)
Movement: 6 (9 mph)
Orgone: 11
Reflex: 6
Vitality: 11 (55)
Drama: 10


Increase Attribute by 1 point (3)
Increase Vitality by 1 point (1)
Get two more points for skills (2)

  • +1 Hobby
  • +2 Dodge
  • +1 Law-enforcement

High Pain Threshold (3)
Wary (2)


Code (1)
  • I always keep my word.
  • I will avenge the deaths of my loved ones.
Duty (2)
Damaged (2)


AR-25 (Light Assault Rifle)
CS-40 "Defender" (Medium Handgun)
Sentrytech Mk-IV Armor - Lt
Wireless Communication Earpiece
Night Vision Goggles with IR Illuminator
Belt Holster
Silencer (Legal)
Combat knife - Composite
Swiss Army Knife w/ Laser pointer


Born in the city of Cadiz, Marisa (or "Risa", Whichever are just fine for her) was one of the few survivors who could escape when the Aeon War reached Spain, as the Disciples of the Rapine Storm purged her city in their beliefs. Nearly all of her family and friends were annihilated during their campaing of terror, remaining only her mother, a few of her possesions, and a psychological scar that will accompany her for the rest of her life, as the once cheerful kid was replaced with a shell of her former self.

It would pass much time after her mother would join her family in the afterlife, passing away some months after she reached the age of 18. Motivated by a twisted sense of duty that masked a thirst of vengeance, Marisa joined the NEG army as a volunteer. Much have passed since there, where she has proved time and time again a particular ruthless when dealing with the enemies of NEG, and specially with captured cult members of the Ravine Storm.


EDIT: Added Gear and some explanations. Also, corrected some Drawbacks.
EDIT2: Finished Gear and added some backstory.
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