To: Lord Chancellor Joffery Orrick of Tantervale @Ceslas
From: King Markus Penteghaust

Joffery, we hope this missive finds you well during this bizarre seige of your city. While our polities have argued in the past We have no desire to see you become a vassal state of Kirkwall and Starkhaven and have grown to enjoy our trade relationship. Should you desire assistance know that Our forces at Hasmal stand ready to assist you. And should you fall your people will find safe refuge there.

With Respect

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House de Montfort, 9:26 Dragon
Current Ruler: Duke Prosper de Montfort
Expected Heir: Lord Cyril de Montfort
Type of Government: Feudal
Population: 1 million
Capital: Vantes

The dynasty first rose to prominence with Ser Gaston de Montfont, a chevalier who distinguished himself during the Fourth Blight by leading the cavalry at the Battle of Ayesleigh. Aterwards, Ser Gaston was granted Chateau Haine as a reward for his deeds. Clarisse de Montfort later married Prince Reynaud, the youngest brother of Emperor Florian, and the couple had one daughter, Celene Valmont.

Duke Prosper, along with Lady Mantillon, supported Celene in taking the Imperial throne. Prosper personally assisted Prince Reynaud in killing Lady Calienne de Ghislain in retaliation for the death of his cousin, Clarisse. Emperor Florian had Prosper sent away to try and deny Celene his aid; when she became empress, Prosper resumed his place as one of Celene's most loyal supporters.

Family Tree
-Duke Prosper de Montfort (B. 8:89 Blessed) M. Amelie Remache (B. 8:93 Blessed)
--Isolde Guerrin nee de Montfort (B. 8:99 Blessed)
--Cyril de Montfort (B. 9:02 Dragon)

Economic Status: 4
-Raised 12,000 effective manpower
-(3 treasury worth) Pay Orzammar for jewels


Leopold is the personal mount of Duke Prosper de Montfort. An exceptionally large Wyvern specimen, Leopold has been trained over the years by the Duke to attack whichever enemy Prosper marks with his Crossbow, as well as to be ridden by the Duke in battle.

Major Actions: @Ceslas
-Duke Prosper invites his vassal commanders to engage in a number of mock battles and tests of strategy to determine which are most militarily capable
-In apology to the Empress, a dwarven-make set of jewels is sourced from Orzammar.
-A survey of the lands and holdings of House De Montfort is to be carried out to ensure taxes are being properly assessed.
-An attempt to capture Leopold a mate will be made.

-Manpower: 66,666
-Raised Troops
1,000 Orlesian Chevalier Heavy Cavalry
1,600 Dismounted Lion Knights Elite Infantry
2,000 Archers
10 Warships

Alliances, Agreements, Pacts, or Trade:
-Oath of Fealty to Her Imperial Radiance Empress Celene I Valmont The Lioness
-Hereditary Holder of a seat on the Council of Heralds
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Current Ruler: Teyrn Bryce Cousland
Expected Heir:
Fergus Cousland
Type of Government: Teyrnir
Population: .75 million


Economic Status:
-Treasury: (List your total unspent treasury points here) 2
-3 points, spent on major actions
-2 Points, military maintenance.

Major Actions, @Ceslas
- With the Bow
- Upon the Stone, 1 treasury point
- Upon the Wing, 2 treasury points
- With the Spear

Upon the Stone

The Imperial Highway

The Imperial Highway was one of the most ambitious construction projects ever attempted in the history of Thedas. A massive, continent spanning network of roads that some say were built with magic; they still provide many of the land trade routes used by the human nations of Thedas. House Cousland begins to slowly repair damaged sections that are particuarly important to the transportation of trade from and to its ports. Some progress has been made, and trade is following a little more.

Upon the Wing

There are mounts mightier than horses, more fearsome than a dozen Orlesian Chevaliers. House Cousland has decided to get into the wyvern business, and it needs both skilled trainers and some actual beasts. Whilst any sort of large scale breeding of them is unlikely, Teryn Cousland at least hopes that the scions of House Cousland might ride into battle atop them. More gold is allocated to lure skilled Wyvern trainers.

With the Spear

House Cousland begins a process to move some of it's maintained troops into a more disciplined blocks of pikemen. These units would prevent a great challenge to cavalry, at least theoretically, but would require somewhat different training. Teyrn Cousland eventually hopes to command large numbers of these pike formations, and to be able to easily raise more. Additionally, though it is a vastly more distant threat than Orlais, pikes would enable a soldier to kill a darkspawn with their weapon from much further away. Again, some progress has been made. The Teyrn hopes that eventually all of Ferelden will be able to field large numbers of chevalier slaying pikemen.

With the Bow

Teyrn Cousland wants to increase the flexibility of what cavalry he does have, to pursue an approach to warfare centered around strong blocks of pikes with numerous supporting elements. Cavalry that can also use bows are an interesting development to explore. Some modification to the bows themselves might be needed, of course.

Internal Events:

- Elissa Cousland, the second child of the Teyrn, has excelled in the relatively light duties given to her; and has started to given tasks of some importance.

Total Manpower: 50,000
2 Treasury Points worth of troops/ships maintained:
- 150 ships, using 18000 manpower
- 4000 men at arms
- 500 Heavy Cavalry

Alliances, Agreements, Pacts, and Trade:
Vassal of King Cailan of Ferelden
To: Lord Chancellor Joffery Orrick of Tantervale
From: King Markus Penteghaust

Joffery, we hope this missive finds you well during this bizarre seige of your city. While our polities have argued in the past We have no desire to see you become a vassal state of Kirkwall and Starkhaven and have grown to enjoy our trade relationship. Should you desire assistance know that Our forces at Hasmal stand ready to assist you. And should you fall your people will find safe refuge there.

With Respect

Yes, please.
Anderfels-Turn Two
The war in the Anderfels has been subdued thus far. Other than raiding of the king's lands by Grey Warden supporters and moving villagers from the borderlands, no one has summoned the will to engage yet. This is baffling many of the Grey Wardens' supporters as with their Nevarran support they could outnumber the King's forces. The Warden also attempted to influence the people by arguing the King's actions against the Wardens were needlessly endangering Thedas and the realm. While somewhat effective, many feel a condemnation of the King's obsession with Hossberg would have been more effective. For now, however, all eyes are turned to Tevinter's attempts at mediation. The King has scaled back his demands with Nevarran intervention but he still insists on an end to the Wardens' role in the affairs of the Anderfels and an end to the Warden Auxiliaries.
Free Marches Turn Two

Advance and Retreat​
In the Free Marches Kirkwall's war continued. Tantervale remained under siege though the bulk of Kirkwall and Starkhaven's armies marched east. As they left the men noticed how quiet the city was and they felt it was an ominous omen. Their goal was to try to attack Ansburg's forces before they could unit with Ostwick, but a very cooperative Markham ensured the two could unite. They proceeded west towards the enemy host, delayed by an onslaught of Kirkwall mercenaries, a tactic that will be adopted by other Free Cities as the campaign goes on. But in the short term, the armeis of Kirkwall and Starkhaven met the men of Ostwick and Ansburg on the north bank of the Minanter River

16,000 Men-at-Arms
12,000 Elite Infantry
23,000 Archers
3,000 Heavy Cav.
7,000 Medium Cavalry
4,000 Light Cav.

24,000 Men-at-Arms
20,000 Archers
3,500 Elite Infantry
3,000 Light Cavalry

The men of the eastern cities had nearly as much infantry but they were soundly smashed in the flank once the outriders were driven off as they attacked the Archers. The combined army was forced to retreat towards Ostwick and Ansburg was forced to surrender. Starkhaven has assumed the governorship of Ansburg as Ostwick is put under siege.

-Uniter Victory
Uniter Causalities: (@KnightofTempest Assign as you will. Every player receives 15% of their EM back each turn)
-4,000 Men-At-Arms Lost
-1,800 Elite Infantry Lost
-5,750 Archers Lost
-300 Heavy Cavalry Lost
-1,050 Medium Cavalry Lost
-600 Light Cavalry Lost

Alliance Casualties:
9,600 Men-at-Arms Lost
8,000 Archers Lost
1,050 Elite Infantry Lost
1,050 Light Cavalry Lost

However, once the Uniter armies were safely away from Tantervale, the besieging force was swiftly expelled by Tantervale's army and the survivors have fled tot he border, pursued by the men of Tantervale.

2,000 Elite Infantry
6,000 Archers
4,000 Men at Arms
4,000 City Watch

6,000 City Watch
12,000 Men At Arms
12,000 Archers
3,000 Light Cav.
2,000 Medium Cav.
3,600 Elite Infantry

Tantervale Victory
Tantervale Casualties:
-600 City Watch Lost
-1,800 Man-At-Arms Lost
-1,800 Archers Lost
-300 Light Cavalry Lost
-100 Medium Cavalry Lost
-180 Elite Infantry Lost

Uniter Casualties:
-500 Elite Infantry Lost
-3,000 Archers Lost
-2,000 Men-At-Arms Lost
-2,200 City Watch Lost

As the new year dawns the remaining Free Cites are uneasy and rumors of foreign intervention are in the air.
Nevarra-Turn Two

Royal: Markus Penteghaust
Population 2.5 million.
Manpower: 166,666
Utilized manpower 24,000
Magepower: 50,000

Treasure 6

Economy 5


-1 maintain College
-1 maintain army
-1 roads project
-1 raise western legion
-1 monster hunters arsenal

Orders @Ceslas

The War Road and Imperial Highway: the Western Legion's Engineers will cut a road from Parendale to Weisshaupt. Meanwhile work continues clearing and securing the Imperial Highway.

The Legion Marches: The Western Legion will March to the aid of the Grey Warden under the command of Duke Tythus Pentaghast.

The Grand Winter Hunt: The Court of Nevarre invites the families of the top 50 students on a grand winter dragonhunt in the Anderfels, Grand Hunt will be lead by famed dragon hunter Ferdinand Pentaghast. 20 lesser hunt licenses will be awarded to those families which contribute for them.

The Slayers Arsenal: a stockpile of enchanted war gear is to be created at Hunters Fell to outfit 500 men with equipment relevant to the slaying of Demons, Dragons and Darkspawn.

The Anderfel Peace Talks: Vestalus Pentaghast, Prelate of the Mortalasti and a team of Diplomats will travel with the Grey Wardens delegation to the peace talks at Minrathous.

The Western Legion
Duke Tythus Pentaghast
3000 archers
1000 medium calvary
500 enchanters (healer non combatant)
100 mortalasti (combatant)
500 elite soldiers

The Road Legion
11000 Men-at-Arms

The Grand Dragon Hunt (+50 students from Acadamy and guests)
Ferdinand Pentaghast
10 Enchanters
10 mortalasti
200 dragon slayers
200 Men-at arms

Lesser Dragon Hunts (20 hunts of 99 Hunters + paying nobles) 50% of all trophies to be returned to the Slayers Arsenal.

190 enchanters
190 mortalasti
800 dragon slayers
800 Men-at-Arms (on loan from Road Legion)

Alliance with Grey Wardens during Anderfels Conflict.
1. A crude trail has been carved to Weisshaupt though anything more than a dirtpath will need much more time.
2. Noted
3. A large beast is brought down and a good time is had by all, which can only do you good with your vassals.
4. This Slayer gear has a lot of potential. Candidates will need to be selected but these could form a new kind of soldier.
5. Despite Tevinter objections you are at the negotiating table as to do otherwise would make the conference useless.
Tevinter-Turn Two
House Tilani 9:26 Dragon

Current Ruler: Athanir Tilani
Expected Heir: Maevaris Tilani
Type of Government: Magocracy
Population: 1.05 million
Capital: Carastes​
Family Tree:
Davan Tilani (born 9:26)

None at this time

Economic Status: Growing – 5.
Treasury: 1 Point left
- 1 Point to maintain the current army
- 1 Point to maintain the current fleet
- 1 Point towards economic survey (Book of the Tilani)
- 1 point to securing and strengthening the trade roots to the dwarven Ambassadoria

Major Actions @Ceslas
- Following moves by the Archon Davan to protect the coast of the Imperium, Tilani ships are to increase the patrols off of the coasts controlled by the house, though they do not venture into the centre of the Nocen Sea.
- Athanir Tilani commissions the bureaucrats and servants of his realm to undertake a survey of the lands and their holders, property (mills, buildings equipment ect), sources of income, slaves and the amount of arable land within their holdings.
- Ties and trade routes with the dwarven Ambassadoria, a historical source of wealth for the house, are to be strengthened, with both diplomatic ventures and securing of the physical trade routes throughout Tilani lands.
- Ventures are to be made to understand the political situation in the lands east of those held by House Tilani towards the great lake. What houses hold those lands, their size, power and influence they hold within the larger realm?

Potential Manpower Pool: 70,000
Mage Pool: 21,000
Active forces:
  • 500 Elite Infantry
  • 2 500 City Watch
  • 3,000 archers
  • 1,000 light cavalry
  • 3,000 Men at Arms

Navy: 75 ships

Alliances, Agreements, Pacts, and Trade:
Vassal of the Archon of the Tevinter Imperium, currently Archon Davan
Magister of the Magisterium of the Tevinter Imperium



The Tilani family makes up for its lack of political clout with a considerable fortune, the result of long-standing ties to the dwarven Ambassadoria.
1. While the Qunari have not been bold lately, the pirates feel your wrath.
2. 1/6
3. The surface dwarves always appreciate new patronage, and their craftsmanship has many uses.
4. Minor houses that could be subsumed with time and effort.
House Vyrantius of Tevinter - 9:26 Dragon

Current Ruler:
Claudian Vyrantius
Expected Heir: Nanterius Vyrantius
Type of Government: Magocracy
Population: 1.05 Million
Capital: Vyrantium

Armor of the Overseer

Economic Status:

- Growing - 5
- Treasury: 1 point left
- 1 point to maintain Vyrantius' Fleet
- 1 point to maintain Vyrantius' Army
- 1 point to improve Vyrantius' Economy (2/6)
- 1 point to fund the wedding between Archon Davan and Vasilia Vyrantius alongside assorted celebrations and festivities

Major Actions: @Ceslas
- The Fleet of House Vyrantius maintains its positions alongside its counterpart belonging to the Archon, so that the Qunari threat may remain at sea, away from Tevinter's shores.
- Following the expansion of dikes and irrigation canals throughout his lands, Magister Claudian next orders for the improvement of its roads and bridges. Repairing and repaving those roads and bridges connecting Vyrantium with the rest of the wider Imperium are a necessity for the maintenance of trade with Thedas' interior. Additionally, the paving of roads that a generation before were nothing more than simple paths, no wider than a man, but are now widely used and wide enough for a carriage is needed to further the growth of new and more efficient roadways.
- The wedding of Magister Claudian's youngest daughter, Vasilian, to the current sitting Archon, Davan, is not only a time for celebration of the joining of two great households, but a time to showcase the wealth and power of House Vyrantius. By helping to pay for many of the festivities arranged by the Archon, and throwing some of his own, Claudian shall increase his influence and standing within the Magisterium.

Internal Events:


- Potential Manpower Pool: 70,000
- Mage Pool: 21,000
- Vyrantium's Standing Army:
  • 2,000 Men of the Vrantium City Watch
  • 2,000 Men-at-Arms
  • 2,000 Archers
  • 1,000 Light Cavalry
  • 1,000 Medium Cavalry
- Vyrantium's Fleet: 50 ships

Alliances, Agreements, Pacts, and Trade:
Vassal of the Archon of the Tevinter Imperium, currently Archon Davan
Magister of the Magisterium of the Tevinter Imperium


To: Archon Davan @Bandeirante
From: Magister Claudian Vyrantius

The entirety of House Vyrantius shall be arriving in Minrathous to bear witness to the joining of our two households.
1. Noted.
2. (2/6)
3. Your increased standing is noted by the Magisterium. You will find political maneuvering easier for the foreseeable future.
The Tevinter Archon - 9:25 Dragon

Current Ruler: Archon Davan
Expected Heir: The Archon has yet to name a suitable heir.
Type of Government: Magocracy
8 Million (de jure) 1.25 Million (de facto)
Capital: Minrathous
Family Tree:
  1. Davan (m. Vasilia Vyrantius)

-None so far

Economic Status: Stagnating-4
-Treasury: 1 Point remaining (leftover from last turn)
-1 Point to maintain the Fleet
-1 Point to maintain the Archon's army
-1 Point to improve the economy (2/5)
-1 Point for the wedding between Archon Davan and Vasilia Vyrantius alongside assorted celebrations and festivities

Major Actions @Ceslas

--Archon Davan now busies himself with integrating the host of new apprentices selected from among the volunteers into his household. These noble scions from Tevinter's great families now find themselves working directly under the Archon or those in his inner circle. Needless to say the environment tends to breed some intrigue, as members of different bloodlines often scheme against each other to increase their position within Davan's household and decrease the influence of their peers (specially those from rival houses). Much of Davan's time is spent putting and end to these petty disputes and instilling upon his apprentices the appropriate ideas of work ethic to focus their efforts on their tasks instead of discrete politicking.

--The initial good results from Davan's economic policies have emboldened the Archon to continue the project. Now, that the roads around Minrathous and Davan's demesne are safer, the Archon's focus shifts to building up upon the findings of last year's inspections. Expanding profitable business ventures, replacing corrupt clerks and managers, restoring decayed infrastructure and re calibrating the local bureaucracy to tear away at least some of the rot and complacency standing in the way of economic growth.

--The Archon's navy remains mobilized and well equipped to keep the fight against the Qunari threat at sea.

--Having spent the better part of a year hosting and entertaining a veritable army of young ladies of excellent breeding and station, Archon Davan finally comes to the decision of marrying Lady Vasilia Vyrantius, the youngest daughter of Magister Claudian and renowned Enchanter of the Vyrantium Circle. Leaving the other disappointed would be brides to return to their homes, the Archon now dedicates some of his efforts and substantial funds for the preparations of the wedding ceremony and assorted festivities. Archon Davan is intent on making an impression upon the Magisters and the masses of Minrathous by hosting a grandiose feast.

The Magisters and their families will be treated with all the luxury their position affords them, alongside appropriate security, while the masses of city dwellers will be placated by the generosity of the Archon, who has allocated funds for drink, food and cheap entertainment to be distributed to the urban population while the high and mighty of the Imperium congregate in their halls of power to watch the ceremony and feast with the newly wed.

Internal Events:


  • -Manpower pool: 59 300 out of 83 300
  • -Mage pool: 25 000
  • The Archon's Retinue:
    • 2 000 Men of the Minrathous' City Watch
    • 3 000 Archers
    • 1 000 Elite Infantry
    • 1 000 Light Cavalry
    • 2 000 Men at Arms
  • The Archon's Navy:
    • 100 ships.

Alliances, Agreements, Pacts, and Trade:

The Archon of Tevinter is the nominal ruler of the Imperium
Permanent Dwarven Embassy at Minrathous


To: Magisters of Tevinter @Ceslas @Marco @King50000 @Zedalb
From: Archon Davan

By the Grace of Andraste and the Glory of the Imperium, I, Archon Davan extend this invitation to the great men and women of Tevinter so that they may grace the wedding ceremony and assorted festivities between his august person and Enchanter Vasilian Vyrantius with their esteemed presence at the Imperial capital of Minrathous.
1. Getting apprentices to stop scheming is like herding cats but you have found some success.
2. (2/5)
3. Noted
4. All the finest in Tevinter society attend the wedding, along with the ambassadors from the mediation occurring in the city. This increases the Archon's prestige and will make the Magisterium more compliant with his wishes.
To: Duke Sandral Anaxas, Duchess Amelia Forsythe, Duke Von Markham. @Ceslas

From: King Markus Penteghaust

Your Grace's. Our trading partner of Tantervale and many of the Free Marches city-states balance on the knife's edge of the imperial ambitions. Tantervale lay but a days ride from our eastern boarder at Hasmal. A Belligerent and Bellicose United Free Marches poses a threat that cannot be ignored. As such I ask that we mobilize the half the Grand Garrison at the War College, as well as half the Road Legion as well as our heroes from the recently completed Grand Winter Hunt.

We push to secure our allies at Tantervale and then further down the Minanter to break the strength of Starkhaven.

What Say You Friends?


TO Duke Anaxes
This may be a good opportunity to field test some of our recent advances.


House Theirin, Leading house of Ferelden - 9:26 Dragon
Current Ruler: Cailan Theirin
Expected Heir: None (for now)
Type of Government: Monarchy
Population: 3:75 Million
Capital: Denerim

Artifacts: None (for now)
Economic Status: Growing (5 pts total, 2 or 1 pts remaining)
-2 (or 3 if he's brought back alive) points for investing in hunting down Gell Lendon

Insert Major Actions: @Ceslas
  1. King Calin, certainly not amused by the fleeing of Gell Lendon, has secretly offered a variety of mercenary groups, bounty hunters, and even assassin groups a bounty on Gell Lendon. This bounty specifies that he can be brought back dead (or a part of him, specifically the head) but more money will be rewarded if brought back alive (3 pts if he's brought back alive).
  2. Calin will speak to the elves that are trying to approach him. His bodyguard will be present in case this is a assasination attempt but other than that it's just him and the elves that wish to speak with him.
  3. Calin requests that the landsmeet to prepare their troops in case the war that Kirkwall initiated becomes a great deal more concerning and the threat of Ansburge's annexation. Calin also requests another increase in the Kingsguard's size in preparation for this possible intervention.

Internal Events:None for now.

Military: 3,000 Heavy Cavalry

Alliances, Agreements, Pacts, and Trade: None other than vassalment agreements.


To: Various Arls, Teyrns, and Bannorns that comprise the Kingdom of Ferelden (mainly directed at the players in Ferelden) @Teknomandor @Arthellion @EliudFS1 @Desendelle @Ragabash1066
From: King Calin of Ferelden

Kirkwall has launched a brazen attack on their neighbors in the Free Marches for no apparent reason other than personal ambition and conquest. This act of aggression cannot be tolerated and must be dealt with swiftly and thoroughly for what sane ruler attacks such a neighbor without any sort of provocation of any kind? No ruler would do such a insane maneuver, which is why I believe an intervention is needed before Kirkwall takes this conquest across the entirety of the Marches.

Who can I count on to ride with me to face the Kirkwallen aggressors on the field of battle? Who will be willing to free the people that Kirkwall has enslaved? Whose willing to cry "HAVOC!" with me and let slip the dogs of war?
House Eremon of Waking Sea Bannorn - 9:26 Dragon
Current Ruler: Bann Alfstanna Eremon
Expected Heir: None at the moment
Type of Government: Feudal domain
Population: 320,000
Capital: Janen
Artefacts: None at the moment
Economic status: 5 - growing
Family Tree:
Ingord Eremon (d. circa 8:70 Blessed)
-Flora Wulff, nee Eremon (d. 9:14 Dragon, in childbirth)
-Angus Eremon (d. 8:97 Blessed, Battle of White River)
--Irminric Eremon (renounced his inheritance, currently serving as a Lieutenant-Commander in the Templar Order)
--Bann Alfstanna Eremon of Waking Sea

Treasury: 4​
  • Improving the economy: the Bann is investing money and time into attracting merchants to the bannorn and generally making it prosper (2/6).​
  • Maintaining 100 ships (12,000 EM).​
  • Maintaining the following troops:​
    • 30 ships (3,600 EM)
    • 1,000 City Watchmen, stationed in Janen (1,000 EM).
    • 1,000 Elite Infantry - the Waking Sea Marines (3,000 EM).
    • 1,700 Archers (1,700 EM).
Major Actions @Ceslas
  • Anti-Piracy Patrols: the bannorn's ships patrol the trade routes in the Waking Sea around the bannorn in order to discourage piracy. Any pirates found are given a chance to surrender to the Bann's judgement, but if they don't they are executed once the battle is over.
  • Efforts are made to obtain a kernel of a Mabari kennel, with an eye toward training them to operate in concert with ship-borne troops.
  • Maintaining raised troops
  • Improving the economy (2/6)
Internal Events: currently nothing

  • Potential Manpower: 21,333
  • Raised troops:
    • 1,000 City Watchmen, stationed in Janen (1,000 EM).​
    • 1,000 Elite Infantry - the Waking Sea Marines (3,000 EM).​
    • 1,700 Archers (1,700 EM).​
  • Raised ships: 130​
  • Manpower situation: 21,300/21,333 used.​
Alliances, Agreements, Pacts and Trades:
  • Fealty to the King of Ferelden
  • Marriage ties to House Wulff of West Hills Arling
  • (Presumably) trade with Kirkwall
Bann Eremon of Waking Sea Bannorn
To: All Fereldan nobility @Napolean_Barca @Tekomandor @Arthellion @EliudFS1 @Ragabash1066
Let it be known that Bann Eremon of Waking Sea Bannorn is still unmarried and seeks a worthy husband.
To: Duke Sandral Anaxas, Duchess Amelia Forsythe, Duke Von Markham. @Ceslas

From: King Markus Penteghaust

Your Grace's. Our trading partner of Tantervale and many of the Free Marches city-states balance on the knife's edge of the imperial ambitions. Tantervale lay but a days ride from our eastern boarder at Hasmal. A Belligerent and Bellicose United Free Marches poses a threat that cannot be ignored. As such I ask that we mobilize the half the Grand Garrison at the War College, as well as half the Road Legion as well as our heroes from the recently completed Grand Winter Hunt.

We push to secure our allies at Tantervale and then further down the Minanter to break the strength of Starkhaven.

What Say You Friends?


TO Duke Anaxes
This may be a good opportunity to field test some of our recent advances.


We agree. Let's crush them.
Ferelden-Turn Two
House Theirin, Leading house of Ferelden - 9:26 Dragon
Current Ruler: Cailan Theirin
Expected Heir: None (for now)
Type of Government: Monarchy
Population: 3:75 Million
Capital: Denerim

Artifacts: None (for now)
Economic Status: Growing (5 pts total, 2 or 1 pts remaining)
-2 (or 3 if he's brought back alive) points for investing in hunting down Gell Lendon

Insert Major Actions: @Ceslas
  1. King Calin, certainly not amused by the fleeing of Gell Lendon, has secretly offered a variety of mercenary groups, bounty hunters, and even assassin groups a bounty on Gell Lendon. This bounty specifies that he can be brought back dead (or a part of him, specifically the head) but more money will be rewarded if brought back alive (3 pts if he's brought back alive).
  2. Calin will speak to the elves that are trying to approach him. His bodyguard will be present in case this is a assasination attempt but other than that it's just him and the elves that wish to speak with him.
  3. Calin requests that the landsmeet to prepare their troops in case the war that Kirkwall initiated becomes a great deal more concerning and the threat of Ansburge's annexation. Calin also requests another increase in the Kingsguard's size in preparation for this possible intervention.

Internal Events:None for now.

Military: 3,000 Heavy Cavalry

Alliances, Agreements, Pacts, and Trade: None other than vassalment agreements.


To: Various Arls, Teyrns, and Bannorns that comprise the Kingdom of Ferelden (mainly directed at the players in Ferelden) @Teknomandor @Arthellion @EliudFS1 @Desendelle @Ragabash1066
From: King Calin of Ferelden

Kirkwall has launched a brazen attack on their neighbors in the Free Marches for no apparent reason other than personal ambition and conquest. This act of aggression cannot be tolerated and must be dealt with swiftly and thoroughly for what sane ruler attacks such a neighbor without any sort of provocation of any kind? No ruler would do such a insane maneuver, which is why I believe an intervention is needed before Kirkwall takes this conquest across the entirety of the Marches.

Who can I count on to ride with me to face the Kirkwallen aggressors on the field of battle? Who will be willing to free the people that Kirkwall has enslaved? Whose willing to cry "HAVOC!" with me and let slip the dogs of war?

Diplo: The Landsmeet is somewhat hesitant due to the tepid response of many lords. You will need to incentivize them.
1. A bounty hunter manages to return his head. However such an act is an insult to Orlias and will be remembered.
2. They bring many interesting rumors about the abuses of House Kendalls. Rumors that bear further investigation and possible arrest...
3. See above and the expansion is refused without a war declaration from the Landsmeet.
House Eremon of Waking Sea Bannorn - 9:26 Dragon
Current Ruler: Bann Alfstanna Eremon
Expected Heir: None at the moment
Type of Government: Feudal domain
Population: 320,000
Capital: Janen
Artefacts: None at the moment
Economic status: 5 - growing
Family Tree:
Ingord Eremon (d. circa 8:70 Blessed)
-Flora Wulff, nee Eremon (d. 9:14 Dragon, in childbirth)
-Angus Eremon (d. 8:97 Blessed, Battle of White River)
--Irminric Eremon (renounced his inheritance, currently serving as a Lieutenant-Commander in the Templar Order)
--Bann Alfstanna Eremon of Waking Sea

Treasury: 4​
  • Improving the economy: the Bann is investing money and time into attracting merchants to the bannorn and generally making it prosper (2/6).​
  • Maintaining 100 ships (12,000 EM).​
  • Maintaining the following troops:​
    • 30 ships (3,600 EM)
    • 1,000 City Watchmen, stationed in Janen (1,000 EM).
    • 1,000 Elite Infantry - the Waking Sea Marines (3,000 EM).
    • 1,700 Archers (1,700 EM).
Major Actions @Ceslas
  • Anti-Piracy Patrols: the bannorn's ships patrol the trade routes in the Waking Sea around the bannorn in order to discourage piracy. Any pirates found are given a chance to surrender to the Bann's judgement, but if they don't they are executed once the battle is over.
  • Efforts are made to obtain a kernel of a Mabari kennel, with an eye toward training them to operate in concert with ship-borne troops.
  • Maintaining raised troops
  • Improving the economy (2/6)
Internal Events: currently nothing

  • Potential Manpower: 21,333
  • Raised troops:
    • 1,000 City Watchmen, stationed in Janen (1,000 EM).​
    • 1,000 Elite Infantry - the Waking Sea Marines (3,000 EM).​
    • 1,700 Archers (1,700 EM).​
  • Raised ships: 130​
  • Manpower situation: 21,300/21,333 used.​
Alliances, Agreements, Pacts and Trades:
  • Fealty to the King of Ferelden
  • Marriage ties to House Wulff of West Hills Arling
  • (Presumably) trade with Kirkwall
Bann Eremon of Waking Sea Bannorn
To: All Fereldan nobility @Napolean_Barca @Tekomandor @Arthellion @EliudFS1 @Ragabash1066
Let it be known that Bann Eremon of Waking Sea Bannorn is still unmarried and seeks a worthy husband.
Diplo: Arl Urien Kendalls and the Bann of Dragon's Peak offer their sons: Vaughn and Oswyn, respectively.
1. Noted.
2. This idea is unusual but not impossible. Mabari are loyal creatures and can serve after getting used to seasickness. The main issue is that of supplies and committing additional resources depending on how mabari mabari are placed per ship.
3. (2/6)

Current Ruler: Teyrn Bryce Cousland
Expected Heir:
Fergus Cousland
Type of Government: Teyrnir
Population: .75 million


Economic Status:
-Treasury: (List your total unspent treasury points here) 2
-3 points, spent on major actions
-2 Points, military maintenance.

Major Actions, @Ceslas
- With the Bow
- Upon the Stone, 1 treasury point
- Upon the Wing, 2 treasury points
- With the Spear

Upon the Stone

The Imperial Highway

The Imperial Highway was one of the most ambitious construction projects ever attempted in the history of Thedas. A massive, continent spanning network of roads that some say were built with magic; they still provide many of the land trade routes used by the human nations of Thedas. House Cousland begins to slowly repair damaged sections that are particuarly important to the transportation of trade from and to its ports. Some progress has been made, and trade is following a little more.

Upon the Wing

There are mounts mightier than horses, more fearsome than a dozen Orlesian Chevaliers. House Cousland has decided to get into the wyvern business, and it needs both skilled trainers and some actual beasts. Whilst any sort of large scale breeding of them is unlikely, Teryn Cousland at least hopes that the scions of House Cousland might ride into battle atop them. More gold is allocated to lure skilled Wyvern trainers.

With the Spear

House Cousland begins a process to move some of it's maintained troops into a more disciplined blocks of pikemen. These units would prevent a great challenge to cavalry, at least theoretically, but would require somewhat different training. Teyrn Cousland eventually hopes to command large numbers of these pike formations, and to be able to easily raise more. Additionally, though it is a vastly more distant threat than Orlais, pikes would enable a soldier to kill a darkspawn with their weapon from much further away. Again, some progress has been made. The Teyrn hopes that eventually all of Ferelden will be able to field large numbers of chevalier slaying pikemen.

With the Bow

Teyrn Cousland wants to increase the flexibility of what cavalry he does have, to pursue an approach to warfare centered around strong blocks of pikes with numerous supporting elements. Cavalry that can also use bows are an interesting development to explore. Some modification to the bows themselves might be needed, of course.

Internal Events:

- Elissa Cousland, the second child of the Teyrn, has excelled in the relatively light duties given to her; and has started to given tasks of some importance.

Total Manpower: 50,000
2 Treasury Points worth of troops/ships maintained:
- 150 ships, using 18000 manpower
- 4000 men at arms
- 500 Heavy Cavalry

Alliances, Agreements, Pacts, and Trade:
Vassal of King Cailan of Ferelden
1. The patches are becoming smoother and the rope bridges are being replaced with proper wooden bridges. (2/6)
2. A few wyvern trainers are starting to appear in Highever.
3. The pikemen formation has been perfected and they may be deployed with your armies.
3. Using a bow requires years of training. Using a bow while riding a horse requires far more and Highever's efforts are no successful than Orlais's.

House Wulff, Arl of the Western Hills - 9:21 Dragon

Current Ruler:
Gallagher Wulff
Expected Heir: Berchan Wulff
Type of Government: Feudal
Population: 200,000
Ashengard Keep

Family Tree:
Arl Gallaghar Wulff (39) - Arlessa Flora Wulff nee Eremon (Died in childbirth)
Berchan Wulff (18)
Izot O Redhold nee Wulff (21) - Azur Ar Brosna O Redhold (24)
Aidan Wulff (14)
Renilla Wulff (7)

Economic Status: Growing - 5
:6 -5 = 1
- Improving Economy Round Two: Continue to foster further trade with Orizimmar and improve the trade roads towards House Lendin and House Guerrin (1)
- Maintain the Arling's forces, train the Wolf's Talons(1)
- A Wider Straighter Road (2)
- Research Wolf's Talons

Major Actions

- Propose the formation of a joint force with Orzammar to aid in the Deeps along side the Legion of the Dead. Begin constructing the doctorine for a new unit to be called Wolf's Talons. A unit of elite archers to be armored in medium armor (chain mail) and armed with both Warbows and heavy weapons. These weapons are to be a mix of War axe, maul, and falchion. The soldiers are to be trained to transition from an elite unit of archers to a solid unit of unshielded Medium Line Infantry as needed.

- Send word to parties beyond Fereldan about the search for a bride for Gallagher Wulff and arrange the betrothal between Berchan Wulff and House Byrland.

The Road improvement project: The roads improved over the previous year will see further labor poured into them. Larger waste stone shall be used as paving stone and smaller stones shall be used as fill to construct uniform roads. Again the primary focus will be on major routes such as the Orizmarr trade route and those roads connection major settlements. The timber acquired from the previous year shall be used to construct way stations at intervals along the trade routes. The stations shall be granted to retired soldiers in good health, with the provision that they maintain their arms and keep watch from the towers constructed into their stations. A way station shall on average be a small structure within a palisade, constructed of parallel wood walls with a waste stone and turf filling. The structure shall be two stories with a basement below. The primary floor is to maintain an open footprint warmed by a central hearth, the second to be used for housing the station master and their kin. The basement is required to maintain an armory of no less than five spears and Warbows, with no fewer than three quivers of shafts each, to be kept for use in defense of the station and surrounding civilians.

- Arrange a small gathering to host those who reply to invitations.

Internal Events:
- Over the previous year, the forests had been peeled back and bridges laid. Gallagher Wulff stands pleased with the results of his works. A new bride for his young son and a hold untouched by Avarr raids the previous winter. It is good to see the realm as a whole strengthening, especially with the flight of the traitor of a Lendon.

Manpower Pool: 13,500
- 2000 Maintained

  1. 600 Archers
  2. 600 Men at Arms
  3. 200 Elite Infantry - the Wolfs Teeth; an elite force led by the Arl for particularly stubborn threats to the land.
  4. 100 Light Cavalry - Road Wardens; Used to patrol the byways looking for signs of bandits or raiders and then report back.

    Alliances, Agreements, Pacts, and Trade:
    Fealty to Cailan Therin, King of Fereldan
To Arl Eamon Guerrin @EliudFS1

Greeting my friend,
It gladdens my heart to have received your replies. This spring would be a fine time to share that toast. I have kin who shall be visiting along with long time friends. your presence is welcome and you may consider yourself officially invited. it would be good to talk in depth soon.

Your friend,
Gallaghar Wulff, Arl of the Western Hills

To: Arlessa Lendon @Ceslas

Well met, my friend and neighbor,
I share your sorrow at your husbands passing. There are no words to describe the empty hole his passing leaves. I am having a gathering of friends and kin within my lands this spring. It would do my heart well if you would honor us with your presence. Let us toast his life and your reign and speak on how I can help you further in the future.

Arl Gallaghar Wulff

To Bann Alfstanna Eremon, @Desdendelle

I do hope this missive finds you well. Please consider yourself officially invited to join me this spring. It shall be good to see you once again, it has been to long. There shall be hopefully a few other notable individuals
present and it would be well to all speak freely.

Your Distant Kin,
Gallaghar Wulff, Arl of the Western Hills

To Azur Ar Brosna O Redhold, Warlord of Redhold @Ceslas

Greetings You Snow Splashed Barbarian,
I hope this message finds my daughter well and you still breathing. She spoke glowingly of you and I pray that she is proven right. As your father in law, I feel I should do what I can to aid my new kin; past relations not withstanding. I shall be hosting a gathering of notables and your fur clad ass is welcome in my halls to attend. Perhaps the front door this time though. Or if not, can you at least show me how you bypassed it last time? Safe journeys, mild winters, and may Andraste bless you with health.

Your Father,
Gallaghar Wulff, Arl of the Western Hills
1. It will take a lot of work to perfect the Wolf's Teeth. The dwarves accept the aid but the men are reluctant to throw their lives away in the Deep Roads.
2. There are interested parties in the Free Cities opposed to Kirkwall (Pick a Free City that is not Kirkwall, Ansburg, or Starkhaven)
3. (2/6) Stone roads are appearing in your lands along with the waystations.
House Theirin, Leading house of Ferelden - 9:26 Dragon
Current Ruler: Cailan Theirin
Expected Heir: None (for now)
Type of Government: Monarchy
Population: 3:75 Million
Capital: Denerim

Artifacts: None (for now)
Economic Status: Growing (5 pts total, 2 or 1 pts remaining)
-2 (or 3 if he's brought back alive) points for investing in hunting down Gell Lendon

Insert Major Actions: @Ceslas
  1. King Calin, certainly not amused by the fleeing of Gell Lendon, has secretly offered a variety of mercenary groups, bounty hunters, and even assassin groups a bounty on Gell Lendon. This bounty specifies that he can be brought back dead (or a part of him, specifically the head) but more money will be rewarded if brought back alive (3 pts if he's brought back alive).
  2. Calin will speak to the elves that are trying to approach him. His bodyguard will be present in case this is a assasination attempt but other than that it's just him and the elves that wish to speak with him.
  3. Calin requests that the landsmeet to prepare their troops in case the war that Kirkwall initiated becomes a great deal more concerning and the threat of Ansburge's annexation. Calin also requests another increase in the Kingsguard's size in preparation for this possible intervention.

Internal Events:None for now.

Military: 3,000 Heavy Cavalry

Alliances, Agreements, Pacts, and Trade: None other than vassalment agreements.


To: Various Arls, Teyrns, and Bannorns that comprise the Kingdom of Ferelden (mainly directed at the players in Ferelden) @Teknomandor @Arthellion @EliudFS1 @Desendelle @Ragabash1066
From: King Calin of Ferelden

Kirkwall has launched a brazen attack on their neighbors in the Free Marches for no apparent reason other than personal ambition and conquest. This act of aggression cannot be tolerated and must be dealt with swiftly and thoroughly for what sane ruler attacks such a neighbor without any sort of provocation of any kind? No ruler would do such a insane maneuver, which is why I believe an intervention is needed before Kirkwall takes this conquest across the entirety of the Marches.

Who can I count on to ride with me to face the Kirkwallen aggressors on the field of battle? Who will be willing to free the people that Kirkwall has enslaved? Whose willing to cry "HAVOC!" with me and let slip the dogs of war?
From: Bann Eremon of Waking Sea
To: The King
Your Majesty,
As you know, Waking Sea has no great strength of arms, and Waking Sea's men are, for the most part, sailors not soldiers. As such I doubt Waking Sea would be able to provide many men for such an expedition.
If, however, the Landsmeet agrees to declare war, Waking Sea's navy and marines will - of course! - be at your service.

Your faithful subject,
-signed, Bann Eremon of Waking Sea

Diplo: Arl Urien Kendalls and the Bann of Dragon's Peak offer their sons: Vaughn and Oswyn, respectively.
Waking Sea's seneschal contacts Dragon's Peak, seeking to arrange a courtship meeting between Bann Alfstanna and Oswyn.
House Tilani 9:27 Dragon

Current Ruler: Athanir Tilani
Expected Heir: Maevaris Tilani
Type of Government: Magocracy
Population: 1.05 million
Capital: Carastes​
Family Tree:
Davan Tilani (born 9:26)

None at this time

Economic Status: Growing – 5.
Treasury: 1 Point left
- 1 Point to maintain the current army
- 1 Point to maintain the current fleet
- 1 Point towards economic survey (Book of the Tilani)
- 1 point to Imperium Integration (Intrigue)

Major Actions @Ceslas
- Tilani ships are to continue the patrols off of the coasts controlled by the house, though they do not venture into the centre of the Nocen Sea.
- Athanir Tilani commissions the bureaucrats and servants of his realm to undertake a survey of the lands and their holders, property (mills, buildings equipment ect), sources of income, slaves and the amount of arable land within their holdings. (2/6)
- Imperium Integration project (Intrigue)

Potential Manpower Pool: 70,000
Mage Pool: 21,000
Active forces:
  • 500 Elite Infantry
  • 2 500 City Watch
  • 3,000 archers
  • 1,000 light cavalry
  • 3,000 Men at Arms

Navy: 75 ships

Alliances, Agreements, Pacts, and Trade:
Vassal of the Archon of the Tevinter Imperium, currently Archon Davan
Magister of the Magisterium of the Tevinter Imperium



The Tilani family makes up for its lack of political clout with a considerable fortune, the result of long-standing ties to the dwarven Ambassadoria.
House de Chalons -- 9:26 Dragon
Règle [Ruler]: Duc Germain de Châlons.
Héritier [Heir]: Grand-Duc Gaspard de Chalons.

Gouvernement [Goverment]: Féodalisme.
Population [Population]: Un Million.
Capitale [Captial]: Verchiel.
Arbre Généalogique [Family Tree]:
Duc Theodore de Chalons; Princesse Melisande Valmont.
  • Gran-Duc Gaspard de Chalons; Calienne de Ghislain.
  • Gran-Duchesse Florianne de Chalons.
Duc Germain de Chalons.
Statut Économique [Economic Status]:
Croissance [Growing].
Trésorerie: Un [One].
Action Majeure [Major Actions]:

  • See Nothing, Hear Nothing: P.M. [-1.]
  • Blessed are the Foolish: P.M. [-1].
  • Roads, Roads, and More Road: Taking the land surveys done last year, the Duc has ordered the construction of highways throughout His lands. [-1].
  • Maintain and train current standing navy and army. [-1.]
Événements Internes [Internal Events]:

All is stable, and it shall remain so.

Militaire| Main D'oeuvre [Military| Man Power]: Soixante six mille six cent soixante six [Sixty six thousand six hundred and sixty six].

Flotte: Dix [actif -- 1.200 Hommes]; Cent quarante [réserve].
Orlais-Turn Two

House Fontaine- 9:26 Dragon

During the Second Blight, the forefather of house Fontaine, Cyrill Fontaine, fought in the Western Approaches. During one of the crucial battles during the blight, his sword was shattered. He kept on fighting with the broken sword, and eventually, Oralisian forces won. Due to his bravery in that battle, he earned his duchy, and the sword was considered a relic of the family, today it's on display in the Capitol of the Duchy, Val Fontaine.​

Current Ruler: Duke Valere Fontaine

Expected Heir: None

Type of Government: Feudal Duchy

Population: .6 million

Capital: Val Fontaine

None Yet

Economic Status:

-Magnificent (7)

-Treasury: 2

- 2 spent on research

-3 spent on actions

Major Actions: @Ceslas

- The Feather: The Duchy of Savrenne begins to recruit bards, looking for bard masters rather than the apprentices, the Duke puts much of his treasury into this endeavor (2 Treasury)

- The Sword: The Duchy has many rivers and lakes up north. Any force of the Duke must know how to specialize with marine combat in these areas, the Duke will spend some of his treasury to research such tactics. (2 Treasury)

- The Mask: The Great Game must be played (Secret: PM)

- The Coin: Our economy is imperative, we must defend our trade routes from any threat, begin building watchtowers on major roads, and start sending patrols to keep the roads safe. Furthermore, surveyors are to be sent to look for new locations for roads and possible future canals between the lakes in the north. (1 Treasury Point)

Internal Events:

None Currently

- Potential Military Pool: 40000

-None Raised, but organized into the following:

10000 Elite Infantry

15000 Man-at-arms

2500 Chevaliers

5000 Medium Cavalry

5000 Light Cavalry

-Mage Pool: 3000

-No Ships

Alliances, Agreements, Pacts, and Trade:

-Oath of Fealty to Her Imperial Radiance Empress Celene I Valmont The Lioness

1. You now have a large quantity of greedy bards on your hands. I hope you have a plan for them.
2. While you spent more than you should have, your men are more experienced in swamp warfare.
3. Your economy is too good to be improved any further. Though this is preventing your status from decaying.
House de Montfort, 9:26 Dragon
Current Ruler: Duke Prosper de Montfort
Expected Heir: Lord Cyril de Montfort
Type of Government: Feudal
Population: 1 million
Capital: Vantes

The dynasty first rose to prominence with Ser Gaston de Montfont, a chevalier who distinguished himself during the Fourth Blight by leading the cavalry at the Battle of Ayesleigh. Aterwards, Ser Gaston was granted Chateau Haine as a reward for his deeds. Clarisse de Montfort later married Prince Reynaud, the youngest brother of Emperor Florian, and the couple had one daughter, Celene Valmont.

Duke Prosper, along with Lady Mantillon, supported Celene in taking the Imperial throne. Prosper personally assisted Prince Reynaud in killing Lady Calienne de Ghislain in retaliation for the death of his cousin, Clarisse. Emperor Florian had Prosper sent away to try and deny Celene his aid; when she became empress, Prosper resumed his place as one of Celene's most loyal supporters.

Family Tree
-Duke Prosper de Montfort (B. 8:89 Blessed) M. Amelie Remache (B. 8:93 Blessed)
--Isolde Guerrin nee de Montfort (B. 8:99 Blessed)
--Cyril de Montfort (B. 9:02 Dragon)

Economic Status: 4
-Raised 12,000 effective manpower
-(3 treasury worth) Pay Orzammar for jewels


Leopold is the personal mount of Duke Prosper de Montfort. An exceptionally large Wyvern specimen, Leopold has been trained over the years by the Duke to attack whichever enemy Prosper marks with his Crossbow, as well as to be ridden by the Duke in battle.

Major Actions: @Ceslas
-Duke Prosper invites his vassal commanders to engage in a number of mock battles and tests of strategy to determine which are most militarily capable
-In apology to the Empress, a dwarven-make set of jewels is sourced from Orzammar.
-A survey of the lands and holdings of House De Montfort is to be carried out to ensure taxes are being properly assessed.
-An attempt to capture Leopold a mate will be made.

-Manpower: 66,666
-Raised Troops
1,000 Orlesian Chevalier Heavy Cavalry
1,600 Dismounted Lion Knights Elite Infantry
2,000 Archers
10 Warships

Alliances, Agreements, Pacts, or Trade:
-Oath of Fealty to Her Imperial Radiance Empress Celene I Valmont The Lioness
-Hereditary Holder of a seat on the Council of Heralds
1. After the bungling of last year, many are surprised when the events turn out well and a good, enlightening time is had by all.
2. They are accepted though your informal exile is still in effect.
3. (2/5)
4. The effort to capture a female failed this year though next year could be better.
House de Chalons -- 9:26 Dragon
Règle [Ruler]: Duc Germain de Châlons.
Héritier [Heir]: Grand-Duc Gaspard de Chalons.

Gouvernement [Goverment]: Féodalisme.
Population [Population]: Un Million.
Capitale [Captial]: Verchiel.
Arbre Généalogique [Family Tree]:
Duc Theodore de Chalons; Princesse Melisande Valmont.
  • Gran-Duc Gaspard de Chalons; Calienne de Ghislain.
  • Gran-Duchesse Florianne de Chalons.
Duc Germain de Chalons.
Statut Économique [Economic Status]:
Croissance [Growing].
Trésorerie: Un [One].
Action Majeure [Major Actions]:

  • See Nothing, Hear Nothing: P.M. [-1.]
  • Blessed are the Foolish: P.M. [-1].
  • Roads, Roads, and More Road: Taking the land surveys done last year, the Duc has ordered the construction of highways throughout His lands. [-1].
  • Maintain and train current standing navy and army. [-1.]
Événements Internes [Internal Events]:

All is stable, and it shall remain so.

Militaire| Main D'oeuvre [Military| Man Power]: Soixante six mille six cent soixante six [Sixty six thousand six hundred and sixty six].

Flotte: Dix [actif -- 1.200 Hommes]; Cent quarante [réserve].
1. PM
2. PM
3. Improve economic development by one. (I have no idea what fraction you're on. Include your Econ number.)
4. Noted.
From: Bann Eremon of Waking Sea
To: The King
Your Majesty,
As you know, Waking Sea has no great strength of arms, and Waking Sea's men are, for the most part, sailors not soldiers. As such I doubt Waking Sea would be able to provide many men for such an expedition.
If, however, the Landsmeet agrees to declare war, Waking Sea's navy and marines will - of course! - be at your service.

Your faithful subject,
-signed, Bann Eremon of Waking Sea

We thank the Bann of the Waking Sea for their support. I fear that the Landsmeet will take alot more convincing though. Still, mobilize the fleets and prepare the marines in case the Landsmeet have a change of heart.
House Eremon of Waking Sea Bannorn - 9:27 Dragon
Current Ruler: Bann Alfstanna Eremon
Expected Heir: None at the moment
Type of Government: Feudal domain
Population: 320,000
Capital: Janen
Artefacts: None at the moment
Economic status: 5 - growing
Family Tree:
Ingord Eremon (d. circa 8:70 Blessed)
-Flora Wulff, nee Eremon (d. 9:14 Dragon, in childbirth)
-Angus Eremon (d. 8:97 Blessed, Battle of White River)
--Irminric Eremon (renounced his inheritance, currently serving as a Lieutenant-Commander in the Templar Order)
--Bann Alfstanna Eremon of Waking Sea (m. Oswyn of Dragon's Peak in 9:27 Dragon)

Treasury: 6​
  • Improving the economy: the Bann is investing money and time into attracting merchants to the bannorn and generally making it prosper (3/6).​
  • Maintaining 100 ships (12,000 EM).​
  • Maintaining the following troops:​
    • 30 ships (3,600 EM)
    • 1,000 City Watchmen, stationed in Janen (1,000 EM).
    • 1,000 Elite Infantry - the Waking Sea Marines (3,000 EM).
    • 1,700 Archers (1,700 EM).
Major Actions @Ceslas
  • Anti-Piracy Patrols: the bannorn's ships patrol the trade routes in the Waking Sea around the bannorn in order to discourage piracy. Any pirates found are given a chance to surrender to the Bann's judgement, but if they don't they are executed once the battle is over.
  • Experimentation with Marine Mabari continues, with the aim of perfecting man-Mabari cooperation in ship-to-ship combat, boarding operations and Marine landing operations, as well as accommodating the dogs seamlessly into ships' crews.
  • Maintaining raised troops.
  • Improving the economy (3/6).
Internal Events: Bann Alfstanna marries Oswyn, the son of Bann Sighard of Dragon's Peak, in a quiet ceremony in the Chantry chapel in Janen.

  • Potential Manpower: 21,333
  • Raised troops:
    • 1,000 City Watchmen, stationed in Janen (1,000 EM).​
    • 1,000 Elite Infantry - the Waking Sea Marines (3,000 EM).​
    • 1,700 Archers (1,700 EM).​
  • Raised ships: 130​
  • Manpower situation: 21,300/21,333 used.​
Alliances, Agreements, Pacts and Trades:
  • Fealty to the King of Ferelden
  • Marriage ties to House Wulff of West Hills Arling
  • Marriage ties to the family of Bann Sighard of Dragon's Peak bannorn
  • (Presumably) trade with Kirkwall
We thank the Bann of the Waking Sea for their support. I fear that the Landsmeet will take alot more convincing though. Still, mobilize the fleets and prepare the marines in case the Landsmeet have a change of heart.
From: Bann Eremon of Waking Sea
To: The King
Your Majesty,
As you know, the fleet is conducting operations against pirates in the Waking Sea; diverting it to other pursuits would not be a hard endeavour.

Your faithful subject,
-signed, Bann Eremon of Waking Sea

Alfstanna put down the quill and sighed. She hoped that the Landsmeet - or Teyrn Loghain, perhaps - would be able to pound some sense into the King's thick skull; after all, being involved in a war in foreign lands when your supply lines are thin, long and stretch past the Waking Sea - where any number of countries or bands of roving pirates may attack them - definitely sounded like folly. Not to mention that - privately, of course - she doubted that even if Kirkwall would've won its war, it'd turn its attention across the sea, and a more prosperous Kirkwall meant better trade and more prosperity for her own bannorn.
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To: Grey Wardens @Caspoi King Hengist @Ceslas
CC: Nevarra envoys @Awetduck
From: Archon Davan

Now that you are all settled in, the time has come for negotiations to start.

Vestalus Pentaghast is a man of medium height and build wearing the severe robes of the Prelate of the Mortalasti. His manner is calm and placating but beneath that his will is something more firm than iron. As the head of his order he is perhaps one of the five most powerful mages.
"The Order of the Grey Wardens have possessed the Right of Conscription since 860 TE and may take into their ranks whomever they choose, Navarre recognizes the Warden Axillary as presumptive Pre-Joinging members of the order. King Wilhelm Augustin labeling of this Most August Order as rebels is both libelous and disingenuous. That King Augustin leaves most Matters of State in the hands of his Tribunes has for many years placed de facto responsibility for the security of those regions of the Anderfels at the feet of the Order.

Navarre finds it to be in the interest of its security and that of all Thedas for a strongly supported Order of Grey Wardens to be ensconced in the Anderfels. We remember well the third blight and the horrors it brought, as well as the fourth blight which brought Half of northern Thedas from Anderfel to Antiva to its knees.

If His Majesty King Wilhelm Augustin finds the levying of troops by the Wardens to be so offensive as to create a state of war within his nation we recommend he end this conflict and take sponsorship of these militias allowing the order of grey wardens to train and command them in his name."
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Vestalus Pentaghast is a man of medium height and build wearing the severe robes of the Prelate of the Mortalasti. His manner is calm and placating but beneath that his will is something more firm than iron. As the head of his order he is perhaps one of the five most powerful mages.
"The Order of the Grey Wardens have possessed the Right of Conscription since 860 TE and may take into their ranks whomever they choose, Navarre recognizes the Warden Axillary as presumptive Pre-Joinging members of the order. King Wilhelm Augustin labeling of this Most August Order as rebels is both libelous and disingenuous. That King Augustin leaves most Matters of State in the hands of his Tribunes has for many years placed de facto responsibility for the security of those regions of the Anderfels at the feet of the Order.

Navarre finds it to be in the interest of its security and that of all Thedas for a strongly supported Order of Grey Wardens to be ensconced in the Anderfels. We remember well the third blight and the horrors it brought, as well as the fourth blight which brought Half of northern Thedas from Anderfel to Antiva to its knees.

If His Majesty King Wilhelm Augustin finds the levying of troops by the Wardens to be so offensive as to create a state of war within his nation we recommend he end this conflict and take sponsorship of these militias allowing the order of grey wardens to train and command them in his name.
OOC: I admit I named the Kong Hengist because I couldn't find the actual name, please cite your source.
Vestalus Pentaghast is a man of medium height and build wearing the severe robes of the Prelate of the Mortalasti. His manner is calm and placating but beneath that his will is something more firm than iron. As the head of his order he is perhaps one of the five most powerful mages.
"The Order of the Grey Wardens have possessed the Right of Conscription since 860 TE and may take into their ranks whomever they choose, Navarre recognizes the Warden Axillary as presumptive Pre-Joinging members of the order. King Wilhelm Augustin labeling of this Most August Order as rebels is both libelous and disingenuous. That King Augustin leaves most Matters of State in the hands of his Tribunes has for many years placed de facto responsibility for the security of those regions of the Anderfels at the feet of the Order.

Navarre finds it to be in the interest of its security and that of all Thedas for a strongly supported Order of Grey Wardens to be ensconced in the Anderfels. We remember well the third blight and the horrors it brought, as well as the fourth blight which brought Half of northern Thedas from Anderfel to Antiva to its knees.

If His Majesty King Wilhelm Augustin finds the levying of troops by the Wardens to be so offensive as to create a state of war within his nation we recommend he end this conflict and take sponsorship of these militias allowing the order of grey wardens to train and command them in his name."
"Permitting the Wardens to control anything was the mistake that caused all this. First, I allowed them to settle legal disputes in the Hinterlands away from the Lattenfluss, then they started accepting taxes meant for the Royal Treasury, then local lords agreed to let the Wardens use their troops and they are flat-out raising armies. This is just like Sophia Dryden's attempt to seize Ferelden using the Grey Wardens years ago. But even Sophia wouldn't have caused a kingdom to completely ruled by the organization that is mean to be above political squabbles. While I admit my initial demands were... exaggerated, the Order must be removed form Anderfels politics."