On a Knife's Edge
The ruined Arling of Edgehall has just become the cause of a crisis in Western Ferelden. Fergus Lendon, the young, ailing Arl is at death's door and he has left no children to succeed him. The law sates that without any legitimate relatives the Arling will fall to his wife, Arlessa Amelia Lendon. However, the Arl's half-brother Gell Lendon has returned from exile for allegedly plotting against his brother, with a healthy contingent of Orlesian mercenaries as his bodyguard. He claims that he was the victim of a plot by the Arlessa to scheme her way to seizing Edgehall for herself once his brother died and now he has returned to see to it justice is done. The Arlessa denies this and has vowed to oppose any attempt to march on Edgehall. While the Arl favors his wife, the local nobility seem to be staying out of the dispute and it seems likely the King and the Landsmeet will be asked to settle the matter if bloodshed is to be avoided.

@Napolean_Barca @Tekomandor @Arthellion @EliudFS1 @Desdendelle
House de Montfort, 9:20 Dragon
Current Ruler: Duke Prosper de Montfort
Expected Heir: Lord Cyril de Montfort
Type of Government: Feudal
Population: 1 million
Capital: Vantes

The dynasty first rose to prominence with Ser Gaston de Montfont, a chevalier who distinguished himself during the Fourth Blight by leading the cavalry at the Battle of Ayesleigh. Aterwards, Ser Gaston was granted Chateau Haine as a reward for his deeds. Clarisse de Montfort later married Prince Reynaud, the youngest brother of Emperor Florian, and the couple had one daughter, Celene Valmont.

Duke Prosper, along with Lady Mantillon, supported Celene in taking the Imperial throne. Prosper personally assisted Prince Reynaud in killing Lady Calienne de Ghislain in retaliation for the death of his cousin, Clarisse. Emperor Florian had Prosper sent away to try and deny Celene his aid; when she became empress, Prosper resumed his place as one of Celene's most loyal supporters.

Family Tree
-Duke Prosper de Montfort (B. 8:89 Blessed) M. Amelie Remache (B. 8:93 Blessed)
--Isolde Guerrin nee de Montfort (B. 8:99 Blessed)
--Cyril de Montfort (B. 9:02 Dragon)

Economic Status: 4
-Raised 12,000 effective manpower
-Hiring Bards
-Le Grande Chasse preparations
-Les Yeux de Rossignol

Leopold is the personal mount of Duke Prosper de Montfort. An exceptionally large Wyvern specimen, Leopold has been trained over the years by the Duke to attack whichever enemy Prosper marks with his Crossbow, as well as to be ridden by the Duke in battle.

Major Actions: @Ceslas
-Duke Prosper attempts to train his Chevaliers in use of the bow, to supplement their charge with a hail of arrows before contact.
-A number of Bards are hired, both to perform songs which favor the cause of the Empress Celene, and privately, to gather rumors and information from around the realm and the court at Halamshiral.
-Le Grande Chasse preparations
-Les Yeux de Rossignol

-Manpower: 66,666
-Raised Troops
1,000 Orlesian Chevalier Heavy Cavalry
1,600 Dismounted Lion Knights Elite Infantry
2,000 Archers
10 Warships

Alliances, Agreements, Pacts, or Trade:
-Oath of Fealty to Her Imperial Radiance Empress Celene I Valmont The Lioness
-Hereditary Holder of a seat on the Council of Heralds
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House de Montfort, 9:20 Dragon
Current Ruler: Duke Prosper de Montfort
Expected Heir: Lord Cyril de Montfort
Type of Government: Feudal
Population: 1 million
Capital: Vantes

The dynasty first rose to prominence with Ser Gaston de Montfont, a chevalier who distinguished himself during the Fourth Blight by leading the cavalry at the Battle of Ayesleigh. Aterwards, Ser Gaston was granted Chateau Haine as a reward for his deeds. Clarisse de Montfort later married Prince Reynaud, the youngest brother of Emperor Florian, and the couple had one daughter, Celene Valmont.

Duke Prosper, along with Lady Mantillon, supported Celene in taking the Imperial throne. Prosper personally assisted Prince Reynaud in killing Lady Calienne de Ghislain in retaliation for the death of his cousin, Clarisse. Emperor Florian had Prosper sent away to try and deny Celene his aid; when she became empress, Prosper resumed his place as one of Celene's most loyal supporters.

Family Tree
-Duke Prosper de Montfort (B. 8:89 Blessed) M. Amelie Remache (B. 8:93 Blessed)
--Isolde Guerrin nee de Montfort (B. 8:99 Blessed)
--Cyril de Montfort (B. 9:02 Dragon)

Economic Status: 4
-Raised 12,000 effective manpower
-Hiring Bards


Leopold is the personal mount of Duke Prosper de Montfort. An exceptionally large Wyvern specimen, Leopold has been trained over the years by the Duke to attack whichever enemy Prosper marks with his Crossbow, as well as to be ridden by the Duke in battle.

Major Actions: @Ceslas
-Duke Prosper attempts to train his Chevaliers in use of the bow, to supplement their charge with a hail of arrows before contact.
-A number of Bards are hired, both to perform songs which favor the cause of the Empress Celene, and privately, to gather rumors and information from around the realm and the court at Halamshiral.

-Manpower: 66,666
-Raised Troops
1,000 Orlesian Chevalier Heavy Cavalry
1,600 Dismounted Lion Knights Elite Infantry
2,000 Archers
10 Warships

Alliances, Agreements, Pacts, or Trade:
-Oath of Fealty to Her Imperial Radiance Empress Celene I Valmont The Lioness
-Hereditary Holder of a seat on the Council of Heralds
OOC: And your other two actions?
House Wulff, Arl of the Western Hills - 9:20 Dragon

Current Ruler:
Gallagher Wulff
Expected Heir: Berchan Wulff
Type of Government: Feudal
Population: 200,000
Ashengard Keep

Family Tree:
Arl Gallaghar Wulff (38) - Arlessa Flora Wulff nee Eremon (Died in childbirth)
Berchan Wulff (17)
Izot O Redhold nee Wulff (20) - Azur Ar Brosna O Redhold (23)
Aidan Wulff (13)
Renilla Wulff (6)


Economic Status: Growing - 5
- Improving Economy
- Maintain the Arling's forces
- Improve road network by cutting back the forests surrounding the roads a short distance, using the resulting lumber to bridge any fords along the route. Excess Lumber is to be stored for further projects.
- Encourage trade with Orzammar

Major Actions @Ceslas
- Approach Orzammar about a possible market for the waste stone from their mining.
- Put out word that Gallaghar Wulff is seeking a new wife and a one for his heir as well.
- The Road improvement project.
- Support Arlessa Lendon in claiming her Arl

Internal Events:
- To describe Gallaghar Wulff as anything less than smoldering would be a disservice. His eldest daughter has run off with an Avarr warlord to marry without his consent and his friend and ally's wife the Arlessa Lendon is being pressured to step aside. Such manipulation will not be stood for. The actions of a love-struck young woman may be excused or even lauded, but to turn on family is a disgusting low.

Manpower Pool: 13,500
- 2000 Raised
  1. 600 Archers
  2. 600 Men at Arms
  3. 200 Elite Infantry - the Wolfs Teeth; an elite force led by the Arl for particularly stubborn threats to the land.
  4. 100 Light Cavalry - Road Wardens; Used to patrol the byways looking for signs of bandits or raiders and then report back.

    Alliances, Agreements, Pacts, and Trade:
    Fealty to Cailan Therin, King of Fereldan

To Arl Eamon Guerrin @EliudFS1

Greeting my friend,
I would hear your view on this fool trying to unseat Arlessa Lendon before her husband is even in the ground. An exiled traitor backed by the men of Orlais who wishes to claim an Arl's seat. What say you on this matter? I have never been among those to disparage you lady wife, but perhaps she has kin who know of this barking dog's pack of mongrels? On a less political note, I do hope you will join me for a drink sometinme this spring. I have an old bottle of wine in my cellar and it sings our names. Apparently my she-wolf of a daughter got it in her head to run off and marry a barbarian and now I must play nice. And so I would share a toast with you. My Andraste shield you from daughters. And now I find my self in the market for both a bride and a new daughter. It has been six years and young Renilla deserves a more feminine figure in her life than the maids. I shall be searching both near and afield, perhaps again your wife could counsel?

Your friend,
Gallaghar Wulff, Arl of the Western Hills

To: Fergus Lendon @Ceslas

Well met, my friend and neighbor,
I hope this letter finds you in bettering health. Know that as a wolf know's its pack, House Wulff knows its friends. We will stand by you and your wife against outside influence. Should you need us, you have but to ask. But in the meantime, stay hale my friend.

Arl Gallaghar Wulff

To Bann Alfstanna Eremon, @Desdendelle

I do hope this missive finds you well. Six years is to long for my halls to have been bare of my wife's kin. Perhaps the coming year would be a good time to become acquainted once more. I have my second son and should the meeting go well, perhaps a fosterage for a few years could be arranged. I have invited the Arl of Redcliff to join me in the spring, your presence would not be amiss should you have the time available.

Your Distant Kin,
Gallaghar Wulff, Arl of the Western Hills
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House Wulff, Arl of the Western Hills - 9:20 Dragon

Current Ruler:
Gallagher Wulff
Expected Heir: Berchan Wulff
Type of Government: Feudal
Population: 200,000
Ashengard Keep

Family Tree:
Arl Gallaghar Wulff (38) - Arlessa Flora Wulff nee Eremon (Died in childbirth)
Berchan Wulff (17)
Izot O Redhold nee Wulff (20) - Azur Ar Brosna O Redhold (23)
Aidan Wulff (13)
Renilla Wulff (6)


Economic Status: Growing - 5
- Improving Economy
- Maintain the Arling's forces
- Improve road network by cutting back the forests surrounding the roads a short distance, using the resulting lumber to bridge any fords along the route. Excess Lumber is to be stored for further projects.
- Encourage trade with Orzammar

Major Actions @Ceslas
- Approach Orzammar about a possible market for the waste stone from their mining.
- Put out word that Gallaghar Wulff is seeking a new wife and a one for his heir as well.
- The Road improvement project.
- Support Arlessa Lendon in claiming her Arl

Internal Events:
- To describe Gallaghar Wulff as anything less than smoldering would be a disservice. His eldest daughter has run off with an Avarr warlord to marry without his consent and his friend and ally's wife the Arlessa Lendon is being pressured to step aside. Such manipulation will not be stood for. The actions of a love-struck young woman may be excused or even lauded, but to turn on family is a disgusting low.

Manpower Pool: 13,500
- 2000 Raised
  1. 600 Archers
  2. 600 Men at Arms
  3. 200 Elite Infantry - the Wolfs Teeth; an elite force led by the Arl for particularly stubborn threats to the land.
  4. 100 Light Cavalry - Road Wardens; Used to patrol the byways looking for signs of bandits or raiders and then report back.

    Alliances, Agreements, Pacts, and Trade:
    Fealty to Cailan Therin, King of Fereldan

To Arl Eamon Guerrin @EliudFS1

Greeting my friend,
I would hear your view on this fool trying to unseat Arlessa Lendon before her husband is even in the ground. An exiled traitor backed by the men of Orlais who wishes to claim an Arl's seat. What say you on this matter? I have never been among those to disparage you lady wife, but perhaps she has kin who know of this barking dog's pack of mongrels? On a less political note, I do hope you will join me for a drink sometinme this spring. I have an old bottle of wine in my cellar and it sings our names. Apparently my she-wolf of a daughter got it in her head to run off and marry a barbarian and now I must play nice. And so I would share a toast with you. My Andraste shield you from daughters. And now I find my self in the market for both a bride and a new daughter. It has been six years and young Renilla deserves a more feminine figure in her life than the maids. I shall be searching both near and afield, perhaps again your wife could counsel?

Your friend,
Gallaghar Wulff, Arl of the Western Hills

To: Fergus Lendon @Ceslas

Well met, my friend and neighbor,
I hope this letter finds you in bettering health. Know that as a wolf know's its pack, House Wulff knows its friends. We will stand by you and your wife against outside influence. Should you need us, you have but to ask. But in the meantime, stay hale my friend.

Arl Gallaghar Wulff

To Bann Alfstanna Eremon, @Desdendelle

I do hope this missive finds you well. Six years is to long for my halls to have been bare of my wife's kin. Perhaps the coming year would be a good time to become acquainted once more. I have my second son and should the meeting go well, perhaps a fosterage for a few years could be arranged. I have invited the Arl of Redcliff to join me in the spring, your presence would not be amiss should you have the time available.

Your Distant Kin,
Gallaghar Wulff, Arl of the Western Hills
(Written in a weak hand)
Gallaghar, it is good to hear from you this close to the end. I fear this bout will be my last. Somehow I fear even the support of all Ferelden will not keep my brother away forever. But, that is for the future. Edgehallhad far immediate problems. The Banns have not obeyed Edgehall in years and Edgehall itself is still in ruins. My wife will need aid in times to come.
(Written in a weak hand)
Gallaghar, it is good to hear from you this close to the end. I fear this bout will be my last. Somehow I fear even the support of all Ferelden will not keep my brother away forever. But, that is for the future. Edgehallhad far immediate problems. The Banns have not obeyed Edgehall in years and Edgehall itself is still in ruins. My wife will need aid in times to come.
What would you have of me my friend? I cannot simply marshal my men and march on your halls. We have no family ties for me to argue and the Landsmeet would not stand for it. Had you an heir, I would act as their strong shield until they came of age, but this is not to be. Do you have a by-blow I am unaware of? Please my friend, let me aid you. I would not see all you have worked for torn asunder by an Orlisan Lapdog.
What would you have of me my friend? I cannot simply marshal my men and march on your halls. We have no family ties for me to argue and the Landsmeet would not stand for it. Had you an heir, I would act as their strong shield until they came of age, but this is not to be. Do you have a by-blow I am unaware of? Please my friend, let me aid you. I would not see all you have worked for torn asunder by an Orlisan Lapdog.
...If I had the strength to think of that I wouldn't been in this state.
Ha! Fair enough old friend. Than let me be more direct; do you have some one you would have me say was your by-blow? Or will the knowledge that my men and I stand by your wife be comfort enough?
...Ignoring the fact you just said you would claim I committed adultery I couldn't have produced a bastard even if I wanted to. Just stand by my wife.
...Ignoring the fact you just said you would claim I committed adultery I couldn't have produced a bastard even if I wanted to. Just stand by my wife.
My friend, you never needed ask. And if he pushes to hard I will pour his blood at the foot of your headstone and then toast your wife with my best wine.
To: Lords and Ladies of all the Realms Under the Chantry (Ferelden, Orlais, Antiva, Nevarra, the Free Marches, and the Anderfels) @Ghazkull @Dovahsith @Caspoi @KnightofTempest @Faust @Wade Garrett @Desdendelle @Ragabash1066 @EliudFS1 @Arthellion @Tekomandor @Napolean_Barca @Ceslas
From: Duke Prosper de Montfort, Lord of Chateau Haine

In the name of Her Imperial Radience, Celene Valmont I the Lion Empress, and with cordial and hospitable spirit to all, I am honored to host the lords and ladies of the Maker-fearing realms of Thedas for a Grand Hunt and accompanying banquet at my estate in the Vimmarks, Chateau Haine. Many troubles beset the hearts of us all, and I hope that such a grand event may lift the spirits, and provide a venue for cordial and unhindered discussion to us all at this, the greatest hunt ever held!

The rules are simple: Each attendee is permitted, nay encouraged, to bring their spouse and any well-behaved children, and as many as three retainers. Those who wish it may compete in the Great Hunt, to be the first to bring back a Wyvern, and prizes shall be provided for both the first and largest specimens to be hunted. Those otherwise engaged may enjoy refreshments and libations in the Chateau's calming atmosphere and discuss matters with their international peers.

Do not hesitate to RSVP!

Le Duc Prosper.
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To: Lords and Ladies of all the Realms Under the Chantry (Ferelden, Orlais, Antiva, Nevarra, the Free Marches, and the Anderfels) @Ghazkull @Dovahsith @Caspoi @KnightofTempest @Faust @Wade Garrett @Desdendelle @Ragabash1066 @EliudFS1 @Arthellion @Tekomandor @Napolean_Barca @Ceslas
From: Duke Prosper de Montfort, Lord of Chateau Haine

In the name of Her Imperial Radience, Celene Valmont I the Lion Empress, and with cordial and hospitable spirit to all, I am honored to host the lords and ladies of the Maker-fearing realms of Thedas for a Grand Hunt and accompanying banquet at my estate in the Vimmarks, Chateau Haine. Many troubles beset the hearts of us all, and I hope that such a grand event may lift the spirits, and provide a venue for cordial and unhindered discussion to us all at this, the greatest hunt ever held!

The rules are simple: Each attendee is permitted, nay encouraged, to bring their spouse and any well-behaved children, and as many as three retainers. Those who wish it may compete in the Great Hunt, to be the first to bring back a Wyvern, and prizes shall be provided for both the first and largest specimens to be hunted. Those otherwise engaged may enjoy refreshments and libations in the Chateau's calming atmosphere and discuss matters with their international peers.

Do not hesitate to RSVP!

Le Duc Prosper.
King Markus Pentaghaust: Who is this man? Who am i?
Mortalitasi: "Sighs" He's an Orlesian Sire. We suggest not attending. There will most likely be Bards.
King Markus Pentaghaust: OOh Bards. I love music.
Mortalitasi: "Bangs heads against nearest wall."

From: King Markus Pentaghaust
I respectfully decline your invitation. The affairs of state demand my presence.

From: Prince Ferdinand Pentaghaust
Prosper, you old dog. How are you? We haven't spoken since i almost took your head off the last time you naughty cheese eaters tried to inch the border a few miles closer to Cumberland.

I'll be there and by Andrastes silken panties, i expect wine.
From: Prince Ferdinand Pentaghaust
Prosper, you old dog. How are you? We haven't spoken since i almost took your head off the last time you naughty cheese eaters tried to inch the border a few miles closer to Cumberland.

I'll be there and by Andrastes silken panties, i expect wine.
From: Prosper de Montfort

And you shall have enough wine to soak them in, you dragon-fucking sot! I'm sure Leopold will be delighted to meet you again, he did so enjoy the taste of you last time.
To: Lords and Ladies of all the Realms Under the Chantry (Ferelden, Orlais, Antiva, Nevarra, the Free Marches, and the Anderfels) @Ghazkull @Dovahsith @Caspoi @KnightofTempest @Faust @Wade Garrett @Desdendelle @Ragabash1066 @EliudFS1 @Arthellion @Tekomandor @Napolean_Barca @Ceslas
From: Duke Prosper de Montfort, Lord of Chateau Haine

In the name of Her Imperial Radience, Celene Valmont I the Lion Empress, and with cordial and hospitable spirit to all, I am honored to host the lords and ladies of the Maker-fearing realms of Thedas for a Grand Hunt and accompanying banquet at my estate in the Vimmarks, Chateau Haine. Many troubles beset the hearts of us all, and I hope that such a grand event may lift the spirits, and provide a venue for cordial and unhindered discussion to us all at this, the greatest hunt ever held!

The rules are simple: Each attendee is permitted, nay encouraged, to bring their spouse and any well-behaved children, and as many as three retainers. Those who wish it may compete in the Great Hunt, to be the first to bring back a Wyvern, and prizes shall be provided for both the first and largest specimens to be hunted. Those otherwise engaged may enjoy refreshments and libations in the Chateau's calming atmosphere and discuss matters with their international peers.

Do not hesitate to RSVP!

Le Duc Prosper.
OOC: Total attendance will be determined when actions are processed.
House Eremon of Waking Sea Bannorn - 9:25 Dragon
Current Ruler: Bann Alfstanna Eremon
Expected Heir: None at the moment
Type of Government: Feudal domain
Population: 320,000
Capital: Janen
Artefacts: None at the moment
Economic status: 5 - growing
Family Tree:
Ingord Eremon (d. circa 8:70 Blessed)
-Flora Wulff, nee Eremon (d. 9:14 Dragon, in childbirth)
-Angus Eremon (d. 8:97 Blessed, Battle of White River)
--Irminric Eremon (renounced his inheritance, currently serving as a Lieutenant-Commander in the Templar Order)
--Bann Alfstanna Eremon of Waking Sea

Treasury: 2​
  • Improving the economy: the Bann is investing money and time into attracting merchants to the bannorn and generally making it prosper (1/6).​
  • Maintaining 100 ships (12,000 EM).​
  • Maintaining the following troops:
    • 30 ships (3,600 EM)
    • 1,000 City Watchmen, stationed in Janen (1,000 EM).
    • 1,000 Elite Infantry - the Waking Sea Marines (3,000 EM).
    • 1,700 Archers (1,700 EM).
Major Actions @Ceslas
  • Anti-Piracy Patrols: the bannorn's ships patrol the trade routes in the Waking Sea around the bannorn in order to discourage piracy. Any pirates found are given a chance to surrender to the Bann's judgement, but if they don't they are executed once the battle is over.
  • On the Edge (secret)
  • Maintaining raised troops
  • Improving the economy (1/6)
Internal Events: currently nothing

  • Potential Manpower: 21,333
  • Raised troops:
    • 1,000 City Watchmen, stationed in Janen (1,000 EM).​
    • 1,000 Elite Infantry - the Waking Sea Marines (3,000 EM).​
    • 1,700 Archers (1,700 EM).​
  • Raised ships: 130​
  • Manpower situation: 21,300/21,333 used.​
Alliances, Agreements, Pacts and Trades:
  • Fealty to the King of Ferelden
  • Marriage ties to House Wulff of West Hills Arling
  • (Presumably) trade with Kirkwall
To Bann Alfstanna Eremon, @Desdendelle

I do hope this missive finds you well. Six years is to long for my halls to have been bare of my wife's kin. Perhaps the coming year would be a good time to become acquainted once more. I have my second son and should the meeting go well, perhaps a fosterage for a few years could be arranged. I have invited the Arl of Redcliff to join me in the spring, your presence would not be amiss should you have the time available.

Your Distant Kin,
Gallaghar Wulff, Arl of the Western Hills
From: Bann Eremon of Waking Sea Bannorn
To: Arl Wulff of West Hills Arling
Maker willing, I will arrive in your manor come spring. Our last conversation was too long ago, and I will be glad to meet your sons.
-signed, your niece

To: Lords and Ladies of all the Realms Under the Chantry (Ferelden, Orlais, Antiva, Nevarra, the Free Marches, and the Anderfels) @Ghazkull @Dovahsith @Caspoi @KnightofTempest @Faust @Wade Garrett @Desdendelle @Ragabash1066 @EliudFS1 @Arthellion @Tekomandor @Napolean_Barca @Ceslas
From: Duke Prosper de Montfort, Lord of Chateau Haine

In the name of Her Imperial Radience, Celene Valmont I the Lion Empress, and with cordial and hospitable spirit to all, I am honored to host the lords and ladies of the Maker-fearing realms of Thedas for a Grand Hunt and accompanying banquet at my estate in the Vimmarks, Chateau Haine. Many troubles beset the hearts of us all, and I hope that such a grand event may lift the spirits, and provide a venue for cordial and unhindered discussion to us all at this, the greatest hunt ever held!

The rules are simple: Each attendee is permitted, nay encouraged, to bring their spouse and any well-behaved children, and as many as three retainers. Those who wish it may compete in the Great Hunt, to be the first to bring back a Wyvern, and prizes shall be provided for both the first and largest specimens to be hunted. Those otherwise engaged may enjoy refreshments and libations in the Chateau's calming atmosphere and discuss matters with their international peers.

Do not hesitate to RSVP!

Le Duc Prosper.
From: Bann Eremon of Waking Sea Bannorn
To: Duke de Montfort
Your grace,
While I appreciate the cordiality, you seem to have forgotten the somewhat-thorny issue of the Occupation that stands between us Fereldans and you Orlesians.
As such I will decline your invitation.
-signed, Bann Eremon
HOUSE MAC TIR, 920 Dragon
Current Ruler: Teryn Loghain Mac Tir
Expected Heir: None at the moment
Type of Government: Feudal Domain
Capital: Gwaren
Artifacts: Armor of the River Dane
Population: .5 Million
Economic Status: Vibrant
Family Tree
-Celia Mac Tir, Wife
-Anora Theirin, Daughter

Treasury: 2
-Improve the Economy: 1/6
-2 Points: Maintain 24,000 Manpower
-50 Ships (6k Manpower)
-3,000 Elite Infantry (9kManpower)
-1,000 City Watch (1k Manpower)
-2,000 Light Cavalry (4k Manpower)
-4,000 Archers (4k Manpower)
-Boost Hunt for the Sacred Ashes

Major Actions @Ceslas
1: Hunt for the Sacred Ashes. The night elves are to search for Andraste's Sacred Ashes. If found, Loghain will take a force to reclaim it. (Armor of River Dane/Economy Point Boost)
2: Prepare the military to Assist Arl Fergus Lendon. Should the issue of Succession come to blows, Loghains forces will support King Cailan Theirin in his decision.
3. Increase the Economy.
4. Anti Piracy: Our small fleet is to guard the coast and patrol for pirates.

  • Potential Manpower: 33,333
  • Raised troops:
    • 3k Elite Infantry
    • 1k City Watch
    • 2k Light Cavalry
    • 4k Archers
  • Raised ships: 50​
  • Manpower situation: 24,000/33,333 used.​
Alliances, Agreements, Pacts and Trades:
  • Fealty to the King of Ferelden
  • Marriage ties to House Theirin


To Arl Lendon, (@Ceslas)

House Mac Tir supports your wife and your decision regarding the line of succession. We will send troops to assist in pushing back the usurpers as soon as you give permission.

Teryn Mac Tir

To: Lords and Ladies of all the Realms Under the Chantry (Ferelden, Orlais, Antiva, Nevarra, the Free Marches, and the Anderfels) @Ghazkull @Dovahsith @Caspoi @KnightofTempest @Faust @Wade Garrett @Desdendelle @Ragabash1066 @EliudFS1 @Arthellion @Tekomandor @Napolean_Barca @Ceslas
From: Duke Prosper de Montfort, Lord of Chateau Haine

In the name of Her Imperial Radience, Celene Valmont I the Lion Empress, and with cordial and hospitable spirit to all, I am honored to host the lords and ladies of the Maker-fearing realms of Thedas for a Grand Hunt and accompanying banquet at my estate in the Vimmarks, Chateau Haine. Many troubles beset the hearts of us all, and I hope that such a grand event may lift the spirits, and provide a venue for cordial and unhindered discussion to us all at this, the greatest hunt ever held!

The rules are simple: Each attendee is permitted, nay encouraged, to bring their spouse and any well-behaved children, and as many as three retainers. Those who wish it may compete in the Great Hunt, to be the first to bring back a Wyvern, and prizes shall be provided for both the first and largest specimens to be hunted. Those otherwise engaged may enjoy refreshments and libations in the Chateau's calming atmosphere and discuss matters with their international peers.

Do not hesitate to RSVP!

Le Duc Prosper.

To Duke Prosper, (@Theravis)


Teryn Mac Tir

To: Arl Eamon Guerrin @EliudFS1
From: Arl Gallaghar Wulff


My friend, I wanted to hear your advise. As you know, I am seeking brides for myself and my son. The Orlisans are hosting a Grand Hunt. Is it wise to attend this affair? I expect most of Ferelden will not attend, but will you? Our nation going unrepresented feels unwise. My gut tells me to pursue matches within the kingdom, but my mind wonders if perhaps looking farther afield would be wiser. As one who has found happiness with an Orlisian bride. I know the hills and forests of my land well, I am less suited to perfumed halls. I look forward to you missive in regards to this.

Your friend from the Hills
Gallaghar Wulff, Arl of Western Hills
From: Kirkwall
To: Starkhaven, Tantervale @Ceslas

We three are the dominant cities of the Free Marches. Between the three of us, we have enough power and influence to sway the other cities.

We propose an alliance aimed at unifying the Free Marches under our leadership, so as to better resist the Qunari.

What say you?
From: Kirkwall
To: Starkhaven, Tantervale @Ceslas

We three are the dominant cities of the Free Marches. Between the three of us, we have enough power and influence to sway the other cities.

We propose an alliance aimed at unifying the Free Marches under our leadership, so as to better resist the Qunari.

What say you?
From: Starkhaven
An intriguing scheme, old friend. We can indeed divide the Free Marches between us. But Tantervale stands to lose in this arrangement. Better for us to rule alone.

From: Tantervale
I see how this benefits you and Starkhaven and I see how this harms Tantervale. We will oppose your dreams of empire.
From: Starkhaven
An intriguing scheme, old friend. We can indeed divide the Free Marches between us. But Tantervale stands to lose in this arrangement. Better for us to rule alone.

From: Tantervale
I see how this benefits you and Starkhaven and I see how this harms Tantervale. We will oppose your dreams of empire.

To: Starkhaven

I had envisioned a sort of triarchy, where the three cities would each get a vote over policy in a united Free Marches, we may be able to talk Tantervale around eventually, but if not, then we must prepare to cut them out entirely.

To: Tantervale

We had envisioned a sort of Triarchy where each of the three cities got a vote on policy for the United Free Marches, you would have a vote equal to Starkhaven and ourselves.
House de Chalons -- 9:20 Dragon

Règle: Duc Germain de Châlons.
Héritier: Grand-Duc Gaspard de Chalons.

Gouvernement: Féodalisme.
Population: Un Million.
Capitale: Verchiel.
Arbre Généalogique:
Duc Theodore de Chalons; Princesse Melisande Valmont.
  • Gran-Duc Gaspard de Chalons; Calienne de Ghislain.
  • Gran-Duchesse Florianne de Chalons.
Duc Germain de Chalons.
Statut Économique:
Trésorerie: Un.
Action Majeure:

  • Given their central location, the de Chalons are well-placed to exploit the flow of commerce in Orlais. For such a desire to become reality, good roads are required. However, the expense of such a venture could be ruinous on the family's coffers. Thus, with these two factors in mind, the de Chalons have created several turnpike trusts with the intention of maintaining the principal trade routes going through their lands. These turnpike trusts are also responsible for the safety of the individuals going through the trade routes -- if they fail in this task, a fine is to be raised. In addition, the de Chalons have hired noted surveyors to plan for additional highways -- easing the burden on the existing roads [-Moins Un.]
  • New commissions for the construction of watchtowers at select locations throughout the de Chalons' borders are ordered. These buildings are to be the first line of defense against any marauding foe. [-Moins Un].
  • Understanding the importance of farmers, the de Chalons have chartered the "Banque Rurale" to provide low-interest loans [1-3% annual] to local landowners. With this surplus of funds, the de Chalons hope that the landowners can yield more crops. [-Moins Un].
Événements Internes:

A trick most foul has deprived the Gran-Duc of His just rights -- the throne of Orlais. Now, a girl not yet old enough to stop wetting her bed has become the Empress. What has she done to deserve such a responsibility? She lacks both the strength of arms and the love of the people. Her womanhood is a liability for all, Maker knows what sort of effeminate mischiefs her rule will cause. Despite this insult, the Chalons have stayed their blade for the good of the realm; they truly understand the costs of war.

Militaire| Main D'oeuvre: Soixante six mille six cent soixante six.
Cinq cents gardes de la ville [Verchiel].
Flotte: Dix [actif -- 1.200 Hommes]; Cent quarante [réserve].

House de Chalons -- 9:20 Dragon

Règle: Duc Germain de Châlons.
Héritier: Grand-Duc Gaspard de Chalons.

Gouvernement: Féodalisme.
Population: Un Million.
Capitale: Verchiel.
Arbre Généalogique:
Duc Theodore de Chalons; Princesse Melisande Valmont.
  • Gran-Duc Gaspard de Chalons; Calienne de Ghislain.
  • Gran-Duchesse Florianne de Chalons.
Duc Germain de Chalons.
Statut Économique:
Trésorerie: Un.
Action Majeure:

  • Given their central location, the de Chalons are well-placed to exploit the flow of commerce in Orlais. For such a desire to become reality, good roads are required. However, the expense of such a venture could be ruinous on the family's coffers. Thus, with these two factors in mind, the de Chalons have created several turnpike trusts with the intention of maintaining the principal trade routes going through their lands. These turnpike trusts are also responsible for the safety of the individuals going through the trade routes -- if they fail in this task, a fine is to be raised. In addition, the de Chalons have hired noted surveyors to plan for additional highways -- easing the burden on the existing roads [-Moins Un.]
  • New commissions for the construction of watchtowers at select locations throughout the de Chalons' borders are ordered. These buildings are to be the first line of defense against any marauding foe. [-Moins Un].
  • Understanding the importance of farmers, the de Chalons have chartered the "Banque Rurale" to provide low-interest loans [1-3% annual] to local landowners. With this surplus of funds, the de Chalons hope that the landowners can yield more crops. [-Moins Un].
Événements Internes:

A trick most foul has deprived the Gran-Duc of His just rights -- the throne of Orlais. Now, a girl not yet old enough to stop wetting her bed has become the Empress. What has she done to deserve such a responsibility? She lacks both the strength of arms and the love of the people. Her womanhood is a liability for all, Maker knows what sort of effeminate mischiefs her rule will cause. Despite this insult, the Chalons have stayed their blade for the good of the realm; they truly understand the costs of war.

Militaire| Main D'oeuvre: Soixante six mille six cent soixante six.
Cinq cents gardes de la ville [Verchiel].
Flotte: Dix [actif -- 1.200 Hommes]; Cent quarante [réserve].

OOC: While your GM appreciates the biligualism, he does not speak French. Please post translations next to the French terms.

To: Starkhaven

I had envisioned a sort of triarchy, where the three cities would each get a vote over policy in a united Free Marches, we may be able to talk Tantervale around eventually, but if not, then we must prepare to cut them out entirely.

To: Tantervale

We had envisioned a sort of Triarchy where each of the three cities got a vote on policy for the United Free Marches, you would have a vote equal to Starkhaven and ourselves.
Starkhaven: You won't, Tantervale is surrounded by us and Nevarra and it will not allow itself to be outvoted by us. Furthermore the cities will not submit without a fight, though they will be very uncoordinated.

Tantervale: And all we can see from that is a future of 2-1 votes going against us. We will not submit.
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To Arl Eamon Guerrin @EliudFS1

Greeting my friend,
I would hear your view on this fool trying to unseat Arlessa Lendon before her husband is even in the ground. An exiled traitor backed by the men of Orlais who wishes to claim an Arl's seat. What say you on this matter? I have never been among those to disparage you lady wife, but perhaps she has kin who know of this barking dog's pack of mongrels? On a less political note, I do hope you will join me for a drink sometinme this spring. I have an old bottle of wine in my cellar and it sings our names. Apparently my she-wolf of a daughter got it in her head to run off and marry a barbarian and now I must play nice. And so I would share a toast with you. My Andraste shield you from daughters. And now I find my self in the market for both a bride and a new daughter. It has been six years and young Renilla deserves a more feminine figure in her life than the maids. I shall be searching both near and afield, perhaps again your wife could counsel?

Your friend,
Gallaghar Wulff, Arl of the Western Hills

To: Arl Gallaghar Wulff
From: Arl Eamon of Redcliffe

My friend of the Western Hills,

I am afraid that my opinion of these Orlesian mercenaries and the bastard that leads them is not far from my own. My wife would make some inquiries as to their history, but I wouldn't hold much breath as to any findings my family can look up. As to that drink you mentioned... well, it would be my honor to take you up on that offer. I am of a feeling that we are heading for interesting couple of months.

To: Arl Eamon Guerrin @EliudFS1
From: Arl Gallaghar Wulff


My friend, I wanted to hear your advise. As you know, I am seeking brides for myself and my son. The Orlisans are hosting a Grand Hunt. Is it wise to attend this affair? I expect most of Ferelden will not attend, but will you? Our nation going unrepresented feels unwise. My gut tells me to pursue matches within the kingdom, but my mind wonders if perhaps looking farther afield would be wiser. As one who has found happiness with an Orlisian bride. I know the hills and forests of my land well, I am less suited to perfumed halls. I look forward to you missive in regards to this.

Your friend from the Hills
Gallaghar Wulff, Arl of Western Hills

As soon as this business with the Ledons is over, I would think it would be wise to attend. Even as a basic form of courtesy. Even my family is kinda obliged to attend. Doing so would be a disservice to my wife's family even. I am often of the mind that we should keep our friends close and our enemies closer still.