Interrogator (40k)

This may be a silly question, but how the heck did these chaos mooks figure out A. there was a survivor in the Tau ship they shot down, and B. that the survivor was an Imperial Loyalist? Because I feel like they are all on the same page of 'oh look, a loyalist has wandered into our camp from the Tau ship' and I have no idea how they came to that conclusion, let alone spread the idea amongst themselves so fast while their communications are down.
This may be a silly question, but how the heck did these chaos mooks figure out A. there was a survivor in the Tau ship they shot down, and B. that the survivor was an Imperial Loyalist? Because I feel like they are all on the same page of 'oh look, a loyalist has wandered into our camp from the Tau ship' and I have no idea how they came to that conclusion, let alone spread the idea amongst themselves so fast while their communications are down.
He shot the guys checking out the wreck.
You can literally beat an Ork to death with a lasgun and it will keep working afterwords. There's no way a fall should have broken it.
It was a lasgun from a PDF armory (so probably not the best maintenance/quality to start with), and has been used by a chaos cultist for months now (even worse maintenance/treatment, and maybe the machine spirit not even trying to fix things) then falling at least 8 feet onto rocks (and possibly with Tez landing on it). Mint condition it is not.
how the heck did these chaos mooks figure out A. there was a survivor in the Tau ship they shot down,
They heard weapons fire at the wreck, then found the corpses of 2 of there buddies, therefore there was a survivor who is still running around.
B. that the survivor was an Imperial Loyalist?
all it would take would be to get a few glimpses of him to tell he's not a Tau, and he's not an Ork, so he must be an Impie. Plus I think 'Death to the Emperor' is just their default battlecry.
It was a lasgun from a PDF armory (so probably not the best maintenance/quality to start with), and has been used by a chaos cultist for months now (even worse maintenance/treatment, and maybe the machine spirit not even trying to fix things) then falling at least 8 feet onto rocks (and possibly with Tez landing on it). Mint condition it is not.
You're really underestimating just how durable lasgun's are...

Because we are talking about, "I'm using my grandfather's grandfather's lasgun that was sitting in the leaky shed completely unattended for 500 years" levels reliable...
The door broke open and a large man charged in, "Death to th-"

That's when the world exploded and I was thrown off my feet and the next thing I became aware of was somebody standing leaned over me, a hand tapping at my cheek.

"-ear me?"

I blinked up at the dusty shape above me, trying to get enough thoughts together to say anything. Was I dead?

Was this the Emperor? Omnissiah?

A pair of strong hands gripped my arms and pulled me up.

"Up you go! We need to get moving before more of the bastards show up!"

Two pairs of strong hands hauled me out into the sunlight as I still tried to get my eyes to focus. Even my artificial one wouldn't focus.

"Damn it, Harland! I said hit the heretics, not the guy they were chasing!"

"Do you see him being mush, Lieutenant?" a voice answered from by my side, "But I blew the side of the building with a Sab round, that's bound to knock anyone inside around."

I shook my head and reached up to try to get the dust from my eyes before I looked around at who was holding me up.

It was a pair of guys, clearly locals from their builds, tall, muscular and both with short brown hair.

"I'm good, I'm good," I said and got my feet beneath myself with a wobble, a strong hand steadying me, "Where am I? Who are you?" I asked before I looked up at the Leman Russ tank and the man standing on the hull, holding a lasgun.

"Names Kuren Stenman, Lieutenant PDF. Second Armored," the large bald man said, looking down at me, "The big lumps next to you are Privates Miller and Harland. Who are you? And what are you doing in the middle of heretic central, Offworlder?"

They didn't look like rebels. So what the hell.

I felt around and pulled my Interrogator Rosette from my pocket, holding it so he could see it as I tried not to wobble on my feet, "Interrogator Tezzeret, Ordo Xenos," I answered and my brain started to work somewhat again,

"Holy shit!"

That was from the man to my left. Presumably Harland.

"Do you have a vox on that thing?" I asked as I looked around before Harland handed over my laspistol, "Thank you."

Kuren shook his head, "Got damaged in an early engagement. I thought I got it mostly fixed, but I can't hear anything so it might be junk."

"Damn," I said and rubbed my forehead, nodding, "Okay. Are you part of an armored push?"

Kuren laughed and shook his head, "Sorry to say, sir, but we were left behind during the retreat. We threw a track and by the time we had the Queen moving again, everyone else was gone."

I looked at him in surprise, "How long have you been stuck here?"

He shrugged, "Couple of weeks. Mostly been raiding for supplies and then moving on, looking for a chance to break back through, but the line is heavy with heretics."

And they haven't caught you? Amazing.

"How did you find me?"

"Saw the bluey flier go down, came to investigate and saw weapons fire. Figured that anyone shooting back at these bastards deserved some help, sir," He said and looked around, "But we really need to get moving. Have to stay ahead of them, we need to get back to the countryside."

"Sounds like a good idea, Lieutenant," I agreed, "Have somewhere for me in that thing?"

He nodded and reached down, taking my hand and easily hauling me up next to him, "Take the forward gunner position. I assume you can handle a heavy bolter."

"Yep," I agreed and clambered down, pulling the hatch open and slipping in to the seat. Easier than I thought it would be even with my side acting up, but considering the size of the locals, the fact that their gear was modified to fit wasn't exactly surprising.

What I did find surprising however was the woman I ended up sitting next to. She was wearing a helmet over dirty brown hair, a streak of black grease on her forehead and like all the locals, she was taller than me.

She grinned as she spotted me, "Sergeant Jenna Riskel, PDF. Twenty third rifles!" she introduced herself.

"Interrogator Tezzeret, Ordo Xenos," I greeted her in turn, "How did you end up driving this thing?"

"They found me after the withdrawal, I had gotten separated," she explained and handed over a helmet with a headset built in, "After Anders and Len bought it a couple of days later, I ended up driving the Queen. I usually handle a Chimera, but this is much more fun!"

Remind me to never introduce her to Kim. They'll either become best friends or kill each other. Either way, it would be a headache for me.

I nodded and put my helmet on, adjusting the microphone just in time for the engine to roar into life, "Lieutenant," I said into the microphone, "Copy?"

"Copy, Interrogator."

"I have critical information for the safety of this world, we have to get back through our lines or at the very least close enough for vox contact. I need to talk to HQ or this world will be lost. I need you to set a course to the frontlines."

"No can do, sir," Kuren asked, "We have more pressing matters at the moment."

"And what could possibly be more pressing than that?"

"We're down to fifteen percent fuel and wouldn't get through another half a day of driving," he answered dryly, "That's why we risked going into the village in the first place."


"Okay," I said, "Any ideas?"

"Yeah. Jen, take us north to the forest. We need to regroup and plan. Everyone, look alive, there will be hostilies."

Good point, we could go through the details later.

I removed the safety of the heavy bolter and peered through the sight as we surged forward and to the left, instantly making me glad for the helmet.
I removed the safety of the heavy bolter and peered through the sight as we surged forward and to the left, instantly making me glad for the helmet.

Being in a tank is rather like being in a metal box that is only just big enough for you, so you can't easily stretch or move around, surrounded by sharp corners, with massive noise from the engine and tracks so you can only hear each other intelligibly through the intercom, the stink of gunpowder when the guns are firing, being shaken around by a giant (remember those sharp corners all around you?), boiling in summer, freezing in winter, with a tiny window on the world (unless you're the tank commander ) and living with the certain knowledge that you could be on fire at any moment without warning... and all the ammo in the fighting compartment will burn like a rocket exhaust if it catches on fire.

On the good side, at least if it's a tank made by the British, you can make a cuppa without getting out.
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Being in a tank is rather like being in a metal box that is only just big enough for you, so you can't easily stretch or move around, surrounded by sharp corners, with massive noise from the engine and tracks so you can only hear each other intelligibly through the intercom, the stink of gunpowder when the guns are firing, being shaken around by a giant (remember those sharp corners all around you?), boiling in summer, freezing in winter, with a tiny window on the world (unless you're the tank commander ) and living with the certain knowledge that you could be on fire at any moment without warning... and all the ammo in the fighting compartment will burn like a rocket exhaust if it catches on fire.

On the good side, at least if it's a tank made by the British, you can make a cuppa without getting out.
Even if it's not, but you might have to boil the pot on the engine. The designers of the brit tanks only started including kettles after the tankers started doing that.
.... these guys are probably Heretics
They shot at other heretics, our interrogator has yet to notice any subtle (or not-so-subtle) chaos symbols, and they're not preaching about the sky gods coming to devour all life and elevate them to divinity. It's possible they're friendly with the tau, but that's very much the lesser of a great deal many evils.
They shot at other heretics, our interrogator has yet to notice any subtle (or not-so-subtle) chaos symbols, and they're not preaching about the sky gods coming to devour all life and elevate them to divinity. It's possible they're friendly with the tau, but that's very much the lesser of a great deal many evils.
You say that like heretics don't shoot other heretics? They do in fact shoot at each other, regularly in fact. And the entire reason I said they're probably heretics is becase it's Hiver who's writing.
You say that like heretics don't shoot other heretics? They do in fact shoot at each other, regularly in fact. And the entire reason I said they're probably heretics is becase it's Hiver who's writing.
I mean, yeah, but they usually shout something about dark gods while they do so.
That last bit is a valid point, though.
Even just being regular deserters would be a problem. If they support Tezzeret they could get their story made "official", but some might not want to go back.
if they were in purple, how would you even know they were there?
Exactly. We know they are there. Therefore, they aren't in purple. Therefore, they are not Orks.

Edit: "Purple is stealthy" is probably my favorite bit of Orky Color Rules.
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The tank jerked to a halt and Jenna spun us on the spot before backing up among the trees and thick bushes before she turned the engine off, "That should do it!"

"Okay," Kuren said, "Everybody out, let's get the Queen covered up and set up camp. We have some planning to do."

I let my head rest back against the seat for a moment before I reached up and opened the hatch before hauling myself up and out of the hull with a groan of pain from my side. I no longer thought my rib was broken, if it was it would be hurting even worse. Definitely cracked something though.

From the inside I couldn't see much but what the sight of the heavy bolter showed me, but now I got a better look at where we were. We had been moving out of town into a network of back roads and now we were wedged in among thick foliage and trees a dozen meters from a very narrow road.

Harland and Miller, whoever was which were already at it with shovels smoothing out the tracks leading into the forest.

Kuren vaulted down from the hull, an axe in hand before he looked at me, "We need to camouflage the tank in case anyone is following or patrolling," he told me, "Then we can figure out what to do next."

I nodded, "Sounds good to me, Lieutenant. Just tell me what to do."

We got to work, cutting branches and bushes. By the time we got hauling back the first load, the driver… What was her name again? Jenny? Jenna. She had pulled a camouflage net over the tank and we simply attached the bushes and leaves to the net.

Then we piled a bunch more at where we entered the woods. By the time we were done… Okay, we weren't invisible, far from it, but if somebody just drove past there seems to be a chance we'd be missed.

Everyone gathered around the back of the tank, "How are we looking at supplies?" I asked, holding my side through my carapace armor the best I could. That's really starting to hurt.

"We're low on pretty much anything, sir," Jenna said, sitting on the back of the tank while digging into the packs strapped there before tossing me a MRE.

Kuren nodded, crossing his arms and leaning against the closest tree before catching one as she tossed it over to him, "We're at ten percent fuel, food for about three more days. Miller, how are we doing with ammo?"

Miller shrugged and ripped a food pack open, "Three Krak, four Sab and two Frag rounds. two hundred ish bolter rounds split between turret and hull guns."

"How are you still supplied? You'd been cut off for weeks." I asked and ripped my own pack open, peering inside. Oh, joy. Cold dried things and a chemical heater.

Kuren shrugged, "We'd been ambushing supply transports. Mostly they run convoys, but not always. When we see a lone vehicle, we take it, everything it carries that we need and it's fuel before hiding it the best we can before moving on. We don't think they know who or where we are yet, we keep moving as much as possible. But we're getting dangerously low on fuel, it's why we risked the town this time, the first time. Thank the Emperor for that or we'd never seen you."

I nodded, "The Emperor Protects."

Was… that what had happened? I had asked for help and these guys had shown up? What was the Emperor sending them to help? Or just coincidence?

"You said something about a second plan?" I asked and caught a water bottle as Jenna tossed it down to me as I sat down, getting my food ready and re-hydrated.

Kuren snorted, "If you can call it that," he said and set his heating food to the side and reached for a stick, starting to draw a very rough map onto the ground, "Before the uprising, the PDF had small compounds set up across the continent, mostly close to crossroads or trading spots for the peasants. Plenty of ammo, supplies, fuel."

I shook my head, "No way they would have been left alone, they would be crawling with heretics. For the same reason as why the PDF kept them."

Harland spit on the ground, "Some of them used to be PDF. Traitors!"

"But it's also the only reliable source of fuel in our range," Kuren said and poked at the square that he used to show the compound, "What more, we're low on ammo and we can't get that anywhere else. Ideas?"

Harland checked his food and then dug into it with a spoon before pointing with it at the map, "We're not getting through there with what ammo we have, I can tell you that much, Lt. We might be able to break the gate with a couple of Krak rounds, but they have fixed emplacements that'd blow us to the Warp. Direct assault is a good way to meet Him On Earth early."

Kuren nodded, "Agreed. I have given it some thought, I think that our best chance might be to get between them and the front along this road," he said and drew it on the map, "And wait for a convoy. They are usually escorted by light armor, but if fired from ambush, we should be able to take them out and then raid the convoy for what we need."

I frowned and chewed on some admittedly not bad fake stew, "That's a lot more maybes in that plan than I like, Lieutenant," I admitted.

"Me as well, Interrogator," he admitted and picked up his food pack, "But I'm not sure we have a lot of choice. The alternative is assaulting the compound and that's suicide."

"Not like we could just drive in the front gate and ask for supplies," Jenna said from her seat on top of the back of the engine deck of the tank," I think the attack on the convoy might work if we find the right spot and get lucky. We're going to need to break out the lasguns for it too. That'd be a real tough one and we're going to be outnumbered the entire time."

I poked at my stew before chewing on some more, looking at the map with a frown, "...Why can't we?"

"Can't what, sir?" Miller asked and chewed on some alleged bread.

"Why can't we just drive up to the gate and ask for supplies?" I asked and motioned with my spoon against the square, "It is a supply depo, right? It's what it's for."

They all stared at me like I was nuts.

"Because it's crawling with heretics, Interrogator," Kuren said with a frown, "They would kill us."

I shook my head, "We're behind enemy lines, nobody knows we're here. Everyone here is friendly, they think. People have a tendency to see what they think they will see, want to see. The best way to lie is to simply give them what they want. Some uniform changes, a couple of symbols on your tank and I bet that we could roll straight inside."

"And what then?" Jenna asked.

"Then, we're behind the defenses and can do whatever we want, we're in a tank," I told him with a smile, "or if they really buy it, just re-arm, refuel and get the frack out of there and to the front line. We have more important things than some supply depot. We have to get back in contact."

Kuren put his food down as he regarded me, "What did you find, Interrogator?"

I regarded him for a moment before I nodded, "All of this is classified, but if you're risking your lives for it, you deserve to know. After all, if I fall I need one of you to get the information back to HQ."

Then I told them what they needed to know about the threat growing in that mine.