Interrogator (40k)

The ship we landed on wasn't the Edge of Fury. It was a significantly larger ship. The Edge of Fury was a light cruiser.

Endia von Orm didn't roll like that. A light cruiser? Apparently that was too plebeian for her.

Her headquarters was onboard the Apocalypse class battleship Emperor's Spear.

What more, it seemed to not be borrowed from the Imperial Navy. Because none of the crew I could see were Imperial Navy, all wore the color and marks of the Inquisition.

As we approached a pair of doors, the troopers outside went to attention. Both of them were carrying plasmaguns, not lasguns.

Man, the Inquisition gets all the fancy toys. Why didn't I have a plasma gun!?

They checked our credentials… and actually looked us up, not just trusted them. Even when Aurelius showed his rosette.

These guys were hardcore.

Finally they let us inside and Aurelius motioned me forward and I walked inside, the next door opening before us and a massive mountain and fur, muscles and teeth pounced towards me.

I barely had time to startle, but I raised my augmetic arm to punch the creature while I pulled my laspistol to aim.

"Easy!" A voice snapped through the air and I froze, my finger on my trigger as the massive creature skidded to a halt. It was almost as tall as I was, massive teeth the length of my fingers glinted in the lights as it turned away, prowling away from me.

I slowly holstered my laspistol again before following it inside.

Quite frankly, compared to my last six months… that thing wasn't that scary, but it had been damn lucky I didn't shoot it.

The main room was big and richly furnished, looking more like it belonged in a governor's palace, marble floors, lots of dark woods and golden details.

The large creature prowled over to lay down behind a chair, it's head in easy petting distance from it's mistress.

Endia von Orm was quite a striking woman, but she was tiny. Standing up she'd likely barely reach my chest and she was thin as well. I'd eat my shoes if she weighed more than sixty kilos, but every gram of it seemed to be muscle. It was impossible to say how old she was, her hair was white, but thick and flowing down her back, her face mostly lacking wrinkles and she had a strong jaw. She didn't look old as such, but with rejuv treatments she could have been anything from fifty to ten times that. One eye was red and gold in an obvious implant.

She was wearing a dark bodyglove with golden inlays and a thick fur cloak over her shoulders. She looked unarmed, but what could only be a power sword in its scabbard leaned against the side of her throne.

Lord-Inquisitor Orm reached out with an arm to run it through the mane of her pet as she smiled at us, "My apologies, Interrogator Tezzeret. I like seeing how some people react to my friend here."

I bowed to her, "It was lucky I didn't shoot it, Lord-Inquisitor. I wouldn't have liked to hurt your companion."

She smiled a bit wider, "Don't worry, Interrogator," she said and stroked it's mane, "Rax here isn't a normal Carnodon. He has more augmetics than the average tech-priest. Including a link to my mind impulse unit."

"Ah," I agreed, nodding and looking at the… carnodon she called it.

It looked like a mix of a tiger and a lion, turned up not to eleven, but fifteen. Now getting a good look at it, it looked to be six meters long and must have weighed a metric ton.

Out of the two of them, she was clearly the more dangerous.

"...Now getting a better look," I admitted, "I'm not sure my laspistol would have done enough in time for me not to be ripped into bits even if he had not been."

"Barring a very lucky shot, no," she agreed and stood up, "A laspistol can in theory kill an adult Carnodon with a single shot, but it is very unlikely," she said and walked over with a smile, "It's good to see you again, Aurelius."

He nodded, "You as well, Endia," he agreed with a small smile, "A bit sad it's always these kinds of situations however."

She nodded and sighed, "Hazard of the job, I'm afraid. But only one of them," she then added and looked at my right arm, "I heard you were wounded, Interrogator. How have you been recovering?"

"Slowly; it's taking some getting used to," I admitted and shifted my arm, flexing my hand, "But well enough, Lord-Inquisitor."

Lord-Inquisitor Orm nodded as Aurelius crossed over to one of the shelves and pulled a book, causing a hatch to open and reveal… a bottle of amasec. He was familiar with her quarters.

Very familiar.

Ah. I see. And they were letting me see.

"I reviewed your report," Orm said and as she looked up at me, "Would you mind me asking some questions?"

"Of course not, Lord-Inquisitor."

She smirked and then glanced at Aurelius, "Was he always this tense?"

"A bit," Aurelius said as he returned, carrying three glasses and offered two to us, "But I suspect the last six months and you almost killing him with your pet a couple of minutes ago might have something to do with it, Endia. The Emperor knows that our first exposure to The Great Enemy does a number on each of us."

She nodded with a sigh, sipping her amasec. I copied her.

"Very true," she agreed and lowered her glass before she smiled faintly and looked at me again, "Relax Interrogator before you strain something. I'm mostly curious about what happened at the end there, with the Eldar."

I frowned as much as my eyes would let me and took a deep breath, trying to relax, "I'm not sure how much more I can tell you, Lord-Inquisitor. I had lost quite a bit of blood and had more than one knock to my head… and was overdosing on stims to just stay awake and moving."

"Do you remember the witch saying anything? Any reason they were there?"

I sipped the amasec. It tastes expensive. No, make that Expensive. As in it may cost as much as a hab block for a bottle.

But then again, I'm not an expert.

"We didn't really have time to talk much," I admitted, "And it seemed to go against the grain to talk to a primitive mon'keigh in any case. But it seemed like they were there to stop whatever that machine was doing. Overlaying the system with The Warp if the eldar witch was to be believed. But… Eldar. So who knows, Lord-Inquisitor."

Aurelius nodded, "Usually you can't trust a word out of Eldars mouth," he agreed, "But the one thing you can trust them to do is to do what's best for the Eldar. Sometimes, that aligns with what's also best for the Imperium."

"Indeed," Lord-Inquisitor Orm agreed and shook her head faintly, "Anytime Eldar are involved, I just keep waiting for the other shoe to drop. It's never as easy as it seems."

The blue spirit stone hanging in it's silver necklace against my chest beneath my shirt and armor felt burning hot against my skin for a moment.

I nodded, "Likely," I agreed, "But right now there are more urgent matters, Lord-Inquisitor. Big, green, very angry matters."

That drew a wide smile from her, making her look twenty years younger for a moment, "Very true. We're going to be very busy. As part of that, I have something for you, Interrogator."

"Lord-Inquisitor?" I asked.

Her massive pet stood up and took the power-sword in its jaws, padding over to letting her take it before she turned back to me, holding it across the flats of her palms, "I once served with a member of the adeptus astartes," she said quietly, "A member of the Deathwatch. Originally from the Spacewolves chapter. His name was Freyyk Fyrhelm. When I was an Interrogator, he was badly injured saving my life. He was entombed in a dreadnought and returned to serve with my master as part of his deathwatch detachment. Armed with great wolf claws. He served my master and then me for another two hundred and fourteen years."

"What happened?"

Orm smiled faintly as she looked at the sheathed weapon, "He died. He died holding the line against Orks, he was completely destroyed. He saved me and my entire detachment along with a dozen other deathwatch marines. Saved a world. The only thing that could be recovered was his weapons. This blade along with seven others were forged from his claws by his old chapter for me. This is Permafrost. I have been gifting them to Inquisitors that have accomplished magnificent services for the Imperium. Never before has one gone to an Interrogator. But now I'm gifting her to you, Interrogator Tezzert. For your actions here on this world."

What the hell do you even say about something like that.

"I'm honored," I said quietly as I reached to pick the weapon up, feeling it in my hands. Somehow it… it's strange. It was lighter than it looked. The mastercrafted power sword somehow… it felt more real than reality. The handle was ornamental, the pommel that of a snarling wolf's head, the guard shaped like a pair of claws.

Gripping the handle in my augmetic hand, I slowly drew the weapon, the silvery blade sliding out of its scabbard without a sound before I pressed the activation rune in the handle.

I had seen power blades before.

Or at least I thought I had.

This was… something on a completely different level. Power swords glowed with the field around them, they hummed.

This… this one didn't. Permafrost was quiet. The effects around her were a lot more subtle than any other I had ever seen. The silvery shine of her blade turned whitish blue when activated, the aura around it an even paler blue, barely visible. Shimmering softly more than glowing.

It was amazing. Mastercrafted indeed.

"I…" I started to say, looking along the blade before I deactivated it and slipped it back into its scabbard, "I should likely learn how to use a power sword."

Lord-Inquisitor Orm grinned, "I would say that is probably a wise place to start, Interrogator," she agreed.

The soul gem in my necklace heated against my chest.

AN// And I think we'll leave Tezzeret there for now. Another big thanks to Arratra for betaing this section and all of you for reading! Next time we will be continuing with the story of Links In The Chain (SW)
thx for writing this story and completing it loved reading it
will be fun what the soul stone wil do in the next installment of the adventure's of tezzeret
Should we expect elder to come looking for that soul gem? Once they die they are feed to the infinity circuit to save them from she who thirsts correct?
Finally they let us inside and Aurelius motioned me forward and I walked inside, the next door opening before us and a massive mountain and fur, muscles and teeth pounced towards me.


A carnodon is a large species of mammalian felinoid native to the world of Gudrun within the Helican Sub-sector that is very similar to the ancient prehistoric sabretooth tiger of Terra's Pleistocene epoch. It is between 5 and 6 metres long (approximately 20 feet) and can grow to be 800 to 900...
Should we expect elder to come looking for that soul gem?
Probably. The question is will they do the straightforward thing and simply ask for it - which would result in Tezzeret just handing it over - or try to rescue it with some convoluted scheme and/or assault without asking first. Between them being Eldar and the Inquisition's reputation I kind of expect the latter.
Probably. The question is will they do the straightforward thing and simply ask for it - which would result in Tezzeret just handing it over - or try to rescue it with some convoluted scheme and/or assault without asking first. Between them being Eldar and the Inquisition's reputation I kind of expect the latter.
I think it would be pretty hilarious for an Eldar to show up in the middle of some mission and just be like "hey, we noticed you have one of our soul gems. We'd like it back, now.", all because some farseer took a few minutes to check the future and saw that it would actually work.