Inheritance (Metroid)

Spectacular. Exactly as much closure as is required. I love it and have thrown it at as many people as I could think of.

I disagree with your interpretation of this as uncharacteristic. Samus was, at some point, a stupid twenty something with too many hormones and not enough wisdom. More particularly, she was a warrior and a soldier, and if you ever want to really party, hang out with a soldier on leave. Additionally, as culture expands, it necessarily becomes less rigid, so her experiences don't sound, to me, outside any sort of norm. That breadth of experience sounds pretty normal, to me, for a spacefaring culture anyway, and without any details, I don't feel like it ruins any of her mystique.

Then again, I'm just a random human on the internet sharing their opinion, so, y'know.
"I have now determined why the upper half of the chozo temple complex was outfitted with five battleship grade reactors. However, I still must say, constructing a starship in situ through solid rock is an incredibly inconvenient manufacturing method."
Dunno why, but I think this was my favorite line of the chapter.

Now I must mourn the end of the fic, and that there will not be more amazing chapters coming.

Oh right, and the Pirate grunt scenes were always entertaining.
Author's Note: Thank you for reading my story. I welcome and encourage all feedback.

Please feel free to tell me things you liked and things you didn't. What was your favorite fight? Your favorite setting? Your favorite flashback? If you have questions I will answer them, if you have complaints I will try to rectify them, and if you have unstructured exclamations I suppose I will just try to match your energy. I will at some point go back and clean up already posted chapters and so welcome all feedback about any part of my writing.

If you enjoyed this story, please recommend it to other readers. Spread the word!


It was an awesome story, and I really enjoyed it. I really liked just about everything to do with Samus's powerups, plus the fight with the First Metroid (particularly the 'Learning phase of the fight') and the fight where she could see the future.

I will say that Yin felt underused. She had an impact on the plot - but it was kind of disjointed? By which I mean we saw the mutiny but between their arrival in-system and her being confined to her quarters without being confined to her quarters all she did was "What? Ms. Aran!?" and get cut off by the Commander. And then she takes over the ship.
And so ends the best Metroid fic I've ever read. Not for a lack of searching, either.

I'll have to give some thought to most of your questions, but I can say that I absolutely adored the space pirate grunt interludes, and that the god painter introduction was really great.
I love my pirate grunts, who in my head are often dubbed Rosencrantz and Guildenstern and are remarkable here for Not being dead.
The whole thing was brilliant. Each faction had its own unique voice and feel.

I would buy this game in a heartbeat.

Do you have any plans for a sequel? You've already set up the star eaters or whatnot.
Thank you. All my stories tend to sprout at least four distinct factions.

And I do not currently plan to write a sequel, although things can always change. I wanted to leave hooks for something more both in case I change my mind, in case someone else wants to run with what I wrote, or just to light a tiny fire in the minds of those who read this, like I always felt getting to the end of a good science fiction or fantasy story. The brush of light illuminating a new wide world.

You give the epic, overwrought scene all the purple prose it deserves (I didn't even know there could be good purple prose before!)
I always have a soft spot for florid or baroque description in literature. It's really no surprise I write that way. The temptation is especially strong when adapting a mostly visual property.

I do wish we had more Samus/human interaction towards the end, in particular with her parole officer Yin, but like you said Samus is bad at goodbyes, so I'm not sure what that would be. The Last seemed a bit underdeveloped for ostensibly the main antagonist maybe? I'm not exactly sure why, we get quite a lot on her background and how she thinks and why she's doing what she's doing. Maybe it's just because I never really understood in an empathetic way what she was after other than "I'm getting out of here", and why that made Samus her enemy? The Star Eaters as an explanation for the Chozo leaving seems a bit perfunctory, like a studio note to add a sequel hook.

But ignore all that, overall this was a really satisfying complete story, congratulations! Now I'm excited to see what you do next!
You are right, I did sort of lose track of the humans for about half this story. I tried to correct that trend towards the end but you noticed the loose threads on this last minute stitching.

The Last's presence in this story is tricky, in a large part because how close behind Samus' eyes the viewpoint lies for most of this narrative. Samus annalyzes, understands, and empathizes, but she does not actually care about the motivations of her enemies. When it comes right down to it my Samus views the world in black and white, which is both her virtue and her strength. It makes her an implacable hero, but it also means she can't connect much with her adversaries. Like I said, it's tricky, and I could probably have still handled the Last a bit better.

And about the studio adding a sequel hook? That is essentially what actually happened, but the studio and the writer were both me. Towards the end I decided I wanted to open things up at the end so I just elaborated on the background ideas I had already had about why the chozo left, even if it was not really relevant.

I dislike this bit, both because it dispels some of the mystery of her past without actually answering anything but it also leaves me with a bunch of irrelevant questions when what I as the reader should be focused on is that ending and that plothook but now I'm wondering what made her do all those wild and uncharacteristic things mentioned. Why pull me away from the story just as it's ending?
I get why you might not be crazy about this last flashback being placed at the very end of the story. I was trying to make a thematic parallel to the chozo's perpetual view of time, but it is very irregular from a structural standpoint. However, as for those things being uncharacteristic, I suppose we just have different ideas of who Samus is as a character. At that point Samus was young, undersocialized, powerful, released from a strict monastic upbringing, and a soldier. All of those are very volatile components, especially for someone who would have an imperfect understanding of human moors and very little reason to care about them if she did understand.
Spectacular. Exactly as much closure as is required. I love it and have thrown it at as many people as I could think of.

I disagree with your interpretation of this as uncharacteristic. Samus was, at some point, a stupid twenty something with too many hormones and not enough wisdom. More particularly, she was a warrior and a soldier, and if you ever want to really party, hang out with a soldier on leave. Additionally, as culture expands, it necessarily becomes less rigid, so her experiences don't sound, to me, outside any sort of norm. That breadth of experience sounds pretty normal, to me, for a spacefaring culture anyway, and without any details, I don't feel like it ruins any of her mystique.

Then again, I'm just a random human on the internet sharing their opinion, so, y'know.
Thank you for recommending me to other people!
Dunno why, but I think this was my favorite line of the chapter.

Now I must mourn the end of the fic, and that there will not be more amazing chapters coming.

Oh right, and the Pirate grunt scenes were always entertaining.
It is always fun to have one character who is just completely exasperated about the grand elements of a fantasy story, and right there Aurora played the roll. I am glad you liked it.
It was an awesome story, and I really enjoyed it. I really liked just about everything to do with Samus's powerups, plus the fight with the First Metroid (particularly the 'Learning phase of the fight') and the fight where she could see the future.

I will say that Yin felt underused. She had an impact on the plot - but it was kind of disjointed? By which I mean we saw the mutiny but between their arrival in-system and her being confined to her quarters without being confined to her quarters all she did was "What? Ms. Aran!?" and get cut off by the Commander. And then she takes over the ship.
I am very glad you liked those fight scenes. The story really "clicked" there.

Yes, I admitted further up in this post that I kind of lost track of Yin and the humans for a bit, and if this was to be worked over into a more finished state I would certainly try to rectify that.
I love my pirate grunts, who in my head are often dubbed Rosencrantz and Guildenstern and are remarkable here for Not being dead.
It's good that Samus made sure her new pets would be well-fed during the flight.

...Wait, how many pirate grunts are onboard? If there's only a half-dozen or so then that's not nearly enough.
I almost want to see the Pirates who are still aboard, end up creating this pseudo-religion as they hide in the shadows, away from her, skittering in the dark, while keeping the starship IMMACULATELY clean (or else). That to face her is to face the Goddess of Death, and that they are lucky she 'allows' them to live, for she is highly protective of her ship and all aboard it. Might be funny in a few decades, considering she's nigh-immortal right now if I read that right, for her to get boarded by some new foe, only for an entire swarm of Space Pirates to come out of the goddamned walls and go Xenomorphs w/ Guns all over the poor damned fools, while Samus just has a 'buh wha...?' moment. Which gets worse when a few of the younger looking ones outright genuflect before her, begging that they might live to protect 'the Nest'.

And that's before the Metroids show up for lunch.
Just found this a few days ago and blew through it in a few sittings, I'd say it's the best metroid fic I've ever seen. I could probably go on for ages about every detail, but I'll stick to one question: Was there an intentional parallel between the god-painter pirates cutting off a left hand, and Samus losing her left forearm to The First? It could be a coincidence, but I found the similarities interesting.
Just found this a few days ago and blew through it in a few sittings, I'd say it's the best metroid fic I've ever seen. I could probably go on for ages about every detail, but I'll stick to one question: Was there an intentional parallel between the god-painter pirates cutting off a left hand, and Samus losing her left forearm to The First? It could be a coincidence, but I found the similarities interesting.
Thank you so much for reading and the kind words.

It was mostly unintentional, but retroactively purposeful. When I got to planning Samus' fight with the First Metroid, I remembered the god painter scene and went back to see which hand I had them cut off, planning to switch it to left if it had been right. Luckily I had just happened to do it fittingly the first time.
Thank you so much for reading and the kind words.

It was mostly unintentional, but retroactively purposeful. When I got to planning Samus' fight with the First Metroid, I remembered the god painter scene and went back to see which hand I had them cut off, planning to switch it to left if it had been right. Luckily I had just happened to do it fittingly the first time.
You still get points for realizing you could do a cool thing and pretending it was your plan the whole time!
I stumbled across this last night, in retrospect, I'm surprised I didn't just stay up all night to read it. This was great. I actually went back to make sure I gave every chapter a like which is basically something I never do. At least partially because it tends to slip my mind while binging.

Though, correct me if I'm wrong, but morphball never shows up in this story? That's kind of weird. Not a big issue cause like the story is still great.
I stumbled across this last night, in retrospect, I'm surprised I didn't just stay up all night to read it. This was great. I actually went back to make sure I gave every chapter a like which is basically something I never do. At least partially because it tends to slip my mind while binging.

Though, correct me if I'm wrong, but morphball never shows up in this story? That's kind of weird. Not a big issue cause like the story is still great.
...holy mother of Metroid I don't think it does. I cant remember it showing up but I can certainly think of more than a couple of situations it would have come in handy but was never used so even if it did appear it was certainly underused.
I'm not going to say that this is the best thing I've ever read because I've honestly read too much to ever list it properly, but hot damn if it's not one of the top ten. It's definitely the best of the few Metroid fic's I've read, so congratulations on that.

And thank you for writing it.
Yeah afaik the morphball never comes up. The only things I can think of it being useful for is dodging during fight scenes, and that one statue she finds early on described as a classic chozo statue in a "sitting and holding nothing" pose. I was expecting her to restore the morph ball power and go back and unlock something.
I stumbled across this last night, in retrospect, I'm surprised I didn't just stay up all night to read it. This was great. I actually went back to make sure I gave every chapter a like which is basically something I never do. At least partially because it tends to slip my mind while binging.

Though, correct me if I'm wrong, but morphball never shows up in this story? That's kind of weird. Not a big issue cause like the story is still great.

Ah, I was wondering if anyone was going to bring up that omission. Unlike some other things, that was all actually my plan from the beginning because I...don't like the morphball. I know it is a staple of the franchise and I know that it fulfills an important role in diversifying gameplay but I can't help it. It's just so, silly. And the fact that I know it only exists because graphical limitations meant the original programers could not make a good animation of Samus crawling just makes it worse for me.

So I decided to just quietly never mention it. With the standard metroid lose-all-upgrades-then-regain-them I knew that no one would think much of that not showing up for a long time and then the story is over. I think I may have half-aluded to it once when Samus was dropping from orbit but I am not even sure about that.

So that is my confession. I am Cuofeng and I don't like morphball.
I know it is a staple of the franchise and I know that it fulfills an important role in diversifying gameplay but I can't help it. It's just so, silly.
If we didn't have the morph ball, then we wouldn't have the Metroid Prime logs about the Space Pirates failing to reproduce it. That would be a crime!

Honestly, even the bad Metroid fiction I've read hasn't used the morph ball, I think there was one case where it was basically so Commander Shepard or something could do a WTF face. I wasn't expecting it. But then again, I want expecting most of the abilities you managed to fit in, especially the spark shine, and those were great! Maybe the world is missing the morph ball fiction it deserves 😅
Ah, I was wondering if anyone was going to bring up that omission. Unlike some other things, that was all actually my plan from the beginning because I...don't like the morphball. I know it is a staple of the franchise and I know that it fulfills an important role in diversifying gameplay but I can't help it. It's just so, silly. And the fact that I know it only exists because graphical limitations meant the original programers could not make a good animation of Samus crawling just makes it worse for me.
I find it kind of hilarious imagining what Chozo society would have been like where morph balls are a common mode of transportation to the point where the transportation infrastructure includes launchers for shooting morphballs into tunnels at high speed and there are skating rinks for using morph balls recreationally.
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I think I recall seeing some stuff about Chozo just being able to roll up like that naturally. Could be mistaken though.