Inheritance (Metroid)

Huh, I feel like I should have seen a (presumably) spinal mount weapon being no-sold by a single person before in some anime, but I'm drawing a blank?

At least our favorite lazy gang of pirates should have survived, if they were still in the temple. Truly the MVPs here. Those poor Ridleys (Ridleies? No that's even worse) didn't give Samus as much trouble.

God damn it, Aran, your actions are siding with the Pirates! How can you bear that?

"I'm not on their side. They are on my side - The winning side" *puts on shades, metal starts playing, the background explodes and credits start rolling all at once*

"I...I want to thank you, Ms Aran. To thank you for giving us the choice. Thank you for letting us see what lay before us, before it was too late. Thank you for giving us the choice."
This repetition is awkward, seems like a leftover from editing?
There was no need for her to bare the responsibility for the Chozo people. They were still here to bare their own

*post credits stinger* Oh right, that Chozo is still out there...
Huh, I feel like I should have seen a (presumably) spinal mount weapon being no-sold by a single person before in some anime, but I'm drawing a blank?
Honestly, me too? I have gotten in a bit more of an anime mindset in these final set pieces, but as to where the specific inspirations are coming from I could not tell you.

And as always your nits are spot on.
Your writing is like drinking 100 cups of coffee at once, it causes addiction and makes me hyper. I hope you make more after the story ends.
Where All Stars Go
Chapter 24​

Where All Stars Go​


The sun was gone, hidden behind black clouds of ash and dust thrown up by the Diomedes' primary beam attack. Yet even without sight of the sky Samus could feel the sun setting, the absence that set the stars free. Those cold bright needles now shone down onto a massive black cloud, already being torn apart by the cold winds sweeping off the vast volcanic mountain range that stood across this dry continent like a wall.

Standing amid the melted shards of rock and shredded Space Pirate ships, Samus summoned a holographic map of the temple's interior into her visor and examined it. The sections of the complex that led up into the mountain and to the site of the great chozo statue were newly constructed compared to most of the imperial era temple. Those halls and chambers near the mountain also seemed to be full of industry rather than contemplative architecture and dusty vaults, so every sign pointed to there as the hiding place of the chozo's secret of apotheosis. However, all the routes that led to the great statue ran through passages with ill-boding names: Trials of Sufferance, Penance for the Bold, Magma Inquisition, and one simply labeled Certain Death To All Who Enter.

The chozo always loved their tests and traps, and the Last would certainly have left a few countermeasures of her own across every one of the paths. She still had a cult of loyal pirates at her side, centuries of scientific knowledge, unquestionable genius, and if Nakamura was to be believed also the command of over two thousand metroids. Samus, by comparison, had a map.

However, it was an interior map.

From the heat-glassed valley floor where Samus stood it was two thousand feet to the canyon's jagged lip and the vast basalt plateau that stretched beyond, slowly sloping up to the stratosphere-scraping volcano peak. With the Diomedes serving as a ramp, Samus made it in two jet-flaring jumps. On top of the plateau, her boots crunched down on gravel debris from the Diomedes' attacks, which now coated the normally windswept plain of dark grey rock and tiny glittering ice crystals. Before her, this landscape sloped upwards, rising higher and higher in a lifeless expanse of tumbled ashy scree and ancient basalt flows, slashed here and there by the deep lava-tube canyons that sat at the foot of the great volcano. From up on the plateau there were only three structures visible, the scorched prow of the Diomedes, the Energy Absorption Spire to the east, and the massive statue of a seated chozo far off to the north, carved out of a massive spur of the mountain itself.

The great statue's eyes now glowed, mysterious yellow slashes drifting through the shadowed clouds of ash representing some fire ignited by the siphoned surge of energy Samus had unintentionally sent its way. Somewhere behind that was the peak of the temple, somewhere there was the Last's goal. The reason for all of this grief and war. The gateway to apotheosis.

Samus began to run, the flat ground side-lit by the last red trace of setting sunlight. Miles vanished beneath her feet as the sun vanished beneath the horizon, outpacing her race up the gradually steepening mountain slope. The stone Chozo looked down in eternal stillness as the tiny figure raced up the path the statue's outstretched arm conveyed. Then dusk swallowed both.

In a dark and dusty chamber of the upper temple reaches, rock and metal screamed as a burning explosion created a door where there had been none before. Night spilled in as Samus stepped through a jagged tunnel newly torn through solid rock, the end of her silver weapon still glowing bright with excess heat. This was the youngest section of the complex, those halls constructed inside the slopes of the mountain itself after the end of the empire and the Last's imprisonment. She had blasted a hole in the mountain side far below the foot of the massive Chozo statue, where her interior map had indicated a temple room drew close to reaching the outside surface.

Samus reached out and ran the golden claws of her gauntlet across the melted and broken walls of her crude entrance, noting the layer of metal set between the natural mountain and this internal chamber, stone paved though it was. Compared to her new armor, engraved and etched with intricate lines until it looked like embroidered cloth, the fragments of melted rock seemed as smooth as glass. The metal in the wall was also strange; it seemed the chozo had chosen to reinforce this specific part of the temple. Why these new, higher chambers and not the rest?

Perhaps they wanted more protection for their greatest treasure. To Samus' eyes the walls here flowed with lines of power, and the floor under her feet murmured with the heartbeat of distant massive engines. All the energy from Diomedes' main cannon blast had been redirected here and something here was using every drop of it, as if the primary cannon blast was just barely enough to ignite a pilot light.

Samus stepped forward into the temple chamber, her eyes narrowing in suspicion. The Last had been in this area for three hours. For someone of her technical skill that likely meant every machine within a mile was now hers. And by Nakamura's final warning that armory would soon be supplemented by an army of thousands of metroids genetically encoded to obey her commands.

The Last had all that. Samus had experience. She had the strength of her will and the touch of her precognitive predecessors against her skin. Of course, she would trade all that for an EMP and a clear firing line but in the meantime she would just have to make due with prophecy.

As she stepped through the doorway into the next chamber her suspicions of this younger temple deepened. Her eyes traced the invisible radiation of thick power lines running behind the walls and she triangulated the reverberations of massive machines. These chambers did not seem built for theoretical research, the ultimate hunt for knowledge that had given the rest of this temple its purpose. Yes, they were still stone flagged and ornately carved, but the Chozo were known to occasionally make wood-paneled starships so for them this was positively utilitarian.

Utilitarian and uniform. Unlike the rest of the eclectic ancient temple, all these chambers were built at the same time with a single guiding vision. Samus catalogued every detail as she moved quickly, access hatches that led to planetary-defense-grade power converters, inactive shield projectors larger than her body, and massive struts of metal leading up through the floor to pass the ceiling with grim purpose. The Chozo had built something here. Something they wanted to last. Could this apotheosis machine really subject the area to that much stress to require all this reinforcement?

Then the next door opened with its unfurling metallic iris and a glowing orange glyph stood sharply carved on the wall in front of her, over a handspan tall.

It read only, "Answers."

In the abandoned shadows Samus felt the pressure of greater meaning. No, it was more than just that. Not just answers: truths. Truths that were worth suffering incredible trials to discover.

A murmur in Samus' ears. "They wait behind your eyes."

The male voice arising unbidden inside her helmet was not surprising any more. It seemed the last echo of her second parents was still with her, even after they had guided her to the new suit. Still waiting for new carefully placed external triggers, still using Adam's voice, still hinting at the path they saw, and still unhelpfully arcane. Honestly, the infuriation it brought was nostalgic.

Samus continued to move, her pace breaking into a jog. She passed another ornately engraved wall of a Chozo seated with folded legs and arms outstretched when the engraved metallic eyes suddenly glowed yellow. Suit scan detected a security system the instant it activated, but that was still an instant too late. An alarm had just gone out. If the Last had managed to reach those systems then she now knew where Samus was.

Then the air itself drew in a breath. It hissed, "What are you?"

It was the Last's voice, and though omnipresent it had a weak and wavery sound. Samus realized that the voice was actually coming from the air vents. It seemed that in absence of speakers in this immediate area, the Last had quickly jury-rigged the temple's climate control system into an an announcement network. And that process seemed to have taken her all of thirty seconds.

The gentle air currents thrummed and reverberated as it gave its own answer to the voiced question. "You are a monster."

That world echoed and swirled around her. The sibilant syllables came from everywhere at once.

The Last hissed from somewhere in the temple, "I see what your presence here means. You destroyed my thesis; my Ultimate Hunter. You destroyed the utgardians. You destroyed the humans. And now you come to me, once more clothed in the plundered skin of my people. You destroy and you steal; there is nothing else in your being. How can you bear it? To have been instructed in our ways and yet descend into this putrescence? You are the worm who brought rot to purest gold."

However, those vents were already speaking to empty space. If the Last wanted to occupy Samus' attention here then it was not wise to remain. Samus broke into a sprint. She darted through the tight corridors, persuading each shielded door-hatch to open with a very convincing blaster shot.

The whispers followed her with the same voice, the breath on the air. "But I will escape. I will escape you. I will escape this existance. For while you have been slaughtering your fellow sentients, I have been reading. I have read of what my people discovered in the centuries after they turned on me. I have read of physics, and astronomy, and of the purest horror. I now know why my kin fled this reality. I know why they turned in desperation to my very research which they had once declared so vile. They found what awaits us all in the darkness of the stars."

Samus felt doubt creep into her purposeful dash. The Last spoke of horror and she truly sounded afraid. But was there actually some horrifying secret, or was this just the splintered mind of a being who had undergone unbelievable isolation and mental stress? Samus did not know, for all the Last's instability she had proved herself vastly knowledgeable and intelligent.

And Samus had long held that same question the Last now voiced. Deep in the past, a girl with long blonde hair clutched her hand so hard her nails bit into her palm. Blue eyes were pressed tight, holding back the dull pain that threatened to burn in her throat. But the question would not be pushed away.

Why did everyone leave?

Samus' running footsteps rang against rock and metal through the cavernous chambers of the upper temple. No. The intent of those departed Chozo did not matter right now. Their secrets would wait. Their prophecy could wait. The darkness of the stars could wait. Samus was here, and she would create the truth of her own future with fire and with force. She would create justice.

Another room and another tall rune carved into the wall.


Greater translations again burned unbidden at the edge of Samus' mind. Our child. Our only child. Our greatest, our most beloved. The successor. The one who replaces us. The lesser copy of us. The diminutive offspring. The hatchling.

And with that single word came Adam's stolen voice muttering through Samus helmet. "You will see what we saw. You will see the choice we made. And with perfect certainty we will weep with joy for the path you take."

She continued running. In the next chamber Samus was confronted by another door, this one a strange and heavy thing that made up the ground entire far wall in two great interlocking leaves like a hanger airlock. Symbols flashed in Samus' visor as the suit scan went to work and then the two sheafs twitched apart with a hiss of air pressure. The blasting air carried a searing heat, and by the time the metal walls slid apart Samus could see why.

This door opened half-way up the side of a vast rough-walled cavern, lit from far below with a fluctuating orange light. Two titanic stone statues of Chozo in full armor stood on opposite walls, each a hundred feet tall, and each holding before them a vertical metal column like a soldier's spear at attention. Those metal columns were more than statuary. Suit scan which said they were carrying a constant flow of energy up and through the armor-plated ceiling high above the statues like refueling lines. Samus stepped forward towards the lip above the cavern and saw that those "spears" vanished into a pool of roiling lava that gave entire void a black and burning floor.

She was in a half-drained magma chamber. It seemed the great volcano was still alive, but this machinery was sucking energy from its primal heart. A quick glance down at the walls right above the orange and black lava surface said that the level had dropped a noticeable amount very recently, volume contracting as the magma chamber cooled. There was only one likely answer, Last was waking up the temple. She was gathering energy for her apotheosis.

Samus glanced up and saw that just below the metallic roof, there was another shelf of some sort around the cavern walls, perhaps a landing like the one Samus currently stood on. Samus set her eyes on that destination, took a few steps back, and darted forward at a full run. She burst into the air with a full jets-flaring leap over the pool of lava far below. For a single second she soared, and so had a fantastic view of the massive swarm of twinkling missile launches that suddenly launched out from every direction around her.

Samus twisted in mid leap, taking in the battle map in a single blurred second. Dozens of hostiles across the cavern walls, the heat signatures of their bodies invisible over the lava and at the edge of Samus life-sensor range. But now the trap was sprung and scan said those missiles were of pirate make. It seemed the Last's faithful Pirates were still fighting, even in this blistering toxic heat which had to be slowly broiling alive anyone without a chozo varia system.

Samus' beam weapon flashed out as she spun and a thin arc of the missiles exploded in mid flight. In the same moment she flung out her other hand and the crackling blue grapple energy whipped out, latching its grasping static to the huge stone elbow of the nearest towering statue. Her flight took an abrupt upwards jag, barely dodging the path of the nearest missile. Samus flipped up through the air, summoning a crackling sheath of energy around her at the apex. That screw-attack pulse shredded the explosive envelope of the next two simultaneous missiles, and her drop dodged the next.

However, blaster shots were harder to dodge and even as Samus danced across the statue's titanic outstretched limb several smashed against her shields. Her counterattacks were also stymied, dozens of the Pirate zealots were sheltered by that highest balcony of the lava chamber, only peeking out over the lip to take their very accurate shots. Samus' eyes narrowed at that accuracy, someone was spotting for those hiding in cover.

The air sputtered with invisible transmissions in every direction, bouncing and reflecting across the cavern walls and making tracing very difficult. Then Samus finally neared the massive statue hand that clutched the energy conduit column and a dark savage shape leaped out from a cleft between carved fingers. The Pirate roared, glowing blade extending from its arm with a deadly slicing hiss. Samus jumped away from the statue, easily dodging the attack in the open air, but then to her surprise she met the same Pirate colliding with her. It had also jumped out into the void. This fumbling tackle did no damage to her armor, but the added momentum meant Samus could not jet back onto the statue.

Instead they both fell, tumbling down hundreds of feet towards the burning pool of molten rock. Samus hit the lava surface with a splash that was still a harsh impact; this lake was only slightly less dense than non-molten rock. A moment later she slowly bobbed up to nearly lie on top of it. She was tired, exhausted to her bones and the impact had jarred her breath. Her limbs were leaden and not just because they were wrapped in molten rock.

The suit had no difficulties with these temperatures, by way of tactile feedback it felt like an overly hot bath. Meanwhile the Pirate beside her writhed, beyond even screaming as it burned and died. The fact that a Space Pirate could bear to contemplate suicide at all was strange and as suicides went, it seemed a poor effort to just dunk Samus into thick soup.

Then Samus noted what seemed to be a night sky of constellations above her. Each one was a missile or blaster shot aimed her way from the dozens of remaining pirates scattered in sniper's nests around the upper half of the chamber-turned-shooting-gallery. Ah. Molten rock wrapped around Samus' limbs but gave way under any forceful push and so did make it very hard to dodge. Floating on her back, Samus' face tensed as the stars raced closer. This was going to hurt a bit.

The air rained rock shards and red hot globs as explosions roared against the lava pool surface. Heat and rock fragments mixed with laser-excited force beams and shockwaves, transforming a wide circle of the chamber into a new form of plasma a thundering mixture of air and molten rock. Then the elemental chaos cleared and their floating target was no more, sunk beneath the thick black waves.

The watching Pirates felt dread fill their cores. Bodies float on lava. And as they soon discovered, lava is very good at ablating any attempt to shoot things beneath its surface.

X-ray sensors guided Samus through her burrowing swim until the dense metallic pillar of the nearest great spear materialized in the spectral world of her augmented vision. Then she disengaged her suit's gravetic magnification and switched to a magnetic focus. So it was that she exploded out of the surface of the lava pool at thirty miles per hour and literally climbing, running straight up the energy siphon pillar as if her feet gripped the planet instead of vertical metal surface. Two more Pirates leaped their lives away to try and bring her down again, but their suicidal ballistic dives missed and they died uselessly in burning pain.

This cult of god-painters had named her Death and now she erupted up from hell to give them audience. Samus' blinding golden suit blinked past the upper balcony so fast she flipped and impacted foot first against the armored roof of the cavern. The ceiling rang like hull metal and Samus sprang down to crash among the squadron of hulking elite Pirates who stood arrayed on that highest balcony before a sealed set of massive golden doors large enough for an atmospheric shuttle to fly through without wincing

To their credit, none of them screamed. In fact, as Samus arrived among them, as the battle assumed its rhythm, they seemed to feel it too and they danced along that path with exquisite ecstasy. Their fighting grew in skill and nerve even as Samus methodically tore them apart. The fanatical pirate elite threw themselves on her again and again, battering against shields and burning energy blasts with the strength of a sickening faith.

Their battle danced across a wide strip of metal flooring before the heat-shimmering void of the magma chamber. And more were coming, crawling across the heat seared walls as they fired down on scrum with heedless fury.

Samus' golden gauntlet closed down on a Pirate's blade arm, crushing it armor and exoskeleton, but the Pirate's insectile face twisted not into pain but into delight. The soldier wrenched the damaged arm up, leaving a severed claw in Samus' grasp, and the thick green blood painted Samus' helmet in a splattering arc.

For a single second Samus was blind and as if by cue every remaining combatant fired at her moment of vulnerability. Samus reeled under the impacts, unharmed but watching her shield meter drop precipitously. These god-painters sacrificed their bodies gleefully, trading their flesh or their lived for the least advantage. Before the golden hanger door, they fought with her in the berserker rage of true belief.

The Last's murmured, whispering voice came back to Samus' ear. Not inflected with air this time, but with the memory of times long gone. "They think I will lead then to a heaven. Even if they doubt I will give such a reward to things like them, they imagine an opportunity to steal it. And for the prize of eternity, what is a thing like death? After all, it was the threat of that oblivion that drove my kin in their flight."

By now Samus was familiar with the Last's tactical monologues. Not in this fight herself, the Last was free to interject at the most precarious moments, highjacking precious segments of Samus' attention. And Samus would not simply turn off incoming transmissions or ignore her. The Last was bad at keeping secrets, knew this, and used that flaw of hers to fight Samus.

The Last continued, but now distracted as if she too was splitting her focus. "All the primitive species imagine this same illogical concept of an afterlife. An existence after the cession of existence. Pure gibberish. But my people, with my knowledge they actually created one. They created an afterlife, forged a heaven free of the death that stalks this reality. Amazing. No wonder you worms bow to us like gods, even in our absence."

Samus winced as a charged Pirate blaster shot caught her in the base of the helmet, snapping her head back painfully. The grinning Pirate in her face had offered that shot path to a comrade through his own body, and his blood-caked mouth grinned in satisfaction as he followed that up with a glowing sword swing ignored the limitations of his wounded strength. Samus deflected the strike with her gauntlet, flash of shield energy now worryingly dim, as she followed up with a return shot under her own armpit. However, even in this bloody melee she had breath for her true foe.

Samus said, "There is no afterlife. Not for you."

The Last's delight was clear in her voice, with this confirmation that her monologue had set its hook in Samus' attention. "Philosophy, is it now? A doctrine of 'sins?' Did some primitive religion plaster to your mind during the wallowing since the empire set you wild?"

The white flash of the primary beam strobed, reflected against Samus' helmet, and opponents fell around her even as she spoke.

"Not philosophy. A verdict."

This time the delight in the Last's voice was gone. All that was left was grim fury. "You cannot see. Do not pretend you can influence the future or even comprehend it."

Samus stood up. Around her, none of the closest fanatics seemed able to replicate that feat, though some still writhed and crawled towards her across the blood-boiling floor, gnashing claws or fangs as if those base weapons would do what their technology had failed at. Samus ignored her would-be killers just as she ignored the Last's gathering anger, and instead stepped closer to the great golden doors.

They opened before the brush of her suit scan, inhaling the high pressure of the boiling air with a quickly swallowed hiss. Inside, shining metal statues of chozo luminaries stood on each side of a wide empty floor, vanishing into a dimly lit distance. Emblazoned on that far wall in ever-shining gold five feet high, incorporated into the architecture itself, was a single word set by its builders, just as the Last must have seen it just a few hours ago.


With that word once more came the whispers of greater translation, of poetry beyond meaning. Sunlight, we welcome you, desperate for your heat. The first and the last, we stretch for you, though your true might will blind us. Light, without you we will die.

Despite herself, Samus froze. These glyphs weighed her mind down with prophecy. They were speaking to a specific person, and Samus could feel all the jagged edges where she did not match that image, where she did not live up to that legacy. But did not matter, she had to move. The Pirates were already regrouping behind her.

The motion blipped into the edge of Samus' awareness, her suit visor alerting her to activity far behind her. A quick glance back showed a dozen pirates and pirate elites, those who had been stationed in other parts of the magma chamber room, scramble up onto landing. The harsh light of a muzzle flash twinkled out and Samus relaxed to smoothly spin out of its way, but it this time the attack was not aimed at her. No, that hulking armored Pirate elite had instead fired down off the edge of the balcony, into the central expanse of the vast magma-floored chamber.

Clarity crystalized in Samus' mind as she realized what was coming. That entire ambush had just to slow her down. Dozens and dozens of life signatures entered into the range of Samus' sensors, far away down and behind. A sound managed to emerge from beneath the gurgling roar of the lava pool and that sound bore the hungry notes of searing electricity and screaming metal. Metroids.

When the Last's voice returned, so had her vicious confidence. She spoke softly. "You did not have to come here. You did not have to die. But since your time intersects with mine, one must break. I will achieve the apotheosis I created. I will step through the doorway my genius forged. I will join my people as ruler of all and there is nothing your doomed reality can do to overcome that."

For the next few moments Samus did not have time to reply, and the roar of explosions made it hard to make out if the Last was still talking. It took all Samus' skill to push back the Pirate forces, slowing the group just enough for Samus to sprint deeper into the armored corridors. It would be too much to hope they and the metroids would kill each other but at least the tangle slowed the pursuers for a second. Samus was still heading up, still heading to the great statue, but she could hear the sounds of pursuit just out of sight.

In these moments where Samus was only running, the distraction of conversation now aided her more than the Last. So she said, know that the Last would hear her, "The darkness among the stars. What does that mean? What did you find?"

Sure enough, the Last did sound distracted. "The physical universe is dying around us. A clockwork toy slowly winding down. To do anything but escape is suicide."

Samus sprint actually faltered for a moment in incredulity. "You're fleeing the heat death of the universe? Then why are you rushing? Why would you rather murder me than wait through a damn conversation?"

No, there was more to it. That answer was too stupid even for unscripted reality. There was something else. Some discovery that had put a desperate fear in the Last's voice, laid thick behind the anger and loneliness. Something that had led to the exodus of the chozo race.

But the Last only said, "For an immortal all of time is my future; today or in a thousand years are just as soon. If you plummeted from high in the sky, would you wait until the ground was near before you arrested your fall? This gateway out of the material world was the final creation of my civilization, if some savage damaged it such a thing might never exist again! And you are that savage."

Samus nodded her head to the side in agreement as she ran through the metallic corridors. The Last was right about this at least, and Samus was currently cycling through her entire diverse armory onto a shielded door as she charged down this long octagonal hallway. It turned out it was a mixture of super missiles of plasma fire that unlocked that hatch into an ejection cone of half-melted shrapnel.

Still the Last murmured and growled, "Why is it a crime to escape? Who are you to deny me power? Once I step through the gate I will never harm a living creature again, because I would have no reason to bother. Why does it matter if I am punished if I will never commit the crime again?"

Then suddenly an invisible force pressed against Samus entire body like burning needles and she staggered in mid run. She felt its hooks dig into her, pulling from every direction, an instant pain that shot through every cell. She recognized it, life energy absorption. The sensation of being digested on an atomic level was very memorable.

However, Samus' new suit was of a finer make than her old skin. After only an interminable instant the suit modulated its energy fields to, if not repel, at least push back the relentless invisible attack. Arrows blinked into Samus' sight and the white beam flashed four more times as four concealed reaper field projectors vanished into seared and shattered components. Pain-wracked flesh begged to stand there and pant, but Samus once again sprang into high speed action.

That trap had been oddly easy to overcome, as if the reaper field was trying to scan her as well as destroy her. But she could not gift the Last with any hesitation. As if to remind her of that, the heavy footfalls of Pirate Elites began to ring through the halls again, growing closer with disturbing speed. Behind those, the crackle of more pirate transmissions and beyond that Samus map of the temple went black, as if a dark flood was eating the memory of places she had passed. The metroids were coming.

Samus plunged through yet another thick interleaved door that opened with the hiss of over pressured air and slid into the chamber with her eyes already tilted upwards. The floor was bathed in a dim blue light but high above, the wide cylindrical chamber stretched up into the distant shadows of a golden light like the illumination of molten metal. This shaft was over a hundred feet tall, with walls of metal that flowed like they had grown organically, but at the top, where a forest of spiked metal hung down like an upside down gothic cathedra combined with a turbine, up there was her destination. Those tiny shafts of yellow light crawling down the walls through tangled turbine came from directly behind the eyes of the great chozo statue.

Behind your eyes, just as the long gone whispers had said. That was where the Last had made her nest, her last redoubt of plundered power.

A loud hiss rang out around the dark floor and around Samus darted away from the walls of the circular room. Sight shifted in her visor to reveal coiling ropes of energy suddenly cycling behind those wall panels. Scan flashed text boxes of technological descriptions, but as soon as Samus caught the words "life energy" she did not bother reading the rest. Instead she focused on the familiar rippling mirage now spreading out from five equidistant points around this room. Samus' suit drank thirstily of the excess energy bleeding out, but she doubted this display was for her benefit. Dim blue lights marked out the suggestion of an ominous pentagram as five objects began to emerge from behind the air.

"Do you recognize it?" The Last's voice was back in Samus' ears, though she was only now a hundred feet away. "You who claimed to understand the Heart of the Chozo, you use my equation in the most simplistic way, eating and devouring like another hungry beast. But my equation is more than that, it is a description of balance. If energy can be taken, it can be given. If matter can be destroyed, it can be created."

They staggered into reality, five shadows in humanoid form. Sickly blue light rippled around them, as if reality itself was being torn apart and reformed. Samus slowly spun, gun barrel tracking each shadow in turn. As her foot slid across the floor, the edge of her boot caught on something etched into the stone and metal. It was a massive single character chozo scrypt. But she did not have time to read it, for the Last whispered:

"If life can be slain, it can be birthed."

Samus' breath caught as five creatures broke through the final dimensional film and stumbled free into the cavernous shaft chamber. These malformed things were bipedal, but to say humanoid shied accuracy. One was a hairy ape-like figure with drooping arms, long fangs jutting from a heavy jaw, its skin palid like something living underground. A dozen yards away another creature stretched huge hands with fingers like spider legs as limp feathers drooped down across its pallid flesh.

Samus had already noticed the pattern. The shifting blue light stained everything in the chamber, but even through it Samus knew those thin and shaggy feathers were colored blonde.

These creatures were her; a fractured manifestation of Samus Aran's mongrel makeup. Samus recognized five measurements of her exact height, sagging breasts that suggested genender, and fierce hungry eyes all shining in the same shade of blue. One was a monster of primal humanity, another a mockery of the chozo species. The shambling abominations staggered forward, a figure burning with glowing blue scars in the sickening shade of phazon beside another whose bubbling skin twisted and reshaped in constant currents, the echo of the X-parasite. That meant the final figure was not any surprise. It was a living flayed body who glistened with thick transparent skin over red globules and bony crackling fangs jutting forth from the arms and mouthless face. The creature walked forward, each step stronger than the last.

Human, Chozo, phazon, X, and Metroid. All the bricks that built her.

The Last said, "I too have seen the messages scrawled across these bulkheads. I saw the intent they left, the prophecy they built. But I can see more than my hypocritical kin. My mind is stronger than theirs, my understanding more complete. Everything my kin left behind are now tools in my hand. Including you, monster."

The character under Samus' feet rasped again against her shifting boot, tugging at her to be read. No, Samus resisted. This grotesque trap of the Last's was meant as much for Samus' mind as her body, and the speech meant that writing could be part of it. She did not look down, her eyes darting between the monstrous duplicates and the still open door, beyond which advanced the Pirate fanatics and the ravening pack of hunting metroids flowing up from the lower vaults of the temple. High above this dark pit of monsters, the Last chozo continued to lash the temple's power to her will.

For a single instant, a hair of fear pushed through, and for a single instant Samus' gaze flicked down.

The giant character on the floor read, "Self"

A mental trap is instantaneous, and the translation followed. That word meant more than self. It meant what you are. What you truly are. What you are, stripped of all illusion and self delusion, the truth of your darkest doubts and the absence of all comforting hopes.

And Samus did not have an answer. It was a trap made in Samus' own mind, an existential proximity mine, and realizing it was a trap did not do much to lessen its effect.

For only a single fraction of a single second, Samus hesitated, and in that moment all the monsters pounced.

Samus was slammed against the ground, cracking stone and metal as metroid energy absorption raking through her flesh and phazon radiation beat through her shields. Impacts rang as the monsters gripped her leg and thrashed her to smash against floors and walls over and over. She needed to move. But her thoughts were slow, shaken and mired by long chained fears. Her tired exhausted brain that had already fought too much over the last few days. Over the last few decades.

Samus knew the techniques to clear her mind but... Impacts crashed against her head as the monsters' strength battered her like a tornado. God damn it! She was better than this! And she would be again in a moment, she just needed a second to think. She just needed a single second to...

Blows from fists and claws rained down on her out of the darkness with impossible strength, power and matter pulled from out of reality in the pale blue glow of the life-energy materializers. Samus head smashed against the floor, ringing her ears even through the shield and armor. Then her lips parted in unconscious reflex. Every living creature, beset by danger, reaches out for help, for companions to bearing salvation.

Her words murmured in the confines of her helmet, in chozo or in human standard she didn't know. It was just a whisper. "Grey Voice, Old Bird...Adam, if any of you saw this... please. I need just one more lesson."

Then a sound landed in her ears like a bolt of lightning. Even after everything Samus had fought through, through physical pain and sorrow and anger and fear and loss and triumph, this one sound banished it all with clear and fresh surprise.

It was a laugh.

"Ha ha ha!"

The hybrid voice continued, soft and sweet music laid over the searing fire of love. "A lesson from us? All those years, did you think we were educating you? No. Child of ours, precious child. No. We were learning from you. You are the answer, not the question. A being of perfect certainty, an immutable law of justice, the adamant rod around which the path of time itself will curl. Our child, we were students at your feet, for only in you did we find a hope to escape our damnation.

The rain of blows and screeching electric hunger continued to claw at her, but it seemed to dim away. A fire burned and grew within her soul.

"So go forth, Samus Aran! Go forth and instruct onto the universe! Your last pupil awaits your hand!"

Temple's highest chamber was a great elipse a hundred yards long. Warm orange light suffused the air like sunset and molten gold, washing the bronze walls embossed with the images of thousands of chozo. The vast floor was bronze as well, two great circles of broad shallow steps, one ascending to a low dais, one descending to a shallow pit plugged with a large turbine-like mechanism.

Then the orange light of the was broken by flashing needles of white light, strobing from the black depths far beneath the turbine. Then those white flashes became trails of black smoke. In the tangled seam where the machinery met its housing there, a clawed golden gauntlet reached up into the light to grab the lip.

Samus lifted herself out of the pit with a single smooth pull, as the screeches of the surviving monsters echoed from far below. Her feet landed on a burnished floor, gold against bronze, and as her back straightened her suit's pale feathers of light flared from behind her shoulders.

Then she turned towards the far end of the elliptical room. There the point of the curved wall was slashed by two great gaps, southern semi-circles glowing with yellow light. Samus recognized the back of the eyes of the great Chozo statue, just as she recognized the armored figure standing before them, framed by a great tangled arch of thin golden rods like an empty gateway.

Backlit into shadow, the last living chozo faced Samus Aran in the skull of the final chozo temple.

Cue the JAM Project, ladies and gentlemen. It's time for a lecture from Professor Aran; the subject, of course, is justice. By closed fist or open palm, the Hunter will mete her judgement upon the Last this day.
Great stuff, great stuff.

Shame we didn't get that last fight but it wasn't really important at this point.
I wanted to set a little stylistic breathing room since next chapter is the big fight. Though really I conceptualized this whole chapter as part of the boss fight with the Last. The Last is a scientist, not a soldier. All these traps and minions are as much part of her arsenal as Samus' missiles are part of hers.
Hey there, decided to read the only other Metroid fic on the site!

Give me a bit to read through everything and I'll probably have more detailed thoughts up later in the week.
Bring Back the Light
Chapter Twenty-five

Bring Back the Light


Somewhere high above the black mountains, through a quarter mile of rock bored by tunnels and caverns, with a shift of wind the stormy sky of Zebes momentarily became blue. For a single brief hour, the yellow clouds of ammonia vapor gave way to the gentle blue of nitrogen and sunlight shone down bright and warm onto acid-stained rock. That warmth began a slow ripple, an imperceptible blush through cold stone down to the dark chamber. There, on that hard floor, a warrior of the Chozo knelt in rigid silence before her suit of armor. She was naked but for the chill which clawed at her skin.

Samus did not shiver. Her blue eyes remained on the suit, her stare locked onto that green slash of the visor set in a shining red helmet. The suit's shape was familiar, with jutting shoulder pauldrons and right arm enveloped in a grey metaled gun, and yet it was still uncomfortably strange. Depictions of armored warriors dotted this temple, paintings, engravings, and great statues, yet every one of those fearsome suits was made to hold a chozo body. This armor was built for a human form.

The power suit's back was twisted into a straight posture, its head wrenched up to sit directly on top of the shoulders instead of slung forward like a chozo's. The arms were stubby, fingers on the left hand too short, and the shoulders only given the illusion of width by the flaring yellow pauldrons that jutted out like ineffective airfoils. And the suit was small, smaller than the slightest warrior depicted in all the art of Zebes. Yet for all its strangeness this armor was still one of them. Samus looked at it and she knew; she knew this was the skin of a chozo warrior.

The armor fit her body. It was her task now to reshape her mind.

The hard stone floor pressed against her shins and the tops of her feet. Cold and time smoothly turned patience into pain and her body begged to shift position. She did not. Two shadows loomed in the gloom beside her, Old Bird stood on one hand and Grey Voice on the other. Samus had seen none of the work that went into constructing this armor, but she knew that it had to have been the painstaking labor of a decade. More perhaps. Her instructors, her caretakers, her parents had no facility here designed to do such work; they must have started from scratch, rebuilding a thousand years of chozo industry from the ground up. In this waiting cold, Samus realized they might have started before they ever found her on the desolation of her birth world, gasping for air under a distant plume of smoke.

Now they both stood in silence and watched as the hatchling called Samus approached the final step to become something greater. That armor was still just a thing. She had to make it into her.

Samus slowly blinked and Grey Voice' hand twitched in recognition of that signal. He straightened up and reached to touch the control bracelet on his wrist, executing some precise and delicate operation with the local computers. It took a few moments, since in this deep chamber of the zebes complex Mother Brain was not there to listen and obey, effortlessly shepherding their systems. In this vault there were only three living creatures waiting in silence, the supplicant and the masters.

No, not the masters. They were her parents for this one final moment.

Grey Voice slowly hissed through his beak, soft and breathy. All the same, his voice cut through the heavy air. "I was a child, harmless and ignorant, and then that self ended."

On Samus' other side, Old Bird followed, his own voice clipped and curt but always so strong. "I was a child, innocent and useless. Then that self ended."

The instant Old Bird stopped, Grey Voice began again, reciting the litany of his lives, reciting the epitaphs of who they once had been.

"I was a philosopher, I uncovered traps within thought and the unintended consequences of the unwary. I was a philosopher, I did not step forth to aid those I studied. And then that self ended."

Old Bird continued, "I was a warrior of the empire. I was brave. I was cruel. And then that self ended."

"I dedicated myself to a cause. I put aside personal pleasure. I watched my people dwindle. And then that self ended."

"I sought absolution. I dedicated myself to peace. I abandoned those in need. And then that self ended."

"I was alone."

"I was alone."

"I joined comrades. I chased a singular obsession."

"I found allies. I stopped searching."

They joined in unison, their deep voices rising and rebounding on the hard stone walls. "And then that self ended."

Grey Voice said, "I found a hatchling lost and afraid, raised her and bestowed on her many gifts. I found a hatchling, and changed her horribly. And now that self has ended."

Old Bird said, "I found a hatchling burned and bloody. I gave her love. I brought her pain. And now that self has ended."

Samus slowly rose from the stony floor, forcing away the tremble in her legs, forcing away the pain in her throat, the burning in her eyes. Everything in her life had led up to here. All her loss, all her pain, her loneliness and her fear, it had all been meant to forge her. All she had lost, all she had found, all she stood to lose yet again. This was the Path, and she trod upon it without a single look behind her.

She breathed in and took a step away from her past, away from her family. But to her surprise, Old Bird's hand shot out to clamp down around her forearm, holding her back for one last moment. However, it was Grey Voice who spoke next, retreated out of the room as he did so.

"Little one, this breadth of these years is the brightest span of my duration. Brightest by far, because I share them with you. But now something new begins. This is the last instant of our existence as your caretakers."

His footsteps retreated further into the darkness of the exit tunnel and Samus' back tensed in fear and loss. The pain in her throat fought to return again. They were both supposed to be beside her for this, this last moment during which they would be her parents. How could Grey Voice leave now?

But then Grey Voice's dry coughing laugh echoed from the tunnel, answering her unvoiced thought. "I grieve too, child. But I cannot complete this ceremony with you. Only one who has killed another in hate can bestow the power of death. For who else could understand the cost?"

He left. Samus and Old Bird stood together in the shadows before the gleaming power suit. Old Bird's hand still gripped Samus' arm and through his fingers she could feel the invisible tremors; the sorrow and pride and fear. She could feel the thousand years of life and she could feel the strength that waned as wisdom waxed. And she could feel his love, cold and desperate.

His grip tensed as his beak moved, as if he was trying to force a message through the walls of reality itself, in this last moment before Samus experienced the challenge of the armor.

"You must take control. We have seen the path ahead. A universe of darkness and of cold. We have seen where the path leads. You must too, in time."

Samus nodded in the smallest angle as shivers traveled down her bare skin. It was another same message of impermanence, of the doctrine of the Chozo. The past and present were the same as the future. It was all part of the path.

Old Bird let go of her arm but in the corner of Samus' awareness she thought that in that final moment she felt sorrow and desperation of his grip intensify. As if she had not actually understood. But there would be time for that. Another life awaited, as equals instead of family.

He whispered one last time. "You must see."

She took another step away from him and the suit of armor opened up before her. The plates of red and yellow slid back to reveal a smooth inner layer of pale blue. Then that too peeled back, exposing the final heart of the suit, the narrow outline of a humanoid form, a hollow waiting to be filled. It waited for her to step inside.

She turned and lined her back up with that perfect mirror of her shape. She closed her eyes. Then she stepped back into it. She touched the suit and in that instant a scream beyond pain scoured her thoughts away. Invisible mental hooks bit into her mind and tore it apart as the world twisted. Suddenly a disgusting pustule of blood and bile hung before her, a rotting cancer skewered on slick spears of bone. Then thought returned and Samus realized that vision was her own humanoid body, seen from the suit's perspective.

It was not her.

But the psychic hooks dug in and tore once more. Now a cold mechanical abattoir loomed behind her, needles to stab into her spine, tubes to steal her blood, bonds to restrain her, motors to animate her corpse, and a lurking artificial intellect to subsume anything that might make her real. Anything in that blender would cease to exist, assimilated consumed by unknowable machinery. So the human body feared the armor.

It was not her.

The scream echoed again, through air and through radio waves, from lungs and from transmitters. Tears ran down someone's cheeks. Electricity arced and spasmed in the barrel of someone's weapon. But then someone remembered. Someone remembered training; remembered perseverance, strength, and understanding. She remembered the love that was standing right beside her. Then Samus once more stood in the dark stone room. And now she was whole.

She did not see, she could barely hear, but Old Bird was at her side and he whispered.

"Now, open your eyes."


Blue eyes blinked open.

Samus stood in the the highest chamber of the Temple of the Hunter, bathed in golden light behind the giant eyes of the Chozo statue. A hundred yards away, the Last stood in her own armor and stared back, framed by the tangled golden web of the Apotheosis Gate and the jumble of technology she had forced her mad devotees to carry here. Through the great pointed eclipses of the statue's glowing eyes, filled with the haze of some powerful shield, Samus could see out to the night beyond. The rolling mountain slopes of empty stone gave way to the slashes of canyons as the ground slowly fell away.

Warm light brushed against her armor and Samus felt a tear begin to dry on the cheek beneath her eye. She answered a person long gone and yet still beside her. "I see."

The Last hissed back from behind the arch of golden wire, the Apotheosis Gate, "You are blind."

Walking among the jumble of equipment looted from across the temple, she was armored just as Samus had been prior to this newest suit. The Last's red helmet with a slash of green visor was slung forward between the almost sphere-like shoulders. A familiar round-barreled weapon, banded with smooth grooves, shifted mechanically as it transitioned between selected beam modes. None of those new black additions that now clung to the armor's exterior like metallic lampreys could disguise that essential shape.

But more familiar by far was the anger. Despite the armor that shielded and empowered her, the Last trembled with the fury of justice denied. Samus recognized that fury; she had felt it so many times before.

And the stoking force was plain to see. In the upper reaches of this massive oval room, a band of shining cooper circled the ceiling like an engraved halo. The text on it was clear, and after the Last's long journey of doubt and discover, to read it here would have stabbed like obsidian knives.

"The last child of the Chozo, we welcome you. We who write this do not know you, yet still we have met you, striding through our halls, blazing with purest light. Where will we find you? We do not know. Who will you be? We cannot see. But still we know you, and still we love you. For you will be our solace or our absolution."

Beneath that cruelly ambiguous phrasing, the Last ran a gauntlet clad hand across her pile of machines and boiled with anger. Samus easily saw that gesture's meaning, the Last no longer believed the planet's prophecy was meant for her. The boots of the Last's armor clanked softly as she stepped up onto one particular piece of newly installed technology, a circular platform like a half built cylinder. Her limbs dragged like they were filled with lead.

Samus felt her own weariness after long battle and heartache, but more than that she felt her strength. She felt the strength of this place, of this moment.

She said, "There is-"

The Last raised her weapon and fired a charged plasma beam as her opening remark.

Samus just barely dodged, suit jets flaring as she burst to the side. The Last did not stop firing, even as that machinery around her began to glow with pulsing bands of blue and yellow light as if reacting to the violence. Then a screaming hail of missiles followed her first attack, as the pulsing light flowed out to fill other pieces of machinery.

Samus' return fire flashed out, a searing line of white, but halfway across the room the beam splashed in mid air against a glowing orange honeycomb pattern that materialized into sight. Samus narrowed her eyes. Cloaked one-way energy shields, another one of the Last's technological surprises. That explained at least some of her confidence at standing in plain sight on that strange metal platform. It looked for all the world like a recharge-and-record station.

Then the Last said a single word, "Simulate."

A pulse of blue energy surged out from the crackling spikes around her platform and instantly she jumped forward at Samus in full assault, charging across the room with a fury and courage Samus had never seen before. Samus met her armored attack, shooting missile rounds out of the air as she waited for the moment the Last's berserk charge brought her over the line of the one-way shield. Then, out of the corner of her eye, Samus noticed the very distracting fact that the Last was also still standing on that glowing metal platform behind the Gate.

There were two of the Last, identical in every way, except for the fact that only one of them was trying very hard to shoot Samus to death right now. This Last was fierce, free of the fear of death that had ruled her in every prior moment. However, while the ancient chozo scientist might have once been a combat threat, that was no longer the case.

Samus breathed out smoothly. The peace of her mind danced her along the prescient path while the strength of her golden suit allowed her to execute that foresight perfectly. Two suits of armor clashed in harmony. The momentum of the impact carried Samus a little further away from the Gate, but a moment later a charged beam shot intersected the attacking Last's head and her suit shields shattered, leaving the rest to collapse to the smoking floor, missing an arm and head.

Then the dead copy of the Last began to dissolve into motes of blue light. Samus whipped her head up to look at the original, still standing on her platform behind a short path of glowing struts like slaloms that sparked with excess electricity.

The Last looked down at her own dissolving body without a hint of distress or disappointment. "You understand nothing. Simulate."

The blue light surged once more and a second manifestation of the Last burst forward. Then another copy followed right behind, launched down the same corridor of arcing electric struts like slugs down a rail gun. Instantly, Samus was fighting two chozo in full battle armor. However, it became clear something was odd about this. Well, more odd. One of these summoned copies was repeating the exact motions it had during its first assault, despite the fact that Samus' position no longer matched.

Then she realized; it was a replay. The other copy still followed Samus' movements but after only a few more embattled seconds the Last's body slammed against the floor once more.

And yet the Last's words still filled the room, bitter and angry. "You understand nothing at all. Not even simple probability. Simulate. Simulate, simulate, simulate."

Samus grimace. The Last was brute-forcing real time strategy, seeking victory through probability. The Probability Cannon hummed and surged, launching forth a new storm of identical opponents. These duplicates could not cooperate, it did not even see as if they could perceive each other's existence, but nevertheless there were now dozens of chozo battle suits and the air soon began to resemble a missile-and-plasma-beam themed circle of hell. An endless hail of firepower poured out in every direction.

Samus began to run out of places to dodge. Then she failed to kill the earliest manifestations swiftly and the instant their internal clocks ticked past their initial death these copies ceased to function as dumb obstacles and snapped back into being able to see Samus perfectly well. All while more and more duplicates charged forward to join this increasingly absurd battle.

Samus might win again and again, but the Last only had to win once. Samus' death would stick.

At the other end of the huge room, the Last finally stepped down from the central station of the Probability Cannon and began to shift once more through her tangled nest of equipment that sprawled beside the dais of the Gate like an industrial octopus. Holographic indicators and displays shimmered at her every gesture, suit systems doing their part to transform her every will into action. But her motions were full of desperation, fumbling with the need to work ever faster.

The Last's voice over coms was almost a whisper. "I hate you. And I hate my hate for you. You, a creature who treats opening doors like an elaborate puzzle, you were chosen and guided by a thousand years of prophecy, given the fruit of millennia of my civilization's labor like a feather dropped into the dust. It is despicable irony. I hate you because of a prophecy set down by my kin to aid you in your battle against me, a battle that now takes place only because the efforts to stop me are themselves the motivation for my acts. Our enmity is a fixed circle in time. So I despise my useless hate, and yet cannot escape it because you are here to kill me."

Samus spared a few breaths in the fight for her life with two dozen duplicates. "There are other paths. I could just destroy the gate."

Anger crashed back down, rasping the Last's throat in vicious fury. "Magnified injustice, and that would only delay my murder. Immortality is my right, but there is no permanence in this physical world. Far less than any of you young races think. I told you I have been reading. I now know why the others fled. I know what they were running from. They solved the Dark Matter mystery. They knew what is waiting in the void of space, what is coming for all who remain. They learned where the stars all go, and they were terrified."

In the midst of her chaotic battle, Samus sprang off a wall, jets flaring across her back in phantasmal wings as her right arm ached with the constant dull thud of recoil. Dark matter. It was a riddle as ancient as space flight itself, a question with a thousand unsatisfying answers. It was a simple observation, by their paths through space all the galaxies were heavier than the light of their stars accounted for. But the chozo had apparently found an answer. And the Last was right, it was terrifying.

The Last said, "It was simple after all. The stars were there. But they have been removed, turned to black and heatless lumps before their light could reach us. And now the star-eaters are coming here. The doom is coming for this galaxy and this golden gate it my only chance to escape."

And it didn't matter. That realization jolted through Samus' chest like a painful cough of laughter. The grand mystery of this planet, of the chozo themselves and their disappearance, and it didn't matter. Not now; not to this confrontation.

The Last had given an explanation, not an excuse. She had still demonstrated that she was not a person who could be trusted with power, and she was here seeking ultimate power. She admired cruelty, and so she must be stopped. All the reasons beyond that would come later. She must be stopped. That was perfect certainty, the straight line around which the Path would bend.

The Last's helmeted head snapped up from her hurried work once she noticed a new silence replacing the roar of weapon fire. The far half of the great room was hidden by smoke flattening against the energy shield. The back smoke glowed across the floor from a sickly blue light where two dozen chozo bodies slowly returned to nothing. And in the center of that steam and smoke, another light approached. It strode out of the fog of war, golden-white like two great wings. But once it reached the invisible shield wall, only a figure remained, in armor of gold and red and silver.

Samus stopped just before the shield barrier, smoke and light billowing at her back. Her helmet tilted ever so slightly as she studied the Last, who unconsciously shifted a step back to half hide behind the shadow of one of her larger machines.

Samus said, "I understand something now. Before you awoke from your sentence you had never committed murder."

"Do not judge me by your primitive standards, creature. You know first hand I am perfectly willing to execute sacrifices."

Samus did not shake her head as she stood before the shield, that was a human gesture. Instead she cocked her head and slightly spread the fingers of her left hand in almost sympathetic negation, the way a chozo would.

"No. Not killing. A falling stone can do that. Murder. Death fueled by hate. You do not understand that act and yet on this planet you created it, you embodied it. You sought that power hungrily and gave it carelessly. The metroids, the pirates, your own weapons against me; you never truly understood what you were unleashing. Even the Life Energy Equation, the heart of the Chozo, it is the epiphany of an innocent, arriving to one unblinded by worship of life. In you, the ability to bestow death arrived before the wisdom to regard it, and so when you discovered true hate you were trapped. I understand that now."

The Last hissed back in a bitter sneer. "Then am I judged absolved?"

"No." Samus drew back her right arm, silver weapon gleaming. "You are not."

She punched forward at the shield and burning light burst from the barrel of her weapon in the same instant. Fire and light exploded out, roiling across the force field that blazed into visibility and shuddered under the assault. Then Samus drew back her arm again.

"You are not absolved."

The temple trembled under another explosive blow.

"And there will be no more sacrifices."

If electricity could scream, the force field across the room now wailed in agony. Another blow rang down, and another. The Last's gauntlet fingers danced frantically through computer commands and ribbons of energy-absorption fields manifested to try and dampen the assault but it was too much. Samus and her suit were one, the legacy of the chozo race, their final incarnation and their second birth. They shone like the sun, blinding all that clawed against her.

Then two things happened in the same instant. The shining spear of Samus' weapon lanced forward once more, and this time the explosion broke the barrier. But in the same flicker of time, a chozo finger twitched to select a virtual key, executing a final line of code, and a rich golden light began to rise up through the ornate tangle of the Gate.

The same word escaped from both Samus and the Last. It was a whisper, a gasp. "No!"

The great force field shattered and Samus bolted forward. From every direction she could feel an immense current of energy flowing through the temple, the massive energy capacitors she had passed now all awakening into their true purpose. The golden light of the Apotheosis Gate began to ripple as it sucked in power. The space within the Gate darkened towards pure black as if light and reality itself were escaping, and the Last burst forward towards it. But the ground began to shake and rock under their feet.

Both armored figures staggered in their desperate sprints as the solid temple floor swayed like a giant waking up.


Kiber-2272 stumbled as the stone floor of the tunnel rocked beneath his feet while he ran. He yelped in surprise over his panting, "Did you feel that?"

Zegar-1161 did not bother looking over, he just kept running through the dark hallways of the chozo fortress. He said, "It is raining dust and a piece of the ceiling just fell back there. Yes, I felt that."

2272 clamped his mandibles shut and tried to herd his frightened thoughts back together. There were two dozen other hive-brood running with them, all just as half-cooked from the humans' battleship attack, refugees desperate enough to take 2272's own two-day survival record as leadership credentials. However, even the most rattled could put together that their flight into the chozo fortress was taking them towards the source of this new shaking. And towards all the enemies.

Sure enough, one of them said, "Ummm..."

2272 hissed, "Shut up, Voctum-whoever you are!"

No, the group needed strength, it needed control. If 2272 had learned anything about leadership from Ridley, the Chozo, and the Hunter Aran, he just needed to pick something and make everyone do it. "The plan still stands, we follow the lines that sucked up all the energy from the battleship main cannon, see where it went and then use that power to protect ourselves from everyone."

One of the other refugees added, "But the metroids also came this same-"

"And they're faster than us so we won't run into them. See, perfect reasoning!"

Privately, 2272 suspected that it wasn't but was not about to admit those doubts in his own reasoning. Honestly, for someone who had not torpored in three days he was doing pretty well.

Thankfully, right now Zegar-1161 was actually helping maintain order, leading this sprinting pack with his characteristic single minded focus. Then he opened his mouth.

"I think I recognize that humming sound."

The hum was currently loud enough to make blood seep from his ear vents bt Zegar-1161 still looked back and met 2272's eyes with a familiar feverish cheer. He had evidently found a new idea. "I've figured it out. The whole volcano is a spaceship and the Hunter is going to fly it into the sun, as part of her conspiracy with the cyborg zombies and the fake computers."

2272 was surprised to discover that he could sigh while panting at a full run. At least if he died they would all come with him.


The command bridge of the Diomedes was chaos, for more reasons than just the fact that artificial gravity had not yet been reestablished. Across the floor's seventy degree tilt, the remaining crew fumbled with their computers from their crash chair embraces. The mutiny had left everything confused, more so by the fact that the emergency landing meant some of the people still at those stations might have been supporters of Nakamura who just happened to value their task above speaking up right now.

Yin was not sure why she was there on the bridge. Well, she knew why she was there but that did nothing to assuage the heart-sinking adrenaline crash she currently suffered under as she realized she had just initiated a military crime that could still carry a death sentence. She was here on this bridge because the convoluted logic string she and the Adam-program had set up meant the planet's Aurora Unit could circumvent Nakamura's nominal command by rerouting all her communications as messages to Samus Aran which arrived to Diomedes via Yin's personal coms.

Aurora Unit 926 continued to relay its grim news, "My new hardwire access to the temple systems via Aran's cable is holding steady but these tremors are increasing. The source is from the unexplored upper rear section of the temple around the great chozo statue. The frequency is indicative of the startup procedure for battleship-grade antimatter generators. Five of them, and I am unaware of what this system might be powering. As of now it only seems primed to collapse the temple complex as what I must assume is a side effect."

Yin was not sure anyone was even listening. Most of the crew were still trying to deal with the crisis on board the crashed ship, while others had just recently made contact with a group of colonist survivors in the town. The face of man named Mathew Hernandez filled many of the bridge displays, but the rest of the screens showed only that great ominous statue looming on the dark slopes of the mountain under the haze clouded night sky. The massive stone chozo sat with one outstretched hand, its eyes now shining yellow out into the shadowed world.

Then a rippling wave of dust burst out on that mountain side. Landslides shifted the rocky scree on the volcano slopes and from underneath the shape of architecture began to emerge as if the earthquake was excavating buried ruins. Above this all the great statue shed a thin film of dust as it shook, then a large piece of the outstretched arm cracked and cleaved off.

Even underneath her exhaustion and her fear, Yin still felt space to mourn the destruction of something ancient and beautiful. But the statue was not destroyed. A stretch of the stony arm had fallen off but it was like a shed stone skin and underneath the shell was another layer of some stronger substance. In the false color of the ship's low light sensors it was hard to tell, but it looked like shining gold.

Aurora murmured her analysis, funneled through Yin's own ears. "The answer is there, in the temple technology. No, I cannot see it. I can touch it but this system is too vast, too complex even for me. But something has been activated. The planet's secret has been awakened. Samus Aran did not stop it. She is lost."

Yin whispered, her voice not even reaching her own ears. "No. I trust her."

Aurora heard and said, "If Samus Aran is still alive, it will only be for seconds more. The Chozo's metroid army will arrive at the temple summit in one minute."


Samus' feet slammed against the bronze plate floor as she raced towards the Apotheosis Gate. Around her, the huge oval room rumbled and shook as that arch of thin wire sticks shone with golden light. But the space within that arch was now a dead and lightless black, deeper somehow than the void of space as light escaped from the universe.

Air burned around Samus as her speed increased, oxygen bursting to flame, but the Last had less distance to travel. She would reach the gate first. Behind this tableau, the great windows of the statue eyes still glowed softly as their shields let in the view of the dark sloping landscape beyond. The canyon web, the crashed ship, the ash choked colony, and a black sky flecked with the few hardiest stars.

A second passed and Samus' suit gathered energy. Glowing ripples passed across the engraved armor plates and a terrible burning light began to fill the barrel of her gun. It was the hyper beam; her final attack. Once that power reached its peak, the distance to the gate would not matter, all that precious technology would be destroyed. On the other side of that gold-rimmed iris of the Apotheosis Gate, the Last's lesser suit shone too as she ran, and a glare of the same fierce light gathered in her weapon barrel as well. But it gathered power more slowly. She could not stop Samus' forthcoming attack. The Last would not reach the gate and she could not protect it. Another second ticked by.

The Last whispered a single, desperate word. A plea. "Time."

There was only one way forward for her, and to Samus' despair the Last saw it. Samus could feel the Path slide into its groove as the Last began to spin back instead of continuing her sprint. Blazing energy charged in the chozo's gun barrel and she turned it towards the great slash of the window behind her. She turned her weapon to the world outside, and the distant dented metal of the Diomedes.

The Last understood sacrifices.

Samus' suit did not need to be told what to do now. It knew her will, just as the Last did. The charged energy winked out of Samus' gun barrel and surged back across her armor, exploding out the booster jets. In a single blink, instead of firing, Samus expended that energy to bolt forward across the space and slam to a halt in front of the window. In that instant she stood braced before the world, as the Last's weapon swelled with blinding fire. Samus knew there was no more time to gather more energy, no more chance to regret the decisions she did not mean to make. After all, she could never have made any others.

The Last screamed as she fired her hyper beam. Samus breathed out as she fired her own.

The world turned to fire as those two beams collided. Samus' suit was more advanced, more powerful, but she had spent too much of the charged energy on her final sprint. Her beam was almost swallowed by the blinding assault, just barely beating back her annihilation for a single second.

Battered by the fury of an erupting sun, Samus said to her suit, "Unleash all restraints."

The armor gave answer. Power exploded out the mouth of her weapon, driving back the wall of blinding death with a new column of pure white light. The armor shone with endless glowing threads and behind her the winglike vents of light flared to a greater size than ever before, twice her height in each direction. But even in that moment of glory Samus could feel the cost of those restraints. She could feel the knives across her body and knew what this moment of power was taking its toll. She was burning her own life as fuel.

The Last staggered back, still firing even as she braced her feet against the steps up to the Apotheosis Gate. Her arm trembled under the godly fury of her weapon, but she too knew this was the final clash. Her suit was already almost drained of power, and the shoulder pauldrons began to crumple in shimmers of light as their matter was cannibalized for energy. But those new additions the Last had made, the black metallic lampreys fastened to the surface of the armor, now all shone at the tips of their tails. And the Last's failing suit suddenly strengthened, drawing on a new source of energy; the temple around her. The Last was not forced back.

She screamed over the roar of dueling nuclear fires. "You cannot take my right! This place is mine! This place is me! And I will burn it all to stop you!"

Samus' eyes were useless against the burning light, but she could still feel glimmers of the world beyond this crucible. She could feel the technologies the Last had tapped into. The temple groaned in protest, but its ancient systems had been suborned and they now fed energy straight to the Last, a roaring river of power vanishing into the voracious pit of her hyper beam's demand. Shimmering ribbons of energy absorption fields closed in from the walls around them, compacting their blazing crash into a single bottle of contained apocalypse, every extra shred fed straight back to the Last's attack.

But the Last drew still more, and the temple shuddered from her command. In the distance, at the rear of the great room, entire bulkheads shimmered and began to dissolve, matter converted into energy, energy flung forth from the Last's outstretched hand.

And Samus was driven back.

Her foot slid against the cracked and melting floor, another inch towards the great window behind her. Another second towards failure. And at the other end of the great room, where the walls shimmered with pockmarks, a new scream joined the roar of the fire and the wailing beams. The great turbine cap of the pit-shaft fell away, tumbling down the direction Samus had entered, and from those depths boiled a swarm of demons.

They were of every shape, this legion of hell: the twisted life-energy clones, bloody berserkers of the Pirate elites, and beneath them all a rising swarm of claws and crackling fangs; the metroids in all their thousands. Each of those factions tore at each other, ripping and slashing at anything that got in their way or held them back, but they were all drawn ahead, pulled towards their target amid the neutron star beam clash that shook the world. Samus was their only goal. The roiling current of monsters endlessly clawing each other back and the fight slowed their charge, but the screaming hoard still moved forward. They would arrive in moments and it would not matter who killed her.

Samus limbs begged to buckle. Her suit's unleashed power, its hunger gnawed at her brain and Samus felt her thoughts waver. The certainty of the path flowed backwards into memory.

Energy is matter, matter is life, life is thought, and thought is energy. Past and future are the same present. All divisions are illusion.

Samus had already committed her body to this fight. She burned her life for fuel, gave up the matter of her body and her armor freely in every moment, and still it was not enough. But thought was energy too.

This was not just a clash of technology, a test of weapons. This was mind against mind, will against will. It had always been, since the first moment when Samus heard the name Diomedes and felt a new player swirling the fate of the galaxy. Now they crouched here, each pushed back by the fury of this new star forged by their clashing beams. The Last had made monsters, she had made armies, she had made miracles of time and space and power. Samus had made only herself.

She understood. And the balance shifted.

The Last's panic was palpable. Just seconds until her army arrived. Just seconds until victory was assured. But was was time to an immortal? What was time to justice? What were seconds before the weight of perfect certainty?

The Last's fear thrashed through the temple systems, searching for more power, but where before she had forced subservience, now she found resistance. She had scraped the surface dry but those massive banks of stored energy siphoned directly from the planet's core were somehow blocked off. They only fed the start-up of the massive reactors and the power of those reactors were barred to her. The reactors were not even fueling the apotheosis gate. No, five massive antimatter reactors grouped tightly in these strange upper halls of the temple and none of that power even touched anything about this climax burning inside the final room, splitting and stabbing through reinforced plating like a memory of fog. The temple saved its greatest power for something else, as if there would be anyone left to continue.

The Last and Samus both staggered back against the force of the beam clash, both bracing their right arms as they held back the fires of destruction. The wave of monsters clawed still closer, and one by one the other factions within it fell to the hunger of the metroids, the ultimate hunters.

The Last stumbled up the last step towards the shining golden halo of the Gate. Then in the blazing shifting chaos, her heel claw touched against the rippling darkness within the gate and in that instant a new power rolled through her. She screamed as she found the energy she had sought. And she continued screaming as the shadow inched towards her.

The Last had tapped into the energy of the Gate itself. She could be consuming the departed chozo themselves for all Samus knew, but the Last had no choice or she did not care.

The metal of Samus' armor, engraved until it looked woven, it was her body, it was her skin. But now under the onslaught of these dueling hyper beams, it slowly peeled back as the armor sacrificed itself to maintain the attack, bit by bit. Under the roar of pain and thunder Samus felt the touch of fire against pallid living flesh as the suit slowly retreated, sacrificing matter for another moment of energy. Sacrificing flesh for another second of time.

And it wasn't enough. The green crystal of Samus' visor split with a crack inaudible under the roar of the clashing beams, and burning fire leaked through, searing one eye to blindness. The suit wasn't enough. Her life wasn't enough. All her strength, all her will, all the preparation of the chozo and the prophecy and the path; it still wasn't enough.

A tired smile touched her lips. Oh well.

Then all the fires winked out. In the same instant both hyper beams vanished, as simultaneously as they had been fired.

In this abrupt anticlimax Samus collapsed forward, falling to her knee as the overwhelming force she had braced against was suddenly gone. The two weapons had just given out. Apparently the hyper beam reaction had some inherent time limit; even if the power source was an entire dimension of altered existence. The Last's beam had hit the same barrier. Who knew? No one had ever fired them at each other before.

And no one would again. Flakes of golden dust fell on the blackened floor around where Samus kneeled. That dust was her armor, landing here and there on jagged melted lines drawn on the metal plate by stray energy bursts. The suit of her people, the final gift of the chozo race, the last armor had spent itself. Samus' sight slowly returned in blotchy strobing colors and through those afterimages she dimly made out thin golden bands that now stretched along her naked limbs, both the organic right and the crystalline-metallic left arm. That was all of her suit that remained, all it could preserve with what merger dregs of power left. Sight returned unevenly and she realized her right eye was blind as well, but in the face of everything else that was insignificant.

Then she raised her head and leaned back. The Last stood above her, one foot onto the top step of the dais of the Apotheosis Gate, and her armor was still whole. Tapped into all those foreign energies, she had not not been forced to burn her own body in the fight.

The golden halo of the Gate shone out around the Last, and the blackness within seemed to bulge out, beckoning the Last to come and seize her prize. Behind the gate, and in every other direction, the temple walls were now invisible, hidden instead by the seething mass of a seemingly infinite swarm of metroids. The creatures raced around them like a tornado, tumbling over each other as their fangs stretched hungrily over their screaming. But none of them breached the circle of empty space that surrounded Samus and the Last. They were waiting for an order.

The Last had nothing more standing in her way. A single step separated her from her goal, and an army of metroids guarded her back. But instead of walking through the gate, energy and burning light began to gather in the barrel of her weapon once again. A final attack.

She looked down at Samus in her ruined skeleton of a suit kneeling before the glowing window of the statue eye. "There was never any other ending than this."

Samus raised her head and said, "No, there wasn't."

The force of inevitability lay heavy in the air. The Last was not content with victory, she desired vengeance. She desired murder. The path of the next hyper beam would be the same as the first, and in the distance behind Samus, lay the crashed halls of the battleship Diomedes and beyond that the broken remains of the colony city and its desperate human survivors. And at this single point in the middle was a woman, standing between the innocent and the guilty.

Samus stood up. The suit was in tatters, weaponless and drained of all its energy. The only reason Samus was not standing in a pool of blood was that her newest wounds had been seared closed. But still she stood. Charged energy shone like a star at the end of the Last's weapon barrel. Nothing could stop it, but Samus still raised her hands to meet it. She braced her feet against the jagged floor, preparing to do the impossible, catch oblivion in her hands.

The Last murmured quietly, "You want to die like a warrior. Like the greatest of our people, fighting beyond the end."

Then the hate returned to her voice. "No. Not even that."

Her right arm raised, aiming the glowing weapon, and on her left, the metallic gauntlet shone with a softer light as it retreated from her hand, exposing fine feathers and long fingers capped in black nails. The hand gestured at the encircling swarm of metroids, wafting the smell of their creator and carrying commands coded into the design of their genetics.


The swirling tornado of metroids froze, halting on the ground and in the air, on spear-like legs and levitation alike. For an instant Samus felt a trill of hope, quiet theories of her own power, and the nature of her blood. Then the nearest metroid charged forward and plunged its long fangs deep into Samus' side.

The Last tilted her head at the violence, relishing in Samus' agony as the rest of the swarm metroids descended and pounced. But to Samus' surprise, that agony did not come. Underneath the pain of the puncture wounds from that first bite, instead of the tearing agony of molecules being ripped apart by a reaper field, Samus felt an impossible surge of warmth. Her mind swayed and she was seized with a sudden total awareness of metroid that bit into her side. She could feel its intent, it had not come at the Last's call. She could feel every inch of its strange bulbous body, and she could feel where its body touched the next metroid that pressed against it, and the next, on and on into the swarm. She could feel each one of them, and like a conduit, power flowing through, the raw power of life.

A power that was willingly offered to their queen.

The light in the Last's gun barrel surged to its final crescendo and then she released the trigger. In the same instant, Samus grit her teeth. She pulled deep on the hunger inside her and felt energy blaze through her veins, charging out from every cell like her blood was replaced with fire. Golden light exploded on her skin as the suit took in that energy and converted it into matter, armor leaping back to existence. White light erupted from Samus' hand as the molten silver spikes of the weapon barrel reformed and her hyper beam slammed forth.

The two beams clashed with an impact of light, but this time there was no struggle. Samus' armor was fully reformed with limitless energy, the raw force of life raged through it from the linked metroid swarm. Shining wings blazed out behind her, stark white against the writhing backdrop of packed metroids.

The Last struck out with with all the stolen energy of this world and that of the world beyond the gate, but energy was an illusion. The armor protected her, the hardest configuration of matter known in this universe, but matter was an illusion. She was driven by a mind of brilliance and determination and hate, but those thoughts were an illusion.

Time itself was an illusion. Far away on another world, another Samus stood in a dark cave as an egg hatched and a tiny infant metroid drifted its way unsteadily up into the air. In another time, in another place, another Samus collapsed before the furious might of the mutated Mother Brain, armor shredded under the biocomputer's blazing weapons, but with the infant metroid beside her. Another woman lay on an operating table, the last remains of that slain infant finding their way to heal a shattered body once again. And one last woman stood here, amid a swarm of metroids that recognized their queen and so gifted her with their future. The throne of the ultimate hunter, who had consumed the first of their kind. The power of the M'troid.

Amid the fire and fury Samus shifted her stance and punched forward with bulging muscles as she roared, arm inching forward as she pushed the blinding blazing beam with all her might, with all the might of every moment of her past. A thousand blonde women looked up from the past and turned blue eyes to meet her struggle. Every moment of her life gave her strength, every wound gave her experience, every step carried her here.

Nothing could force her back. She was braced against existence itself.

Then that voice of Adam, of Grey Voice, of Old Bird, of all of them together returned at once and filled her ears in an exquisite roar. A final message in the final moment:

"Samus Aran! We who have dedicated ourselves to the supremacy of thought have forgotten the strength of the body. We have forgotten the burning fire of life, that flame which ignited against cold oblivion. Now, our child, our successor, our superior; remind us why we first rose from the darkness! Remind the universe by blood and by pain! By the strength of your hand, bring back the light!"

And the clash was broken. Samus' hyper beam punched forward, splitting its opposition apart like paper, and then the great beam slowly wound down and vanished. The dissipating trail terminated in the rippling darkness of the apotheosis gate, all that energy vanished to wherever all energy went. On the other side of that doorway, maybe someone received it.

In front of the glowing gate, a body fell, armor clattering against the metal steps. And then the body moved. An orange gauntlet hand reached out, long fingers scratching feebly against the floor. The Last's arm that had held her weapon was gone above the shoulder, her helmet cracked and shredded. But she was strong, and even now she clung to life, desperate and fumbling through yet another plan. Her half-burned head twitched as her mind raced for some escape, even if she could not move, even if she could not speak.

Samus stepped forward. She raised her arm, but it was not the one that bore her weapon. Instead she raised her left hand and above the palm a light shone in the air as a small metallic crystal covered in burning glyphs emerged from behind the air. The emergency release key, that the Last herself had procured. Underneath that floating key, the golden metal of Samus' gauntlet began to involuntarily retreat, leaving only the wire and crystal mesh of her artificial hand. As she continued walking, the rest of the suit followed, armor plates quietly folding away into light as they unfolded into a space behind the air.

Then Samus Aran knelt at the foot of the steps to the Gate and in the presence of the key the Last's armor also began to separate and unfold. The wounded chozo tried to squirm away, panting in weakness and pain, but without the sheltering embrace of the armor she could barely force her lungs to breath. One wide and bloodshot yellow eye looked up with fear at one blue eye staring down.

Samus reached down and gently lay her right hand against the Last's chest. Samus fingers felt soft feathers and skin too weary to flinch. And then Samus spoke, her voice soft.

"Energy is matter, matter is life, life is thought, and thought is energy. Past and future are the same present. That is the heart of the chozo, and that is your creation. In that moment, long ago, that creator still exists, and she is glorious. In that moment, she is immortal. I will not let the universe forget her."

Then the yellow eye lost its fear. The spasmed breathing began to grow weaker under Samus' hand.

Samus said, "Tell me her name."

But no sound came. Instead, the breathing stopped and in that moment Samus felt a sensation of warmth begin to travel up her arm. She breathed out slowly and let the sensation of hunger flow through her body.

So it was that the Last Chozo died, flowing on a path of her own genius, life transformed into energy.

Then the last chozo stood back up, the burned scar of her right eye slowly healing as the energy of life flowed within her. Above her, the Gate waited to give her the final answers.

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Dang, you got this all out while I'm still reading through. :p
I had already written all the text before I started posting this last chunk of chapters. That's the only way I can keep any kind of regular schedule.
Hey are we literally twins because that's very often my writing style too? :p Up until the gdoc becomes unwieldy due to page bloat.
What a Midwinter present, thank you. Genuinely this is the best Metroid fic I've ever read. The mysticism intrinsic to the setting so often gets lost, and you not only haven't lost it, you've given it center stage. I love that this fic isn't really about some new threat to the galaxy, even if one is mentioned, it's about Samus, which is often something that's hard to do when you're writing about galactic-scale threats. You've done a spectacular job of telling a story that not only fits into canon, but expands on it and makes it matter to the characters and thereby the reader in real, tangible ways. There's a terrible beauty to the way you describe the Chozo outlook that is both intrinsically alien and yet deeply relatable. I love this fic a whole awful lot and I'm excited to see how you finish it.

Past and future may be the same present and all divisions an illusion, but I'm not nearly as centered in myself as Samus is and I can't help but anticipate eagerly the next chapter.
What a Midwinter present, thank you. Genuinely this is the best Metroid fic I've ever read. The mysticism intrinsic to the setting so often gets lost, and you not only haven't lost it, you've given it center stage. I love that this fic isn't really about some new threat to the galaxy, even if one is mentioned, it's about Samus, which is often something that's hard to do when you're writing about galactic-scale threats. You've done a spectacular job of telling a story that not only fits into canon, but expands on it and makes it matter to the characters and thereby the reader in real, tangible ways. There's a terrible beauty to the way you describe the Chozo outlook that is both intrinsically alien and yet deeply relatable. I love this fic a whole awful lot and I'm excited to see how you finish it.

Past and future may be the same present and all divisions an illusion, but I'm not nearly as centered in myself as Samus is and I can't help but anticipate eagerly the next chapter.
I am very glad you like my story. I sort of fell into the Metroid series sideways, with Prime being my first introduction. That game, perhaps more than any of the others focuses on the semi-mystical nature. In all the metroid serries, Samus is a questing knight, exploring and reexploring the same areas that are transformed and revielded by her new experiences and abilitites. The Metroidvania genera relies on these cyclical patterns, and the powerup mechanic makes "easter eggs" a core part of gameplay. I think this fits with the recursive and reflective chozo world view.

Writing a story so deep in the head of a (mostly) silent protagonist is a gamble. Luckily, people seem to think I managed to get Samus' voice right.
Did you just set Samus up as the key to a grandfather loop paradox???
My apologies for the lateness of my promised thoughts on the work, my body has consistently refused to give me more than four hours of sleep every night throughout the week and my brain is so much swiss cheese I can barely keep up with my own slate. Hopefully I'll sleep at least semi-decently today and be able to actually read through analytiically instead of continuing to feel like a corpse.
Did you just set Samus up as the key to a grandfather loop paradox???

Grandfather loops require looping, and time travel. The Chozo have been established as masters of prophecy, being able to predict the future with reliable accuracy. The only Prime I played was the original Prime (on account of lacking a gamecube), but even that one was chock-full of Chozo ruins built by long-dead Chozo talking about Samus. I don't remember them talking to Samus like this one, but I could have missed it and it's not that much of a change.

Though I suppose it's possible that the Old Bird and the Grey Voice could be stuck in a reverse(!?) grandfather paradox, where they rescue Samus and train her because of the things she will do, but prophetic literature is full of both 'the prophecy was made and followed and somehow everything worked out' and 'the prophecy was made and rejected utterly, leading directly to its fulfillment.' The Chozo outlook of belief in their prophecy and their fatalism ('choice is an illusion') could easily lead to their seeing 'okay, the Hunter was born on this planet, and her family was killed at this time, so we need to pick her up.'
Did you just set Samus up as the key to a grandfather loop paradox???
Not exactly. Chozo predictive science, "prophecy", has led them to this all-at-once view of the universe that does not really feature free will as a concept. There are not multiple futures, just as there are not multiple pasts. This has led chozo philosophy to consider a single individual at multiple places on their personal timeline as effectively separate simultaneously existing entities united by memory. Time is still a single straight path, you can stand on it anywere so there is no one "present" that is more real than any other point.

Grey Voice and Old Bird could calculate probabilities of things happening in the future. Some things, like the sun rising, are extremely predictable and thus events around them exist as "islands of probability". The sun will rise, the wind will begin as the ground warms, the flowers will open their blossoms. You could predict that a thousand years into the future and have a reasonable chance of being right. Samus is just a person of such obvious and rigid convictions and powerful ability that she creates these islands by virtue of it being very obvious what she would try to do and fairly likely she will succeed in doing so.

The ancient Chozo took all this into account. They could see that with immortality and prophecy their race would dwindle and depart. That meant it would become increasingly likely that some isolated pocket of chozo would adopt some individual of another species to fufill the nurturing instinct they could no longer fill with other chozo. But what type of creature would be chosen, and of those, what nature would flourish? And once you have guessed the nature of this successor individual, how would that person act when they are drawn to the Ember of Light?

Obviously I have endowed the Chozo with greater understanding than I can have, but you can begin to see how crunching the raw data of the universe could lead them to start seeing things about Samus' adventure even long before it begins.

I hope some of this helps.

Grandfather loops require looping, and time travel.
You have said basically the same as me, with fewer words.
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Chapter 26: Wings
Chapter Twenty-Six



Samus stepped up from the Last's fallen body and slowly climbed the wide bronze steps up to the dias of the Apotheosis Gate. Her suit reformed around her with a shimmer, armored boots finding balance among the torn and melted scars across the ground. She stood alone before the great arch glowing with warm golden light; light that vanished into the slowly boiling darkness held within.

The massive room was still crowded with a seething swarm of metroids, though many had collapsed to the ground, drained by the loss of life energy that had fueled Samus' last hyper beam. However, the area just around Samus formed a circle of empty space, the mass of fanged creatures flowing and parting as she walked. Whatever strange truce held the metroid's unknown minds still held for the moment, though the particularly weakened members of the swarm were beginning to attract clumps of observers who seemed more hungry than helpful.

Samus looked out over them, this sea of things she had called monsters, but now her thoughts were no longer steeped in fear or distrust. She understood them. She understood their hunger, she understood their hate, she understood the perfect death that was their creation and she understood the unquenchable life they represented. They were fire made flesh. They burned away everything they touched, but when the long cold dark came they were beautiful.

Then Samus Aran, the ultimate hunter, the M'etroid, reached out her golden hand to brush against the light at the edge of the Apotheosis Gate.

Reality rang like a chime. A shiver in space washed across the battlescarred chamber and beyond, out the great statue eyes that gazed off at the dark expanse below, over canyons glowing with distant feeble lights from the colony and the Diomedes. Then Samus looked to her side and an unfamiliar chozo was standing beside her on the dais, appearing without a sound.

The illusory chozo's robes were a complex pattern of dark red and purple, so interwoven that to a human eye they might look brown. It was a perfect compromise between the baroque golden embroidery of the Last's robes and the weary austerity adopted by Old Bird and Grey Voice. The mysterious figure's feathers were black, his eyes were sharp, and he loomed above Samus with a height great for even a chozo.

He was not real, merely some recording of , but Samus listened anyway.

The voice was as loud as any dream. "Behold and stand amazed, last child of the Chozo. I am N'traikotlatin the Immovable Bastion, final master of our disbanding empire. In this moment, I am overseer of this temple. I speak these words in a distant time, though I now cast my eyes up to the mountain slope where you stand, where we will build our final invention. My calculations see you, but you are shrouded in shadow. Do my people stand beside you?"

There was sorrow in this recording's voice, but also a deep anger. "That you hear my words means we chose to flee. The Heart equation promises us perfect immortally, but it is immortality by abandoning everything; the illusion of matter, of time, of life itself. At its discovery we judged this evil; the cost too steep. But then we learned what waited for us here."

"In our galactic wanderings, on an ancient world we found ancient ruins, a dead planet in sunless space. Deciphering what remained happily filled centuries for legions of our sages. Agelessness had taught us patience, and the promise of eternity gave us peace. Then we read what the ancients had discovered. We knew that they had looked up at our same sky, until they watched half its light wink out."

Samus felt his dread press against her heart. This was what the Last had spoken of. The fear that had fueled her final desperation. What waits in the darkness of the stars.

The illusion of the long gone N'traikotlatin loomed above her as he said, "There is a force in this universe, a force of darkness and cold. It surges forth and galaxies lose their stars by the billions. The strange shape of this universe is explained by slaughter. That ancient dead world floating in space had died as its own sun vanished. They were mighty, mightier even than we at the height of our foolish empire. They failed."

"The doom is coming, and awaits every creature that lasts to meet it. We build weapons, we make plans, but with each passing moment our fear grows. We delve the future, but in every vision, in every calculation, we can not stop it. In many we make it worse. So we even as we break ground on our final chariot we will also take its power to build a gate, a doorway away from failure and from death."

The voice in Samus' suit did not join in to offer its opinion, but she did not need it to. She could feel Old Bird and Grey Voice as if they stood beside her. She could feel their own shame, but greater than that, the weariness that tempted them. The universe was long, and immortality heavy. Endless battle was a yoke no neck should bare.

The vision of N'traikotlatin raised one hand, "You know our choice, but as you stand on the mountain you have your own. You can follow us, and join the new path through the gate we will build. In our new existence you are loved, that is certainty. Perhaps in that perfect existance beyond fear we find some way to combat the Star Eaters but that path is beyond the sight of time. Step through that door and you will join us in peace and unknown eternity. You will be safe. You will be able to rest."

Then he raised the other hand.

"Or you can stay and try to fight the doom in flesh, to follow it to the sleeping heart of darkness. That future we can see, and with perfect certainty we say if you stay you will die. Every trail of that path ends with death. And only in one out of ten thousand does your death make a difference. We stared at better odds and by your eyes you know we chose to save ourselves. This is our shame. This is our cruelty. This is our failure and our love. You, our unknown, impossible child, we give to you all we can. A choice. A single fork in the path, and knowledge to see where those trails lead. Now, this moment is yours."

The thousand year old memory vanished and Samus was left alone at the threshold of the Apotheosis Gate, their gift to her. One step away waited her family, her chosen people. Through that gate waited eternity in heaven, hers by right. Here in this existence waited only more toil, ended only by failure and death. More endless tests, more endless battle, to be torn down again and again until there was nothing left. She had proved herself enough, and her reward waited to be taken.

Samus' armor shook as she laughed. Those lofty seers; they really had never understood her. They actually thought there was a choice.

She turned her back on the gate with a smile. Behind her, the golden glow of faded away and yet the room grew brighter as the black portal vanished. Samus stood on that dais before the great windows that pierced the outer wall and the orange shields that covered them swelled in strength. The bronze floor under her feet trembled and rocked, thrumbing with energy as new power surged through every wall of the temple, through every chamber, beating like the blood of a living giant.

Everything became clear to her at once, the final clues dropping together in her mind. Samus stepped backwards to stand beneath the golden arch, now empty once more, and the corner of her lips were still up in a smile.

The final chariot, he had called it. Those pompous dusty birds. No one could deny they had style. Ten thousand ways to accomplish something and they would choose the most time consuming and difficult just because it would be dramatic.

From her position before the gate, an arc of floating orange holograms flickered into existence before Samus, displays and indicators. In response to the same invisible signal, the swarm of metroids flowed back, vacating the front of that massive room. Samus flicked her eyes across the displays but returned to stare out the viewports of the statue's eyes once more. Yes, this would do. After all, she was in need of a new ship.

She raised her arm and in a tearing rumble the temple rose with it.


Alarms screamed across the nearly vertical Diomedes bridge as a new earthquake rocked the crashed ship's unsteady perch. Yin clutched tight to her emergency seat, until in the corner of her eye she caught sight of one of the external view monitors. Then she fell limp from shock as she realized what she was looking at.

The slope of the great volcano around the Chozo statue exploded outwards, the magnitude of destruction creating the illusion of slowness. In the heart of it all was the great stone monument, a sculpture larger than Diomedes, ripping itself from the mountain out of which it was carved. Only the statue was no longer made of stone. Where before Yin had glimpsed one patch of the statue crack to reveal a substrate of gold, now the entire surface fell away, head to toe, stone skin calving and crumbling in great sheets. That statue had only been sheathed in stone; beneath it was made of pure and shining gold.

Across a mile around the statue, more golden metal ripped free with it, breaking up from the solid rock. They were vast expanses of curving struts and rounded hull, like some massive creature breaching from a grey stone sea. It was as if half the temple was tearing free of the ground that bore it. The flank of the volcano and half the high plateau all shattered as a structure erupted from beneath the surface.

It was a ship. A golden ship that dwarfed Diomedes to an insignificant remora. The titanic sculpture of the seated chozo rose from its midst like a naval ship's conning tower, one golden hand still outstretched. Beneath that figure was the ornate expanse of a starcraft woven from loose golden strands the width of skyscrapers, birthed from the solid earth as if it had grown within.

Unphased in the way only an AI could manage, the Aurora volunteered her voice amid the chaos of the awestruck Diomedes bridge.

"I have now determined why the upper half of the chozo temple complex was outfitted with five battleship grade reactors. However, I still must say, constructing a starship in situ through solid rock is an incredibly inconvenient manufacturing method."


Nakamura's eyes were locked on the display that filled the wall of his room. Watching that display meant his eyes did not linger on the bare spots of his confiscated relics, or the restraints fastened around his wrists. But in this moment, phrases like "confined to quarters pending investigation" were meaningless to him, as were the ironies having brought a full tribunal court with him on this ship. Right now he was sealed in this dark chamber as the floor trembled from distant rumbling, but he stared with hungry wist at the rising image on the screen. A ship the size of a city, tearing free of the earth.

Then he spoke, murmuring as if there was anyone to hear him. "For centuries, human researchers have looked at the work of the chozo and imagined a race of birds that long ago lost their wings. That nature had somehow forced a choice between endless freedom of flight and holding a humanoid shape. But that's just another human delusion. The Chozo never had wings."

Then with slow care born of long practice and recitation, he forced his mouth to twist into words meant to come from a beak.

"But from the first day we stood under the sky and dreamed we could fly. We dreamed of the rise. By the strength of our hand, we make our own wings."


Samus stood on the expansive, battle-scarred bridge of the Starship Metroid as it rose through the planet's atmosphere. The golden web of the gate structure arced behind her, holographic displays floated in the air at her waist, and before her the wide glowing portholes of the great statue's eyes slowly turned towards the stars.

The planet sank away, the Ember of Light slumbering in long awaited night. Samus had considered waiting for a bit, picking up some followers if they wished. But no, they did not need to fight, and Samus was bad at goodbyes. Also, she was technically breaking her parole. One tiny gesture of one finger through a holographic button opened a high bandwidth upload line to the Diomedes in case Adam wanted to jump back onboard, but the rest of them had done their part. They deserved rest.

Samus was onto her next mission.

Clouds and atmosphere parted around the massive golden ship, high whisps fading to nothing. Then, finally, the sun rose from behind a slowly shrinking planet that could no longer block it with shadow. If you go high enough, you will make your own sunrise. The sun was always there, just hidden by the illusion of darkness.

Samus held out her hand and at her command the great ship gently rotated against the star-dusted expanse. She sought out her destination, the darkest part of the sky. The place where no stars shone. The swarm of metroids crowding the rear of the massive bridge chamber writhed and shifted as they sensed her intent. The final hunt was calling.

Her heading was set. She just had to go there.

She clenched her hand.

A moment later Samus frowned as she noticed the ship was not actually going anywhere very fast. The slow dramatic acceleration was very good for the grand exit, but was not actually doing much to eat up interstellar distances unless she decided to test her own unaging. Samus waved her hand around the holographic displays, flailing through settings and control options trying to find something that looked like a "fast" option or a parking brake to disengage.

Then her golden gauntlet brushed through one particular floating symbol and the ship trembled.

From across the flanks of the golden mile beneath the statue, jets of energy flared out. They were not engines, at least not in the sense any of the humans watching from the planet's surface could understand. They were strands of energy that seemed ephemeral and yet solid, a pure white core rainbow colors shimmered like an aurora. That energy expanded, grew, and melded, until each of the eminations was as large as the sprawling ship itself, larger, great wings as large as the entire planet they left behind.

Then the shining wings flexed and the ship blasted forth, out of the solar system, leaving behind the empire of the chozo, the federation of humanity, and the dominion of the Space Pirates. Like an angelic comet, that blinding light raced into the heart of all darkness.


Samus sat in the cramped pilot seat of her red gunship, as the cloudy skies of Zebes sprawled beneath her. She was returning home. Home to a planet long abandoned; abandoned and taken by creatures that made her heart seethe with rage. The Space Pirates; they had burrowed down into the halls and chambers Samus had grown up in, setting down sickening roots as they managed to fend off even a Federation assault force.

That was why the Federation had given Samus this contract. Her service record and the string of completed marks tagged to her hunter's license provided legitimacy, but the deciding factor was that she knew this planet, knew it better than any invader ever could. She was the best choice for this infiltration mission, the best choice to sabotage planetary defenses and destroy the target, some bioweapon the Pirates had stolen off a Federation ship. She would just not mention in the briefing that looking down at those skies made her feel like a child once again. A child who once she set foot on those stones would have to kill the second person she had ever called "mother".

It had been eleven years since Samus last saw Zebes and she was now an adult by any consideration. She had killed, she'd had sex, she drank, she'd served in war. She had received an academic degree and two suspended sentences. During one three-day weekend she had been married, divorced, adopted, and disowned. And in all that time across the galaxy she never found any evidence that her chozo parents had ever even existed, no whisper of contact or rumor of their passage. In the wider universe, that entire species had been considered long gone before Samus was born. No one could tell her why.

As the red gunship dropped into the atmosphere, all power dialed down to minimum to escape detection, Samus consulted the prophecy meditation diagram she had composed during the trip into this system. Staring at it as the cabin shook and rattled from the buffeting air, she could just feel the faintest touch of what her parents had called the Path. It reassured her. She was ready, and she could feel the universe tense with anticipation. Everything that came before was training. Now it was time to begin.

This was her first real mission: Mission Zero.

Samus smiled. It might even be fun.

The End


But also,

Kiber-2272, Zegar-1161 shared a confused look as the metal-reinforced corridors around them finally stopped vibrating.

1161 hissed, "Ok, what was all that rumbling? It felt like we were moving."

2272 waved a claw with the confidence he really hoped he could convince his body to feel. "Eh, it's probably nothing."

The Actual End


Author's Note: Thank you for reading my story. I welcome and encourage all feedback.

Please feel free to tell me things you liked and things you didn't. What was your favorite fight? Your favorite setting? Your favorite flashback? If you have questions I will answer them, if you have complaints I will try to rectify them, and if you have unstructured exclamations I suppose I will just try to match your energy. I will at some point go back and clean up already posted chapters and so welcome all feedback about any part of my writing.

If you enjoyed this story, please recommend it to other readers. Spread the word!

And so ends the best Metroid fic I've ever read. Not for a lack of searching, either.

I'll have to give some thought to most of your questions, but I can say that I absolutely adored the space pirate grunt interludes, and that the god painter introduction was really great.
The whole thing was brilliant. Each faction had its own unique voice and feel.

I would buy this game in a heartbeat.

Do you have any plans for a sequel? You've already set up the star eaters or whatnot.
A moment later Samus frowned as she noticed the ship was not actually going anywhere very fast. The slow dramatic acceleration was very good for the grand exit, but was not actually doing much to eat up interstellar distances unless she decided to test her own unaging
I think this is the perfect example of what makes your writing stand out so much: outstanding in both meanings! You give the epic, overwrought scene all the purple prose it deserves (I didn't even know there could be good purple prose before!) - then you completely deflate all the seriousness to let the audience in on the joke without actually undermining the impact of the event or story.

So, thoughts, from good to bad-ish: I think Samus and Mother Brain's interactions were pretty stand out, even if they're leaning a bit on the context of the future, and really how you described Samus's thinking in that whole flashback sequence was really compelling. Ridley was/were great, you have the voice of a lunatic egotistical serial killer down perfectly... in a good way! Kiber and friends were always a treat. Pacing seemed overall pretty good, in that you didn't get bogged down in any setup and gave us a good variety, but I'd want to do a proper reread to really comment on that though. I do wish we had more Samus/human interaction towards the end, in particular with her parole officer Yin, but like you said Samus is bad at goodbyes, so I'm not sure what that would be. The Last seemed a bit underdeveloped for ostensibly the main antagonist maybe? I'm not exactly sure why, we get quite a lot on her background and how she thinks and why she's doing what she's doing. Maybe it's just because I never really understood in an empathetic way what she was after other than "I'm getting out of here", and why that made Samus her enemy? The Star Eaters as an explanation for the Chozo leaving seems a bit perfunctory, like a studio note to add a sequel hook.

But ignore all that, overall this was a really satisfying complete story, congratulations! Now I'm excited to see what you do next!
It had been eleven years since Samus last saw Zebes and she was now an adult by any consideration. She had killed, she'd had sex, she drank, she'd served in war. She had received an academic degree and two suspended sentences. During one three-day weekend she had been married, divorced, adopted, and disowned. And in all that time across the galaxy she never found any evidence that her chozo parents had ever even existed, no whisper of contact or rumor of their passage. In the wider universe, that entire species had been considered long gone before Samus was born. No one could tell her why.

I dislike this bit, both because it dispels some of the mystery of her past without actually answering anything but it also leaves me with a bunch of irrelevant questions when what I as the reader should be focused on is that ending and that plothook but now I'm wondering what made her do all those wild and uncharacteristic things mentioned. Why pull me away from the story just as it's ending?