
I've tried hooking up my 360 controllers to my PC before, and they've never worked for me.
Via a usb on a windows PC? They should be plug and play, or you can go to the controller via your Device Manager and make it use the 360 driver. If you've messed around with drivers getting a Playstation controller to run that's the likely culprit.
Man, 1.49 already.

My only regret is that I can't back the 1K tier and put an architect NPC in it going around the world learning how to build her own Forest Temple's and Tower of the God's.





Hahaha oh man. Half of /v/ is drinking the salty tears of the other half.
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Hype missile has reached 40,000 feet. It is now immune to enemy action. Thanks to you, the launch was a success!

Can't wait to see them strech goals.
Already announced: 1.65 million adds another hour of music onto the soundtrack (currently planned to be 1-1.5 hours). 1.9 gets a fully animated intro by an as-yet-unrevealed anime studio.

Looks like it's going to make that soundtrack extension. Seems like the anime intro would be a stretch.

A prequel comic would rock though.
7 500$ until the soundtrack extension and 45h left ? Yep, it will be reached.
Soundtrack funded, and two more stretch goals revealed:

$2,050,000 - Full VO For All Major Characters
Indivisible is currently budgeted to only have voices in battle and some critical story scenes. With this additional money, we'll expand the voice acting to cover all interactions with major characters.
Voice acting will be directed by the incomparable Cristina Vee. This time around we'd like to hire union voice actors so we can access a range of talent that better fits the characters in Indivisible!

$2,300,000 - Multiple Endings + Hardcore Bonus Dungeon
After the game is released, we'll update it with multiple endings and a hardcore "post-game" bonus dungeon, with new monsters and more!
The multiple endings will likely be limited to New Game+, and may change depending on when in the game you defeat the final boss or who is in your party when you beat them!
The Hardcore Bonus Dungeon will be found inside Ajna's Inner Realm, and will literally be filled with her inner demons. Because they're hers, though, she can't harm them and she'll need a party of four Incarnations to advance!

Also note that these goals do not have to be reached within the remaining ~30 hours of the campaign.

Tiger lady writes it in once again! Love it.

I'd say she - Razmi - is my favorite character, but there are a couple other strong contenders for that position. Lanshi and Kampan both have great faces, but I love how Qadira is actually sensibly attired. Speaking of feminine attire, it's incredibly cool that the girl with the most stereotypically-revealing outfit is the huge amazon Phoebe who is also, laudibly, posed to show of how STRONK she is rather than to titillate.
To add to that, Shantae: Half Genie Hero made about 150k after its' campaign ended, so it's not entirely unreasonable to hope for one or two more stretch goals after it's done.

I'd be 100% satisfied just getting to fully animated VO, though.
Soundtrack funded, and two more stretch goals revealed:

Also note that these goals do not have to be reached within the remaining ~30 hours of the campaign.

Man I have no idea how crowdfunding works anymore.
Man I have no idea how crowdfunding works anymore.

Star Citizen started this thing where it continued accepting donations once its kickstarter was over, so basically it was indefinite crowdfunding. It subsequently transferred to an economic model that consists of getting money for no reason, and while most developers don't follow along that path, as I understand it they will typically keep taking money up until the point where production has to shift gears and you have to finalise your plans.

e: I don't actually know if Star Citizen started it, but it was the first prominent project I remember doing it.
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The concept of a slacker backer was conceived since the very beginning of the big games on KS boom with Double Fine Adventure. After the campaign proper closes, they'll keep accepting donations until a certain point where features need to be finalized and no more money can be put into developing new stuff or certain parts of the pipeline are just too developed for adding stretch goals to be considered remotely efficient for time and money.

Indivisible will be funding over the next year in this manner, and then 'finalize'. Usually slacker backer periods are usually held privately via PayPal, but IndieGogo builds it into the site.

It's not really the Star Citizen model either, which sought private investment after the game was funded, and had people buy in (primarily a group of 'whales') to with ships and insurance to have when the game finally(?) launches.
Well, with two hours left, even though Slacker Backers will probably make it happen, part of me really wants to see the 2nd Stretch Goal get confirmed.

Only another 65 thousand dollars to go :V