Having considered the options a bit more, I've decided on the final three applications to be accepted. I want to take a moment to apologize to those who didn't get in, since this was very close and I don't want you feeling disappointed.
That said, everyone get ready to post the Eva Congratulations video for
@God and the Snake,
@Bondo and
IC Thread should be going up soon. Got a few other things to do (Since my lack of actual timing on a bunch of projects I've been working on means I'm now doing a bunch at once), so it might take a while, so in the meantime, I'll let everyone sort out how they're going to start out this RP. To save everyone time, the OP is most likely going to involve you only in a 'And then Gohma started attacking in an area where you are nearby to help' way, so you can easily plan out what you're doing before that and/or how you're going to show off your cool tricks.
Though, of course, I will be going by to make sure everyone is at a reasonable powerlevel first.