Bondo actively declared his as Melancholly IIRC (as I did for Lust), so unless you expect either of us to be liars or have multiple submissions in our PMs there's a correction and a missed player for you; only seen one draft of what @Wizard_Marshall sent in and don't know what or how much needed changing, so I can't help you on that one other than that you need 'em.
Bondo actively declared his as Melancholly IIRC (as I did for Lust), so unless you expect either of us to be liars or have multiple submissions in our PMs there's a correction and a missed player for you; only seen one draft of what @Wizard_Marshall sent in and don't know what or how much needed changing, so I can't help you on that one other than that you need 'em.
I missed that, as I was skimming through looking for sheets, not reading everything in depth.
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Having considered the options a bit more, I've decided on the final three applications to be accepted. I want to take a moment to apologize to those who didn't get in, since this was very close and I don't want you feeling disappointed.

That said, everyone get ready to post the Eva Congratulations video for @God and the Snake, @Bondo and @Ψυχή!

IC Thread should be going up soon. Got a few other things to do (Since my lack of actual timing on a bunch of projects I've been working on means I'm now doing a bunch at once), so it might take a while, so in the meantime, I'll let everyone sort out how they're going to start out this RP. To save everyone time, the OP is most likely going to involve you only in a 'And then Gohma started attacking in an area where you are nearby to help' way, so you can easily plan out what you're doing before that and/or how you're going to show off your cool tricks.

Though, of course, I will be going by to make sure everyone is at a reasonable powerlevel first.
Having considered the options a bit more, I've decided on the final three applications to be accepted. I want to take a moment to apologize to those who didn't get in, since this was very close and I don't want you feeling disappointed.

That said, everyone get ready to post the Eva Congratulations video for @God and the Snake, @Bondo and @Ψυχή!

IC Thread should be going up soon. Got a few other things to do (Since my lack of actual timing on a bunch of projects I've been working on means I'm now doing a bunch at once), so it might take a while, so in the meantime, I'll let everyone sort out how they're going to start out this RP. To save everyone time, the OP is most likely going to involve you only in a 'And then Gohma started attacking in an area where you are nearby to help' way, so you can easily plan out what you're doing before that and/or how you're going to show off your cool tricks.

Though, of course, I will be going by to make sure everyone is at a reasonable powerlevel first.

Oh, well. Congrats to those who got in. I can't say that I'm not disappointed, though. Hope you guys have fun.
Having considered the options a bit more, I've decided on the final three applications to be accepted. I want to take a moment to apologize to those who didn't get in, since this was very close and I don't want you feeling disappointed.
Ah well, such is life.

Also you're short one person if you had wanted an even 8.
Seven is also good in-setting, and if I had to decide on an eighth, it'd be one more slot where I'm desperately looking at all the submissions going 'Is there anything on this that is better than the others?'
Well, there's only two mantras unrepresented, so that would narrow it down a bit, yes?
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Having considered the options a bit more, I've decided on the final three applications to be accepted. I want to take a moment to apologize to those who didn't get in, since this was very close and I don't want you feeling disappointed.

That said, everyone get ready to post the Eva Congratulations video for @God and the Snake, @Bondo and @Ψυχή!

IC Thread should be going up soon. Got a few other things to do (Since my lack of actual timing on a bunch of projects I've been working on means I'm now doing a bunch at once), so it might take a while, so in the meantime, I'll let everyone sort out how they're going to start out this RP. To save everyone time, the OP is most likely going to involve you only in a 'And then Gohma started attacking in an area where you are nearby to help' way, so you can easily plan out what you're doing before that and/or how you're going to show off your cool tricks.

Though, of course, I will be going by to make sure everyone is at a reasonable powerlevel first.
Can't pretend I wasn't hopeful, but I suppose I'll just deal with the circumstances. Ho hum.
Still, I appreciate being given a chance! I hop you don't mind if I creep about lurk passively watch the game.
I might decide to accept more people later, in case of deaths or people losing interest, so sticking around is a good idea.
Congrats to the people who got in.

The only regrets I have are not getting to bully GatS or see the gut wrenching death of Strada for my character.
Beowulf also has access to Unlimited Mode, a periodic supercharge of Mantra that grants even greater strength and stamina, some additional speed movement speed and a fucktonne of attack speed. When in Unlimited Mode an aura of Mantra flares up and the contours of his body and the tattoos turn into the gold-yellow of the Greed Mantra.

Keep in mind that that I'll be keeping an eye on the powerboost there, and the stronger you get with it, the sooner I'll say it'll have to stop working.

Weapons: *name not determined*, a spear that can quickly form into a bow that fires arrows of almost pure Mantra.

Remember to think of a name for that. :V

Imperial Cowl - Taranis wraps himself in a cloak of lightning, making even approaching him hazardous. As long as this cloak is active, it constantly strikes the area around him, zapping and charring the flesh from his foes.

On a scale of 'Makes keeping in melee range for extended periods of time annoying' to 'Instakill weaker Gohma by walking near them,' how strong do you expect this to be?

Heaven's Judgement - Taranis drives Thunder's Cry into the ground, and bathes the entire area around himself in blinding storm of electricity. A widescale AoE attack that is impossible to dodge within its zone.

And on a scale of 'Anything noted to be mook-speed can't escape' to 'Yasha couldn't escape if he tries,' how big is the range of this? Keep in mind that, the bigger it is, the less powerful I'll let it be.

I'll get Bondo and Greek Letters in their PM's, and don't see a problem with anyone else in the thread currently.
Having considered the options a bit more, I've decided on the final three applications to be accepted. I want to take a moment to apologize to those who didn't get in, since this was very close and I don't want you feeling disappointed.

That said, everyone get ready to post the Eva Congratulations video for @God and the Snake, @Bondo and @Ψυχή!

IC Thread should be going up soon. Got a few other things to do (Since my lack of actual timing on a bunch of projects I've been working on means I'm now doing a bunch at once), so it might take a while, so in the meantime, I'll let everyone sort out how they're going to start out this RP. To save everyone time, the OP is most likely going to involve you only in a 'And then Gohma started attacking in an area where you are nearby to help' way, so you can easily plan out what you're doing before that and/or how you're going to show off your cool tricks.

Though, of course, I will be going by to make sure everyone is at a reasonable powerlevel first.
A pity, I had a bunch of one liners ready.

Well, I hope you all have a great time with this and that many Gohma fall before your blades.

Tomorrow I shall slaughter ten thousand demons in all your names!
the loss of the almighty and glorious dark schneider is a tragic one

on the other hand, this rp was looking like a sausage fest anyway :V
On a scale of 'Makes keeping in melee range for extended periods of time annoying' to 'Instakill weaker Gohma by walking near them,' how strong do you expect this to be?

I imagined that it would be something in the range of 'basic Howlers last ten to fifteen seconds barring extra attacks, Alpha Howlers a minute or two, with things scaling up from there'. Obviously, the larger the enemy becomes, the less it matters - a Squasher is kind of too huge for it to do major damage against, so its was really meant for clearing adds.

And on a scale of 'Anything noted to be mook-speed can't escape' to 'Yasha couldn't escape if he tries,' how big is the range of this? Keep in mind that, the bigger it is, the less powerful I'll let it be.

I honestly imagined it'd scale with the amount of power he put into it. Like, usually it's one maybe ten or twenty meters across, but then you get a Burst, and suddenly he's doing an arial bomb into a Crusher and enveloping it and half the herd around it in this big dome of electricity that leaves the ground burning white hot, and afterwards he's just pulling himself to his feet after he fell through the dissolving Gohma and using Thunder's Cry as support, glaring at the next approaching horde because you've got to do better then that.
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Remember to think of a name for that. :V

Oh goddammit I knew I forgot something.

...I admit, my mind's still blank here. If anyone has any good ideas, feel free to let me know. Otherwise...

*shrugs* It was made for Mithra and actually hasn't been given a name yet, under the basis that Augus thinks weapons should earn their names in battle? *makes shit up about Augus in order to cut corners and be lazy about this* :V
Oh goddammit I knew I forgot something.

...I admit, my mind's still blank here. If anyone has any good ideas, feel free to let me know. Otherwise...

*shrugs* It was made for Mithra and actually hasn't been given a name yet, under the basis that Augus thinks weapons should earn their names in battle? *makes shit up about Augus in order to cut corners and be lazy about this* :V
Eh, I had an easy way out CX

Burning Wind, like Wailing Dark and in reference to Yasha and Asura?
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