…what do I look like, a skeleton? *grumble* *grumble*
Wrath Mantra, but the sheet makes no mention of Mantra in the sheet and how it's different than Asura's usage (aka why are your powers devil transformation). Kinda hard to be cohesive with the setting since you pulled Dante in without much editing in abilities or tie-in background to the verse and it's powers.
Thanks. i'm gonna try to weave it in.
Okay, seriously, that's like, four people I see on this board that have the same portrait, what's going on?
The others being a GM who has to insist on "No godmodding" (Which means they have no intention of actually being a GM, or they wouldn't need to try imposing a rule for this--they'd just slap the offender in the face),
Wait, seriously? You wouldn't participate just because GMs state that godmodding isn't kosher? What the fuck?
It sounds like it's the implication that without explicitly stating it, the players would otherwise feel totally free to do so. I dunno, I always thought it was general courtesy too.

I guess it's better to advise players one on one about their applications.
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Wait, seriously? You wouldn't participate just because GMs state that godmodding isn't kosher? What the fuck?

That you're rejecting this statement means you didn't read into it.

I never said it was good, I said that a GM who has to outright state that it's bad and people shouldn't do it is one who has little intention of actually reading or enforcing any rules. It's why whenever I read someone who has to outright say "Don't be a god mode shitbag" proactively raises my hackles and reduces my faith in the potential success of the game. You know, instead of just telling them "Hey, that shit isn't fair, cut it out or get out of the game" if it comes up. It's a violation of the implicit player-game master contract to state an action and then its effect without granting anybody else a response.

Because no halfway respectable game tolerates that shit.

Beyond that? There's a very easy way to stop it from happening. And it's picking players who don't do it. By actually reading their applications. This is why FCFS is poison in my point of view and another of my hard stops, because it's almost inherently a remark that says "I just want warm bodies to fill my game". Theoretically, picking the best applications will be enough to remove people who try to turn games into a power trip for themselves, and ensure the GM does not need to proactively ban something that nobody should be doing anyway.
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I never said it was good, I said that a GM who has to outright state that it's bad and people shouldn't do it is one who has little intention of actually reading or enforcing any rules. It's why whenever I read someone who has to outright say "Don't be a god mode shitbag" proactively raises my hackles and reduces my faith in the potential success of the game. You know, instead of just telling them "Hey, that shit isn't fair, cut it out or get out of the game" if it comes up. It's a violation of the implicit player-game master contract to state an action and then its effect without granting anybody else a response.

Because no halfway respectable game tolerates that shit.
That's fucking bullshit. The fact that they outright state that something that's always implied does not mean they're not willing to do their fucking job. Your other points are entirely valid, but this one is nothing but distilled bullshit.
That's fucking bullshit. The fact that they outright state that something that's always implied does not mean they're not willing to do their fucking job. Your other points are entirely valid, but this one is nothing but distilled bullshit.

Okay, and I'm sorry you feel that way?

Just that historically, I almost never see any games that have to make this explicit go very far, unless they were already "I just did a setting and now I'm chilling out and letting you do what you want." in premise.

And that's not the kind of game I enjoy playing. I like to have at least a rudimentary structure and direction.

Again, this is basic courtesy. The idea of "No God-moding" should be implicit etiquette, because to begin with, it's already a term that only the initiated will understand, so it can't be something meant to warn complete newbies either. And anybody who isn't a complete newbie should recognize that god-moding is poison that makes you look like a dumbass.

It's like going into a nice diner, and then seeing a rule saying "Absolutely no drugs permitted". While technically true and accurate, it's a reiteration of what everybody coming here should know already, and makes you wonder what sort of people it caters to that they need to make this explicit. That is why I consider making it explicit to be a hard stop.
Takoe/Tyler Durden
Name: Beowulf
Mantra: Greed
Age: 32 (in terms of physical appearance and mentality. The true age doesn't truly matter)

Despite living on a snowy mountaintop Beowulf is never seen with a shirt on, only wearing a black hakama held up by a dark blue sash with an elaborate golden belt buckle, gold coloured metal sandals that extend into shin guards and tie up the hakama at the bottom, and the cuffs with small bits of chain still attached to them that were used to bind him. He wears them as a symbolic reminder of his goal and how privileged the free are. His skin is bronzed and ceramic is appearance, as is the case for most male demigods. He has golden hair whose shade comes very close to that of the Greed Mantra. His eye colour is a reddish brown.

Regular appearance minus the swords and shorter chains:

With Unlimited Mode active. Just replace the red in the aura with he appropriate colour.
History and personality: If Lord Augus is the definition of a blood knight, then his bastard son Beowulf was that of a battle crazed maniac. Born from one Augus' many samplings of "the fairest maidens in Heaven", Beowulf had a rough childhood to say the least. His mother mostly left him to his own devices and Augus wasn't even aware of his existence, leaving him with little choice but to seek shelter with his little half-sister Shion and her incredibly poor family. But that neglect did not stop him from becoming the main example for Beowulf, who took his rash behaviour to be the proper way a man should act. He also inherited his father's lust for battle and began to train hard in the hopes of one day becoming one of his father's apprentices.

During his adolescence Beowulf grew into a loud, boisterous and thuggish man who was never content with what he had and more than willing to take anything he desired. Be it women, booze or money, there were few men in Shinkoku who could refuse or reprimand the delinquent demigod. For the only language he spoke was that of the fist, and Beowulf's sheer power was unrivaled outside of the upper echelons of the military. In an attempt to mirror his father's style he had initially tried to fight with swords, but his strength proved too great and the blades kept shattering. His fists, however, were never failed him.
At least, they never did until the day he tried to become one of Augus' pupils. When he revealed his parentage to the great master and asked to join him Augus laughed in his face, saying that for all his strength he had yet to face a true warrior and that his prowess was utterly untested. Then he gave Beowulf a challenge: He'd be allowed to become his student if he could best either Asura or Yasha in single combat. Beowulf accepted and chose to fight Asura right there and then, who was both agitated by Beowulf's overconfidence and always ready to punch someone in the face. The two fought for nearly an hour in a battle of endurance and strength, but Beowulf fell short of the rage filled man's power. The next day when he came to he tried again, this time challenging Yasha. But he too proved too much for him, his skill and speed outstripping his own by a fair margin. From that moment on, every month or so, he returned, dueled, and lost. It seemed like this was a fight he simply could not win, though he never even though about giving up and came a little closer every time.

One day after another "unwinnable' battle he picked a fight he should not have won. Returning to Shinkoku filled with frustration he went and got himself incredibly drunk and then tried to steal the girlfriend of the son of the most influential judges in Shinkoku. As one might imagine this did not end well at all. The authorities had been annoyed with the delinquent for a while now and this was the perfect opportunity to get rid of him. He was sentenced to permanent exile without a trial or any chance to explain his actions. So when the city guards came to capture him he violently resisted arrest. He did exceedingly well, but in the end there were simply too many of them. Beowulf was put in chains and led before the judge, who decided that additional punishment would be needed. The two swords he owned at the time, both of which had broken during the battle, were fastened to the chains; One of them was put through his side and the other strapped to the front in such a way it dug in to him from the lowest part of his rump all the way to his right eye. Only then was he thrown off of Shinkoku.

Beowulf survived his fall, albeit barely, and broke the supposedly unbreakable chains that bound him. He left Hrunting and Naegling planted in the mountain on which he landed as a sign that he was still kicking and set off into the mountain range to find a place for the night. That night he was visited by Shion, who had followed him despite that meaning exile for her too. She wished to repay him for the kindness he'd shown her and her family. Even when it hadn't been the intention, the stuff that he'd appropriated and shared with them over the years had made their lives bearable. Together they built a home in the mountains and were happy for a while, though it didn't take long before Beowulf became too antsy from being alone with his thoughts and nothing on his hands. While living the mountain hobo life, Beowulf had plenty of time to ponder his actions and quickly came to three conclusions:
1. He'd been a gigantic asshole;
2. All of this wouldn't have happened if he'd been stronger;
3. He wasn't just responsible for himself anymore. Now he had to take care of Shion too and he'd be damned if he was going to neglect his closest family member and give her a life that was even just a smidgen worse than she deserved.
Thus, Beowulf began to train like he'd never trained before, all for the day he'd return to Shinkoku and claim his and Shion's spot at the top next to their father. And Shion followed his example so that she'd be able to continue helping him in whatever way she could.

Weapons: Just his fists. Every single weapon he's tried to wield is shattered by his might. The only weapons that wouldn't are most likely Vajra, Wailing Dark, and other such weapons.

The Greed Mantra coursing through his veins is used to enhance the body and lend more power to attacks. The Mantra follows the arc of the attacks one makes and flows out from there, essentially dealing aoe damage with every strike. It can also be channeled into objects to enhance them and make them an extension of one's body. Unfortunately Beowulf's enhancement of his own body is so strong that even with the enhancement any weapon he wields breaks with a few strikes.
Speaking of said bodily enhancement, Beowulf's movement speed is rather middling for a demigod warrior, but his strength, endurance and stamina are through the roof. Beowulf also has access to Unlimited Mode, a periodic supercharge of Mantra that grants even greater strength and stamina, some additional speed movement speed and a fucktonne of attack speed. When in Unlimited Mode an aura of Mantra flares up and the contours of his body and the tattoos turn into the gold-yellow of the Greed Mantra.

He employs a fighting style close to kickboxing with a dash of pro-wrestling, with some adjustments to account for the physical level of demigods and ranged energy attacks that are inherent to standard combat. This fighting style, which he developed while being a mountain hobo, can pull off some moves that should not be possible to replicate with the amount of Mantra used. This includes things such as violently disrupting the internal flow of Mantra to weaken the opponent and potentially cause internal explosions, and dealing three blows on a single point with one strike, causing whatever block was thrown up to crumple in on itself like a tissue. Unfortunately these techniques require a large degree of precision, which is one of the first things to go out the window when Beowulf gets in to the "Enough banter, now we fight like men! And women! And women who dress like men! The only language we need to speak is that of the fist!" mood.

Decided against the Mansex idea in the end, but I haven't abandoned that part of my memes completely.
Just that historically, I almost never see any games that have to make this explicit go very far, unless they were already "I just did a setting and now I'm chilling out and letting you do what you want." in premise.

And that's not the kind of game I enjoy playing. I like to have at least a rudimentary structure and direction.
This maaaay not be the game for you, then. Like, I'm not Mort so maybe (probably) he has plans I don't know, but the closest thing to direction and structure I've seen is the vague goal to become one of the 8GGs.

Again, this is basic courtesy. The idea of "No God-moding" should be implicit etiquette, because to begin with, it's already a term that only the initiated will understand, so it can't be something meant to warn complete newbies either. And anybody who isn't a complete newbie should recognize that god-moding is poison that makes you look like a dumbass.

It's like going into a nice diner, and then seeing a rule saying "Absolutely no drugs permitted". While technically true and accurate, it's a reiteration of what everybody coming here should know already, and makes you wonder what sort of people it caters to that they need to make this explicit. That is why I consider making it explicit to be a hard stop.
It's more like having signs that say "no smoking in the no smoking zones", imo. Like, it's implicit, but stating it explicitly isn't a bad thing.
I have issues with you saying it is because it's one of the most basic fundamental rules for RPs, and saying that using the fundamentals is a bad thing is... ridiculous.
(Shrug), I don't know, if it turns out that @Mortifer does say this is going to be largely hands off with no real plot, then I'd be glad to withdraw my interest (Or get kicked from the game for shitting it up, though I'd rather have the option of stepping down if I just have the wrong impression of what will happen here)
*Yare yare daze intensifies*
Augus said:
"Relax son, enjoy every moment! You fight, then eat good food. You fight, then drink fine wine. You fight, then sleep with beautiful women. Hell, fight with beautiful women! That is what it means to live."
"What kind of student would I be if I didn't try and best my Master in all aspects?"
Dharma is in no way related to Argus, she just keeps alternating between asking for training and trying to fight him...both of which usually results in her passed out for a week either from exhaustion or being pummeled into the ground.

...she is exceedingly proud that it's taking longer and longer for Argus to kick the crap out of her, and one of her current life goals is to get strong enough that he has to fight her with Wailing Dark.
While you guys are off partying with Augus, I'm just going to sit in a corner and feel sad about myself.

It's hard to be melancholic. ;-;