Probably gonna end up rebuilding my submission at some point in the next couple days.
So, saw this, am intrigued by it. going to try and skim through the OOC here. Front page doesn't make it clear if any/all slots are taken up yet. But I'd be interested in playing! I'm always up for HOT BLOOD and DETERMINATION to STOKE THE FIRE IN MY SOUL and power my BURNING FIGHTING SPIRIT, so yeah.
So, saw this, am intrigued by it. going to try and skim through the OOC here. Front page doesn't make it clear if any/all slots are taken up yet. But I'd be interested in playing! I'm always up for HOT BLOOD and DETERMINATION to STOKE THE FIRE IN MY SOUL and power my BURNING FIGHTING SPIRIT, so yeah.
Honestly though, are there any RPs that run first come first serve? People keep saying that but I've never run into one...
Honestly though, are there any RPs that run first come first serve? People keep saying that but I've never run into one...

Lots. It's actually the default setting for a lot of GMs.

It's one of my Three Hard Stops for RP interest. The others being a GM who has to insist on "No godmodding" (Which means they have no intention of actually being a GM, or they wouldn't need to try imposing a rule for this--they'd just slap the offender in the face), and "You are your Avatar/CYOA generation" games, which is inherently crack and thus, not satisfying.

Because I don't care how good your pitch is, if a GM does one of these things, it's an immediate warning sign that they don't give a single fuck about actually being a GM. Which is being as much a referee as they are a writer.
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So, still reading through to try and get a feel for things. But the super-rough idea in my head is the bastard son of Augus who just wants Daddy to be proud of him, but of course Augus is kind of dumb and doesn't notice much, plus his kid uses a giant-ass bow instead of a REAL MANLY WEAPON LIKE A SWORD, OR HIS FISTS!
Never mind, Daddy, that this bow is the size of a telephone pole, and your poor son can triple his size specifically to wield it, firing storms of arrows the size of your leg (Augus's leg, that is), or firing one arrow with force that rivals Wailing Dark. Or that he can swing it around like a battle-stave and mow down enemies that way. Or that he's actually stupid-strong because it's a bow the size of a tree with a 108 strings, his hand-to-hand style is all weird and slinky and precision and junk, NOT MANLY ENOUGH, WHO IS THIS WEIRD BOW LOVING KID ANYWAY, HAHAHA GO RUN ON HOME TO YOUR PARENTS KID AND LET THE REAL MEN FIGHT THE GOHMA.
Maybe if I slaughter enough Gohma, Daddy will notice me?
So, still reading through to try and get a feel for things. But the super-rough idea in my head is the bastard son of Augus who just wants Daddy to be proud of him, but of course Augus is kind of dumb and doesn't notice much, plus his kid uses a giant-ass bow instead of a REAL MANLY WEAPON LIKE A SWORD, OR HIS FISTS!
Never mind, Daddy, that this bow is the size of a telephone pole, and your poor son can triple his size specifically to wield it, firing storms of arrows the size of your leg (Augus's leg, that is), or firing one arrow with force that rivals Wailing Dark. Or that he can swing it around like a battle-stave and mow down enemies that way. Or that he's actually stupid-strong because it's a bow the size of a tree with a 108 strings, his hand-to-hand style is all weird and slinky and precision and junk, NOT MANLY ENOUGH, WHO IS THIS WEIRD BOW LOVING KID ANYWAY, HAHAHA GO RUN ON HOME TO YOUR PARENTS KID AND LET THE REAL MEN FIGHT THE GOHMA.
Maybe if I slaughter enough Gohma, Daddy will notice me?
Me likey
So, still reading through to try and get a feel for things. But the super-rough idea in my head is the bastard son of Augus who just wants Daddy to be proud of him, but of course Augus is kind of dumb and doesn't notice much, plus his kid uses a giant-ass bow instead of a REAL MANLY WEAPON LIKE A SWORD, OR HIS FISTS!
Never mind, Daddy, that this bow is the size of a telephone pole, and your poor son can triple his size specifically to wield it, firing storms of arrows the size of your leg (Augus's leg, that is), or firing one arrow with force that rivals Wailing Dark. Or that he can swing it around like a battle-stave and mow down enemies that way. Or that he's actually stupid-strong because it's a bow the size of a tree with a 108 strings, his hand-to-hand style is all weird and slinky and precision and junk, NOT MANLY ENOUGH, WHO IS THIS WEIRD BOW LOVING KID ANYWAY, HAHAHA GO RUN ON HOME TO YOUR PARENTS KID AND LET THE REAL MEN FIGHT THE GOHMA.
Maybe if I slaughter enough Gohma, Daddy will notice me?
Poor puppy.
So, still reading through to try and get a feel for things. But the super-rough idea in my head is the bastard son of Augus who just wants Daddy to be proud of him, but of course Augus is kind of dumb and doesn't notice much, plus his kid uses a giant-ass bow instead of a REAL MANLY WEAPON LIKE A SWORD, OR HIS FISTS!
Never mind, Daddy, that this bow is the size of a telephone pole, and your poor son can triple his size specifically to wield it, firing storms of arrows the size of your leg (Augus's leg, that is), or firing one arrow with force that rivals Wailing Dark. Or that he can swing it around like a battle-stave and mow down enemies that way. Or that he's actually stupid-strong because it's a bow the size of a tree with a 108 strings, his hand-to-hand style is all weird and slinky and precision and junk, NOT MANLY ENOUGH, WHO IS THIS WEIRD BOW LOVING KID ANYWAY, HAHAHA GO RUN ON HOME TO YOUR PARENTS KID AND LET THE REAL MEN FIGHT THE GOHMA.
Maybe if I slaughter enough Gohma, Daddy will notice me?

This takes on a whole new kind of funny with how overpowered magic and divine bows are in the actual Hindu myths.
So, still reading through to try and get a feel for things. But the super-rough idea in my head is the bastard son of Augus who just wants Daddy to be proud of him, but of course Augus is kind of dumb and doesn't notice much, plus his kid uses a giant-ass bow instead of a REAL MANLY WEAPON LIKE A SWORD, OR HIS FISTS!
Never mind, Daddy, that this bow is the size of a telephone pole, and your poor son can triple his size specifically to wield it, firing storms of arrows the size of your leg (Augus's leg, that is), or firing one arrow with force that rivals Wailing Dark. Or that he can swing it around like a battle-stave and mow down enemies that way. Or that he's actually stupid-strong because it's a bow the size of a tree with a 108 strings, his hand-to-hand style is all weird and slinky and precision and junk, NOT MANLY ENOUGH, WHO IS THIS WEIRD BOW LOVING KID ANYWAY, HAHAHA GO RUN ON HOME TO YOUR PARENTS KID AND LET THE REAL MEN FIGHT THE GOHMA.
Maybe if I slaughter enough Gohma, Daddy will notice me?
Heh... Looks like Ashura won't be the only pupil taking your daddy dearest's attention~ :V
So for appearance I'm thinking maybe Young Hanzo (from Overwatch, if I can find a piece of art I like for that).

Kind of stuck on name though....I figure it should come from the same root language/name origin as Augus, but I'm not actually sure what that is.
i see all these power sets that are weird and wacky and i'm just sitting here like 'hey i'm punchman mcsplosion, i punch things and shoot things'
i see all these power sets that are weird and wacky and i'm just sitting here like 'hey i'm punchman mcsplosion, i punch things and shoot things'

I'm right there with you man. I got in first and I was all like "I have a sword AND my fists, truly I am the most eccentric one here!" and now all this bull is cropping up.

People probably felt that simple punch and throw explosion are a little too much like a lite version of Ashura's own skill set, I guess.
…what do I look like, a skeleton? *grumble* *grumble*

Wrath Mantra, but the sheet makes no mention of Mantra in the sheet and how it's different than Asura's usage (aka why are your powers devil transformation). Kinda hard to be cohesive with the setting since you pulled Dante in without much editing in abilities or tie-in background to the verse and it's powers.

Also on teleportation from earlier, apparently the wiki declares all demigods capable of it in styles of their own. *shrug*