So, still reading through to try and get a feel for things. But the super-rough idea in my head is the bastard son of Augus who just wants Daddy to be proud of him, but of course Augus is kind of dumb and doesn't notice much, plus his kid uses a
giant-ass bow instead of a REAL MANLY WEAPON LIKE A SWORD, OR HIS FISTS!
Never mind, Daddy, that this bow is the size of a telephone pole, and your poor son can triple his size specifically to wield it, firing storms of arrows the size of your leg (Augus's leg, that is), or firing one arrow with force that rivals Wailing Dark. Or that he can swing it around like a battle-stave and mow down enemies that way. Or that he's actually stupid-strong because it's
a bow the size of a tree with a 108 strings, his hand-to-hand style is all weird and slinky and precision and junk, NOT MANLY ENOUGH, WHO IS THIS WEIRD BOW LOVING KID ANYWAY, HAHAHA GO RUN ON HOME TO YOUR PARENTS KID AND LET THE
Maybe if I slaughter enough Gohma, Daddy will notice me?