* I am using terms from a specific subjective viewpoint until there is another asterisk. It may or may not be my own.
No it doesn't. It literally doesn't. Stickied threads have nothing to do with how many regular threads are displayed. lrn2XenForo n00b
While it does not impact the number of not-stickied threads, and therefore does not really reduce their visibility, what it does is unfairly promote the stickied thread given that it is an actual quest as opposed to (like the other stickied threads) a topic to inform quest writers/players of quests, get opinions on quests, help construct quests-- which (in this perspective, believed that this) is the purpose of stickying a thread, to show rules and topics of import, things that people want to have as part of the subforum's running--
If there was not a stickied 'quest ideas thread', then many people would not share their snippets and find out if people are interested in a certain quest. If the Quest Orphanage was not stickied, people wouldn't have as much awareness about the abandoned quests that players may want continued. *
I personally think that Squishy stickying the thread is fine--It's their forum in part. I do not think that the way this thread (especially given all those 'so very mature' tags, as I believe Moid put it) was handled to be fine and in fact quite the opposite.
But I came after it all started to boil down, so I don't have a full pad of notes on the subject-- so I suppose my view on the seemingly-poorly-handled thread that I mostly know about this poor-handling from the people that would be inclined to call it poorly-handled is very ignorable.
I understand why people might be upset. I believe there is a valid reason that is exacerbated - I think unfairly - by who did it. Being on the front page in a cut-throat forum like Quests is one of the basic forms of 'success.' Getting dropped off the front page usually means that traffic to your thread slows considerably. A stickied thread is of course always on the front page. Staff can of course sticky any thread they like, in theory including their own. That is, on its face, unfair.
I think that the problem does not stem from Lord Squishy having done it, but rather that it was a Quest, as opposed to a query, being stickied.
If it was "hey guys I want to run a 14-update-only-quest" that was stickied, I reaaally think that would have been fine and just blown over. And if it wasn't then I question what kind of people don't have the patience to spare a few seconds on one of the people that own the board.
The fact that it is a quest, however, means that it feels like the person is not complying to their own rules-- or at least, the mentality of the subforum, that people HAVE to have a good idea to keep it anchored to the top; but in this case it is simply anchored to the top because it is. Other quests have to offer lots of consistent and good material in order to stay at the top, but this one does not.
I personally feel that no person should be above any rule even if it iss an implicit one or a mentality-based 'this is how things work' instead of an actual set-in-stone rule.
I can't coherently think anymore so I'm just going to shuffle away instead of writing myself into a whole 'nother set of holes.
While I'm leery of such arguments in general, I don't have a good answer to the above. It also probably didn't help that people took what @@LordSquishy said just a few hours earlier to be insulting nearly all quests.
Lots of this.
I think that it comes from how LordSquishy, who /seemed to me/ to not fully grok the environment established in Quests, suddenly appeared as a sticky was... what's the phrase, rustling a lot of jimmies?