X] The Otrantists (Left)
--[X] Push for Fouche to begin immediate crackdowns on any possible protests against the rightful Imperial throne, whether they be on the streets or in the clubhouses. The scythe of L'Empereur shall cut down all dissidents.
--[X] Crackdown on marches for the Far Left candidates for Imperial Regent, organize rightful marches for Law and Order, for L'Empereur!
--[X] Free banquets organized by the Otrantists to garner support within the cities, spreading pamphlets via them in the process.
--[X] The imprisonment of political dissidents, whether from the far right or the far left, on temporary charges to prevent them from disturbing the peace.
--[X] Crack down on any silly attempts at organizing "citizen militias", the police will maintain the peace as they have always done under Fouche!
--[X] The Republican values which we hold so dearly must be reintroduced, slowly of course, with stability over all to ensure the existence of the Concert of Europe!
The triumphal March of Democracy must remain controlled, yet unyielding, and only le Duc d'Otrante can guide it so!
u forgot part of the quote bar fyi []
[X] The Dandies (Center Right)
--[X] Push for Marshal Murat as Imperial Regent in the legislature. Seek an alliance with the Old Guard and the Bonapartists. Support their candidates if necessary to ensure the radicals of the Left and the reactionary right won't destroy the Empire.
--[X] Reform the Muscadins to keep control off the volatile situation in Paris. Specifically target the rich sons of the new Bonaparist nobility and the bourgeoisie. The fighting dandies will defend the Empire's honor!
--[X] Prepare a eulogy for the Emperor that Marshal Murat will deliver at his funeral. Inflame the passions of the people and remind them of imperial glory and Murat's key role.
[X] The Old Guard (Center Left)
--[X] Carnot the Great will helm a mighty loyal reform movement, one that advocates for an Imperial Republic: a constitutional monarchy with a strong imperial executive checked by an empowered legislature. The days of autocracy are over; the Empire's day has just begun.
--[X] Enlist the middle class elevated by the professionalization of the state and growth of the economy -- the merchants, the line military officers, and the bureaucrats -- to form the nucleus of a well-funded, organized movement that champions both reform and the state in equal measure.
--[X] The principal platform of the Old Guard shall be the aid and mobilization of the Emperor's veterans. Private measures like charity hospitals shall join with legislative measures like pensions to ensure their well-being, and they will make able and vocal supporters for our reform program; our National Guards.
[X] The Josephites (Far Right)
--[X] Give a crowd-rousing speech to our key supporters as well as the commoners (ew) to invoke a populist mass movement while also condemning the RADICAL LEFT'S attempt to do away with Napoleon's lineage and heroism through a return of the TERROR, FOUCHE, and the horror that was the GODLESS CULT OF THE SUPREME BEING and CULT OF REASON, while also advocating heavily for NAPOLEON TO BE DECLARED A SAINT OF THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH.
--[X] Begin organizing the Josephites into a proper political faction focused on rural reactionary areas and urban areas. The faction will be based around the military (they did us proud), military veterans, Christian values, pan-Empire nationalist rhetoric, "national monarchist republicanism", and the people in order to gain needed supporters through a message of reactionarism combined with a facade of progressism (aka fascism) while also trying to seek an temporary alliance of convenience with the other right-wing factions to CRUSH THE LEFT and UNITE THE RIGHT.
--[X] Create our own version of the paramilitary Muscadins called the Francs-Tireurs based around military veterans and eager and willing civilians, in order to help guard the people and nobility from the RADICAL LEFT (and if necessary do a second Thermidor).
[X] The Otrantists (Left)
--[X] Push for Fouche to begin immediate crackdowns on any possible protests against the rightful Imperial throne, whether they be on the streets or in the clubhouses. The scythe of L'Empereur shall cut down all dissidents.
--[X] Crackdown on marches for the Far Left candidates for Imperial Regent, organize rightful marches for Law and Order, for L'Empereur!
--[X] Free banquets organized by the Otrantists to garner support within the cities, spreading pamphlets via them in the process.
--[X] The imprisonment of political dissidents, whether from the far right or the far left, on temporary charges to prevent them from disturbing the peace.
--[X] Crack down on any silly attempts at organizing "citizen militias", the police will maintain the peace as they have always done under Fouche!
--[X] The Republican values which we hold so dearly must be reintroduced,
slowly of course, with stability over all to ensure the existence of the Concert of Europe!)
[X] The Bonapartists (Center)
-[X] Call for moderation in all things, as at this time, with no hand on the tiller of the Empire, it could easily swerve into peril.
-[X] Organize funeral marches all across the country for the Emperor, with veterans of the Army and artifacts of the Monarchy at the head. The People who have fought for the Empire must know that they still embody it, even in a period of apparent confusion.
-[X] Reach out to the Old Guard and the Dandies and begin negotiations for a cabinet-in-waiting, so that the new Regent may sweep into power with allies and a mandate to ensure act decisively for moderation.
[X] The Josephites (Far Right)
--[X] Give a crowd-rousing speech to our key supporters as well as the commoners (ew) to invoke a populist mass movement while also condemning the RADICAL LEFT'S attempt to do away with Napoleon's lineage and heroism through a return of the TERROR, FOUCHE, and the horror that was the GODLESS CULT OF THE SUPREME BEING and CULT OF REASON, while also advocating heavily for NAPOLEON TO BE DECLARED A SAINT OF THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH.
--[X] Begin organizing the Josephites into a proper political faction focused on rural reactionary areas and urban areas. The faction will be based around the military (they did us proud), military veterans, Christian values, pan-Empire nationalist rhetoric, "national monarchist republicanism", and the people in order to gain needed supporters through a message of reactionarism combined with a facade of progressism (aka fascism) while also trying to seek an temporary alliance of convenience with the other right-wing factions to CRUSH THE LEFT and UNITE THE RIGHT.
--[X] Create our own version of the paramilitary Muscadins called the Francs-Tireurs based around military veterans and eager and willing civilians, in order to help guard the people and nobility from the RADICAL LEFT (and if necessary do a second Thermidor).
--[X] Demand crackdowns on the FAR LEFT (we will use the Otrantists as a tool to purge the opposition)
[X] The Otrantists (Left)
-[X] Use Fouché's vast network of spies to find a compromise candidate for regent that has been sufficiently implicated to ensure compliance to Fouché's and the Otrantists will.
-[X] Use Fouché's 'connections' to secure a broad coalition to back this compromise candidate to 'uphold the unity of the French Empire', with Fouché (rightly) viewed with great suspicion it is imperative that any compromise candidate is first propose by any non-Otrantist delegate.
-[X] In these trying times the police within the capital must be armed (as Fouché's paramilitary) as dispersing crowds, arresting ringleaders and foiling conspiracies for any who might seek to conduct counter-revolutionary activities and overthrow the Empire (and purge us) is essential and must be dealt with quickly and efficiently.
[X] The Old Guard (Center Left)
-[X] Counter the campaigning of the Bonapartists and straight out monarchists by bringing in your
own Bonaparte to campaign, the ever-maverick Lucien Bonaparte who was once the kingmaker behind Napoleon's rise but never gave up his republican principles even against his own brother, though like Carnot he eventually did reconcile with the Emperor as the empire liberalized.
[X] The Bonapartists (Center)
--[X] The heart of the regime consists of some 70,000 notables in 130 departments. These men were the main benefactors of the properties transferred from the
biens nationaux: the regime had previously promised to protect the new order of business in return for their active support. They were most distinguished by their wealth and by their public virtues. France could secure a network of dependents and clients from them. The Prince de Venise must appeal to their sentiments first and then from the ground up will the institutions of the state be theirs to capture. It is they who staff the communal,
arrondissement and departmental councils.
--[X] In this time of chaos, the prefects and sub-prefects, powerful executives in their own right, are the mechanisms by which the regime can exercise their muscle. The partisans of the royal family must bolster their actions to stem any outbreak of violence contrary to the realm's public peace. In support of their efforts, the Ministry of Police should sniff out conspiracies in the four
arrondissements de police. The pre-censorship for the book trade should remain in place as well. One should never tolerate an errant pamphlet or risk mischief makers running amok. As the Empereur would write:
Il est tout à fait indécent que des hommes si ignorants écrivent d'une manière classique sur des choses qui se sont passées de nos jours [It is completely indecent that such ignorant men write old fashioned nonsense on today's affairs.].