In the Beginning, There Was Man: Cosmic Dust

Stickied Info

My betas are: @Snowfire, @Icipall, @Ruirk, and @Chief18753. They will occasionally be announcing when moratoriums and voting times are over. You can also consider their words to be Word of QM if they say "Torr said..."

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  • Omakes over 750 words will net you bonuses.
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Inserted tally

Well gee votes are everywhere and leading plan isn't leading by much at all.
Adhoc vote count started by Nix's Warden on Aug 26, 2017 at 8:06 PM, finished with 51 posts and 27 votes.

  • [X] Plan Terran Federation:
    -[X] Military Republic
    -[X] Vindictive (-1)
    -[X] Psionically Fertile (3) Mutually exclusive with Psionically Barren
    -[X] Curious (1)
    -[X] Traders (1)
    -[X] Paranoid (1)
    -[X] Ugly (-1)
    -[X] Manifest Destiny (1)
    [x] Plan Swiss Equality:
    - [x] Direct Democracy
    - [x] Xenophilic (1)
    -[X] Curious (1)
    - [x] Cultured (1)
    - [x] Adaptive (1)
    - [x] Problem-Solvers (1)
    [X] The Flower of the One
    -[X] Theocratic Republic
    - [x] Xenophilic (1)
    -[X] Curious (1)
    - [x] Cultured (1)
    -[X] Pacifistic (1)
    -[X] Vindictive (-1)
    -[X] Weird (1)
    -[X] Flashy (1)
    [x] Plan Just because It's the End doesn't mean we have to be Crude about it.
    [x] PLAN: Omnissiah's Mandate
    [x] Plan: Let's hide our swords behind our smiles.
    -[X] Psionically Fertile (3) Mutually exclusive with Psionically Barren
    [x] Plan Bite the Pillow (AKA Plan Fancy Dominatrix)
    -[X] Military Republic
    -[x] Attractive
    -[x] Duty's Burden
    -[x] Xenophobic
    -[x] Cultured
    -[x] Weird
    [X] Stratified Democracy
    -[X] Manifest Destiny (1)
    [X] Cultured (1) Mutually exclusive with Blunt
    [X] Plan Democratic
    [x] Plan Psionic Avenging Explorers
    [X] Stratified Democracy
    -[x] Militant (1)
    -[x] Psionically Fertile (3)
    -[X] Vindictive (-1)
    -[x] Attractive (1)
    -[X] Curious (1)
    [X] Plan no stone unturned.
    [X] Stratified Democracy
    -[X] Theocratic Republic
    -[X] Curious (1)
    - [x] Problem-Solvers (1)
    - [x] Adaptive (1)
    [X] Plan no stone unturned with guns
    -[X] Military Republic
    -[X] Curious (1)
    -[X] Flashy (1)
    -[X] Weird (1)
    - [x] Adaptive (1)
    - [x] Problem-Solvers (1)
Can you please tell me which votes have won so far? The previous threadmarks don't actually list which votes won out.
Our Space Magic is "Psionics", our Era "New Eden", our Racial Background "Creator", our Racial Background Modifier "Hand in Hand" and our Government Type "Democracy".
Ugh do we really have to be an ugly military republic?
The vote has been open only few hours. Most people haven't even had a change to vote.
Well, might as well throw my two cents in.

[ ] Plan Scared Survivors.

-[ ] Military Republic
-[ ] Blunt
-[ ] Weird
-[ ] Ruthless
-[ ] Duty's Burden
-[ ] Problem Solvers

I don't see much of a point to go all in with Psyonics, and this feels like an appropriate response to being thrown into a new universe.
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[X] Plan: Space Puritans

-[X] Theocratic Republic

-[X] Problem Solvers (1)
-[X] Blunt (1)
-[X] Vindictive (-1)
-[X] Manifest Destiny (1)
-[X] Traders (1)
-[X] Adaptive (1)
-[X] Duty's Burden (1)
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So whats winning
Adhoc vote count started by Raptor580 on Aug 26, 2017 at 8:50 PM, finished with 58 posts and 29 votes.

  • [X] Plan Terran Federation:
    -[X] Military Republic
    -[X] Vindictive (-1)
    -[X] Psionically Fertile (3) Mutually exclusive with Psionically Barren
    -[X] Curious (1)
    -[X] Traders (1)
    -[X] Paranoid (1)
    -[X] Ugly (-1)
    -[X] Manifest Destiny (1)
    [x] Plan Swiss Equality:
    - [x] Direct Democracy
    - [x] Xenophilic (1)
    -[X] Curious (1)
    - [x] Cultured (1)
    - [x] Adaptive (1)
    - [x] Problem-Solvers (1)
    [X] The Flower of the One
    -[X] Theocratic Republic
    - [x] Xenophilic (1)
    -[X] Curious (1)
    - [x] Cultured (1)
    -[X] Pacifistic (1)
    -[X] Vindictive (-1)
    -[X] Weird (1)
    -[X] Flashy (1)
    [x] Plan Just because It's the End doesn't mean we have to be Crude about it.
    [x] Plan: Let's hide our swords behind our smiles.
    - [x] Adaptive (1)
    - [x] Problem-Solvers (1)
    -[X] Theocratic Republic
    [x] PLAN: Omnissiah's Mandate
    -[X] Psionically Fertile (3) Mutually exclusive with Psionically Barren
    [x] Plan Bite the Pillow (AKA Plan Fancy Dominatrix)
    -[X] Military Republic
    -[x] Attractive
    -[x] Duty's Burden
    -[x] Xenophobic
    -[x] Cultured
    -[x] Weird
    [X] Plan Scared Survivors.
    -[X] Military Republic
    -[X] Blunt
    -[x] Weird
    -[X] Ruthless
    -[x] Duty's Burden
    -[X] Problem Solvers
    -[X] Traders (1)
    -[X] Manifest Destiny (1)
    -[X] Vindictive (-1)
    [X] Blunt (1)
    [X] Plan: Space Puritans
    [X] Stratified Democracy
    [X] Plan no stone unturned with guns
    -[X] Military Republic
    -[X] Curious (1)
    -[X] Flashy (1)
    -[X] Weird (1)
    - [x] Adaptive (1)
    - [x] Problem-Solvers (1)
    [x] Plan Psionic Avenging Explorers
    [X] Stratified Democracy
    -[x] Militant (1)
    -[x] Psionically Fertile (3)
    -[X] Vindictive (-1)
    -[x] Attractive (1)
    -[X] Curious (1)
    [X] Plan no stone unturned.
    -[X] Curious (1)
    [X] Plan Democratic
    [X] Stratified Democracy
    -[X] Manifest Destiny (1)
    [X] Cultured (1) Mutually exclusive with Blunt
    [X] Duty's Burden (1)
[X] Plan: Space Puritans

[X] Theocratic Republic

[X] Problem Solvers (1)
[X] Blunt (1)
[X] Vindictive (-1)
[X] Manifest Destiny (1)
[X] Traders (1)
[X] Adaptive (1)
[X] Duty's Burden (1)
You should either erase everything after "[X] Plan: Space Puritans" or preface every line with '-' so that the tally-program doesn't get all messed up.
(Look at how it's picked up all the options as votes in Raptor580's tally.)
Seeing as no one else has answered, and that my plan has ugly as part of it, my answer is simple. I feel that the negatives associated with being seen as ugly by other aliens is outweighed by the benefits of having another positive aspect added to us. With my plan it fits due to the fact that diplomacy is the dump stat, while the space warfare and planetary warfare stats are likely the most emphasized ones.

Even if the other species think we are ugly looking, they will still have to treat us with respect due to our military might. Which is why I felt that having the ugly negative added to us is worth it.
should have added xenophobic if you wanted that.
should have added xenophobic if you wanted that.

As I addressed this earlier, I felt that there was little point in spending one of the few points that we had in adding an aspect that we could likely gain through our actions. If xenophobic was a malus (-1) and allowed us to take another aspect, then I probably would have taken it. However as it is, I didn't take it because it didn't offer anything for us.
[] Plan Psionic Avenging Explorers

Considering that the build plan I made has diplomacy for a dump stat due to the maluses taken to gain more favorable aspects, I think that if my plan wins we will have to play in a more militant fashion. The maluses taken, such as being ugly and vindictive, will make it so that in order to play to our strengths, and play well, we will have to lean more towards our military to get what we want. The reason I didn't add xenophobic in the beginning was mostly because I felt that it didn't add much benefit mechanically to our civilization. And in the spirit of good etiquette, I don't think it would be fair to change the plan at this point as it may not have been what other wanted to vote for.

You do remember our time in Kaelor's quest right? The whole fighting for a military focused civ? How peaceniks tried to ruin that? How it all went to waste and hurt us?
Yea, This argument doesn't mean much when I remember that.
Adhoc vote count started by Ghostdevil on Aug 26, 2017 at 9:28 PM, finished with 64 posts and 31 votes.

  • [X] Plan Terran Federation:
    -[X] Military Republic
    -[X] Vindictive (-1)
    -[X] Psionically Fertile (3) Mutually exclusive with Psionically Barren
    -[X] Curious (1)
    -[X] Traders (1)
    -[X] Paranoid (1)
    -[X] Ugly (-1)
    -[X] Manifest Destiny (1)
    [x] Plan Swiss Equality:
    - [x] Direct Democracy
    - [x] Xenophilic (1)
    -[X] Curious (1)
    - [x] Cultured (1)
    - [x] Adaptive (1)
    - [x] Problem-Solvers (1)
    [X] The Flower of the One
    -[X] Theocratic Republic
    - [x] Xenophilic (1)
    -[X] Curious (1)
    - [x] Cultured (1)
    -[X] Pacifistic (1)
    -[X] Vindictive (-1)
    -[X] Weird (1)
    -[X] Flashy (1)
    [x] Plan Just because It's the End doesn't mean we have to be Crude about it.
    [x] Plan Bite the Pillow (AKA Plan Fancy Dominatrix)
    -[X] Military Republic
    -[x] Attractive
    -[x] Duty's Burden
    -[x] Xenophobic
    -[x] Cultured
    -[x] Weird
    [x] Plan Psionic Avenging Explorers
    [X] Stratified Democracy
    -[x] Militant (1)
    -[x] Psionically Fertile (3)
    -[X] Vindictive (-1)
    -[x] Attractive (1)
    -[X] Curious (1)
    [x] Plan: Let's hide our swords behind our smiles.
    [x] PLAN: Omnissiah's Mandate
    -[X] Theocratic Republic
    -[X] Psionically Fertile (3) Mutually exclusive with Psionically Barren
    -[X] Curious (1)
    -[x] Spiritual (1)
    -[X] Vindictive (-1)
    -[X] Ugly (-1)
    - [x] Problem-Solvers (1)
    - [x] Adaptive (1)
    [X] Stratified Democracy
    [X] Plan no stone unturned.
    [X] Plan no stone unturned with guns
    -[X] Military Republic
    -[X] Curious (1)
    -[X] Flashy (1)
    -[X] Weird (1)
    - [x] Adaptive (1)
    - [x] Problem-Solvers (1)
    [X] Plan Scared Survivors.
    -[X] Military Republic
    -[X] Blunt
    -[x] Weird
    -[X] Ruthless
    -[x] Duty's Burden
    -[X] Problem Solvers
    [X] Plan: Space Puritans
    -[X] Theocratic Republic
    - [x] Problem-Solvers (1)
    [X] Blunt (1)
    -[X] Vindictive (-1)
    -[X] Manifest Destiny (1)
    -[X] Traders (1)
    - [x] Adaptive (1)
    [X] Duty's Burden (1)
    [X] The Flower of the One
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[x] Plan Psionic Avenging Explorers

You do remember our time in Kaelor's quest right? The whole fighting for a military focused civ? How peaceniks tried to ruin that? How it all went to waste and hurt us?
Yea, This argument doesn't mean much when I remember that.

And your point in bringing this up is? Aside from asking leading questions, that are plainly obvious.

If you're trying to argue that stacking maluses to diplomacy won't make it so that people will behave xenophobically or militaristically, then sure that is true, however I don't find the situations between this quest and Kaelor's Quest to be comparable.

I frankly don't find the comparison very good at all considering how different things will likely be in this quest compared to Kaelor's Quest, both due to the setting as well as the current player base

Also I don't agree with your assertion that the build we had in Kaelor's Quest was a bad one considering how well we were doing last time it updated. Considering the fact that we were still very early into the game, you cannot categorically say that the build that was chosen was a bad one due to the fact that we had yet to truly do anything in the short amount of time the quest was active.

So sure, while I don't think that picking aspects that make us bad at diplomacy will make it so that players will try to be xenophobic, this is SV after all, at least by making us bad at diplomacy we will be less likely to be inclined to rely on it.
Adhoc vote count started by Japanime on Aug 26, 2017 at 10:11 PM, finished with 69 posts and 33 votes.

  • [x] Plan Swiss Equality:
    - [x] Direct Democracy
    - [x] Xenophilic (1)
    -[X] Curious (1)
    - [x] Cultured (1)
    - [x] Adaptive (1)
    - [x] Problem-Solvers (1)
    [X] Plan Terran Federation:
    -[X] Military Republic
    -[X] Vindictive (-1)
    -[X] Psionically Fertile (3) Mutually exclusive with Psionically Barren
    -[X] Curious (1)
    -[X] Traders (1)
    -[X] Paranoid (1)
    -[X] Ugly (-1)
    -[X] Manifest Destiny (1)
    [X] The Flower of the One
    -[X] Theocratic Republic
    - [x] Xenophilic (1)
    -[X] Curious (1)
    - [x] Cultured (1)
    -[X] Pacifistic (1)
    -[X] Vindictive (-1)
    -[X] Weird (1)
    -[X] Flashy (1)
    [x] Plan Just because It's the End doesn't mean we have to be Crude about it.
    [x] Plan Bite the Pillow (AKA Plan Fancy Dominatrix)
    -[X] Military Republic
    -[x] Attractive
    -[x] Duty's Burden
    -[x] Xenophobic
    -[x] Cultured
    -[x] Weird
    [x] Plan Psionic Avenging Explorers
    [X] Stratified Democracy
    -[x] Militant (1)
    -[x] Psionically Fertile (3)
    -[X] Vindictive (-1)
    -[x] Attractive (1)
    -[X] Curious (1)
    [x] Plan: Let's hide our swords behind our smiles.
    [x] PLAN: Omnissiah's Mandate
    -[X] Theocratic Republic
    -[X] Psionically Fertile (3) Mutually exclusive with Psionically Barren
    -[X] Curious (1)
    -[x] Spiritual (1)
    -[X] Vindictive (-1)
    -[X] Ugly (-1)
    - [x] Problem-Solvers (1)
    - [x] Adaptive (1)
    [X] Stratified Democracy
    [X] Plan no stone unturned.
    [X] Plan no stone unturned with guns
    -[X] Military Republic
    -[X] Curious (1)
    -[X] Flashy (1)
    -[X] Weird (1)
    - [x] Adaptive (1)
    - [x] Problem-Solvers (1)
    [X] Plan Scared Survivors.
    -[X] Military Republic
    -[X] Blunt
    -[x] Weird
    -[X] Ruthless
    -[x] Duty's Burden
    -[X] Problem Solvers
    [X] Plan: Space Puritans
    -[X] Theocratic Republic
    - [x] Problem-Solvers (1)
    [X] Blunt (1)
    -[X] Vindictive (-1)
    -[X] Manifest Destiny (1)
    -[X] Traders (1)
    - [x] Adaptive (1)
    [X] Duty's Burden (1)

If you want to vote for my plan, or vote for anything else in another quest, simply put an x into the bracket within your own post rather than quoting mine, otherwise when it comes time for the votes to be tallied, your vote won't be counted.

I appreciate the vote though.
Adhoc vote count started by Japanime on Aug 26, 2017 at 9:52 PM, finished with 68 posts and 32 votes.

  • [X] Plan Terran Federation:
    -[X] Military Republic
    -[X] Vindictive (-1)
    -[X] Psionically Fertile (3) Mutually exclusive with Psionically Barren
    -[X] Curious (1)
    -[X] Traders (1)
    -[X] Paranoid (1)
    -[X] Ugly (-1)
    -[X] Manifest Destiny (1)
    [x] Plan Swiss Equality:
    - [x] Direct Democracy
    - [x] Xenophilic (1)
    -[X] Curious (1)
    - [x] Cultured (1)
    - [x] Adaptive (1)
    - [x] Problem-Solvers (1)
    [X] The Flower of the One
    -[X] Theocratic Republic
    - [x] Xenophilic (1)
    -[X] Curious (1)
    - [x] Cultured (1)
    -[X] Pacifistic (1)
    -[X] Vindictive (-1)
    -[X] Weird (1)
    -[X] Flashy (1)
    [x] Plan Just because It's the End doesn't mean we have to be Crude about it.
    [x] Plan Bite the Pillow (AKA Plan Fancy Dominatrix)
    -[X] Military Republic
    -[x] Attractive
    -[x] Duty's Burden
    -[x] Xenophobic
    -[x] Cultured
    -[x] Weird
    [x] Plan Psionic Avenging Explorers
    [X] Stratified Democracy
    -[x] Militant (1)
    -[x] Psionically Fertile (3)
    -[X] Vindictive (-1)
    -[x] Attractive (1)
    -[X] Curious (1)
    [x] Plan: Let's hide our swords behind our smiles.
    [x] PLAN: Omnissiah's Mandate
    -[X] Theocratic Republic
    -[X] Psionically Fertile (3) Mutually exclusive with Psionically Barren
    -[X] Curious (1)
    -[x] Spiritual (1)
    -[X] Vindictive (-1)
    -[X] Ugly (-1)
    - [x] Problem-Solvers (1)
    - [x] Adaptive (1)
    [X] Stratified Democracy
    [X] Plan no stone unturned.
    [X] Plan no stone unturned with guns
    -[X] Military Republic
    -[X] Curious (1)
    -[X] Flashy (1)
    -[X] Weird (1)
    - [x] Adaptive (1)
    - [x] Problem-Solvers (1)
    [X] Plan Scared Survivors.
    -[X] Military Republic
    -[X] Blunt
    -[x] Weird
    -[X] Ruthless
    -[x] Duty's Burden
    -[X] Problem Solvers
    [X] Plan: Space Puritans
    -[X] Theocratic Republic
    - [x] Problem-Solvers (1)
    [X] Blunt (1)
    -[X] Vindictive (-1)
    -[X] Manifest Destiny (1)
    -[X] Traders (1)
    - [x] Adaptive (1)
    [X] Duty's Burden (1)
    [X] The Flower of the One
If you want to vote for my plan, or vote for anything else in another quest, simply put an x into the bracket within your own post rather than quoting mine, otherwise when it comes time for the votes to be tallied, your vote won't be counted.

I appreciate the vote though.
Oh, I thought your post had the X already. My bad.

My vote
[X] Plan Terran Federation
@ScaryRockMonster's Omnissiah's Mandate is the only plan that has Curious, Adaptive, Problem Solving, and is Psionically Fertile... it also has a spare point, to apply to ???, which I find appealing.

[x] PLAN: Omnissiah's Mandate
-[X] Theocratic Republic
-[X] Psionically Fertile (3) Mutually exclusive with Psionically Barren
-[X] Curious (1)
-[x] Spiritual (1)
-[X] Vindictive (-1)
-[X] Ugly (-1)
- [x] Problem-Solvers (1)
- [x] Adaptive (1)

Spiritual is free, by Theocratic Republic.
[3+1-1-1+1+1 = 4-2+2 = 4]
[X] Plan Swiss Equality

Does contain everything I'd like to see, but I like it better than Terran Federation...
[] Plan Terran Federation:
Fuck it, rather give the Kaelor quest gov a try again than be xenophillic diplomats
Adhoc vote count started by Ghostdevil on Aug 26, 2017 at 11:38 PM, finished with 74 posts and 36 votes.

  • [x] Plan Swiss Equality:
    - [x] Direct Democracy
    - [x] Xenophilic (1)
    -[X] Curious (1)
    - [x] Cultured (1)
    - [x] Adaptive (1)
    - [x] Problem-Solvers (1)
    [X] Plan Terran Federation:
    -[X] Military Republic
    -[X] Vindictive (-1)
    -[X] Psionically Fertile (3) Mutually exclusive with Psionically Barren
    -[X] Curious (1)
    -[X] Traders (1)
    -[X] Paranoid (1)
    -[X] Ugly (-1)
    -[X] Manifest Destiny (1)
    [X] The Flower of the One
    -[X] Theocratic Republic
    - [x] Xenophilic (1)
    -[X] Curious (1)
    - [x] Cultured (1)
    -[X] Pacifistic (1)
    -[X] Vindictive (-1)
    -[X] Weird (1)
    -[X] Flashy (1)
    [x] Plan Just because It's the End doesn't mean we have to be Crude about it.
    [x] PLAN: Omnissiah's Mandate
    -[X] Theocratic Republic
    -[X] Psionically Fertile (3) Mutually exclusive with Psionically Barren
    -[X] Curious (1)
    -[x] Spiritual (1)
    -[X] Vindictive (-1)
    -[X] Ugly (-1)
    - [x] Problem-Solvers (1)
    - [x] Adaptive (1)
    [x] Plan Bite the Pillow (AKA Plan Fancy Dominatrix)
    -[X] Military Republic
    -[x] Attractive
    -[x] Duty's Burden
    -[x] Xenophobic
    -[x] Cultured
    -[x] Weird
    [x] Plan: Let's hide our swords behind our smiles.
    [X] Stratified Democracy
    [X] Plan no stone unturned.
    [x] Plan Psionic Avenging Explorers
    [X] Stratified Democracy
    -[x] Militant (1)
    -[x] Psionically Fertile (3)
    -[X] Vindictive (-1)
    -[x] Attractive (1)
    -[X] Curious (1)
    [X] Plan no stone unturned with guns
    -[X] Military Republic
    -[X] Curious (1)
    -[X] Flashy (1)
    -[X] Weird (1)
    - [x] Adaptive (1)
    - [x] Problem-Solvers (1)
    [X] Plan Scared Survivors.
    -[X] Military Republic
    -[X] Blunt
    -[x] Weird
    -[X] Ruthless
    -[x] Duty's Burden
    -[X] Problem Solvers
    [X] Plan: Space Puritans
    -[X] Theocratic Republic
    - [x] Problem-Solvers (1)
    [X] Blunt (1)
    -[X] Vindictive (-1)
    -[X] Manifest Destiny (1)
    -[X] Traders (1)
    - [x] Adaptive (1)
    [X] Duty's Burden (1)
Last edited:
@ScaryRockMonster's Omnissiah's Mandate is the only plan that has Curious, Adaptive, Problem Solving, and is Psionically Fertile... it also has a spare point, to apply to ???, which I find appealing.

[x] PLAN: Omnissiah's Mandate
-[X] Theocratic Republic
-[X] Psionically Fertile (3) Mutually exclusive with Psionically Barren
-[X] Curious (1)
-[x] Spiritual (1)
-[X] Vindictive (-1)
-[X] Ugly (-1)
- [x] Problem-Solvers (1)
- [x] Adaptive (1)

Spiritual is free, by Theocratic Republic.
[3+1-1-1+1+1 = 4-2+2 = 4]
confession: i didn't realize that theocratic meant we got spiritual for free, i thought it multplied the bonus or something. oh well, a slight oversight on my part, but with the potential of ??? i stand by my plan
Praise be to the omnissiah for happy accidents!
[X] Plan Cult of Novelty
-[X] Theocratic Republic
-[X] Curious (1)
-[X] Weird (1)
-[X] Psionically Fertile (3) Mutually exclusive with Psionically Barren