In Service to the Holy Ordos (Dark Heresy)- Into the Underhive!

Angevine walks over to one of the two remaining and shoots one of them in the head at point blank with her lasgun.

Rudolphus blinked, alarmed. "Wh-why did you do that?!" He asked, slightly angry. "I promised these men mercy if they surrender! They aren't even a threat at this point, to us or anyone else!"

" more..."

"Hound, please, let this man live. He's clearly no threat to anyon-"

With this in mind, Hound pulls the trigger without hesitation.

Rudolphus blinks. "Y-you!" He took a deep breath, in and out. He would not alienate or insult another member of his team. No. Even if that team member had murdered someone who had surrendered-

He did his best to divert his thoughts from that topic, though he couldn't help feeling a ting of guilt. His actions had led to this, even if only in part, and had indirectly got three men so far executed in cold blood. Killing in a fire fight was one thing, but this...

""Well, uh. I suppose that's that then." He said, trying to keep his dismay off his face. "Shall we venture forth to the generator, then?"
Blowing the smoke away from his gun, Hound puts his weapon back on its holster, and glances at Rudolphus for a good two seconds. "Yes, we shall go." He says, no emotion in his voice. "Weight want to be careful on our steps, for we won't like to run into a gang down there."
There's a sharp snapping noise from the street, a more visceral noise than the whine of lasguns. Sister Sabbatine's just broken the preacher's neck with a twist of one boot.

"Yes." Sabbatine's ruined face- or what the Acolytes can see of it under her breath mask- is expressionless. "There are heretics that need purging, and we have our orders. Our duty." There's a faint note of satisfaction in her harsh voice. "Move out."

As the Acolytes head off, they leave smoking bodies, overturned torches, and bullet holed buildings in their wake. They feel eyes watching them go, but no one shows themselves as they pick their way through the deserted streets. The few working streetlights get dimmer and rarer as they get closer to the edge of the underhive.

Abruptly, they reach the edge of the city. The ground falls away sharply just ahead, revealing a vast, pitch-black abyss broken by the flicker of distant lights or the faint gleam of reflected light off ancient spires. Hive levels stretch far above and below, and distant noises echo back in the empty vastness. This is the edge of the true underhive- down below is where what passes for civilization on Malfi goes to die.

According to their maps, there should be a way to rappel down the artificial cliff face directly to the levels below- allowing them to take the most direct route to the Pillar, and on the other side, the generator. On the other hand, the massive swathes of blank map on that route suggest that if anyone's tried this in recent memory, they never got to report the local geography.

Alternatively, there's a trail downward a kilometer away, built from the remains of an ancient bridge and large enough for vehicles or crowds to pass on- almost on the other side of the plateau that would lead them to what was once a cargo highway, centuries ago. From there, the Acolytes would need to pass through what's marked only as "HAZ/CONTAM-Purgatus" on the map, along with indicators of mutant activity and the occasional gang skirmish on previous expeditions. Of course, considering how long it's been since these were updated by survivors of those expeditions...

Going by the descriptions of the luckless cultist- and their general operating procedures- the Arbites and the previous Redemptionist mob are likely to have taken the trail.
"I...advise we take the trail." Rudolphus mutters. "Not really sure how feasible it'd be to rappel Cecil down, anyways. Don't think anyone here is any good with ropes, either." He said, his mind clearly elsewhere.
Luna frowns, "I happen to be quite skilled with ropes and climbing, however, you are correct Rud, it would be to complicated for me to help all of you, plus a dog, down there." A sharp grimace spreads across her face, "I don't like the sound of HAZ/CONTAM, but I come from a world full of such hazards, I'm quite good at navigating around them."
"Well, its not like I want to go down a sheer cliff face anyways." Regis says with a tight grin. He didn't exactly like what had happened back at the impromptu barbeque, But it's them or us, and I damn sure know what I'm voting for. "Don't worry about the HAZ/CONTAM bit, Luna. Survey's just mark it like that when there's muties to shoot."
Hound observes the cliff going down and down... Before turning to the other and nodding silently. There isn't really other way to get through this, anyway.
Luna blinks in surprise and then a faint blush spreads across her face, "My apologies, I am unfamiliar with surveyor terminology, I thought that meant...something else."
The Acolytes pick their way around the outskirts of the abandoned city, over to the other side of the plateau. Far above, dim light trickles down, and distant noises echo through the caverns. The ground here is soft gray, lifeless dust specked with the debris of centuries...or millennia.

Sooner or later, all the hive's rubbish ends up trickling down to the underhive.

The ground starts to slope downwards on this side of the plateau, as the Acolytes find themselves on the shattered, stony remains of what might have once been a highway, back when the city was part of the hive proper, long ago. Now, it's a rough trail made of rockcrete. The faded footprints of countless travelers are faintly visible in the dusty road- along with faint, old tracks from what might have been a troop transport.

Far below, the Acolytes can dimly make out ruins and foul-looking artificial swamps before their vision's obscured by lack of light further out. The hive's water waste's pooled over the years, mixing with other, worse things. Even from up here, it reeks of acrid chemicals and rot. Halfway down the ground abruptly drops off in a cliff face.

The collapsing remains of an ancient, rusted bridge connect the plateau with the trail below. Metal creaks underfoot, and faceless gargoyles are rusting away atop what were once support pillars as the Acolytes walk down the crooked plane.

The further away from the city the Acolytes get, the dimmer the light becomes- before they reach the bottom of the bridge, it's already harder to see more than a few feet in front of them. Their surroundings are lit by the already-faint ambient light from above, the fading glimmer of the city, and the noxious, dim glow from the vast swamps below.

Ruined buildings are half-sunken into the ground around the Acolytes as they reach the depths below the city.

The ground here is wet, squelching underfoot. The trail is drier- somewhat- than the bubbling swamps on either side, but not by much. Again, deep trenches have been carved into the ground in twin trails left by caterpillar tracks.

[Light your lamp(s)]
[Keep moving in the gloom.]

The dataslate glows faintly with green light if anyone consults the map. The area around the city seems to be fairly well mapped- the trail was apparently once a highway for motor vehicles and apparently stretches on intact for several kilometers...but it's heading at a 45 degree angle. Past a certain point, it'll take you away from your objective...and it's been years or even decades since the last time some of these locations were visited. One of the hive's massive, cylinderical support pillars is between you and the damaged generator. Honeycombed and many times larger than any building, it stretches up to support the weight of the hive above...and might even be visible from this distance if the underhive wasn't so dark.

The marshy ground rumbles as something falls from far above. Rubble splashes from the ruins into the water. Those of you familiar with the underhive will recognize it as a minor hivequake, caused by a large influx of wastewater or garbage from the Hive city above...or even a minor collapse in the lower hive.

Nothing to be concerned about- the underhive is dark and full of tremors.

[Follow the highway. For how long?]
[Go off the beaten trail. Try and find your way there more directly. You'll need a way to navigate, of course...]

GM note: Rolling Navigation, Tech-use or anything else you can justify works here for any given course of action. Rolling Lore can be done at any time.
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Luna smirks, "I believe I can navigate around any obstacle, lets go directly to the generator."

[Rolled 18 on Navigation, success]
" all looks the frakking same down here, the hell is up with that?" Regis bites out shuffling a few steps behind Luna. "Seriously would it kill them to put a light or two down here..."

"Streetlights are kind of a luxury down here, brother." Hound comments, senses alert of anything that might sound suspicious while following Luna's lead. "And sadly, using our lamps would place a target on us before reaching the generator."
Luna snorts, "Better to be attacked by gangers then fall into a pit of swamp-mud, we should light up the lamps."
Hounds blinks, his ocular implants emitting some mechanic noises while considering Luna's reasoning. "... Point taken." He concedes, sighing. She's right. Gangs can be dealt with after all, not as much as the terrain.

The Arbites brings a lamp after rummaging his backpack, and lights it up before having the chance to change his mind.
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The Acolytes pick their way through the sunken, watery ruins, their way lit only by the glow of their lanterns. All around them are crumbling, watery ruins of what were hab-blocks and residential areas, long, long ago. Filthy, black water contaminated by runoff and industrial waste swirls around the party's knees as they pick their way through the artificial bog, far under the hive proper.

It's impossible to make out the roof of the hive far, far above or to see further than a few meters ahead. The world seems to have shrunk to the dim glow of the lanterns, the wet slurp of the party's boots as they trudge through foul liquid closer to a slurry than water, and the dim outlines of ancient buildings around the Acolytes.

There is a thick, chemical reek in the air. A smell of death and corruption- not that of the Warp, but of centuries of manufacturing. The toxic chemicals and other byproducts of the arcane workings of the factories had to go somewhere...and it ended up here. It all comes down here, in the end.

[Roll Toughness (+20 to roll) or take 1d3 Wounds from the various toxic chemicals on a failed roll.]

The Acolytes have no way of knowing for certain if they're on the right path. There aren't any visible landmarks to navigate by- only air currents and long experience, along with fragmentary maps.

All they can do is trust in the Emperor- and Luna's experience- not to lead them astray.

The strangest thing about the Underhive is how quiet it is here. There aren't any animals down here- that the Acolytes can see anyway. There's the rumbling of distant processes, far distant, and the lapping of water at the party's waists and against the crumbling walls. More than once, one of the Acolytes threatens to slip and fall into water as unexpected sinkholes or changes in depth make themselves known. Water currents swirl around their feet, tugging at them as though trying to drag them under. The water gets deeper and deeper.

It's dark and very, very quiet down here.

The ruins here are more fragmentary- there's a shattered stone aquila statue half-buried in the water outside a roofless ruin that was once a church, the bird's stone eyes staring down at the Acolytes in silent judgement as they file under it.

[Roll Per]

As the Acolytes head deeper and deeper into uncharted territory, they hear something break the near-total silence- the sound of running water. The water currents become stronger-purposeful- until it's all they can do to stay upright in the waist-height water. It's as though they're standing in a river.

There's a roar of rushing water from up ahead. The Acolytes can't see much, but the rancid water they're wading through is seeping in that direction, gurgling faintly and bubbling as it churns.

What do the Acolytes do?

[Keep moving forwards on their current course.]
[Look for another way around.]
[Turn back]
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Luna shrugs of the fumes with a grimace, when suddenly, in the corner of her sharp eyes, she notes a white shape moving in the water, "Stop," Luna says, "I saw something move in the water, we should be cautious."
"... Can confirm." Hound seconds, reading his lasgun while trying to not cough the toxic vapors and risk inhaling even more.

[Hound failed his Toughtness roll and took 1 wound. Nailed his Per roll, though.]
It happens in an instant. In the flickering light from their lamps, the Acolytes get a brief glimpse of something massive, of white, hairless flesh, a writhing nest of tentacles, and a toothy maw as it explodes from the water.

Angevine screams as it grabs her by the waist with a mouthful of suckered tentacles- it drags her down into the muck and disappears with a deafening splash- taking the flailing, screaming Techpriestess with it in a spray of blood and sparks!

Sharp-eyed Acolytes may see more flashes of white circling in the murky, waist-high water.

[The Acolytes that passed their Per roll, roll Initiative! Everyone else is helpless during the surprise round!]
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"Something's on the water!" Hound shouts, firing his lasgun at whatever it has dragged Angevine down.

He's not even sure if it was effective at all.

[Hound points at the creature and misses. He rolled an init of 13.]
with a mix of terror and shock, Luna dashes out of the water, managing to get of the slippery Rocks, and up to the top of a nearby ruin. She fumbles in her knapsack and produces a rather nasty looking crossbow, a relic of her feral home-world, it is a crude piece of engineering, apparently built using an old Pistol Stock and some slightly rusty metal.

[Luna gets out of the water and climbs up a nearby ruined building, she then draws her Crossbow. Rolled 10 for Init.]
Rudolphus took a step back, and instinctively drew upon the power of the immaterium, aiming his long-las at the creature before firing off a bolt at it, his aim striking true. "Hound, I don't recognize this thing! You happen to be a native, is this thing one of this hellish planets native fauna?" He shouts.

[Rolled 14 to manifest Unnatural Aim]
[Rolled 50 to hit monster]
[rolled 4 damage reroll=9 damage]
Rudolphus took a step back, and instinctively drew upon the power of the immaterium, aiming his long-las at the creature before firing off a bolt at it, his aim striking true. "Hound, I don't recognize this thing! You happen to be a native, is this thing one of this hellish planets native fauna?" He shouts.

[Rolled 14 to manifest Unnatural Aim]
[Rolled 50 to hit monster]
[rolled 4 damage reroll=9 damage]
There's a wet, gurgling shriek, and a spurt of foul ichor from the creature as it vanishes back into the water with its prey.

A moment of stunned silence, and then another of the things- a mass of foul muscle longer than a man is tall- explodes from the water, flying at the Acolytes in a frenzied mass of suckered tentacles, slime, and rippling flesh!

[Regis, roll Dodge!]
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"What in Throne's name?!" Regis yells as Angevine disappears in a crunch of prosthetics and bone. "FRAK!" The techpriest had been their one shot at trying to actually fix the generators down here. Now they'd ha-

His next thought is cut short by Luna scrambling away and pulling out a wicked looking crossbow and Rudolphus blasting the creature with his borrowed longlas. He relaxes a bit as the beast screams and falls back into the murky swamp. Of course, when the second one bursts from the filth, pissed off and aimed right at him, Regis falls back on his instinct.

He drops on his back, lasrifle held across his chest and watches the beast go soaring past him, mere inches from his face. And what a beast it is.

"Throne above you're an ugly face," he quips as the last of the tentacles flash past his face. Once he's sure the beast is cleared, he hauls himself back up to his feet and holds his rifle at the ready. "Just so you all know, these things a fething big. And white. And covered in tentacles. Kind of like a lamprey...only, bigger and more murdery."